THE OMAHA DAILY -'BEE: TUESDAY, XOVEMI5EK . Wv .Telephone Douglas 618 Reaches All Departments.' We Sell the Suits that Set the Style " 'About'200 New 'Suits arrived Saturday, ready for selling now. Among them are 90 sample suits which we bought from one of New fork's foremost manufacturers. Thes sample suits will be sold at )no-Urdllrfis than regular prices. For Instance., a 140.00 sample suit wM cost $25.00, a $30.00 sample suit 20.0O and'so on. These sample suits are mostly tn size 36; , 1. '. ' - Coward, Cor. IGth St. -'" Open Staurday Evenings BOON TO MODEKN EPICURES Cold Storajc Plants Hake Many Food Seasonable Year Bound. BIAS AGAINST ' STORED FOODS - "aperlnteadent O' II earn day Prela dire la a Foolish One, Miar read Inirtrt After Sraaoa lag in Refrigerator. IN SIXTEEN STATtS - (Continued from Firat f aje. The campaign Jwet- closed baa been one of th moat IntereetJng In. th history of the stste.and has been devoid of patty policies. Tomorrow the people hftve the -privilege of determining' whether ILiuor shall be sold or manufactured In t-ha districts of the state. There are four districts. Kent county. Sussex ' county, Rural Newcastle county and the city of Wilmington. There are .only threo. counties In the state and Wilmington 1s In Newcastle county. If a majority of the voters In any one district decide) that there be "no license'1 .hcn the saloon In that district, must go out of business. 'Both skle claim they will win. Tha taroperanoa advocates aay they will carry, everything except the city of Wil mington, which, they declare, to be In doubt Tha opposition Is' claiming that the vote, will ha "weV with, the exception of Rural NuwcssUe county, which, they re gardY as doubtful. KENTUCKY LQIIISTILLJB,' Ky.. Nov. 4. Although the campaign, for full state, county and city ticket closed Saturday night, with speeches, at many points, the managers for the -varloua candldatea were actively at work, today la making , final preparations for a rinaj, sote. Interest, In the election la Intense throughout the siau, ,but In Louis ville, . whero, . . whirlwind cainpalgi) has been- waged-between Owen Tyler, delno crate, and James F. ClrinBted, republican for mayor, and in this city the registratlot of voters was the largest ever recorded. Commissioner Bingham to use all his Qttjans to secure the enforcement of . tho law In connection with the election. The police department, announced today '. that 2A0 warrants charging Illegal . registration have been issued In this city. If the men named endeavor to vote, they will be ar-rested. "People generally do not . realize how' much of the present day luxuries of eating depends on refrigeration," said J. OTlenm.' I superintendent of Armour's plant In Smith ' Omaha. "We have her th 1arn.t .... U frigeratlon plant In the west. It Is a build ing 2f() feet square and eleven stories high. We have a refrigeration -eapjcclty of 1.2O0 tons a day. Only a portion of this big building is fcsed for storing .pur meats and other products, he remainder Is rented to different persons for the storage of such products aa apple v butter,, eggs, dressed poultry and other meats. "It Is a sort of storehouse ' used like Joseph used his granaries In Kgypt. While, apples are plentiful and a glut on the mar-' ket, the modern Josephs gather them In at low prloes and store them where the tem perature Is rlghk for their preservation. They keep them there until the price goes up and the visible supply goes down. Then they acll them. It is not an ' Infrequent thins; to have 60,000 barrels of spplea stored mur. 'qulckeV' thati a 'deposit 6t treasury funds tit New Tork., .. . "Treasury" relief operations should have been begun here, where the congestion Is greatest. Owi .peoplo are not- toeing their heads. They . Imve no fear of panic, but ln thls'crojvnwvlng season. ' our business should have special consideration." CHKCKS ,ARR niIIG DPrOSITEO ReeelTlnar Teller M Bnr as Darlna; ' T " 3raal Tlmri, " Checks are returning the Omaha banks In big bundles- and I rere-lvlng tellera are counting checks 1n larger amounta than money. On the counters f the banks at noon Monday tha i(e f ehweks received ss deposits were high mvT they were all accepted as rash and eredlrwr to depositors TUMNCUP FOR JAYIlAWKfcRS Coach Cole Finds Hi Men in Better Condition Than Anticipated. OHIO CINCINNATI, Nov. 4.-Wlth'a promise of good weather and much interest in the various municipal elections throughout Ohio tomorrow indications are for a very full vote. Although municipal officers only are to be voted for, there hss not been an ' here. enure ausence oi national issues In the "i-hi. ij .. , discussions. Taft and Foraker differences ben Tk.V . V V. anl ."" uw" ... . ., . . the hen. That Industrious fowl 1nv eiro-a e summer months, but sed to suffer for want or 'hen fruit. Nowadays these BEAUZES HE HAS NO SNAP AHEAD Claim of the Agate to Last atar day's Game la ulvlnaj the Conahaaker 9o,aad No Vaenelaea, LINCOLN. Neb.. Nov. i (Special.) The Cornhuskers, though bruised and battered In tha aam.-n .. ... ... . rom their terrlfls strussle with Amea. as ea,r wr u taa eliiivuill Ut aa . currency. But the precanatloa le taken by B"lu"'y. tn, afternoftn began final prep.r the banks receiving checks or currency to a,lon to Hnch their claim on the Cham stamp deposit 'slfpS', "credited, subject to plonshlP ot th Missouri rslley. Despite payment In clearing- house funds." e defeat of Kansas by Washburn, the ."This precaution was taken, to prevent musi still take the measure any unreasnnebie person from depositing ,iarge amount of check one . day and demanding east) for them the. next," said a bank oltlctar. "While we would be glad to give out svny amount In checks and cash, we lake the firecnutlon "to tramp deposit Slips that ' all. iay understand the condi tion, pepoalts have not decreased.- In fact, those who deposited In the banks Monday paused greater Amounts through the receiving teller' windows than usual. "Zl? a!T by realon o,' of their old enemies at Lawrence next 8at- urday, or forfeit the honors they have so far annexed. No easy time Is expected In tha Kansss game, the experience of last year, when Kansas was defeated several times during the season, ye managed to beat Nebraska, being still fresh In the minds of the members of the team. Little attention wi. paid among the stu dents today to the report that the Ames authorities were endeavoring to secure a reversal of the rut'nga of Referee Outland, which the Aggies claimed "amo''rpublic-s T. ZUy resulting in dlacu.s.on of nation,, measures. 2$ Local government has been tha ground of I . ,r,J, 1 most of the contests, which were only 'par tially partisan. Owing to the prominence of the two candidates the Cleveland cam. palgn la of most general significance, but Cincinnati, Columbus, Toledo, Dayton and other cities have contests, of more than or. dlnary Interest. The local camjpalgn ends with each of tho three leading parties charging . "boss rule" against the other. Mayor Dempsey, democrat, is opposed by Frank Pfaff. city party, two years ago fellow democratio candidate, and by Colonel Leopold Mark I wnt turkeys at othor times of the year same Josephs, or -rather another tribe of the same genus, gather eggs by the million, while hiddy Is induatrlously laying them' at Jer hlgutit . pcd. in the winter when biddy Is tsklng her annual vacation, they bring out the eggs and place them before a hungry people. Tarkeya by the Thonaanda. "Turkeys nre generally most plentiful at BmnuntS In' The r-koltm nhl.l. .... .... and make bundle, larger than pUe. of ?y rirrt of an earned victory. hlj r P matter of fact, the clai mof another -ntherwi " i,.' ... . fl',1 a"01 or sfety on a drop kick which flnactal fr!l 7BTT? " thOURh M p,a5r'r brfore bo"dln over Nebraska's the Wd tlm7J. touch , "ossbar Is held to be too near the rldlc rrL ,hl ' . hS th r'PpIe uou to dMerv ttentlon in the Corn- ZT.Z J , ,n.comln brln- husker camp. Coach Williams spent most ho!- , uT ?L UuXM l NeWr Trk of BtorU "'l't trying to convince Ref- ,k .. " D,"h mT' t,lUnctl, t Outland that he was sadly In error man the vibrations from East Aurora or over his decision, but Outland could not wireless waves from Nova Scotia." j e It that way. in view of the reading of ItOOSEVELT STAYS BY SHAW PLAN tlon " " Adhere to Belief In Relief hr Wa- of ' Tnou,fh nolnr evident effects of their rolle" Oatlln" d I ,1"rd Btr"BK,e- a" ot the P'a "s are In WASHtKnrnv . "Z,'.. ' wyxch b'tter thn thought rosl- j-.on.n.g new Bl ble at the rnnelu.lnn nf fV, m CIGARS AT LESS THAW WHOLESALE PRICES The smokers of Omaha are most cordially Invited to-sail St onr Hear counter and Inspect the line of cigars we are offering. Our stock comprises assortment as follows: RQ and so brands domeetle cigars; 10 and 40 brands clear Havana clears: 20 to 30 brands Key West gooda; a few branria Porto Rlcan clgara. As to Zrehea and ''condition" of our clears, we will state that our clgara ar,,wrtl.a few exiVptlona, factory shipments, and es we have most perfect Hamldors they are never old or dry. Aa to prices, we are tortay selling: About 40 brands Bo cigars as 9 for lOo and tl.SS to tl tea of SoV . About to brands 10a eigars at o saoh) Si. S3 for box of SS t ga.60 for bos of 60, About 80 brand 100 cigars at 4 for 95o, and ga.75 to ga.SA far bos of BO. About is to 80 brands loo straight cigars at 9 for a0 or 93.M t t.09 tor boa About IS to IS tiKTiAa a far BBa ebrara at IV imlikt. Horrman House tsanquei, sc eacn, o nir c KM box of fO. lloffman House rerf-tris. eJrtra 10c, Z for IBc. for If o, MOO for box Of 60. 10c La K.minencla, 6c each, I for 25c, 11.25 for box of I. 100 La Kinlnenrla, So each, S for !5o. 12.11 for box of 60. . : . ! '. l a Cordialo, 10c each, 3 for 15c, 4 for 25c, $1.10 for box of 36. Lord Anson Conchas Gspeclsles 10c, I fot 5Sc. fJ.CO for box of a Lord Anson Conchas bpeoaalee-lOOi t for Sc. ta.75 for box of sn. Lord Anson Pur'tanos Finos, iOc, I for 2Cic, li'.OO for box of V.. . Lord Anson purltanoa Finos, 10c, I for 75c, J3.7S for box of M). 10c borinqtien (Porto Kiran), 60 each, for 25c, i IK) for box of 60. Blue Point Stogies, 3 for 60, $1.6$ for oox or 1 vu. Capndura, Be each, J for 10c, T for t So, for 2oc, $1.75 for box of 60. Chnncellor Knickerbocker, lOo each. $ for 25c, $3.50 for box of 60. Chancellor Magnolia, lOq each, t for ISo 4 foroo, $3.00 for box of 60. Chancellor tLlttle), 6c each, I for 16c, 7 for 25c, $1.T6 for box of 60. 10c Carmen (alter dinner), 6c each, 6 for 25c, II. A. for box of 16. Try to duplicate tha Carmen cigar at I for 2ac. 10c Colon Cervantes (Porto Rlcan), So each, ( for S5o, $2.00 for box of 60. Coronatus, 1 each, t for 16c, 1 for 26c, $ for box of 20. 10c Peacon, uc each, S for 15C. $1.SS for box of a. Hie fcl Moralfo Panetellas, 6c each, $1.J5 for box of 25. 10c Moralto Puritanas, 6 each, $1.26 for box of 16. lo LI Moralfo Perfectos, 60 each, $1.26 for box of 25. The above Is certainly a snap. El Capltan Oeneial. Be each. 8 for lOe, 7 for kfio, sl.tii for box of to. General Wolcott, He each, i for 15c. 4 for 25c, U.() for box of 50. 10c Grace Kimball invlnclblea, 6c sach, $ for 6c, 660 f,r box of fio. , 10P. Orace Kimball I'anetellss, 6c each. S for I'oc, 12.50 for box of 60. Lord Anson LXnlomatlroa. 10c. 1 for 25c. $! 25 for box of Ifi. Lord Anson Favorltaa, 10c, $3.25 for box Of 26. Lord Anson Favorltne. loe,,lSD for bos of 60. Lord Anson Panetellas, 10c $2.25 for box of 25. Lord Anson Perfectos Fspeclnlcs, lOo, $2.5 fvr box of fc. Ixrd Anaon Perfectos Favorltas, 15o. 2 for 25c. St. 00 for boa of 26. Lord Anson Athlctlcos, lDc each, 2 for 25c. 2.76 for box of 2B. ' Lord Anson Pal-ras Rcales, 15c each, 2 for 25c. H.OO lor box of UR. Lord Anaon Manhattans 10c each, t for 60c, $1.76 for box of 12. Nanon (Pah)) 6e each, 3 for 10c, 7 for 26c, $166 for box of 86. Owl 5c each, 3 for 10c, 7 tor &c, 11.66 for MARYLAND BALTIMORE, Nov. 4. Political workers are today receiving their final Instructions and the necessary minor preparations are being made. In the city and state for to morrow' election. Leaders of both partiee . hold to their estimate, already given out as to the result Chalrnihn Vandiver of-the democratio state Committee claims the elec tlon of' Judge Carruthers for governor by a least 12,000 majority and of the rest of the, democratio state ticket and a majority of the members of. the-legislature. Chair man;. Parrftn ot tlje republican, state com mittee la equally, assertive In, hla claims that the, republicans will elect Galther for Kjovernqs by from 8,000 to 13,000, majority. MlssjglPPl JACKSON, Misa, Nov. 4.-Practlcnll no Interest Is expressed la tomorrow's election for, governor, and other stat offt -lal v Iptw muqh aa' up to today ro ariusual event h;ia ocoyrrdd to disturb. ppWcnJ conditions, the rsult of. the election It tof. only a fore gone, conclusion, but devoid, of features, brelt, republican. Although Interest centers in this contest tha campaign for the. other offices' also has been spirited, TRENTON, N. J., Not. 4.-The.close of the gubernatorial campaign la New Jersey finds the managers of the two leading par ties Issuing statements that their respective candidates win surely be elected. Demo- ' hl nian being! 'mprove with ye rs until th y dlsquletlng nature reached tha Trvanmv i .... .' , Christma. time. Then they are slaughtered , today Communication, by te e- ;;'rlou, accident.. U U probabU that uk vt-na,,, Buuinmuua 1 - -- -. uii.u.m ceniera snowea Nebraska will nreent n ln.ti front to a more settled and hopeful tone In all sec- Kansas. The work of the line In Satur- uon. than at any time during the last two day's game was one of the most encourag- weeks. One of the treasury officials said Ing features of that contest, the Farmers that the department was overwhelmed with being unable to rrake distance a single leuers end telegrams from bsnkers In all time through It- This evident strength by parts of the courftry In regard to their tak- the forwards, coupled with the surpr'slng mg oui increased circulation. and for their benefit thousands of dressed turkeys are stored In the refrigerating plant against the day when they shall not be so plentiful as St Christmas. t 'Some people have a prejudice agalhst what they call 'cold storage eggs' or-'cold storage meat." This Is a foolish prejudice. Under scientific refrigej-stlon the quality of the article actually Improves up to a cer tain st aire. It is so w'th all llf. "en cratlc State Chairman Hudspeth say. re- 1 r-nt-h ihe apogee of life and hen tne de ports from hla field lieutenants Indicate that Frank 8. Katzenbach. Jr., the demo cratic candidate, will carry the state by cl'ne buglns. The same Is true of dead meat. Packers J wouldn't think of sending out beef without 'seasoning' It for a tlmn about 7.600, while State Chairman Murphy ! ln the refrigerating plant. The process 1m- of the republican party feels sure that J. Franklin, for the office, will bo elected, , m X0RK NEW; TORK;. Ntovi 4.-A spiritless cam paign epded, w.lth, only, state assemblymen, county officers and. few Judgeships to be voted Upon. The, ck-ctlon officers, an nounced today that' they expected a light vote and quiet day at the polls tomorrow. A so-called "anti-Tammany," campaign, carried forward In Nee York, county' by a fusion c-f republican. , and. Independence league managers' afforded what little life the local political situation has shown. Interest has centered In the fight for sheriff of New York county.. On the state issue, the election, of two Judges ot the court of appealW. republicans and' demoonets have, the same candidates, while the Independence league has Hs own. Governor lWljo has requested Police T. i rr.t-jj.n.jt.a. iaj ju. rr PENNSYLVANIA proves every other thing stored In the plant. "There are separate rooms for each arti cle aa the temperature under which eggs are kept 31 degrees, would not be suitable for apples 32 degrees." TRUST COMPANIES SOLVENT (Continued from First Page.) PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 4, There was little to do in the way of campaign work today at the state headquarters of the sev eral political parties, the campaign having closed Saturday night. Republican State Chairman Andrews and Htate Senator Dlmellng have gone to their home to vot, 1 and-there, was nothing about the headquar- j Bankers' rust company of Kansas City, ters to indicate that a state election la at Thesa bank are the Coyvllle State bank, hand. There Is little Interest ln the elect on Coyvllle; the Garland State bank. Garland, of a state ticket, the only state office to be an1- th Cttlaens' State bank o( Mulberry, filled being that of treasurer. The demo- aI1 "mall- Institutions. . They had deposits cratlc, managers say they, belleveu John--Q.,'wltvQ the Bunkers' "Trust conyianjv , Ro Harmann, their candidate,' will be elected. I celvers will be appointed a once. . T ha Independent republicans are making Tuo Coyvllle State bank had deposits of some show of fight sgatnst- the; $10,000,cO0 10-000- Garland State bank $50,6oO and the city loan proposition," but it Is practically CKisehs' State bank of Mulberry IS3,000. certain the yote of the city wilj b 19 favor ! Tn Natlnal Bank of Commerce of St. of -the loan. , . j Loula was the foreign correspondent of the failed Mulberry bank and the Mercantile Trust company of New York was the corre spondent ef the Garland institution The MANILA, Nov. 4.-Rcglstratlon for the ' ltttter hs been organised only a few years. general election Is the greatest ln the his- PHILIPPINE ISLANDS tory of the Philippines. It Is expected that fully 200,000 voters will go to the pn)ls and cast th-eJr votes tomor row, when governors, members of the pro vincial .boards and municipal officers will be elected. The campaign- has been very quiet. UXSLIS-H BATH UOKS HIGH Kit lVrelateat Demand foe Gold Has Ef fect in Loiaos. LONDON, Nov. lThe persistent de mands from America for gold. In spite of th recently Increased discount rate ot th I wank of England and In. face of the con 1 uiue, rise " me cable Kc Grace Kimball Perfectos. 6c each. 6 box of M. tor tiM for box of 60. 1'rlnceaa Mercedes 100 each, $2.00 forbox Oarcla-t onchas Lsj ecial, 10c each, 3 for , of 25. 25c, 3.Sh for box of 60. people's Charter, 6c each, 8 for l'Oc, 1 for Clarcia-Cahlnels, loc straight. $128 for box 2Cr. $1.06 for box of 50. ' ' ' r -i e. . 180 eacn 2-tor 25c J'75 for box f,f Y" w ,'JI IV, Uarela- Knlckprhnrkera ior DOX or 26. 10c straight, tJarcta Perfertna Flnn 1 Re a.h o 25c. 2.76 for Iwx of 25. ' -ou tan not obtain such values In clear mvu!in .iK-ra eisewnere. 1 Improvement shown bv Nebraska's ends, It Js conceded that It will be difficult to ! has encouraged Conch Cole and the mem- get any legislation of this character bers of the team In the bel'ef tbat the only through congress quickly. That was one of . thing to fear from the Jayhawkers will lie the reasons why the - president did not ! s rerctltion of Such plays as the Agtfles agree with the great Interests which re- used so successfully In the second half.) cenwy appealed to him to call an extra ses- j Much attention will be paid to the forward slon of congress Immediately. pass both on defense end offense this week. It may be stated that none of the multl- The team will leave Lincoln Thursday, tude of currency bill projects Appear trior o ' if to Kansas City, where It will stay promising to the president and hla constl- Friday. Saturday morning It will go to tutlonal advisers,' or mors likely to secure Lawrence, starting back to Kansas City the approval of congress, than the measure j that evening. A party of perhaps fifty or referred to by the president In his last " hundred students will probably accom meesage. That ; Is the plan commonly jany tne P,a'rB- bvCrm.ndv thanBkearyha,W "Ppr0Ved IOWA TEAMS HAD HARD LICK by many bankers and business men. The nresldent'a ricrTnHrn 1. n n ! -! " .uc . . , - nam c waa aa follows: boGarcla Uegallas, 10c straight, $4.00 for Garcia- Hports, 6c each, f for 6o, $4.00 for box of loo. Garcia belectos, 10c straight, $4.25 for box of 60. Haselklrk (large), 60 strslght, $2.50 for box of 60. Henry George, 5c each, t for 10c, T for 25c, 1 05 for box of 50. You get above prices at either of the REXALL STORES. Sherman 1 r.lcConncll Drug Co. CORNER 16th AND DODGE OWL DRUG CO. :: :: :: :: COR. 16th, AND HARNEY 26. Robert Msntell 10c each, $ for 26c, $1.85 for box Of 15. Robert Hums, Conchas Flnus Kxtra lfc "ich, 2 for 16c. 4 for 25c, W.oo for box of W. . llohert Burns' Jockey Club 10c each, 3 f'r 23c. Stf.50 for box of 60. Robert bums' k'plcures 10c each, $ for 2T.c, K.tO for box of 60. Robert Burns' lnvlnclbles 10a edeh, $ for :fc, I1.S6 for box of 25. Robert burns' Petit Dues, 15c for box of 10. ' 10c Teller DlplomStlcos -6c each, $2.50 for box of 60. i - lflc Windsor House Bannuet 6c each. for 26o, $1.25 for box of 2 "According to this plan national banks should be permitted to Issue a specSled similarity Between rins of Conteate of fiatnrday. " IOWA CITY. Ia..-Nov. 4.-(Sneclnl )-The two leading teams In the stste played Irt proportion of their capital In notes of a hard luck Saturday. The university lost given kind, the Issue to be taxed at aa wlBCnsin, to 6; the Agricultural col hlh rai dm i. ... . . "'ge lost to Nebraska. 10 to ft. There were high a rate aa to drive the notes back when i elements of similarity about both games not wanted In legitimate trade. This plan j In both the winning team captured th would not permit .the Issue of currency to i am with but a few minutes ieft to piny; of the argument durln irlve banks addltihaal nmnt. h... . "osing team had an tne netti-r v incut i or tne srflrument otirlriff- tho inrfirr nHrt by times of 1 of the contest. GrlnnelT won Us annual the emergency presented stringency." ' ' tho Inrger pRrt game from Drake by the score of 10 to 0, game last year, the Shenandoah boyj rw-atlng them, and they expect to retrlevo that defeat in their -Thanksgiving day game with the same team this year. The reputation of the Totums was so greut last year that their picture Hnd history were -in the Spalding official base ball guide of 107, and they expect to repeat this record again this year. Mllnaakee Gets Schaelbera;. "CINCINNATI, Nov. 4. Title to Plaver Schndiuerg was awarded to American association club In a decision announced today by the National Bas au commission. The Detroit. American 1 yesterday and proposed to them'thot thy hold an election over the matter among themselves and he would appoint whoever received a majority of their votes. Tim chapel was filled to overflowing and all of the members accepted the proposition with alacrity, the election being fixed for Tues day, November 12. Attention, Republicans I You are earnestly requested to vote early Tuesday, November E, as the polls close at league team had claimed the player, hut j o'clock, Instead of 9 o'clock, as on regia- tli" commission found, that Detroit had luneiien us c.aim oy a written waiver of all rights tor him. making the third consecutive' victory scored DECLINES AHatiiaKAVV AT Sent te ,ov'r th res Molnea lntitirtnn with much V AT BBRU;11.,,w,TeilkM ,Mmi T '.ese thre con- tests were the only jnes of Interest to tho followers of the came Inside of the state and they will have an Important bearing not only on the games to come, but on I'rleoa oav sloarM Opened Weak T-poa Fait a re of Laapenberc. BERLIN,- iiov. 4.-Prlcea on th Bourse opened very weak upon the failure of F. Lappenberg." at Hamburg and fell away still more eharply Jpon the announcement t f the advance In the discount rate of the Bank of England, which awakuned appre hensions that the Imperial Bank of Ger many may resort to another advance ln its discount rate. The declines in prices were heavy, especially In, the case of Americans. Steel Maa Visit lreldeat. WASHINGTON. Nov. 4.-E. H. Garry, chairman of the United States Steol cor poration, and Henry Thlpp were In con- 1 1 1. a I CI.I-. f .11.. , r.' ' uvnvav avcailT vauoo V ties AVIChUaV Ul r.lllf IH I tllli T VWL 1 1 Kr anMnim,....! . . ' ssvsssi.iaj that ruui'.' t0 raI t ts from 64 to per cent. Al- margerlne licenses to nonresident of tnou8n "n Increase to this rate next Thurs- Pennrylvanla. The comrnliiRlotui- khu..u Aiiv wnulil tint !.. ,i.. of'l,raX,r!n h WrZH tb;cemen; of'e .day - -s . , v v. 9 irmijr i iyvu u Y . x la considered, however. In- fiuaneial circles to be tha natural oiUsouie of the, unfa.vor than an hour yesterday, the conference being participated in also by Secretary Root. While no details are obtainable, it Is understood the meeting related solely to the financial situation. F. LasstaUrg Saaaead. HAMBURG, Nov. 4.The banking and An Increase of nds over 25 in Divid Tq Policy Holders The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York:. ba paid more in' dividends to policy, holders thn any ' jh ' other company irtthe wotld. Since organisation it bw ie f "7 turned in dividend over tll8,000,000. As a result chiefly of: increased earnings, and. decreased expenses the- snnrtal dividends to policy holders thia.year, on policies, issued ia. ., 1905, will H25'to 3QS more thari. if$. 1906. , The Mutual'-'11 Life Insur&nc . 'Company foeli sure its policy-holders will rje pleased wi duct ion incest. The news may be doubly when increased cost in, other lines, seems e order of the day. If you have others for w.h cut you- are concerned, you should learn how-and; how cheaply it can bd tjuara staum nest-life insurance company in able New York bank statement. When the brokerage firm of F. Lapoenber suspended f-Bnuk of England rate was raised to. &1 payments today owuig to losses sustained j per cent It was thought tbat tho poaitfcu through customers The firm, which also in, tne united Slates was clearing satlsfac- did an export and Import business, enjoyed torlly, but the continued engagements ot nigh standing In financial circles, g ild at a loss of : to $ per cent on th It developed later In the day that the exchange rates, caused a revir,LJilscence of failure was much less Important than at nervousness In the discount , market and first aypewed, rates, were put up from 8H te 6 per eeut in . endeavors to assist the bank to protect Hs ! I.eetown BaaJk Saapeada. reserve, but the. futility of the efforts Is LEETOWN, C, "Nov. 4. The Flra't Nu shown by the fa.ct that since the tional bank here fald tu'open its doors V'nlted etate has drawn dally from the today. A notice posted on the door states the race for the Iowa championship which is now rapmiy drawing to a close. The showing n ode by the State university sgainst Wisconsin Is fat more creditable than appears at first sl?ht, sinco the Badgers showed marvelous improvement over the Torm displayed by them ln tho Illinois game, Wisconsin practically for sook the old style game In the Hawkeye contest and depended for Its longest gains on the forward pass and the quarterback kirk, the latter working to best advonta-re. Catlln'e men also forsook the old style game, worked forward passes to advantage and mixed up the attack ln n way-that showed that Coach Catlln Is bu'ldlng up a strong scoring machine. A strong wind In terfered with the play of both teams, but the fumbling cannot all be excused on that """""' , . , . . . parents, Judge D. T. Welty and wife. In The game leaves Iowa In good ehane for ir... ,' . . ' , ' " u 7. . the coming contest with the University of tn,s cltT- The brlJ ' the daughter of Atlantic Iflsh School Wins." ATLANTIC, la.,- Nov. 4. (dpecial.) The Atlantic Illah school foot ball team defeated the Guthrie Center boys here buturday by the score of 11 to 6, arter what looked like aure defeat ln the first half. The end runs of Porter of Atlantic were the featurea of the game. Tola Is two out of three games the locals have won this -year. Foot Ball Player Dlen. CLEVELAND. Nov. 4. Richard 8. Evans, left half back of the Wooater, O., university foot ball team, who was In jured ln a game with Western Reserve here .pn October 6, died today. hymeneal"" Weltj-Parker. CAMBRIDGE, Neb., Nov. 4,-(8peclal.) Olfe of the popular weddings of the season occurred at noon Wednesday, October 3), when Miss Jessie E. Wefty was married to Mr. Lester J. Parker of Buhl, Idaho. The ceremony was performed by Dr. D. A. Lecper of the Cambridge Methodist Epis copal church at the home of the bride's, trstlon days. Next year Is" presidential year. Vote the straight ticket. Republican County Central Commtlee.' MYRON L. LEARNED, Chairman. C. II. T. RIEPEN, Secretary. The. Tim q to. Act is NOV Tor the new f ormi cjf pcj.aors write tq The Mutul Life Insurance Company of New York. N, Y. Os STAXHOPK KI.KMI.NO. Manager-, l int National IlacX Bids;, Owner l.Ult and Farnam Slxeta. Qwaluu m th this crtat t& .If Hcicoipe nour I f very where ihe cue continued, for your.-elf tceu, ry me j tho world.. " . bank substantial sums, already aggregat- trig $5.000.0U0. Egypt has also been .with drawing gold. Financial elrcle her In cline to the belief that the t per cetvt rate will suf'ce and t'lat n-k '"rther dv-'- wiil be necessary, partlculaily If the Bank of Fjnce renueis Its prum sed slU"' ..ii depends, however, on the absence of de mentia of alarming proportions front Amer ica. The position here is regarded as being very sound and the declines registered to day were more ia the nature ot a senti mental marking down ot quotations than aqtuel aclllog. Th market la short, re girds the advance at. the bank aa pucely a protecUvf measure against Amei tea's gold dumend 4d to prevent; the New York, City f pef, ceut bonds from being plaovd nitre. Arrjeric purchased toduy the whole of the gold 'in the open market, about 400, Ooo. The price paid for the gold was 78s Hd, plus the commission. ' The receipt of, news of New Yetk'a saHy quotations induced a recovery. Union Pr. ci tie advancing 24 points. Santa Fe 2 rjti& several others advanctud fractionally. Tae Illinois, which will lie nlaved here next Saturday. Despite their defeat the Hawk eyes have gained confidence In the Wiscon sin gwme. the defects of the eleven have b.-en shown up bv the Badgers and Catlln v 111 have smpl opportunity to ro-reet t'lem during the next five dnvs. TJiere la little doubt but that Iowa will go into the game with Illinois In stronger cond'tlon than it entered the Wisconsin coi.test, but fol lowers of the team are unwilling to hassrd any prediction of the outcome yet. On the showing, of course, the dope all favors Illinois to win the contest by a comfortable margin. The Ames-Nebraska sm nroved con- coneluslvely that Coach W'lltani has d- Veloped a great icr'ng a?hlie at the A?rl 1 cultural culli-ge. Nebiaska has Ames out classed on straight foot ban, but In the second half, when Will'ams sent his men lntn the contest with c-rdi-ra to piay every thing they knew, the Aggies developed a series of trick plays and forward parses that awent the Cnrnhuakera on their fei that the concern wUI liquidate Its llablll-! n ,ne showing of the two teams against Judge Welty, ex-Judge of the dla.rlct court for this district, and the groom Is a young ranchman of Idaho. ties. C. N. Schmtck of Cleveland la oreal- dent of the bank. Sisawar riead Not Gallty. BEATRICE. Neh,.- Nov. (Special IVlrgram. ) R. Mead BhumWay, the aU Veged murderer of Mrs. Barah Martin, was brought here, this morning from the penrueniiary at Lincoln- and arraigned before Judge KUIgar In district court, and both coaches have succeeded in tesrh- Mlnnesota, Nebraska liai nil the advantage of the argument, but WHHa-na has evi dently aiu-ceAeTe4 ti nulling b' npn atiead faster thai the Nebraska c aches h ve. The game ia, of coure, of great significance in the race for the Iowa championship. It proves conclusively that the Agg'ea. who hold the state title at the present time, will offer Iowa a maenltlcent battle on November 23 whenlha two teams meet st Ames. Roth teams are evenly matched In weight IJcal food for children. WHEAT FLAKC CZLCflY mm makes the children plump and. tween Grlnnell and Drake university hit ' . . P a 7n -. . t i come 10 ne me joice or me lowa root nail dhuiil auu k'lbrbuka ouut oium- TMntaient 1 guaranteed to cure any I world. It la not known Just what kind of ach and constipation. I he best food for growing children, in valids and the aged. v He pleaded not amlitv anA th mm 1 Ing them the new formations made possible continued to, Nfnn.K 11 k.. ' ''V the forward pas and the onaide kick. November 1$. The prisoner 1 The struggle between the two tea-na w'.en tc 10 L.incoin on an arter. noon train by Sheriff Trude, thev meet win be on par with the Wis- coriHin-lowa or Nebraaka-Amea ramta of last Bat'ir'ay. The annua contesta be- The Darkett Post innaterahlp. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Nov. 4.-(8pe-clal.) An unusual, yet simple, fair and practical method has been suggested by Congressman Norris to settle a contest at the Soldiers' home as to who shall be post master of Burkett which Is the home. Two members, both In good standing and capable men, each with hla following among the 600 people In this Institution, sre Applicants for the position, the Messrs. Young and Vanness. Congressman Norris j called the members together In the chapel AMUSEMENTS. BOYD'S THEATER Tonight and Wed. asat. and night JAMEs r. POVMY.AS In tb Musical acotss ' THE BLUE MOON THUBSDAT WIGHT OWtY MME. CALVE and her assoelats Artists in OOH CEST and d ACT OF CAHatEW. Vrices $lJOO to 3.BO Planty of Oood skats Iieft Coming Kovembtr 10th THE BELLE OF MAY FAIR AUDITORIUM great' pure food; show AID '' EXPOSITION Bulking- by Kaoklasry Tralatd. Anlaaat Know, and ' 1 Tina SSusio. - Oood Thing to Sat and Drlak '-' Admlaaloni Adnlts, BOoi Chtldrsxs lea Oet Orcen TXioket from yeas Oroser or Butcher and Sacura . , Special Kates. CLflKSJ IN TO t DAYS. atU Orithln Dli... ni , . . a t.nnnA n , 1 1 V. .. .. ., . 1. ........ . - ... Eneiumf Dr rrDirua D im h."-vji- ,-a on i 'i ( no -I, or money reiunaea. soa. wDr it,.. hv km n,n. .urn,... in. i a. . Ir-vat tthoe-s from Crarklag Quick Shine Bho Polish. It oils. pot. Jkhesjftnd gives a patent leather flnlah and la waterproof. Ask your dealer for It. - Jeha Mitchell I I m previa LA 8ALI-E. III . Nov. 4. John Mitchell market cjoaed Arm. Cupper shacea tb-ftDDed iTPfesldent of the tnited Mine Workers, who iih ti. metal f hs, undergons eeveral operations was , ,.,'; o... .n - reiionea toaay to be gradually improving. m i. v aj.a.(as 1. sSIlCI HUUlt K 43 000 In bar gold and; 30,000 In Ame ,V an eagle from the Bank of Erigland ln.Jdl tlon ' to th gold purobaaad earlie' This caused some d;scusaion of a of a 7 per- cent nite. Tluw month's discount rates are- now quoted at 6'n. 'arr""'.."i3 Fa Investors.... The absolute safetyi pf the fund, Kitrusted to The Conservative Savicgs & Loaa Association, 1614 Karney1 street, ia assured by confinirg its loara, to first mortgages on inaprpved real estate, which se curity is- aa safe and permanent as "old- mother esrth" itself, Eesourcej, $2,800,000. NMRTU.WUST 8PL APPKAL Senator lUaahroaaA WUr President Hooaevelt oA Juualiyons There. GRAND FORKS, a l3 - Nov. 4.-8entor Hanshrouh sent the f jllowhig to Presi dent, RACNa-velt today: "Fully IM.fOO.UUO bin wlt of graln are now refdy ta b marked ln tne tw0 Dakota and MJnnvatita. an-, there ia ae money with which to do It. The neceealtle of the northwest are, . therefore. - much greater than in any 0 her eectlon of the country, demanding u funest considerstlon st ths hnds of tfl9 Treaaury department. ' Ten inUlWav 'aVjr, placed In the Twin City banks Ar.uld raise the embergo and start 1 grata. y .foments to Euron. This would taUdV ta (baanctal atieaa ta - th at a-inN A MAN AJ is out with a hammer his liver is doing the knocking. RconiBiBiJ yi glsst Defer Breakfast. A NATURAL LAXATIVE WATER. Bottled at the Springs. Avoid substitute. A fentlng Pell's squad. Drake scored nenrlv three times ss many points a?Hnst c0 college as Orlnnell dd, yet llamlltnn's ts - v-m e 1 -n v 1 rt'- ,...- .e. The game dl roses -1 Drake's cU'ms te 'et ter tnan f.urth place n.t'- chani ionsliln race, while It ia practically certain that ,Griniell will land n thlM plHce. .lre from the Iowa-Illinois game to be plaved Jovember 9 there Is only one other contest of mateHal Interest this, week. That one la the game between 5r'nnll and Am s to he played at Ames. Grlnr-ell Is not con certed vlnirle rrsnee to win. of course, but the contest will undoubtedly be an In teresting one. With the near anpriach of the lowa-Arcea gare lneret In the anort thrnehiiut ttie ata'e is Increasing at a rsetl rate. Preraratlnne are being nia-'e at the Ftate Agrtcul'ural callege to entertain the Inrvesl crowd that ever witnessed a football game on the state field there. Gaaa Reaalts la Tie. WOT r"R'VOS . n. Nov. 4. (Spe cial.) The foot ball teams of the Stite Normal at Riiearflh, W. U.. and Chadron, Neb., acaiiemy played a tie gam- h. re p..,,.,. v. s to a. Ths first touchdown a"d ros.1 waa ma-1e by 6nearlsh In twenty minutes from the kick-off. It was a clorely fought and Interesting game from atart to Mnlsh. Three men on each aide wera temporarily disabled. Eacn tm Is chsmrlon In Its own lttrlct snd mt on neutral grounds for flrat honor with tha e -rsi-lta A very large crowd cheered Impartially ind voted the a"d playeia genllem. from atart to finish. For tsls bv all Grfxtftr Tae Your Meals AT GAe CALUMET Prompt Service zsssszssaasEa KRUG THEATER m " m w Prices, li -25-50-Tic SPECIAL MATINEE TO-DAY ro-irxaxT, eat tnSS BEULAII POYNTER LENA RIVEftS TUZSOAT TXB B1X.OW TOKM I ir,,nTinisfsaBag - (7 fiWtCWOTt PHONt ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Dally Matinee. t:lS. Every Night, S l$v TKU WSKK lissoa St Xselsr, the Okito anUy, Th ssapplata, Smat Vraacts had tUt '"- y' o, mU abas, paaluaa Cowboy Quartet, and th UaJs drosaa. Prices 10c, 25c, 50c. TODAY AT 2:30 AND 8:15 P M. VAl'OLVILli Prastoa XeadaUi aT.lll Siting- Co. 1 Anastroaa- ajly Masleal Ha waUanst Xalght fe Ssaai 40. sUlmaai Ollmore fe CaatUj Sari a. Kicks i Pleturss. Buket Ball Teas Reorcaalsed. ATLANTIC, Ia., Nov. 4 ' Special ) The Totum basket ball team of this t-laee haa reorganiard for tlia aeaon of I HOT. and t open for fimn with any team In thta part of the country for any data atve Thanksgiving day. The twain OBjiy lost on 5 IT'S FOR THE FAMILY-A CLEAN, MORAL SHOW 2 2 JEWEL THEATER I WITH IT MOVING, -PICTURES p:i-."':iV-pVrr. dowx flicker lis to o ((Q)C!2 7 to 11 Attendaata la ttniform. Chang of Bill Mondays had Tharadaya.. it us BsaaaTzsx tut it vow sr. , . f , f n 1 V