THE OMAHA DAILY TIKE: SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 1007. TD PRODUCE MAKKtl Everything it Eaiier and There it Little Support. HftUIDATlON 13 QUITE HEAVY 1 Mark ProOt Reallalag mm Caak Bao. laeea la at a Staadstlll II OgdMf Marked Arw Off. OMAHA, Nor. 1. 1907. All iruin was ennier and there il II W support given the market on tne say dowj. LWuiuailon a heavy and everyone it tal Ixlng proms where It la possible. Caan business la at a standstill. Wheat ruled eaay on lavorable croo and weather reporta. All outaida mifiui were nix from 1 to lc. liquidation la neavy d little support la given on tna aeoiiue. LVcember wheat opened at 9WC and closed at eTc. Commiaalon houses sold corn at tha o pea Inn; and reallted on yeaterday a advance. Pricea eased oft on heavy selling, but closed moderately strong. December orn opaned at bic and closed at 634c Oata opened strong on ecattered Wiving. Offeringe era llgnt Commiaalon bouses started selling and the market wilted quickly. December oata opened at 47o and cloaed at Primary wheat receipts were 795.000 buahela and 'ahlpmcnta wera 4 000 bushels, against receipt a laat year ot 91.0u0 buahela and alilpmenta of oao.OuO buahela. Corn racelpta wera 811,0u0 buahala and ahlpmenta wera 29,000 buahela, sgalnst rw cetpta laat year of "446.000 buahala and ahlp menta of 460,000 buahela. Clearances wera 116,000 buahela of corn, I.Auv buahela of oat and wheat and flour equal to 800.000 buahela. Liverpool cloaed NtiVtd lower on wheat and unchanged to d higher on corn. Local taii.i of opitoua. turee steady; December, la IVkd; March, a 4 Sid; May, Da 3d. 'OK,n r-poi, ea ; prim mixed Amer ican, ea ad; futuraa steady; December, 6 rt; January, a 61 a. HOI'R in London (1 aclfio coaat steady). . HV) 1US. . otaaa wnoT7Kxi.B hirket. Artlclas.l Open. I H!gh. Low. Close.l Tes'y. Wheat-I i May... RHI May. .. Sfi-V July.... 90 Co"- i Dec.... Er?i May... M July... 63! Obh - ICC.... 47 May... 60S July... 46 I MVj MS 46 .i I n 90W 64 63H! I 47 6"H 461 r P7M.I 91V4I 1 64 V, 64H I 47,! WVa 8 89 , 83 "a MTt 407, Oataka Cask Prleoa. No trading In cash grain. All rooelptg carried over. ' .. Carlot fteoeiots. What. Com. Oata Chicago Knnaaa City Minneapolla . Omaha Duluth. ....... St. Lou la .... 63 81 172 IX $49 62 17S 28 V.'. 11 39 CHICAGO GRAM AND PRADVISIOMS rcatarea of tka Tradlagr mm Closing Prlcea am Board of Trad. CHICAGO, Nov. 1. The local wheat mar ket waa weak today beoauae of freah liqui dation caused by lower prlcea at European marketa. At the close wheat for December deliver was off lc. Corn waa off fcc-Oatg showed a gain of V4o. provisions were un changed to 22V4c lower. Tha wheat market opened weak because of a decline at Liverpool and other Euro pean grain centers, and continued weak for tha greater part of the day. Outalde trade was exceedingly light and tha marTTet was dull and featureless all day. Tha practical auapenelon of export business In New Tork because of the financial conditions was the chief reason Tor the inactivity. Advices from Argentina of an' excellent crop condi tion and general , ralDS . throughout the winter wheat belt were additional bearish Influences. The market rallied about lo from the low point in the last hour on buy ing by shorts.. The close waa stendy. De cember opened Aiic lower at 66VVr2. sold off to 947e and closed at 9'.e. May ranged between 31 0J1 and $1.044o and closed ot S1.04H. Clearances of wheat and flour were eoiial to 4,750,O"O bn. Primary ra celpta were 7S4,ooo bu.,, against wrauw du. on tha earn dav laat Year. Minneapolis. Tv Juth and Chicago reported recelpta of 57J cars, against Ml cars last wera aim d car a. ttar anfV The corn market displayed Borne weak nnaa at tha opening, but revived ajid ruled atrong tor the remainder of the day. The firmness was caused by reports of the poor condition of the new crop In many locali ties. The demand came chiefly from shorts. fhe market closed strong and near the Igh point. Decemlter opened unchanged to Ho higher at 68H6Nid aold off to MMlo and then advanced to 6Hc The close waa at &V.tC9Hc. Local receipt were 173 cara. with 44 of contract grade. The' force of the early trad'ng In oata and the selling of May by longs caused a decline of neardly lc In the price of the option, l-ater the market showed atrength on prediction of a light movement In the near future, me ciose was iruit. un cember opened He higher at Mc. a ld be tween 4io and &"C. and closed at 497c May aold between 6!c and 62Hc and cloaed at f.:. Tu-al recetnta were 153 cara, ProvisionB were weak becauae of the Bell ing of pork by local parkere. At Ilia close uniurv notk waa off iSc at 814.45. Ijird waa lower at t8.47V. Klba wefa unchanged at I7 674, m Estimated recelpta , for tororrow are: ... . r .. . ....... 1 r n.l. 01 wneai, oo i.i.i " m cars; hogs, 10,000 head. . The leaaln, lunula ranged as follows: Articles.l Open. HUxh.) Low. I Close. I Tea'y . FGU9 Fresh country, 2S; atOrage. ISo. ULillth Common, Mc; fauoy tub and rolla, !1jJc; creamery, llo. CHK-Kpfc. New tun ctearo. Wlaconain twina, 17V; n full-cream brick. 17c; do ineaiic, new Hmiaa, lc; new limber uer, U tlec; young Ametlcaa, 17vc LIVE IOLL1R1 Spiings. c; hens, 9c; roosters, 6c; ducka, 10c; geese, to; turkeys, lc; pigeona, 76c per doa. LnhSHitU PUULTKK isprtnga, fanoy, L . i s lc , lets. V); ducka, lie; geeae, lie; turkeys, lTlSc. Hat tliu'ti .su. I upland. 810.00; me dium. H On; No. i fmliom, 6 uO: off grades lion) m n to rye straw, li.ta); N I alfalla. IlLao. FRUITS. CHANFERni E8 ler barrel, 8.W. APPLES Colorado fancy Jonathan. 4 tier box. 61.26; Lalliorma lielleflower, UWQ i.'Sb; Waahlngton Bnow, per box. 82.00; Ore gon Klnga, per box, ti.Wi; Oregon Upltsen berg, per box, 82.M); Oregon Baldwin, J.'.zo; New York baldwlna, fancy, per barrel, 16.00: (ireenlng, l.t; Hubbardaon, 4S 'Vi a7i varie ties Michigan apples, j-er bushel basket, I1..5. PEARS-Wtntar Nellie, l-tler box, 88.26; 6-tler lux, tj.uu; Idaho and Lanjon, 4 and 6 tier boxes, OHAPE8 Michlaan, per baaket, 8?e; New Tork. 82c; California Tokay, per crate, 8J.J0; Cornlchan, 8i.tlo; Imported Malaga, per keg, 84.tiuaja.u0. VEGETABLES. NAVT BEAN 8 Per bu.. No, L $110 per bu. ; I lira. 7c per lb. POTATOE-Per bu.. TSKJaOo- B BANS New wax and string. 4DOWs per market baakev. CAifBAviHi Wisconsin, Holland eeed, lHc per pound. BEKIb Per bushel, 80o. AK8MP-Per bushel. 760. FA DISHES Per doxen. 10c lOMATOES Per baaket. v0O7fa, CKI.EKt Michigan, aJoc. ONION Ked Ulobe. per pound, 10. SWEET POTATO EB-Virginia, 83.26. I'KPPERS Per bushel. 76o. BEEF CUTB. No. 1 ribs. 14c; No. 1 ribs, 11c; No. t libs, to; No. 1 loin, lc; No. i loin, 18c: No. 3 loin, 8c; No.. I chuck. c; No. t church, 6 Wo; No. ( chuck. 4 Wo; No. l round, kc; No. 2 round, 7Wc; No. 3 round, Vc: No. 1 plat, 4Vc; No. i plate, 4c; No. plate, 3c TROPICAL FRUIT. LEMONS Per box, 85.00, 8a.t, $7.00. COCUANU'lU Per sack. M ou; per doxen. 40c. ' DATES On market Oct. 26; Hallowe'en, per pound, 7c; feayer. per pound i'ria. BANANAS Per bum h. .uu.V. M18CELLANEOL8. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunes are aomewhat unsettled by freer offerings from second hands, who seen, lesimus of moving aupplles of l.ninedlate grades Quo tatlonr Ircm lie to 8v lor California irult and - from iwc to lc foi Oregon. Peachea, very firm, with fancy yellows auolad at UM. - in' .j. TALT.OW-tJieen salted, i No. 1 9c; No. 2, 7Vc; bull hides, 6c; green I hides. No. 1, Sc; No. 8, 6c; "horse, IU.50(B.oO; ; sheep pelts, novHiil.ti. 'lailow. Mi i. vc. 26c; NO. SO, NEW YORK SrOC&S AND BONDS Market it Generally Tranquil, with t Firm Undertone.' FEELING OF CCTTFIDENCE GROWS Tradlaa; Staka lato Coadltloa of Beml-Staaraatlaa After Tarloaa Irreaalarltlea . at the Ooealagr, NEW TORK, No. 1 The atock market was tranquil today, with a firm undertone, and sank Into a condition of seml-atagna- tlon after vartoua irregularities. The grad j ual clearing of thla s'tuation reflects a feel- Ilng of growing confidence in the stock mar ket, but the facilities for tta expression are I still hampered. Tentative operatlone on margin, which have cropped up with the change ot call loan rates, gave no encour agement from bankers. Houses with In terior connections assert that there la a po tential demand r stocks from points out side of New Tork, but that the execution of or'ders from these sources mml await the report of actual cash shipments, owing to the difficulties In the war of exchange ' operations. One of the Influences waa the news of the Pennsylvania dividend. That I waa. In consequence, In considerable de mand, and it atrength had a sustaining effect on the whole list The decline In September earnings net and the announce ment or proposed retrenchment in me im provements department also bad consider able effect. Amalgamated Copper was under pressure and. In spite of further advances In the price of copper In the London market and at the New Tork Metal exchange, ad vanced. Borne of the bank estimates of the week's currency movement were read with aomewhat languid Interest, owing to doubt of the accuracy of analysts of the cross current In the week's movement. The banks show a movement of fci'rrency balance away from New Tork on the express move ment of upwards of 8lS,flO0,ofl0. out the op eratlona of the subtressury have yielded to the banks a gain of 816.103.000. Last week's bank statement did not reflect fully the government deposits made with the banks, even for last week. The gold engsged clear. The scarcity of currency sharpens the demand for exchange. The eaalng of the local rail money market was given fart responsibility for tha. movement De alla of the large appllcatlone which are be Inr made to take additional bank note clr rulatlon under the comptroller's offer In facilities were read with Interest. The observance of the holiday abroad left the market without one of Ite usual forces. The conditions became torpid at times and the market seemed to be settling Into an attitude of cautious waiting to atudy de velopments In the general aitvatlon. The easy closing was attrbuted to some late Bell ng out of collateral loans. Bonds were Irtegular. Total sales, pat value, 82,610.000. United States ts advanced H and the 3s "4 per cent on call. Number o. al. r I i-i lauons on the New York Stock exchaii: . . amies. Htga. tow. vi Adams Expme Anulasmetet reaper 8I.4D waa quiet at 17H4 per oa. - Money, IUfi4 per cent Discount rate for shoit and three months' bills, 6'oO per cent. BERLIN, Nov. 1. Ti ailing on the Rourae today was dull and prices were weak. Penna opened at a decline of 4V points. nEPORT OP TUB CLEtnlSO 1IOISH Traaaaetloao of tke Aaaoelateal Daak for Iko Week. NEW TORK, Nov. L Bradstreefs bank clearings report for the weea ending Octo ber 31 ahowa an aggregate of o,ui.,iM.uuu, a agalnat tS.lK807, laat week and 82.916, 2i! in the coi responding week laat r. Canadian clearinga for the week total 37.010, aa agalnat 39u.K2.OiiO last wesx and In the ssme week last year. Fol lowing is a list of the cities: ullAUA LIVE 'STOCK MARKET aatasaaaaaaaaa ' light of San of Cattle, with Pricei Showin? Some Strength. CITIES. Clearings. Inc. Deo. J ' I Am. C. A r I Am. C. r. I An. Cettoa Oil Am. Am. ' Am. Am. Am. COFFER Roasted. No. 3J. Zlo : No. 26. lo; No. 30. 14Ho. K1BH-Halibut. He. tiou.. ,,. pickerel. 10c: pike. pike, fresh frosen. 12c; whltensh, 140190; buffalo, 14c: bullheads, skinnea and uisi.ed. Uc; relfli?.. dressed, 17c: white perch, 7c; white bata, 15"; b'acg has, ite; aunflsh. 6Q0c; crsppies, 6&vc; laige crapplea, 16c; herilng. fresh frucen, c; whltensh, frosen. l4U16e. picket el, fresh frozen. 13c: red snapper. 12o: floundere. niamerel. lS4o per nsh: cedflau. (rean ! frozen, 12c; red snipper, IK; flounders. ' fr.ak Irnt.n 1 httw-lr f-.ah f,.,.. -)- I I emelta, 13c; shad roe, 46o per lb.; frog lege; I Ite per don green aea lur'la me.t. IUi I ee lb. I CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west i em. 7&c. Tomatoes, fancy i-pound esns, 81.46; standard 3-piund cans, 3120. Plne i epl-le rsiel. -poud. i. .' . sliced, tl.75S2.3B. Gallon apples, M.50. California ; apricots. 82.40. Pears, 31.762.50. Peaches, It .;. I.. '. eu.nes. i. Alaska salmon, red. $1-40; fancy Chine ' fiat, 12 U; ' ;cii.y "t). luu 5. Si i. uusiter oil, 33.60; three-quarters mustard, 33 36. Bweet potatoes, 31.2611.30. Sauerkiaut. too. I - i 4 'Us Mx"oi im, l.lma lieeux .-coimit. 7Scy;1.2S. Soaked peas, 2-pound, 63c; fancy, tl 9 in 1 AH Nl iB t ajifornia aint;ca. Ic. t. ni;i wai- ' "r" nuts. 16c: pecana' 12W13c: niberts. I i. . - Mr t'i ii 7 Am. Cotten Oil pfa Amerlcaa Bxpreu Am. H. A L. sfS Am.-rtcaa Ice Am. Llnaeea Oil Am. Llama Oil pM Loeomotlve Locomotive p(4 . A R I. A R pt ... ufir Rcflnlni Am. Tokecco pfd etfa Aoao iada. Mialng Co AlohlBo .., ... Alchbea pra Atlantic Coait Lisa Btltimorx A Ohio..'. Bi; A Ohio ld Drooklfa RiplJ Tr Canadian PaelSe . Central ot N Jereey Cheupeeko A Ohio Cb cto Ot. W Chlmio A N. W Chlcaio. M. 8C Chlogo T. A T.. oBereo., Cklcago T. A T. P'4- C. C. C. A t. L.. ....... Colored') t. A I Colorado A So Colo.- A to. let pfd Colo. A 8o. d pt. Coneolideted Ca 1.10 1.010 100 114 M 84 r 4 M 70 400 17 nuts. 16c; tecana' 12W13c: niberts. 2c: I 4Vr,'A'-' H.aalla, 13tl4.-; almonds. JTw: roasted pea- S , V w luta, M,c; raw peanuts, so. . g R 'b.".'.'.' u.t. 1,70) 1 84 10 I tm I.SU0 4OT KK MO ''ioo 1,000 4. W0 10 409 400 8 IH too tun I.7U0 u t'i4 o ' 14 4 nvi 44 II 'lili UOte "ui 1 1S2 tot t 14H U .4114 4V6 0V4 10 '1H 1M u fio ' so M4 7IS 4 It tUj 'inii 141 isw 100 to Ml 4 4 n to 60 Uj 1H TOO U1 1716 Wheat I Deo. WIH-PH 9H 94'4. T.T 9(Ti May 103V.I 104 1 03Vll04V-tt 104!i 104S July 97 WVa 7 98V S Corn N Deo. BW4 6?69V4HMt IS1 May ' SSti'7 693 6i9..((j SS9Ti'W July fii-a0 M (A'aisVHU .) CUta DeO. - 494 M 4V 49 49H May 6 62 67 6IH 62a V July ,48 48S, 47H 48HI 4 Pork Jan. 14 60 14 60 14 80 14 46 14 06 May 14 fi 14 Mi 14 66 14 aa 16 00 Lard Nov. 86V t 46 8 4H 8 7Vj May 1 70 1 70 65 . I 02Val 176 Rlha- I I Jan. 1 55 8 66 1 42i 8 4TH I t?H Jan. 7 7H 7 6V 1 60 1 7 T 67 May I la) 7 90 1 V 7 fciVsj 1 NEW YORK OKXERAL MARKET Feat area of Trading; and Prices oa Leadta- Comaaodltleo. NEW TORK, Nov. 1.FLOITH Receipts. SO.063 bbls.; exports. 12,6 6 bbls.j market dull and unsettled: Mlnneadta patente. 6 26ff6.76; winter straight 14 04.6.i; winter patents, 34.9046.40; Minnesota bakers. 14. 604. 95; winter extras. t4.00(ji 4.26; winter Tow grade, I3.S0W4 16. Rye flour, steady, 15.25 6.60. Buckwh'.at floor, steady, 33.1903.23 per hundred CORNMEAL Firm; white and yellow, 31151.26; coarse, ll.46JJl.tO; kiln dried, 33. SO 4.o RYE Dull; No. I western, 4o f. o. b., New York.. N BARLEY 8teady; malting, H.051.10, nomlfal. c. 1. f., New York. WHEAT Receipts, 114,300 bu. exports, 110.500 bu. Bnot. eusv: No. t red. tl.06i. elevator, and 31 074). f. o b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, nominal, f. o. b., afi t; No. 2 hard winter, nominal, f. o. b., afloat. There waa a 2c break In wheat today, resulting from weak rabies, lessened cash demand, weakness In outa'de markets and lli.u'datlon. A rally near the close followed i P, g. c. Bid. atrength In coarse grains, and final prices . pmiman Palao Car...-- wereijTc net lower. December, 8' 0S1-1S Rvediog 1 .-'., cloaed at 31T4j. May, 31.10H'31.15ISI ' Reading let pfd CORN Receipts, 21,600 head; ex pot la. 4 632 j Riding id pfd head. Spot steady: No. 2. 704c. elevator, i Ripubile Steel and 71Vc, f. o. b., afloat: No. 2 whl'e, 7!4c: 2";h'l fTL1'1 No. yellow.. 71 ViC f. o. afloat, atl noml. JJ " pal. The option market was wnnoui trans- ; " . 7 . j r u pfd... Louie . W L. 8. W. pfd D. A R. O. ptd D Killers' Securities . Brie i Brie let pfd : Brie ll pld oeneral Bieotrle I lllleoM Central I Inter iitioiiel Paper . ' Int. Feper ptd Int. rump Im. Pump pfd Iowa Ctntril lowi C nt al pfd ..... K.nji cur so I. ul Till. A N ' lleilcit Central . Mina. A St. I. ....... M., B. P A g. S.' t M . St. P. A S S. M. j M uoerl P.cltto I M , K. A T X.. K. A T. Ptd..... National Lead .... N. R. R. of M. pfd, Ni'w Turk 0-ntrai.. N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk A V. Norfn.k A W. ptd.. No ti Am rica ... PaclSc Kail Peuntylventa People' O-e r . C . C. A Bt. L. Preeeed Sue! car, too i.toe 4O0 190 1,40 100 400 00 8.400 40 UI4 M X4 10 111 10 10 40 II I n 107 lit ' I 40 ttt pfd.. ogerei , actlona, cloalng not unchanged. cloned at 7lc ana way at t'c. December at. , St. , Bt. gju k rn Pic.flo Bo. Paciso pia Bo. Railway So H.l.y pfd Teaneiee C. A I.... Texe A Pactne T., St. L. A W. ...... T., St. LAW. pfd. No. t Caah quotation were aa follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents, 84.408 4.76; winter straights. 634l.46; sprlnv pal enta, V4o5 7o; spring airalahla, ti..l; bakers, 83 J'XJM.'Ai. , WHEAT No. t sprlnf, , 1.00gi.OJ; No. 1 red, 9-'ifj944o. (VHS-Nq. 2. 69c; No. 1 yellow, tOVWic. OATS No. I, 4FH; No,' t white, 460100. BARLEY Good feeding, 63&c; fair to choice malting. 76fl.c. SEEDS Flax, No, 1 northwestern, $1.U. PHOV1SIONS Ehort rlba aides (looaei, 37 372)8 25. Mces pork, per bbl. 6l3.87Vt$ 14 Oil. Lard per Ho lbs.. 13.50. Short c.aar Ides, boxed, 37-75M .26. Following were the receipts and shlp meiila of Hour and grain: Kexvtnt. bhlpincta Flour, bbla Wheat, bu . Corn, bu .., Oata. bu ... Rye. bu .... Barley, bu 21. 43. !"3.7. 6.6oO 63,6 4 47 100 1, 0 lc7,K 171. 0) 370 23. 00 OATS Receipt. 187, iOJ bu.; exports, 1.410 ' bu. Spot, steady; mixed. 26 to 82 Ilia , 62c: 1 natural white, 26 to 32 lba.. Htfj&&i I clipped white, 32 to 40 lbs., 6tWfi4u, HAY Steady; good to choice, 1 1571.20. FEED 8'esdy: spring bran, 38.10; mid . d)'r- rJ.5; cltv. f'.H.oo. ilHIDEl45ulet; Central America; 1J I V.t ' II c. v, , K ally , PROVISIONS fef. ady; family. 314.50 , u. s. Puob.T fl5U0; mea, tl0.(vffl0.50; beef ham, it. g Rubber pfd, i) ill' nacket. 110 5u,l 1.00. Cut mea'a 1 ll. S. Sterl Steady; pickled belllee, I10 50l4.00: v. S. St el pfd... li-ki.i enni'iner. ni in ne auinK dickjau y.hj luu. - - ha''S. S11.00dJU.60. lard, eaay; western nrime. S8.7oi.8rt. nomlnol: reflned. barelv ateady; conltnent. 39 35; compound. 31.4lSft 161. Pork, steady; short clear, 3: 6. 69 17 26 TALLOW Quiet; city, 6c: country, I I T & 6 W c. I RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra. 3'4 lr) ct Janan. nominal. BUTTER Weak; creamerlea. aneclala, 2tnc; extiaa. 2c; third to flrrta. m 6 '; creamerv. beld fi' to sper'al. 94d"iTV4c; state, dairy, common to finest, ZiXe proceaa. common to epeclaia. lf'?iVtc; wratern factory common to first, lftffKc, n V Fci' r any ; uncnanrea. I E'S Ptrona; stale. Pennsvii-exta ard i nrarbv fancy aelected white, SS'94?c: rood I to ct-nlce. S4i3 c; briwn fancv I averaxe prime. 8f"c: e-t to extra flrt. t2c; wealern first, 23ti25c; aeconds, trfj 12c. POl'ITRY Alive, ou'et; unrinc chickens. 1?c: fowls. Tc; ture'-a. Ifc; rtrewd end western c'.'ckens, 1215c; turkeys, 16-318C,-fowls, yttwc 1(1 U 13 "'too 'isii 'si" 3,700 14H 14 '"ieo 'rivi "is" 100 114 HI tH4 -" 100 14 tt 1414 104 14 M 104 I7H 7 W 'iliio '" "ti vi 10 t t 100 41 41 '"Hi 'iiii 'ii ii'i'oo lot" 100 M 7 " 'iiii 'iivi -Koi 7iii . 'ii" 00 II II ""? "ii 'ii 100 MH 844 400 U '"ioi ' 'ii'' 'i'.'i-l rii' 4H lie ioi ioH 104 LM U ""ioi 'ti" 'ii 604 iV n 400 UVt II T1.)0 11014 10HH 10 H 10 100 104 1(0 n.T"0 , l ie l.ioo 401 .100 It 17 14 4 H V4 7 IH 17 li J m ii 7 m 100 4,104 40 4.) 1 8-0 0 II ioi K 14 71 11! W II 100 1IM IM.OO share. K4 U i4 14 111 u 164 44 '4 24 1 81 4 H 170 a 7H 1'4 ll 40 H 74 It 41 SO! 71 0 164 150 Ii 111 lOT'U. I M 14 14 IS V 44 14 I! 4 14 lie 4 1. ii' 40 4 M4 104 Ul 1 4i' 11 u tl S44 i:s 114 1'4 M I 14 S3! 41 tS', 4 M 4S 41 M ion 4 71 44 11 10 in 4 74 , II 1 64 K. ' It 4 64 104 11 17 134 114 14 114 1084 71 44 374 14 46' 13 S4 1 16 4 14 nt 61 -10 44 ii 1 Uve 14 1114 , i ! 114 New York Chicago Boston Philadelphia St. iJoula Pittsburg ban Ktanclsco.. Baltimore Kansas City I Clnclnna I New Orleans Minneapolla Cleveland Detroit Loulavllla Lo Milwaukee Seattle Bt, Paul Providence Bunalo Indianapolis Denver Fort Worth Richmond Albany Waahlngton Salt Lake City Portland, Ore Columbus, O St Joseph Memphis Savannah Atlanta Spoaana, Wash Toledo, O Tacoma Nashville Rochester Hartford Peoria Des Moines Norfolk New Haven Grand Rapids Dayton Portland, Me Sioux City Springfield, Mass Evanaville Birmingham Syracuse AuguBta, Ga Mobile Worcester Knoxvllle Wilmington, Del Charleatan, 8. C,...., Chattanooga Jacksonville, Fla Wichita Wilkeabarre Davenport Little Rock.... j Wheeling, W. Va.... Fall River Kalamazoo, Mich Topeka Bpiingrleld, 111 Helena Fort Wayne, Ind , New Bedford Lexington Toungstown Erie, Pa Macon it'n kf- rd. (II fedar Rar'ds, la.... Chester, Pa Btnghampton Farao, N. D Lowell Canton, O Bloomington. HI South Bend, Ind...... Qulncy, 111 , Springfield, O bl'.UK rails, 8. D Manafleld, 0-.u.. Decatur, 111 Fremont Jackaonvllle, Ll. Lincoln luaaland, OaJ.... (Houston , (Galveston 11,846.629.0001 24t.69i).0 177.o78.OiiO kil.'4.i 16.532. OOOi t.',ti9.'.0M 4".6u5.tOt 8l,i2u.0M 89. 461.0. 10 14 6.1 0 01 19.6P7.0jO S,2J6,Uii) 17.361,000 14..'k:,(w 14.3fU.0U0 9,0.9, uUD 13.,o O..0 ii.Sie.oiiv 11.263,000 13.4H3,0.) 7,4i,CKl0 8.tKt7.tmo 7.460.000 8,48!,0(VJ 111.. 30, 00 4.6,l,uOv, 6.37,000 6.6M.0W 6,0fW,(X) 8.74d.000 4.2,8.000 69J6.00 6.601 ,000 6.2 B iA-OI 7.9;l.u 4.0.1i.0m 4.931.0. k) 4,37,0I1 3,412,Wi 8 253.OJ0 t.6i"i.0.0 2,9,1.0110 3.L,0V0 2.J..ino 2,344,000 1. 58 J, OiJO 2.2'W.O.Xl 2.107.000 2.0l '4, 000 2.o8.0.H 2.55. 0X)i 2.4J4.0X 2.371,000! . I,4iii.u00 1.846.0.i0 1.645,0,10 l.S-'b.OX' 1,763, 000 1, 471,Oi ), 1.2i6.0i0 1,446,0.10 l.Sfio.iXM 1,704,0001 2,0i o.OOu 1.210.0.XI 1,441,000 l,030,u0O 931, COO 843.0U) 1,24J,OoO . 843,0H0i 8l,0lO 6il.lR0 6M6.0HM 78..O0OI 737.0JO eOiOuOl 6.6, WW . iS'I.ooj1 Wl.OOOj 472.00i) 7uO,oO-j on, .i 481.000 449.000 44.0oM . 46.000 4O6,0t0 6K-.0uW 890.0-101 819.0..IO 845,tO0 2SO.O0.) 1.400.0! 4 2,O63,0W 29.6W. 14,989,000) 7.01 18 8. 9.7 1.0 6.0 3.2 14.8 8.2 36 8 2.1 6.0 29 9 7.3 20.9 11.2 9.6 17.3 16.6 ...... 39.6 8.6 17.0 9.2 23. 'io!. 1.9 16.9 11.3 6 6.6 10.4 6.1 13.8 4.0 47.3 1.3 8.2 "uV4 3 4 8.6 16.6 14.0 6.3 10.7 12.2 1S.5 21 7 8.2 20.6 12.3 .63.3 9.4 13.6 41.9 10.9 2.6 27.3 , ... 4.9 21.9 2,.8 107.6 41. ' 28.6 2J.0 7.0 24.0 48.0 ...... ' D.1.6 17.6 I U 10.1 4.7 41.3 HOGS SELLK3 LIITLE STROXQEU gkeea aad taaika la Very Llgtkt f ap ply 'Killers Scarce aad Uo4 Klada Btroag Feeders Blow kat Steady. OMAHA. Nor. 3. 1907. Ca.tle. Hogs. 8iiep, SOUTH T? akdk i r t a wurn . Cuhcial Monday 10 6.9 1,370 26.510 lueaday 2.8..H 1.8.3 6 7r7 Uiiic.ul Weilnes.lay 2.. 37 2.447 9.P47 Oftlulal Thuisday .. 2 5e S,4il Estimate Friuay 1,900 2.0 e.4ue Five davs this week...22,17t 10,736 66,0. Same d-ys last week. .. .,li 24,343 So, tiun.e days 2 weeka ago..8o.4) s.n 6i.i0 Same oua 8 weeka a.o..,t!4 2,t,8.H0 7j,06 Hume uaya 4 weeas ago..o-,l7 26,6.4 93.2-8 Same dys last year 33,ell 24,167 77,1(74 The following taoie shows the leueipts of cattle, r.oas and aheep al South Omaha lor the year to date, compared with laat year: 19V7. 1.4. Inc. Deo, ..auil 1.0ia,22l 8iu,ne3 l4w.. toaS 2,01u.k3 I.Ho.464 ol Sheep LilKhtMM 1,611. 4l4 ....... 24.634 The following table shows the average prkes of i,ogs at boiHh Omaha fwr the laat aeveral daya with comparisons: Data. 1907. 1906.1906.!l9O4.19u8.19e3.19Ol. Vt Oct it. Oct Ut:t. UOt. Oct Oct -Ct k t. Nor. 22... 33... M..., 26.... 27 ... 23.... a..., 30 .. 31... i 1..., 6 871 ll 70 g 6 46 I 39 6 46 e 6 55 6 4a 6 43 6 Hi 6 61 131 I 141 6 1. a 1" 13 I 01 6 161 '"I 6 15 6 05 6 02 06 4 94 4 91 4 84 4 94 4 88! 4 931 4 9T.I 4 9S 6 It e I 6 ' I 201 6 08 6 01 I 16 I 701 6 141 761 0H 6 74 71 e t 62 I 6 51 6 M 6 01 t 06 6 00 4 9 4 84 6 4 971 6 f1 5 81 4 93 6 59 5 72 4 8S 6 'll1 ( 67 6 64 6 71 Bunday. The official number of , cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. She'r. Union Paclflo system 36 9 13 C. & N. W. (west) 6 C, St P., M. & O C, H. & Q twest). ,. C, R. I. & P. (ess!).... C, K. I. P. (west).... Chicago Great Western. To the Prudent Investor It 6s not enough to be a cm red that aa Investment concern Is the oldest, largest or moat progressive of Its kind. He will want to know all about It condition and Its ratio of expense to receipts and earnings. This association, with sixteen years' ex perience, ret resources of 81.700,000 and a reserve and undivided profit account of 875,000, Is the largest, safest and most con servative ssvtnus and Investment Institu tion In Nebraska. Its condition la shown by the full statements Issued monthly to Us directors and by the full statements Issued to the publlo at least semi-annually and to the state banking board, whenever It Is called , upon. Its ratio of expense Is less thafi I per cent of the annual rece'pts. Call or write for a full statement of Its growth and resources. We have over C.600 members, and are ready to receive sums ranging from tl to 86,000 any dy and to secure same by first mortgages on boma properties, repayable monthly. Our pres ent dividend rats Is per cent per eouui re payable semi-annually. Tfi3 Cons3nratiY3 Savings & Loan Association 1614) 3Karay BU Omaha. axo. r. qixmom. vato w. xtuts, Vie. ss 7 and Xreaaw day a good strong toe higher than-ft was on Friday of last week. Representative sales: ..35 ..76 30 20 Totals The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated No. l)..., 41 tl It...., 44...., 40 71 11 41 46...., 41...., 6 44.... 71 AT. ...143 ...117 ...44 ...Ibl ...i4 ...1.4 ...ll ... ...iUW ...Ml ...111 ...ZD 9.7 :. 13.4 9.7 6.1.7 9.3 "i'.9 31.7 22.6 20.7 31.6 6.8 17.6 1 16.0 20.5 24.4 6.4 3.7 42.4 1..1 24.4 CANADA. B. C. Montreal . Toronto .. Winnipeg '. Ottawa .. Vancouver, Halifax Quebec Hamilton St John. N. B London, Ont... Victoria. B. C. fCalgary ...... 29,876,000) ' .1 26.j66.uuOI 12.014,Ov4) 2,248.1)01) ' 8,3it9,0O0 1,617,000 1,843, uOl l,b03,00 t i.O 0 994.0 1,039,000 1,44,000 9.1 8.7 23.7 10.3 8.8 18.5 12.4 1 0 8 1 (Not Included In totals because containing Other Items than clearings. Not Included In totals because compari sons are Incomplete. New York TUoaer Market. NEW TOFK, Nov. J.-MOISY-On call 11 cows 860 In strong demand, at per cent; ruling i cow 740 rate, 10 per cent; offered at 4V4 ter cent. 8 cows 753 Time loans all rates, mmlnal. No. I a.ia; 10 cows K8 sixty day .nd ninety days, 8 per cent to : 11 cona 913 10 per cent; six months, 7 per cent to 6 per 6 feeders.. 771 Cent. I 65 steers. ...U22 PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER Noml- 1 18 steers.. ..1 67 nally at 7V per cent to 10 per cent. S ail ot i 20 seera....H30 Cattle. Omaha Packing Co 4.4) Swift and Company 811 Cudahy Packing Co 8W Armour & Co 624 Vansant A Co 48 Carey & Benton 684 Lobn-an & Co 23 McCrcary & Carey 13 W I. Stephen 63 Hill 4 Son ... S3 Hamilton A RothscTT"" .. Ill Klngan & Co Sam Werthelmer 2 Mike Haggerty 43 J. B. Root & Co 32 O. McConnaughey 4 T. B. Inaram 8 I rier- Broa 6 Huffman .... Other buyers Sh. Pr. ... 6 40 140 l w 41 M 14 III .M I 114 67 I l I 40 6 44 4 40 I 44 I 40 I 40 6 to ..eceipta mo ioo 1M) io no 1MI Ne. 40... It... SI... 41... 11... 40... f... It... 44... 17... II... 40... 46... ll... Ol Av. .. ..Il ..Ul ..174 ..til 14 .114 .IM HO S M .1.1 .III sueep as I 134 I 6 4i4 4 114 I t!4 I M I 16 I 41 I 44 6 44 6 44 I i 4 70 t W expected 341 6 6 610 615 275 8 719 61 49 no oiiw Were Very liatlt. onlv eUlneen nr. K n In sight when the market opened. Ot t..U numuer two cara were conaigned through and aa there waa very little atait caired over from yesterday the total ofte.ln.s wete small. at siieep and lambs were especially I.. HmIU auubly and uacltera wera .,1 I pay little aironer prlcea for the atuff may 'ia,ted- "srln4ts brought 64.7 and ete. I eeiv. I Hie feeder trade waa In about the samo iconuu.on aa yesterday, that la I; waa alow, uui aim pricea re. named about stationary, l'heie seemed to rw. aumcint nrtr. i hands of buyers to clean up the supp.y, bu. yujeia were an disponed to move cau tiouely, hence the torenoon waa very we.i clearance 200 204 I.7S4 I advanced before anything like 1 was effected. AS Was noted VMI.r.v nrlx.. at lIl,k iuii . - cii.iunia io ieea tins season to gei CATTLE The number of cattle in me , tneir oraers in so that they cjuld be ftl.ed yards this rrewnlng was very smaii mere un uays wnen runs prove large. heir a- verv few beef steers and only a mod- ' WUaiation on aood to choke killers- traie sprinkling of other kinds. In fict, a Lambs. to.76S6.25; yearling wethers, 4.,5 cons'deiable proportion of the receipts con sisted of the kind of cattle generally known aa Hash. The feel'ng on the market waa firm both on beef cattle and on oow atuff In fact; the light rece'pts have enabled packers and outside buyers to clean up the surplus, with llw result that prices during the lust two or three, days have been given an upward tendency. Thu to- Auv the market - la almost back Where It was at the cloo of last week, a good share j 10 western lambs, of the decline at -the opening having oeen western lambs, 5.2o; wethers: 84.60(&4.7: ewes. 4.ov4t4..A. Quotations on feeders: Lambs, ed.auVj.iA, common lambs, t4.06.25; yaarlinga, H Mi 4.; weUiero, 84.0u4j4.6j; ewes, 3-OOi(;t.j0; comlr.on ewes, U.wvi.tO; aged breeding ewes, 14.604)6.00. Representative sales: At. ou Kiuin uaxota lambs,! feeders 67 248 South Dakota ewes, feeders. 17 culls... feeder feeders inadH un. I 46 Western ewea. nilla The market on etockers and feeders alao j 20 western ewes, culls...... has recovered a good deal from the break j 160 weatern lambs brought about early In the wee .4 by the 845 western lambs, feeders. suduen tightening of the financial altua- , 63 western lambs, culls tton. Today the few cattle were cleaned I I weatern lambs, buck ... up in good season and prospects were that 33 Wyoming wethers, culls. the yaids will be practically bare by the 376 Wyoming wethers end of the week. Prices have firmed up 1 147 Y yomtng ewea very materially and are now back -wner 261 Wyoming lambs, feeders. mcy were at tni time last weea. Quotations on cutler -'oo4 to cho'ce lonued steers, t5.ro56.50; fair to good corn fed steers, 16.00fli5.5o; common to fair corn fed steers. 34.at5.W; good to choice range steers, 34 00&4.7O; fair to good range steers. v!.j' 4o; common to fair range steers, $2.75(93.(0; good to choice cows and heifers, 3.0(4)3. 60; fair to good cowl and helfcra, Ji.tW. 3.10; common to fair cows and he'ffrs, J1.C0 2.60; good to choice atockera and feed ers, tt "Mm SO: fair o good tocker and foedera, 3.2, ji.76; common to fair Blockers and feeders, t2.75CT3.26. Representative ssies: WESTERN NEBRASKA. L6 Idaho larnha 833 Idaho lam be, AS M.l,n I...I,. 161 Idaho lambs, ulia)' Ve'eders!! 46 5i 86 W ' 61 61 37 60 91 . 99 116 65 70 , 64 ( 66 Pr. 60 4 00 4 00 6 65 3 oo 1 75 00 6 65 4 26 (00 , 4 00 4 75 4 60 I 90 6 00 6 76 0 t 60 European account Owing to the high pricea and the money stringency In tula country, auctions in Australia on American account are small. Ordera have been can cil.ed by seveial Impoitore. Tha local alt ua.lon la sttxmg, but tnere Is lack of con fidence In the luture that checks any hold ing tendency on tna part ot tha dealera wnen reasonable blda are submitted. The siiipiiieius ot wool lrom Boston to October 31, Inclusive, according to thla same author ity, are 214,92a,Ora lbs., against 194,A4,4g lb, the same time laat year. The receipts to October Si, Inclusive, were 370,40,343 lb., . agalnat 243,620,137 lbs. the aame period last year. kl'. LOUIS, Nov. L WOOL Quiet; me dluin giadts, combing and clothing, ?SV( 2oc; light fine, CHic; heavy fine, 17itfic; tub washed, ZoiUMc WEATHER IN THE GRAIN BKLT Fair aad Cooler, Says the Man tks Tovrer. ' OMAHA, Nov. L 1907. Rains were general In the aouthwest, along the Missouri river and over the Mississippi valley within the last twenty four hours and continue general throughout the Mississippi valley this morning. Tem peratures ate higher In the Mississippi val loy and eaatern sections. Tue weather la cooler west of the Missouri river Into the mountains and will ba cooler In this vicin ity tonlgnt It is generally clear In tha west this morning and the weather will be fair in this vlclnuy tonight and Saturday. On. aha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the correaponding day of the laat three yeara: IM,. 1M, 1905. 1904. Minimum temperature .... oO 32 27 44 Precipitation .72 00 00 W Normal lempeiature for today, 46 degrees. Deficiency In precipitation aince March L 6.1 Inches. corresponding period In 1908, Deliclency 3.64 Inches. . Deiicitncy 3.61 Inches. corresponding period In 1905, L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. , CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET taaaBasBB) AU ClaaMi 10 COWB 1031 18 calves.... 217 20 cs. & hfs. m exchange bupyant. with actual business In bankers bills at 14 to u lor demand, and at 84.718 for sixty days. Commercial bits nominal. SILVER Bar, 694c; 46HO. BONDS Government, rertilar. w Quotation on hit. ne fM'ows V. g. ret. la, rtg... da roup a U. S. la. reg Co coupon U. g. a. 4a, reg da coupoa Am. Tub. coo 4a do 4 Atrh eon ga. 4a.... de adj. 4 Atlantic C. L 4s. Bel. A Ohio 4a de ll Rrk. R. T. ct. 4e Can 'do Mexican doflars, Arm; railroad, Ir 7ork bonds today '054 Hocking Vat. 44., a n. uni. 4 ...lul kn. o. g. 4e ...1 .4,MIe. Central 4s. ...Ill do let Inc ...117 "Minn. A St. U in. ... H'4 M., K. A T. 4a. ... 4",do is ... 4 N. Y. C. g. 14.. ... 71 N. J. C. g. 6a.... t No Pacllo 4a..... m do ie .. l?4N. A W. e. 4e.... 44 O. 1. L. Hda. 4s. ot Oa. la..... 47Pfnn ct. I4i ... in 74 Reading tin the Produce exctianxa todav the but. ter market was weak; creamerlea, 20 tJVw;; dairies, lHl'--c. Flore, steady; at mark, cases Included, UVl;flHc ;flrst, tie; prime firsts.' 24a. Cheese, steady, lJ-U'HH. Kaaaas City Grata aad Provlaloas. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 1.-WMKAT-'irc lower; lecer"ber. lc: May. tlVko. Cash: No. t hard, Wc; No. 3. 6k2c; No. I red, Simwic: No. 3. Misi'Jc. I't'HN- rnulisrud; Decemer fc; My, . tf '-'.'""j No- 3 mixed. 6l4frIHc; No. ?, "'. 64Vf6c: No. t. 64 -t4Wto. i23srl.rt'l.v ,id- o-. n. 3 mixed. 41 41 lc. PYK-Btedy. i,72c. EQasrrKir,n steady; flr.ts, 20o; extras, 82c. J'An-ShV,oe ,lmoh? ateady at lltlf ? XS' chol" P'sine. 36c lower at 110.7 , a . v v. 2o lower; UL'TTER Market 26c; (aiklnc, '.a , Wheat, bu. . .' Corn, bu. Oats, bu Reoelpts. . It 010 . I'J.UJO . 1 i.MOl creamery. Shipment 136 000 It 000 U.ooil Mlnneeulla Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov l.-WHE .T-De-ceinber, II WS: -My, I' O'-S; No 1 l.iVrt.v',: No. 1 njrtt.ern, ti.04. No 2 n.rium. li.WS4il.01; Nu. 8 northorn. Wk St. I-oal Oeaeral Market. ST. I OtM8. Nov. 1 WHEAT I-ower; track. No. 8 red. coh. ri".c; No. I hard, tU-iiitl: December, 94V4' 94Ha CORN Fir"-: tra-ir. No. 2 caeh. 66tAfi57c: December. f.'c; May, 6s4fv5Sc; No. 1 Wh'te. 67J'67HC. OATS-liiKler; track, No. t cash, 46c; 1 . - - " v-tv r.n, s wn'iB, ec. FLOL'R Qu'et: red winter patent. 14.75 tjo.00; extra ancy and airalght. I4.JOJ4.70; Clear I3 6KT4.10. j SEED Tl moth v. teadv 71 75 St 30. -o k N M EA L Stead y ; 33.00, I ' PRAN-ieady; sacked, east track. $1.05 1 10. H A Y--Stady; timothy, fl.Of 100; prarr!o, tf Ik! 11 00. , 1FOV COTTOV TIFS-tl.10. I J1KVP TWINE lie. ' PROVISIONS- Pcia. lower: lobblnr, rr."0 Lard, lower; prime steam, tans. Dry meat, ateady; boxed extra ahorts, 39.25; clear ribs, la. It; short clears, Ik 50. Bmon. steady; boxed extra shorts. 110.12,; clear rlba. ilO.UVx; short clears. tW.87Vk. ; . .a . on. - 1 . ei v: aorlnifs, I 110c: turkevs, l-'V-i ducks, IMic; aeese. 8u. 1 i RI'TTER F'l in; crea- erv. ?4-iiT'.1c. I r-008-H'gher in. eoi., ! receipts. HbiprncTt's Va - ero. Chem. pld Wibaia W.baah pfd Welln-reno Bi.. ottered.. Weeilnghiieee Blactrie .. We.ra t iloa Wh ellng A L- Wlce e n Central Wle. C atral pld K rthern Pectne Central Leath r Central Lihr pfd Oisat Northern pfd gloea-Shetle 4 Sleel ...... Interboreusa Met lot. at I. pld Total aales lor the day, Boaloa Sloeke ssl Bonds. xraTrl Mav 1 Pall loans.' 678 rent: tlme'loons. 6Htt7w per cent Official . quotations on eiocae ano uuuu. . f l,e; Atrk'son 4e 4 Atlentlo Il x. Central 4a 1 Blnghem Atekieoa 734"al. A Heela.... I tn rid H Ceotennlil I Ho-Inn A Albany... tin Cnprxr Range )... Doetoa A Maine Ill Del? Wrel Hoeloa Bleveted .....1W Praiklla H. -h'.r pfd ll" Oraabr I. M ilcaa Central 1441.le Rorale eN. Y.. M. H. A H..1J' Mien. Mining ... pn Mireuetl Ii Mlcklgas , I'nloa P.olne 1 14, Mokiwk ......... eAm. Arae. ... II Moil C. A 0... .. 19 Hie UQHIUIH ... .. 4'4f-eol ..101 Parrot . .1 (lulncr .. .. 1M fhtnnoa , ,, 14 T.merack .. I'STV'.nlii .141 I'niud Copper , .1074 11. t. Mlilag... . V S. OIL . 14 I't.k . 4W Vlcl rU , .1)1 Winona . I" W'i Terl-e . St. North Butte ... . I Datte Cealltte . U N-Tfl . 1 Cel. A An waa . tl Amen Coax, ., .. 4 S'S. ' do Id Ine 46 St. L. A 1. M. Ch'. A Ohli 44e.... 10 St. L. A 8. T. Chicago A A. 14a.... M St. U S. W. a C, B. A Q e. .... U4MS(-araH A. L. 4a 0., R. 1. A P. 4a... 6-4 So. Pic I no 4e do cel. te 714 de let 4a ct' , CCC. A St. U g. 4a.. I) Bo. Railway 6a. Cole. Ind. la. ear. A. 40 -Colo. Mid. 4a.... M Colo. A So. 4a 44 to ll 17 : 4 71 11 10 04 .... 7(4 .... SI 4 ......1 .... H4 .... 67 .... II .... 61 .... .... t lie .1 1 fg 4a M ro t steers.. ..1160 J. H. It heifers... 6 2 3 cows (20 70 4 0) 1 90 1 60 t S5 1 75 t 25 2 25 2 60 4 06 4 85 3 75 3 90 Price, 2 85 2 00 cows.., 1 hel er. 11 cows.., 10 cows.., I cow..., 1 cow..., 23 cows.., 2 cows.., 6 cows.., 117 steers. 21 steers.. ..1142 8 steers.. ..lib 9S0 KO 850 934 M0 ,0 8J6 77i 9.'1 .11-6 1 95 1 90 1 60 2 85 2 36 8 t 25 1 26 2 85 8 85 8 65 I 90 ' Nebraska. 9 cows 992 X 75 19 heifers.., 34 cows.. Milldale Cattle Co., Nebraska. 6 936 Cub D A R. 0. 4a... "Hi. See. la. rie p. 1.. 4a... de gen 4a Japan 44a etfa.. de td ... de 4e Ei-lntereet. Bid. Texea A P. le T., Bt. U A TV. 4e. Union Pioiac 4a de ct. 4e 11. 8. Steel Id 6a... 14Wth-h ie II Welera Md. 4e. 4 eee-wia. Cea. 4a. SMI At-h eon er. 4a.. at eeao , ..4..., T Int. M-t. 44a 41 14 14 H H 1 I 4' 4 M 4 I SV .1014 . 14 . 144 2 cows 1120 15 t ow M 1 steer m 1 feeder... 1020 1 bull 1410 18 bulls 1361 13 cow s L-43 6-' feeders.. So) '.9 feeders. .1062 9 feeders.. 1053 8 cows 936 61 cows S'6 12 he'fers... 716 26 cows 940 7 feeders.. S73 "4 feeders.. 605 33 feeders.. 674 18 cows 913 13 heifers... 737 Bell & 4 COWS IIXIJ 2 cows IKS 1 feeders.. 1020 14 feeders. .1' 43 6 feeders.. US 23 cows 846 f rte-rs....l02 2 feeders.. 930 6 calves.... Ia0 7 cows 1024 2 70 6 heifers.. 2 76 6 cows... WYOMING. 3 25 3 15 3 25 t 30 2 10 1 76 3 (0 3 80 t 90 3 76 2 95 2 25 3 10 t 15 3 75 1 ) 4 06 2 SH) 2 86 Bishop. 1 cow.... t cows... 1 feeder. 1 bull UM 0 . 9 JO . 70 ,.1025 890 863 86) 67) t cows... 13 cows... IS feeders 7 feeders 8 feeders. .112) 87 cows 027 200 heifer. .. 6iX 17 own S t 24 feeders.. 60) 177 feeder.. 665 11 feeders.. 712 24 cows WiS 6 cows 933 Wyoming. 4 Offered. Ei-lotemet aad offered, I do efd la Pa.e. Tube.. Amer. Sugar di pfd Are. T A T Am. Woole de pfd Kd n ri-. niu.. CUnr Glevtrla ... Mi. UkUK ..... Mo, pfd M.ea ) lulled rrut ...... V a ud S. M do pfd V. S. Steal d-i efd Adventure AUouee An.algamatrd 'auiO. per . . 44 .! . II . 6e . 19 . '4 . so . 4 . . . 45 . 1 .11.. . 104 ll New York Ulalag Slacks. NEW TORK, Nov. 1. Closing quotation on mlnitg sticks were aa folio. Adorn Co a tlle Breeoe Brun-wlrh Cen CoeutorK Tunnel Caa. Cel. A, Va... H re si it t Iron Bilvee Lead ri lie Coo, ... iBr, t .. .. Ii .. n .. ti .. u ..Hi ..IV) .. t Little Chief ... Ont.rle Ophlr fit oil BeTace Sierra NeTada Saull Hopes .. Standard .. 6 ..' . .110 ... I .. 46 .. 44 .. 1 ..115 t 10 10 cows 1032 110, 2 feeders.. 13 3 60 10 feeders.. SM 8 M) 19 feeders.. 9 9 3 25 4 cow..... 87 2 90 It cow 773 t 90 4 steers.... 8x2 2 75 I calves.... 14 4 00 8 calves.... 3,7 8 10 11 feeders.. 800 L. Kavlner. Wyoming. 1 4 cows 906 2 00 8 calves.... 8V 4 calves.... 466 2 60 4 feeders.. foO 35 feeders.. Ill IW t cows 812 6 cows..... 664 2 00 A A. Newton, Wyoming. 10 he'firs... 715 40 t hel 'era... 446 T cows 937 2 26 I feeders.. 810 1 bull 6 0 1 75 . 10 calves ... 412 A D., Wyoming. Oils aad Koala OIL CITT. Pa.. Nov. 1 -Oil Credit bal ances, tl 78; runs, 226,634 bbla; average. 164.874 bbla : Bh'miejits, 184. 642 bbla.; av erage. 177 414 bbia. SAVANNAH. Ot., Nov. 1.-OIL Turpen tlne. ateady, tQac. I MOS1N F'rm : A. 14 C t on. r ovm "'.'.'.!'.'.".'. io I 9; K. 810 4.00; F. 3 90f4 05; O. 84 Suit?. .,; tl' 1 1.10; II, I4.4JOS4.13; I, t4. 634.30; K. $4.76 l.ev, iu, eu.w, it, ai.uu, v u, oj.v W, 10. 10. Luce $ enwa 856 4 cowa 15 1 bull 15 0 5 feedere.. 7a 1 feeder... 9t0 Fred 4 cow 1025 t calvt-a.... 1-3 $ cow... It cowa... J steers.. 845 k 2 25 2 25 2 00 3 80 t 30 Joxeby, t 00 4 50 3 00 t CO 4 cow 812 1 rows 116 1 steer 1161 1 Steer 1100 Wyoming. 11 feeders., tit t steers... .1144 t steer. ...15 1 row 930 t 00 $ 00 2 n 2 75 $ 84 t 10 2 50 1 10 3 80 8 80 Z t 75 t 40 4 05 3 90 4 06 2 00 a to $ 10 $ 80 $ 80 $ fl 8 10 2 26 .8 00 '3 60 2 60 $ SO t 40 $ It I 26 1 AO t 78 $90 175 2 76 t 75 I 75 t 60 4 10 4 10 2 0) a of Stork Are Stromsr a.i Llakt, Receipt. CHICAGO, Nov. 1. ai'TLIS Re ceipt, eetlmawd at 6,000 bead. strong; aterra, $4.047.UO; oow, $2.407 4.60; holier, $2.60no.OO; bulla, ti.tow 6.00, caavea, $3,0047.76. noua neceipts. Coltoa Market. NEW TORK. Nov. l.-COTTON-Futttreg opened steady; December, 10.39c; January, 10.09c; February, 10.09c; March, 10.10c; May, 10.17c. Spot closed steady; middling uplands, 10 9ou; middling gulf, 11.15c; sales, i.m bales. ' -..LVFSTON, Nor'. L COTTON Steady t "c; 'e" 10Wo. ST. LOUIS, Nov. l.-COTTON-8teady; middling, hc. Sales, none; receipts, lilt bakes ; shipments, none; stock, 7,177 balea. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 1. COTTON Spot In fair demand, 64311 points lower; American middling fair, 6.46d; good middling, 6.14d; middling, 6ld; low middling, 6.61d; good ordinary, 517d; ordinary, 4.67d. The ealea of the day were 8 000 bale, of which 600 were for speculation and export, and In cluded 7,500 American. Receipts, 1,000 btl. Including tu American. Metal Market. . NEW TORK. Nov. L-METAUJ-Thar London tin market wa higher, whh s,)it quoted at 144 l.a and futures at 148. The xuuz& eti . wsj F-u:nr:"r.wn';ng"rror ssr-tsks light mixed 65!SLs io .ho.i?,.fi'a'. u Copper wa higher in London, with apot -VJir&lM c!"ln " 87 'nd '"lures at 66. Locally bTj; bula ot Lie. ' itVuita ' V """" Arm and hUhes, wl;K bHEEP AND LAMHH.!;inii !J,k" W t IH.2W4W; elecirolyUo at ed at ,bot t 008 heatTrket '.tJauv ftJU "n!. ca,tLn. at 113 w 1 to troiig ieeu i7uj6' TImot a? wf ""ch"1!! both her and in London, ;iVl ?i. M 'iwfc.r. It was ouotetl at 18. Spelter wai ' ""ui-bo. : i unchanged at 3 In London, but wai eaiv Kaaeaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Nov. l.CA 1 1 uK Re ceipt. l.tOO kaad. Including $00 otitii erne. Market ateady to strong; chol?e pprt and draaaed beef aieera, 15.10 t.40; fair to good, l. 6044. 66; weat-nn 5ie,rA. -24.00; atockera and feeders, $2. 104. $0; southern steers, $J.$6U2.60; 5?utn-",r.n. J- 31.78 t.76; native cow. tl.60iil.86; native heifers, $2.5$.6; bulls. I2.00t.i6; caives. 42..T,6..6: HOGS Recelnta 1 tun i.j.. m.,u tVfFf. '2 60 h'"r: top. tt.10; bulk, $6.70 60 ai o.Bg. in tne local market. Iron was lower In the English market, with Rtandard foundry quoted at 48 sd and Cleveland warrants at 60s 4Hd. Locally the market waa rather easier In tone. No. 1 foundry northern la quoted nominally at $l.Vffl u0 No. 2 foundry northern at tl9.0043i9.t0j South', ern grades remain nominal.- , 6.80; heavy, .6.60n.80; packers, 6. t6 8o; pig and light, a6.10tp6.90. . SWEJy AND LAMB Receipts. 6.6 .'c.y. aunci aieaay; iambs, 6.6w6.40; ewea and jearilngs, t4.SOn6.60; western yearlings, $6.00416.60; western sheep, $4 X5 V.2o; stockers and feeders, $3.60436.36. SI. Loata Lira Slock Market. I sSJ'k"?.1'1?' iN?V 1-CAT rLE-Kecclnta. $.000 head. Including 1.2tK) Texaus; natives steady, lexana tVlOc higher; native ship ping and export Nateer. 5.56.75; dre.aed ; beef and bulk suer. $5.5 6j; steers under lbs.. $3.04,4.6; ato kera and feedeia, $2.ibQ4.a; cows and helfeia. tirV jjO. K); can ners. $1 252.00; buils, $2.5 fV3.26; calves, L1.00 t7.W; Texas and Indian ulcere. $2.viaIui; cow and heifer, 31.2C.&8.65. HOGS Rceijit, 6.000 head: steady; pigs and lUhts. $j.26!a.30; packers.- jo wifiiaj; butcher and beat heavy, $ ..lOftS. Si. SHEEP AND LAMB4- R pt , 0 lead eteauy: native muttona. U.Mfa. v latiiba, $3.001.00; cull and bucks, to.oOo) $.26; stockers, H.y&TjS.oO. Evaporated Applea and DrteA Frail. B5WrT.9R,?C' 1?ov- 1 -EVAPORATED APPLES Dull and easier, with fancy at lrflrli Ho. Prim - t 8j9c and common to fair at fjHo. ' - . DRIED FRUITS-Prune quiet and un changed. Aprlcota are dull, but prices are tnalr'alned In the absence of offering. Peachea are In moderate de rand, but buy er are awaiting consignments from LU coast. St. efoaepk Llvo stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Nov. 1 (jrri.E Market strong; na- Recelpts, 1,910 head. 4.a6s.2S; cow and helfora, $1.76 i.3XutockftM and feedeia, t.aa4.i5. HOGS Receipts, 1,06$ head. Market Steady; bulk. $6.76i6.iO. . bHEEP AND LAMBS RecelDta I tit C::?i.n.Mar.k.eL'ci'.vi Umb- 0v 0; and Aberdeen. ., fV.VVVU,VU, Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. Nov. l.-SEEDS-Clover, cash. $9.45, December. $9.47; March. $.47Vi. AU alke. prime, $9.40. Timothy, prime, $2.$u. Coaalatorr, Oeta Ckaptor. SIOUX FALLS S. D., Nov. l.-Bpeclal.) -George A. Pettlgrew of this city, grand secretary of the Masonic bodies of South Dakota, has returned from the big Masonlo meeting at Washington, and announces that while In the national capital ha se cured a chapter for the new conatatory of Maaons In Sioux Falla, For some time Sioux Falls Maaona have been working under a dispensation.' The application for the establishment of a consistory In this city was resisted by Tankton Masons, but the grand secretary bad a good cass, and, as stated, the application waa granted. This will rreke the third consistory In South Dakota, the others being at Tankton Sloax City Live Block Market. ssjs vftjiini Boslins Enftup ws and heifers, $2.l64.00; stockers ano! 1,8 u Woago, ZU. gra ket cows feedere IS II 4 I lot 414 v. 44 lbl 14 Bid. Flour, Ibis.. Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oats, bu to") . f1." . 47.010 lUb.'JijO li.1t) ei i.-i 44 0 7o,oju Lleerpool Grata Market. I.IVFRPCIOI. Nov. 1 WHET Spot. djUl; No. t red Weataio winter, ts Id; aa- Baak t'learragra. OMAHA, Nov. 1 Bank clearings for to dav were 3'.K. fit and for the cor reationdmg dale last year $l,tl4.?.t.Ufc t Treaaary Slatenaeat. WASTIINC.TCN. N v. 1. The ptate" ent- of tic !-.:M!o dei-t eh i4 that at the rlore of btllnea )-e dehf iec casS Ii tre treaetiry u-- urted to $ 79 176 6. an In-creai-e as compared with last month if f' 1 7. .-2:: Ti e d. bt ' recalti lated as fol lows: Interest-bearing debt, $s I t 6.610. 1 steei 110 I $5 t 25 t 61 2 2$ lorelaTa Klaaaelal, I .TiNT-ON. Nov. 1 Today a a hopday on the Stuck racl.ang br. Bar riUe. B. Kendrlch. Wyoming. .11 J 4 30 1 steer .1190 t 80 B. Rorey, Wyoming. 15 steers.. ..1163 4 30 27 steers.. ..110$ $10 I $ steers.... 965 t 28 t George W. Hrewater. Wyoming. i !5 teei7..! 4 DO $ eowa 1160 $ 10 ' 1 bull 15-M 2 li 1 steer 1'JiO 4 30 ! COIXJRADO. 4 fteders-.M 4 it 1 feeder.. .1190 4 25 25ows 109 8 20 1 cow lax) $24) Gilbertson A S.. Montana. I steers... .14 4 S) 1 cow 1.) $ 10 P. Met arthy, Montat.a. 1 steer M 1H t s eers....r t steers.. ..1010 $ 35 9 cows 1054 $ cows 974 1 75 13 rows 9i0 T. T. Paliierson. Montana. 8 steers. ...I'M 3 80 2 ateers.... 00 $88 1 steer luoO $ 25 1 hu'l 1620 t IS B. Salverson, Montana. 1 ateer 1100 8 no I steers.... $43 $ $5 H. A. Stephens. Montana. $ . Its" 4! H'ere.. . ee HOGS Receipts if hogs were light again today. Wl.lle there waa a fair demand both on the part of packers a d I . result was a reasonably active ma ket with . I e.ri j.imia i" .lain vii.Tina ' enui It voneo market. i d aeaaon in tha mornlnir. Tha nrlr-a NEW TORK. Nov. 1 COFFFE FMtueea 1 paid were strona tr a little hither than closed steady net unchaned 'o $ -olntt j yeaterday. In extreme caaea poa-lbly a higher: Dec. $.fcc; January, ..7'ic; Mtrch. i much a 6c higher The hop aold larxeW 6 hvc; May. 6 10. Spot, culet; No. 7 Fl . 6.0; I at and right around $5(0. with a I' D a' No. t bantoa. $u. Mild Guffea. dull: LVx i $5.70. Tti hoa mtrket during the laat 13.0U214 tiu: $2.6.'o$6a HOCS Recelnla 1 Km I...- If!: n..t.':-... .. higher; aelllng at $6.40$.66; bulk t( SJ WBIDJ 11(0 ICduOnS CI inJlOUnlrif. calves and yearlings, ASeHO ALL THI Mlwaeapolls Grala Market. MINNEAPOT 13, Nov. l.-FLOUR-Flrat f stents, $5.5bt5 6o; second patents. Ikjjr 6o; first clears, $4 804 40; second cleats. $3. Oj3.70. FLAXSEED Fair demand; closing prices were ' 17.'.1! ; to arrive, 81.17V BRAN In bulk, H1.00. Mllveaakeo Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. Nov. l.-WHEAT-Steady; No. 1 northern, ll 041 o: 0 j northern I10OH103; Decenrber, Wo bid. HARI ET Hlatwr: No t XI 01 - ,o.-N vu Stock la Slgkt. Receipts of I ve stock at tha six prlnol- Vm. ........ u.....i. jreaierosy -a tt I. South Omaha 1 fti.i i rioux .:ny I Kan-ae City ' St. Joseph Ft. Louis micago .. 2U0 ' 11 9 .. 1.910 .. 2.0(0 .. too Total recelpta. ..13410 Hots. Sheep. 3 3 O $.400 l&A) 4.8I t6l0 1.3 1,815 8 OX) 60.1 10.0UO to 4) 34.603 It 145 Wool Market. BOSTON. Nov. l.-WOOL The Com. merclal Bulletin of Boaton. bas'ng Its re port upon statistics gathered from the gov ernment, w'li say tomorrow of the wool OHv-Huftier: No. toVpc bid S cash. 69000 ; May, marxet: The market la aulet and the weea a volume or business of only ever ice. site. Trading is checked to a considerable extent by the financial dstres. D-a!ers and maniifaetnrers sr more conservative. Large corporations have covered and ar out of the market. The demand la wholly limited to the Immediate requirements of the smaller consumers. That the demand la urgent Is shown by the request for prompt shipment. From this It la believed that aupplle of clothing wools, which are quite large, will f'nd a better market than The tovada Mining News Of Reno, Hev. U the only on .hat rsapondt to th With specially Instructed correspondent In every Nevada camp, with all the news of all the properties In the campa coming to hand f y tel -graph the day before publi cation,. wth expert market revlewera to measure th's latest haws by standards of the last market reports and their own ln t'ma'e knwledte of men ard propertlea Ui NEVADA MINING NEWS each week: tells Its publlo what their stocks are In trinsically worth, what they may be worth In the future, whether to buy or to sell, to hold or to let go. - . Among all the mining publications there is none with this s'nic'i- rnrr,oa In the execution of It by the NEVADA MININO NEW, neither lme, nor money, nor energy Is spared, and there Is "- 'avd a de. of Independence and f earlesaueut unique among clan publications. Issued every WedneeUay of the year. Price, f'-'t per annum. Trial aubarrlp tlons. $1 15 f'.r thr-o months. SAMPLJ3 COPT ON REQUEST. Addret. expected and sales will be larger when Isn.rta ni nog mtrKet ourm; tr last . normal morey conditions are reached. For- ; al Win It 'fk,rl 'CM tl... Wt tbre days tas beeu firming uu and Is tu-i ettra maiket cvuilnu fliui and anUvs oa I Hal AUd M.fbiiVi! htilJ. hCnO. Kif.