13 -.THE 'OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12. 1007. S f-.! rt i Social Uea's ClfitMrg wt '-.;''! i 5 i1 if L tl i. C ... I S SPECIAL El o w Length KM Gloves These loug gloves are 'in fine $3.50 quality Simdee, in black, while, tan, grnj audnveuing shades gloves. fitted $3.50 STREET GLOVES One-clasp Street Gloves cape 1 black, red and gray, worth $ What Do You Wish Your Underwear to be ? $ Wtrm? Comfortable? WH.rirHng? You will find all requirements In I Munsing Underwear Th baet Union Suits InthM union Munsing 's heavy fleeced cotton vests and pants for women large, full shapes, 9c Munsing 's heavy fleeced cotton union suits tor women open front or buttoned across chest 98c Munsing 's fine wool plaited and natural wool union suits for women, 50 "J2S at 1-L Children's Vests and, Pants, fine u o rcsia auu.iouu), Line 1 wool plaited-- Jq natural all sizes, A Special Sale of Hosiery .nN "omen's and Men's double sole and spliced ijuioucu, mercerized, pair m. j Women's Imported Hosiery Plain and em- Droiaerea nsie; ejura goo a quality, at, . C A i pair I M8e? ' and Children 'a Hosiery y ' all sizes, on bargain square, $ ' A BIG BAR.GAIN IN CORSETS The famous J. B. Corsets in uouoie nose supporters all quality, on bargain square, at. THE CUTE BEARSKIN BABY CAPS These cunning baby caps and quaniy or jap snir, suit, embroidered and lace, '' f ft ruching trimmed, worth 75c, fc'S Buy the Little Tot A whole menagerie of them at polar or cinnamon bears some that growl the plaything the little ones want most of all U S e OMAHA PAY ROLL OF THREE MILLION Yearly Waes Paid to Union Pacifb Shopmen in Omaha. EIGHTEEN HTODBED MEN THEEE tlarrlntaa Idea f Economical Shop Operations , la Bring- Worked 0t , tm tli New ' Plant; Klgh'ten hundred ,nin r employed at the (,niol Psclfla hci'i In Omh, making a payroll of over $3,000,000 a year. In car rylng eut 'E. H. Harrlrnan's Ideas as to ooonomlcal ahop operations the Union Pa cific has .almost completed the rebuilding and enlarging of the Omaha shops. According- to figures prepared, the new biack- n fZf Remove y. Superfluous Hair Short sleeve gowns demand smooth white arms, free from hair growth. MANDO, the most de pendable depilatory known, will remove all hair without burn or scar. Accent no substitute. Price. $100; samples, 10c. JCSErHINE IEIIVRE ZTh ft. 4 t boMa Sure mi Dei. , . IS tMil Umg c.. btua Prun L'e., ll'-riUba Lru4 Ce.. . J H. livknldt. CtMOi g. Ullrf. Spjclil : Birgjlnt 8 R fcbom fi JI it '111 ... 1 1 YAbrPt? h SALE OF T7 H'iKl are the celebrated Kanier and other well known makesthey come in all sires 3 h every pair jVJr Genuine Gloves, at.... Short Kid Glsves 98c Pair Made f fine French lamb skin 2-clasp efiVcti, all pizes black, white, brown, tan, jf"K ffV grey and red, actu ST ally worth $1.39. at V-PW AT S1.25 A PAIR and mocha- Northrup make $1.50, at, 125 i n 8 V p I i : 5 half Misses' and Boys' fine natural wool union suits, with deep -seats, excep tionally good values, If 4 1 Medium ' Weizht TTns, heel many f Tl gauze and medium weight In fine and heavy rib"bed f v, r HJc-I2ic-I5c different length models sizes and up to $1.50 g- uyc bonnets are in all sizes, fine at a New Teddy Bear Brandeis all glues, all kinds 49c to $75!l smith shop has already mads a most re markable record for economy. To reduce waste of time and labor to a minimum was the Idea of the exoendlture of a vast sum of money In the Omaha shopa. which have been rearranged and equipped with new machinery. Work which will go through the new shops will be "routed" so aa to un - - j minute and avoid unnaoemiarv hnAHnr The principle underlying the construction ' enope is mai tney snail be run on exactly the same baala as that of any large manufacturing concern engaged In competi tive business. Mechanical forging machines and other Improved machinery, the manufacture of parts In wholesale quantitlea, and the al most complete elimination of hand work have made large savings In the cost of turning out work. There are said to be fewer hand forges In the blacksmith shop than In any similar establishment in the country. Traveling-' eranes handle heavy material, and ons man at the lever of the car shop eranes can Jlft a freight car bodily and transport It to any part of the ahop. Atranf.m.Bti for repairing Jocemothes In quick time are such that work that formerly occupied several weeks, can now be done In as many days.4 Estimating the value of a locomotive at 2Q a day, the saving on the repair of a single locomotive would be several hundred dollars In a year. What the saving amounts to in the aggre gate can be judged from the fact that last year the Union Pacific made 4.144 locomo tiva repairs and JtOOO freight cars repalre at a cost of in.OOC.oo. To Preveat Saoea from Craeklaa use Quick Shine Bane Polish. It oils, pol ishes and glvea a patent leather finish and Is waterproof. Ask your dealer for It. ' Announcements, wedding stationery and ! calling cards, blank book and magastne ' binding. 'Phono Pou. 16M. A. L Koet. luc. Ralston Health Shoes $4.00 fred FINE ICenr(MvJl9A7 iy scsiossrgnos. e C. fine Clelket Makers nUiTtnf Nrw Tr ' i Per iV if t' 7 H? " . i ? 1 J 1 if I 1 I yapaoitee iolllhiiins is PS oatXKA's rvsa tood ozinrxa Try OUr new refttmiranf An S!ranA t floor today for - your lunch. it's intelligent Service, Moderate trtcos. I xuie Liinen. ;1 BATtTBDA-rS RPEOZAT.8. U Kill SPlBIMaT. M 10 090 pounds Sugar Currd Brooked v Hams, anv mm .mv ham J5 vanitet.d' ,1, per Pound .lOVio ... - -- xwi, iBiiuumer cuts) at, dt J pound ......Too Leaf Lard, 10' pounds for $1.00 1,000 pounds best Boiling Beef. at. M Try Courtneyrs "pis;' Pork Sausage, t svunu vai tuns IOC ratrrrs ajtd veoetabiues In this department we have taksn special pains to have everything that you may possibly wont for your Sun day dinner, including Knellnh Hn 11.,.-- J eels tprouts, French Artichokes, Fan- jeii..jT wrti rreB" Mushrooms, Head Lettuce, Hot House Cucumbers ... - . tvuumino, cnaive MT p'r8llnnns. Pomgrantte, y- Malaga Grapes. 2 nwnrrcw. yj Pomestlc Swiss Cheese, pound.. 20c v imported Swiss Cheese, pound... 35o CottSRo Cheese . . .. ioe W imported Swedish Cheese, lb... ..25c : Fresh Eggs, per doren 18o Jit Fancy Country Butter, lb 24o A frctiels, per pound , -wlah U..UV. T il 35c can of Soup for zoo ,yo -j.'ouna can Apricots ..lie J New Maple Syrup, la bottles, at, 20 lj 35c and 50I New Mapls Syrup, In tins, 25c, inc. i So and tl 60 jg Maple in Corn Syrup, 40c, T5c, J1.00 ' OXiXTX OIL, For your health's sake use plenty of olive oil. j - mini r rencn uil. special nals & on this beautiful oil. as the following- J Slow prices will testify: B Oalllaird's French Oil. Special wale SI M SAllon tins, each in. 3 Vt gallon tins, each ss h not ties, large, each 7So B, Bottles, medium, each 40r- g Bottles, small, each I3e H See our fine display of fresh Bin $ Bona, Choroiiite. Candied Fruits atd ij 'onfectlons, including: fa Oooseberrles, per pound 41o Butter Scotch, per pound .''5c Chocolate Waffles, per pound. .. ,ne Q Currents, per pound- ioe g tJme Tablets, per pound 40c French Noufrat, per pound S'lo J -alted Peanuts, pound J0c M Just received a shttiment of the eeKv. J5 brated Vermont Maple Croams, In ; ) Diren Dara boxes' at. Der box 4.4- 60o and , ooc (poartney a Go I l; . 17th and Douglas SU. ; Tel. Sonrlas S4T. Q 'rivate Exchange Connects All Depte. '3 DEICIOUS BAKERY GOODS - There Is nothing so good as rich, de licious bakery goods. That is the kind we mak. . The utmost care Is taken to make each article the best ihat la possible to produce. PRIZE PIES FKOM PRIZE PtMPKIXS We ara making: some delicious pies from tha prise pumpkins we procured . rom the county tmr. Come In and get one. Freshed baked every afternoon. Try some of the folowlng in our Bakery department for ten cents: Almond Sponge Cake, each 10c Cookies, all kinds, per do lie Moiasses Cup Cakes, per dos 10c baking Powder Biscuits, per dosen 10c Vienna Bolls, per dosen 10c Faikc. f-iu'uaie ItuitS, ymt ui ltir twelback, per doien liy Dessert Wsfers, per dosen l'- German Coffee takea, each lflc Pullman Bread, per loaf W Boston Brown Bread, per loaf 10c When down town shopping, you are especially Invited to visit our store, whether you wish tq buy or not. DAIXTV LUNCHEON'S " SERVED after MATINEES. DitSromfonDciicAcirs.- 1818-i.O Farnam . Street - Phone Doug. '711. nnrrnnnrvnrr Beniamin Schloss Bros. j CLOTHING FOR DOUGLAS : . ID very oy in Town who needs a pair of shoes should come to the Drexil Saturday. With every pair of our Steel Shod Shoes we will give a spinning. top one of the most amusiug toys made. The steel shod shoe we sell is an honestly built shoe, made specially along lines for rough hard wear no coarse or heavy, but real fine stock. Furthermore they outwear any two pair of boys' shoes made. Size 10 to 48 H $2.00 Sizes 1 to 2 $2.25 Sizes 3 to 8H ....$2.50 We'll expect you Saturday. Drexel Shoe Co. HI!) Farnam St. Xss 23S4B Carload o tha Great Queen Tha fine working Steel Range in the world. Just arrived This car was delayed in Chicago nearly a week on account of blockade. Half -f tha car Is sold and the other half won t last long. Sensible people don't pay H0 for a six hole, with high clos t, steel range when they can buy one like the Queen for $35.00, This cut price wtll only last until December 1st. after which they will a-o up to tha regular price. The Queen takes so little fuel that It will bekf biscuits in three minutes with news papers. It will cook on top with no hot ter flro than It needs to bake with. We elt It on small monthly payments. STOETZEL STOVE CO. T14 South IStfc Btrei. HAIR BALSAM ClMn4 ftoa Ix a'. Ac th hate Pr(l.H$ ft lBsuimt pruwth. hvr Fall- lo Jtetrto C ray iJair io its Yomhful Color. Cue gvsia d sras 4 haft taauai aV safUOif T-t.fr lira, yirsicw Socttiajj C7rop'; iM; for MltKf 'I A, .! t j rrntr1tls r, r f-Ari oftti wrwld b inn snS ."Mn n. It's B--'thlin Srui.." tu.il btt no omrr iiu4 TVMltT-nvfl rtitft ft KtlU. fn ...r'il i r . . . - '.I f " s.i'l lrn Act Juno wnli. 1- h-ril N.nj I 1. -H OLi AJl V. t;L, lit-Li-D kt-iLt-L L. . 3 I .1 Nt Jii. J f 3 1 if y i 1 I : " tfi,- if : ' 1 - V re m cer onrx-riTB tmkh t iiTTI.iC.'S ot W.iTBthg f. r tt.-ir Ch 't hifl aanrurrHiMi.! h pirE r sri-ci-is. i MUlflFSUj-i'lllli nfifli NStlte.arMa.Al.LiT4 .il 1IV. t 1' I ft 1 k: r r. .1 in .... ...-t. r Young'3 Celebrated Hats S3.00 V 1 I MEN We are changing the minds of the Omaha clothing world and our decided victory is due to delivering the finest clothes at the most rea sonable prices. Our fabrics include all staple cloths with a broad vari ety of the season's most fashionable novelties. rcoats Craveneites ST. sstsOurt-'V EXPERT CLOTHES FITTERS QUALITY it is wooven into" YOLLMER'S Clothes, so thpt wh"n .von ee thm it is discovered, when, you wear them it is explained. New Fall and Winter Models ready. S50 down to SIS Vollmer Clothing Company. 107 South 16211 Street. 9 Our line of $4 Men's Shoes neet every requirement of a moderate priced shoe. You an choose from several smart, shapely styles, bavins ill the appearance of a $6.00 shoe. The stock is Velour Calf, Patent Colt and Gun Metal Calf. The shapes are the same as the higher priced shoes. $4.00 is a very popular price for Men's Shoes. We were bound to have the best and we've got them. FRY SHOE CO A in SEosat 16th and Douglas Streets. HELP . ADVERTISE OMAHA - Se The Pee to foor Frleads. J 5 lb .'jtiia. i.'LiisjwmeMjrfy "'A't't' Vi ''"' 'i-'Aji jl1;1,1' "ffli"f'S"ii'''-mB.I'ii "n-'n n"'', ' iii" You'll Always Look VJell Dressed Li A i Mi St Copjright 1907 bjr Hart SdkafW H U Suits 'that combine best style with quality that insures perfect satisfaction, super ior values at $15.00 $16.50 $18.00 to $35 See our great display of Boys' Suits aqd Overcoats, $1.95 $2.95 $3.50 to ..$7.50 Sheet Music, Saturday 17c Copy The real bits ot the season, no would be's or has beeo's. The very lat-' est in popular and operatic numbers displayed and demonstrated here. Among thorn the following most popular pieces of the day on sale Saturday at choice, per copy. Love Me and the World Is Mine. Klnce Harah Hanna Married Barney Carney. Old Faithful March best published. As Long aa the World Rolls On And a Little Child 8hall Lead Them. Star of the Kea Reverie, very popu lar. Somewhere by C. K. Harris. When the Band Plays Yankee Doodle. Won t You Be My Honey? Dreaming Lovo of You. Most popu lar dreaming song. TRY HtkVnFm' FIRST 1 1 "r a si a a s " "'"" ,.. ..x.. We Repair Silverware Make it to order. Alfns nnfl niafsh It Gold and Silver Plating in all its branches. Chandeliers and Church Altar Pieces refinished in any color. Automo bile and Carriage Lamps repaired. Statues repaired and refinished. Omaha Silver Company 'Phone Douglas 1773 Between Farnam and Harney. TO POBTLAMft. Every day to October 31, 1907, you have the privilege of this low one-way rate to Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and other points in the Northwest, via the Union the short .line 'to Portland, running daily fast trains. Inquire now for any further information and make berth reservations at . CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 Farnam St. 'Phone Doug. 1828 TTBue IB os ISoilciSngj offers for rent ons room l-6x40-6 and another 19-10x25-10 oa the 17th street side of the building on the ground floor There Is a large vault in connection with these rooms and they can be rented as one large room or divided. j On the Sixth floor we hare for rent three rooms facing 17th street and three rooms which are nlrely arranged on the court. On the Fifth floor is a suite of two offices, 22x20 and 7x30, wlta . good light. . There Is a vault la the Larger of these rooms, ak for Mr. R. W. Baaer, 6upW No matter what your posi tion in life, no matter where or in what company you are, if, when buying your cloth ing, you come to ' IIAYDEtJS' THE RLUABLE STORE. we'll show you the Hart, Schaffner & Marx hand tailored clothing. They fit , right, are all wool and all right. May cost a fraction more, but they're good much longer than the ordinary ready-to-wear clothes; are by far the cheapest in the long run. Top Coats The kind you'll feel proud to wear, at $18, $15, $12.50 and... $10.00 Cravenette Coats In the very newest patterns and colors, rainproof in fact as well as in name, at $25.00," down to $15.00, $12.50, $10.00 and $7.50 Overcoats in almost unlimit ed assortment of colors and style, best values shown anywhere at our prices, $15.00 $1G.50 $18.00 t0 $35.00 17c Red Wing. Vocal or instrumental. Yesterday. By Chas. K. Harris. I'd Live or I would Die for You. Take Me Around Again. Hit from the Orchid. In Monkey Land. Bonnie Jean. Nobody's Little Girl. Mabel McKlnley's Golden Rod. Those Bongs My Mother Used to Ping. Popular home aong. When the Birds In Georgia Slog of Tennessee. sas c u lAsr ? t .. 1 a flfflrBTflili 314 SOUTH 13TH STREET acific . I 4 Y I