Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Extra Train or Better Accommoda
tion! Wanted on Present Onei. -
KHtkr MMitaeUrcn Nor O nictate
A newer Clrenlnra Seat Oat at
,Instaace of Imnalnrntloa
iKrom, a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Oct a 8peclal.)-The talc-'
Ing of testimony In the application of tha
creamery men for better service was re
sumed this morning before the State Rail
way commission and continued all day.
Tha evidence, given wit practically tha
aame .as that of previous days a story
of late trains, a failure to return empty
cans, and bad connections. Wllkerson of
the Beatrice Creamery company testified
thst his company wanted the Union Pa
cific to put .on a new train In the after
noon to run from Valley to Lincoln In
order to bring In the cream from the
branch lines. Now the trains leave Valley
In the morning too early for the farmers
to get their cream to the stations. He
would be satisfied with the present sched
ule of trains, he said, If the railroad fur
nished a special cream car with re
frigeration and a special agent to look,
after the shipment, and not ask for the
extra trnln. It was brought out on cross
examination that the creameries wanted
receipts for empty cans In order to make
the railroads and express companies re
sponsible for the cans, the Inference being
that no one Is responsible for this prop
erty now. Other witnesses testified along
the same lines. i
?lo Press In Demand for Labor.
"Something of a curiosity from the socio
logical viewpoint Is this recent flurry In
the metropolitan papers about the new 'bu
reau of Information' of the Department of
Commerce and Labor," said Deputy Labor
Commissioner Ryder. "Judging from some
articles recently carried by the Associated
rres, NebraKka end other states where la
borers and domestlo help are reported to
be scarce are to at once be supplied with
all the help they need from among the
aliens who are arriving at New York and
Hhr depots for Immigrants.
"Some two months ago the Nebraska bu
reau of labor took up this matter with T.
V. Powderly, head of the bureau of In
formation, to ascertain Just what his bu
reau contemplates doing. We received a
bnnch. of blanks which were self-explanatory,
and tho Idea looked so feasible that
a circular was at once prepared and sent
to every county clerk In Nebraska. A copy
wao sent to SflO editors of the state also, ac
companied by a second letter addressed di
rectly to .the editors. . These letters of the
the required workers have been secured as
"These facts taken together, especially
the lack of Interest among county officials
and editors. Indicate to me that the short
age of labor Is generally acute and not
chronic. That Is, there are certain times
when there Is a demand In sreclfie sec
tions for a certain kind of labor, as at
harvest time and corn shucking time.
Taken the year round, however, the short
age la more apparent than real. In my
judgment. Anyway, J think It will be
found that those who come to Nebraska
deliberately, after Investigation, to make
their homes and take their chances In the
trades, at common labor. In business or
as farmers, will be In numbers responsive
to the real demand, and will be by far
the most desirable kind of cltlxens for our
Cowin laveetlantea Food Uw,
General John C. Cowin of Omaha, at
torney for the packers, called on Food
Commissioner Johnson this morning and
requested a conference with the attorney
general and the governor and food com
missioner over the pure food law. After
talking with the Individual state officers
General Cowin decided he did not desire
the conference. It Is understood the pack
ing house attorney doubts the constitution
ality of the section of the law providing
for the branding of meat packages.
w Waterway Movement.
A letter has been received by the railroad
commission from the commercial bodies of
Wichita, Kan.i Atchison, Kan.; El Paso,
Tex.; Denver, Fort Worth and Oklahoma
City In which a meeting of an Inland com
munities convention has been called to
meet In Wichita November 16. The pur
pose is to protest against congress appro
priating money for waterway projects that
may not be feasible. The Mississippi proj
ect is favored.
I IVTfll V R1VITC TAKT HfTlllV cniTl National bank, said the Lincoln
LlitlvLiV DmilliJ liiUL AVIUM banks were well able to take care of them-
I selves, but they were forced to adopt the
' methods they did by reason of the action
National! Of Capital City Will Con of the banks of other cities. The, Lincoln
Tnai'e Mnno-ir .banks he said had enough money on hand
lerre ineir money. o ujw of thel. bti.lnfM but lt 0llI(,
have been foolish of them to let all their
Every bank In the city signed. Including
the First National bank, the Central Na
tional, the National Bank of Commerce, the
City National bank and the Farmers and
Merchants bank.
State's Bnalaess Good.
The state officials here regard the Ne
braska banks aa In the oest of condition
and the volume of business Is reported
good. In reality, they think there Is no
cause for alarm. It la the understanding
Dlseaases Advisability of Sending; In
formation Over tha State
Conntry Banker The
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Oct. 28. (Special Telegrams
National bankers of Lincoln, adopting the
same tactics as the bankers of Omaha and ( ner that the action was from precautionary
of many eastern and central cities, decided , rncannres alone.
to Issue clearing house certiacates and j Btate Treasurer Brian has adopted the
agreed upon the amount of money that Bhall pIan of payinK by check only, and all state
be paid out to depositors making demands warranU presented are being paid In this
during the present financial flurry. A state- mannerv He has Indicated that the state
ment was filed with the state banking money wtu ieft wher, lt l8 now a5.
board this morning signed by the Ore in- pog)tP(j
situations of Lincoln setting forth i the . on- , Jn eoe arUr, tn feena. prevani tnat
dltions and stating that, while In the opinion uch ot)on M hM taen er9,y
of the banker, there I. no fundamental ntuate fo of MMIt tnat .
weakness In the banks of Nebraska yet In Governor BheJon w
new of the nieasure. taker ' " formed of the move of the financial
ern c t cs and In Omaha and St. Joseph. In
this lmmed..te territory. It was considered " was rth,er th on' "in
advisable to issue clearing house certlfl- " e -doe. the stability of bu.ln...
. .v t rt.nn.itor.. onlv a nor- conditions In the state. It seems to him
tlon of their money on hand on check. The ht would be to Increase rather
agreement was thst depositors having a thn "a unrest. At the time, however,
deposit of $1,000 should receive $100, and was not Informed of the extent of this
those havlna- less than $1,000 only $50 at one , acuon mrougnoui ine unuea oiaies.
time. The action was prsctlcally the sams
as that adopted by the Omaha banks.
Bvslnesa Will Be Delayed
The result of the new order may cause
Lincoln bankers were In conference prac- I Bome inconvenience and possibly financial
tlcally all of Sunday night over the sltua- loM An lnBtance of the mannet In which
tion. i it may result was brought home rather
nriiHi " " " ' " I forcibly to Deputy Attorney Grant Martin
A conference was new tnis morning 07 todav. He recently dlsDOsid of soma Droo
the members of the state banking board erty h0,dlng., m tne at. aml placed the
who considered the advisability of issuing ,nonpy ln a Lincoln bank awaiting a deal
a statement by telegraph to the country . by whch h, )ntenaed to purchase a home
bankers or Nebraska oeiauing exisung ,n lncoIn. Ka today received notice that
conditions. Tho members drew up a mes
sage for transmission, when the advis
ability and their rights ln the matter were
called to mind and If the message s sent
this afternoon, lt will probably be merely
an authoritative statement of conditions..
This afternoon tho 8tate Banking board
sent the following message to each bank
ln the Nebraska towns outside the ones
with clearing houses: - s
Banks In clearing house cities of this
Schoolmaster Is Cleared.
VALENTINE, Neb.. Oct. 38. (Special.)
J. M. Thompson of Cody swore out ..... ... ,..(.,, annrnrii tn .hm nr.
a warrant Friday for the arrest of Prof, rency to outside polntB, owing to like act!i
of eastern clearing House oanxs, ana iir
Story of the Cody public school for whip'
ping her son and a McGee boy In school
rof. Story had his hearing Saturday b
nro County Judge Laport an3 wss
quitted, the county Judge commending hh
action and saying he was Justified In what
o did.
Qaalat and Cnrlona Featnres of Life
ln n Rapidly Growing
Colonel Casebeer Makes a Discovery
Anna Vlo Gates says In the Auburn
Granger, "The weather ln Nebraska can
change quicker than an American princess
can powder her face when going to dine
with her best gentleman friend. In this
clime a person has to carry a fan and a
fur coat, while a ault of heavy underwear
la tucked In the front of a gause shirt
waist as safeguard against a sudden
change." Well, that lets the secret out.
Men have for ages wondered what It really
Nebraska' bureau set out that Information was. Blue Springs Sentinel.
was wanted as to scarcity of labor, the I
kind of workers needed, business chances, J Chance for a Career Toung man, young
etrt, and wc prpmlBed. If sucb Information ; woman, why not be a printer? The jay Is
V . am nauToc6lfate it and forward H otter than It was In forhier Vears.and
,o the 'bureau of Lnformatlon' at Washing- there Is Just as much demand for skilled
"I'p to date no notice has been taken
ivf the circular $0 editors, and but two
founty ; clwrks' have taken' the trouble to
write this department relative to the mat
ter. We have had one call, from a Lan
caster county manufacturing firm, for Mr.
xowderly's blanks, That firm wantod a
punch ef workers, married and single, at
good pay, and with cheap house rent as
another Inducement. I have not heard that
Piles Cured
Quickly at Home
Without Pain, Cutting or Suryery.
Instant Relief.
to rrove It. Sample Pacha Free,
artisans ln every branch of the craft as
there ever was. If not more. We would like
to have tha opportunity to teach some
bright boy or girl, who Is not too old, but
who nevertheless has sufficient education,
and who is not afraid of work and is will
ing to stay at It until the trade la learned.
Let us hear from you at once, and begin
now to learn one of the best trades repre
sented In the country town. No loafers wll
be encouraged, nor those Inclined to visit.
Greeley Leader.
Preachers Have Autos Now Rev. Ed
ward 8. Muenlch met with a heavy loss
Tuesday of his fine new automobile. He
went to Sioux City that day ln the car to
bring home his Wayne runabout, which had
been there undergoing repair. He drove
the smaller car, and two parties from Sioux
City drove back In the other, supposed to
be auto experts. When nearly home. Just
east of town, the car suddenly flashed Into
a blase, and before the fire could be ex
tinguished the top and all the wood work ;
the present our city banks are payln-r de
posltors limited amounts only in caBn.
Banking board will render all possible
aid to banks consistent with Its duties.
The message was signed by the attorney
general, tho state auditor erfid the state
treasurer, members of the board.
Bnslnesa Men Calm.
Business men met with the officers of
the banks at the Commercial club at noon
and assured the bankers they would trans
act their business with cheoKS and felt no
alarm over the situation. The stale banks
had a reserve, according to the last state
ment of the State Banking board, of 36 per
cent, and the Lincoln National banks are
In a solid condition, according to the state
ments of the officers today. Some of the
smaller depositors this morning drew out
money, but as much money, lt Is said, was
deposited as was taken out, while from ap
pearance nothing out of the ordinary was
going on.
The national banks this morning adopted
the following resolutions:
Whereas. The Clearing House associations
of New York, Chicago, Kansas City, Des
Moines, St. Joseph and Omaha, and gen
erally of every city of any else In the
United States, owing to their Inability to
secure sufficient currency to meet the ab
normal demand, have found lt necessary,
until further notice, to suspend the ship
ment of currency to Its customers snd the
payment of checks ln cash, except in lim
ited amounts, and have adopted a plan
providing for the Issuance of clearing house
Revolved, That while the banks of Ne
bruska were never ln a better condition,
nor business on a sounder footing than at
the present time, and while the Clearing
House association of Lincoln deprecates
and protests against such strlng-ent action
aa unnecessary under the conditions pre
vailing, yet since such action has been
taken by the cities named It has become ex
pedient as a protection to our customers
and the business Interests of this city to
conform to this course and aodpt the fol
lowing rules:
Resolved. That the Lincoln Clearing
House association, comprising every bank
of the city of Lincoln, following the ex
ample of the other clearing houses of the
country, until further notice, pav out no
currency ln excess of $50 on accounts of
$1.0f0 or under, nor to exceed $HK on ac
counts over $1,000. All deposits of cash
made hereafter will be repaid In cash on
Action la Approved.
The Lincoln business men appointed on
the parties with whom ha was negotiating
would be ready to close the deal on Novem
ber 1. With the present conditions pre
vailing, It will be extremely difficult to ob
tain the money at this time.
No limit has been fixed for the duration
of the new condition by the Lincoln banks.
New Waterways MoTement.
A letter has been received by the railroad
commission from the commercial bodies of
Wichita, Kan.; Atchison, Kan.; El Paso,
Tex.; Denver, Fort Worth and Oklahoma
City In which a meeting of an Inland Com
munltles convention has been called to
meet In Wichita, November 18. The pur
pose Is to protest against congress appro
prlatlng money for waterway projects that
may not be feasible. The Mlsslsslsslppl
project Is favored.
Senator Addresses Voters at Bl
Sarins on State Issues.
BLUE SPRINGS, Neb., Oct. 28. (Spe
cial.) Senator Burkett spoke here to
night to a large audience In the Interest
of the republican stato ticket. He spoke,
ln part, as follows:
Tho rennhlirsn nartv nrescnts to you
candidates worthy of your votes. There
The oyster season
begins with September
and ends Xnth April.
The soud season
begins xrith January and end
vith December. Therefore
are in season every day in every
month of every year.
Oysterettes oyster crackers vdth
a taste that improves the flavor
of ovsters. soud and chowder.
Always fresh in moistun
and dust proof packages
Turn for the People.
resorting to the certificate plan, the banks
of Hastings by agreement entered Into last
night, today met claims with certificates,
certified checks or drafts. This arranre-
Monetary Situation Works One Good ment is to continue until further notice,
which means that It will last until the
banks of the cities get back to a currency
basis. Comparatively no uneasiness Is felt
by depositors here. For a time this morn
ing some persons gave evidence of alarm,
but when they learned the reason for the
order they seemed satisfied.
Head of Bis Packing; Flraa Ascribes
t the Ileduetlon to tho Condi
tion of tho Money
" ' . Market. ; ,l
"'Tli an ill wind that blowg nobody
good," sing Mr. Common-People.
Meat is to bo 10 per cent lower ln price
Is no better known man in the stafe. than raault of the crista In financial and
Judee Reese, our candidate for supreme result or tne cnsia in unanciai ana
Judge, and I undertake to say that among j speculative circles, according to IB. A.
all the men who have helped to bulla up cudahy of tha Cudahy Packing company.
Nebraska none have won for thomsulves ,u. , --
a fairer name or greater respect of the who predicts an Immediate decline in prices
people than has Judge Reese. TBlre U I of produce and staple supplies necessary to
not a blot on his nume, not a question ! numan Ufa.
Mr. Cudahy announces that his company
mark nnnn his Intrarltv and characK
He has served the state aa supreme judge
before: he haa been , dean or our law
has reduced the prices of all fresh meats
school at the state which Itjnakee to retail butchers and mar-
no man can successfully point a linger , ket keepers and that the decline snouio pe
of criticism at his record. He has1 hon
ored every position he has held aid
utamped indeiiniy upon nis every servicn
the traits of his real genuineness. He
felt at onoa by the consumer.
Such a decline ln meats alone mean a
saving to every man. woman and child and
was nominated by the people because they , retallers have promised to follow the reduc
knew him and believed In him, becuuse I ,. h .h- ri.v.r.
Ii. aliulrl Tnr thnun nrnrresslva ideals ror I r
which the republican party Is making so
herolo a ncht.
Our candidates for resent are Mr. Ander
son of Crete and Mr. Counland of Elgin. I
Beef roasts which sell now for 19 cents
will be sold for cents Tuesday, If the
wholesalers' price is reduced within twenty.
have known them long and well, and no ! four hours. An Idea of the saving which
better men for that Important position can : wm e made may be gained from the high
be found. They are In touch with the great
nrnriunlnor nrtrmlfitlnn nf our state and are
also in sympathy with our great educational
svstem. Eaeli or mem orinRS wun nis ran-
wero destroyed. The engine and machtn- a committee by President Hardy of the
ery, wheels, etc, were not muf.h damaged. Commercial club adopted the . following
out me loss runs wen up in the hundreds resolutions:
of dollars.-Colerldge Blade. I We. the business men of Lincoln as-
- !sembled at the Commercial club, approve
Ross Hammond's Work Record "Every- th et'on .f the Llnc"oIn Clearing House
body work, but father" don't go nowaday. WKtt oTca'.h
at Fremont. Paddy Ross Hammond donned be paid out to depositors, and we say to
a pair of overalls, spit on his hands and tn People of Lincoln that In view of
earned hi. bread by the sweat of hi. brow XvXX U?'te Unlfed aE-T
ln the literal sense. They do tell that Ross other course could have been safelv
spent most of his time mopping sweat from pt'ued by our banks.
his flushed face, but that his determined o'gnea px :
look and encouragement lent to the other
fellow proved conclusively that the new
wing of the Fremont Normal will. Phoenix
like, rise from the recent ashes, and we are
glad thut the noble spirit Inspired Daddy
prices quoted Monday for fresh meats.
Round steaks sell for 12 cents, porter
bniiiMt Is worth SO to M eenta. sirloin ransrea
S3 5K"mAAW' 15 1TH cent, and boll, which for
a successful farmer. They are honorable merly sold for S cent, are now quoted at
men and loved and respected wherever they g cents. Pork loins, such a. mother used
aMrkCUrke of Omaha I. our candidate for u ' 10 cent. hav. been gold for
railway commissioner. At this particular . 13V4 cents recently, but brought 15 cent,
time, with so much In the undertaking, , for months. Small article! In meats, which
there Is no more Important j office in the , formerly within the reach of alf. have
state than the one that Mr. Clarke has been . ... ... ... , , . , ...
nominate dto fill, and ln my ludrment ha , climbed the rung of the price ladder until
Is worthy of an election. His public record . they have reached the limit; even liver
in hnnnu'rhlB and his private life is clean,
He is in complete sympathy with the peo
ple In their righteous determination to reg
ulate the great transportation companies.
He holds the office today upon the appoint
ment of Governor Sheldon .and if we had
haa been quoted at 6 cents per pound
Where Lint It Is Reached.
It la to such price, a. were quoted tn
no other assurance of his worthiness than Omaha Monday that Mr. Cudahy refer.
that appointment we would be Justified in
voting ror him. But nis recora in me legis
lature and his services as commissioner sat-
when he say. they have reached the limit
and that a turn ha. come when staples will
Voang Woman from Bohemia Asks
Damages of Plnttsmonth Man.
PLATTSMOUTH, Nab.. Oct. M.-(Speclal.)
The first breach of promise ault ever
brought In tha district court of Cass county
was commenced Saturday afternoon by the
filing of a petition by Attorney A. L. Tldd
for Mis. Julia Juranek,' asking for damage.
In tha sum of tl.EOO against Frank Slat
lnskl. In a beautiful city tn Bohemia, at nearly
tha same time, were born the two above
named persons, who grew up side by side,
and each promised to love and cherish the
other until death separated them. Employ
ment there being scarce and wage. low.
Slatlnskt came to America and to Piatt s
mouth, where he secured work In the local
Burlington shops. From the savings of his
wages he purchased a cottage and furnished
It and wrote for his sweetheart to come and
they would be married at once and go to
housekeeping. She bade her mother fare
well and In due time arrived In Platts
mouth, only to learn that he had not proven
true to her, but had been united ln mar
rlage to one Mia. May Bedlak.
To remunerate her- for the time and
money .pent In crossing the briny deep and N
as a soothing balm to her wounded feelings
and broken heart, she ask. tho court to
award her a Judgment In the .urn of $1,100,
Y.f People Is rtso Friends.
FREMONT, Neb.. Oct. a. (Special.)
The families and friend, of tha parties liv
ing here were much surprised to learn
yesterday that Charlotte Halrhouse, tho
oldest daughter of J. T. Halrhouse, and
Henry Haman of this city were married
at Sioux City on May It, last. It had been
given out that they were to bo married
about Christmas and an elaborate wed
ding was expected.
Easy to take and .top tho shake. Red
Cross -- Cough Drops, to per box.
If you have anything to trad advertise
It la the For Exchange columns of the
Bee Want Ad page.
X J. Derlght, owner of the Derlght Auto
mobile company, has gone to Nsw Tork to
attend the automobile show.
Arthur D. Baker, formerly of Omaha,' ha.
removed his office from Fremont and In
now with John McDonald In tho New Tork
Life building.
lafles us beyond every peradventure of be lower.
do"bt that he Is ma'a o( the right material
ml moved bv the riant 'olrit to make him
a good railway commissioner. The repub
lican party has made a herolo fight In N
A. Mr. Cudahy'. prediction wa. made at
noon Monday, with the announcement of
lower price, for meat., the effect of the
JOHN T. DORGAN, Chairman.
J. r Mll.PI-.K.
C. H. Rl'DUR.
"It 1. up to the farmers," ssid State
Rosa and others, for we like to see the Treasurer Brian. "If they remain calm and
beautiful suburb, of Fremont keep step don,t et excited and demand their money
with her march of progress.-Columbus I believe the affair will be over with very
Tribune. : shortly If the farmers get uneasy and de-
m I mand the money from the small country
House-Cleanlng-The average housewife hanks there Is liable to be serious trouble.
There Is Just one other sure way to be
cured pslnleas, safe And In tha privacy of
mall a trial package free to all who ""J oeun w umu me ouroen wu. ""-cvoi , Un unuwi
j. . . . ...V II u VI. V . Ln. Ill m R. IUU11U uw.. .ware .,w .1 u I. u v Villa
nrr iichu suii wnaci into mm aire in n way I xjf. r. xiaii, presiaeni oi me new
.. . T ,i . 1 .v.. . tllat makes your head swim. She will tear
the U.I.IW P. nies. na ur. of this great th. cupboards, and
remedy and start you well on the way to- vmj raB hav. nt h t
i tha atovea antf look .our. vhun vmi ihnw
Then you can get a full sized box from up for alnner; ilam. ,a tnlng,
any druggist for 60 cents, and often one j around-if you don't llkn lt you can tske
box cures. . : your meals downtown. See? Fall Is a very
If the druggist trie, to sell you some- unhappy event In nearly every household,
thing Just- as good. It Is because he make when house-cleaning time Is st hand, but
aore money on the substitute. I be patient, all you men. It will soon be
rhslst on havlr.g what you call for. j over. Then what happiness will reign in
tie cure begins at once and continues ' every home until house-cleaning time again
rrlly until, it Is complete and permanent. In spring. Crelghton News.
A can go right ahead with your work I - .
and easy aid pomfortabls all the time, j Not So Melancholy "The melancholy days
It is well worth trying. I are come, the saddest of the year." The
Just se:id your name and address to Pyra- above quotation from an eminent poet, to
mid Drug Co.. i Pyramid Building, Mar- gether. with the remainder of the produc
sbaC Mich., and receive free by return tlon constitute a somewhat musical Jingle,
mall the trial package In a plain nrrapper. not unpleasant to the ear, but we do not
Tboussnd. have been cured In this easy, consider It ln entire sccordsnce with the
.,.mie. and Inexoenslve way. In' the nrlv. truth- wt,)r r eutumnal days the saddest
a y of the home.
No knife and its torture.
No doctor end his bills.
All dmggiats. 60 cents. Write today for
a free package. ' '
Positively Cure.
ef continuous success. ! Printed matter
sent In plain envelope, upon request:
All correspondence strictly confidential.
of the whole yearf Are the days of the
Indian summer sun, of ripening fruits and
grain, of the songs of the younglings of the
bird creation now rapidly approaching the
j maturity of nature, of gentle temperate
I winds, neither- too warm nor too cool for
j comfort, calculated to create sadness In the
I heart of the humaa being, when that sams
I being csn withstand the fierceness of the
preceding summer's heat, or of the suc
ceeding season when stern old Winter de
lights to drive the mercurial column down
Into the lawermost depths of the tube, or
cause, the storm king to ride hither, seek
ing whom snd what lt may devour, and you
enjoy It allT Well, hardly. Holdrege Prog
Oosaer ?wty-flfta and Cass Its
. OMASA. HE, -
It Von Knew
the merits of Texas Wonder you would
never suffer from kidney, blsdder or rheu
matic trouble, tl bottle, two months treat
ment. Sold by Sherman A McConnell Drug
Co. and Owl drug Co. Testimonial, with
tach bottle. '
Every man deeply respects the)
Individual who la guided and gov
erued by cool Judgment and com
mon sense. If one finds his hab
its of food or drink are produc
ing some hint, of disease he
should heed nature's warnings
and properly adjust his diet to
keep the beautiful human machin
ery ln order.
One does not always know
where to commence to correct a
diet, but one thing to fctop is cof
fee, a most alluring and insidious
enemy that "slugs one to sleep
and kulfes him."
The slow, but sure effect of
caffeine the active drug in coffee
on the heart, finally produces
weak pulse and a deranged ner
vous system which grow slowly
but steadily more pronounced and
end tn some fixed organic disease
unless tho cause be removed.
Postum Is scientifically made of
selected parts of the field grains
that yield the natural phosphates
which rebuild mni give vital
energy to body and brain. "There's
braska and it propose to keep it up and packer's action had not yet been felt by
we now ask the people to endorse what we . K- ,,..- !, m
have done, encourane us In our effort and troctn who do not agree that there will
vote for the snlenrild ticket that we nave pe a corresponding reaucuon in prices on
presented. Political parties should be sus- their lines. They claim the tendency Is
tained in their good work Juat as they are . h,h. an(, rom!se no relief
candemned when they fall. ' . pr0n""e ,n0 ,
I am not one of those who believe ln "Groceries are not accompanying meats
criticising court decisions, for thst is al-'on the downward course," said Oscar Allen
"barr nT'am I on, ""u'elft'the1 th. firm of Allen Brothers. "The barom
motives of Judges. One of the Jud'clal eter of prices Indicates rather a trend In
processes of a federal court or any other the other direction. Prices have been
rrou'rishemrve." 1't Va'Er? P?oper rirrtn, for ..v.ral year, and the
"Where the shoe cinches" it
where you want more room. The
Packard lasts have the room in tha
right place, that makes the shoe fit
Made of only the best materials. That makes
the shoe wear. To t and wear add the
distmctrve Packard style and you have a
perfect shoe. See a pair to-day. .
Sold at $30, $4.00 and $30)0 Ls all atyUa
yon dealer da
not oarry tha
Packard Bao., w Tito as foi Cata-
dealer who does.
ef nearest
1.1. A. PACKARD CO., Brccktcn, tiass.
end ls not yet so far a. wo are able to
see Into the future."
Issne Cashiers' Cheeks In Pine of
Pnytna Oat Cnah.
NORFOLK. Neb.. Oct. 28. (Special Tele
gramsNorfolk bank, are Issuing cashiers'
check, a. a precautionary measure. North-
and necessary prerogative and one that the
humblest citizen may need to Invoke at any
time to protect his life or his property.
Its origin was designated as a remedy to
modify the harshness of the common law,
and lt ls today perhaps the most Important
remedy if an equitable nature. Yet essen
tial as It ls, well conceived as It was, It
may be Improperly used and become harm
ful. Powreful a remedy aa It Is, If care
lessly or wickedly administered lt may
been e damrerous. Ir the hands of an
4 1 1 if a I. m at u KstmA m iafAmw
upnn equity and In the hands of a wicked j ern Nebraska feel, no apprehension what
JuriKe lt may become a bludgeon. The ! ever, as crops were unusually fine and the
people can take away this prerogative- j farmer, ar, u independent
the people can destroy the courts ent rely, . 1. . ... ,
but In my opinion they ought not to and HASTINGS?, Neb.. Oct. 28.-(Special Tele
neyer will. Courts are as necessary to ! gram.) A. a re.ult of the action of the
lir-erty iny omer orancn 01 me govern- ciefcrng bouses throughout tho Country In
ment. If the government attains the h'gh- I
est degree or perrection every orsncn ot
It most be sustained by tfie people. On
the other hand, courts given wo enormous a
power should use It carefully and nird
edly. The sovereignty of states should be
recognised. Some presumption sho'ild bi
given to the integrity of state officials an 1
the wisdom of state laws. In my op'noln
It Is a very rare case where a state law
should be nullified pendlnc the hearing tl
estaH'sh Its constitutionality. Corporations
should be taught to obey the law until
the courts determine that It Is wrong,
rather than disobey lt until the courts
have said that It was right. The presump
tio tifthottld he In favor of the law rather
than aeatnst It. and until hearing and
determination there Is nothing for or
against except the presumption.
Drakeman Fatally Hnrt.
BLAIR. Neb., Oct 28.-(8peclal.)-John
Dlngman, a brakeman on the Northwestern
road, was. It Is thought, fatally hurt about
t o'clock in this city, pingman had cut the
train at the road crossing, stepped across
the track and attempted to step back again
when the cars came together and crushed
his abdomen and back. He was taken to
the emergency hospital and attended by
Drs. Stewart and Murdock. who say the
chances are against him. He Is a single
man, about 23 years old and lives at oNr-folk.
VAI.FNTINri-Pstrhler A Heine, esten
slve rsnrhers In Cherry county, commerced
tn l"d fO rattle for the Omaha market
Sunday morning. The rattle reached Val
entine from the ranees naturday night.
Bee Want Ada Are the test Business
One of " the
of tho happy homes of to-day i. a vast
fund of irJormution as to the best methods
of promoting health and happiness and
right living and knowledge of the world's
beat products.
Products of actual excellence and
reasonable claims truthfully presented
and which have attained to world-wide
acceptance through the approval of the
Well-Informod of the World; not of indi
viduals only, but of tht many who have
the happy faculty of selecting and obtain
ing the best the world affords.
One of the products of that class, of
known component parts, tn Ethical
remedy, approved by physicians and com
mended by the "Well-Informed of the
World as a valuable and wholesome family
laxative is the well-known Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna. To get its beneficial
effects always buy the genuine, manu
factured by the California Fig Byrup Co.,
orJy, and for sale by all leading druggist .
?w3o t?w3atehes...
With electric light the dangerous little
match . is not a necessity. A simple
switch placed where mast convenient is
all you neeed to turn the electric light
on or off. Reduced rates.
Omaha Electric Light & Power Go.
'Tel. Doug. 10G2 Y. M. C. A. Oldg.
nn nn nn r?u rp ri n3 nn r?i
After November 1st
we will cease the
manufacture of Ice
Cream. : : :
- i " i it fi
aV-Tsl L-3 LJ u
-3 I