THE OMAITA DAILY BEEt THURSDAY, CXTrOUElt 8. 1D07. II V, 1 1 x OFFERED FOR RENT lloaeee a ad Cottages CaallaaeaV 2523 Patfick. Ave., 6 toomt, new and mod ern $2s. 44 Lee ven worth St., i rooms-Its. l5 Bo. jrth 1st., 2d floor, The Ormond-t.. 'Phone Douglas ISA. BEM1B, Paxton Blk. (15) 47i EIGHT room, all modern, 2523 Maple St., $.i and water rent. Bix rooms, second noor 1902 N. 2th St., city water In kitchen. $14. One I-room, all modern house, $30 and water rent, southeast corner !!4tn and Blnney. CHRIS BOTSR, 2Jd and Cuming Hts. (15) M4flt FOR RENT Steam heated modern flat on second floor of Davldge bldg., $). New 6-room cottage, modern except heat, 3012 Charlea fit., $25. New 6-room cottage, bath, hot and cold water, Sth nd Ave. C. Council Bluffs, fifteen' rninmea from 14th and Douglas Pi.. $'0. ' John w. bobbins, inns pabnam st. (15) MB72 4 D. WSAD hair moved Ms office to Wead Bulldlnf, 18th and Farnam 81. (16)-8 HOUSES, Insursnoe. RIngwalt. Barker Blk. FOR RBNT-rour rooms and bath; every thing modern; furnace. Tel. Webster 28. 281 N. 20th St. (15 631 FOR RENT Modern atable, 614 8. 2th Ave. Cement floor, man's room. harness room, etc.; three box stalls, two open stalls; e'ectrlo-JIght and water. 'Phone Harney 2753. 16)-M513 3X a MOnBRN 6-room house In Knuntae place; Inquire at 2828 Sherman ave. ; (16) M429 $ - 11UUOIW3 Crejgh gon, 4 Co., pPt bmb. (16-374 IX 6-room modern house. N. Fenger, 628 N. T. L. Tel. Red 8217. (16) 114 FOR RENT 7-room house, modern except furnace, 1011 N. 26th St. (15) M.184 FOR RENT Seven-room house within S minutes' walk of the postofflce; rent very reasonable to family without children. 104 Boo Building. (15) 118 7-ROOM. modern cottage, 2620 Capitol Ave. $24. Key at 2622 Capitol Ave. (15)- 6M296X WJJ HAVE many calla In our new ground floor office, ,1A01 Farnam St. List vacant houses with ua. F. D. Weed, Wead bulldlnf. (16) M332 FOR RENT Modem g-Kom brick house; all conveniences; close to car; rent $35. 2009 Willis Avenue. Inquire C. M. Bach mann, 41 & Paxton Bloclf. (16) 477 FOR RENT House, $ rooms, modern, de tached; 2 blocks from 24th St. line to South Omaha; 2611 Pierce. 'Phone Ma ple 8100. ' (16) 474 7 FOR RENT Strictly modern house, rooms. In first-class neighborhood: an Ideal residence .210 Wortliington St. Rent iu por tiiontn. W. L. SET.BT, 'Phone Doug laa 1610. 440 Board of Trade. OS) 473 FOR RENT 6-room cottage. 3008 Seward. (16) M51 fix Batldlng. 140S Harney. ) M312 ' WHEN TOD write to advertisers remem - ber It iakea but aa extra stroke or two of the pen to .mention the fact that you caw th ad tn The Bee. ,. . . OfHeee. . , t THRBB offices nn second floor of new Conee.rva.Uve building, 1614 Harney St modern and conveniently situated In the business center; oak finish; best of aun- . light: heat and janitor service furnished; can be 'leased separately or en suite. HASTINGS A HEY DEN, 1704 Farnam St . (16) M568 1 FOR RENT Desk room in Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 2Sth St., SoatH Omaha, Apply to manager. (13i 1S4 tore. NEW STORE ROOMS (Turner Locust and Sherman avenue, for Wry food,-shoe '6 notions; good loca tion for right party. Inquire Joseph Houska, 26:3 Sherman avenue. y i . , as)-M4s? . One atore room m new "Scargo" building In South Omaha, near postofflce, with lighted basement, modern show windows and awnings: best possible location. Hall Distributor Co., 317 First NatL Bank Bldg. 'Pnona Red 7406. (16J M8M) FOR lectures, concerts, dancea and balls. Fraternity hall, 1812 Harney St., opposite Public library. N. P. &odge A Co., 1714 Farnam St. (15)-M307 019 FOR RENT Large store room, 18th and Vinton 8ts. C M. Bachmann, 427 Paxton block. (16) 360 tRUO STORE; beet unoccupied location for local drug bust nee s in eity. Will al . ter and . lease to right party. Also A-l grocery location. BEMIS, $06 Paxton. Bile 'Phone Douglaa 6t5. (16 M340 : OFFERED FOR SALE . FeskdBsT. . ' ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing 6o per foot. tOfl N. 17th St. TeL Red 81t 'a)-2 rraltsire. FOR SALE Furniture of a 10-room hoase: all or part; furniture must be mostly caan or terma, . uw n uu tsi. ' . , (16) M447 WORTH SEEING I STOVES RANGE AT HALF PRICK I 200 nearly new, slightly used, high-grade tovee and -ranges. You. can save half by buying of us. We do what's right. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO., 1(12 EtxUe. Tel. Doug. 4787. 1)-132 Oot.le 2D HAND furniture bought and sold; busl . ness on the square. Rosenberg, formerly with Chicago Fur. Co., 102 8. 14th. Doug. OOOO. (IB) UCl. SI i i! Plaaofl, Orgaae, Maelewl Instranaeata, MUST RAISE THE" CASH TO piV THE MUELLER ESTATE, 'i i Over $100,000 worth of pianos gold at less than factory coat. Call or writ at one for prices, catalogue, and bargain list New Planoa tor rent, f S and up. SCllMOLLER & ' MUELLEE : PIANO COMPANY, 7 EL DOUO. 16J5. 13U-U1J FARNAM STREET. 06)-232 FOK SALE ExceHut upright piano, taken in on murignge. Dr. PrlbtMtuow, 214 Kir. bach Block. (1 PRIOHT Kimball piano fine condition. tw, oaner leaving city. 1812 Davenport. (16) MM Ix FINE TPrUGHT PIANO at one-half erlg v. t . i I " ,ev'n or Texaa. 412 (U-JS1 I BTE1NWAY piano, avcund-hand. good con Ullion, cheap, lit McCague Bid. (M) 4.7 OcU 22 ' Typewriters aaa IwiUf Machlaee, COR SALE-High grade second-hand type writer; good condition: a bargain at aA Call room 404, turn Bldg. (li 71 NE Rcminftoti typevrtter. No. I. tn good eondiucn.. lor le -yheet. Call at Be omce. , CIS) CS FOR BAt.rj New and second-hand billiard and pool tabh-si. We lead the world tn e' tr-t5tur; easy pemeete. Bruna-itk-Baike-C-Uendar 4rt a Utb 8U U)-17I OFFERED FOR SALE Mleeellaaeetae. DUPLEX PUMP antCgallnn Worthlngton duple pump, else 12x104x10, for aale about October 1. This pump has Been about alz months', a'rtoal service and la In good condition; will sell fat a bargain. Apply W. II. Bridge, engi neer Bee Bldg. (16) em OAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date stock at loweet prices In the .city, select now. Delivered When needed. Inspection Invited. BURGESS GRANDEN CO., $13 So. 16th St. Tel. Doug. 681. U8)-272 NEW $80.00 cornet and ease, used fees than a month, $25.00. Need the nioney. Pee IV 2710 Howard St. (!) Mil 6. 4x ANY ONE wanting to buy Hutchison massacun for the. relief of drat ness cmi gtt one cheap by applying to Mrs. A. Jr. Wood, 2C a. 26th St.. Omaba. (16) M750 ox .. 10,000 GALLONS FINE CLARET WINE for ealo at a bargain, In lots to suit; will quit the wine business In Kansas; write at once. The Doniphan Vineyards, Atchi son. Kan.. . (16) MS62 08x FOR BALE A butcher's refrigerator, sev eral ahew canes, a new peanut roaster, large coffee mill, two large automatic oil tanks and store fixtures too numerous to mention. Qlobe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Nob. (li)-J73 DRUOS at cut prices; freight paid on all orders; catalogue free. SHERMAN & MCONNELL DRUG CO.. Omaha. Neb. OS)-76 ' BASE burner, Peninsular make, double heating; $150 stove for $35. 'Phone Har ney U. (16) 422 2 COMPLETE set of abstract books for sale; . liberal terms, Burkhelmer Land Co., Cres ton, la.' (16) M442 ix FOR SALE Roll top desk, chairs, tables, rugs. Offices for rent. W. A. Kerr. 44-a N. Y. Life Bldg. (16)-42l SEND US your mall orders for drugs; ' freight paid on $10 lota. Myers-Dlllorj Drug Co., Omaha. (1 277 FOR SALE Furnace, suitable for heating . a 8-room house good as new; apply at once, 2627 Hatney St. (16) 222 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and retail. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. ' , (18) ?76 SIMPSON Rockaway, nearly hew, very low price If taken at once. 914 Jones St. rPhone Douglaa 1707. (16) 393 80x BHERM A N-WILLIAMB CO., best mixed paint. Sherman 6 McConnell . Drug Co. ' (18)-578 SECOND-HAND rubber hose, tools. Blnger, 416 N. 18th. (16)-2X0 FEW bargains In 2d hand soda fountalna, monthly payments. Derlght, 1218 Farnam. (16)-28o ri ALL'S safes, new, td-hand. 181& Farnamt ... ; (181279 , HAY-4S.00 per torn Wagner, C01 N. lttth. . a) 2S0 PATENTS' D. O. BARN ELL, patent attorney and ma chine designer, Paxton blk. Tel. Red 7U7. I . 71-678 QcUl LARSON ft CO. Book free. Bee Bldg. (17) 2i2 PERSONAL- , THE ELITE MASSAGES Chalybeate scrub baths; expert lady oper ator. Room 200 Barker Blk., lfith and Far nam; new establishment. (18) M463 3x YOUNG WOMEN coming to 'Omaha as strangers are- Invited to visit - the Young Women's Christian Association rooms, Ult Farnam street, where they will be di rected to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. U) fllS M AONJRTTC!Pteo,0J, na Massage JilUYVJVt vapor and Tub Baths Room t. 1204 Farnam St., 2d floor. (18) M929 Oct2 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King. 1320 N. 24th St. Tel. Web. 3559. Oa)-24 PLEATING BuSTfc Dyeing and 'cleaning, - sponging and shrinking only 6o per yard. Send for price list and samples. . GOLDMAN PLKATTNG CO., 10 Douglaa Block. Tel. Dowlas IK! (U)-M44 WANTED Evry Ak-Sar-Ben visitor to call at our store and get a valuable aouve nlr. Klein Liquor House, 16th and Cali fornia Sta. ' . (12M938 3 A HOME for women during confinement will find comfortable homes for bablea whose mothers cannot care for them; ac commodation first-class, terms reasonable. . Address Mother Lee, Superintendent Tin ley Home. 'Phone Douglaa 1921. 403 Ban croft. (18) vfflj Octhix THE SALVATION XRMYsoncTtsrast-ofT clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and eell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 41P5 and . wagon -will call. . . ai)-U t SEWING machines rented.' Neb. Cyele Co, ,16th and Harney. 'Phone Douela 1663, (18)-384 ' WANTED To correspond with ladles be tween 25 and 30; object, marriage. No flirtations. Reference furnished. 'Ad. dress M 300, Bee. (12) M65T-9x MAONETIG ir,'"nt nd beth. Mme. i A itJ Smith, US N. 16ln, 2d floor. (18)-880 OMAHA Btammcrers' Institute. Ramge Building. 08) 2S3 PKNNELL MILLINERY CO. 1811 Doug. Us. u . . . 02V-127. Nov.1T SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; out E rices. eVnd for free catalogue. Myers illlon Drug Co.. Omaha. (18) 287 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DKALrytS. RUSSELL M KITRICK CO.. 432 Ramga . (19) J&9 PAYNE INV, CO., 1st floor N. Y. L. Doug. 17SL (19)-291 PETERS TRUST CO.. N. Y. Life- Bldg. (19) 22 ' GEO RGB 6 COMPANY. 1801 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 751 , (i9) 396 C. ii. RICH, 16th and Locust. Tel. Web. 1471 O30K14 Oct2x CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. . ' MODERN COTTAGE. FIVE-ROOM cottage, thoroughly well built; doublu Hours, surface Hours being maple; Urge bath room; nice attic; pipes for gas and wired for electric light; all modern rlumblng; full else acr-ena, etc.; south ront lot, sTxllA lying high and aightry; two blocks south of Ames Ave., car Una. WIS Boyd St. Price $1,960. CO. CARLBERO. U New York l.lfo Bldg. 1-M701 BEAUTIFUL COTTAaR-t-',6M). I-onk at Jii2a Bristol. ( roonre lust completed; lot 4,xl32; paving paid, concrete walk; all modem except heat. An Idt-al home for eonie one. Fine neighborhood. Under bill tt Co. 'Phone W 1V09 or Wetster "as) . (19) 6jU 2 FOR SALE Two beautiful lota on 24th and Elm; on grade, plenty of shade trees; either for busuieaa or residence property. ' 7'.'3 So. 9th St.. 'phone Douglaq ti. J. B. Bond, direct from owner, ne commtsalon. (1V 44 I KXM house, fine t-ondlttniv 'nean Besule I'ark. -$50a Address B 2 Kee. ' (lSj-M.TiOx Rent Your Rooms To Ak-iSar-Bcn Visitor Advertise REAL ESTATE CITY PHOPKHTV FOR BAIB. (Continued.) SAFE OMAHA INT,ST-. MENTS FOR SOME OF KINO AK-SAR-BEN'S SUB.IECTS - $191,000 6-story brick office and Hore building, located In down town business district, all equlped with modern conven iences and bringing In a monthly rental of about $2,200. $32,500."' This Is a 3-story brick store and flat building, close to bus iness district, now renting for $326 per mo. Building Is well constructed and is in good re pair throughout. $25,000 For new brick apartment house, lovated only i blocka west of 16th St. Rents for 23.13X per year gross. This apartment house has 6 mod ern apartments of 6 and 4 rooms each, all heated by central hot water heating plant. All apartments rented to first-class tenants on writ ten leases. This Is choice. $12,500 I new, modern and up-to-date brick houses of 7 rooms each, near Creighton college and high school; each house finished in oak, well con structed, now renting for $1,200 per year gross. Corner lot. $11,000 2 modern brick houses, fin ished In 1907, having 7 rooms each, near All Saints church and Winona apartments. Hot water heating plant In each house. Now renting for $1,110 groea per year. $10,500 2 new, modern brick houses of 7 rooms each, near Farnam car line. . Good renting loca tion. Rent, $&60 per mo.' $12,000 4 brick houses and one frame. West Farnam district. renting for $L740 gross per year. $5,300 2 stores, with flats over each, near Lake St. car line. ' Paved street. Gross rental 7 per year. $2,3DO Two 4-room cottages, Nos. 924-2 N. 28th Ave. Yearly rental $264. For choice building lots, residences or real estate In any part of Omaha call at our office and we will give ' you full Information. ., , GEORGE & CO!, 1601 FARNAM. 'PHONE DOUG. 766. (13)-634 2 Harrison & Morton, 200,000 In 1910 Is the slogan of progressive Omahans. ' If thlsfs realised (and it ought to be) all 'property In the city will be worth a llttlo Vnore, and buslnesa property at a strategio point a good deal more. We have a piece of business property at a strategic point that looks good to us, we would like to tell you about it. We have no option on it and cannot openly advertise IU The price Is $30,000 and any one wanting to be shown, we think we can show. HARRISON & NORTON, (19-637 FOR SALE FINE LOT NEAR FIELD ' ,CLUB East front on 35th Ave., 186 feet north of woolworth Ave., lot 67x123 feet, terrace sodded, permanent walk. Price, $1,600. Nothing finer In that locality. PETERS TRUST CO., , ' N. Y. Life Bldg. C19)-630 2 IN WEST FARNAM DISTRICT . . V 'We have what we think Is a bargain. A ten-room all modern home, east front on two full lots is offered for the next 20 days at $5,000. Let ua take you out today, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2163. (19) M568 6 FOR SALE Modern 11-rooro residence in Upper Far nam district, new and elegantly finished, this week for $14,000. Address D 292, care Bee. (19) M014 3x BUY THIS BARGAIN. Lot at 2Sth and Fort street only $226. B O. Noidqulst, Owner, S. 2uth St. U9-7Mx ' $7,000 l 7 Will buy elegant new home In West Far " nam St. district, now occupied by the owner. Hardwood finish, cemented cellar, paved street, permanent sidewalks. Ev erything new and In flrat class condition. This la a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room lNew York Life Building. (19)-M71 14 LOTS In Halcyon Heights. Benson, lying well, close to car line; 20 minutes' ride to -Omaha. Will sell altogether or ta bunches of five. For price and term ad dress II 42, care Bee. U9 li7 THE KERR ABSTRACT CO.'S AB- BTRACTS OF TITLE are the safest. You are protected by a $i0,000 bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a law cult when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1614 Harney. TeL Douglas 64x7. (19) THREE lots cheap. Third and Bancroft Sis. Address R.sA. Lee. 4C3 Bancroft. (19-M911 OctlOx FOR SALE By the owner, a modem 7w room house. 1129 & Sstb. ; (19) M43&C REAL ESTATE TITLE - T3UST f C CKAS. fc. , WILLIAMSON, Pres. V'V-'. l-224 FOR 8AI.E Lot 10. block 7, Cd St., Hans .. com Plaoe, ovlu; regular communion to agent Call 1 8. 2H1h Su 'phone Harney 11 Call after p. au (19 MU4 t Them in, REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY Foil BALD. (Continued,) Move Rioht in a New House in the WEST FARNAM DISTRICT The interior of No. 851S Dodge St. has teen beautifully decorated, the gat and electric fixtures and shades are up and the Interior presents an attractive appear ance. Large living room in oak, with brick Are place. All oak finish down stairs, hot water heating! Attic. PRICE $6,500 PETERS TRUST CO., Telephone Douglas 898. (Ground Floor) N. Y. Life Bldg. ' ' (19)-6 ' IN ., y KEYSTONE PARK You can buy S or 4 acres for the same price that a fifty foot lot in the city costs. SUBURBAN ACREAGE ADDITION, FOR SUBURBAN HOMES Beautifully laid out. - Grand view in ev ery direction. i Boulevards have been oiled. Divided Into 2 to 20 acre tracts, 1 175 to $376 per acre.- " )?', ." 4 TRACTS SOLD 29 ' LEFT. ' For an Investment adjoining a growing city it can't be beaten.' " PAYNE INVESTMENT nj5w york life building.;" ' ' 1 ' and , ; ' D. V. SHOLES CO., ' BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING. .. .-'. .VkV .. , (1) M&UY3. ; 6-room house, modern turoughout, with fnrnace, bati,.a' private water works .system, ciatro, and cesspool; full cemented cellar 'stationary laun dry tubs and fruit room. Barn and chicken house; welV.'ahd windmill; five acres of very alghtly land. . Located miles 'west of Dundee on paved Dodge road; owner built it 3 months ago at cost of $6,000; we offer it at $4,000 'for immediate dis posal. . . , A charming country place at a bar gain counter price. May we show it to you 7 Our automobile is at your! aerrice. PAYNE INVESTMENT . CO., First Floor N. Y. Life -Bid's. Tel. Doug. ;j781. 1 . ' - ' ' 1 (1-9) M667 6 ; 534 Park Ave. (Between Dewey Ave.' and JackSOn.) This tine 9-room, all modern home la of fered for sale for $8,K0: i Vestibule, recep tion hall, with fine cosy nook, living room with mantel, dining room, butler's pantry with aink and kitchen on first floor. Four good bed rooms, linen closet and bath room second floor. Maid's room finished with light and heat on third floor. Oak finish downstairs. Very fine gas and elec tric light fixture. Screens for house cost $160. Storm windows. In fact everything to make a coxy, comfortable home. Owner is going to leave city next mnth, and can give poMScsslcn ; within thirty days. Lot faces 'east n Park Ave., with west front age on 30th Street. Can show you through any day. If interested call us up. The,r, Byron Reed Co., 'Phone Doug. 297. .' ,212 So. 14th. "'.". I .-'- (19) 483 3 N. P. DODGE & CO. FARM BARdArN , ' 160 acres three miles from Lynch, Neb., In Boyd county. Improvements consist of 6-room house, barn and . well, chicken house. 120 acres under plow, thirty acres pasture, two acres grove and trees on road and driveway. Running water In pasture and spring at house. Black loam soil, renting for $3j0 year. Owner will trade for good city property to extent of $10,uuO and put in casU difference, aa the farm Is clear, or wi!l eell for $40 acre. Thle i the choapest farm on the market today. Owner is in city and will be this week and will look at anything we have to N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam St. a3)-4" 3 AK-SAR-BEN VISITORS. ARE INVITED TO CALL At our office for any lnforma- ' tion concerning Omaha prop , ' erty. , Harrison & Morton, 212-913 N. Y. Ufa. TeL Doug. 214. (19)-7( 16 PER CENT INVESTMENTS. Frame flat, sixteen rooms, wilh alx-rnnm cottage In; always remedi annual rental. $7W; only $j,a; $3X cash, baL time. Brick flat building, sixteen rooms, room for two cottages; rental. $112 per month: $2,500; $1,600 eaah bal. time. . ' Corner lot with two-story brick, Har ney near Utli. $i,2u0. W-room house, modern, near hlvh irhoni $3rt; terms. ,. .... .' - c oiiages at all price. If vuu want a homa or an InvMlmtnl ... 8. Hwver. lill- Emmet aC oe; phone Webjur b l oaj-MW 4 SUBURBAN TKe BEE REAL ESTATE v CITY I'HOI'KHTV FOR SALH. (Continued.) GOING TO CALIFORNIA? Will sell you my lot and furnished cottage at Avalon, Catnllna Inlands Fine acreage, fruit or vegetnhle land; 19 mile from Los Angeles. mile from electrlo car line. Irt) acres In Kern Co, These properties all clenr. Will sell at reasonable price or exchange for Nebraska property. S. Hawver, 1H14 Kinmet. 'Phone W. 867. (19) M6C3 7 FOR SALE NEW 5-R00M COTTAGE' 1523 MADISON AVE. .. Modern except heat, full lot. paved street, paving all paid, one-half block from Sherman Ave,, built by the day for a home. Owner tailed from the city. Price $2,900. $1,200 cash, balnnce monthly. PETERS TRUST CO.; (19)40O 6 LIST your proiierty with ChS Boyer. 22d and Cuming St. (19) 292 FOR SALE) A JBfell built 10-room frame house, beautifully finished In hard wood; hard wood floors, mantels, modern .bath room, and conveniently arranged. Will sell at a very low price, to be removed from present premlaea by purchaser. Ad dress C. C. Rosewater, ,Bee Bldg. Omaha. (19)-M317 TRACKAGE PROPERTY To lease, $fi0 per month. 150 feet on Sixth St., 177 ft. deep., on B. & M. railroad. " ' ANNA V. METCALF, 'Phone Doug. 672. 2.'!4 Bo. 10th St. . (19) (81 Octl4, REAL ESTATE FARM AKD BANVH LAND FOR SAL El, Canada. FARMS ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. No Interest, no taxes; 40-aire farms for $20-Vash, balance In 42 monthly Installments of $10 eacht nret-class lands in wheat belt In Manitoba; larger farms if desired; offer good for thirty days only; write for reports on lands and full particulars. Western Wheat Lands Co., Ltd., Talbot St., London, Canada. . . L0) 7S7 6x lows, WESTERN IOWA corn land fot aale and exchange'. Write H. L. Craven & Co., Onawa, la. (20)-M6S6 OlSx Kansas. KANSAS LANDS Write for our complete - list of Kansas lands. Agents wanted. ' Globe Land And Investment Co.. Omaha, Neb. 20i-ld616 O10 FOR. .6 ALB Fine farms In eastern Kan sas, 40 mile south of Kansas City. 'Bar- Ealns, ? If. you will see or write 3'. W. eavis, Loulsburg. Kan. (20) M496 8x i . Colorado. 10,000 ACRES OF FARMING LAND IN COLORADO East ot Denver offered ns a WHOLESALE PROPOSITION At a special price and easy terms, Addresp,: f ' The W.! R ,Sh!ton Land Agency Dept. "B'V 318 So. 15th' St., OMAIIA, NEB. ' (20-M273 t . ' kltaaonrl. ' r WHEAT? CORN AND ALFALFA LANDS In southeast Missouri. To farmers, home Seekers and speculators I wish to call your attention to southeast Missouri lands aa the best soil that money can buy; I. am making a specialty,', of Mississippi county lAnd; I have farms all sizes and prices; my list Js too large to advertise, but if you are Inter ested, write me for full description as to these lands that will grow 76 to 100 bushels of corn and 30 to 50 bushels wheat and 6 to 7 tons of alfalfa per acre. I can mr 11 you land from $-0 to too per acre, according to size and Improvements. Parties looking for home's or speculation will do well to let me know what they want. I have it from 80 to 1,000 acres, and prices are rlRht. After reading this ad write me and tell me what yau want and what you want It for, and I will put you on the right track, or If you eon, call and sea me. Full description of southeast Missouri lands mailed at your re quest. J. L. SVRAGUE, 425 Chemical Bldg. St. Louis, Mo.- - (20) 79t 7x OZARK FARMS. In the clover and grass paradise of Mis souri, 136 miles southwest ' of St. Louis, main line of Frisco railroad. KiO acres, I miles from Hancock, Mo., on Frisco R. R. and 4H miles west of Dixon, Mo.; 116 acres In cultivation, balance In timber land; 5-room house, barn, smoke house, poultry house and sheds; entire farm under new fence and cross-fenced; good spring; land Is generully level or rolling, snd is nice small farm; you will find this farm a bargain at $3,600. Send for our de scriptive circular of many other Improved farms 'and timber lands. We also handle line southern timber and plantation lands and Illinois farms. PICQCKT-HARTRICH REALTY CO., 410 Liggett Building, St. Louis, Mo. - ' (20) 79S. 6x FR SALE a0 acrea, all under fence; k0 acres In cultivation; good buildings; new . barn 36x48; other outbuildings; family ,, orchard of fruit anl berries; well watered; price $16.60 per acre. Also have other places for sale. For particulars inquire of. J. M. Green, Crocker, Mo. (20)-417 2x Nebraska. TWO GOOD FARMS Must Be Sold WE NEED MONEY Oa account of building we aro now doing here in .the city, we must raise more money at once, and will sacnliue these two good taut ei n Nebraska farms. No. 1 1UU acrea located H mllea N. E. of Plttinvlew, Pierce Co., Neb. The S. L. fc, 26, Mi, 4. Every acre good land, lair im provements; 120 acrea In cultivation, 'M pasture, 16 tanit grass, 6 In yards, grove, orchard, etc., all fenced and crosafeuced; a good farm In a good country; mile to school, rural mail service. Price, If sold soon, $47.50. .Buy this and aave tonu. No. 2160 acres 4 mile eat t)f Meadow Grove, Madison Co., Neb. The S. W. VL. 19, 24, 3. In the beautiful Elkhorn valley. Except about 10 acres cultivated, this Is all In grasa, lias been used for hay and town pasture. The Klkhorn river croaaea the place from east to west, a little timber, enough for fuel and sume. could be sawed for improvements. The best of black soil, can practically all be farmed, 16 d -sired; luu acres south of the river, nearly all tame grass; would make an ideal dairy farm. Tills place Is worth $60 of any man's money, but In order to sell at once will take $2,tM cash, subject to mortgage of $2,5u0. , PETERSON BROS., 6-i Bee Bldg . Omaha. t-'0)-41 e F1RST-CLABS Nebraska farms and ranohes , for homea or iuveaiiucnt. LVmia Omaha. r. D. WEAD haa moved hla office to Wead Building, 18th and Farnum St. (20) 660 FOR SALE 6-year farm lease," buildings , and Improvements, horses, . wagons and farm tools; house modern; -city water. , See owner do. place, northeast eornt r . Miller Park and 24lh St. (Ju-M9o4 4 FOR SALE 240-acre farm 3', miles from town; on rural route and telephone line; soil me-iliim heavy and level; 10 acraj broke. 16 acres of alfalfa and red clover, 10 acrea of aali timber. Price for the next 20 days, $40 per acre. Eaay terms. Ad dress Box-2. Oichaid, Neb. J- C. Alex ander. CW-401 10 RFAL FSTATF FARM HAM 11 L.A.HU!! FOR HAI.B Nebraska L'eattaae. BUY OF OWNER 12rtrt acres Klnbsll cotinly land at $Y&0 pe' acre. nn-hlf cash, balance In ten yearly payments at per cent Interest. Address f. O. It., 2UI5 Pacific St., Omaha, Neb.- (iO)-418 2x RANCH EAR OMAIIA 212 A. adjoining South Bend; 2 railroads to Omaha and Lincoln. 10 A. In cultivation: about 2eo A. tillable, balance rough but cov ered with extra good timber, Including a large amount of walnut. Small house and other buildings. Running water. High and sightly location for a country home. A fine feeding farm. Nothing as good and with such shipping facilities In eastern Nebraska for the price. Only $16 per acre. J. II. DUMONT & SON, 1605 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. (20) 486 2 Alleeellaaeeae. . CHEAPEST lanl In U. 8. for 4 the crop; no cash. Nat. lnvt. Co., Hramlels Bldg. (30) M H)2 O-'S REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm and Itaach Laada. A '9!W-ACRE stock farm, on the Loup val ley, live miles from town, equipped for feeding 600 cattle yearly; double set of buildings In same yard; 270 acres plow land, sixty acres alfalfa, balance meadow and tame pasture; river front; $1,400 cssli or will take a good man in on shares. Theodore Relmers, Fullerton, Neb. .. (20) M748 09 REAL ESTATE LOANS LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. (22)-2ul WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. U2) 3v2 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas. 606 First National Bank Bldg. W)-ao3 WANTED City loana and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 133) Farnam St. (22) 306 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O'Keefe R. K. Co 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. tzy-;i $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delsy. Thomss Brennan, Room 1 N. T. Life. (22) 304 yNION LOAN A INVK8T. Co., 210 Bee Loana on Real Estate. Bldg.. Buy 1st and 2d mtgee. 'Phone Doug. 2904, . (22) Ml Ct 600 TO $60,000 TO LOAN at lowest ratea; iiv uci. u-fin v n't uauo., low farnam, (22)-S07 PRIVATE MONET F. O. Wead, 1620 Doug. (24-308 $500 TO $(B,000 TO LOAN-Prlvste money; no delay. J. h. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. (23) M8E6 MONEY TO. LOAN-Psyne Investment Cor (l2)-3l FARM mortgage of $2,000, fl per cent semi annually; also a city mortgage of $1,300, '.i2w,n" 6 Percent, for sale. Patterson, 1623 Farnam St: (22) MH1 23 F. D. WEAD has moved hla office to Wead Building, 18th and Farnam Sts. (22)-461 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy second-hand furniture, ' cook and hetttlng stoves, carpets, llno , leums, office furniture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts and all kinds of tools; or will buy the furniture of your house complete. The .highest prices paid. Call the right man. . Tel. Doug. 3971. (2C) M462 Oct. 31 CASH paid for second-hand clothing, , shoes.. ete vSOS ..No. 16th . 8L Tel. Red 1326. S 215 WANTED To buy, a second-hand roller top office deak. Address P 23. Bee. (26) M562 6x CASH paid for old books. Crftne-Foye Co., til S. Hth. 'Phone Douglas 1321. (26)'Ut WANTED TO RENT WANTED Small furnished house or apart ment; two In family. Telephone Harney 8H77. .. ' (2i) 623 8x WANTED-SITUATION YOUNG man stenographer will be npon for position about Oct. 1; haa clerical experience; references. Address 1, 248, care Bee. (2T M9i WANTED Position as clerk In dry. goods -store In small town by young lady; ex perienced. No. 180, Stuart,. la. (27)-M066 OSX' DRAFTSMAN, good tracer,, wanta position witn architect or builder, joiin Kosen bohm, general delivery. (27) M440 8x Nl'RSE would like position In doctor's of fice. Can furnish good reference Ad dress H 290, care Bee. (27) M457 3x MAN now traveling for one of the best wholesale dry goods Houses on Missouri '. river wants any good specialty line; can furnish the best of references. Address L 299. care Bee. (27-24 4x WANTED Position as chauffeur, expert, would care for furnace also. Ref. fur nished, single. Address N 301, Bee. (27) M658 9x YOl'NG widow, German, wishes position as housekeeper with elderly gentleman or widower with children. Address K 298, care Bee. (27) 621 4x MIDDLE sged lady wants position as housekeeper for widower. Call Ash 17171, Council Bluffs. (.-MjOB 9x LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF BOND ISSUE-NOTICE IS hereby given that the Farmland,' Fremont and Railroad Drainage District Is about to Issue . twenty-five thousand dollars of six per cent interest negotiable bond pay able In twenty equal annual Installments Owners of real estate r an easement therein apportioned for benefits may pay to the treasurer of said district on or be fore sixty dsys from tin date of the first publication of this notice, the proportlan ate share of such bond Issue properly chargeable kaaiiikt such real estate, and thereby exempt auoli real estato from lia- bllity for payment oi bond, and the amount of bond Issue will thereby be re duced the amount of such advanoe pay ment. Date of first publication hereof, September 14, 1907. Farmland, Fremont nd Railroad Drainage District. By J. F. Han son, Secretary. S1S-D21L $25,000 6 PER CENT WATER BONDS. Beaver Ciy, Nebraska. Water bonds of Beaver City, Nebraska. In the amount of $3,000, Issued In denominations of $5u0 each, Interest 6 per cent, dated day of delivery, payable at Nebraska Fiscal agency, Nnw York City, N. Y., twenty years after date, with option of city to redeem same any time after I years from their date. Sealed bids will be received by W. L. Ieonard, clerk, up to and In cluding October 16, 1907. 8 p. m. City re Serves the riaht to reject any and 'all bid. W. L. LEONARD, City Clerk. B270 12t GOVERNMENT NOTICES. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. Omaha. Nebruaka. October 1, 1607 Sealed firopoaala. In triplicate, will be received lere and by Quartermaster at the posts named herein, until 10 a. m., central stand ard time, October So, IM, for furnishing shelled corn, oais, bran, hay and atraw during the fiscal year ending June 80. IK, st (inuha Q. M. Depot. Forts Oook, Omaha and Robinson, Nebraska; Forts Leavenworth and Riley, Kansas; Forts D. A.. Bunnell and Mackensle, Wyoming; Fort Des Mirfwaa, Iowa, and Fort Meade, South Dakota. Propoaala for delivery at other places will not be entertained, t'nlted States reserves right td reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. In formation furnished on application here, or to Quartermasters at the stations named. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Forage." and ad dressed to Major THOMAS 8 WO BE. C. Q. U. D2-4-6-T -28- I REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Wlllsm From end wife to An dot a Knitellandcr, lot S2, block 7 Bedford I'lncn $ 1,806 The Omaha R.-altv Co. to Kvange- llna Human, lot .1 Hawaii Rogers' sub and ether lota 1.3H George oberne snd wife to Geori N. Oberne, undivided V lot K block 7 v first add o g.uith Omaha... I Marararet Ann to John H. Be kett. lot 11, block 6 Llpton Place. 128 Same to same, lots 12 and IS, block 6 Upton Plnee 2T Charles H. Davis to H. E Wallace, lot Pi. Mock 6 Orchard Hill X Warren S. Frank and wife to John IVters. lot a ami weal 10 foel if lot, 24 and east U't fert of lot 22, block 36 Albright's choice t.ttt Brower K. .MrCagtie and wife to Msx Ptnndachcr. lot 2 l'etries sub 1,006 Ovorge V. rater to Vlvlnn a, lot 13. block K Lake James park 334 Belinda M. Fnccla and huabnnd to Wellington Oillan, e H lot 1, shlnn'a sub J,M0 Caroline K Poppleton to Cnrollne I,. Poppleton and William H. Popple. ton. trustees, lots 6. 6 and 7. bl.wk ifl, Omaha Miirlus Sorensen snd wife to Arthur V Wnlkup. south 40 Tert of north P0 Teet of lot Id. block Reinls park Hastings A Heyden to Ahmio y. Jiur Jtee north 4o feet lot lfi, block fl t'lalnvliiw Eyelyn L. Kenne,ly et af. to Hrnm'" lUillock. part of tax lot 1 section v-iff-io , Total .119.213 RAILROAD TIME CARD I', STATION 10th AND MARCY. I' a ten racine. ' ' ' Y.enve. Arrive, a 2:40 pm a 6:00 pm a 9 JO am a 6:00 pin a 9:16 pm a 6 :46 pm a 6:50 pm a :i"0 am. b 6:16 pm a 4:16 pm The Overland Llthlted.'.a 8:60 am The Colorado Express. a 3:50 pm Atlantlo Enpreaa. ...... The Oregon F.xuress... a 4:10 nm The Los Anveles Lim. ' al2:D6 pm x no r m man The California Express Colo. -Chicago Special. Beatrice Local. North Platte Local a 9:30 am a 4:00 pm al2:10am b 1:42 am a 7;42 am Chicago A lorthVrestera. Chicago Daylight a 7:06 am St. Paul-Minn. Exp a 7:50 am Chicago Local , all:) am Slnux City Pasaengea;.a V M am Chicago Passonaei ..v a S:00 nm s11:M pm a 10:00 pm, a 8:28 pm ' a 3:21 pin a 9.30 am a 8:23 am a 7:40 am alt :36 pm a 8:23 am a 9:04 am. a 9:2i) am a 8:36 pm, a 7:40 m a 6:36 pm all:26 am a 6:36 pm all :26 am b 6:33 pm bl2;46pu Chicago Special a f :00 pm oi. i-aui-Minn. a 8:28 pm w. Angeles limited Overland Llmlted.. Fast Mall Sioux City Local.... Fast Mall 1'wln City Lrtnlted,.. Norfolk-Ronesteer .., Llncoln-Chadron .... Dead wood-Lincoln .. Casper-Shoshonl Hastlnaa-Suuerior . 9:30 pm ,.al0:00 pm ..a 8:60 pm ..a 8:38 pm ..a r:40 am ..b 7:40 am ..a 3:00 pm ..a 2:00 pm .b 3:00 pm Fremont-Albion b 6:36 pm Chlrago Great Wostetm St. Paul-MtnneapolK..v, St. Paul-Mlnneapolla.... Chicago Limited... Chicago Express., Chicago Express..-. 1:30 pm 7:30 am 6:03 pm 7:30 am 3:30 pm 7:80 am 11:36 pm 8:27 am 11:86 im 2:80 pm Chicago, Mllwaakea St. Paul. Chicago & Colo,' Sp'l....a 7:02 am all. -60 pm. ' Cal. 4k Ore. Express a 6:20 pm a 3:252pm ' Overland Limited a 9:68 pm a 8:30 am Parry Local '. a 6:16 pm al0:20am Chicago, Hock Ialaaa raclle. "EAST. Chicago Limited.; a 2:48 am all:30pm"' Iowa Local ; i..a7"am a 411' Des Moines Passenger, .a 4;0I pm al2:30pm Iowa Local an :40 am b 9:66 pm Chicago (l-.atfiern Ex.). .a 4:60 pm a 1:26 pm Chicago Flyer. ..V.. ... ..a 6:00 pm a 8:36 am . WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltm....all:40 pm a 2:36 am Colo, and Cal. Ex a li3b pm a 4:40 pm Okl. and Texas Ex... ...a 4:40 pm a 3:46 pm ' Llocoln-Fairbury Pass..b 8:46 am bl0:16 am Missouri Paclfto K. C. & St. L. Exp a 9:00 am K. C. A St. L. Exp all:16pm Nebraska Local, .....a 2:00 pw aiiaa!' -,' a 6:66 am a 6:36 pm aU;40am St. Louis Express a 1:30 pm St. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) ........a 8:30 am Btanberry Local - (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm Illinois Central. , ' Chicago Express...... ?...k 7:20 am Minn. & St. Paul Ep...b 7:20 am Chlcugo Limited aB:00 pm Minn. & at Paul Lnitd.a S;i0 pm a 1:30 am aU:16 pm bl0:15 am . a 2:46 pm a 8:66 pm a 8:30 am a 8:30 am BURLINGTON ITA aOTH A UAIO.X, Burllnstoa. Leave. Arrive, a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pm a 6:46 am a 6:10 pm a 6:10 pm al2:ll pm b 9 . 06 am a 8.00 pm bl0:30am a 7:46 am b 1:30 pm a 6:45 am all:46 pm a 8:66 pm a 8:30 am al:S0am all SO am a 6:30 am a 8:10 pm Denver & California a 4:10 pm Northwest Special,..., ,a 4:10 pm Black Hills. .A : a 4:10pm Northwest Expreas a 9:80 pm Nebraska points. ........a 8:0uam Nebraska Express. .a 9:20 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:46 pm Lincoln Local. , i. ,,v. , Lincoln Local . Louisville A Plattstn'th.b 8:10 pm Bellevue-Plsttsmouth ..a 8:10 pm Plattsmouth-Iowa b 9:16 am Bellevue-Plaitsmouth,..! Denver Limited all :65 pm Chicago Special. ...... ....a 7:0t)m Chicago Express a 4:30 pm Chicago Flyer ,..a 6:30 prs Iowa Local a 9:18 am St. Louis Express... a 4:45 pm Kansas City A St. Jne...al0:4S pm Kansas City A St. Joe. ..a 9:16 am Kansas City A St Joe... a 4:45pm WEBSTER tTA. IBTH St WKBSTEH Ch lea aro, St . Paal, Ml aaea polls A Omaha. uvm v City Passenger.. .b 64 : City Passenger... a 2:00 son Local , .b 8:45 son Ical ....0 8:46 aarl Paclfle. Arrive! ' b 9:10 pm a11:20 am b 910 am a 4:60 pm Twin City Passenger. b 64 am m.iv pm Emerson pm am Mlaaoarl Paclfle. IOeal via Weeping Water Falls dty Local ,.a 8 :0S am .a 8:60 pm a 8:20 pm all:20 am - a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, p Sunday only, d Dally except Saturday, a Dally ex cept Monday. , .-'! ).- IJUJi OCEAN STEAMSHIES JAPAN. CHINA, PHILIPPIKES, H0Nt LULU AK3 AUSTRALIA . By the Royal Mall Stearnere of the Canadian Pacific Railway ' atallln frum VanAAMwA Ba - - - . Onaxlle sarviea to tba Ortetii m ear etaasa. ra, taprw of ladla, Bmpniaa at China aa . Emprua of Japan. TImm ataaBMra are Ult laaiaet balwMa America aa4 ta far Bi it teamcr Montaacle, eoe alaal et aabls PhhuikVi only, at th lnUrm41ala rata, atituga about erary tn ears. StMuera Moaas, Mtowara aa Aoransl tuna Ik. wily Una to Australia; loaltoat aoaoa Btodatlooa. SalllBM oaea a aionta. For raua, latuiaauoa aa4 Ularatora, aa. u I Im i.C. Shaw, S:b. lU 2)1 (. CUrk $1.. Cklcai BONDSMAN WANTS HIS MONEY Farmer Treasarer larder laea foi Drflelt Mad V by Barety. To recover $2,760 which he paid as surety on the bond of former County Treasurer Adam Snyder, Gotleib Stors has begun suit in dlHtrict court against Snyder, who hu recently returned to Omaha after an ab sence of several yeara. Snyder was count' treasurer from H90 to 1892 Thd Stors, W Begelke, Morris Morrison, T. J.Lowry, John M. Green, Frederich Krug, Patrick Ford and J. E. Riley were on hla bond. H waa found short In his accounts and Janu ary 2, 1&96, Judgment was rendered against ' the bondholders for $8,206.83. Mr. Stors had to pay his share and since the return of Mr. Snyder to Omaha has begun suit for it Emolov thtl bnv. Vtr'B th. n..., Mttous boy that ever came to town, and a nt want a4 will find him. Those who us this very Inexpensive method of finding help alwsya pave the best help.' Those who put the ppfuiitive , "Boy . wanted" card up in the window usually get tha boy they don't want and imagme 'all other 1 t)av are tba saw kind, : r- U I ... ill :'' V f. i.'t 1 ( 1 ,UI -I 1