THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 22. 1D07. r ( A CRAIX AND PRODUCE MAKKtl firm and Steady After Stronj Ad vance Friday. TJTTLE ACTIVITY 13 APPARENT tables Arc omnhat Hauler Tkaa I'revtoas I)a, knt I'rlera Are Holding Well Drapite the Hear)- Melllae. I OMAHA. Sept. 21. 17. After the strotiK advance ol yesterday '.lie market opined lnm and steady, but little activity was shown.' Cshles ramo nnme easier, but relies ars hnldii.R Well In spite of thu heavy silling. Wheal o'tieil ilrm and steadv, mainliain-' t'ng well ihn advance ef yi atenjay. iM.iat all of the loriR wheat ling been sold and i be market has taken It well ami In proving the predictions of the bull factions. Sep tember wheat opened nt 90'ac and closej at W'Hc. Corn opened very firm and heavy buying nd replacing of lines which were auld on the advance wua the strong feature. Sep tember corn opened at BTc and closed at txe. Uats opened some easier and worked (town some on free celling, which did not have the least support. There was some casing off on the oemand and trading died down almost to nothing. September oats opened at fciifcc and closed at H-Jc- Clearances were 44,w bu. of coin, none of oata. and wheat and flour equal to 4l7,uuO bu. Liverpool closed HTtd lower on wheat and Ha higher on corn. Local ratine 01 options- . , Articles. Open. High.) Low. Close ! Yes y. AV heat Kept. . . leo.... May... Corn Kept... Iec... May... Cats Sept... Dec... " May... 901 1 OOVj, 62! M I 52S! 90',, 1HV 1 UUVi M 96 I 1 01 I 60s! -! 6W.I Wis I .i I 1 VI I 63Vil 62?,! 61 , -! Wl 17 61V, -"l Omaha Casta Friers. . WHEAT No. 2 hard. KViWci-No. hard, fc'.i'u!im,c; No. 4 hard, Mlilwo; No. a spring, Ko'n'.Mc; no grade, 7o4(j3c.. , U)KN-Nu, is. teWvnVc; No. 4, MV66c; no giada, 614i6.1c; No. 3 yellow, 574nWc; No. & white, ottsjwJHc. OAIS-No, 1 white, 4647o; No. 4 white, 46icttH;, standard, 47V4m:. i Y E No. i, IWVla; No. S, 785fS0c. ' larlot t Receipts. Wheat. Corn, Oats. Chicago .......... Kansas City Minneapolis Omaha Uviluth Bt. Louis ..HH tea 296 ..i7a ..126 .. H7 ..23 .. W 41 37 CHICAGO GltA IS AND PROVISION Feat ares of the Tradlac '! Cloalas Prices oa Boar of Trade. CHICAGO, Sept. 21. Fresh damage re ports from the Canadian northwest offset today's sharp decline In wheat prlcea at Liverpool and caused the local market to close steady. Final quotations on the De cember delivery were a shnde higher than yesterday's close. Corn was , lower. Outs showed a net loss of c ITovlslons w -re unchanged to 2V:-ioc lower. Mie wheat market opened weak because of tho failure of the Liverpool market to respond to tho 2c advance here yesterday. A decline of Vo'sd at Liverpool was due. It was said, to an estimate on the world's shipments for the week which placed the amount at a much larger figure than had been generally anticipated. During the first hour selling was quite general, but toward the middle of tho day demand became much more brisk and sentiment became bullish. The Improvement in demand was caused by additional reports of injury to the Canadian crop. Buying continued to be fairly active the remainder of the day. Tho market closed steady. December opened HHc to V lower at SI lmtfl.014, sold up to $1.WVn ' 14 and closed at $1.02. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal xL' 10 tiWi.Onn bu. Kxnorts for the week,, as liown by Brads! reel's, were equal to '.(41,000 bu. Primary receipts were 7,0IJ0 (l.u., compared with 979.0UO the corresponding clay a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 62 cars, as agulnst 427 last week and "SO a year ago. Sentiment In the corn pit was bearish because of the failure to materialism of I rest in the corn belt, which had been fore casted for last niht. Liberal receipts and a break in oats were additional weukentng Influences. There was considerable week end profit taking in evidence throughout the entire session. The close was about steady. December opened Vic lower at 6Sii6sic sold up to 6V and closed at 6SH. Local receipts were 663 cars, with 2!2 of contract grade, Oats were weak, owing to selling brought out by liberal primary receipts, which were double those of the corresponding day a year ago. Absence of demand by leading bulla also had a depressing effect. De cember opened Hfil'c lower at 52'7f63c, held within that range and closed at 6Jc. Local receipts were S5 cars. Provisions were quite firm early In the day because of moderate demand based on a G&'lOr advance In live hogs. Later, how ever, the market eased on profit taking. At the close January pork was off 2H(fi5c at S15.22H. lard was unchanged at ti.Sit t.STVt and ribs were down 2Vic at 17.92. Ktlmntd receipts for Monday: Wheat, 227 cars; corn, 1,046 cars; oats, 434 cars; hogs, 32,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: ArUcles-l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.l Yes'y Wheat Sept. Dec. May Corn Sept. Deo. May Oate Sept. lec. May Fork On. Jan. Lard Oct. Jan. Ribs Oct. Jan. I 7ti : 97 1 01 Vt 1 10 1 07-iJj, . 1 02 I 07l 1 OS 1 (rift 62 62 6S 68 . b 6H 69 64H 69H' ) 63?4 63 64H 62-H. 624 63V 64 MH oi 14 65 14 66 14 90 li 24 15 25 16 27Vi 96 I 9TV, S Ki U J 5 7V, 40 t 42H 40 TSCSr Kilt 7 95 l oiy,fc'!l ccitoi HIM 1 IUV. 1 7VU1 1 UKV, KlVi 6W4 bS P (f'Vkl 64 .KVHiiai 14 65 14 to 15 ICVil 87V4 4 T irrsl 7 97H No. a Cash quotations were as follows i'LOUK Firm; winter patents, 4.aiKgvt.60: "trsitKUtai.; spring patents! ,rln H-ihts, Itauui W; hakers, WHEAT-No. J spring, tl.OKm OS: No S spring, 6c4j1.0&; No.- 3 red. STfoKTVto ityir-No. 9, wvjcmc. BAK1.KY-Oood feeding, 7S80c: fair to choice malting. SuVc. SUKDH Flax. No. 1 northwestern II "7 Clover, contract grade, $1 75. ' PROVlSlONS-ahoit ribs sides (loosed S.rvI(.60. Mesa pork, per bbl.. (14 Km lu Lard, per 100 lbs.. 06. Short clear sides tboxed), IS.(avt.7Vi. . ms Receipts and shipments of flour and grain' .... Receipts. Shipments." Klmir. bbls 23 WO s7.gio beat. bu.. .-. lW.&JO ar Cmi I orn, bu 747.910 SSj'i 1 1''J)U .4S2.IM) 4ua.i0 ' bu 13U.90O 9,oifl Ou the Produce exchange todav ths but fj.r n,rket was steady; creameries, 23v-ff JSe; dairies. 21fiXi,e. Eggs, firm; at mark, oases Included, l4V,im; firsts. 20c; prime firsts, aiV,o. Cheese, steady to firm. 12'tfUc. Mllwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Bept. n.-llEAT-Dull; tJ,Mr riL- ?1-uuW-: o- northern. ll.OMj l Os: December, 11.03, asked. HV IS-Doll; No. 1. toe. . Llreruool Crala ana Provisions. LIVERPOOL Bept. H.-WHEAT-Spot, nominal; futures steady; September Ts lid: December, ts Hd; March, ss 2ld CORN-Soot, firm; prime mixed. Ameri can. 6s V,d. Ftiture:. steady; October 6s kTvi; January, new. 6s $d. Mlnnennolla Crala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. a.-WTiEAT September, $l.Vi; Docember, $10Vk- May $1 ir: No. I hard. old. $1.12W; No. 1 hard' Bew, ll.ll7; No. 1 northern, old, $I.UU; No 1 DorUiero, new, fl.lo'; No. 1 northern, oldi L',: N. 2 north' m, new, n.ea; No. 3 iio'tii'-rn. 11 'i.'.'.l.i'7. " KIOI R -Flr.t re.tnnts, t".-li6.4': sc-oml I'utr-nis, tij1)rs,; ttr,t dears, .lii4.'i. """nil eh ers, i..Vg..i. t'HAN In bulk, J" i .JC1.00.- OMAHA WtlOI.K'At.r. it Alt KKT. ( ondltlon at Trade aasl (taatatloas aa "tattle and Fancy Prod ace. KOOS Per dox.. ltic. M'TI'KH Pncklng sKM-k. LliJiUjc; choice to fnn y dairy, i'c; rrramrry. '-. LlVli lUi'L I'ltY-Hprlng chicken., 11c; hens, !U"r',i-; millers, Oc; turkeys. Uc; ciuckH. y'tliH'; geese, tic. HAY choice N. 1 upland. $tn.0O: me dium, Jv..-; No. 1 bottom, Ivm); o grades from lo.r.i) to W.OiJ; ie straw, $7.W); No. 1 Haifa, Hlii. FKI ITS AND MEI-ONS. APPI.KP Wealthy. per bu.; Call fornU r. -llef".. his. fc.ilf 2.JD; Wolf river apples. $4.00 r bbl. V A l l.i.Alfc.1 iNt Kifh, 2ii;4i'c; dated for siniur ent, I'c $-rr lb. CANTALOl'PK Rocky Ford, standard craie, 12. jo; borne grown, mandard. $1.75. I'TAH PEACHES-Per box, $1.35; Colo rado, tl Si. 1'KAJtS Purtletts, V.M per box; Flemish ben.itii'R. fv GUAfKS-Home rrown, S-lh. basket, 23 till-; California mal.tca. $1.76. l'RCNKa-t iah RbIIhii. $1.25; silver, $1.25; Hungarian, $:'.uo. RLri-IiiatttlKa-Per lH-qts., $2.60. NAVY BKAN8 Per bu., No. 1, $2.(KK3i Mi': No. 2. $i.ln; Lima. 5V4n per lb. ltrrATOKS Per bu.. new, $75c. R KAN 3 New wax and string, 40500c per market bbrkct. ' UKF.TS. TURNIPS AND CARROTS Per market basket, 50o. RADIKH KH Per dos. bunches, home grown, 2i:c. TO.MATOKS Home grown, market bas ket cr:iti 5H-. ' CfCt'MnKRf4 Per basket, 36-ff4"c. CKT.F.HV Kain. liaison, 3i4i3jc. ONIONS Yellow and red, 2c per lb.; SpaMnh per crate, $1.35. NEW PEPPERS Per market basket, 60C S WRIST FOTATOKS-Market basket, 60c; Virginia sweets, ir bbl.. $.1.59. REEF -'Ua EEF.F C'l'TS-No. 1 ribs. 14c; No. 2 ribs. Uc; No. rlr-s, iiUc; No. 1 loin. 1S-: No. 2 loin, ise; No. 3 loin, 9c; No. 1 c'nuik, 5'sC; No. 2 chuck, 4Vic; No, 3 chuck, 3Vic; No. 1 round, SK-; No. 2 round, he; No. S round, 7c No. 1 plate, 3c; No. 2 ;ilute, iVc; No. a plate, 2c. TROPICA- FRUITS. LEMONS Limonei a, Sii sixe, $7.00; other brands, 50ril less. DATES Kadawav, 514c; Sayers. 5c; Hal lowls, 6c; new BU Ted walnut datei, 9 lb box. $l.i0. BANANAS Pet medium sized bunch, $2.0r'(i2.i-i: -Jumbos, $2.0u53.50. OHANOE8-Vali-ncias. i end f6 sizes, $4.5"a4.75; 126, 350, 176, 2(10 and 210 sizes, $5.23 &D.00. MISCELIJNEOtI8. COFFEE Roaat-d, No. 35, 2e per lb.; No. 20, 14Vic per lb.; No. 25, 19c per lb.; No. 21. 12c per lb KIBH Halibut, Uc; trout, l.V; pickerel, 30c; pike, 14c; pike, fresh frozen. 12c; whitensh, 14"ile; buffalo, 8c; bullheads, skinned and drtsned, 13c; cattish, dressed, 17c; white perch, 7c; white bass, 15c; black bass, 2uc; sunfish, Cui-. crappies, 6'uc; large crappies, 15c; herring, fresh frocen, tic; Whitehall, frozen, 13ralac; pickerel, fresh frozen, Vc; Spanish mackerel, ISc; native mackerel, 18(36c per fish; codfish, fresh frozen, 12c; red snipper, 12c; loanders, fresh frozen, 12c; haddock, fresh frozen, lie; smelts, 13c; shad roe, 45c per lb.; frog less, 35c per dos.; green sua turtle meat, 25o per lb. CANNED GOOD? Corn, standard west ern, 6c. Tomatoes, fancy 3-pound cans, $1.46; standard, 3-ponnd cans. $1.25. Pine apples, grated, 2-pound, $2.2.30; sliced, $1.75(2.35. Gallon apples, $.1.23. California apricots. $2.00. Peara, $1.754'-.50. Peaches, $1.752.40. L. C. peaches, ?2.fliWi2.60. Alaska salmon, red, $1.2u; fancy Chinook, flat, $2.15; fancy sockeye, fiat. $1.95. Sardines, quarter oil, $3.2; three-quarters mustard, $3.10. Sweet potatoes, $l.Vv1.35. Sauerkraut, 90c. l'umpklns, 80Wy$1.0o. Lima beans, 2-pound, 75cf(itl.25. Soaked peas, 2-pound, 00c; fancy, $l.4(1.4u. HIDES AND TALLOW Oroen salted. No. 1, 8V4c; No. 2, V6c; bull hides, Oc; green hides, No. 1, 7c; No. 2, 6c; horse. $1.5041.1.50; sheep pelt, 50ctJ$l.26. Tallow. No. 1, 4Vc; No. 2. 3Vo Wool, 15C22c. WEATHER IV TUB GRAI.V BELT Fair and Warmer Is Forecast for the Sabbath. OMAHA. Sept. 21. 1907. The cool wave has extended eastward over the upper Mississippi valley and lako region, and slightly cooler weather la gen eral In the lowej valleys and gulf etates. Killing frost occurred in North Dakota and light to heavy frosts were general in the mountain district. Light, showers oc curred In the middle Mississippi and Ohio valleys within the last twenty-four hours and rain is falling in the southern states this morning. Tne weather is generally clear west of the Mississippi river and will continue fair in this vicinity tonight and Sunday, with slightly warmer Sunday. Omaha record of temperature and precipi tation compared with tho corresponding day of the last three years: , , ' . . 19OT. l'JOe. 1905. 1904. Minimum temperature ... 64 66 58 m Precipitation 00 00 00 T Normal temperature for today, 64 degrees Deficiency in precipitation since March l' 6.74 inches. ' Deficiency corresponding period In 1P06 1.82 inches. ' 1 i!1c'!ncy corresponding period in 1905, 4.00 inches. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Crm iid Wheat Regloa Balletla. For the twenty-four hours ending at S a. ber "1 $J3j?'.rldlun Ume' 8aturdayi Septem OMAHA DISTRICT., jus, jam. inn. Sky. Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear twelve-hour Ashland. Neb. 45 45 .00 Auburn, Neb.... Cohimbus, Neb., Fairbury, Neb.. Fairmont, Neb., Or. Island. 'nh .00 .00 .00 .to .(I) .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .Oil .00 .00 4tt 44 45 48 55 47 46 64 4 46 43 43 43 Hartlngton, Neb. 70 Hastings, INeb. Oakdale, Neb.. Omaha, Neb... Tekamah, Ntb Alta, la Carroll, la Clarlnds In Sibley, la tStJ oiuux i-uy, 1a 68 62 .00 Minimum Ipninarafu period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. Nn. of - 't.e m n u.i. Central. Stations Chicago. Ill IS Columbus. 0 17 Indianapolis, Ind.. 11 IxuiMville. Ky 12 Omaha, Neb IS Max. Min. Inches 76 62 .02 8 SO 0 73 64 2 64 46 .14 .111 .00 j l. IjOUIS. Mo 11 s4 68 , iv fnnlef H'athA Yinm . i . .10 . r.n-nnrii eastward over the corn and wheat region. K'lllim frost occurred in North Dnkota last niuht Light showers occurred east of tho Missis sippi river. U A. 'WELSII, Local Forecaster. St. Loots General Market. ST. LOl'ia. 6ept21.-WHKAT-F1rm; track. No. 2 red. cash, 8K!i99c; No J hard 98c4i$1.02; December, !c; May, $l.ojl (tt" CORN Firm; track. No. 2 cash, eiKt-fi CIV: December. 54M54c: May, 57V.Bj;tc No. J white, 61fi;c. nu.-t, OATS-Firnr. trac k. No. I cash, 4Rtf4S4c December. 4.c; May, 61'4c; No. 3 white 52c. FLOl'R Firm; red winter pstents. $4 n.a clear.'uJVo"Cy a,ralel,, UMM' PEFD Timothy, strong; J4 OOtfN.40. COKV MEAL-Stesdy; $2 85. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, $1.13 AY-Firro; timothy, $12.0OgC0.60; prstrle. 1 RON COTTON TIES $1.10. RAGOINU 11 6-lo. HEMP TWINE-llo. PHOVISIOXS-Pork. higher; Jobbing. - -- ....,.-. , niaam, l.oa. lt rneate, lower; boxed extra shorts. I $26; clear ribs, 25; short clears. I9.37W. Bacon, lower; boxed extra short. $0.12V4' clear ribs. $10,124; short clea $10.25. ... OL'kTRY Quiet: chickens, loc; springs. n?.;4rr- y" 13a1c; ducks. 8Vic; geese, 6c. tviAi D .?y: crtamry. av-u27Vie. iXHJS Firm, 17c, case count. s-i. kki Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls jo o nv Wheat, bu (wmo svmo Corn, bu r) noo O"1. u 152,UH1 83.010 Dalath Crala Market. DULUTH. Sept. S1.AV1I EAT No. 1 northern. $1.13: No. I northern. $111. September. $1 12V. December, $1 loi; jlayi Metal Market. NEW YOHIC. Sept. f. -METALS There was no change of consequence In the metal market and business was quiet in the ab sence of cabin. Tbi wsa quoted st $jrjT5j 87 2S. Copper was more or less nominal I-ead and spelter were weak at recent 1 pi Tea. Iron was unchanged. 8T. LOUIS. H. pt. 21 M ETA L8 Lead, j dull at $4.50. spteUer. dull at $!.!. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market is Quiet, with an Unusually Strong Undertone. LITTLE SELLING FOB PROFITS I nloa I'arilr Statement of Raralnas for July Shows Deficit Dae to Men so re la Operating Expenses. NEW YORK. Sept. 21 Today s strong bank statement emphasized the better feel ing which has been in course of growth In the financial world throughout the week. Thn stork market was quiet, but the un dertone whs notably strong and tbero was none of the pressure to take profits usual at tho close of a week or Mttvanri. The Improved situation wns reflected even more pronouncedly In the bond division, where comprehensive advunces occurred, though on a moderate volume of business. The continued absorption of the New York City i't per cent bonds on a rising scale was a paramount factor In the bond mar ket Improvement. The five-year bonds sold st W7 and the ten-year Issue at ICS, com pared with Issue prices or 102 and below "1, respectively. This is the season of the financial world when the New York banks often are surrendering large cash holdings to supply the interior demands for currency and the same time make drastic cuts in loan Items to fit (he deposits to the depos Its reserve proportion. This week's state ment, on the contrary, with the liberal lonn expansion of $8.t'.00, there was an addi tion to the surplus over me legal reserve requirement of $1,4S,4iiO. News incidents of the dav did not re ceive much attention, nor did the many rumors in circulation of a determination by authorities in the copper companies to re duce the dividend distribution on those stocks. The July earnings statement of the Harriman Pacllics were striking: for the heavy Increase of operating expenses, Union Pacific's gain in prross earnings being con verted Into an actual decline In net earn ings by this process. The $.17,000,000 decrease In loans reported by the New York etato trust companies from June 4 to August 22 was reirnrded as Interesting confirmation of the similiir showing of tho New York banks In proving the loan expansions reported by the national bunks of the whole country for that period to be confined to territory Out sido of New York. The market closed strong. Bonds were strong, with greater activity. Total sales, par vnlue, $1,556,000. United States registered advanced '4 per cent on cull during the week. The following whs tho range of prices on the New York Stock exchange: 8i1m. Hljb. Lew. Clon. AiUmi Eipn'M : Amsljamsird Copper 17,S0 2Ni i 6! Am. C. A r 1.200 39 3H 3S Am. C. A F. pfd 100 M 4't Am. Cotton Oil J2 Am. ration OH pf4.. 8.1 Am. Kiprras 1M Am. II. A L. pfd 16Uj Am. Ice SecurttlM 43 Am. Llnnerd Oil Am. Llni1 oil pfd , IStfj Am. Locomotive 900 534 &3 bS Am. Locomotive prd 101 Am. B. A R 7,504 94 93 '4 Am. 8. R. prd 7 Am. Sugar Reflnlni $00 114 1124 1:4 Am. Tohcco pfd ctfl , 77i Anaconda Mining Co 4.209 tn 9914 40H Atrhlaon 3,4'M) fcS 7 Al( hiton pfd 100 t' 8H K9ij Atlantic Cosat Llns K.1 Baltimore A Ohio 6 l H dlS Bil. Ohio pfd i Brooklyn Rapid Tr 4.1W 4Vi K i Canadian Pacific 400 15 Ontral of Naw Jaraay 177 Chmapeaka & Ohio f 34 14 S4H Ctiliaiio Ot. W too l t li Chliago A N. W 100 147'4 1474 147 '.. M. & Bt. P...' J.8H0 122 lais lis ChlcKO T. & T 4 C hicago T. & T. pfd 1". '., C, C. & St. L. M Colorado V. & 1 2Ji; Colorado A So 1,100 24 23V4 23', Colo. & 80. lit pfd 1.000 &3i M Mi Colo. & 80. 2d pfd 10O 4.1ft 43 4St, Coniolldated Uai 1(H Corn Produrti, rfg igi Corn Products pfd too ti (4 5 Dolaaara & Hudmn 10) leoft MOV liMl Del., L. A W 474 Denver A R. O l.soo u 24 24U D. & R. O. pfd 10) m M Dlttllltrs' Securlttea 400 (7 Kt Wli P-rla 4.1O 21H aivi Si Krla lit pfd 4 Erin 2d pfd 100 .Id ID 37 Omieril Klcclrlc 1V0 1.8 lit 125 Illinota r'antral 13SU. Intarnatlonal Piper 200 ll4 1!4 11 Int. Paper prd 99 Int. Pump 20v, Int. Pump pfd , 70 Iowa Central inn 16S 1S 1 Iowa Central pfd 100 28 W SD Kanaaa City 80 284 K. c. So. pfd 20i U, ,( Louisville N 100 1 SV, lotv u Mexican rentrnl MO 17V, 174 17 Mlaneapolla A Bt. I u 41 40U 40 M., 8t. P. A B. 9. M 69 M.. St. P. 8. S. M. pfd. ?00 1M IM 130 MI.eourl Paclfto 100 7IH, 704, tv Mluourl, K. A T 1,000 364 S l M., K. A T. pfd 6ii National LJd 400 63 40 50 N. R. R. at M. pfd 47 Nw York Central 401 pi74 107 int N. T., O. W 100 M 3414 3u Norfolk A W 400 73 72 71 Norfolk A W. pfd 71 North American 61114 Pacific Mill ; y, Pennsylvania 4.400 121S W 12IS People's Oaa 87 P.. C, C. A 8t. U c& Praned Steel Car 600 24 28 28 Preiied 8. C. pfd M Pullman Palace Car. t lf5 R-adlng 25,400 7 6'4 7H Reading lit pfd 7R Reading 2d pfd 78 Republic Hteel 100 214 314 t4 Republic Steel pfd 100 74 74 744 Rock Island Co , 204 Kork liland Co. prd 100 44 44 464 St. U A 8 P. 24 pfd J7u St. Lou I. 8. W g St. L. 8. W. pfd 42 Southern Piclflo 1,200 8114 Mi 80. Pacific pfd 100 110 110 109 4 80. Railway 100 i u 157. So. Railway pfd M4 Texaa A Pacific fc?4 Toledo, St. L. A W 10 2 2 a4i T.. at. L. A W. pfd SO) 47', 474 4714 t'nlnn Pacific 14. too 133 1314 132V t'nlon Pacific pfd luo 114 114 M4 tr. 8. Express 87 t'. 8. Rubber , ju V. e. Rubber pfd 200 WW 004 to U. 8. Steel 10.300 24 294 V. 8. Steal pfd S,00 24 tl 2 Va. -Carolina Chemical 2 Va.-Caro. Cham, pfd 100 34 34 3ft Wahaaa 1114 Wabaali pfd 204 Wells-Karro Etpresa 250 Westlnghnuna Klectrle 130 Western I nlon 75 Wheeling A L. E 3 Wisconsin Central 1x14 wia. Central pfd , nj Ot. Northern prd 4.700 111X4 Jjfli 13, Northern PaclQo 8.7Th 13.14 ) 1324 Central Leather 100 is t i Central Leather prd 1"0 83 83 3 Blois-ShefTield Steel 200 43 43 4814 lnterhorough Met 1.7"0 1044 14 Int Met. pfd 400 2i, 27 24J Total sales for the day, lf4.5O0 shares. Xew York Mosey Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 21.-MONEY-On call, nomlnat. Tlmi luuns quiet and ateadv: sixty days, 6Vs per cent; ninety days, 71(5 per cent; six months, t per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAP10R-6'a7 per cent. STERLING EXCIIANOB-Steady, with setuni business in bankers' bills at $4.f!jhi 4.IC75 for' demand, and at $!. MM.HiA for s-xty day bills. Commercial bills, $4.81 V HILVEK Bar, 67Vic; Mexican dollars, 52c. liONDH Government, steady; railroad, Urong. Closing quotations on bonds were as fol lows: V. n. nt. U. ref-.- loMiHorkliis. Val. 44a ... 9!H4 do coupon Ii4 AN. unl. 4s.... "i4 C. 8. ts. reg !i "Man. e. g. 4a 97 do coupon lut Mn, Central 4a 74 V. 8. n. 4s, rag 1154 do 1st luc 107 do coupon lt.4M.. K. A T. 4s J . Am. Tobacco 4a.... i do 2 62 Am. Tohaoio 4a 101 N. R. R. of y 4, AU'hlbon gn. 4a WtiN Y. C. g. 3'iS 8 do Sd). 4s 374N. J. C. g. Ss 1.3 Atlantic 0. L. 4a..... 34 No. PiclSe 4a Wla Bal. A Ohio 4a 88 do S : w w-ym ..e r. . c. a........ M Brk. R. T. e. 4a t4 0. 8. L. rfds 4a.... 4 Co-Oral or Ca. 3a If 3 Penn. eonv 341 tl lat Inc 94 Reading gen. 4s 844 1o 84 tne 43 St. L. A I. M. e. 3s..l0v "lo 84 tne 4541. L- A S V. rg 4i 78 t'hea. A Ohio 44s... 4t. L. S W. e. 4i... 7. chlcsgo I: A. 34s.. Rbolrd A. L. 4s . . 7.V C, B. Q a. 4a.... 93 . PaclSc 4. m C. R. I. A P. 4s... d 1t 4s riff !o col. 6s 34 So Rallwsr 5 in- CCC. A 8t. U s. 4i. M4Texa A P 1. ntu Colo. Ind. Sa. Mr. A. S:4T . Wt. L. A W. 4s.. 73 Cole. Mid. 4s u t'nlon Pa.-ISc 4s 974 Colo. A So. 4s 84 do cv. 4s ctfs ... 8T4 i"uba.5a 100S41'. g. g,,.i u rK a A R. O. 4s 9l4Whasli Is ii2 Ilstllls Sec. la ... 174 "do di b. B '. H trta p. I. 4f 34 Wetern M4. 4s tl do gen. 4a T4W. A U C 4a M Japan 44a. etn 4 At iiion cv. 4a dv 2d aerlea do cv. (a do 4a tbU Bid. Offered. ..10: t. Forelxa Ftuaaclal. LONDON, Pert. :i The supplies of money were plentiful nnd rstes were easy In the market todav. discounts were quiet rtuaines on the fitix-k exchange was of the uaual weak-end dimensions. The tone was cheerful owing to Investment purchases of consols and S few other gilt-edged se cur.tna, minis boms rails hardened on coverlna; nperstlone to the better out look: regarding the labor disputes. Amer icans were maintained at parity level on the more cheerful tone In New York, but ths volume of business here was moderate snd the movements were narrow. Prices closed Irregular. Copper shares were easy. Foreigners were firm. Boston Stocks am 41 Beads. BOSTON. Bept. a.-Call loans. 4Mfl lr cent; time loans. Wi7 per cnt. Closing quotation on storks and bonds were: A'rhrenn tdj. 4a S p ngham . " ' 34 al. A Hecla 43" Mex. Central 7 Canteen IM 194 AtcMenn 9"aa(npper Range 0 4n pfd :i, pi. Weal 124 Itnetna A Albany 213 Franklin 4 Boaton A Maine 149 Oranby W Bnet rievated 1! Inle Hot, re I ntchbnrg pfd 125 Man. Mining 34 N. Y.. N. U. A H...l..7 Mohawk 594 t'nlon Pacina 13's Mont. C. A C 14 Asa. Pnati. Tfcba. 4 rild ru.mlninai Amer. Fagar 113 Oecaela do pfd ... Am. T AT Am. Woolen U' Parrot Q-iiarv Shannon Tamarack Trlnltv . 11 . ys ,. Id. ,. TO . H4 . 3H4 . . 37 . 44 &' .12.1 . 0I4 . 14 . 9 .113 . 1J4 i .. 3! .. 8 ie pfd IMIeon Rlec. lllu.. Hi. Klectrlo do pfd Mana. la t nltcd tYult Inlted S. M do pfd I'. 9. Steel do pfd Adventure A Unties Amilsamated At'antlc Asked. "Bid. ..204 12V f. S ' Mlnlne . , 41 f. S. Oil H4 tub 114 victoria 404 Winona ?5 Wolverine 5914 North Butte .... , i Bulla Coalition , 2 Nevada . 31 Cai. A Arlaojia. , 34Artaots Com. .. . 104 Boston Copper Market. These quotations aro furnished by Logan & Brysn, members New York and Hostou Block exchanges, 11? Hoard of Trade: Ar:oaa 134 MUhlna 94 Alloiiei 81 Mohawk i4 Atlantic lOttNevaile Cnntolldated.. 9 plncham 9 North Putte S1U Hla k Mountain 4 old dominion 25 Boeton Consolidated.. 19 niceole 944 Butte Coailtlnn 14 Parrott . w 14 Calumet A Arlstma.,.114 Shoe . 4'" Cum. Kir 4?,ho pfd 23 Calumet A Hetla ao yulm y Ccntennlsl 20 Shannon 1 .4 Copper Rnnga 404 T-imarack 70 Psl.v wi ittt t'nlie-1 Copper 44 Ivls-Daly 4Trlnliy 4 Dominion Steel Vnlted gfstea, rom... 39 Eaet Butte 4Rhoda Island 84 Lauill 104 I'tah Coninlidated ... 374 ureene Copper 104 1'tah-Nevada 4 Oranbr 33 Victoria , S Helvetia tH Winona Ifle Roval i4 Wolverine 122 Keeweenaw .14 Nlpl.ilng 84 L. 8. A Pltteburg.... 1044 Art-odlg 4 Maiiarhutetu 34 London Closlnxr torka. ' LONDON, Sept. a. Closing quotations on stocks were: Consols, money ... 92 3-14 LnulsvllU A N 11! do ac-count 824 M.. K. A T 374 Anaconda 3 N. V. Central. .. ...1094 Atchison 904 Norfolk A W "i Atchison pfd 924 N. A W. pfd.i 84 Baltimore A Ohio 914 Ontario A W. ....... 844 Canadian Pt-IBc 194 Pennsvlvsnla S2 t hea. A Ohio 33 Rand- Mines 4 Chicago Gt. W 10 Reading W C, M. A St. P 124 4 Southern Railway ... 14 lie Beera 22 do pfd W D. A R. 0 24i Southern TaclSo .... 474 do pfd 704 t'nlon Pacific , 13S4 Erie 714 do pfd 8t do lt prd 4841'. 8. Steel. 29 do 2d pfd e do pfd 94 Orand Trunk 244 Wabash 1 Illinois Central Hi do pfd 12 8ILVEK Bar. steady, 813-lfid'per ounce. .MONKl-lV!2 per cent. Tho rate of discount In tho open market for short bills Is SVia- per cent; for three months' bllli, 3Va3' per cent. Clearing Itoaae Bank statement. NEW YORK, Sept. 21. -The statement of clearing house banks for the week shows that the banks hold $8,405,100 more than the legal reserve requirements. This is an In crease of $1.4o,4O0 as compared With last week. The statement follows: Increase Ioans $1.097. 67!). 00 $ 11,606,500 Deposits 1,067,023,600 1 2,171.200 Circulation oO,er,S.40rt 9,3") Liegal tenders 7rt.2V4.500 1.042.TOO Specie 20?,39.6no 3.48il,W Reserve 272. 661,000 4.529,200 Rese-rvo required ....... 264.2S5.POO H.MI.Hno Burplus 8.406.100 1.4cJj,4.)0 Bx-U. S. deposits lS.03d.4O0 l.oOP.ooO Bank Cleat-Tugs. OMAHA, Sept. 21. Ban clearings for today were $1 ,950,263. 89 and for the corresponding- date last year If. 411,727, 40. 1907. 1906. Monday S2.635.754.04 11,767,064 7 Tuesday 1.795,049.04 1.3SM.121.C9 Wednesday 2.014,OI.4S 1.462.285.98 Thursday' 1.710.270.81 Friday 1,921,878.09 1.631.558.44 Saturday 1.S56.263.39 1,411,727.40 Totals $12.239,6V.'90 $9,271,018.69 Increase over the correspondlnc week last year, $2,968,843.81. Near York Mlalnar Stocks. NEW YORK, Sept. ?1. Closing; quotations on mining stocks were: Adams Con 3 Little Chief A Ilea 4:6 Ontario 560 Rreece It Ophlr 130 Brunswick Con. .. 41 Potosl 13 Cora. Tunnel 23 Ravage 70 Con. Cal. A Vg 77 sierra Nevada 47 Hora Silver 160 Small Hopes 13 Iroa Stiver 200 Standard 136 Leadviile Con I. Offered. 1 Movements of Specie. NEW YORK. Bept. 2T Imrorta of specie for the port of New York for the week ending today were $104,f9i solver and $133,840 gold. Exports of specie from the port of New York for the week ending today were $1,370,327 silver; no gold. Kan snra City Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 21. WHEAT De cember. 9M,c; May, $1'.014 Cash: No. 2 hard, 92(&97V;c; No. 3. l&9tlc; No. 2 red, 4V.r95Vc: No. 3. HS94c. CORN December. 6t;ie; May. 63Ve. Cash: No. 2 mixed, 6t-8 57c; No. 8. 6GvT5it.4c; No. 2 white, 67(tfi714c; No. 3. 684tS5n1c. OATS No. 2 white, 4St49c; No. 2 mixed, 4Vol7ic. HAY Firm; choice timothy, $13.00913.50; choice prairie. $10.50. RY B Steady, 73o. HCTTER-Creamery. 27Hc; rsrklng. 20c. EdGS-S'-eady; extrss, 22o; firsts. 20c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 172,000 159,000 Corn, bu 31.0TO 24.000 Oats, bu 26,000 35,000 Kansas City futures ranged: Articles Open.j Hlgh. Low. Close. Wlint December May Corn D ex-ember May A asked. B hid. Near York Crnsral Market. NEW YOrtK. Srpt. 21.-BfO A R -Raw, quiet; fair refining. 3.4Ep; centrifugal. . test. 3Kc: molassrs soKar. l.ldr; refined quiet; crushed, o.T'x-; granulated, S.Kk.-; grRni'lated, oc. 'OFITBE Quiet; No. 7 Rio. 6.60c; No. 4 Snntng, Sc. MOLASSES Firm: New Orleans, 37tj48c HI'TTER-Firm snd unrhanfed. t'MIOKSrc Quiet snd stsady; unchanged. KGG3 Strntiir; firsts to extra firsts. :i'f 2(-: flrats. 2'ijiac. POI LTRY Alive, steadv; spring? chh k ens. 14-; fowls. 14c; turkevs, 13c; dregred. iliret; western broilers, 15-aiTc; turkeys :'i J 1 ; fowls, 3f14c. Kansas Cltr Stock Market. KANSAS City. Pept. 21. TATTIE R. telrls. Z.OiX) bead. Including Vv soiitiicrns: market, steady: choice export snd Uress-ii be.-f steers, ij Xv?? fair tn sood. 14 :sir 15.7:.; western steers, V.Wih.lh; stockers and I f-eders. 3.)S(i75.25: southern BU era, H.&ilj I 20; southern cows, 2.0iVijj1.5: native cows ' 2 7"-n.6i; native heifers li.WMi4.25; bulla' i.rms.-K: calvea. $3. 25ft 6. 20. Receipts for the' 1 week. rv'i.tii head. I HOOS-Hecelpts. 2.500 head; market he to 1 ( 10c hlglier; top. 30; bulk of sale.. 16 lfu 23 I heavy, ii. 0iv;j.10; packers. $il.f"iiti.j; piga j land llirhts. G.j6.30. Receipts for the week ' oo.r'- ncsa. PIIFEP AND I.AMPS-Receipts. ron: j market, nominally st adv; laihi, i'.,"ivrr7.g'i: I and yeariintr. 7": --arhnts i j5 6'.: rsnw s.-i-.. 4fn; 7; rtnckrs i and f.eders. liji;:: l; -, Ii ! for thai week, J3.2W head. j Ht. Joseph l.lve -c'; -Jiirket. HT .TORFPH Pent. 1 1.- 'ATT I E-Rt- i cell, fa. 1 4;i head. Mtrke nt.-.idy: r-i'lve : 14.008.50; cows and he-re-a. H 7M4 Jv 1 an feeders. Mrfit 7S lfoos Recelnts. 4,in4 head. Market riTrlfic hiet-or; top, 1135; bulk of sales. t5 fr ti SHUHP AND UAMBS-Rarelptl; 460 head alaiket nominal; lambs. 66.EOg7.25; year- Stark la Slatht. Jlecelr.ts of I've stock at the sis principal western markets yesterday were as follows- t-'.uvii ' 'fiiaiiiav a. a. II Bloux City ,o Karsaa City Jofsi St. I.ouls 6.Xi0 St. Joseph l.tut Chicago 3.S) I I I v 947-.I 967, 0474J asm 1 OOtt 1 ClliS 1 lHt!l Ol'sB I E04l BO'a 60: 0n 63's 53 63'.,! 3 4.5'fl .r 2.6) 1 f'O 3..1 4. 14 4V 7.000 ISirt Totals. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Killing Cattle About Steady, wit'ti Feeders Lower for Week. HOGS MOSTLY TEN CENTS HIGHER Sbeea atnsl l.amb la Large Hrrelpi, ralth Aetlve Deaimd and flood Ilea ra are Keica Day Easier at t lose. SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. 21, 1907 lfecelntn were? Cattle. iloKS. Bheep. . ..ll.ietti .i4 ai.ii'j ... S.tUa 7.7W . .. t.i!( 7. Wit 11.171 ... 4.375 ScHti d.ti.J ... 2,470 4.743 12,64(1 ... 15o 4.5t) Oltidal Monday Otlicial Tuesday t'thtlal Wnlncstiav j Ofllclal Thursday .. .'iin-ini r nnay Estimate Saturday.. Six days this week 34. Sim Same days last week 33.874 Suine days 2 weekx nfto.-.lM.TV Same days .'! weeks t;o..31.7W Kamc days 4 weeks ago. .H6.SM Shihh flHVM Inat '4 -c-.a The following table snows the receipts of cattle, hoe-s and sheep at Boutli Omaha for the year to dute, eon. pared with last year; !;. I Inc. tec. Caitle ILIMT.H (Sli 7-ih 123.8'Ai Hoisa l.SK.'i.3.C 1,!fcV.M 1.KJ Sheep 1,:'77,125 l.3J,90s 15, 4S3 The following tabic snows the average price of hosts at Soiuh Omaha for the last several duys.vwlth compurlsons: J Date. 1907. 19.flMi.l4. !193. USKK. il901. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Bept. Sv-pt. Sept. Sept. Pi-pt. Sept. Sept. 11... 12.. IX. 14... 13... 14... 17... 18.. ... 20... 21... 6 bS D So,l 6 864 1 a I 5 90Vt 6 8 6 78 3 &7j j ) 6 mil 8 02 1 6 09! e C 11 0 OS, 6 021 6 06i 121 C 3Ci. ! I 63; 7 4 3 331 t 64 1 7 66; i 211 i Hi I 63 7 bii & 14 & 58 6 6ui :a M 44 ti 52 a m n ci D 2Sr 6 5o 5 61 6 ?.i 6 SS t 74; 5 72 I 5 73'i 6 84 5 39 1 & SO 5 3l! 5 81 Sunday. RANGE OF TRICES. Caitle. Hons, Omaha $2.0Oij6.90 $3.60'6.30 St. Louis 1.yi(.ti t. 26416 .VI Kansus City 2.10(17. 00 5 fVi;6.30 Chicago 1.25o:7. 15 6. (fi.'.b,',i Bloux City 2.5o-i6.50 6.6ljH.05 The oRlclnl numher .of cars of tftot-it brought in Friday by eacli road was: Cattle. Hocs.H'r's. Ci M. & 8t. P 4 Missouri Pacific 1 I'uton Pacific system C. A N. W east C.'A ti.. W.. west .. C, St. P., M. & O C, R & Q., cast .-. 2 C, H. ft Q , wost 1 C R. I. & P.,, east 1 C, R. 1. & P.. west 1 Illinois Central Chicago Oreat Western 1 11 6 25 Total receipts 6 73 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was ss follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle. HogK. Sheep. I Omiiha Packing Co 640 .... 1 Swift and Company 912 ' Cudahy Packing Co 879 13 Armour & Co 1,179 .... Swift, from B'ort Worth. ..168 Kliiftan & Co 664 .... Other buyers 193 .... 2,093 Totals ...361 4,174 2,198 I CATTLE The fresh receipts of csttle j Jils morning were meager, as usual on Sat urday, there being nothing of any Impor- I tance on sale to make a market or to es- tabllsh quotations. The receipts for the ' week have been about on n. par with the ' previous week, but show a very large gain ovrr the corresponding week of last year. While there has been a good deal of trou- 1 ble on account of late trains which have delayed the trade, making a slow and late ' market on some days, still there har not ' been any. very great amount of change on 1 Killing cattie, aitnougti leeders have had a lower tendency. The supply of corn-fed ' and desirable range beef steers has been no time during the week at all burdensome. I'nder the In fluence of a moderate supply and s fair de. mand steady prices have been maintained on the better grades of both corn-feds and rangers. The medium and Inferior grades haVe In many cases sold a little lower In addition to being dull and hard to move. Cows snd heifers declined lOr or 15o Hnrlno- the early part of the week, at least tho! ."ommon to medium grades Went off that much. During the latter part of the week, ! with lighter receipts and a prettv good buy- ' ing demand, the market has firmed up so that at the close there Is very little differ ence In the market as compared with the close of last week. Some grades might bo j a little essler, but the general market is right at steady. , There has been a large business doing this week In stock cattle and feeders, both receipts and demand have been large. The receipts, however, have been . sufficiently liberal as compared to the demand to give the market a downward tendencv. In spite of efforts on the part of operators to main tain values a good many cattle have sold lower, declines in many cases being fully 16(2oo for the week. On the other hand, Yii'l 35.W1 7o..".49 4J.17 77.M7'J.' 70,7ti7 43.5J9 63.13 3o.:W i!l.0i.l A.. llH4 KS.tinll 00-1 oi - 6 6S 7 an! C 57 5 64 7 4 2 61 6 64 7 43 6 ,5 i 71 7 JJI ' 7 SSi 6 77 ' I 6 81 I bi , r i 1 1 ANNOUNCEMENT i As announced by us last January, we ihen retired from the promotion busi ness, confining ourselves to our former business of mine operating, successfully de voting our time to the development of the mining enterprises In which we are jointly interested with our clients. As we stated then, any future offerings of mining secur ities which we would make would be strictly in the nature of an Invitation to Join wlta us in the development of any exceptionally meritorious mining enterprise which must present the greatest certainty of success and the minimum of risk. We now have such an opportunity In the etock ot the Goldfleld Jupiter Mining Co., of Ooldfield, Nevada, of which we have Just succeeded In securing the entire al lotment to be sold, amounting to 200,000 shares of treasury stock. The Julpter mine, owned by this company, is too well known to need but slight mention or Indorsement by us. The property Is situated In the Sandstorm section of the Ooldfield d.strlct, Immediately north of the mine by that name and on the strike of the name leads from which the phenomenal production was made on this and the bonanza mines in the central portion of the camp, such as the Mohawk, Jumbo, Red Top, Florence, etc., which have during the past two years been productive of so many millions in gold. . The Jupiter Is developed by a two-compartment shaft to a depth of 170 feet, with over 400 feet of lateral work on the 200 and 254-foot levels. It Is equipped with the most complete plant ot machinery In the Goldfleld district, consisting of a 50-borse power electric hoist, air compressor, machine drills, etc.. and the large amount of work already performed and in progress places the property on the very verge of developing Into a shipping and producing mine, upon which basis U Is the determination of the able management to place It at the earliest possible moment In which worthy effort we are confident they will meet with early success. It is the firm decision of the Directorate of tho Goldfleld Jupiter company that the present allotment of 200,000 shares should net the treasury not less than $1.00 per shard, which figure we believe it to be actually worth today, based on the Intrinsic value of the property represented, and we are pleased to announ"e that we have secured It on a basis which enables us to receive subscriptions from our clients at the price at which the original allotment was sold last January, namely CO cents purchase6' Wh'Ch Pri"e ,UV'te "ub8crlpt,'jU" nd unhesitatingly recommend lta As all our upecial offerings in the past have been greatly oversubscribed . suggest that you Olograph your order for Jupiter stock Immediately ' .nd let remit! uZt nDd ,UK8C'lPt!10n foIlow by mM- " th, allotment win undoub e"y be several rrrdwSr.'eeive-d6 b M D. MACKENZIE & CO., Inc. MIXE OPERATORS ASP C0MfllSS.rOT BROKfRS l Boldsr. of th World's ftseortl for m.p-4 KlAt) UMng Md plTtdn4 rJ GOLDFIELD, right good, fleshy cattle and right good yearling stockers have held up very well and st the close of the week are verv little different, If any, from the market prevslling Ht the close of last week. Quotations on t sitle. vj od to choice corn fed steers, t6.3544LN: fair to good corn-fed cattle, !6.3.vtifi.25; common to fair corn-fed steers. $4 511 ji 5. 33 ; giwid to choice range steers. 14 i.Vu.i.i'fi; fair to good range steers, $4 2."r4 75; common to fbtr range steers, $:.5(4 25; good to choirs corn-fed cows 11ml heifers. $4 15li4.."0: fair ts stood grass cows and heifers. $3.noi.l.0; t-iiiimon to fsir fjrnss cows and heifers. ?fri.lOO; good to choice stockers and feeders. $infip. 30; fair to good stockors and feeders. 13.7591.50; rnmmon 0 fnir stockers and feeders. $2.73 453.75. HOtliS The better feellnr; noted In yes terday's hog market was continued today, the trnde opening up strnrtger. hogs soiling S'tPV higher. In most esses 10c higher than yeeferdsy. The trade was active at the advance, and the receipts being moderate, everything In sight changed hands In a very short time after opening. A con siderable proportion of the hogs sold In the rjipge of t"- W4TS.90, with a piece of a load of choice lirht hoes ns high as $.. The receipts of hotrs this week have been moderate ss compared with the previous week, hut considers hty larger tdan for tho corresponding week of a vesr ago. The week stsrted out with an ndvance hut after Mondnv the tendencv was rapldlv downward until Thursday., when the row point of the week was touched, hogs sell ing on that dsv nt the lowest aielnt reachtd sl-ice Fnpteniber 4. The 'Improvement n price cf yeslerdHV and todny made no for n rood share of the decline, tewvinr the" mnrket onlv n stale to 5c lower than nt th close of last wek. Represent ntlve sales: Vn. A. 8h. Pr. Sn. Mr 8k. Fr 35.....,..S't 30 I SO 43.. !f . ,.8 3( , SV 321 ) S 1i 54 ;7 3'1 tS S 3-3 ... 3 3 7! f74 ISO 33 4B. 3 l 6 (.4 7 M3 ... S 33 5J 304 80 3 as Jj I 41 3 S 43. 343 ... S3'. 67 : ... il! 5. JM 30 3 70 72 SM 30 sr. f M 4" t T 7t SS 30 I rt 33 3M M 3 70 34 f7 CO 47Uj . 47 tl ... f 70 70 ?;.. (0 6 37 U f.3 -.-31 a.) 3 71 c, f2 . . r, ;t St ... 5 j;i4i C tV 40 5 37S 43 315 ... I T"li u t so $ ;u 41 Itirf ... 5 t 33. , 2S4 4 9 an 31 00 ... 3 7- 77 533 JM, f. M 3! Til 80 I 73 ;o ;ill ... ! M :.m 40 3 -, s.. ::i ... 3 30 M $3 120 R 73 68.... 22(5 2 0 5 30 43 370 ... i 75 -43 ... t H . M f"3 ... R T74 4 J.-,5 31 3 0 , 4 S3 ... $ T7'4 ?.. t!7 :.r 8-0O- 5 .f5 30 $ 7Ti 33 845 SI .SOS 31 S7 ... 5 30 37 Ht 140 8 33 S ?? ... H 30 74 .541 ... a. aj, 01 813 30 8 80 49 544 3 H T.4 5J0 ... 3 80 3 22 80 .133 01 !7 . . 3 30 3 2-9 ... fj 31 17S 40 5 30 35 ro 30 3 37U, Ot 531 1?0 5 78 218 160 4 00 01 '7 80 ( 82 73 Jl ... I 01 !"3 40 S33t, 88... Sit ..." tit 03 1"3 80 8 BH 71 130 10 t 24$ 40 t ISO ... f SHEEP There were no fresh receipts of sheep to day and the big barn ss usual on Saturdnv was deserted. The srrtvuls fur the week have been very liberal and about the same as last week. At the same time there Is a falling ofT of over 10.000 head s compared with a ycor ago. A consider? hie proportion of the week's arrivals consisted of feeder sheep and lambs. The markot wns in a most satis factory condition from slsi-t to finish. In spite of Utee receipts the buying demand wns si good that each dnv's arrivals met with ready sale at firm prices. Even In the face . of large receipts the market firmed up so that the hlphest pi-Ices of the season were paid, choice lnmhs going- ss high as $7.15 with choice Unlit Mexican yearlings at $6.00 and yearling breeding ewss ss high as M.70 and natives up to $7.00. The strength snd sctlvltv of the market was maintained right up unlU Fr. day, which Is cleaning-house duv. On ac count of there be'nK fewer buvers on Fri day the market eased off little on thnt day. some sales looking a little lower even thn at the close of last wee-k. The supply of fat sheen and lambs tvn moderate nil Ihe week and no more than equal to the demand. For this reason good Mendy prices were fnslntnlned th" most of the time with the trade reasonably active. There was, however, an under current of wenkness. ond It was very evi dent that packers wanted to buy the stuff lower. Toward the dose of the week when the demand was less urgent they succeeded In taking off In some esses as lenst ss much ss 10c to 15c ss com ns red with the week before. The cause for the weskness In tho market wss to be found In the heavy break renortd front Chlcsgo. 1 Ouitst'nris . trond to rbo'ce killers T.smbs. M.TRffn '": vepvUng wethers. K GO 5.00: wethers. $S.JOf?5.40; ewes. t4.7fVtr5.2fi. No quotations (r riven on fn'r to good Ulle-, as feeder buvers are taktnrf riren. tlcsllv evervthlnr nf thnt d-erlntlon Ot bet tee t-'r thi r-set'ers wHI nnv. Quotation In feeders: lamhs, KKnotinn yearling. 5.iif(5.flO; wethers. $S.0n,-,.25-ewe 14. 00474 40: vesrllng breedlpe ewes W0yfi.50; sged breeding ewes, $5.00r7S.76. ' T,enreserlnlve sales No. Av. Pe. '01 Wyoming lambs, foerters no 3) 91 ft Wvnmlnx? lnmhs, feeders 70 7 10 101 Wyoming ewes, feeders 90 4 60 BOYCE & BLASIHQHAM, ESa.y.0,.?,0,..1?, Renders customers the best service In Omaha. Trades in 1.000 ' bushel grain and upwards; 10 shares and upwards. A reliable firm. Room 4 N. Y. Life, Omaha. Long distance telephone, Douglas 7546. V , , T'lI'Mal 1 Wyo, wethers snd searllngs. 1 72 Wyoming yearlings L.f I Isho lambs, culls, feeders . i.'"' Idaho Isnihs, culls, feeders . ; 'il I 1s ho lnmhs. feeders 1 M Idaho lnmhs, breeders j 100 Idaho lambs, nulls, feeders.. 87 90 41 4 SI 9f. 49 I 40 30 6 V $ I Tn I V 6-1 4 HICAOO llB STIK K N4HKRT . faille an Kheeaj s tea Hoars Test (rata lllaher. CtllCACO, Sept. 21.CATrl.B-Rerelpts. about .J hesd. Market steady: beeves, 34 i"rt7.15; cows, tl . 2.V,t3 SO : Texas steers. $.1.7i 'imVOO; calves. $ti iotift.00; western rattle, $4 itHt.20; stockers and feeders, li&XfJi 00. HOtSS Receipts, about 7. heed. Mar ket mostly 1-h- higher; lisrht. $6 15 5714; mixed. $5.70hl66; heavy. $5.4''(3i 32; rough, $s "fi5.V; pigs, $5 7-"'U".30; bulk of sales, $i.Kivt; 20. SHEKP AND . LAM HH Receipts, about 2.6oO head. Market steadv; native. ;4. Jr-f .ki; western. 13 2fyirt.t; y-arllngs, ' l.s.$f 6.40; lambs, $3.75j7.4n; western, $4.7,"yi.lO. j ew Verk l.lve toek. IVI.V 3t.lttK. Bept. 21. HKBVBS R- celpis, 1.424 head; no trading of Importenee: feeling steady; dressed beef In light demand at 3c t H'Uo for naMve sides; Texan beef. ,i!,o. Liverpool end 1ondon cable quoted live cattle selling nt 11c to 12c per lo dressed weight; refrigerator beef, 9'iflOc: exports, M0 cattle and 6.i3X) quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 73 bead: market feel intt weak: one car prime sold st $5 26; two cars held over; veals and grsssers nom inal; dressed, calves quiet at yesterday's quotations. lit HIS Receipts.' 2,R5ti head; msrkot nom Inrlly steady at $tl.75i7.00. SHEEP AND . LA M BS Receipt s, 4.487 hHri: market for sheep slow, for lambs slow to a fraction lower; several cars un sold; sharp. $3.25tj5.00; culls, 2.tXi!.00; lambs, $; culls, 15.00. , St. I.aala Lire Stork Market. 8T. LOI I3, flept; a.-CATTI.B-Recelpte. 3.00O head., includlhg 1.500 Tcans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, $i.OHi7.0i: dressed beef and butcher steers. $&.25ii.15: steers under 1.000 iiounds. $4.00ii 4.60; stockers and feeders, l2.76ij-4.75; cows and heifers, $3.004je.2&; canners $1,754)C.2: rHiHs 2.(HN.yi; cl-es. 3.Mi7.I0;' Texas and Indian steers, $3.2o$i625; cows snd heifers. $1.75,73.75. . HCKiS Receipts. tiead; market 6fi loc higher; pigs and lights, $5.tW,W.65; pack ers. ' $5.2M1l.45; butchers snd best heavy, $C.:6fj 60. SHEEP AND I.AM fiS Receipts, 300 head; market steady; native muttons, $26n6.60; lnmhs. $3.50Ji 7.2.1; culls and bucks, $2.0011 $.5o; stockers, 3.7fit.t3'. Sioux- City Live ttock .Market. SlOl'X CITY, la.. Sept. 21.-(Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 200 head; mar ket steady; hooves, $4; cows and heifers, $2,505(4.60; stockers and feeders, $3 50414 60; calves and yearlings, $2.50C(i3.76. HOGS-Receipts, 3.500 head; market 80 higher; selling at $5.bO(iJ.05 ; bulk of sales, I6.IY6.76. Stocks and Bonds 14 K. Y. C Pso. R. R . 123 80 Moh. Florence, 14e. 300 tier. Star. 9r. 1000 43 Ork.. 7Vc. SO Vnl. Wireless, bids 3DO0 Ot. Wet. (III. 12o. 1K) Ol. Went.. Hend , 83c 1000 Luella 31. ft M . 4r. 4) Cop. Belt, Wyo..' 32c. llioo Penn. -Wyo., 610. 3000 Man hat Ne ., Uc. too Amer. Mtg Co. 300 Poa Etttellas, 1125. 100 Amer. Lumber. 33.10. !' 111k. Mill . 14 28. 700 Nev. Mines. ti: 10rt Hnx. Rurally. 8c. 5O0 OMs. Rvnd.. ?4c. 500 Ind. Mln., Or., 33o. 3000 Ker. Puntlsc, 70. 101 Ulrtwell glee. 23c. fAiO Int. tl. A C, 7ViC. 3o0 I,lt. Florence, 5T.C. i O. A. Cotree, 147. 1000 Manhat. Comb., 8t0. K.O Kins Sot., Col., 14io. 100 Penn. -Wyo., fiSc. 500 Etna L. A t . bid. 1200 Arajo Oold, He 1 Msn-tnl Wireless. 1(0 Hub. Rlllot. 13. 700 Kly Hell. 4c. 11. m 11. M. Tunnel, 4o. 1000 Mansheld. 3c. KHKK Hi LLIiTINS. WANTED SEND rX)R RIG STOCKS I lo &000 fncle Bam Oil. SOOO Welllnston Mines. S3 Amer. Lumber. 32 40.3ml B. H. Cop., Aril., 4a. SOW MuKosea O. R. , 18c. 8) O. A. Corree. 144 7 O. A. Coffee. 144. 5no Bloc. Sl. A Sem. piOfl Flwood Tin W.. SSo. lnno Con. Jeff., Uc. S'KM New Stockton, 50c, fA) Kins Sol., Col., 13s. KHiO OfJ. Hub, Sc. 34 Araer. Marconi. Western Business Exchange 13S ta Balls St- Chloago, 111. W. Farnam Smith & Go. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Securities. VTs offer, subject to sals, 18 to 80 gbarsa Of Stock Yards st 97 oonts. 1 320 Farnam St., Tel. Douglas 1064 NEVADA U.371 23.4U4 zzatasasai