TTTE OMAHA ' DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18. . 1907. 9 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET All Certal Open Weak and Hits the IXPORT BUSINESS 13 SLOW Foreign Rda Are lwf nnd flare Their KtTert on tho Domestic Bllaatloa Craw la Hearten. wln "ret, 2l7j73c; second. 19-ifClc. POT 'LTRY All ve, needy; spring chick ens. 1J'; fowls, 11c; turkeys, 14c. Dreseod. easy; wlrn spring chickens, Wl'; turkeys, lr,it,c: fowla, J!QUr. OMAHA. Ort. 17. 17. All grain opened weaker and alerted on a decline. Export business was low ana lrelgn bids were lower and had their ef fort on our domestic market. Wheat started early on the decline, with every rnmmiMlnn house, holding selling or ders, and cable came aurprtslngly weak. Th crowd w bearish and worked hard ViJL. elide. Commission houses were buy ' ij "n the dwell tie. 1 "ecrmber wheat opened f l.y and rlm-d at 964c. Corn waa weak and oft aevnral notches. Helling waa general at the alert and lota of long corn waa rushed out. December corn opened at SAV and cloaed at Wc. data opened aoft with wheat and corn and scattered- commission honaa selling. Buying waa done moatly by holders of dnwna. Cash hoiste were" good buyer of recember opt Ion a. December oata opened at M4c and cloaed at 61c. Primary wheat receipt were f.119.000 bu. Hnd shipments were S92.0nf bu.. against re celpta laat year of l.OKi.OOO bu. and ship ments of 878,(100 bu. . . , Corn receipt a were RSR.flrO bu. and shlp menta wore 424,"0 bu., against receipts laat year of 4tt.G0u )u. and shipment Of aw.ono bu. , . Liverpool eloeed 14141 lower on wheat and '.ygtkd lower on corn. , Local rantfc ot options: OMAHA WnOLEIALR MtRKBT. Co..lilo. of Traao ... Qw.tatl... on I Stawla, mm Faaear Fralaee. F.jc;B-Per do., 20c. RUTTER-Parking stock, 21c; cholc to fancy dulry, 26c: creamery. Hue OHEE9&-New full cream. Wisconsin wlna, 16c; new full rrearn, brtok, 10 ; 6o- memic, new Swiss, 262c: air llmtssrger, 16.ji1c- young Amerlcaa, lto. LIVE POCL1 KT Chicken. l4c; roost er. 6e; turkeys, 12c: ducks, fUlOc; geaee, 7C. HAT Choice No. 1 upland. I'.oooj me dium, S9.00; No. i bottom, t 00; off grades from Woo to K 60: rye straw. 7.W; no. 1 Italia. SlLon. FRUITS. CR A NP. ER R I E9 Per bbl., 17.75. APPLF.8 Wealthy. 12.00 per bu Cali fornia Bellefleurs, 82-40; Ben Davie. 84 50 per bbl.; New York apples, 86.28 per an PEACHES Per bog, Utah and Colorado. .3. FEARS Vtaii. S3.OOfl3.tO. UK APES Michigan, 8-1 b. basket, 32c. VEGETABLES. NAVY BEANS Per bu No. 1, SC. SO per u ; I. una. o per lb. POTAIOES-Per bu., 75)c. BEANS New wax and string. 0K0o par market basket. CAPBAGE Per lb.. lHc. BEETS. TURNIPS AND CAHROTB-FW bu., 76c. RADISHESFcr doa. bunch, bom rown, inc. TOMATOES Home crown, market bas ket crate, toe. CUCUMBERS Per haaket. 80c CEf.F.RY Kaieuiaxoo, 3So. ONIONS Yellow and red. S1.00 per bu. NEW PEPPERS-Per market basket. NEWYORK STOCKS'AND BONDS I Movement of Prices is Irregular and Halting Throughout Session. " francs; Mile avian franc. discounted. Increased 47.- Articles ! Open.l High. 1 Clol Low. Te y. Wheat- I I , Pec... f7'st 974 H H 7H May... .1 084.1 in 101W 1 01V 1 03'4 July... ftfel 06 9i B4 M Corn I Dec... 65- KV : I May... R7 f7 ' ' WVI M R7'4 July... 8'4i i U . 6 Oata I Dec.." 61; 61 T Rltt, B1V, E24 Mav... M I M M July... 47Hl 47Vi) 47V 47447H rrlcea. tl 00: No. 3 hard. S spring. Oata. 227 41 Oanaha. Cask WHEAT No. 1 hard. Hc; No. 4 hard. yo9rJc; No. II otihl 0.1U: no arade. 8M0O2C. CO RN No. 8. 68tl9c; No. 4. B7W74c; no grade. 644ffi7c; no. I yenow, wcno; io. S White. HiVVrrWi. ntTH-Nn k mixed 47V,ifMc: No. 3 white. 4RV4fin4ic: No." 4 white. 47tHSc: atandard, 49 HYB-NO. f..tS4c; No. 3. 7W82C , ,(rlt Reaelpta. Wheat. Corn Chicago S 33S Mlnneapolla 270 Omaha 22 41 Dululh ... 286 CHICAGO GHAUT AND PROVISIONS Featairaa af tka Tradlac mm OoalaK Prleca mm Baard of Trade. CHICAGO, Oct. 17.-Prlce on the what exchange broke nearly X centa per bushel from the final figures yesterday. At the close the December dellrery showed net i - i. fnm waa down 1WC. Uatfl were off lVifc'ltte. Provision were 2tt to t 4(7o lower. . weak l lie wnrn inmi ir. " " - . - all day because of aggrolv ellln by local and outside longa. Price were down about lo at the opening, owing to sharp de cline at all of the principal grain oenter of Europe. Aa trading progreaaed the veak neas became more pronounced. A bank failure In thl country, the auepenslon, ot iriii. ntiai i-nnnern In Oormany. and an atmrehenalon of fresh declines In foreign inin marlcata tomorrow, following the i.imn inHav in this cnuntrv. were the prln clpal factore in causing tha peraiatent .nin' A hreak of nearly 6o per bushel In the prlc of wheat at Winnipeg, wlienj receipt are aaid to be Increasing, lnsph-ed additional aalea on tha local exchange. The r.M that tin anceotanoea of American wheat for hlpment abroad were reported by exporter except tor a moaeraie uuu tlty at Duluth, waa a further aggravation to the bearish factors. At tha low point of tha day the price of the December and MRMJfllvertea waa almost Sir below yester ti A don There waa a rally of about w'TmM ihe hottom. but the close waa Mk rwnmhiir nnened 54 to l'liC lower. t tt'oau tn 1(Wt: aold off to S1.02. and closed at SI iH'l !H. May ranged between S1.07H&10&V and dosed at Si.0SWl.0te4. a net loss of 2tiQ.kc. Clearancee of wheat onrt flniir were eatial to 7(0.000 bUShell I'rltnarv renelnta were 1.119,000 bushel. compared with 1.OB8.O0O bushela the same day a year ago. Minneapolis, duiuui ana Chicago reported receipts of 463 cars. in.t ka laat week and 6B8 a year ago. Corn prices broke aharply In aympathy with the slump In wheat, prices at the low point being down nearly two centa from llnal quotatlona of yesterday. Tha selling waa general and aeemed to Indicate that ti.. market had been larrelv overbought Iemsnd was Indifferent and confined chiefly to horta. Weather wa Ideal for the "curing" of the new crop. Caah corn waa off 2uiSUo and had a weakening in fiuenca on options. The cloae was weak, iHwember opened Hlo lower, at CHo to 2o, aold off to SOo, and cloaed at Clo. May ranged between ClM?tf3c. and closed at fcc. Local receipt were 8S8 car, with M of contract grade. Trade In oats was very quiet and the market waa affected by tha weakness o wheat and corn. A decline of c In the price of tha caah grain was an additional weakening Influence. December opened Vic lower, at t44tc. aold between WH'flMV.e, and cloaed at UHQfcVV:. Local receipt were tSI car. Provisions were easier because of the weakness of grain. Trade waa only mod erate. At the cloae January pork was off tV-'H- Rib were 64j7Ho lower, at S3. 103 S.U'V4. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat 87 rara; Corn, 373 cars; oata, 847 car; hoga iiu tieai. leading futurea ranged aa follow Artlcl. Open. I Ulgh.j Low. Cloae. Tes y Whrat Dec... I i ta-wi Mty...U ti 1 Ott( July.. Corn Deo... May.. July.. ata Dec. . . May.. July.. May., lard Nov.... Jan.. . May.. Rib inn... May.. 1 1 v ' 1 02V.I I . (lVel-'f .Aiifu -'! ) l .IMS4m .(i'i-'i .1 W I .1 U 87te! .1 1 RVfc, I la 8 17VJ 8 ii 1 04V 1 ' 1 I 03 1 02SW 1 IfeS 1 071 08V.&: tv.'-ii oisw 1 w. 62 I o34 6u'a,4'j1,l 1 06 S 1 01 V 60V. l i-i6ivflv til 1 lo Wi 11 30 so 06 I 17W S 46 is m It 13 X t 0 17V. S 10 8 36 15 86 1 17W 2R 9 02Va 30 13S 8 SVVi 1 04 1 10', 1 03 G2S 6SViS 54 SeS iSOVc 15 R74 17 V 25 07Vs S 30 s a No. 2. 'aah ou Jialiona were aa follow FLOUR Firm: w inter patent. S4 o.Vfj on iprlng patents, J.". 4i6 7o: bakers, t4.Wn-4 2- WHEAT No. 2. l.liH.ia; No. 3. Sl.tC'tf .liH: nj. 3 rea ii.whU'um. iVjRN-No. S. Kc: No. 3 yellow. 614ii4 I.IATD No. i. O.K- O. S WIIUC, tKM-fclV-' rye-no. 3. wc. BARLEY Good feeding, ktl'pir.'o; fair .o,.a malting, $1 Ol'J l.tC. HEEDS Flax. No. 1 northwestern. 8115; ivlnie timothy, SXUHM-SO; clover, contract ! JfS. $17.00. PROVISIONS Short ribs, skies (looael. "SUjO- Mess puik, p-r bbl.. S14.7Mf Lard, per lou lb.. tH.Tt. Short clear Idea (boxed, .lfcSJa Articles Receipts. COPPEll ISSUES THE FEATURE Fallarea Urowlag Oat of tailed Cnaper Ieala aad Cat la Aaaal' amated Plvldead Caase Depreaaloa. -Ttaw York Mosey Market, NEW VOHK. Oct 17.-PRIME MERCAN TILE P.M'EH-7 per cent. HTKRL1NU i:.CHANi;Fteady, with actual htiatna in bankers' bills at 84.fM5 eitfc ji for demand and 84 .ILv34 8. for lalxty-dny bills; commrclal bills. 84 .81. SILVER Bar, W'V'; Mexican dollar. 47H". HOND8 Oox-ernment, eaay; railroad, i ay. MONEY On call strong, higher. 4W per cent; ruling r.ite. per cent; closing hid. & per cent; offered at a per cent. Time loans, quiet but firm: t days. 8 per cent; !) days, lity per cent: month, t per cent quotations on New I or Ponds todny tOc SWEET POTATOES Market basket. 46c: Virginia sweets, per bbl.. S3 16. BEEF CITB. EEEF CUTS No. 1 rib. 14c: No. S rib. 11c; No. 3 ribs. 6c; No. 1 loin. 19c; No. 8 loin, ISc; No. 3 loin. .c: No. 1 chuck. SVc: No. 3 chuck, 4Vtc; No. 3 chuck, 3Sc; No. 1 .-ound, cj No. 3 round, 7Vo; No. rouna. frc; No. I plate, 5c; No. 3 plate, 4Vc; No. S piaie. fo. TROPICAl. FRUITS. IEMON& l.imoniera. 360 aise. $7.00; other brands. 60c fill. 00 leas. iiANANAH Pe medium alzed bunch. 2Mt).2.m Jumbos. S2.0OC3.60. COCOANUTS Per do.. m. DATES Kadaws . 8c; Bayers. Be: Hal- lowis, &c; new ttuffed walnut dates, 9-1 b. box. 81.00. BANANAS Per medium slsed bunch. 2.W2 2fi: Jumbos. 12 turn 8 M. oranges Florida, IX. 160, it, soo ana HIS sixes, $4.60. I MISCEUA NEOTT8. CALIFORNIA DRIftru FRUITS Prime ar somewhat uneetled by 'freer oaTerlng from second hands, who seem desirotja of moving supplies of Immediate grades. Quo tations range irom m to so tor camornia fruit and from CVio to So for Oregon. Peachea are allghtly easier, with fancy yei Iowa auoted at 18V4o. Raisins are firm: three -crown loose Muacatele ar auoted at c; four-crown, 10c; seeded raisins, $ Uc. HIDES AND TALLOW Oreen aaitad. No. t, SVsCi No. 3, 7Vto; bull hide. 8c: greea hldea. No. L 7c; No. 3. 6c; Horae. SJHi Sheep pelt. 60ctT$1.26. Tallow, No. L VkflS imo. x. smc. wool, laviio. COFTES-Roasted. No. 85, 2M par re.: No. 30, t4Vo per it).; No. ii, Uo par lb. I No. 21. liSo per lb. FISH Halibut, lie: trout, in; pickerel. 10c; plko, 14c ; pike, freah frosan. lSo; whlteflih, 14'jl6c; buffalo, c; bullhead, klnned and dreaaed, 18c; catfish, dressed, 17c; white perch, 7o; whit baas, 16c; black bass, 26c; aunftsh, 64c; crapplea, 66c; large crapplea, 16c; herring, fresh frosen, c; whltefiah, frosen, lSwlSc, pickerel, freah frozen. 8c; Spanish mackerel, itc; native mackerel. ISfedbo per fish; codfish, fresh frozen, Uo; red snipper, Uo; floundora, fresh frozen, 12c: haddock, fresh frosen, Uo; smelta, 13c; shad roe, 46c per lb.; frog lege, Lo per dox.i . green aea turtle meat, Zbo per lb. CAn hems uuuus-vuni, stanoara wan- em, 65o. Tomatoes, fancy 8-pound cans. $1.46; atandard, 8-pound cans, $l.a. Pine apples, grated, 3-pound. 8.3002.80; sliced. $17603$. Gallon apples, 83.2a. California aprlcota, S2.00. Pears, $17602 60. Paachea. $1.76(62 40. L. C. paachea, $.OO2.50. Alaska salmon, rod, $L20; fancy Chinook, fiat, $3.16; fancy aocksye, flat. 81.V6. aardlnoa, quarter oil, $3. 2t; three-quarter mustard. $3 10. Baeet potatoes, $1.36ol.3a. Sauerkraut, Son. Pumpkins, DOc&Sl.OO. Lima beana. 3-pound. 76cy 11.26. tinakad peaa, 3-pound. 8c; fancy, $l.t.(Lll46. NUTS-California walnuts, lc; Chill Walnuts. 14c; pecan, 1718o; Alberts, 12 14c; Brazils, 13H14c; almonds, ISc; roasted peanuts, yc; raw peanut. 7HO. NEW TORK. Oct. 17.-The hailing and I Irregular movement of prices of sloes to dsy ottered a confusing medium through which to try to discern any defined feel ing towards the matket. During the early part of the day this filing was of more active anxiety, while later, with the sub sidence of disquiet, there waa still a passive apprehension that was not yet clear In the tone. The collapse In the United Copper slock In the curb market and the collateral con sequences from that event were the cen tral influences, as they were ycaterday. With the suspension of the board member of the firm concerned with the attempted corner In the stock and with the action connected with It, which Involved yester day's failure of a stock exchange firm who had tiken orders In that stock, and with the retirement of F. Augustus Helnse from tha Mercantile National bank, the limits of the trouble which has been loom ing on the stock market horizon became better denned and was nt rather leas por tentous effect on sentiment. Feeling in the matter waa rather one of belief as over the removal flf a factor that prom ised mischievous results. The announced failure of a savings bank In Butte waa associated In the puhllo estimation with the unsettled condition In the copper world, but details of tha affair were meagre. With the dividend meeting of the Amalgamated Copper company, set for to day, the copper situation waa given an ad ditional hold on tha market and an the dividend action was not looked for until near or after the close of the market, all the conditions were supplied for the un certainties on which speculation thrives. Not only was the rate to which the divi dend was to e cut In doubt, 1 per cent quarterly representing the lowest esti mates, but also the effect on the market for the stock of any given rate declara tions. The fall in copper, both In London and In New York, supplied additional In centives for conjecture and the coppers were forced to new levels during the day. This was true of some other stocks of first rate Importance. Including a number of railroad stocks. The announcement that stock sheets had aH passed successfully through the stock exchange clearing house relieved the mar ket from Its appearance of greatest de pression. Some of the buvlng that enmied was apparently due to the covering of some heavy short lines of stocks and buying for the long account continued under much re straint. The rise In the call money rate waa connected wHh the disturbance In the copper stock and tn calling of loans prompted by the unsettled effect of that disturbance. Discounts In London were In clined to advance and the weekly statement of the Bank of England showed measures In force by that establishment to strengthen control of Ihe money market and make Its own rate effective there. There was talk of probable rise In the discount rate of the Imperial Bank of Germany and a failure r soma importance in Hamburg was an Incident of the day. Foreign exchange was not effected here and rates were unchanged from yestordav. A sharp break In the prices of wheat and corn was looked upon as promising Increased takings for foreign ac count, with probable effect In the foreign exchange rate. Prices showed a rallying tendency even after the announcement of the reduction In the Amalgamated Copper dividend. Bonda wars easier.' Total, nar values. $2,002,000. United Statea 4s. registered, de clined Vi and the coupon U per cent on call. Number of aalea and auotatlona on tha New Tork Stock exchange: galea. Hlch. Ism. Cleaa. vere as follows V". rf. ts, reg as ceiipoe ... f. g. ts. r do roapoa V. S. n. 4m. reg.,... e coupon Am. Tnbaceo 4. .... Atrhlaon fan. 4 AtlaoUo C. L. 4. B.I. Ohio 4.... do IS Brk. R. T. r. 4.... tntr.l of ua. "do l.t Inc do 2d lac do W Inn (tf. 4k Ohio 4t ... c.. P. ft q. n. 4... C. R. 1. p. ...... do col. Oi vr. st. L. g 4. Olo. lad. it, aer. A. Tol,.. Mia. 4. Colo. aY So. 4a Cuha 5a D. R Q. 4 nillllem- Sar. i.... nria p. 1. 4. lo gen. 4a Hocking Val. 4W ... Japan 4a atra do 2d series do 4i 1. N lint. 4. Bid. Off.rad. 108 M.a. c. ( 4.,. I'M) Mai. Central 4. IT l"tJ So 1st trr 14 lfBMmnn. A St. U 4 . M 111 ., K T. 4a t do W H N.- R. R. of . e. 4t 7JH "N. V. C. . IS. H, HI N. J. . ta im, n No. Paclfc 4a. 7 do la KH '"4 N. W. P. 4a 1 ?S10. 8. L. rM 4a 17 lot Pena. conr. JSa. ill 7 Readln ln. 4. OS HI. L i I. M. c. & V4H 44 St. U T. It. 4a T . HSt. l. S W. . 4a.. 7 ! V.hoard A. L 4. ... S SSo. PacUc 4 d 7 do Irt 4. ctf. H m an. Raiiw.T a. n4 47HTaia P. In 1H 1 T.. L. W. 4. 70 nrnloa PaciRc 4. M liiev, do ronv. 4a V 94 V S. Ptsel td &.... tit Wibah Is 1"7 MVi'Wetlern Md. 4 V W. t. E. 4a M KSV.WI. rentral 4a o rAtcBtana t-r. 4a U d Ra Vn mMm. Mat. 4' 4 Boatoa Stocka aad Bonda UOSTON, Oct. 17.-Call loana. 5Vy -"., iiinti loans, B7 per cent, quotations on stocks and bond iouowa: OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Best Kinds of Cattle Steady to Strong, Others Steady. IMPROVEMENT IN HOG VALUES tesllssrS Liberal ttwelpts ot Skec) and I-aaaaw, altk All Klada. Both Feeders aad Killers, Oes. erally Steady. liax-!we4 Vrr.. Wyoming 1! sleets . ..HW 4 fc 1 steer h0 3 75 M. Fredericks. Wyoming !7 sleers... 101 4 10 II steers.... S 7R S steers. ...1114 4 86 Scows I 3 !6 Urant Weal, Wyoming. 1 feeder., fcfl 4 on 14 (eeders.. 717 4 00 S cows ss 3 IS W. Herman. Wyoming. 17 cows 1004 i (at H cows 7S 3 J5 Pete McFarlsne, Wyoming 0 feeders. US 4 an 4 cows 1128 3 28 Mitchell Csttle O.. Wyoming. f7 corns 778 8 IS S rows Tfri 38 COWS,.... 1 8 10 J. W. Ijine 4 cow 1H6 3 Cstlle 3 70 ! 78 4 1 Receipia 80CTH aer; Official Monday Official Tuesday Official Wednesday.... Kstlmate Thursday Four days this week Pame days last week.. Same dava 3 weeks aim Same days 3 weeks ago..30.7:!6 fame days 4 weeks ago. .31.W3 flame days last year....M.46S The following table s'iows ot cam for the OMAHA. Oct. 17 Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ,.10.(iR .. 8.9M .. 8.7M .. 4.8m) ..8J.433 . .w.ill 3.K3 8.18: 6 077 4.000 lti.WJ 18.211 18." I4.M1 IH.0I8 18.U1 30.7tf 16.0J7 l.4i6 1S.IW0 f0.12 04 87,401 101.174 8J.87I Jcar: the receipts hna-a and ehuei at South titnahit year to date, compared with last Cattle Hoga Sheep The folio 1-.K 81H.914 r.iwi.m l,otfi,138 Show s Dec. Inc. msjn .SM 61.W1 average the IW'J. ... ...1,871.781 ...1.638.537 Ina table prices of hogs at South Omaha for the laat several days, with comparisons: Date. 1907. UHK.HWo. 1904. '1902. 1'l I 6 04 l. per Official v ei as 3 cash, S4Vf 60.c; No. 3 2 caah, BlHc; ;. No. 8 white, St. I.oala GeaeraJ Market. BT. I5TJT8. Oct. 17. WHEAT Lower: track No. 2 red, rash, Sl.04trl.06: No. 3 hard. 31.O3Vil.06; December. Sl-00; May, S1.07V4. COKN Lower; track, No. 64c; December, 67c; May, white, 6V4l6c. OAT8 Loa-er: track. No. December. 67Vc: May. 63Hc 63c. FLOUR Firm t red winter patent, 84 90 06.10; extra fancy and straight, S4.40.Q4.8O clear. 83.60(4.10. BEKD Timothy, steady, CORNMBAL Higher, 3310. BRAN Shade lower; Backed, east track. a. -a. HAY Firm: timothy, Si3.ootri9.oo; prairie. 89 '018.00. IRON COTTON Tlb2t BAOOINO 11 6-16C HEMP TWINR-llc. PROVISIONS Pork. firm: jobbing. S16.U'H: lard, steady; prime steam, 88.96; dry aalt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts. 89S7tt; clear, rib. S9.J7H: ah ort clears, S8.67; boxed extra bacon, steady boxed extra short, 310.35; clear ribs, 810.26 hort clears. 810.50. POULTRY Dull: chicken. c: snrlngs. vtc; lurKey. jsc; auck. so; geese, c. BtJTTBR Steady; creamery, 2330c. EOG8 Steady, 18Hc, case count. Receipts. Shipment Flour, bbis 9.000 Wheat, bu, 7a.otai 183.000 Corn, bu 79,000 79,000 Oats, bu 139,000 98,000 Kaasae City Grata sal Provlsiaa. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 17. WHEAT D cember. f)Tc; May, 1.02x4. Cash: NO. ; hard. SI 01 130.08 V: No. 3. 84cd31.01; No. : red. S1OS4T1.0S; No. 3, 11.041 l.CHH. n CORN December. Mio; May. 5Hc. Caah: no. 8 mixed. awaic; no. 8. oc; No. white, ttl'fltilTrc; No. 3, ale. OATS No. 1 white, 5oiC61tc; No. mixed. 4S'?i49e. F.OOS Dull; extra. 22c; flrt. tOc. HAY Firm; choice timothy, 31S.3IIW3.7S; cnoice prairie, tii.anm i.ou. RYE Steady at stVdrtllr. BUTTER Creamery, dull at 28c; pack ing, lower at sue. Receipt,' Shipment Wheat, bu 13?.fl 160.(100 Corn, bu 33.O0O lT.ono Oats, bu lii.OOO 19.000 Closing nuotsrtona at Kanaa City, aa reported oy ixigan s nryan : Artlclea I Open. I Hlgh.l Low. I Cloe. Wheat Dec.... May... Corn Dec... May... I 1 0X4,1 BTt-! 6741 99! 1 OS'il 654l 1 7V97H;B 1 OlTfcl 64 1 024 644 674:KVV66S'nv4 B Bid. sec S4.5Urg prices rlour. bbl.... M heat, bu Torn, bu Data, bu Ky. bu Barley, bu. Jt.JH . W.l'O .311 US .I'M lou.iue Hhipnieni a. 37.1'iu 178.010 :i9.ii) so. 1 6.4iO Mlastspolli Grata Market MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 17.-WHEAT De cember, SI 0H; May. Sl.121: No. 1 hard, jl.lSH; No. 1 nortnern, 81.114; No, northern, Jl.u9ViH.104: No. 3 northern, 11 04. FI OUR First patents. S6.9iKb41.00 ond patents, 85 76C'i6 90- first clears, 4.7": second clears, S3.7'VftS 80. FLAX Fair demand; closing were 81 : to arrive. SI 234. lilt AN fn bulk. Sti.2ffii50. I M Grata Market. MILWACKfK, Oct. 17 WHEAT Lower r.u. 1. i; in . x nortnern,"ifl.lj LHM-einben. 1 Pld. RVK No. 1. Wii684c R A RI.EY Lower. No. Sill; aample 77f4n1.13. CORN-Lower. No. S cash. 4fl644c; May KHtiu'ti: iiiu. IB the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa weak; creamerlea, aVtf H'ic: dalrea, 31t.'4c. lata steady; at mark, ia a. a Included. lTVu'4.': hrata. I-'C; prime Si eta 4i. ,heee, strong: 15i lf4c . New lark Geaaral Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 17 -SUC.AR-Falr re RnU'.g, JJc; centrifugal, Shi ui, mo-inaa-i nmr, S it.-. RvOned. steady; .v'S.ied, 5.7a.'; poUerd, Slue; granula te.i, (XiFKKK Steudy; Xo. 7 Rio. (.c; No. 1 Sf--' ''-. , ' 'vi! Kasy: l-r.K . aa. common to spe- ! fc-firev at"e. full rrem. sm" v1urel and wM'. Seutembcr fine. lilc: rood ta p. 'me. lj4c; eommon to fnir, l.Vtf 5 . lar" lo'orad f-pii..lwr fine. lic; a-Mte. 15.c; on to prime. .Sals",,-. rrcr-HKr -ae ne,i f al-t..,4 -. g-"vl n cho'i e. :;; mixed "ct; 7i-i SUM 10 utra tint jt.Tt: 64c; PKOKIA. No 8 yellow, grade. ao4c. OATS lowfr; 4 white, 636ie. WHISKY On lalie.l distiller. Poorla Market. III., Oct. 17-CORN-Lower No. 3, 64c; No. 1 c; no No. 3 white, 6Ji&6Jr4c; no, the baala of 31 3. for fin llalath Orala Market. DUI.UTH. Oct. 17-WHEAT-No. ern. 31.11; No. 2 northern, 81-0x4: ber. 31 (64: May. 81-124- OATH 51c. I north Decern Treasary gtateaaeat. WASHINGTON, th-t. 17 Today s slate ment of li e treuaury In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the Sue OOuOJO gold rraerve. aliowa: Available rajti balHnce, t.:!.H; guld co'n mi l hulltou ld certifliHtva. l'.M!,l AtnhlOB adj. 4. . ! 4a Meatoan Central ALr-hlron i pM Button A Alhany.. Boaltni aV Maine... Boaton Klavated .. Fllrhbur pta Metiran f aalral . 4 ninaham . M cal. Hecla. . W Canfmolal . V Copper Rant . . tuir Waai IH14 Franklin .! Orannr -IMltlnla Rorale ... .in Maaa. Mining . 14HMihln N. Y . N. H. A H. .13 Mohawk Pere Marquatta nion Paclflr Am. Pneu. Tuba... Amer. Suxar do pfd Am. T ft T Am. Woolea so std Edl Elan. lllu. . alaaii. Kiectrte .... So rd Maaa. Oaa , felted Krult t'Bltad 8. M do pfd U. 8. Ste do pfd Adventure Allouaa Amalgamated At'nntlc Bid. "Aaatd. 11 Mont. C. A C... . ll'liOId Dominion ... . . 40areola ..0u Parrot . ttulnry . .lOHjRhannon . . tr4 Tamarark .. 7 Trinity ..S0 Vailed Copper .. .. M. Wining .. 4 V. 8. Oil .. 411,1'tah ..110 Victoria. . . 37 Winona .. !tU,Wolvar1na .. 12 North Batta .... .. JButta Coalltloa . .. 1 Nerada .. M Mttchall .. 414CJ. ft Arlaona.. .. tH Arlaona Com. ... 4Ut 17 14 4 ' 1 1IH 1 84 41 la )'4 9 78 , aM 114 II , M4 4 , Sit . 84 t4 , 91 . H5 , J04 , 7 14 . 92 74 Oct. 7.... Oct. 8.... Oct. .... Oct. 10... Oct. 11... Oct. 12... Oct. II.... Oct. 14. .. Oct. 15... Oct. 18... Oct. 17... SK.-4I 6 984 8 S2 8 07 I 8 30 8 1041 8 2S: 8 144, 20 s u 3 W (XV4 s m S 0f4 S 31 s 8 3-1 8 27 S 08 s of! 4 99' S 07 6 OS & 101 a 8 11 s io s iH t 88 & 54 S KV S 4 G 31 8 17 S 11 ft 13 a 6 m t 0 7 88 3 191 T W 6 191 S 221 S 81 6 4 5 S&i 6 al 7 14 7 03 86 a 1 7 OS 7 l&f 49 8 34 3 18 3 14 8 16 3 a a S 39 7 0OI 6 18 91 1 S 32 7 0 8 30 tiOadea Closing; Stocks. LONDON, Oct. 17. Closing quotatlona on as 44 214 ,14 29 714 Kfcia. 74 9114 ! 4 704 884 44 158 9f4 'S 140 114 lf4 'S 87 II 104 8u4 1474 47 i4 4"4 1114 H4 23 100 V, u. 34 444 95 U KM4 70 274 - 74 86 14 7o4 854 "iV" 1574 "ni 74 139 1154 14 1 44 884 K 94 t 14a 4 '444 14 40 894" 110 19 10 is ' 49 Si 144 U Adama Bxpraaa ino is,i Amalgamated Copper llo.eoo t."4 Am. C. ft r 1.4O0 29 Am. C. A r. pfd ("0 9-i Am. Cotton Oil aoo 294 Am. imton un pra... ..... American Bapreas ..... Asa. H. ft L. pfd , American Ire ..... ..... Am. Llnaeed Oil , 100 7a 74 Am. ijtneeea tin pra........ ....... Am. Loeomollre VA Am. LocnmoUre pfd 4" Am. g. ft it 9 too Am. Rutar Ksflatnc 8.9i0 Am. Tobaoce pfd ctfa 1,10 Anaeonda Mlalag Co 7. MO Atehlaon 10.ll Atchlaon pfd C0 Atlantlo Coast una 90S Baltimore Ohio C0o Bal. Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr 1 Canadian PaclOo t.luo Central of N. J . ax-dlr Chaaaptaks ft Ohio 700 Chicago ot. W Chicago ft N. W 1.000 Colrago, M. ft 8t. r Z.lue Chicago T. ft T , effared Chicago T. ft T. Did C, C, C. ft St. L Colorado F. ft 1 1.4n Colorado ft go I.IM) Colo. ft 80. Ut pfd l.ouu Colo, ft Bo. 3d pfd 7U0 Coaeolldated Oaa l.Mt Corn Produota 8.70O Cora ProdauU pfd aw Delaware ft Hudioa 900 Dal., U ft W Danter ft ft. O , 400 D. ft R. O. pfd Dlatlllars' Bacnrttlra 1.400 Erie 1.20D EM Jat pt , 4' Krta Id pfd., 7U Oenaral iElaclrlo 1, Illlaola Cantral KI0 latarnatloual Paper 1.. 800 Int. Taper pfd Int. Pump 40 Int. Pump pfd luara Central Iowa Cantral pfd. Kanaaa City Ho uo K. O. So. pfd M txulartlie ft N 9u0 Mexican Cantral Mias. ft at. L M.. Bt. P. ft g. 8. af at., Bt. P. ft 8. 8. M. pfd Hlaaonrl Pautflo 8. M4j Mlaaoarl. K. ft T .400 87' U.K. ft T. pfd o Nattanal Load L1M) 40 w. R. K. of at. pfd. eSared Maw York Central 4. 400 l K. T.. O. ft W .7 334 Norfolk ft W Norfolk ft W. pfd North Amarlcaa Pacta Mall faanarlvanla People' a Oaa r , c. c. ft st. u... sjaad Itaal Car fraeaed 8. C. pfd pulimaa Palace Car..., Ilaadlng , RaadlDg lat pfd , Reading 1 ptd Republic. Steel Rapublle Htaal pfd.... Rack laland Co , Rjck laland Co. pfd.., Bt. L. ft 8. r Id pfd St. Loula K. W st. u a. w. ptd gontharn PaciAo So. PaolSa ptd so. Rallvar So. hallway pfd Teuaaaaae O. ft I Taxae ft Pacific T-. Bt. U ft w T.. Bt. L. ft W. pfd.. I'nton Pacino In ion Facile pfd t1. B. Kipraaa VJ. BV Realty V. B. Uubber V. 8. Rubber ptd V. 8. Steal., l 8. Steel pfd Va.-iaro. Chemical .. Va.-Cnre. Cham, pf.. Wabaah Wauarh pfd Wella-fargo tip ran .. Weaiinghouaa glactrlu Vtaaiarn t'uion Wiacoaaln Central .... nvte. Caalrai ptd Northern Pacific Ceulral Leather Central leather pfd.. Sloaa-lSheaeld 8tael .. Ureal Northern pld latarborough Mat. .. . . Int Mai. Did Total aalea for tha say. (bare. 8.400 am 'Vino 1,7( 1,700 "'ini a.ive 100 1. too 230 (HO ' 'i.ivit l.Snil lt 2 700 -4 2, "0 la l.tuo 1.3UU , l.mW , . 1.400 .U4X0 200 MUM 41. IW "it 700 400 2W M.i'io ) 9W l.Ouo 11, bu l.tuo 4 4 U 1174 04 44 7 II4 -t7 'l74 fu 154 43 Jl'a 'irria 74 v IS . 124 4.-4 J14 4H US' ! 614 U ui iii4 24 47 tl 1144 7 4 Hi, 70 7J '17" 44 It 42 "4 SI l" 7J4 12 43W 214 411 1U14 fc.) ISO 49H iSt, VJ, 70 18S 18 97 4 IT 70S 1' 70 E 4 70 ss 414 157H Ss 3!4 '4 140 1134 6 16 80 4 i4 4 r. ID 40 147 44f 19 44 47 19 4 404 llt'4 124 104 104 CO 12 K : "4 1004 11 32 79 JJO 64 2&4 u 40 4 W 14 1 77 "4 81 1174, no 14 ta 100 4 74 714 174 4 .'.4 At. stocks were Conaola, mnney do account . . Anaconda Atchlaon do pfd Baltimore ft Ohio. Canadian Paolflc . Chew, ft Ohio Chicaso Ot. W C, M. ft Bt. r.... Da Beere Denver ft R. O.... do pfd Brie do lat pfd, do 9d pfd Grand Trunk , llllnoia Central ... Loulavlll ft N ... BILVER-nar. follows 82 9-14 M., If. ft T 82 11-18 N. V. Central.... ... M, Norfolk ft W ... 814 do pfd ... U Ontario A W ... 44 Pennsylvania .... ...1401 Rand Mlnee ... 24 Reading ... I Southern Railway ...1114 do pfd . 114 Southern Pacific , ,. If4tnkn Pacific .... ,.47 do pfd ,. l4l'. 8. RtaeU .. 41 8s pfd .. II Wabath , . SI 4 de pfd ,.m BpanUh 4s ,.102 aulet. 28 l-lkt ner nun c 1 aia per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 4tN4 per cent; for three months' bills, 44644 per cent 4 .1(144 . 4 . 84 . 49 . 0 . 44 . 44 . 124 . 47 ,. 744 .14 . 14 ,. 824 . 844 . 9 . 1 . 914 New York Mlalaar Stocka. NEW YORK. Oct. 17.-Clos1na; quotatlona on .mining atock were a follow: Asa ma Con, Alice Breaca Brunawlrk Cos., .. Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. Ve... Horn Bllrer Iron Silver Laadvllle Con. ... Offered. 8 ..440 .. 18 .. 28 .. 84 .. S ..260 .. 1 Little chief Ontario Opsin -V.S Pitaal,. Savage Sierra Nevada mill Hope .. Standard . 8 8W) .UO . . w . 4S . 18 .190 Foretara IMnaaclal. LONDON. Oct. 17. The upplle of money were re t rioted in the market today and rate were firm. Discounts were Inclined to harden on rumor of a further advance In the German bank rate next week. On the Stock exchange yesterday' decline in New York had an unsettling effect, Amer icans and Copper shares feeling- the de pression most. OHt-edg-ed securities and home rails also eased, but the statement of the Bank of England caused a harden ing: at the close. Americana started a fraction below parity, fluctuated sharply with a weak undertbne, but without much atock Changing hands. Canadian Pacific and Southern Pacific were the weakest features, declining i, points and "4 of a point, respectively, below naritv tn the for noon. Later the market sagged and the receipt of the New York opening quotations depressed prices further, but a moderate rany occurred and the market closed tin certain. Mexican rail were flat deanlte the Increased dividend. Grand Trunk bene- ntea Dy me good traffic and closed easy, Copper shares were flat, the fears of future cut in the price of the metal In mew joric ana eisewnere causing bear at lacks. Japanese bonds contltnued to be unarmed. Bask Clear-tags. ' OMAI1A, Oct. 17. Bank clearings for to day were 31.363.412.36, and for the corre sponding date last year .to,Jl.J8. WEATHER IN THE GRAIN BELT 54 871 Kale ml Cooler for Friday, Sara tae Pilot. OMAHA. (Jet. 17. 19u7 The weather has become fair again In the Mississippi valley and eaatern slates and 1 continues generally clear throughout the ; west and northwest. Light ralna have fal 1 len in tha extreme aouthwest within the last twenty-four hours and are fulling In ' Texas and Louisiana this morning. Mod erate temperatures are general everywhere east of the Kocky mountains, but a very high pressure, accompanied by a decided fall In temperature. 1s moving down from the northwest and will extend over the cen tral valleys, causing much cooler in thl vicinity tonight and colder Friday, with continued fair weather. Omaha, record of ternnerntiira and s Icipltatlon compared with the corresponding 1" 1 1198 day of the last three year;: " . 'i buim' ;.:! 7.1 ijr.n. laim. lya. Minimum temperature 53 64 4S 54 U'4 i Precipitation 110 T .67 .08 44 Normal temperature for today, U degrees. Sunday. RANGE OF PRICKS. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha S2.1w.: Sf9"0J0 Clilcaaro l.Bor7..' ' 6.2Mi-70 Kansas City 2.10fi.W 6-7h'(i.3rt Sioux City 2.63-75 6.904.16 in vuicial number 01 car ot stuck brought la today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs, sneep. t'lamond 8 cows 9M 13 calves... S87 W. V. SO steers.. ..ISO 2 cows.. feeders.. -Jo Wyoming. 1 rows SAI 3 00 Co., Wyoming. 1.1 cows 911 3 9S fvl 4eers ,..1H? 4 28 Sewell. Vyomlng. 4 40 li cows KH7 3 40 MONTANA. Boh Williams. Montana. 32 steera..:.K 8 SS 3 Steers. ...14M 8.16 1 steer i:0 6 3T 14 steers.. ..HW'8 880 2 steers.. ..1415 S K8 SOVTH DAKOTA. 8. Tetrsult. South Dakota. 33 heifers... 9M 3 96 21 feeders. .1140 4 90 19 cows lrt.1l 3 80 J. Tetrsult. Bonth Dskota. 9 rows MIS 8 40 II feeders.. 971 4 35 1 steer 1330 6 3) C. J. Fpiague, South Dakols. 4 feeders.. 7') 4 16 27 feelers. .1iS 5 1" 3 feeders.. 7 3 60 25 cows. ... 1" 8 8 17 cows loss 3 10 89 cows 907 3 9o 44 heifers, .. 82 8 14 calves... 4"7 3 6" 26 calves... S21 3 80. 33 calves. .. 3K8 4 40 HOUS Receipts of hogs todsy were quite moderate, but unfortunately tralna were ao lata that when It waa time for the market to open barely one-half of the estimated receipts were In stitht. This nstutally de layed tn trade and prolonged the market through the whole forenoon. The prices paid were generally 6c higher than yester day, but the tradu was slow at the ad vance. Good heavy hogs weighing around 3"0 pounds sold as high ss I lo. with good light hogs selling on up tn ttt.26. Rough heavy and packing hogs sold from Sti.iiO downward. loiter trains faired even better than Ihe early, the market showing Improvement toward the close. A good share of the Inle hogs sold fully 10c. hiKher thsn yesterday and tho trade was more active. Uood light hoks sold late as high as 80.30. Representative sales: head; market steady; yearlings, la 40ti 5.-i lambs. S80ftlf Bleax City l.lvo Mock Market. STOVX C1TT. In. Oct. 17 (Special Tl egriimi H(OS receipts 3 f"0: market So trite higher, selling at I. 904t4 U. CATTLE receipts 800, matket stesd ; Blockers steady; (.eaves 8l.OOti(.78; c and heifers 85 f0i 4.00; stocker antl feed ers 33.000 4 SO; calves and yearlings : &) tj3.75. Stock la "laht. ipts of live stock at the six principal Ke western markets yesterdy Csttle. South Omaha 4 io Slnux Citv : ' Kenans City llcrti Pt. Joseph 8. Bt, lallllS 4i"t Chicago 10.IK10 Totals. Hers. Sheep 4,i li t . ' R.lkSl 7.ftaj 1S. V.iam im- l.c" J8.PO0 M.'K 40.812 48.SU1 C, M. & PI. Paul... abash Missouri Pacific I'nion Pacific System. C. N. W. (east) C. dt N. W. twest) C. Bt. P., M. & O B. ft Q (east) C, H. A g (west) C. R. I. & 1'. (east).... Illinois Central Total receipts 4 I L a 3 74 2 3 70 , 3 .174 1 i IX 36 4 2H 18 3 1 1 16 18 '1 74 87 Na At. Bh. Pr. No. At. V Tt. K 40 i 90 (4 U.W1 Itu (0, JJO 1:4 23 45 3411 40 4 ' V ion ... its .4 , 11 8 74 M tl SO 8 M SI 1211 8 10 M 223 I'D 110 M ii 10 4 10 41 !M 14A I M, fl 17 aa I 10 at 100 l.n I K $..., ... ll-l 12i 4 10 4- tjn let 1 n 11 n si 4 t 41 BIT 94 IK 43 2T3 40 10 47 327 40 A VD 41 2M . .. 1 4 S22 4 S 73 244 0 4 134 41 W l 6 96 47 !4t SO 4 114 ... 0 M 241 ... 4 It 80 S74 ..., Ort . t 2.7 ... 4 li 84 27 1V 8 00 4? !ll f W 70 370 200 t 00 78 40 4 44 Sit 40 I Ml fi 11 ... t e; 29 40 8 no tt i4 40 tt M 371 0 8 08 II IN ... 4 90 47 iST 84 t tt The dlsuoBltion of the day s receipt was aa follows, each buyei purchasing the num ber of head indicated : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Pocking Co 746 648 t.8 Bwlft and Company 1,596 7:1 1,11 Cudahy Packing Co....l.6ti7 wi Lira Armour Co 1,440 l.wq 8-1 Vansant A Co 'i .... . Carey & Benton f&6 Ixninian & Co .... McCreary & Carey 196 W. I. Stephen 40 Hill & Bon 267 F. P. Lewis 68 Huston 4 Co 6ti L. F. Hum 114 Klngan ft Co 3l Cudahy Bros. & Co oat .... 1,. Wolf Ion J. H. Bulla 6J Sam Werthetmer 2S1 Mike Haggerty KS J. B. ROOt & CO I" O. McConnaughey 47 .... .... T. B. Ingram 30 Sullivan Bros 28 .... .... Lehmer Bros 28 .... Union Dressed Beef Co 17 J. F. Compton Smith Payne wi Other buyera l.llo lil 16,EuS Tbtal ,...8,888 4.385 20.923 CAT l'LE Recelpta of cattle continue lib eral, there being 186 cars reported today, a good run for Thursday. For the week Ihn raxalnta lhn a VCTV Sllrllt falling Off aa compared with last week and a loss of about 2,000 head a compared with a year ago. tiood beef cattle were In good demand and sold freely at good eteady to strong price. On the other hand, the medium grades were slow and. If anything, a little easier. m . , . The early receipts of cowa and heifers, at leaat the desirable kinds, aold very freely at price fully teady, If not a little i,ivh.p ifMr the. more urarent order were filled the market wa not quite ao good and later trains generally soia aooui mcuuj, mrttl, t V. a mmninii and Inferior kinds slow. Anyone with good feeders to soil had no difficulty In securing some one to go with him, but the inferior and medium kinds .. . r-- alnw find hard tO III O VB. Til fae la there has been most too many of ha ia Haairahle kinds of rattl thla week The prices paid did not show much change a coinparea wun jmiciuj. Quotations on cattle: Uood to choice corn-fed steers, S.8Og7.00; fair to good corn-fed steers, S6-6o-30; common to fair corn-fed steers, S4.7M5.65; good to choice range steers, 85 . 6416. 76; fair to good rang steers, $4.(a6.2f.; common to fair rang steers, 33.7541 4. nO; good to choice corn-fed cows and heifers, i3-"fti K; fair to good grass cow and heifers. S3.2Wif.-85; common to fair grass cows and heifers. 32. 263. 2j! annit tn t-hoica stockers and feeders. 84.769 6.26; fair to good stockers and feeder, St. 00 4r4.76: common to lair iocaen cJ.0O4jr4.0O. Represent&Uvb sales: BE ELF 6TKERS At. Fr. No. . 940 I 00 41 I 10 42 8 16 17 lav I COWB. S 8 HEIFERe. 2 tt Ne. I... 21... 9u... 80. .. ...11) ...1174 ...1110 ... 730 AT. ...11X4 ...1231 ...1414 ...1134 Pr. 6 46 8 tt 6 to 6 tit STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 7f8 7t4 410 14 7t 234 444 "4 "t4 J4 1.44 14S 774 li 1194 44 184 75 82 114 "a '94 164 174 " 1U4 us 77', 21 1174 ' t 4 135 214 214 44 11K4 Tt 81 4J 1"4 71 74 4 11 4 44 It., 295 lot 4 14 3. lit 14 n 24 U4 1 4 liehciency in precipitation lnce March 1, ao- incite. corresponding . period In 1906, Deficiency 4.14 inches. Deficiency 4.85 Inches. corresponding period In 1905, L. A. WELSH. Loral Forecaster. CosTee Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 17. COFFEK-Mai ket for futurea net unchanged to 10 points higher: October, 85.85; November, 86 90; December. Sb.i41; March. 86 20; May. 34 30; July, 835; rleptember. 81.40. Soul, quiet; Rio No. 7. n'Nc; Santos No. 4. 4i84c; Mild corvee, steady; t ordova, i',ni:v Staak of Kaglfa4 Btateaaen. LONDON. Oct. 17. The weekly state ment of thex Bank of England shows the I following lianges: Total reserve. de- rreaaed i.Mi.JW, circulation, decreased 273,0t; bullion, decree sad A574.9J7; other securities, decreased t.426.00v; other de posits, decreased 2.414.0u0; public de posits, decreased 1.4:.0uu; note reserve, decreased 4.00: government securities, decreased 1.0t4),uu0. The profKrtion of the banks reserve to liability this week is 45 89 per cent as compared with 4VK6 per cent laat week. fc-uul cloaed steady. ml.ldllnK ' UDlands, 11 Toe; middling srulf. Vie; stiles. H19 bales. ST. LOl'IS. Oct. 17. COTTUK Quit t: middling, 114c; sales, 6 bales; rei-eipts, 140 bales; shipments, 123 bales; atock, 3.940 hales. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 17 COTTON Huota were aaraln nominal aa a result of j the lut al labor situation affecting the cotton Handlers and prices remained un '' e;e4 ; middling. 114c; auiea, t 30 hales on the spot and 1.800 bales to 'ar rive LIVERPOOL. Oct. 17. COTTON In spot a good business was done: prlcos 4 points higher; American middling fair. 7 '2.1; g,id middling. 8.73d; middling, 6.63d; low middling. 6 I'd; good ordinary. 8 87d: ordinary 4 97d. The v-tlra of the day were 10,000 hales, uf 1.000 balea were for speculation and export mid included V.8'10 balea Aiunrltau. Hecelpts, 200 balea. all American. Beak of Fraace alatenieal. PARIS. Ot 17. The weekly statement of ihe Bank of France shows the following rhana-ee: Notea In circulation, increased 7.7'"Oi) franca; treasury deposits. liK-reaaed 21, 751' '4X1 frame; general deoiiaits, increased A fiance: gold in hand V11' frams; silver In hand 18 feeders.. &0 11 feeders.. 642 8 heifers... 646 7 feeders.. 904 10 cows 90 4 cows 8ifi 16 feeders.. 916 8 calves... 2:15 24 cows 940 17 feders..HM0 20 feeders.. 81 3 calves... 240 9 cows 1"SH 28 feeders.-. 7K3 4 bulls 1190 7 feeders.. 700 K feeders. 9 cows 36 feeders. 3 steers.., 2 calves. . 14 cows.. . H28 . 876 . 686 . M . 120 .lorn 2 50 1 7. 8 85 22 IH4 8U 84 1U7 1 bu ' CALVES. 2 tt 4 850 8 Tt 1 110 1 Ml 1 WES TERNS NEBRASKA. .-. ..ows 976 8 60 & cows 821 3 56 2 75 3 60 3 6n t 40 t 70 3 6f. 3 i 1 'M 4 00 3 50 4 40 3 Co 3 26 2 40 3 25 4 f5 3 70 4 00 2 & 2 or. 2 50 2 '.; 4 15 3 15 2 SO 8 26 ! 5 2 4 10 3 Si 4 00 3 75 4 2l 8 15 2 75 4 25 3 40 3 46 3 i Blake, Nebraska. I 50 8 80 4 85 4 50 V 10 11 h35 2--'b US) o33 464 . 992 ..1"52 4 cows 44 feeders. 26 feeders. 8 calves.. 5 cows. .. . 9 cows 6 calves.. 8 hellers., 69 feeders 17 cowa. .. heifers... 716 6 calves... 3" 7 cows heir; 6 bulls m 10 feeders.. 1 lbo 5 f.-ed.-rs.. 52 6 feeders.. 7') 4 heifer. .. 71' 26 feeders.. Uu 14 feeders. . 0t4 6 heifers... SSi 3 calves... 270 28 feeders. . K2 16 feeders. . 746 i steers.... S60 Arthur 32 feeders.. 7f 27 feeders.. '7 11 steers. ...1'iffl 10 Kleers....l'i44 6 tows 960 4 cows 1226 12 cows 9.4 19 feeders.. 9.i6 34 feeders.. ti 3 calves... 3L'3 6 cows lu 7 cows l'V 20 feeders. .11 1 bull Z!0 13 feeders.. 1078 21 Cuws 89 8 cows... 16 cows . ... 7 heifers. 14 feeders. 8 feeders. 23 feeders. 8 cows... 49 feeders. 22 feeders.. l'W K hi Iters... 541 3 calves... 31?. ."9 calves... 367 4 feeders.. MM 6 steers... .luoO 1U67 873 7N7 945 7S7 964 Un7 106 2 10 3 53 2 70 3 15 3 70 3 36 ' 3 20 3 26 4 60 t fio 3 25 3 60 4 20 1 75 2 SO 3 20 2 85 3 90 3 SO 3 2S 3 10 1 GO 4 0 3 26 4 JO 3 40 3 16 2 66 3 1' J 3 25 4 U) 3 10 4 15 4 70 2 50 8 75 3 ' 2 75 3 90 SHEEP Receluts In the sheep barn wer ?nlte liberal this morning, making the total or the week about un a level with last week and a year ago. The market waa In a vety satisfactory condition from start lo finish without any noteworthy changes In any particular. rat sheep and lambs were scarce, me same aa they have been everr day, with fair demand at steady prices. The offerings of killers for the most part changed hands in good aessnn ,n tne momma or as soon as they could be ehaued uo ready to be hewn It I the same old atory In the feeder market. There were plenty of country buyer In the yards, and with a good de mand, the offerings changed handa readily. A good ahare of the receluts had been dis posed of before midday, buyers picking up tne offering raster than It was possioie to Welgli the stuff. Quotations on good to choice Killers: Lambs. W.7Va7.15: yearling wethers. So.&toJ 6.75; wethers. S4.9odti.26; ewes, It.uO'ciS-'O- No quotations are given on fair to good killers, aa feeder buyers are taking prac tically evervthlnr of that description at better prlcea tliau packers will pay. Quotations of feeders: Lambs. Sti.OO06.SO; common lambs. S&.nOiStl.OO: yesrlliiKS. tb.Htit S.60; wethers. 84.76i5.10: ewes, 84.OiKfj4.oO; common ewes, 32.25(63. 50; yearling breeding ewes. S6.0j6.&0; aged breeding ewes, S5.W V3..0. No. Av. 30 western ewes, culls 64 353 Wyoming ewes 83 106 Bouth Dakota ewes 99 41 western yearltngs, culls 82 395 Wyoming ewes, feeders 6 H native ewes 91 100 Wyoming ewes 97 8 Wyoming lambs; culls: . 52 12 native ewea : l' 3 native, ewea .1 ........... .: 195 341 B. D. yearlings and wethers. 82 23S Wyo. yearlings and wethers 92 I1W6 Wyo. y'llngs and wethers.. 92- 98 western lambs 3i 109 western ewes, breeders 80 140 Wyoming lambs, culls 61 3 Wyoming lamb, feeders.... 68 156 Wyoming lambs, feeders,... 63 10 native lambs, feeders. 69 152 South Dakota lambs, feeders 88 468 South Dakota lambs, feeders 67 152 South Dakota lambs, feeders 81 1382 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 61 19 native lambs 99 4i native lambs 83 20-Wyotning ewtia ; ...92 56ti Wyoming yearlings, f'drs...,85 299 Wyoming Iambs, feeder 60 77 Wyoming year'gs, culls, f'drs 80 1.18 W yoming year as, culls, f'drs 85 345 Wyoming year ga, culla, f'drs 82 279 Wyoming 664 Wyoming 80 Wyoming 379 Wyoming 109 Wyoming 181 Wyoming 839 Wyoming 1(0 Wyoming 260 Wyoming 1"7 Wyoming lambs, f'drs yearlings, f'drs lambs ewes ewes ewes," breeders ewes, breeders ewes, breeders.... ewes, feeders ewes, feeders 876 Wyoming yearlings, feeeders 620 Wyoming yearlings, feeder 877 Wyoming yearling, feeder 117 Wyoming ewes, feeder 140 native lamb 116 Wyoming wethers and ewea. SS6 Wyoming ewes, feeders 889 Wyoming ewes, feeders ISO Wyoming lambs, feeders. 351 Wyoming lambs, feeders. 110 Wyoming Iambs, feeders. 590 Wyoming lambs, feeders. 184 Wyoming ewes 274 Wyoming lambs, feedera. 1 Wyoming lambs, feeders. 88 Wyoming lambs, feeders. 97 Wyoming lamb, feeders. 232 Wyoming ewes, feeder.. 60 , 85 80 UO 99 SCI 91 93 90 90 84 88 88 93 82 101 ... 91 ... 93 ... 61 .. 64 67 57 1' tto 00 62 HO 90 Pr. 3 50 4 26 4 25 4 26 4 40 4 SO 6 10 t 26 6 36 6 60 5 50 80 5 80 6 75 6 86 16 6 16 6 15 8 25 50 6 SO 50 6 60 7 10 7 25 6 10 6 35 6 45 5 00 6 35 6 50 6 35 6 .15 7 00 6 20 S 00 5 00 i 00 6 00 4 90 4 80 E 36 6 XI 5 36 6 l 75 5 30 4 80 4 30 6 25 8 26 6 25 8 20 5 00 6 55 6 au 6 55 6 55 4 25 una fine Wool Market. BOSTON. Oct. 17. Verv little decrease in tho activity of the local word market has been noted and despite the heavy bunl neas which Is still above the average, prices remain but sllgnlly changed Interest ort 411 centers In territorial wool and ome of the transactions ranged very heavy. The lead ing rpMitaltnn are ks follows: Kentucky, Indiana and Missouri, three-eighth Wood. S-'iiMo; quarter blood. aVU3k Scoured value. Texas, fine twelve months, 7iu73c; fine six lo right months. tRlrtOc; fine fall. 5Tro:c; California, northern. 8?4p6oc; mid dling couniv. 6,(i6c; southern. 2iftiSc; fall Tree, 674)58c; fall defective. 4vff4&c. Ore gon, eastern, No. 1 staple. "OtSSc; eastern No. 1 clothing. Sfl70c; esatern average. 674i8c; vallev No. 1. Hr6'Jc. Terrltovv (scoured!, fine staple, 724fc; fine medium staple. 70frV2c; fine rlothlng, 74f70r: fine medium clothing, fV.'fiSTc; half blood. SOenSsc; uarter blood. t3U'.6c: pulled,, extra, bSHt'-O bStjTL'e; supers, D.'tjSwo. ST. LOLIS, Oct. 17 WOOI-Stecilyt medium grades, combing and clothing. 2344126c; light fllne. ?Vti22V; hekyy fin, lTfclKc; tub washed, 2oi$(tc. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 17. METALS Tin wai higher In the London market. With Spot quoted at 112 and futures st 143 10e. locally the market was unsettled, but with spot quoted at 3.12 ". and 812.04. Copper was lower In lnnon at at.vt iua tor spot and 67 lor uturea, Locally the market was weak and lower, with lake quoted at 812. 754i 1.1.00; electrolytic at tl2.S7Va4f13.634, and casting at S12.2.VU 12.60. Load Wa Un changed at 18 6s In 1ondmi aud at H.ia. In tin local iniirkct. eipener wbs also unchanged In both market, closing st 21 15s in 1ondon. Iron was fitgner in me English market, with standard foundry quoted at 61s 3d and Cleveland warrant at f..1e 3d. locally no change was reported. ST. IO! IK. Oct. 17.-M e.T A LB Lead, OUII t 84.50. Spelter dull Ut S:..4. BILL COLLECTOR DROPS DEAD William Kawfniann, F.moloy af flit- tleman nrevrlatt Co an pa a s Dlea In lae Street. William Kaufman, a collector for. the Oeltlcman Brewing cemipany. dropped Head on the walk between Twelfth ana :Thlr teentii on Jackson street Thursday at 8:80 a. m. He was found by. Street Commissioner Thorn Flynn- and Qeorga, A. Danforth, who telephoned the police station. The patrol wagon conveyed the body to the coroner's rooms,, apd anj In quest will likely be held. Mr. Kaurman was 42 years old. and had been a resident of Omaha for twenty-five years. For ten years previous to accepting his last po sition he wfis collector for the Peycke Commission company. He leave a wife, two daughters and a son, the latter being employed as elevator boy In the New York. Life building. He has a brother m the city fire department. His wife aays he was subject to heart trouble and she. has no doubt but his death wa caused from that. ... 1 CHAR1VARIERS ARE. WANTED Mischief Maker Are Not Appreciate aad Warrants for Their Arrest- Aro "scored. . v A warrant was sworn out Thursday morn ing for tho arrest ot. Frank' Sutter,; James Connelly and Frank. Shulfc, who llvo. at Tenth and Bancroft atreet, charging them with disorderly conduct. The act com plained of are said to' have been com-, mltted during the progress of a wedding that took place at the residence of Mrs. J. Scnderfieldes, 2729 South Ninth street, Wednesday night. The latter alleges that the dofendanls were membor of a charivari gang that plied cinder on the front porch, threw co4 through the window and attached a hose to a water tap and stuck the hose Into an upstair window turning the water on and causing the upper part of the house to bo flooded and the water to trickle down to the first floor and dampen the ardor and clothing of the wedding guets. CH1CAC.O 1,1 VE STOCK MARKET Cattle Bteady Hoars Strong to Flte to Fifteen Cents Higher. CHICAGO. Oct. 17. CATTLE Receipts, estimated' at about lO.OOo head; market toady. Steers. S6.2fi(tr7.46; cows. 83.30HS.OO; heifers. S3.u0i6.75; bulla, 32 00416. 00; calves. S3.Kfc.1.50; stockers and feeders, 82.404H .46. HoUS Receipts, estimated about 15.000 head; market strong. 6c to 15c higher. Choice heavy shipping, 86551185; light butchers', 36 856.86; light mixed. S6 VKn6'i; choice light. S6.76ti6.85; packing. 36 006 80; pigs, S5.0oftti.2o; bulk of tales, ri.4n4t4.aYl. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, esti mated about 22,000 head; murkat steady to strong. Sheep. S3.50fy4i.26; lambs, lr..7&fS.75; yearlings, S3 .5o4i.00. Nnake'a Bile Proves Fatal. SIOUX FALLS. S. D., Oct. 17. (Special) The latest victim In South Dakota of the deadly rattlesnake wa the 9-year-old ton of Mr. and Mr. N. H, Schooler, prominent residents of Lyman county. While . out on the prairie near hi home, In com pan r with a little cousin, the two boy ran upon the snukav which fastened It fanga In the 8-year-old boy. After killing the snake th cousin had presence of mind enough to take one of his shoe string and tie It tightly about the leg of the Injured boy, Imme diately above where the fang had entered. But hi strength evidently wa not Suffi cient to draw the cord aa tight a neces sary. The two boys then hurried to a nearby school house, where school wall tn , session. The teacher lacerated the wound and then attempted to suck out tha poison. A physician was summoned and everyt&ln ' possible was done, but without avail,'- for some hours after being bitten th little fel low died. 52 heirers... 764 M. '. 47 row W2 37 calves... 256 4 calves... 162 Ed 111 COWS I'" 8 bulls !' C. S 18 feeders.. M2 4 ( 14 cows Hi 2 40 4 cows SS2 2 oil Push Creek 1. A 3 Ou 53 Cows 975 Hubble, Nebraska 75 3 10 4 cowa. 12 calves. . 8 calves. , Nebraska. 3 steers.. 2 cows... Spearman. Nebraska. steers.. ..11 10 8 cows Id 3 46 3 75 S Ou Ross. 2 n 3 tt 800 24 843 ft. 6 2 00 4 00 4 00 3 00 2 80 3 75 3 00 Eva eora leal Apple anal Dried Fruit. NEW YORK. Oct. 17. EVAPORATED APPLESMarket la clear, with prlcea fully maintained. DRIED FRI'ITS-Prunes sre somewhat Irregular, with the larger el red Inclined to ease off. but there la no change lu the general range of prices. Apricots are quk-t tm-rraacd land unchanged. Peaches uie In moderate tleTe;ine.i I demand at r.-cenl prlcea. Raialna conii 'ue :. JMt. Irani 1. advances. Ucircafe'l 5.1a4a- I scr., wati spul i:eva uncliangesi 2 sie.-rt 15 cows... 9 cows. . . 3 cows... 50 971 8i8 9X1 la Co., a9 COWS. 3 COWS. 4 cows. 13 cows.. 17 steers. 8 steels. 14 ateers... I44; 22 sieera ...1145 4u feeders. .1116 .1ol5 .1249 ,1146 3 (6 3 00 2 60 3 " WYOMING. Nebraska ....1UU7 3 05 ....ltMti .... 3 60 3 0) 3 45 4 5" 4 15 4 65 4 :- 4 5" 16 cows. . . . 3 ateera.. 16 steers.., :o steers. ., 2" feeder. 24 cow . "?1 usn .12M .1113 . Ml . 91t The Tolland Caule Co.. Wyoming. 3 33 4 76 4 7S 4 15 3 0 3 10 61 tte'-rs. ... '.(fij aa feeders .I0I8 53 tecdeit.. Sbl 3 65 4 4" 3 7i 49 Meers.... t'9 lu feeder, .piis 3 65 3 7a Kansas C'lly I. Ire stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 17. CATTLE Rea celpts. IX.CCO head. Including 2.C00 aoulb crns; market steady to weak; choice export and dressed beef steers. S5.7&4?; fslr to good. S4.75tl3 76. Western steers. S3.ati4i5.SO; stockers and feeders, S3 0ct4.75: fair to good. S4.754H.85; western steers. S4.6oft3.5u; Blockers and feeders, tl Oor4.75; southern steers, l3.ooij4 10; southern cows. 12. (J 3 26: nstlve cows, S 6"4.:-6; native heifers, SI 0140. 0u; bulls, S2.7&J.oii; calves, S'i.rK-H 6.60. HOOS Receipt, 8,(iw) head; market 5'10c higher; top. 86 36; bulk of sales. 8H.15.:-6l: heavy, pi. 15.16. 26; packers, St.jnfa 2i; piss and lights. 36.6046.1.. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receluts. 7. (so head: market i.t)l."Ki higher: lambs. 3i.J,4 7.411; ewas and yearlings. S5.Outi6.60; west ern yearlings. So.25'a6 60; western sheep 84 504J5.3I. stackers and feeders. S3 .606.76. Bt. Loala l.lto fltoek Market. ST. LOl'18. Mo., Oct. 17.-CATTLE-Re. celpts 4.HX1 head, Including 1.50 Texana; market steady; netlve, ahipplug and ex port steeie. 86 Hri.50; dreaaed beef and butchers, 35 15ft i!t Steers under l.un pounds, S12f.'ol-75; sttH-kers and feeders S2.7Vtf4.50: cows and heifers, 83.i..ft3S6; can ners. SI 6"4j8.X; bulls. 32.7541 1.76; calves. S2 268 50: Texas and In.han steers. S3.0"'f S.86; rows and heifers. 33 76&IOO. HOUS Receipts 7.C0O head; market 5.' higher; pigs and lights, 8Vlifi 1 Su; packers. 86 6&at.60; butchers and be a; heavv, 86 if At 4 ao. 8H7KP AND LAMBS-Receipt a 1ij market steady: native muttons, 8.1 vta ' 6'': Ismbs. S4(i4J7.2i1; culls and bucks, 8t.7VT 3.60; sloikere, 3.5ut4.90. Lunatic Ibase In Wlleta. PIERRE. 8. D., Oct. 17. (Special. ) U T. Chalhutli and Sam Kortney, two hunter from Preho, claim to have Been a wild man In the bluffa of White river near Zlck rlcl, and after he had attempted to. bury I them under a mas of earth and atone . t. . 1. I. .. rAlla Hnwn a alaan hluff unan them, fired a shot at him, and when he yelled and atarted to run, traced him by blood drops to a thicket on a deep gulch near White river, where they found a bed of leaves and a number of bone of birds and small animals, all picked clean. Indi cating a camp for a long time, but failed lo Dud the man they wei trailing. ' They ar organising a general hunt, expecting to find a lunatic if Ihey ran round thela man ut. ' ' ' Bt. Joseph I. Ire Stuck Market. BT. JOSEPH. Mo.. Oct. 17. CATTLE Recelpta, 2.62.- head; market weak; ra tlvea. 34.66fe6.90; oa and heifers. SM'O i 5 25; atockera and feeder. S3. 10 10 4.76 ; feeder. S3 40& 4 65. HOOS Receipts. S81I head: market Fo higher; top, 86 25; bulk of sales, 88.100) 6 20 CHEEP AND LAS1BS Receipts, 101 Hlght-uNWar Men at Work. FORT DODGE. Ia.. Oct. 17-(Speela! Tel egram.)!!. II. Miller, vice president of the Emmetsburg, Spirit Lake at Fort Dodge Iiiterurban Railway company, Udny announced that right-of-way agent taould a-art at once on the work of buying the right-of-way for the line, which will run between thl city and Spirit Lake. On the northern end of the line most ofthe right-of-way has been socured. The- feur vcy is completed and purchasing of rights at this end will be taken up a the final preliminary step before the starting of construction. S.iftlrieiit stock has' - been subscribed and capital pledged to Insure Ihe building of the loud beyond all doubt fur tli. ft. n inir v.hi' 'Veer Officers. Oct. ILt (Special.) Will Ballot for FORT DODOE. I a.. Monday. October -i. all militia companies In th Fifty-sixth legiment will ballot at their various licit.r.Urlei r for the elec tion of a colonel ,te fill the vacancy cre- Humphrey of Sioux Cty. The principal candidates for the place are Major Cham land of Fort podge. Major Parker of Kev Cltv and Malor Mahonev of Bc Wuiu Ad dg th buaineai 1