V TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. OCTOBER 17. 1007. v A 7 Be 7 M ii ii u II II 11 ti II u II II tl M 11 n n ii ti ti ii H 4 L 7i r 4 HVfffflnHnROHnHBBHBMHra ft Si CHARMING MILLINERY IN NEW FALL 1907 MODELS Correct in Style - Moderate in Price Wo have grouped several hundred new and up-to-date fall hats to sell at a special price Thursday. The newest shapes the popular trimmings of feathers, flowers, choux of velvet, ornaments, etc. other stores would charge at least $12.50, specials at Dress Hats at $15 Very stylish new hats in all the leading shapes for dress and evening occasions, all trimmed with fine imported materials you will find stun ning new models here at i Brandeis Exclusive Models These beautiful designs are the talk of Omaha each one has that atmosphere of smart style that characterizes Brandeis millinery every one a model of (I refinement and absolutely correct style jr rich' colorings a glorious assemblage at &mJr 750 $15 Moderate Prices Will Rule Thursday in WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS This Is emphatically a broadcloth season' and plain bright colors are far In the lead In feminine favor Brandeis, as tiBiial, In the store that has Just the right styles that women of pood taste demand. The very dressy military suits with stock collar and smart brajd trimmings, the pretty Fluf fy Ruffles suits the graceful long coats are nil shown In scores of exclusive styles In our "Fashlonseal" suits, at We also show the newest styles In colors In women's strictly tail ored suits very well made .at U 1 11 In Wl v n $25 it -styles In rlctlv tall- 14.85 Style Favorites In WINTER CLOAKS Long Mixture Coats always popu lar, all new 7 CO Q Oft styles, at I ,Dt'J.JO Long Black Ilroadcloth Coats Plain or braid trimmed fully satin lined, at 12.50-14.85 Three Specials Fall Waists Newest designs In fine fall waists of wool, silk, net and lace; scores of styles all new and attractive Omaha's largest and most com- SiV.".98c.2?!-3?! OVERW ALL HORSE SHOW MEN GET SHOD Properly Comfortably Stylishly To get shoes that have the above qualities and also bo economical go to the maker. ONIMOD SHOES Are the ones that are sold direct from Maker to Wearer By buying the Onimods you save the jobber's and re tailer's profits or have their profits put into the materials that go in the shoes. "Oni mod" shoes are worth more than they cost. Try a pair. Hand built "Onimods," $5.00 and $6.00. Bench made "Onimods," $4.00. Reliable "Onimods," $3.50 and $2.50, "Onimod Special," $3.00. LATEST STYLES, ALL SIZES AND LEATHERS OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Thursday. Fair. I EVERY NEW THING that can he governed by Dame Fashion I admirably expounded In our gToat salon The great charm about these ready-to-wear and cuptlvatlnjj Pci- of.l07 stylos n Second Floor, section, where woman's stunning mUlinery are displayed. Is that these displays are self eloquent feet daylight, conservative apxlntnnnt s that are yet architecturally beautiful olid and substantial at that are made to ait In n sec ondaryVapacity to the superb product of the hour. THKHK'S It HAL EDUCATION IN A SAUNTER THROUGH THESE ItKPAKTJIKXTS. THIS EDUCATION IS YOURS WHETHER YOU BUY OH XOT. : K T71 wLL ilirf REMNANTHiURW n u Hundreds of dollars worth of fine wool dress goods boimht from the best mills In America; lengths from two and one- half to seven yards. In every Instance these can be matched up and you have a full suit or dress pattern for less than DaTSS GOODS One-Hal! Regular Prices black, 48c $1.25 Panamas, all colors etc., 52 Inches wide, per yard , , All wool Albatross In every color, cream, light blue, etc.. crepes, worth 69c. 59c, and 50c, now per yard 25c 11.50 fine tailor suitings, 56 Inches wide, Thursday, AQi per yard TOC Best all wool Henriettas. Serges: various widths, Panamas, some 50 Inches wide, Thursday per yard LININGS BIG SALE OF Four times Green Trading Stamps with JardlnJcrs Thursday. Sqe the $100,000 EDUCATED HORSE Entertainment on Hrandei Third Floor Every Day. at 11:30 A. M. 1:30 I. M. 1:30 P. M. It's the Talk of Omaha. No Admission is Charged. Watch for Later Announcement. Watch for Later Notices ig Bankrupt Stocli Men's Overcoats and Suits From Blum & Jamerson, New York Hex! SaSeriay At khmt 1-2 Price On Sale U! n ; u M I'll tl! tJi ti 15 n ti ti ti ti a JOY TOR TIRED FEET Our cushion com fort shoes, which by the way are the only cushion sole shoes on the market are really, real comfort, every inch of them. People who have worn them, say so. Every pair hahcU sewed, flexible and very easy on the feet they are made one size smaller in the instep and two sizes wider in the sole this enables the foot to rest in its natural position. "Just imagine the comfort." For Women. $4.00 For Men.... $5.00. Best American White Seml-Porcelatn Plates, measures 8 Inches over all, on sale Thurs day, each 3c Japanese Sugar and Cream Sets, on foot, good shape and fine bright decorations, Thurs day, pair German China Dinner Sots for $12.08 full one hundred pieces, new shape. pretty rose bud bord er decoration, an $18.00 value, for. . , 68c 12.98 FOUR TIMES GREEN TRADING STAMPS OK ALL CUT GLASS SALES THURSDAY. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnani St. TIIE BEST SUITS FOR MEN Very lat&t models, such mater- leus us Uiv usually um-u m iuo.iv- ins $18.00 and $i!0.00 values, In America the fabrics are velours, caBslmeres, cheviots, and worsteds, in beautiful plaid, stripe and check effects. They haven't an equal In smart ness of style and workmanship , u ri ii ii 51 ii u Beautiful Autumn Scenes On tho VVay t Fort Crook Hourly service throughout the week. Sunday afternoon, 20-minute service. Interurban cars leave on the even hour at 24th and N streets, South Omaha: From litfc and N Streets. South Omaha vary Bellevu , To Avery .OS Uellevue .10 .05 Ft. Crook Tf6 .10 .05 Omaha & Southern Interurban Railway Company Horse Show NEWS The correct shoe for evening dress to wear to (he Horse Show in our ilaln toe, patent rolt, dull lop, button, and the price is nuly 'e can fit you. lull colt, luce or button for the street, $3.50 und !.(() Mt the Walk-Over Shos Store 15'Jl FAKNAM Ed. S. Thompson, Walk-Over Man. Evening x Slippers $2.50. Values Kid beaded, pat ent leather and velvet Kid, French and Cub an heels .39 Bennett's Gig Grocery 35c BEST VALUES IV TEAS. SPECIAL OrrER IV JOB. TETLEir ft CO.'S ItfDIA k IHYLOK '1EA8. Siinf lower brand, pound tin '7ll Anil nn r:r(i.n Trurilniy fsmni. VrV Sunflower brand, half pound tin . . And 25 Cireen Tradine Stamps. Sunflower brand, quarter pound tin tHf And 10 Green Trading Stumps. -AOV Dill PlckloB. bottle And 6 Green Trading Htanips. Armour's Chip Beef, largo jar And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Smoked Salmon, can ' lkf And 6 Grefn Trading Sfps. Delatour's Ginger Ale, XOC Blood of Grape Juice pint bottle for And 30 Green Trading Stamno. Franco-American Soups, "XZf nuart can for And 30 Green Trading Stamps. L Franco-American faoupH, pint can And 10 (iieen Trading Stamps. Marnliall's Herring. In tomato sauce, And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Wiggle Stick Blulni?. six sticks .... And 10 Green Trailing Stinios. Wonder Wax for Washing, package And 10 O'een Tradtmr Plmn. Shredded Port fish, three packages On And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. S5c 10c 24c can OQc 25c 10c New Mincemeat, Olp And 20 (Jreen Trading Stamps. 1PIES HOMUOURNALpAtTERNS Find a Customer Ktwt thing yoQ hmim to Mil U want4 by omebody tf price and Quality ar rlbt A Bm Wast ' Ad wHX llad Mtom& Many Rousing Specials Thursday A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL THE HORSE SHOW VISITORS ram t 1 1 L3 THE RELIABLK ST9RB iiS SEE OUR'V GREAT DISPLAY OF AUTHENTIC FALL FASHIONS 28c Several thousand yards of fine lining remnants of sateens, percalines, sponglass, etc., nearly all colors, 36 nches wide, all lengths, now Remnants of flannelettes. Wash Goods, Percales, Prints, Challis, Etc., Silkollnes, Ginghams, Muslins, Outing or Shaker Flannels, Etc., at ONE-HALF OFF. Always Leaders in Showings of Authentic Styles This season oiir Ladies' Koskly-to Wear Garment Ienartmrlit ha ex celled all previous efforts In completeness and henuty of showing, not with fdanding the Rttnt diversity in Myle concept Ion so varied In the display thai tne most particular buyer is certain of satisfaction. Over 200 New Crown Jewel Suits Just received the most artistic designs in greens, bitten, browns, sur nets, grays and fancies, stripes, checks and plaids. Elegant materials and altogether the most aris tocratic garment ever offered at our price. .$25 Over Two Hundred New Jewel Crown Suits 912.50 Hmadcloth Coat at 98.73120 stylish gar ments, 60 Inches Ions, satin lined throughout, trimmed with bp.nds and silk velvets, most sur prising bargains, Thursday at 8.75 $18.30 Silk Hulls at. $12.30 A greyU purchase of silk 6hlrt waist suits, seven different styles in Simond'8 best taffetas reds, greens, browns, blues, etc.. splendid values at $18.50 lu one lot at- ch0'ce S12.51) $10.00 Voile Skirts at $0.93 A splendid lot of French voile skirts, trimmed with bands of taf feta magnificent values throughout, at.gG.OS Children's Curly Bear Skin Coatt Valus to $4.50, on sale at, choice $2.93 $3.00 Xet Waists In white or ecru, on sale at ; S2.9S Ladies' French Coney Coats Sold elsewhere at $35. in three different styles special Thursdav for S22.in -- Four hundred dozen new home made wrappers just received to see them. See our magnificent stock of furs best values anywhere. .Don't fall JAMMERS Over 200 different kinds and sizes; many new color effects, any size you want for 10c on up to $5.00 each. . . . i Wc Repair Silverware; Make It to order. - Alfor and mntrh it. 4,"vm i Cold mid Silver Plating in all its branches. Chandeliers and Church Altar Pieces refinished in any color. Automo bile and Carriage Lamps repaired. Statues repaired and refinished. Omai" a Silver Company Phone Douglas Itii 314 SOUTH 13TH STREET Between Farnam and Harney. EE JUST A FIIM That all we wlli to t ilk atiuut tlil time. Just want to remind you that we have many new d.. Blgii in :olleKa und rlrs pln any kind yuii want. KlJ.-nd a few mlnulea in uur etote. l.uuk for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1S1 Doag-Ui Street LIt, U Jt 1 i UVIIllUly .m.icttlK 1S0S FARNAM ST., OMAHA. Phon Oougla 1756 Extracting 25e porcelaia FUl..fl op CrMna 92.50 up Brtdg MTork.iX&O Dp W0 Clean-Up Sale of Horse Show Hats To take the loss now is only equal to taking it later, so we offer for sale Thursday: 500 domestic pattern hats, horse show and picture hats, worth regularly to $10 Thursday at one j price, choice Many medium and small shapes in the lot. Most charm ing designs in black, navy and brown. $3.50 Hair Braid Hats Trimmed with ostrich plumes extra specials Thursday, at, choice $1.69 Ostrich Plumes, black only, 18 inches long, regular $.'?.50 values, at $1.98 Ostrich tips, 3 in bunch, $1.50 values, choice G9c Scores of other rousing bargains Thursday. Ail merchan dise marked in plain figures. Interesting Thursday Specials 16c All Linen Handkerchiefs, on sale at, each 7K 25c Ladles' Neckwear at IOC $1.00 Squaw Bags, at 400 $2.00 Squaw Bags, at ......... .QS $1.00 Lad its' Fancy Purses . ...4) 50c Ribbons, both plain and fancy, at, per yard 27d! 10c and l5o Kmbroldtrlea, on sale Thursday, at, per yard 4(J 25c Corset Cover Embroideries,-Von sale Thursday, at, per yard. . . . 1 $1.00 Embroidered 81tlrt FlounclnV.s, at 49) 35c Box Fancy Kuchings, on sale at, choice 10 50c New Pillow Tops special Thurs. Jay at ...3n4 Special Sale Winter Underwear Superior bargains to any ever offered. A purchase of the sample lines odd lota and surplus stork of four of the largest American mills, together with scores of broken lines from our own regular stork, on sale at AliOUT HALF REGULAR IlETAIL VALUE. Men's Woolen Shirts and Drawers values to $2.00, at $1.25, 98c, 75 Men's Shirts and Drawers Heavy , wool fleered, worth to $1.50 (?ar- . ment, at 75c, 49c and -31)0 Men's and Boys' Sweaters Heavy wool garments, worth up to $3.00, sale price 98 Ladles' Swiss Itihbod or Flat Woven Underwear Worth to $2.00 a Kar ment, on sale at i)8c and . ,.-75? Ladles' Flat Fleece Underwear Grays or white, worth to $1.00 garment, sale price 4 9c, 3 9c and 25 Mlsss' and Children's Vests and rants. All sizes, ribbed or flat fleece, worth to 50c, on sale, at 25c and . . . From 0 Till 10 A. M. Men's hevy fleeced underwear, all sizes, worth to $1.00 garment, limit of two suits to customer, for this hour, at..29 From JO Till 11 A. M. Aliases and children's vests and punts, all sizes, worth to 39c garment at. . .12H From 11 A. M. Till 12 M. Men s and ladles' winter weight hose, good values at 15c, for this hour, at. .54 Extra Specials for Thursday From 10 to 11 A. M Two cases of Martha Washington fast color red prints with black figures, regular IVtC values, at yard.... 2c All day Ftst colored Apron Check Ginghams 5)&c Amoskeag Apron Checks. 6?ic Lonsdale, Genuine article ,10c Fruit of the Loom, genuine brand 10c Hope, real goods 9ic From 2:30 to 8:30 P. M. One rase of 1901 Amoskeag outing nannei, regular price 12 ftc, ten yds. limit 7)0 $5.00 AH Wool Blankets 3.5 $6.50 All Wool Blankets $4.25 $2.50 Woolnap Blankets $i.wx $1.50 Felted Blankets...., VHr $1.00 Cotton Blankets n: Factory made Comfortables, $1.75, $1.60, $1.25, $1.00 and 73- Home Made largq, blankets, tine rot ton, all knotted, extra large, $5.00, $4.50. $3.60. $2.50, $2.25 and $1.H Silk and downs up to. Ijd'J.ftO Challenge Wool Dress Goods Sale Department We are headquarters for the finest broadcloths In the world everything marked in plain figures. $7.50 Broadcloth, 60 in. wide.. $3. 75 $0.00 Broadcloth. 66 In. wide. .$2.0H $5.00 Broadcloth. 54 In. wide. .$2.05 $4.00 Broadcloth, 54 In. wide.. $2.11) $3.00 Broadcloth, 64 in. wide. .$1.0H $2.60 Broadcloth, 64 in. wide. ,$1. $2.00 Broadcloth. 64 in. wide... $1.25 $1.50 Broadcloth, 84 in. w!de...0He No house; In America can beat this. Popular priced wol dress goods, 19c, 25c. 39c, 49c, 09.! 75c. f8c and $1.25 KXTKA SPECIAL 1 HIGH GIUDU LINEN DEPARTMENT. From 2 to 4 p. m. 150 pattern tubl cloths, full bleached, Irlah satin da mask, 2- yards wide, 2 Mi yards long, good value at $5 only two to cus tomer (no dealers), at, each. .$.'1.30 Hayden'sjor Hardware m Bread Toaster, the famous Wilson, sold for 25c, each 15 Furnace Shovels, worth 75c each one day -25 Stove Pipe, best grade polished one aay 8H Step Ladder, four-foot, worth 50c one day 25c Chopping Bowls, large siie, worth 50c. at 19 Wash Boards, large size, worth 3 5c, at 12 Ht Dover Egg Beater, only 5 15c Sapolln Stove Pipe, enamel. . ,9 If you want to save money buy now. Flower Pol Sale, One Cenl W make a specialty f metal and roofless plates. PalnleM work la all operation. Opa Jut received a new carload of Flower Hots. Buy now. 4-Inch Pot. null 6-Inch Pot. each , 80 6-lnch Pots, each e i7-ln(h !! . eiich . .. I h rot, euctt . '-lhch t'otn. earn .... I 10-lm h Pots, each Tti- i ara worth three times ' jirlce. ..4 ..6t . 8 .lCk thil Groceries Groceries Bny roar gTMn tomatoes bow for pick- 1 llua". ' Onr-thlrd buahel lianktl fancy are--n i toniatoea for .clillnK. Pr l.aaket. .8O0 TOUT BUM 0AX.X Watch the dally pai for a W tulip I bulb tale. Now la the time to plant tultp tlt for bloin In the itnn Elljah'e Mauaa 1'oaium Cereal Co' a. new i.reakfaHl J., 'Ml, al. I k 10 Dr. riloa's WUat Flak Oalery rood, n aaie, Hi, pwkniie & m my urns mn Why pay 5c and 10c when Hayden I sell It for 24( and 5. Wire Card Backs. 1Cx15, 40 cards. worth 10c, for 2H Sponge, large, new and white, worth 15c, at 2H Towel Bars, oxidized, worth 10c 2H Corn Poppers, worth. 10c 24 Genuine Hard Wood 10c Tooth picks I for . 2tV j 10-quart Flaring Water Palls JJ Stove poker or i-iner. worm lucHp . J ) f 1 V TTL III) Z. eveaipgs till a o'clock,