SsbJjMu THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATUH1UV. SKtTEMREU 2S, 1007. SMurday and AI! Next Week . Entire Stock N. Y. Trimmed Oat Mfjjr. Mkk MILLINERY On Sale Saturday and All Next Week in Basement, 1st Floor and 2d Floor AT MOST WONDERFUL BARGAINS EVER OFFERED IN AMERICA The biggest and most fortunate purchase of up-to-date fall millinery we ever made. We got the wlfole stock a way below cost to make, and we are going to' sell the hats Monday at less money than stylish, dressy hats ever sold for before anywhere. , More Than 10,000 Trimmed Hats-Four Big Lois trimmed of, each . KEADV-TO-WKAIt HATS Trimmed with quills, ornaments, and ribbons, In all colors, Just the thins for early wear r . go on .sale in our base ktuf ment,, at Lot 2 and 3 MAIN FLOOR In the west end of our main floor, known as our bargain millinery department,- place 2.000 trlm- ' med hats from this wonderful purchase at the low price of (2.60 and $3.88 All medium and large hats, trimmed in this fall's styles, in the latest shapes of vel vets, French felts and taffeta silk bats, many of them trimmed fancy ostrich feathers, choux of ' velvet and silk, flowers, fancy buckles, etc., blacks, browns, na vye, leathers and plums, at if SALE of POCKET KNIVES and RAZORS v.. . IN OUR HARDWARE AND HOVSEFURNISHINQ DEPT. ALL AFFAIRS AT SOCTB OMAHA Packer. Kot Worried Over Move of i the Food Commissioner. DUTERESCLS EASILY ADJUSTED , Dr. C. M. aeklal It Prcaldaat ol tk Newly OuIm Llv Stock Natlaul BHk.ui M. I.. Lor4 Caakler. . " v ' tttm South Omaha' packers have found no ua tor alarm In tit dlapateh from Lin coln yaaUrdar morning to the effect that the purs food commissioner, Johnson, wu to begin a campaign of reform by proee cutlng the packing houses which have of fended lnt the recent pure food law. The law rewires that package of meat ball have the net weight stamped upon them. . Mr. Culver of the Omaha Packing com pany said: "Moat of our packages have always beea marked with the -weight, as required by the law. lately In effect. The only knowledge of the Intention of the pure food commissioner la that contained In the dispatch you refer to. We antici pate no trouble and are not alarmed." Mr. Edwards of Swift and Company said: "The action of the pure food commissioner has not come up to us yet. The, ostensible object of the law Is to prevent selling the weight of the wrapping for the Same rate aa the meat. The wrapping la always weighed In. or hue been. It la within the Judgment and power of the purchaser whether he shall buy meat wrapped or not. lie can buy the aame pieces In the un wrapped condition If he wishes. On some of oar packages the net weight la atamped. We think the point amounts to little and can be easily adjusted to meet all neces sary conditions." Fire at Cadaky'a.' A briak fire broke out In Cudahy'e beef house dressing room laat evening- about 11 o'clock. The dressing room Is built on a bridge ever Thirty-third street, west of the beef house, and occupies oonsldurable apaoe there. Thla bridge aupport waa burned down and the building destroyed and fall in a ruin In the street. The quiet night saved a disastrous Ore. for the building. If The Queen of LOT 1-BASEMENT (3.93 Trimmed Hats at $1.00 Velvet nd felt with wings, fancy feathers and in the smart, small and medium sized hats, our basement millinery dept., over 10,000 to from. Every hat worth $3.98, on sale at the ridiculously low price L'NTRIMMEI) HATS Hundreds of different shapes and styles, in all colors, in felts and vel- m vets, basement, - JJ at B? I SATURDAY AND ALL NEXT WEEK - : A rare chanoe. This is entire sample line that we bought of a large importer of cutlery at a wonderful bargain. We will sell the lot at less than one-half value. See our window, old store. It's a wonder. EAZORS That always sell from $2.50 to Saturday, and all next week, at THE POCKET KNIVES IN TWO Pearl, stag, cocoa, bone or wood Knives that sell regularly at 6Uc to 80c In pearl, cocoa, stag, wood or bone handles, while they last, handles always sell from 76c to $1.50 m g 2?!!.?.:... 50c 3 BBS being entirely of wood, burned fiercely. The fireman were called promptly and soon had the fire extinguished. It la thought the fire waa caused by matches In the clothing of some of the men. The damage will not be over SS.000. CI earl as; l'p Diamond Mystery. The South Omaha police are on the point of clearing up a mysterious diamond rob bery which took place In South Omaha several weeka ago. Ed. Gates, a well known man in the. city, lost several valu able diamonds from his person. He came to South Omaha In a befuddled state and was conducted from the street car by sup posed friends, taken to a South Omaha lodging house, drugged, stripped of his diamonds, his clothing, even to his ahoea, and then .thrown Into an alley, where he lay for hours unconscious. The police have been puasled over the case for a long time, until a family quarrel between the partlc lpanta led one to tip it off to the South Omaha officers. The proprietor of the lodg ing house waa at once arrested, as well as seversl who are supposed to be accomplices or te have knowledge of the affair. The whereabouts of the diamonds has not been revealed. Until that la divulged the police are loath to place unnecessary imputations oa the character of the man under arrest. The wife says she ran compel him to ad mit his connection with the. affair. The man's name. Is Manered Alden, who haa been running the Alden house, the stand formerly known as the Fomianek hotel, tlS North Twenty-fifth street. Miss Annie H. Formanek la one of the witnesses. Several conflicting atortea were told by the wife of Alden. Apparently she did not know what had been done with them. One of the most valuable witnesses was arrested late last evening. His name Is Frits Roedel. The Formanek girl admlta being In the room where the robbery waa committed. Alden denlea that he knows where . the gems are hidden. He aald: "Bring In the folka who were there that night, then we'll see who la moat to blame." It Is likely that several more arrests will follow. Mr. Alden was put In jail, as well as her hus band, with the hope she might reveal the htddan dlamonda. Srklaael Preside! of New Bask. Now that the Live Stock National bank has gained control of Ita building the cor poration la ready to disclose completely Its Identity. The president of the company Is Table Waters" Saturday and All Next Week. hats, ribbons, go ir select ' "f V "5 f "T y gt If fl A H U U FANCY FEATHERS ' These are actually worth up to 60c each, breasts, wings, stick ups, and hundreds of other styles to select from, go in basement, each, "l n Lot 4 Second Floor Two thousand of the choicest hats of this purchase, which will be on sale in our second floor millinery department. These are exact cop ies of many of our $10, $16 and $20 hats, trimmed with the same care as to combinations and style as our more expensive hats; every one of the styles ar entirely new, made of felt, ellk velvet and silk, the trimmings are real os trich feathers, flowers, large choux of silk and velevt orna ments and buckles, go on sale In our enlarged second floor milli nery department, each, at ' Here at. Douglas street $3 , 50 c BIO LOTS mjVMl JUSJ.IBtt.1 Dr. C. M. Schlndel. This Is a great sur prise to the doctor's many friends. M. L. Lord of Glenwood, la.. Is to be cashier. The subordinate officers of the company have not' yet been filled. The company hopes to be In the building ready for busi ness by November 1. Active preparations re In progress. The old partitions are being torn out and the drugstore Is to be shifted to the northeast corner of the Mc Donald block, with the entrance facing on Twenty-fourth street.' The partition be tween the drug store and the saloon room formerly occupied by John Riches is being removed and this will make the room to be used by the bank. The entrance to the bank will be the same as the present entrance to the drug store. The directors of the bank were elected some time ago. They are all well known men In South Omaha. They are: C. M. Schindel, M. L. Lord, W. P. Adklna, E. L. Howe, A. L. Berqulst, W. C. Lambert, E. B. Shugart. Mr. Oladhill of Sarpy county and Mr. Berehelm of Council Bluffs. , Bottling; Works Are C-oa vraleat. The new bottling works of the Jettev Brewing company have been in operation for the last three days and with tb prac tical teat ahow many conveniences and much aavlng of time. The plant is almost automatlo throughout. There is no lifting of cases In the building. The empty esses are sent to the basement In a chute and carried along by an endless chain to the cleanser. The bottles are loaded by hand In a conveyor which draws them through a strong lye solution for seventeen min utes. They are then dumped out In a vat. rinsed and drained. They go to the lifting wheel, (where they are loaded with beer, passing on they are automatically capped and sent to the pasteurising vats. They are thoroughly sterilised In every particular, and then put In the cases,, which have been conveyed to the most convenient point from the baaemont below by the endlesa chain. The capacity of the plant la 24,000 bottles per day. Under the main floor Is the tank room, where the day's supply of beer is stored. There la a government revenue Inspector who haa charge here and not a drop of beer can be drawn from any of the tanks without his knowledge. He has an elaborate system of locks, which makes evasion impossible. He only may handle them. The object of this Is that all required revenue shall be paid. Revenue in a brew ing establishment Is a very large Item. Bis; Receipts of Sheep. Omaha beat Chicago yesterday by 4,0v0 head m receipts of aheep. The total for the day waa 1S.0OO head. The total for the present week is Mt.Mi head. If the big receipts continue proportionately, all records for sheep for a week's run will be completed smashed. Notwithstanding the big run, the market has kept the barns clear. Salea have been active. New buy ers have appeared daily. Few sheep have been sent te other markets by the same parties who sent them hers. The hog market haa atrengtbeued materially In the last week, tending moderately upward la J BRANDE1S "Say! They're A Scream." ROSE STAIIL'S "CHORUS LADY" ags. Belts Collars and Like the chorus lady and the clever girl who made her famous, these goods are "about the classiest thing you ever taw." Rose Stahl wears them and she and everybody else likes them They're clever. The Hose Stahl Chorus Laxly Bag A fine leather shopping bag that's just the newest thing out Brandels I Bill show It exclusively uv The Chorus Lady BeltsA smart and belt that has new features and In variety of colors, at The Rose Stahl Collar Pert bow with rows of buttons only Brandels show them price. . . . 50c 50c Have you seen the big Sixteenth Street win dow? Brandels has the Rose Stahl Chorus Lady Goods exclusively In Omaha. , Jewelry Extra Specials Gold inlaid Combfr an extra special TQ. Saturday, at ifC 4j In our Comb Section we show all the very latest ideas in brilliant and solid gold top 4 combB, at, ")C- j1 $2S down to DC T All the very latest ideas in bracelets fine nd chased fully warranted to wear three 4$ years, always $6.00 at Brandels QQ SPECIALS IN OUR Children's Dept. 0 to., . u Soond rlMf Naw Children's Dresses, in plaid and checked wool ma terials, with embroid ered emblem and colored trimmings, $2.60 value, at i.50 Children's Bearskin Coats, in single and double breasted long lengths, in wmte, red, green, blue at 2.50 and brown, Children's gray Persian Cloth Coats, in long lengths, with plain and rersian collar and cuffs, lin ed through- ' out. at 2.98 IN BASEMENT $4.00 Children'. Cloak., $1.98 is a big lot of Children's Cloaks, made JJ'iiu nnu mixture ciotns, worm x-a. up to $4.00 in the baeement, 1 i- sfe Teddy Bears Every child wants one no household is complete without a Teddy Bear we have all kinds brown or whlte on sale M , m rn in our baBement, at. rZJC 10 i .0) BRAND EI S prices. Cattle were plentiful all the week. A big horse sale was conducted Tuesdas by J. S. Cooper and one yesterday by E. 11 Anspach. It has been the best September for many years in cattle, hogs and sheep. Magic pity CMfclp. Oirls wanted. Hmchey' Laundry. Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to all parts of the city. Telephone No. 8. Lawrence Welch is visiting on. the Pacific coast. He will be away several weeks. Joe Uchytll and James Pronsel were fined ii each for stealing lumber from Bwllt and Company, The suit on the Twenty-fourth street paving will be up for trial before Judge Kennedy this morning. A large number of South Omaha stock men left last night to attend the fat stock show at St. Joseph, MO. Joe Hansen and James Mi McGovern were fined for petty offenses in police court yesterday morning. A fire In the coal house of A. W. Ridge way, Fifteenth and Berry avenue, caused M damage yesterday afternoon. Better put in your winter supply of coal now while the weather is good. See B. K. Wilcox for all kinds of hard and soft coal Anton Morris died in poverty at the county hospital yesterday. He has a brother named John Morris living at Luke City, Colo. The Union Stock Yards company has had much difficulty In securing men enough to handle the heuvy run ot stock during the last week. E. C. Finley, professior of mathematics at the South Omaha HiKh school, has been called to the side of Fits father, who is said to be dying. The following births were reported yester day; John Ambroiy, Twenty-sixth and M, a girl: William J. Klelt, Thirtieth street on the Sarpy line, a girl. The police arrested John Parker, colored, aa an accomplice of Homer Weden In alleged acts of thievery. It is said that Omaha has charges against them also. The Presbyterian congregation erijoved the stereopttcon lecture last evening greatly. Mr. Wheeler is a very pleasing lecturer. The musical numbers were well rendered. For the second time In as many days the grocery of Kstskee & Benden has been entered by burglars. This time they took some knives and scissors and II out of the telephone box. A well attended and moet. profitable meet ing was enjoyed at the Swedish Norwegian Kepubllcan cluo last evening. Judge A. U Sutton was the principal speaker, and he had the lull sympathy of the audience. He spoke well of the recent platform adopted by the republican slate .convention. "It is a good outline for continued policies of re form," he said. It cheers with out enervating well-made POSTUM "THERE'S A REASON." Save Fully One-third the Price on Your Fall Suit. I J O IJ Grand Basement Bargains In Women's Fall Suits, Cloaks, Waists, Etc, $"W?kAU Never was a sale so full of big bargains in women's ready to wear apparel right at the opening of the season. All up-to-date fall apparel priced away below regular figures. The biggest bargain event that ever took place in Brandeis Basement. tidy Women's $3.50 Quality Dress Skirts, $1.98 New fall materials and latest Styjes made in pleats and flares, strap cr.i fold trimmings plain or mixtures, 9A worth up to $3.60, "w In Basement WOMEN'S PRINCE CHAP SUITS, $10 Choice of 100 new fall Tailored Suits in all the newest styles, newest colors. Well tailored every Suit a splendid gain, worth up our great Becond of SPF.n A I Q w uvmuu xaiiuy iiapaaese vnina uups ana saucers Assorted shapes and decorations. This is a very fine high grade China values up to 50c, ' J fv Saturday, and all next week, Jl QJP(?J f M v Taney China Hand Deco rated Plates Big sample lot, worth up to $2.00, at 75c lOO Visiting typograved ZODIAC PIN IS'TIIE LATEST New Form of Lucky Jewelry Crowd ing Out Swastika Sign. THIS CRAZE IS INEXPENSIVE Lovers of Seasonable Jewelry Will Be Able to Sapply Themselves with New Plas aad Charsns at Low Cost. Nothing but "Zodiac" stick pins and charms, with the September sign, will give Alt-Bar-Ben visitors "good luck," accord ing to Jewelers and furnishers, who have received lots of the latest fad In season able. Jewelry. "Swatlska," the Japanese good luck sign, haa been abandoned; the Amasonlte, from the land of the Amazons, and the sap phires, from the Yellowstone hills, have all gone with the boroque pearls, culled from the Mississippi clams, and the little metal algns of the astrologers' sodlac will be quite the fashion. Nothing but tho old bracelets and brooches which grandmother used to wear will equal the sodlac pins for the next few weeks. They are simple little pins in dif ferent colors, of enamel, and in twelve different varieties, one for each month of the year. In the enamel the signs of the sodlac are set In silver, making an odd but attractive ornament. The best thing about the sodlac pins Is that they will be Inexpensive. None of them are set with' diamonds, as yet, and the chances are good for the men and women who are fond of Jewelry keeping within a reasonable price in buying the new pins. Another feature of the fad it that the pins may be worn In any position, as the little pieces of enamel are square. Wear ing one will not be like wearing a horse shoe pin. Most people wear the -horse shoes with the points turned down, and when they fall to gather good luck with them do not discover the difficulty until too late, "The trouble Is that when the points are turned down the good luck all runs out," said a Jeweler In speaking of good luck pins. "If a person wishes good luck to stay with them, they must wear the points of a horseshoe turned up. That's straight. It's not a atable tip, but right from the 'dope book. " Jewel Still (Join I p. Jewelry buyers are not losing sight ot the old and new diamond Jewelry In the mad scramble for the new fsds and fanclea, but are buying valuable stones aa they have never purchased before. Not only are diamond merchanta selling many fine stones, but special salesmen of big houses are making Omaha every week and selling valuable assortments. John Casey of Bioux City, a salesman for a large house, said at the Rome Friday the price would ad N r n r"rs m '0' Home n'g Up-to-date fall Tailored Salts at $7.50 Hundreds of new styles In Prince Chap Jacket Suits, etc.', with lined Jackets and pleated skirts, with wide fold at bottom, all .on iviun ma gum me styles that are correct for tall and winter. Basement, $........,,. A Coed $8.00 Quality Long Coat Fur Collar for $5.00 Mad of good heavy cheviot yoke long loos coats with big full fur r collar, Saturday In Basement worth ud to 18.00. at $12.50 Long Broadcloth Coat $7.50 Long loose Broadcloth Coat, full lined and beautiful trimmed with braid, n A positively worth I1J.60, in 7 Slf Basement, each at . . . W V $7.00 Long KHxtore Cloaks $2 Good durable winter Coats in all sixes, ia or stylish warm mixtures, and 'J Just What you'd D 17 fnr rocr- - - sr vvawB ularly, Raaemextt, tfmcxxt, at $8 Rain Coats at $1.39 1.000 Ladles', Misses' and Chll dron's Rain Coats, Mackintoshes - and waterproof Btorm Coats, all styles and colors basement $1.39 TAILORED APPAREL ?? Eff materials, newest newesi materials, newesi lilored and grf jg. lendidbar- I (Ji to $15, on y idfloorat..r and more stunning than ever such refined and ele gant tailored wear never sold before for BCIC3 in ruiMA cirrTinw west a in VUllll wPJLVy A IVrl'l ARCADE SPECIAL NOTICE We've Just received another large shipment of Haviland and German China Dinner Sets, newest and prettiest patterns tor Fall 1907. Cords In East Arcade vance more than 5 per cent the middle of November. The price of these diamonds baa advanced 200 per cent in the laat six teen years. The steel blue diamonds are now worth from 400 to $3,000 per carat. White diamonds are wortlf 200 per carat, commercial dlamonda $175 per carat and the yellow diamond $136 per carat. Small diamonds, bought by weight, are still more expensive. The popular diamond Jewelry Is now set in platinum and the little stones with which the metal hearts are paved DOCTORS F03 WIEm ! --A r 7 The Reliable Specialists a physician's noblest efforts To restore man to health, strength and vigor and give him Ills rightful place among his fellowmen la worthy of the noblest efforts of a phvsltlun's life, and every good physician works earnestly to this end. We offer you tills aid, this help, this assurance of reMtnratloii, and If you will come to us we will spare you the penalties associated with diseases and v. eaku-SKes of men. We will help you escape from the slavery that is holding you captive and impeding your progrrKH. Do not be deluded with the Idea that diseases and weaknesses of men will correct themselves they never do. After the disease or weakness becomes once established you rhould se cure proper trestment at onc. The fact that the trouble now exists makes It necessary that there should be no apathy, no delay, no deferring matters, until later on. The natural tendency of every disease la to Insidiously pro gress and tenaciously fasten Itself npon the system if proper treatment is not secured to bring about a prompt cure. We do aot quote misleading prices in enr announcements. We snake no mislsadlag stateiasnts or deceptive, unbusinesslike propositions. - We cure an at the lowest cost for skillful and successful services. We believe la fair dealings and honest methods. We treat men only, and cure promptly, safely and thor oughly and at the lowest cost, BRONCHITIS, CATARRH, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD POISON, SKIN DIS EASES, KIDNEY and BLADDER DISEASES and all SPE CIAL diseases and weaknesses and their complications. Free Consultation tad Examlnitlon Smo W!i STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1303 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Ets., Omaha, Neb. On Sale Saturday And All Next Week fm sv HI I vv With lined, A A (III WeVV 98 inad" e fr I I1L alitfU r rm $1.50 ana v-i Wool Waists, 98c ID Women's new fall styles In Mo- i1 hair. Wool, heavy cotton Waists M about 20 new styles to choose from, worth up to $1.76, in Basement 98c "FASHIONSEAL" SUITS for WOMEN are the 6tyle aristocrats for Fall. "We have received new arrivals and they are $25 W've secured the services of bn . Expert Repairer o( . China. Cut Glass. Marble. Bronze, etc. MR. FRANK C, LOT - Free demonstration in our China Section, west arcade. n opportunity to. have things re paired at home by an expert at very little expense Mr. Lot was lately with Ellas China Repair Co., Chicago; also with Marshall Field Co., Carspn, Pirio Sc Bcott Co., and Mandel Bros., of Chicago. are cut aa fine or even finer than the large diamonds, which makes a number of small stones, weighing together two or three carats, worth more than large stones of the same weight. The largest and strongest Is none too good for one's Investments, whether $1 or $6,000. The Conservative, 1014 Harney street, has resources of $:',6tl0,000 and reserve of $66,000 to show for the Investments of ltj members, with a dividend rate of 6 per cent pa. : ,r ,4- V ,' f "": ' V- h : '). I "A .1 ! n ) 1r a i