2 TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1907. Telephone Douglas 613 Reaches All Departments. Off A Great Success On Mll Sal f tl.00 to fl.I8 BOk and "Wool 9xa Ooods at 69o TO. ' .A mot remarkable purchaae. Th t rnn at1ful drea good you hv . tlVMi .paid. IL09 to 11.16. We ar alway tlad to grnt them Ten at reg ular prjo. 'Alt new and freah from - th tftlB. W tool- the entlr surplus atack'Mi, hand.,- It la tha manufao turer' ,! not oura. W ,ara rolni to sim ur custom era tha benefit of thl treat pufOhane. Sea theaa pretty food 3Iplad In cur Sixteenth St. winder. AH In 'dainty pretty broken chexha, Ida levely new'ahadea of Au tumn hfowh. Jrw narlea, new hunt- , r and tiliva' green, and tha aweU ' new London' gray. At tba aame time, ' aek to r the oew plum or Amthyt re. Thy ara rat favorltee. Ask y"r frlerda who hv attended thla gTa ale what they .' think of It. Com Wednesday.' . ' Main Floor. .We sell'alduff 's strictly ) Howard, Cor. 16th St., Bee - io - is '.li lull amount aa promptly aa mey wouia tf th clearing house ml was not In ex istence. ; Some cufloua method were resorted to ij customers, who either wanted the money yr desired to test their banka Tuesday. Many of them who drew out all tlf money M wmcn mey - wera enuuea unaer me nil Monday, appeared, at tha, banka with h certified checka 'they had taken Mon lay and wanted to draw .20 per cent of the . .ttAf'ka m mrmfn TnMriAV 'I'M I was trilA In j ilmoet every bank In .'the city,' whll thera who presented check or drafts ind received money and cashier's check, wanted to know tf they could not com In Wednesday and draw 30 per cent of the rhecks accepted Tuesday, Bafker told 1 '.ham kindly, but firmly that they could iot but assured them that It would not M great length of time until they could Iraw all their money out . - AWalat OoaBdeia.ee Roles. ( i Th general feeling In business circle Is in of absolute oonflienc and enterprising merchants arc even advertising for cua- ' totnere to bring their check to th store tad buy goods with thera and receive th omasa's rxntx roos czvrsa Sesisnr&nt en Second Floor p Ixcch loader ' la Basemen! AWTOT- Blend Java and Mocha cof fe. Bo th cup; or, at tea and coffe j. . is. . .' aa J lbs. for We ar the only dealra tn Omaha M who bur. roast and sell genuine Mandolin Java' and Mocha coffee. Q i h.nfnra your si uu are owi served br purchasing hr. Iior Department Thla wecK poSal-- Wilson Wulaasy, (that all) 75 j Owl Hollow (regular T5c) thl wek. at , Ocl Fine old California Port or Sherry per' gallon, i, i, $115 I gallons. In keg.'.' , , .'..' $6.76 10 gallon, ,M keg..,": $19.60 No chary for" 'hrppto'' ' Special .price In gallon packagi on lt grade f pur whlkle for famHy ?aad mdlii, bur- H r.;cdt;pcjpxr:acnt. :;; g Just rc1ifftS sfWh contlrmtinnt SJ I M IDS CllfwrRlV, Aetata; u tr ziktn 1 -A tj - ; 1 1 j i ' ' ir. O II'A rf 4A Wli Wdne.iay'a SrECTAt- i Pork O)iop.pr rb.r."..,'. HHO S0 ' ' ' 'l ' ' ' ' ITti and 2oivgtM Stiavta. ' . M VelOFBQM Dooglaa l rrlyat Kxoaaag ooenmrta all IMyta, H ri..F0X.t JIliLLQWE'EH . l Thursday 13 llVllowe'eo. and our tore U crowded witk dainty Ideal tor. theoccaalopu " " , . " UERK ABK A FEW KVGCE8TIOXS. i Puwj'VJa Lanterns, lee. Cream pumpkins, ' '.iC9 Cream Apples. . Pla Faiors'.'.pumpkln Faces, Paper Napkins. Pumpkin De signs. Fancy Cakes ta Form of Pumpkins. j Old Fashioned Mollaases Taffy. Nut Brittle. Glace Nuts, . Butter Scotch, Angle Food Taffy, Toasted Marcbtnaliows, Cnndy, Butter Cream Corn. tnr Store re? DrucAc r . Co. I l l.oa Uoug. 711. Tapering W aist G;Gorsets are the only ready-to-wear corsets that have the true fashionable shape, and -the comfort of custom made models. You will find the full line of Fall models in all styles and "sizes. -Every pair guaran teed. The illustration shows a correct model for medium figures. Model No. 377, in coutille, $2.00. Ask to seo it in our Popular Corset department. ' Second Floor. K Bargain Square in Basement Wednesday Remnant of dark colored Printed blua and white, black and white, red and white. Duck Suit! tie:, regular 16a quality, In length from I to 19 yards, warm and aervtreable for dreaaea, on sal Wednesday at. per yard 5c The St. Mary's Blankets Made by St Mary' Woolen Mfg. Co., St. Mary'. 'Ohio, Which I on of. If not the finest most modern wool blanket plant tn the country. They make twenty different branda of blanket and we carryvetook of all of them. Can we plnase you. We know we can, with uch an assort ment and a we buy direct from the mill we sell at Jobbers' prices. $4,211, 15.00, 15.76, H00. $8.75, $7.00, J.50. $9. 00, tg.50. $:t.00. $10.00 $10.50. $12.00, IlltO, f 1 i.bO. $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 and $23 60 a pair. "St. . Mary's Crib Blankets $100, $1.00, $3.85, $3.76 and $4.00 a pair Weit Basement pure candies. . - o? Qpen Saturday Evenings chang In cash or check of smaller de nomination. CasM la being deposited In the banka by tha atorea and business houses in large quantities, and almost every one of the five national bank in Omaha gained In the actual amount of cash on hand Tuesday. 'I was not much surprised when I looked at the dally atatement Monday evening," Id th president of a $1,000,000 Institution which has ovr $10,000,000 In deposits. "But It wss gratifying to see that wa had gained In cash and actually had more on hand by great many thousatid dollar at the close of business Monday evening than wa had whan we opened Monday morning. And th recoiving teller ar still busy.'' Manager Jerome F. O'Connell of Hayden Bros.' bank Is optimistic over the prevail ing situation. He said; "Ther was no flurry yesterday nor today. W had ome few withdrawals frem th bank, but they wer only very small ones. Thera. were over four tlmea as muny deposit a with drawals and today the proportion la even greater." , MILLARD PREDICTS EARLY END Gold froaa Barege Will Sooat Reetoro Carreaey la Eaat. - With $19,000,100 in gold ordered from Ku rop for importation to New York and more thar subject to tha order of Ameri can banker, th and of the present em barrassing situation in financial circle la In sight according to former Senator J. H. Millard, president of th Omaha National bank. Senator Millard is of opinion It will not be many -days ut the bank of New York will resume fu.l payment, which ac tion will be follow ud Immediately by the chain of bank from Chicago to St. Louis and then by tha banka of th west. In Omaha. Kansaa .City, Sioux City, St. Jo seph and Minneapolis. 'When tha $19,000,000 of gold beglna to ar rive In New York and the banka keep or- derlng, aay at th rata of $6,000,000 each day from Europe, It will not take long to I plac tha ehtlr $60,000,0:0 which ha been withdrawn from th bank of New York 'and th affect bo, like an electrlo current. It will travel from New York across th country to the west and in the space of a few daya business will be resumed as i usual." ' Senator Millard intimated that if things . wr as peaceable in New York City the ' rest of th week as they wer Monday and the gold began to come in from Europe th bank may begin payment in full dur ing next week. Other are 6f the opinion tlmt the Omaha Clearing House association will, not find U advisable to continue the partial payment rule longer than the present week. "It waa rather sudden," said Senator Mljlard, "to stop paying all at once, after It had been asserted so many . times that j th west wa not in any way dependent on the east and that I what has made It seem 01 -tn First National bank of Penuor, Trading on tha Bourse today wa very queer to ome depositor. The first Intl-: who was in Omaha Tuesday. "Vi f re quiet The advance of the discount ra.a matlon they had that It would be neces- ' tm paying out cash." said Mr. Wilt&e, 0f th Imperial Bank of Germany from 6 ary for Omaha bank to hold to the ' nd "0 depositor has been refused a to 6H Pr oent had only a alight influence actual money wa when they read the dollar yt but ther is a limit fur ua. on price. The private discount rat wa newspaper Monday morning. Last Week j w can , pay put several thousand dol- per oent higher. . th bank were never In aa good condition J" yet befor we get down to whore .president Koch of the Imperial bank and it was not suspected by the depositors I w must stop In order to keep within the called attention to the fact that th poti or even some of the banker themselvts, j required amount which we must carry tn tlon of th bank had grown weaker com- that It would be necessary to hold up the money In the bank. Of course, the bank ar In Just aa good or better condition te 1 day that they ' Were1 last week, -but it I I only neceaaary to protect them from being .drained of cah." t ' Senator Mlllaid said he hated to See th clearing houa rule go . into eftct, as it waa tha first time in the history of his bank that a deposltor'a money wa' jiot handed ever th counter, in gold, silver, or currency when the check wa presented. Other banker take th same view of th situation aa Senator Millard, believing that i thing will be cleared up next week. Th Clearing House association will meet each night for a time, to take any action necea aary to facilitate the handling of business. A meeting wa held Monday avenlng and m associaiiun u-. - tng Tuesday avenlng. MONEY FOR CITY AND , COl'NTY No Need of Fear oa Part mt ta Em. . .h. ,.v been agitated beclu. U..V fcar-d the, " "f" P"" would hav to tak. their pay thl. week ,ehtk or a dr" n" '1 In checka Instead of In cash . ara need- j i, ' j lesaly alarmed, according to information I given out by ah bank and by leputy Treasurer Sharp. Arrangements will be mad to ecur ufflclent money with which to cash all payroll warrant. Tna 1 county, city and school district pay their ' . employe th latter part of thl week r th first of next week and payment In check would seriously affect many of , thes employe, who need the money at I once. I "Th bank hav promised to furnish us with money to meet th payroil war rants," said Deputy Treasurer Siiar.-x "Of cours if they shouldn't do It ws would hav to pay la checks, a our cash ro vlrts are not sufficient to eimhU us to j f ay In cath. t.or this, thj iictlua of the banka will not affect city and county finance much unleea tha uln- alon of cash payment "ahobld continue lr. t. i.k. mr.mm of th funds on deposit In the oanks would be tied wp and work might ba hampered " Th other county officer hav eo far felt no effect from the situation eicept that frequent demand fot ready cah are met with. , Th offlcera ar recelvMa; checka and paying out money by check a they have always done. TRAY CASH CAtuUT O THE FLY Soma Qaeer Notloa Get Oat a Re- salt ef naak Action.. Some strange notlona and Idea found their way from the bank situation to th mind of some persons in Omaha. Scarcely had the mornlno paper spread the Inform ; tlon that banka had adopted th' clearance i house certificate policy than theaa queer , Ides began to generate. One man called up The Bee by telephone Monday evening, : quite excited and out of breath. "I have Just got In town," he said, "and I have learned that tha bank of Omaha have closed their door and on of them the one In which I hav my money ha been declared Insolvent; can you tell me If this I true?" Th facts were given to him, but he didn't seem altogether at ease even then. Monday afternoon a man of foreign na tivity entered a hardware atore; where he I had bought a stove a few day before. : The stove had been delivered to him, but he came io cancel the contract. , "I Bont vant to puy de stov," h In formed the merchant t "Why not, Isn't It a good stove?" asked the merchant. "Oh, ye, I guess It Is a goot stofe, al reaty, but vhy should I spend my money for a etofe now ven I can get two dollars for one any place I take my money?" . "What' that; get two dollar for one?" exclaimed the merchant who had .iot then read the morning papers. "Show me where you can get two dollar for one and I'll make you a present of a stove, for I think I could dig up a few dollars to hav dupllcated.'K "Oh, get It anywhere, dot" vat I heard. You haf thousand dollar you can get It two thousand; If you haf five hundred dollars you can get It a thousand. So, I cannot buy It the stofe, odderwis I lose some money on' the Investment.' "I told him all right, we would cancel tha deal," said tha merchant "That man thought all he would hav to do would be to walk down th street, jingle hi money In soma man's face and Set two dollars for everyone he had." ' In nearly every Instance patrons of hanks received the most courteous and considerate treatment But one' minor bank clerk In the confusion tripped over the idea that he must be very austere. An elderly woman. kwho appeared to be hard working, atepped up to tho window where this austere young man stood. "I want $20 in cash," she said. After some parleying with the austere young man she got her $20. But just as , ness under the check system, greatly an sllpped the cash to her a deep thought ' couraged by the news from New .York, seized him. 1 Out of 400,000 savings depositor tn tha city, "Madame, what do you want with that money?" ha demanded In a ton that might hav meant he owned the money. "I want to pay my grocery bill," she re plied. K . "Well, you don't need money with which to pay your grocery bill; give your grocer a check. 1 ' But I want the cash." "Give the grocer a check, mada-ne; can't you understand me." - The woman persisted In demanding the money. ' ( "Madame, you don't need any cash; you have told me you only want to Tay your grocery bill. Norv, why can't you; go on and stop taking up my time." . , But he got th money.' - - rrOTHIXO SERIOUS WITH GltAIX Baslnec Temporarily Tied las bat Sltaatloat la Plot Daaarerana. Half tho line elevators In tha eastern part of Nebraska were closed Tuesday, according to C. C Crowelt of the Crowoll Grain and Lumber company, who cstd the quiet on the grain market was :o nounced, but not serious. It simply means . a loss of a few days' business and every thing will recover within a short time, Mr. CVowell'a home Is in Blair. "Cash cannot be obtained at the banks of Blair," said Mr. Crowell. "A clearing house as sociation ha been formed to meet the emergency and payment is being made the same a In Omaha. A tho same con dition exists In other country towns, I th grain business 1 practically para lysed for a time." Mr. Crowd.' statement in regard lo the grain situation U proved by th fact that but two car of corn were sold on the Omaha market Tuesday, one a car of No. 4 corn at 49c and another car of no grade, which brought the sum price. On th 'long llyts of price which are ' Quot8l ch bV h Omaha Grain ex- change, the following Information wa printed Tuesday: "There is no trading In cash grain. There Is no demand for wheat and oats." , Soma country banks will undoubtedly be compelled to suspend payment alto- eth". according to 12. A. Wtluo, cashier ( me Dank. Then w will hav to do some- : thing. Th bank will probably get to- gether In Pender and laau check, guar- anteed.by both institution." Many new bank hav been' organised Within th jaat, year at new station along th Una of th Burlington from Asruana to bioux City. A thes bank j nave amall resources and llttje cash, it . s possible that many of them will be j compelled to- tasue proclamation decla.'- tng vry day a holiday for bank clerks uavll they can aocur cash from Oniuha, t'XCLB. SAM TAKES rHE CHECKS Postofle and Rtim Cellecter Ae- ecpt Paper of Dawks. Cashier's rherkj and onr'na Hahu ,..- tlflcatee look good to Uncle Sam, when guaranteed by th combined resource of Omaha' national bank. Beside buying merchandise, with the check., . people began . buying poetaga tamp with them Tuesday and the- post- omc department took them In exchange M rJ a llfTODW C 11 A IUaI Dou't atop to cook breakfast. Graxpe-Nuts FOOD with cream or milk Is always rtady and titei strength for the day's work. THBERS A BEASOS.- K whatever at the atamp wlndowe. But " new Circulating- medium of Omaha looked to good to Postmaster Palmer that .he mi clad to boost his trade alone br accepting tha checka, aaj-lng that no de- ! partmrat store tn Omaha was going te get I ahead pf Uncle Bam a lonar a he 1 mana- er of tha Omaha branch of the postage atamp dlatributlng bureau, In the office of Jhe. Internal revenue col- lector the check looked Jut aa good aa bag of gold. The first one which dropped In was from the western part of the slat ,d was for a large amount It was ao- cepted with th endorsement of th Omaha Clearing House association. Tnl, reiievea the brewer, distiller and clf,r f,ctorlea which ar dependent on tha collector of Internal revenue for tamps. PACKERS STILL BUY LIVE STOCK neeelpts Are ataraily Light, bat Das I aea Contlnaea. Live stock receipt at South Omaha were extremely light Tuesday due to th spread ing of tha new of the decline In th mar-' ket. The packers, however, went along about aa usual and bought considerable stuff, tho Cudahy company buying 600 cattle, 600 hogs and about 800 sheep. Other packers did about the aame.. Tha market closed strong. "We are buying live stock just th samo as usual," said General Manager How of , Armour St Co., "and have not nrr do not expect to chang our course of doing busi ness." i , . BIG BALAMli ABROAD (Continued from Kirst Page.) and $90,000 to Nw Orleans. The loan of money on call on the Stock exchange was mad at 60 per cent. CURRENCY" RESERVES PRECIOUS Chirac Depositor Accept Situation Without DUtnrbnare. CHICAGO, Oct., 29.-The financial condi tion throughout the west was today satis factory In general to' the banka and to th majority of business interests. In all tha money center trade wa quiet, and the banks were holding as closely as possible to their reserves In currency. The banks themselves are In a strong position, many of them having 00 per centr of their local Teserve, In Oregon, Governor Chamberlain had issued a proclamation making the next five day legal holidays In order to prevent a currency famine. All of the banks In i Portland-,' from whence thl nw came, were abundantly solvent. Th bank In Spokane hav decided to tk action similar to that of the Chicago and New York bank in ' order to protect their cash reserves. All financial insiltu tlons there are reported to be In excellent condition, and considered it prudent to adopt the plan which has beeh put into effect In other cities. The Chicago banks commenced their busl- ' amIu 1 CV1 . ...... .. li .!.. . a I . I , u only 1,600 made application for the with drawal of their accounts, or gave notice of a desire to withdraw, ,,Tha clearing house Issued to It member- $4,000,000 In certifi cates. . John J. Mitchell, president of the Illllnols Trust and Savings bank, which, has the largest number of saving accounts in th city, said today; ..'...' "We are pleaeod and satisfied over th turn of affairs,' This bank received notice from 8Ct depositors vlib ' wanted cash. As . an. offset to that . we, received 890 saving aeposna aggregating a ' sum tar in excess of the amount for wlijch' withdrawal notices were . received.. tTrfder,, tha circumstances I thins .the , situation, is surprisingly strong." i The day opened quietly at the Hibernian Savings bank, whlch, yesterday had tho only ' trace of "excitement visible In tfle banking situation. A few depositors were In lino, but a number of them went away without giving notice to withdraw funds. All the other saving banks appeared to be on an equally normal basis, there .be ing no more people arcund than on any other day, . At all of tha national banks officers re ported that no trouble of any ' kind, wa antlo'pated. . Throughout th west gen erally It Is reported that financial condi tions ar aound and t,hat ther Is no ap pearance of disturbances. ', GERMAN DISCOUNT RATE) HIGH Imperial Daalc lacreaae tt to Six smd One.Half Per Cent. BERLIN. Oct. 29.-The discount rat of tho Imperial Bank of Oermany wa raised today from SH to SVa per cent It la signi ficant of the changad situation in the market here that the advance was a full 1 per cent whereas the bank October 17 only discussed raising the rata Vt per cent. The chang is directly due to New York' demand for gold, which it la feared her ' will lead to gold export from Germany. Th exchange rates of all th countries ar now above tha gold point. Th mar ket had expected th German bank to await the Bank tof England' action, but yesterday's gold engagements In London for New York apparently rendered lm- , mediate action her necessary. pared with previous years. K said tha margin of uncovered note had Increased, gold in mall amount already had been ' shipped abroad, heavy pressure on th tank wa expected and th rising tendency of th open market discount rat in Berlin, mad aa advanc of th official rat necessary, which must be a full 1 pr cent In order to b effective. LONDON, Oct. 29. Th rl in discount rate of the Imperial Bank of Oermany had a depressing effect on th market here. Consols early In th day declined 7V4, but recovered to tZ'i at noon. Operator tx pect that th discount tat of the Bank of Bngland will be increased. Americana opened fairly steady at 1 to I points above parity, but eased under liqui dation, principally from Berlin, due to th higher German bank rate, and at noon th market waa ruling dull, with Southern Pa cific and Canadian Paclac 1 point and Union Pacific I point under yesterday s close. Grand Trunk fell 1 point on th large decrease shown in It statement. FRENCH RESUME THEIH BUY IX Q Attracted by Halloa; Low Price ef Americas Meensitle. PARIS. Oct a.-A belief In banking cir cles la that ther ia no Immediate need of Import of gold to New York from Pari. Th rata of axchaiig la prohibitive. Ns ertble th dtrW'tloa of tha Bank of Franc would be to help New York Indi rectly by assisting London tn the avent that gold export would mbarras tbm there. Thla would b accomplished by th purchase of long-time sterling bills, la th am way aa Franca relieved th situation In London a year ago. Banker bar who ar In touch with America consider th it nation in New Tork aa dectedly improved. Th consensus of oploioo i that the or al I bound to rtsult in great good, a fcece- sarlly It will bring free currency legisla tion which will prevent a recurrence of the cause of the prMrnt troubles. Tho American house here, as evidence of th confidence of French Investors In con dition In the United Statea, report that ln Tetor In thla country, attracted by th low prlcea, are indicating a willingness to resume buying. 'Already some purchase hav been made. HOLIDAY OK WEEK 1 OREOV Governor Chamberlain So Declare to ' Freveatt Moaey Famlae. PORTLAND, Ore.. Oct 29-At th re quest of tha Clearing Houie association. Governor Chamberlain last night declared th next flv day In this stats a legal hol iday In order to prevent a money famine. The bank not only hare standing account In the east and San Francisco, but they have during the last few months loaned millions of dollar to easterners. - Th Portland banks hav been notified by their correspondent In othor parts of th coun try and other Indebted to them that they must not attempt to draw on th outsider for any money whatsoever. , SEATTLE, Oct 29. Seattle banks hav so far taken no notice of th action of Gov ernor Chamberlain' of Oregon In declaring a five daya' bank holiday In that atate and will make no similar request upon the executive of the stat of Washington for th reason that no such need Is required by the local banks. Officials of tha leading banks when interviewed said that there Is no ap parent necessity for Invoking tha plan Of holidays, aa, there ha been no burden put upon th banka by tha depositor. BELLINGHAM. Wash., Oct S9 -Banking conditions were apparently . never bet tar, according to statement made by th heads of the four local institutions. They say that the eastern financial flurry ha had no appreciable effect and that deposit have Increased during the last few days. TWO BANKS-" B B CONSOLlDATn Stat Bank Absorbed by Commercial National at Kaasa City. KANSAS CITY, Oct., !9.-The Wyandotte National bank of Kansaa City, Mo. The State bank, at 601 Minnesota avenue, Kan sas City, Kan., with deposits of $500,000, waa absorbed this morning by the Commercial. Tha work of transferring the deposl s began Immediately, but the doors of the Wyan dotte Stat bank will remain open for sev eral daya for the convenience of it custo mers. The absorption did hot causa any excitement, and was considered only as an Incident James F. Downing, president of the New England National bank and a leading mem ber of the clearing house association, aald that a3 trouble had been experienced by fcny other bank than the Banker Trust company. As' on yesterday thera wa no appearance of a run on any of the local banks thla morning, and the restriction In the payment of currency wa accepted cheerfully by th customers. LITTLE! DOING J if OKLAHOMA CITY Practically No Easiness In Operation by Reason of Conditions. OKLAHOMA CITY. Okl., Oct. S9. Clos ing th banks has practically stopped bus lneas In Oklahoma City. The cotton dealers are buying no cotton and but little other business has been done. The banker of this, city ara meeting this afternoon to devise means whereby enough money may be realised to care for perishable freight and meet the payrolls at the close of th week, Th people view the situation calmly, believing that the entire weok will not be required to bring about stable condition. . Headaches and Nenraljgta frem Cold. Laxatlvtij$romo- Q.ilnln,.. th wor)d-wjd Cold and Grip, remedy removes cause. Call for full name. Look for alg. E. W. Grove, 250. Featherweight Fight Tonight.' SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 29.-Abe Attel, championship ' featherweight, and Fred Week of Crlppl Creek, will fight twenty rounds tonight before the Pacific Athletic club for the championship and 60 and 40 per cent of the gate receipts. Betting so far lias been light, money in large amount being offered on Attel at 2 to 1, with few taker. The men will weigh In stripped, a( 122 pounds. Keystone Park " to exchange for certificates of deposit, certifed checks or cash ier's checks on any Bank iri Omaha or South Omaha. Come and Bee us. We are not afraid of the Banks. t PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY First Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. end D. V. SIIDLES COMPANY Board of Trade Bldg. e a ton's Headquarters for fine candles. Ship ments recelvd dally. Boston and White's Continental Choc olates, per pound SOc In V to 6 pound boxes. , Lowney's Chocolates and Don Bons, per pound oo In to 5 pound boxes. Monte Cristo, Allesrretti, Mazeppa, Woodward's, Johnston's Milk Choco lates, and many other well known brands, in ft to 6 pound boxes, at. . per pound . .". 60c Beaton Drug Co. 15lli and Farnara Sis. the Vrng Store Koted for Accnrary. AlfTJSExIIS.ITS. -V:.Oie4LiBrf. mm, MOVING PICTURES It t . - T U 11 T. C loa . nwiuim 1 k. h, vry alon. and Tburs, t iit At)oiuK.y i t tuui B OFFICERS: M. X. BARLOW, President G. W. WATTLES, Vice-President V. B. CALDWOL, Vice-President A. HilLARD, Cssbier - -W. L RUOADES, Assistant Cashier L M TALMAGE, Assistant Cashier G. L IIAVERS1KK Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS: 35 M. T. Barlow Gey C Barton ' S. S. Caldwell V. 0. Caldwell N. A. Dull ThoaaiOry C. IV. Lyaian Euclid Martin A. Millard L M. Mcrsnian A. L Reed B. F. Smith W. A. Saila G. W. WalUcs CL' Yost YOUR RESERVE FUNDS la what wa mih you to lnvwit with ua. Every business man I awar of th need of a reaarv fund on which h may rely In time af buntnr tr. ' Our re erve now amaunla to 6t,000 and is swing all the time. Yu will find it an advantarv to talc your rearrv fund out f your rsu!ar account and Invest tt aafelr and where it will brln good returns. If placd wttrt ua, we will flv you aa aeourlty flrat inortcarr on horn property mortgage repayable monthly and a reaerv and undivided profit account of 75,ft()9. In ixtn year w ha never paid lea tban par cent par annuo pay able, aeml-annually. "'. Prenent reaouroeia, $2,709,000. ' Prooeiat ; inemberahlp, C.60. We receive investment of tl to 15.00 any iay and allow dividend from ro celnt or money. Under state auperruuoa and oontronen by a tl-onf board of repraaantativ Omaha bualneas men. The Conservative Savings & Loan Ass3Ciati3n ' 101 HARXrr 8f , OMAHA. oso. r. onisou, . ma. ; OQJ A oda, over which MUttMHl MM WALLACE uiiiMMirRANK BOYD you (Can Save" If you only try. You will Ilnd that the saving habit pays after you hara practiced it for a while. It is better than the legacy of a fortune. It Increases the desire to practice economy and thrift, and thua enables the persistent saver to lay the foundation of a fortune. One dollar or more will atart you, We pay 6 per cent Interest on saving accounts. Omaha Loan and Buildino Ass'n S. E. Cor. 16th and Dodge Streets G. W. LOOM19. President. O. SI. NATTINOEIt 8cy. ' W. Tt- AIlATTL AaL Rm'V. . t i . -.. AMTJSBMEWTt. i THIRDANNlAL PURE FOOD SHOW AND EXPOSITION '' AT TH AUDIIOKIUM svzbt jrisauii amo ith 1AA VMMa Yata wu Oraaa aiasta of eaoio tMa prod aot Ala tuio by vuuloa a fcaaa tUMrt i tlrid C0i.gi . of icaiited AaiittaUa UOf. tool: , cow mllkit by maoblnary try afMraooa a a:0O, aad alag at 'oloa, a ta . ADMISSION Adults 20c, Children, 15c ' asx TOtrm osocza 0 sctcma yOll TICKETS A LO GET tB- . (HAS. uUBVCata hatbs. ADVA'ICED VAUOEflUE Matinee Dally 2:15 Etrry Sight 8:13 rj'I Willi Bert KU ) do V f ct, X,oaa Tburbcr, KUf VioUtte, yirrro, Cona. Sotur ft WUlaza, M U Xiwil), and ta ILlasArema. I'rlcea lftc, i&p aud 00c . Voy. and Traa Good- Plan For the prospective depositor is to? first carefully investigate into the niethods of the" bani. We are al-", ways glad to have prospective de- positors call and 'inspect our meth- j Come in and talk the matter with us. It is a subject in, we are mutually interested. OMAHA NATIONAL DANK . CAPITAL. i.OOO.OOO.O 13TH STnEETT Brvan rmam anl boia &mm j . Today, VoaLyat and All Wk MtLa. Dally XXAW DUlvoia kinok Talked AOTAkv&l TAunsriixB. VrlMi lnt ISo, SO aaA M. ' atlaeai lo aad Wa Ktat Snnday UaUl WedaMday Jam T. l-wr Uthaia Kmi. Tnnradky Bvaalaf, XoTtmbn T. Mate. OalT and Kr Company. ma t,t Mo vh (ilL Price l.ot. $2.o. ti lo. I. go. ti.10. (IRUG 'IH-SISffll . SDK. PATIO XlOOIVa.n Ia a Huutaaca ef a, jlaaiauhy Cra- (leman. .- HIS LAST DOLLAR THURBDAT "The End of the Trail" 0IIV3 VMi SlrLiV OaaUlla - iFInt Baptist CSnrcS i"J .. Tomorrc w flight EATS 91.60 AND $100 DUMWOODI TODAY AT 2:30 AKD 8:15 P 1.1. Tt Great AItaif Karry OraadaU ' Oo. tt nix) taal SVtbi ArmsXrozf Si Bally CeraA Blmfm Qraoey ft Baratt Dal aaar ft Banellt Bad U. Bisaaj motor! III