12 TITE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, OCTOBETl 18. 1907. i M 2 B' 4? 4. 4b. "I 1.1 H I I 1 .tl I M f 1213.. I Special Display and DemonsSrafion Throughout This Week Constantly on the alert to place at the command of our patrons those advanced ideas in women s apparel that distinguish Bran deis store for unquestioned leadership in style and quality, we have secured exclusive representation of the makers of THE ft CORSETS f V-T,' . 1...; '-VV-, ' t VST; m m V 1 1 corset that you will Fit not one thut merely fits you. Assuring to very woman a better figure. An alliance of art and beauty which gives that elegance of carriage not at tainable in drdinary corsets. The single fact that they lace in front makes them superior to all other corsets. The prin ciple of construction is right right for grace right for health right for style. An opportunity to investigate the ad vantages of these corsets is offered every woman who will visit our corset section this week. Misa Balfour, the expert coraetlere of Chi cago, Ij hers to demonstrate the many su ps rior points of L'Irresistible end Gossard Corsets. Her services are at your command Your figure adapts itself with utmost ease to the . - -graceful lines of these truly wmderful corsets ' Price Is no longer a bar to great popularity You ean buy a Gossard Corset for as little as 65 Jfct t t tlt iWti FOR mm m -x. r 1 f jp 1 DBIbS5E5s3B? fen. B FRIDAY AT BRANDEIS IF LliuiitiuL'ayy U Every item here is an extra special and every aisle, counter and square will show hun dreds of genuine bargains for Friday. No store in America offers such values as these. ANOTHER SHIi'MENT-4 MORE CASES MILL ENDS OF DRESS GOODS The manufacturers know that Brandcis can use quantities and we are always' given the pref erence. Thousands of yards Cashmeres, Panamas, Melrose, Serges, Plaids, Batistes on one large special table, main floor, worth up to 98c yard, at yard Good lengths offered, new weaves of dress goods, many are 4G to 54 inch ma terials for skirts, jackets and children's . dresses values up to 0Q 4Qn $1.25 yani,-atVUb"tUb All the full pieces from thla grand purchase are Included in this sale, 46 to 54-inch fine dress goods, wool taffetas, French Serges, Victoria Broadcloths, worth from $1.00 to $ 2.00 yard, at, yard 49c, 69c and 98c 15 pieces genuine black Lu pin's voile, absolutely guar anteed not to slip or crock; no tiling finer made; regu lar price $2.00 yard, black dress goods Q1 071 dept., yard....M Of 2. EXTRA SPECIAL SALE OF SILK REMHADTS I We will clear every short end of silk throughout the entire stock, regardless of cost. Hun- J dreds of pieces of Silks, Taffetas, Peau de Cygnes, fancy dress and waist fl f f " silks, silks for petticoats, linings and children's dresses, plain and fancy tlH P 1 T P li frnin 7fii in 1 PiO v.nnl. fit M 0 M WW Importers sample pieces of silks at one-fourth their value; for fancy work, triin-F-l mings, etc., according to size, eaU In Our Basement 2,500 sample pieces of silks and velvets as long as they last, each 1c Great Remnant Bargains in Basement N m n 19c Oyer 200 bolts fancy wool faced Eiderdowns, 25 pat terns to buy from, white and colored grounds, reg ular retail price 60c, at. yard Flneat flunnclcltea prottl rt Perxinn and Jap 10I ir oomblnittluna make beau tiful Jr'lnd' ucqup, kl ruuncm ni drvuBen a 1 yrJ wide full 17C bolt, at, yard,.... FORENOON ONLY The biggest and best as sortment striped and checked outing flannels: You will be pleased with the great variety to choose from, white and baby blue and pink baby flannels, yard . Due bl bargain quarr bh-uchfd and unbleached Shaker flminel. liuhl and dink ouitntf flannel very tpei-lal value, at, per yard -EXTRA SPECIAL 5c Plain colored and black Henrietta sateens as long as this lot lasts 1 B values for, r per yard 3C Yard wide pretty floral pattern sateens they would bo cheap at 19c off the bolt remnants will go at per yard , 6ic 5c Remnants Hamilton Rplu Prints good coniJorter styles, fast colors, at, per yard A great bargain square of assorted lots of all kinds cotton goods Including all small lots from former sales come early as they will not last long, a. at, per yard OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Friday, Fair. OUR REMARKALE SALES O f Women' tall Continues and ready-to- wear accessories at bargain prices will be continued with unabated rigor Friday. Onr displays are a challenge to all comers; a chal lenge; because there's no possibility of beating the display by show ing raperior merchandise and not the remotest chance in the vrorld to best ns on the matter of prices. T1 fk (ill 1? 7TTTfmYT UJl IPAT71ATKT 15WTIVW1 Another Great Sale of Children's Coats xiiirrfxv Watch Friday Fvcning Papers kJttlUIUtiy f Prt(ts ,d PartkuUrs Don't Miss Friday's Bargains. I AYOlEKls TMB RELIAOLB TR8 Better Than Ever Bargains Friday. Another Big Sale of Silk Remnants Oct 18th Ilinrlcnmo TA1TC CITITC WAISTS AND "U'",JU"IV tVrtia, OUl 1CI9 PETTICOATS LADIES' FINE COATS IN BROADCLOTH 52 inches long, latest ideas that are exceptionally stylish, lined throughout, man tailored, bargain Friday SUITS Prince Chan Suits, made of broadcloth, taffeta or satin lined coats, full pleated skirts with fold at foot; black, m f pA brown, blue, garnet; a regu- 1 M Sll lar 25.00 value for XUVJ WAISTS W'omen's all wool Ba tldto Waists, hand somely tailored, all ctT': 2.98 Taffeta 811k Waists. MuiiniHti tailored Htyles, all colors nml plaids, bar- A fK ' Kaln l'rfday PETTICOATS Pettic6ata mado of R, & 11." Simmons' taffeta silk: black and all colors. Also plaid 8tries, Friday special, at .-84.05 Linen Specials 70-inch Cream Tablo Damask, 50c quality, yard "... -35 Bed Spreads, full size, hemmed, regular 8."c quality, each G5tf Napkins, 22-incli, bleached mercerized, worth )jti.85, dozen $1.25 Rattenberg Scarfs, 18x34, well made, worth $1,50, each 98 Rattenbcrg Centers, 18-ln., round and square, worth 09c, each 39J I ENDEAV- ORERS Call at Art Section, 2nd floor. Friday and get a , $ Souvenir 0 Banner n used at GREATKST IU1MJAIXS OK THE KNT1KE SEASON. 8,000 yards of high grade Silks in remnants of from H-yard to full dress patterns; Novelties, Hadlum, Taffetas. I.oulsines, 1'eavt tie t ypnes, Mesaalines. etc.. values up to $1 yard, on sale Friday, beginning at at 8 a. m., choice, per yard on Silk Square in Domestic room. . . . FK(1 8 TILL 10 A. M. Beautiful plaids for waists, handsome checks, new stripes, etc., unmatchable bargains at, yard 50 FKOM O TILL 11 A. M. Our $1.50 blue edge, black Swiss taf feta, 36-lnch wide, limit of one pat tern to customer at, yard. . . .Sl.00 19c quality 36-in. black In iu de Sole, at, yd., FROM 1 TILL a I Regular $1.25 feta and l'eau FKOM 4 TILL 5 1 M. Remnants of velvets $1.00 values in 1, li n(1 2-yd. lengths, left from last week's great sale, choice1, per yard 35 FROM B TILL 6 1. M. $1.00, $1.25 and $1.B0 piaias ana noveines, an tn season's choicest styles in waist pattern lengths some very slightly soiled from window display, on sale Friday to close, at one pi ice per yard In Our Great Domestic Room 75c 8:0 A. M. , I We will sell 10,000 yards of short, lengths of all kinds of cotton goods, worth up to 15c yard at, yard, . . .1 0:30 A. M. 23,000 yards of the finest silk warp ginghams, silk warp organdies, French ginghams, Scotch ginghams, silk mulls, Scotch shirting madras, satines in black and colors and a great variety of other fine wash goods, that sold from 25c to 59c yd., in lengths from 2 to 8 yards, all will go at, a yard 10 AT 8 1. M. 1,500 yards of silk warp goods, mad raBses and other goods like the above goods, an entirely ne w line at . . 7 Vt These goods sells from 25c to 6oc yard. FOR ALL PAY Remnants of 12 Vic flannelettes . 7 M Remnants of 12 c -outing flannels, at 7C Amoskeag, Tokio Domino and other celebrated brands, worth 7c and 8c 5 Remnants of muslin, worth ltc..5. Remnants of 4-4 sheetings 5 Remnants of Simpson's prints.. 3'4k Remnants of American indigo blue, at 3V4 Remnants of 12 c dress ginghams, at 5 Remnants of white goods 5 TA1JLE DAMASK. TOWELS AXU TOWELING. Remnants of $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 tnblo damask, bleached, half bleach ed and Bllver bleached. ...... 59 Remnants of 76c. 85c and 98c table. damask 40? Remnants of 59c and 65c table dam ask 39 Remnants of 39c and 49c table dam ask 25 Remnants of table damask, 12c, l5e and IDC 19c huck towels f) 15c huck towels 7'i 12VsC huck towels G 8c Turkish towels 5 72x90 fine 69c unbleached sheets. 45t High Grade Wool Dress Goods recent convention FREfc CLEARANCE SALE OF CORSETS Agents samples, bro ken lots and discon tinued models, all .shapes, all styles, and colors; , some with hose support ers, per inch COME EARLY FOR CHOICE. TheBe are neither mill ends or dam aged goods, but the ends of the best Belling pieces that sold out first. Our dress goods are famous. AT 0:00 A. M. Remnants of about 5,000 yards of the very finest henriettas, broadcloths, serges, novelties, poplins, batistes, voiles, panamas, etc., that sold from 83c to $3.50 yard, in four lots ! LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 250 300 400 500 SECOND SALE OF WOOL DRESS GOODS FROM 2 TO 4 P. M. About 3,000 yards of high grade wool dress goods, tailor suitings, broad cloths, panamas, henriettas and all kinds of fine goods, from 24 to 6 yards, that sold from 75c to $2.50 yard, all will go at, yard 19c, 25c, 39c and 49 Lace Curtain and Drapery Bargains Can you beat them? We're perfectly willing you should try, for we know them unmatchable and comparison will Increase your appreciation of these splendid values. BARGAINS IN FLOOR COVERING ' CABPZTB AND KUOB AT A BIO BAVIItQ rriday, Saturday and Monday. Heavy cotton chain Ingrain Oar pets, regular 65o quality, JO, per yard.. LUls 14 rolls Brussels Carpets, with Btalr to match, per OQn yard .-. , , Jl 25 rolls of Velvet Carpets, with border to match, at QO per yard OiJVy Room Size Extra Heavy All-wool Pile Rrusnel Kurs, Dxl2, In floral and Conven- uonni patterns, sell ror u.60, at . . Smyrna Kurs, 9x12, in four pat terns, only limited sup- flQ ply, while they last, at ' Granite Art Squares, 9x9. a very goou twd room rug, In aesiraoie ueHigns, ut $13.75 0O Q IN MA1X DEPARTMENT. $10.00 Irish Point Brussels Net, a cluny curtain, white and ecru, spec ial ftt, pair 37.50 $7.50 Irish Point, cable or Brussels net . and Barnett curtains at. Pair $4.08 $5.00 Irish Point, cable net, Barnett and Rennalssance curtains, on sale at. pair 82.08 IN DOMESTIC ROOM. $3.50 Barnett Lace Curtains, 60-inch wide, 3 V4 yards long, elaborate de signs, sale price $1.08 $1.00 Swiss Curtains, 40-lnch. wide, with pretty ruffle at, pair. . ..750 Odd Lace Curtains, worth from $3.00 to $5.00 pair, on sale in two gruat lots, each, 75c and Of4j Door Panels, 36x36 inch Irish Pol?i 1 Cosy Slippers at Cosy Prices I 105 pairs of trimmed Juliet Slippers, worth up to $1.50 a pair, special bargain, pair..G9c And 10 Green Trading- Stamps. Fine alligator and velvet vamp men's home Slippers, regular 60c kind, special 49c And 10 Green Trading Stamps. $1.50 hand turned tan and black kid men's home Slip pers, all sizes, our reg ular stock, special, per pair $1.19 And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Jl Jl AFTERNOON ONLY BEGINNING at l;30 Full yard wide pretty striped outing flannels just the thing for making Mp comforters full r bolts, not remnants, at, yard DC AVe have just re ceived direct from Hollaud, 1000 kegs Holland Herring, which we will sell as long as they last, at, per keg. .75c M M Remnants 15e gray and tan heavy fleeced skirting, match up nicely, yd 2v LINEN BARGAINS FOR FRIDAY IN THE BASEMENT Quilt corners cut from Marseilles and fine crochet bed spreads they make fine f wash cloths,. children's bibs, etc, each. . IC 36-36 and 18-72 Inch hemstitched scarfs and squares. with open work, worth 75c, for, A New big shipment direct from the mill of mercerUed table damaslt remnants. This is the finest lot we have erer received nice long lengths and about half 'are 3 yards wide quality actually f rorth up to 75c yard at, yard., Slightly Imperfect mercerized table napkins, the $1 quality, at, dozen. 49c each . Remnants of Allover Laces V 10 1 yard in a piece all kinds oriental, cro chet, Venice f. Q aU., etc.. ea. . .!' v Embroideries in 16 and 18-inch widths of flounclngs, skirt ings and corset cover effects, at. yard ..16ic-25c-39c Braid Persian and fancy novelty braids, plain and fancy silk and mohair pull braids, etc., worth up to yarcd8.t:...5c-10c-25c YVOODENWARE BASEMENT Large washboard, worth 4 8c, plain and globe crimp. One to a customer, ' 25c 1.000 pair Japanebe Straw Cuffs, pair, 3c French plate Mirror, 9x12, special 55c BULBS Daffodil Bulbs, per dozen 15c .BENNETTS DIG GROCERY Visas ZisaT Orodsrs Early. rKIDAT AND 8ATUBDAY SPECIALS. 1.45 1.45 1.00 18c FX.OVK SPECIAL Bennett's Capitol i'luur. sack And 65 Green Trading (Stamps. I'rlde of Bennett' 8 Flour, suck And 6(1 Ureen Trading- htam-Twenty-one pounds Granulated SuKur for Bennett's Best Coffee, three pounds - And 100 Urcen. Trading Stamps. X.VFtf Bennett's liest Coffee, pound teif And 30 Ure. n Trucllng Stamps, OcV Santos Coffee, pound And 10 Green Trading Stumps. Four Thousand two pound cans Ben- nett'b liieuktast Coll'iu, ran 'Ot And tiO tirei-n Trudtng Stamps. Tea, H. V. Julian, Oolong, Gunpowder, KiikIihIi Breakfast, lb VIO And 75 Green Trailing Stamps. Bennett's Cupltol Baking "j pottder, five In. can .. A-.W luO Green Trading Stamps. Franco-American Soups, 'i6! quart can tJv 30 Ureeu Trudlng Stamps. Franco-American Soups, "() pint cans v 15 Green Trading Stamps. Vneeda Uiseults, four -I Kg packages for And 10 Green Trading Stamps.' Horse Kadish, new, bottle Egg-O-See, four packages for New York Full Cream Cheese, pound OOx. And 20 Green Trading Stamps. d. ..... 8c 25c Keufehatel 4 . . Hand lZr Cheeiw Cheese .. 2 BUTTIB XZ1SQU1BTIBS 3,000 pound bricks Bsnnstt's t;pitoa crsamsry, J4 pound brick, full weight for OVf Swedish Safety Matches. dozen boxes for MIWCB MEAT, IIW per pound Blood of Grape Juice, pint bottle rpt Arid 30 Green Trading Stamps. Gc 12HC Many Other Special Bargains in Fine Draperies Matchless Winter Underwear Bargains A general clean up of our freat manufacturer's purchase of, men's, wo men's and cliildren's underwear. The Uiggest Underwear Bargain Opportuni ties Ever. Men's Underwear, heavy fleeced, worth to $1.00 garment, on sale at 49c, 3c and , .-29 Men's Woolen Shirts and Drawers, that sold up to $2.00, including Wright's health underwear, on sale at 4 5c, 7Gc and 98 Men's Wool Shirts and Drawers that sold to $2.50, in Friday's sale, $1.00 $1.25 and 81.50 Men's and Boys' Wool Sweaters, regu lar values to $2.50, all sizes and colors, on sale at $1.50, 98c and 49 From 0 till 10 A. M. Knit Shoulder Shawls, made from finest Shetland floss, many silk warped and worth to $1.00, sale price 25 From 10 till 11 A. M. Ladies' Out ing Flannel Gowns and Knit Skirts, worth regularly to $1.50 garment, on sale at 39 Several Other Rousing Underwear Bargains to Buy lan Arrord to Miss This Sale. Grand Notion Sale Friday Iu Our Great Domestic Room Staple Notions at from one-half to one fourth Regular Retail Prices. Gold Eye Needles, worth 5c, per pack- Fine Combs, worth 10c at, each.. 5 age, at 1 Metal Hack Horn Combs, 15c value. Linen Finished Thread, worth 5c, on eacn jj saie i3 2C -c t elluioid isat K l.oiuD T'tf Ladies' Vests and Pants, heavy rib bed, worth to 75c garment, sale prices Friday, at 35c, 25c and. .19 Misses' and Children's Underwear All sizes, heavy ribbed or flat fleec- , ed, worth double at, garment, 25c. and 1U Ladies' Union Suits Fine wool gar ments, worth to $3.00, blacks, whltn or greys, open down front or across bosom, while they laHt. choice f8 MIshcm' and Children's Union Suit worth to $1.50 garment, on sale Friday at 69c, 49c and 39 From 11 A. M. till 12 M. Men's bhirts and drawers, heavy fleeced lined au4 worth- to $1.00 garment, limit 4 to customer, at, garment 25 From 2 till 8 P. M. MIshcs' and Chil dren's vests and pants in all sizes, 16 to 34's, worth regularly to 50c, at, garment 15 No One Witii Underwear Pearl Buttons, worth 3c dozen, sale at, dozen 1 Hump Hooks and Eyes, worth 5c per card , Hose Supporters, regular 20c values, at, pair 100 Nursery Pins, worth 5c dozen, on pale at 2.V Celluloid Side Combs, vr..Tig A big Job of Embroideries, on sale Friday at, yard 3JC All colors wide Taffeta Ribboim, on ale at, yard 7H Notions and Fancy Goods sold the country over at 10c, on our counters Friday at 7e All these 5c Special Articles 011 Our Counter Friday at. . Haydens' For Hardware 10c SALE KXAMF.LFD WARE. The biggest sale ever held in Enamel Ware. All new goods. Sale is for ono day. All the following articles are four-quart size (one gallon). Enameled Sauce Pans. Preserving Kettles, Pudding Pans, Colanders, Fryiug Pans, Wash Basins, Mixing Bowls, Etc. 5c ENAMELED WARE SALE. Soap Dishes, Mixing Bowls, Drinking Cups, Skimmers, Dippers, Ldels, Tudding Pans, Etc., all worth 10c and 15c. CUPS AND SAUCERS JAPANESE. f We Jubt received 500 Japanese fancy decorated Cups and Saucers, wortV 35c, on sale tomorrow, each Fancy Japanese Cups and Saucers, each Jj Jjc Salt aud Pepper Shakers for one day 5 Remember thene are reul Japanese ware. Japanese Plates, worth 25c. 10T Special Grocery Prices for Friday's Sale 20 pounds Best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for .11.00 12 bars Best Family laundry Soap for Z.ic tlromangi lun. Jellycon. or Jello, per package J ViC 1 pound cans assorted Soups for ....7 4c , pound cans Breakfast Cocoa fur lilc Lea & ferrin's Worcester Sauce, per bottle 2c 1 lb. can Kippered Herring for 17 He Snyder's or Blue Isabel Catsup, bottle 21c i. pound cans Colman's MuKtard for 1 r.c Crosse & Blackwell's Vlnenar. bottle 2o The rleot Soda or Oyster Crackers, lb. tie The Bent CriHp Ginger Snaps per lb. Ui Fresh Hrnliels. per pound fi Choice Santa Clara Prunes, per lb i I'ancv California Prunes, por pound T't( 3 Crown Miim;ii. I KhIhIuh, per pound lOo New ll'imc. r ruck 1 fifi BUTTE AND CHEESE SALE PKICES. Choice Walry Butter, per pound ....x&c Fancy lalry Butter, per pound -. 5o Fancy Full Cream Clowe, per pound 17 jo Fancy Full Cieam Y. A. Cheese, lb. lio Neufchalel Chei se, each So Sap Sago Cheese, each g l.gu Hand Clle, -e. each , Jt. Ih our full Una of Buttrin, ths larg est department of Its kind in Oui&na. TBOETABLE AID TUVIT PBTCEI. Buy your grcn toioatosa bow for pick ling. One.thlrd bushel baskets fancy green tomatoes for pickling, per- buxket. 23o m hmdens' sm BRANDEIS--BOSTON STORE 4 I