THE OMATIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, OCTOBER CD, 1007. 9 OFFERED FOR RENT - (Cuntlnuod.) Ham. T RUQ BTORT5 Best unoccupied location for local drug business In city. Will al ter end lesse to right party. Also A-l grocery locution. IiEMlS. 80 Paxton. Lik. rPhone Dougla t. Q6-tM ONE store room tn r "Bcargo" building !r. Ponth Omt!:i, n-r posdfflc. with lighted basement, modern hnw windows snd swnlngs: best possible location. Hull Distributer Co.. 1T First NatL Bank B'dg. Fhona Red 740. rj-8L. OFFERED FOR SALE Folngr ANCHOW nfl Iron fencing; wire fencing to par foot. 808 N. 17tn BL TL Red Mi. , ParaM (D lAND furniture bou r, "4 on tha square. B Fnrnttaro. . nvht a n A mM1 final tt 7 4 on in aquara. nownw!r, lormrnj wltn inicsso cur. v-o.. a. j-m. ynug. 6886. (16) M464 Octal WANTED TO SELL Purnltura and fur nishing of 7-room modern house, located In WcM Farnam district; furniture prao tlcaliy Hew. House leased until Septem ber. l9og. TeL Douglaa 7090. (i-M2a HIOHE8T grade Antwerp oak dining room set, practically new, c"t 8150. harrnln at 81C0. 'Phone Harnoy 785. t!6) ttt 2KX FURNITURE for sale at 718 8. rath St. (16) (39 28 HIGHEST grnde Antwerp oak dining room set, practically raw, coat IMA barcain at 8I0I 'Phone Harney 7. (16) M646 29f- -Plano Organs, Maaieal Inatraaaeats. Vr'r,.- 33? NEW PIANOS TO RENT ' at prices ranging .from (3.00 to JS.OO -pa' month. Tuning frea with any piano rented for rour home. SCHMOLLEE & MUELLER . PIANO CO. uu-nu faknam ity -: 0)-68 STE1.WAT piano, second-hand, good coa dtuoo, cheap, ms MvCegue Uldg. (lM OcLS FOft BALK Excellent -upright piano, used only three montna alnca built, cheap tor caa or on Installment. Uuura 4 Kar iuwa blooK, Du & 16lh St. (18) MMs $275. ELEGANT upright piano, mahogany caaa, used six uud one-half montu. . 41S N. 83d. (18)-2!6 28x BEAUTIFUL" Upright piano at a big bar- gala: It will pay you 10 can and see it. 1M9 Davenport. (18) M-Ua lx Typewriters) amd gewlagr Machlaea, FOR BALE Hlgh-grsd second-hand type writer! good condition; a bargain at in. CaU rJom 603, Bee Bldg. (10-671 ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6, In good condition, for sale cheap. Call at Baa office. ' , (16i-63x - - Mlaoallaaaaaa. KVtdi c v UUrLCA . , :iPUMR Viilon Worthlngton duplex pump, alia ' UxluVkiiO. tor aale about October L This pump ha teen about alx months' actual aarvlca and la in good condition, will sell at a bargain. Apply W. it. Bridges, engi neer Baa Bid. ' , (W) 6i GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURE Lai goat, uioi up-to-date aloe at loweat priuaa m tu city, !. t now. Dellversd ahoa ueaasJ. luspauuon Invited. BUiCu-iba UKNiN CO CI a. liit eu 'lot. Liuua. wl. U AkS FOR MALK New and coond-iiaad billiard auu (iwi Uuoaa. a m.u m uim ia iieay ar kAtiuvsj ay uiwu. oiia WM.'MMbwuutwuiU' b. Awui an. HALF PitlCE, email icontuly paymcnta, itu.palu a u.luy ut iua nuriu, Aiuwi 1 cauiMU a. 111 vtupacua, Voaiar a iSmn iw tlunai y. .k t. Jo. tvjuuriu, tuutuviot uutaar lvu aud Aariusiu. U tt FOR BALK liaveral trtiow cmm, new pea nut luaatar, iaige touts iiiui, two ltiae auion.atia oil Utxs auid aiuis uxiarea 100 liuuioiuue to iiiuiiiiou. iiuua uud autl , LivaauuMib-CO., OuianA, ttmu. (iu-il i xHOMEOPA'l UtC .remedlea, wholesale, ra " lau. anei 'uaA e Mu;ounil lrug Co., Omaha' Jao, (luy 2. BEND U your tr.atl order for' druga; Iietght .paid on Uv) Iota. Myera-biuon rug Cm., umaha. (i i -LEVATOR for aala In Iowa. ' Mlnne SoLa, tNartn and buuth Dakota, ti. M. alyera, 2le Flour Ejiunange, Minneapolis, at ma. - (la) MSjs No. lax FOR SALE Po were and Edison picture machines; rheostaia, trunks, slieats, tools, electrlo lixtures Johnny Reld, Oma hoial. - U) MJaft aix BRERWXN-WILLLAU CO. beat ' mlxee) paint.. MuCouusll Drug (Jo. (iio-a;: SIMPSON- Rockaway, nearly new, very low price If taken at ouce. D14 Jonea St. hheoa Douglaa 1704. (1-W lOx SECOND-HAND overcoata and firearms. Singer, 411 N. lftth. (lS)-tT TOVE3 repaired and aold. Anything In atove line, stance, lttl N. 24th. (ls Mill Nev? ALT. tt.OO per bbL Wagner, Kil N. Hth. a&-ne 1'tW bargalna In td hand aoda fountains, aaenthly paymunla Dvrlghl. Ul Kdinim. . (1 31 FOR SALE Second-hand brick, la alley la rear ot I3v7 Harnev St. JQHK W. UOBUINS. IWJt FARNAM ST. ' ' -' ' . (la)- 81 OR SALE CHEAP One Ift-horatTpower, iuO-voK Weauughouae nioior and one l-horae power, suu-volt Ueneral El-jc-trio. (Juud as uaw. Can uu seen in operation. Lracola Overall and blilit (.0.. Llacoln, Neb. (it) M41S H , DRUGS at eut prices; freight paid on all 81 ' Omnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. (16) i. a fJ , I 1 . II I I w . - 4 -jn ATOKS for sale, car lots. Henderson Vrus., 'lraer, la. (II) U4U4 rovi UA LL' safes, new, Sd-hand. 1S18 Farnam. (li 0 FINE Acorn 8-hol teel range; also two round Oak heater; bargain, mi Daven port. (1)-M306 80x FOR 8A1 10 Roll top desk, chairs, tables, rugs. Omoea for rent W. A. Kerr. 4o4-4 K. T. Life Bldg. (14)-4:4 . FOR SALE Genuine buffalo reb In good rendition; price, l&k 11. A. Towns. Whit ing. Ia. (H) M167 rsx N A 11.8. 8100 keg. Star Box Co., 190? SL Mary' Ave.. (1-M15 Nov21x GASOLINE atove, t-burner .Michigan, with v , uvea, 6 - Address W 44. care Bee. i (14)-M1 J a: PATENTS 1 V D. O BARNFLL. patent attorney and ana china designer! Paakoa bU. tel. Red lilt . j . (17) M42 LARSON Ca-iBA free. Bee wtdg' ... .... (1T)-41 PATENTS (Cont.n mLJ PATENTS THAT PROTF-CTl Our three : books for inventors mailed oa receipt of 6 rente stamps. R. e. A A. B. I.ary, Rooms -3 pacific Blr. -Washli i 'on. V. C. Fstabtlshed 1 ri-f;rf PERSONAL TOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha aa etra.igera are Invited ta visit the VoUiig Women a Christian Association rooms. ;tl$ Farnam atreet, where thny will ha di rected to eultahla boarding places or otherwise assisted. (15) 415 LADIES and gentlemen are cordially in vited to come and sea tne greatest in vention of tiie a; prevents all mle placed and opn switch wiecks, also en ables the engineer to take a aiding while tha train la In motion. &4 North Uh SL, botith Omaha, eo (18)-M254 Noy.22x PLEATING Buuos. "ichtng. ' s Embroidery. Dyeing snd cleaning, sponging and ahrinjilng only eo per yard. Bend tor price and samples. OOUMAN PLEATING CO., 10 Douglaa Block. leU Douglaa 1931 (is) tei WB RENT machines, fl per week, or IS per month. Nebraska Cycle Co., comer loth and Harney Bta. (U 5W MAGNETIC! treatment and bath. Mma. uiauiiuiiu Smith, 111 N. tfth, 2d floor. (11-o0 THE 8ALVATION ARMT aollcUa cast-off clothing: In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for coat at collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4136 and wagon will call (18 611 OMAHA Stammerera' Institute. Ramge Building. 06)-jf FEN NELL MILLINERY CO.. lfill Douglaa (18)-187 NlJ 8TRINGE9, rubber goods, by mall; cut ncee. Send for free catalogue. Myers Ulon Drug Co.. Omaha- (IS) X PRTVATB CONFINEMENT HOME Mra Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th St. Tel. Web. Dooy. (18) S4 lUAOOAUrj Farnam Pt.. floor. (Ig)-Mj57 Nov2 OMAHA Steam Pasta Co., manufacturers Lure flour pasta. 2210 Cuming. Telephone ouglaa 151. (18) BURNS, chaps, sores, chafing, tender skin healed by Satin Cream. Try It. 25c. (18) PERSONAL Raehelor, 21, would marry a resectable lady If mutually suited. Ad dress M 618, care Omaha Bee. (13)-815 Zlx REAL ESTATE HEAL ESTATE DEALERS. RUSSELL & M K1TR1CK CO.. 'K Ramge, (Hi) KM ' PAYNE INV. CO., 1st floor N. Y. Llfa Douglaa 178L (18) 8a " GEORGE St COMPANY, l'JOl Farnam. Tel. Douglaa 7H, (13) Sl PETERS TRUST Co., N, Y. Ufa Bldg. (1) 8M L SIBBERNSEN, room 208, 12ft 80. 16th. (1) M184 ITT PROPERTY FOR BALE. ' ' bhand"new Five-room cottage located at 2706 - Rug gles St.; sewer, city water and gaa; large bath room with excellent fixtures; double floora; Interior hard pine finished In golden oak; large cellar fully bricked and ce mented; good bam and buggy shed; per munent walks; south front lot; this la positively the best bargain In a C-roora cottage In ths section offered til la season, Price only 12.100. C. O. CARLBERO, SOLE AOENT, , tU N. Y. Life Building. . (191-K1 ' "'Bank : Certificates Taken same as cash for any lota We have for sale. Prices lower than similar located lots. Jioo for lota close to cut. JltO for lota close to car. S.fO for lots close to car. !; for lot near 40th and Jonea. . f.'lfiO for paved street lots. $f0 for lots on raved streets, $;f for Klghth and Dorcas lota. . Sfttt for lota 34th and California. ta for lot 37th and Chlcatro. tlM for lot Ut and Webster. t1 fMA for lnt Sllth Inii TMvrnwnrlh J1.810 for acre lota. Improved. $250 to Uno for acre tracts. ALL PRICES LOWER THAN IN 1893. Patterson 1623 Farnam (19)-31 28 TWO GENUINE SNAPS A full (0x140 ft. lot, with alley and two Immense shado trees, just where they are needed; location la walk ng distance, be tween Dewey Ave. and Jackaon St., on Slst atreet. Price 8860. The price la only three-quarter - going price. . A good 8-room modern house, . 82,CdO; And full tot on car line. 2810 Lake St. Don't bother tenants, but aee me. WJi; FLEMING, 41 Bo. 18th St. Phone Doug. 179. (lr-6,0 13 WALKING DISTANCE Brand new Ova-room cottage, thoroughly well built; cemantvd cellar under en tire house; double floors 1 nlo large attio for storage purpoaaa; nukeled plumbing; everything modern except beat; located on north side of Blondo all set, ut east of 27th: good neighborhood, close to school. Oo and look at It and see for yourself how 11 1 built. Price 12.850: easy term. C. O. CARL HERO, til New York Life Bldg. - (It)) M181 24 I ITS in Haicyon Krtghta, Benson, lying well, close to car line; to minutes' ride to Omaha. Will sell altogether or In bunchea of Ave. For price and terms ad dress H 42. cart) Bee. (19) 167 84.60 Will buy elegant 8-rouM modo. n houaa at 414 N. 81st St.; east front; paved strewt; permanent sidewalk; beautiful lawn; large shad trees: easy terms. If necessary. THOMAS BRENNAN. ' ' Room L New Vork Life Building. (i) TO BOULEVARD LOT CHEAP. 68 feet, aouth front, on Boulevard, 100 feet east ot 80th, for 880O. The are selling 40-foot lots a couple of block eait for. $1, 800, but owner Instruct v to sell at tlin price. Better come soon If you want this lot. RY LAN PER it SIMONSON. 80S New Vork Life Building. - (19) -1863 II TRACKAGE PROPERTY to leas or sell. 150x177 ft., on B. A it. By.: good location for wholesale house or coal yard. ANNA V. METCALF. 'Phone Douglas 671. 1234 S. 10th St. . Q9-Mm Novl I WILL cay a good price for cottages to move. J. H. Parrotte, Board of Trade. (i-MJ2 U REAL ESTATE at reasonable prices; write for Hat. U. R. Robinson, kanta Crux, CaL (1O-MM0 Nfcx FOR SALE A well built lo-room frame house, beautifully finished In hard wood; hard wood Mooia. mantels, modern bath room, and conveniently arranged. Will ell at a very low price, lo h removed fiom present premises by purchaser. Ad dress C. C. Rosewaler. Be Bldg , Omaha (1 Mill FOR SALE 2660 Rees St.. 8-reom"1houaa wttn lot su4 tt.- r-rica. xaw. inquire of J. G. Allhouae. 1301 So. ioih Ave. U-8 FOR SALE New modern g-ronm rottate ta north part. Al location. Plume owner. Harney 8177. - (19t-Mik4 Kev.M TEAt. ESTATE TITLE TRUST fV C1IAS. E. WILLXAMoON, Pres WU U9)-8al "BEE wsniH: ads" aie coo vloc&ngj Fealesftate agents REAL ESTATE CITT PRUI'KRTV 'OH SALS (Continued.) BANK Certificates of deposit on any of the Omaha or South Omaha National banks or book accounts or certificates on the City Sav ings bank or Conservative Sav ings and Loan association will be accepted in payment for some of the most-desirable business and- residence property Omaha and South Omaha. George & Co. in 1001 Farnam St. (19)-MS54 81 CLOSING OUT SALE Owner to Leave Town THREE ACRES With 10-room house), In good condition; windmill and large barn; three-quaitera of a mile from Went Leavenworth car; cbada trees. Cheap at 83,1.00. HOUSES 1612 Cnrby, 9-room all modern, beautiful home; gas. electric light, furnaces, c.ty water. 84.0TO. 2ut9, 2511 and 2517 Corby; all 8-room houses, wltn water, gas and sewer; KxlGO ft. Eacn 82.2CO. 4uoo North 36th Ave., 7-room hoime, lurgd shade trees, 30 fruit trees; barn, weil, etc.; good repair. 81,7uO. 422 Dorcas St., 6-room house. 8io0. JEFF. W. BEDFORD A SUN, 2308 Cuming. Tel. Doug. 115. (19) bi9 2 LARGE SIGHTLY LOT 60x160 FEET FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. 2602 Porpleton Ave. Water, sewer and gas In houee; asphalt pavement and artificial stone walks In arid paid for; good trees and sod. Owner will ell direct to purchaser for 82,500. Tvrms to suit. Look at the lot and aee me. William A. DeBord, - 620 Flrat National Bank Bldg. (19) M850 2!) HOUSE AND BARN FOR SALE House and barn, located on Patrick homestead at north west corner 24th and Lake Sts. Separate sealed blda will be received by ua, beginning Mon day, the 28th Inst. Building to be removed from present location within 20 day. GEORGE ft CO., 1001 Farnam St. (19)-M85S 81 NEW, READY TO MOVE INTO Strictly modern house, very best material and workmanship; built for a home; pol iHhed hard-wood finish; aouth fiont on Main Central Boulevard, four blocks Creighton university, seven to high school and only twelve blocks to business cen ter; room tor two more houses; will sell all or part at a bargain. 1. Conner, Owner,- 232 Neville Blk. 0.9)-8S9 2 FOR SALE 1322 South 27th St. 7-room cottage, modern except furnace; east front, beautiful lot with shade and shrubbery. Fine neighborhood. Owner Suing to Texas and must sell. Price, 3,uu0. ut make ua an offer. D. V. SliOLES CO. U0 Board of Trade. Main Floor. 1 Tel. Douglas 49. (19)-834 IX Inside Snao Northeast comer 19th and Capitol Ave., 6x 120, 8K.600; two blocka from poatofflce. Can you equal It anywhere? C. G. CARLBERG, Sol Agent 811 N. Y. Life. U8)-M26 SOUTH SIDE LOT BARGAIN 76 ft., east front, on 18th St., just north of Vinton, room for two or three cottagea, deep lot, 164 ft., brick sidewalk. Price, If sold this week, 890 cash. A little more on payment. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam. 09) MB3 FOR SALE Lot 16, Ellrabeth Place. In quire Stephen Meyer. 1612 No. l?th St. (19) MSjO 30x Lots. UtslI Lots!!. Our bunch of 70 lot west of Hanscom park are Belling fast. Why? Because the are CHEAP, cloae to schools, I etc We still have a number of good ones , left. Call u up. I . JEFF. W. BEDFORD ft SON, ,2308 Cuming. Tel. Doug. 116. tui; bo . LIST your property with Chrl Borer. K4 and Cuming 8U. (19) m BUT THIS BARGAIN. Lot at th aa Fort atresia, only tZi. B. O. Nordqulsl. Owner, 24 S. 20th St. Il9)-731x FOR BALE Lot Bemis Park. V0. 1214 N. 84th St. , (19)-452 28x FOR SALE Desirable modern seyn-roon cottage. 1214 N. 84th St. (19) 461 2Sx WHEN writing to Advertiser, remember It take but a strck or two ot the pen to mention the (act that you aaw the ad In The B REAL ESTATE RANCH LAKOI FOR gALB FARM Iowa. BEST nursery tock from grower to planter. Cyrus Harvey. ARoona, Ia. (it) M3o3 8ix 80-ACRK farm In Iowa, income property, In good scape, clear; client will trade for unimproved land in Nnbiaska or South Dakota. Gibson aV Planck, Red Oak. Ia. (20) M273 29 Kaaaas, THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY. KAN SAS GAS BELT. Fine 238 acre farm, live miles from Coffey vtlle, the metiopolle of southeastern Kan ass, the city ot many (actorie. weekly pay roll. 8260. 00 This farm haa fine Improvement, ha tele- fihone and free ruial mall wn'ra, ia tine and and can bu bought at a right pricv Have a fine list ot farms and city prop erties. . For any Information addreaa A. R. Wilson, Ceflsyvllle, Kan. 2tx FOR SALE (0-aere farm near Pittsburg. Kanaaa, underlaid with C"al; mines 00 adjoining land; will sell at sacrifice in order to settle an estate. 'Address W II. MoCelin, H tV Union Ave., Pueblo. Colo. i CJU) x!7 isx . i roc REAL ESTATE FARM AND HiMCll LAX D FOR SALE Kanaaa .Contlaaed. FOR SALE Phillips county. Colorado three fine quarters; title perfect; fl oot) each. II. L Brown, 500 4tli St.. fclimx City, la. () M30S 30x . Missouri. FARM of 120 acres for eala cheap; will sell all or part: mile from Swope park; tine view of Swop-) park and Kansas City. Address Rural Route No. 2, hox 62 Hick man Mills, Mo. (2u) Miul aox IfeurasBM. FOR SALE HO acres, well Improved; t Story house; 55 acres broken, balance pas ture P. H. Bell. Silver Crek, Neb. ' (80) M3il0 J0 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm, Ranch aad Pastnre Lands. WANTED Pasture for seventy-five head of horses; stalk fields, sheds and hay. T. V. Stroud & Co., Omaha, Neh. (21)-ft9fi N8 REAL ESTATE LOANS LOWEST RATES Bemls. Paxton Block. (2?)-S: W ANTED City loans Peters Trust Co. (221-8SJ WANTED City loans and warrants. W Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 St. (22 K 83,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi deuce property In Omaha; lowest rates; ro delay. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, N. Y. Life. . . (22)-899 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O Kcefe R. E. Co., lOOl-N. V. Life BIJg. (221-901 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thjmas, 606 First National Batik Bldg. (22)-88 - 8500 lo 8.'0,000 TO LOAN at ;,-,wr rates; no delay. QARVU4 BROS.. Farnam. (22)-9ul 1500 TO 883,000 TO LOAN-Prlvate money ; no delays. J. H. Sherwood, 037 N. Y. Life. (22)-9"5 UNION LOAN INVEST. CO., 310 Bee Loans on Real Estate. Bldg. Buy let and 2d mtgaa . 'Phone Don;. !"M (22) 421 Nov 11 JIOO to 810,000 made promptly, F. D. Wead. Head Bidg., lath and Farnam. 1 11 -if MONEY TO LOANPayne Investment Co. . 2)-9H REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED To buy 7-r pom. all modern house In good let atioh: must be cheap, or will consider nice located vacant lot; do s're to deal direct witto owner. Address N 6:3 Bee. : , 23) 816 30x WANTED TO BUY " WANTED- To buy secondhand furniture, cook and heating atotes, carpels, lino leums, oitlce furniture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, fealner bed pillow, quilts and all kinds of tools;- or will buy the turntiure of your -house complete. The hlKhea.' pt'ices pal -tH the right man. TaL Doug. 397L u.. (1) Mlot ctuA SECOND-HAND furaUure - bought and aold; alao muchlnv-a vt till kinds rented, 12 per mouth. Tel. Doug. 6998. - --- (26) Meat WANTED First or second hand bolter with engine, mounted, SO H.' 1. ; on truck pre ferred. Address, tAi S. 18th, Lincoln, Neb. (2j) 441 2&x CASH paid for second-hand clotnlng. shoe, etc. 304 No. lttb bU Tel. Red 325. . . . (15)-907 WANTED TO BUY-Calve. Tel. Doug. , (23) -761 CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foy Co., 818 S. 14lh. 'Phone Douglas 1321. (25)-2o TO FARMERS AND PRODUCE SHIP PERS. . , Highest price for butter and eggs. Cash or merchandise. Send trfM shipment. The Bennett Company, Omaha.- (26) 227 WANTED To buy roll, top dek. d1re D 44. care Bee. (25) M532 SO WANTED-T0 RENT SINGLE gentleman want first-class place to room and board, near car. U 44 7, Ete. - . U) M340 3ix I JUST got married and would like to rent a modern fumlahed house for the winter. It must be strictly modern In every re spect and In a select neighborhood, would preffr Farnam district or Hanscom park district. Can give the very- best of ref erence. Address C 393. care of Re. . . 26) M800 29x . FIVE to 7-room house wllhlp walking dlw tanc Creighton college. .-Address W 472, Bee. ; (26)-g73 2x WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG MAN want position as piano player for plctuie tneacer or similar. Ad dles S. R. Oabel, IMO 8. 17 1 h bt Lin coln. Neb. ., (2i) M4J? lx TO EMPLOYERS OF OFFICE MEN. Wanted, by middle aed accountant, em- ' ployment as manager, auditor or book j keeper; competent, neat, quick and accu rate; eighteen ytara in last two positions; j nine yiars head to one of the J largest corporations In "the west." Ad- drets x 63. Omaha Bee. (27) MJ27 30x WANTED By experience'' dressmaker, wrrk to do by the day. Call on or ad dress 2S08 Dodge St. Tel. Harney I7C-0. (2-J 637 Novl DRESSMAKING of all kinds. '.611 S -ward. (27) M218 Nov lux SHORTHAND practice wanted by student, part of day; small pay. Address W 440, Be (17) M316 SOx WANTED Pcetlng clerk or booV keeper. A ddress B 458. Bee. '27) M5S4 29 THREE Japanese boy went position a . caip cooks; can give aood reference. I Addreaa 723 So. 9th St. Tel. Douj'as HA. j ' - (27)-M8U Six EXPERT bookkeeper and accountant de sires a position aa bookkeeper or assistant manarer; has executive ability: 25 year oi(i. aiate particulars ana salary nrrered; reierencea exenangea. . 11. C egner, Buffalo, N. Y. . (D-MSSiJlx : For ail ti News THE OMAHA BEE Test West GOVERNMENT NOTICES . 1 OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER master. Fort Mackenzie, Wyoming, Oct. 28, 1907. Sealed prcpcaala In triplicate wril be received here until 10 a. in. - (mountain time) November 27, 1D07. for the construc tion ot brick quartermaster storehouse, brick quartermaster stable, brick fire la-' tton. frame coal ahed. alael-clad magazine, ' and for the Installation of plumbing, heat ing, electric wiring and electric- fixture In holdings were spsctfied. ' Plan and Sped flcatlona nay be seen at ofrcea of chief quartermaster. Denver, Omaha. Chlcu'O and St. Paul, Depot quartermaster, St. Loula and at this omc. nt which lattei place all Information may be obtained. United State reserve the-right to accept 1 or re)ect any or all propoaala or any part i thereof. Enclose prenosuUi - In sealed en , velopc marked "Proposals for Pub Ic I Pu'ld'nrs," addressed -to ( aota'n Wm. D. I Davis. W. M , U. 8. A. Ol-:9-W-31 N26-27. j 1 GOVERNMENT NOTICES CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, Omaha. Nebraska, October 1, 19"7 Sealed proposals. In tr. plicate,- will be received here and by Quartermasters at the post named herein, until 10 a. m., central stand ard time. October ), 1907, for furnishing shelled corn. oats, bran, hay and straw d"rlng the fiscal year ending June 80, 19)S, at Omaha Q. M. Depot, Forts Crook. Omaha and Rohlnnn, Nebraska: Fort Leavenworth and Riley, KnnFas; Forts V. V P""-e'l anl Maokentte, Wvim'ng; Fort Des Moines, Iowa, and Fort Meade, S-mth unKo.a. Proposals for delivery at other places will not be entertained. United f tatps reserves right to rejret or accept any or all proposals or any rft thereof. In formation furnished on application here, or lo Quartermasters at the statlans himed. Envelopes containing proposals should be narked "Proposal for Forage," and ad dressed to' Major THOMAS 8 WORE. C. Q. M. 03-4-5-7-28-29 CHIEF QUARTFRMASTFTIS OFFICIO Omaha. Neh., Oct. IS. 1907. Sealed pro posals. In trlPl'ca'e, will h recel"ei -er and by qtiartermnster at the post ra-"ed herein, until 10 a. m., central standard time, November 16. 1007, for furnlsh'n wood, coal, sl-elled corn, oafs, bran, hay and straw, rtur'ra; the fiscal year ending June 30, 1o, at Fort Washakie, Wyn. Ito posals for delivery at other places will not he entertained. United Pte reserves r'al't to relect or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Inforrcat'on rur"l'hed on application here, or lo ninrtermater at the station nsed. Fvrnw cnnta'nlno; propoeals should he mnr,'ed "Pr-orio.iiU f-r " arrt arld-eised to M A TAR T"AM.g SWORE. C. Q. M. O:9-30-31Nl-13-14 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS The O. F. . Dala company to Fran cs Cook, lot 19, b.ock I, Kllby Pia e.2 1.250 Max Mlttilaff tnd wife to A. E. Andeison, lota 10 and ll. Elm wood.. 1,800 Horace R. Carpenter and wife to John Melntlre and wife, lot 10, block 93, South Omaha l.IM John W. Goodrich and wife to Joseph cans en, 8ft 01 sw. nwvi or w4, 9-10-13 800 Minnie C. Lehnhoff to M. F. Ekeroth and wire, w40 feet of lot 8, block , "N," Lowe's addition 3,000 Dora Ballew'and husband to H. D. Oulnn, lot 18, block 4, W. L. Selby addition ;s S. II. Dykstra to John Dulskl and wife, lot 3, blo:k 23, Wilcox 2d ad dition 1 John - Dulskl and wife to S. II. Dykstra, same 1 John W. McCullough to John Dulskl, same 3uO George Friedrich et al. to Henry Fredde et al., sw4 of 16-15-11 1 Henry Fredde and wife to John Fredde, nV of sw, 16-15-11 1 John Fredde to Henry Fredde, 4 of swV, 18-15-11 1 Paxton Real Estate company to F. J. Farrington, lot 23, Keys:one Park 2,250 Anna Hoffman to Anna Queenan, 80 feet of lot 10. block 23. South Omaha 2,C0.1 Elizabeth A. Walker and husband to Edgar Powell, lot 19, block 90. Flor ence ' 600 James F. Houlehan and wife to Hunry C. Flower part tax lot 10, section ' 22-15-13 1 Henry C. Flower and wife to Israel Oliirk. same 2,500 John Blakewell and wife to Leonard Chance, block 73. I-ayton's addl.lon, . and part blbck 32, Layton'a addi tion ...x 1,275 Thomas w. Blackburn and wife to Carl and Olaf B. Johnson, lot 4, and 7 feet of lot 3, Coburr'a subdi vision 2,000 Solomon J. Firestone and wife to Julius V. HoefTler, lot 47, Firestone' subdivision 160 Julius V. Hoefiler to Clyde Stuki, same 200 Total r...M u8l.:0 RAILROAD TIME CARD UMION gTATIO.T lOtst APID stAAOV. Mlsaunrl Paclfle. Leave. Arrive. K. C. & St. L. Exp a 9:00 am a 8:55 am K. C. A SI. L. Exp a'.l:15 pm a 6:35 pm Nebraska Loral a t:0n pm 11:40 am Chicago, Milwaukee- A St. PaaL Chicago & Colo. Sp'l....a 7-02 am all :60 pm Cal. & Or. Expreas at:epru 8:26 pm Overland Limited a9:5Spm a 8:80 am Perry Local a 6:15 pm al0:W) am taloa PaelSo. The Overland Limited. .a 8:fi am a 9:10 pm The Colorado Express.a 3:3r pm a 6:00 pm Atlantic Express ,. I I I" am The Oregon Express. ..a 4:10 pm a 6:00 pm The IjOS Angelea Lim..al2:66 pm a 9:15 pm The Fast Mall a 9:30 am a 6 4 pm The California Express a 4:0ft pm a 6:60 pm Colo. -Chicago Bpeclal...alM0 am i(Him Beatrice Local ,....b?:am b 6:15 pm North Platte Tcal 7:42 am a 6:1 pm Chicago A North eetera. Chicago Daylight 2:i4 am J1:64 pm St. Paul-Minn. Exp. ...a 7:60 am a)o:00 pm Chicago Local Ul:Svi am a 8:2! pra Sioux City Passenger... 1:60 am a 8 2a pm Chicago Passenger a 8:00 pin a 9. JO am Chicago Special a 6:00 pin a U am St. I'aul-Mlnu. Llm a IX pm a 7:40 am Los Angeles Limited. ..a 9:8' pm al2:37 pm Overland Limited a 10:00 pm a 8:28 am Fast Mall a 9:4 am Sioux City Local a 1:60 pm a 9:20 am Fast Mall a8:3ipm Twin City Limited !;(! pm a 7:40 am Norfolk - Bonesteel a 7:40 am' a 6:26 pm Lincoln-York-Chdron ,b 7:40 am all :20 am Pes d wood - Lincoln a 8:00 pm a 6:26 pm Casper - Shoshoni a 8:01 pm all :20 am Hasting - Superior. .'...b 2:00 pm b 6:26 pm Fremont - Albion ...b 6:35 pm b 1:86 pm Chicago, Rock lalaad at Paelae. EAST. Chicago Limited a 2:45 am all:30 pm Iowa Local - a 7:0o am 4:30 pm ties Moines Passenger.. 4:if) pm all 3) pm Iowa Local all:40 am b 9:65 pm Chicago (Eastern Ex.). .a 4 W pm a 1: S pm Chicago Flyer a 8:00 pm a 6:85 am WEST. Rocky Mountain Llm...all:40 pm a 2:83 am Colo, and Cal. Ex a 1:35 pm a 4:40 pm Okl. and Texas Ex a 4:4') pm a 2:15 pm I.lncQln-Falrbtirv Pass .b 8:46 am. bl:15 am Chicago Great Westera. Paul-Minneapolis .... 6:90 pm 7:80 am ft. paul-Minneapoli .... 7:30 am ll 36 pm Chicago Limited 6:06 pm 8:27am Chicago Express 1:Dra 11:36 pm Chlrarfo Express - 2:39 pra 3 0 pm Wabaah. St. Lout xprs a 1:30 pm a 8:80 are bt. Louia Local (from Council Blufis) a 1:80 am all :15 pm Etanbeiry Lo-al (from Council Bluffa) b 1:00 pm b!0:16ara Ullaola CeatraL Chicago' Expi ess a 7:20 am a 8:46 pre Minn. fc fcl. Paul Exp. ..b am a 8:65 pm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pin a 6:80am Minn. & St. Paul Lmtd.a 8:30 pm 8:0am WEBSTER aTAotBTII WEBgTElt Calraao, Omaha. C Paal, Mlaaeapoll Leave. Arrive. I Twin City Passenger.. ..b : am b 9:10 pm Sioux City P .monger. ...a 1:4) pm all:10 am Emerson I oca. b 6:46 pm b 9.10 am Emerson Local , .0 ; am c :mi pm 1 a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, e Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday. Daily e. en Ntordhy. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS JAPAN. CHIN. PHILIPPINES. HONO LULU AN1 AUSTRUU By the Reyail Mall Steamers of ta Canadiii Facifi; Kaiiway allla front VaacAiTtr, B. C. raVcieS . ttM 0 Ifcer UflMl Mr Mo- f. Kaprm of laoit. lrM ! ihtft ftM svim Jp. ThM M4Msn tr t4 444m 4WiM A . tsM ft Baa riaiT Mmi4v4, m Uum af mHm raa4iLr nif, m tlv lrs44isU rai iliba above vrr iw , ItMMti ItooM. MLoviri Aoroagl tmrm U uij7 Umr 10 AtMiraita; (etiai moBj .routlotto. Sallujifttt oot. For iota taiMijMiti. aa utr 4M v. 44V '-UC. Ill AWv G-mrl Avekt, tU IftuU CUrk m, Chi. NOTES ON OMAHA SOCIETY Mr. and Mri. Htnry Eotenthal Ee civ for Miss Becker. MONDAY'S AITAIRS DfrORMAL ' Mr. aa Mr. Freak Martin and Mr, (irorsre Barker Entertain Frlead Trlth dtereeptlcoB -Monday Bridge (lab Brsla. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Martin gave two de lightful parties Friday and Saturday of last week In honor of Mrs, Whltakor of I Clinton, Mo., at the home of Mrs. Georgo Barker. They entertained their guests with Btereopticon and moving picture vK-Ws of Swltierland. About thirty guests 1 were present, among them bdnfr: Mr. and I Mr A. L. JUaed. Mr. nd Mr. 8am Burns, Mrs. Victor Caldwell, Mrs. Hlmcbausb. Mr. Arthur Gtilmi, Mr.' Treston, Mrs. F. P. KlrkendalU Mr. J. E. Bnum, Mrs. Dan Wheeler, Jr.; Mr. George Squire. Mr. rterson. Mr. nd Mrs. Frank Ilochstetler, Mtsa Hibbard. Mr. Farnam Smith. Mr. nd Mra C. N. Diet. Mrs. Hudson, Dr. and : Mra. Grlfford. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rng- I j era, Mr. Shlverlck, Mr. Whltalier, Mrs. j George E. Barker and Mr. and Mra. Frank i Martin. Laaer-Browa. ' One of the fashionable weddings to bo solemnised next month Is that of Mis Jeannle Brown, daughter of Mrs. .7. J. Brown and Mr. J. D. Lauer of Lincoln, j which will take place Saturday evening, : November 25, at the home of the bride' mother, 101 South Thirty-second avenue. It is to be very quiet, only the relatives and Intimate friend of the bride being Invited. Definite plan for the wedding as. to at tendants have not been tnnde, but Miss Ilaiel Lauer of Lincoln, sister of the groom, will be the maid of honor. Informal Tea. Mis Ida Smith gave an Informal tea Monday afternoon at her home, 1515 South Thirty-fourth street. In honor of )Ilss Eva Smith of Bakerfleld, .Cal., who is her guest. The rooms were abloom with yel low chrysanthemums and white roses, pret tily combined with greens. About thirty guest were present. For Mia Edna Beekerd. Mr. and Mr. Henry Rosenthnl gave an "at home" Sunday afternoon and evening In honor of their guest, Mis Edna Becker, of Philadelphia. The affair wae very In formal, no pretense being made at decorat ing and no one assisted. About forty friinda called during tho day. Mr. A. G. Beeson was hostess Monday at the meeting of the Monday bridge club, which was the first meeting of the club for this eaon. Come and tlo Gossip. Mis Marston of Kearney, Neb., 1 the gurst of Mr. Charles Dundey for a few day. Mis Hester Taylor arrived home Friday a four months' visit In Chicago and Kankakee, III. Mr. George E. Barker and Mrs. Ftank Martin will give a luncheon Wednesday at tha home cf Mr.' Barker In honor of Mr. Whltaker of Clinton, Mo. About forty guests Will be 'present. Mr. Ernest Van Tassell ha received a promotion with the Union Paclfle wh'ch will chang hi headquarter to Denver. HI many friend regret hi permanent do parture' from Omaha. Mr. William H. Brill of St. Louis for merly of Omaha, spent Saturday and Bun day 'here :vtslNng friend. ; Mr. Lawrence Vile of Chicago arrived Sa'urday to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Davis. He I to be best man at the Davta-Brady wedding. v Mr. and Mr. W. H. McCord and family left Friday for St. Joaeph, Mo., to attend the wedding of Mr. McCord' sister. M as Susan Alice McCord, to Dr. F. M. Rumbold of St. Loula. Mr. and Mr. Jerome Magee, who left last week for Chicago to meet Mra. Herman Kountxe on her return from Europe, arrived home Monday. Dr. and Mr. Henry B. Lemere and Mr. Van Gleson left Saturday ayenlng for a visit In New York. They are expected tumj about November 6. Mis Eva Smith of Bakersfleld, Cal., who ha been visiting her cousin. Mis Ida Smith, will leave Thursday for a few days' visit In Norfolk, after Which he will return to again be the guest of Mis Smith for an Indefinite ty. Mr. Bardway of Chicago, who ha been the popular gueat ot Mis Gertrude Mooro bead, returned Sunday evening to her home. Miss Carol Pol'ard of Sioux City has arrived to visit Mis Moorehead gnd will remain for ome Urn. Mr. Frank J. Btirkley 1 moving Into hi new home at 138 North Thirty-eighth ave nue. CRAP . GAME ROW IS FATAL Charles Slnarletoa Dlea of Shot from Pistol Boaaht with Uncle" Moary. Charle Singleton of South Omha, hot by Ed Bmlth, the man who pawned ha hoe to get money with which to buy a revolver to kill hi foe, died In the South Omaha hospital at 4 a. ml Monday. . Singleton was shot by Ed Smith October 21 at 12:16 p. m. The bullet pierced hli abdomen. The fight occurred In front of the pool hall at 2612 N atreet. Smith and i Singleton had been playing a game ot crapa and Singleton grabbed the money, amounting to 35 cent. Thl enraged Smith, who took hi shoe to Altman's pawn op nd placed them In pawn, buying a re volver Wltn the proceed. He Immediately returned to the pool hall and shot Single ton twice. The first bullet pierced hi r grit ' calf and the second the abdomen from the right aide. Chief Brlgg happened to be I within call and h gave chase to Snlth nd caught him where he had taken refuge In a house under the O street via duct. Sine that time Smith has la'n tn iron in the city Jail waiting the result of the wound ta hi victim. An inquest will be held soon a the coroner can bt eoured. The funeral will be arranged later. The charge , of murder was placed 'gainst Smllb-pn the Jail blotter, and he 1 will be arraigned after the Inquest. SEED BREEDING IN WYOMING Work fader B. F. Balfaaa Similar to that Wlsard Darbssk IS Delagr. B. F. Buffum,, formerly head of th Wyoming Agricultural college and th State Experimental station at Laramie and at present manager of the Wyoming plant and seed breeding station at Woriand and Dr. V. T. Cook, at at director of dry farming, were Omaha vialtor Monday. "We have our main farm of 220 acre ear Woriand on the Burlington extension nd are conducting dry farming experi ments and breeding seed for dry farming purpose along th am line that Bur bank ta working lo California," said Mr. Buffum. "W are endeavoring to breed new seeds especially adapted for th dry farming section la th grid region) gnd have already, from our first year, new varieties of alfalfa and other grata farm prod not a. ... .. "The farm took tuTty-on premiums at the Wyoming State fnlr held at Douglas thl fall. Althotgh most rf the western country had It fruit nipped by lata frosts the Big Horn country wak more torunate and the fruit crop wna splendid, tbla year." Mr. Puflum bred grain while a Laramie, which beat the entire world 111 compel tlon at the St. Louis exposition. FRUIT J0B3ERS OPEN FIRE Brain tlearlna to "top Co petit I a ly 4he Rtpreai fern pan Irs, . Special Examiner George M. Brown Of the Interstate Commerce commission from Washington, presided Monday morn'ng at tho hearing of the Western Fruit Joboers' association against the American, Adams, United States and Well-Fargo ExpreM companies In the matter of the sale et commodities by the express companies. Tha hearing Is being held under the reso lution of the United States senate of March 2, 1907, and proceeding Instituted there under March 17, 1907, requ'rlng the expres rompante to make answer under the act. Each of the expres companies admit It Is operating an order and comtfilnlon d partment and all have filed answer except the Adam company. The question at Issue I whether the al log! order and commission department of the express companies la operated to the prejudice of the public and, the commission men. The express companies hold that by the operation of this department the pro ducer and buyer are brought closer to gether and each I benefited thereby. Tha Western Fruit Jobber' association hold a different view. It alleges the expres com panies are infringing upon the right of the association In aelllng fruit product tn the same localities to which the. assoc atlon ships its products at a lower rat than the association can afford to- deliver the prod ucts. A stenographic report of the proceeding is being taken by C. H. Marshal of New York, official stenographer for the Inter state Commerce commission. Among the Interested spectator at the hearing aside from the wltneesc are: Ry piond A. Wells of Kanaa City, general manager of the Wells-Fargo Expres com." pany: F. C. Gcnch of Bt. Louis, nral superintendent of the Pacific Expres com pany; Mr. Walker of Kansk City, general uperlntendent Of the Pacific Express corn pnay, and D. H. Rawson of Chicago, gen eral superintendent of the United State Expres company. The first witness examined was Earl Richardson ef Sparta, Wl., general man ager of the Wisconsin Fruit Jobbers' asso ciation. He said the 'prices obtained through the association were Invariably higher than through the order and com mission department of the express com panies. It I probable the hearing will continue until Wednesday evening, a Commissioner Brown Is to preside at a almllar hearing In Kansaa City Thursday' morning. ' BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY SURE Government Order Rooms Set Aside for It In the Federal . Building;. The establishment of a bureau of chem istry In he poetpftlce building in Omaha, aa announced In .The Bee several week go, has been definitely decided upon and the department 1 to be Installed at once. Colonel B. H. Barrow ha Just received direction from the acting secretary of the treasury to assign room 219 and 220 on the econd floor ot the big building for the installation of the bureau and It neeesskry equipment of laboratory and chemloal ap pliances. Room 220 I about 39x24 feet and the pri vate office 10x16 feet. The room are ample for the work and were formerly occup ed by tha Omaha division of the railway oiklt service. While no dofinit information I yet at hand It la possible that the new department will maintain a considerable office force. It will be the headquarter of the chem istry bureau for thl section of the coun try, and through it will be superintended all the tests of butter, liquor and miscel laneous food product under the pur food lawa of the government Hitherto all ot these teat and analyse had to be made in the chemistry bureau at Washington, nd by the eatabllshment ot the Omaha branch a bit saving In expresaage will b made the government and result of ln vestlgatlon be determined more readily. . A HI8H M0f VkNNIBH RD STAIN COKUklO The uses for cold jap-A-LAC are practically endless, but one of the most impo:-tant is for re finishing old gold leaf chair. With can of gold jap-a -lac you can quickly make a new chair out of an old on. Or. it yon prefer' a silver finish, u th AXVatunm JAr-A-LAC. sixrttN BEAUTIFUL COLORS. SIZES FROM roft iALt B au. first class mmi laniwit MRU OtAUiU KUUSl - SunSTlTWtN -L J&P'&'Lb-c He ndqu&rters and at best prices, at the Sherman 4 .VicConnell Drug Store. SHERMAN & McCOKXELL LRUS CO Corner 16th and Dodg Streets. tWL DRUG CO. Corner 1Mb and Harney Street HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH " ' Delicate enough for the. softest ikin, and yet efficacious in reTtOving any stain. Keeps the (kin in perfect condition. . In the bath gives all thf desirable after-effects of a Turkish bath. It should be oo every wash Hard. ALL QROCERS AND DRUOQUTS