'A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 0. 1007. ft 4 ARicn y ASSORTMENT A BEAUTIFUL DEPARTMENT & mitfs Rcady-lo-VVcar Apparel The approach of the Omaha Horse Show and its demand for the most elegant and fashionable attire are now upper moat In the minds of fashionable women. We are in a state of perfect preparedness to supply the demands of this notable function. , We mention a superb as semblage of Imported even ing coats, for horse show and evening wear, At 124.60 to $198. Stunning evening gowns and party dresses at $49 to $250. A marvelously beautiful array of the newest fur pieces, including the ermine sets so appropriate for horse show wear. The finest ex hibition of its kind in the west. Women's Dress and Cos tume Skirts, chiffon broad cloths,' French voiles, fine serges, etc., up to $35. Children's Coats and Dresses We show the finest assortment of children's dressy little coats for fall and winter, Including the famous FieadUly coats. Prices are $3.98 "P to 25 Evening dresses, party and dancing dresses, messalincs, chif fon, taffetas, crepe de chines and chiffon voiles, C C charming models, at pJD A MONDAY , SPECIAL Women's Long Satin Lined Broadcloth Coat, full satin lined, beautifully braid trimmed, inlaid collars, and cuffs a $20 value, ot Bwrafi PARIS PATTERNS Ur2 honor o 5v f ... tic uour presence is requested at our I a i i wen NEW YORK MODELS W LOeek of yRonJavj.Octot ober aj ivX & , iivet fecn 9sun.otrc.cL and S even S4C ouvemrs CT i. . AH' . i. ecorauons vy iUinuTva Hon. 12.50 '-4J . IGM CLASS SILKS Everything as shown in Paris and New York is displayed here. Silks for street wear, absolutely correct in style. We offer a great many exclusive patterns Pektn stripe novelties, Ra jah Shantungs, and silks in plain weaves are the most pop ular many exclusive Importations specially priced at, yard $1.00 to $10.00 Swell French Hatln Barred Plaids, harmonizing with the new suitings, yard $1.00 to $2.00 New Shadow Stripe Phanthome Dress Silks for street and reception gowns 20 different colorings, yard $1.00 Exclusive patterns of Lyons Evening Silks bordered mar quisettes, fancy voiles, mousseline and crepe d'Auteil im prime, rich brocades, etc., imported to sell as high as 1125.00 a pattern, special Monday, pattern . . .'. ..$25 to $69 Velvets are popular Chiffon velvets, velour, velvet cords, mohair cuiie, etc., yard 50 to $7.50 Our twenty-four years of business in Omaha have I en ars of rapil progress and success. This event it far more than a mere opening. It is a grand asJ mblage of the werlds best merchandise, Brandeis is the oldest retail starein this city. Business men throughout Amerioa point to ii as an example of the brilliant success achieved by men of determination and enterprise- We invite you specially to view the brilliant Electrio Fountain modeled after the famous fountain at Versailles, France) which will attract thousands to our second floor. To the visitors from out of town who have come to Omaha - to witness the laying of the cornerstone of the new Catholic cathedral, we extend a special invitation to attend this import ant event. . Exquisite New Effects in mil RULUNE Brandeis styles in fall millinery reign supreme. Our close touch with the foremost Pari sian designers through our own foreign offico and our high standing with the famous shops of Fifth Avenue, New York, makes it possible for Brandeis to secure the choic est creations as soon as they are produced. There Is an in dividual touch of authentic style about every one of Brandeis finer hats that com mends them to women of fash ion. We mention prices, at Hi n $20 A Special for Monday Several hundred beautiful, new fall hats, in the large effects, trimmed with ostrich feathers, ribbon, flowers and ohovtx of velvet; all are up-to-date, smart fall models and the price for Monday is $5 Silk Specials for Monday Extreme Novelties In Fall Dress Goods The rich dress fabrics we are showing this fall are the talk of Omaha. 1 Broadcloths are in high favor for tailored suits only house showing the latest browns, navies and plum i colors specially sponged shru&c by - the new process. $4.00 Broadcloths, yd. .$3.00 $3.00 Broadcloths, yd. .$2.00 $2.60 Broadcloths, yd. . $1.65 $2.00 Broadcloths, yd. . $1.25 54-inch Tailor Suitings, only one pattern of a kind shadow stripes and smart check Broadcloth, a pattern, v at $15 to $28.50 Foreign and domestic dress goods, 60 to 54-inch Panama, Melrose, French Serges, fancy Suitings, Cravenette, French plaids, at,' yard. ; . . t .$1.00 Black Goods, Shadow Heavy Plaids, Tamls Cloth very popular for street costumes, regular price' $1.60 Q O yard, at, yard......'OC THE BEAUTIFUL NEW $5 i Exclusive novelties direct from our Paris office fancy Em broidered Crepe de Paris, Bor dered Voiles, Light Gauze, wool materials, etc. yard, $1.26 to e,c.$5.00 Strictly New Silks, plaid silks, plain and fancy taffetas, 27-tnch and 36-inch, dress and lining taffetas and satins,, crepes de chine, etc., worth up to $1.50 yard, on four bargain squares, at, yard 49c-59c-69c Monday's Dress Goods Specials 44 to 6 4 -inch Broadcloths, Henriettas, Storm Serges, fancy Suitings, Mohairs, Panamas, Plaids, worth from 75c to $2.00 yard five bargain sqaares, yard, 98c, 79c, 69c, OJrt 49c and JJC A Perfectly Equipped Department Leather Goods and Jewelry Our assortment of Leather Bags and Purses is conceded to be the most complete west of New York. We mention extreme novelties in the hand painted bags from Paris, walrus bags from London and alli gator goods from Florida. Brandeis is the style center for novelties in women's fine belts If you are matching a costume or have an eye for the very latest novelties, Brandeis offers superior advantages. Our own importation of novelties from Europe in men's, solid gold knives,, match safes,' tie pins, , cuff links set with. dia , monds and other elegant effects shown for the first time. Mounted Combs Set with French white stones, perfect cut, " 'v Japanese combs embossed-In figures and - fancy-, stone mountings. Hand cut cameos, in bracelet hat pins, LaVallieres, tie pins, cuff links, etc. , We mention our showing of international 1847 silver knives, forks, tea spoons, table spoons, pie knives, oyster forks, eto. A Monday Opening Special 2Vino,h wide Silk Elastic Belts, heavilv studded with - fine steel points, large steel front buckles, y& stripes about twenty popular new styles , , . . 1 ' . n ... , ' fa in these smart, serviceable waists, '"MS i3 n worth $4; our own importation, at vfJfc ;J . at JP -5 Dress Waists and Costume Waists No western assemblage of waists has ever been so thoroughly charming in style and so com plete In every way. We mention specially our fine hand made lace waists, fashioned of the daintiest and most elegant lace over fine silk, hand made medallions, etc., , also beautiful net waists and fine silk waists, short or long sleeves price, .$0.08 P t $49 Lace and Evening Waists at $4.9$ Very fine lace, net, silk', messaline and rrepe de chine Waists, charming new models now shown for the first time, in short or long sleeves, all the leading features for dress and even ing actually worth regularly up to $10 'and $12.60 special, at MONDAY A $2 Waist at 98c New fall styles in wool waists, in plain colors and plaids and' stripes about twenty popular new styles Brandeis is the Supply Center for the . Highest Grade Women's 1KIO GLOVES Brandeis is exclusive selling agent in Omaha for the celebrated Perrin's Gloves. Our new 'Fall ship- i 1. ' 11T- 1 ii A -1 i i kTl. mems are liere. vo snow me inossi eiegani euecis in 8, 12, 1G and 20-button lengths all the newest shades are represented for street and evening wear price ranges, pair, from 75 dp a so to ar "Better Fan Clothes" tor Men Men's Fall Furnishings Jill We mention two very special lines in Women's Elbow Length Kid Gloves black white, tan, worth to $4 a pair two groups, at, pair.' . . . Brandeis is sole agent in Omaha for Northrup's Street Gloves, in cape and mocha. 25.nd29i i 3k I Men of taste who are constantly on the lookout for new features will be delighted with some of the extremely novel fall styles in Men's Ap parel we are showing. The skill with which these clothes are tailored is admir able nothing so distinctive as "Brandeis" Better Clothes for Men" at $10 to $40 Rogers, Peet, New York clothes for men at . $10 to $40 Renwick System hand made suits and over coats, at $15 to $25 We invite your inspection of our complete and perfectly appointed Boys' and Children's Clothing Department, second floor, old store. AN EXTRA SPECIAL OFFER Women's $1.39 Quality Kid Gleves 98c These are 2-clasp gloves of. French Lambskin black, white, brown, navy, tan and gray, a regular $1.39 value, at, pair 98c AN OPENING SPECIAL Men's Blue Serge and Black Thibet Suits Excellent quality, all wool, perfect fitting and well tailored. They are $15 Suits, opening special at . . .'. 975 The most complete and well selected lines of fixings for fall. Everything that is new and in good taste is shown in this finely equipped section old store, main floor. The famous Manhattan and E. & W. Shirts for men, in fall patterns at $1.75 t $3.50 The well known Norfolk and New Brunswick Underwear at, gar ment... $1.50 to $4.50 Sterling and Munslng Union Suits, at $1.50 to $5.50 Lewis Underwear for men at. suit... $3.50 to $20 The standard of excellence, E. & W. Collars and Cuffs. Men's high grade fall Neck wear, at $1 to $1.08 Perrin's and Dent's Gloves at. pair. $1.75 to $3.50 OPENING SPECIAL Your choice of a fine assort ment of Star, Wellington and Griffon Brands of nn Shirts for men, worth HHP up to $2. at "U" Men's High Class Fall Hats The correct new fall styles for men all the latest blocks in derbies, and the smart felt hats ample lines (J T jllfl mm The Finest and Best SiLctei Stock SHOE For Women, Men and Children In the most richly furnished shoe section west of Chicago. The Pliit Kczi Shoe for Women, lace and button, any stylo, size or C width, pair The Ked Cross' Shoe for women. A strictly up-to-date stylish shoe with ab- , solute comfort, all styles,, pair vPt' Sole agents for the White Ribbon Shoes, the new shoe, for women, officially en dorsed by jthe: W. C. Ti U. of America, for dress or street wear, at p p pair $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 and We sell the Florshelm shoe for men,' the .highest class, most comfortable and most stylish men s ehoe made, . l"'7' 4'nf $5 11 at $2.00, $2.50 and The famous Stetson Hats, at 3i Brandeis Offers at Moderate Prices the Most Reliable Lines of WINTER UNDERWEAR 1 We are agents for the famous Mun slng I'uderwew, the kind that excels in durability. In comfort and in fit. Women's Union Suits at 9Hc, fl.SU up to $2.0H. Women's Vests and Pants, at 49c and 98c each. Children's Munslng Union Suits, at 40c, 08c . and 81.50. With euch purchase of Munslng un derwear we give free one silk doll shirt. KUrliug Underwear Fine enough for the most fastidious. Cotton, wool, Bilk and wool mercerized and Bilk underwear in white and fancy colors. Union Suits are $2.50. $2.98, $3.50 and $4.50. Vests and tights are $1.75 each. . fa In the flat woven natural wool and camel's hair vests and pants, we carry Root's, Tlvolf and Standard underwear for ladies, at, garment, 98c, 91.25. and 91.40. ' fro Children's Underwear, 49c up to 8c. Ladles' Ribbed Cotton Vents, Pants and Union Suits, in- eluding the Helvltla Union Suits. Vests and Pants. 49o each. Rulta are 98e. 75c UNDER WE ATi at 39c Vests and pants or union suits tine and heavy ribbed' some re fleece lined Just the right weights SJ specia. at. jr Our Daylight Dept. Third FUor Carpets and Rugs "We mention our splendid linea of Oriental Rngs, which are imported by us direct. "We sell Oriental Rues as we sell dry Roods at a small profit. Not as Lace Curtains and Drapery Department In this department you will find not only the largest assortment of new fall curtains, but a most complete line of hieh class imported goods. We im- rare jewels. The assortment is superb in variety aft port all our high grade curtains through our Paris and rich coloring. Beautiful Karmanshah Rugs at $95 to 9275 Elegant Mossouls, Kermlns, Kasaks, Khevii, Shirvans, Beluch instans and various makes, ranging from 912.50 up to 93ftO WUton Rugs of the finest grade, including the famous Savalan Wiltons, of high quality and rich coloring. Beautiful new shades of ivory, tan, soft reds, green and new browns. All sizes from small mats to the extra1 large room sizes! Axiulnster and Pine Body Brussels Rugs In the most complete and carefully selected lines carried by any store in the west. . Carpets In a splendid variety of patterns and color ef fects, in prices up to $3.25 a yard. 9c BRANDED M A Rai Worth $60 for $29 lftfir W To give an idea of the quality of bargains we offer, $i in our Carpet and Rug Department, we offer one ffi T group of fine "Wilton ltugs, all new and up-to-date g patterns a special offer for Monday, CROO 2? . at ' vPw office and can show an. unusually large line of new styles. Arabian Curtains The correct styles for living rooms real hand made curtains many shown for the first timerpair, from 5.00 up to $10 Eruss els Curtains We are showing a beautiful as sortment of these popular curtains, pair at, from 3.98 up to 10 Cluny Curtains In this line wo have unlimited ex clusive patterns, pair, from. .2.98 up to 7.50 Duchess and Irish Point Curtains, new line in white, Arabian, ivory, pair 2.98 up to 10 at. In our children's shoe department the most reliable shoes for school or dress wear for boys, misses and children Special for Monday Four hundred pair Ladies' Genuine Welt Sewed W4 Shoes patent colt and kid, lace or button $3.00 X and $3.50 values on sale Monday 29 Wl a great special bargain ' fuTflT L?Ta.T P.-TSW FrsW fl-r n-pW T--r-is r. - Jj Linen Dept. Basement. Nw Stora Brocade Damask Tabic Cloths - Napkins Attention is directed to a shipment of these beautiful goods. We have no hesitation in pronouncing Brocade Dam asks in many respects the most interesting and attractive Table ever seen. ' ' fill Linens we have The name "Broc&de" it applied to them because Portieres and Couch Covers Omaha agents tor the famous Artloom goods the new fall styles are here, ranging In price, pair, from $1.98 up to $17.50 Extra Specials for Monday Only 100 Dozen Irish Point Door Panels size 36x48, worth 50c, at each IUC tlie patterns stand out from the plain background JS? so sharply and distinctly-. The designs are so altogether unusual and of rare artistic excellence, finished with a lustre of the brilliancy of silk, which repeated laundering does not diminish. They may be had in a variety of qualities, ranging from medium to fine, as the fol lowing prices indicate: . XAFKIXS Dinner sizes, doz., 90.0H, 97.08, $13.50 and 917.08 TABLE CLOTHS2x2 yards, at .,.ft0 uu o.oO 214x2 yards, at..; 910.0M 2V4x2Vs yards at 97.08 and 91 1.08 2x2 V6 yards, at 9M.50 2V43 yards, at 9D.OM Like many other good things in linens, these can be had In Omaha only at the Brandeis store, and like many other good things, imitations are not wanting. Inspection invited. . BRANDEIS