THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 2, 1007. 7 if Safe rday Bargains You'll Find Era Superior to- Your Expectations in n 55.s.AISJJfc Vefffng 10 25c to 35c Ribbons 10c F5;cy Fancy Ruching t9c This box contains six pieces full neck length of fancy ruchings, as sorted patterns, ' sell regularly everywhere at 35c ; sale -f q price Saturday I C Grand 5c Handk'r'fSale A great assortment of "plain and fancy ribbons, worth regularly 25c to 35c yard; will be placed on sale Saturday, in one great lot, tfr at, yard J lC Come in plain qr fancy nets, cbe nUle or velvet dots in brown, navy, black, white and magpie; - sale price, yard i UC The ereatest nandkercnlet bargain flay ot the season. Embroidered,' "Fancy Scal loped, Hemstitched or Initialed and Lace Edge Handkerchiefs, some slightly soiled, and a big Job of odd lots, worth aw uU regularly 10c to 15c, at one Tf THE RELIABLE. STOIIE price. Qualify ) i r V 1 1 i Manufacturer's Stock Sale of Women's Ready to Wear Garments Our New York buyer, right on the ground, found several manufactu rers ripe for a cheap offer and se cured these stocks at prices far be low their value. Three of thee ortunate purchases ban been received and ill go on sale Saturday at prlceg greatly below actual retail value. Man ufacturer'! 'ttock' of Women's Coats and Bulta Manufacturer' stock of Women's Skirts; and a nianttfacWjer's sample line of Furs. Tailor SnitH, in fine chiffon broadcloths, all best colors and styles, values to $30.00, 100 garments to select, from, on sale Saturday at ....!' $10.00 A Great. Lot of I'anama Skirts, f rorn a N. Y. manufacturer, bought for spot cash at a great bargain, regular $7.50 values, 3.05 French Voile Skirls, pleated and trimmed with braids of taffeta, $10.00 values, on sale at $4.05 92H.0O Coats, In the most authentic styles, mostly 62,lnch length, delightful bargains 'at $10.50 $10.00 Coats, in fine black kerseys and fancies 50 inches 'long; very special, at.. $0.05 $5.08 Silk Underskirts Free As extra special bargain Saturday to every purchaser of one of our handsome French voile skirts at $0.00 The greatest bargain shown In Omaha. A Great Line of Silk and Net Waists that would sell regularly at $5.00, In Saturday's sale at, choice ...-$2.08, .i u tru i i ii in. ami i hi r j , v From 8 Till 9 A. M. Women's $2.00 long Flannelette Kimonos, on saie at 08 From 0 T;il 10 A. M. Women's $2.00 Moire Underskirts, choice S9 Children's Day In Our Cloak Department A big stock of Children's Coats and Bonnets go on sale at about Half Actral Value. Children's Curly Bear Skin Cba'ts, all colors, sizes 1 to 6 years, at. $2.08 Children's Bear Skin and Silk Hoods ahd Bonnets, worth to $2.00,' choice. .. .,.03 Children's Coats In Friezes, Kerseys! Astra khans, etc., al newest styles, sizes 6 to 14 years, regular $7.50 to $10.00 values, on sale Saturday at $4.05 Extra Special Shoe Sale Saturday Ladies9 Ladies' Winter Underwear Rousing Bargains Saturday. Sam ples, Odd Lots and Broken Lines at About Half Actual Iletail Values. Ladled Union Suits, worth to $4.00, all wool and silk and wool. Kreys, blues or white, at $2.08 Ladles' L'nJon Suits, In wool, at $1.50 In bilk and wool, at $1.03 Ladies' Fleece Lined Union Suits Very special values at 98c, 75c. 69c 49c and 3Q Ladles' Fine Woo! Vests and Pant Elegant bargains at $1.50, $1.25, 98c and 75 Heavy Fleeced Underwear, at, per. garment, 49c, 39c and 23t Children's Union Suits, all st?es. special bargains, at 9S Children's heavy ribbed or fleece Vesta and Pants, great snap at 25c nd , lOt Children's Wool Ribbed Vests and Pacts, all sizes, at 50 Ladies' Outing' Flannel Gowns, val ue to $2.00, choice, $1.60, 08c and 75 Ladles' Outing Flannel Gowns, rood Quality, at 50 Hose Specials The most complete line of Ladies' and Children a Hose shown In Omaha. Saturday's Special 1 rices mean a Saving to you of 25 to S3J on Standard Goods. Ladies' $3.00 Silk none hand embroidered, on sale, at. .$1.08 Ladies' $2.00 Silk Embroidered Hose special, at ..$1.50 Ladies' $2.00 Silk Hose In all colors, Saturday, at ..98c A Hover Lace and Embroidered Lisle Hoso all new colors and patterns, $1.00 to $1.50, values 08c, 75c, 40c Ladles' Wayne- Knit Hose plain gauze or heavy lisle, regular or extra sizes, all black or with white sole, at.. 83c, 3 pr. fl.OO Ladies' Wayne Knit Hose wlA linen sole, best value on market, at sDc Ladles 83c Embroidered Lisle Hose special Saturday, at. 25a Children's Pony Hose Fine, med ium or heavy ribbed, at. pr.25c Ladles' Fleece Lined Hose snaps at, pair 12Vo now Men's, Women's, Misses' and Child's Shoes all this season's goods at one-fourth to ? one-half off the regular prices. J Men's $3.50, $4.00 and some $5.00 values, in nearly all styles and leathers, Goodyear L ,., i. wen, rocs oau soies .d.ou J: ' Men's $2.50 and? $3.00' valued in box'caUV kangaroo calf and vici kid bals and Blu i chers, with extra heavy out soles, made 'to stand hard wear: . . . $1.98 The largest line of Union Made Shoes in the city, both for men and women. Little Gents' and Youths' box calf and vici kid Bluchers. .......... .$1.19 and 98c Women's rubber heel dongola Juliets, regu lar $1.50 values 98c Women's carpet and leather sole slippers at 25c Women's fine hand turn and welt sole $3.50 shoes, all sizes $2.48 . Misses $1.50 dongola lace Bluchers. .;..98c Bossola Polish, all day, the 10c kind...5c Bring the children in Saturday, buy them shoes at a big saving and get one of the little RED BOOKS. 4 Agents for the Stetson and Crossett shoes for men and the Queen Quality shoes for women. Grand Book Sate Save money by buying your Holiday Books All $i .50 Ccpyrighted Eooks 93c These books are all very newest publication, regular $1.50 values. Some booksellers sell them at $1.20, and the very lowest wholesale price allowed by the American Book Publishers is $1.08, but our special sale price QQ Saturday will be, each 2fOC $1.00 lie-bound Copyright Books, 43c Some sell these at 4 9c, or possibly 4 7c, but our sale price the lowest , 43c Bicycle Playing Cards, per pkg 17 Hf Extra Sized Mogul Tnblets 3)4 Carter's Inks, per bottle oji Carter's Mucilage, per bottle hst 35c Fancy Box Paper and Envelopes 19t Corset Specials A complete display of the products of the world's best manufacturers. Astylish model for every figure. Saturday, as a special Inducement, wa offer our customers $5.00 Bon-Ton Corsets, In four handsome models, . silk, batiste or French i.outll. .S3.B0 Big Grocery Sale at Hayden's Saturday GREAT, STOCK-REDUCING SALE , Nothing Bui the Highest QjaWy of Goods Are Stocked on Our Shelves. .2 1 II pounds best pure cane Oranulated Sugar I1.U0 10-lb. tick bent granulated White or Tell'.w Cornmral ISO 11 bare best family Laundry Soap 25o Burnham's Hasty Jellyoon, pkg.. 5o 48-lta. sack best fancy high patent Flour 11.35 1-lb. can Condensed Bouds 7V4o The bst Soda or Oyster Crackers, nr lb to The bent crisp Ginger Snaps, lb., fio The beet crlep Pre tie I , pr lb. ... 60 IXneeda Biscuit, per pkg 3Ho Elijah's Manna Breakfast Food, per ' pkg. .' tOo Egg-O-See, Corn Flakee, per pkg. 7 Ho lr. Price 9 Breakfast Food, pkg. . 60 1- lh, pkg. Macaroni IHo 2- lb. cans fancy sweet Sugar Corn at .... , 7o I'lb. cane solid pnrked Tomatoes, tic The beet Tea Htftlnga, per lb.. 12 Wo Fancy Santos Cutfee, per lb.... i.15c Batter,- Cheese and Bntttrlne 1 Xayden Bros. Headqaarters. ; Fancy Dairy Butter, per lb 2Sc Choic e Separator Creamery Butter per lb. So Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, per lb 28c Fancy Full Cream Cheese, lb 18c Fancy Full Cream Brick Cheese, per lb. 16o Neufchatel Cheese, each 4o Sap Sago Cheese, each 80 nilK TIQETA3I.11 FBTCXI YOB BAX DBS AY. . I heads fresh Hothouse Lettuce for 60 S bunches frosh Hadlshes for io Fancy Kweet Potatoes, per lb.... Ho Caps Cod Cranberries, per quart Hht? Freeh Cab bare, tier head.'. IUb J Hubbard Squash, each, Eo and 7 Vic Fresh Spinach, per peck..., lOo I Fancy Ked Onions, per lb IVt Freeh Turnips, per lb...... 2o r resn van um, per id zc Large head fresh Cauliflower for lOo Large Cocoanutu, each Go New Honey, per rack 15o Bermuda Onions, per lb Bo Tokay drapes, per lb.. 7 Ho Freeh Paisley, per bunch ..lo Freeh Roasted Peanuts, per qt....5o Large Juicy Lemons, per doi....2Uo Myden's Meajs Always first in quality, always lowest in price. You are always sure of satisfac tion and price saving if you order at Omaha's Busiest Meat department. Spring Chickens . . . 91c Sirloin Steak, lb 10c Eound Steak, 3 lbs. for 25c 'Boneless Roast, lb 10c Veal SteW,6 lbs. for. . .25c $3.80 Jewel Corsets, In fine imported batiste, pink or blue, long hip mod els with hose supporters attached; on sale at 90.00 75o CoutU Corsets, long hip models, with hose supporters, come In drab or white, all sizes to 30; snap at 49o Every woman In need of a corset should take advantage of this saving opportunity. Don't Fail to Visit the Crockery Dept. "We are now closing out a , few of pur metal lamps-1 complete .... .....QSc We have left a few more of our 100-piece English Por celain Dinner Seta, which we are closing out at 5.95 2-quart cut star pitchers, f6r this sale only, each. . .79c Japanese cups and eaucers, at 12V2C Japanese 4 -inch Plates, each. 7 He Soup Bowls, eaih Sn 3 I fees German China. Tea Sets, Sot 40c Trf tiayd n's First MP- M r i uw" ai-jv.'.: . 'w Half Price Sale MILLINERY L Saturday. Nov. 2nd In order to quickly reduce our immense stock of Trim med Ilats, we have decided to offer this one day flny Trimmed Hat in Stock at Choice. Just Half Regular Prices. No place will you find more charming variety of au thentic and practical fall millinery models. EVERY HAT MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES $5.00 TO $125.00 VALUES AT JUST Hal lltMMWHl WMM S ll Great Sate of Men's Furnishinas and Underwear, Our ability to handle the goods in large quantities and the cash has worked wonders with the ' manufacturers. By reason of several big purchases for cash of manufacturers' surplus stocks and sample lines we are-offering values for Saturday beyond comparison the greatest ever known In dependable garments. . MSirS ABS BOYS' awSATSBS En tire surplus stock of one of the largest mills, fine all wool garments, many with four-ply oollars, ribbed cuffs and tall. Coat ntyles for men, and Duster Brown etyle for boys and girls. Sweat ers In the lot worth to 93.00, in 8atu day's eale, your choice, at ao, 4So, uo Sri.CIAX. BAKQ1II8 iw Mcif'B TV- KliXIJta D T Men's riaanai GTersalrts, all wool, grays, tans or blues, single or double breated, worth to $2.50, sale prices $1.90 and 1.B0 Ilea's Griffon Brand Shirts Sumple icar mente, worth to 12.00, finest madras, etc., bet patterns, all styles, at 98o Kern's , Underwear Fine all wool gar ments, single or double brerinled shtrte, "n.i; at "So and 980 Ken's I-leeecd Shirts and Drawers, worth to $1.00, remarkable bargains tsaturjnv ...46o and 39 e Men's I lush rack Wool Underwear Extra heavy quality, made from finest Aus tralian wool, with Soft nap puliel through on Inside, values to 12. 0. great est bargains shown snywh-re at, sale . prices S1.00, LSS and SLSO Hay dm Bros. Drug Department CUT PRICES O NALL PATENTS SZr Cough Syrup 14 50c Scott's Emulsion 4.t? 25c Caamberlain's Cough Cure 223 Men'a All Wool Shirts and Drawers, In greys,' browns and scarlets, vury special bargains at, sale prices, fl.33, 11.60, $1.00 Ken's Woolta Hot, grryi and tans, grout values at QSo, lo and lSHa Hen's Cotton Boa, entra heavy qualltv,' black and fancies, special 1BV0 and 16a EX1RA SPECIALS IN OUR GREAT DOMESTIC ROOM .J.0r,;r hn,f of th Rreat room d,ved to the display of Men'a, Ladle' and Children's Furnishings will be crowded Saturday with the greatest lot of Lnderwpar bargains ever sliown In Ou.aba. , Many otthr offerings brlow actual manufacturer's cost. iadles' Test and rants Cream or grey. In heavy ribbed or fleeoed, worth to 76c a garment, at 390, Suo and 19e Men's riseced Shirts and Drawors, worth to 11.00, extra heavy quality, at, gar ment U9e Ken's Woolen Underwear that would sMl regularly to $2.00 a garment, at 76o . Wright's rieeoed Skirts and Brawerj, finest quality, on eale at, garment.. 7S Tiom Si30 1111 S30 A. K-Men's. W o men s and Children's winter weight undergarments, 100 dosen lo select from values to 76c. .choice Ido r?Sm,,.Tm 10,30 A- M Ladles' All ,i . Vn,on Bult. worth up to 15 00. limit or two to a cu tomer, at 8 So tallies' Combination Salts Winter weight In whits or greys, snap at..3o and 40 TOVB GBBAT KOUS EAXXS, xnricATcrsABU baboazbsi Front 10:30 Till Ili30 A. ML -Men's Fine Madras Whirls, odd lots, broken lines and. sampler, that sold up to $1.00 while they last, at aSo rrom 11 130 Till 18:30 r. H. Men's and Women's Hose, heavy winter weights, mostly flee 6 lined, blacks or greys. . " 25c box Easy Timers. 170 450 60c Wizard Oil TOILET ARTICLES 10c Glycerine boap, per cane... 40 15c boapa, per cake Jap Rose Soap - ) Volcanic Soap 25c Imported Castile Soap, per In., at 170 10c Oatmeal Soap, 3 cakes. ... 100 3 cakes Kirk's Violet, per box. . 3 cakes Elderf lower Soap 100 SOAPS Eastman's Benzoin and Almond Lo tion 00 20c Hiker's Cold Cream 0 50c Ingram's Milk Weed Cream 300 25c Sanltol Cream 60c Zlska Powder .' 35 20c Eastman's Talcum Powder.. OO 20c Riker's Talcum Powder. .. . H 6O0 Malvlna Lotion 200 2fic Tetlow's Powder. 10 25c Tetlow's Tooth Powder.. 140 15e Tooth Brush 10c Chamois fij. Special rrlces on til rubber foods Saturday. Try Hay Saturday is Hardware Day l$4.98 A.sisiV Si . C-O T cii ......... 40c I inn ip , J 19c G9c j J 19c 15c Largo three-tray Dinner Bucket, like cut- i5k Mrs. Pott'a E-plece seta Sad Irons, worth 11.00. for 59 (3,60 solid copper Wash. Boiler, on 8aIe. for 91.85 $2.00 solid heavy black tin, copper bottom Boiler for 31.10 $1.25 XX tin copper bottom Boiler tor 600 Large enameied Water Palls, worth 60c, for 200 98c bins and white enameled Tea Kettles ; 49 4 0c doubts tine Wash Boards. . .100 8-inch Agrlo.iianal Wrench, Ilk cot, for - 100 35c Padlock, 6 leavers, 1-ln. neck, for 100 85c galvanized Wash Tubs for. . COO 75c galvanized Wash Tubs for.. 400 30c galvanized Water Palls for.".loo 25c Parlor Brooms 150 Uaydi-n's fpr Washing Machines O. K. Rotary Washer, worth $7.10. -me aest notary Wanner, worth $7.00, r, 54.40 We carry 57 different styles of Wash Machines, including the water power SOIES ON OMAHA SOCIEDi Miss Euth Moorthead Gires Bridge Party for Mrs. Harry Moatjomery. HAPPY HOLLOW CLOSES D00HS , t'oaelndea Most Isecwafsl Season wlis ,1'alsjsis) Hallow' Frolle nad ProsalM ( Coatlnae Pnlarlty Next Year. Happy Hollow Country club closed Its doors for the season with a Hallowe'en party 'Thursday night in which about 100 members of the club and their families par- The only food in which celery form an important part is WHEAT FLAKE CELERY mm It acts admirably upon the ner vous system. Palatable, nutri-. tious, easy of digestion ready to rnr. for alt by all Crocert tlclpated. Jack o'lanterns, goldenrod, autumn leaves and candles decora.ed the rooms. , A program of music and readings was given followed by games and dancing For the older people the bld-faahlonud square dance was revived, proving ons ot .he fun provoking features ot the eve.ilni. tefreahmenls consisting of elder and oughnuts were served later. Harrpy Hol w has proven one of the most popula 1 country clubs during 'the last summer an Its closing for the winter will put an enn to the - continuous round of entertaining that has been done there sine It wa. opened a few months ago. For Sirs. Hostvemerr. Mrs. Harry Montgomery, wh6 has re cently returned from her wedding trip, was honor guest Friday afternoon at a de lightful bridge rarty given by Miss Ruth alorehead at het home. Five tables were placed for the game and those present were: Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Earl Kl; I'nger. Mrs. Clark Powell, Mrs. Georje Redlclc, Mrs. Harley O. Morehead, Mrs. Loulj Clarke, Miss Marlon Haller, Miss Etta Beeman of Kansas-City, Miss Alice Rogers, Miss Mary Morgan, M'ss Helen Davis. Miss Mabal Marr, , Miss Julia Coburn. Miss Lorraine Comalock. Miss Katherlne Qrabla, Miss Elizabeth CuiigJoo. Miss Lucy Updike. Miss Ilaxel Connell, Miss Frances Murtln. Miss Haiel Rem ington of Grand Rarids, M oh., Miss Pol lard of SIomx City and the hostess. Old-Fashioned Tea. 'One. .of the the i-rotty affairs of Friday was an old fashioned tea given by Mrs. Ira VI'. Porter from 4 to ( o'clock la honjr of her sister, Mrs. Luclan W. York, ot At lanta. Ga., who s ber guest for a mon:h. Yellow and gretn was the colof combina tion used In decorating the various room. Large bouquets of yellow chrysanthemums were given conspicuous places while - In the dining room the centerpiece fjr the table was a pumpkin barket filled with tie same flowers. Tea was sorted Id tht library fy Mis Nell Donahue and Miss May Nichols. Assisting in the dining room were Mrs. D. Donahue and Miss Ituss.ll McKelvey. About fifty sjuests were present during the receiving hours. DrldsT rarty. Miss Lawall of aston. Fa., who Is the attractive and popular guest of Mrs. Dan Baum, was honor guest at a bridge lunch eon given Friday by Mrs, J. E. Baum "ben eight tables were placed for tha game 'riday evening she will again be entei ained, Mrs. Walter Q. Preston having 1 ' ed Invitations for her honor. Five tubl. vlll bo usod for the game. Cooktwg Clwb Rpaames. The Cooking club, which has been abur doned for some time, has again resum Its meetings and Miss Flora Webster wa hostess Thursday afternoon at the firs meeting of this season. Those present were Mrs. Charles Koantxe. Mrs. Luthe Kountie, Mrs. Sam Burns, jr., Mrs. Jotr T. Btewart. second. Mrs. Ward Burgest Mrs. Wlll'am Sears Poppletdn. Mrs. Han Wllklna, Mrs. Moshler Colpetser. Mr Herbert Wheeler, Mrs. Joseph Barker, Jr. and Miss Webster. Ilallowe'e Party. Misses Helen and Kuth Best gave a mo enjoyable Hallowe'en party Thursday even lng at their home, !J2t Howard street appropriate to Hallowe'en affordei' amusement for the even'ng. The, dlnlns room, where the guests were seated at one large table for refreshments, was lighted entirely by candle lights and a grinning Jack-o-lantern was used as a centerpiece. Ten guests were present. CharmoBt Clas. The Chsrmont clrb held Us first meet ing of the fall Friday afternoon, Mrs. Albert Egbert' being the hostess. Eighteen i members ot the club were present and six-handed high five was the game of the afternoon. Conae-oma-G Ccsalp. Mrs. Edward del Btrother. who has been vls'tlng at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Kennard, left Friday for Madi son. Wis., where she will visit her mother, Mrs. Burton, for several weeks. Mrs. J. C. Hammond and Miss Olive Hammond, who have been spending the summer! In England with Dr. Hammand, have shortened their trip on the continent on account of the severe Illness of NMrs. Hammond's little son, wno remained In Pennsylvania with relatives. They will sail November t for New York. Dr. Hun lond will remain In London until the first .' the year. Mr. M. Lsurr and daughter, Miss Carrie !. Lauer, have returned from a ten weeks' astern trip and are at their foimer horn, .e Majestic flats. Mnjor and Mrs. Thomas Cruse have sue eded in finding quarters In Boston and M After severe illness after severe physical or mental strain use Scott's Emulsion. It builds up and holds up the strength of man 4 and woman, crirl O and boy. It is the aQs most wonderful Qi "food-tonic" in the world. o o o o o ALL DRUGGISTS 1 AND 11.00. o o o o o o s o o o o o o 000000000000 are now settled at the the Wollaton, 1UT0 beacon street. Mrs. H. Armfield and daughter, Mrs. F. P. Williams of Minneapolis, are the guests of Mr. T. Armfleld at lo70 Farnam street. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Wattles, who have been spending several weeks In California, where they are building a winter home, are expected home Saturday or Bunday. Mr. S. A. McWhorter, who is spending he winter In Chicago with his family. Is nothing suspicious looking. 11 uiii.ii. tur b lew UBjri vn uusincsB. mother, says she knew nothing about the case, except that her son came home In the night and opened up a suit case with the dead baby wrapped In a blanket. She said he requested her to get rid of K as best she could and that she went out and dug a holv under the front porch, placed the body In a pasta board box and deposited It In the hole, then covered It with dirt and smoothed off the mound so as to leave BABE BURIED UNDER PORCH XewBora Child la Bshamed Mad Will b rroperly Laid Away. Burial of his child under the porqh of his mother's home, to which he conveyed It dead In a suit case from the home o' his wife, 19-1 Douglas street, aroused sus. plcions of the police against Randolph Stevens, as well as his wife and mother, but fuller Investigation allays thee sus picions largely and leaves the belief that the sole Irregularity was the unusual and unceremonious manner ,of burial. The baby was born Thursday night, Oc tober 14. Its mother, Marie Stevens, a waitress In a Douglas street restaurant, who has resumed her work, rooms at' 1921 Douslas, which Is the residence of Mrs. W. H. Roberts. The father, a waiter In a Howard street restaurant, has not lived with his wife for some time. His mother's home, to which he took the baby. Is at 707 South Seventeenth street. Dr. Porter Is authority for th statement the child's death was perfectly natural. The coroner was notified Friday ot th child's burial and at onco arranged for Its being exhumed and given a proper burial after it was examined under th direction of th City Health department, to whk-h It was to be turned over. Mrs. Marie Stevens and Mrs. Roberts said he baby was alive and crying lustily for a ' little while. Mrs. Stevens, th young roan's Terrlbl Disaster Averted. Tha terrlbl disaster of nervous break down, caused by dyspepsia. Is averted by Electric Bitters. 50 cents. Ouaranteed. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. DRIVER Army DAY WITH POLICE of Teamster at Statlv Gcttlaaj on Wrong; Bid of Street. tor Th street surrounding th police station War liberally lined with teams and wagons Thursday afternoon and all day Friday and the station assumed the appearance of a market house. All the drivers were In side awaiting their employers to come down and ball them out. This Is the result of th chief's order given Thursday to arrest all teamsters who fa'l to obs rve th city ordinance in driving on the right side of th street and keep ing on that Bid la turning corners. No partiality was shown by the poll In making arrests. Italian fruit peddlers, wholesale house teamsters 'and soma ot th city's elite drivers composed the cosmopoli tan assemblage and as fast, as they.,eould procure a bond they were released. .'-Only a few of them had -the necessary cash for bonds, but all of them were vlsiUd sooner or later by employers or friends who put up the bond. t'sers of Qalck ala Shoo Tolleh say It is th best and most lasting polish, they have ever used. It gives a polish la th Icathor and It won t rub off on th clothing. A '.veil satisfied User la th best advertisement. , ' Y. W. C. A. WOMEN TO CRETE Delegation from Omaha Goes to Stat Convention nt Doss ' Cullrse. A delegation from the Omaha Young Women's Christian association. Including Mrs. Emma F. Byers, Miss Lillian Loft us and Miss SweKser of the sec re tsry .staff. Mrs. George Tlidon and Mrs. J. P. Lord of tha board f directors, went to Crete' Fri day' momlng to attend the annual con vention of the' Nebraska Young Women's Christian association In session at Doan collegw over Sundsy. Another party. In cluding Mia Jane Gannett, physical di rector. Miss Lillian Burgess, Miss T. M. Crittenden. Miss Beth Wallace and Mrs. Clara L. Dolan, left this afternoon. Mrs. W. P. Harford, president of th local as sociation. Is 111 and msy be unable to at tend th convention. Several of th On-aha women will contribute, to th pro gr.m. . , Ask Him Lips white? Cheeks pale P Kloodthio? Consult your doctor. Bad akin? Vesk nerves? Losing flesh Consult your doctor. AtyovrJoctooUuttaltintylutt. No appetite? Poor dl.estloB? Dlicoorateil? non-ofceW-c SarUaT TnU Coiiautt your doctor.