THE OMAHA DAILY REE: V.KDaT.oITA Y,' .'i'h v : s a" ' 1 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Some Profit Taking After Heary - Bulje of Dy Before. MARKET STANDS - IT FIRMLY worela;n Spec a la tor HaTe Crase an 1 in Boring: Mt AlTiarfi Art . Oomtaaj BaUlsh aaa II lather la Ksperted. OMAHA, OcL I, 1907. . After th hevy bulge of yesterday ther we lamt profit taking, but the market took tha selling well anil held Arm. Foreign speculator have .tha crase and a Buying neavy. Mont all advice ar mine bulllah, and a hlaher craln market la ooked for. wheat opened aomewhat bearish and the crowd sold at tha opening. Tha market showed good undertone, boa- var, and those who sold early rushed to cover their aalea later on. December wheat opened at 5e and closed at 965,0, . Corn opened ' iBrm and . offering were light. High price for all food stuffs and the extraodrinary demand helped to advance price. 11 advleea were bullish and developed aome good buying;, closing the market trong. December corn opened at 5Sc and closed t USo. Oata opened easy, but became strong on mjylng later by sountry houses. Ail buy era found tha market bare of offerings and bids were advanced. December oata opened at too and closed at 6lc. Primary wheat receipts were 1,356,000 bushel and ahlpmenta were 916,000 bushels, against receipts last year of 1.2o3,000 bush ols and shipments of 890.000 bushels. Corn receipts were 84.1,000 bushels and shipments Were 864,000 Ltiahels, against receipts last year of 650.000 bushels and shipments of 104,000 bushels. Clearance were 1,000 bushels of corn, 110,000 buahela of oats, and wheat and flour equal to 877,000 bushels. Liverpool closed Vtd higher to Me lower en wheat and ttd to Nd higher on corn. Seaboard reported 160,000 bushela of corn for export. Local range of option: ,.' Articles ! Open. Hlgb-J Low. close. Yes'y. .Wheat Dec.... May,. July... Corn . Dec.... May... Oate"" Deo Mir.. July... tot 87! 1 ' WVel 1 03 1 02 r wit M " 5 63HI 64V, MM 5J 64 63 61 614 47 68T4 lWl 60 626, 4?V n4 WJi 62 53H 47141 47 S3w , 471.I ' Oaaavhn Conk Prtcea. WHlfiAT No. 3 hard, 97c; No. 3 hard, fc39&ol No. 4 hard. KKftttc; No. 3 spring, U7&c! no grade, 9mc. , CORN No. . 6fti'47Wo: No. 4, WM6ttc; .no grade, VZtQnkc; No, 1 yellow, 6iia47Ho; No. 1 white, 7fc67Ho. OATSNo. 8 mixed. 4eK4fHc: No. t whiter 474'e4c; No. 4 white. 47Hc; stan dard, 4SK$4o. KYE No. 1 lOQfilc: No. I, nffiic. . ; C'arlat natta. Wheat Corn. Oata. Chlcagn .....a.'...-...1U m 2&4 Kanaaa City 1 Mlnneapolla 23V Omaha ft Sl el DUiUUt MM.f.M.HTC 624 . . ... .v. St. 1UU 71 . CHIOAOO GRAIN ..AND PROVISIONS 1 Pmtare f tka Travel las; and Cloalatf Prloea Boavrel of Trade. CHICAGO. Oct. . Profit-taking on a liberal aaaJe offset today'a heavy exports and higher prices at thaprlnclpal European grain eentera and caused a steady ton In tha local wheat market at the close. Final quotations on the December delivery were - off c Corn was up Ho. Oata showed a gala of fio. Provisions were 34feo higher. ' Tha wheat market opened easy on selling by pit trad ere who were influenced by a eVicllna at Liverpool. There was a quick 9 -ovary from tha Initial weakneas, Jvow aver, aa a result of buying by commission -fiouaeet which waa based on fresh report of damage to tha wheat and corn of India by drauth. With tha exception of tha Liverpool market tha exchange of Burope bowed advances In wheat of from 1c to 2c and thla had a strengthening effect here, Excellent demand for cash wheat . by ex porter and an increase, of leea than 1,000.000 bu. In th world' visible supply, compared with 'an Increase, of nearly 8,000,000 bu. tha same tlm last year, were additional bullish factor. The market eaaed off again lata In th session because of liberal realising and closed about steady. De cember opened 9o to a lower at 1.03Si1.02T. sold off to & MHl 02 and then advanced to tl.OSV Th cloee waa at L0r!Cl-0S. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal te 877,000 bu. American visible supply decreased 1AS.000 bu. and the world' visible supply Increased 9GB, 000 bu. Primary receipts were bu., compared- with 1. JUS. 00 bushel the earn day a yeas ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi cago reported receipts of S74 car a, against 1,011 car last weak' and 1,040 cars a year mall receipts and cold weather In th corn belt caused strength In th corn market. There waa an active general de wand In evidence all day and offerings were light. Tha oloae was strong. De cember opened unchanged at I9a, sold off to C9o and then advanced to ic. The close waa at ttc. . Local receipts wera 441 car, with Uf car of contract grade. Oata wera atrongv largely aa a result of the strength of com. Tha likelihood that primary receipt will soon become much mallar helped to create flrmnesi. Offer- Inga war light. December opened H&440 ower at MtfcWHc, sold up to MWc and closed at hic Local receipt ware 2S4 . car. ... There was very little trade In provision and tha ' market waa steady throughout the entire aeaelon. At th close January Tork waa up te at f 11.36. Lard waa up SWo at $ua Rib were lHo higher at n. en. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, ' 7 car; corn, sa car; oats, Ul car; hogs, tt,Q0 bead. Leading futuraa ranged a follow: , Artlolaa.1 Open. High. I Low. Cloe. V y. Wbaat Zec.. , Slay... July... Corn po.... May.., tOate-" fee.... stay... ork- Oot..., Jan.... Lard Oct... Nov.... - Jan.... )Uha Oct.... Jan.... 10 X os 1 oas 02 1 osvi b . w 08 1 09 1 1 09 1 09V4 108 1 04 1 04 1 044 69 6 6S 684 Wii 69T4 SOVitj 0 0V bH 60S 9 (4S 63At 64H (1U US 6b 6Elt)M 66 Si 14 1?H 14 12H 14 12 14 12H II 8 15 SO 16 36 )t 8 08 Ot ( 06 8 02V 15 I 1.:h $ 15 1 10 I ti 8 82 I 80 T SS T86 186 Tfl' 00 TD7H 77H T.86 1 0ia 1 W4 IS $0 106 lt tfi 1 I7W No. X Cash quotation were a follow FLOUR Firm; winter patents. $4,300 1 60; winter straight, $90t4.26: npring ratenta, $6.106 6.20; spring atralghl. 4 n4 0; hakera. $J.Ttti i SR. -WH EAT N. 8 spring $l.iU4; No. S, 4l$ic4l l4; No. t red, $1.001.014. I CORN No. 3. 634c; No. $ yellow, 643 '640. ( OATS No f. KMc; No. 8 whlU, 60o3c. RYE StiVrflSSc. . BARLEY Good feeding. TSKTSSc; . fair to choice malting, 8?ril.04. fEEDti Flax. No.. 1 .northwestern. SI.5314. Prime timothy, $4.30. Clover, con Vact grades, $17.00. PROVISIONS Short ribs sides (loose). ,T Wa.5u Meee pork, per bbl.,-$H 1614 25. Lard, per 1t lbs., $tl.06. Short clear side (boxed), s.aoQS.ia. Receipts. Shipments. .... 87.100 42.400 ....li3.ia 14t ....676.ei 6HI xa 4".b S4 SO .... ai.o-jo j.ioo your. bbls. Wheat, bu. Corn, bii... Oata, bu.... Rye. bu.... parley, bu. ..liLisiO 17.100 On th Produce exrhanse today tha but- Mt market wa steady; creameries. t lkt, dairies, 3! 017c. Eggs, firm; at tnark, raaes Included, 15 Vi to 1 V.r ; Hrstv. tic; prim first, :2c. Clirese, rteady at IStiMWc. Kaaaaa City Ural aad Provisions, KANSAS CITY. Oct. 8. WHEAT Decern. br. C.'so; May, !! -, cash. No. 3 hard. . a 4J t.C ; No. , o100; No. S red. 31 viv. i i": No. 1 $c r 01 PTE I'nchrnged. trS6v fcfcivN -I 'rv nilr, ioc; May, 6Sc: caah: No. t mixed, 0Uc: No. I. K.imc; No. I White, WVtjolc; No J, t'ya;i Oath-So. 2 white. 60c; No. 2 mixed, HAY Choice timothy, firm. f!3 OOtTllSO; choice prelrlc, 2fie higher. Hl.aflll.Mv -lU Tl tK Creamery, SOc; packing stock, EGGS Steady: extras, 23c; first, lie. Receipt and shipments of grain were a follows: . Wheat, bu M.0"O 96,000 Corn, bu . 2, . 4.000 Oats, bu 17,(()0 OMAHA WHOI.RflAlB MtRKBT. ( adltton nf Trade and Oaotatlea on Staple and Faaey Prod ace. X?OS Per dot., 19tl4c, BIJTTKR Packing stmk, 21c; cholc to fsncy dairy, I5c; cremcrv. Sue CHBKBb New full cream, Wisconsin twins. 16c; new full cream, brlok, 16; do mestic, new Swiss, 2ojic; new llmbwrger, lS4;lc; young Americas. 10c. LIVE POLLTRY-Sprlng ohlcken. Kr 11c; hens. OVifclOc; rooster. Cc; turkey, lite; duck rolOc: geese, Co. HAY Cholco No. 1 upland, 110.00: me dium, t9 00; No. 1 bottom. M OO: off grade from U.M to e.50; re traw, $7.00; No. 1 alfalfa, tn.oo. , FRUITS AND MELONS. CRANBERRIESPer bhl . 17.60 APPLES Wealthy, $1.40 per bu. for.ii.1 Uelleneurs, tJ.202.3; Wolf eplf?. JM 60- per bbl.; crabs, $1.60. WATEHMbLONU-EU'S, imtt; ; Call river crated rnl- r ID. CANTALOUPE Reeky Ford. tandard CTH?' f2-'- borne grown, standard, 11.74. ' PEACHES-Per box, Utah and Colorado. 1.26. j PKARS-Utah, 3.00iBJ.. QRAPKS- Home arown. !-lb. basket. St Cfific: California malaga, 11.76; Tokay, Sl.tft. PRUNES-Utah Italian, $1.18; liver. 1.; Hungarian, $3 00. BLUEBE-RRIK8-Per W-ots.. B.0. -VEGETABLES, NAVY BEANS Per bu No. 1, $2.2S; No. 31 $2.10; Lima, 6Hc per lb. POTAT0E8-Per l., new, 0c. BEANS New wax and string, 4030e per market basket. CABBAGE Per lb., c. S BEETS. TUItNIva AND CARROTS Per market banket, K&tOc. RADISHES Fer do, grown. c. bunches, home TOMATOES Home grown, market bas ket crate. 0o. CVCI MBER3 Per basket. Mc. CELERIr Kaia.usroo, tu)35o. ' UNiUNB-yellow and red, 20 per lb.; Bpa, anisn, per crate, $1.60. JEW PEPPERS Per ' market basket. 60c SWEET POTATOES-Market basket, 46c; Virginia sweets, per bbl., $3.00. , BEEF CUV. V . . ; BEEF CUTK-No. 1 ribs 14c; No. 3 ribs, He; No. $ ribs. 6c; No. 1 loin. 19c; No. I loin, 13o: No. $ loin, SVc; No. 1 chuck, 6Mic; No. 3 chuck. 4Vic; No. t chuck, Stoc; No. 1 round, tc: No. 2 round, 7Vc; No. 8 round, tc; No. 1 plate, 6c; No. I plate, 4fec; No. I plate, 4c. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS Llmonera, Sr stse. $7.00; other brands, 60c$1.00 leas. COCOANL'TS-Per doa.. Sftn. ' ' ' "" DATEH Kadawav. 6c: Bayer, to; Hal- Inwie. (e: caw sU led walnut datai. box, $1.00. BANANAS Per medium slsed bunch, $J.Wfa2.26; Jumbo. $3.0093.60. . ORANGES Valonclas, $0 and M sltea, $4.56: 138, 160, 176, 300 and 216 slsea. $5.24 (go-uO. MISCELLANEOUS. ' CALIFORNIA LRIEI FRUITS Prune are somewhat unsetled by freer offering from second bands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of Immediate grains. Quo tations range from 6c to 9o for California fruit and from 6Hc to 8c for Oregon. Peacbe are slightly easier, with fancy yel low quoted at 13vo. Ralalns are firm; three-crown loos Muscatels are quoted at c; four-crown, 10c;. seeded raisins. Va 11c. HlDEfl AND TALLOW-Oreen altd. No. 1. 8Hc; No. 3, 7Vc bull hides, 6o: green hides. No. 1, 7c; No. t, 6c; horse, si.i0vl.60; heep belt, SOctmtS. Tallow, No. 1, 4Mc; No. 8HO. Wool, COFFEE Roasted, No. IS, Xe par lb.; Na 30, 14Ho per tb.; No. tt, lo per lb. No. H, 12Ho per Ih. FISH Halibut, llo; trout. pickerel, lOct pike, 14o; pike, fresh frosen, 13o; whlteflsh, 14gl0c; buffalo, to; bullheada, skinned and dressed, 13c; cattish, dressed, 17c; white perch, 7c; white bass, ISc; black aaa, 36c; sundah, 640c ; Grapples, c; large cranple. 16c; herring, fresh frosen, 6c; whlteflsh, frosen, Uiflttc; pickerel, fresh frosen. Do; Spanish mackerel, lfo; native mwlMnl Ui&36c .per fish; codfish, fresh frosan, 12o; red anspper, 12a; Oouadara, fresh froien, 12c: haddock, freah frosen, Qc: melt. Uc; shad roe, 46o per lb.; frog legs, sua per do.; greea ., turtle -meat. 26 per lb. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west ern, 66c Tomatoea, fancy 3-pound cans, $L46; standard, 8-pound cans; $1.26. Pine apple grated, 3-pound, $X.D0S3.SO; sliced, $1.7tv&,J6. Gallon apples, $3.25. California apricot. $2.00. Fears. $1.75413.60. Peaohea. $1.76v2.40. L. C, peaohea, $2.0002.60. Alaska salmon, red, $1.30; fancy Chinook, flat, $116: fancy aockaye, flat. $1.. .Sardlnea, quarter oil, $3.36; three-ouarterg mustard, $3.10. Sweet potatoes, $1.2w1.35. Sauerkraut, Mo, Pumpkins. SOcLOO. Lima beans, -pound, 75c 041-36. eloaked pea, 3-pound, 0o; fancy. $l.to1.4. ., - ' St. Low la Geaentl Market. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 8. WHEAT - Firm: track: No. 3 red, cash. $1 .O&a'l.Ofe: No. i Jiard, rroi6rl.0H; December,: fl.ojpi.0i; CORN-liigher: track: No. 2 cash, 1U tac; December, 664c: May, 6SV486e; No. 3 white. 62814c. , OAT8-Hlgher; track: No. 3 cash, e; December, Elc; May, 63c; No. 3 white, FLOUR-H!ghr; red winter patents. $l 4J4.$6; extra fancy and straight, $4.4004.66; clear. $3.365g 86. t.w. SEET-Tlmothy. steady; W.T&84.SS. CORNMEAL-Steady; $2.85. . BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, $1.28. HAY Firm; timothy, $l.0Og-30.00; prairie, $O0lS.6O. . . . IRON COTTON TIES 81.10. ' BAGOING-11 -16c. . - ' ' ' HEMP TWINE lie. ' PROVISIONS Pork. ' t Inhhln lm.00. Lard, higher; prima at earn, $8.$ ! Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra short, $26; clear ribs. $9.26; hort clear. $.60. clear- ribs, $l0.i2H; short clear, $10.$7H. POULTRY Julet; chickene. too; springs, Uc; turkeys, 12j16c; ducks, Hie; gee, to. BUTTER Higher; creamery, fflfiiOc. : EGOS Firm, lac case count. -Receipt. Shipments. Flour, bbls. 10,000 13,000 Wheat, bu..... ..,71,000 140.000 Corn, bu...., ..77.000 121,000 Oats, bu $6,000 . 108,000 New Tori: General Market. NEW YORK. Oct.- 8. Hl'OAR Raw, steady; fair refining, 8.4Sc; centrifugal, M test, 3.86c; molasses sugar, 3.10c, Refined quiet; crushed, 8.70c ; powdered. 6.10c; granu lated. 6c. POULTRY Dressed. Irregular; western spring chickens, latl&c; turkeys, 10t16cj (owl 8 1 21 ic BUTTER Steady; creamery specials, 80V; creamery extras, JOc; creamery third to firsts, 24929c; state dairy, common to finest, iW&ci process, common to- special, lStC.'b'c; western factory, common to firsts, 3i"ft4c. CHEESE Firm: state, full cream, small September, colored and white, fine, 16 He; same: good to prime, Hc; same, common to fair, liWJIV; same, large colored, Sep tember fine, K.c; same, white, 16V?; same, common to prime, l?Si&14c. ' EGGS Firm; state. Pennsylvania and nearby, fancy selected white, 834i"i6c; same, good to choice, ZkliSZc; same, brown and mired, fancy. aiWiOc; firsts to extra firsts, 23iiahV; western firsts, 2.'tfe; seconds, 1$ 021e. Mllwaake Gralat Market. MILWAUKEE, Oct. 8 WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northern. $1.1401.161 No. $ northern, tl.lV31.16; December. $1 02Vfrl OS asked. , RYE Steady; No. 1, KWJo. BARLEY Firm; No. 1, tl 07; sample, 80c tjtl.Oo. CORN Firm; No. $. caah. 62!41TSc; May, 60Sc asked. , , - Peoria Market. PEORIA, 111.. Oo. $. CORN Firm; No. 3 yellow, fvSujCV--; No. 3. 64c; N 4, 63c; ,no grade 6!im. OatU fllpher; No, t white, tUSlUc; No. 4 white. 4(j3He. RYF-Eteadv; No. 3. 86Rc. WHISKY $1.84. - Liverpool Qrato aad Provlateaa. . . LIVERPOOL. Oct. . 8.-WHEAT-Spot, nominal; futures, steady. December, 8s - w-w, navy, , tXIRN fipot, steady: prime mlied Ameri can, ts Vd. futures, firm; October, is Hd; January, s v,a. . , DaJatb t.i-alo Market. - DULUTH. Oct. 8.-WHEAT-N0. 1 north ern, tl 14; No. 3 northern. $1.1J1; Decem ber, $1.11V; May,- $1.16. .. . ttvaporated Apple aod Dried 6rolta. -NEW YORK. Oct. 8.-EVAPORATF.D APPLES-Market la firm., with fancy quoted at l'Hc, choice at Uki, prime at SSeo and common to fair at 8s. . DRIED FRUlTS-PTuues. unchanged. Apricoia and peaches are quiet, but steady, at recent prti a. Raisin remain scarce on spot, but quotations ate Um liangvtL NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Fluctuations of Prices, While Wide, Art Feverish and Erratic. SHARP FALL IN HILL ISSUES They Are gfreac Early la lay oa Ramor of laereased Dlvldeod on Norther Paclfle, vYhlck , Palls to Appear. NEW YORK, Oot. '.-Fluctuations In prices of stocks were quite wide today, and the purposes of the professional traders were thus better served then In the l.'thar- Slc market which has prevailed for several avs. The drawback was that the fluctua tions lecame rather feverish and erratic, making It dlincult even for the room trailers to take advantage of opportunities. The dealings offered nothing of significance outside this narrow professional circle. Evidently there had been built up specu lative accounts of some volume on the as sumption that there was to be an extra dividend oh the Northern Pacific, and rather precipitate decline followed the an. nouncement that only the regular dividend (had been declared. Reports of in extra dividend have been heard ever since the Burlington dividend was Increased, owing to the benefit accruing to the Northern Pacific treasury from that Increase. Offi cial disclaimers of the rumors quieted th"m for a time, but they were revived by yes terday's extra dividend on the Great North ern preferred stock out of profit of a sub sidiary company. The Hill stocks abruptly declined when It became known that North ern pacific was getting Its regular quarterly 1 per cent and no more. Their strength earlier had only partly effect the heavy tone in the general list, which was Inclined to react from the sharp advances of yester day of Its own weight. The reactionary tendency was emphasised by the weakness In Chesapeake and Ohio, following the publication of Ita annual report si. owing only a nominal surplus left out of the year's results after special appropriations and the payment of the 1 per cent dividend on the stock. The maintained firmness- of the money msrket was n restraint on any speculative ventures. The Interior con tinues to draw on New York and some special requirements also develop from time to time. Yesterday a $3,000.0(0 install ment of subscriptions to Great Northern f referred stock was payable, and New York axpayers turned Into the city treasury some $17.000,oo, representing the rush to avoid penalties for delinquencies. London Is preparing for a periodical stock market settlement this wetk and offered no diversions from the prevailing neglect of speculative markets. Attention was given to reports of a further reduction In the selling price of copper by some of the f' producers, which was said to fall still In attracting any considerable demand. A reduction In the dividend by the Rio Tlnto company waa an incident of the .7 ln. 'crelgn markets, but It was notice able that copper securities were Inclined to advance abroad on the score of the reduction In the Rio Tlnto dividend not being so radical as had been feared. The episode gives a hint of possible over discounting, which has a counterpart in some of the recent events in the New 7.. "lark'- Tiie whole market lapsed day 'xtr,me dullnss again late in the Bonds werelrregular. Total sales, par Vf""j United States four de- NNwm-vl,oa.,,a and iut"ti" on the New York Stock exchange: Bales. High. Low. Clo. Adsnll EtDraas Amalgamated Poppor .i... J3,0O IS4 Amur. Car A Foundry ... t.nno 2h . M an ivT Amer. Cotton Oil mo iS oe pM , , American Express "" Aaarlgan, H. U pM too it Amer. Unseed oil do pin 6S 34 1 It 1U It - 14 n0 SI 2 m4 amer. Locoaotlrs ........ l.eio 4o PM 101) Amsriua 8. A R 24, ISM ' ft ly fil MS 5V4 Ml Amsr. sur Rooalng .. Amer. Top. pfa cortlf... Anaeonaa Mtolng Co. ... Atchlsoa da pta Atlantis Coast Use Baltimore Oblo ...... do pfd Brooklyn Rapid Traaalt Canadlaa PclHc Central ot Now Joraey . Chesapeake Ohio ... Chiaago Ot. Wsstorn .. Chtrsae at Northwesters Cr-M.- St P. Chlcaa-o T. at T WKI lit 111 111" " 14 7U, T7 1.4) 7i 77 Si 3 U 81 77 811 13 -4641 3. MO 900 71 ri" 88. 4, 47(4 45 100 1(1 1(1 Mis, 14.400 32 W' '"400 146 . 1.700 Hi 117 30 . 144 111 4 16 0 ! 10 S2 41 100 1 (4 1M 474 32 (7 6.1 1S 44 So VJt '1 10 tl ' 16 37 13 51 1M , 1 I t 13S - 81 44 47 44 102 11 73 64 so pfd .... C, C.. C. A Bt. L ,--4u Colo. Fuol A Iron Boo Core. A Southern J.i.o do 1st pfd 400 do id pfd v 1,71,0 "4 1 . 114 6Ji 5Si It 80 14 M 4 J 41 ioDooiian.4 oas eoo io 100 fc .... : . Dolawar Hudson d. 1 w Dsnrer A Rio Orande Tot 22 jju, do sfd ' SUtlllers' Bacurltlos .... Erie do 1st pfd do 3d pfd Oonorsl Blectrle Istonutlonal Paper ..... do pld Zntoniatloaal Pump do pfd Iowa Control e pfd ., Kansas City Bouthora . do pfd LeulSTlllo A Nuhrillo we 1.110 U4 1 is" va ii 7o ins ii in 71V SOD l.bO U0 3011 me 4n lf4 94 104 H l4 n i7 s 44 M Mai Icon Central too Minn. A St. Uonis rt ' at., St. P. A B. Bto. M M do ptd .... MIosoaM rsolao HI (7 17 31 M , K. A T. 8.100 t do pfd ..i tOO U N.lkmsl Load Not. It. It. nt Mmtce pfd Now York Control ....... N. T.. O. A W. , Norfolk A Westora do ( 1.7110 lot UK) 31 600 70 10 31 63 63." Nona Americas 2nd u rmolge Moll u at s (4 3 1,300 n issa. 400 a 36 3.u Poop la's OOO r.. c. c. A St. u - 44 Pressed Stool Car ;.. . 400 . t4 do pfd 100 7 73 ta 73 US 31 75 70 11 miimoa raiace ur Reading 42,700 ts do lot pf ...... .... ae td pre . ., . ...... , ., , . , too 76 Ropubllo Stool h ' ... Rork lilaad Co 4.400 1714 ' do ptd pta) 48 si. u a a. r. id ptd.... l.too m Bt. U .-W 100 14 do pfd .7 74 ' 13 .... ,tso 13 . 43 lo 14 Boutborn PaoUo ..... do sfd outhera Railway ..... , Toon. Coal A Iron .... Toxas A Pad Tel., at. U A W. ... do pfd I'nlon PaclSc do pfd V. 8. Eipross V. B. Reoltv ......... V. B. Rsbkor do ptd V. B. Steel do pfd Va.-Corollaa Chemical do ptd Wibooh do pfd Wells-Karoo Eipreos .. Weellnsaouoe Eiocuie Waatoni t:nlon Wheeling A Lake Brl Wloconala Ostral ... do old Northern Pa-lac . 13,100 32 31 i 100 11 47 133 34 23 44 V s 110 J03 l.OnO 1Z 43 n TOO 3110 K - . 14 44 1 34 3ie 44 61.100 lt 124 !-' 31 33 47 3n '34 t 37 15 I6 1. ... a oo i7 17 . 40.40 t.iJO 14 37 nl 1IM 13 u 100 1 172 lit .... ,73 ... v.; .... ' t " 1 33 M.7t 133 1M 133 Control leather loo 14 las 14 II 44 ia 24 do pfd 700 .(1 60 Sloae-Shemold gtaol ." Oroot Northern pfd 6.700 1S1 u Intorsoroosh Mot 300 t t do pld Total sales for tUs dr. Wl.m shares. Lattdaa Cleslas; SUrka, lONDON. Oct. . Closing quotations on stocks were s follows: Consols, money.. .11 1-14 at.. K. A T. 3t do oeroent M Now York OntraL.K Aaaeonds " Norfolk A Wootsra.. 71 jitcoiaos wa oo pio da (4 33 Ontario A W eaters oltlicor A Ohio .. ti Ptuui.l.aula f anadlaa Paclfle ..1MRaji4 Mloes Chao. A Ohio 3)kaadlnf ,. Ckicaao Ol. Weaiora t So Holloar , ts 1 4 . 4 . 12 . Ki . 34 131 . 34 . . t7 . t . It . V 1 f . s. a n. r izit do pld Do Boars 30 So. Parlor U. A R. Q l2lnloa facile ... do pld .74 do pfd Vita IV I steel .... do lat ptd 44 do ptd do d pld 43 Wahaah Oraad Trunk 31 do pld Illlsola Ceairsl 141 Spanlah 4s Loula. A Null 10 81 LVBR Bar. quiet at 1 per i.' MONKY-i4jj3 pr cent. v Tbe rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is I ls-16j'3' per cent. The rate of discount In tbe open market for three month' bills is 4o4'i per cent. Bask Ctearlaaa. OMAHA. Oct. I -Bank clearings for to. day were 12.116.69 60 and for the cor responding date laat year 11,918,678.69. VorolaTB Flataaetal. LONDON. Oct, 8. The money market feels tbe effect of the dividend distributions end rates today ruled easier. Discount were firm. Americana were Inactive. The carry over of mining share showed that copper bad depteiialed duilug the full- bight, but today, with the recovery In th' price of the metal, t hey were slesciler. eve York Mooes- Market. NBW TPRK, Oct. 8. TRIM B MKRCA.N TII.F PAI'ER-7 p"r ccr.1. STICRMNG KXt-MANGR-rirlncr. With actual business In bankers' hills at $4 Rf?r 4 Sii for demand and al $4 X'SWitH K.16 for slty-lv bills; commercial bills, $4.K!. SILVKR Har, fic; Mexican dollars. fiOSc. BONUS Government, Irregular: railroad. Irreeulsr. MONEY On call, strong, S04 per cent; ruling rste, per cent; cloning bid. tH per cent; offered at 6 per cent. Time loans very dull and firm; sixty davs, per cent; ninety duy, 6. per cent; six months, 6 per cent. Quotations nt. New York bonds tod were ss fallows: 1. s. rr. s, res. .iw tun.-, r. .. M do ronoon .. . .! Mas. Control 4a.... 71 ..1"1 i! w Inr 1( . "t'4'MIS. A St. L. 4s.. 133 M., K. A T. 4a a4 . 1" ro IM l .. 3'0Nst. R. bl M. p. 4. 77 .. t N. T. C. f. It.... It .. V. J. c. 1, Sa ll . . 17 Nnrthern Parlic 4s.. .. do .n ( A W. e. 4a W O. 8. U rfrtft. 4t... 67 .. 'i Pane, tr.- 3s 4 !" Reading, sen. 4s H . . TS St. u A I. M. t. a.l(n .a W St, b. A S. r. (f. 4s 74 .. 4 st. U B.-W. e. 4a.. 7l ..100 Seabnord A. L. 4s.. 44 t. fl. 8a. reg do r-oopon V. B. 4, r-g do roupon Amor. T h. 4a.... do eo. (o At'-hlaon gen, 4., do ad). 4a Atlantic C. L. 4a.. B A O. 4 do 3iS Br. H. T. CT. 4o.. fnt. of Oa. So..., Irt Inp de M Inc. .. do 3d Inc C. A O. ma .... C A A. 3a .. w So. PartAe 4s 34 t, B. A U. new 4a. .t jo 1st 4a cortlf... no ... n. 1. at r. . a. a4 So. Railway fio ino t ' T. A P. lata lit OOC A Bt L g. 4a. Mi T., Bt. U A W. 4a.. 7 Colo. Ind. oa, s. A.. 4 Unfbn Paclr 4a Wj t'olo. Midland 4a.... 36 do rr. 4a certlf.. 37 ub . Wf. 8. Steel, id 6a.. 4 P. A R. O. 4a tS Wahoah lata 17 I'lat. gecurltloo aa.... 74 Western Md. 4s as Krlo prior Ilea la.... 44w. A L. B. 4s.... f( 'n. n t wis. Central 4s. H uh. Valley 4S4s. ... japan 4s Japan 4a, cortlf.. 34 Alrhlann c. 4i. do certlf. 2d s.... do ct. 6s Kn. N ' 4a.. M fnt. Mat. 4a Bid. Off arod. .. 41 .. 3" .. S3 ..101 .. 41 Boston Stocks And Bond. ' ' ROSTON. Oct. 8. Cnll loans. 406 per cent; time loans. 6ty7 per cent. Closing quotations on stock., and bond were n follows: , Atchlaon sd. 4a.... 37 Amalgamated .. 58 .. I .. 7 ..(tit .. to .. M .. 3.1 .. 14 .. 3 .. 3 .. 43 1 .. 23 .. 30 .. 12 .. 7S .. 14 .. 66 .. 13 .. Sf. .. 3 .. 34 .. 4 .. t ..107 .. 47 .. 13 An Am K' Atlantic Mm. Central 4a 7( Bingham Atcniaon M Calumet A Heels 1 pfd Roaton A Albans . .200 .,Coppar Range .. Boaton A Mains I. ..141 Oranbr' r. Boatnn Klaied ...UK lalo Reral ritrrbwg pfd 132 Mass. Mining Mexican Central .... 14 Michigan N. v., n. H. A H..14 Mohawk fnlon Psclflo 12 Mostona C. A C. Amer. A. C. pfd.... T Old Dominion ... Amer. Pnou. Tube ,. 4 Dacesla Amer. Bugsr JU . Parrot do P'd 117Quincr Amar. T. A T 1.4', (Shannon Amer. Woolen K0 i Tamarack "o P'd iS Trinity Bdlann Electric Ilium. 204 V. 8. Mining ... Maas. Electric 11 II.. a nil v do pfd Mass. Oas I'nllcd Fruit I'nlted Shoa Msch. do pfd V. . Steel do pfd Adventure 47 t'tah 60 Victoria 11.1 Wioons 33 Wolverine .... 23 North Butt . Butto Coalition 31V Nevada ... it.aiumrt tt Arlaona ..104 s. 39 Arlaona Coro.moclal.r It Aiiouoa Bid. "Asked New York Mlaltisr Stocks. NEW YORK.'iOot.' 8.-CIoslns; quotations " Biwaa were ae ioiiows: Adams ' Con .. a L,ittio ChUa . ..41)0 Ontario ........ IS ophlr . ... Potoal .. 21 Bavaie .. 36 Sierra Nevada ..140 Small Hopes . Standard ..Hi. 6 ,...& ,...1M ... 17 ... SO .... Tt ... ,... Allue Breecs Bmnawlck Con. Comatork Tusnal Con. cal and Vs. Horn Sllrer .... Iron Silver LesdTllle Con. WEATHER l. THE fJHAIV BELT Fair Wednesday aad Also Cooler After Warmer Night. , OMAHA, October 8, 1907. ' Tlm area of hlali pressure, noted over the northwest Monday mornlnf, has spread over the central valley and aouthweat causing a decided drop lit temperature from the mountain east over the Ohio valley and lake region. Yeeilng weather with killing frosts is reported iu (lie upper lake region and upper Mississippi valley, and light ti heavy frost In the middle Missis sippi and-Missouri-valleys snd south to Texas. Temperatures,, are higher In the mountain districts. , and will be somewhat higher In this vicinity tonight, followed by cooler by Wednesday Evening, with con tinued fair weather, .i Omaha record of temperature and precip itation compared with tbe corresponding day of the last three7 years? ', ' ' 'J,Tu 190T. 1908. 1906. 1904. Minimum temperature.... S 44 60 60 Precipitation 90 .00 .00 06 Normal temperature for today, 68 degrees. Ixmelency In precipitation since March 1. 6.77 inches. . f. , ... Deficiency corresponding period In 1906. 3.38 Inches. Deficiency corresponding .period In UOf. 6.14 inches. 1 . m . U A. WELSH. Local Forctr. ''Waal.'llirktt;!... . BOSTON,. Oct. 1-WOOWTIie actl'vlty In the lotial wool market continue without abatement, yet In spite of the hesvy deal ings, prices show no hardening- tendency. The leading western quotations follow: Kentucky. Indiana, and Missouri th-. . eighths blood, ilSSc; one-quarter blood, ,2tB)30c.. Scoured values, Tesaa. fine, twelve ! month, 7278c; fine, six to eight months. 6fc6l6c: fine, fall, 67S6c. California,, nqrth 'ern. 6768c: middle county, 3f(J64c; southern, 62mj4Bc! fall free, 67C68ci fall defective, 40 i'41c. Oregon, eastern No. 1 staple, - 70672c ; raetern No. 1 clothing, 68fi70c; eaolern i average, 67t69c; valley. No. 1, Wlpsac. Terrl ;tory. scoured, fine stsple, 7i74c; fine me idlum staple, 7073c; fine clothing, 6870o; fine medium clothlnar. 65dM6n: ona.half hlnn.l 66477c; three-eighths'-blood. t0bo; one ' quarter blood, o8j64o. Pulled, extra, 6870c; fine A, 6830c; A supers, 62a4c. ' ST. LOUIS. Oct. I. WOOL fiteorlv m.. dium grades combing and clothing, 2SH9 oo; nsiii one, innrafy neavy nne, J7lc; tub washed, 20fi6c. . . Cot too 'Mavrkot. NEW YORK. Oct. L-COTTON-r'ulura opened steady; December, 11.24c; January, 11.16c; February, ll.lo bid; March, 11. tie offered: May, lf.80o offered; June, 11 14c offered- July, ll.SScs Aurust, 11.30c offered. NEW YORK, Oct. l.-COTTON-8pot closed, quiet.' t points loweri middling up lands U.860; middling Aulf. 12 10c; no sales. GALVESTON, 6ct. f-OOTTON-flteady, IJvBRPOOU Oct: 8,-;OTTON-Spot, good buulneaa done; prices 4 to 6 points higher; American middling fair, 7.49d; rood middling. 7.03d; middling. 6.67d; low mid dling, 6.27d; good ordinary, 5.6&d; ordinary, t O&d. , The sales of the day were 10,000 bales, of which 1,000 bale were for specu lation and export and Included 9,600 bale of American. - . , ST. LOUIS. Oct. l.-COTTpN-Qulet; mid dling, 11 V; salea. 66 bales receipts, none; shipments,. 148 bales; stock, 2,60 bales. Metal Market. . . NEW YORK. Oct- l-METALS-Thar was a sharp break In the London mar ket for tin, with spot quoted at B.VA 10a and futures at 148 10a) locally tha market was weak, with quotations ranging from t38.60io44.00. Copper was &a lower In Lon don, with spot quoted at ti3 16s and fu tures at U 10s; locally the maikut was weak, . but no further change was re ported. Lead was unchanged at 1 10s In London; locally the market was slightly easier in tone, but without quotable change npeiter advanced to ri 16s in London: lo cally the market was Arm at f5.40iti6.60. Iron was lower in the English market, with aiaiiuani ivunorf quoiea at D4S ad and Cleveland warrants at 66s 3d: locally th msrket wss quiet snd tinchsnged. Coffee Market. . NEW YORK. Oct. a.-COFFEK-Market opened steady at Unchanged prices to a de cline of live points, In sympathy with lower European cables and continued full receipts st Rrasllian points. Most of the business wss In the way of switching from Decem ber to Ister months, snd with offerings rather light, the market ruled generally steady on s scattering demand from trsde Interests. The close was stesdy. net un changed. Sales were reported of 37,600 bags. Including November at 6.95c, December at 6.06c, March at 6.20c. may at 8.t0o. August at 6.40 and September at 8. toe. Spot, quiet: Rio No. 7, 6Vc; aVnta 'No. 4, so. Mild coffee, steady; Coruov, PttlJc. lock I a Blskt. Receipt of live stork at the six principal weaferu market testere'av were aa follows: Cattle. Hoaa. Bhean. houiu omaua 6 J'O 4o6 t.toO 18,800 Sioux City - 2D Kansas City St. Joseph .. St. Louis ... Chicago .... . Total..... 19.U00 - 10.0U0 8.537 ... 6.1W) . 1,417 1.610 26.t ' 1 '10.500 11 15,000 ..,.....,48.337 . 10.486 68,017 t. Jooeah Llv Block Market. . ST. JOSEPH. Oct: s.-CATTLI5-Reoelpts, 1.687 heod. Market lower: natives. 64 bad 6-is); eows and heifers. tl.75fe-t.tO; tocker nd feeders, fl. Tft. 7. HOGd-Recelpi. 8,1 htad. , Market 5c blsher, top, 84 40; bulk of sales, t 066. 26. SHEEP AND LA MB:-Receipts. 1417 bead, launb, fti.&OT.Su; yearling. 36 1084 00. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET No Very Noticeable Change in Cattle Compared with Yesterday. HOGS GENERALLY FIVE HIGHER "keep and l.asnVe 1st Moderate -ply, with nemaael Geoal aad Trade Active at Prices Steady to stress;. SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 8. 107. Receipts were: Cltle. Hons. Sheep. OfTlclnl Monday II. 1W 1.774 ti.4 listimate Tuesday 6.M0 4.9(41 1,00 Two days this week.... 16.438 flame days last week 15.01 1 (Same day i weeks ago.. 16.615 Eamt) days I weeks apro., 20,716 bame days 4 weeks ago. .l,vQ baine days last year 16,281 The followlnr table show tha receipt ot cattle, hoc nd sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: tU7. it" si. inc. Cattle Hogs Sheep J.1I5 762, 2K6 143.090 lMBl I.IUS.IM 1B.6 1.6U0.314 1.640.KI 19,5 RANGE OP PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. t2.25tJW.70 IS.Vif-& City I.10u7.00 6.O0fjil.46 Omaha Kansas Chlcsro 2 tOr7.2S B.TitB.w 1.754J7.26 5.6a6.76 .tM1.26 6.8oU16 St. lxuls Bloux City Th following table ahurs the svsrar prices of hoga at South Omaha for tha last several days, with comparisons: . i l 1907. I1906.I1SO5.I19O4.11HW.I1902. 11801. Bept. Sept Pept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oot. Oct. 38.. 29.. 80.. 1... 2... ... 4... 6... 6... 7... 8... 7.C74 41.0!4 t.t&O 4'-.i72 10.677 ti6.4 U,4rt3 42.M U.4..8 34.470 7,104 47,4 6 66 I 18 5 181 6 74 5 69 6 61 6Ull9B6oS7XTSl 6 03 6 13 6 t 6 71 7 !4 6 69 01 5 I 74 6 62 7 14 6 74 6 14 6lMfi8 161720669 6 OH, 6 17 6 10 75 S 64 7 80 6 69 6 84 6 6 06 6 74 7 81 6 M i Ho'i i IW i; !1 6 6a 6 81 6 OS 6 69 I 66 7 4" 5 9i4 ( 05 6 68 6 40 7 39 49 6 88 6 82 a 5 M 5 19 7 a 6 34 Sunday. The official number of car of atock brought in today by each road was: COM la tl,,D fihn.n TT'a'o . m. CC Dl. I ' Wabssh Missouri Pacific 6 I'nlon Pacific system. 47 C. A N. W., east...... 4 C. & N. W., went 81 C Bt. P., M. 6c 0 10 i .. 1 .. 2 1 .i 13 14 6 6 19 42 I 3 , .. .. 8 1 24 12 10 1 .. 1 '2 i 1 77 69 19 t', B. & Q., east C B. & Q.. west 112 C, R. I. & P., east.... 4 O.. R. I. & P., west.... 1 Illinois Central J Chicago Ot. Western. .. Total receipts. .....209 The disposition of me day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing th num ber of head-Indicated: Cattle. Hobs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 1,169 676 1,301 Bwlft and Companv. 1.146 1,1) .1,776 Cudahy Packing Co 1.137 1,114 1,631 Armour A Co I,4ti3 1.568 1,62 Vansant & Co 129 Carey A Benton 46 :. Lohman & Co 2;s McCreary. A Carey.... 478 W. I. Stephen 335 Hill A Son 427 F. P. Lewis 207 ,. Huston A Co 41 Hamilton & Rothschild.. 77 Layton 197 ...... Klngan A Co .... 251 L. Wolf 319 J. H. Bulla 262 ' Sam Werthelmer 47 Mike Haggerty 121 Bol Degan 14 J. B. Root A. Co 213 O. McConnaughey ,.. 3 - ...... T. B. Inghram. ..... ...... Sullivan Bros 82 ...... V. A. Brltton 2 Lahmar Rraa 1R3 .- Hayes . 70 ....... Leuer Bros 14: ...... We Meth 224 Other buyers . sea 19,590 Totals 9,123 6,393 25,726 CATTLE There wa a liberal run of cat tle this morning, .but receipts Were by no means excessive. 1A fact nq more than suf ficient to meet the requirement of th trade. - - - There wa' quit a good many corn-fed steers scattered throughout the yards, which sold freely at steady prices. There was possibly a little more life to the trade then yesterday. As high as 86.70 wss paid for pretty good beef. Grass beef was very scarce, but in good demand. Cows snd heifers did not show much change, as compared with yesterday; there seemed to be a good demand and tha offer ings kept changing bands so that practi cally everything was cleared up before the close, still the trad was not particularly active, Stocker and feeder sold In about the same notches a yesterday. Good feeders seemed to be In good demand and they, in consequence, moved oS more readily than the 'more Inferior and cheaper grades. At the close of the market cattle in first hand were pretty well cleaned up. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn fed steers. I6.va7.00; fair t ' good corn-fed rattle, 86.66i7j6.S0; common to fair corn-fed steers, 84.75iit6.66; goad to Choice range 36.0tXfrt.76; common to fair range steers,; common to talr range steers. t3.76Oa.36; good to choice corn-fed cows and heifers, fal644.60; fair to good grass cows and heifers, f8.U$.7t; common to fair grass cows and heifers, 82.26(33.16, good to choice stockers and feeders, 34. i5b.26; fair to load stockers and feeders. f4 0a4.75; common to fair stockers and feeders, flOO 4.09. BEEF STEERS. No. .14... 41... XI... 15... At. Pr. Wa At. rr. 1076 4 tt , ..I3i I 46 11M I to ' 37 130 I to 13M 6. 40 34 li 6 70 1171 6 36 CALVES. ...... HI 111 8 102 I 6 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 440 I 46 68 1064 4 t '. aaa IU 10.. II.. WESTERNS NEBRASKA 88 cows...., 966 8 80 78 heifer... 675 a oo a oo a is 1 so a t6 2 60 I 10. I 00 I 10 I 90 I 90 I 90 I 36 1 ) 2 65 4 10 3 50 1 85 3 40 I 40 4 80 I 20 3 86 3 15 8 46 3 26 8 10 I 00 I 10 3 00 8 00 t 3 46 8 45 , I 36 a io I 80 3 50 I 78 I 60 t 26 : 4 46 ft 50 1 !M I 25 I 44 t 40 I 75 I 80 ' 3 85 3 00 190 39 calves... 8 60 a i 2 SO 3 40 8 00 2 40 3 10 a a 75 a 26 a -a a to 3 75 8 76 3 26 1 35 a on 2 86 I 90 4 00 4 46 8 60 a 26 1 10 a 9o I 86 3 10 8 75 6 rslves... 305 t bulls.. .13 31 hfs-clvs. 540 937 990 8146 49 cows.. 7 cows.. 21 cows.. . 941 . 910 .1090 . 900 32 cow.., 19 cow... 6 cows.., I cows.. 4 cows 697 49 cows 998 4 calve, 800 t cows 1018 68 cows.. 4 cow.. 8 cow.. 3 cows.. 3 cows.. ...lrt) ... 990 ... 91f ...1000 21 cows 904 11 cows 886 4 cows W 21 cows 922 10 feeders.. 940 21 feeders.. 978 I calves... 253 T calves... 123 50 cows. ....1041 cow...!. &f3 13 cow 903 14 feeder. .1075 54 feeder.. 1026 26 feeder.. 764 31 feeder.. 616 11 cows l 17 cows 971 13 cow 951 76 cow K1 7 steer.. ..1000 41 heifers... 810 32 heifers... 747 800 600 K8 332 2r6 7H5 91 63 84 feeder. 12 heifer.. 4 calve.. I calves., 12 cow.... 11 cow 29 feeders. 138 feeders. .1007 41 feeders.. 641 48 feeders.. 9t3 26 cows hW 14 cows., 10 cows. 73 cows.. 26 cows.. SSrt 996 , 940 97 76 heifers... Ti 12 heifers... 661 a oo 2 90 32 heifers... 9U6 Nebraska. M. O'Brien, ? feeders.. 9711 8 CO 8 feeder.. 600 8 (6 8 rows 9S0 8 40 I cow 1066 3 15 J. J. Bo 1)1 1 tt. 6 feeders. I feeders. 3 cows.... eri 690 796 S cows 1200 Nebraska. 29 cows Mil 8 06 I cows 1037 12 feeder.. lo 8 4 feeder.. S67 J. P. Zoon, Nebraska. 64 feeder.. 775 3 60 27 heifer... 760 13 cow 727 t So heifer... 645 8 calve... 814 8 86 calves... 14 feeders.. 1076 4 00 64 feeders.. 10t& 41 feeders.. 641 3 20 26 feeders.. 754 13 cows 842 I 85 27 cows 971 10 com 9 3 2o 13 row 951 J. C. Berry, Nebraska. 11 eows ltd 8 90 I bull 1400 1 bull 18oo 8 40 1 bull 1140 8. R. Hartman, Nebraska. 30 heifer... 86 It) 80 heifers... 772 tl heifer..; 3 26 46 cow 790 85 feeder.. 720 8 14 tr. civs. 316 J. H. Manahan-Neb. 38 cow,. ...1013 I 00 84 row.. ...lot 6 cow ltoo 3 09 - 8 feeder.. 1043 ' J. M. Gntr-Neb. tt cows..... 9 tOO mourn uakiji a. 17 feeder.. 1110 13 feeder.. 179 27 feeders. . 1J4 15 steer.. ..Ili6 19 steer.. ..1176 16 steer. ...111! 24 teer....UH4 It cow lit 19 cows,....Kl It cows.. ...liM 4 56 4 60 4 30 16 feeder.. 1242 4 85 4) a . I 10 I 00 If 4 96 a eo ' 8 1 ' I 60 4 65 . 4 u6 8 20 t 96 a ' 3 1J, I 66 4 00 I a 14 feeder.. llt2 - 21 heifer... To9 8 86 4 46 4 40 a to 8 40 a Tt I 60 II steer., . 9n ' It Steers. 47 steers. If cows. . t rows;. 13 cows.. .1390 ...!2& ... 941 ...pV ..WA 11 feeders.. liM 11 feeders It eows... 11)9)4 66 14 feeder.. lloO 21 cow 1U62 11 cow 913 It now Is ii 10 rows 9 10 steer.. ..loll 108 feeder.. hf 'seder.. 415 931 I 20 17 cows 96 31 eows loO 7 cow...,. 9"7 8 cow..'... 907 27 steers... 1071 11 feeders. 107V 3 It 8 10 1 80 2 to 4 00 I 66 wYOMi.Ml. S7 row 1 ffi 64 rnu Mi 8 7S 28 steers. ...ll et 8 76 41 calves... 8 4 75 24 calves,,. 3f) 2 S!V 87 steers. ...1110 4 2S 19 tf!i.,..l??4 4 40 13 rows 99-1 3 60 3 m 4 0" 4 I 3 W 4 to 4 sr. a is ?2 steers. ...ima 48 feeders.. "! 14 calves. . . Z9 SI heifers... ft'l 44 steers... .111 14 steers. ...114 13 cows 971 W. Keith, Wyoming. 21 feeders.. 1071 4 M) B. Brook. Wyoming. 39 heifers... 987 S 66 2 buns I .m S 85 S IS 3 75 Brooks. Hudson Co., Wyoming. I feeders.. 911 4 00 102 heifers... 772 57 Cows 983 8 70 7 calves... 263 I calves... ISO 6 00 R. B. Van Tassel, Wyoming. 90 eers....lK!7 4 78 17 Steers.. ..1278 4 1" 96 heifers. ..Ho 4 00 47 cow 1068 I 10 IDAHO. 1V feeders. 7K8 I 60 1t3 feeder. 174 I 60 Oakley A Ellis, Idaho. 81 heifers... 841 I 26 91 cowe 101 3 X 11 cows 990 I 00 13 feeders.. 1016 3 90 HOGS There wss a little more life to the trade this morning snd hog generally sold 6c higher than yesterday. In some esses light and butcher welglita of very good Duality, for which there was a good ship ping demand, sold 61fl0c higher. There wa sulllrlent lire to the trade to effect a rea sonably early clearance. A considerable proportion of all the hogs sold Inside th range of fJ 04J.10, with a top at f6.26. representative sales: .40. T. k. Pr, N. A. ..13 ..561 ,.t74 ,.lt ..7 ..334 ..17 ..W4 Is. Ft. 30 I 00 M IN 10 I to 40 I OO 33... 43... in... 34... tu... II... 46... 4t... 40... 64... 63... to... 10... 46... 43... 44... 34... 43... 13... 31... IS... 41... ..t7J ..817 ..3!T ..3trl ..311 ..171 .313 ,.3t .. 130 I 90 ... 137 ... 4 37 ... I 17 33 31 10 33 ft 34...,. 41 34 11 37 41 43 73 47 os 73 II M 73 73 ..74... TO 34 6 M 73..... 4t 34 37 I to 6 10 I IV I to I to I W 6 to t 10 I to I Ki 3 40 60 I 0 io I 00 3D I 00 I 00 I no 40 ..3-tl .140 ..3tt ,. 1.3W ..3.-8 ..30 40 I 00 .t76 ltd I 00 113 140 I 00 4 40 30 .931 ..343 ..181 ..144 ..174 ..113 i l tn lto oo t te l oo I 00 31T 140 I 30 .314 30 8 30 to l rc i; l oi 140 I 06 t4 ! 6 13 177 10 I 12 , 7I 134 t3 t 333 37 3ft t3 t74 tf.1 f 12 I 31 t 31 I 36 mi 40 4 06 30 .343 ltd I OB .211 30 I 06 34. . 43.. M. . M.. 40.. 30.. 71.. 17.. 34 llo .rt.3 130 I 00 40 I 36 ..341 ..223 ..241 ..tlO 19D I 04 30 I 11 i u )4 I II ... 116 40 I 3V ... I tH 30 f 30 I 17 ISO I 17 30 I 37 30. 83. ....147 ....30t to. I 17 71. 141 I !t SHEEP Receipts of sheep thts morning were very moderste and there were no holdovers of any consequence, yesterday run having been practically all cleared up before the close of the market. In the face of moderate receipts there was a very good demand, both for killers and feeders. Pack ers were out In the yards In very fslr sea son In the morning and the comparatively few loads that would answer their purpose changed hands very readily at good firm prices. Good fat lambs sold up to 17.25. .The barn wss fuN of strangers looking for feeders, so that the trade was kctlve until practically everything changed hands. The prices paid were anywhere from steady to a little 'higher than yesterday. Some sales men figured that they secured as much. as a 10c advance on some ot their holdings Quotations on ' good to choice killers: Lambs, t8.757.25; yearling , wethers, f5.50(3 i.76; wethers, f4.906.26: ewes, f4.60fe6.00. No quotstlons are given on fair to good killers, as feeder buyers are tsklng prac tically everything of that description at better prices than packers will pay. Quotations In feeders: Lambs, io.00-JF6.aO; common liinibs, ft.SO'iffl.OO; yearlinits, fVoOiif 5.80; wethers,- f4.75iij6.16; ewes, . f4.044.50; common ees, f3.26u8.76: yearling breeding ewes, ft.006.o0; aged branding ewes. fi.OOirf 8.76. Representative sale: No. ' . Av. 58 Wyoming lambs, culls.' 41 87 Wyoming lambs, culls 40 f90 Wyoming lambs 51 27 Wyoming lambs, culls........ 43 653 Wyoming lamb, feeder 64 360 Wyoming lambs . 58 861 Wyomli.g lambs 56 197 Wyoming lambs, feeders 54 446 Wyoming lambs, feeders 69 4 Wyoming lambs . 64 630 Wyoming lunibs ..a 64 871 Wyoming lambs, feeders 67 102 Wyoming lambs, feeders 65 123 Wyoming lambs, feeders 45 111 Wyoming lambs, feeders..... 47 148 Wyoming ewes 106 209 Wyomlna ewes 95 Pr. 4 50 5 SO 6 00 , 4 Ml 6 46 7 oo 7 00 15 I 85 ' 7 15 7 16 6 40 6 40 6 85 6 86 4 90' 4 5" 5 30 4 40 5 25 6 26 20. 7 00 7 00, 6 35 6 36 7 Ot) 7 00 6 66 4 90 5 10 6 36 6 00 7 00 4 3o 5 00 4 80 4 35 4 36 36 .'480 5 40 5 674 5 57V. 7 10 I 40 6 00 4 25 4 16 . 6 00 6 50 I 40 7 10 7 10 , , 7 10 ' 6 70 6 16 ' 4 60 5 00 4 9 6 oo 7 26 7 25 7 25 6 60 5 55 ' 98 Wyoming wethers 132 id wyo, ewes, eulls, -feeders... ltM 285 S. 1). wethers snd yearlings. ...86 332 S. D. wether and yearlings. 103 361 Utah lambs, feeders 6n Utalr lambs, feeders. 66 ?0 Utah lauiba 64 67 67 1 55 68 1W ' 77 7H 51 50 ft) 90 11)3 7 ill 88 62 R4 f 65 75 71 88 58 64 104 84 46 53 715 63 . 63 ' 66 49 55 92 98 96 81 70 71 71 74 100 U50 Wyoming lambs n .vomini lambs, reeders.... 863 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 240 Wyoming lambs 5W) Wyoming lambs 266 Wyoming yearlings 295 western yearlings and wethers, feeders 443 western ylgs and' wethers... 841 Wyoming lambs, feeders. .A 463 Wyoming, lambs, .feeders.... 469 Wyoming lamb 101 Wyoming ewes, feeder 92 Wyoming ewes 188 Wyoming ewes, feeder....,, 171 Wyoming ewes, feeder 164 Wyoming ewe, feeder 179 Wyoming ewe 154 Wyoming ewes, feeders t 451 Wyoming wethers 260 Wyoming wethers ' 8S1 Wyoming wethers 52 Idaho lamb ,, 282 Idaho feeder lambs 847 Idaho feeder lambs 271 Idaho feeder ewes 188 Idaho feeder ewe 316 western feeder lamb 93 Utah cull feeder lambs 88 Utah wether 270 Idaho lamb ' 334 Idaho lamb , 199 Idaho lambs 278 Idaho cull lambs 467 Idaho feeder lambs , 292 Idaho feeder ewes 234 Wyoming feeder wethers..., 234 Wyoming feeder wethers 29 Wyoming feeder ewe 342 Colorado lambs 441 Colorado lambs 106 Colorado lambs 106 Colorado yearling ewes 294 Wyoming yesrlings rillCAKU I.I VB STUCK MARKET Cattle, sud Sheen Steady Hon tendy to lllaher. CHICAGO, Oct. I. CATTLE Receipt a, estimated about 10,600 head; market steadv. Steers, I6.26'a7.30; cows, t3.5XKy6.00; heifers, H Q"ri.7&; bulls, 2.60j6OO; calves,' f3.0i'8.50; Stockers and feeder, I2.40ji6.00. HOGS Receipt s, estimated about 16,000 head; market, slesdy to 10 cents higher. Choice - heavy shipping, ft 6ft&4i.76; light butchers. t6.8$695; light mixed. fKti.Tt; choice light, tti.8iX(i.6; packing, t5.65tg6.60; pigs. 16 40416.75: bulk ot sales, f6.20ift4j.5u. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, estimated bout 26,000 head; market steady. Sheep, t3.604ift.35; lambs, ff.Oi(y7.60; yearlings. 85.60 'j6.75. . t. I.oal Btoek Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo., Oct. 8. CATTLK Re ceipts, 7.000 head. Including 8.500 Texans; market steady; native shipping and expert steers, f6.10'7.26; dressed beef and butcher steers, 6.Oa.6; steers under 1.000 pound,. H.Ue.OO; Blockers and feeders. ' H 754 75; cows and heifers, 83.6o6.85; canners, tl 50 102.50; bull. f?.75&4.75; calves. t2.6O07.6O; Texas and Indian steers, f3.0tn65.3i; cows and heifers, ll.Tfogo.sB7 HOUS Receipts. 11.000 head; market EJt 10c lower; pigs and lights, I6.60ir.76; pack ers. I5.5ufr6.60; butcher and best heavy, tri w.s.Ty SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 1.800 hes'l; market steodv; native muttons, 83.85 eie.60; lambs. t5.0(i7.15: culls and bucks, l3.5tl-H5.U0; stockers, f3.006e.2t. Kanaaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, )ct. 8. CATTLE Re ceipt. 19.000 head. Including 800 southorn; market steady to 10c lower; cows and heifers, strong; : choice export and dressed beef steers, fG.Oftf'i.CO; fair to good. to.Ootj. 10.00; western steers. 14.00116.45; southern cows, f2.0t4t.2i: native row, 62.25460; native heifer. f3.0o4j6.0ti; bulls, y:.3lai.f); calves, t3.2lyo6.50. HOGS Receipts, 10.000 head: market 6tfl 7Vc higher; top, 86.46; bulk of sales, ftUM 8.40; heavy, t.0ui.2: packer. t615'0.4O; pis snd lights, ft! 104145.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 1.900 head; market steady and active- lambs, 8ti.u7.86; ewes snd yearling. f5.0to.60; western yearlings, f 2.2&rr6.7&; western sheep, f4-75igi.60; stockers snd feeders, I3.7fcti5.75. Slons t'llr l-lv Stoek Market. . ' SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Oct. I. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipt, 1.000 head; mar. ket steady; light Blockers, lower: beeves, f4.60ft4.26; cows and heifers. 2 60j4 Ott : stocker and feeders, f3.uxd4.60; calve and yearling, t2.i56t.7o. HOGS Receipt. !.4"0 head; market So higher, selling at 16.16(38.16; bulk of sales, fO.9u06.OO. Rock Island Take Peannnt. CHICAGO. Oct. I -At a meeting today Of the Three 1 league the base ball pen nant wa awarded to Rork Island, which won with a percentage of .662. the largeat ever attained by club of the league. - Be Want Ada do th business. .11 , -1 ... DEVICE TO ABOLISH STOPS . ty . Patent Which Will Make All Loci Trin Fait Maili. m sasta v eauroad man is the authoj y HI Hystea Mall May Me Trans ferred fros Train o Train Wltkeat Haitian: Either of Tkeaa. ' The transfer Of passengers, mall, bag gage snd express to and from train with out the necessity of stopping I a dream o' practical railroad men which seem .boui to be realised In an Invention of Francli H. Cook, a western railroader. Mr. Coot ha patented a device 'which, he asserts win abolish all stops between terminal! ar.d convert loosl train Into "fast malls" nd at the same time enable them to glvt th ssme local service they ar now glvlni at a saving of time, patience and money. Already some road entering Omaha ar considering the advisability of giving th device a practical test.' ' ' If the Cook plan I successful It wil mark one of the most Important advance: In railroading that ha been made In re cerit years. Not only th railroads, bu also the government mall service, lias loni been aeeklng some method of transfer tt take the place of the crude plan now In use At present msll Is placed Oh' the fsst trln. at local ststlons by means of a hook pro jecting from the side of the mall car which grabs th mall sack from the srma of an upright post beside the track. This la unsatisfactory and the government hits long been seeking some other method surer snd less destructive to malt snd sacks. Mr. Cook assort his method will not only provide for the ssfe transfer of mails, but also of passenger, express, baggage snd anything else the company may wish to put on or off Us trains. Mosla Operandi. The devise consist of two transfer cars, one on the train and the other running be side the main trartt on a sidetrack about s mile long. Both transfer car are provided with a number of side doors, each with a platform and vestibule. A the train ap proache the station the detaohod transfer car, with the mall, express baggage and passenger to be placed on the trsln on board, runs alongside the train and the two transfer cars are attached. The transfer Is then made both ways and before the end of the sidetrack is reached the transfer car Is detached and the train chugs past the station without the loss of time and money which atop would Involve, The local transfer car I, mode of light material and run by electricity. It can at- tain a high speed In a very short, time and at th rate passenger train usually run through towns It Is estimated the transfer can be made on about one mile of side track. From, the passenger's standpoint the value. of the device He chiefly In the sav ing of time. Eyen the fastest of througfc train make a number of stops, consumtni much valuable time. The annoyance oi frequent stops bn ordinary trains will alst be done away with, Valae Chiefly Economic. From the standpoint of the railroad tin vaiu of the device will be chiefly economic It is well known that every atop a trail makes Increase the expense of running Ilk train. There Is the wesr snd tesr on th) brake shoes, the strain which I placed at every bolt and beam In the car which hows up sooner or' later In repair ex penses. But the principal' Item Is the 'in crease 1n the amount of coal required tc get' the train lit motion, after u sjtop. Trilf Increase amount to several hundred pot cent over the amount used if no stop weri made.- " v'. v, . Th expense of ftirining.-Uie nw.dvlc4 would lio principally in the employment ol one man at 'each station -io operate, the transfer car. , This expensq; it f fclalmed, will be more than offset by the saving of tha tlm of the train crew consisting of four or Ave men arid the more regular fun ning of train. GAS .COMPANY SAYS, CAN'T Informs City of Inability t Firalak . British Thermal tnlt for . Winter. j Th gag commlsslonor ha been 'informed by the Omaha Qas company 'that the. con cern cannot supply gok to the cltj). during : the fall and winter, which .will contain th total number of British thermal, unit, whloa the commissioner Initials Is contemplated by the ordinance' governing the subject. Involved In this tnatter. lsthe construc tion of terms of th ordinance which pro vides 800 units to the cublo foot of gg. The commissioner Insists trial these-unit hall be net, while the 'company desires to consider them gross. This would mean a difference of about thirty unit to the cu bic foot and to ecure hi position, the com-, missloner will ask the council . to specify that the unit anal! be' t '' " . ". - Following the statement 'of Vnsbilltjr M comply with' the ordinance tH gas oomm. sloner ha scoured data from other cities. He finds that in Philadelphia, with ,candl power ranging: from 22.50. to 3,11 the ga, over a term of year, hss varied frohl 8 to 704.4 urilt to th cubic foot. (Thefts' figures are gros , unit, 'but tji variation ' I uf flclent to" produce 800 net units to th cu bic foot. v ;,r. -i , .' The ga commissioner Insist that what I don fh Philadelphia can be done In Omaha. ' v September test of gas show an average of 689.2 British thermal units' to th cubic foot of gas, a deficiency of more than te units to th foot. "''.''".;.'...'" PACE OF .' A ' REAL .'COLORADO AN Sixty Dollar rev Night and SleriM Oot In .the Ambient ' ' . " - Air.. . . "Cqloradoan certainly go some '-when they ar away from home." , This was the- remsrk'Of many police offi cers when It was learned that J. J. Push cattleman of Tuttle, Colo,, paid at the rat of 160 per night for lodging wher visiting Otnaha and did not secure th best tn tha city vcn.t that enormous price. Selecting a nice soft flagstone nesr Thir teenth and Davenport streets, the Colors doan rolled' up Ilk shaving nd peopl, passing at 10 o'clock Monday night couM hear blm'qhewlng the air. with now and then a loud anore. the sleeper being unac 'cuttomed to the low altitudo and hcavj foe-saturated ambient, e - Pugh was off In dream of mountain ldt pastures, Rocky Ford cantaloupes, Grant Junction 'apples, guide hook,.cnry vanc th "Garden of th Gods," when the poiw-t found hlin. Dangling front hi checkered vest waa. the watchles chain, but th Colorado lioatiit charm-had been left. A search throngh th ample pockets of th cattleman convinced the officer that li had paid for a good bod and he was takt a to the. station. Pugh lost KM tn cfsh, and hi watch, worti 130 more. "I cue I mad some ' fellow thlnfe Colcrado waa gold mine," h said wh-n he discovered hi loss. - "Dav of pot luck ain't disappeared yet.'Ji . , - t . a'orthern PactAo IMvldend, NEW YORK. Oct. I -The directors t.f the Northern Pacific Railroad cowtyanv fixtuy declared the regular quarterly dlvtdcuti J 1W bovr cant rtT . i ?. :ii'.i t VlHl tit ,l e 1 I e