Hm OttAIlA' DAILY DEE i MONDAY, SEPTEMBEB 23, 1B07. r rWlMvv top! sW'iKB Wmm&Jgp I i n . .V aV p 1 i -feat iUNtUyff 1T- I "fUV JU& VtVV lftga . - . ...... r,..!... n r! A f . r.(TATn nous rmnraFM Feathery oar nest It'RtlllTRE, If r Jalr rood of high quality, lew prices end easy terme, It be hooves jrou U trade at THE PEOPLES STORE Idth aad YABHAM BT S, runxrrtnE. ORCHARD & WILHELM Yon buy here Tvith perfect confidence, both in the price and in the quality. PIANOS. HIGH CLASS P1ABOS Beaaonabla Terma LarKS Blm?te Mich of Webar, Mehtln, Henry nd H, A O, MnilWfl, Foster HfhUl.r, SlATTSt BITS TTM.HO CO. Mfrrs. ad Healers leia-is y. Oman tvaryllilng In Art and Music A. HOSPE CO. 1513 OguT'g St.. Omaha PIANOS. J. S. CAMERON Manufacturers Stata Agent ' GRAND and UPRIGHT PIANOS 106.8 He, Utti St- Omaha, Nab. Tal. Red 2841. P1A SOS tOKHOLLEB KUIU PIAJf O OO. riiHoi K.aul.ctu m and DMlm In Klg Oiaaa Flaaoa Ovar IW PUnai la Sfck 1311-11 11 Barnam St Ornaha. N.b. Ml'SlC tJTf MAIL Illnitrated MbaIc ScUool, 1811 Farnam Music try Man -Lxws than 10a a day. S-PT! roumsa, Invaall. m i hem at tha atiwa of fha yrftM Plunn C, Oinaha. PHONOURAPTI3 AND RKCOROl, Columbia Phonograph Co. axoa to fl any CyUn- I fir ditr TalVlnc Machlna iUU m5. Tou throw) away raonay It you pjr mora. lMt 9AJUTAM STBBB Clc-. R- Goada and Drigi, ,II5S LlouVai'f CllrnU.l. 8yrlr, Rutbar Oooda by Mall, out prloaaT Hand for fraa catalorua. Band a your mall oraora lor arua. Fralsbt palil on. 110 lota, Clcara at out ofloen, 10c a irara, lo. Mrara Sllloa . Bra Ca. BBUGttM . . ltti and Tnraa-i. lil Harp ay. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CIGARS. BREWERIES Always Ask for Mctz Bros. Brewing Co. f AMOIS KEG AND COTTLE BEER .OMAHA. WATER FILTERS. G tfV BBIBX 7UB3. IIUILDKI T7f, J WATBB BT VSTsTO KIS l 80VB Wam jrH.TT.BS. ri C. D. CHEER. Mfar. . . 1801 Baraam St., Omasa, TnmPI4rafES Nebraska Telephone Go, 17163 Subscriisars to Date, PHOTO SUPPLIES, JCSWBBS ABO BJillPVJHJta Or PHOTO SUPPLIES Z.ABOSST XOVSB IB TBS Vltf, The Eobert Dempater Co., ISIS PA KB AM PT, OMAHA. SHOE REPAIRING Standard Shoe Repair Co. . 1804 P ABB AM Wa'do tha work right, phona Paiia;. TUT and we will oall for your wark. Wt sail polish, laiwa and ahoa apaolal tlaa, CLEANING AND tlVKINU. Wa ara baa4uuarla-a fur all oieaalag. dyaiag, a-.l-a" mhI aaaalrlag of la- laa ana geniiemaas aiotnnig. TOUB TBABB SOXaOIVBB THE WARDROBE toil ramam-.B-anoh Oftloa, 1711 Leaveawurth. Toluohotm Doug, It it. LA UN DRIES "TU IIW WAT Wa doji't Iron shirts at all. W areas them. This gtvaa al. attraott.-a flaiah without woaxlng out tha Uneo, BTABB BTBA18 LAVBBBY Est. 1IT4. Allan B. SLamUtoa, Mgr. 811 S. 11th Bt. TaL Xtouglaa B64, TRUNKS AND LEATHER GOODS El IVsj iWH" TOBAOOO QSJOPT BATB IT. TRUNKS &.htY Sail Cases. Bfi as4 lata racket Saeas rtficst rraui INte aSibafa 49Mt BglaWB I BOOtT OMAXA BT IATIOIIIIH THE ONLY HOME CO. Surety Bonds Metropolitan Bend and Sorely Cs. 498 Baw Tort Life Bnfldlng MI-tTIS A'STI MtMNO. For Information oncoming l.fltl mata mining In British Columbia, addreas F. If. KNIGHT Booms 41-aO ColtLnbla Bldg. BVOXAIE, WASXTHOTOW. MONUMENTS Largest Stock in the West J. F. BLOOM a CO. 1813 Farnam St. Omthi FIRST NATIONAL BANK Deposits S12.000.000.00 BATIKS United States National Bank OF OMAHA, NEB. " United States Depository 16th and rtrnim Sta. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK OMAHA. Capita! $1,000,000 BANKS j. L. BRANDEIS & SONS BANKERS PAY 4 INTEREST ON DEPOSITS ATITfOB BANKS. 4 Interest on Deposits CITY SAVINGS BANK Omaha INCORPORATORS. m smtTi . Incorporate Your Company. Mcmay to Vronota Oood Fropoaltlona. THE MERCANTILE INCORPORATING CO. taS-4B STEW TOIK Z.XTB BVXLOXirO. ESIPI.OTERS' REFERENCE AOENCT is skis day or specialists you waata tlma and money aelectlnc your help. WB ABB SPECIALISTS Tha baat ability In tha city la listed with us. Olve us your needs let us assist Von no char to employers. WEST. BXP. Si BOW D ASS. Bnlt 783 IT. T. tlfa. Tel. Dong. 4OT3 REFERENCE AGENTS. HIOH GRADE POSITIONS Keystone Surety and Reference Agt. Inc. B. S. OXiOTUB. Oan. KfT. Suit 404 Bea Bulldtnr. OFFICE FTJRNITl'RH . Best Selection DESKS OMAHA rRnrmiG CO. 1 9th sb4 Faraim Sis. OFFICE SUPPLIES. LOOSB LEAF DEVICES TUla Oablaata, Bites and Suttcss-, Of floe rutvaa. Aa SappUaa af AQ XUsas. ' ASOUOB PTTBLI3ECLNG OO, M0S rtjust SS. m. tsts OFF1CTB SUPPLIES Office Supplies B-arytbiss; 'rom a TU to a TUlBtf Oalstaa OMAHA PRINTING CO. XOtk and Baraa-a Sas TYPEWRITEBS, We will rent you a Typewrit er m low as $2.00 a month. Oawlral TyaawvMa Exohanga teT Baarnam Vooaa Dona;. BOS. AITTAMOBILES AND SAFES. J. J. DEIUGDT & CO. M'huleaalo and Retail Hafes and ABtomoblles . 181A.1818 FARNAM STREET I.IPU AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE. TOM S. KELLY Managar I.lfa and Aeoldent Depart- lii.ats for Biata of K.hraaka, The TvaTalara taawraaoa Cempany liurtfort. Conn, 118 Baa Bldg, Omaha, Neb, Mall Order, Navalty and Pram, Uoada WESTERN SPECIALTY CO. BBOXSBS ABB JDJSTBXBVTOBS Wi(lala Vwwii.r. la -TOTX.TIS, rhSalVM OCOBB taaa OrAtr SnpvLaa af AU Xiaaa iral Claas ljraata Wanted OMAHA, NEB. PUBLICITY DESIGNS EEC KXD'I , i 1 i , f I Omaha Facts In Tabloid Form Omaha's bank clearings amount to $2,000,000 a day, the per cent of Increase being larger than that ' of any other city in the country. Omaha has the most extensive smelting and refin- lng riant in the world. v ' "" Omaha has the largest butter market iq the world. Omaha is the second largest corn market in the world. Omaha is the third meat producing point in the' world. Omaha's packing output in 1906 was valued at $120,00,000, an Increase of $10,000,000 over 1905. Omaha mnnvfacturers produced goods valued al $230,000,000 in 1900. Omaha's combined commerce in 1906 amounted, to $400,000,000. Omaha packers paid $74,000,000 for live stock last year. Omaha stock yards handled 5,680,000 head of live stock in 1906. ' Omaha's bank clearings in 1906 aggregated $504, 388, 7G4. Omaha and South Omaha banks have deposits in excess of $53,000,000. Omaha's jobbing sales amount to $90,000,000 annually. Omaha manufactured 12,000,000 pounds of butter last year and will increase the output by 25 per cent In 1907. , Omaha is the second largest ngrlcultural lniple-, .ment distributing point in the world. JEWELRY AND WATCHMAKERS N.r.SriLUJIU. Dlaawea Expert Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing. SDeclal attention to complicated and Intrl- tiZB. rata r.n.lrlnv All - iy work guaranteed. ' sooni 8 raxton biook, JEWELERS AND WATCHMAKER". Gustafson Q. Henricksort Saooassors to T. B. TXODBUB B OO. Jewelers SL Watchmakers 1514 Oapltel Arena. PHOTOGRAPHERS. BBW IiOCATXON WBAB BZiDO. 18th and rarsam , PHOTOGRAPHERS. 107 SOVTH 16th STREET MILLINERY. RILEY SISTERS exclusive . Millinery 517 SOVTH 16th STREET OMAHA DENTISTRY. MATTHEWS OBXOXBAA BAXBXBSS BSBTXST Largest and Plnaat Bantal Offloa West of Ohloaga Suit 4, Bushman Blk., leth and Doug. IIAIIt STORE. SEE MONHEIT'S BXOX.USTTB XAXB STOBB Tor Bverythlng la Hair Goods, Bale Work, Xalr DreealngySwltohea, wig a aad Topaea. x 1411 TABBAM ST OalAXA, STXB. Telephone Douglas 8333. OPTICIANS Tha H. J. Panfold Go. WB Z.BAD. OTXZBS BOXO.OW SOXSBTXTXO OPTZOXABB Sea Our Bew Xoxlo X.anses 1401 Far nam Bt, Omaha, Neb. Ollra Oil, Candy, Jltaeaa.1 Water.. Imported Oltva OU Ulxacrt Proa Italy 11.11 par gallon. Bpealal prices to dealers. Agenta for Ituyler'a flna eandlee. Fresh dally, Agenta for Whits Rock Mineral Water and Mountain Valley water. Xyers-DUloa Drag Oe. . 18th and Parnam. Daslarrr and Hf. Machinist. P. MELCHIOR'S MACHINE WORKS MABTTT AOTTTBIBO ABB BB. BAXBXBO OB AX.X. XZBDS Or BXAOXIBBBT Braotlng and Oonsultlag Bagtaaars N. Ft Cor, Uth and Howard BL, Omaha. WAGON 111 U.DERS. ANDREW MURPHY & SON Wagon Builders OMAHA, NEBRASKA BOILBR1 WU.BOB STBAJC IOU.H CO. MBjrs. al fahaUr Flaa aa4 rira Sea Men II aea water Tasks, Stasas aa4 Breechlag ft.utrlna ( T -i) Sad Baaa .llrt Saefhl a.- aa4sal4 Factory lth and Pleroa gta.. Omaha MACHINERY SUPPLIES. JOSEPH R. LEHMEK. XMdanartara far B-arythtag Blaotatsal aliway, Biaa-i aaa auu i-u. Proa-ot Shlamaat aad SaUafa U10 FARNAM STRBKT ELEVATORS. .SI'PPLir. ETC. J. R. KENNEDY Passenger and Irttflht Etevattra VPPUCS aad RPAtBINO PhM Bmglaa 104 B lata Bt. HI Omaha has sixty-seven public and private schools and eleven colleges, attended by more than 30,000 .pupils. Omaha's grain exchange received and Bhlpped 84, D0M00 bushels of grain in 1906. Omaha has 100 mile of electric street car lines. Omaha, including South Omaha, has an actual wealth of more than $300,000,000. Omaha's postoffice money order business in 1906 was $8,215,345. Omaha is the center of a railroad system which has 60,000 miles of tracks, giving connection with every principal point in the United States. Omaha Is the center of a circle, having a radius of 150 miles which has a population of 3,000,000 people and produces more agricultural wealth than any siml- lar area on the globe. Omaha is practically the physical center of the United States. v ' Omaha's population is increasing at 112 per cent . per annum. Omaha is one of the healthiest cities in the nation. Omaha is the established financial center of the country between the Mississippi river and the Pacific ocean. Omaha is the best distributing point in the middle west. Omaha offers more advantages to merchants, man ufacturers, laborers and home-seekers than any other city in the country. PLUMBING SANIT-AHf. PLUMBING. T. F. DALFE SXTMBIBG, HOT WATER. ABD TEAK XBATIBGr Oas and Xiao trie Fixtures Bepal Work, a Specialty TaL Bong-. 743. , , 1607 Howard St. - CLEANING AND. PLEATING. Pleating--All Kinds ....DYEINO AND CLEANING.... RUCHTNGS, ' Rl'TTONS. ETC. -Send for prlcefllgt and samples IDAt PLEATING CO. SOI Dong-las Block, Omaha, Bab. CORNICE" WORKS Cornice Bat. ISa. Steal Callings. B. 1m 'OABTBB , SSTBBT SCBTAX. WOBXS rinlala, Metal Boonnr. Tanka, Sky llghta, Shet Metal, Tire proof Win dows. X.arga Stock of Metal CeUlng 1710-20-22-24 Su Marys Avenue Tal. Doug. 802. ' - Omaha. ELECTRIC (SIGNS. - v . . SEB tTS BOB ELECTRIC SIGNS Omaha Electric . tight & Power Co. .TBXh.BOVQXiAS 1088. FIXTURES, ELECTRIC AND GAS Gas and Electric Fixlnres Whofeeala and Ratall BURGESS-G8ADE. CO. HIS. 1Kb St. GAS WATER HEATERS Why heat up your coal range Just to heat water when a Gaa Water Heater will give you enough hot water for' a bath in a few minutes. .Wa sell them. OMAHA GAS CO. STEEL ENGRAVING. PRINTING. ETC. KOTERA a COMPANY Steal and Copper Plate En graving. Emboaatng and Printing lilt Jackssa St, Oraaka, Nek. ENGRAVING HALF-TONE ti ZINC ETCHERS ENGRAVING. f. 3 ANIMAL FEED A. W. WAGNER mlcsale aal let all Deakr la FEED FOR ANIMALS TaL Deas:1aa 1143 S0I-3-S-7-S-1I N. 16ih St.. Omaha PEED POR ANIMALS M. ROSENBLATT Wholaaala Bay, Bra a. Data, raad BEST QRADBS OK COAL Offloa, Coal Yard aad Oral sie-atox Tal. 1412. lfZI Nicholas St. WHOLESALE SHOES. Hayward Bros. Shoe Co.'s STANDARD FOOTWEAE SLAB PSOTXB BXST BY TXST. OMAHA, : : : NEBRASKA MOVING AND STORAGE OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. Mo-es, Packs aad Stvres Mous.hotd laooaa. Iff lyuth Broi Jr xsori BUSINESS BROKERS Do you want to sell - or buy any bunlnem We do tha work quick. Also exchange your atore for land, or land for business. Wt handle rirmi, City Baal Batata, Bentals, X.oana and Znauranoa. Let ua hava your patronage. SILSlill X.OWXAB, 610 Bee Bldg. Omaha. Neb. DESIGNERS. Let us DRAW you a DRAWING tliat Will DRAW you trade. K. O. BVBBEX.Z. A CO., Commercial Artists 822 N. Y. Life Douglas 6149 BUILDERS. The Western Dome Builders Will Build Tour Home for Ton. and Let Ton ray for It Like Bant 81-38 U. S. BATXOBAX, BABX BX.DO. Phone. Song. 4503 Wholesale and Retail Point. Wa ara sole agents for law Broe., XClgk Standard Paints and S. ft X., p. ft S. Bnkota , and a complete Una of Tarnlala Call or write for color card. afyere-Dlllon Drug Oo. BBtrosi r. AIBTl 18th and rarnam, 1418 Barney. SIGN PAINTING. S. II. COLE SIGN COMPANY S I G NS f Xrsry Baaoriptioa lSOS Xonglas St. TaL Boug. SS1S FURNACES. AmeriGan FurnaGO BVTX.T X.TXB A BOTX.BB CLXAB, PPBABLB. XOOBOMZOAX W. S. HEATON Sw-KSt. 1381 rarassi St Tbase . tm COAL. Central Coal & Coke Co. OF OMAHA 1 5th and Harney PRINTING. mmm PRINTING. "Have Root Print It" I31043IS Howard 84, Omaha. Nebraska. Telephone Doaglae 1604 PRINTING). Oaa. . Btnen Alsart rtauaar SXEIX PRINTING CO. PABTIOUXvAB rBXBTBBS SIS South lath St, Omaha, Bah, Telephone Deuglaa 8784 OOUI WOBX -t- BMBOSSXaTO PRINTING. Imltatiea Trpewsittra LaH tera, BrtMtlaal Prratlng, Ba Joh Tea Large or Taa Small. WOBX BXSXT rBXCBS BIOXT ANCHOR FTBLJSHINO CO. 1CSS raraaaa St. TaL Bang. SSM PRINTING. COBTXBBBTAX. PBXBT BXOr ALL WORK " Gat ' our estlmataa and savs money. ' Telephone Boaglaa 4603. Boom 81 U. S. Bai l Bank Building, OhCABA. I I I BBBBABXA. PRINTING Good Printing No Job too small. No Job too large And tha aama careful attention to detail.. OMAHA PRINTING CO. loth and rarnam Sta. PRINTING. TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS ABB TBS BBST BOOSTlafl pob iohsj . aosiaiiss , WB BUUCB XBUI BBavrBtfX BXBV HANSON OX CO. SMapheme Xaae 108 Ba. 18th St. 1 tOVl OPFOBTDWITT HOXI OB 1 15 VESTMENT 8-room lions, strictly modern, oiv GeorRla Avonuo, bnat location. Have tenant, will pnv 8 month!" In ndvance at $4o prr mi'ntli. I'rtco II.Rno. BIKXETT S TEBSBItS, 493 Bee Bid p. 'Phone Dong. 4764. 'Mi ESTATE. Globe Land and Investment Co. Baal Xstato and Xaytstmanta rarm and Baneh Lasas Tor Sale or Trade. ltta rarnam St. TaL Bong, ssea HEAL ESTATE. S-BOOM MODZBB HOUSE Tull lot near 40th and Cummlng Sta. 89,000. Alao sareral flna vacant lota oaa ha aoia at right prioa. Hutchinson-Bollard Co., 18S3 FARNAM. HEAL ESTATE. 1033 S. SOth Bt. 3-Room Cottage. 81,300 1038 8. SOth St. 5-Room Cottage. $l,5SO Street Paved and City Water McCague Investment Co. lf.Os Do.Irc 8t. REAL ESTATE. CHOICE LOT South and East corner front, paved street and walk all paid for, 1 block to car line. Only 1560. J. W. RASP CO., 435 Pa-ton Block. Douglas 1683. REAL ESTATE BaJ BY Uo.ii. A H fJJ J Uiro4 r--,j, an. LI L HEAL ESTATE. 180S rarnam St. TaL Dong. 8887 Shimer Qi Co. BSAXi BBTATE. XBVBSTUBBTS, BBBTAX.S, XBSVBABOB BTXX.BBBS Or XOSXBB XOTJ8ZS Omaha, Nebraaka. REAL ESTATE. 3. B. DUHOST, J. B. DUMOWT. J. H. DUMONT & SON BBAX, XSTATB, STOCKS, BONDS BSBTAXB, LOAMS, riBB XB8UBABCB 1605 rABRAM STBBZT, TaL Bonglaa 6S0. OXAXA. REAL ESTATE Payne Investment Co. CITS BBAX, BfiTATE, XiOABS ABB BXBTAX.S, X.ABDS ABD BAXOXSS "Tha "Alfalfa Land Men" Main Floor. N. Y. I. Bldg., Omaha REAL ESTATE. ALFRED 0. KENNEDY BBAX, XSTATB, X.OABS, XXSTTBABCB, BBBTALB SOS rirst Hatlonal Bank Building, TaL Bong. 783. OMAHA. BEB. REAL ESTATE. $2850 WILL EUY. 8-room modern house' and barn and full east front lot, near Banaoom Park. Avnnnal rental $360. VXBY CHEAP. JOHN W. ROBBCM8 1808 Farnam Tal. Douf. StS REAL. ESTATE. D. V. SHOLES CO. Real Estate, Insurance 110 BOABB OP TBADB TaL Bonglaa 48. OM ABA. REAL ESTATE. Loala Barka Ohaa. Stelger BERKA a CO. BBAX. XSTATB City Property, rarm X,anda, Loans, laTastmaata and rira Xnaoraaoa Office: III N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglaa 77. REAL ESTATE. n.T.r. ros ova plat or WEST FARNAM LOTS SLAOO to SL600 raoh Harrison & Morton 818 V. T. Life TaL Dong. SI 4 MEAL ESTATE. MORTGAGE LOANS 18.000,000 TO LOAM on ' Improved city property. If deaired loana can he cloaed wltheut delay. W. H. THOMAS, 503 rtBST BATIOHAX. BABX BLDG. REAL ESTATE. ERNEST SWEET SIS Baw York Xdfa Building Builder ef High Class Residences Bereral Baw Bead at 39rd and Barney (Farnam Hill LMmrlul) Baa Tham Today REAL ESTATE. GEORGE & CO. Baal E-tata Ahatraota of Tltla lavaatmaut Saeucltlaa 1601 Farnam St- Omtht.NtB. HEAL ESTATE. ILC PETERS a CO.. v Baa Building MOETCVCE LOANS, REAL ESTATE BENTALS, LSL1ACE HEAL ESTATE. GARVIN BROS. Bay aad sail BBAX. BSTAXa. OoUaot Beata. Baat Property. Tioaa Moaar as Baal Batata. 184 r A BaT AM BT. BENSON & MYERS 518 N. Y. Llfa Bldg.. OMAN A Special attention given to prop erlr for out-of-town cllenta. . REAL ESTATE. THOMAS BRENNAN First Floor New York Llfa Bldg. Make- a specialty of handling rroperty owned by eastern parties, and has ex clusive agency of every piece of prop erty on his hooks. Lean Money st the Leweat forrest Bitr s tnterril HEAL ESTATE. WRIGHT & LASBURY Real Estate and Insurance Tel. Douglas 152 504 South Sixteenth Street. REAL ESTATE. BENSON Sl CARM1CHAEL Rest Estate, Care of Properties, Insurance, Loans . 848 PAXTOX BLOCK, OMAHA. REAL ESTATE. If you want to buy or sell Improved city property; Im proved farm property: unim proved land, see Bc fss fit Yes Oat! REAL ESTATE. ELEVEN ROOM HOUSE Walking distance, on our line, renta at $35.00 QQ-Cn per month, for. . . . . . "-a i i)V National Investment Co. Phono Donglaa 66S1. Bonglaa 3 look. REAL ESTATE. YOUR OPPORTUNITY Baw modern 8-room house, $8,578, $500 cash. 3614 Grand Ave. C P TRAVER ''hon "d 4781, REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. Lots 11 and 18 In B. a Oxford Place Price for both 85D0. Lot 11 In Smith's Park, being oa 16th and Burdette Sta., prloe $1,100. 8. PBAXX Phona Doug.' 3600 331 Neville Blk. REAL ESTATE. 50 ACRES of a mile weat of Elmwood park, Sently rolling land, every foot oan s cultivated; fine spring. Pine for a country home, dairy farm or garden land. ' o'xxxra bbax. estate co- 1001 N. . Ufa Bldg. Omaha. REAL ESTATE. H. B. Payne. S. P. Bostwlck, E. M. Slater PAYNE, BOSTW1CK & COMPANY BXAX. ESTATE. BXNTALR CITY X.OAN8, IB8UKANCB Mala rioor N. Y. Llfa Bldg. Telephone Douglas 1016. HEAL ESTATE tit. til. HI Meatuly rsynrnlt. I2S. liO. $75. IIMCirt Are the terms on which we sell lots, houses, homes and properties of all kinds. Only per cent Interest. Start paying for a home today and waste no more paying rent. ' utaell t McKllrlrk Ca.. -:t Same Bldg. HEAL ESTATE. W. Farnam Smith & Co. Loans, Real Estate, Rentals and Fire Insurance 1330 r ABBAM BT. OMABA.' REAL ESTATE. Investments, R.eavl Estate, ' Rentals, Mortgage Loans INsVRANCC ' M. J. KENNARD O. CO. - S09-3I8 Brown Blook. REAL ESTATE. Heal Batata Abstract ef Xnaoraaoa - Titles Loana mentals The Byron Reed Company BIS Beuth 14th Street rhcae 87 OMAHA, ABSTRACTORS, S. RL SADLER & SON Abatraclora and Title Examiners New Loeslloa Mtr Sea th ISIb St ' AMNTRACT OF TITLES i l l I ABSTRACTS or XI TPS- 8 rias.rraT reyxtis orcnaKi f aaa aua mm wama ABSTRACTORS. Midland Guarantee & Trust Co.! Incorporated 1886 Abstracts of Title. Title Insurance 1714 rarnam St. TaL Deng. 808 ABSTRACTORS. EED ABSTRACT CO, 171$ feraaia Strert, Omaha. Kck. ABSTRACTS OK TITLES , A 1A KJtJk -"- 1 LI