1U THIS UMAIIA DAILY BEE: TUTJTISDAT, OCTOBEIt 3, 1907. n It ii i i i -I i! it Want " ads Advertisements fop Ik want 'l columns will be taken srntll II an. tor the crenlag edition ( aatll s. m. for the nornlii and Sunday edition. Cash mnst accompany all orders for want ad and no advertisement will be accepted for les (ban lO eeata for the first insertion, natea apply to either The Dally or Sunday Bee. Alnur count sis words to line. Combination of Initials or n a in here eonnt aa on word. CAM! RATES FOR WANT ADS. niifit LAH CLASSIFICATION On Insertion, per line, 10 eents. Two or (ore eonseeatlT. Insertions, per line, U rents. Karh Insertion mad on odd days, 10 eeata per lln. $1.60 per line per month. CAH RATES FOR ltOTlCES. Death and Fnaeral Notices, Cards ol Thanks and Lodgo Notices, T cents per llae for on edition, an era In a; or evening S eeata a lino for each ad dltlonal edition. Sandny, lO et line. No ad taken for less than 80 eents. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION roar advertisement Is Inserted under any on of the elasslnentlons circa below, It wUl be charged at the fol lowing ratesi On Insertion, 4 cents per llnei three to sis censecotlTo la sertlona, 3 eents per lln each Inser tion i seren or more consecutive ln sertlons, 8 cent per lln each laser tloai SO cents per lln per month. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. BlSIMEWs CHANCES. HELP WANTED EE M ALB, HELP WANTED MALE. Except Accents, Solicitors and Sales men. OFFERED FOn SALE. Cons, Birds, Doss and Pets. Horse and Vehicles. Poultry and Eggs. Furniture. Typewriters and Sewlns; Machines. Pianos, Organs and alualcal lnstru meats. OFFERED FOR RENT I Famished Rooms, t'nfurnlsbed lUosx. Hosirkfrplng Rooms. Boarding; aad ttooma. WANTED Tt Bll- Wnnt Ada for The, nee may h left at anjr of the following: dro store one Is "your corner droicalst" they are all brunch oOlcea of The Bo ami yonr ad will be Inserted last as promptly and on th snm rates aa ot the main offlc In Th . Be Building;, Seventeenth and Farnan Streets. Albarh. W. C, 40th ond Farnam, H-isrck, 8. A., 1402 8. loth 8t. Hocht Pharmacy. 720 8. 16lh St. Benson pharmacy, Begsoti, Neb. Hernia Park Pharmacy, 330 and Cumins, lilukivs Pharmacy, 2K16 Sherman Ave. Caughlin. C. K., 6th and Pierce 8ts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2211 Military Aye. Com. J. ., Elst Ave. and Farnam. Crlssey Pimtinaoy, 21th and Lak. Cermak. Emll, 1264-6 8. 13th St. Kastinau PiiHrmocy: 4046 Hamilton. Ehler, F. H., V)Z lavcnworth. Foster ft Arnoldl. 218 N. 26th St. Freytag, John J.. 1914 N. 241b Bt. Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, HKh and Lake. -Green's Pnarmacy, corner Park Ave. and Pacific. Grettnough, O. A., 1026 H. 10th Bt. Grernough. O. A., 1624 8. 10th St. Hayden, Wm. C, 2920 Farnam Bt Hanscom Park Phar.. 1601 & fcth Ar. Hoist, John, Cli N. lffth Bt. Huff, Ji.. I... 2t?4 Leavenworth St. King. H. 8.. 2238 Farnam Bt. Kounti Place Pharmacy, S3.UJ N. 24th.- Patrlck Drug Co.. 1K4 N. 24hUt. Lathrop, Chas. R , 1324 N. 21th St. Peyton, I.. K., 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co., J'th and Ames Ave. Schaefer'a Cut Price Drug, Cj.. lth and Chicago. Schaefer, August. C671 N. lth St. Schmidt. J. II., :4th nnd Cuming Sts. Storm Phurrrsr".-, V.th and Martha Sts. Walnut K'll Pl-trrr.ary, 40th and Cuming. Walton Plinrmnev. "iitii and Grace Sts. Worth, O. H . h n-i,j HomiUm Sts. DEATHS AMI t't' RR A L HOTICBS SSSESeVItrrTT af'MAHON-MUI.a-l J. th family le&lilence. Funeral nollco liter. aged 00 years., at i ju Cass street. MAillllAGB LICENSES. Th following marriage licenses have been issued. Name and Residence. Age. William Fehrs, Anton, la 60 Mrs. Annie Peterson, Anton, la 37 James 'B. McLean, Omaha It Nettle J. Schuub, Omaha 21 John W. Carsey, St. Francis, Kan 31 Florence Sweeney, Omaha. Ji James A. Sip, Omaha a Kose Swoboda, Omaha 21 Frank H. Wilson, Council Bluffs. la 32 Mrs. Amanda Tilcox, Council Bluffs, la.. 37 Rk-hurd T. Warron, Weston, Neb 37 Ellen Amelia Malm, Weston, Neb 34 George Barr, Plattsmouth, Neb 23 Elizabeth Eledgc, Plattsmouth, Neb 18 Choster Eager, Louisville, Neb 21 Bertha Urwln, LoulBvllle, Neb 18 Walter H. Powell. Omaha 23 fclla E. Welch. Omaha 23 Harry C. Lane. Omaha 17 Fay K. Smith, Douglas county 13 Keece L. Mathews. South Omuha 31 Kdlth Darling, South Omaha u Bd H. Johnson. Axtell. Neb Annie Marie Maxwell. Rod Oak, la.... 17 Julius E. Hansen, Omaha. 21 Grace A. Wrenn, Omaha Jo Clyde Earl Ruffner, Benson 23 Marie Sohaefer, Benson. 18 James H. Delong, Albion, Neb lona E. Heckel, Albion, Neb 2 Anton Berneker, Omnha a Hohanna H. Dresun, Omaha... Jg Albert J. Tldball, Creston, la., zt LfUella Balrd, Creston, la...-. jo BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births F. Mllwetl, 43 Bancroft street, girl; F. H. Grindler, 401 Bancroft street girl; A. J. Anderson. 2ia North Twenty sixth, girl; Charles II. Undley. flnft South Klght eiitli strvet, girl; Frank Hunter, lol3 Howard street. Kill; Hunsla Pugiisl, 7td Pscltio street, girl; Harry Rasniusaen, 3121 South Eighteenth street, boy., leat ha Benjamin liilgulit, 1106 South Twenty-eigluli street, aged 6x years; Levi A. Clark. 411 Lafayetto avenue, aged 7f years; Raymond F. Wilson, Fifty-socond and Military avenue, aged 4 years; Fred Flanagan, 1714 Dodge stieet, aged 30 years; Mrs. Mary Fogarty, 29c4 South Seventeenth street, aged 4 years; Baby Famanlo. fc3i lierc street. ANNOUNCEMENTS M'CARTNKY lNSTITUTa, ISO! FARNAM ST. Classes now open. ABLE INSTRUCTORS. Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkeeping, Commercial Law... Penuutnshlp, Buslusas Corrcspondeno, General office Practice, Also Preparatory for Civil Service, College or a profession. Day and night session. Tel. l. lu.O. ai-Miii oi MlbS ELIZABETH O'CONNOR announces the opening of her drsttsmaklng parlors, Xii North ltth. Tou are cordially In vited to call. 1)-M75s OX F. D WEAD has moved his offlc to Weed Building, ISth and Farnam bt. (1 C4 THE1 CITY GARBAGE CO . offlc 4th and Leavenworth Sta. TL Deuglas 1U7. tU-4 ANNOUNCEMENTS (UUlUUM.1 TIIE FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE Is flow opm in both the DAY and NTOHT tensions. Yet It la not too late to enter, i lionkkeeplng, Bhortliand, 1 'pe rlting, 'ie lraphy and Enghtli. Tho catalogue Is tree. ir. n. boyles. pres. BOYLES BLDG., OMAHA, NEB. u m MORAND'S classes In dancing for adults are now open. Lessons. Tur-. and Frl., S p. n. Entrance opn. Burwood theater. Call or Tel. Doug. 1041. Private leanons. fl) H 4 MUSIC every evening. Hotel P.ome. (1) 751 FALL TERM of the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 13 NOW OPEN. EVERY DAY 13 ENROLLMENT DAT. DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. VIPITORS WELCOME. CATALOGUE SENT FREE TO ANT ADDRESS. ROHRBOI GH BROS., 19th and Farnam Sts. (1)-S83 6 SIGN PAINTING-. H. Cole. 130 Douglas. CI) 191 AUTOMOBILES SEND for our lint of sefond-haud atitomo- biles. DERIGHT. IMS Farnam. 2) 2u0 BARTER AND EXCHANGE, FOR EXCHANGE A fine up-to-date hard ware stock, located In a good Nebraska town of 1.000 Inhabitants; will Invoice about 14,000, Including fixtures. This Is a good, paying proposition. Has a good trails and In one of the best locations In town. Will consider part exchange, ths balance cash. Globe Land and Investment company. , (3) Mils FOK EXCHANGE Stork of buaglcs, w. funs ami implements, located In a small lllnols town; will invoice about il.TO. Also house end 2 lots in same town. Price for real estate, 11X00; invoice for stock. Will exchange for farm land In Iowa, Kansas or Missouri. Globs Land and In vestment Co., Omaha, Neb. i3 MalT FOR SALE Or exchange, fine section of land In Klmhall Co., Neb., at i.&0 per acre Can give clear title, or long time on about $2,ia). What have you? It's a bareain. Who wanti It? AMERICAN LAND i IMMIGRATION CO., Sidney, Neb. (3) ML71 UPRIGHT piano, 165 cash, or trade. 107 N. Utb St. H)-M316 6 BUSINESS CHANCES v HEAD Are you looking for a farm, business or InvkstineutT We have . General merchandise stocks of all sizes, tthon stocks. Gents' furnishings. Hardware stocks. Furniture und undertaking. Hotels and restaurants. Itoomlng house furniture. Drug stocks. Printing offices. Kluur mills, livery. Houses and lots. Farms and ranches. Cull and See JACOBSON & CO., 836 N. Y. L. Bldg., Omaha. Neb. . (4)-Mlb0 octi; FOR SALE OR RENT A torty-room hotel, brick and stone construction, three stories and basement, modern equipment, vis: Steam heated, plumbing, bath and wash bowls, electric lighted throughout; not furnished; In Friend, Neb.; the odly hotel In tho city. Would cost $.15,000 to build to day. Will sell It for about one-third it vulue, owing to Its having been taken on a mortgage foreclosure. Rent, S100 per month; possession November 1. i. B. Mayo, 125 Michigan Ac, Chicago, owner, or Hon. Wm. Burke, Friend, Neb. (4J-M930 OctSx Mining and Industrial Stocks. We buy and sell any active unlisted stocks. We have rare bargains In in dustrial stocks, subject to the most rigid Investigation. We have bargains In sev eral active mining stocks m Nevada, also aeveral bargains in copper stocks. We receive weekly reports liom all t lie Important mining districts In the United States and Mexico. -ROBT. C. DRUESEDOW A CO.. Stock HrokeiK. 8C9 N. Y. Life T-ldp. Tel. Douglas 3565. Omaha, Neb. 4 420 OiH Exclusive Mining Stock Brokers S LISTED AND UNLISTED MINING eTOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Quotations received from all Exchanges. DON'T BUY STOCK FROM COMPANY DIRECT. We can save you Irom 5 to 10 per cent on any mining slock. LIST YUL'K WANTS AND OFFERINGS WITH I S. , We give prompt service.' NEU8TADTL. & DAVIDOV, 604 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Phone Red 1294. (4j M209, FINE PROPOSITION One-half Interest In business block In Cripple Creek, showing about 20 per cent Interest on the Invest- . iiicnt, on the best coiner in town; gross Income $2,700 per annum; expenses about SHjo, Including taxes, leaving about 12,mo net; wc can sell this half Interest for 4.4AO, pait cush, balance on easy terms; this is a big bargain. Write Reynolds A Berbower, Cripple Creek, Colo. (4)-M103 4x FOR BALK AT A SNAP If taken at once; the Depot restaurant at Yankton; fivo passenger (traln daily on ths Milwaukee; train No. 3 stops twenty minutes Jor supper; will sell at Invoice or lump It off at ll.rtf.D. Don't stop to write, but come and see It; It is a bargain for ths right man. George F, Harrington, Yank ton, 8. D. (4)-M3Sa 09x FINK 10-room house, modern, fine location, walking dlt-tance, full ot roomers. Must be sold, leaving town. Address J-27, care Bee. . it) MW1 8x FOR SALE Twenty shares Nebraska Telephone stock at 9G, with accrued In terest to date. Address Y 21, care Bee. (4) M970 5x -1 OWING to the condition of my health I offer my lumber and coal business for sale. H. I. Converse, Siiickley, Neb. (4)-M373 MEAT MARKET doing good business for sals or rent with fixtures. P. B. Bsrry. Greeley. Neb. (4 M240 bx NEBRASKA $3,600 practice for sals for price of office outfit. Address Y-3. car Be. (4)-M1- 012x WANT to trade job printing for tailoring; have my own cloth. Address K -'1. care Bee. (4) 1W7 3 ROOMING houses for sale, ell sizes. Gin gttad, 413 Bee Bld. Tel. Douglas 3449. 14) 75 TWO BOWLING ALLEYS. Brunswlck-Balke-Cullender, for sale cheap. Address W. K. Hasan, L'tita. Neb. O Mu.il lo RENT Ritchie's hall. South Omaha; second floor; no posts; ttOxtio; lung lease. A. U. Ritchie, 220 S. ICtli du. Omaha. (4) . TO BUY, TRADE OR b'ELL sue "BUSI NESS CHANCE BUNNELL." t22 N. Y. Life. Tul. Doug. 14S. (4) -207 WANTED Manager branch automobile sales room; responsible man with first class references and $6.UO cash to man age branch auiomoblle sales room: hiah- U ciuss machines; position pays $S.o00 per year; niguest Dank ami commercial Ter ences furnished. Address P. (). box 65. Chicago. 111. (4) M546 Ix MONEY Do you need It? W ar in a position to furnish capital for any merit orious enterprises; we can sell your stocks and bonds quickly on commission basis; money advanced on good securities; char ters procured In any state; do not fall to confer with us. it will be to your in terest. R. Kaats & Co., bankers. Tacoma Bldg.. Chicago. (4 214 it FOR SALE Clean sfbek of jewelry; doing good buulness; good location for jeweler and optician; about $1,400; writs quirk. E. E. Wood. Newklrk. Okl. (4)-M410 x IF YOU have money that you want to In vest where il will bring a big Income answer this adv. Address G 273, Be. (4) U47 OctJx WANTED A partner to msnuf.tetur and sell a pump equaliser; ran be manufac tured and sold at a profit of 71 cents) per set; answer quletc B. Om:l, Be. 15 Boo It, St., Council Bluff. (4) MIT Ix Rent Your Rooms To Ak - Sa.r Advertise BUSINESS CHANCES IConilnued.j FOR SALFJ-J2.300. Bteam laundry, Includ ing building, at Sac City. la.; practically new; no competition: business thoroughly established; weekly receipts. 1126 to Il6u; under aggressive management, business could be doubled almost Immf dlately. This property, with equipment, ' will Invoice ll.OiA). Address H. 8. Burnt, cashier First National bank. Sac City, la. (4) M448 Oct31 FOR SALE Orta of the best and most up-to-date machine, blacksmith and horse shoeing shops in southeast Nebraska; will be sold cheap if taken soon. For particulars call on or write Geo. K. Pea body. Rulo, Neb. (4)-M23 Sx FOR SALE Livery barn and rolling stock. If desired, in lively county seat in North Dakota; also one quarter sec tion of land .in same county; will sell cheap to prompt buyer. Write to Al phons LeFranoe, Rolls, N. D. (4) M60 Oct3x FOR SALE Novelty and bicycle shop; good opportunity for hearth seekers; good machinery, tools and stock; no other In town; owner has to go east. Santa Fs Novelty Works, Santa Fe, N. M. (4)-M104 4x GENERAL merchandise, stock all clean and new, with postofflce, very liberal rent, In an Irrigated valley; can locate you on government land nearby; can hold claim and run the business: wo have a snap for the right party. Address Ii. U. Cooley, Sanborn, Dundy Co., ., wen. 14) M077 4X FOR. SALE A good paying hotel In Cen tral Iowa, town of 10 to 13 hundred: 2 rail, roads; am going into other i.iHjness. Will sell building snd furituir ..r fur niture alone and rent building. Hotel H block from depot. If looking for a snt? get busy. Address Y 173. Bee. 14) ME11 FOR SALE Good lnw, loan, real estate, insurance and abstract business: com plete set of abstract books to all lands In county. Addreai Box 381, Maysvllle, Mo. 4)-M447 7x FOR SALT: Stock of hardware In god enstern Nebraska town doing good busi ness: reason for selling, old age.' For particulars address Y 104, care Bee. (4) MK6 6x FOR SALE Half Interest In good saw mill to man to manage and will take output of mills as cut; goo J propofl lo i. Po!totfl:a box (06, Houston, Tex, (4) 41 7x LOOK. Grocery and meat market doing $1,000 busi ness a month for sale at 80c on the dollar, or I1.2tX for all. 22 i West Broadway, Coun cil Bluffs. (4) M437 7x BUSINESS CHANCE Will exchange new corn shredder, In first class condition, for any kind of property or stock; write quick. V. A. Greer, Elmore, Minn. (4) M443 7x SIXTY days only; eighty-barrel flour mill; elegant location; twelve-room residence; all for $2,700. E. W. Jones, Rlchvllle, Douglas Co., Mo. (4 M247 6x FOR SALE Express and baggage business, including horses and wagons. In Omaha; doing large business. Address A 273. care Bee. (4)-774 zx WISH to meet gentleman who can Interest few people to extent if S6.000 or $6,000, You can make same or mors at no ex pense to yourself. Address L 62, Bee. (6-M271 ACME EXCHANGE CO.. Cherokee, la., has farm lands and town property for sale or trad. Write what you have and want. (4s M284 Octlx TO GET- IN OR "bUT OF BUSINESS CALL ON WILLIAMS, 411 M CAGUE BUILDING. 16TH AND DODGE STS. - DRUG STORES Anywhere, any price. Write or eee us for bargains. Denver Drug Exchange, 1711 California St., Den ver, Colo. 4) M386 O20x THE BEBT MEAT MARKET In a city of 30,000 inhabitants, and building for rent Address A, Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs, la. (4) M642 0)2x WANTED A partner to manufacture and sell a pump equalizer; can be manufac tured and sold at a profit of 72 cents per set; answer quick. B, Omaha Bee, IS Scott St., Council Bluffs. I4i 3i& 2x FOR BALE Pioneer' restaurant, Hastings; good location for right party. Tlbbe, Morey A Fuller, Hastings, Neb. () MZit) uctx FOR SALE Confectionery and Ice cream business; have small fountain; gas light system. F. A. Bryan, Manning, la. (4)-M944 03x WILL someone please Inform me of good opening for restaurant? Address O 302, care Bee. (4) M544 9x DRUG store for sale everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha, (t "06 RESTAURANT for sale cheap. 633 Broad way, Council Bluffs. Ia. 4 754x FOR SALE One-half Interest In good lumber yard in Lincoln; requires about $13,000. Clarence Reckmeyer, Lincoln, Neb. . (4) M10S 4x BAKERY AND RESTAURANT Finest in . the state outside of Lincoln and Omaha. Easy terms. Send for desorlntlon. Red Cloud Real Estate Co.. Red Cloud. Neb 4)-MWj 06x ALL OR PART of furnishings, 22 rooms, only hotel town 1,100. A Bargain If taken soon. Clearing $35 per week. If you want a good proposition, come quick. Terms. Hotel Logan, Lyons, Neb. (4) 2&4 i ALL' KINDS of mining and oil stocks bought and sold according to their valuo. Omaha Finance Co., 313 N. Y. Life Bldg. (4J-M14S Oct ( F. D. WEAD has moved his office to Wead Building. 18th and Farnam Sts. 4-6&7 WILL pay $1,000 commission o anybody that can raise $6,000- for a proposition that will pay more than 100 per cent on the Invest ment every year. For particulars writ P. O. Box 349. (4)-633 8x WANTED A good reliable man to do our delivering. Will pay $90 per month. Must have $400 to buy outfit. D. B. Smith Ext. and Spice Co., 60S 8. 10th St. (4,)-628 4x BUSINESSDI RECTORY ' Commercial Artlata. H. O. BUNNELL CO., 833 N. T. 7.1 fa. Doug. U4D. (i)-MiW Cnrnet Cleaning!, 8ANITAKY Cleaning Co., lilt Farnam. 15 Hi CrMncrlM. DAVID COLE CREAM ERT CO.. successor to Beatrice Creamery Co.. Omaha. 151-H4 Chattel Loans. Chas. D. Etanton Loan Co., Ml Bea Bldg. China) Palatine. OIL AND CHINA PAINTING Class les sons until Out. 1, 50c. Figure painting a specialty. Mis. Ethe' Vols, tiil Dodge. 'Phone Tayloi 4240. (&)-M446 O t i Chlrcrdlst. DR. ROT. R. a, iaOi Farnam St. Doug. 4t7. Dreaaaaakta g. IN FAUILIXSaflss Sturdy. 1U TeL Harnt (6;-3U HUE. WOODRUFF. 321 Nsvlll Blk. TeL Douglas 6170. S MS OcU REDFERN school. R. 20. Douglas Blk. Tel. Doug. 44. (5-M473 M DO WELL Dressmaking Schsol. U23 Far. Bt. t tw xi j Mrs. Broach, 1721 Farnam., Tel. Harney CSV. (6) M683 Cwl24x Them in BUSINESS DIRECTORY lConUnbd.i Dantlst. MACH. 3d fir. Paxton. D. 10 (51-311 BAILET Florists. HE83 St 6WOBODA, 1415 Farnam. fS)-21 L. HENDERSON, U19 Farnam. Tel. D. 12T J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. Jnoo. 10J M MS 43 Carts. GO-CART Tires. Lawrence, 270$ Leaven worth street. (6) M3S1 OctZO liockamltaa. KEYS, eta. Ileflln, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D. 2S74. T (S221 (522 Hotels. THE! SCIIILTZ. European, ltth and Harney (& ZM THE KARMA European. 1722 Cap. Ave. t&j 78 zx Jfllllnary. LADIES' I.sts made over and trimmed In the latest styles; hats, feathors and ma terial cleaned or dyed. E. Leola Pepper, 626 8. 2Sth St. 'Phone Harney 3908. (Sl-649 Oil Oulc Sapnllea. FT I . T N G cabinets, Mes and ledgers, looss leaf devices snd office fixtures and sup plied of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 306 South ISth St. Tel. Douelas 6562. (5-M20 Oct4 Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. U. Tel. D. 1661. Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370. 15) M465 Oct. 31 DRS. RINGLER, 306 Neville block. Phono Red 6407. (&) M51U NOV.l Phntoarrapher. C. B. TRUSSELL. 116 South 16th St. (5)-224 Plumbing;. PLUMBING and heating attended to at once. Koom a u. n. r.at. i.anii King., 12th and Farnam. 'Phone Douglas 4A03. to) 4S5 7 She Repairing;. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.. first-class work. 16i8Vi Capitol A vs. -pnon Red m. (E) 227 Printing;. OUT-OF-TOWN msrehants, Ak-Sar-Ben visltoiK call and sea our new imported calendars for 1108. Lyngatad & Jarve. 16th and Capitol Ave. (5)-226 HIGH-GRADE Imitation typewritten let ters ana joo printing; no jod too large or too small. Anchor Publishing Co., 306 So. 18th St. Tel. Doug. 6662. (S1-M613 Nov.l Jewelers and Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock, jewelry repairing, i- paxton tsm. isi.. si. Safes, Shatters, Bt. - OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a specialty of fir escape, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen. Prop.. 102 S. 10th et. . . :i-m Tailors FULL DRESS ' And Tuxedo suits for sale or , rent a' Friedman a, zu so. urn m. (5)-M55S 4x HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Salesladies. WANTED At once, twenty-five exper ienced salesladies for dry goods sections. Eee M. A. L. Schantz, Main floor. The Bennett Company. (7) M435 $ Clerical and Ollle. M'CARTNEY INSTITUTE. 1603 FARNAM ST. Classes now open; able Instructors. Complete shorthand and business course and preparatory for civil service, college or a profession. Day and night sessions. TeL D. 1070. (7)-M513 O10 GIRLS for railroad offices; education two years High school. Call or address F. B. Southard, A. P. A., U. P. R. R, fourth floor. Pacific Express Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (7 622 8 NOTICE The Co-Operativ Reference Co. removed to 673-75-77, new Brandels Bldg. I (7)-0 Factory nnd Trades. WANTED Women tor band Irontrs and machines. Kimball Laundry. 1611 Jackson Bt, (7)-MS40 WANTED At once, an experienced choco late dipper; one who can manage help; good wagea to right party. Address Ettlng Candy Co., Orand Island, Neb. (7)M560 lSx Housekeepers nnd Domestics. COMPETENT GIRL for general house work. Mrs. Hal). 2216 Sherman Ave, 'Phone Webster 3723. (7) M113 WANTED A settled white woman to cook and do general housework for two; good, permanent home; good wagea; references wanted. Mrs. J. P.. Morris. Colemsn, Tex. .(71-M464 7x WOMEN for day work; housekeepers, waitresses, lli. Canadian oOlcs, 16th and Dodge , U)-i CAPABLE girl for "general work. Two In family. 2460 St. Mary's Ave. 7 M388 CIRL wanted for general housework; sniAll family; modern conveniences; good psy, Irqulre 805 New York Life. (7) 410 WANTED Good girl for general house work; three in family; wages $4; for par ticular call at 214 8. 19th St. (7)-M686 WANTED A competent, trustworthy girl for general hovsework; two In family; good wages. Mrs. Frank Hadley, i"21 Bristol. (7)-MW7 WANTED A good girl for general house work. 3012 Msson. Tel. Harney 1904. (7)-M3T8 S WANTED Cook, . with 'good referenees; wages $7.00 per week; no washing or ironing. Inquire 604 So. Sjtli St. . (7)-M509 4 BEST Inducements offered first class girl. 'Phone Harney 2o43. (7 Mia GIRL for general housework; small'family; small house: no laundry; good wages. Mrs. M. M. Robertson, 111 N. 31st Ave. (7 397 WANTED Good plain rook; no washing or Ironing. Tel. Harney 1462. 7 419 2 WANTED A girl to do general housework. 613 S. 26th Ave. 7)-4J3 HOUSEKEEPER between 26 and 35 years wanted. T. Teller. McCook, 8. D. (7)-M43 OSlx COMPETENT girl for housework, no wash lng. 3316 Burt street. (7)-M44 7x WANTED Good girl for general house work; family of three; small house near High school; best wages. 2617 Capitol Av. CO isi $x OIRL for general housework; no washing or cooking. 1&3 8. 31st St- 17) 480 1 WANTED Girl to assist In private family. Work light. 10U N. 34th 81. (7-6U 4s - Bcn Visitors The BEE . HELP WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers aad Domestics Cont'd WANTED Girl for general housework, one that,cares for a good home; wages $ per weea. ivi bo. sisi bl. I'J Oo 1 WANTED Girl foe general housework. Good wages. Small family. 606 8.' 79th Ave. (7)-636 WANTED Girl to do housework. Mrs. Wm. F. Baxter, 3030 Marcy St.' 7)-& GIRL for general housework; good wages. 1008 So. 30th Ave, (7) M566 6x WANTED Girl for general housework; 4 In family; no washing. 602 No. 40th St. Tel. Harney 2045. v (7)-M564 6x Miscellaneous. WANTED Experienced alteration women. Will pay highest wagea. ). K. Scofleld Cloak and Suit Co., 1510 Douglas. 17)-732 GOOD PAY len wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. No csnvaeslng. National Dlst. Bu reau, Chicago, III. (7) M919 Oct3x TWO girls for wrapping bundles, nog under 16 years of age. Nebraska Clothing Co. I 7 116 2 LADIES AND GIRIS, to stamp transfers at home; easy loarned; $1.60 to $.'.00 per dozen. 609 Paxton block. (7) M470 7x WAITRESS Permanent position. Bach elors Hotel, 20th and Farnam. (7) 872 WANT you to know that Gladstone Bros., 13OH-1210 Douglas St.. 'Phone Douglas ZS. have stock of RUST TO GO, and will fill retail orders. One trial will convlnco any housekeeper that It Is almost Indls prnsible. (7) 6i9 2 WANTED Five good girls In our factory. D. B. Smith Ext. and Spice Co.. Si3 8. 10th St. -- (7)-627 4x TWENTY girls to fold papers; 75c a day. Call Thursday morning 8 o'clock. Farm Magazine, 1412 Farnam. (7) M549 3 HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors nnd Salesmen. ARE you out of work? Call and see us; good hustlers make good .money. C. F. Adams Co., 3Sl Howard St. (9)-126 WANTED A traveling salesman In a wholesale house. Must have? experience. State salary expected and age. Must have fine references. Address G 295, care Bee. (9) M446 3x Clerical and Offlc. M'CARTNEY INSTITUTE. . 1S02 FASNAM ST. Classes now openT aDie Instructors. Complete shorthand and business course and preparatory for civil service, college or a profession Day and night sessions. Tel. D. 1070. (9)-M51 O10 NOTICE The Co-Operatlve Reference Co., removed to 673-76-77 New Brandels Bldg. (9) 639 I ' Boys. WAVTED A bright .oy, over 18 yearg. to holt? copy for proofreader. Call at Be comp-ialng room. (9"M GOOD boys wanted, first class pay. A. D. T. Co.. 213 So. 13th St. (9)-M868 WANTED Office boys, must "be over 14 years old. Address Omaha Packing Co., South Omaha. (9)-il606 WANTED Good boy over 16 years; good wages. The Wardrobe, 20115 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1729. (9)-638 8 Factory and Trades. WANTED Men to loam barber trade; wonderful demand now; wages Satur days; few weeks completes; positions waiting; top wages paid graduates; twenty-three colleges In United States and Canada. Call or writ Moler Barber college, 110 8. 14th St. v1)-M978 3x WANTED Good, sober barber; $16 per week guaranteed. Fred Cooper, Edge mont, S. D. . (9) M368 Oct4x WANTED Registered drug clerk of good habits; give reference. H. E. Vlstuba, Stelnauer, Neb. (9) M924 OcU!6 WANTED Tile ditchers to work by rod; make $2.50 to $3.60 a day. Apply J. W. Ten Brink, Nlckerson. Neb. (8)-8i5 POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. (9) li WANTED First-class watchmaker and engraver at once; $25 per week. C. A. Tucker, Lincoln. Neb. () 28 WANTED First-class barber: no boomer need apply; guarantee $15 per week, or 60 per cent. Address jonn biaca. nuron, B. D. (9) M593 OiX WANTED Tailors to work in alteration department Will Day good wages. O. K. Scofleld Cloak and Suit Co., 1610 Douglas. (9) 31 COATMAKER wsnted at one. Carl P. Llndecrants, iHoldrege, Neh. (9) M667 06x WANTED A first-class shoemaker; up- to-dato shop and finishing machine; salary. 11. L. wallers et CO.. -iarion, in, (91-M971 4x WANTED Two good moulders. Address Fremont Foundry and Mach. Co., Fre- -mont. Neb. W-M444 a WANTED Three first-class. galvanized sheet-Iron workers, preferably those fa miliar with ventilating work. Superin tendent Ventilating work, Metnoaist lios pltal, ith and Cuming streets. (9) M502 8x JOHN RENZNICHK, 2707 Leavenworth, wants a butcher. () Mti3 COMPETENT drug clerk; good salary. 2402 Cuming St. (9) M572 6 miscellaneous. SOUND young men, aged IS to 35, for firemen und brakemen du.'ing rush sea son on leading railroads her, in ths west and on new lines being completed: experience unnecessary; firemen, $100 monthly, become engineers,' JM); brake men. $100 monthly, become' conductors, $150; many positions now open; write at once for particulars. National Railway Training associatinu, 6-'u raxlon block. Omaha, Neb. () 415 nets WANTED One first class business getter for each state, good money for right party, represent Nebraska corporation, reference and bond. Stamp for reply. Address d l.u. care uee. xu DRITO CLERKS Exceptional propositions. increased salaries. Denver urug r:x change, 1711 California St., Denver, Colo. (9-M34 OOx TEAMSTERS Steady work, wages $12 to $1G jier week. Sunderland Bros Co., 20th and Hickory. (91478 T DRUG CLERK, registered; store experience may be limited, soda experience preferred or willing to learn aoda part of business good opportunity to get city experience In a strictly drug store. Address Y-25, car Uee. t'j) jhiu sx FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business Men's association; helps work men And positions. Call 843 New York Life Bldg. ()-M926 Oct26 WANTED Experienced Janitor, permanent position. A(ply loth and Farnam streets, J tee be A Runyon Furniture Co. (9) M50S 3 WANTED Competent furaac men. 13 So. Main St., Council Bluffs, Ia. )-M70T WANTED Motion two-picture operators. Apply Cross. 1402 Douglas. ( tti 7x HELP WANTED MALE Mlsellaoaa Ctlnod. TJ. 8. NAVT offers attractive opportunities to wide swak young Americans, 17 to 26 years of age; men with special trades accepted up to .IB years. An Illustrated booklet, showing the life of the modern msn-o'wars man free itf those interested. Visit or address Navy recruiting station, Omaha. Lincoln, Hastings, Neb.; Sioux City, la. Post offlc buildings. t9-.Mf19 Nix WANTED Passenger and freight elevator men. Janitors, carpenter and plumbers' helpers; one fireman; painters; top wnees. 104 Bee Bldg. (9)-M2O0 02x WANTED Competent driver, must furnish bond. Salary M to $70. Applv 1812 Fr nam. (9) M.V)4 4 MAN for generwi; housework. Call 6 to 7 evenings. IJg Bo. 26th St. (9) M431 7x WANTED Good Turkish bath man. Tax. ton hotel. (9) 475 $ WANTED Teama and shovelers at 15th and Harney Sts. Thursday. () M5E9 3 A TAII.OR wanted. Graham A I-onard, nocKwjn t:uy, ia. (8) M.4H ltix LIVE STOCK FOR SALE lloraea and Veklclca. ONE 2-seat, two runabouts, top buggy, all rubber-tired; hack harness, on double express harness: one or two horses. Corn in. The Uarney SU Stables. (U)-;i RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W. A. Stone, 308 Lincoln Av., Council Bluffs. tll)-MlW NOW Is th Urn to buy your driving horse or single wagon norse. as we are making room for heavy horses. Have seversl fine single drivers for ladles; 6 or 8 extra good single wagon horses; have some gooJ cheap farm teams. Omaha Horse & Supply Co., Rear 414 N. 16th St. (11-M713 WE are selling delivery wagona teaming gears, oiiggies, carnages nuu iiui ness cheaper than any other firm In Omaha. Johnson-Danforth Co., 8. W. Cor. 10th and Jones 8ts. (1D-&7 Horses bought and sold. Myers, 1114 Doug. - (11) 239 OlS HORSES bought & sold. Blake 2531 N 16th. (11) M466 Nix FAMILY horse and buggy for sale cheap. Inquire 927 Homer St., or Tel. Red 5647. C1D-476 SIX head of good horses, city broke, sound and In fine condition tor work. Farmers Creamery, 8th and Harney streets. (11) M501 8 heavy matched work team. Cash or rms. Z517 North ltftn street. (11) M1S0 Poultry and EsTsT. - btTSTON'S White Wyandottea. Pure bred, cnoice Breeding stock now ready lo ship. Forest Lawn Wyandotte Yards, Flor ence, Neb. Tel. Florence 1082. .. (U)-M9?4 Oct27x GOVERNMENT book free. Model Squab Co., omana. (ii) M647 Nov2 Cows, Birds, Dogs and Pet. FINE fox terrier puppy. 1909 Webster. (11) M598 03X FOR BALE Bargains in pure bred colli Ditcnes ana stud dogs; strictly up-to-date, working stock. R. M. Dodds, Mankato, Minn. (11) M933 3x BLUE EYED, whit Angora kittens, $10. Will Crawford. KnoxvUl. Ia. (U)-M920 3x i ST. BERNARD dogs and a number of Eng- nsn nun ana lox terrier puppies. Mac- Mlllan Bros., Bloomlngton, III. (4)-Ml'47 6x LOST AND FOUND J. HANSEN, the upholsterer and furniture repairer. 1513 N. Z4tn. Tel. Webster (12) M858 04 FOUND White-faced steer. Hereford. Frank C. Vaad. 4935 Pacific St. 02) M506 4 LOST Tug from heavy harness. Reward ii reiurnea 10 aa ana venter bis. n. v. GUssmann, Omaha. (12) 635 Zx LOST Tuesday night, either on Farnam or lbtn St. or on Park Ave. car, small open-face goll watch; Initials A. F. L. Return to 1016 Farnam St. Reward. 02) 642 2x LOST Tuesday night, diamond earring; noerai reward, baens' cigar Co. (12) M55 5x LOST Wednesday evening, leather pocket dook containing several dollars and a car book. Return to Bee office and re ceive reward. 1 (12) M574 4x MEDICAL RUPTURE CURED No knife, no reten tion from business. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO., over 8. W. Cor. 14th snd Douglas. Omaha. (13) -243 ANY poor girl In need ot a friend call or writ to th matron of the Salvation Army Horn for Women at SS24 N. 2tth Bt.. Omaha. Neb. (12)-Mli4 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13)-2U FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, ltth and Dav enport Sta.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phons Douglas 1167. Calls answersd day or night. (131-129 MONEY TO LOAN - SALARY AND CMATTBLS. Did you ever hear of a BARGAIN SALE) OF MONEY? That la lust what w ar having. WM HAVE TOO MUCH MONEY on hand and must losn it out at ANY OLD RATE. If you deal with us you ar assured of a fair square deal from start to finish. AR LOW RATES as can be made by any firm. ALL THE TIME neoesssry for you t "get on your feet" In case of Sickncat or other trouble. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trad Bldg. 16th Street Entrance. (14)-M714 DR. PRIBBENOW'8 MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, horses, etc., any amount; less half rates; perfect privacy and Immediate attention on any terms; payments suspended when sick or dis abled. 214 Karbach blk., i.09 South 15th street. (14)-M4S8 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advancea private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day asked toi at small cost. Open evenings till '.. (14) 24$ FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TC) THB PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loans. 633 .Paxtpn Block. 'Phons Douglas 75. (14) 360 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt luans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam tt. 14)-34S MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB and others without security; easy pay. ments. Offices In 3 principal cities. Tul man, room 714 New York Life Bids. (14)-2S1 UNION LOAN CO. W will make a special low rate on coli lateral loans, mortgages on personal prop erty and notes, without security. Terms to suit. 'Phons Douglas 2904. 810 Bee p.ldg (Hi M154 Oct. i EAGLE LOAN OFFICE-Rellable. aoeom! modatlng, all business confidential. 18"! Douglaa. - (14) 141 FURNITURE, liv stock, salary loans Duff Grssn Loan Co., room 8. Barker Block. (14)-263 LOWEST rate, chattels or salary Ne braska Credit Co., 214 Board of Traits. . '141 MS OFFERED FOR RENT Bonrdlaa; and Roobbs. STRICTLY modern furnished rooms; horn cooking. Red SMS. 2217 Howard. Oi)-691 OctU OFFERED FOR RENT Boa sd Boom -Cwntlnned. VIENNA hotsl; prlvat dining rooms; caff. 06) 2& s DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam, U6) 8M FIRST-CLASS board and room. 608 So. 24t$ Ave. (161-779 025 FOR KENT Large front room suitable fol two young men; board. 1000 8. 2th St. (16 M297 NICELY" furnished rooms: first-class board o'liauiiuum iniee. i lie xiiis, p'jn narncj St. (15) 392 2BX Famished Koom. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. 411. Hamilton Bt. (16) 614 FIVE furnished front rooms for carnival transient; take Hsrney car to California St. and go one block east. 624 N. 23d 'Phone Douglas 4580. (15) M629 07x, FURNISHED ROOM-Very desirable, refer! ence required. 640 Sodth 24th St. ' (16) Id 300 Oct20 ALL MODERN furnished room foT gen tlcman, $10. Tel. Harney 8876. 265 Dodge, (16) ToJ ARE YOU SATISFIED With the ROOMS you havet If not. come and see us. DO IT NOW. OMAHA RENTAL CO., Tel. Doug. SSS1. 308 N. T. life Bid. (16) M511 I 128 S. 26TH St., large east front room. suit, able for three gentlemen; house stiictl modern; roomy porches, large, ahadj lawn. (lb 266x FOR RENT Nicely-furnished room, suit able for two, steam heat and prlvilegt of bath; near high school. 216 North 234 St. (151-M910 3x LAROK plenamt room for gentlemen. 161 Leavenworth St. (15) 4S9 3x NEWLY furnished, strictly modern fronl room; furnace heat. 641 8. 24th Av. (15) M9.18 BEAUTIFUL larg front and other rooms, bay window; clean; best references, bit N. !d. (15) M 499 06x A DELIGHTFUL horn for 2 people; fronl room, beautifully furnished; best hornt table, strictly private, everything Or si class, best location. 'Phone Red 7654. (15) 780 2x FURNISHED rooms In private family. 2751 California St., on Harney car line. (16) M517 RX BEAUTIFUL room. In small family, mod ern and first class. 2622 Davenport. (151-783 2 FURNISHED rooms. 1911 Douglas Bt. (16)-117 4g MODERN furnished room, gentleman pro ferred. Tel. Harney 875. 2H4 Dodge St. (15)-M140 6x DON'T WASTE TIME. Arrange about your rooms. DO IT NOW. We reserve them for you. OMAHA RENTAL CO. Tel. Doug. 8881, 308 N. Y. Life BldgT. (15) M566 TWO nicely furnished modern rooms, eacl suitable for two. Gentlemen preferred i. ivtvHvt. . ..(UIHU. AUVIVB, V W, Call Bee. (15) M266 ix WELL furnished rooms In refined homi transients during this week. 8"8 N. 22d. (16)-228 tx FOUR rooms,, furnished for housekeeplnf or sleeping, one or all. 'Phone Webstei 3603. 2226 Miami St. (15) 868 MODERN furnished room; gentleman prs ferred. Tel. Harney 875. 2644 Dodge St. (15)-M140 tx PHONE Douglas 6176 for rooms In prlvat family Ak-Sar-Ben week (16) 398x FURNISHED rooms. Tel. Red U4L (16)-420 6x BEAUTIFUL furnished front room In aU modern brick house, fine location; prlvat family., $12 per month. 20U8 Dodge. 05)-626 4X LARGE front room, with small side room, ,m, i iimii miu w ne prererrea; . oi., nuuniEtt iace. lib) aifitu g TWO parlors, with board, for four gentla- tr... ow v.aiuui II la 1'liuiie U OlDl (15) M560 6g Housekeeping; Rooms. NICELY furnished roomi, with breakfast privileges, in l. zaa. (16) 761 I FOR RENT Two well furnished light housekeeping rooms, also sleeping rooms) modern and steam heat. S17Vi 8. 13th St., second lloor, flat 4. (151421 J HOUSEKEEPING rooms, neatly furnished. iiS iso. ma HI. (16) M5gZ 9 Apartments and Flats. $40.00-6ir,H No. 24th St.. South Omaha; six room apartment in new "Scargo" building. All modern conveniences, including hot water In kitchen and bath. Hall Dis tributer Co., 817 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. 'Phone Red 7406. (la) M613 FOR RENT 8304 Sherman Ave., nlc new 6-room flat, modern except heat; electric light and gas: laundry privilege and tint yard; 825. Telephone Web. 334. (15) M561 BTEAM-HEATED flat, modern. 220 N. 23d, (15) M42 AN APARTMENT. Davldge Bldg., 18th and Farnam. Apply apartment No. 2. (16)-M415 MODERN, 8-room brick flat,- No. 3001 Pa cific St. $40 per month: best residence district In city. 'Phone Harney 3283. M. Kellner. Owner. (15) 788 6-ROOM new flat; modern; 707 Georgia A vs. Inquire 413 South 15th. (15) M985 4x FOUR or 8 unfurnished rooms in a new flat. Just built, 916 N. 24th St., lust north of Cuming; 4 rooms, $18. Apply to Martin & Harris, 209 S. 13th 6t. (15) CS 6-ROOM modern flat, 2910 Bhlrley St., $27 .60. , (16)-49l 7x House and Cottases. $23 per mo., 2504 Blondo St., 8 rooms, modern except furnace. , $26 per mo., 2602 Blondo 8U t-roon modern except furnace. $30 per mo., 623 N. 86th St., -room modern house. $35 per mo., 1316 N. 40th St., new 6-room modern house. I $45 per mo., 316 N. 20th St., 10-room sui'iiei it iiuu.e. $45 per mo., 1936 S. 82d St., lO-roofe modern house, steam heat, 2 large lot south and east fronts, all in line repair. $50 per mo. each, 113-16 N. 26th Kt., new 8-rouni modern flats, oak finish, 1st floors, 4 bed rooms, very desirable. $60 per tao 2645 Capitol Ave., l-rooin Strictly modern house. GEORGE & CO.; 1601 Farnam Bt. (16)-e-M664 ON CHARLES, near 34th. new 8-R., all modern, on Harney car line, $33; near Sfith and Burt, 9-K , all mod.,, near Cuming and Harney car lines. $32.60; one 29th, near Ames Ave., 5-R.. new, bath, $J0; 94 N. 4Jd. 7 rooms, all modern, :. O'KEEFU REAL ESTATE CO., 10U1 N. Y. Life. Phone Duug. 2152. (16)-M5ug - FOR RENT 3lx-room bouse, modern ex cept furnx.ee. KCl S. VXtli St $23 per' month. 'Phons Harney J2b. (16) M6S7 . WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas VU&. tichnioller j Mueller Piano Co . 1311-1313 Famam. (15)-25t OMAHA Van A Storage Co. crk, move, store H li. goods; storehouse Hid 24 N. ltth. Ofllc 16ut Farnam. Tel. Doug. 136. (lo)-ai: HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates. Moving and storage. Expressmen Delivery Co. TL Douglas (16)- WE MOVE PIANOS-Maggard Van and Storage Co. TL Doug. 144. Offlc. )7U Webster St- (16) 2oS FOR RENT- 8-room modern house, nil Lake well located. , 1A M17T FOR RENT After October 6. 2186 Chicago street. 7 rooms. Urge bath room, auio and laundry, first-class, furnace. $46 l (16) M 433 HOUSES IS." "rt tb ot,lr- en UUUOt3 Trust Co.. N. Y. UU bl&g.