Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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Office 15 Scott Street. Both 'Phones 43. -
Davis, drugs..
Stockert Mil carpets.
. Ed Roger' Tony Fault beer.
,J3ee Schmidt ! elegant sew photos.
Lewla 'Culler, funeral director. 'Phone T.
' Aypodrlng Undertaking Company. Tel 535.
Dr. J. W. Terry, an eye specialist of high
reputation, at Leffert's, 409 Broadway.
"The term of Itealtfi Officer O. H. Lucas,
appointed for six months, expired yester
day. .
A building permlt was Issued yesterday
to J. II. Nielsen for a I1.6UQ one-story frame
cottage on Benton street.
Deputy ' Sheriff. Clarence Woolman Is at
the Edmundson Memorial' hospital suffer
tug from an abscess In the side.
Thomas. Green of 608 South First street
was- removed to the Edtnundson Memorial
hospital and operated on ior appendicitis
'The preliminary hearing of Ed Mills, the
negro charged with caning John Wood
fuik, another negro, was continued In
police court yesterday until this morning.
Owing to the Inclemency of the weather
the dedication of the drinking fountain
presented to the city by the National
Humane Alliance, scheduled for last even
' tng, was Indefinitely postponed.
During the month of September the num
ber of transfers of real estate recorded
Were 2"6, with an aggregate consideration
pf $.113.06(1.40,. as against Hi transfers for
the same month, of last year with a total
Consideration of 183.347.31.
Hoover Miller and Mrs. Bella Morgan,
both of Rlvor Hloux, were married yester
day by Hev.. Henry Dnliong. Rev. Henry
DeLong also performed the marriage cere
tiiony ,.for T. B. Olds, engineer at the
Oram! hotel, and Miss M. J. Barber of
v Mrs. Amanda Ellen Kuykendall, wife of
Runnel Kuykendull, 110 Little Frank street,
died yesterday afternoon- from organlo
heart disease, aged, 4? years. Services will
be held Wednesday, morning at S o'clock
t the residence, following which the body
'will-toe takmi to Tabor, la.;' and burial will
be at.Thurman, la.
Luke Jordan, living at 1830 Sixth avenue,
was taken into custody yesterday after
noon on an Information tiled by his wife
charging him with being a ckronlo In
ebriate and asking that he be committed
to the state hospital for dipsomaniacs at
KnOxvllle. He was placed In the county
Jail' pending a hearing before Judge Macy.
The personal Injury suit of Mrs. Sarah
-Kolph Against the New Nonpareil com
pany ,nd that of William, Kolph, the hus
band, have been assigned for trial October
"7 fti tltef'auperlor court. Mrs. Rolph claims
damages for being run down and Injured
,bv a band cart pushed by an employe of
I lie d'fendant company. The husband sues
tor trie, loss of his wife's services.
Miss Beulah Wheeler of Dos Moines, who
ra, to St. Bernard's hospital recently
tbK relatives, was yesterday adjudged li
(uue by the commissioners and ordered
r'limltted to the state asylum at Clarlnda.
MIM tt'heolor. who. Is 34 years of age. Is
tfrning -from hysterical molanchoila and
Iter condition not Improving since brought
here1, Her relatives deemed It best to have
her Committed to "the state asylum.
'Oltvi.Knglneer Btnyre has-perfected plans
rwhre,by,. the resetting of sftttoen catch
SSUJSv v. Avenue iiwcii -
liifternui streets win on iiuiunu "
tsdwaV-'haa been ordered narrowed for
'.partn 'nd this will bring the cum ni
outside, the catch basins. To avoid moving
tli" '.uafns Mr. Etnyre plans to construct
a waterway through the curbing,- leading
Ijrfvctha manholes. The waterway will be
havered , with: Iron, .grating,.
Mrs. Margaret James, wife of Richard
i lames, of. Woodbury avenue, died y ester
flav morning, aged1 47 years.' ' Besides her
husband. Mrs. James Is survlvod by one
son , and one daughter. 1 vlng at home.
T4ie funeral will be hold Wednesday after,
fton at 2 o'clock from the family res I
H.'nre nnd Wlal will .be In. Walnut Ulll
'cemetery, . nev,H. W, Starr rector of
St. Paul's Episcopal church, of 'Which, de
based was a member, will conduct the
services '
f.'.Vnnted-r Every man and woman with de-
rfoctlve vision to oonsult ua and get a pair
'of-our made-to-order eye glasses.
' 10arl Street: . Optometrist.
. ; .r..- Itlarrtage Licenses. . .
: License s to wed were Issued yesterday to
the.rbllowliig: ,
Name and Residence.
jlt'ark . .Itnlk. Omaha
Annii Schwelger, Council Bluffs...
till Jlre'rn. Council Blnffs.'. . .
Pearl Plnnero,- Council Bluffs
Hoover Miller, River Sioux,' la......
Bella Morgan, River Sioux la ,.
t -H. Olds, Council Bluffs 23
M. J. Baber, Omaha It
Old Dutch
,,cw do mart work' than any
Oliver cleaning agent and dues
it in aiv tasitr, quicker and tct-vw-way.
Cleans Windows
, much eaeisr and quit ker than soap. At ,
It IfivetKo Rrease him on the pane, ike
tla- quickly takes a In polish.
' Scrubs Floors
In a new and better way. Geti richt
tlown into t lie prain ol the wood, take
tip all dirt aud leave the floor spotless
j, . Scours Pots
and all litclien Utensil in the easiest
Manner. Q-fukly Rets under and i
nieves the ttiikiest crust of iease
aad Rriino.
" Polishes Metal -
tltilikly rives Railines. IVior Knohs,
Tauccts and l'ipes a brilliant polish.
4fevcuU iui, tuoisb aod.coiroslon.
arg Jtfting.tap Cm fn
UtJICrocers. AVU
Seat Omaha, Nek.
Council Decidei to Allow Bill ot
Water Company in Full. .'
Coanpanr Asrreea to Lay Water Mains
to Protect Keys Brothers' Car
riage Factory Petition oat
A venae A Car 'Tracks.
The long pending controversy between
the city council and the Council Bluffs
Clty Water Works company over the tot
tar's bill for hydrant rentals for the . last
sixteen months reached an amicable set
tlement at the meeting of the city council
yesterday, when on the recommendation of
the judiciary committee,- It' was' decided to
allow the bills In full, namely at HO a
year per hydrant. In return the . water
works company signed a contract to lay a
six-Inch main on Avenue B from Eighth
to. Ninth streets and an eight-Inch main
on Twenty-eighth street from Broadway
to Second avenue for the purpose of pro
viding better flro protection for the Keys
Brothers oarrlage factory. . The amount in
volved was W,7.5.
The request of the West End Improve
ment club submitted by Councilman Hen
drlx that the Street Railway company be
required to relay Its tracks on Avenue A
from Nineteenth ' to Twenty-sixth streets
to conform with the grade was referred to
the committee on streets and alleys and
the city engineer. Residents on that sec
tion of Avenue A are anxious that the
street be brought to the established grade
In order that sidewalks may be laid. With
the tracks as they are at present. In some
blocks being below ' grade ' and In others
above, It would be useless, It Is contended,
to put down sidewalks.-.
Notice of personal Injury damage suits
arising out of the alleged injury of will
lam S. Burns, a minor, by. resson or a ae- , counciimen would be at the head re
fectlve sidewalk, was filed. One suit Is on j ,pectivey or eome Cllr department. In the
behalf of the lad himself and the other Is
on behalf of the lad's father for alleged
loss of services, etc. The -sum of 500. Is
asked In each suit.
Owing to the rain, the councllmen post
poned assessing the recently completed
paving on Tenth, Third and Fourth aven
ues until Thursday afternoon. . k '-
In the absence of Mayor Macrae Coun
cilman Olson presided over' the meeting.
Counollmen Fleming, Maloney and Wallace
were absent.
Before getting ' your upholstering, ' mat
tress making, repairing and reflnlshlng
done, get prices of the Morgan Upholster
ing company,. 83S Broadway, next to Alex
ander' art store. Telephone for quick
orders. Bell, 893; Independent, 37 Red.. -
'Real Estate Transferai v- .
These transfers were reported to The
Bee Soptmber 80 by the Pottawattamie
County Abstract company vof Council
Bluffs: - .
Llssle Wehrll to Robert Bousfleld e ,
lot 4 In block 60 Riddle's sub, an add
to Council Bluffs, la., w d........s .
8. E. Osborn and wife to J. C. Mau
irath, lots 7 and 8 In block 20 In oen-. .
trul aub to Council Bluffs, la., w d.. IMD
James Ulalr and wife to Jennie Ellsa
. Younkln. lot 6 Aud's sub pf lots 4
' and 6 In block 3, William s, out of .
niill lot In Council Blufi. &irr
Krank . M. Rhoades to Harriet rt,
Hammond, lot 2 block U, Stuts-:
msn s id add to Council Bluffs, la... :
w a p t- ; , uwo
Cora Bellinger nnd husband to Jesse .
,R. Magness, lots and 11,, Aud's sub,-
of se-W nw-y4 of 1S-75-43 w d 1,000
Council Bluffs Real Estate ft Improve ,,
ment Co. to O. M. Alllngham, o 47
ft of lot 11 sub of out lots E and G,
John Johnson's .. add to Council
Bluffs, la., w d ,
J. M. Matthews and wife to Chrlstena
Held, lot 24 In block 1" In Benson's
1st add to Council Bluffs, la., w d..
William Moore, trustee, and wife to
Council BlufTs Driving Park, part"
w-4 ne-Vl of 26 and part se-K of
- 23-7C-44 s w d .'
Isaac N. Downs and wife to C J.
HmU-li. lot 13 in Rice's sub of lota
27 and 'JU In John Johnson's add- to
Council Bluffs. -la., w d.
J. S. Beatiden to Mary McRobert, lot
in blocK 13 iota i, i ana s in uiock
14, lots 2'i. IS, 26, 27 and 28 m block
V4 In central sub In Council Bluffs,
la., w d -r l.'.
Council Bluffs Heal Estate & Improve
ment Co to Mary McRobert, lots 8,
(. 20 and 21 In block. 14 In central
sub In Council Bluffs, la., w d
Ernest FX Hart and wife to Mary
McRobert, lot 24 In block J4 In cen-.
tral sub In Council Bluffs, la. w d . To
TotaU 12 transfers... ....... ..'.I ,261
Light rigs always ready on a minute's
notice, comfortable and clean carriages,
first-class drivers, and the best, teams In the
city at the Grand livery 224 8. Main. Both
phones, 273. . . , ,
Bluff -City Laundry, nigh grade wOrk.
Latest Improved machinery. 'Phones 314.'
Deeldlns an Y. M. C. A. Bite.,
State Secretary Magee and one of the In
ternational secretaries ot . the association
from New York are expected to be present
at the meeting of the executive committee
, of the Young. Men's Christian association
j this afternoon, at ' which time, It la ex
J pected, the question of a site for the pro
i posed building will be determined. - At lesst
i this Is the ward sent by Secretary Harry
I Curtis, who Is due to arrive In' Cooncll
j Bluffs today from Dubuque.
The meeting has been called for 4 p. m.
and will be held at i: South Main street,
j In the rear of the Day & Hess office. All
subscribers of 3300 and over towards the
i building fund, have been Invited to attend
the meeting and express their preferences
as to the sits.
Onlce tar Heat.
Eight feet -wide, eighteen feet long, on
ground floor, opposite Nebraska Telephone
i building. 16 Scntt street; central location;
only one-half block from Broadway. Ev
I cry thing new; electric l'ght; lor 38 a month,
j Omaha Bee, 15 Soott street.
Scheol Teachers' IHrlltc Kali.
County Superintendent Jackson wss ad
vised yesterday thst the public school at
Crescent, which . had been closed on ac
count of the resignation of three of the
teachers, hsd been reopened. The principal
remalued In her place and' the primary
teacher concluded to withdraw her resigna
tion. The directors succeeded In securing j
one new teacher, leaving only one vacancy, j
, The teachers who resigned did so- because
. tlies directors declined to accede to their
request for Increased pay.
County Superintendent Jackson returned
, last Saturday from a tour of the county,
j He found that there are still eight schools
without teachers and with but little pros
pect of them being opened within ths near
If It Is arts, wall paper, paints, .pictures
and picture .framing call on us for esti
mates. II. Borwick. HI 8. Main street.
'F hones bj.
Cameras and photographic Supplies. C. E.
Alexander. 331 Broadway.
Jaawrae laveats la Colorado.
layenr Macrae arrived home last evening
from a trip to ('dorado, where he Invested
in I XV acres ut land. The laud purchased
by Dr. Macrae Is In the San IjOuIs valley
in the irrigated dietrlrt. He stated he pur
chased It for speculation. Dr. Macrae, who
had not been feeling well before leaving
top Colorado, said the trip had made htm
feel like new man and ready to tackle
any municipal proposition that might pre
sent Itself to him.
George W. Klein. 19 South Main street
Phones: Ind.. 710 Black; Bell 648.
New classes will be formed In the West
ern Iowa college next Mondav. September
catalogue. 'Phone for Information.
Plaa May Be Submitted to Voters at
an Early Date.
There appears to be a growing senti
ment in favor of Council Bluffs adopting
the commission plan of municipal govern-
, ment ,ucn at rjPS Moines voted In favor of
'and which Is fashioned after the system
now in vogue In Galveston, Tex. It had
been stated that steps likely will be taken
In the near future for submitting this prop
position to the voters of Council Bluffs.
Arrangements are now being perfected,
It Is said, for the circulation of petitions
for the calling of a special election - at
which-the question of the adoption of the
commission form of municipal government
will be submitted to the voters. The law
provides that such a special election shall
be called by the mayor upon petition signed
by electors to the number of 26 per cent of
the votes cast for mayor at the last pre
ceding city election. The mayor Is required
to call the election for some date within
two months of the filing of the petition, if
same is found to contain the requisite num
ber of names of bonaflde electors.
The advocates of the commission form
of municipal government figure that the
petitions can be circulated and the requisite
number of names secured within a few
weeks, the election called and If the propo
sition carried, the change' made In plenty
of time for the city election next March to
be held under the hjw plan. .
Under the commission plan the govern
ment of the city would be conducted by the
mayor and four councllmen. The appoint
ment of practically .all the city officials
would rest with the mayor, while the four
event or the proposition oewg rejeciea u
could not be again submitted until after
the expiration of two years.
While the commission plan. It Is thought,
would be favored by the people generally.
It undoubtedly would be opposed by pres
sent and prospective municipal officehold
ers. As the city council at present Is com
posed eBch ward has Its particular repre
sentative in that body In addition to coun
cllmen at large. The commission plan
would eliminate the ward councllmen.
Meat Department Specials.
Beef, pork, veal, mutton, poultry,' fish,
lunch meats, salt meats, fancy smoked
hams and bacon, etc., etc. If you want an
extra , good cut send us your order. We
cut' only the best. J. Zoller Mer.. Co., 100-102-104-106
Broadway. Three .'phones. Ring
Bell or Ind. 320. '. -.,
' ' Close. Call for Boy.
Paul Blackburn, a colored newsboy, had a
close call yesterday. Blackburn some years
ago 'had his limb crushed at the hip and It
had to be' amputated. Recently the lad se
cured an artificial limb, but had not be
come quite accustomed 1 to the use of it.
When he attempted to board the Incoming
Sloox.Clty train at the Broadway depot
yesterday the artificial limb caused him to
miss his footing and he was thrown ender
the steps of the car, Jn some, manner ho t
succeeded In catching hold of the truck and
was dragged nearly 100 feet, bumping over
.the ties-- His cries attracted a big crowd
and when he was picked up ha was almost
unconscious from fright and the shaking
up he had received. He was conveyed to his
home at Twelfth street and Avenue B,
nearby, where he was attended by Dr. H.
B. Jennings, the company's surgeon, "who
pronounced him to be only suffering from
a number of severe bruises.:
Three Roads to Combine, for Its
Construction. -
SIOUX CITY, Oct. , tl.-(Speclal Tele-Itram.V-A
double track union bridge across
the Missouri river to bo used by the Chi
cago & Northwestern, Great Northern and
Chicago, . Burlington & Qutncy Railroad
companies will be built by a Union Bridge
Limb Peeled and Foot Was Like
Raw Flesh Had to Use Crutches,
and Doctors Thought Amputation
Necessary Montreal Woman
Writes of Cure Seven Years Ago.
"I hare been treated by doctor for
twenty-five years for a bad case of
csema on my leg. They did their best,
tun iauea to cure it.
My doctor had ad
vised me to have ray
leg cut off. but I
said I would try tha
Cuticura Remedies
first. He said, "Try
them if you like, but
I do not think they
will do any good. '
At this tim. mv
leg was peeled from the knee, my foot
as like a pieoe of raw flesh, and I had
to walk on crutches. I bought a cake
of Cuticura Soap, a box of Cuticura
Ointment, and a bottle of Cuticura
Pills. After the first two treatments
too swelling went down, and in two
months my leg was cured and ths new
kin came on. The doctor could not
believe his own eyes when he saw that
Cuticura had cured me and eaid that
be would use it for his own patients.
I used two cakes of Cuticura Boap,
t three bozea of Ointment, and five bot
' ties of Resolvent, and 1 have now been
cured over seven years, and but for
the Cuticura Remedies I might have
lost ray life. I have lota of grand
children, and they are frequent users
of Cuticura, and I always recommend
it to the many people whom my busi
ness brings to my housa every day.
Mrs. Jean-Raptisto lien aud. clairvoy
ant. 277, Mentana St., Montreal, Que.,
Feb. 20, 1987."
Rest for Mothers. .
Instant relief and refreshing sleep for
kin-tortured babiea, and reet fr tired,
fretted mothers, in warm baths with
Cuticura Boap and gentle anointings
with Cuticura Ointmer.t. the great skin
our, and purest of emollients.
Caueurs Sots (IS. ). Cutlrurs Ointment 50e I.
ans Cuttrur. Retlvt l &oc ), (in the fcxm of
rhoeolM. Oxtoa Pills JV. pr W of SO) ftuid
thnutut u. wMrid fuller LifuL 4 CLm. Cura
8oM hruum . hMuii. Uta
as mim tint, vvucjfs gx sua -
company, to be a subsidiary corporation
of theto three roads, according to Informa
tion coming from railroad headquarters In
Chlvago. Last Frtday orders were re
ceived by the local officials of the Great
Northern and Burlington roads for both
roads to begin using the Vender bridge
on October 1. The two roads for a num
ber of years have gained access to ths
city over the Combination bridge, which
Is owned by eastern capitalists. Today a
portion of this order wss rescinded and
for the time being the Great Northern will
continue to use the old bridge.
The site of the proposed union bridge Is
below the Sioux City stock yards. Land
for the aproaches on both the Iowa and
Nebraska sides has. already been pur
chased. '
Frlseo Editor "ays Men Who Took
II Im from City Were Employes
of Tractloa t'ooipaa-.
BAN FRANCISCO. Octi l.-Fremont
Older, -editor of the Bulletin, said today:
, "I have turned-the whole kidnaping mat.
ter over to Mr. Heney. He will decide
whether criminal suits Shalt be brought.
The statement Is.belpg circulated that I
was not kidnaped, because I was legally
placed under arrest and was removed from
the county by officers of the - law duly
qualified. This la not true. I was ar
rested on a warrant by an officer a Los
Angeles constable but he at once turned
me over to employes of the United Rail
ways, by whom I wss virtually restrained
from exercise of my statutory rights to be
taken before a Ban Francisco magistrate,
and by whom I was hustled to Santa
Barbara. It was an employe of the United
Railways who poked a pistol In my ribs
and threatened to shoot me If I made an
outcry while I was being whirled In an
automobile through the streets of San
LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Sept. 30.-Francls
J. Heney, today telegraphed the district at
torney's office that he desired a continu
ance of the hearing In this city of Fre
mont Older, charged with libel of Luther
Brown, until a later date, as he wished to
appear personally as counsel for Mr. Older.
After a consultation with Justice Summer
field, Assistant District Attorney McComas
announced that Mr. tleney's wish would
be complied with, and that he had wired
Mr. Heney to Indicate wnat date would
be satisfactory to him. Mr. Heney stated
in his telegram, asking a continuance, that
he wished the Older case to go over until
after the conclusion ot the Ford trial In
San Fruncisco, which, he said, would prob
ably occupy all of next week.
Ensign Blackbarn Asslgrned to Navy
Recruiting; Station at
- Omaha.
(From aJ Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Oct. l.-(Special Tele
gram.) Major"" Thomas Cruse, quarter
master, Is relieved from duty as chief
quartermaster,, Department ot the Missouri,
and ordered to Boston,. Massi, for duty.
Major Thomas syiSbe'. In 'addition to his
present duties will! report -to the - com
manding general, Department of the Mis
souri, for temporary'.duty.l A charge of the
office of the chief quartermaster of that
Lieutenant ComrriindVf M. H. Slgnor, U.
8. N., Is detached 'from duty In charge of
the navy reoruilnji Ration at Omaha and
ordered to duty -oe. -the West Virginia as
executive officer. Enfgfl P. P. 'Blackburn
Is assigned tq duty-lit charge of the navy
recruiting station) "afl5maha. ,
Rural carriers aVpoMntld!' for Iowa routes:
Albert City, route., James H. Johnson,
carrier, Arthur ,,W. , Johnson, substitute;
Oange City, route S.-Edward Fisher, car
rier, Dick Schale' Kamp, substitute.
Hertha M. Needliatn,'has been appointed
postmaster at El It ton, , Ringgold, county,
la., v!?e W. H. Waller, resigned.'
.; .1
French Aeronauts. Who Win Grand
I'rlse .Hare i Narrow K.cape
"' fram Drowning-.
DOVER, . Oct. 1. M. De I.obell, one of
the starters in the balloon race, from Paris
yesterday, was1 landed here by a steamship
today. He had, a thrilling adventure. After
traveling for some hours In the air he
brought his balloon down, expecting to find
the dry ground under, him, but, to his as
tonishment, tile airship came down to the
sea. It would not go-up again and finally
struck the water twenty-five miles from
Ostend. De Lobell atid his companion, M.
Lepres, after a narroy escape from drown
ing, managed to scramble, into the rigging
of the balloon,' where they clung for several
hours, until they werer rescued by a passing
steamer. They were much exhausted when
taken on board. On their quitting the bal
loon It reascended and was lost to view. A
balloon picked up on the Suffolk coast Is
supposed to be'De fjobell's, .
PARIS. Sept. 30,-yThe. balloon Nord,
piloted by M.' De Ixjbel, has been declared
the provisional winner of the race for the
grand prlre of the Aero club of France,
which started from the Tullerles Gardens
yesterday afternoon, this airship covering
159 miles. ". . .
In most cases consumption results from a
nejlcclrd or Improperly treated cold.
Foley's Honey and Tar cures the most
obstinate coughs and prevents serious re
sults. It costs you r.o more than the un
known preparations and you should Insist
upon having .the genuine In the yellow pack
age. For sale by all' druggists.
Former Omaaa Woman Drluigs Salt
Attain Senator Piatt la
T Jf ew York.
NKW YORK. Oot. l.-Mse Catherine
Wood, the fornwr government clerk who
lias been suing '"nlted States Senator
Thomas C. Piatt for. several years, today
brought action In the supreme court for
absolute divorce from the senator, alleg
ing that she had been married to him In
the Fifth AVenue hotel, New York. In
1901. J. P. Ie, representing the plaintiff,
announced the action as "Piatt - against
Piatt," and he said the motion was fir
the purpose of framing an Issue. He sild
he wanted the .details to become generally
known. " :
John B. Stancbtleld. who appeared for
Senator I'latt. asked that the matter be
heard In private- by a referee. He said
Senator Piatt waa never married to Miss
Wood, and therefore there waa no grounl
for divorce.
Justice Seabury reserved decision.
t A Card.
This Is to certify that all druggists are
authorised to refund your money If Foley's
Honey and Tar falls to cure your cough or
cold. It stops ,the cough, heals the lungs
and prevents serious results from a cold.
Cures la grippe, cough and prevents pneu
monia and . consumption. Contains no
opiates. Tlte genuine Is In a yellow pack
age. Refuse substitutes. For sale by all
Substitute articles pay larger profits
That's why the dealer trie to change your
mlud. When your rnlnd Is made up, keep
It so by Insisting on getting what you
want. Accept no substitutes,
Trial of Menard Aldtn on Charge of
Larceny Attracts Much Attention.
Coaaell Meetlnsr Falls for Lack of a
Qnornm and Much Important
Bosluess la Carried
The preliminary trial of Minard Aideu
for larceny from the person of Ed Gates,
committed July 9, 1907, will be heard this
morning In police court. The hour of the
trial Is 10 a. m. Much depends on Alden's
determination as to how many pcoplo will
be drawn Into the case to be prosecuted for
the robbery. He has knowledge. It Is al
leged,, which may convict several others
than himself. Without his testimony the
police think It improbable, that enough
evidence can be secured to warrant the
prosecution of any of the others.. The of
ficers are confident, however, In Alden's
case that they can secure evidence from
which there will be no escape. The com
plaints were sworn out yesterday by Cap
tain P. II. Shields charging Alden villi
taking a diamond ring valued at J-W. a
diamond stud valued at t-M. a certified
check valued at 38, an Omaha Packing
company's check amounting to tX. a pair
of shoes valued at io, a pair of cuff buttons
valued at $5 and a pocket knife worth $1.
In addition the losses of Gates lncludo a
necktie Btlckpin and other small articles.
Gates is In tho state hospital for inebriates
In Lincoln and will not be brought up for
the preliminary trial. He Is said to be tin
proving much in health. The witnesses for
the state have all beea closely questioned
and their statements have been reduced
to writing. As yet the police have failed to
locate the two big diamonds and In that
point thclr work shows ' Its only Incom
pleteness. Miss Annie H. Formanek suc
ceeded In securing a bond yesterday after
noon. She was released under $500 bond
furnished by her attorney, H. C. Murphy.
To secure Mr. Murphy, Miss Formanek's
brothcr-ln-law has put up a cash deposit
of 000. Miss Formanek's parents live at
Llndsey, Neb., where they own a small
hotel. The necessary complaints charging
Miss Annie H. Formanek and Mrs. Laura
Alden with larceny from the person have
been prepared and If the evidence In the
case agnlnat Alden Implicates them suf
ficiently they will be held for trial.
Connrtl Falls to Meet.
The adjourned session of the city coun
cil did not materialise lust night. A lot of
business, Including some Important bids,
was put over until Wednesday night. All
of tho salary bills and the general monthly
bills were held up. Mayor Hoctor was not
on hsnd, and only four members of the
council were present. The council at
tempted a session with W. T. Martin In
the chair; but Councilman George Haupt
man, foreseeing the predicament of the
council, departed and left no quorum. It l
t Iyo
DO you know why Piper Heidsieck Chewing
Tobacco is on sale in every good tobacco
store in America? Because every dealers'
best customers demand it.
Men of experience know from years of
satisfaction that absolutely the finest tobacco
in the world is
There are other high-grade tobaccos, but there 13
only one Piper Heidsieck. Only the pick of the choicest
tobacco is considered good enough for Piper Heidsieck.
That's why no other tobacco is good enough for
those who know the delightful, distinctive champagne
flavor of Piper Heidsieck.
Costs a little more but chewing is such an
inexpensive habit, anyway, that you might as well
have the best.
The Height of Good Taste
a good Illustration of the Inharmonious
feeling which has long existed between the
members of the council. The strife has
been sharp for several months. The mat
ter of the furniture contrncts, which Is Im
portant If the council expect to get Into
new quarters before the first of the year,
naturally hung fire with the rest of the
business. The old specter of Missouri
avenue Is- again rising to attract the at
tention of the council. Only one month of
seasonable weather remains and Con
tractor Hugh Murphy has not turned a
wheel. The undetermined action of the
council Is somewhat responsible for It.
Masic Cltr Gaastn.
Girls wanted. Hlnchey laundry.
The yard's receipts yesterday showed a
tun of 27,COO sheep.
Jelter's Gold Top Beer delivered to all
PHI IS Ol 11113 111 w.
The Kaglrs' roeeptlon, planned for to
night, will be postponed on. week.
Misses Annie and Kate QemmUl have re
turned from a month'a visit In Iowa.
KaRper Horwlch yesteday reported to
the police the loss of a valuable watch.
Earnest Henderson. SS0 South Twenty
fourth street, reported the birth of a
Miss Ann Parks and her grandmother,
Mrs. Storm, have returned lroiu a visit
to Excelsior Springs.
Tho city clerk's report shows fifty-six
births for the month of September. There
were tv.enty-two deaths.
John McNulty and Mrs, Smith fell under
Judge Kings dlsplcasuro yesterday room
ing, Kaicii was lined a small sum.
Capitol coal delivered from South Omaha
yards to all parts South Omaha and Al
bright. Douglas 137. The Bennett Co.
W. E. Cloan'y, Twenty-second and J
streets, reported the loss ot a suit of clothes
and. a cravanet coat. He suspects a man
.vhrt left town yesterday.
We now make deliveries of Bennett's Cap
itol coal direct from South Omaha yards to
all parts of South Omaha and Albright.
Telephone Douglas 13". The lit-nnett Com
pany. George Miller was arrested yesterday
morning on a charge of assuult and but
tery, but through consideration of his age
the complaint wis withdrawn. He la said
to have pushed Mrs. H. Penny in a rough
Local Faithful Ones Gather to Take
Counsel Conerrntng the
George Rogers, Douglas county mem
ber of the state democratic committee,
explained the' political situation to the
members of the county committee and
the local candidates at a meeting at Dahl
man democracy headquarters last night.
Chairman Frank Weaver, on the ground
that many citlsens are not Intelligent
enough to vote anything but a straight
ticket on the machines, advised each can
didate to use every effort to get votes
for himself among republicans, paying
little attention to the rest of the ticket.
He thought It a candidate got a repub
lican vote, "cinched," the chances were'
the republican would pull the lever for
the entire ticket.
The majority cf the local candidates
were present and made addresses. A
number of members of tho committee
tpoke also.
- -1855
City Knerlneer Tells Council Tarl
Board's Attltade Cats Off
Certain Favlna.
A problem Involving the park board and
the city was brought up at the meeting
of the city council In committee of the
whole Monday afternoon. The city, en
gineer reported that In accordance with an
opinion of the city attorney the park bpard
refuses to pay for the. paving of inter
sections of streets and boulevards, nnd for
this reason, It will be Impossible to pave
a number of streets until sfter new paving
Intersection bonds are Issued. The matter
was referred to the paving committee, with
Instructions to confer with the city at
torney and city engineer. " ' '
The report of appraisers on the opening
of an alley In Elisabeth placo came up.
It was dof erred two weeks. '
Propositions for placing street signs ht
crossings were passed by for two weeks.
They are In the hands ' of the Judiciary
committee. ' ; , ' '
Commission . Pnta In Most of
Erenlnir Ilearlnar lite
The hearing' of charges apalnst , two
firemen constituted the principal buslnej
before the Board-of Fire a Police a-'ow-mlssioners
Moliduy night. Fireman Harry
J. McCloud was dismissed front the serv
ice for being absent from company head
quarters without . leave and making a
false statement to his ' superior officer.
Charges were read against Fireman Wil
liam Phelps for absenting' himself from
company headquarters without permis
sion, and his hearing will take place' next
Monday night. Patrick Dore of the '.fire
department will be tried next Monday
night on charges of being late In report
ing for duty. Captain Henry C. Jaacks
of the Are department was exonerated on
the charge of absenting himself from
company headquarters without permis
Named as Member of Hoard . of
National Korean of Identifica
tion of Criminals. 1
Chief of Police Donahue received nut Ice
Monday, from the president of the Interna
tional Association of the Chiefs of Police of
the Cnlted States, that he had been ap
pointed as a member of the board of gov
ernors of the national bureau of Identifica
tion, which board has full charge of ths
bureau of criminal Identification. As thf
board consists, of only eleven chiefs. " who
are selected on account of their especial
fitness, the appointment carries with II
much preBtlge and Is much coveted by ths
chiefs of police throughout the - United
Slates. Chief Donahue Is the only man west
of the Mississippi river who Is a member ol
that board.
Foley's Kidney Cure will cure any ess.
of kidney trouble that Is not beyond medi
cal aid. For sale by all druggirts. -
a .
; .