10 Want - ads A4rrtlirMiin for th want nd rolamna tI1I he taken antll IS m. for the evening edition and antll p. m. for the nomiai and Bandar edition. CJosh mill accompany nil nrder for want Ida aad no. advertisement will be areepted for leu than lO cent fur the drat Insertion. Itatea applr to either The Daily or aadar Pea. Always eonat rl wards to a lino. Combination at Initials or anmhers roaat aa on ward. CII RATES F4H WANT ADS os on. HKOl'LAR CLAMtFICATI naerttan. line. lO frill. TWO or more ronaeeatlTe laaertlona, per line, j 6 renta. Eara Insertion nande on odd i days, lO cent per Una. l.BO per line per month. CASH RATES FOR. HOTICK". Death and Fnneral Notices, Cards at Thanks aal Lodge Notices, T eent per line for one edition, morning; or rrrnlng 3 cent a line for each ad ditional edition. Sunday, JO eenta a line. No ad taken for leo than rents. SPECIAL. CLASSIFICATION " yonr advertisement la Inserted nndcr any one of the classifications len below. It will he charged at tha fol lowing ratesi One Insertion, 4 eent per Una three to ls eoneentlT In sertions, 3 cent per lln " tlont aeren or mora coneentlT In serf Inn a, 3 aent per lln ench Inser lion SO cent per Una per month. BARTER AKD EICHAUCK. BUSINESS CHANCES. IIF.LP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Except Agents. Solicitor n Sale, man. OFFERED FOR. SALE. Cow, Birds, Dog and Pets. Horaea and Vehicles. Poultry and Egg. Faraltnre. Typewriter and Sewing; Machine. Plaaea, Organ and Mnalenl Inotrn menta. OFFERED FOR RENT. Famished Room. Unfurnished Room, lloaaekeeplng- Rooma. Hoarding and Room. WANTED TO BUT. Want ad for Th Bee may be lett at aay of tha following drag tores one I "yonr corner drngglat" they are all branch office of Th Be and yonr ad H1 be . Inserted Jnat promptly and on th ame rate aa at the main office In Tha Bee Balldlng, seventeenth nnd Fnenam Streets. Albach. W. C. 40th and Farnam. lieranck, 8. A.. 1402 8. 10th St. Ut i lit Pharmacy, 720 8. loth Hi. tienHon Pharmacy. Benson 'Atmln pemls Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy. i81 Sherman Ave. t iiuahlln, C. R.. 6th F'"". Xv. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. Military AT. Cunte, JR.. Slst Ave. and Farnam. ( rlssey Pharmacy, L4th and Lae. Ormak. Emll, 12M- 8. 13th St. Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. ' Khier. F. H.. 2X02 Leavenworth. Forster ft Arnold!, 213 N. 26 th St. Freytag. John J.. 1814 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co.. Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy. 20th and Lk. . Ureon's Pharmacy, corner Park Av. and POreonouBh, G, A.. 10S6 8. 10th 8t. . Greenough, O. A., MA 8. 10th St. Hyden Win. C, 2320 Farnam St. Hanscom Park Phar,. 1601 8. 28tb At. Hoist, John. 24 N. 18th Bt. Huff. A. L., 224 Lavenworth Bt. King. H. H.. 2JS8 Farnam Bt. Kountze Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. h St. Lathrop, Cha. E.. 1324 N. i4th St. Peyton; L. n1 Lvenworth. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Amti Are. Schaafer'g Cut Prtc Drug Co.. 16th and rlchaefer, August, 1681 N. lth Bt. Schmidt, J. H.. 24th and Cuming Bts. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Bta. Worth. O. H., 40th and Hamilton Sta. MARRIAGE LICENSE!. The following marriage llcenaea have been issued: , Name and Residence. Krnest E. Bonner, Shelby, Neb 22 Kthel B. RUieamlth, Shelby, Neb 22 Peter Skow, Omaha 22 Margaret Btraaeer, Omaha ID Omer Baker, Wlsner, Neb ?J Mtiasl Uarrlaon,.Beenier, Neb 1 Kdward H. Osborne. Omaha 22 Jennie B. Wltllns, Omaha 21 llusaell M. Pierce. South Omaha 22 Agnea Nelson, Omaha 18 Thomaa ID. Heraog, Omaha 23 Alma Bchmldt, Omaha 80 Joseph Varga, Omaha 25 France Terlngar, Omaha 19 Andrew J. King, Council Bluffs. la Mr. Mary J. Anderaon, Omaha 4 George 8. Hayden, Omaha 24 Adeline Moaeley, Omaha 25 John Wllaon, Fort Crook , 30 Mary Grover, Omaha 88 Francis T. Morrison, Mullen, Neb 22 rarrlo Klmmernjan, Omaha 21 Hnlph Kdmunds, Omaha 2R Mary Myers. Omaha 21 Wert C. Fans. Omaha W llary K. Bamum, OTitha 22 3elx)ss T. fimlth, Iylnooln over 21 Maud Shelly, Omaha over 21 Logan Kitemlller, Council Bluffs, la 23 Mubi-1 McKnlght, Defiance, la 26 LOUUE NOTICES. Ftfth Ward Republican club will hold a meeting Thursday evening, October 24, at southeast corner Sixteenth and Locust atreeta. Prominent speakers and candi dates will be on the program. B. J. STONE. Secretary. W. B. CHRISTIE. President. - CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our many kind friends and neighbor and Degree of Honor lodge 173. for the kindness and floral onVrlng. during our aad bereavement In the death of our beloved diurhter and sister. MR. JACOB SCHMITZ and Family. ANNOUNCEMENTS , DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES SCHOOL UOYLES BUILDING, Omaha Bookkeeping. Shorthand and Typewriting, Telegraphy, English. Students enrolled evwry day. Big catalogue free. Address 11. B. Boyle. President, Omaha. 4D-W0 clGN PAINTING 8. H. Col, 1302 Douglas. " (U uJ MUSIC Every Evening Hotel Rom. U)-eoi CIIATELAIN KIEL ,1 J"' Ish. Davids Bldg.. lnih Day and evening classes. and Farnam. 11) M9H9 N M1S3 ELIZABETH O'CONNOR announces the opening of her dressmaking parlors, Nil North lsth. You are cordially Invited to call. . (1 M768 26 THE CITY GARBAOF. CO.. office 4th and Leavenworth bta. Tel. Douglas 13t7. 1)-01 AUTOMOBILES NEARLY new I-hors power. 6-passengr touring car; storage battery, full t p. lamps and equipment; cost 81.450 In May. Wl; only run 3.5u0 miles; In first-class hap, at a bargain. D. V. 6HOLE3 COMPANY,' 110 iWr.l of Trad Bidg. IKVDlirn.r t;s' ft fc.-cond-i-.ar.o, "Ut-TiC , Ul. DEKiGHT. 11 Farnam. i' 4ui ' f BARTER AND EXCHANGE I WILL TRADE 160 seres la 17-124-62. Rob erts county, and 240 aires In 124-63. nay roinly, all In South Dakota, for bard war Implements, genersl merchandise or lunk stocks. Two lVarre farm In . AKonry township, 1H0 seres In Iry Wood Lake townahlp, Roberta county, B. D.. for toka of goods or registered cows, neat type, any breed. L. J Onstad, f'wpton, B. D. (.D-M736 tlx WANT TO TRADE rood Perkins county, Nebraska, quarter, clea". eighty acres In corn, for eastern Nebraska incume prop erty. Kliion R. Long. IJavId City, Neb. (3) M203 24 BUSINESS CHANCES 'Mining and Industrial Stocks Wt buy and sell any active unlisted ; atocjts. We hav rara bargains in in- , dwstrlal stocks, sublect to the most rigid , Investigation. W have bargain In ev- I eral active mining stocks in n'vaos, also several bniKalns in copper We receive weekly ' reports from all the Important mining districts In the United States ana Mexico. KODT. C. DKCKSEDOW & CO.. Stock Brokeis. S0 N. Y. Ule Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3565. Omaha. Neb. (4) 426 02 FOR, SALE Best paying hotel In South Omaha; building and tlxturea for Sa.50J; cash, 82,500. Lot and building worth the money. , BENJAMIN REAL ESTATE CO., 826-4 Neville Blk. Phone Doug. 7&i2. (4)-Mj3 A BARGAIN 32-room hotel, steam heated; In good western Iowa town; price, 812,000; easy terms; doing a good business. BENJAMIN REAL ESTATE CO., 825-8 Neville Blk. Phone Doug. 7332. l4 M662 ROOMING houses for sale, all alaea. Gan gestad, 403 Bee Bldg. Tel. Dougla844tk MEAT MARKET, doing good business, for sale or rent, with fixtures. P. B. Barry, Greeley, Neb. (4)-M173 28 FOR BALE Furniture and lease of 12 room house; 12 additional rooms can be had If desired; best location In Lincoln for large boarding house or small hotel. For particulars address Defloyd, 245 So. lit St.. Lincoln. Neb. FOR SALE Bakery, confectionery, fruit and Ice cream business; good fountain, Frank Buckhelt. Manning. Lv A GOOD hardware and implement busi ness for sale; located In the best agrl- cultural district in me new nun um I at the county seat; Is an old established business of fifteen years' standing; In voice 88,000; business 8W.O00 year 1906; no I trades considered. Addres P. O. box 447, Paul' Valley, I. T. (4)-M777 25x PIANO REPAIR SHOPS AND TUNING, FOR PnL i'. Al a U.VI fcrtlll, n ftuuu uubi- ness with approximately 4,000 names of local owners, giving name,, address, and condition of piano; no competition; owner retiring from business. Address C. A. Baulre, 112 E. 2d St., Wichita, Kansas. u (4)-691 23x A GOOD opening for a No. 1 attorney; the writer will give him an office free for one year; all kinds of business for ih riorht nartv: Sidney is the county seat, and we need a good, honest man. lnauire at once, L. box ait. money, nnu. (4) M6S4 Nov.4x NEWS business; clean stock, good trade; 111 health. J. M. Bell, York, Neb (4 M920 26X DRl'G BTORB for sale; only one In good country town of 400. E. H. Moore. Oketo, Kan. (4)-M91 26x SHORT ORDER house for shIp, only one In city of 2,'JOO. Price about 8250. Address Lock Box 83, Button, Neb. (41-M918 26x FOR BALE Thriving law business, good llhrarv and furniture. In splendid Ne braska town; price less than the business pays a year. A genuine onrgain. Agent, H. A. Brubaker, Wllber, Neb. (4)-M917 26x FOR BALE Small 2-chalr barber shop; a bargain if taken at once; get busy. B. v. Fletcher, Bancroft, Neb. (4)-Ml29 80x FOR BALE The only steam carpet and house cleaning business in New Mexico. For nartlculara write W. T. Thornton. 11 N. 3d, Albuquerque, N. M. (4) M230 2X WANTED Men In Nebraska. Iowa anil Missouri to rustlo buyers for good cheap western and Terns lands, win pay liberal commission. Address O 437, Bee. (4) M2S9 26 FOR 8 ALE Clothing stock at a bargain; well established Dusincss. Address j. a. Pins, Alton, la. (4) M246 29x A GOOD, live town In eastern Nebraska wanta a first class newspaper man to start a paper. Address N 436, Bee. (4)-M2aO 80x WANTED A partner, active or allent. In a strictly legitimate and profitable busi ness; 8500 required. AddreFS P 4.)8, Bee. (4)-M268 2o.x ONE of the best paying restaurants In Woods county, doing big cash business, open day and night. For full particulars address H. G. HuihcI, Cafe, Alva. Okl. (4) M271 29x FOR SALE Four almost new pool tables and double bojvllng alley; good light, do ing good buslncsa. Add. Sidney White, Juulata, Neb. (4)-M798 26x TWO BOWLING ALLEYS. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender. for sale cheap. Addresa W. E. Ragan, Utlca, Neb. (4) M204 24 IF YOU HAVE a good practice for aale or know of a good location for a' dootor, let me know; western Iowa or eaatern Kansa or Nebraska. Dr. W. A. Thomas, Grand Inland, Neb. (4)-M60 26x Do You Wish to Make'a Change? IF YOU have a farm, home, business or property that you wish to sell or exchange writ us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. OMAHA. NEB. (41-M2S9 U $18,000 buys a fine large hotel business; a tine proposition for a good man. Address 861. care Bee. (4) M730 24x HAVANA, Sargent county. N. D. ; owing to death of miller, I offer Havana roller I mill, 75-barrel capacity, for sale cheap. 1'lenty or wheat here and a nne crop. Ad dress J. P. Williamson. (4) M307 30x FOR BALE Music store, worth $3,000, for $l,5m). Dickson Music Store, Sherman l ex. (4) M306 30x ENERGETIC young man has 8500 to $1.0iil, with st-rvies, to Invest In Some profitable, business. Address B 4.19, car Bee. (4) M2D? 26 FOR SALE $10,000 ndw. and Implement business In a good south ccnual Iowa town. Good location; cherip rent. For further information write Y 45. care Bee. (4) M295 80 FOR SALE or exchnnge. the best roller mill In Iowa; machinery all Al; best of reuHona for selling. For full description write J. J. Stevens, Pleaauvllle, la. (4) A1294 80x BEE US ABOUT THIS. Rooming house; 14 rooms: tilled with roomers and boarders; monthly rent. $43; monthly income, li-io; near '.'4th and Cas. TURRELL ft t'O. (4) M281 25 WANTED A party to Invest $200.00 In a new enterprise. Kindly iddress v. 1th reference. F 446, caro Bee. (4) M338 6x BEST coal. Ice and feed business In the country; everything up to date; price right. Address Y 39, car Omaha Bee. (4) MtSSJ Nix ACTIVE PARTNER WANTED la a well eiahl'iihed business ill city. Address S 408. Bee. (4)-13T 2$ RKSTAT'RANT for sale cheap. V3 Broad way, Council Bluffs, la. 4 754x $.O00 to $5,000 to Invest with services In an old. well established business Ad dress M 4.15. Bee. (41-210 2Sx Exclusive Mining Stock Brokers Vntng storks bought and sold. AV loan money on mln'nr stocks. All orders nu'cklv executed. ARTHUR DAVIDOV, 604 N. Y. l-fe BMg.. Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Red 14. (4)-747 7'1 t'l stores fi Knlest, 3t(7 N. Y. le everywhere. r V. Llle. Cntaha. 14a . THE OMAHA r ir in i-crs CHANCES (Continued.) DIVIDEND PAYING STOCKS Ki.nd.ril railroad and other stocks riav dropped from 140 to lion per share. They , are selling tooay ai tiirnuni which can well be termed bargains, re turning large quarterly dlvldenda. A syndicate la being formed to make con servative purchase of aome of the choice Issuea on a safe margin which must ahow large profit within 18 montha. There I no risk, aa only standard dividend payer will be bought, so that you will receive vour quarterly dividends, to aay nothing of benefiting by the uprise when th mar ket seta back to Its normal condition after llltla t.tflit nwili.V ktm ( AViT. For further information and reference address Hox gj,., Omaha, Neb. (4) 940 J3 FOR SALE 12,300 Steam laundry, 'nclud lng bu) m hull.lin. at Rao Cltv. It.: practically new; no competition; business thoroughly established; weekly receipts 8126 to 8160. Under aggressive management business could be doubled almost Immediately. Thla property, with equipment, will In voice 84,000. Address H. 8. Burnt, cashier First National Bank, Sao City, la. (4)-448 81 TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS CALL ON WILLIAMS, 411 M'tJAUUJU BUILDING, 16TH AND DODGE 8TS. (4 S07 THIS COMPANY doe a general real estat and loan business; a specialty oi looaing up good farming lands and locating east ern people on them; let us hear from you; we can serve you. Eureka Land Com pany, 411 Buchanan Bldg., Portland. Ore. (4)-M101 Nov7x FOR BALE Only drug stock; new town; central Nebraska. Sales this year win run 87.000. Two doctors. Will aell at In voice about 83,000. Rent cheap. Addres Y 47. care Bee. x (4)-M656 24x FOR 8 ALE. General store; In the Gulf Coast country; nne chance for right party; business line; climate the best Box 14, Sarlta, Tex. (4) M5SHJ m BUSINESS DIRECTORY Advertising Noreltles. nnT "Tt ATT to look over our isrge JJU.N 1 AlLi.uppiy of ADVER TISING NOVELTIES. n.xninnion room ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW. WJC ALSO CARRY EVERYTHING In the line of ' POST CARDS and booklets, Imported and domestic, for birthdays, Christmas, New Year s, souve nlrs, marine, art and comic, SPECIAL VIEWS of buildings, landscape and scenery reproduced from pnotographs. Write us for catalogue. FONDA BMOS. & CO., 1218 Harney Bt., Omaha. 45) Boiler Cleaners. AGENTS for county or state rights, six or twelve monins, wuuum cleaning the boiler. Address F. J. H., 812 8outl telh St. (5)-21J 23x Commercial Artlats. H. O. BUNNELL & CO., 822 N. Y. Lit. Doug. 6141). (6)-813 Carpet Oeanluat. SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. (6 821 Creamerte. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. v (5)-814 Chattel Loan. Cha. D. Btanton Loan Co., 601 Bee Bldg. () 816 Chiropodist. DR. ROT, B S, 1608 Farnam St. Doug. 8497. (6) 818 Dancing Academy, MORAND'S classes for dancing,, cup.. Bur wood theater; lesson for adult Tu-s. and Frl. p. m. ; first lessons privately; suo- ' cesa guaranteed. Call or Tel. Doug. 1041. " (lS)-lel Nov7 Dentists. BAILEY V MACH, to. fir. Paxton. D. 1088. (6) 819 Dressmaking IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harny 1368. . (S4-4M7 M DO WELL Dressmaking Bchool, 1023 Far nam Bt. 5)-818 MR8. BROACH, 273 Farnam. Tel. Harney 630, (6) M860 OctUx MME. WOODRUFF, 223 Neville Blk. ToL Douglaa 6170. (5) M101 NS Florist. HESS ft BWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (8) 820 L. HENDERSON, 1618 Famam. Tel. D. 1263. U-821 J. II. BATH, 12 Harney. Tel. Doug. 8000. (6) 822 Hotel. THE SCHILTZ. European, 16th and Harney (6)-23 Jeweler and Watchmaker N. P. STILLING Watch, clock, jewelry repairing, 2-8 Paxton Blk. Tel. 4367. a- Locksmith. Heflln, 1324 Farnam. Tel D. (6)-4U4 KEYS. 2974. tc. Osteopathy. JOHNSON. INS., 418 N. Y. U Tel. D. 1W4. (S)-826 Dr. Bowser, over 150J Far. Tel. Doug. 83T0. (5) M455 Oct31 DRS. RINGLER, 808 NevlMe block. "Phone Red 6467. (5) M150 Nov! OIBc Sapplle. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office nxturea and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor PuMishlr.g Co.. 301 South 18th St. Tel. Douglas 6561. () M2S0 Nil Printing. , . HIGH GRADE Imitation typewritten let ters and Job printing; no Job too large or too amall.' Anchor Publishing Co., 306 8. 18th Bt. Tel. Douglas 6662. ' . (6) M512 Novl BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order don't fall to see our elegant Imported line. Lyngstad ft Jorve, printers, 18 ft Cap Ave. (5) 828 C. B. TRUSSELL. 116 South 10th Bt. (5)-t26 a tea, Shatters, Bt. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, door and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. 10th St. (6J-831 tT Repairing. STOVE and furnace repairs; water fronts; Excelsior and Marvel furnaces. Omaha Stove Repair Works, lA-8 Douglaa St. Tal Douglas 860. () M275 Novll She Repairing;. RAPID BHOE REPAIR CO.. first-class work. lttlS'i Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red -K. (5) sT7 HELP WANTED FEMALE ClarieavS nnd Office1. WANTED Experienced girl who can write Bre Insurance and keep accounts. Ad dress In own hand, stating experience and salary expected. Address P 406, Bee. ' (7)-133 23 COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenographer who haa filled responsible position In real estate and fire Insurance ottlre and can Clve ben of reft rencrs. Answer in own and ruing. Address ii Uh, Bee. (7 M341 DAILY DEE: THURSDAY. OCTOBER 24. 1007. r Are you going to move? Find a home with the aid of "BEE want arm HELP WANTED FEMALE (Continued.) Factory and Trades. GIRLS wanted; good pay; steady work. Ap ply any time. Bemla omana ng v o. (7) M441 NovI2 WANTED Experienced alteration woman. Will pay highest wsges. u. is., oconeia Cloak and Bull Co., 1310 Douglaa. (7)-733 WANTED An appientlc girl, 1909 Capitol WANTED Mangle girls; experience not necessary. Kimball Laundry, 1511 Jack son St. (7)-23 Housekeepers and Domestics. WOMEN for - day work; housekeepers. waitresses, 838. Canadian omce, lotn ana Dodge. (7J-SS4 WANTED A competent, trustworthy girl for general housework; two In family; good wages, Mrs. Frank Hadley. &21 Bristol. . (7)-M!7 WANTED Good, honest girl to keep house .i famllu r9 t mm nn rhllHrn I prinA n I V. V. : preferred; wages IU) per montn; ticaet advanced. Good place for girl wishing a good home Address Mrs. Fred Bossier, corner 26th St and 1st Ave., So., Hillings, Mont. (7) M147 27 WANTED Tquntf girl to act aa nurse girl. 1325 B. 35th St. -"Phone Harney 11S2. (7) M238 23 WANTED Good cook; small family; good wages. 8330 Harney St. (7)-M264 GIRL for general housework; two In fam ily. 2463 St. Mary a Ave. (7)-M316 HOUSEKEEPER between 25 and 85 years wanted. T. Teller, McCook, 8. D. (7)-M439 031x WANTED Competent child's nurse. In- quire at once, 604 8. 86tn Ht. (.') M293 2? WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages; small family; also nurse girl. 606 B. 29th Ave. (7) 436 WANTED A good girl for general house work, Including washing and Ironing; mall house; five In family, Including a baby. Willing to pay first class wages for the right kind of a girl. Must be neat, willing to work and thoroughly competent. If tin comes to the notice of such a girl, who takes pride In her work and wishes a permanent place, at more than the average wages, I should like to hear from her, with references. Addresa Y 38, care Omaha Be. (7) &0 23 WANTED Competent girl for general housework; good wages; no washing. 4t19 Cass Bt. . 'Phone Harney 1051. WANTED Good girl for funeral house work; small family, jod wages. 2024 Douglas. (7) 817 WANTED Competent girl for general housework; 3 K. family; good wages. Tel. Harney 2h32 11J No.. 38th Ave. (7) MS22 26 WANTtiD Competent cook, good wages. 1120 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 966. (7)-131 WANTED Girl for general housework; small family, plain cooking, gocd wages. Tel. Harney. 3454. 4901 Webster St. Mrs. G. C. Edgerly. (T)-139 23 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; best or wages. Tel. Harney 2479. ... , : . (7) :n it . n, ii I WANTED Girl for . general housework. Mrs. J. A. Sunderland, 1029 S. 29th Bt. (7-217 28 N M IsceUaneons. LADIES AND GIRLS, to atamp transfers at home; easy learned; 11.60 to 12.00 per 'doien. 60 PaxtQfl Rlk. (7) M198 28 WANTED For " Alteration room, exper ienced coat and skirt hands; ai&o-ftru class preaaer. Apply Mrs Bccnea, 4th floor Thompson, Belden ft Co. (7)-20B Um HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitor and Bnleamen. WANTED Good salesman to canvass the country and take orders for stock pow der; good commission allowed. Addresa Ideal Stock Powder Co.. Dunbar, Neb. ) M604 24X GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. No canvassing. National Dint. Bu reau, Chicago, 111. (9)-M744 24x ARE you out of workT Call and see us; good hustlers make good money. C. F. . Adama Co., 1619 Howard Bt. (9)-125 HUSTLING real estate salesman can find profitable employment with Charles E. Smith, 404 Bee Building. (9)-27t 26 Clerical nnd Office. EXPERIENCED draftsman wanted at once. 8160 per month. Goodell'a. Co-Op-eratlve Reference Co., 678-76-77 New Brandels Bldg. (9) 2S3 23 COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenographer who has tilled reaponalble position in real estate and fire Insurance office and can give beet of references; answer In own handwriting. Address H 448, Bee. )-M3l2 froya. GOOD hoy wanted; first-class pay. A. D. T. Co., 212 Bo. 13th St (9)-83 BOYS with wheel can make 835 to $45 per month; $35 guaranteed. Postal Telegraph Co. (9)-M692 N4X WANTED Good' boy In our toy stock room; must have a knowledge of toys. Apply superintendent. J. L. Brandela ft Sons. (9) M3u 26 SEVERAL good boys wanted In our bot tling room. Her ft Co., 821 Howard St. (9) M814 BOY for office; not under 16 years of age. Nebraska Clothing Co. (9)-M232 27 BOY wanted, with wheel, to run errands. Apply 211 Neville Block. (9)-206 24 Factory nnd Tradca. TAILORS. A flrst-class ladies' tailor wanted; wages $26 per week and steady position. Apply J. JawlU, Uth and Farnam Bts. (9)-M747 rmrKWN pickers WANTED. Good room to work In, well lightoJ; plenty of work; come at once CLAKINDA POULTRY. BUTTER AND EGG CO.. Creston, la. (9) M291 Nov6x WANTED A competent printer. Dally newspaper work. Foreman of amall of fice preferred. Times-Republican. Mar. Bhalltown. Ia. (9) M778 26x WANTED Tailors to work In alteration department; will ray good wares. O. K. Bcolleld Cloak and Suit Co., 1519 Douglas. (9)-t31 WANTED Registered drug clerk of good habits: give reference. H. E. Vlstuha, Btelnhauer. Neb. (91-M9J4 26 WANTED Flrst-class meat cutter; strictly sober. B. ft M. MarktU McCook. Neb. (9)-M77f 25X WANTED Good meat cutter at the Cen tral market, 16th and Capitol Ave. () M29S 21 WANTED EXPERIENCED REGIS TERED PHARMACIST. SARATOGA DRUG CO., 24TH AND AMES AVE. (9) M317 WANTED A first clas cleaner and dyer; I good salary for the right party. New Proceaa Steam Laundry, McAlesier. I. T. (9) M329 Ox WANTED Blacksmith and horseshor: good job; no buuxer need apply. F. J. Leonard. Delano. Minn. (9) M29 30x BLACKSMITH and all around handy roan f ranch. H" 00 and board. Ippiy to k. V. Morgan. Herman, Nb. sac iss.TJ-r'.s.' " amsan ' uxm bet: HELP WANTED MALE Factories and Trades Contlnned. WANTED At once, first class watchmaker and engraver; steady position to gnoil man; state salary and reference In first letter.' C. II. Nesblt, Harvey, N. D. (9J-M2P9 80X WANTED Good, aall round, sober blaek amlth. Steady Job. 82.SO per day. Apply, to or write J. G. Temple, Dysart, la. (9 MU2 2Sx POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F V. Knlest, 7u7 N. Y. Life, Omaha. (10838 WANTED Barber at once; no boorer. Fred Benson. Schleswlg. la. (9 M738 24x WANTED Tinner, a flrst-clasa tinner and furnace man at once; 83 a day; a steady position for right man. Peterson & Adams, Devils Lake, N. D. (9) M410 24x CHICKEN PICKERS WANTED We want men at Beatrice, Neb., to pick chickens; will pay 2"4c for hens and springs. Swift and Company, Beatrice. (9) M303 N23x imiUTftv o.. ' V?" . Star Box Co., 1S07 BU (9)-M160 28x Mary's Ave. WANTED Men to learn barber trade, wonderful demand for barber, few weeks completes, practical experience, careful Instructions, demonstration and examinations, positions waiting, top wages paid graduate. Write foi cata logue. Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th Bt. (9)-M781 54x WANTED Cigar makers; ten-dollar mold work; union factory. Apply to Julius Pepperberg, Mfgr., Plattsmouth, Neb. )-M9W 84X WANTED A first clasa eoatmaker. Coats atart at IS. Ole KJelmyr. Mitchell. 8. D. (9)-M172 Nov.4x CARPENTERS wanted. 1516 Martha St. (9)-274 24 Mlacc U. S. NAVY offers attractive opportunities to wide awake young Americans, 17 to to years of age; men with special trades accepted up to 85 year. An Illustrated booklet, showing the life of the modern mon-o'wars man free to those interested. Visit or address Navy reciulting station, Omaha, Lincoln. Hastings, Neb.; Bloux City, la. Postofflca buildings. (9)-M51 Nix "STRENUOU8 LIFE." If your services command $75 per month, or better, send for our four plans to assist one to iibiain employment. Any line. Any where. "No registration fee." "No com mission." Address Circulation Department, nnv office. STRENUOUS LIFE PUBLISHING COM PANY, Incorporated. 1181 Broadway, New York; 72S-732 Main street, Buffalo; 218 La bulle street, Chicago. (9) M156 28 WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N., INC. 721-722 New York Life bldg. Hours 8:00 a. in. to 6:30 p. m. Stenographer, $65. StenograDhsr. $60. Assistant bookkeeper, $65. - Salesman, $75. If you are In need of a position see us. We can place you without delay. WANTED Man to Invest $25. Chance of profitable spare time employment. Ad dreBS L 401, care of Bee. (4) M162 TJNCLE BAM wants 10,000 railway mall clerks, mall carriers, clerks, Immediately. Salary $1,200. Rapid advancement; ex aminations here soon. Common education sufficient. Preparation free to advertise. Franklin Institute, Rochester, N. Y. () 407 x WANTED Passenger and freight elevfetor men. Janitors, carpenter ana plumbers' helpers; one fireman; paintera, top wages. 104 Bee Bldg. (9) M200 OVSix WANTED Man with small capital to man age branch office In outside territory. Addresa 504 Observatory, Des Moines, la. (91-M244 Nov22x SOUND young men, aged 18 to 85, for firemen and brakemcn during rush sea son on leading railroads here, . In the west and on new lines being completed; experience unnecessary; firemen, $100 nonthl,y become engineers. 8200; brake- men, 810C monthly, become conductors. $150; many position now open; write for particulars. National Railway Training association. 620 Paxton block, Omaha, Neb. (9) 190 NoW WANTED One - first clasa business getter for each state, gocd money for rlht party, represent Nebraska corporation, reference and bond. Stamp for reply. AddreES S -170, care Bee. (9) 37 LABORERS for handling freight at Union Pacific Ccuncll Bluffs transfer: wages 174 cent per hour. Board arranged If necessary. Apply Thomas Scanlon, fore man (9) 732 WANTED Some good young man who has had aome experience in the barber trade will give him a good chance. Write for F articular to W. H. Hughbanka, George, a. (9)-M627 24x FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business Men's association; help work men find positions. Call 842 New York Life Bldg. (9) M926 OctJB WANTED Piano player for dancing. Coda Clark, Falrbury, Neb. (9) M201 28x WANTED Two farm hands; $25 per month, year round. 1509 N. 25th St., South Omaha, (9) M158 WANTED Good, reliable man to work In packing room; also reliable man to work ! in house and sell goods from wagon part or me time. :au on roreman, A. Booth ft Co., 1306 Leavenworth St. (9)-2H 24x WANTED Boy, about 18 years old, for stock work; also experienced man to hang window shades and one experienced drapery salesman. Apply Drapery Dept., Orchard ft Wilhelm. (91208 23 WANTED Young men to take care of city delivery and bundle counter. Nebraska Clothing Co. (9) 221 2H WANTED Elevator conductors. Applv be tween 7:80 and 10 a. m. to auperlnt-ndent. J. L. Brandels & Sons. (9) M310 26 60 TRUCKERS. Burlington, Mh art" How. ard. (9) M290 Novl LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicle. ONE 2-seat, ' two runabouts, tup bugry, all rubber-tired; hack harness, one double express harness; ono or two horse. Come In. The Harney St. Stables. (ll)-St WE are selling delivery wagons, teaming gears, buggies, carrlagea and harness cheaper than any other Arm in Omaha. Johnaon-Danforth Co., 8. W. Cor. lOtft and Jones Sts. (ID 839 HORSES bought ft sold. Blake 2631 N. 16thl (11) M464 Nix RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W. A. ton, 303 Lincoln Ave.. Council Bluffs. (ll-Mlul FOR SALE Cheap, good driving mare; good traveler; perfectly safe for a lady. Address A 441. care Bee. (11 M311 2 BOUND bright bay horse. CHEAP. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 18u2 Farnam St. (11) M3t4 80 PUBLIC BALE Standard Bred horse. Shorthorn cattle. Poland-China hogs. OcL 2. 19u7. write for catalogue. Venture Slock Tarm. Lohrvllle. Ia. (1D-154 29 SECOND-HAND delivery wagon. I buggy. 11 phaeton, chaap. A. Murphy ft Son. UU-M21S Nov. 10 Ponltry nnd Egg. DUSTON'S Whit Wyandottea. Pur brd, cholc breeding stock now resdy to eMo. lor est Lawn Wyandotte Yards, Flor ence, Neb. Tel. Florence 1082. Ul M484 Oct27x FREE poultry bok with Incubator cata logue at (joo.'II. Lee Co., 1115 Harney bt. Ui)-Mlw . new ads" 31 1CZ LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Fonltry nnd Esige-Contlnued. GOVERNMENT book free. Model Squab Co., Omeha. (1D-MM7 NovJ WHITE LEGHORNS and Barred Plym outh Rocks; five hundred extra tine cock rels and pullets at $160 to 3 e Mandv Lee Poultry Farm, Florence. Neb. Telephone, Florence 162. (1D-M104 H FOR SALE Single comb Buff Orpington . cockerels from pi lie winning htck. Ad dress Robert F. Beutel, Buck Grove, la. (11) M202 N21x Caws, Birds, Dogs aad ret. THOROUGHBRED Scotch collies; supply limited. E. B. Cook, south golf links, Benson, 'eh. (11) M267 2x FOR 8 ALE Fox and wolf hounds; dogs from 9 to 12 month old, $15 per pair; broke does, $:) to $40. For particulars ad dresa Htne ft Son, R. F. D. No. 1. Cam den. Mo. (ll)-MI-W Lx LOST AND FOUND LOST Gentleman's gold open-face watch, with gold seal fob. Iost Friday evening, October 18, between Washington hall and Krug theater. Return to 826 8. 20th St. Liberal reward and- no questions asktd. (12) M161 24x 850 REWARD No questions asked, for the return of diamond ring lost on f. P. sleeper between Cheyenne and Omfiha. Address 3346 Boyd S (12) 207 24 x LOST Blcvcle', which had been left In front of Bee Bldg. Finder telephone Har ney 1436. (121-220 24X LOST Brooch, pearl setting, fleur de lis pattern. Liberal reward. Miss Danahey, care of M. D. Smith & Co.. th and Far n amSt 1. tl-Jr287jr.x MEDICAL ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3S24 N. 24th St., Omaha. Neb. (12)-M106 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13)-S41 RUPTURE CURE! No knife, no retention from business. QUICK CURE RUPTURE CO., over S. W. cor. 14th and Douglas, Omaha. (13)-40 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Bts. ; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13)-1?9 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. Pay Cash and Learn' THE VALUE OF MONEY if von are In debt and struggling along dfoafeinV'the collector, get out of that old rut, be a free man again, look the world In the face. WE WILL LOAN YOU THE MONEY on your furniture and give you from one month to one year to pay us back in small monthly or weekly payments. You pay for only the time you are using our money. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., lit Board of Trade Building, 16th Street Entrance. (14)-M422 Novll THE UNION LOAN CO. Have Increased their capital and during October will make special rates on col lateral loans, mortgages, on personal property and notea without security. Terms to suit. Tel. D. 2904. 810 Bee Bldg. (14) M63J PR. PRIBBENOW8 MONEY' loaned on furniture, planoa, horse, etc., any amount; less half rates; perfect pri vacy and Immediate attention, on any terms; payments auspended when sick or disabled. 214 Karbach Blk., 209 8. 15th St. ! M434 FURNITURE, live stocl . salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 3, Barker block. (14) 844 , MONET LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol nian, room 714 New York Life Bldg. (14) 848 Bowen, 703 N. Y Life Bldg. advances private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money aame day asked for at small cost, Open evenings till 7. (14 S43 roR x SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE FHOENIX CKEUIT t-'O. ror chattel or salary loans. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 745. 04) 46 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE-Rellable. accom modating, all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. . (14) 847 LOWEST rates, chattels or salary. Ns- brnska Credit Co., 214 Board of Trade. (14)-849 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. 414J-846 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; nnd Hooius. WARM and nicely furnished rooms; new house; all modern conveniences; private family; board if desired. bu South 2bth avenue. (15) M748 24x MRS. JOHNeON'S boarding house, open to public Bunday, Oct. 13, upstairs 115 N. 19th. Webster 2448. 15)-M279N13 FURNISHED rooms, with board; close In; private family. 24oi Cass. Doug. 6tu6. (15)-M216 Nov. 10 NICELY furnished rooms; first class board; reasonable ratos. The Rose, 2020 Harney fit. (16) ai tt.x DESIRABLE, modern, furnished room, with board. 2116 Cass. (15) M258 20 DESIRABLE furnished rooms, with board. 123 8. 25th Ave. (16) M297 iux FIRST-CLASS board and room. 608 S. 24ta Ave. (16 779 025 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (16) toi DEWEY European Hotel, 18th and Farnam. (li)-ofil MODERN room, with board. M05 Burt (16) 163 Nov9 ROOMS on parlor floor, with board; one block from postoffice. 1723 Dodfte. (161-M193 FURNISHED Capitol Ave.' with hoard. 2411 (1)-M191 NoV.JOx Famished Boom. FOR RENT Large southeast room, strictly modern. In private family, suitable for two gentlemen. 21 J South 26th bt. 'Phone Douglaa i37. (16) 736 LARGE front room In modern home, suit able for one or two gentlemen; refer ence required. 2410 Chicago. 'Phon Douglas 4otil. (16) M770 2,x WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1625. Schmoller ft Mueller Piano Co., 1311-U1J tarrnm. (16)-3S3 128 8. 3TH ST., large east front room, suit, able for three genllmen; bouse strictly modem; roomy porches; large, shady lawn. (15) 75ox OMAHA Van ft Storage Co. pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-21 N. Uth. Office 16V9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. !".;. (U)-.Sv4 HOUSEHOLD good packed, forwarded; cheap freight ratet; moving and storage. Expressmen Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas 84. (16)--i TWO furnished or unfurnished, bath, f'jr light housekeeping. 'jJll N. 2cth. aW-M2C9 a OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Boom Contlnned, FOR RENT Nicely furnished, large, rom fortahle. room In private family: nil mod ern conveniences, select locution and walking distance. 632 8. 26th Ave. (1.-M.112 87 "TUB BEST WAY" When you want good ROOMS Is quirk and sure. OMAHA RENTAL COMPANY. Tel. Doug 3SM. 808 N. Y. Life Bhlg, (LSI MIU4 24 TWO all modern furnished rooms, parlor floors. 2T6 Dodge St. Tel. Harney (15-2M( SOUTH front rnnr.t, for gentlemen: modern. 1713 Davenport. (15) M2.17 25x EXCELLENT modern room for three or four gentlemen; also large basement room for four. 118 N. lMh. (16) M233 x THREE rooms; light housekeeping. S. 2iith Ave. (16) M22S 7x ONE pleasant, furnished room, moffVTi; references required; breakfasts If de sired. 2701 Woolworth Ave. (16) 615 23 X FOUR rooms, furnished for housekeeping or sleeping, one or all. 'Phone Webster 8603. 222ti Miami Bt. (IS)- FURNISHED ROOMS for colored gentlo man, near carllne. Mrs. Banks, 1403 N. lbth. Thone Webster 3S62. (15)-M278 Nil WE move pianos. Maggard Van and 8tor age Co. Tel. Doug. 148. Office, 1712 Web ster St. (16)-157 STEAM HEATED rooms, $2 to $5 per week. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. (16)-M52o N12x FOR RENT Two furnished rooma. 4121 Hamilton St. (16) 634 MODERN furnished front room. 1907 Cum ing. (16) M 135 N7x FRONT room for gentlemen, I960 Bo. 10th 8t!j (16) 187 Nov9x FURNISHED pleasant south room for gen tlemen. 647 So. 24th Ave. (16) 754 24 ROOM In modern house; gentlemen pre ferred. 128 So. 26th Bt. (16) 908 25 FURNISHED front room, new modern house. 2403 Hirney. - (15) M779 25 THREE large, nicely furnished room In all modern new flat, 5 blocks from post office. 1813 Chicago. (15) M974 26 FURNISHED or partly furnished rooms. 2412 Indiana Al. (15) M125 26x TWO ROOMS for light housekeeping J modern; gas range, etc. 1822 Chicago. (15)-136 27x FOR RENT Desirable furnished rooma. 633 South 22d St. (16)-M178 24x NICELY furnished rooms. 1915 Capitol Av. (15) M195 Nov. 20 ONE large furnished room. 2019 California. (15) Mm 28x TWO nicely furnished rooms, front and back parlor; gentlemen preferred; refer ences. 1707 Dodge. (16) M192 2Sx DFSIRABLE room for 2 gentlemen. 318 No. 19th. (16) M190 28x Apartment a and Flats. AN APARTMENT, Davtdge Bldg., 18th and Farnam. Apply Apartment No. I 16t M41I $18.00 7-ROOM modern flat and bathroom, opposite ptora Brewery, 1 846 North 16th: walking distance. Inquire 410 So. 10th Bt. (16)-M783 FOR RENT Lower apartment, S rooms; 668 South 26th Ave. 835. Apply owner, botween 6 and 7 p. in. Red 4736. (IK) M181 24x Housekeeping; Rooms. FURNISHED rooms, housekeeping. ITU Jackson. (16)-712 23x UNFURNISHED modern housekeeping rooms. Addresa E 428, Be. (15V-M260 20x FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 24th and Cuming Sts., over Prug , store. ....... -'. i-i (l6)-41t 38g i XT Famished Hon. FOR RENT After October 8. SIM Chlcag street, 7 rooms, large bath room.' attlo and laundry, flrst-class furnace, $45. (16)-M432 Hon and Cottage. FOR RENT Six room cottage In Berfaon. two blocks from car line, close to churcli and school, water and sewer in house, rent reaaonable. Call Douglas 1190 be tween 6 and 7 p. m., or address G 430, car Bee. (Ii) M800 Jfcx FOR RENT Modern 8-room brick house; all conveniences; close to car; rent $26. 2(f Willis Ave. Inquire C. M. Bachmann, 418 Paxton Block. (16) 477 EIGHT-ROOM house, modern except fur nace, xrjs, unio Bt., oniy .,;.bo per montn. M. J. Kennard ft Co., 310 Brown Blk. (16-M78 HANSCOM PARK HOME FOR RENT NOV. 1. New 7-room house, strictly modem, hot water heat, corner lot, one block from 4mr) $40 per mo., lease one year. GEORGE ft CO., 1901 FARNAM ST. (16)-MJ30 3S NEAR 40th and Cuming, 7-r. all mod., $30. Walking distance 6-r. cottage, bath, UKIiKrlS HLAL MIAIE UUi, 1001 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Doug. 21 5t. (10) MJ30 Id B. E. COR. $5th and Harney, 8-r. brick flat, $40. (16) U261 29x WEST FARNAM DI8TRICT-8177 Daven port Bt. (S. E. corner), 10-room, thor oughly modern house, excellent repair, beautifully arranged. Will glv lease at $66 per month. Apply to Conrad Young; 1618 Dodge St. CU M118 NINE-room modern house, 2(61 No. 19th Bt. Call Telephone Harney 819. (15)-M253 FOR RENT A six-room house, all mod. ern and new. Phone rtarney 265. (15)-M261 29x NEAR 40th and Cuming, 7-r. all mod., $80. Walking distance, 6-r. cottage, bath, $26. OKKEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1001 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Doug. 2151. (16) U726 24 FOR RENT Modern, 8-room house, plas tered attic, two blocks from 24th St. car line, 2670 Poppleton Ave. inquire at popplelon Ave. (16 Mail EIGHT room, all modern, 2622 Maple St., J6 and water rent. CHRIS BUYER. 22d and Cuming Bt. 41B-7H $40 per mo., 2910 Dodge St., 7-room mod ern house, good barn, fine lot, (hade trees; lease 1, 8 or 8 yesrs to good party. $40 per mo., 1763 Park Av., 7-room new modern house, corner lot; very desirable. $46 per mo., 1KM So. 83d St., 10-room trlctly modern house, 2 lot. GEORGE ft CO.. 1001 FARNAM ST. (16)-M31 18 NOVEMBER 1, six-room cottage; modorn except furnace. Hanacom park dis trict. 'Phone Harney 2330. (IB) M70 2632 PATRICK Av.. 8 rooms, new and modern, lis, , . Phone Douglas" 685. BEMIS. Paxton Won, FOR RENT Eight-room modern house, 414 North rlst St., $35. THOMAS BRF.NNAN, Room 1, New York Life Building. (II) Mill TTflTTQIVQ In ail parts of th -city. HUUOLiS Crslgu Son ft Co,. Bee Bldg. (1 M0 TTfiTTQPQ ln " P,rt ' the city. Peter IlUUi5rjD .fru,i Co., f,'. v. L)f, tult- (16-JI NINE room house, Beml park, modern. Tel. Harney MJ. (U M6:K HOU8L3. Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. FOR RENT Modern 8-room house, warm, good location, on car line. C. E Axford, 2114 Lake St. ... (16) M'j'j4 FOR RENT -room modern cottage, 64 8. 27th St. Tel. Webster 046. (16-130 WHEN you write to advertisers remember It, takes but a few strokes of the pen to ssy that you saw tit advsrtlsemsnt la ah Bet 1 4 r