REAL ESTATE CITT I'Ndl'KMf rilH SAME. (Continued.) WltA ACCT.PT CLEARING HOUSE CERTIFICATES . Dollar for Dollar In Mjimwt for real estate. F. J). Weia, 1S01 Farnarn. (!)- I REAL. E8TATR at rranonabls prices. Writ for list. H. R Robinson, Santa Crtr. Cel. ; ; U',IMv Nox MODERN COTTAGE Flv-roorn cottige built last spring; newly papered and painted, doubl floora, surface floors being maple; large bath room; nle attic; piped for gaa ana wlrad for electric light; all modern plumbing; full alia Tfni, ate.; aiuth front lot 7x)'K), lying Ugh and lghtly; located 3614 Boyd fit. , Piles ll.KO. - C. O. CARLBERd. til N. T. Life Bldg. ' ' ; (19) -963 BUT THIS BAROAIN. Lot at 2th and Fort Rte., only ttX. B. O. NORDQU18T, Owner, 624 8. JOth St. l9)-78x REDUCED-PRICE - i i r Brand new 5-room cottage, thoroughly well built; cemented cellar under entire house; double floora; nice large attic for Itorage - purponea; nickeled plumbing; rverythlng modern eoept heat; parlor, lining room and vestibule nicely papered. Located at Blnndo St.; good neigh borhood; cloe to school. : Go and look at It and see for yourself how It la built. ?rlce reduced to $2,300 for quick sale. C. O. CART.BERa. il New Tork. Life Building. (19) M9: . .WILL, ACCEPT CLEARINGHOUSE . CERTIFICATES Dollar for Dollar In riyment for" reel estate. T.' D. WFAD, Farnarn. ' . . 19)-87D 4 Clearing House Certificates ' CERTIFlCAf Efl OF PEPOSll ..AND , LOCAL CHECKS , . . Accepted in Payment $200,000'. 'in 'flrat mortgage on real estate for tale In amounts from $500 to $6,000. Mortgagee now bn hand, ' Pefets Trust Company, New York Life Building. V. (19) M9S4 1 Snap in Brand New House Hero la the cheapest new modern house bl Omaha and must ba Bold before the 10th. f tills month, ... 'National Investment Co., ; " ' $l-582 "BrandHa Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ; ;, f. - (19)-M' 4 ' i,400 RENTS $264 , Two cottages on one lot. four and six rooms, Kent one and live In the other. A BEMI9. Faxton Block. 1 . . 'Piiono Doug, 585. " (191- CLOSE IN. BARGAIN ; - 100 PeWeyAv.,'g rooms, new and modern la every respect, will rent for US per month,. ' For quick sale on eaay terms. R300. Owner lives there, ask to see it. ' 09)-M8 4. . ' . WILL ACCEPT CLEARING HOUSE CERTIFICATES -. 'n Dollar for Dollas.' In payment for real estate. 1801 arnam. F, D. Wead, fay-tix 4 FOR SALE A well built 10-room frame house, beautifully finished In hard wood; hard-wood floors. ; mantels, modern bath .room -and conveniently arranged. Will sell at a very low price, removed from present premises by purchaser. Ad dress C, C. Rosewater, Bes Bldg., Omaha. (W-MA.7 WILL ACCEPT .:, CLEARING HOUSE CERTIFICATES Dollar for Dollar In payment for real estate. F. D. Weed. I . Varnam. . .. . IJEAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CC AV CUA8. JS. WILLIAMSON, Pres. (i)-wa LUST your property with Chris Bover, 224 andCumlng fits. OS 794 ' . REAL ESTATE riRV ranch lands fob ialu Colorado. ' Choice Prairie Land For sale several sections of choice prairie land It miles oaat of Denver, Colo., cheap) easy terms; will sell In quarter section if desired, C W. Price. Spirit Lake, la. ' . . -' i&h-MW Hx" NebraslM. FOR SALs-400-acn stock farm adjoining railroad station In Pierce county. Neb.; beet of hay Jand; $80; very cheap. A. J. DCRLAND, Owner, Norfolk. Neb. ' (3B Msa tx FOR BAT-rV-Thlrty Wion snd Cedar county. Nebraska, farms, from $10 to $0 per acre; write for my list. W. P. Truax. caehlvr Uos. State bank, Dixon, Neb. (ai))-M372 10X FOR BAU1 Fine prairie farm land! n Keith county, Nebraska, where every aero la tillable and first-class soil, at $16 to $J0 per acre. Oet your money invested In mother earth, where It will be safe, and where It will bring sure returns. Call on urn. kviu iwiu u ms. xxarrison. ua- lal.a. Neb. 3-alr73 7 , SMsejtk tskt. FOR BALIS Tho ftnest 1000-acr ranch In South Dakota; good buildings, all fenced, unlimited water surply; free from sand. w11 uu sisvei; priov, tie JPeT Jt A. Suaiikky, Pukwana, B. (!sj)-M4 4x LAND seekers' excursion Nov. 6th. Special rates to Aberdeen. t. D. Writ an once. 15. T. Daibey, liauiburg, la. . C0)-Mia Bx TO LET Wanted, two good renters for two fine section farms; both farms up-to-date linproveirenu, all under cultivation; to right parties will make aplvndld propoal. tUm. Addieaa O. T. Hart. Mollenrv. N D i . ta-aljbi$x Teaasv, i . ' ' TEXAS EXCtTRStON. TJesday, Nov. $, a run an excursion to brownsvillc. Texaa, taking In ail the Gulf toast country. Very low rste for round trip. Texas Land and Immigration Co.n- rP "-Tig p Mr LtL'fi 1 REAL ESTATE LOANS " LOANS on Improved cltv property W H. ThoBia. tVt, First National Bank Bid. - (T!)-ut WANTtD-City loans, Peter Truat Ca i'X) 79 WANlED-rOty loan and wrrnta W. araaiu fimitli ft Co.. 1J20 Farnarn St! : ' (2-77 Il.0t0.ot0 TO LOAN on business and resl. dent property n Omaha; lowest rates! no dels. J nomas Bi.unan, Kovm L N. . tiJ-79. lOWfcT RATfiA-Bemla. pto Blo.k. (3-.9 U4) ! M.M IO LOAN at lowest rates; po tld. TUuma Lreanan. Hon 1. N. - l!)-.H L'MON LOAN ft INVtT. CO.. II Be Ixian on Real Fatal. Bid ha 1st and Id mtgea. 'pbe.e Dou. o4. W-44Kivii REAL ESTATE LOANS ((.ontlnucd.) LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O Keefo R, B. Co., 1001 N. V. Life Bllg. . 12I ? $500 TO H.ono TO IOAN-Prlvata money; no delays. J. H. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. l ife. (2.') 902 t1 to $l(i. noo made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., ltlth end Farnarn. (22) MVO MONBT TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. REAL ESTATE WANTED WILL pay caaM for mortgage on thor oughly modern. 7-room house In good lo-a,loP- Address p TttBee a) MJ75 bx WANTED TO BUY SECOND-HAND furniture bought and sold; also machine of all kinds rented,- $2 per month. Xfcl. Duug. 699J. , ( Mi4)9 CASH paid for socond-hand clothing, shoes, etc. ua No. lsth BL Tel. Red $3-6. (26-l6 WANTED To buy calves. Tel. Doug. 339, (a wi TO FARMERS AND PRODUCE 8HIP- . t PER8. Highest prices for butter and ecas. Cash or merchandise. Send trial shipment. Th Bennett Company, Omaha. Cto) 87 WANTED To buy second-hand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpets, hnn leums, offlca lurnlture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillow, qullta and all klnda of tools; or will buy in? 'urnlturo of your house complete. 1 he highest prices iald. Call the right man. Tel. Doug. 1471. , 2 MB0ITW31 . WANTED TO RENT WANTED Houses to rent. ... Walt Rental Agency, 08-$10 Be bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2904. " ' (2) ah:j a YOUNO LADT wants first-class place to board and room; must be good. Address Q-fte), oar Bee. (28J-M378 (x BY lady and daughter, nicely fumlahed modern houae to take care of or rent for the winter. Address C 6ti0, care Bee. '. (lit)) Mi (X WANTED SITUATIONS DRESSMAKING of all klnda. 2511 Seward. (27)-MiU Novlux CAPABLE furniture salesman with 1$ years' exnerlcncs and lam acqualntann in city and state, desires poult Ion with reputable furniture houa In city.- Ad dresa M 669, care Bee. (27) 91$ ox FIRST CLASS all round baker for shop or hotel; hotel prelerred. 'Phone Webster 224. (27)-M124 4x TpUNO MAN, 88 years old, single, as book, keeper or cashier; nine years' experience; best of refervncee; bond If required. Ad dress W 5&7, car Bee. (27) Ml3g 8x MANAGEMENT of hotel, restaurant, club achool or college boarding department' by man and wife of long experience. Best references. Mrs! C. A. Martin, Clarion, la. (27)-M305 9x WANTED Bv experk-nced lady teacher, private pupils in the English branches and music; spuclal attention paid to children' have first class testimonials. Address 8 oae. ceretiee. (27) MU2 $x POSITION as housekeeper for respectablo gentleman. Addrees W 6Z1, Bee. (27-)!)62 5x ; FRENCHMAN speaking English fluently desires position as hotel clerk or porter; nine years . experience. .. Address L 60S. car of Bee. (27)-M28g $x EXPERIENCED bookkeeper Wants set of bonk , to- keep evenings; moderate fee. Address A P2-4. Bee CfT (W Hx RAILROAD TIME CARD CNIOX. STATIO.V 10t AUD MARCy. Chicago, Mllnasks It, Vasl. . , " Isav. ' Arrive, Chicago ft Colo. Sp'l....a 7: am all:60 pm Cal. A Ore. Express..'. ..a 6:20 pm a 8:?6 pm Overland Limited a 9:68 am a 8:30 am Perry Local ......a 6.1 pm alO:JO am Unloa rarlflc. Th Overland Limited.. 8:60 am 'a 1:10 pm Tho Colorado Express 8.60 pm a 1:00 pm Atlantic Express a 9-30 am Th Oregon Express... 4:10 pm a $:O0 pm The Los Angeles Ltm..all:66 pm a 9:16 pm Th Fast Mall a 9:30 am 1:46 pm The California Express. 4:00 pm a 1:60 pro Cola-Chicago Special. ,.al$:10 am a 6:60 ara Beatrice Local b 7:42 am b $:16 pm North Piatt Local... ..a 7:42 am a 8:16 pm Cklcago tt Nortkwestersj. Chicago Daylight...'..... 7:08 am all:S4 pm St. Paul-Minn,. Exp.,.. a 7:60 am an):00 pm Chicago Local all: 0 am $:2B pm Sioux City Passenger... 7:50 am 8: 28 pm Chicago Passenger. -...a 6:00 pro, a 9:30 am Chicago Special a 6:00 pm a 8;28 am St. Paul-Minn. Llm.... a 8:28 pm a 7:40 am Los Angeles Limited... 9:30 pm al2:$6 pm Overland Limited alO.OO pm a 8.23 am Fast Mall , a 8:04 am Sioux City Local.. 1:66 pm 120 am Faat Mali , $::ij pm Twin City Limited a ;2H pm a ":40 am Norfolk - Bonesteel a 7:40 am a 1:26 pm Lincoln-York-Ohadron .b t'40 am all:90 am Deadwood - Lincoln a $ 00 pm a 1:25 pm Casper - Shoahnnt a $:00 pm all:"0 am Haatlngs Superior b 1:00 pm b 6:2S pre rreinum Aioion ...o e:w pm D t:S4) pm Chleag Great Wstr. St. Paul-Mlnneapolls... 1:80 pm 7:30 am St. Paul-Minneapolis ... 7:90 am 11:36 pm Chicago Limited 6:06 pm 8:'7 am Chicago Exprea ........ 4:08 pm 11:36 pm Chicago Express ,., 7:30 am 3134 pm Chicago Express 3:30 pm 3:30 pnj W a bask. St Louis Express a 6 .30 pm a 8:30 gin Ht. Louis Local (from Council Bluffw) a 1:80 ant all:15 pm Stanherry lcal (from ; Council Bluffs) ..,.(,..b i:0t pm bl0:W m Illlaols t'eaitral. Chicago Express '....?.'.'. 7:20 sm a'$:46 pm Minn, ft St. Paul Exp..b 7:20 am a 8:66 pm Chicago .Limited -.a 6:00 pm a 8:30 am Minn, ft hi. paul Lmtd a r'30 pm a 8:30 am Chicago, Rock Ilata A PaelSo. EAST. Chicago Limited a 148 am all:30pm Iowa Local a 7:00 am 4:90 pra De Molne Passenger.. a' 4:10 pm 12:30 pm low- Local all:0ara b 9:66 pm Chicago 4 Eastern Ex.).. a 4:60 pm a 1:23 pm Chicago Flyer a 8:36 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Urn... all (Q pm a 2.35 am Colo, and Cal. Ex a 1:36 pm a 4:40 p. n Okl. and Texas Ex a 4:40 pm a 1:46 pm I.lncoln-Falrburv Paaa..b 8:45 am blO.lS am Mlaaoarl raciac. K. C. ft St. L. Exp a 9:00 am a 6 46 am K. C. ft St. L. Exp all:lj pn a 6.60 pm Nebraska Local a 2:00 pin all:.$ am BlHLIltuTOM ITA. IOTH ft liAIOX. Bnrllagtaa. Denver A fatlfnrnia Leave. .a 4:14 pm .a 4:10 pm a 4.10 pm .a 9:80 pm .a 8:00 am .a 9.90 am ,b 1:43 piu b 2:10 poi a $.10 pm ,b l.U am ali:66 pm . 7.u6 pni .a 4:3) pm .a 6:30 pm a I. II am a 4:4 pin. ,al0:46 pm ,a 9:1$ am . 4:46 pm Arrlv. 4:10 pm a 4.10 pm a 4:10 pm a 6:45 s m a 6:10 pm a 4.1) pm a'2: 1 pm b 9:06 am a k: .0 p.n bl0:20 m 7.46 am oT:W anx a li am '.l: pm a $:j6 p.n a 8:81 am all:30 am aU:30 a n a 4: 0 sm m pm 'Northwest Special .Black Hill Northwest Express .... Nebraska point Nebraska Express Lincoln Fast Mall...... f Inf.ttn f 1 I 1 Lincoln Local : in.... ....uiBviiiD-riHiiiinuuiii. Bellevue-Platlsinoulh.. Plattsmouth-Iowa Bcllev..-platismoutb... Denver Limited ........ Chicago bpecUl Chicago Exprea Chlcaao Flyer lorn Local ... St Louis Express Kansas City ft bt. Jo. Kansas City ft St. Jo. Kansa City ft St- Jo. WEBSTER ITA-ISTU ft WEB1TEH Leave. ,.k 6 30 am ..a l oo pm ,.b 6 43 pi .. 8.44 am Arrtve. b 9:10 pm all a) am b 8 10 am c t bO pm Twin City Paasenger., Sioux City Pasauifr. Emerson Local Etieran Leal Mlaaosrl rults, Lwal via Wocplntf Water Falls City Ixical Fails City Local a T 46 am a 66 pm .b 8 6 pm all am . 7.U III4 U a Dally, b Pally except Sunday, e 8m day only. 4 Daily except Saturday. Dally eavupl MviiJ, TITE OMAHA GRAIN AND PRODUCE MAKHtl Bean Get Upper Hand and Lower Prices Steadily. LIQUIDATION STILL IN PE0QKES3 Cable Tome Stronger, bat 'llav Little Effect, a Export R laesa la Practically mt Staadstlll. OMAHA, Nov. t W7. With an almost Itslleas Saturday mar ket, the bears had the upper hand and lowered prices steadily. Liquidation haa been In progress and has not yet run Its course. Cables come some atronger. but they had little effect, as export business has come- practkally to a standstill. Wheat opened well on cable and local bulls buying a little. The pit crowd was bearish, however, and -began pounding th market with success. December wheat opened at 89c and closed at 8740. Corn was practically lifeless, with no cash business and no demand. Receipts have shut oft as far as possible and country shipping I st a standstaill. liii-tuibsr corn cioaed at 63c. OhIs were fairly active and opened shade stronger on purchases of future op tion a Th market stands very little selling and worked oft some toward the close. December oats opened at 47o and closed at 4.4u.. Primary wheat receipts were 780,000 bu. and shipments were 934,000 bu., against receipta Inst year of 921,(u0 bu, and snip liiems of 627,000 bu. Com receipts were $19,000 bu. and ship ments were t44,0U0 bu., analnst receipts last year of ili.OUD bu. and shipments of 8bd, OuO bu. Clearances were 26,do0 bushels of corn, IS, li bushels of oats, and wheat and flour equal to 2H.,,mv) bushels. Liverpool closed stt-d higher on wheat and 'ud higher on corn. Seaboard reported 40,000 bushels of wheat and 40,OuO bushels of corn fur export. L,ucal range of option; I Article. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes'y Wheat- I Dec... 89t R)Vi STTi 7'4 SS May... 97 97 9U Vi4 July... lVi W, & SI1! Corn Dec... ' 63 63 63 $314 Jiy... 6S $4'S ki 63 644 July... 64 $4 t3!t Oats Dec... 47 474 'S S fS May... l fuS 4 49-S July... 40 4ii 46V ' 14 47 Omaka Cask lrle Nothing doing In cash grsln. Cm-lot Hecelvt. Vli-at. Corn. Oats. Chicago 61 124 107 ', Minneapolis ,. ....210 ....2l ....204 Omana DuluiU CHICAGO GRAIN AND PHOV1SIOM Feature of th Trading; and Closlngr Price on Board of Trad. CHICAGO, Nov. i Ihe New tork flnan- elm ti . 1 11 ,ti inrne.l a kteiiiiv VUhbi mar ket Into a -weak atfair touay ana at the close wheat tor December delivery was lo lower. Corn was uown ic. Oats u ic lower, provision er 'i yiH i c lower. . The wheat, market opened firm today, re- sponumg to tne uusu.ueciea strengih at Livetpuol. Later tna New York oantt ma. 1. . j nrt it h.ini ..mi. sluered the worst recorded from thai city caused Immediate and heavy eeiiing of wheat. Prloes broke aharpiy and' remained Weak until the close. 1 he rumors of liuttlng down of null also caused some eillng. 'ihe fact that aonie export busi- , neks was reported trom the-eaat did not i prove an oftaet to the financial ltuatlon. Th cloe wm weak, December wneat opened itlc higher, at 96 vi 96ic . sold between 94vi14o and 6o and closed at 94 He. Cleaiances of wheat and nour were eo.ual to 266,000 bushel. Primary receipts wer 761,000' busuela, against 920,000 bushels on the fame a ay last year. jUirineapolls, I'Hiluth and. Chi cago reported receipts Of 565 car, agumst 6n car last week and 514 car one year 'the corn market was strong at the open ing In sympthy with wheat and the re ports of poor husking returns. Cons. dur able selling of long corn came out on the auvance, and then th break In wheat and that Vtx V aril kanli A i anarp decline Cash house, were fairly" 1 free seller and the market In general ra - M.!r7l'Wt'., Decembe'r . nigner, at o1i('uc, sold between 1t0o and closed at 69a. Iorul re. celpts were 124 car wltl SO cars of con- iravi graue. . '1 he oats market opened strong In sym pathy with wheat and corn, but later th attempt of a prominent long to unload, together with th declins In wliea,t and corn, broke the market sharply. Trade . waa in (mail volume and the range of price. waa narrow. December opened He lower, at tunc, sold between 4s!&,6uc and closed at 48,c, the low point of the day. Local recetpta were 104 cars: 'lh provision market weakened under by packers ueapit a bullish how- ing of taUatlc. 'Ihe weekly receipt of hog at western 'center waa much less laat week than either on the week Imme diately preceding or the corresponding week last year. This fact, however, did not seem to strengthen prices. -auary pork closed at 17 He lower, at $14,27 4. Lard was down lOfc 12Vc, at $8.35(j'.3'i Klb were 1 y,a lower, at $7.67 Vs. Estimated receipts for Monday are: wheat. 43 cars; corn, 116 car; oat. 117 cars; hogs, 27,000 head. . . The leading future ranged a follow: Artlcles. Open. Hlgh.j Low. Clo.l Te'y Whet Dec. May July Corn Dec. May July Oats Doc. May July Pork Jan. May La rd Nov. Jan. May . Rib Jan. May WC'vJ 98?i, 1 04V(f 1 0i 1 04 . MVs! 69Hfi fiO tioSaiiUia !t tiu't4til 61 49 ti 60 t!iSi 6243T4 4M 4S 14 40 14 40 14 T7Vi 14 60 $46 g 45 $ 46 8 46 $ .0 $ 60 TK 766 90 7 90 84', 94'il 95 1 02Vr'l 04'4,' 102V 1 W14 K 914 69' 16914654 6fv. 6 ..a 1 K M 6 69 Vi 461 48 61 w 47 I 14 27V. 14 62 8 45 ' 6 37V, 8 60 I 4'4 52 .4t,,4 14 45 14 86 8 4K4 8 24 8 47',i 61V 7V 14 86 14 60 146 ' 8 36 8 60 785 7 80 T 671,4' 7 7Vi II I T92V4 No. t Cash quotations were as follows: I . n-oieaay: winter patents. $4 40a 4.,6; winter alralghta. $3.9v9l.6o; Siirin pat- vmn-'i sy , tw.w( 1-4V. WHEAT No 2 spring. $1.00471.08: No. 3 "p5'x,'-, ue: No- ri. KH-9I'4-esS?. " ' fo'68i N? Ullow. JAT8-No. 2, 48c; No. 8 white, 46f,49c BARLEY Good feeding, ttitflbo- urtn chn're malting, TTtjSuc. J ' Ia r 10 ffw?.?;,"'!,' No 1 northwestern. Jllsu 7 $7Ha.".26. Mcaa pork, per bbl ti:i eau. 18 76. lrd. per 11.. ., $8.45. Wiort rle- side, boxed. n.75tJ8..5. 1 0rt t,,?r rollowlng wer the receipt and hln ent of flour and grin: " "nlp me Recelnt. Shipment r 31 ) "S 44H.S.HI 1S3 610 5 'K 4,1, tn. 2S7.60I H.S'O S 4,y, 82 100 'Mi c Flour, bbl.. Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oats, bu Kye, bu Barley, bu. ju i no riiraun exenange today th but- iL.mHk?i W",a,",r",i'i, r''e'n-rle,. !3Vc; dalrlea. l.ijt.0. Rfrs. ieady: at mark. caea Included. 17H4l204: ;tlrst $.0. .-liu first. 4o. Cheese. tedy. l14V,e: rkl'adelphta Frog ace Market. PIMLADELPHIA. Nov. t.-B UTTER Quiet jle lower; extra wentelS crfanT tTZiV txlr' ne"rb Print. 2c. . k-Mj'f-"m' '0l demand; Pennsylvania and other nearby flrsi. Zio, at mark .nr!-r!yJ; Jet'Pt. in returnahi; ias. e. t mark; western chok. c. at msrk; western fair to good, 2c. CHEESE Quiet, but firm; New Tork full .... T 1 . OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CANADIAN PACIFIC $44.76 to Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp I4J.76 to Liverpool. London. Glasgow! T.f9 to Sogndlngvtao eomrnoo port. Its. 60 to liango, Abo. Helslnfor. cu ega ar .j,...,,!, n i lower. Two n J fynr berth r'm s rerved 0. S. BSjNYAHiaT, G.aeral Are, sua .. Viaaa s( Vatwkge. Ljc, DAILY BEE: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1907. ireama. choice, 15SfllB4c; fair to good. IIMAIIt wnol.kUlR tttllKKT. (adltlo f Trad mm ! Stal ss4 Faae Fr4 ao. FOGS Fresh country. $2o; storage, l$o. s BCTTER Common, ft; fancy tub and rolls, 2rvgbic; creamery, 81c. CH$K6K full cream. Wisconsin twins. 17Sc; new full-cream brick. 17c; do mestic, new vBwl, 18c; new llmberber, IS tolitc; young Americas, 17V. LIVE POULTRY Springs, $Hc; hens, $c; roosters, 4c; ducks, ioc; geese, 9c; turkeys, liksi pi aeons, 76a per dos. DRESSED POl'LTkr Springs, fancy, 10c; hens, 10c; roosters, be; ducks, 12c; geese, llcj turkeys, 17lie. HA V Choice ah, t upland. $10.00; me dium. $a.o; No. 1 bottom, M00; off grade Itom mi to M.atf. ry straw. $i.UU; No. I sifslfa. hi.. FRUITS. CRANBERRIES Per barrel. $.JC-S9.50. Att'L.t.b t-uiorHdo faiity Jotialiiana, 4 tler box. 93.26; Calliornla Belleflower, $2,009 f 26; Washington Bnow, per box, $2.00; Ore gon Kings, per box, $2.50; Oregon Bpitsen berg, per box. $2.60; Oregon Baldwin, $2.26; New York Baldwins, fanuy. per barrel, iv.Oul Greening, $6.00; Hubbardaon. $5.00, Pfc-Aho v Inter Iseuis. fe tter box, ft it; -tier box, $3 00; Idaho and B. DeAnJou, 4 and 6-tler boxes, $3.60. ' UKAPh.6 Miciilaan, per basket, 82c; NW Tork. $2c; California Tokay, per crate, $2. 00; Cornlchan, $100; Imported Malaga, par eg. $4.oonn.oa, VEGETABLES. v NAVT BEAN8 Per bu.. No. X. $2.$0 ear bu., I Irre. 7c per lb. POTATOES Fer bu., SSigTSo. BEANS New wax and string, 40pj0e per asrket btefkav ' CAi'.BAUUWlsconSIn, Holland seed, IHc per pound. BEETS Per bushel. 90c. " tiRNirS -er nushel. 60e. ArSNlH-Per bushel, 76o. PAII8HER-Per dozen, $0c. TOMATOES Per basket, uOfliTBc. CK1.ERY Michigan, 9ota35. ONION-Red Olotoej per pound. Iio. SWEET POTATOES-Virginia, $J.t4. PEPPKRS-Per bushel. 7tc. BEEF CUTS. No. 1 ribs, 14o ; No. 'a ribs, 11c; No. I libs, c: No. 1 loin, 19c; No. I loin, 13c I No. 8 loin, 9c; No. I chuck. c; No. t church, t)c; No. $ chuck, 4Hu: No. 1 round. ic; No. 2 round, .c; No. $ round, w. No. 1 plat, 4Wc; No. 3 plat. 4; No. H plat, c. , , ' TR6PICAL FRUIT. - LEMONS Per box, $S.H0, $7.00, cvvuAf L I aPer sack. $4.o; per dozeo. DATES On msrket Oct. '26; HalIow'n. par pound, ?o; bay er. per pound. '. BANANAS Per uarKh.-ti.owiiJ.00. MISCELLANEOUS. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITB-Prunss t si some. hat unsettled by freer oderings niiu. who irni irairoijs 01 tnovlrg supplies of Lnmedlat grade Quo tationr from r to 9u lor California fruit and from tu to c for Oregon, pe.thes, vry arm, with fanoy yellow quoted at UVfeo. mi" TALT.OW-ren alted. No. 1 9c; No. $, 7V0; bull hides, t4c; green hides. No. 1, 80; No. 2, kc; horse. $1.60b$.uO; Sheep liells, hvttolX.ii. Taller. tu 1, 44C, No. JHe. Wool. 164J22c. COFFEE Roasted, No. SB, 26c; No. $0, tlo; No. 25. 19c; No. 20, 140. KifcH-Haliuut, lie; trout. 111; pickerel. 10c; pike, lc; pike, fresh froxen, 19c; whlteflah, 1416o; buffalo, 14c; bullheads, skinnea and uref,ed. l;lc; ratflan. dressed, 17c; white perch, 7c;-while bass. 16j; bacg bass. ,c; aunflsh, btf 9c ; crappiea, tic; laigo crappiea. )6c; herring, fresh froxen, ir; whltcllsh, frncen, I3ilnc. pickerel, fresh rroson, 130 ; red snapper, 12o: flounders. I Nit arl. I84u.. 4 . nsni -eodflam frwk i wo-, rea snipper, lie; nounOors. ish frojen, 12c; haddock fresh froxen, 12c; I snjeit". 13c; sbau roe. 46d per IU. I rug legs, I Per Jo-' rense tunU .mcM. 4 I .VVVT, :-- ... wnii.4 uwws-uini, stanaarq west. rn; iornatofft fancy 8-potmd tans, $1.4o; standard 8-pound cans. $1.90. Pine- r'IS!-:"r .1 P04"? ''' '"' ,1,c,d , $1760 2 36. ojllon apples, $4 60. California , P,f I00.1' Peara, $1.78U 59. Peaches, l; 'W2 W L. C. peach. . inl.'.W. Alaek : lmon, red, $1.40; fancy Chinook, flat, $2.1o; ,f.n,-y..icK'f ' Skdlnea. quartet I W-80' three-quarter mustard. $2. Si. I Bweet potatoes. $l.a&1.3 Sauerkraut. oo, ' "',.','J.n" MH',,, uu- '-lm M,"" -'-poun.L ' iocwi.a. eoagea pes; -poung, too; fancy, i W-M?.?'! " m siiinrnis weinncs, iici iniii wal nuts. 16c; pecans, 1231!;; filberts. 12Hci Brsxils, 13$14r; almonds, 10 ; roasted pea. nuts, 4Hc; raw peanuts, to. .St. I-o I Geaetal Market. ST. LOUIS, ' Nov. -8. WHEAT Lower; track No., i red easli,,.W.irH7i,io; No. $ hard, 8kv7iS1.0u; Deoember, 6Vc; May, $1.02i. CORN Lower; trackj No. $ cash, 66 STo; Decembor, . 64 ?e - May. tV.o; No. $ whte, 67t67iec. .' OATBweak; track No. 8 cash, 44Hoi Prmber. 4bHc; May. 6OH0; No. $ whit., 1 3?'tit ,, . ," . ..'..!, yJLKl. r, .1' irZ:, ..r. ' clear. $3.9Ku4.10. SEED Timothy, steady, $3.60f4.SO." COHNMKAL-Steady; 3.00. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, $1.0S HAY - Steady; i timothy, $11.00'18.C; prairie. $9.lKK&11.0O. IRON COTTON T1ES-$1.10. BAGGINO 11 $-ltie. HEMP TWINE 11 o, PftOMilONS tork, lower; Jobtlng, 114.75. Lard, loner; prime steam, lu.LH. ur, salt iiiuula, steady; boxed extra-shorts, $9.1.'V4; clear ribs, 12; short clears, 9.26.Bac jn, ! "t,e'1? boxed extra short, $10.U,; oiear ri", niiori clears, fio.iiv. POULTRY Dull; chickens, lie; spring, 10c; turkeys, 12Hc; ducks, IVK: seese, 8a BUTT En Dull; creamery, 24fi27Vi,o. EGGS Idc. case count. Receipt. Shipment. .... 9,-OJ ' Ij.oou Flour, bills Wheat, bu . Corn, bu . ., Oats, bu ...49.0 4) ...75,000 ...99.0U0 12J, 00 45,(0) 78,04 Kaasa City QraJo Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Nov.' 8. WHEAT De cember, &c; May, 97i. Csh: No. t bard. 88H9.2ttc: No. 3. 87(!'H9o! No. 8 red, lu; No. 8, $u. CORN-Deoember, 51o; May, ' 6,14,0 Cash: No. $ mixed. KfaWc; No. $. llaSc; No, 1 white, 5c; No. 8. tifibe. OATS No. 2 white-, 44fi46c; No. 1 mixed, 43. jh. r. - 1 - . .. . HAY Weak; choice timothy, $U.50tffli35; Chon e prairie, $11.09ftll.2G. v ' KYE-Steady, 73c. Pt'TTFR-t reamerv. 6c;' f.ertfln. 18c ; L(3QS Finn; extra, 22c; first. 22c, - . . ' Roceipt. Bliipmenl. Wheat bU. 6S.O1.V ... , 18.0) Corn, bu. 11,000 14409 Oats, bu. ...'..'..!....;'.!. 117,W) - 8,000 Kansas City options;,' , ( " . Opening. High.) Low. Close ! Yes'y. Wheat December May Corn Dtember May 81 14 M14 8U4 8914 '97 IH4 63 $34 51ti! r- 64S6l'tl66l Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov 1-W.l EAT De cember. H.041; May, $l.lVl 4; No 1 hard. $1.03Vk$1.03''u; No. 1 northern,' $l.l.2'4 tjl(; No. $ northers, $sa:fc4l.00; No 1 northern, f4V.;Wc. FLOI.R First patents, $6.50fi6.6; .ec ond relents, $5.3044 M' I first clears, $4.3ti 4 4; second eleara, 13.C04j3.70. " FLAX Good demand; closing prices were ll.ifV To arrive. 11.114. Milwaukee Oral) Market. MILWAIKEK. Nov. 1-WHtAT-No. 1 northern, $l.i8trl.0t; No. $ northern, SWifi $1.02. , ' V BARLEY Firm; (ample, 71cffl.0O 6vcuj"rir,,,; No- ' CMh- My. Peoria Market. rr.imiA. ov. 1 on.N-Hlgher; No. $ yellow and No. giadi-, too. I, -'c; No. . 61e; no OATS-Sieady: No.' I white, 47fcfl42c: N, 4 while. 44HH147C. . WHlSKY-4)n th basis of $1.65 for flnlshrd goods, Liverpool Grain nnd Prorlalons, LIVEfPOOU Nov. a.-WHEAT-6pot quiet; No. $ red western winter, 6a lid futurea steady; December, 8 8Vd; March 6a 4 rf: May. 6 4d. . CORN Spot ay; prime mixed Amer ican. 6a 9d; futurea firm; DeoeuaOer, 6 kiad' January, 6 6H4- Cotton Market. T. LOIMS. Nov.- t-OOTTON-FIrmer; middling. 10c; sales, 40 bales; reoelpts, bales; shipments, none; stock. 1118 bales NEW ORLEANS. Nov. t-COTTON-Spols were firm, with prices showing an advance of He on all frd-. Bale, lico bales; tow ordinary, 6c: ordinary. U-i,--goid ordinary, me; low middling. w: middling Juc: good middling. li4ac; mid dling fair. 114 ; fair, 1; atock. 139 377 bales; receipts, 7,97i balea Wool Market. BT. I)t'7S, Nov. 2--WOOL Quiet; me 'um grades, comhlng and clothing. tKo i.'-: rglit hne, nsiJr; heavy fine. II 1K; tub washed. 2lfc OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle cf All Kind. Cloia tha Week ' About Steady. HCGS CONTETTE TRAVXUNO UP iheg a Lasnb I Llgkt Receipt All th Week Price oa Meat " Kind Qarr to Forty Cent Lower. SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. J. lt)7. Receipt wero. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday lot l.$70 . 26.610 Official Tuesday tW l.S'J 7or Ultlclal Wednesday $.737 (.447 .947 nnvpii Tlimsday 3.9-7 2.H '1 Offlcal Friday $.805 2.116 $.175 Estimated Saturday JjO t.M I 8ix days this week Z2.72S 13.8T.1 65.819 Pam day laat week. ...Jo. 26X9 $7,919 ' Same daya $ week ago..3.Vs5 27.01 $9 09 . came days 1 weeks ago..S7i 17.4SH came oays 4 weeks ago.. 32.4!) r "i Same days last year.... $4.3x4 27.976 T6.2SJ int luiiuwiii tain snow the teceipt of cattle, hogs and aheep at South Omaha for the year to data, compared.-with last 'sr i.i7 Inc. Deo, Cattl 1,019.777 978 S 141,4( Hog l,f.21,07 $,li$ .601 9R63$ Bheep L76,3w I,lhU.ll7 ii.e following tauio Suo.. th averag prlie of Lou buuth Oaiaiia for th ll several day with oumpirisons: Date. I 1907. lui.l906.!W4.,l-J.il1,iHl. Oct 23.. Oct. 24... Oct. 2$.., Dot. 24.., Oct. n ., Oct, 2S... Oct 9... Oct. JO .. Oct. 31.., Nov. I... Nov. $.., . 8 70 I 19) I 141 4'A. I M9 I 13 44 t 16 4 94 4 K 4 92 13 I 66 13' 06 4?H 4 94 i 4 K 02 (1 t 05 67 6 10 4 90 4 94 3urday, RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Omaha 1 r,it& nr. Chicago 12Mfi7oO Kansas City 1 6f 40 St. Louis 1 Z.ffi 7 in Sioux City !.00.0Q l inr-g 80 t 2'04). 'j6 t.66tl70 of stock a: brought In today by eaoh road w Cattle. Hog a. librae. 1 I 1 16 .., M. Bt. F , Dnlon Pflciflo 1 C. & N. W. (east) C. N, W. (ea C. N. W. (w B. ft Q. (0 C.. B. A Q. (v west) $ east) 1 wentl It C R. I. & P. (aat) Totals I 36 $ Tfi disposition of the day' receipts' wa s follows, each buyer purchasing th number of head Indicated: Cattle. Hutu. Sheen. umana racKing to... Swift and Company.. Cudahy Packing Co.. , Armour ft Co Cudahy, from K. C... Kingman . ft Co 890 63 33 141 127 443 107 n 132 ' wismeth Independent Packing Co. ju i nrw, ................ Held over Totals 127 A1J0 ZMi CATTLB Receipt of tattle Were very light this morning Is alwgy to b expected th last of the week and ther Mas not really enough cattle on sal to mas a teat of th market. The total re ceipts this week have been very hinh llgiusr Uian for tho previous wseK or a year ago, aue, will be readliy unuerstood, to. the ehort on the Pari of commission men to Indue the coufliry to hold th cattle back until the financial conultions brighten. It was hoped by this means to I prevent what might have been a dlsai- vruvis break in price had receipts been overly Urge. The wisdom of 'commission men's action is shown by th fact; that while the market broke sharply during th first two days of the week the decline ha been pretty much all reoovrd during th last three day. The suppl" of cornfed beef steer I never very Urge at this seanon of the year, but it hitu been (matter tti) usual -this week. In tact,, tlciv have not Pfen enough fat cattla in the yard to really maae a market or establish . quotation. At th sam lime ther ha been a very fair In. quin on th pari of nackers and the feel. Ing at th close of the week Is that any thing deslrubio would sell right tip tq last week priees. The upjily of beet Steers ha consisted almost entirely of lang steers, but th ottering vtm of cliai kind have not been very large. While racker started out th beginning of the week -Tory 'poor buyer, ther gradually Increased their purchase until they wer back to normal th latter part of the week. Prices which were pretty badly demoralised on Monday and Tuesday have ' als4 strengthened up and at the close of th week the decline has been recovered, so that the market Is now Just about where It was th latter part of last Week. The market on cowa and heifers suffered very everely during th first two days ot- th week, largely because receipt of that kind of cattl wer very heavy. Later on packers orders Increased, they berom. Ing very freo buyers. The demand from tin source was materially Increased by large buying demand from outside packer nil shippers so that the market during the last half of th week w in a position to advance sharply, At th clo all th decline of the early part of the week ha been recovered and the market I In a food healthy condition. It would be a good plan, however, for the country to move rather cautiously and not take any chance of flooding the market, until general Dual, nes condition have d tiled down to an entirely normal condition. The buying of alockar and feeder early In the week was very much Interfered with by th uncertainty to what action banks would taks In honoring checba and drafts and for time would-bo buyers from the country were 4n a waiting mood. Everyone wsnted to be sur that -.Hie money with which to pay for cattle would be forthcoming before either buying or selling. ' In consequence of the limited de mand In connection with liberal receipts, prices declined, whll cattl accumulated in the yards. Later in the week, a It be came apparent that parties having trioney In country hanks wuli have no difficulty in securing the wherewith to make settle ments, buying became more tree. Th low price acted as a great inducement to free buying tind th surplus cattle wer cloanod up a well as th fresh receipts, At the sum time "prices' rapidly firmed uo and t the close of th week ar fully (t good on week ago. In fact. In some case possibly a little atronger. Fit III il(Vuro HOGS Receipt thla morning wer very light, only thirty-four cars being reported tn. Thero wa a very good buying - de mand on th part pf and the mar ket opened a big 6c higher. The early sa'es were mostly at ti. for th general run of hogs. loiter on $170 became a popular price for such hoga a shippers could use some of tho sales, being 6ul0o higher than yesterday. Packer did not. tiear very anxious for the hog at th advancA and the most of them wer holding hack, not seeming to care about getting many heg at the current prices. For that mason the market eased off a aoon as shippers had filled their order and closed with con siderable of th advance lost. The receipts of hog nav been the light est th' week in a long lime. Everyone ha advised shippers to go (low and feci their way rather than rush th hog to mrket when tner waa no knowln what th demand might b. Th demand, while conti acted, haa been fair gll the week aud with light receipt the week started out with a good atirr sdvgnc over U) close of the previous Week. On Tuesday a part of the advance was lost, but from that day on until the close of th week the rnar ket gained a little every day, At the clos4 of the week the market Is r)i26u big.i.r than the cloae of th previous week or 3W higher flan th low point of the year to date touched on Friday, October 28. SHEEP Ther wei no riesii reoe'pt pf sheep or lamb this morning and only comparatively few holdovers, pretty nesrly everything hsvlng been a-ld bef irf th e)oa of th market yesterday. -The totl re ceipt for th week show a very heavy fall'pg off as compared wth the previous eek and with a year ago. the drcreaae having been due, to th eil.ct on th part of th coinmUslon man to keep the etuflf back whll financial condition at the hlg market point wer so unsettled. la spit of th moderate receipt both bar and st all other market points there haa been general decline all along th line. Th con illtlon prevailing her bv been very llt tl different from thoss reported at other markets, ther being a general (omnia nt f groatly seduaad buying, whlub 4 p expect under axisiuig clrcumstancre. As on financial disturbance cam te Ihe urface, packer everywhere seemed to limit their buying to actual necsealtiea. There a not th slightest dlnpoe: U..11 4 anticipate want, nearly all of them adopt. Ing tn hand to mouth pol'cy lo the piltr of buying. During th early part of th week price declined, but Ok market ha steailled down toward the cluae so Uiat tn week ended with a liiU better (rtuuA I i 141 71 $ 99 I 5S'.M5 S IM IK " Uv I i oil 1 it : 4 9M $ OSl f Sli 6 9 4 93 4 97 6 61 I H 4 93 69 6 18 I 4 il 4 98 M i 7 ml 64 6 79 I I 00 I 67$ I Holts. , R e. t,A 7?u. 4 4Hi4 90 prevalent on fclllers than earlier In the week. Still prices are 26c to 400 lower than last week taking th market a a whole. W till the feeling I now better, s noted shove, It must be understood bat th de mand I still rather limited and no great number of kliler I wanted at any point, although g few sell quite readily. Th feeder trd all this ween was of a dlsapiHtlnUn and unsatisfactory character, but no mor so than was to be expected under existing conditions. Th uncertainty on th part of both buyers and seller re kaiiilug tii action of bank In paying tot stuff rrstuiallv disooutaged trade, frlcea during th early part of the week declined on .th aeneral run of feeder tjl'c, al though, light lamb held pretty pearly, steady. 1 lie feeling that price war very low and that faadlng sheep and lamb of all kind aex worth th money naturally stlmulsted th demand to soma extent and thr w connldarabl buying onthe patt of those who haa the rnoney wher It was Immediately available. Th talk th lat ter part of th week among operator on th market waa that whll big run might bring about a temporary break It looked Very much aa If th market bad practically touched bottom and was not likely to a- vory mucb lower. . Quotations, i n good tn choice . kUK-r; Umbi, $6.8634.40; yearling wethers. $4.75'i $.26; wethers, $4 6044 7tf; ewes. M.'"4 11 Quotations on feeders: Lambs, $3.6O7r6.90j common lambs. $4.tttf6 36; yearlings, 44 n) 4.76; wethers, $4t'a4 6i: wes. $.U0a$.ja; common ewe,. $l.uLtif.S0; aged breeding w, $4.CDtJ.00. CHICAGO 1,1 VH STOCK MARKET Cattle- tady, Hon' Strong; t Skad Higher. CHICAOO. Nov. I. CATTLK Receipts,' tulit fcj lA k .....l.. - A u a kAA. tmr'i, im !-., lit ex 1 91, t mm u urvvrB, $.Vy?f7.0O; cows. $1.9IK&'4.90; calves, $4 lti 7.00; Texan. $J.4tf4.&), western, $$.C0Hyj.4Vj; stocki rs and feoders, $2.4n'4.60. HOGS Recelhta. about T SOO head: market strong to a shsd hlslier: lights. $,.7iu.6: mixed. S3. 80 30: heavv. 8fi.4iV7iS.30: ruUih $S.4ttr,.fj niga, $4.t?'4j6.70; bulk or gales, 86. 96." SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts, abou 1. 00 head; market steady; natives, $3 2.V.9 6.26; westerns, H 60S.a); yearlings, 5.04 6.76; lambs, H.KQ4-. ' Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, Nor. CATTLE Re ceipts 2,010 head, including IiiO southerns; market steady; choice export and dressed beef nteenr. $3.60itll.40: fair to aofld. 84.5W9 6.60; weatern eteers, $326ti4.00; stockers and feeders. $t.90g4.6O: southern steers. ti.K) i3.76; nutlve cows, $1.6tVa3.80; native hetfrs, $2.73.93; bulls, - $2.0til.U; calves, UMt 6.75. Uecelpts for the week. 44,800 hesd. i HOGS Receipts I.Otie head: market strong; top. $.1.65; bulk of sales. $. 75.80; heavy, 8.V.rS.8o: packers. $f,706.86; pig and lights, W OO&XWi. Receipts for the week. 2S9 0 head. SHEEP AND LA MRU- None; market nominally' steady; Ismbs, $8 rr.6fi; wet em yearlings, $6.0ttf9.2; stockers snd feed ets, $3.6o4j.23. Reoelpts for (he week. $6,000. tiekd. St. Lools I.tve Stock Market. 8Tr-LOt'IS, -Nov.- 8 CATTLK Receipts, 8,000 head, Including 600 Texan; market steady; native shipping and export steers, $6.1616.40; steers under 1,000 pounds. $3.&04i)4.26: (looker and feeders, $2.000 4.60: cows and. heifer. $J.60tJ'4.6tf, fanners, $1.262.00; bull, $1.60&4.50; calves, $3 0007.00; Texa and Indian fleers, $2. 601.00; cow and heifer, $1.23 W3.45. $.000 head; market lower; pigs and lights, $6.21(16.20; packers, 620; packers, eavy, $S.0u 4jp ouicners ana ne 4.26. - . SHEEP AND LAMH3 Receipts. 1 600 head; market steady : native muttons, $3 oO I iu 0.D0; jamos. iioiff ( ou; cuiis and bucks, $J.09C 4.00; stoclura, $456 6.00. ft. Joseph Live Stack Market. T. JOSEPH, Mo., 1 Nov. $ CATTLE-. Receipt 633 head; market stesdy; natives, $4.2iff6 26;- cows-and heifers. $1.76y4.50l torker and feeder, $8.2694.26. HOUS Receipt 2,178 head; market 6q higher: top, $6.6; bulk ot sale. 6.77SV85.80. SFTEEP AND IAM 8-Rereipts none; market steady; lamb, $6.00$.&0; yearlings, $5.0136.60. . lanx City Live torts Market. SIOUX CITT, la., Nov. $.-(8peclaI Tsle- rram.) HOG8 Receipts. &00 head; market f?10o higher, telling at $$4.70 bulk, $6.6) tjf 66. . . . CATTLE-Recelpts. 100 tiaad; market un. changed) beeves, I4.fc0-fl8.00; cow and heif ers, 2Ku4.O0; tocker gnd feeder, $3,003 $4.00; calve apd .yearling. $2.603.60. . - Stock in Sight. , . Receipt of live stock at tha six prln. Cipai wtstarn niarnei jesieraay Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, South Omahg. floux City.,., Kansaa City., ft. Joseph.... St. Louis Chicago Total .... ... 160 , .. 100 ...$,600 , ,. 138 ,..$,600 , , . 600 2,800 809 3,000 2,3 78 8,009 7.008 1.600 8,000 ,,...$,213 18,678 8.600 (HI Rosin. NEW TORK, Nov. 2. OILS Cotton. !eed, etsadyi prime crude, 2(o prime vol. ow, 29c. Petroleum, Arm; refined. New 'erk. 11. 76; Philadelphia and Baltimore, 8 70; Philadelphia and Baltimore, in bulk, 4.96. Turpentine, ateady, 4o. ROSIN iea4y ; trained, commoli to good. $4.40. bA y ANN ak, aa., NOV. 3. OIL spirits turpenttna, Arm, 48c. I ROBIN Firm. Quote: A. B and C, 13 10: fl 1 10- V. 11 Rfiffil III' I.' it mi I 1.90: fj, S 907 8 96: H. 4.0to4.86; T, 14.24; K, $4.764.80; M, IS.Osfl.lO,; N ie.eotjMJi yo, $6.o; ww, $1.10. Isi and M !. KEW TORK. Nov. $.-SUOAIl-Raw, stegayl fiir refining. 8. 4fte; centrifugal, 86 test, $.9oe; molasses sugar, $,06o refined, stedy; No, 6, 4 doc; No. 7, 4.66c; No. $. 4.5 o; No. . 4 4c; Ko. 10. 4 c; No ll. 4 sue; No, 12. 4 J6c; o. J3, 4.$0c; No. 14, 4.1$o. Con. fectloners' A. 4.90; mould A, 686; cut loaf, 6.70c; crushed, $700) powdered, 6.10c: gran, ulated'. AOOei out-. 1.260. MOLAaSES Steady; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, 87648c. Movements of Speele. NEW YORK. Nov. I -Impprts of specie for the pert of New York for the week ndlne today were Hg.ine sliver and $180,87$ in gold. Export pf apod from th port of New York for th week ending today Wer $HT1,10 silver and $610,060 gold. In. port of merchandise and dry good at th port of New York for the week ending October 2 wer valued at $17,816,623. Bee Want Ad Aril th Jiest business Bolsters. ' ' Handsome office southeast corner fifth floor V One of the handsomest office suites in the building . will be available November 1st. It consists of two rooms; a email waiting room, facing east, and a larger room on y the southeast corner. In connection with the mite 1a a . large burglar-proof vault. These offices are above the noise and dust of the .treet gnd have a pleaiant utloojc . " on the court house grounds. With the south light, they are particularly cheerful in winter and in summer al$raya bi.v the benefit of the bouLU breeze. The price of this suite is $G0.00 per month. The Bee Building has well earned its reputation as the best office building " , In Omaha. The building is" absolutely fire proof and ra ' always mentioned among the. best examples of office architecture in the country. The elevators run day'and night, oa Sunday as well as week days. Tenants rr cive most courteous consideration and are given many advantages in the way of service which no ther Omaha office building attempts. There are several very choice offices' vacant at this time. Offices are never vacant long in The Bee Building, so that it will be advisable for you to call at once, T For office epace apply to ' It. V. BAKER, Eupt, Rooa 418 Bee EI-, COSDlIIoJ OF OMAHA TRADE Financial Situation Ha Checked Spot - Bmineii Except Qrooeriea, ADVANCE SALTS HZAVTXST EVER WIsUmU Dry Goad $ Millinery lloase War Flrat to Fel Flnaa- -rial grlaareaoy 0tok Dig; Moilk. While other wholesale nierkete my boast that the "buying power" of their customer hs not been crippled: by th holding Up of ch and extension of the check systems, by the banks, Omaha wholesalera frankly admit that the situa tion ha hut off th epot business, espe cially In dry goods and mlllmery. Grocer ar nlilng th ttua line, and In the usual quantities. The flnanntal world doe not em to have a direct connection with th grocery trade, consumer do not atop buying thing to eat a quickly fs they dq thing to wear and luxuries fof he home. For thin reason th grocr will not lose profit during th elreulatlon of Check a money. , Hut other line must wlt for the golden I stream that h pegnn lo flow toward New 'York, befor their bustnes revives. t 1g , likewise in regara to conecrion. . pioj even rners enn arart are oeina reoaiveii bv the wholesalers, who declare that foe the last week collect tons have beon elowet than at any time durln th yer. regard, lose of the fart that they hav lust dona the bes; bualpe during October eve tocoraoU tot that, niynt-. .. , ' . .". v - j i Things G roe era Are Selllngf. Cannad good have advanoed 'during; th week and th prediction Is that they wll Continue to advance. Ther I m hortif. In everything, from the mpst common vegetable to th best of fancy fruits. The line re largely sold out and faetorle r sending out short deltverl, cr.mpelini th wholesaler to do th am. -CaUtw'"1 dried fruit will be Utile racier. Th pew ratriln crop la coming in, and a It 1$ a large one, the price win be' low for ex ceptionally fine good. buckwheat and pancake flour are celling liberally, and the outlook i food for 'a large trade. As buckwheat has advanced. $l per barrel, flour which do not contain an ounce of tha favorite pancake Hour will have a large sale. Qooda which sell by the package have not advanced, and there are a number of new line On th market, offered by Minneapolis millers. Despite th fact that th pure food law have made It necessary to have all maple ayrup pure, and made of the sag of maple treee Instead of various sugwes, extracted from everything, which will produce sugar, th price ar th aam aa formerly and no advance are recorded. There has been no change In the eugai pr coffee market for some time. Che Is weak and dull. The new do is on the way to market .and th Japanese varieties are higher. Native rice will b about the same a last year and IS o a good grade except In sections wher ther ha bn too much rain. . .,, Dry Ged Hold Flrat. While sales ar not lur. cotton good have hdd level during the past Week, and there have been no advance In glng. Iisina, prints, tloains, duua.s or eamurlus. A'thougn th nulla, which roanuiactur ducks ar Increasing their production, luey are still unable to keep up wlcu the tat mands of the trade and ar obliged to hold pi ices at Wiial seem 40 D a niah level. Not only are dress goods eelltna; .freely for next spring, but ther - ate many duplicate "cuitUig-up" order coming b (or winter goods, the duplicate orderg being heavier than lor many year. On heavy suitings. tancy oneviois, trjedcloins, storm rge and material culuble for separate slrts, the late fall trade e wl iisiained. Ilegarding th . aprlng trails, retailers ar selecting the .-f ancle, an 4 it I predicted .J hat they will ge better than for the pat year ot Q. ,..Vlttt the retail dry good dealer, whet I needed 1 the lifting of a financial gltuatlon, which ha cut down their trad, and a spell of cold weather. The latter would do Store to stimulate the movement of goods 1 - 1 anything else and duplicate order for winter good would drop tn to lh whole salera. . I The shortage of help la aUll. gerlQus ?ueatlon with the shirt maker and Inanu acturers of ready to wear eotton goods. Lai is manufacturers In Oman hav fered every inducement to girls te operate their niachlnes, from furnishing meal to paying belter wagea than ever before, but are running short each week of thlr cdei$ for winter and spring. Omaha has proved the Ideal renter for the millinery trad. The past season Is th brst when anything like a Drat class whole, ale millinery house ha sold good from Omaha, and at the end Of a short summer Season, and fall and. wlntar . o dor Chipped several week ago, th milliner pronounce Omaha aa Ideal market and r port that they have not only he.d the trade which they enjoyed when located in othef cities, but have opened- a big trad in new) territory. " Price of headgear have not descended, because of the elimination ot fancy eong. bird plumage from the hate, but vainer' how advance, beeaus of the expense con nected -with, making th . plum. Irom Chicken anil duck feather. Soma of the effect are surprising and th maker have succeeded in placing wings of almost any bird of the glr on hats and manufacturing the wonderfully tinted feathers from those pf whit chlekens. - Robber Trad le Good. Leading In gain among the wholesaler re the rubber houae. Rain for a week at a time during early Ootober Caused deal ers to sell rapidly from their-stock and frequently th holdover Wr 'all cloned up. Much a trade ha put tii merchant In a good, mood to buy new stocks for win- , ter, and the trade haa been heavy. Th tfmand for large, fresh and clean stock haa been the heaviest for yar and th rubber business in Omaha I far front ba in" the least In the wholesale, dietrlot, Shipment of holldy g'Kidi ar going out and within two week all th flrt orders will b in tha retail store. The whoWaU drug house selling them report a ood trxle, and especially on tii better clans of stuff. Candy factories of Omahg will work day and night for th next few, week fill. Ing order for holiday candle and It will b. Chrlatma eva before the laat ordr 1 filled at the rate they ar being fll.d. Re ordering will begin about th tin. tii ean.ry makers get well -undo way , tk flrat lot.