THE - OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1907. Health Insurance at little cost J BAKING POWDER SI.COO.GQ "" offered to stance Injurious to the health found in Cftlnmtt Baking Powder. x Parity is a prime essential in food. Cal nmet Is made only of pure, wholesome ingredients combined by skilled chemists. I and complies with the pure food laws of all states. It is the only high-grade Baking Powder on the market sold at i a moderate price. .Calnmet Baking Powder may be ' freely used with the certainty that food made with it contains ia harmfn i It is chemically correct and makes I nrc, wholesome Food. druga- , ' -W COST OF SEW COURT IIOl'SE Forty Cents Per Thousand-Dollar Home for Million Bonds. KEffNARD FIGURES IT OUT Ure SI4fitff Dlaenaalon at Real Ee tat RirkiaRc and Exploits What Hoard Ilae Dose Instead. BRIEF CITY NEWS Kara Soot print .It, John A. Gentleman for coroner, f Ztongla Printing Co, 814-18 8. lftth St. 1. A. Blnahart photographer, removed o . Eighteenth and Farnam streets. : Voll Brass Salts and Prince Alberta ateet style, at Vollmer's, 107 8. 16 th Bt, We always have Hock Spring coal. Central Coal A Coke Co. of Omaha, 15th md Harney, j The City Savings Bank is opoh every Saturday evening for the. convenience of hose who can not call during the; week. Schools Close Thursday Publlo' schools vlll be closed Thursday afternoon so that luplls and teachers may see the daylight; arade. Work oa Balloon House Work was be tun Wednesday morning on the new bal oon houso at Fort Omaha. J. II. Wiese las the contract. 1 : On stock of fall and winter woolens ts soraplete. An order placed now may ba Hied at - your convenience. Gutkert St McDonald. SIT South Fifteenth street. Wo trlocks or Bonds In our assets, 'but Irst mortgages on homos, sis a' rule, re ayable by the month. 11.00 to $5,000 re salved any day. Paying 6 per cent. The Conservative, 1H14 Harney street. Mr, and Mrs. Morand's classes ' in dan sing for children, In Law School building, !10 South ISth street, reopens Saturday, Oc tober 6.. Beginners, 8 p. m.; advance, 4 p. m.;.hlgh school assemblies Baturday, 7:30 p. nv; Six months, W. Tel. Douglas l'Ml. Two-Story Building for Bakery The L'nlon. raclflo Steam , Baking company Is recting a two-story brick stable and barn, , KlxM feet, and costing $7,000, at Its baking plant at 3610 North Thirtieth street. Walter Petersen has the general contract and the arlck contract has been let to J. E. Mer rlam. Handbook of BeclamaUoa The pnssen ger department of the Union raclflo has Issued a new pamphlet or handbook on the reclamation act which gives much useful Information concerning the reclamation act and the operations under It. The book Is prepared In the style of questions and an swers such aa are moat usually made to the fciterfor department. mBrowa : Will Stay ' for Luncheon The Commercial club has received word from Senator Norrls Brown, who will be In Omaha Sunday to take part In the laying of - the cornerstone of the new Catholic cath-dral, that he will be pleased. to stay as the guest at an Informal lunchoon Mon lay at the club. Thirty or forty represen tative cltlxens will bo Invited to meet him. Haw Investment Company The United Investment company, organized to do a general Insurance and loan business and to act aa agents for corporations, has filed articles of Incorporation. The capital is 125,000, with a provision that it may be In sltlon over to his successor. Ills predeces sor, also from Omaha, held the place less than two months. The position Is (Hie to which is attached a fair salary and the work is light, but for some reason Incum bents do 'rot stay, tand the captain la look Idc for a man who will. Horse Hsard from at Xyons Prop prletor K. C. Scott of the Midland hotel has received a telephone meseage from Lyons that the horse on which Ralph DePuy of Harrison had tried the experi ment of an electric epur in front or the Midland Tuesday morning passed through Lyons at mldHight and was still going. When last seen the horse seemed to be laboring under considerable astonishment and discreetly avoided making any Inti mates with men folks. Bepalrs at WUlow Springs Distillery The repairs at the Willow Springs dlstll lory are about completed, Invplving an ex pense of several thotisand dollars. The vats and tanks will be ready for use October 27 and , after that time a very material Increase In the revenue receipts for this district will be noticed. The fact that the. distillery has been undergoing repairs for several months accounts for the shortage In revenue receipts for July, August and September. ' Cat-off Appraisers Belay Work The board of appraisers of the Cut-Off lske park proposition held a short session In the oftlcea of the Board of Tark Commis sioners Wednesday mornlni and adjourned to meet November 15 at 10 a. m. It was the hope of the members of the board the appraisement of property Involved in the deal could have been completed at the meeting Wednesday, but since the last meeting a number of complications have ariBen which will require at least thirty days to unravel. rirst Divorce Under Hew Bale The first divorce decree to be granted by Judge Suttorrslnce he Inaugurated the policy- of holding up all decrees six months was given Wednesday to Mrs. Lizzie Carter, who se cured separation from Edward Carter, on allegations of nonsupportJ The-case was heard April 2, but Judge Sutton announced he would not sign - the decree for six months. The time was up to a day Wednesday and Mrs. Carter was on ahand promptly or the document. She was given her maiden name, McGraw. v Accomodations for Newspapers Custo dian barrows of the federal building has assigned one of the vacant rooms In ' the postoffice building for the accommodation of the newspaper men who have occasion to use the room for writing purposes during the present term of the federal courts. The room Is equipped with tables and chairs and the newspaer men are Invited to avail themselves of its use. The rooms are No. 204, formerly occupied by Assistant Attor ney General Rush and his assistants dur ing the trial of the Nebraska land cases. Dairies Hade Inspection City Veteri narian C. C Hail is making a close Inspec tion of all dairies supplying milk to Omaha. To take care of the Interest on bonds for a 81,000,000 court house and retire half the bonds in twenty years would resoire enly 40 cents a year from the man with a 1,000 home. This was the estimate given to the Real Estate exchange by County Commissioner Kennard, who had figured the problem to find what a new i.oiirt house would mean In taxes to the average citisen A levy of 2 mills would be all that is necessary, he said. ' The county commissi jnors hud born In vited to a complimentary luncheon by the exchange and after eating they were In vited to talk on county finances, particu larly on the court house proposition. W. O. Ure sidestepped the question and spoke en tirely of the deeds accomplished by the county board In the last two or three years. Mr. Kennard was In favor of a new court house. Mr. Bruning and Mr. Tralnor were in favor of delaying the vote on bonds until next yenr'a regular election, or until a special election might be called. Their idea was that the voters are not ready for the proposition. Commissioner Solomon was not present. j I're ft I ti ara ills Sonar. ' Mr. Ure said the county had paid all Us debts for the first nine months of the year and had $228,000 on hand for expenses of the remaining three months. The board had cut 315 expense bills In two years, he said, and had encountered only one appeal to the courts, that being In case of some land washed away by the Elkhorn river, for whose erratic actions the board did not think the county responsible. With no unexpected expenses, Mr. Ure thought the county levy ought to be about 12.4 mills for several years. Addresses complimentary to the commis sioners on account of their good work In office were to have een made, but were omitted from lack of time. Commissioner Ouild of the Commercial club enlisted the support of the exchange In securing signatures to the petition ask ing the county commissioners to submit the question of annexation of South Omaha to the voters at the fall election. Several members took copies of the petition. It Is necessary to have the names of 1.636 vot ers by Saturday morning, but to allow for those which may be thrown out on ac count of a question of registration, tt Is proposed, not to stop with less than 2,000 names. I7 creased to $100,000 when the stockholders He has been on his rounds several days, so determine. The Incorporators are C. L. Smith, E. M. Coffin, O. M. Coffin and J. W. Smith. Tlald Club Enlargements Plans for en larging the dining room and dancing pa vilion of the Field club are under considera tion and will be passed on saon by th directors of" the club. It Is proposed to ex tend the dining room to include the present veranda -and to extend the dance floor aa far. making It about 50 per cent larger. This would necessitate a change In the tennis grouids, as the new veranda would extend over a portion of the present courts. took Oat for Special Parties Ins true- but will not make a formal report for a week or more. Ho says In a majority of casea the herds and stables are In good shape, but that la one or two Instances the barn yards and surroundings have bean found to be foul. In these cases hoi has ordered Immediate improvements under penalty of forfeiture of license to sell milk In the cjty. One. place, the Inspector says, has been found to be almost Ideally per fect and this will be a feature of the re port, so that other dairymen can see what Is desired by the city. Habeas Corpus to Oat Child James B, Pnlm. i9 fintith Dmlht la aeelrtnar hv h. tlons have bean Issued by the, passenger , corpua proceed,ng, to ,et possession department of the Union Pacific to all i . M. .....--m ,,alirhti.r Ftnra who ha agents to ba on the lookout for all special parties that all care may be taken of thenr. The road announces that It is especially de sirous of affording all possible facilities for targe bodies of people and the agents are Instructed to advise the officials at head quarters that auy extra equipment which Is desired msy he supplied. Oardaaer for Battle Mountain Captain H. fi. Palmer desires to find a gardener with power to adhere to a Job at Battle Mountain sanitarium. Two gardeners have resigned, after being at the place less than a year, the last resignation being that of V H. Ellsworth, once gardener at Hanscom park. Mr. Ellsworth went to the place tn Maxell and is now ready to turn' the po of his 8-year-old daughter, Flora, who he asserts Is being deprived of her liberty by Mrs. Jessie Hogan, $516 N street, South Omaha. The girl's mother died some ttme ago and Flora has been living with Mrs. Hogan. When Palmer got ready to take ears of the child himself he says Mrs. tlo- can refused to give her up. Monday, ac cording to the petition, Mrs. Hogan caught the girl on her way home from school and took her home and when Mr. Palmer went to get the child flourished a revolver in his face. The writ of habeas corpus was slgnfed Wednesday by Judge Troup and the hearing will be held October S. I Red Cross : Cough Drops. Nothing better for sore throats. 6o per box. ws I i - i f ' K "" Oaaumwi-I Jisliortipe. .!., at t n,. mUIo ft&mmJT '''-TlTOia CITY MAKES HIT THAT WINS Omaha laiareaeea Ohla Hmilsetarer So Well He May Locate Plaat Here.' Charles M. Peters, a ' leading, business man of Columbus, O., one of the founders of the Columbus Buggy company and at present at the head of the Pfetera Dash company, the oldest and foremost dash company In the United . States, was In Omaha Tuesday for a few hours. I am surprised at the marvelous growth of Omaha, particularly during the last year. This is the first opportunity I have had to get a partial view of your new. business and jobbing houses. Thejr- surpass any thing ln'the country for a city anywhere near Omaha'a aise. It far surpasses any thing of the kind either In Columbus, Cin cinnati or Cleveland. The twin M. E. 8mlth company's buildings are models of their kind. The other great wholesale houses In your Jobbing district are a rev elation In the line of business architecture. Omaha certainly has a great future. There Is a wholesomeness In the business enthu siasm and enterprise of Omaha that sur passes that of almost any other city. . I am surprised at the number and energy of vour retail business streets. I sea there will aoon be a necessity for our concern possibly to establish a branoh house here in Omaha In order that we may share In your prosperity. This matter has just suggested itself to me and may be come a realisation before another year. am going from here to the meeting of the carriage builders' national association In New York, which convenes Monday and shall have something to say there of my Impressions of Omaha." DISPUTE OVER- OAS tERMS Records fchow City is Not Genie; What Ordlnaaea Calls For Fro at Coraratlea. There Is a controversy between the Omaha Gaa company and the city gas commissioner over the terms of the ordl nance regulating the quality of gas sold. The September inspection shows an aver age of E88.S. Btlsh thermal units to the cublo foot, while the ordinance calls for 600 such units and the commissioner has notified the gas company to strengthen the heating power of the gas. The company claims the total shown by the commissioner Is In excess of the amount required by the ordinance, holding that the 600 units re quired are to be considered gross units, while the commissioner Insists they are net units, msklng a difference of about per cent. Another matter of difference Is In the cor rection of the figures for temperature and air pressures. The commissioner corrects his figures for a temperature of (0 degrees Fahrenheit and thirty Inches pressure on the barometer. The company insists upon a correction to S2 degrees temperature an thirty barometrio pressure. This would make a further change in favor of the company. Before the matter Is settled the council may be asked to amen1 the ordi nance to make tbe points at Issue plain. Dr. Doll'o Pino 'Tar -Honey la a Soientina Preaeriptkm Car folly Prepared Tfoaa the Purest and UaU luxradlenu. Dr. Beirt Phta-Tar-Koney Compile With tka NaUoaal runt; food law. hAad yoa will Sod W looklag at the eartea ur habit-prod aH amgs. A rue and take ao auoasiiuiaw Uek ler the fell ee IM SorHe ana Our Cuaranloe a. 60. rsr.ABtD olt T THI E. E. SUTHERtAND si 10. CO.. Ii n . Pasaaaa. S.. f r I mm eaWW ii r i ii jr- i ii JT: 1 51 ' J The Well Known -.Supremacy . SUITS For Men and OVERCOATS is duo to the vrlpe xperieuoe and sound Judg ment of eur buyers, bucked by spot cash. They were beught right. ' That's why tur NEW FALL GAR MENTS are superior te those you see elsewhere. - , Our New Fall Suits and Overcoats merit your approval at every point. The mater ials and patterns are varied; they are the newest and best that can be found in tho world's markets. The workmanship is 6uperb and the fit and style is perfect. Better still the prices are 20 LOWER than you will pay, for similar goods at other stores. We have them at s $10-$12-$15-$18and$20 fllf 01 OIF r Our Hat Special FOR MEN in soft shapes, new fall fashions, in variety of colors should ' be sold at $3.00 to $3.50; spec ial at Our Shoo Special FOR MEN Patent Corona calf button and Blucher styles, gun metal calf Blucher, col lege 'cut style and Paris kid lace or Blucher styles all Goodyear welts look well, tit weU, retalji their shape $3.00 an a $3.60 elsewhere special Underwear Special FOR MEN Medium and heavy welgnt flat merino and fine derby ribbed wool and cotton mixtures shirts and drawers In pink, blue and gray garment Our Suit Special FOR BOYS Ideal for school wear choice materials neat, stylish and durable. Much better than or dinary suits at this price strong $5 value special at h If $229'.'. 75c $525 7C SJalekt Shlaa ISM PolUk contains no turpentine or acids, gives aatln finish, will not rub off on the clothlraj. Oola to Chlcacof Try the EASTERN EXPRESS, ' The new train on the CHICAGO. MIL WAUKEE at ST. PAUL RT. leaves Omaha Union Station t:l0 p. m.; arrives Chicago Union Station 1:60 a. m. ELEC TRIC LIGHTED Omaha sleeper and com posite observation car. Corafortable coaches and unexcelled dining crr service. TICKETS, 1S24 Farnam St.. Omaha. FESTIVE WOES .FOJt POLICE Carnival Brings Usual Amount' of Trouble to ,0fficen. ; CHIEF HAS HAKB ON THE .EY He Will Deploy His Mem with Sa gacity Tonight to Guard Agalnat 'the' Saaooth- Haade'd Mem.' f i . . . . ffi t i i i . . i ; Chief of Police J.JJonohue w s at his desk early Wednesday morning. I might have known It, he sjald as be hung up the receiver Of his busy telephone. There is one of the 'squeals' which has worried the detectives all. night. It went wrong just now. The man cor-Aplained that lie had been touched' during the parade Tuesday evening and lost sumo 15. De tectives have been bunting fr pickpockets. but the man's pocketbook, with 40 In it has been returned, to the department by a woman on lower Douglas street, who re-, ported finding it In her rocan after the man had left." As a matter of fact pocket picking has been at Its minimum d'irtng the Ak-Sar-Ben carnival and almost, every complaining witness has found the knoney which they claimed to have ' lost. Not tlOO worth of property has been "UCted" since Saturday evening, which included a number of small burglaries. Wednesday evening Chief Donohue expects trouble, If there Is to be trouble at all, and, has told officers to warn people leaving for the parade to hide their valuables, if they leave their homes alone. The chief also Insists that when the parade passea all through the down town district, the crowds about Sixteenth and Farnam and ' other crossings of Far nam street, are Inexcusable, as the same features are shown and may he seen just as well from any point on Sixteenth street. "It people would go as .far north as Cuming street, or as far squth as Leaven worth, they cauld see the parade," said tha chief, ' and there would be less dsnger 'of being Injured or robbed.' t PSeklas; t' Saapeeta. For several days the , police have been busy picking up persons whose actions seemed suspicious snd besides a large num ber have, been picked up who celebrated the carnival week by getting drunk. Judge Bryce Crawford has attached neat little fines to almost every one arrested, if for no other reason than their "misplaced civic pride," Mrtrt of tha victims have been frank in blaming the whole thing on carnival week. but. the Judge has been able to hold a latKe number for "ten days" who would hurve been working the crowds had they baon at liberty. "I was just going to the depot to meet my folks from the country," said a man Wednesday, with a three-Inch strip of skin missing from his nose, which hsd doubt less fallen on some cobble stone. "Tha train was lata and I "Five days for you." ' "Here's a telegram from Craig," said an- Many dealers for the additional profit in variably try to sell articles .which they claim are Just as good as tha pnes adver tised. Protect your own interests and In sist on getting what you ask. fer. Writing a want ad for The Be Is only a moment's work, and incurs but a trifling expense, and does the work every time. If you mall a want ad to The Bee at mid night, enclosing- price In stsmps or coin. It will be printed tho nest afternoon and probably answered the, same evening. If you would try thls want filling method once you would probably find frequent uae for It afterwards. That's the rase with others. The Bee nt ads never disap point. They alwsyanil your wnt. I The Bee Want ts era. tns Bat Business Boosters, 1 Children thrive cn S c?tf s Emulsion . It is concentrated nourishment in easily digested form. Their health improves after taking it a short time. It is the greatest child food in the world. ALL DIUCCISTSi Ma. AND 91.00. O O o o o cm ether, 'with a hangover expression on his' face, "my mother is very III and I wanted to leave yesterday afternoon for Craig. Missed the train and waited until morn ing." "Now you've missed another one. You have no money to go to Craig and you got drunk going to the bedside of your sick mother," said Judge Crawford. "Your visit would do her no good. Ten days for you," The Judge had been putting VP a stove at horns and was not In the best of humor, according to the "hang-on" lawyers who wait before the people's bar to grab clients. City Prosecutor Daniel grew hoarse from calling the names of arrested persons and 'tbe clerk's table.' looked line a 'Mexican monto table on a nusy oay. urw c. have been heard by Judge Crawford since Monday morning, and not one of them was more serious than to draw mors than thirty days in Jail-or $100 flhe. AFFAIRS AT N SOUTH OMAHA Five Hsadres Names Added to Reals tratlon List on SeconaT Day. An official count of the reglstrstion yes terday will show that sdoui mi name were added to the books In South Omaha. The lowest unofficial count In the city was at the first precinct of the Fourth ward where only 15 names were added. Of these 8 were republican ana s uomu- cratle. The largest registration was m in tbe second prednct of the First ward. Here there were republicans and 18 democrats. In the first preclnot or mo Sixth ward out Of 40 registered there were 28 republicans and 12 democrats. In the second precinct of the Sixth ward there were 44 registrations, St repuDiicaua ami 10 democrats. The second precinct of the Third ward showed a small democratio lead, but not more than out of 8 regis trations. The average registration will be about 40 to the precinct From the indications the republican registration will outnumber the democratic fully t to 1. This being the case, the total lead of the re publicans In the first two dsys of regis tration will be about 8S0. Judging from the experience of past elections and unless the scheme of registration has materially changed, many democrats have persistently registered as republicans. The opportunity la exceptionally good this year, however, for the republicans to capture Bouth Omaha easily. Kn ladaatry Orgaalala. It is reported that the efforts of P. J. Trainor, thet republican candidate for county commieeioner, have Interested a number of Kansas City pecjle In a new industry in South Omsha. The proposition Is to contract with certain of the South Omaha packing houses for the unfinished product of hair from the hog killing floors and establish a plant for drying and pre paring this tor commercial purposes. It is understood that two or more acres of ground near the Swift plant Is available for the erection of such a plant. Some members are of the opinion that an open-air treat ment of the hair would produce a better grade of the product and others think the more economical plan would be to Intro duce a steam process, "hls would neces sitate a Urge outlay at the beginning. L. C. Collins of Kansas City was In South Omaha a week ago to look Into the advantages of the project and he is expected to re turn in the course of a few weeks for fur ther investigation. Several of the packing plants already have the necessary machin ery to complete the processes for their own supply of hair. How many might be contracted with to advantage Is unknown. Taanery Ranter Denied. Every month or two- a rumor gaina cre dence that one or another of tiie South Omaha packing houses Is about to erect a tsnnery in connection with the present packing establishment. The last report re ferred the matter to the Cudahy company, but many Inquiries i failed to develop any foundation In probability. In fact the offi cials took pains to explain why such a project would not be feasible. -Star Troahle for (taecaaa, Joe Queenaa waa again arrested yester day for beating his wife. His last arrest wss for 'breaking and entering the Jetter brewery. He waa then in the company of two vagrant woman. The brewing company gave up tbe prosecution. Queens n haa been arrested for trouble wtlh bis wife on err- CAVES YOU $15.00 ON rOCSfiC Octst a R If you are planning a trip to tbe Pacific Coast the colonist rate will be $25.00 from Omaha during October. - Proportionately low rates to all of the far'western states'- ' . Write me and I will arrange your trip, check your baggage through, tell v you exactly when you will reach your destination, locate you In a cbair car or vounsi sieeper ana attend to all the details that go to make your trip pleasant and comfortable. 1 of T?f.Y DAX1.T to California past the grand panorama of the Roeky Mountains by daylight. . Wm 0TKWST from Omaha at 4:10 p. m. and coma and" Porthirtd r" " t0UrUt "leel"n" cr SP"ane, Seattle. Ta- J. B. Reynolds, City Pais. Agent, 1502 Farnam Street, Omaha. pi i: miinirf ii """" " 1 '1-- - ... " : i is;:, . ' The one-way low rate of $23to Han Francis- co, I.os Angel, and many other California 1 points which is. in effect every day to Octo- ' ber 31, 1907, affords" an opportunity to make tbe trip for just half the regular first-class ' I fare. , , " V ilHIOM PACIFIC 'M OV INQUIRE! AT S , , s. City Ticket Office, 1321 Farnam St. y NkJno Douglas 1S28. ' T " ' ' I i 'A eral former occaslona. It la likely that lit tle leniency will be shown htm in his latest offense. Magle City Goaal. Qlrls wanted. Hlnchey laundry. Arthur East Is much concerned over the loss of a valuable fox terrier. Joseph Murphy Is out of town on a busi ness trio through the west. Mrs. Q. B. Rotib returned from a visit to Kansas City a few days ago. Jetter's Gold Ton Beer delivered to all parts of the city. Telephone No. I. Mrs. W. B. Glynn has returned from a four months' visit to - California. William Aldrldge of Armour. S. D., Is the guest of his sister, Mrs. Krank Hart. The Board of Fire and Police commission ers meet this evening in regular session. Large crowds of South Omaha people attended the automobile parade lu Oiualia last evening. ' The South Omaha police are on the look out for Frank Madura, wanted here for wife and child abandonment. Mrs. Deaala O'Leery. Twenty-seventh and R streets, wss taken to the Presbyter lan hospital yealcrdny afternoon. The Modern Brotherhood of Amerla lodge No. Ho will meet In Masonic hall hereafter cm tha flrat and third Friday evening of each month. William White, a roomer at the Roose velt hotel, reported that someone had broken into his room and taken a suit of clothes and a pair of stioea. We now make deliveries of Bennett's Cap itol coal direct from South Omaha yards to all parts of South Omaha and Albright. Telephone Douglas 137. The Bennett Com pany. ' The Tesaa Waster ' Cares all Kidney. Bladder snd Rheumat'e troubles; sold by Sherman ac McConnell Drug . Co. and Owl Drug Co., or two months' treatment by mall, for tL Dr. B. W. Hall. 3820 Olive Bt,, St. Louis. Ma. Sand for testimonials. . Announoementa. weddmg ststlonarv and Calling cards, blank book and magastna aiaaiB. 'Vhuna Douar. 1SU4. A. X. Boot lao.