Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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signature Indicating there was another
Mra. Barnes to contest ber right. Sna came
back to Omaha and mad an Investigation,
which resulted In the flllns of the suit for
the annulment of her marriage.
Bobber Otta Into Salooa When Cy
TerMha of the firm of Ptrlns Loch,
saloon keepers, 111V North Sixteenth street,
opened Ms place of business Monday morn
ing he found someone had beat him to
It In the night and had. open? the safe.
Saturday night Peter Loch's half brother.
Hev. ftoot print It. ,
r. Swing Biowa, 603 Brandels Bldg.
Xr. ttokae removed to 60S BrandeU Bl.1g.
Don, las rtnUog Co, S14-1S a. lta It.
. A. ainthart, photographer, removed
to Eighteenth and Farnara streets.
Pr' H- A. Foster, dentist, office N. E. r
th & Douglas, ever Fry shoe store, a I.
We always have Rock Hbrinaa roal.
Central Coal and Coke Co. of Omaha, 16th Mr' fl0,,e turned over to the former 1500
Diverts tot Infidelity Herman E. Can- tor keeping, which Locri put In tho
der has bgun suit for divorce from Mar- ,ftfe tnl H1011'? was non the things
garet D. 'Sander, charging her with tin- n,lB",nS" from the safe Monday morning.
Xalthfulnejm. V . - The onlv other article mlsned area a hntj
r, ... - ; ' ' for Moo.. rKn t,v r.t.r T-nch ant r,v:,i- ' Lawrence M. Jones, president of the Mis
KinXtojTvJ'V t PTr. Mr. Perkins. Upon learn- ur' Va" Improvement association.,!,..
Hacker' cl lei commUs.rt Deoartml't ?i th 'bbe " " " by ,h' mah" Contmer
ti- Missouri r Tte DV ... " " brother', too, 'ub ,n thl '"th n
V&,n 7or iS Bir-i?.- h.t he presented h.m with a check for the subject of Missouri river Improvement
Lawrence M. Jones Will Rouse local
Men on Eiver Craft.
President of Missouri Valley imp re re
nest Asaorlatloa Says Gate City
roold Mare Treaeportatloa
on fllsT Maddy.
w-ra all Omaha packer..
lis hall, ' Thirtieth
inrt eteambnat transportation.
i inq iiiuunii iu. auch ana ins puiiuw ro ... -
. . . .nil.! a a Ina. K I,1-mIu ..... vuwowi. .1111 ... icun 1 1
, am Improv.rsTh. Druid Hill 7 ' ' Omaha club, have been In Kansas City for
fpTJ?.club wl" meet thU venln at I ! ".f "' ' . . , several daye discus Ins the river transports-
ana Bpaldlhg Streets. " r.,-il'l'ri" .on nroblem. ami th. invltatlnn In Mr
to discuss, schools, school bonds and school I of ,th Proposed northwest boulevard. Jotu.t tty como to 0man. fonow.j
members, as wall as other' mattefs needing
uinuon in me neighborhood.
ra.'-ses WortUlMS Oheok Harry M. Hyde
Was 4rreted Sunday, charged with pass
ing a worthless check at the Merchants
hotel. It a said by the police that he has
eommltt4 similar offenses at different
places la the city. His trial has not been
aet. '
which failed of approval by the park board vt.i.
auer tne appraisement was made are . Prrg)d!nt Jone the exprt of the Mls.
wondering how they are to got the money mn,,ri n ,v, .ki
they earned, while making the appraisal tran,porUtlon and has been Instrumental n
There were three members of the board opeRln, the ,ln of boat8 f rom KanM city
and the combined" bill . Is T0l. It was to BL llt Jut a, con(ldent that
, presented to the city council and no action . Iln. w, ,ucct wncn opere, froro
,waa taken. Then the matter was taken Omaha to Kahsas City and Bt. Lou's,
up with the Park board. Commissioner , ccording to Mr. Jones' figures the peo-
watck aa Chela frtolea 8. 11. Hansen, " ' " ",u lo ln" "lT Pl of the United States are paying to
JB3S North Sixteenth street, reports to the : attend tn meeting of the board Tues- upport the federal government about $7
ollca that someone enured his room dur- i y ,nforme1 the comptroller the board for eyery man woman ani chn,i tn9
Holmqulnt elevator. One of the h'ghway
men strurk Arnold under the right ear
with a black-jack, knocking him down.
The two then Jumped on the prostrate
man, and while one held his arms the other
went through Arnold's pockets, securing his
purse, which contained between V and i.
One of the highwaymen had an open
knife In his hand and during the tussle
Arnold's coat was cut In several places.
After securing Arnold's money the two
rar. west up the alloy and disappeared.
Arnold Went Immediately to the police sta
tion, where he gsvc k fairly good descrip
tion of his assailants.
Force of Clerks Preparlasr Reports for
the Various Political
Registration books are boln delivered
slowly at the ofllce of the city clerk. Type
writes sre busy gfttlng the lists prepared
for political parties, and three will not
be completed until some time Tuesday or
Wednesday. The offlcisl reports show
some changes from the unofficial lists pul
1'shed Sunday and Morlday morning, and
the exact figures given before
The closest estimate shows that about
15.000 republicans have registered, 8.000 dem
ocrats, 610 Indefinite, no answer nnd prohi
bitionists and 180 socialists. The regis" ra
tion by wards Saturday, with a number of
precincts missing, Is as follows:
" No
Soc. An
ing Buncay Bight and carried away his
sold watch and chain. He has not the
allghteet Idea, who the thief la, or how be
rained entrance to the room.
Awaids for Aimj HappUsaAwards for
commissary supplies for the United Btates
army have recently been made by Captain
T. B. Hacker, purchasing commissar for
could not pay the bill and that
properly chargeable to the city
fund. There is less- than 1-00 In the un
appropriated general fund and there Is
apparently no other fund ' upon which a
warrant can be drawn for the cash. "
It Wa rniintrv whllo In raannrtflrn ntai
. ' ' , "
general than tX are cald for every man. woman
and child In the country.
With such a tax upon the Individuals, it
la the belief of the president of the Mis
souri Valley Improvement association that
Thief Solves the rroblem A pig and a if there Is anything the matter with the
lamb at the home of a butcher on Weal United States It Is that the railroads have
Omaha amounting to 116,000. almost wholly Merellln vnu have disturbed the peace more to do with the happiness of the people
First ward
fleennd ward
Third wsrd
Fourth ward
Fifth ward
Sixth ward
pevnth ward.......
Eighth ward
Ninth ward
Tenth ward
Kleventh ward
, Twelfth ward 1.177
to Omaha dealers.. The contract for $8,000
worth of flour for the same purpose was
let to B. F. oilman of Nellgh and Valentine.
Slagla Taxers Meet The Single Tax
League' of Nebraska will hold its regular
nieuilng in .the assembly rooms of ths
Omaha Commercial college, Nlnenteenth
and Farnam streets, Tuesday evening. "The
Jractlcal Step Toward Single Tax" wilt be
ine principal suDject unoer aiscusslon, a
of the neighborhood and the peace of mind than the United States government Itself.
of the owner. A few days ego a butcher He quotes an eminent British authority
bought a pig and a lamb, which he kept as saying that "the railroad rate In Amer
In a barn In the rear of Ms house until lea Is a matter of life and death to a
such time as the weather and the condition community." i
of the animals would warrant slaughter.) Means Cheaper Freight.
A neighbor objected to What she denomU j Mr. Jones offers the establishment of
nated the establishment of a slaughter steamboat lines on the Inland waterways,
house near her home and called upon the as a means of making transportation i
health authorities to Investigate. The ro- cheaper and relieving tha hold which the '
aper on which will be presented by Mr. P01 of the l"vtlgatlon was made to the railroads of the country have on the con-
Olerlch. Blngle taxers and friends of same, oi iicaun jaonaay. it in- sumers and producers alike. He argues
are cordially Invited, . " ' eluded a statement from the owner of thn that the west and northwest would be bene- .
Standard Oil Catchea Fire The fir de- nlmal tht n ought them for thev flted by a line of steamboats which will
artment was called to tbe Standard Oil PurP ot to0&- but tt before the officer reach to the Gulf of Mexico, Just as every
ompany'a house at Fourteenth and Locust rrlve(1 Bom on visited, the barn, opened man, woman and child In the United Statos
i reels at t:30 a. m. Monday. Tha drlo- th" door n1 released them. He Is now received a lasting benefit when the harbors
jlngs of the oil that feeds the boiler burner offering a reward for his pork and mutton, of New Tork, Boston, Baltimore, Phlladel-
caught nre and quite a quantity or oil was rtnoi sua im -x Aiarm Mrs. Ma- pnia ana ew Orleans were deepened at
Ignited from It The fire was extinguished thllda Brown, 223 North Fourteenth street, the expense of the government partly at
,after a half hour's work by the firemen. was awakened from her slumbers, at 8:U the expense of the men and women of the!
As there was nothing In the boiler room m- Monday by the fumes of smoke which west and northwest. j
of an Inflammable character the damage nlle1 Ier house. She grabbed her revolver When Mr. Jones addresses meetings of
tu nominal,, from under her pillow and went to the representative business men In Omaha, St. 1
ffg Gives On 'Warning City Inspector v,oor nd flred lx ho, 'n rapid succes- Joseph and Sioux City next month the
f Weights and Measures Pegg cautions lon out ' the door. The shots were suf- movement will be launched for an appro- .
ncieni to aroune ma neignpors, wno learned priauon oi tou.wv.vw top tne improvement
what the trouble was and turned In the of Inland waterways. Every congressman
alarm. Two companies of the fire depart- )d senator whose district Is along th
ment responded and put out tha fire With- upper Missouri is to receive urgent re-
out much difficulty. Tbe damage to the Quests to secure a
house was small, but the furniture and
clothes were damaged to tha amount of
about 1300. Thr origin of the fire Is a
I mystery, both to Mrs. Brown and to tha
patrons of grocery stores to observe the
measures being used. He says many of
of grocers are using peck measures in
Which they receive tohacio from the whole
sale dealers and that these measures-are
all "short." Ho says he has notified the
dealers to quit using them and that the
next complaint he receives will result
In the arrest, of tha offender.
Ankle Beep la fud Residents in the
neighborhood of Beala school met with a
committee of the Board of Education
Saturday afternoon In consultation as to
the best means of securing sidewalks and
other Improvements In the locality. On
wet days at present, teachers and children
t'Vi have to walk. more than ankle dep I
-Wvf'nud tor blocks, efforts will be made
to have the city council grade the street
front the end of tha car Una past the
school. If this be dona other Improvement
will folio
Big Damage Case Dismissed The dam
large budget for the
Missouri rivers, and as ths Missouri Val
ley Improvement association estimates the
Inferior amounts to more than fZS.OOO.uOO.OOO,
tho amount of $60,000,000 each year for
firemen. It started In the front room and - hland waterway Improvements would be
all tha furniture; and clothes In the houSJ tax of but a fraction of 1 per cent on the
were piled vp in that room, as the pajer- business of the Interior. Six hundred
hangers had been working In tha other thousand square miles of the most pro
rooms. - ductive area upon which the sun ever
shone would reap the benefit of river trans-
Hen. Dem.
.. (y:i 4M 1
,. m 64 S5 4
.. 724 4 IS S7
.; VH SSI 1
,.1.0T 4-i0 H 74
.. m 647 t2 44
,. 7"i0 27 6 8
,. 60S 38 SI
.. SSI 3U . 13 82
.. mn 4m 15 7
8' 36 . B 7
3: M w
This registration, compared with last
year, shows a decrease of about too repull
can votera and almost 700 democrats, while
both socialists and independent show a
slight decrease. The comparison can only
be made with certainty after .the report
Of the clerk has been received, since there
Is always more or less Jrregularlty In the
unofficial reports.
Speaking of the registration, Chairman
Learned of the republican county commute
"The reports a far as received are moat
gratifying. South Omaha shows up re
markably well and the Indications are that
the former overwhelming democratic ma
jorities In that town, are a thing of the
past. The registration In Omaha can mean
nothing but the election of the entire re
publican ticket
"The change In registration Indicates Im
mediate necessity for a revision of the poll
books of the parties. This must be done
by the present committee before the pri
mages next year so that a better knowledge
may exist on tha, part of the committees
before the primaries which will be held
that year. This probably will be done next
summer. Had It been done lasr. summer
we would have had easier work In getting
the men to the polls where they have
moved from former homes,"
POSITION portatlon on the Missouri, and Lawrence
" ' easaassaasaas) vhow 1" Wf VII III UIIHflU
Will Wot EaroaraVe ajlrua'tlon ( f bualneaa men In tho groat empire wh'cb
Subjects, bat Will Protect i furnishes more than 35 per cent of all the
Thoae Abroad. foreign exports and buys more of the prod-
TOKIO. Oct. 2S. 1:30 P, M.-A dele-' ucU of the eastern factories than any other
e-ata from tha Javanese tealdenta nt Ran Imllar area io the world.
' 1 lnl.wl.uul Ulnl.t., f 1
i-'., ....... ...... The busiest man In town always uses
- . "..7.7 T. 7 . . " Hayashl today and fully explained oon- .. , , . . ' " "
7 age case of William M.Baird agaln.t the alllon. ln that clty reUtu, lo tne preju. nt column, when he wanta
Union Stock Tarda Bank of South Omaha
die , existing . against Japanese. ' He
tor 123,186.70. growing out of a big -cattle polnUd out tnat th, , for excIuilo:, PcmPtly filled. That's the th ng for you
deal from the Wyoming ranges, was dts- , w alr,cUd ,gJlln(lt tn, unaeslrable l.n- to do .wben yt"l ne want 11 tb9 only
missed Monday morning in the United , mlgr(lnt on, Bnd tnat Amerlcall em. wK to speak to thousands of people at a
States circuit court. Tha case has been ' ployer, welcomed honest Japanese labor- i "08t' Tou can 1 artord Blow way
pending In. the federal courts for over a er. Ma raouested on hehalf of hi. com-i la Ull hustling age.
year and involved a number of complicated ! patroU that the foreign office permit ths
situations regarding the sale of stock cat- ( immigration of S00 honest Immigrants
tie for which chattel mortgages were given, monthly through Seattle and Han Pran-
and the withholding of certain moneys
alleged to be due tha plaintiffs In the
Street Car Men 'OompUxaanteaV Hugh C.
Nicklo, general manager of the Kingston,
2'ortamoulh and Cataraque Electrlo Rill
way company, was In Omaha last week,
but did not make his presence known to tha
officials of the Omaha and Council Bluffs
Street Railway company. When he reached
home, however, ha wrote to General Mana-
Ulase Started by Gasoline Stove
Drives Nnnbtr of Prrsoaa
from Bads.
. An overturned gasoline stova in tha rear
of the second floor of the Omaha Lodging
Cisco, i v
Minister Hayashl replied that at present
It was advisable to limit immigration to
half that number. -He
further assured ' the delegate that
.v.rvthln. will ha A.m. I a
..... i..r... .i k .. house, 101 South Twelfth street, disturbed
nese Interests and at the same time em- ... ... . ... , . . . . "
v,..,... ... , . . , . the slumbers of fifteen lodgers about 11:20
fhi e.,,..! , , .! P.P f., ' 8unday "'". when they were around by
trlZS t , injure th. traditional tn, orBckilng of fl.m and escaped from
friendship of both countries, ho gov-! k.,.,. ,
arnment would hereafter, he .aid. super- Tn, DUlldlnt , wnlcn th, flre occurred
brick on th. aoutheast
and Dodae atreeta. Tha
measures had been lower floor la used as a store room and tha
ger Smith and complimented tbe road on , vise tha kind of Immigrants allowed toJ i. " .k,.
th. .fflclency of tha men saying: "I was g0 out. 1 TVh
on your cars four or flv.tHns. during rny .Wh.a oues'tlonl if me.m.,. t.. k.. ' f rner. 01 JT'1",
short stay- and I want to say that of all taken to ..cur. th. right of natuvaH.atTo, " . J v w
th. place. I visited during my trip to the Japanese llMZ t tW- fl.r' ""J' bJ M" Hdler
Paclho coast J found nor. attention to 1 Jt ITIJ othitl9 Z S0' . FfMk
duty on your system than anywhera .1." ! l" f' ""l'" 'TJ0"- l'??'. nr and
ha immediately awoke the lodgers, who
fortunately escaped with their lives but
sans clothing.
arnment he will never encouraea th
Wolf Appeals fof Help Boiler Inspector alienation of his subjects, but will insUt
'Wolf ha. written a eomtnvnlcatlon to the on securing for Japanese righta euual to
council In whloh ha asks that an assistant those granted subjects of other powers I Charles Williams, an aged negTO. was ln
inspector be appointed. He says th. work Minister Hayashl, continuing, said that I th. bu'ldlng. and. owing to th. dense
af th. office Is too much for on. man and j h. hoped that after the return of M. smoke, becaro. confused and lost his bear
that aa he may be hold responsible for j Ishll. th. commissioner sent to America Ings. Unable to find his way out of th.
accidents, which may follow explosion of
boilers Or Improperly Installed elevator.,
t. deairt to be ln a position to know the
exact condition of each boiler and elevator
In the city And that this cannot be known
without help. Ha also notifies th. council
that the ordinances governing boilers are
hot up-to-date and that he will submit
amendmenta in a short time. Incidentally
he asks ' fori authority to buy necessary
testing apparatus.
Two Many .xarllag Wives A letter
signed "Tour Darling Wife. Jeanoette
to Investigate that subject, and the r building, he let out a cry for help and was
calpt of his report definite steps would ' carried from tbe building by Captain Olson
b. taken to find a .olutlon in an amicable fr department.
and satisfactory manner.
Katy Pasaeasrcr Trala Strike. Freight
aad Over Forty Persoa.
Are Hart.
DALL'AS, Tex.,
Kansas & Texas
Oct. J.-The Missouri,
southbound passenger
.panic, prureu mi . unuuing or waiter i train no. jot, neaviiy loaded with pas
Barnes, because the epistle fell Into th. i sengers coming to visit the Texaa state
hands or Mra Barnes No. 1. Monday morn- ! fair, collided with a freight engine while
Ing Judge Redlck granted a decree to Mrs. ) running at full speed seven miles north
ixuu. tsarnea, annulling ner marrlag. to of Dallaa, early today. Fireman F. C.
The proprietor of the lodging house esti
mated his loss between 700 and $800, fully
covered by Insurance.
Quick ealae Shoo Polish'
is the best for ladles,' men's and children's
shots, oils and polishes and Is waterproof.
Illghwayanca SIos; Wagoa Maker
Seventeeath aad Nicholas
Walter oa the grounds he had another wife 1 Trench of Denison was tnstantly killed and big. Thorns
living when he contracted the second mar-j forty or more persons were Injured,, some knocked d
rlagu, Barnes and Mis. Lottie Lee were
xnarrled In Omaha last March. They went
to Chicago to live and while there Mrs.
Barnes raa across tha fatal letter with the
Cough drops, throat
lozenges, or .cough
syrups may rtttex)
a cold hut they don't
cur it. Scott
Emulsion not only
Immediately relieves
your cough or cold but
cure it by giving you
the strength to throw
it off. Take S"cctf
1 r
rsfnunton tor
cough and
SU. AMD 11.091
While walking south on Seventeenth a'reet
a few minute, after 7 o'clock Sunday even-
as Arnold. ITlt Clark street, wa.
down and robbed by two h'gh-
of whom It is thought cannot recover. j waymen as hs was crossing th. railroad
A relief trala faring th. Injured returned tracks In th. alley between Ixard and Nich
to Pallas this afternoon, and those most .n!u streets.
seriously hurt were hurried to hospitals. Arnold is a wagonmaker employed by
whllo those whoa. Injuries were of a leas Murphy 4 Son and Is quits husky, and
serious nature were attended by the com
pany's aurgeons who met the train at the
depot. Those raoat seriously Injured are:
T. E. Luak. Jackson. Mich., seriously In
jured about back, with internal complica
tions; may die.
Samuel Nolxn. Royse, Tex., leg broken In
two plains; serloua.
Adtlatde Ray, Ltnlson, colored, serious
Internal Injuries; may not recover.
J. O. itoyre. Deniaon, ankle fractured.
J. C. Blair. IX-maon, englorrr on pas
senger train, left ankle sprained, right
ahoulder Utalofated and face badly cut and
bruised. '
Kob Klayden, engineer of freight engine
buck, head and spine hurt; serious.
forty-Eight Pereoaa Are lajarcd
la Trartlea Wreck la
PROVIDENCE, a I., Oct !S-Forty-elght
persons were Injured, eight of" them aerl
ualy, as the result ef a collision of elect Hn
j cars on the Paw tucket line on North Mjln,
street acre lonignu The Pawtucket-bjund
car was hurled Into the vestibule of a
Providence-bound car, trWscop'ng it. Mirac
ulously, neither motor-man was hart, but
almost all the passenger, in both cars ware
hurled from their seata and severely
crushed or Injured by glatf
claims he had a hard tussle with the rob
bers, who leaped out of the alley between
the Linseed OU works and th. Merriam-
and constipa
are ill -mated
Ua. H Class
rrsTiii jSsca rater
On anting utd ecjojrour food. LJ
at the Springs.
Avoid toubstitutes.
M i
Bow to all the people of Omaha through
The Bee's want columns. That's the
cheapest, quickest and best way to get at
all the people who will be In a position to
fill your wants. If yoii want to' buy a
new house or rent an old shotgun, If you
want a three-dollar errand boy or a twenty-five-dollar
position, try a Be. want ad.
The Be.', want columns gWslpat. all wants.
At Least Proof is Lacking:, Says
Father Eigrge.
Head of the Astroaasar Depart meat
of. Crelghtoa Calrerslty Lec
tarrs to tho Philosophical
That no evidence has been found proving
the existence of animal or plant life on
the planet Mars and that talk of communi
cating with th. planet la Idle. Is the opinion
of Father RIk8. of the astronomy flenart
ment at tre g'lton unlvrrsl y. ho address vl
the Omaha Philosophical club Sunday after
noon at Bnrlplit halj. Father Rlgge's lec
ture was a popular dlxcusslon from the
standpoint of the layman of the most
recent researches of science In relation to
that planet While he declared that Mars
Is the most Interesting of the stars, he t-ok
a very conservative position on the ques
tion as to whether the planet Is populated
or not. '
"Mars Is the most Interesting star In the
heavens," he said, "because In many ways
It is Hko the earth. Many people believe
there are living beings on Mars correspond
ing to the people on the earth. Mars I. a
wandering star,' that Is, Its position among
' the other stars changes. Sometime. It
move, forward or eastward, at other times
It stands still and then retrogrades or
moves westward. There Is a peculiar loop
In Its fath with respect to the earth, which
was a mystery for 6.000 years until It was
explained by Copernicus. Certain times,
therefor., are more favorable than other
times for observations.
Mars a Ulobe Like tbe Earth.
"In physical construction Mars Is a globe
like the earth. It has day and night and
seasons, land and water, air, clouds, polar,
nnows, running streams and plant Mfe. Th-3
moBt remarkable features on the planet are
the polar caps and the so-called canals.
The polar caps are generally aald to bo
composed of Ice and snow because they
grow during the winter and disappear dur
ing the spring. The canals are very nu
merous and run very straight for hundreds
and some of them even for thousands of
miles. They are said by soma to be artifi
cial, aa nature never draws straight lines.
No rlvur on earth runs straight.
"That the polar capa are of lc. and snow
Is a very rash assertion, because many
other substances act in the same way.
The greatest difficulty ln the theory the
planet Is Inhabited we find Is this, that Mars
gets less than halt as much light snd heat
per square mile as we do. The consequence
Is that its mean temperature must be 5
degrees, below aero. That is, this would
be the average for summer and winter.
How anything can grow or beings live at
such a temperature must be answered be
fore we can Interpret the canals. The
canals may admit of the same explanation
as the ray. on th. moon.
"Research shows that our position on the
earth Is unique. In spite of untold millions
of suns, it Is extremely Improbable that
there la another sun In th. universe that
has the same constitution or Is ln th. same
situation as ours and that has a alngle
planet at th. proper distance and th. .ami
stag, of development aa th. earth."
Announcements, weddldng stationery and
calling cards, blank book and magazin
binding. 'Phone Doug. 1804. A. L Root, In.
Our New
Style Books
For the Fall and Winter of 19078
are fresh from the press, and
ready to mail to our out-of-town
' 1 lie book for Men contains many handsome
illustrations of Fall and Winter Suits and numerous
samples of the goods from which the Suits are made.
The book for Women is profusely illustrated
with beautiful pictures depicting the latent styles.
These illustrations were made from photographs of
the garments offered for sale.
With these books in hand you can buy Clothing
and Furnishings as easily and cheaply as you could
if you were in our Big Store. When you write state
which book you want THEY ARE FREE
I; ill '. ".
Jj Fine Neck Furs
There is nothing handsomer
than a fine Mink Set and
nothing more stylish.
But even in the less expen
sive Lanphcr Furs you will
hnd the latest ahd
best styles. All Lan
phcr Furs are made
with a care and skill
the outcome of
32 Years of Experience,
Ask your dealer to show you Lanpher Furs. If he does not sell
them, take no others write us direct.
... .1
u . . . , , J.
FORM 744
IS an excelrsat
model for wall
developed fig ures.
Its closely stitched
front subdues ab
iomlntl proml
o i.Cn iid rounds
ths f 1 1 u re tnte
graceful lines. Made
of white imported
r u tu. Trimmed
cross top with lace
and ribbon. Hose
supporters at front
snd hips.
EUes ID to B6. ,
Price $2.03
NUF0R.M 403
I7 ILL fit
average figure.
Long above the
waist which it de
fines very distinctly.
snowing a perfectly
straight une
the front
flKure. Hade
white and diab cou
Ul. Trimmed with
lace and
Hose sup
front and sides
Bites IS to
of the
p orters
Price $1.03
FORM 720
IS a corset
for average
.igures. Hag
tnedlum oust
and lonjr hip.
Made of e-hltsj
and drab con
Ul. HosS sup
p o r t ers oa
fro nt ana
sid-es. Trl'a
mtd acro.s toy
wlttulace aai
Sizes IS to SO.
Price $1.03
NUF0RM 447
FOR well devel
oped figures.
Is a reverse gore
model. The gore
lines run back
wards, a construc
tion which restrains
andue development
low the back. Me
dium high bust,
long hips and er.tra
long back. Made of
an excellent quality
of white coutll.
elaborately trimmed
lace and ribbon. Hose sup
porters front and sides.
61it.sU to 10.
Price $3.C0
with AUA
i in m
Tho V.Be Reduso Conet
IS a loon for large wwmea tha ideal ganBasS (oc et.
developed aguras requinDf special rasbaioi. It sot oaly
sestraibs th. scadeacy to over-Seal una, but a saouLk
the OTd-dcreloped piopoittOD bs those pleaaiaf, graceful
outlines, hitherto thought to be altsiaabla only by shghter
figuies. The particuUr teature el this saodat a the apcoe
ever the ebJona aad hips, boacd ia sucK s siinnri at to
gir. th. weaief absolute fraedosa of Baavemsok
Reduso Style) 75 O far Utt udI-J,eclcpJ
fijuru. Mlc of durable coutil in whae or dtab. Hoae
aupporters iront aad sides. Suet 22 to J6. Price,
Reduso Style 7tOfhortwtlI-ntloptJ
Iff it'. ....
jigum. maoeoi wrme ana aiah couU. Mom eupfKxteri
boot and sides. Sues 24 to 36. Price, 3.
Mil CRM 733
IS an CattUenl
model tor
average figures.
Constru?d seo
Uocally. maklna
the garnieat fit a
11 poluts, ace. a la
sting the slcudr
nes of the ,!.
Une. Bust moJar
ately high, hipt
rather long. Mas
of aa ' Imported
coutil in white on
ly. Trlrnra&'.l w'.taj
l&ce wt riubosu
Hose supporters
front snd sides.
BUes It to SO.
Prict $2.E3
in-S SMeeSrar
V W3l w
n w
P Sjr'WaatftarHWaJM,,l
1 I t ijurili Him- in s isj
Nuronri "
S a splendii
"et - for
medium figures
pleMlogly free
fron the bulk
effect commoa
to p r v lous
models of this
type. Medium)
bth bust . a&A
hip eudmg v la - ti
unbounu apron estensloo.
Made of white and drals
coutlL Hose supporters
front and sides. Trimmed
with lace and ribbon. I
Sites II to SO.