i I THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, NOVEMTtETt 4. 1907. if Want - ads Advertisements for the waal nd eolamn will he Ukra III lln. for the, rrralac edition and 111 9 p. m. for the morning: aad Saadar e-dltloae. I ash moat accompany all orders for want ada aad advertisement will be aeeepted for les lhaa 10 reals far ae drat Insertion. Rate applr either Ike Dally or Bandar Baa-, : Always raaat alx word fa lln. 4'osablaatloas of ialtlala or aaakcra aat a on word. C ASH HATCH FOR WAJtT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Oat Insertion, par llae, 10 vest, i'wo or naore eoaseeatlve laaarllona, per liar, a eeata. ' Bark laeerttoa made oa odd da 7a, 10 cent per llae. fl.SO per llae per month. SPECIAL ' CLASSIFICATION II year advertisement la Inaerted aader aar one of tke claaatflcalloa given below. It will ke ehairajrd at the tol- lonlaf rate i Oa Insertion, 4 eeata per llae three to alx eonaecatlve lu nectlons, 3 eeata per llae eaek laaer lloai seven ar more consecutive lo art ton a, 2 eeata per lino eack Ineer - lion SO reat per line per moats. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. HI SINE8S CHANCES. HELP WANTEDFEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Except Agent. Solicitor and Sate mta. OFFERED FOR. SALE. Cowa, ' Blrda, Doc aad Pet. florae aad Veklcjea. Ponltrt- aad Faraltare. Typewriter aad Icwlaf Machine. Flaaoa, Orgaai and "Maalcal Inatra- menta. i OFFERED FOR RENT. Farnlahed Room. Untarnished Horn. Housekeeping; Room. -Boardlna aad Rooma. WANTED TO BUY. Want ada for The Be mar be left at aar f the folowlaor drag; tore a la "roar corner draggUt" ther ire all broach offleea of The Boo aad roar ad will bo Inaerted Jaat aa promptly aad on tbo name rate a at A mala offle la Tk Beo Balldlna, loTenteeatk aad Farnam Streata. Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Beranek, 8. A.. 1402 8. 16th Bt. Becht Pharmacy. 720 8. lth Ht. Benson Pharmacy. Benson. Neb. Bemla Park Pharmacy. 33d and Cuining. Blake's Pharmacy. S16 Sherman Ave. CaiiKhlln. C. R., 6th and Pierce Bt. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2213 Military Ave. Conte, J. B., Slat Ave. and Farnam. Crlesey Pharmacy. 24tli and Luke. Cermak. Emll, 12U4-6 8. ISth Bt. Eastman Pharmacy. 4046 Hamilton. F.hler, F. H.. Wl Leavenworth, roster & Arnoldl, 218 N. 26th Bt. Freytug. John J., U14 N. 24th. Florence Drug Co.. Florence, Neb. . . . ..i ...... O.MK mnti T W trOIUiriMU -miiiiwt v ' . Green Pharmacy, corner Park Ave 'aclftc Greenough. 6. A., 1025 8. 10th St. Greenough, Q. A., 1624 8. 10th Bt, Hayden. Wm. C, 2920 Farnam Bt. Hanacom Park Pharmacy, loul Bo. nd 29th ye. ... . . Hoist, John. 624 N. 16th St. Huff. A. L.. 2924 Ieavenwortn Bt.. King. H. 8., ZS Farnam Bt. Kountae Place Pharmacy, 3604 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Cq, 1624 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Cha. E.. 1824 N. 24th Bt. revton. 1 E.. 24th and Leavenworth, afatoga Drug Co., 24th and Am Ave. UchaeUr Cut Price Drug Co.. lth and CBcheefVr, Augul. 2031 N. 16th St. Bcnmldt. J. II., 24th and Cuming BU. Storm Pharmacy. 16th and Martha Bt. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 4trth and Cuming. Walton Pharmaer. 20th and Grace Worth. O. H., aot and Hamilton 8t. ANNOUNCEMENTS DAY SCHOOL I - NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES SCHOOL BOY LES BUILDING, Omaha . Bookkeeping. Shorthand and Tpewrltlng. Telegraphy, English, Btudenta enrolled every day. Big catalogue free. Address H. B- Boyle, Preeldent.. Omaha. . U)-698 I ni A rrVT. 1TM School of languages. vyuai""' French, German. Bpan Ish. David Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. Day and evening claaaea. (I) M8K9 Nd BIQN FAINTING S. H. Cole. 1302 Douglaa. . (1 6A MUSIC Kvery Evening Hotel Rome. (!? ITHB CITT GABBAOE CO.. office 4th and LeavenwCjTth, 8t.. Tel. Dougla Ij!7-. AUTOMOBILES BKND for mir Hat of aeoond-hand automo bile. DERIGHT. 181 Farnam. (2)-701 NEARLY new 24-horae power. B-psaaenger louring rarj atorage battery, full top." Urn pa and equipment; cost 11.460 In May. 1907; only run 3,o.i0 mlli-a; in first -claa shape, at a bargain. D. V. 8HOLK8 COMPANY, 110 Board of. Trade Bldg. (2v-y? BARTER AND EXCHANGE W ACREH. WELL. IMPROVED, FOR BALE OR, EXCHANGE. 7 mile from Grand llnd. Neb. Address Y M. care uee. (Si-MW) lOx VX)R SALE No. and So. Dnk.. Minn, and Alberta lands, or will exchange for mer chandise. Taylor Realty Co.. Athol. 8. D. (Hi-M963 7x . FrADKS. TI1ADKS If you have , some thing for aalo or trade write us; we match verylhlrg. WAIT INVESTMENT Co.. , -310 Bee Uldar., Omaha. (K-M140 Dec. 1 WANTED To exchange. 240 acrea Norman county. Mluneaota. land, all under culti ailon. for a good clejn stock of mer 1 cliundise of Vi.uvo or less; must be In good shape; no trading or run. down siock v anted. Lock box 23. Calumet. la. 13) MSS2 9x EXCHANGE 20 cottages, all In good repair, all rented, well located In town i t 6.1'jO proplv; will exchange' all or a litany an dsired for land or merchandise. For particular write J. P. Faltor-, Platta mouth, Neb. (3-M244 I BUSINESS CHANCES l)MUO.N' sense, a little money,, and quick action will gel you tn on a ground floor Al proposition. 1 muni have an associate, i.'an arrange Installment plan for fy inent. Addresa P 621, care Be. t4)-M345t FOR BALE-i'.OOO tock of shoe and flx lurea, ill good location; Block Is up-to-date. C. D. Burgau, St. Cloud. Minn. ..... 4 M12T X ESTABLISHED drug buslnee at big re duction. No cut pncea on patents. Will consider real eataia. Address H 4. rare He. (4)-M:Se x THls COMPANY doa a general real estate and loau business; a ecialty ut looking up good farming lands and locating cast era people on them; let us hear from you; we cau eerve you. Eureka Land Com pany, 411 Buchanan Bldg . Portland Ore. . . (4 M1U1 NovTx i 1 1 ' KKWPPAPER SNAP Newspaper and printing plant lu live town of feu. In Rice ouniy. at hlf price; will produce over twut par month ; price I.OOO; beat oppor tunity In Kansas- Bremyur A Henqer aon. McPnarson, Kan. (4--M1j0 tx XH 8ALK Implement building and eom plat uew mm,, la Norm Loup valley. fx.l location, good countiy, and good pvople: pno and te'u on application. Address Y ;h. care Be. H) M: s'aix IiKl'U BT''!K.S far sale everywhere. I". ' ikiileal, JJJ4.'Y. til. Omaha. 7t,T BUSINESS CHANCES Continued.) ROOMING houses for sale, all alxe. Oan gestad. 43 life Bldg. Tel. Douglaa 34!. t4)-7t TO I JET IN OR OUT OF BUSINF CALL ON WILLIAMS. 411 HCAOUH BUILDING. loTH AM) DODOE FTS. I 14) 70S RK AUTTFUL Rush & Lane upright riiano. almost new. Party giving up lousrkeeping. 810 8. 3oth St. (4) M264 & FOn BALK Modern equipped dental office In Omaha; cmh receipts for Oct. 1957.60. Address H 565. rare Bee., (4) M277 5x NEWSPAPER "for Pale Special. dally weekly, Kansas fount y seat town of 7,000, 25.0i); handle many other. Write for free Hat. Mutual Brokerage Co., Topeka, Kan. (4) M212 9x MINING STOCKS M8TED AND UNLISTED. ARTnUlt DAVIDOV & CO., Stock Brokers, ' . S04 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. 'PHONE RED 1294. (4)-391 N24 A TWO-TRACK BOWLING ALLEY (Heap; in rlist-rlas condition; will take cash or part cash and something that I ran use; this la a snap for some one, Merrill Bower, LeRoj-, .Minn. (4) M837 4x Do You "Wish to Make a Change? IF YOU have a farm, home, . business or property that you wish to sell r ex change, write us. GLOBE) LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. OMAHA. NEB. (4)-M281 11 FOR BALE OR TRADE Small residence and lot In northern Nebraska town of 1.200, Will sell or take good automobile tn trade. Price $1,000. Address Y 63. car ol Bee. (J M9b4 7 FOR BALE 2-chaIr barber ahop, with bath tub; bargain If token at once. Frank Roat, Randolph. Neb. (4I-HM4 x A GOOD opening for a No. 1 attorney; ha writer will give him an efflc free for one year; all kind of business for the right party. Sidney I the county seat ana we need a good, honest man. la quire at once, L Box 316, Sidney, Neb. (4) MliS4 Nov; 4x DO IT NOW Buy a first-class lunch room doing a good business; cheap for cash It sold at once; owner going to the coast; thin la a snap; get busy, W. t. Hhultc, Redfleld. 8. D. (4) M261 tx CAN you Invest SX monthly? I have leased the Endleas Belt Street Car Advertising Device for two state. Too big to handle alone. Investigation will make your head bulge out. You'll have to hurry, thougn. Address O (20, car Bee. 14) M346 f BUTCHER SHOP In good town 400. near Omaha, for sale, with or without build ing; some cash required; answer only It you mean business. Address Y 85. Bee. (4)-M376 5 FOR BALE Drug stock and fixtures, nearly new; will Invoice Il.SuO; cash price, tl.200. Doing good business; other busi ness demand my attention. You must be quick if you want this. J. H. Poynter, Graham, .Mo. (4) M8S7 tx FOR SALE Tinning and heating business at Hastings. Tibbets, Moray & Fuller, Hastings, Neb. (4)-M112 Wx FOR BALK 20-room furnished house, fine location; full of boarder. Address O 371. care Bee. (4)-75 NovISjc LADY with furniture wishes a partner In rooming house; must have capital. Ad dress F 478, care Bee. - . 4 10 7x FOR BALB An up-to-date pop factory, old cheap if bought at once. Address 11. C. Folk, Liberal, Kan. (4) MSG? 4x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attoraeys. Collections made everywhere.1 Charles E. Smith, 404 Bee Bldg. Telephone Doug las S3S7. (K) 831 8 Commercial Artist. 1 If. O. BUNNELL & CO., 822 N. Y. Life. Douglas &U9. (5) 708 Carpet Cleanln g. SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1519 Farnam. (EJ.-709 Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO.. uceesor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. (S) 710 Chattel Loaaa. Chss. D. Btanton Loan Co., 601 Bee Bldg. Chiropodist. DR. ROY. R. 2. 1606 Farnam St.. Doug. 47. Daaclna- Academy. MORAND'B claaaea for dancing, opp. Bur wood theater; lessons for adults Tues. and Frl. 8 p. m.; first loaaon privately; success guaranteed. Call or Tel. Doug. 1041 (6)-lil Nov7 DrraamaklBB'. IN FAMILIES Mis Sturdy, Tel. Harney 1368. (5)-714 M' DO WELL Dressmaking School, 123 Far nam Bt. (6) 716 MME. WOODRUFF. 223 Neville Blk. Tel. Dougla 6170. (6) M101 N8 Deallata. BAILEY aV MACH, Sd fir. Iaxton, D. Mao. (6)-T13 Florist. HESS & SWOBODA, 141 Farnam. (o)-71l U HENDERSON, U1 Farnam. Tel. D. 1X3. . . ' (6-7l7 J. H. BATH. 16Z3 Harney. Tel. Doug. SOX). i ,1 ' 16-T18 Hat Reaevatera. NW Stetson hat sold at half prlc. 220 Ho. 14th Ut. W. A. Ranuen. Practical Hatter. ' (6) M976 U1 Hotel. TUB SCHLITZ, Europeah, 16th and Harney (5-719 Jeweler aad Watchmaker. N. P. STILLING Wat oh.' clock, Jewelry repalrlug.. 2-3 Paxton Blk. Tel. 4S7. t5)-720 Locksmith. s KEYS, etc., Hefiln, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D. 2974. (8) 721 Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS., 41$ N. Y. L. Tel. D. 164. (5)-7d Dr. Bowser, over 1&02 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370. (I) M9 Decll Oflee II applies. , FILING cabinet, files gnd ledgers, loos leaf .device and office fixtures and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., M Uouth Ibtu St. Tel. Douglas f. J. (51-MMO Nil Prlatlag. ( BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order don t full to see our alegant imported line. Lyngslad & Jorva, printer. U and Capi tol Ave. Si)s3 HIGH-GRADE imitation typewritten let ter and job priming; no job too large or tuo small. Anchor Publishing Co., 4 8. 18th Bl. Tel Dougla 6&o2. (6)-M13 Dec. 1 Photographer. C. I TRCSSELL, 115 South Hth St. (6-734 safe. Shatters, Ete. OMAHA Safe and Iron Woiks makes a SfM-cially tf lire taiatnrs, sLuUera, doors end aafra. G. Auuiean, Prop. 1-2 8. I'th H- . tij-7J II u Wan! more business? More money? How? Asltllie steady advertiser. He'll tell you "use BEE want ads" BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) Store Rrpalalag. BTOVR and furnace repairs; water fronts; F.xcelslor nd Marvel furnace. Omaha Rove Repair Works, L.tie-8 Dougla Bt. Tel. Dougla S). (5) M275 Novll Shoe Repairing. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.. flrst-clss work. WISH Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 9U4. (( HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory aad Trades. GIRLS wanted; good pay; steady work. Apply any time. Bemis Omaha Hag Co. fi)-M481 NovlJ WANTED An Ave. ipprentice girl. 1909 Capitol (7)-16S N7x WANTED Mangle girls; experience not necessary. Kimball Laundry, 1M1 Jack on St. (7) 288 WOMEN- for day work; housekeeper waitresses, 135. Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. (7 727 Hoasekeeper aa Domestics. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; good wages; no washing. 4819 Cass St. 'Phone Harney 1061. 7)-69 WANTED Girl for general housework; good wsges; small family; also nurse girl. 606 8. 2th Ave. (7) 728 WANTED A . good cook and experienced second girt. Apply at 386 Harney street. Telephone Harney 3048. Mr. N. P. Dodge, Jr. , (7)-M976 WANTED Competent cook, good wage. 1120 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 966. 7)-131 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework: small family. Mr. W. J. Hyne. 2504 Harney. (7) M847 4 WASHWOMAN. Tel. Red 237S, Council (7)-M892 6x Bluff. GIRL for general housework; no washing. 3816 Burt St. (7) 1V8 7x WANTED Second girl for housework. (7) M138 4 Tel. Harney 3016. WANTED Girl Xor housework: no wash ing, no cooking. 1329 8. 31st Bt (7) M2dl 9x WANTED Girl for general housework; 5 in family. 8824 Lafayette Ave. (7) M162 5 Miscellaneous. LADIES and girl to stamp .transfer at home; easy learned; 11.60 to 82.00 doxen. 60 Paxton Block. (7)-M932 6x WANTED Helper In dressmaking at 1618 I. S. (7) M163 bX WANTED Bright, Intelligent business woman; must have some money to In vest; permanent position. Address C 626, care Bee. (7) 960 6x HELP WANTED MALE Ageata, Solicitor and Saleenaea. CALENDAR SALESMAN The Whitehead A Hoag Co. desire a thoroughly experienced local and traveling representative for an ex ceptionally fine line of art calendars! copyrighted designs, reproduced from original painting y quadrl-color and art-gravure processes; man of sterling character and exceptional ability only desired. Full particu lars, details, etc., at personal inter view. Address only, H. K. R., N 619, care Bee. () M299 4 WANTED Young man a traveling Kales- man by local firm; knowledge of our business not necessary, but- must be a hustler and sober; give aga and past ex perience. Address K 628, Bee office. (9) J04 ARE you out of work? Call and see us; good hustlers make good money. C v. Adams Co., 1619 Howard St. (9) 729 WANTED Competent retail clothing and room rurnienings saieaman; nrt-ciass references required. Address The Metcalf Co.. Council Bluffs. (9) M146 8x WANTED Solicitors to travel In nearby territory; prefer those who have had ex perience with subscription book or por trait. Addresa F 6, Bee office. (9) S63 Boy. GOOD boy wanted; first class pay. A. D. T. CO., 213 s. wtn Bt. l) 130 BOYS with wheels can make $35 to $46 per month; $36 guaranteed. Postal Telegraph Co. (9 MtiS2 N4x WANTED Neat office boy. Apply Omaha Prlnting'Co., 10th and Farnam. (9)-M979 A BOY from 14 to 18 year for ofllce work. Nebraska Clothing Co. () 9j0 4 TWO BOYS, not tinder 16 years of age. to deliver packages. Nebranka .C lotting uo, 9)-949 4 Clerical an Office. WESTERN REF. BOND ASS'N, INC. 721-722 New York Life Bldg. Hours 8 a. in. to 6:3) p. in. Bookkeeper, married man. Council Muffs, 175. Office clerk, $ti6. Stenographor, commercial, $6u. Anyone in need of a position should r.-e 11s without delay, our connections c-natile us to place you on short notice. (9) M370 4 WANTED Male stenographer; state aire and previous employment; appllcBtlon In own handwriting. Address F 63, care Bee. (Pt-Mlfij 6x Factory aad Trade. CHICKEN PICKERS WANTED. Good room to work in, well lighted; plenty of work; oome at once. LXAKl.MJA POULTRY. BUTTER AND EGG CO., Creaton, la. (9) M291 Sotx WANTED Tailor to work in alteration department; will pay good wage. O. K. Scofteld Cluak ar.d Eult Co., lt19 Douglaa. i$j-;3i POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. T . Lire, Omaha. r) 731 CHICKEN PICKERS WANTED We wnr.t men at Beatrice, Neb., lo pick chickens; will pay Vtc for hena and apiings. bwlfi and Company, Beatrice. OI-M30K 22x WANTED A firat-clas coatmaker; coats start at $8. Ole KJelmyr. Mitchell, 8. D. (9I-M172 Novlx A FIRST-CLASS all round country printer wanted at once; muat be capable man. job and paper work; wages to matcli aervlce; anyone wanting permanent posl- ' tion apply now; save our pontage if you are on the bum. Franklin County Tribune, Bloomington, Neb. (9)-Mi 5x WANTED At once, w ashman and ens; neer; iiuat be able to run shirt machine: steady jub; $10 per week; amali plant. J. C. Hayea. Paula. Kan. (9- -MS.il 7x COATMAKERS wanted at once; riieee. $8 and up. Carl P. Lindecrama. ioldrege. Neb. (i M49 7x WANTED Men to learn barber trade: will equip ahop for you or furnish positions; few weeks completes: ronolant practice, careful Instruction; tools given; Saturday w-s; diplomas grsnteU; catalogue free. Moler Barber College. 11 H. h Ht., Omaba. (,;-.Ml 15 7k o HELP WANTED MALE Factory aad Trades lent lanrri. ONE COATMAICER, "i60 up, and pants and vest maker who will help bushel; week or piece. Addresa John Bennett. Chad ron. Neb. () MS80 6x WANTED Wood metal and Iron pattern maker. B. ChlUrrcn Mfg. Co., Council Bluffs, la. ( M8C0 Mlac FRET3 Employment Bureau, supported by Dusiness Mens association; helps work men find positions. Call 842 New York Life Bldg. (91-828 Nov27 WANT railway mall dorks; salary 1800 to $1.40(i; examination soon; extensive educa tion tinnecesHsry ; preparation free until appointed; write for plan. Franklin Insti tute. Rochester. N. Y. t9) M119 4x "STRENUOUS IJFB." If your services command 7i per month, or better, send for cur four plans to as sist one to obtain employment. "Any line, anywhere." "No registration fee." No commission." Address Circulation Department, anv office. STRENUOUS LIFE PUBLISHING COM PANY, Incorporated, 1181 Broadway. New York; 728-732 Main St., Buffalo; 218 LaSalle St., Chicago. t MH74 9x GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to laca eigns, aismDuie circulars, sample. .In X" . . ........ ! , , etc. reau, Chicago, III. (9)-MU3 81 HUSTLERS wanted 'everywhere; 83 to $30 made weekly distributing circular, over seeing out-of-door advertising. New plan No canvassing. Merchant Out-Door Ad vertising Co.. Chicago.. (9)-M130 4x SOUND young men. aged 18 to 85. for firemen , and brakemen during rush sea son on leading railroad hero In the west and on new lines being completed; experience unnecessary; firemen, $100 monthly beX-ome engineers. $200; brake men. . $100 monthly, become conductors. $160; many position now open: write for particulars. National Railway Train ing Association, 620 Paxton block. Omaha. Neb. 9-lM Nov7 WANTED Man with small capital to man age branch office in outside territory Addrea 604 Observatory, Des Moines la. 9)-M244 Nov22x WANTED-Mlddle-aged man. must have Dusiness ability and some monev to In vest; permanent position to right party. Address B 625. care Bee. (ft) 9",9 6x HELP WANTED "ALU AND FEMAI.F. wan TLD Men and women capable of earning w.ouu per year to sell the New International Encyclopedia In Nebraska. South Dakota and western Iowa. Inaulru at office, 718 N. Y. Life, Bldg. 110) M245 6 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Iloraea aad Vehicle. ONE 2-seat, two runabouts, top buggy, all rubber-tired, hack harness, one double express harness; one or two horse. Come In. The Harney St. Stables. (1D-734 WE are selling - delivery wagon, teaming gear, buggies, carriages and harness cheaper than any other firm in Omaha. Johnson-Danforth Co., 8. W. Cor. 10th and Jonea 8ta. -f . (11) 735 SECOND-HAND delivery tfagon. 1 buggy, 1 phaeton,-cheap. Murphy Son. (1D-M215 NW FOR SALE Belglgn stallion, weighs 1,850; black Norman, weighs 1,700; both Im ported; must sell in- 60 day; am moving away; both sure breeder and get beat' of colts a bargain. B. I. ManU, Audubon, la. (11)-MJ8 N7x FOR SALE A good, heavy spring wagon and a single hame- and collar harneas, cheap. Room 214 Krbach Blk., 209 South 16th St. (1D-M6I9 HORSE8 bought Douglas. and sold. Myers, 1U (1D-830 N27 BUGGY AND HARNESS. $25. 2218 N. 18tli St. (1D-M857 4X ONE good driving horse for sale; also set of single harness. Edward Updike, 36U Farnam St. . (ID loi ONE bay horse, 1330 sound. 2116 Wirt St. lbs.. 8 year old. (1D-M354 9 Pool try ad EaTT. FOR SALE Single-oomb Buff Orpington cockerels from prize-winning stock. Ad dress Robert F. Beutel, Buck Grove, la. UD-M302 N21x GOVT, book Omaha. free. Model Squab Co., (U) M267 Dec 2 IX3R SALE Orphlngtons, butt and white, from llrst prize stock; great egg and poultry fowl; reasonable prices. A. B. Robblns, Robblnsdale. Minn. (ID Mlti 14x Cows, Birds, Dogs and Pet. FOR SALE Fox and wolf hounds; dog from 9 to 13 month old, $15 per pair; broke dogs, $30 to $40. For particulars ad dress Klffe 4 Son R. F. D. No. 1. Cam den. Mo. (ID M884 6 PIGEON RIVER COLLIK KENNELS, breeders f high rias Scotch collies. We have at stud Conqueror. Jr.. A. K. C. ?9M5. is a rich dork sable, with perfect white I utarKings; iee iLb.oo. vvtnnoa Clinker, a promising young trl-color, long head, per iod ear coralne; fees $IO.0'l. Brood bitches III whelp; also young stock at all times. Address 11. H. Engeikitig. Sheboygan. !: ill M2 14x MEDICAL ANY poor girl In need .of u friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at Slttt N. 24tli B1., Omaha. Neb. (It) M10t FREE medical anil surgical tivatment at Creiglilon Medical college. Hth and Dsv enpoit Sts.; epMClal attention paid to ran ruivmtnt cafi; all treatment supervised by college professors. Phone Douglas 11U7. Calls anvwcied day or night. ll.l) 120 BK8T nerve bracer for men. "Grav's Nerve Food Pills." $1 a box. postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omahu. - G3)-7J Rl I'Tl RK CURED No knife, no reten tion from business. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO.. over W. cor. Hth and Doujlas. Ojnaha. J (131737 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY A D CHATTELS THE UNION LOAN CO. Have Increased their capital and during November will make apetial lates on col lateral loans, mortguges. on personul l'roperty and nol.s without sevuriiy. Teilas to suit. Tel. D. 294. 310 Bee Bldg. (14)-i22 Nil Boweii, 703 N. Y. Lifo Bldg. advances private money on chattels or sal ary; eaty tu get; no red tape. You get mopey tame, day aalied for at small coat. Ope:i evenings till 7. (141741 FURNITURE, live Hoc, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co.. loom , Barker blovk. (14)-7lO LOWEST ratea, chaltelr or salary. Ne braska Credit Co.. :14 Board of Trade. (14--4i 1IONE1 LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices 111 Hi principal cilice. Tulmau, room 714 New York Life BIJr. (14)-7 CHATTEL, aalary. and loans. Foley Loan to. xtorage reteipt Ijc) k arnam St. (14-74: EAGLE 1AJAN OFFICE Reliable, accom moaattiig. all business cuundanlisl. 11 Dougk (1'747 MONEY TO LOAN "alary aad Chattels loatlaaed. Plenty of Cash Open n account with us. We kive you CASH; no checks but cold hard CASH. Terms to suit. Liberal rebate if paid be tore aaie. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg., at the head of the lth St. entrance. 4,14) M00 FOR A SQUARE DEAL OO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loans. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phon Dougla 746. (14)-748 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding aad Room. MR8. JOHNSON'S boarding house, open to public Sunday, Oct. 13, upstair. 1108 N. 19th. Webster 2448. (15) M27JN12 FURNISHED rooms, with board; close In; private family. tA Cass. Dougla Hn. (IS) M216 NovlO VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (15) 717 DEWEY European Hotel, 18th and Farnam. (15)-748 MODERN room, with board. 2or Burt. (l.D-163 NovS FURNISHED Capitol Ave. with hoard. 2411 US) MU1 NovJOx THE PLEASANTON has beautifully fur nished rooms; warm and large; everything strictly first class; with home cooking. 2324 Harney. 116) 904 6x DESIRABLE furnished room with board; 1 large room suitable for three. 123 80. 25th Ave. (15)-M927 6x ROOM AND BOARD for four men In pri vate family; strictly modern; references required. 3228 S. 23d St. (15) Mill 8x TWO large front rooms and alcove, east ironi. eosra. 412 jno. aa bt. (16) M402 Nov. 25 MODERN room; first class board. 608 S. 06) M285 Dec2 34in Ave. Farnlshed Roam. 128 S. 26TH ST.. Iarg6 east front room, ault- able for three gentlemen; house strictly modern; roomy porches; large, ehady lawn. . (15) 766x TWO furnished room In private family for two young men. modern, with every convenience. Call today. 3026 Dewey Avo. (16) M3U5 6 ROOMS! Wo have hundred of tliem. OMAHA RENTAL COMPANY. Douglaa 3881. 308 N. Y. Life Bldg. a6)-M371 4 Tel. 2 NICELY furnished room complete for light housekeeping 3018 Davenport. (15)-M378 10 PLEASANT room; new modern home; hot water, heat; Central boulevard, near Farnam. Gentlemen only. Tel. Harney 836. (16) M129 8x OMAHA Vsn Storage Co. pack, mov, store H. H. goods; storehouse, 1U0-34 N. lKth. Office. 16n Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1BG9. 06) 760 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1H26. gchmoller 4 Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. (l)-74 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cheap frelarht rates, movlm i1 itnma Expresamen's Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas i4. nil l FURNISHED ROOMS for colored gentle man, near car line. Mr. Bank. 1403 N. 18th. 'Phone Webster 8B. (16)-M278 Nil ' TO GENTLEMEN, well furnished outh east front room with alcove; modem; Private family. Tel. Harney 2295. 703 B. 29th St. (16)-43 6x A LARGE front room suitable for two gentlemen, in private family; half block from car line. SS24 Lafyette Ave., Bernla Prk. (15)-M337 6x a NEWLY furnished rooms, In new house. with or without board;, everything mod ern. 107 8. 31st St., on block north of Farnam car. a5)-153 4x NICELY furnished room, suitable for two gentlemen; bath, gas,; cheap If taken at once. 3510 Cuming St. (18) M348 6x BEAUTIFUL apartments, furnished; pri vate family. 2006 Bt. Mary Ave. (16)-877 4x. PI.EA8ANT south room; reasonable; gen- .-inrn preierrea. Ml Bo. I'tth Ave. (15) 908 5 TWO south rooms, strictly modern, private ..unit-, naming: uisiance. JTM. tttd. D31S. 06) 168 TWO all modern furnished room, parlor floor. 2669 Dodge Bt. Tel. Harney 3875. (15) 286 WE move pianos. Mageard Van and Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 1496. Office, 1712 Web ater Bt. (16)-753 STEAM HEATED room, $J to $6 per week. Ogdcn Hotel, Council ' Bluff. (15I-M62S N12x LLLGANTLY furnished room, private family; best location In city; reference re quired. 'Phone Doug. 4901. (IS) 347 11 CHICA JO Modern, single south room; ain.ping or ngni Housekeeping; 16 per month. Bed 6678. (16) 5o2 8x MODERN furnished front room. W7 Cnn.- (la M135 N7x FRONT room for gentlemen. 1950 H. 10th r- (151187 Nov9x NICELY furnished rooms. 1916 Capitol Ave. (lot M195 Nov20 SMALL but comfortable furnished room, 650 8. 26th Ave. Harney 8370. (16)-M274 . Vafarnlahed Room. 6 ROOMS modern without heat, references. 2i67 Douglas St. (16) M243 6x TWO large modern front room. 24t Capi tol Ave. (15) M291 ix Apartment aad Flat. AN APARTMENT, Davldge Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. Apply Apartment No. 2. (15)-T54 Housekeeping- Rooana. I FOUR rooms, furnished for housekeeping or sleeping; one or all. 'Phone Webster 3oT5. 2226 Miami St. (16) 366 FRONT nlshed. room, alcove and kitchen, fur- 0' a. zitn Ave. (151 M266 6x FURNISHED Jackson bt. rooms. housekeeping. 1712 ii:.i-.M3J 9x Faralshed Roaaea. FOR RENT 31M Chicago 81.. 7 luomi, large bath room, attic and laundry; nrst cisss furnace 145. (151-755 Ho a are aad Cottages. WEaJT FARNAM DISTRICT, brand new 8-room brick huusu. corner 35th and Dewey Ave., qurll'-Ka wed oak finish. A. C. Busk. -'Phone Harney 980. (151-M296 tx 8-ROOM houae, modern throughout, loca tion the best In town. 2)6 8. 3nth Ave. Telephone Douglas ! for par-,,"lrs. Wm. H. Bodemann. . (15i M173 11 HOUSES, insurance, RlngwaH. Barker Blk. (16) '(.l WES'l' Farnam district, new modern T-room houee, 31st snd Deary Ave.: ouartei tfwed ouk finisti, gas mantel, gaa and electric light shaoVs furnished: built for my own home; will rent to desirable party, lo per mouth. Tel. Douglas ttiD U6;-n:a tx OFFERED FOR RENT lleaaes aad Collaaee Coatlaaed. FOR RENT. West Farnam district, elegant 7-r., new, all modern house. to Park Ave., g-r., all modern " Oft S72 B. ;th, -r., all modern 3o.ro 213 litpit"! Ave., R-r., partly modern.. 17 60 2i:4 N. iitth, 4-r.. modern !!. 1WH Vinton, 7-r.. city water and gas.... 10.00 THE BYRON ItKED CO.. 'Phone Doug. 27. 212 8. 14th. tlo)-M27S I FOR RENT-New ( room cottage, modern except furnace; 3012 Charles St. $22.60. Seven-room cottage, modern except fur nace. al$ DaveitKrt St.. $2.0w. Two room In Davldge Hldg., $2ft. JOHN W. UOBB1N8. 1802 FARNAM 8T. (1)-MK2 4 9m N. 18th, i;os s. nth, nace ). t room, all modern $26. 10 rooms, modern except fur- B IT. MIS, PAXTON BLOCK. 'Phone Douglas 686. (15) M844 FOR RKNT-Elght-room modem house. 414 North 31st St.. $.16. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Building. (1D-M1SR WEST FARNAM DI8TRICT 8137 Daven port St. (8. E. corner). 10-rooni, thor ougly modem house, excellent repair, beautifully arranged. Will give lease at $6 per month. Apply to Conrad Young. Ul$ Dodge St. (IS) 756 60S So. Jlst. new 7-r, sll mod., $40. 703 No. 40th. 9-r. all modern, $40. S413 Charles, 9-r. all mod., new, $S5..... J' No. !th, 8-r.. gas, water. $1. . . J224 80. 17th, 6-r., gas, water, $15. O'KKBFB REAL ESTATE CO.. 1001 N, Y. Ufe. 'Phone Dour. IJ.V. (1S M365 9 NEW seven-room flat. 313 No. 26th street, and ven-room house, ail Chicago; both hot water heat; strictly modern. In quire 2611 Chicago. (15) M169 4x FOR RENT 4S0S North 24th St., iz rooma. modern except furnace, $22. (1)-M977 FOR RENT 7 room and reception hall, detached house and barn, 2910 Dodge St., strictly modern, mantel fire place, plumb ing, gas and electric fixtures and deno tation all first-class, comparatively new, clean and ready to move In. Call for key at 2906 Dodge St. Tel. Harnev 1141. (15) 272 5x FOR RENT 6-room cottage at X614 Boyd St.; all modern except heat, $20. C. G. Carlberg, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)-M!S4 EIGHT rooms, modern except furnace, In good repair, rent very reasonable. M. J. Kennard & Co., 810 Brown Blk. U6)-M97S 8-ROOM modern; close to South 24th St. car. 2610 Pierce St., $30. O. C. Olson,' 101 South 16th St. (16) M343 5 SIX-ROOM house, modern except furnace, $18. Owner pay water rent. 8114 N. 24th St. Tel. Webater 2t2. (16) MlflO 4 NINE-room modern house, 2062 No. lth Bt. Call Telephone Harney 819. (15)-M253 FOR RENT Modern 8-room houae, plna tered attic, two block from 24th Bt., line. 2670 Poppleton Ave. (16) 767 HOUSES m " Prt of 11,8 clt- IlUUDMCreg, Bon Co.. Bee Bldg. 16)-75 1564 Ts'ORTH 20TH, room, new, modern except furnace, $23. Rlngwalt Bros., 808 South 16th St. (15) M27 4 A VERY desirable 7-room cottage, 2617 eeward Bt., 826 per month; no furnace. Key at 1620 N. 26th St. (15) M313 5x HOUSES ,n " P'irU of 11,8 cl,y- Ptr (16)-759 LARGE 6-room cottage, modern except fur nace. 1634 8. 28th St. Inquire M. J. Oreevey. 'Phone Harney 2330. (15) 1S5 FOR RENT 4-room modern cottage, W. Bi 37th Bt. Tel. Webster 645. (161762 New (-room modern house. 2708 Bristol St. (16) M126 IX $36.00 Strictly modern l-room brick houae. 13U1 B. 28th St. (16) M300 6x -ROOM house; all modern; West Farnam district, jei. ijougias go. (lb) M840 tx MODERN 8-room house, on car line, .good location, $30. 2110 Lake St. (16)-tt7 ,. Banding. " BUILDINGS FOR RENT. All or part of the. 5-story and basement building now occupied by Carpenter Paper .913. N. Y. Ufa Bldg. (15)-M&4 x FOR RENT Private laundry at 7W South 2th St. r . ., (15) M294 6x Offleo. THRLB offlce on second floor - of . new Conservative building, 1614 Harney St.. modern and conveniently situated In the business center; oak finish; best of sun light, heat and janitor aervlce furnished can b leased separately or en suite. HASTINGS ac HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam 8t, (15)-M131 3 FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building. 417 N. 25th St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. (IE) 134 DESK room In new Brandela Bldg.. with 'phone and stenographic service. Address 0-654, care Bee. (IS) M349 WHEN you write to advertiser remember ' it take but a few strokes of the pen to ay that you saw the advertisement In Th' Be. Store. DRUG STORE Best unoccupied location , for local drug business in city; will alter and lease to right party. Also A-l gro cery location. BEMIS, 808 PAXTON BLOCK. 'Phone Douglas too. (li)-74 ONE store room in new "Scargo building in South Omaha, near postofflc. with lighted basement, modern show windows and a wirings; best possible location. Hall Dis tributor Co., 817 First Nat l Bank B'dg. 'Phono Red 7406. (16)-765 WHEN writing to Advertiser, rnmambar It takea but a strcke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Be OFFERED FOR SALE FendBaT. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing 5c per foot. 206 N 17th Bt. Tel. Red $14. fl6)-746 Faraltare. COMPLETE furnishings. Uu-room modern, steam-heated houae; cheap. 024 Webater. 'Phone Red 7176. (li-MM $x Pianos, Orgaaa, Masiral last aaeata. HIGH GRADE SQUARE PIANOS At Olve Away Price. Hteluway Sons, fine tone, only .VS Chlckrlng ac Sons, good appearance U Emerson, carved legs 15 Other standard aqua re p.anoa and organs, $16, Zk M and up. All makes to select from. These Instru ments are fully guarsnteed and will be accepted on any new luatruiueiit 1 at full value any time within five year from date of purchase. Terms. $J to $5 cash and lie to 76c. per week. New piano for rent. Ex pert tuning and repairing. All work guar anteed. SCHMOLLER Ac MUELLER PIANO CO., Tel. Doug, li.iu. v 1311-1213 Farnam Bt. (11-77 $276 ELEGANT upright piano, mahogany 1 use, used iht months. 11. 416 No. Ud. . (14) 11 tx FOR BALE A beautiful Bush A I.ane up right piano, almnst new.- I'arty giving up houeckerplng. 81u S. -lil St. (lfi)-M2l I BFAUTiri'L Upright piano, a big bargain; it will pay to call and ae it. lxi Dav enport . . . . (ljiU4J tx OFFERED FOR SALE (Continued.) Typewriter aad 9ewlag Machine. FOR SALE High grade second-hand type writer; good condition; a bargain at . Call room U. Bee Bldg. (16) 671 ONE Remington typewriter. No g. in good condition, for sale itap. Call at Bee efflce. O) CM Mlaeellaaaoa. DUPLEX PUMP (no-gallon Worthlngton duplex pump, site 12x10x10. for'sale about October 1. Thl pump ha seen about six month' - actual service and is in good condition; will sell at a bargain. Apply W. II. Bridge, engi neer Bee Bldg. , (10) 670 GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date stock at lowest prices In the city, solevt now. Delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BURGESS GRANDEN CO., S13 S. 16th St. Tel. Dntig. Rvl. (18)-76 SECOND-HAND overcoats Singer, 416 N. 16th. and firearms. , . (16) 774 STOVES repaired and sold. Anything in tove line. Banco. lll N. $4h. , U)-MU4 Nov: ' FEW bargain In 2d hand soda fountains, monthly payments. Derlght, 1818 Kammti. (lty-776 FOR SALE New and second-hand' billiard and pool tables. W lead the world in cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Balke-Collendar. 407 S. 10th 81. 06) 7S HALF PRICE, small monthly payment. Rldpath' Hlatory of the World. Ameri canised Encyclopedia, Webster' New Dic tionary. R. B. Roberts, southwest corner 16th and Farnam. (16) M126 N9 FOR SALE Several show esse, new pea nut master, large cofree mill, two large automatic oil tanks and store fixtures too numerous to mention. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 770 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re. tall. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16j 77t EI.KVATORS for sale in Iowa, Minnesota, North and South Dakota. O. M. Mvers. 210 Flour Exchange, Minneapolis. Minn. (16) M624 Nov.lox SEND IS your mall order for drugs; freight paid on $10 lot. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omha. (16) 772 DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on all $10 oraers: catalogue iree. gnerman Mc Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. 16) 777 FOR SALE Base burner hard coal stove, inquire a. inn Bt. (16) 151 4x aVALT-fl.OO per bbl. Wagner, 801 N. ICth. (16J-775 POTATOES for sale, car lots. Henderson Bros., Traer, la. (16 M404 Nov23 HALL'S safes, new, Id-hand. 1818 Farnam. (16)-777 NAILS. $1' keg. Mary' Art. Star Box Co..' 1807 Bt. tl)-M169 Novax SNAP-F. P. Gasoline lighting plant, $40; 11-foot oak wall caae,$25. Cole Drug Co., (16I-MU4 8x uayton, la. ONE counter how case, floor ahow case. 308 N. 16th St. (16) M141 8x SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. best mixed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (16)-T73 PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, patent attorney and ma . chine deaignar.Paxtou 111. T.eL Red 7117. . . (17) 780 LARSON CO. Book free. bee Bldg. U7)-781 PATENTS THAT PROTECT: Our three books for inventors mailed on receipt of 6 cents postage. R. 8. A A. B. Lacey, Room 29-39 Paclflo Bldg.. Washington, D. C. Established 1869. (& M7S2 PERSONAL YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha aa stranger are Invited to visit the Young Women' Christian Association rooms, lolii Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. . (18) 815 LADIES and gentlemen are cordially In vited to come and aee the greatest In vention of the age; prevents all mis placed and open switch wrecks, also en ables the engineer to take a siding while the train la In motion. P'ji N. 24th St., South Omaha, Neb. (1S M2&4 Nov2x PLEATING Btmo,KRuclfi'ng, 1 UUn I HlJ, Lmbroldery. Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrinking only 6c- per yard. 8end for price and sample. llOI.riMAV PI.VATtVfl f'O '10 Dougla Bluck. Tel. Douglaa lWti. (Ul 7W MAONETIC,re",mer't n1 0,lt- Mm. (1$) M THE SALVATION ARMY aollcll caat-off clothing; in fact, anything you (lo not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th Bt., for cost at collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phon Doug, 4135 and wagon will call. (18) 780 OMAHA Stammerer' Institute. Ramge (l)-7tt Building. PENNELL MILLINERY CO., 1511 Douglaa. (IS) 187 N17 8YRINGE8. rubber gooda, by mall; cut 6 rices. Bend for free catalogue. Myera 'Illon Drug Co., Omaha. (l8)-786 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs UT. ning. um N. 24th. Tel. Web. Stf-H. U8)-77 WANTED At once a good home In 11 Chrlatlan colored family for my 4-montha-old baby.. Mr. A Cli-unlng. Oep.ee-1 livery. Omaha Neb. (1)-M377 MASSAGE and baths. Room t. 1J Farnam St., 2d floor. (la) Vu7 Nov','6 WB RENT, repair, sell sewing mschlnes. Neb. 16th and Harney. needle for old Cycle Co., Cor. (18 MUt IADY operator, excells In massage and surub baths. Room 'JOO Barker Blk., 16th and Farnam Sts. (18) MX 4s FAIR,- halthy. satin skin bestowed by Satin Skin Cream and Satin Ekln Powder. J- .. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE? DEALERS. RU6SELL ft M KITR1CK CO., 482 Ramg. (1)-7W PAYNE INV. Dougla 1711. CO., :at floor N. Y. L1f. (19) 79 fc COMANYf Tol. Douglas 7'A (191790 GEORGE 1601 Farnam. PETERS TRUST CO., N. Y. Life Bldg. . . (19) -791 I. SIBBEHNSEN. room M. 130 So. 16th. (lai-MlM CITY mOPERTY FOR I4L8 walkinTTdistance , 7 and 8-room house. Inquire of W. I' Griffith, owner, 26il Chicago ft. . (19I-M148 4 FOR SALE New, tnodrrn. f-room eottsge In north part, A-l location. 'Phone owner, Harney 2177. (18)-M668 N18 14,600 ' will buy elegant t-rwm, modern house at 414 N. 81at h ; east front, paved si reel, permanent sidewalk, beautiful lawr.. Iarg shady treea. Kaey terms If nm-essary. THOMAS BhENNAN. Room L Naw lurk Life Bldg . i)-:i S