THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE; WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 100?. 11 Si. I. OFFERED FOR SALE" (Continued.) , TrwM(n mm Hwlnff Marhlae-.. FOR SALTS Hlrh-rrTSde sncond-hsnd type . writer; good condition; a bargain at 1.4. Call room sol. Bee Bide (1)-71 ONE Remington typewriter. No. . tn good condition, (or aala cbcap. Call at Hee oflloe, . Hit 29x Mlmlluma, DUPLEX ; PUMP TV-gallon Worthlnsrton duplex pump, alaa UtiOxlO, for aala about October L Tbla pump hes seen about sis months' actual service and la in good condition; will aU ri$t a bargain. Apply W. 1L Bridges, enal ' jer Bee Bld,v, U-; GAS, ELECTBIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, moat up-to-date stock at lowest prices In the city, aelact now. Delivered whan needed. Inspection invited. BUii-l-Stf UliANUiN CO Hi 8. 1Mb. at. Tel. Dou. SSL U o ' FOR SALE Power and Edison picture ' machines; rheostats,' trunks, sutteia, tools, elecirio tixlures. Juunuy twiu, uma hotel. U MJ0 XiX SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. beat ' mixed paint, ttheriiuiu c iccouull Drug tu. u . SIMPSON Roekaway, nearly new, vary low price U taken at once. 914 Jones riu ' -phone Douius 17u. 16 aox . SECOND-HAND overcoata and firearms. ttingur,- 41 N. Utk. (lto ; STOVES repaired and sold. Anything In stove una. stance, lull M. 24th. .: (1;-M131 NovT ALT. H W Pr bbL Wagner, ft1 N. 18th. ' UW ot IIW bargalna In Id hand aoda fountain, monthly payment. Dengbi, a remain. FOR, SALE Second-hand brick. In alley . in real ul Imi Harney bt. JOHN W- Hui.i, lferf FARNAM 8T. I'OH SALE CHEAP On 10-bone power, , . 600-vu Weuiihuuoe motor auu one . S-tivrse power, wvu-volt Uciitrl ic-.-.'tno. liuuil ii itew. Can ue seen in operation. Lincoln Overttll ana bliiil .rCu, Luiuoln. iseo. . M.HI si FOR SALE New and aecond-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world. In cheap bar fixture; eaay payment. liruns , I-. wi.jt-.-vwiiuuar, eW tt. lutu bt, do; ;i i - ..HALF PRICE, small monthly payments, .; H!Jpalh S History of the World,. Ameri- csniaed Encyclopedia, Webster's New Dlc - tlonary. H. B. Roberta, aoutnweat corner lout and Farnam. (IS) Ml2 NI FOR SALE Beveral show cases, new, pea nut roaster, large coffee mill, two Urge automalio oil tanks and store fixtures too numerous to mention. Oloba Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Nab., (U 71 . JjOMEOFATHlC remedies. Wholesale, re i . tail. Sherman e. McConnall Drug Co., . Ouiaba,. Nsb. Utf 27 ' 4IEND Ua yosr 'mall orders for drugs; ' freight paid on 110 lota.' Myers-Dillon t;, Drug Co.. Qmaha. Q 8J4 JXLSVATORS ' for ' sale In Iowa. Minna. . . sota. North and South Dakota. O. M. My era, 210 Flour Exchange, Mlnneapolla, Minn. . QtO MC6 Nov. ltx DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on all 11 order i catalogue free. Sherman tt Mo - Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. (16) 276 s )OTATOF.S for .sals, car lots. Henderson Bros, Traer, la. (16) M404 Nov25 HALL'S safes, new,- Id-hand. ISIS Farnam. . . . (Hi.-) jJ?NEAcom (-hoik steel range; also -two vuuuno um neaiera; oargam. mix Daven port. OO M20C sOx OR BALK-Roll top desk, chain, Ubles, rugs. Offices for rent. V. A. Kerr, 4l4-l N. T. Ufa Bldg. l)-424 NAILS. fl.OO keg. ' Star Box Co.. 180T 8L Mary's Ave. (16-M1S NovZU OASOLINB stova, S-biirner Michigan, with ovan,,(S. Address W 4i, care Bee. ' 1)-M8R1 I PATENTS V. O. BARNELL. patent attorney and ma chine dealgner, Faxton Bis. Tel. Red 7117. (1" met , LARSON CO.-Bock fw. Bes MliK. ai-ai ' PATENTS "HAT PHOTSCTi Our three books for Inventor mtd on receipt of cents stamps. it. B. 4 A. B. Lacy, Rooms - Paclfiu B4-., Washington. D. C. Established lit lot Mill PERSONAL YOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as slraugers are Invited to visit the Young 'Womea s ChrbuLaa Association rooms, 161 d ' Farnam street, where they will be dl- - rected to suitable boarding piacea or oiuaiwlse asaisitfd. ' (13) S14 LADIES arid gentlemen are cordially ln ., vlisd to come and aee the greatest In , Veutlon of. tne, age; preven all mis placed and upn Switch wiecks, also en bie the eBsiooer to lake a siulug wulls - the train la in motion, fca Norm Mih til., .. fcuuui oinaiia, f0 . ' . v. .., . 08)-M25 NOT.22X 'PLEA! 1NG Buuolfs. uUing, f ' k 1 Embroidery. - Dyeing and cleaning, spousing and shrinking only 6o per yard. beud for pries anO; samples. GOLDMAN f LEA TIN O CO., M Douglas Uock. Tel. Douglaa 19M. (Ui eM . WBI RENT machine. $1 per week, or $$ . fmr month. Nebraska Cycle Co., corner Uth and Harnsy Bis. (14 eM MAGNETlC",ron th-, f Binith. Ill N. Ulh, td Uoor. us;- "TUB SALVATION ARMT solicit, cast-off clothUi; to fact, anything you do not "t. repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th BL. toe coat at collecting, to the wortiiy pour. Call 'puone Luum. 4Ij4 and wagvuwm aa o m WHKN you write to advertisers remember , t but a few stroke of the tn n to Jay that you ssw the sdvertiaeincnt la . . The tee. OMAHA Stammerers' . building. institute. Ramga tt-7 PKNNELL MILLINERT CO.. 1511 Douglas.' tU 111 MJ SYHINGK8, rubber goods, by mail; cut price. Bend for free catalogue.' Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (18 io PRIVATB CONFINEMENT HOME Mr Dr. JUng. 11U4 N. H4ti St. Tel. Web. 5A (!) fcX MASSAGE ?0T 1204 rarnam Ht., ?n ftKr. . - ' (U0-M557 NovM OMAHA Steam Paste Co.. manufacturers , Pure flour pa-ite. ti Cuming. Telephone louglaa lh. f TOL'R mirror will tell you Satin Skin Pow ar works fceautlfylug Wonders, jc. '- ' ' 1 . i ()- REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE! PKALERS. RUSSELL M K1TR1CK CO.. 411 Ramge, (1 PAVNC INV. CO.. Douslaa 17-1. .' . 1st floor N. T. Life! (U) 6j - GEORGE es COMPANY. , 101 ramaiu, TL Douglas 7S4 . . -. , tU)--l PETER TRUST CO.. tt. Y. Ufa Bldg' . ' ' 1 S98 X fIBBERN.EN, room 18. 1! So ltltk IDJ-Mlli REAL ESTATE 1 CITT PRUPKNTT SALB (Continued.) DO YOU to you want a bome that will hflp you save money and one you ran enjoy. If you do here la something; that ought to lntereat you. We silll hare a few tracts left In Keystone Park. Now, we are selling these all the. way from K4 pr acra to 1375 per acre. Buy one of these traits and have some of the moat beautiful sub urban home land In the state. Now; our word la good, but we don't want you to take It without being convinced that It 'la good. Corns up to the office any day and let us take you out to aee Key atone Park and there la no doubt but what you will agree with us that this Is the most beautiful suburban home pluce In the state. Don't forget this . Is only of mile west of Benson and Is known as Keystone Park PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor, N. T. Life. Te.l. Doug. 1781. D. V. SHOLES CO. First Floor, Board of Trade. Tel. Doug. 49. (19)-871 2 BANK Certificates of deposit on any of the Omaha or South Omaha National banks or book accounts or certificates on the City Sav ings bank or Conservative Sav ings and Loan association will be accepted In payment for some of the most desirable business and residence property in Omaha and South Omaha. George & Co. 1601 Farnam Bt. (19) MSM n CLOSING OUT SALE Owner to Leave Town THREE ACRES With 10-room house. In good condition: windmill and large barn; three-quarters of a mile from West Ieavenworth car; ana&t trees. Cheap at 3,00. houses 1611 Corby, 8-room all modern, beautiful home; gas, electrlo light, furnaces, city water. 4,000. 2609, 2S11 and 2617 Corby; all 8-room houses, with water, gaa and sewer: 60x160 ft. Each 12,200. M) North 8Ath Ave., 7-room house, large shade trees, H fruit trees; barn, well, eto. good repair. 1,7U0. 42a Dorcas St., 5-room housft. 1660. JEFF. W. BEDFORD & BON, 230 Cuming. Tel. Doug, 115. . . . (19)-8) 29 . WE WILL ACCEPT . AS PART PAYMENT CERTIFIED BANK CHECKS On properties owned by us. Tou don't need the cash we will take your checks. We have for sals a good fist of Four, Five, Six and Seven-Room Houses, Many Desirable Lots and Acres In alt parts of the city. This Is a good way to exchange your bank account for good Omaha real estate. . HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. . Bee Building. W)-67 1 WILL ACCEPT CLEARING HOUSE . CERTIFICATES Dollar for Dollar In payment for real estate. F, D. Wead, 1801 Farnam. (19) 171 4 BRAND NEW Five-room cottage located at 8706 Rug gles St.; sewer, city water and gas; Urge bath room with excellent fixtures; double floors; Intsrlor hard pine finished In golden rak; large cellar fully bricked- and ce mented; good barn and buggy shed; per manent walks; south front lot; this Is positively the best bargain In a (-room vottage In thla section offered this season. & O. CARLBBRO. BOLR AGENT, . Ill N, T. Life Building. 00-448 TWO GENUINE SNAPS A full 60x140 ft. lot, with alley and two I immense anaae trees, just wnere may are I needed; location la walking distance be , tween Dewey Ave. end Jackson fit, on BiRt atreet. rrice smu. The price la only three-quarters going prices, A rood 8-room modern horse, $2,660: And full lot on car line. 8X10 Lake BL Don't bother tenants, but aee me. WM. FLEMING, 41 B0. 18th St, Phone Doug. 171. (19j C.O 19 HOUSE AND BARN FOR SALE House and barn, located oa Patrick homestead at north west corner 14th and Lake Sts. Separata aealed bids will be received by us, beginning Mon day, the 28th Inst. Buildings to be removed from present loeatlon within 20 days. GEORGE eV CO., 1001 Farnam St i G9)-MS-S 81 . PUT YOUR SAVINGS IN A HOME Something that you will alwaya be sure of, or a good, well located VACANT LOT OR ACRE In or near Omaha. We have a good hat of lets ws can sell you for $10 CASH, $10 A MONTH, or some for $6 a month. Now Is a good time to buy Omaha real est-te. Call and we will be pleased to show you the prop erty. HASTING8 HEYDEN, 1704 farnem El Bee Bull. ling. (!-, NEW, READY TO MOVE INTO Strictly modern house, very beet material I and workmanship; built for a home; pol- lenro nmru-woou nmsn; souin iront on Main Central Boulevard. four blocks Creighton university, seven to high school and only twelve blocks to business cra ter, room for two more houses; will sell all or part at a bargain. I. Oonuer, Owner, 238 Neville Elk. U8-83$ I BOU LEVARD LOT CHEAP. 18 feet, south front, on Boulevard, 188 feet east of 80th. for $So0. They are selling 40-foot lots a coUple of blocks east for $1,800, but owner Instructs us to sell at this price. Better corns soon If eu want this lot. RY LANDER St BIMONSON. 8v$ New York Life Building-. (19 M881 It 14 !OTS in Haicyon K.lghts, Benson, lying Well, close to car line; M minute' rkit to Omaha. Will aell altogether or In bunches of five. For prices aod t-rm ad. dress H 42. caro bee. rr l) UJ FOR SALE 8S40 Rees St., 8-reoia'housa! with lot suist ft. Price. $u0. Inquire of 1. O. AlUiouee. U0t So. Ave. (1$)-4U IBEE vaimtt aids" "vlocainigf REAL ESTATE CITY PkiirKH 1 v ruK tALB. (Continued.) $200,00.00 - TO XOAN On Omaha down town, improved property. No Delay, Money Ready W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam Street. (19) M901 n Bank Certificates Taken same as cash for any lots we hare for sale. Prices lower than similar looated lota. $100 for lots close to car. Jlnil for lots close to car. $1.09 for Iota close to car. $3ii0 for lots near 40th and Jones. iiiO for paved street lots. tQ for lots on psved streets. i'J0 for Eighth and Dorcas lots. ) for lota 84th and California. 8i0forlot 87th and Chicago. $750 for lot th and Webster. tl.OUO for lot 86th and Leavenworth. $1,260 for house and lot, 2i!28 Bo. 10th. $1 M for acre lota, tmi roved. $X0 to $400 for acre tracts. ALL PRICES LOWER THAN IN 1893. Patterson, 162 3 Farnam (19)-M895 80 JUST FINISHED READY TO MOVE INTO ' Eight-room, modern, full basement and attic; natural polished hardwood finished, best material and workmanship; south front; central boulevard. ' ONLY TWELVE BLOCKS FROM BUSI NESS CENTER, Seven blocks to high school and four to Creighton university; .nice neighborhood of modem homes; room for two more houses; will sell all or part at bargain and accept bank checks or deposit; easy terms. X. "CONNER, OWNER, 232 Neville Block. (19)-M89t 80 WILL ACCEPT CLEARING HOUSE CERTIFICATES Dollar for Dollar In payment for real estate. F, D. Wead, 1801 Farnam. (19) 6 4 WALKING DISTANCE Brand new five-room cottage, thoroughly well built; cemented cellar under en tire house; double floors; nlae large attlo for alorage purposes; nickeled plumbing; everything modern except heat; located on north side of Blondo street. Just east of 27th; tood neighborhood; close to school. Go and look at It and aee for yourself how It Is built. Price $2,880; easy terms. C. O. CARLBERG. $11 New York Life Bldg. (18) M188 Inside Snau Northeast corner 18th and Aapltol Ave., 88s 124. $8.tu0:,two blocks tm postofflce. Can you equal It anywhere? C. G. CARLBERG, Sole Agent. 811 N. Y. Life. (19)-eflts Lots! Lotsll lots!!! Our bunch of 70 lota west of vHanaoovi park are selling fast. Why? Because they are CHEAP, close to schools, churches, eto. We still have a number of good ona left. Call us up. JEFF. W. BEDFORD & SON. 2308 Cuming. Tel. Doug. Hi. (19)-S4 2 WILL ACCEPT CLEARING HOUSE CERTIFICATES Dollar for Dollar In payment for real estate. JT. T). Wead, 101 Farnam. (19) 870 i FOR SALE A well built 10-roon frame bouse, beautifully finished In hard wood; hard wood flooia, mantes, modern bath room, and conveniently arranged. Will aell at a very low pi Ire, to be removed flora present premises by purchaser. Ad dress C. C. Rosswater, Bes Bldg., Omaha. (191 Mill $4.(00 will buy elegant 8-room mod, n house at 414 N. 81st St.; east front.; paved aireet) permanent sidewalk; beautiful lawn; large shade trees; eaay terms. If necessary. THOMAS -REN NAN, Room L New Sork Lifs Building. u ? FOR SALE $1,408 or more first mortgage coupon bond on one of Urn-ha s best business corneis. No depreciation In this Investment snd no better security. Write or call. The Putnam Co., M4 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. U)-$74 TRACKAGE PROPERTY le lease or sell, 150x177 ft., on B. sV M. Ry wu uui.mi, nuuss or ouai ard. ANNA V. M-TCALF, 'Phone Doug la 871 Ijm 8. 10th SL osi-Mm Novi I WILL pay a good price for oottagea to move. J. H. Fa-rotte Board of Trade. Ii8 Mju 81 REAL ESTATE at reasonable prices; write for Us l. U. B. RdUnsoo, banta Cras. Cat tl8 Jdtio N8a FOR SALE New modern 8-room cottage la north part. Al location, phone owner. Harney 8177. t.l-t4 Nov. 14 E"EAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST nr CUAS. ml WILLIAMSON. Prea ' tl al j BUT THIS BARGAIN' """ Lot at 88th anl Fort alrtsta. enlv fH B. A Nerdqulet. Owner. t 85. th ui. I U9-7SU J rpaaz fosiI estate, agfesotts REAL ESTATE CITT PHUPURTV rok f ALE. (Continued.) FOR SALE 1322 South 27th St.v 7-room cottage, modem except furnace; east front, beautiful lot with shade and shrubbery. Fine neighborhood. Owner Eolng to Texas and must sell. Price, $8,0v0. ut make ua an offer. D. V. SHOLES CO. 110 Board of Trade. Main Floor. Tel. Douglas 49. 09)-S4 lx WILL ACCEPT CLEARING HOUSE CERTIFICATES Dollar for Dollar In payment for real estate. F. D. Wead. 1801 Farnam. (19) 8ti8 4 FOR SALE Lot 16, Elizabeth Place. In quire Stephen Meyera, lbU No. lxth St. (1S)-M30 3UX LIST your property with Chris Boyer. Hd and Cuming Sta. (19 (94 REAL ESTATE rARM RANCH LAND FOR SAL lew. BEST nursery stock from grower to planter. Cyrus Harvey, Altoona. Ia. (20) Mt8 Six Ksseas. , FOR BALE Phillips county, Colorado, three tine quarters; title perfect; Sl.ouO each. IL L Brown, 608 4th St.. Sioux City, (20) MJi SOX , MlaaosirL FARM of 120 acres for sale cheap; will sell all or part; mile from Swope park; fine view of Swop park and Kansas City. Address Rural Route No. 1 Box 52 Hick man Mills, Mo. (20) M801 SOx STebra FOR SALE 80 acre, well Improved; f story house; 68 seres broken, balance pas ture. P. H. Bell, Silver Creek. Neb. ) M3OOj80g REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Far i, tUsrk aad Pas tare Laada, WANTED Pasture for seventy-five head of horses: stalk flelfls, sheds and hay. T. F. Stroud & Co., Omaha, Neb. . (2D-696 NS REAL ESTATE LOANS $20,000.00 To lean on business prorerty. .:Money on hand reafor im mediate delivery. ' W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam Street. (22)-M88 81 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block, (22)- WANTED City loans. . Peters Trust Co. - (22J-89J , WANTED City loans and warrants. W Farnam Bwlth sV Co,. U20 Farnam St. . . . tm 9w $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and rest- Amnim ..nn.,!. I m nm.h, In...... . . . no delay. Thomas Brenna'ii, Room L N. Y. Lfe. .'.- (22)-89 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O'Keefe R. S. Co.. loot N. Y. Life Bldg. 021-904 LOANS on Improved city property. W. s uvuiu, w w m u si laviouai stos isiag. (22)-l8 $600 to $50,000 TO LOAN at lowest rates; no delay. GARVIN BROS.. lt Farnam, V .; wm J600 TO $85,000 TO XOAN-Privale mon no delara. J. U. Sherwood, 93? N. Y. Life. m UNION LOAN A INVEST. CO.. 810 Bee Losns on Real-Estate. Bldg. Buy 1st and 2d mtges. 'Phone Doug. 2'j04. (22) Novll $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. WsadT Wead Uidg., loth and Farnam. (22)-M3$ MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. 'Z)-9" REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED To buy T-room. all- modern house In good location; must be cheap, or will consider nice located vacant lot: de sire to deal direct , with owner. Addresa N 6iS Bee. 423) Ali 8t I WANT to buy a 8 or 7-room house. I w,ib mi iur iiuiiuQ, so iv must oe in a 8 una location ana in g resa F 64d. care Bt. nd In good .condition. Ad- t .J 31 WAN I EDTO BUY WANTED- To buy seconu-hand furniture, cook and heaiUig Slot, carpel, lino leum, bitlce luialture, old cloth and hoes, pianos, feauiers, bei pillow, quilt ana all kinua of tout; or will buy the , furniture of your bouse compete. The htgties. p.-ice paid. Call lh light man. 1L Doug. ,L t-Mtl Ocui SECOND-HAND furniture bought and old; also machine of all kimio rented, 8 per monih. T Doug. tss. ' ' t8) M898 CASH paid for second-hand clotntng, shoes, etc. Su No. K-.u ui. Tel. R4 t2vi-807 WANTED TO BUT-Calve. Tel. Doug. m -. (2S)-7sl CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foye Co. Li 8. ,4th. Phoue DougUe UO. (2,-2u TO FARMERS AND PRODUCE SHIP PER8. Highest prlcee for butter and eg. Cash or merchandise. Send trial shipment. Ths Bennett Company. Omaha. (8b K7 WANTED To buy roll top desk. AsMress D 44, car Bee. 25 MXif 80 WANTED-T0 RENT SINGLE gentleman want flrt-claa pi. ice to room and board, near car. U Hi, Be. (84) tl40 it FIVE to 1-iroom bouse within walking tiZ fane Creighton evllegs. Address W r2, be. lMr.l U aiFO coo- WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG MAN wants position as plana player for picture theater or similar. Ad dress S. R. Gabel, 1840 S. 17th bt., Lin coln. Neb. (-'J) M487 lz TO EMPLOYERS OF OFFICE MEN. Wanted, by middle aged accountant, em ployment aa manager, auditor or book keeper; Competent, nest, quick and accu rate; eighteen years In last two positions; nine yrara head bookkeeper to one of the largest corporations In "the West." Ad dress Y 62, Omaha Bee. (27) MtiZI SOx WANTED By experienced dressmaker, work to do by the day. Call on or ad drear 2808 Dodge 8L Tel. Harney 8750. (27) 37 Nov8 DRESSMAKING of all kinds. JM1 Seward. (27-M;i9 Nov 10s SHORTHAND practice wanted by Student, pnrt of day; small pay. Address W 440, Bee. (27) MJ1 80s THREE Japanese boys wsnt position as camp cooks; can give good references. Address 723 Bo. 9th St, Tel. Douglas 8480. , ' (77) M888 Six EXPERT bookkeeper and accountant de sires a position aa bookkeeper or assistant manager; has executive ability; 26 years old; state particulars! and salary offered; references exchanged. !i. C Degner, Buffalo, N. Y. (27)-MS3 Six POSITION desired by French governess, to care for one or more children; can apeak German and English; also Rive In struction In art; will furnish references. Address Y 60. Bee. (2D-MS94 SOx YOUNG WOMAN Educated, oan Speak French. German and English, desire p sltlon to care for or be a companion to elderly lady of means; can furnish best of references. Address Y 4. Pee. (r7)-M88 mx GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER maater. Fort Mackenxle, Wyoming, Oct. 28, 1907. BeaJed proposals In triplicate will be received here until 10 a. m. (mountain time) November 87. lSHff, for the construc tion of brick quartermaster storehouse, brick quartermaster stable, brick Ore sta tion, frame coal shed, steel-clad magaslne, and for the Installation of plumbing heat ing, electrlo wiring and electric fixtures tn buldings were specified. Plans snd speci fications may be seen at offices of chief quartermaster, Denver, Omaha, Chlcas-o and Bt. Paul. Depot quartermaster, St. Louis, and at this office, at which lattet place all Information may be obtained. United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Enclose proposals In sealed en velopes marked "Proposals for Public Buildings," addressed to Captain Wm. D. Davis, Q. M., U. 8. A. O28-29-30-S1 N2S-27. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Omaha. Neb., Oct. 26. 1907.-Sealed pro posals, in triplicate, will be received here and by quartermaster at the poat tiamed herein, until 10 a. m., central standard time, November 15. 1907, for furnishing wood, coal, shelled corn, oats, brsn. hsy and straw, during the fiscal year ending June 80, 1908, at Fort Washxkie, Wyo. Pro posals for delivery ' st other places will not be entertained. United States reserves right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any psrt thereof. Information ftirHhed on application here, or to quartermaster at the station named. Envelope containing proposals should be msrVed 'Protvei fnr ." anfl addressed to MA, TOR T"OMAS SWOBE. C. Q. M. O29t30-31N1-13-14 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Harry B. Anspacher to Ida L. Haas. f undivided half lots- 15, 17 and 18, naas euo. i....$ Anna B. Conray to John O. Btro mer, V4 sw4 block 1r 2d add. to eorrlgan place Joseph Mltera and wife to George Gllca, sV, lot 4 and nVi lot 6, block . South Omaha .' South Omaha Land company to Joseph Mltera, lot 6, block 42, South Omaha , United Real Estate and Trust com pany to Adelaide M. McLean, west i 10 feet of lot 4. all of lot t and east 18 feet of lot 8, block 7, Forest Hill.... Carl Wall and wife to Valentine Ger hard, lot 24, block 1. Campbell's add. Barbara Lr lining and husband to Charlea M. Clarke, lot 6, block 2, Sheridan place John Vlktortn and wife to Luke Gaughan and wife, west 25 feet ot lot 1, block 4, Brown park Marie Kofka to Michael Junda, part lot 7, block 6, Potter & Cobb'a add.. Edward W. Heelan and wife to the Franciscan Sisterhood of Nebraska, lots W, 11 and 20, block 8. South Omaha add Parkway Real Eatate company to Ed ward W. Heelan and wife, pert sub, lot 8 of tax lot , section 24-15-13.... Amelia Stradley to Maude R Mueller and Hattle M. Mueller, one-fourth Interest In lota 1. 8. 8. 4. 9. 10 and 11. 200 230 1,150 450 1,000 1,475 1,800 1,600 900 2 800 1,200 3.800 'Auditor's aub H. A. Scott and wife to Lara P. Jen sen, lot L block 1, Carlberg's sub,.. B. D. Mercer and Peter Rocco. trus tees, to the Omaha Wholesale Pro duce Market House company, lots 6 snd a, block 104, Omaha Robert O. Fink, county treasurer, to S. D. Mercer and Peter Rocco, trustees, ssme Byron R. Hastings, trustee, to Sophus Madsen. lot 6. block 1 Military add. W. I Selby and wife to Geortre I.leherVnecbt, south 5 feet of lot 19, block 19. Wilcox 'd add Margaret M. Puck If y and husband to Mary Bwelrard, lot 2, block 8, Ham mond place ,.... ISO 7 800 2,200 860 Joee'ph B. Muss-rove to Mary Jacob- sen, lot 10. blocg Z, L. P. Hammond a sdd Elxa B. Patrick et al. to flven Hokan eon, lot 8, block S, Patrick place..,. Total 817.181 RAILROAD TIME CARD UNION STATION 10th AND SEARCY. Chleage, aftlw 'sskss A St. Paul. Lea-e. Arrive. Chicago Colo. Sp'l....a 7 04 am all :60 pm Cal, at Ore. Expreas a :piu 8 ! pm Overland Limited a 9:68 pin a 8:8u Srrv Psrry Local a 6:18 pm aiU:Wam lalea Paelfle. The Overland Limited.. 8 Cm am 9:10 pm a 6 (0 pm a 8:80 am a 8 0 pm a 9:15 pm 8:46 pm a t:W pm a 8 60 am b 6:16 pm a f :1S pm The Colorado Express. 8 :3r pm Aiianno express The Oregon Express.. .a 4 The Los Angeles Lim..sl2 Til Vmmt Mall :10 pm M pm :M am The Csllfornta Express. s 4 Colo.-Okago Special... alt Beatrice Local b 7 North Platte local a 7 :iO pm 10 am Al am :42 am Cklcagt et Northwester. Chkage Dayllgui..' 4 i:iA am $L s-aul-Miun. Exp. ...a 7:J am lutcugu Local ll:j am Eioux city Passenger... i.txt a.n Chicago Passenger a :! pin all:64 al:M a tU a S.a a 8.D0 a i.U a 7:40 al2:8o a t.U a :4 a K:au a l.ij a 7:40 a 6:28 all iw a 8 28 ail 10 b 6 b 15 pm pm pm pm am am am pm am am am pm am pm am pm am pm pm Chicago bpeuial a S:uu pm et. raui-uinn. urn.. Loa Angeles Limited Overland Limned.... Ksst Mail Sioux City Local .a : pm ..a y:" pm ...alv:w pm ...a'siiptn ...a ku pm f mmi Twin city Limited..., Norfolk Bonrstsel... Lincoln-Yoi k-Chadron Deudwood Lincoln... ..a T'40 am .b 7:40 am ..a 8:00 pm Casper - Shoshoni i oj pm Hastings - Superior b SiO pm Fremont - Albion. ......b 6:86 pm Chleag Great Westesa. St. Paul-Mluneapoli ht. Paul-Mlnneapoii 8 80 pm f SO am 1; 86 pm 8 .2; am 11 86 put I ac pm I : Ht am Chicago Limited , 6:0 Dm (.nicago tx press thlraeo Express Chleaga, Reek I slug 7:'i0 am 8:8o pm ra EAST. Chicago Limited 1:18 am Iowa Lcal a 1 am Da Mulaes Passenger.. a M pm Iowa Local all:4am t hlcage (ksstero Ex.). .a 4:S pm CUlcase Flyer a 6.00 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Llm...all:40 pm Colo, and CaL Ex a l.ii pm dkl and -Texas Ex a 44i pm Llncola-Faii bury Puss. b 8:4s am all 30 pm 4 80 pm ail "M pm b 15 pm a 1 :6 pm a 8 86 am a 8 86 am a 4:4, pm a 8:46 pm b!0:l am RAILWAY TIME CARD-CONT,'vi Wabash. St. Louis Express m 8: Bt. Louia lsH-al (from Council Fluffs) ; a t; Stsnherry lx"al (from Council Fluffs) b$: Illinois Cettral, Chicago Expreea if 8$ la $ am all 00 pm blO :im a$ roam a $ 80 era :1$ pm :lt am pm U pm :30 am i9 am 4 am :M pm :89 am sunn, at ft. t'aul EIP...0 7 ( hie ago Limited a $ Minn. St. Paul Lmtd.a $ Mlessvarl Pa el lie. K. C. eV St. L. Exp a 9: K. C. St. L. Kip all: Nebraska Local a 8: oo pm a 8 Npia a 8 00 am a :1$ pm a $ 00 pm all BURLINGTON TA10TH k MASON. 0arllas;tom. Denver It Callfon lie... Northwest Special PUrk Hills Northwesi Expresa .... Nebraska points Nebraska Express Lincoln Fast Mail Lincoln Local I.ihcoln Local Louisville, Plattsmouth I'ellevus, Plattsmouth.. Plattamouth-Iowa ...... pellevue Plattsmouth.. Denver Limited Chicago Special Chicago Express Chicago Flyer jowa Local Ut. Louis Express Kansas City St. Joe.. Kanssa City St. Joe.. Kansas City ft St Joe.. Lesvs. .a 4:10 pm .a 4:10 pm .a 4:10 pm .a 9:30 pm .a 8 00 am .a 9 20 am t I IS pro . ,b 8:10 pm a 8:10 pm .b 9:15 am .aiiVn i pm .a 7:ti0 pm .a 4:30 pm .a 80 pm .a 9:18 am 4:15 pm ,alO:4S pm .a 9:lf am .a 4:48 pm Arrive, a 410 pm a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pm a 6:48 am a 6 10 pm a $10 pm all ll pm b 9 08 am a low pm bl0:W am a 7:45 am b rVsoam 8:48 am all 45 pm a S:.1 cm a 8:8) am all:l40 am en'.:to am a 8:80 am a 8:10 pm WEBSTER STA.I5TB WE BIT Eft Chleagro, St. Petal, Mlaaeapolls A Omaha, Leave. Arrive, .b 6: JO am b 8:10 pm .a 2:(iopm all:: am .b 5 46 pm b 9:10 am ..o$:46 am c 8:50 pm .a 7:46 am a 8:55 pm Twin City Pawnirer.. Sioux city Passenger.. Emerson Iocs Emerson Local Mlsaonrl Pacific. Lee. via Weeping Water Falla City Local Falls City Local ......u pm aii:t) am o 7:X) pm cll:26 am a Dallv. h hillv -r. a,.A a tly aPUT except Saturday.' Dally except Monday. ' OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CLASS'S CRUMB or TBI "ARABIC M-a 1,M tons, Ss. Ir, . HI niusllr steadr. IHI THE OMENl MU Febru i to Asm IT, 1KI. eTentr tys. coiIIds enlf $100.90 n up. InclsJInf ho riruriilon. MPKC1AI, FEATt:RE3: Madeira J-'sis. BeYlile. Algl.r. Mslt. I Dars la Bgrpt th Holr I nd. Csnmtatlsopls, Athra. Ruin-, the RlTlsrs. te. Tlrkt. gnnt to t la Surob-. Tosr Roand ths v.orl4 tni to Euro , glcil, .to. F. C. CLARK. Tlmsi Bldg., New Torx. PANADIAN PACIFIC Impress- $,in of tn Atiamio $44.75 to Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, $43.75 to Liverpool, London, Glasgow. $47.60 to Scandinavian common ports. $82.60 to Hango, Abo. Helslnfors. Ort regular steamers, 8128 lower. Two and four berth rooms reserved. 0. B. BKRyaiair, Oeneral Arsni, 038 So. Clark st Chicago. . MAYOR NOTJHE ONLY. ONE Every Officer of the Law Mar Ma Incladed Uader the Son slay La 'a. Mayor Dahlman la awaiting a report from Assistant City Attorney Dunn before Issuing- Ms proclamation for the enforce ment of the laws of the state In Omaha! for be will not restrict himself to the en forcement of the Sunday observance law I biiu i.mi requiring- me removal or screens from saloon windows. He expects the re pott to be ready for use Wednesday morn ing, Whep the proclamation may be Issued. In this connection there Is a rumor that the major will not be the only man to come, under the terms of the Sackett law. but aa that law covers every other officer of the city, county and stats, each one of tlie Incumbents of these offices mar be called upon by name and title to join the mayor In carrying out the terms of the proclamation. It is asaertej by a person close to the mayor that when he issues the proclamation he will send a copy to the county attorney, the chief of police, the sheriff, each member of the Board of Fire and Police Commission and others who may come within the terms of the Sackett law. notifying them that aa he has been compelled to enforce the terms of all of theae laws hs will expect the hearty co-operation and active assistance of all other executive officers of the count v snd city and that he will expect compliance witn the request under the same penalties by which he has been forced to act. PROMOTING STUDY OF BIBLE Two Sessions at V. M. C. A. to Oe, Atteadea by City aal Ontslde ' Ueleftates. A confeitnce of members of the Group Institute, for the promotion of Bible classes, will be held at the Young Men's Christian association rooms this afternoon and evening. A number of delegates from the associations at Fremont, South Omaha, Bloux City, la.. Council Bluffs. Omaha and some of the college association will be present. The conference will be In charge ef Fred B. Goodman, Bible study secretary of the International committee of the Youn Men's Christian association, who comes here from Mankato, Minn. The afternoon conference will be for members of the assoc'atlon di rectorates and Bible study committees, and will extend from 8 to 6 p. m., during which time a light luncheon will be served and brief toasts delivered.' The evening con ference, which start at 7:80, will be open to all those Interested In Bible class work. FARMERS HATE THE. AUTOS Pre J a dice Agaiast Them Delays Ern-paaellna- at Jary to Try Damage Salt, Prejudice of farmers against the auto mobile is causing some difficulty In getting a Jury In Judge Bears' court to try the suit of Soren Sore n son agalnat Jesse Wheeler. Sorenson, who was driving a team collided with Wheeler tn an automo bile and la suing for 61,283 for the loss of the horse, whtoh was killed and for In juries to himself and equipment. One of the Jurors who had a decided accent, waa asked bji. Wheeler's attorney If he had any prejudice against auto. "Ys," he answered, "they t'tnk they own the whole road." Another Juror asked Ahe ssme question replied: "I don't know whether I would be pre judiced against them or not,, but I have had two runaways caused by them and 1 might be biased a little." Berxuoa la a Pealteatlary. "The tmii4t sensalli.n I ever felt," said a well know Philadelphia clergyman, "waa when I pleached to ths prisoners ons Sun day at ths Eastern penitentiary. I stood oa the hard stons floor In the middle of a long double tier of cells. Around me there were hundreds of listeners, yt 1 could ses but two or three, whose white faces were pressed against the bare. The remainder xild not even look at me, pre ferring to sit quietly In their cells, out of sight, and listen. When I began to speak I raised my voice so that everybody could S,"Vn "J' bui " astonished to hear a muffled growl from nearby cell, the pos sessor of ths vole saying: "Don't talk whin 7Ha C,n h4,r hlPr In her Inv J . d!." " So I lowered f . J "nd went un aneaklng. Sud denly lb, ab.ufdliy of the gestur" I w aa making atruck me. aa ther" wer "to few ""t- iiunuu us u uotuas 4ui auuq pjju; pue juxm; si jo ds , jog i im "euj e )uu pip )tu, eouipns us oj Suisse is 'Juuj junnd jsuui ss li -n jnb j os 'ti) v) i AS 01IILR FtLLOWS SEE.Il New Yorker, Amazed at Equipoise of West, SiigTaresU Drama.- WOULD STAG LIT ' KOinCT. MESJ Let It Be t'omle Ostra ssi Opa with Jeha D. MIIHeae Terrl Sed at Faille Vtnan rial Wall. , J. Q. A. Parsons of New Turk passes, through Omaha on the Overland LimltH Tursdny morning. Mr. Parson expresse himself as amaacd at the equipoise of thi middle west during the present financial aituation. "Do you know," he said, "what T wtul4 do If 1 were playwright? I would Qiaks a I don't know whether to say oomt oper or melodrama out of this situa tion. It would lend Itself admirably t either purpose. , "Take the comic opera. Scene openl with John D. Millions terrified amid tin falling walls of financial structure In wildest Nsw Tork. Then sbddenly come cyclone, earthquake, tornado or Volcanic eruption and the scene Is chanted to Ne braska. Ring In some' catchy rouslc Will chorus like this: f "Mid the turmoil and 'the strife ' Of Nsw York Tve spent my life. ' ' And I thought there wasn't . nothlhl nowhere else. . But Nebraska now I see. And the whole blame west be ire. Have the money by the corncrlb, full al least, . , ( , . .. , "From tht-re the opera . would. ST showing the happy .life of. the hero wh thought the only wealth on, earth wat contained In Well street. He raises Moil bumper crops on his bis ranch, hai all tht warp taken out, of his speculating soul and becomes a real citlsen of ths West. Her little muslo for the third act when th hers has became a wealthy Nebraska, farmer, It Is sung by a quartet In overall an, wearing corn husking peg In their hands! "O, we are the -merry old huskers ot corn Look at our horny hands.; Back In New York we once -er ahor But then we were only lambs. Now we are dealing hv gojden Wealth Corn and the other grains.' . " '" No lonaer we need to deal by stealth- , Lasting now are our gains." "Now take the drama,," contlhued Mr Parsons warming to his subject. , "I , real say the 'drayma.' , In . the flrst , act , tht hero Is discovered, tlie cataclasm,-whloh u sure to follow reckless blind speculation, about to cross about him. It . rapidl closes and he loses every tjent. 'Fothetlo scene with wife and children 'gaUiered around him. Villain, who was his pretended friend In the day of prosperity now spur-r-rns him. . ; 4 "Second act. Bceno,r Nebraska' Tims, three months later, hero In blue overall and blue shirt (of course It' open, at ths throat) spade on bis shoulder he standa kissing his wife goodbye for he I going out to spade up the forty acre corn.' field. Wife woara calico dress la plaoe . of net silks, satins, tiara, diadem and othet Jewels of New York. "Third act. Harvesting the corn crop. Lots of merry song In this act as the golden ear strike agalnat the bang board nf tli ttM.liln. wn.n fnrn hrbAil Anit corn cake and lot of good things to eat. In the midst of It, just for; effect, an article Is read about the flurry In Walt street and all the merry gathering nearly chokes with laughing and eating corn- bread at the same time. "Fourth act. Hero ha become governor of the stste and with certain heroic and appropriate words that will . surely bring cheers from the gallery, he sign a bill that shall forever prohibit stock gambling and make everybody cultivate a corn Held as the only means, to sure, lasting and legitimate wealth." At thla pqlnt the tral started or It li Impossible to say how much farther ' Mr. Parsons' Imagination might have carried him. ;'''' " "Office Boy Wanted," read, A sign up In the window of a downtown office. . A half dosen boys stood outside contemplating It "Why don't you go In and pipe 'em fer de Job?" asked one. "Job. Ain't looking for no' Job. I make me little twelve per and !' going to stick to de boss." . "Are you guys game to sjo In T" sard an other. . ' : "I don't believe in switching jobs,"' said the third. I began at six per and now I'm getting 18. My boss Is a swell guyj and me and him likes each other fine. Course he makes me a little sre On him now and. then, but. he's surs . tb candy man when he ain't too busy. Nothing In thla quitting business. My brother knowed a guy what quit his Job every tlms ho could get a dollar more, and my brother 'Just stuck to ths same Job all the time, and now he'a a swell guy and makes all kinds of coin. He told me to stick, guy better get wise and quit Jumping your Jobs," The boy agreed that "Skinny" wa right and non of them applied for. the Job. Notice to Oa Customer. We are pleased to announce that Foley' Honev an T., rn- ..ih. ,.. trouoie ia not affected by the National Pure Food and Drug ' law, as It eohtaln no oplatea or other harmful drugs, and. w recommend it aa a safe remedy for chil dren and adult. For sals by all druggist. Negro Assailant Lyaeheg. MEMPHIS, Oct. i9.-A special to the - f1 tviu . miyB,., s-iea.. says: . The body of Charles German, 'a "negro Who, It Is charged, erimlnally assaulted ths young daughter of a white farmer, wa found hanging to a tree about five mi.os from here today, his body . rlddlol , wiih bullet. , ,Tr, Weatea Heady for Loag Walk. PORTLAND, Me.. Oct. S.-Edwrd Pay son Weston, the veteran pedestrian, who 1 to walk from here to Chicago, la ready- for the l.iAKmllo tramp, whlok begin this evening. THIS Is bljh grsd h4 she fer strata Psrfsct la fit, sasppy, stydsh last aad of bigtutf grad stock and workmanship. Mad In variety flsthcr -PaUnt Colt, Vicl er Pstcst Vka, Bra. chcr, Buttoa or Pollxh. This Un to alssr carried ia tb low - cuts, Sam styles. Width, AA to EE. We sis sxak this Has with Msdicatsd Wool Cushio InsoUs. er Etactric Wilt flts ibl sols, or Bode Oak sols making It An Idial Shot, Thae ttyl ar poev lUvely tb IsUrl crc; tios is tb art qf abev asking snd caaaot bet pleas ths most' fee tidieos. U your dealer canaol MPPr Too, writ us. We'll War why, sod' advise where yoa CAP Sl th.m - .:;,e f. r, KlbaXAALL. 4ft L. I u 1 V, Wm-yt