11 THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1007, 12 5 1 1 ; j 3 ? l! ! i 1 ; if. STB- 3 ' Tnr?T) The Greatest Store in the West Extends a Cordial Welcome to the Thousands of Visitors to the Ak-Sar-Ben Carnival. For twentyfive years this store has grown and prospered. No western retail institution ever achieved such wonderful successes. This is the week that we have prepared and planned for. Our great store is in readiness to receive the throngs of sightseers. We want every vis itor in Omaha to see this grand store from top to bottom. Minm uui ?a eshtu?. . .ram Rrandrts' Boston Store 16th and Donglas and lTth Streets." Omalia. ji Eight stories ir) high, 1 block long, i block wide, 8H acres of floor space, 1,200, clerks, most beautiful ap pointed store west of Chicago. IS per pound J Cottage Hams, per pound . . , See the Two Big Tunnels Under Douglas St. Nothing Like Them in the United States. ; See the Beautiful Store Decorations. See the Superb Window Displays. See the $1,000,000 Store Illuminated at Night i It's a Sight Never to Be Forgotten. Big Bargain Sales Every Day During Carnival Week You Can Save the Expenses of Your Trip by Trading Here. BAGGAGE AND PARCELS CHECKED FREE. FREE WAITING ROOMS WITH ALL CONVENIENCES. CHECKS ON ALL BANKS CHECKED FREE. i Make Yourselves at Home. You Are Welcome. See the Great $45,000 Painting Old Darby." by Rosa Bonheur on FREE EXHIBITION at BRANDEIS, 3rd Floor. , One of the greatest masterpieces of the age. No lover of art and beauty should miss this wonderful treat we've prepared for Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors. SPECIAL BARGAINS WEDNESDAY 500 pieces of newest fall dress goods just received. To sell them quickly we place them oh five big bargains squares choices weaves an dcolorings, 71 CCA worth 60c to $1.50 a yard, at. . . SC- JZC-0 JC $1.00 Silks at 59c a Yard Fifty pieces of new plaids, peau de cygne black and colored taffetas, peau . , ! ; de soie, crepe de chine, etc., worth "a if O $1.00 a yard, at f nrma rooo cehtxr a l I OMASA'S Special Invitation to Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors Visitors to Omaha during the Ak-Sar-Ben, are cordially Invited to !! .., atnr u twl tnT t t 111 - Selves the Finest 8tor of lt klnil In the Wnt, Omaha's Pure Food Center. ft Here vou'll find the Purest, Best and.-? Most Palatable Foods at prlres thattf vou ordinarily ray for L,ess Desirable J Goods. ij Our Store surpasses every other S3 f!mr pr In the West as much In F3 W Quality as In Pise. Our Ptock IsU ! Most Complete. No matter whit you U m want, or when you want It, you'll find m it at Courtney's. U U TAXB TOtm ROORDAT X.UR- $ then stroll over the atore and see for Si X yourself the Quality and Quantity of lour otOCK. j3 ) Courtney's has justly won a Repu- R Station for handling only High Class ; I ir.inAm K.lllnff thorn at IklnrinratA 5 & rirlrM S WEDNESDAY'S RARCrAXHS U Fig Newtons, per pound 10c K eo M So Ml .18o The Parades WILL PASS THIS STORE Within Half an Hour After Starting. Tlirre U no bettor reviewing ground on the mute than the Rirat broad sKlcwalkr n Sixteenth and Harney Mreets, around the Hennett atore , Von are invited to use these and while malting for the cavalcades have a look at our great show window a. JM1I SUITS FOR AK-SAR-BEN A magnificent display of la dies' outer garments especially for Wednesday. 71 M See Our Special Furniture Values All this week,' and remember, our credit system provWes-fot payments to suit the purchaser. Special Sale BOYS' SUITS at $1.95 and $2.50 mm N JIM ' 3 ln THE RELIABLE STORE i;; ..V7 lit Special Sale MEH'S SUITS at $i0 and $12.50 (. A ' lC l n, (JVUIIU . SI IUIII KruULV, ' O 1M Swlnn Cheque, per pound . . . 900 K g Peaches, per box 91-95 M M1AXI 1 Ann nnnnrli irmnur'i Sav XJamm Ll 5 (Boneless,) 13HO ."Ho iiui ana jioiguu dim. TsL Doufla 647. - r rivaie jj.xcnana;a uonnacia All Lepis. i j IWomen's Slippers Ladies Suits in styles that are. the very height of chic, made of very wearable materials, style right iii every way. Ak-Sar-Ben specials 19.50 to 29.50 faflATC It'rect fitting, correct AArfiliJ models, hundreds to choose from; Ak-Sar-Ben specials , 15.00 and 9.50 A Cordial Welcome is Extended To Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors Wednesday Clieck your packRpces liere free of charge, use our west rooms, telepphones, etc. Any accommodation in our power will be cheer fully granted. Visit our various departments, get our prices, whether you are ready to buy now or not. Grand Sale of Silks Wednesday Hundreds of pieces of Mark and Fancy Sllkn greatly underprked for AVednes day's sale. Iluylng ax we did direct from the manufacturer In large quantl ties before the great advance in prices we can and will offer Highest Class Silks Wednesday at Less Than Ftcgular Wholesale Prices Today. Such values as these you'll not find equalled elsewhere. Black Silks 59c Black Taffetas, Wednesday 85c Black Taffetas, Wednesday $1.50 Black Taffeta. sale price J1.00 Black Taffeta, sale price $1.25 Black Taffeta, sale price 20-inch 26-inch wide, 350 wide, 580 27-Inch wide 600 3C-inch wide, 790 36-inch wide. 890 $1.50 Black Taffeta, 36-inc.h wide, on "ale "t , 950 $1.75 Black Taffeta, 36-Inch wide. sale price $1.10 $1.39 Black Peau de Sole, 30-inch wide, sale price. 980 $1.98 Black Peau wide, sale price.. $2.50 Black Peau wide, sale price. . . de Sole, de Sole, 36-inch $1.39 36-Inch $1.59 Choice Fall Styles, in 27-lnch Colored taffetas and pongees, 20-ln. novelties, plaids, chiffon, taffetas, etc., very newest colorings and patterns, greatly underprlced at, yard 590 Novelties, Checks, Plaids, Color Taf fetas, Including black; color Mestia lines, Loui8enes, Peau de Cygnes, etc., values up to $1.00 per yard, on silk square In the great Domestic Room Wednesday, at, yard . .. .450 Our line of Drese Slippers is nothing short of a beauty show. ! : '. ) .'; . We have the prettiest creations in Dainty Dress Slippers and Pumps that we have ever 6ffered ou'r trade. Patent Kid Pumps, - Patent Kid Orientals, White Kid Sailor Ties, . . Pink Kid .Pumps, Gray Kid Pumps, Tan Ooze Sailor Ties, Black Castor Theo Ties, Strap Slippers in all styles. The mtw r-Kfwmxdti -J i m t v ii i4 Grand Peninsular Base Burner It is the crowning effot t of stove makers' art. For strength, durabil ity,. weight, and largeness, it has no equal. Special Art Peninsular Base Burn- SORT AA er, Wednesday i?J.UU Special Peninsular Range 25 00 Stove Pipe, best quality, per joint And 10 Oreen Trading- Stamps . I Sapolin Stove Pipe Knamel I And 10 Green Trading Stamps. 6-5-4 Stove Polish, great rust pre venter And 10 Green Trading Stamps. fctove' Brush, extra good j And 10 Green -Trading Stamps. 15c 15c 25c 15c FRY SHOE CO. Til IHOIll 16th and Douglas Streets. Women's Fall and Winter Underwear Women's regular 75c quality vests and pants ...also wo men's union suits medium and heavy weight, T tfX fine ribbed or light fleece lined, PZr G Women's Swell Tailored Suits at $H.85 New Prince Chap Suits for Fall also long coat models and . military styles all are new and up-to-date styles a suit, ; . v at w.'!-4v'. . 1485 it Women's $4 Trimmed Hats, in Basement, $1 Velvet arid fejt hats, trimmed with wings,1 fancy feathers and ribbons, in the smart small and medium sizes, "over 1,000 to choose from, worth up to $1.00, at auiri a $1 Men's CRAVENETTES and TOP COATS The dressy and sensible coats for men the fall season demands a light coat Cravenettes will shed rain and look well every month iu the year a sjecial, at $10 Gold Medal Chocolates Stud on Bons Perfection in Confection TIia equal of any confection made and superior to a great many that will 'cost you more. Their rich, creamy and delicious centers yln the approval of all. Put up in 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10-pound boxes, per pound GO ' Packed 1b beautiful fancy boxes different sizes, different prices. Tnc Store for peiicac i 1318-20 Farn&iii Street. Phone Doug. 711. AUTI0M! ; Beer is an effervescent product, most suscep tible, to taint, therefore to retain its life and purity it , must be kept air-proof. We use i the utmost precaution in preparing Blue Ribbon Bottled Beer1 ' .!r., . 'SJt "SOMETHING JUST AS GOOD" is never offered at this store. We have anything you may want in the way of drugs, toilet articles, and if we haven't got what you want we will get It in double quick time. We aim to be ui to-date In everything, aud keep noth ing but the best in any line that we deal In: TelrphouA. DoiigUa U823. '; The Bell Drug Co. 1210 Farnau) tu You Would Not Accept Coun- terfeit Money, Why Accept Counterfeit Goods. Good money Is made by the gov ernment, in which you have im plicit faith and confidence. Good goods are made by manufacturers wno are willing to stake their reputations on the quality of the material ottered to you tbrougn the medium of their advertisement In The Bee. Counterfeit goods are not advertised. The reason for It Is, they will not bear . the close scrutiny to wnicn genuine goods are subjected. Counterfeit money pays more profit to the counterfeiter. Counterfeit goods are offered to you for the earoo ' reason. Inkiit on the Genuine Heject the Counterfeit. It is aged for months in hermetically sealed tanks, filtered through white wood pulp, con veyed through our improved pipe-line direct to the automatic bottling machine arid put in sterilized bottles. Through out this entire process it is not sub jected in any way to the contaminating influence of the air and, after being sealed,' each bottle is pasteurized one and one-half hours by the approved method of Dr. Pasteur of Paris. That's why Slorz Beer is pure, healthful and absolutely free from the germs and impurities that lurk in water, milk, tea, coffee or other beverage that's why prominent physicians recommend Sforz Beer. It will do you good to drink it. "Phon Webster 1260' 3TORZ BREWING CO. OMAHA. NIB. (12) a Second Day of Great Mill Purchase Sale Men', Ladles and Children's winter Underwear. 12 bin squares plied high with the grandest lot of Underwear bargains ever offered In this or any other store. Everything at Less Than lingular Wholesale Trices. Men's Heavy Underwear in all uizes colors, worth up to $1.00 garment. In 3 lots Wednesday, 40r, 39c . . . .29 Men's Woolen Underwear, fine quality in greys, tans and all colors, values up to $2, on sale at. ,98c and 75 Men's Shirts and Drawers made from finest Australian wool, garments to $2.60, at $1.50. $1.25 and 98ft Dr. Wright's Health Underwear, worth to $3 garment, on sale at 75c, 98c ,aid 91.50 Men s all wool shirts and drawers, In scarlet, on sale at $1.50 and.Q8t Ladies Union Kults In all wool, Bilk and wool or wool mixed, blues, greys or whitee, at $2.98, $2.60 and. -08 Ladies' M'oolon Union Suit, in grey or white, special at $1.50 LadlcV Fleered Union SuKs, on sale at 39c, 49c, 69c and 9S Ladies' Vests and Pants, all wool rib bed or flat wove, also silk and wool, at 98c and $1.50 Ladles' Wool Vents and Pant, greys, or white, flat wove or ribbed, snap at 75 Ladies' Heavy Fleeced Vesta and Pan (a great bargains at 49c, 39c, 26c and Ladles' Outing Flannel Gowns, worth about double, sale prices 98c, 76c, 49o and oo Over SOO dozen Ladies' Kid Gloves, all lengths, sizes and colors. Importers samples; odd lota from manufacturers and broken lines from onr own stock. All on sale at Less Than Actual Value Wednesday. Extra Specials for Wednesday AT i30 A. K. One case of extra heavy brown Mus lin, yard wide goods that veil at 9 Ho yard. 10 yards limit to customer at yard ' 6 Ho 12 He Outing Flannels, at yard ..7Ho 12 4c Flannellettea, at yard . ...THo 10c Flannelettes, at yard ........So 8 He Apron Checks, at yard So 2uc Towels, at each So 1K Towels, at each 7Ho 12c , Towels, at each :.6o AT 8:30 P. M. One case of fine lOo bleached Muslin, 10 yards limit, at yard 6Vte One rase American 1C Indigo Hlue Prints, at yard So One case of 12c Scotch Zephyrs. So One case of J2Hc Teasseldown at 70 !1.00 all wool Press Ootids, yard 89o 1.00 all wool Hackings, yard 49o 6c all wool Suitings, yard 39o 50c Suitings, yard SSo Several other specials for all day. Special Sale mrnrr III I. It I. L III Several doxen Fine Rockers, similar to above cut, upholstered In lloston leather, secured at a special bargain, 8 different styles to select from :al: ... s.oo to $i2.5o Hayden's Grocery Prices Carnival Week 1 2 bars best Family Laundry Soap B5o Choice Japan Head Rice, per lb 7V40 Jellycon, Jllo, or Bromangelon, pkg. 7Vio Large bottles Fancy Pickles, assorted kinds for .8'io Macaroni, per package S'-jO 1 pound can Baked Beans for 340 1 pound Jar Fruit Preserves for ....810 Mnlta Vita, per package Tre K-KK-O-See, per packages 7H)0 Pretzels, per pound eo The best Soila or Oyster Crackers, lb. to Potato Wattles, per dosrn ICo Potato Chips, per pound SSo PoMnut Butter, per Jar So Plain or Stuffed Olives, per bottle . .8l3o The best Tea Siftings, per pound . .12V0 Fancy Santos Coffee, per pound 16o Porto Klco P.lend, a fine drink, per lb. 8O0 BUTTER AMD CHEESS SALE PRICES Choice Oalry Butter, per pound 830 Fancy Dairy Butter, per pound 8 60 Fancy Creamery Butter, per pound . .88 Neufchatel Cheese, each 34 rasas vegetable a fruit prices 3 heads hothouse Lettuce 60 8 heads outdoor Lettuce go C bunches Fresh Kudtshea :...Bo Wax or Green Beans, per pound . ....9Vto Kitg Plant, each , 30 Sweet Potatoes, per pound 3e Lima Beans, er quart ...60 2 heads Fresu Celery So Cap Cod Cranberries, per quart 7H Fresh Beets, or Turnpis, per bunch .. . .Io Tokay Urapes, per pound 7V0 Large Lemons, per dozen BOo Fresh Roasted peanuts, per quart 60 New Cocoanuts, each 50 Fresh Cabbage, per head 8Vio OREEN TOMATOES AMD PEPPERS POR FIOKL1KO, M. bushel basket of either kind for , gna HAYDENS' SM We put art into our printing reflecting credit upon you and us Food forTa Nerves 1 nrvous msa bo noil thslr Dowsr to work and youthful vtor vona aa a result of over work or mental exertion aboud take GHAT'S NERVE FOOD PILS. They will Buae you eat and sleep end be a man agaia fl Boat 3 komea SS.M by MAIL SKXRkCAJT A MoCORHEU. SRTO OO, Oorae 16th aaA ZMAg Sta, UWT, VRUa COMPARtf Cel. ISth a ILacaay ( OaaaAa. Refe. C "PATENTS tr,at PROTECT 1 iiu i uci' .rir.o t t.ti. u-C I All kinds of printing at the lowest prices consistent with good printing always good work, good stock, quick' delivery, low price. Everythina Reeded lor the Olllce OMAHA PRINTING CO.. Far nam and 10th Sta.. Omaha , Telep hone Douglas 141. ' K ail orders f DleA. StaS for eataloa-Qs. R3ATTHEWS, IWtITT TEARS IR OMAHA, Office, Room 4, Bushman Block. V. E. Cor. 16th and Douglas. Entrance Ifi28 Douglas. Good Met Teeth M.60 Alveolxr System $5.00 (iolrl Crowns S-t.60 Bridge Teeth $4.60 Amalgam Filling SO Silver Fillings 75 Oold FillinKs. up from 91.00 Work Warranted Tea Tears. I give laughing (Jas or Vitalised Air for the i painless extraction of1 Wth. Open evenings till I. Sundays 10 to 3. THE PAINLESS DEN T I ST etter be Safe Than Sorry During the fall festivities, when our capacity Is taxed to Its utmost, It Is Important that passengers on cars as well as pedestrians on the streets, should exercise more than ordinary care to avoid accident IK NOT ATTKMPT TO GET OX OR OFF" MOVING OARS, AND WHEN CKOSSIXG STREETS LOOK OUT FOR TUB CARS. ASSIST US IN PREVENTING ACCIDENTS Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway Company i,aijmmt impwsmmen. J K . J BAILEV (SL MACH DENTISTS T If I III) FLOOR PAJCTON BLOCB ' Corner 16tb and Farnam Streeta. Best equipped Dental office In the middle west. Highest grade Dentistry at Reasonable Prices. Porcelain fillings. Just like the tooth. ee Want Ads Produce Results