Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1907, HALF-TONE SECTION, Page 6, Image 20

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A hearty welcome is oxtondod to all Ak-Sar-Ben Carnival visitors to make
our store their headquarters while In Omaha. You'll find here the most complete assortments and very best values
An exposition of the season's most favored fashions. If not this week then next, but come. A veritable bargain car.
nival awaits you every department offering rousing specials daily
Greatest .Sale of Black Silk Ever Known
See Oar Sixteenth Street Window Display.
Many thousand yards of finest Black Silks secured before the advance In prices.. On sale Mon
day at less than actual manufacturers' cost today. 0. J. Bonnet, French manufacturer Black Taf
fetas; Wintherthur Mills, Swiss manufacturer Messalines and Novelties; Zurich, Swiss Taffetas and
Feau de Soie;vSchwartzenbach, Huber & Co., Taffetas and Peau de Soie;. Windham Silk Co. and
Givernaud Bros., highest class Domestic Taffetas, Feau de Soies, Messalines, Grosgrains, Louis
ienes, Novelties, etc. Six of the largest and best known mills in the world represented by showings
of their .very finest Black Silks at most wonderful bargain prices Monday.
C. J. Bonnet Black Taffeta, 26 Inches
wide, $1.25 yard value; on sale at,
yard 75
C. 3. Bonnet Black Taffeta, 36 Inches
wide, $1.75 yard value; on sale at,
yard $1.12
Wintherthur Mills Black Mcssaline, 20
Inches wide, $1.00 yard value; on
sale at, yard '. 75
.Wintherthur Mills Black Novelties, 22
Inches wide, $1.25 value; on sale at,
' yrd .--sotf
Givernaud Bros.' Silk Taffeta, 36
. inches wide, $1.39 quality, at. .95
Givernaud Bros.' Silk Taffeta, 3 6
, inches wide, $1.50 quality, at. $1.00
Windham Silk Co. Black Taffeta, 24
Inches wide, $1.25 yard value; on
sale at, yard -95
Windham Silk Co. Black Taffctat, 80
Inches wide, $1.75 value,
Schwartcenbach-Huber Co. Black Peau
de Soie, 36 Inches wide, regular $1.26
quality, at . . .-. 95
Bchwartaenbacb-Huber Co. Black I'eau
de Hole, 36 Inches wide, regular $2.50
quality, at $1.50
Schwartzcnbarh-Huber Co. Black I'eau
de Sole, 36 Inches wide, regular $1.98
quality, at $1.39
Givernaud Bros.' Silk Taffeta, 36
inches wide, $1.25 quality, at.. 79
10 Pieces of Black Taffeta, 86 Inches
wide, very finest quality, made spe
cially for O'Donahoe-Kedmond-Nor-mile
Co., their name woven In sel
vage. We secured It at a great sacri
fice and will sell It Monday at HALF
20-Inch Black Taffeta, 20 and 24-inch
Black Twill Messalines An immense
line of plain ..ud fancy silks, regular
values up to $1.00; on sale Monday
in our great Domestic Room at,
yi 39
Scores of other Silk Bargains fully
equal to the ones above shown here
Monday. Don't miss them.
Leading Dress Goods House
Over 30,000 styles to select from. In no line have we
competition. Monday's selling will be a hummer. Read
this and then investigate:
Black Dress Goods
Priestley's $2.98 Cravenettes
for $1.69.
Priestley's $3.60 Cravenettes
for $1.98
Priestley's $4.00 Cravenettes
for $2.25
Priestley's $6.00 Black Broad
cloths $2.98
Priestley's $3.00 Black Fancies
tor .... $1.98
B. N. I. Black Panamas, $1.60
grade 89
Fred Arnold's Silk Warp Hen
rietta, $1.60 trade, only. . .75
Colored Wool Dress Goods
60 pieces of $1.50 Broad-
' cloths 89
60 pieces of $1.98 Broad
Fashion's Most Favored Fancies
In Women's Outer Garments
Through our New York resident buyer, who is always
on the alert for new things, our Cloak and Zait Department
is kept constantly up to the mark with the latest style crea
tions. The new ideas are shown here within a few days of
their first appearance in New York.
Crown Jewel Suits at $25.00
are supreme favorites this season
with the woman of discriminating
taste and who prefers a garment
of moderate price in beauty of
design, quality of workmanship
and material the peer of them all
the equal of most $35 values
shown elsewhere $25
100 Handsome New Suits, in fine
cheviots; blues, browns, greens,
reds and blacks, in Prince Chap,
Fluffy Ruffles and other popular
new styles, bought to sell at $20
special Monday $14.95
Nobby New Coats, made of all wool
coverts and fine chiffon broad
cloths, in Prince Chap, box and
semi-fitting styles, lined through
out, unmatched values at $5.98,
. $7.50, $8.90, $10 and . . . .$12.50
$15 Aultman Voile Skirts
beautiful garments, trim
med with folds and bands of
taffeta; charming bargain
Monday at $9.90
$6 Silk Underskirts A beautiful
50 pieces of $1.25 Voiles, all
colors .... 87t
26 pieces of Wool Taffetas,
$1.60 grade 89
All evening shades, except WiV F.
Read's Lansdown at Half Price.
$4.00 Bearskin Cloth $2.50
$5.00 Bearskin Cloth $2.69
$6.00 Bearskin Cloth. . .$4.19
$7.60 Bearskin Cloth $4.98
High-Grade Novelties
100 exclusive French patterns of
the finest material made for fall,
1907, in plaids, fancies, embroid
ered, etc., ranging in price at
$75.00 down to $50.00, $45.00,
$40.00, $35.00, $30.00
"d $25.00
No samples of exclusive patterns
sent out of town.
$6 Panama Skirts at $3.95
A splendid, line of full
pleated Panama Skirts, in
blues, browns and black
very newest styles special
Mnndflv nf oe 81Ul Underskirts A beautiful
JMOnaay at $J.95 I new line Just received, the best
$25 Silk Suits, shirt waist
style in 6 distinct designs,
all the new colors; they are
made of fine taffetas; skirts
very full pleated; come in
plain colors, fancy check
and stripes; sale price Mon
day $18.50
Many Interesting Furniture Bargains
In this week's special sales. Variety of showings in all
grades in unsurpassed quality; the best and prices always
mean a neat saving to the purchaser. Besides our credit
system provides for payment to suit the purchaser.
values ever shown at l OK
$5 Silk Waists In white or black,
newest styles; special bargains,
at $2.95
Special sale of Infants' Wear
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
From 8 TIU 9 A. M. Women's
$1.60 Moire Underskirts; spe
cial, at 79
From 8:80 Till 9:30 A. M. -Women's
Long Kimonos, $2.00
values, at 79
Iron Bed (like eat) Strongly
made, well finished with . three
coats of best enamel, stands four
feet six Inches high; on sale Mon
day and Tuesday at $1.50
Sideboard (like cut) Made of
best selected oak, with 14x34
heavy French bevel mirror, siae
of base 20x43 and Is 6 feet S
Inches high; special baj-gain this
week at .-... $12.50
Oak Rocker (like cut) Made of
well selected oak with handsome
ly einbosued cobbler seat, the best
value ever. offered In the city at
our sale price ..... i ... . $2.50
Solid Oak Extension Table (like
cut) Strongly made of thor
ouchly seasoned oak and finely
finished, top closed 42 inches
square, extended 42 Inches by 6
feet; great bargain at... $4.50
Sanitary Steel Couch (like cut)
Has three rows of oil tempered
coll spring supports and forty-six
helical springs at ends, couch 37
inches wide when closed, bed 4 '
feet wide 6 feet 2 inches long
when open; special bargain
l $3.50
Same In Davenport style on sale
Special Reduced Irloes on AU Framed Pictures During ti1s Entire-
Week.. Dou't Mls Tlieiu.
Fall Opening Exhibit
Charming Millinery Modes
Monday, September 23d
A. showing of authoritative fashions surpassing in beauty
and variety any we have ever attempted a display which em-.
braces in its scope the master pieces of so?ne of the most prominent
European and American millinery artists.
Never before we believe hzs a season been so prolific tn pro
duction of charming style ideas, so much at variance in point of
conception. But we take pride in the distinct exclusiveness and
comprehensiveness of our Fall display, believifig that in its scope.
embodyi7ig all that is newest in millinery style conception, we are
sure to please even the most discriminating, whether the preference
be ?nost moderate or pronounced.
Elegant Domestic and Imported Patterns are shown in great
variety at $22,50 up to $125,
An immense assortment of beautiful Dress
Hats at $6.75 up to $8. The "Girl Ranger"
the "Dolly l(arden" two of the ' latest New
York millinery hits, shown here exclusively.
No cards issued. Please consider this a
personal invitatio?i to view, and criticise our Fall
and Winter Style display.
Remarkable Rug Bargains Monday
Take advantage of these special bargain prices and buy now whUe lines are complete.
Credit System most equitable and convenient. It provides for payment to suit the purchaser.
fSO.00 Royal Wilton Rugs Beautiful Ruga 9x12 size; special. . .SI OS
oame, s-sxiu-o size; special
designs and colorings, size 9x12; spe
cial Monday, at. S3S.KO
$33.00' Body Brussels Rugs Excellent
In coloring, finish and wearng qual
ities, size 9x12; special. . . .$28.00
$28. (M) Extra Axminstcr Rugs Ori
ental and floral patterns
SUe 9x12; special $21.08
Size 8-3x10-6; special $17.98
18.00 High Spire Tapestry Brussels
1 1 .ttS
SIS. UO Tapestry Brussels Rugs Size
vxii, norai and small designs; spe
cial $11.75
$15.00 ltoxbury 10-Wire Brussels
Rugs Size 7x9; specia.1. . -$11.98
$12.00 Brussels Rugs High grade,
size 6x9; special gg 90
$12.00 All Wool Art Squares klze
9x12; special .... $8.93
YouTl find our new
$8.00 Half Wool Art Squares Slie
9x12; special $5.98
$5.60 Art Squares, 9x12, at. . .$4.25
$5.00 Axminster Rugs Size 36x72;
special $3.49
$3.00 Extra Axmlnster Rugs Sixe 27x
64; epecial $1.98
$2.00 Velvet Rugs 27x54, at $1.29
Oil Opaque Window Shades, 7 ft. 45
7-ft Water Color Window Shades 304
Bargain Dress Goods tB
Here can be found odd pieces of fine goods, remnants
of our high grade goods, etc., at prices that will both please
and surpritte you.
$1.00 Henriettas at 59
7 60 Henriettas at. . 39Jk.
89c Henriettas at 19
$1.00 Fancies at 394
76c Fancies at 19
76c All Wool Suitings at 39
25c New Fall Line Organdies 10
Grand line of remnants always on large bargain square
Up to $1.00 yard will go at 25
Up to $2.00 yard will go at 39J
Up to $3.00 yard will go at 49I
Up to $4.00 yard will go at 59J
Extra specials here every day.
Blanket and Flannel Dept.
The greatest department In the west. We handle
our own Home Made Comfortables, from our own fine
carded cotton.
Cotton Blankets, worth 75c pair; on sale at, each. .2G
$1.00 .Cotton Blankets 74
$1.25 Cotton Blankets 850
$1.60 Felted Blankets 98
$1.75 Felted Blankets $1,19
$2.00 Felted Blankets $1.30
All Wool Blankets, pair, from $26.00 down to. . .$1.25
Home Made Comfortables, large size, in challles, silko
lines, sateens and heavy felted down cloth, at $5.00
84.00.. 83.00. $2.50, $2.25 and $1.98
Shirting Flannels, $1.00 to 25
White Flannels, from $1.25 to ojjjL
A large line of Embroidered Flannels.
Read Hay den's Grocery Prices for Monday's Sale
it lbs. best Pur Can Granulated SuRxr
for i.oo
It bars beat family Laundry Soap ...aso
Large sacks Cornmeal XOo
' Peanut Butter, per Jar So
Rip or stuffed Olives, per bottle So
Oil or Mustard. Sardines, per can SVe
Broraangelon, jellycon or Jell-O, pag. TVt
The beat Macaroni, per pkg tW.
1-lb. cane Condensed Cream S
1-lb. cane Assorted Bouys ,...THo
Flr Newton Cookies, per lb H
Tit best Koda or Oyster Crackers, lb.. So
'Pretsels. per lb So
Fancy Tea Sittings, per lb la'o
Famy Santos Coffee, per lb. l&o
Fancy Dairy Butter, per lo 83o
Fancy Creamery Butter, per lb 85o
Fancy Full Cream Cheese, per lb....l5o
Fancy Full Cream Erlck Cheese, lb.. 15
Sap Sago Cheese, each THa
Keufi'halel Cheese, each 3o
Beat tnes TefrUbl and Trait r rices
foe Monday!
Fresh Spinach, per peck 10c
Large. heads Cabbage tor SWo
Egg Plant, each '. 60
f bunches fretth Radishes for Bo
4 heads freh Lettuce for .Co
Fresh Beets, per bunch le
Freeh Carrots, per bunch la
Fresh Tursips, per bunch ...1
Large Strong Cucumbers, each 1
Cooking Apples, per peck 35o
Hubbard Squash, each 6
Sweet Potatoes, per lb 3o
Wax or String Beans, per lb SVie
Fancy Utah Plums and Peaches for
Jelly Grapes, per basket ISo
Fancy ripe Tomatoes, per basket. . .860
Another carload of fancy freestone
Xlbcrta reaches arrived.
.These are extra fancy, buy now while the
i car lasts; Monday only, per crate, 9L8S
Sheetings, Muslins and Staples
In Our Famous Domestic Room
We defy all competition in this line. Get our prices
first and you will be surprised at the difference. Remember,
these are all famous brands.
94 Pepperell Bleached, at,
yard 22C
9-4 Lockwood Bleached, at,
yard .....22V2C
9-4 Lockwood Unbleached,
at 20c
Fruit of the Loom. . . .9V2C
Lonsdale 9Vc
Hope 9 c
Beaver Dam, yard wide, un-
bleached, extra weight, at,
yard 578C
Buckhead .6C
LL. Muslin, unbleached, 5c
$1.50 Linen, 72 inches,
bleached 98c
$1.25 Linen, 70 inches wide,
bleached 75 C
$1 Linen, 68 inches, bleached,
at 59c
Renfew Turkey Damask,
at . 39c
A good quality of table Dam
ask, 68 inches wide, worth
40c 25c
Damask, 54 in. wide, 19c
Remnants of all kinds of ta
ble Damask, up to $2 yard,
yard, 25c," 39c, 49o. . . .59c
15c Hnck Towels 7H
19c Huck Towels f
25c Huck Towels 12 H
10c Turkish Towels 5
1 2 V4 c Turkish Towels 7 H f
15c Turkish Towels 8 Ma
Amoskeag hecks 5J
American Prints 4H
Martha Washington Red Prints
at 2t
16c Amoskeag Teateldown, . 10f
12 1921 Amoskeag Outing.
at 7W
15c Flannelettes 10
12 He Flannelettes, all fast colors,
at .....7H
Our Great Fall Lace Sale
Another beautiful line of
Oriental Laces, 4 to 12 inches
wide; fine treatment of most
desirable patterns, regular
15c to 75c yard.
Values will be placed on sale Mon
day, yard, at from 29c to. . . 5
The greatest bargains ever offered.
$3.00 AUover Laces at, yd. -980
15c Allover Laces at, yd 5
Several Great Lote of 10c Em
broidery Included In Monday's
sale, at, per yard 5t
This is a clean-up sale of a big
Job lot of 4 to 6-yard strips of
Embroideries and Insertlngs
unmatched value, at, yard .... 5
We challenge any other house Id the west to, give as good values as. we
do iu Lace Curtains. Ours are perfect goods no seconds or torn jobs.
Eegular $20 to $25 Lace Cur
tains in Brussel, Irish
Points, Duchess and Novel
ties at, pair $6.75
Eegular $10 to $12 Lace Cur
tains in Brussel, Irish
Points, Cluny and Cable
Net, at, pair $3.79
Regular $5 to $7.50 Lace
Curtains in Brussel, Irish
Points, Novelties and Cable
Net, at, pair ...'...$2.79
Eegular $3.50 to $5 Lace
Curtains in Cable Net, Bar
nett and Nottingham, at,
pair $1.79
1,000 pairs of full size Lace
Curtains, pair, 89c, 59c, 39c,
29o and 23c
Odd Lace Curtains, worth
from $10 to $25, at, each,
98c, 89c and 59c
Odd Lace Curtains single or
in pair, at, each, 45c, 35o,
29c, 19c and I2V2C
Popular-Priced Dress Goods Dept.
In this department will be found a
complete line of Wool Dress Goods from
28o to $1.28 yard.. Black and colors.
f 1.60 Broadcloths, black and col
ors, at 98
51-inch All Wool Suitings, $l.Uu
grade, at 59
86-inch AU Wool Suitings, 69c
grade, at . . . .' 30
86-lnch Fancies, beautiful designs,
at 39
French Plaids 81.00
Scotch Plaids $1.00
Domestic Plaids 75c?
Domestic Plaids 50
Domestic Plaids .39
86-inch fine Tailor Suitings . . 19
81.00 All Wool French Challles,
at .59
81.00 Waistlngs 59
81.60 Walstings 89t
64-Inch French Suitings, $1.98
values 98
48-lnch French Suitings, $1.50
values 59
A large range of fine Henriettas,
All Wool Serges, AU Wool Storm
Serges (all colors), also" Pana
mas, that range In price up to
76c yard; all in this sale at, a
yard 484
JZey? wtez oAeisaj'
EVERY woman of taste appreciates the Hand
Finished Custom-Made Shoe, but few care
to pay the extravagant price. Our new "Queen
Quality" "Custom Grade" Boots offer its advan
tages, but at a moderate price $4.00 the pair.