J TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: . THURSDAY; OCTOBER 24. 1007. 11 -r9 ( 1 OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) Palldlaar. TOR R1CVT Three upper 14 Harney. ' floon Inqmre (IS) M3U BUILDINGS FOR RENT. All or part f the 6-story basement building now occupied by Carpenter Paper Ca HARRISON MORTON, U N. Y. Lira Bids. (U)-M54 on FOR RENT Deak room In Baa office, city hail building 417 N. 2Mb. St., South Omaha. Apply to manages. (1) 134 THREE- office on aecond floor of new rAn..v.il. hulldln. JS14 HirnK ' modern and conveniently situated In the buelnesa canter; oaK nnieti; bent or sun light, heat and janitor oervlce furnished; ran be leased separately or en suite. IIA T IN (id & HUIDEN, 1704 Farnam Pt 1 (16) M8I6 tar so. ONE atora room In new "".cargo" building In South Omaha, near oostofflce. with lighted basement, modem show windows and awnings; beat possible location. Hall Distributer Co., 817 First Natl. Bank Mng. Phnne ft4 t (InV-Ml DR'-fO BTORE Rest unooeupted location for local drug business In city. Will al tar and lease to tight party. Also A-t grocery location. BEM1S. XX Psxton, Blk. 'Phone Douglas 86. (U)l Barns. FOR W?NT-Ur brick barn, IM South " ftthAv.- - 08)-Ml7 83x OFFERED FOR SALE ' reatUf ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing ao per foot. Kf n. ian at. eu nea hi - Fnrnltnr. tn PIANO 'furniture bought and soldi busl neaa on the square. Rosenberg, formerly with Chicago Fur. Co., 18 S. 14th. Doug. W&. , . a-M4M Octal WANTED TO SELL Furniture and fur nishings of 7-room modern house, looatad In West . Farnam district; nirnuure prso tlcally new. House leased until Sepsera- bar, 1.. Tel. Douglas 700. n - . - .... o)-Ma HlrtMKiT a-rada Antwerp oek dining room set, practically new. cost 150, -ar:iiln at - fi.Lv. 'rnoiM iiarney voo. ii-ui rtaasse, Organa, Mn steal Iastrn ononis. new; pianos to ; P RENT .t - at prices ranging from $300 to 16.00 per month. Tuning free -with any piano rented for yur- home. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER - PIANO CO. UU-1313 FARNAM ST. a-s STEIN WAT piano, second-hand, good ooa union, obaap. Hi McCagu Bldg. - - .- U; ill Oct2t FOR SALE Kacellent upright piano, used onlytnree monins since built, cheap for caah or on Installments. Boom iA Kr ,brt black. Mat B. Utav Bt. (la; Mjitt UF&luVHV' PLANO at a aaortfloe; -mr ia'.ving oltyv Davenport. 3U. .ELEGANT upright plana, mahogany . pasa, t used . six and one-halt montua. IliO, . 4U N. 23d. - , (US) 2 Ox Typenrltera aael Itwlsg Macalaaa. FOR SALE High-gTada second-hand typa . writer; good condition; a bargain at 160, Call room 6u3t Bea Bldg. (1D-471 CNK Remington typewriter. No. 4, In good J eondlUon. for sala cheap. Call at Baa eftloa, (lt-USx FOR SALE New and second-head billiard and pool tables. Wa lead the world In '.cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Bruha-wlck-Balke-Collandar, 407 S. loth Su . : . . . oi)-m HALF PRICK.' small monthly payments, Rldpath's History of the World. Ameri eanlsad Encyclopedia, Webster's New Dic tionary. . B. B. Roberta, southwest corner lh and Farnam. (14) Mil N7 Id Iscollaavaaa. FOR SALW Several show cases, hew pea nut rotator, large coffee mill, two large automatlo oil tank and store fixtures too numerous to mention. Oloba Land and Investment Co., Omaha. Neb, f (1 471 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholeaala, ra tall. Sherman eV McConnall Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (1) 1?4 END US your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on i lets. Myers-Dllloa Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 874 ELEVATORS for gals la Iowa. Mmna- seta. North and South Dakota. O. M Mvefs, 110 Flour Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. (14) M824 No. Ux SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. best mixed point. - Sherman at McConuell Drug Co. (141-477 DUPLEX PUMP 8W-galIoa WorthlagtoB duplex pump, slss llxiofcxio. for sals about October 1. This pump has . seen about six . months' actual aarvtos and Is good condition; will sell at a' bar gal a. Apply W. U. -Bridges, engl BSr Baa. Bldjr. . (W)-678 GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date stock at lowest prioae In the city. Select now. Delivered when uetded. Ipsyectlon Invited. ; BURGESS GRANDEN CO., tJ 8. Uth SU. TeL Doug. sSL ' (16 8u BJMFSON Rock away, nearly new, very low prloe If .taken st ouce. 814 Jones St '1'hona Loualaa 1704. (14 04 80a SECOND-HAND overcoats and firearms, binges, 46 N. 14th. (1) 4i8 Kueans's . itaaery, ti Laaveaworth tot. 0O-114 7X 8TOVES repaired and. -sold. Anything In stovs lino. Ranca, lull N. C4lh. -MUH Nov7 SALT. 8L80 par bbL Wagner, 801 N. 11! h. (U-8e JEW bargains la 14 hand soda fountains. ' auonthly paymaata. Lvrlght. Ult Farnam. (U)-7 DRUGS at out prices; freight paid on all 116 orders, catalogue free. Sherman A Mc .Connall lrug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 1.6 rOH SALrTroII top desk, chairs, tables. ruga. Offloea for real. W. A. Kerr. 44-4 .H. X. Lite aildg. . , Ut 4J4 HALL A safes, aew, Sd-hand. Wll Farnam. (14 M QOOD gas rang cheap. 1611 Locust. (U 814 Kx FIN8 Aoora 4-hola steel range: slso two round Uk haatera; bargain. 8016 Daven port. - (H-M3U81)X FOR SAIE Large hard roal heater, no MtMwsU oner reiueed. Call 1VT7 Howard Sb. seovad (14) U4 Ibx OFFERED FOR SALE Bf !! Ian Ota t lane-. FOR RALE Genuine buffalo robe In good condition! price, KOi R A. Town, w till ing. Is. (lO-MlbT 28x NAILH, fl 00 keg. Stir Fox Co., 1W Bt. (16)-Mlfw Nov21 Mary' Ave. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELI patent attorney and ma chine designer, Faxton Blk. lei. Rea uw. LARSON CO. Book free. Bee ldg. U7- PATENTS THAT PROTECT; Our three books for Inventors mouea on receipt or ( cents stamp. R. 8. A. B. Lao.,, Rooms Pactflo Bid., Washington, D. C. Established 1889. (6 M429 PERSONAL THE ELITE MASSAGES Chalybeate acrub bains: expert lady oneraiur: room i0, Banter bloc, ism ana farnam; new establishment. TOUNO WOMEN coming to Omalia as stra.igers are Invited to visit in loung Women's Christian Association rooms, 1614 Fernam street, where they will be di rected to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. ( 014 A TOUNO MAN 29 years of age wishes to correspond with a young uonemian may from 20 to 26 years of use. object matri mony: must answer In English. Address Frank Smith, poatofflca,. Box 982, Butte, Mont. . (lS)-M3ax ALWAYS fresh, Satin Skin Cream; never dries up, spoils, ,snrwK or cnanges.aeo, Kf AnNF,TTf3 Osteology and Massage M.AUINriXlt- Vapor and Tub Baths. Room t 1204 Farnam St., Id floors. tlB) MKJ UClS TUB SALVATION ARMT solicit cast-off rimhinv: in fact, anything vou do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St.. for cost at collecting, to in worthy poor. Call 'phone Loug. 41SS and wagon win can. ww-u LADIES and grntlemen are cordially In' vlted to com and sea the greatest In ventlon of the age; prevents all mis niaoAd and onen switch wrecks, also en ahlea the engineer to take a siding while the train is in motion, ua norm inn oi., South Omaha, Neb (II) M2E4 NoV.Kx PLEATING Butdu.crhy,nV Pyelng and cleaning, sponging and hrlnking only to per yard. Bend for price and samples. OOLDMAN PLEATINfJ CO.. M Douglas Block. Tel Douglas 1DM. WD RENT machines, tl per week, or It per montn. isenmaka cycle Co., corner Uth and Harney Sts. (U)-W0 fiAAU'CiJ'-LV'Smlth,U8N. 16th. Id floor. (LS BUO OMAHA Stammerers' Building. Institute. Ramge PENNELL MILLINERY CO., Wll Douglas. tl) m HIT BTRINGeS, rubber goods, by mall: cut prices. Bend for rrea catalogue. Myen Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (ID W ' 1 U I'll J "1 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOMEVMra Dr. King, 1324 N. Mth Bt. Tel. Web. !t5a an sm REAL ESTATE KEAL BSTATB DBALBR. RUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO.. ill Ramge. (li tee PAYNE INV. CO., 1st floor N. Douglas 1781. Y. Llf (U) U OEORQH ac COMPANY. 1U01 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 7B4 u PETERS TRUST CO, N. T. Ufa Bldg. (It) 88 L 8IBBERNSEN. room 108, 120 Ho. ltn. (1) M184 C ITY PROPERTY FOR "ALB. SOME CHEAP LOTS Comer, 20th and Seward. 80x127 feet-nly tifUl ' corner, 28th and Franklin Sta.: paving, water, gas, permanent walks, 40x127 feet- Corner, 80th and Fowler, 84x132 feet, paved, sewer, water, gas $M)0. Corner, 29th and Fowler. 50x132 feet $455. Three nice lots, $7th and Orand Ave., south front 1300 each. Two good lots on 17th, elosa to car, water In street only eZTB each. W. T. GRAHAM, BEE BLDG 09)-rr 2s UNIVERSITY PLACE wnAT is m WHEItB IS IT! It la a new addition to the City of Oman Just being platted and containing thirty of the finest lots In the rlty and lying two blocks west of CREIQHTON UNI VERSITY, between California andBurt Dig,. sBiiu tun iwmi a savii(f vv uvistt wmis- vard and 17th Bt. Thla Is ths greatest opening of centrally located building lots ever held In this city and aa there are only thirty of them It Is to your Interest that you coma early and pick the lot you want. This will ba your last chance to obtain an elegant building sits within walking dis tance from the neart of the city, at terms WHICH FIT YOUR POCKETBOOK NOT Ol'Rfl. Prices 81.500 for the lots facing the bouls vaid and 81. SKA for those facing 27th Bt. Coma to our office tor plats and (or further particulars. Benjamin Real Estate Co., 808-4 Neville Blk. 18th and Harney Sts. - 'Phone Douglas 73:3. (15 M2S4 B WALKING DISTANCE Brand new five-room cottage, thoroughly well built; cemented cellar under en tire house; double floors; nice large sttlo for Storage purposes; nickeled plumbing; everything modern except heat: located on north side of Hlondo street, Just et of 17th; good neighborhood; close to school. Oo and look at it and aea for youraelf how 11 ta built. Price I2.8S0: eaoy terms. C. O. CARLBERO. IU New York Ufa Bldg. (18) Mill TOREE BARGAINS -SMALL HOUSES House of I rooms, full lot. fruit. Orchard Hill, fcth and Blondo Sts 8776. Two houses. I'lh and Charles Sta.; rent for 26; lot WxlOT fset. All for 82,860. 877 B. list St., cottags, 4 rooms, close In 8? Kou. W. T. GRAHAM, BEE BLDG. (18) 281 a FOR BALE 2650 Rees St.. 8-room house, with lot 6UX44 ft Price POO. Inquire ef J. O. Althouaa. 1808 So. fcib Ave. (ll)-48 REAL ESTATE at reasonable prices; writs for list. IL R. Roblnaon, bant a Crua. Cal. (18-M844 N6x LIST your property with Chris Boyer. !!4 ana fuming eta (in- SUBURBAN ACREAGE. IS acres, south of Forest Lawn ceme tery. wHh two small houeee; all for 8 70. F, D. WEAD, 1W1 Farnam; 0-""i-' -r. 0 MX2I M NICE COTTAGE 35TH AND JACKSON Seven rooms, modern, rement Walks, good repair, flns location tt SV). V. T. GRAHAM, BEE BLDG. 09) 179 S Let your through ;"BEE'-;want' ads'' REAL ESTATE Citt PRowa-wTY ron sal. (Continued.) Dundee We have left only five of those fine SIGHTLY RESID ENCE LOTS IN DUNDEE, AT $500 ON EASY PAYMENTS A WORD TO TILE WISE IS SUFFICIENT. Benson & Carmichael 642 Paxton Block, 'Phone Douglas 1482. (!- 24 NEW, READY 'TO MOVE INTO tHntlv modern house, very best material and woramananip) d-iiii tor m nom; pol ished hard-wood finish; south front oa Main Central Boulevard, tour blocks Crelghton university, Sevan to high sohoot and only twelve blocks to business cen ter; room for tws more houses; will sail all or part at a oargam. I. Conner, Owner, 23S Neville Blk (1I)-M2M 4 SALESMEN Will be at 52d street and Und erwood avenue Thursday, Fri day and Saturday afternoons, Oct. 23, 24, 25 and 26 to show lots in that perfectly prepared new residence district in Dundee Many have been out during the past week and many have bought. - .-m Ask any onewho has seen the property about it. Several houses ranging in cost from $3,000 to $6,000 will soon be started. All lots either on or within three blocks of car line. Taks any' west Farnam-Dun-dee car, Go to 52d Street. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St. . (ID Milt 21 GOOD INVESTMENTS and CHEAP HOMES Two 4-room cottages; city water and gas; three blocks to cart rented at 810 each. 81.SU0 for both. Will sell separately, al JsMeaoh. One 4-room cottags on Vinton St., Hear wtu at 81.0UU, very cneap. New 8-reom cottage and a new 8-room cottage; 60-foot lot. 81.7W for both. Rental eu.W per month. New 6-room cottage; water and gas: full ioi ; one diocb to car, oargam, New 4-room cottage; three blocks to can. only i,iv. All moodern but furnace; new tiouas of rooms; ons block to car; oU-fool lot. I2.SU0 takes It. W RIGHT LASBURl, Phone Douglas IU 104 South Uth Bt . u) U.IM He Over South On 17th street Just north of Vinton, good 8-room cottage, with city water. Prtc, U.6ua. Terms can ba arranged. West Farnam Snap 4401 Farnam, 8-room, all mod- ern, corner lot 60x118, room' to build cottage on rear of lot. Plica. 83,000. Payne Bostwick & Co. Sols Agent. Main Floor N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phone 1018. (U)-284 14 IT IS YOUR'S FOR $2,750 A 6-room house In Benson. Ihade trees. aemented cellar, water and twe lots. Can make three rooms upstairs. Ths lots are worth 81,. A room Tor a bath. This Is a bargain, so see us at once, as we only have It for thirty days. Benjamin Real Estate Co., X24-6 Neville Blk. 14th and Harney Sta. 'Phone Douglas litl (1)-M7 86 FOR SALS ON &ABY TKRMS: fit Bancroft Bt 9)1 Bancroft fit. 814 BrowiP Bt. 0 ft. 18th St. 83i 6 Corby St. 47o FTanklln St V'l fewaid ft. 11-1 North 4iih St. r.i b, tth u w4 B. 82d Ave. ) Patrick Ave. . I4f Bt. -ChElOH. 90X9 CO., ' ' k Bee Bldg. (19) -113 K needs be REAL ESTATE CITY PROPHRTY FOR 8 A LB. (Continued.) KOUNTZE PLACE IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR LOT and MAKE YOUR HOME Where you rsn buy high class lots In high claes neighborhood at a reasonable prloa and where you don't have to wait arid pay axtra lor improvements .aucn as Paved street, city water, per manent sidewalks, sewer, gas and electric lights, close to stores, schools, churches and good car lines. LARGE LOTS, 56x124 FEET, $850 to.$l,100,,. ' t Located on Locust, Binney, Wirt, Spen cer. Lotbrop, Emmet and, Plnkney streets. between Sherman avenue and 24th. uver twenty-five new . houses being . built In KOuntte place. Call for our booklet of Kountss nlaca nomes. HASTINGS & HAYDEN, 1704 Farnam St . Pee Building (1)-M.7 M CHICKEN RANCH. M acres, 10 minutes walk from car; all fitted with new buildings for chloken busi ness; Changs In owner's plans requires him to sell, F. D, WKAD, 1801 Farnam; Ground Floor. (W M33 14 ' BENSON. FOR RENT or sale; a nearly new seven room house and barn; two acres of ground. Seven hlocka from car Una. TURRELL A CO.. Room 17. Patterson Blag. Tel. D. 1129. (18) M822 26 Buy this for $1,750.00. A 7-room house, two lots. wall, cistern. barn, fruit trees, shade trees, lawn, picket fence; two blocks from oar. 4SU4 Maple. Terms. Room 17, Patterson Bldg. Tel. D 1129. !) M831 16 Inside Snao Northeast corner 18th and Capitol Ave., 8x uo, 8e.euo, two diochs rrom postoicoa. can you equal It anywhere? C. G. CARLBERG, Sol Agent. . fU N. T. Life. (1D-MJM NEW C0TTt3E CHEAP - - - .. ft? Jf!.. ... - . . Oh Amna Ave' near? "Sith' tl. lust flnlsh- Ing. hlce cottage, furfiac. bath, closet, gas and electricity, strsai cart full- lovonly W. T. GRAHA,' BEE BLDG.! 09) 177 IS 84.800 wlll buy elegant 8-roorti rnod,n hovsa st 414 n. sist at.; east iron'.; pavea pirsetl permanaint aldewaljt beautiful lawn; large ahade trees; easy terlns. if necessary. THOMAS BRENN AN, Room 1. New York Life Building. - TRACKAGE PROPERTY to teas or sell, lBOxlTT ft., on B. AY M. Ry.l good locatirn ror wrmiesaie rtouee or coal yard. ANNA V. METCALF, Phone Douglas 171. .' 1234 S. 10th 8k ' (U)-M?71 Novl wm ait.e XT tar h,.4.rn ar,AMi Mlt... Im ' north part, ai location, mono owner. Harney U77. Ofr-MSM Noy.16 14 I3TS In Ha io yon Aelglrts, Benson, lying well, close to car line; m minutes riae to Omaha. Will sell altogether or Vi bunches of five. For prices and-terms ad dress H 42. cars Be.r (18)-187 Acres--Not Lots . Don't think that Keystone Park Is cut up 4n lots, because It la not It Is ctit up In ons to twenty-acre tracts. Every tract Is a beauty th Itself, and take them In a body they never can be aurpassed. These tncts are selling from 8176 to 837S per ' acre and this Is only about hall what Uiey are worth. Re member these are only three fourths of a mile from the end ef the Benson car line and only a few minutes' ride from the center of Omaha.. .These acres Srs Increasing In value every ay, so don't fall to see thara before they are ail gone. Take advantage of our offer and let us take you out In one of our - gutomoblles to see. Keystone Park payne investment co.. 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. TeL Doug. .,1781. D. V. BHOLES. st Floor Board of Trade. Tel. Doug. 41. . , (18)-26 XI MODERN HOUSE TO EXCHANGE Largs lot with good, house, I rooms. paved street, oar line, to exchange tor building lots or land. W. T. GRAHAM. BEE BLDG. . , , . (19) N0 S SIX-ROOM HOUSE 82,100. Modsrn Except Furnace. MOST. NEW , Corner Lot. Hear Dodge 8 treat Car. VACANT ' w. 1T N. T. Life. IL GATES. Phone Doug. 124. (19)-2I4 84 ( po BALE A well built 10-room ' frame i house, beautifully finished In aard wood; J n,ra woc4 floors, mantels, modern bath room, and conveniently arranged. will sail at a vary low price, to be removed liom present premises oy purcnaser. Art dress C, C. Rooewater. Bee Bldg , Omaha. ll9 MI HERE IT IS! Pavennort St., weet of high school; bouse snd half lot, renting for 8JU0 per year; rce, only 88.100. D. WEAD, 1801 Farnam; Ground Floor. (li)-MJ24 88 BEAUTIFUL HOME. I4.W6 Rrand new seven-room, pressed brick, , fine furnace and basement, strictly mod em; One oak enclosed mantel; close to Twentieth boulevard on Fowler Ave.; r)ns view and neighborhood; only first class materia! used 'Phone us. Webster lJut r Webe'er v UNDER HILL st CO.. 84 N, jMta. ' ' 09)-MSia u known REAL ESTATE CITY FHOPCHTf FOR SALE (Continued.) WITT THII P ATtftAIN. Lot Bt 26th snj Fort streets, only t"7&. B O. Nordqulst. Owner. 424 S. Xlth 8t. il9)-751x T7CAL K3TATR TITI.R TRUST CO. " nils E. WILLIAMSON. Pres. (1)-1 REAL ESTATE FARM RANCH LANDS FOR IA1.B CaloraSa. FOR SALE 160 acres In the fertile San L,uls valley at in oo per acre; an renced. best of water stork, artesian well; small part under cultivation; has a small cabin. This Is a snap; we have othera. Write lor our list of bargains. Land here of'n i pays for Itself out of the first crop. The r"ond Realty and Loan Co., IS N. Tsjun St., Coloraue Springs, Colo. (aO)-M110I4x Iowa. 80-ACRE farm In Iowa, -laoome property, in goon anape, clear; client win trade ror unimproved land In Nebraska or South Dakota. Jlbon Planck, Rd Oek. la. ()) M27j Kanaas. THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY. KAN- BAD UABBfcLT. Fine VH aore farm, five milea from Coffey- vn is, ins metropolis or aoutneasiern Kan sas, the city of many factories, weekly payroll. t2J.00. Thla farm has fine Improvements, has tele- pnone ana iree rural man servrr. ie nns land and can ba bought at a right price. Have a tine list of farina and oily prop- rtlas. For any Information address A. R. "Wilson, corteyvlile, Kan. (2)--m:(5 tax FOR SALE Phillips County, Colorado, three fine quarters; title perfect; 81,000 each. H. I. Brown, 600 4th St.. 6loux City, la. ()) M: fx Mlaaearl. FARM of 120 acres for sale cheap; will sell all or part; 4 mils from Swope park; fine view of Swope park and ' Kansas City. Address Rural Routs No. 1, Box 62. Hick man Mills, Mo. ()-M301 30x Mebraaa. IX ACRES Improved eastern Greeley county land, fine black soil, no sand, plenty purs water, near school, some wheat and alfalfa, good corn land; $40 per acre. Ten years time; t per cent on part. Will take small property. Bradley A Mathlesan, Wolbnch. Greeley county, Neb. (SO) MT71 2sx SARPY COUNTY FARM of too acres, twelve miles southwest of i . . South Omaha; good barn for ten head of STEADY situation with good eompensa .i . ,.. t n tion. bv an elderly cenUcman. capable grain houae; windmill, tank, hog house.. and other outbuildings; fine young orchard and vlnyard. Greatest barsaln ever of- fered In Sarpy county farm at the low fig ure we're Asking only 885 per acre. Look sharp as this will go qulcq at this figure. GRAHAM-WRIGHT REALTY CO. 923 N. Y. Lira bldg. Phone. Red K6X (20 M33J 26 FOR SALE S-acre fruit farm, near Flor ence; 6-room house; apples, cherries, small fruit, etc. Price 1 1,200. Crotch. Sons at Co., 808 Boo Bldg. (20) M288 2S FOR SALE 80 acres, well tmprcved; l story house; 63 sores broken, balance pas. ture. P. H. Bell, Silver Creek, Neb. (30) M300 80x 180-ACftB' FARM, only R miles from post office artd aboit two miles' from tun)ee: good house and other farrri bulldlngsl 'fine sou; would sunnivide into small tracts nicely; sola agent for. this property; price, 8125 per acre, on very reasonable terms. Don't wait. v B. ARION LEWIS, Acr Specialist, 834 New York Life. () M238 25 j oath Dakota. "". FOR SALE 840 acre:, Lyman county, 8. D., nice, smooth land; not on the Mis souri bottom, eight mlVes from torf; 18 ' per acre. Standard Investment Company, Sioux Falls, 11. D. t0 M7I9 llx FOR EXCHANGE 110 acres, four miles south of Lebanon, S. ' D.; hmrtgae; 16, 808, due In Installment: will ex change for equity. Price, 111 per acre. Standard Investment Company, Sioux Falls. D. (20) M728 84x , i ,i i- i Texan. TEXAS PANHANDLE LAND I own three of the beet sections tn ths Panhandle: will sell cheap; muat Sell at once. George C. Borchsrdt, General Delivery, Omaha. (20)-27S 24x Washington. FOR BALE On Puget Sound, near Best tie and u. . navy yard, lands of all kinds and prices, for farm, garden and orchard. For particulars address Lock Box 42 Fort Orchard, Wash. (20) M170 28x Miscellaneous. CHEAPEST lsnd In U. 8. for H ths crop; no cash. Nat. Iuv. Co., BrandMs BMg. (M1-M302 03! LANDS FOR fcADS AT A BARGAIN. Al) seu. 9-11-44. two miles south of Julas burg. Colo., two nice springs, land slightly rolling, at 86.60 per acre; half cash, balance 9 years. BE4 Bee. 1-9-44, a I level, 81160 cash per acre. NH and BWVi sec. 7-9-44, 19 per acre cash; 4 00') acres of choice land In Banner Co., Neb., from 86.00 to 88 00 per acre. Olat John sou, Box SOS, Yankton, 8. D. (2O)-M240 Ki REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farsa and Ranch lianas. FOR RENT mie norm oi uouniry ciun, nanaon, joo. rrice. 4o. tsi) 1 ax REAL ESTATE LOANS LOWES". RATES Bemls," Paxton Block. (22) mi i ' i WANTED City loans. : Peters Trust Co. ' ' ta)-7 i WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1120 Farnam 8t. ' li K tl.OuGOOO TO LOAN Oh busmess and resi dence properly in Omaha; lowest rates; no dtlay. Thomas Breiiuan, Room 1. N. Y. Lllw- - (.)-! LOANS ou Improved Omaha property. O Krefs R. E. Co., 1001 . Y, Life illJg. (IU -9ul LOANS on Improved olty property. W. H. Thomas. UA First National Bank Bldg 8500 to 869,400 TO LOAN at ;,-,wst rates; no delay- GARVIN fcROS., IOj'h Farnam. r (22i-9ul 8500 TO 183.0OO TO LOAN-Prlvate money; no delay a. J. H. Sherwood. 9-1 N. Y. Life. (2?)-4 8400 ON OMAHA PROPERTY, flrat mort gsge, 4 per cent. S. ARION I.KW1R, Acre Specialist, 934 New York Life (H M234 25 UNION LOAN INVEST. CO.. 810 Bes Loans on Real Estate. 'df Buy 1st and Zd mtgeg. 'Phone Doug, zttl () iaNovU Hue to IIO.OiO made promptly. F. D. Waad, Vlaad Bidg., Uih and Farnam. (g)-Mni MONET TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. . Q)-9"l WHEN writ'.ng to Advertisers, remember It takes but a atrcke or two Of the pen to mention ths fact that you saw ths ad la The ba. WANTED TO BUY WANTED- To buy second-hand furniture, cook and heating stoves, earneis. lino I clothes and I tl lm ouih. 1 w II buy the ,Z ' L,. Thl . leums, omoe furniture, oia shoes, p: linos, feathera bed and all kinds of tools; or furniture of your bouse complete, highest prices paid. Call the light men. Tel. Doug. .L (-M4 Octil SECOND-HAND furniture bought nd sold; also machines of all kinds rented, ii per month. Tel. Loug. 6St8. (81) M6 CASH paid for second-hand clotnlng. shoes, etc. iut No. lth at. Tel. Red . (Ml-807 WANTED 433. TO RUT-Calves. Tel. Deug. (t8)-74l CASH paid for old hooka Crane-Foye Co., 818 6. 14th. Phone Douglas 1131. ()- ,mo ellr- i TO FARMERS AND PRODUCE Highest prices for butter and eggs. rn , or merchandise. Pend tml enipment. i ne Dennett Company, Omaha. 5lhr2?!L. " ' WANTED TO RENT A RKF1NED gentlcinan and wife, without children, wish to rent a furnished flat or small house for any length of time agreeable to owner; would furnish bond and highest references. Addrees any time before November 1, N 403, Hee office . , (W MlilQ 8T LARGE airy room desired by gentleman before Nov. 1, where breakfast and 8 o'clock dinner can be had If desired; within walking distance; In private family, where there aie ne other roomtra. Ad dress E 3!. care Bee. (M)-M6 WANTED To rent: Second-hand hoisting engine. Omaha Iae Cold Storage Co., 431 B. 16th St., city. (26) M241 24 WANTED To buy roll top dk. Address D44 care Bee. (W) MS-SI 8i) 6INOLE gentleman wants first-class plucs to room and board, near car. O 41. Fee. (!) M340 30 WANTED Desk space In Well located of fice: reasonable rent; for light real estate business. Address B 441, Pee. (W)-M3 Mx ROOMS and board for three adults, private family, west part 6t city. Artdrfes F 8, care Bee. (il) M953 14 WANTED Second hand range. 120 North JtljSt, (rp-189 I3x WANTED SITUATIONS TOUNO man stmogrspher will be open for position about OcL 1; has clerical exueriencei references. Address L i(48. care Bee. tfO-M4 TOUNO woman of experience wants place to take care of child; good referencee. Address Y 113. Bee. (27)-M14 !7g WANTED By experienced dressmaker, work to do by the day. Call on or ad drear 2&04 Dodge Bt. Tel. Harney 8760. (27)-617 Nov! IS TOUR house being delayed on account Of the latherT If so see Taylor. Doug. 418. (27)-M769 26s I WIBII POSITION with real estate Arm as general hustler. Some experience. Have typewriter. Address x no, cars ue, (27)-M77 25 DRESUMAKINQ Of all kinds. f6U Seward. (27) M213 Nov lOx competent In every rejpect : refer- ' necessary. W rite O M., Capitol Ave. (27)-U3 23x WANTED Position by an energetic mar ried man, with character and ability, as salesman. Address K 446, care Bee. (27) M3B7 2(lx SHORTHAND practice wanted by student, part of day; amall pay. Address W 440, Bee. (27)-M31 30x TO EMPLOYERS OF OFFICE MEN. Wanted, by middle aged - accountant, em ployrrent as manager, auditor or book keeper; competent, neat. Quick and ftmu rate; elehtem yoars In last two positions; nine yeare head bookkeeper to one of the largest corporations In ''the west." Ad dress Y 61, Omatia Bee. (27)-M770 26x ADVERTISEMENTS written, typewriting : done and collections made. Address Y 41. care of .Bee. (27)-Ml9 26x WANTED By a young southern lady, po sition as housekeeper, who has owned and" operated hotel; competent to take fu" charge; people ne'dlna- cooks do rot eri'ly. Address Mr. BhoenutcVer, 1 No. 18th St (27)-27t 27 SITUATION wanted by experience elevator conductor. Address W. 7.. IB1 N "nth . St or , 'Phone Webster 3?M (27)-2M 25 GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster. Cheyenne. Wyoming. Oc tober lSih, liw7. Sealed proposals. In tripll- cate. will be received at this office until o:D o clock a. m., mountain time, iMovem- opened In public, for furnishing ail material and labor reuulred and installing a heat ing plant In new hospital, now under con struction al Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming, In accordance with blus print plans una specifications on file In this office. Plans and specifications will bs filed In the fol lowing offices for the Inspection of bidders: Chief Q. M. Department of the Missouri, Omaha, Nebraska: Chief Q. M. Department of Colorado. Denver. Colorado: Chief Q. M. B4DepoTQ!MBl0Loiils', Msso"l?nB"ank forms of proposal and fun information furnished on application at this olllce. The Uovernnient reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids or part of bids. Knvelopes containing proposals should be endorsed "Proposals for Heating Plant In New Hospital at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo ming," and addressed to Captain V. K. Hart, 15th Infantry, U. S. Army, Acting Quartermaster, In Charge of Construction, Cheyenne, Wyoming. Ol7-4-31-Nl-8-14 RAILROAD TIME CARD UNI O.I STATION 10th AND MARC t , Cnlon Paclae. ' Leave. Ths Overland Limited. .a 6:61) am The Colorado Uxpresa.a 15 pm Atlantic Express The Oregon Express.. .a 4:10 pm Ths Los Angeles Liin..al2:6fi p n The Fast Mall a 9:30 am Arrive, a 9:10 pm a t oo pm a 9:8" am a 6:00 pm 9:15 pm , 6:46 pm The California Exnress.a 4: nm a 6:f) pm Colo -Chicago Special.. .a18:10 am a 6:60 am Beatrice Local b 7:41 am b 6:16 pm a 1:18 pm North Platte local s 7:42 am -:ia m. nnrianniua. ChUago Daylignt a 7:i4 am sll:64 pm Bt. i'aul-Minn. Exp. ...a 7:W am al'i.w p:u Chicago. Local all:8v am a 8:24 pm Sioux City passenger.. .a 7:60 am ll.it piu Chicago . Pasaenger a 6:0 pm a 8:H0 am Chicago tpeclal a 6:00 pm a 8:2J am Bt. Paul-Minn. LI in a 8:J pin a 7:40 am Loa Angelea Limited. ..a 9:3 pm al2:tj pm Overland Limited al0:W pin a 6:23 am Faat Mall a 9:04 am Sioux City Local . 8:60 pm a 8:! am Fast Mall a 8:3a pin Twin City Limited a 8:28 pm a 7:40 am Norfolk Boneateel a 7:40 am a 6:26 pm Ltncoln-Tork-Chadron .b 7:40 am all:2lara Deedwood - Lincoln a 8:10 pm a t:26 pm Casper - Shoshoni a JO) pm. all y km Hastings - Superior b 8iX) pm b 6:28 pro Fremont Albion b 6:S5 pm b l pin Chicago, Rack Island at Pmelfta. EAST. Chicago Limited a 1:45 am all:30 pm Iowa Local. a 7. on am a 4 pm Des Moines Passenger.. a 4:04 pin al2:8) pm leva Local all:40 am b 9:66 pm Chicago (Eastern Ex.). .a 4.60 prn a 1:16 pm Chicago Flyer W pm a 8:86 am WEST. Rocky Mountain Urn.. .411:40 pm a 1:88 am Colo, and Cal. Ex a 1.86 pin a 4:4, pm OM. and Texas Ex a 4:40 pm a 2:46 pm Llncoln-Falrbury PSss .b 8.41 am bl0:lj am Miaaoarl Paelge. K. C. A Bt. L. Exp a 9:00 am a 6:66 am W C A al. L. Ex all .16 Dm a 6:35 nm Nebraska Local a 1:00 pm all:40 am I Chisago, HUntikM A at. Pan. Chicago eV Colo. Bp I.. Cal. 4s Ore. Li areas... Overland Limited Perry Local a 7-01 am all 60 pm a 4 io pm ilk pm a 9 .64 pm a 8 8u am a 6:11 pm ai4:84 am ChloaeT Great Wastera. Bt. paul-Mlnneapolls al. Paul-Minneapolis Chicago Limited ... Chlcaso Li press .... Chlikgo Lapress ... 8 :38 pm 7 30 am C:ut pm 7 4 am 8 80 pm 7 80 am 1) 86 pm 8.31 am U :3i pm pra Waaaah. BC Louis Express a 1:80 pra a 8-80 am bt. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) a 9 SO am all :11pm Btanberry LooaUifrosn Council Bluffs) bl.OOpm b 10: 16 am RAILWAY TIME CARDCOXTIM''u llllaols Ceatrml. Chlrsga - Etpreas ,a7Sm 111 pn Mini. fet. I'aul Ep...b 7.iam a I Mpm thi.-ago Limited a 8 W Pm a ana Minn. Bt. l'aul Lmtd.a :80 pm a 8:Mam VRLINOTON tTA 10TII as UAiON. artlaglaa. Leave. Arrive. Penrer A California.. .a 4 1" rn' 4 lo pm Knrthweet Special . Murk HUls fcorthweev Expresa Nehraeka nolnis ... ...a 4:i pm a :iv pm ...a 4 .10 pin a 4 i0 ta ...a t;8n pm a 1. 48 am ...a 8 no am a 8 to pm ...a I em a 10 pm ...kl:4tpm aiMlpm .... ........ b 1:0 em a 8:10 rig ehraska Knpreea . Inroln Pant Mail.. I Lincoln Local Incoln born ouisvllle, riattsmoi.th.b 8:10 pm bl0:i am cllevue, PlattS'.nouth... 810 pm I:4iam laMmouth-loaa b 9:18 am Iellevue, Plsttemoutn wv wam ;,... I.lmlle.l all :fi nm a 1:46 am It hK SiO Eipecial a 7.-00 pm all it pm thlctn Express vil Miiin a f t pm C hicago Kler a 8.80 pm a8 an Iowa Local a 9.16 am all warn lit 1 I irnrHB . a A AA i,m Ali' iUl mtk Jvaneas City Bt. Joe...alo 46 pm a 8 ;W) am htnui city A Bt. Joe. ..a 9:i am a 9 JO pia Kanaas City A St. Joe.. .a 4:46 pm , WEBSTER STA IBTH A WEBITEA Ch lcSro Omaha. . laal, MlaaeaiMtlla Jk Leave. Arrive. b 6:H0 am b 8 o pni .al:lpm aU:t0am .b 6:46 pm b 8:10 am ..Ol;sm Ol.Wpia Twin City paesensrer... filoug City Pu jaenger,. Kmerson Lxa ',. Emerson Loral Mleaaari Paolsla. , lyocal via Weeping v Bier , Fulls City Local j.. Falls City Local ..a 8:0 am aft lnpnt .bl Uipra all:20an ..0 7:o4 pm eUM ant a Daily. - b Dally except Sunday, e Nin day only, d Dally except Saturday. s Delly except Monday. , OCEAN STEAMSHIPS JAPAN, CHINA, PHILIPPINES, HONO LULU AN. AUSTRALIA ' Ty (he Royal MellBtesmers ef th Canadian facifis Railway a!li from Vanoouvsr, B. C, rnzrv.e ewTie to tk Orieal aa ear stea n. gmprm el ladle, tmpnm ( klaa 4 gmpr.n of Jkpae. TSves itHin.n sr. toe latiiti ktn America saS the far kL ItMnir Manteesie, eae tlM ef eabia la,npin enly, at tk IntereMtlate lale. raltlnga aboat avert :e Sara. Staaoiara Moaaa, Mloaera sa4 Anraatt feral ika eiiir luui to Asatnilia: illeat eseet. a4atlooa. galllai. ohm a swats. For rates, loioromioa see llwratiro, as fir e A. C. SIf AW, General Agreate 131 Sooth Clark Bt Chloase. CHILD MARRIAGE A FAILURE Hrhool Girl of Flfleen Get Dlvorc from Iter Husband." of Twenty, Lucy Morris, a school girl cf 15 years of age, had her marriage to Abner Travis, aged 20, annulled In Judge Kennedy's court Wednesday on the grounds her youth made the union Illegal. The wedding was . tha result of a romance of two weeks last spring. Lucy and her youthful husband met at a trolley party, fell In love and de cided to marry without the knowledge of their parents. Abner secured 'the license two weeks after they met by swearing ths girl wss 19 years old. Then hs telephoned her and they met In County Judge Leslie's office and were married. They did hot live together, but the yOUng wife went back home. As soon as her mother learned about the wedding she brought suit to have It set aside. Edlty Abood was granted a divorce from Note Abood and the custody of their chil dren.. ..... . . . ' . OLD WEST , HOT ALL GONE Plenty of Primitive sights Left for the Long-Ualred East craars. i. C. A. Drlscoll, owner. of the "D" ranch on ths Little. Missouri river In Wyoming, Is a guest of the Paxton hotel. Mr. Drls ooll says ths cattle men, of .ths west hava enjoyed a prosperous season and that ths future promises well;- "The gracing land ' (a not being settled by farmers, as seems to bs the Impression In the east," he said. "You read much these days of the passing of ths west, but ' ,0me of those long-haired geniuses In ths , h th ,nA . f h.m - - - J. ... , : trip out there with me. I'd be willing to pay tha expenses of a whole bunch of them and personally escort them over tha Whole country; for I thltik I can show them plenty of places that are Altogether too wild for them. Tha owboy la still there, aa In ths olden da?s. and hi' character has undergone no radical change." 'LIMIT ON COST OF HOMES Restriction Will ) Levied to B. care Uniformity let th Neighborhood. ' ' Jeff W. Bedford Is about to introduce an Innovation In the matter of building homo colonies. He has secured twenty acres of the "Millionaire" Parker tract west of Miller rrk, which bs will sell In lots for dwellings. But no man can buy ons of these lots who does not agree to a limita tion In the cost of his horns. Mr. Bed ford's Idea Is to make this ay colony of modest, though comfortable homes and to eco u re that object will plaos a limitation on the cost of erection beyond whloh no purchaser may go, By thla means hs pro poses to create a colony of dwellers whose station In life shall be uniform, thereby securing a' neighborhood of congeniality la this one particular at least. And he thinks this will go a .long way toward making theaa people happy and prosperous. COW BLAMED FOR POOR MILK She Refuses te Give Prod art 'with Standard Amount of Bat - ' Fat. . V-' A. Fyellln. a'da'ry man, pleaded guilty In police court Wednesday morning to tha charge of selling milk that contained less butter fat than la prescribed In the statutes and city ordinances and hs was fined H and costs. There was avidencs to shsw that the cow had been mora culpable In in the matter than had Mr. FyelltM. In that she refused to give eny better grade of milk then that examlnsd and found want ing. In vtew of those circumstances Judge Crawford wss Inclined to bs mors lenient with the defendsnt than he othwlse might have been, but ha advised Mm ts hold a little heart to heart alk with ths delin quent cow and Incidentally to Improve ths quality of her fed In order that tha city ordinance may be compiled with tn tha future. ' : - Instructor for Blind. SIOUX FALLS. S. D., OoL IS (Special.) Prof. F. T.- Perrlgo, lata of Saginaw, Mich., haa accepted a position as Industrial teacher In the state school for ths blind at Oary, and already haa arrived at that place and taken charge of ths Industrial department of ths school. Ths asw Indus trial teacher )s blind., but appears to ba fully competent for his new position. Ills wtfs will join htm .la a short time. Mrs. Humbert, superintendent of ths Institu tion, unsuccessfully endeavored for several weeks to secure an industrial teaciier, when she was fortunate enough to learn of Prof. Perrlgo and secure his services. Qalrk Shine ikes Pullsh Is ths best for ladles,' man's and children's shots, oils and polishes and Is waterproof. I. it