Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' " . . ' ' TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY HEE: NOVEMBER 3, 1007. . A
P"???fT!f,'?,??,yf''hhM,' IISJI L I lit -a W sa anasSWSani Sn aaap-aSail 1 II l-anassainSsnanannaniaaaasanmBaMWaa
Talks on Teeth
Fundi in West Transferred en Bonds
la Hew York.
aviates , Banks ft err ire Information,
la Time to Preoaro for De
aiaada af Today CaIaaeae
Great So of DsvatUul OI:'( 3rji3loth Flr.3
Im jrtai C ik'a.i Sp ji Pr3' an 1 .Simile
Q3.7j Quality Per Yard Quality G2.69 Per Yard
; Depend upon it, Chiffon Broadcloths are always the height of dross elegance and more
than tret this season). You never had such beautiful fabric priced to you at anything near
these prices. In fineness of texture and finish, they are the kind that give the desirable air
of elegance by their rich, satiny luster, which is permanent. London sponged and shrunk, will
not spot with water, ready for the needle. We would be pleased to show you these two spe
cial numbers. They are something new in broadcloth. You will not be urged to buy. COME
fj Its ,if rr
: 1
Corset News.
True it is that any garment
which has fitted lines should be
made to conform to the figure.
But the function of the corset is
a degree mores. It must make
the figure outline that the outer
garments fit. This is Imperative.
We know a corset that is equar
to it. It is the WARNER'S RUST
PROOF LING, a make of cornets that
has been tested thoroughly by those
versed in corseting and never been
found lacking in a single corset essent
ial. There are many models in our stock
models that vary in shape to suit
any type of form and varying in price
from fl.Otl to 3.50 a pair.
'"Security" Rubber Button Hose
8upporters are on every pair. Let one
of our corset expert fit you to a WAR
Second Floor.
Main Floor.
Millinery of Taste and Individ
" uality.
It is easy enough to buy millinery,
But to buy millinery that has style,
taste and individuality is not so easy.
It is this sort of head wear that baa won
for us the proud reputation that we have
attained as being the real fashionable"
millinery center of Omaha.
Real Parisian hats are on show
Francois and Louise models. These
French hats are dreams of lovliness.
Our own style organization adds many
pretty hats. Wish you knew this mil
linery business as well as we do, bow
hard we really work, how we hold to
our staff the best talent we can get.
New hats are constantly coming down
from our busy work room to be tried on,
admired and bousht. For real fashion
able millinery at uiodeBt prices, come to
Thompson, Belden St Co's. 2d Floor.
m wfu Dirr.Rico woniN
A Beautiful Showing of
New Styles In Suits That
Combine Fashion, Tailor
ing and Quality.
Our Cloak Department is the
recognized Fashion Center of
Omaha, for everything which
is choice and good in ready-to-weaf
apparel for women. Many
new models of Suits wrll be
shown MONDAY. Every sty
lish color on exhibition. All
garments stitched and pressed
by men tailors expert fitters.
Our Suit Stock is now at Us
Prices for really handsome
Suits $30.00, $35.00, $40.00,
$45.00, $50.00.
Second Floor.
The Wooltex Coats Await
Your Inspection.
The World of Fashion has ap
proved Wooltex garments and
women of taste and judgment
accept the verdict as final. No
need to look further than the
Wooltex label. Every garment
guaranteed, and sold in Omaha
by Thompson, Belden & Co.
Second Floor.
Special Sale of Fine Bed Blankets, Monday.
The? celebrated "Beacon" Blankets in white with
dainty pink or blue borders. '
Our regular $4.00 grade at $2.98 a pair.
Our regular $8.25 Quality at 88.29 a pair.
Our regular $?.60 quality at $1.98 a pair.
"MAISH" Laminated Cotton Down Bed Comforters at
$3.00. $4,00 each.
All Wool Plaid Blankets at $4.50, $5.00 a pair.
. Bath Robe Blankets at $1.78, $2.00, $2.(0 each.
Bed Comforters, covered with dainty SUkollnes, filled
with nice downy white cotton, size 70x78, at $1.26 each.
REAL DOWN QUILTS at $5.60 each. ; -
"MERRITT'S" Wool Comforts at $3.50 each.
Our $1.26 Beacon Crib Blankets, plain white or fancy
Jacqnard weaves, on sale at 95c.
Our 40a Crib Blankets at 29c a pair.
"AMANA" Society all wool shrunk grey blankets at
$4.78 a pair.
"NORTH STAR" all wool grey blankets, special value
at $4.25 and $5.60. 8eo these, feel of them.
ST. MARY'S finest finished, with beautiful borders,
great values at $4.25 and $5.00 a pair. H
West Basement.
Women 'b Gloves Long and Short
The long and short of It is, we have the best selected
stock of Gloves for women in the city, and at much the lowest
prices, for our contracts were pluced long ago. The Thomp
son, Belden A Co.'a Glove service is the best to be had.
Complete line of Trefousse Real Glace Kid Oloves. 12 and
14 button lengths, in black, white, new tans, brown and all
the new and desirable shades, $3.60 to $4.90 a pair.
' ' Fine showing of stylish Cape Oloves, very best makes,
I, 11, 16 button lengths, all the new shades of tan, at $2.35,
$3.75, $4. SO to $5.50 a pair. , ,
Ireland Bros, celebrated Mochas, In black and all shades
of brown, tan and gray,- with or without silk linings, $1.50,
$1.75 to $1.16 a pair.
Complete line of one and two clasp Oloves in Fowne's,
Dent's and other dependable makes, $1.50, $1.75 to $2.85 a pair.
Glove Special.
A full line of one clasp Mocha Uloves in brown, tan, red,
ray and black, special price, - f
Monday, per pair jJAAj
A full Una of one elasp Cape Oloves, In all shades of G-! " ft
tan, and Havana, special price Monday, per pall -1- - Cr
Main Floor.
More New Silks Stripes and Checks.
New block checks, in the pretty new brown, green and blue com
binations. A fresh lot of plaids for waists, especially fine showing
In the sew browns and navy. More of the stylish stripes in the
4 wanted new Autumn colors. In a word, we are better prepared than
ever with these fine high clasi silks at 79c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 a yard.
Main Floor.
Knit Underwear for Women.
Judging by the crowds always buying, ours must be the most
popular Underwear store in Omaha. We plan to make it so by our
unflagging efforts to have the best qualities and lowest prices.
Women's fine ribbed fleeced cotton vests and pants, medium or
heavy weights, 60c each.
Women's fine ribbed natural or white merino Vests and pants,
medium weight, 85c each.
' Women's fine ribbed cream or gray ribbed wool Union Suits, high
neck, long sleeves, ankle length, $1.50 each.
Children's heavy fleeced cream cotton Union Suits, high neck,
long sleeves, ankle length, made with drop seat, 50c, 60c, 75c and 85c
FnT r TFT.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 2--The United
States government came to the assistance
of the Can Francisco- banks yesterday, an
nouncing through telegrams that it had
taken steps to expedite the shipment of
coin to the Pacific coast. This action was
IK. Mmlt - I V, I . I ,1...
: for help from Secretary Cortelyou, A
j vast sum, said to be In the neighborhood
' of 110,000.000, is to be transferred by ths
government for use. of the savings banks.
The government has coin In Ban Francisco
; to the amount of $342,000,000. Of this sum
$303,000,000 la stored In the mint, and $,
000,000 tn the subtreasury.
! Aa effort was first made to Induoe the
j government to allow the local banks to de
' posit their federal bonda with the sub
( treasury and obtain coin In return, but
me aumormee a wasmngion reiusea to
consent to this plan.
An arrangement was effected late yea
terday, however, by which similar results
may be achieved by operating through the
New Tork subtreasury.
The arrangement entered Into between
the San Francisco savings banks and ths
government, provides that such federal
bonds as the local banks have on deposit
In New Tork may be turned into the sub
treasury there.
The New Tork subtreasury will then wlra
San Francisco subtreasury to pay out an
equivalent In coin. The first of this money
will be transferred today.
Dispatches from Washington approving
of this arrangement were received by the
local savings banks too lats ta permit them
to take advantage of this yesterday after
noon. All the banks of San Francisco opened
their doors sa usual this morning. Gover
nor Gillette called a conference of the mem
bers of the Bankers' association. Ha says
Main Floor.
that for the present the legal holidays win
be continued from day to day until It Is
certain that no more danger of a money
panic cxtsta In the state.
Howard. Corner Sixteenth Street.
Bee U-s-07.
Open Saturday Evenings
. ' lt . i " 1 " . " i
financial as well as political history, and
the peraon who doea nut save a cashier's
check will tiiss an opportunity similar to
those who did not .save the onfeierate
money and greenbacks of tha wild-cat
Great Demand fo.r Ckeeks.
Tho demand for the checks has been so
treat during the week that cashiers and
assltant cashiers have been unable to sigh
all the medium of exchange which their
banks desired to Issue. Paying tellers and
receiving tellers have been signing the
checks, "for the cashier," as shown on
many of the new cheeks. Frequently pay
ing tellers' have taken bundles of the
checks to their homes and worked until
midnight signing the paper.
"We have been bothered by two or three
things during the week," said a paying
teller. "Some people do not understand
that a certified check Is as good aa money
it the bank Is good. A customer stood right
tier at my desk Saturday and Instructed a
clerk In his atore not to accept a certified
Check unless tho party presenting It
was known to tha firm. Such things as
that have made a little trouble. Some
checks come back with several signatures
on the back, while some very good busi
ness men have asked customers to Identify
themselves when presenting checks."
Another. peculiarity of human nature was
noted by a bank president during the week.
"Checks have been presented here on
eonntry banks and financial Institutions of
"They have had a tew drawn on cities in
the Holy Land, I believe, and because we
did not cash them at once, they thought
something was wrong. Now, wa never cash
these checks unless we know the party pre
senting them, or know that thvy are good,
and that tha party drawing them has an
account with the bank. Under ordinary cir
cumstances, we take them for collection,
but now they want them paid In full, and
usually want tha rash."
conditions "The o. ' vp 'ghadb
Treasary OMelala Fla Oatlolc Irvai
tslas; Over Coumtrr.
WASHINGTON. Nov. l-Treasury of
ficials are agreed that the flnancta 1 sit
uation is distinctly improved day by day,
and advices from financial centers today
were of a very reassuring character. News
of tha opening thla morning for business
of tha banka In Oklahoma and New Mexico
was received with satisfaction and there
la said to be abundant evidence that the
fear of more or more serious conditions Is
subsiding. National .banks In all parts' of
tha country are arranging to Increase their
circulation and tha treasury officials and
clurki are working overtime tn the effort
to keep up with their vastly Increased cor
respondence;. Several large shipments of currency will
be made from here at the close of business
this evening.
(Continued from FU-st Page.)
those who are urging such action; that it
would tend to emphasize . In the public
mind an apprehension of unfavorable con
ditions which do not exist.
Falling In obtaining an extra session,
those who have made the appeal for It
have presented an alternative or an addi
tional request that the president make a
public statement of tha assurance ha feels
In the Bound condition of public credits.
This, too, hss met with a measure of oppo
sition from tha administration's advisers.
Both suggestions are still matters of con
sideration, although no information what
ever la obtainable regarding directly from
the White house.
Ha is at Preseat la New Yarlt Esdesr.
prlaar to lemrc ramser,
ST. PAUL, Nov. J. Tha Dispatch today
says: Jamea Hill has hands at tha wheel
of the Northwestern financial , skip, and
there Is great confidence among St. Paul
bankers and business men that he will be
ablo to steer things right Mr. Hill la In
New York using his Influence to secure
tha shipment of a million or two of cur
rency to be used in the purchase of grain.
The situation growing out of the necessity
of grain purchases alona la what embar
rasses business conditions In the northwest.
This is the time of year when farmers are
accustomed to sell their crops and If they
cannot sell their grain, then things wilt
begin to look bad. It will take a million or
two of actual cash to handle tha grain
situation as lt should be handled, and this
cash must be shipped from the east. With
the ltd screwed down light in the east, the
magnitude of Mr. Hill's task Vs easily ap
preciated. But tha bankers are hoping for
the best.
a reward of $1,000 had been offered, arrived
from England today on the steamer Lu
canla. His wife and one or two friends
were at the pier and ' he was hurriedly
driven away.
No explanation was offered for his dis
appearance, save that he felt that be had
been kept ia toe close surveillance by phy
sicians and nurses. On account of.Heldol
bar.'s disappearance the Fabian Manufac
turing Company went Into the hands of a
receiver September 4.
J a dare Handler Appoints Cotoael T. G.
Bash for Boatkera Plant?
BIRMINC1TON, Ala., Nov. t.-A ipeclal to
tho Aga Herald from Huntsvllle, says that
Judge Hundley last night appointed Colonel
T. G. BuBh as a fourth receiver tn the
bankruptcy case of the Southern Steel
Receivers 3. O. Thpmpson and B. O.
Chandler represented to the court that
there was a lack of harmony between them
selves and Receiver Edgar A. Adler. . It la
understood that Colonel Bush will be made
chairman of tha board of receivers, and
will be able to raise tha $110,009 estimated
necessary to operate the plants for the
next sixteen days.
Kands Pal la Interest and Dividends
Exceeds Other Yeara.
NEW YORK, Nov. 2. Banks and trust
companies, distributed yesterday $75,000,00(
representing stock dividends and Interest
on bonds. This Is the largest distribution
Of rts kind tn any November la the his
tory of the country. Of the $75,000,000 dis
tributed, $46,000,000 represented interest on
bonds and $30,t00,g00 dividends declared by
Industrial, steam railroad and street rail
way companies.
many years and ths council is now trying
to make the best possible deal for good
lights and good service.
(Continued from First Page.)
Murphy Farley,- D. ., archbishop of New
York, U. S. A."
I have alluded before to tho frightful
ravagea of tuberculosis In Ireland. Now,
happily, something is to be done to com
bat it. A tuberculosis exhibition has Just
been opened in connection wltn the Inter
national Exhibition at Dublin,' and it is to
be worked as a peripatetic educational ex
hibition. It will be taken all round the
country and lectures will be delivered ex
plaining 'to the peoplo What the disease Is,
how it is caused and how it may be
avoided. The king sent a telegram on the
opening day warmly approving the scheme
and the principal address at the opening
was delivered by Prof. Osier, formerly of tna
Johns Hopkins university of Baltimore, Md.
Forirery Is Alleged. '
MITCHELL, 8. V.. Nov. 2.-(8pec!a1.)-L.
A. Gruber of Woonsocket Is alleged to have
forged a check on the Citizens' 'National i
bank, using the name of Joseph Hills.
checks in lieu of currency, though they
have suspended tha practice of cashing
outside checks temporarily. Both banka
here are solid and conservatively managed
institutions and they have never experi
enced any difficulty in meeting alt demands.
In fact, times were better here during the
panic is 1RP3 than in any other year In
that decade.
Sllpa of Paper of Yaryinsr Deaomlos.
ttona Are Now Employed.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. t Little blue, yellow
and green slips of paper tn denominations
of $1, $5 and $10 were put into circulation as
money today by the National Bank of Com
merce, the Third National and Mochanto
Amerlean National Banks. These differed
from the cashier's checks which have been
In circulation for a week In that they were
made "payable to bearer" and that no en
dorsement or Identification was required to
cssh them.
i At ths same time that the new checks
Were put In commission, Auditor Wilson
and Cannier Lottmann of the St. Louis
postofflee announced that checks will be
no longer accepted by the postal depart
ment here In payment of any sort of an
obligation. All deposits to cover postage
on second class mall matter must be made
In cash.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. I.-Half a doacn
loral banks today began Issuing cash(era
' checks. In tunounte of ane, - twe, five and
' ten dollars, to be used In place of 'cur
rency and payable to bearer. Clearing
house certificates also era being used as
formerly. The question of ' issuing the
cashier's checks generally was discussed
this morning. The financial conditions
here continue to Improve, according to
statements of the leading bankers.
Miss Malanr Is Back with Father
and Reported Hasbaaa at
OI Hanata.
NEW YORK, Nov. J. -Special dispatches
from London state that Samuel Clarkeon.
whose reported elopement with Miss Helen
Maloney, daughter of Martin Maloney of
Philadelphia, caused a stir a month ago,
has appeared In London and has settled
down to his former life In lodgings near
his club In Piccadilly. Miss Maloney, It Is
stated. Is not with him and he refuses to
talk regarding her whereabouts. It Is re- 1
ported In London that the young woman
has returned to her father, who wltb her
sister, is In Paris. -
Maaey in Better Supply, Owing
Disbursement of Divide.
LONDON, Nov. 1 Money was In better
supply in the market today owing to divi
dend disbursements. Discounts were firmer
on fears of further gold exports to New
Trading in storks was dull and prices
finished the week with an easy tendency,
the renewed depression In Americans, tis
uncertain position of New York and the
fears of further exportation of gold prompt
ing realizations under which securities
after hardening from the lower levels,
again dropped. Copper shares were firm.
Looking; Info Bfarder Cave.
LANDER, Wyo., Nov. f. 9peclal.) -United
States Special Agent J. E. Flanders
of Washington, D. C, has returned to tho
ahnihnna nfrenr-v In i-nmnM. tho lnu..rl.
Oruber secured the money on the check. on of ,he mufdor f Q . T Untermeyer and others had been heard
amnl)n(l.. tn t7i 9ft am! I Ml 1 ,1 Oil i U 1 1 tV '
" " V - -' which occurred last winter. John Mc-
curea a team irom a livery uarii anu
Knickerbocker Scores Polat.
. NEW YORK, Nov. i Action on the
motion of Attorney General Jackson to
make permanent the receivership of ths
Knickerbocker Trust company was defeated
today for four weeka on tha promise of
counsel for company that In 'time tha
directors will have completed arrangements
for continuing the business of the concern.
A motion to make the receivership perma
nent also was ousted by Samuel Unter
meyer, claiming to represent between $5.
000,000 and $7,000,000 of deposits. After Mr.
(Kvery tooth sets Ju its wa socket.
By tho use of our Alveolar Method oi
Dentistry wa ar able, If yon nave two
or more teeth left In either Jaw, to glvt
you a perfect set, upper and lower, o'
beautiful natural tter. - - '"v
ordinary brldgework or partial platea
We have been piacnc,.
od for tha past four years and a hall
and ran refer you to many pleased
patients both in and out of the city,
Our method of filling, crowning and re
enameling the teeth Is by far the mow!
natural method known to the dental
Her Is a letter from a pleased paU
lent who has had his work for soma
time. Please read lt:
Gladstone, N. Dakota, Sept 24, '07
Dr. E. R. L. Murphy.
Omaha, Neb.
My Dear Sir: The dental work you
did for ma in Chicago has proven sat.
lsfactory and -annot be too highly
praised. Youra Resp'y.
(Signed) J. H. CALDWELL.
We have all the patent appliances
used in Alveolar Dentistry, and w
guarantee that our work la the very
highest class obtainable.
In the past four and a half years ws
have treated approximately ten thous
and cases In our offices many of
thenr desperate ones a large portion
of our work is of the "last resort"
If you have lost nearly all youi
teeth, or are a victom of pyorrhea, and
art threatened with loss of all the
rest, we will guarantee to cure your
gums and tighten your loose teeth.
We can snpply those you have lost
with the Alveolar Method.
If you can come to our office, we win
examine your teeth without charge. If
you cannot come now, send for our
free book, "Alveolar Dentistry," which
explains the method In detail.
Our charges are moderate no high
er than other first-class dentists would
ask for the simpler forms of dentistry.
We straighten teeth, cure loose
teeth and tighten them fill and crown
teeth, end do all dental work pertain
ing to the care of -the teeth.
We' give a written guarantee on all
our work.
Or. E. R. L. MURPHY,
Fifth Floor N. Y. Life Building,
Omaha, Neb.
Formerly consulting and examining
dentist with O. Gordon Martin, 'inc.,
Chicago. . v
the attorney general said he was satisfied
to Isava the matter entirely with the
Th Question of the reopening of soiim
of tho ten banking Institutions which, closed
their doors in this city last week will be
considered at a series of conferences held
at the office of the state banking depart
ment late today. No final decisions are
expected until next week.
Additional engagements of gold In Europe
today for tmeprtatlon has brought tha total
to $29,150,080. .
i Payroll of- Thla Center
Makes Drat a on Panda,
PITTSBURG Nov. i.-The checking- or
scrip systent decided upon here yesterday
Is In general use today by the members of
tha Clearing House association. It Is be
lieved that business men and employes will
accept the plan In the light that It will
Insuie the steady operation of the great
Industrial establishments of the Pittsburg
An exceptional rush of business la being
experienced and the money situation ia
being threatened with serious Interruption.
The enormous pay roll about $7,000,000 a
week had to be met and much anxiety was
prevalent among bankers, under tha ays
tern begun today employers will pay In
checks of $4 $10, $15 and $ denominations,
other sums being satisfied with cash. The
landlord, grocer and butcher are expected
to accept theso checks tho same aa currency.
Many Chllra flscae.
Many children have been rescued by
Dr. Kin f" s New Discovery for coughs and
colds. Guaranteed. . $0 rente and $1.90. For
aala by Beaton Drug Co.
Like tfio rose, It lias
a sweetness "all its
Easily the moat delicious flavor of
any flake food known.
Ve Cooking aVte.alra.
Grooera aril at i and lt cmta
Made by Poetum Careal -Co., Ltd.,
BaiU Crerfc, MUa.
Engagements Are Close (A Thirty
Million Mark for the East.
NEW YORK. Nov. 1-Engugement f
gold for import to the United States, neces
sitated by tha recent period . of money
atrlngency in thla country, are approach
ing tha $30,000,000 mark. Announcement was
made today that the National City. bank has
engaged a total of $1,000,000 In United
Biates gold coin In Havana, for import,
that N. W. Harris and company of Boston
have engaged $10O,0U In gold and O. M.
McFaddun and Brothers of Boston hare
$&. .in gold now eerouta to tha United
Statea from Europe on the steamer Lusl
tanla. These sums bring tho total engage
ments up to $18,150,000.
PITTSBURG, Nov. .-Tha First National
bank of this city has mads arrangements
for tha Importation of $6u0.000 in gold bul
lion of American eagles from London. This
is ths first engagement of gold for import
aver made by a Pittsburg Institution. The
shipment Will arrive en tha Lusltanla next
Heldelaara Again la Mow York.
NKVr TORK. Nov. Seward Heldel
bach, president of the Fabian Manufactur
ing company of Cincinnati, manufacturers
ol women's suits,' who mysteriously disap
peared Irou this city ou August l and for
information concerning whose whereabouts
Mitchell's Clvle Problem.
MITCHULU S. D., Nov. 2. Wuen Mitch
ell's city councU meets next Monday even
ing it is expected thst action will be taken
on two electric light franchises which It
now baa before it. In the. last year there
haa been considerable trouble over the
electric light franchise matters here and
lt was brought about shortly after the ar
rest of C. C. King, the Scotland banker.
With his arrest tha Mitchell Gaa company,
of which ha waa the president, went into
the hands of a receiver, for the benefit
of the parties in St. Louis who hold the
greater share of the .bonded indebtedness
At about the same time parties came hare
from Wagner and aske-1 for a franchise
and guaranteed to furnish lights for the
city and cltisens at a much lower rate.
Their ordlnanoa waa placed on its first
reading, and there it waa stopped; for
with its passage It meant for tha Mitchell
Gaa company to get out of business. The
council, however, haa given tha gas com
pany every opportunity to make good since
then and the indications point to the fact
that with tha aid of local parties taklnj
stock In the concern that It will be able
to secure a franchise Itself and put in a
good plant An expert is here at the pres
ent v time making an Investigation of the
plants with a view of putting in tha neces
sary Improvements to make both I lusts up
to date. It. Is said that the new company
a team from a
started for Alpena, a short distance north,
where ho took tho train for Aberdeen
Aa soon as the check waa discovered a
forgery Sheriff Wise . went to. Aberdeen
and succeeded in arresting his man. Gru
ber was brought back and his examination
held, which resulted In hfa being bound
over to tho January term of circuit court
in tlte sum et $1,000. The young man la
nnder 17 years of age and If convicted
Will be sent to the state training school at
' Adams, who Is now confined in the County
Jail at Cheyenne, made a confession while
'In Jail here last April Implicating himself
and three other halfbreeds, but later re
I pudiated tho confession, Flanders was
i obliged to go back east on account of other
business which demanded his attention,
but will remain this time until ho has
thoroughly investigated tha murder.
Gambling to Be Stopped
LANDF.R, Wyo., Kov. I. (Special.)
It has been learned upon very good au
thority that Governor Brooks and Attorney
General. Mullen recently held a conference
looking toward the "closing ol gambling all
over the state. Tha sheriff and county at
torney of thla county will go before the
board of commissioners at their meeting
next week and ask for an order to stop
gambling, and If this order Is made will
at once close every gambling bouse in the
county. A complaint has been msde by
Harry Ruhland of Thermopolls of the con
ditions In that town and his statement, to
gether with others, la rssponalble for the
agitation upon this subject at tha present
Prlaoner Ilnlka on Deal.
DOUGLAS. Wyo., Nc a 2.-tHpeclal.)-Fred
Johnson, who some time ago shot and
killed V. A. Morris, has informed the
county attorney that he will not enter a
plea of guilty to a charge of murder tn the
t second degree, but will stand trial. As tho
second degree charge was fl)ed against the
prisoner with the understanding that he
save tha county the expense of a trial by
pleading gutltty. It is expected the county
attorney will withdraw the second-degree
charge and substitute a charge of murder
in tha first degree.
Horse 'Ihleves Sentenced.
LANDER, Wyo., Nov. t-(SpeclaL)
Sheriff Stougli arid Deputy R. A- Morse
left thla morning for Rawlins with Charles
Jones, sentenced to two" years In the pen
for horse stealing; Wirt Pickett, two years
for horsu stealing; Charles Connor, two
and one-half years for forgery, and Thomas
McKee. three sad one-half yeara for horse
stealing. These prisoners all entered pleas
Of guilty at the apodal term of court held
hare for that purpose by Judge Carpenter
will expend about $50,000 to make ths plant j laat week. All are young men and all are
serve tha poopW, and that a day and night
service will be established at prices which
will compete with tha Wagner parties. The
latter slain that with tlteir franchise
granU-d they will be the means of establish
ing an electric railroad from Wagner to
Mitchell and have it in running order
within a year from date. Mitchell has bad
only fair electric Uht service fur a good
first-termers except McKse, who has served
a term In snothoi stste.
LasStr Para
LANDER, Wyd.. Nov. t (Special.)
Although advised by their eastern eorre
spondeota to do so, tho two banks of Lan
der have nolo yet found It advisable to re
sort to ths method cf Uaulng cashiers'
Injared by Fall from Handcar.
DOUG LA SI Wyo.. Nov. Z.-(8pecia!.)-John
Chelewskl was probably fatally in
jured while enroute from the Rutherford
ranch to Orln Junction on a handcar. In
company with Miss Paulina East mine and
Miss Katie Dorr, of Douglas, and several
other friends, ha waa riding on tha hand
car to a party at Orln, when he fell from
the machine and caused Its derailment, rile
sustained extremely critical Internal In
juries. Tha remainder of the party were
thrown into the ditch and painfully hurt.
A Credit to the Art of Brewing
All the Ingredients are carefully selected the best Bohemian
hops that money can buy are Imported, pure barley malt and
water from the Willow Springs are used la its making. No
expense is spared to make lt a perfect and ideal family beer.
As Pare ns the Eshtllno Spring
Invigorating, gtrengthaalng- and Waalthfol
Order a Oaee Delivered to Yonr Home
Thirty -$3.00 Green Trading 6t&mpa with every
case 2 dosen large bottlea price $2.2$
Fifteen $ 1.50 Green Trading Stampe with every
case 2 dozen small bottles .price $l.2S
Out-of-town easterners add $1.25 for case and
bottlea, which will be refunded on tlietr return.
Willow Sprfafjs Brewing Co.
Oitice 107 Harney Bt. paone D. lao.
9 rawer. Third aad Hickory St a. Phono S. 1S38.
Meat All.
When your eyes sra dim, tongue eoated.
appetite poor, bowels constipated. Electric
Blttera beat all eurea. fcO cents. For sale
by Beaton Drug Co.
If yon lose any money, or your pilar dog,
or your Sunday fembrtlla, you should say
something about U in tha want columns of
Tha Bee. Many thousands of honest peo
ple read theea eelurane every day, and
UteSs will bo pretty large chances In your
favor If you mention year kwa to thara.
Of course, every Omshsn recognises thnt
Tba Boa Is tbo "Lost sod Fouutl" medium
of tha city.
The First Company of Nebraska.
Advise your friends la the Insurance business to
PPly for the agency of thla company.
The strongest Fidelity and Casualty Company of
the west.