THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5. 1.007. zazm -m .. ,J,,...t.w , , , , , R B i m a n a n m mm an an n LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS . "Winter Quarterly Just in "jlflg KanuiTrs Stock Safe Begins Thursday We ash hecks obi IBs Set Our Sp rial Boy' Suit Bargain i Ml Sale of 1 Sample Furs all This Week t Mrs. Add" King of Now York,' export demonstrator for the Lwilie'' Home Journal IattrriiM, and an antliorfty on faslilom. in mllh us for n few tlayg and will bo glad to meet ladles In I erected in Indies' Hoin Journal Patterns; will answer questions, explain things and DEMON' NTHATE THE PEEK LESS SITEKIOIUTY of Indies' Home Journal patterns over all other patterns. During her stay nhe will give., free a Ruavenlr doily pattern to ladies, or n doll's kimono pattern to chil dren accompanied hy mothers. rATTKKX HOOTH HAKNEY ENTRANCE. ! a ti! i RELIABLK STCRB Purchasers of Ew3erchaoc3Sse J. L. DRANDEIS G. SONS. 10c and 15c Handkerchiefs for 5c 12 t i'l"il,lli"iAMa;ri.iii.l , .1. ,' THE r 1 F W II I I 1 1 t a r I r t t it 1 1 r i i The Oldest Retail Store in Omaha ji HIHII IHHIIMIIIIIIIII Mill III IIMIII I fmmt.u m-h-i tb idlE Tac Largest Retail Store West of Chicago TUESDAY at BRANDEIS WILL BE A Day of Wonderful Bargains i n I GREAT SAI.E (IF SI1.KS TUES11AV ! CZA A 11 11- TVT-. riO tl " vLI III O Ill's. lMCCIi. iLAtlllS aT yoc Samples from a Prominent New. York Importer. ine new ir'luny Huliies boas, now so very stylish ana suuaoie iop street or evening made of silk chiff ?n. Liberty silk maline. etc., in black, white, brown and colors all are very fine sam ples and worth up to $4 each, at..,.. ) 7- :V-a i HP 1 ML Checks, drafts, clearing house cer tificates, cashier's checks and assign ments of savings banks deposits are accepted by U3 from all purchasers, same as money. BRING THEM IN. B I 9n it, T' 1 V ' ? sue mmwmr m ivc Hundreds of new styles in Mexican hand drawn all linen turn-over collars, all linen stocks, fancy collars, turn overs, embroidered linen collars, silk beaded stocks, lace and embroidered bows, worth up to 80c, on bargain square at fttS - b m U HOe M M M M n, n n x n n H ti ll Fl CI ri n n 36-Inch black taffeta, every yard is guaranteed to wear. Very lua trotis; look for the green edge; Tuesday, per yard 76 Several thousand yards of the choicest fall silks, in plaid stripes, In fast fancies of all kinds, worth up to $1.25, elegant waist patterns, now 59 Two tremendous lots In fine dress goods are offered Tuesday for less than One Half regular prices. ll.DO, $1.25 and $1.00 new stylish stuffs, at 59 $2.50, $2.00 and $1.50 beauti ful imported suitings at 79 Elegant fine batting, a roll JJ Sllkollnes,, 1 5c grade, 36-incheB wide, at ) Comfortable linings, sllko- lines, cretonnes, challles, etc., , Tuesday 5 Several thousand yards of 12 c flannelettes, beautiful designs, now-'.,,. . .l ,7H? Extra special sale of fine pure white batting, the best 25c batting, large size, Tuesday, per roll. 15J SALIC of MEW' SILKS Worth Positively from $1.00 to $2.50 Per Yard Heavy rustJing 27-inch black taffetas, 27-inch fancy silk suitings, 22-inch rich Peau de Cleo and Soie Noblesse, black and white velvet stripes on taffeta grounds, pompadour silks, satins, barred plaids, white and col ored satin brocades, etc silks that are worth from $1 to $2.50 a yd., at. . 69S c Yd Great Skirt Sal The choicest lots from the samples and sur plus stock of two New York manu facturers, made' for this season's fash ionable trade and replete with, the newest style features, w'th $10 to $12 Smart Fall Tailored Suits at $17.50 New arrivals shown here for the first time, all are laie ana popular styles, including 1 7 Z( iZ :lifl Ml 2 1 M M Mi P B m a M ti U f 1 mm u u a 11 a 11 g n in n 1 1 r j 1 mm u 1 S Wed nesday Will be a Day of Absorbing Interest to Tasteful Women l)rsscrs Mm. Watch Our - Tuesday Evening's new military and Fluffy Ruffles suits in plain or mixed fabrics, at , Ads Bennett's Big Grocery Coff BoaiUd WhU Ton Walt, rinaat Valnes. Special Offers Bennutt's Capitol Coffee, pound pkg 880 And Thirty Orpen Trailing Stamps Bennett's Santon Coffee, pound 18o And Twenty tireen Trading Stamps Teas, ausurtod, pound . 48o And Forty Green Trading Stamps Tea Siftlnps. pound jtkg 16o And Ten Gren Trading Stamps Pure 1'ruit .lam, assorted, lHrgn Jar 3So An, I Twenty Green Ttadlne Stamps. Oiilllard's Imported Olive Oil, bot tle 84a And Twenty Green Trading- Stamps Minute Jelly Crystal, pltg 60 Life Uuoy Soap, three large cakes, at 8S0 Ami Ten Green Trading Stamps Cnutlle Soap, 6 cakes 25c Ami Ten Green Trading Stamps Punnysido Tomato Soun. can... lOo . ..! Ten Green Trading Stamps 2Gc Tahlo Raisins, pound 15o Bennett's Cupltol Pancake, pkg llo And Ten Green Trading Stamps ChlrardelH's Cocoa, pound can SOo And Twenty Greeu Trading Stamps Wiggle Stick, six sticks a So And Ten Green Trading Stamps Bennett's Capitol Extracts, bottle 18c And Twenty Green Trading Stamps 18c cans Strawberry Beets for...., lOo Marshall's Tomato Herring, can 80o And Ten Groen Trading Stamps Marshall's Finnan Haddock, can 8S0 And Ten Green Trading Stamps Pure Fruit Jelly, glaas lOo Oenessee Corn, three cans 860 And Twenty Green Trading Stamps lilood of Grape Juice, pint bottle 8 So And Thirty Green Trading Stamps Franco-American Soups, quart can 35o And Thirty Green Trading Stamps Shredded Codfish, three pkirs 8S0 . And Ten Green Trading Stamps Grand Nuvrmbcr t'loarnnce of Ladir' and CHiMrcnV Handkerchief, to gi-thpr ltli llic tsalo of a bijr nirfhas of holiday samidos. Embroidered Fancy Scalloped, Hemstitched Initial, Lace Edft-e. Thousands of dainty ladles' and children's handkerchiefs, almost unlimited assort- p ment, moat of them sllshtly mussed or soiled, regular values to Tf 15c on sale Tuesday In one great lot, choice Underwear & Furnishing Bargains Tuesday Extri Special Valuts That Art Trulf World btaltrt. weight,, regular 10c values at, per Pair 3 Men's Fine Madras (Shirts New Mark and white rt,er". worth to 1.00. Ladles' Vests and Pauls, plain heavy ribbed or ribbed fleeced, worth to .50, will go at 25 and 15 Ladies and Children's Cnion Suits Heavy whiter weight, worth to $1.00, l C9S 40 and 30 Ladies' mid Children's Wool Vnion Suits White or grays, regular $1.50 values, at OS Men's Shirts and Drawers Heavy fleece lined, in all sizes, sold up to $1.00. at . . . .20. 3!) and 50 Men's Heavy Hockford Hose Winter Specials for Tuesday BSr choico 2."f 8:. 'to Till 0:.'I0 A. M. Ladies' shoul der shawls, all wool and silk and wool worth to $1.00. at 154" O-.iiO Till 10 :0 Ladies' and Misses' Outing Gowns, extra heavy quality, worth to $1.50 value 40 10:80 Till 11:80 Children's Under wear, heavy weight, regular 3Pa values, on sale at ............ . 15() Underwear for and Children Indies' Vest and Pants in heavv ribheil or riblml florae. In uhltea nr imri. worth up to fifty cents, at .25 and 15k I Ladles' and Children's Combination Suits Heavy winter .Weight worth up ' to one dollar, at , . . ; 49 and 69 Iiadies and Children's Wool I'nion Suits, In rvlilu-s and grays, worth 91.00, f)g Underwear for men, heavy fleece lined, shirts and drawers, all sizes and colors, that sold up to one dollar, at 50S 39 and 29 Men's Heavy Ribbed Hose, winter weight, worth lOc a puir, at Men's Fine Madras Shirts, in new flesh and white patterns, worth up to oiih dollar, will go at ' , . 25 WOOL DRESS GOODS " From 10 to 11 A. M 50 pieces of fancy wool dress goods, new fall style-, only one pattern to customer. These goods sold at $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 a yard one hour only, at, a yard 39 2:80 to 8:80 I RI. One hundred pieces of $1.00 German and French plaids, silk stripes one pattern to customer, at, per yard 49 Extra Specials for Tuesday in Our Famous Domestic Room From 9 to. 10 A. M. One case. of fine Anioskeag Outings. l?st colors made, all dark, not over 10 yards to customer, at, yard, for all day 5&4 4 .A 1 M . . ' iyc uress BmKimuis, last colors . u c j 32 in. German Blue, 12c grade. .Q 25 8 He Full Standard Prints 5 12,fcc Huck Towels .. 6'i 10c yard w ide Bleached Muslin . . .7 2:80 to 8:30 P. M. 1 case of Beaver Dam LL Unbleached Muslin, regular 9c quality, 10 yards limit 6 39c fine all wool Red Flannel. 39c fine all wool White Flannel. .25d 36 in heavy Shaker Flannel . . . . 10 27 In. heavy Shaker Flannel ... 7 ft. Remnants of fine Table Linen, worth ujS to $1.50, yard, 23c, 39c, 49c, 39o i Specials for Tuesday in Our Mammoth Grocery Dept. 21 pounds best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar 31.00 48 lb. sacks best fancy hish patent Minnesota Flour $1.35 10 bars any brand Laundry Soap. 25 10 lb. sack best white or yellow Corn meal for 15 Uneeda Biscuit, per package. . . .3 The best Tea Sittings, per lb. .12J Fancy Santos Coffee, per lb 15t Fancy Dairy Butter, per lb 23 Fancy Full Cream Brick Cheese, per pound Fancy Full Cream Wisconsin CbeeBe, per pound 17H All Fresh Vegetables and Fruits at the regular advertised prices. 1M tm YDENS' BEST A Great Favorite is the Plaid Silk Waist at $2.98 P These are the prettiest waists of the season charmingly made of fine quality silk -) QO R plaids new style features, at ....JLiJij LONG LOOSE OR. TIGHT FITTING COATS at $12.50 " The coats are in black and colors, very well tailored, well lined H txnu, practical, servicaoie winter coats in every way. pa 1 No other store but Brandeis could show such stun. Ii PilU M . .. li M Luncheonettes and Fancy Hot Drinks, Popular Prices Balcony T b ai mm .' ,h : aa m"o::Hn:s..: ning garments at StaHlng Wcw . Hate, $5 Many of these hats are the show room samples of one of New York's leading manufacturers of trimmed hats. All are beautiful made of Paon velvets and French felts with plumes ribbons ornaments etc. all in favor ite colors for fall and winter the finest hats we ever sold at 1. r i ti 11 II I J 1 1 li M M u Advance Notice of a Most Noteworthy Sale of Women's Dresses, Demi Costumes and Evening Gowns Will Be Held on Next Thursday-Brtndcin. 2nd rioor. For evening and party, wear, for afternoons, matinees and reception wear. The most etunning array of fine dresses-in -chiffon voiles, messalines, French taffetas, chiffon cloths, laces and nets all new models. They will be sold at most extraordinary reduc tions Thursday. Drandeis Shows Complete Lines of the Famous Artloom Couch Covers and Portieres ' " Most beautiful of all high clatss tapestries, eet and most effective patterns. Artloom Portieres all new styl at Fall's new. 1 LI 11 When you stop to think about it, you, of course, realize the grave danger that menaces your children when they play in the streets on which there are street car tracks, but do "you think about it often enough? And do you caution your children about it often enough? Are you sure that YOUR children are not daily exposing themselves to the danger of being struck by a car in fact, jeopardiz ing their lives, Remember that when children are play ing, their minds are engrossed with their play and they are utterly unheedful of approach ing cars and frequently dart directly in front of them. Assist Us in Preventing Accidents. Omaha H Council Bluffs Street Railway Company i EirennM. mill i.'.ii ni.i .mi in i M,.,m,wm i I ...I .. .nil. .1 nl. i.. , n . . . , , nr Reduced Rates for Electric Lights! On the face of increased prices for all necessities of life, the cost of electric light has been reduc ed. Less money for more light, or the same light for less money, investigate: Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. Tel. Doug. 1062 Y. (VI. C. A. Oldg. SBSSI.1 j O Christmas Gifts ought to be purchased now before the rush. We will lay them snide for you. Nothing ulcer than an arllrl.. from the Jeweler atock. Spend a few minutes in oui tore. LOOK fOR THIS NAUK S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler , 111 Sooa-Ua itml Artloom Couch Covers. Id oriental Persian styles, at . iArtloom Table Covers, specials at es 1 f ft . m mm mt II ' J.vo io i.u i J DR. BRADBURY, Dontlst, llm?.. ndl OR 4v tl H 1408 F"NAM T- OMAHA. PhMt DuCla 175 l.OJOO.DU j j Extracting 85c X We mk. . .pecWt, IflQ . eC PorceUla FU1...1 op JE V" ! mcUl and rooHe.. 'li Bridge Werk.S2.50 up VII 1 nrT-N I 1 I'LatM 93.00 m . I T Y r t 1 1 -- I 1 pUtea. all operation. Oiea evemliicTa till S o'clock. I Tie a String ON Your Finger To women of Omaha and vicinity who want style, wearing quality and econ omy combined in shoes, a reminder is hereby given to visit the Drexel Shoo store when looking for Women's S3.00 Shoes "Listen" Our $3' shoes for women are all made in the same style and lasts as are made the higher priced shoes. They are the best value in the city for the money. Styles are lace, Blucher and button, all shapes and toes. An expert corps of fit ters always at your serv ice here. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Fire a in St. irr BRANDEIS BOSTON 53TORIT. t wmmw -mm ' " mmW MM m mJ ymmW w 114 V m mr. - - TTtUT T A rTTt)iPTOtl fHW TT a - wLuxua-Li--L UCC vY Cllll kU2 i I UUUltC lVCbl'llJ I Spend Your Own Money Your Own Way . Doe It not seem strange to yem that a dealer who tries to substi tute, when you ask for an adver tised article, should assume that you are not capable ot spending your own money 7 Show him that you are by insisting on getting . what you ask for and refusing any substitute. Substitutes pay him a larger profit, otherwise he would live 'ou what you ask for, with out question.. Manufacturers of advertised articles produce large quantities, being enabled thereby . ' to manufacture cheaply and fur nlbh the public with higii grade goods at the prtc. of inferior sub stitutes. Substitutes Are Expensive ' At Any I'rioe. UDERMAC3CJ -FURRIER- It coaU you" nothing to inapect our Jarga Una of . hUh srada fur sarmanta at. popular orlcea . mj, may aav you money. 2d Floor Contatal Blk, 'Entrance 113 So. 15tH St. 1 Business Boosters Try the Wtt ) r A