THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1907. Want - ads AMrlHfmmt fur in svaat . eel. mas trill be tala aatll t m. f. the rrfulnc edition And smttl a. m. for ha moral; aadlSaadar edltloa. Cash mast urMiBiLf all orders (or rant ada l na atArertleemeat will he accepted far lesa lb a lO eeata for Ike flrat Insertion. Rate apply- (a either Tfca Dally or Bandar Be. ( ' Alwar rovat l ward a la a llae. Coaablaatloaa at lalllala ? aaiabera eoaat aa aaa word. 1 ""' CASH RATES FOR WAST it OS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION -y laeertloa, per llae, 10 eeata. Tw or more coaaecatlv lasertlons, per llae, eeata. Each laaerlloa nidi oa add 'Mi 10. eeata per ,11a. 91. BO .per llaa per maita. CASH HATES rOH NOTICES. Death aad Funeral Ftotleea, Card at Thank and Lodge Notice, T eaata per Una for on edition, anoralac ar rtralmi a eeata a llaa (or each ad ditional edllloa. Saadar, lO eeata llae. So ad takea for leaa tham SO eeata. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION It rear advertlsemeat la Inserted an dee aar , naa af tka elaealfleatlana glrea below, It will bo charted at the fol lowing; rateai Oaa laaertloa, 4 eeata per llae throa al eonaecatlv la aertloaa,.a eeata per llaa each laser tleai en or mora eoaaeeatlea la aertloaa, a cent a per llaa each taaer loa CO eeata per llae per Month. BARTER AXD E2XC1AXGK.. , I BUSINESS CHANCE-. HELP WATITKB FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Except Aarenls, lallcltara .aad Salee men. OFFERED FOR SALS. Lmnm, Ulrda, Dog aud Pet. -II ora and Vehicle. Poaltt t aad E((t Fnrnltaro. Typewrit) aad lwlni. MacpJa Piaaoa, Organ and Maalcal lnatra meata. OFFERED FOR II EXT l Fnrnfahed Room a. I'af aralshed Room. Housekeeping; Rooaaa. Boarding and. ttooma. ... waxtud t auy. Waat Ada for The Be mar be left at aar af tka following; dm atorea aaa la "roar e-orner dralot" they are all branch oftlcee ,( The Baa and roar nd will be Inaerted laat aa promptly and. an the aamo ratea aa at mala offlea In The Bee Balldlas, Sroteeath and Farnam Street. AlbaC), W. C 40lh and Farnarn. BeraniV S. A.. 1403! 8. 10tn St. iclit Pharmacy, 720 8. 16th St. Benson Pharmacy, Beaaon, Neb. bemls Park Pharmacy, 83d and Cuming. Blukt Phar.-nacy, 2618 Sherman Av. wHuuhlln, C. R., 6th and Pierce Bta. Cilfton Hill Pharmacy. 2211 MlliUry Are. Conte. J. B., Slat Ave. and Farnam. Urlssey Ph&imacy, 24th and Lake. Cermak, Knill, 1264-8 8. 13th St. Eastman Pharmacy. 4U4 Hamilton. Ehler. F. Ii.. 2Su2 Leavenworth. Foatar ft Arnoldl. 213 N. 26th Bt.' Freytag, Jolvn J.. 1814 N. 24th 8t. Florence Dnug Co., Florence, Nab. Goldman Pharmacy, 80th and Lake. ' Green- Pnajimacy, corner Park Ava. aad aclflo. i Oreenough. G. A., 1076 A. 10th St. t Grernough, a. A.,- 1024 B. Wth Bt. Hayden. Vifm. C, Farnam Bt. , Honscotn ark I'hsr.. 150) 8. avth Ave, Hoist, Johli, N. into. Bt. Huff; A. Ji I., avenwprth 8t King. H. (JW'W. Fariiany St. Kountis JrWe -rar57M-y 3S04 N. 84th, ?I,r!litTrua- Co., !4 N. 24th Bt. t'rbpV Cha. V. . ,15i'4 N. 24th 8t. , JFyton, 1 1.. !th and T-eavenworth. -wTaratora-'Prut Co... I4th and Amee Ar. Bchaefer Cut l'rlre drug Co.. 16th and Chicago. I ' ; - - v Bchaefer, AuKust. ICT JT. lh Bt. Schmidt. J. H.. 24th and Cuming Bt. Btorm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Bt. VV'alnut HHI Pharmacy, 40th and Cumlnf. Walton Pharmacy, roth and Grace Bt. . Worth, O. II,. 40th and Hamlon Bt. ' ANNOUNCEMENTS MCARTNEY INSTITUTE. Jo3 FARNAM 8T. Claaaca now open. 'ABLE INSTRUCTORS. Shorthand, Typewrltln. Bookkeeping, Commercial Law, Penmanahlp, Bualnea Correspondence, General Office Practice. Alao Prepatatory for Civil Service, Colleae or a profaaslon. Pay and Bight aeaaion. Tel. U. 1030. - fl)-M512 O10 MISH ELIZABETH O'CONNOR announce the owning of her dreaamaklng parlor, Wl North 18th. Tou ar cordlnlly In vited to call. . (D-MTM OX F. I. WE AD ha moved hi office to Wead Building. 18th and Famam 8ta. (1) tut .' - THE FALL TERM , or BOYLES COLLEGE t now open in both the DAT and NIGHT aalon. Yet It i nct too late to enter. Bookkeeping. . Shorthand, Typewriting, Te lejiraphy and Eugllah. The catalogue , la free. . . . H. B. BOTLFjB. PBE8. ; BOTLES BLDO.. OUAUA, . NEB. ' ' ti-8 MORAND'B claasa In dancing for adult are now open. Lesson. Tuea. and Frl., I p. in. Entrance opp. Burwood theater. Call or Tel. Doug. 1041. Private leaaona. 1 M 4 THU CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and Leavenworth St. Tel. Douglas 1.137. tu-m SIGN PAINTING 8. H. Col. 1801 Douglas. , U 1SH FALL TERM of the i OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE! lis NOW OPEN. EVERT DAY 19 ENROLLMENT DAT. DAY AND NIGHT 8H88IONS. VISITORS WELCOME. CATALOGUE SENT FREE TO ANT x ADDRESS. ROHRWOI'OU BROS., Ami kiiu r mrnair, om. (1)-W ( IIUSIC every availing. Hotel Rom. . (D 753 AUTOMOBILES 8END for our list of second-hand automo bile. DKK1UKT. 18i Farnam. liju 14 If. P. haft drive I cyl engine tinder hood, t ptsaengsr auto. J.Oo eairaa. Cost 81.iui gaud as new; run one season. Price l.Otitf. it. J. Hilt, 2X3 a lltn tit . Lincoln, . "b ... 2 M.8 8 'BARTER AND EXCHANGE Foit BALK, or excluuiz. for good livery, llS u-ie of Iowa richest cern and al Jail boltum land. For particular ad dress. Hon. F. Mwndaniin. Iowa. U)-MCT-30 FOR EXCHANU1S-A An ua-le-date bard He elock. located In a gowd Nebraska t.nvii of l.Owt tuhabltanta; will Invoice abeut It.OvO, including fixture. Till I il cmmI, raying prupuslttun. llaa a good limn 4i ml In (im of the beat locatiuua In town. Will consider part exchange, tii balance caali. Ululi Laud and Invvsuneut tunji.iny. ' t-j MjiS Fot r KCHAKOK-Btock of baiM. wa ' i.u iuipluinrnis. located in a ial !nols loan; will Invoice about 117.4. Aii iioua and i lots In om tou. Price fui leal estate, 11.600; Invoiee lor stuck. V III exclier. for faun land in la, Kansaa or Missouri. Glob Land and In teaimtnt Co.. Omaha, Neb. tJ) MMI I'PRIOHT irtaoa, $ caaa. ar trade. ie; 4. .AeLle C . . tf-MlUl $ . BARTER AND EXCHANGE . (Continued.) FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE-A well Im proved farm In Buena Vlata county. Iowa, of 140 acre, for a (nod, clean hardware atock: can make trmn. Ad'lrexa or call V on before October 1, G. R. Morrfw. Bloux A KapMa, la. t MUS tf - FACTION chool land for Omaha vacant lit. Addreaa E 2W, care Hee. (3)-3R4 BUSINESS CHANCES THE GREEN MOUNTAIN OLD MINING AND MILL ING COMPANY INVEST YOUR MONEY WITH US. OUR MINE WILL BE A DIVDEND PAYER AS SOON AS A STAMP MILL IS INSTALLED, AND ONLY ENOUGH TREASURY STOCK WILL BE SOLD TO INSTALL A STAMP MILL. W have an Immense body of rich ore, more than can be worked in a lifetime; our mine he been under development for nearly five years, and I located In the fa mous Tyson gold camp, the richest gold district In Idaho; our mine la being work ed every day, and Is under good manage ment; our capitalisation Is small; there I no personal atock for rale at. any price; we have placed 60,000 shares of treasury stock with the Omaha Finance Co.. -T2 New Tork Life Bldg., to be sold at Sue per share, who will give you full Informa tion by writing or calling at their office; no certificate . Issued for less than 100 shares. (4 M628 aOx GOOD CHANCE. TO MAKE FORTUNE JN ALASKA. I hav nine very good claims that I want developed, any one of which should make a mine by their showing were they, developed. . I want $10,000 to make mines of this property. 1 could give them til Ouckenhelma for a song If I would and let them grab this portion of Alaska, the same' as they have th ' Yukon. , I ask the public those wish ing to make money. Particular, fiv claim upon Hawkins' Island, three upon Hump Back creek, one at the head of Cordova bay, all within two mile of tidewater and in the new copper belt of Prince William sound. Assay ilk and t per cent surface rock. David C. Klppen,' Cordova, Alaska.- Reference: Hon. Lee Van Slyke, U. S. Commissioner. (4) MJ64 Octlx , READ Ar you looking for a farm, business or liiveatmentt We have General merchandise stock f all size. Shoe stocks. Gents' furnishings. --Hardware stocks. Furniture and undertaking. ' , Hotels and restaurant. Rooming house furniture. Drug stock. Printing office. Flour mills, livery. House and lota. Farm and ranches. .... Call and Be JACOBSON ft CO.. 836 N. T. L. Bldg., Omaha. Neb. (4) Ml o Octi; FOR BALE OR RENT A forty -room hotel, brick and atone construction, three stories and basement, modern equipment, viz: Bteam heated, plumbing, bath and wash bowls, electric lighted throughout; not furnished; In Friend, Neb.; the only hotel In the city. Would cost 136,000 to build to day. Will sell It for about one-third Its value, owing to Its having been taken on a . mortgage foreclosure. Rent, $100 per month; possession November 1. J. B. Mayo, 125 Michigan Ave., Chicago, owner, or Hon. Wm. Curke, Friend, Neb. (4J M930 Oct3x EXCLUSIVE MINING STOCK BROKERS LISTED AND UNLISTED MINING STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Quotations received from all Exchanges. DON'T BUY STOCK FROM COMPANY DIRECT. ( We can av you from t to 20 per cent on any mining stock. LIST YOUR WANTS AND OFFERINGS WITH US. , ; We give prompt service. . ; NEU8TADTL & DAVIDOV,. 604 N. Y. Llf Bldg. Phone Red 1294. . . - (4)-M29 FINK PROP08ITION-On-Tiair J Interest In business block In Cripple Creek, showing . about 20 per cent Interest on the Invest ment, on the best corner In town; gross Income $2,700 per annum; expenses about $700, Including taxes, leaving about (2.00U net; we can sell thl half Interest for 84,600, part cash, balance on ' easy terms; this is a big bargain. Write Reynolds & Berbower, Cripple Creek, Colo. (4)-M103 4x FALLON, NEVADA, business opportuni ties. Have a nice wholesale liquor busi ness with agency for Schlits beer, and also for some popular cigar, established at Fallon, Nev.; want a hustling part ner as manager with $6,000. Business . with the new growing mining camp Is increasing rapidly.- Grand opportunity to make big money. Address Nevada Distillers A Brewer Co., Fallon, Nev. (4) M608 80x ' FOR) SALE AT A SNAP . If taken at once; the Depot restaurant at Yankton; five passenger trains dailv - on the Milwaukee; train No. 8 stops twenty minutes for supper; will sell st Invoice or lump It off at $1,650. Don't stop to write, but come an! see It; It Is a bargain for the right man. George F. Harrington, Yank ton, B. D. 4)-MS6 Otx BUSINESS CHANCE. Party with practical business experience and $4,000 to 86,000 in cash can make most attractive, profitable business connection with a live manufacturing concern In Omaha; buslneaa already established and unable to keep up with orders. Addrers C 231. Bee. 4-36l 1 FOR BALE-Ploneer restaurantrHastlngs; good location for right party. 'fibbers. Moray tc Fuller, Hastings, Neb. (4I-M275 Oct7x FOR BALE Confectionery and Ice- cream buslneas; hav small fountain; gas light yatera. F. A. Bryan, Manning, la. (4)-MS44 03x I HAVE the best drug store proposition In Iowa for sal. I mean business. Drop card for full particular. C. K. Merts, owner. Gray. la. 4 M5W 80x FOR SALE OR TRADE Rooming house; good business; central location; leaving city. F W4, car Bee. t 397 3Cx IF YOU have money tht ypu want to In vest where It will bring a big Income anawer thl adv. Address G 278, Bee. . (4)-M47 OctSx MONET Do you need It? We are In a position to furnish capital for .any merit ortoua enterprise: wa can sell your stocks and bonds quickly on commission basis; money advanced on good securities; char ters procured -in any state; do not fall to confer with ua, it will be to your In tereat. R. Kaats Co., bankera, Taconta Bldg., Chicago. (4) 214 tx LOOK I ' ' For. sale. 3 .first-class lumber yards; good locatiop and splendid business; K. Kansas and W. Missouri; prices right: I also have some splendid stocks of merchandise and farms and ranches for sale;- will be glad to tell you of them. hiank Gee, Lawrence, Kan. (t M742 Sx l FOR BALE Clean tock of Jewelry: doing , gouit Uumneaa; good location for jeweler ! and optician; about $1,400; write quick. IS. K. Wood. Newklrk. Okl. (4 M410 (x FOR BALE On of th best and most up-to-date machine, blacksmith and horse shoeing shops In southeast Nebraska; will b suit cheap If taken aoon. For particular call on or writ Ceo. K. Pea body. Rulo, Neb. (4) M339 Si 800 ACRES acre pip timber land Wash ington Co., Alabama, clear, for automo bile. H. J. Hill. IS! S. 11th St., Uncoln, Neb. (4-Ml" 30 RENT Ritchie's hall. South Omaha; second floor; co posts; euxdu; long leas. A. G. Ritchie. t 8. 15th St.. Omaha. (4) DKUO at ore for aale everywhere, f. V. Knleet. 707 N. T. Llf. Omaha. 4-0 F. D. WEAD has moved hi office te Weld Building. 18th and Famam SI. 4) 851 TO BUY. TRADE OR BELL see" "RUSI NT. S3 CHANCE BUNNELL." S2! N. Y. Life. Tel. Doug. 61 . (4)-!7 SIXTY davs only; eighty-barrel flour mill; elegant location: twelve-room residence; all for tJ.TuO. E. W. Jonea. Rlehvllle, Douglaa o.. Mo. 4j M:i7 6x FOR BALE Expreaa and baggage business, including horses and wagons, in Omaha; doing large bysiaea. Address A 27' car ... 4)-774 tx . Kent Your Hooms To Alt-Stxr-Bcn Visitors I Advertise Them in BMsatMLijijiu "'f fJBTnBJBTir1"1? "ff'f'il '" TJIi'JHUf"","Ml" fli"i Wi1 Hi T1 y- ws,"i '""' BUSINESS CHANCES (ContlnuMLi RESTAURANT for sale cheap. 838 Broad way. Council Bluffs, la- 4)-74 MEAT MARKET doing good business for sale or rent with fixtures. P. B. Barry, Greeley, Neb. (4)-M240 6x NEBRASKA $3,800 practice for sals for price of office outfit. Address T-2, car Bee. (4)-M&M 012x WELL established blRcknmlth shop; good trade; a bargain. R. W. Hopkln. Br wyn, Neb. (4) M518 02x LUNCH ROOM AND LODGING ROOMS, $400. Writ R. Bain, Wlnterset, Ja. (4)-M709 Olx FOR BALE Modern Job printing office. ood condition, $760; write for Inventory, lox 487, Lincoln, Neb. (4I-M764 02x WANT to trad Job printing for tailoring; have my own cloth. Address K !W1, care Bee. t4) 967 3 ROOMING houses for sale, all sixes. Gan geatad, 4(8 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 344a. (4)-73S TOUR chance to double $6,000 investment In months' time, to be found. 317 B. 12th St. t4) M138 2x FOR SALE Confectionery store, on good business corner. Corner Meridian and Pioneer Ave., Puyallup, Wash. (4)-MS13 80x WISH to meet gentleman who can Interest few people to extent of $6,000 or $6,000. You can make am or more at no ex pens to yourself. Address L 82, Bee. . . (0-M271 ACME EXCHANGE CO.. Cherokee, la., ha farm lands and town property for sal or trade. Write what you have and want N (4) M2S4 OctUx TWO BOWLING ALLEYS, Brunswlck-Balke-Collender. for aale cheap. Address W. E. Oagan, Utlca, Neb. (4) M931 O10 FOR SALE Novelty and blcycla shop; good opportunity for health seekers: good machinery, tools and stock; no other In town; owner has to go east. Santa F Novelty Works, Santa Fe, N. M. (4)-M104 4x GENERAL .merchandise, stock all clean and new, with postofftce, very liberal rent. In an Irrigated vallev; can locate you on government land nearby; can hold claim and run the business; we have a snap for the right party. Address H. L. Cooley, Sanborn, Dundy Co., Neh. ' (4I-M977 4 INDUSTRIAL AND MINING "sTOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. ROBERT O. DRUSEDOW & CO.. ' v STOCK BROKERS. New York Lit Building, Tel. Doug. 3663. Omaha, Neb. (4)-208 BUTCHER shop for sale; I want to sell my up-to-date meat market, everything In first-class shape, good paying business; reason for selling, old age. Address Y 111, care.Bte. (4-M498 30x TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSPNESS CALL ON WILLIAMS, 411 M'CAOUE BUILDING. 16TH AND DODGE STB. (4)-206 FOR SALE Livery barn and rolling ' atock, If desired. In lively county seat. In North Dakota; also one quarter sec tlon of land in same county; will sell ' cheap to prompt buyer. Write to Al phonse LcFrance, Roll. N. D. (4) M608 OctJx FOR SALE A good paying hotel in Cen tral Iowa, town of 10 to U hundred: 2 rail roads; am- going Into other tus:ness. Will sell building and furHfjrc ..r fur niture alone and rent building. Hotel V4 block from depot. If looking for a sntp get buay. Address Y 173. Be. 4) MC11 WANTED A party with $750, in a legiti mate business, that will net you $200 per month first year: will not Interfere with your regular business. Address L 2S2, care Bee. (4) M974 30x " SOMETHING GOOD. $50 to (130 a week in your locality selling stock In a Nevada Gold Mining company that Is a winner. Big thing for the In vestor and for party who tells It, In vestigate this. For partuclars, address 8 13S, Bee, (4)-630 830 LUMBER YARD for sale. In eastern Ne braska, doing good business; good reason for selling; close Investigation invited. Address S Z70, care Bee. (4)-M752 2x DRUG STORE for sale; the only drug tore In good northwest Iowa town; a money-maker; will Invoice about 13,600; only those with cash considered. An dres Y C, Bee. t4 MI38 Oct. 2 BAKERY AND RESTAURANT Finest lit the tte outsldt of Lincoln end Omaha, Eaay term. Send for descr'.itlon. Red Cloud Real Estata Co., Red Cloud. Neb (4) M964 06x ALL OR PART of furnishings, iZ roonik. only hotel town 1,100. A bargain if taken soon. Clearing f36 per week. If you want a good proposition, come quick. Terms. Hotel Logan, Lyons, Neb. (4) 254 i FOR SALE Cigar and confectionery store. iukj is. jwn. (it Mia oct tx ALL KINDS of mining and oil stock.! nought ana sou according to their value. Omaha Finance Co.. 212 N. Y. Life Hldx 14) M143 Oct t WANTED A manager for a woolen mill who can Invest some money In stock in th corporation. John McElroy, St. Cloud. Minn, t4) M975 30x FOR SALE One-half Interest In good lumber ysrd In Lincoln; requires about $13,000. Clarence Rcckmeyei, Lincoln, Neb (41-M103 4x FOR SALE Twenty shares Nebraskn Telephone stock at 85, with accrued in terest to date. Address Y 21, care Ree. (4r-M70 6x OWING to the condition of my health I offer - my lumber and coal business for sal. Ii. I. Converse, Shlckley, Neb. (4)-&J7S DRUG STORES Anywhere, any prlc. write or see us tor Dnrgains. uenver Drug Exchange, 1711 California St.. Den ver, Colo. 4 MSSo O20x THE BEST MEAT MARKET In a city of 30.000 Inhabitants, and building for rsnt. - Address A. Omehu Bee, Council Bluffs, la. . (4)-M643 012x WANTED A partner to manufacture and eell a pump- equalizer; can be manufac tured and sold at a profit of 72 centa per act; anawer oulck. R, Omaha Bee, IS Scott EL, Council Bluffs. tei 3S3 2x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Aactloaeere, BALES mad on mdse., Jewelry, household 5-ooda, live atock. farm Iniplt-menta, eta toth Tyrell. 1212 Douglaa, Omaha. (6-!l . Baibvra. EXPERT ahaylng and halreuttlng. 308 N. 18th. -783 Ol Caaaaaerrlal Artlata. V H. O. BUNNELL CO.. 821 N. T. Life Doug. 814$. (5) M. Craasaerle. DAVID COLB CREAM ERT CO.. aucceaaor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. to) J14 Carpet Cleaalag. 8ANITAST Cleaning Co., 1818 Famam. til 41$ Chattel Lstss. Cha. D. Blantin Loan Co.. 601 Be Bldf. t6 M Cklaa Palatine OIL AND .CHINAPAINTING-Clas lea son until Oct. 1, 50c. Figur painting a necialiy. Vn. Kihcl Voli, Ii27 Doda. phon Taylor 424. tS-M44 O BUSINESS DIRECTORY ICuntlnu-d-j Florists. HESS feWOBODA. 1416 Famam. (6)-218 L. HENDERSON. 161$ Farnam. Tel. D. 1261. (6-2.0 J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. TI. Doug. 3000. (6)-M44 Vklropodlat. DR. ROT, R. t 1608 Farnam Bt. Doug. 8497. (i.-a$ DKMBISklBg. Is FAMILIES-Mlss Sturdy. 1368. Tel. Harney (-2U MME. WOODRUFF. 13 Nerille Blk. Tel. Douglas 6170. (6)-MSti8 Octi REDFERN school. R. 10. Douglaa Blk. Tel. jLroua eoo. iw; .ia M'DOWELL Drtarmaklng School, 1S23 Far. nam St. t8 3U Mrs. Broach, 1722 Farnam., Tel. Harney 636. (B) M691 Oct24x Daatlat. BAILET MACH, Id fir. Paxton. D. 103. (6)-ll7 Go Cart. GO-CART Tire. Lawrence, J70S Leaven worth street. (6) M381 OctSO Hotel. THE 8CHILTSS, European, 16th and Harney . . (6) 218 THE KARMA European. 1723 Cap. Ave. (6) 778 2x Lee Its in 1th. KEYS, t& Heflln, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D. 2S74. (6-421 Mllllaory. LADIES' hat made over and trimmed In the latest styles; hat, , feathers and ma terial cleaned or dyed. E. Leola Pepper, tit B. 28th St. 'Phone Harney 3908. (S)-64 014 Oflle Sappllea. FILING cabinets, file and ledgers, loo leaf device and office fixture and up plie of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 306 South ISth St. Tel. Douglas 6662. (6) MD20 Oct4 Osteopathy. JOHNBON INS., 418 N. Y. L. TeL D. 1664. (6) 223 DRS. RINQLER, 306 Neville block. Phon Red 6467. , (6) M707 8 30x Fhntgrapher. C. 13. TRUSSELL, 116 South 16th Bt. m - , (61-224 ho Repalrlag. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.. flrst-clas work. 1618H Capitol Av. 'Phon Red 994 (6)-227 PrlatlBg. OUT-OF-TOWN merchant, Ak-Sar-Ben visitors, call and sea our new Imported calendar for 1908. Lyngstad & Jarve, 16th and Capitol Ave. (6) 226 Jeweler and-Watchmakers. N. P. 6TILLINO Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing, 2-3 Paxton Blk. Tel.. 4387. , , (5)-a:i ; Bafea Shatters, Eto. , OMAHA Safe and Iron Work make a viwcialty of fire escapez, sh utters, doors and safes, G. Andrecn. Prop., 103 S. loth 8t. J5)-a4 HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. M CARTNEY INSTITUTE, 1S02 FARNAM ST. Classes now open; able Instructors. Complete shorthand and business course ana preparatory for civil service, colleo-u or a profession. Day and night sessions. Tel. D. 1070. (7) M613 O10 Factory aad Trade. WANTED Women lor hand Ironer and machines. Kimball Laundry, 1611 Jackson ' Bt. (7) M540 Housekeepers and Domestic. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; have laundress; Mrs. Tcilf Hansen, 3403 Lincoln boulevard. Tel. Har ney 1510. (7)-180 COMPETENT GIRL for general house work. Mrs. Hall. 2215 Sherman Ave. Phone Webster 8723. (7.-MH2 RELIABLE GIRL for general housework. Apply at one at 3019 Pacific Bt., after 4 o'clock, or telephone Harney 3539. (7) M934 2x WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, email lamlly, no washing, best wagea. Apply i61 Dodge St. . (71-573 WOMEN for day work; housekeepers, ws it reuses, $Si. ' Canadian office, XMi and Dodge. (7-t CAPABLE girl for general work. Two In family. 24i0 St. Mai-'s Ave. (7.-M388 WANTED A cook and children nurse. Mr. A. L. Reed. Tel. Benson 178. (7.-408 C1RL wanted for general housework; sm;i family; modern convenience; good pay. Inquire 805 New York Life. (7) 410 WANTED Reliable, healthy nurae maid. Mrs. Chas. Clary, 1130 S. 30th Ave. Tel. Harney 385. (7 M274 1 WANTED Girl for general housework; small family. 26:3 Davenport. (7)-M632 30x WANTED Good girl for general house work; three in family; wg 86; for par ticular tall nt 214 8. llh St. (7)-MS86 WANTED Girl for general housework; laundress; Jo per week. 1248 8. 7th Ave. 17.-M6S2 1 WANTED A competent, trustworthy girl for general housework; two In family; good wages. Mrs. - Frank Hadley. 2- 21 Bristol. (7J-M987 WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; no washing. 2219 Leaven worth 81. 0-M9SS G1KL for general housework: have laun dress. Mrs. Porter. 34?6 Lincoln Blvd., Bemis Park. Tel. Harney 838. (7) 112 1 WANTBD-Competent second girl. 1916 slo. 8-d St. Tel. Harney 8'21. 47) 111 30 WANTED Competent girl for all work: no small children; all - convenience; refer ences required. Call 1418 South 10th Ht. (Pj-107 8ux WANTED Competent girl Tit general housework; family of three; fod wsges. Telephone Harney 3256 or ,till at So04 wool worm Ave. i (i)-ii WANTED Glr for genera) houaework; nlaln cooking, small family. 4NU1 Wcbater Bt. Mrs. G. C. Edgerly.. Tel Harney 8464. I-M26 1 HOUSEKEEPER An excellent position for the right woman. Telephone Doug 449. I (7) MitiJ Dux WANTED Competent . girl for general bousework. Mr. Geo. .Warples, 8124 Pop pieton Ave. ... t" 261 1 WANTED A good girl for gentrsl Jiouse work, aOl.' Mason. Tel. Harney 29o4. , (7-Mr8 I WANTED Scrub woiuen; apply superin tendent between :S- and 10 a. m. J. L, Brandcl 4fc Bon. J (7.-3S3 1 The BEE 1 1 f" 1 1'l1 jp' "' i an ii ii i ua aisi gjB,i 'wynnj. HELP WANTED FEMALE Hoaaekeeper sad Pumeatle -Coafd BEST Inducement offered flrat class girl. 'Phon Harney 2043. (7) M463 WANTED Colored chambermaid at once. 912 Douglas. (7) M63S GIRL for general housework; small family; small house; no laundry; good wages. Mrs. M. M. Robertson, 111 N. 31st Ave. (7 397 Mlscellaneeaa. LADIES and girl to atamp transfers at home; easily learned; $1.60 to $2.00 a dosen. 608 paxton Blk. (7)-M62 80 WANTED-Experlenced alteration women. Will pay highest wages. O. K. Bcofleld Cloak and Suit Co., 1610 Douglas. (7-732 GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack elgns, distribute circulars, samples, ' etc. No canvassing. National Dlst. Hu reau, Chicago, III. (7)-M918 Oct3x WANTED NIc young lady desirous of traveling through the west, at least one year, with fine people; no trlflers; refer ences exchanged; work photographic; no experience necessary; must be willing worker; salary small; everv expense ftd. Address 134, 8. Gould St. Shej-ldan, Wyo. (7) M746 HOx TWO girls for wrapping bundles, not under 16 years, of age. Nebraska Clothing Co. (7) 116 2 WANTED Bundle wrsppers. cash girls and cashiers; apply superintendent, main floor, west end, between 7:30 and 10 a. m. J. L. Brandels tc Sons. (7) 384 1 WANTED Girl to finish shirts. Domestic Laundry. 2416 N. 24th St. (7) 399 1 WAITRESS Permanent position. Bach elors Hotel, 20th and Farnam. (7) 372 HELP WANTED MALE Ageata aad Salesmea Coatlaaed. SOMETHING GOOD. $G0 to $160 a week In your locality selling stock In Nevada Gold Mining company that I a wlpner. Big thing for th In vestor and for. party who sella It. - In vestigate this. For particulars, address 8 136. Bee. (9-2 B30 ARE you out of work? Call and see us; good hustler make good money. C. F. Adam Co., 1618 Howard Bt. (9)-125 WANTED A traveling salesman for a wholesale liquor house; state age and salary expected; must have elegant refer ences. Address M 283, care Bee. (9)-M992 80x WANTED Good solicitors for an Omaha invention. 317 B. 12th St. (9) M13 2x WANTED A good salesman to travel with crew through Nebraska; capable of taking management, $ti.60 per day. Call Monday, 1819 Farnam St. Room 3. (9 M2S6 30x WANTED At once, 6 good men by Dodd, Mead A Co., to sell the "New Interna tional Encyclopedia" In Nebraska, South Dakota and Iowa. Good commissions and a guaranteed salary to the right men. Applicants Inquire at office., 718 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (9)-M148 1 A REVELATION IN BOOKSELLING. WANTED Two expert subscription book salesmen, who are producers, but tired of old and worn out methods. Will show you how to make $160 to $200 every week. Ad dress Y 61, care Bee. (9) 402 lx Clerical and OfOc. M'CARTNEY INSTITUTE. 1S02 FARNAM ST. Classes now open: ame instructors. Complete shorthand and business course and preparatory for civil service, college or a profession Day and night session. Tel. D. 1070. (9) M61 O10 WANTED Clerk, both men and boy, In railroad office. Address F. B. Southard, A. P. A.. U. P. R. R., 4th floor. Pacific Express Co. Bldg., 14th and Harney Bta., Omaha, Neb. (9) M837 octl WANTED An experienced low German clerk for general store; references re quired. Address Y 22, care Bee. (9.-M242 30x Hoy. WANTED A bright .oy. over 16 years, to hold copy for proofreader. Call at Be composing loom. (S-4 GOOD bovs wanted, first class pay. A. D. T. Co., 212 So. 13th St. (9J-M868 BOYS, to deliver packages, with or without wheel. Nebraska Clothing Co. (9.-M915 1 Factory and Trade. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; wonderful demand now; wage Satur days; few weeks ' completes; positions waiting; top wages paid graduates; twentv-three colleges In United States and Canada. Call or write Moler Barber college, 110 8. 14th St. (9) M978 3x WANTED Good, sober barber; $16 per week guaranteed. Fred Cooper, Edge mont, 8. D. M368 Oct4x WANTED Registered drug clerk of good habits; give reference. H. E. Vlstuba, Btelnauer. Neb. (9) M924 Oct26 WANTED Til ditchers to work bv rod; make $2.60 to $3.60 a day. Apply J. W. Ten Brink. Nickerson. Neb. (9)-346 POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Kniest, 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. (9) 231 WANTED First-class watchmaker and engraver at once: $-S per week. C. A. Tucker. Lincoln, Neb. (9) 389 WANTED A tlrst-Cass barber, single, $18 per week guaranteed. Address Ernest Simden, Rawlins, Wyo. (9) M49S SOx WANTED First-class barber; no booxer need apply; guarantee $15 per week, or 60 rr cent. Address John Stack. Huron, D. (9I-M593 O.x WANTED A printer at once; ateady po aitlon. . Blat a&lary. Journal. New Salem. N. Ii. (9)-M6U SOx FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE BLACKSMITH wanted: also a good wagonmaker. Gilbert Bros.. Atchison, Kan. (91 M664 Olx COATMAKER wanted at once. Carl P. Lindecrants, Holdrege, Neb. (9) M667 06x WANTED Tallora to work In alteration department. Will pay good wages. O. K. Scofield Cloak and Suit Co., 1510 Douglas. l9 ''31 WANTED Three first class galvanised sheet Iron workers for installing pipe work. Inquire supt. of ventilating works, new Methodist hospital, 36th and Cuming. (9) 954 30X WANTED At once, a first-class linotype machinist operator. Combe Printing Co., Bt. Joseph, Mo. (9) MHS0 30 WANTED A first-class shoemaker; up-to-date shop and finishing machine; alary. H. L. Walter & Co., Clarion, la. (9)-M971 4x THREE Gordon feeder wanted. Qulnby & Lynnlquest, 1308 Harney Bt. (9) $77 30 TAILORS wsnted at once, on coatmaker and one all around good man; good prices; teady work. C. EhU-ra, York, Neb. (9)--M355 lx Miacellaneoa. SOUND young men. aged 18 to $3, for firemen and brakemen du.-ing rush s on on leading railroads here, in the ant and on new lines being completed; experience unnecessary; firemen, $lu0 monthly, Decom engineer, sjov; dthkc men, $10) monthly, becom conductor, $U0; many positions now open; write at one for particular. National Railway Training association. C20 Pnxton block, Omaha. Neb. (8 416 Oct$ WANTED One flrat class business gettei tor each stste, good money for right party, represent K'-br'ka corporation, reference and bond. Stamp for reply. Address 170. car Be. (l)-335 HELP WANTED MALE M tMU.a la aL WANTED Experienced polisher; must be an all around laundry man. Star Laundry, Olympla, -Waah. S M74 lx WANT Railway mall clerks. $1$ weekly; examination aoon: preparation free mtll appointed. Franklin Institute, R(vhetv, N. T. (10 M) x W ANTED A good slaughter husrnsn at one. E. A. Crockett. Pllnr1ew, Neb. ($) M36S10X WANTED Experienced rnf furnishing salesmen; apply . superintendent. J. L, Brandels tk Bona. () M 1 DRUG CLERKS Exceptional propositions. Increased salaries. Denver Drug Ex change, 1711 California St., Denver, Colo. . . (9)--MSM O20x FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Buslneas Men's association; helps- work men find positions. Call 841 New York Llf Bldg. ()-M92 OctM TOUNG MEN. STUDT LAW. Omaha School of Law. Evening session only. Further Information, address Secre tary, 701 N. Y. Llf Bldg. 'Phon Doua. M7. (9) M647 SeptJO WANTED The First Ntlonl bank of Omaha, offering opportunities of rapid advancement and paying liberal salaries, wishes to secure hoys of about 16 year of age for mall department. f 9 '37 WESTERN REF. tc BOND A89 N (INC.). 721-722 New Tork Life Bldg. Hour 8 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. Ledger clerk, $S0. Iedger clerk, S. Stenographer, $75. Stenographer, $56.' And many other. See u at once If In need of a position. We can place you on short notice. . - (9)-M416 80 WANTED--Expert lc cream maker; who understands fancy cake making. - Ad dress Mrs. Wachter, 81$ N. 6th St., St. Joseph. Mo. (9) M7 41 lx A FIRST-CLASS carpet man . and . ahada worker; prefer one who can do upholster ing. The Jamleson House Furnishing Co.. Trinidad, Colo. . (9) M981 SOx WANTED Competent furnace men. . 123 Bo. Main St., Council Bluffs, la. - ...... (9) M707 WANTED Passenger end freight elevator men, Janitors, carpenter and plumbers' helpers; one fireman; one' watchman ; top wagea. 104 Bee Bldg. (9) M260 OoUSSx WANTEDMan and wife for farm;' a tin ner; 16 men for Atchison, Kan.; 1 band saw man: one cabinetmaker; 60 men for eastern Iowa; 25 ' bridge carpenter for South Dakota; lumber yard men for Coun cil Bluffs, and car repairer and helpers. 1003 West Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. ' 1 (9) 295 SOx DRUG CLERK, reglatered; tore experience may be limited, soda experience preferred, or willing to learn soda part of business; good opportunity to get city experience In a strictly drug store. Address Y-25. care Bee. (9)-M310 5x WANTED Man to repair stove and fur naces. Omaha Stove Repair Works. (9)-370 1 FIREMAN and Janitor wanted for apart ment house. . Hall Distributor Co. 'Phone Red 7406. (9)-JW3 HELP WANTED MALES AND rEUALR WANTED Boy and girls to work In our shoe factory. Apply F. P. Klrkendall 4k Co.. 1101 Harney Bt. (10) 371 1 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE lipnea aad Vehicle. ( ONE 1-seat, two runabouts, top buggy, all rubber-tired; hack harness, on double express harness: on or two horses. Com in. . Tt Harney Bt. Stable. (11) j$ RUBBER-TIRED road wagon.. W. A, Stone, S03 Lincoln Av., Council Bluff. - (UJ-M103 NOW Is th time to buy your driving norae or ainaiv naauu hwi a , making room for heavy horses. Hav several fine single driver for ladles; 6 or: 8 extra 'good single wagon . horses; have some gooj cheap farm team. Omaha. Horae tc Supply Coi, Rear 414 N. 16th et, : Oi-M713 WE ar selling delivery wagona teaming gears, buggies, carriage and harness cheaper than any other firm In Omaha. Johnson-Danforth Co., B. W. Cor. 10th and Jonea St. . (U) $37 Hprses bought and sold. Myers, 1114 Doug. . , OD-2S9 Ol FOR HALE Pony and trap In No. 1' condi tion: the reaaon for selling, the children rmve left the city. Apply 2606 Poppleton Ave. (1D-M2S2 1 $175 THOROUGHBRED HORSE ' for $126: perfectly sound and gentle; 7 years old, and biggest bargain in city. 212 N. 25th. (11) 400 lx Poaltry aad Egg. DUBTON'S White Wyandotte. Pure bred, choice breeding stock now ready to ship. Forest Lawn Wyandotte Yard, Flor ence, Neb. Tel. Florence 10S2. (1D-M984 Oct27x GOVERNMENT book tre. Model Squab Co.. Omshi. (ID M775 OS Cow, Bird, Dec aad Pet. FINE fox terrier puppy. 180$ Webster. i 11)-M698 Otx COWS for sal. 49th and Hamilton rtts. (11) M74$ 2x FOR SALE Bargain In pur brad colli bitches and stud dogs; strictly up-to-date, working stock. R. M. Dodd,. Msnkato, Minn. , - (11) M 933 8x BLUB EYED, whft Angora kittens. $10. Will Crawford, Knoxville, la. - : (1D-M920 $x , BT. BERNARD dog and a number of Eng. lish bull and fox terrier puppte. Mac Millan Bros., Bloomlnglon, III. - .4)-MV47.6x ENGLISH Pointer bitch, liver and white, registered 83, broken on chicken and quail. John Ling, Harvard, Neb-. tll M354 Olx LOST AND FOUND J. HANSEN, the upholsterer and furnltur repairer. 1512 N. 24th. Tel. Webster 8J (13)-M8o8 04 FOUND Medlclr.e esse; owner may hav same by cal.tng at Bee office and paying for thla ad. (13.-114 30x MALE Boaton Terrier dog:,, tellleas; color, light brown, Rei-erd If rstJi-ned to C. E. Wilkina, Dewey Hotel. - (12) 127 FOUND Pocketbook. Thuraday-evening, at Fra" y ha! . Owner can have same by proving property and paying for ad vertisement. Ca,l at Bee office. 02-MU8 lx MEDICAL RUPTUR.R C-.rRKD No knife, no retsn. Hon from buolLea. V--CK CURE RUP TURE CO.. ever 8. W. Cor. 14: L- - and Douglaa. Omaha. (13) -241 . ANY poor girl in need of friend call cr writ to th matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 1824 N. tub He, Omaha. Nab. U3)-MV4 BEST nerv bracer for men, "Gray' Nr Food Pill," $1 a box. poatpald. Sherman tc McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. . (U)-24$ FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Bis.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professor. 'Phon Douglas 1167. Call answered day or night. (13)-12 MNEY TO I0AN ALARY AMD CHATTEL-. Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advance private money on chattel or sal ary; easy to get; no re4 tap. You get money ssme day asked for at small rnst, Ooen venias till '. (141 148 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and other without security; easy pay ments. Office in U principal cltWa. Tol man, room 714 New York Lif Bid. ....... t!4)-Jt ' MONEY TO LOAN alary aad Chattel Coatlaaed. Did you ever hear of a BARGAIN 8AXJ1 OF MONEY T That i Just what w are having. W8 HAVE TOO MUCH MONEY on Viand and must loan It out at ANY OLD RATE. If you deal with u you are assured of fair sous re deal from start to finleh. AS LOW RATES a can be mad by any firm. ALL THE TIME ncssry for you t "get on your feet" In ess of Sicknoa or other troublev Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 11 Board of Trau Bldg. 16th Street Entrance. " 14-MT14 FURNITURE, llv stock, salary loans. Duft Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Block. (14)-2tl UNION LOAN CO. W will mak a special low rat on col lateral loans, mortgsges on personal prop rop s t erty ana notes, witnout security. Terms suit. 'Phon. Dougla 2904. $10 Bee Bldg ) M164 Oct, FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THH PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loan. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phnn Douglas 746. 04) 360 CHATTEL, salary and storsg receipt loan. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam RU . 04)-$ EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating, all. bualnea confidential. l.Vt Douglaa, QQ 248 LOWEST rate, chattel or salary, Ne braska Credit Co., 114 Board of Trad. Q4) MsYl OFFERED FOR RENT Apart eat aal Flats, FOR' RENT Steam heated modern flat on second floor of Daviilge bldg., $60. New 6-room cottage, modern except heat, $012 Charle Bt., $26. New 6-room cottage, bath, hot and cold water.' 26th and Ave. C, Council Bluffs, fifteen minutes from , 14th and Douglaa Bta.. tX. JOHN W. ' BOBBINS, ' 180 FARNAM ST. (16) M972 2 $40.00-610 No. 24th Bt.. South Omaha; six room apartment In now "Scargo" building. All modern conveniences. Including hot water in kitchen and bath. Hall Dla. trlbutsr Co., 817 Flrat Natl Bank Bldg. .Phone Red 7406. (16) Mb! 3 . FOR RENT 8304 Sherman Ave., nlc new 6-room flat, modern except heat; electrio light and gas: laundry privilege and fin yard; $26. Telephone Web. 336. (16)-M3500x BT&AM-HEATED flat, modern. 220 N. 23d. (U)-M426 AN APARTMENT. Davldge Bldg., 18th and Farnam. Apply apartment No. 2. U6)-M416 MODERN, 8-room brick flat. No. 3009 pa- clflo St. $40 per month; best residence district In city. 'Phone Harooy 32 m. Kellner. Owner. , (16) 738 -ROOM new flat; modern; 707 Georgia Av. Inquire 413 South 16th. (15) M986 4x FOUR org unfurnished room In a new flat. Just built, 916 N. 24th St., Just north ol Cuming; 4 rooms, $18. Apply to Martin tt Harrl. 209 8. 13th Bt. (15)-r.6 Boarding; aad Rooms? ' DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam, 16) 264 VIENNA hotel; privet dining rooms; cafe, (1S)-2M STRICTLT modern furnished room;' horn cooking. Red 3668. 2217 Howard. 05)-691Oct6x FIRST-CLASS board and room. 608 So. 24th Ave. (16) 779 025 FOR RENT Large front room suitable for two young men; board. 1060,8. 28th St. (16)-M287 Famished Room. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. ' 4121 Hamilton Bt. (15) 634 FIVE furnished front room for cernhjaj, transient; take Harney car to California Bt. and go one block east. (24 N. 21. J 'Phone Douglas 4580. (15VT-M629 07x 7 DON'T WAIT Till dark to get your room. . DESCRIPTION FURNISHED , , . , Of all rooms on our list. OMAHA RENTAL CO., Tel.' Doug. SUM. 308 N. Y. Life Bldg. (16) M412 80 FURNISHED ROOM Very derlrable, refer-ence-required: 640 South 24th Bt. (15) MiiiiO Oct20 FURNISHED ROOMS, walking distance, private family; transient during Ak-Sar-Ben. 2830 Cap. Av. Tel. Harney 8-W9. 06)-721 lx ALL MODERN furnished room for gen tleman, siv. lei. Harney sere. Z65 uodg. (16) 733 128 8. -26TH St.. large east front room, suit ble for three gentlemen; nous strictly modern; roomy porch, large, shady lawn. (16) 7Ex List Your Rooms r . for Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors with the Commercial Club Free Information Bureau. Telephone Douglas 820, giving number of rooms, location ,rates and advice regarding meals. No charge for listing rooms. 06)-M31$ I PLEASANT south room, new house, qult lose in. Tel. Dougla 3632. . (16)-M407 30X NEWLY furnished, strictly modern front room; furnace heat. 641 8. 24th Ave. (16) M936 BEAUTIFUL larg front and other rooms; bay window: clean; beat references. 614 N.. 23d. (15) MiW 06x FOR RENT Nicely-furnished room, suit able for two, steam heat and privilege of. bath; near high school. 216 North 2(4 8L (16) M910 3x A DELIGHTFUL horn for 1 people; front room, oeaunruiiy lurnianea; Deat nome table, strictly private, everything first class, beat location. 'Phon Red 76M. (16) 780 2x ROOMS-A 11 kind: board if desired. 1644 North 20th. 'Phon Webster 4on (16)-M769 30X TWO ' rooms, stesm healed, - suitable for couple without children. -Call at No. 13th . St., room 103, main floor. ... r 16)-118 30 AK-SAR-BEN visitors can secure ' flrst class rooms by addressing $14 N. 23d. (16-MiiS4 1 FRONT room; 86. 637 8. Mth Ave. (16-M7C1 Olx HIGH CLASS furnished room In new i house; hot wster heat, gas, electrio light rv and telephone; neighborhood and loca tion of th beat; board if desired, fro South 26tb Ave. (16)-M711 lx AK-BAR-BEN VISITORS. W have room for l.OoO VI81TOK8. Come nd see us. OMAHA RENTAL CO., Tel. Doug. 3WI1. 308 N. Y. Lif Bldg. (15)-M4U 80 URN18HKD room for gentlemen. 81$ North mh. tu M703 Olx BEAUTIFUL ronm. In smsll family, mod era and first class. 221 Davenport. (16)-7S2 1 FURNIHHED rooms. 1311 Douglaa St. (15)-117 4x BEAUTIFUL furnished front room in strictly modern brick house for Ak-Ssr-Ben visitor. Rent reaaon sol. M0! Dodge. tui ii sua MODERN furnished room, gentleman pr ferrad. Tel. liar nev 876. 2614 Dodce Bt. U)-M)40