Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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    run omaiia daily bee: Saturday. September .51, 1007.
Sight Witnessed by Ship's Doctor,
Captain and Lookout
Graphic Plrtsre of a Spectacle a
7m peat-Tosses' Ship, with Ac
compaalmente of Llabt
Blng and Tbander.
Doctors, a a rule, do not entertain su
perstitious beliefs, nor are ther disposed to
e susceptible to the Influence of occult
:hlngs, and the following strange experience
f a ship's doctor Is not related with the
bject of proving the rule by the excep
tion. The business of- the doctor of medicine
Seals with the material and the physical;
the psychical, the .aupernatural, the hyper
physical and other dlvlna partlcula aurao
being left to the metaphysicians, thauma
turglsts, sky pilots and Heap Big Medicine
This story was told me In such Intensely
earnest sincerity that, even had I been In
sllned to be skeptical I could not have
helped being convinced of the narrator's
SoneBt belief In Its actuality.
I am quite under the conviction that the
loctor saw the strange manifestation Just
ts It was described to me, and I do not In
any way feel that It Is my prerogative to
raise a question of the why and the how.
' The almost equally mysterious llsrht and
Its movements witnessed by the captain,
the mates and the lookout, or officer of the
fleck, corroborate and confirm the genu
ineness of the visitation witnessed by the
doctor beyond peradventure.
Dr. W. T. B. O'Hara, formerly on one of
the ships of the White Star line, tells, as
nearly as I can remember the details, this
A Jolly Companion
"When I was ship's doctor aboard the
Alsutrla we had, on a trip out of Yoko
hama, a very beautiful little girl of 12
years, who had been orphaned In the east
and was returning with us alons to friends
and relatives at home.
"She was so "bright and Intelligent and
was such a Jolly, good-natured lassie that
I was naturally attracted to her. The
friendship being mutual, we were soon
quite attached to each other, spending
much of the day together on deck and
about the ship, for she was possessed of
a woman's curiosity and was eager to In
vestigate the mysteries of the great ves
sel, from stoke and engine room to crow's
nest. During these tours of Inspection and
romping about she readily made warm
friends of all the crew, and especially of
the commanding officers.
"As we ran down the coast It became
evident that the Increasing heat of the
climate did not agree with her, and she
soon grew listless, losing Interest In the
sea and the ship and her playfellows, al
though she seemed to cling closer and
closer to me as her spirits relaxed and
her ph)slque gradually succumbed to the
depressing effect of the heat.
"When we were well down Into the
China sea she became very 111 and was
confined to her stateroom. In a few days
the trouble developed In a severe attack
of tropical fever.
"There being little other Illness aboard,
I was able to give most of my time to
her, and toward the last, except when
called to some Incidental duty for the
moment, remained ' at her side almost
night and day. doing all In my power, both
as doctor and friend for her relief ' and
comfort. . , .
Deadly . Tropica 1 Fevsr,
"All my doctoring and care, however,
see me 1 of no avail against the consuming
fever that was burning out her vitality,
and by the time we had swung down Into
the Indian ocean I had reluctanly aban
doned hope of her recovery.
"The captain and other officers, as welt
as the crew, had shown an unusual and
heartful Interest In her fight for life, and
they came often to sit beside her, express
ing, In their sallor-ltke way, their sym
pathy and doing the best they could In
the kindliness of their hearts to keep her
spirits rallied to the greatest degree of
resistance, so that It was with a very real
sorrow and more than a suspicion of wet
eyes that they heard me as I reported
to the captain one evening that the turn
ing point for her would come that night
and that the chances were all against the
probabilities that she would be able to
live for the morning.
"Maugre the landsman's belief In the
hardened nature of the sailor, ha has,
nevertheless, a heart tender as a woman's
and a kindly disposition that only those
who have lived with him In the open can
fully understand and appreciate.
"And that night It was demonstrated
for far Into the night, as I passed the
smoking room on my way to the locker
for medicine, I saw the ship's officers
there In a little group silent, waiting.
Those big. rough, weather-seasoned fel
lows were 'on watch,' tarrying to learn
the Issue of life and death that struggled
desperately In the stateroom of their lit
tle friend near by.
Life's Flickering; Light.
"As the fire of the fever burned higher
the fire of her life burned down to Its
smouldering, darkening embers. The une
qual contest was nearlng the finale. As
the flushed face among the pillows turned
for a last pitifully appealing look Into mine
tha fever-bright eyes closed, the hand that
held mine gave a feeble, parting pressure,
the tremor of a sigh escaped her and she
lay very quiet and still. The restlessness
of delirium had gone and nature relaxed
Into the submissive resignation to the In
evitable that told me that I had lost my
battle with death.
"The pulse still moved In fluttering beats,
the respiration continued, weak and faint!
the muscles quivered fitfully, the pretty
lips trembled now and then and the facial
expression changed from one Indicative of
weakness and suffering to repose and calm
the restful calm that follows the wearing
"Now and again It seemed that she might
be trying to speak aloud, but tha working
of her dissolving mentality was the com
munion of her soul with angels rather than
of tha mind with men.
"As I sat heavy-eyed In the darkened
chamber awaiting the approaching transi
tion from life to death tha tears came, and
through tha misty hase I saw again an
other sweet-faced little girl lyng pale and
quiet on a death bed away back In the
gone days of my boyhood when I had
watched beslda my sister as she passed on
Into tbe shadows of the great afterwhlle.
and In the halo of that vision the Iron vt
the physician dissolved In the heart of the
man, and I silently sobbed out the pain
that waa divided between the sad reverie
and the nearlng approach to the parting
of the waya with tha dear little friend be
side me,
term and oiaaaaa,
The storm that crashed and rolled out
over tha sea, with Its glare of lightning
and peals of thunder, was milder and more
expressive, but no mora intense and real
than tha one suppressed within me as I
watched the signs of death surely stealing
sver my little companion.
"Unconsciously falsing my eyes from tha
ted, X becama aware of a feeling, a sub
conscious sensation of the presence of a
something In the room that I did not see,
an uncanny something I could not under
stand. "Intuitively, I think. It came to me that
It must be the presence of death, and In
stinctively, almost mechanically, I closed
the pressure of my fingers on the pulse,
but I found they still beat softly beneath
the touch.
"As I looked again at the face the room
grew lighter, slowly, almost Imperceptibly,
with a light that was weirdly luminous,
and yet not altogther unlike the birth of
a dawn of a day at sea; but I knew that It
waa not near the morning, nor could such a
light be possible with the low-hanging,
black clouds of the tempest without that
closed about us with an Impenetrable wall
of light, and. wondering, yet not altogether
surprised, I waited, watching.
"Gradually the light Increased until the
room was as bright as the light of a full
grown dawn, and then I became conscious
of a change a change that was the most
marvelous thing I ever witnessed.
"Blowly the light seemed to creep from
out the corners of the room and gather
in flickering, uncertain wavea of blue and
white and gold directly over the body of
the child, a tremulous, lambent ghost light,
fading, brightening, dissolving, quickening,
falling, rising reminding me as I think
of It now of the quivering notes of soft,
low muslo coming over the tumbling water
out of tha distance.
"A moment It remained and then disap
peared, leaving the room In darkness save
for the shaded light of the night lamp.
Tha pulse still beat, tha heart moved In
fluttering, pulsing throbs, the face trembled
Its cBlldlsh smile and the lips continued
muttering their unspoken messages.
Answering the Call.
"The storm lulled and In the hush I
waited, wondering, but with no thought of
fear. The Hps moved apart, the face
brightened, her eyes looked out at me ques
tioning, and, bending my head low, I
caught the words of her murmuring voice:
" 'Oh look! How beautiful' and her
fingers closed over mine as she spoke.
"Bhe turned her eyes upward, and, look
ing, I saw, close to the celling, straight
over r head, a blurred, misty, luminous
globe, like a distant light diffused and
glowing in a heavy fog. This grew, slowly,
almost Imperceptibly as before, until It
hung a quivering sphere of bluish white,
wavy light. It was more nearly like the
St Elmo's flre that clings about the ends
of the spars In a heavy electrical storm
than anything else I can compare It to.
" 'Bee!' she whispered; O eeet'
"Blowly, so slowly that I did not notice
It at first, the ball of light descended until
It seemed to envelope her face and hair,
giving the peaceful, pleased look on her
face a glory and radiance such as we
think of the angels having the sweetest
and moct heavenly vision I ever saw or
ever expect to see.
"As It lay for a moment wavering about
her pillow, I felt her hand grow tense In
mine, her body trembled lightly and she
made a feeble effort to raise her head as
she cried out falteringly:
"'Oh, mamma, mamma! I. see the way
and lt'a-all bright and shining!'
"And as tha voice ended In a low whis
per tha light rose rapidly, dlasolvlng and
disappearing as It reached the celling; the
curly head lay quietly back among the
pillows, there was the faintest breath of a
sigh, a nervous flutter of the muscles, the
fingers of the hand relaxed, the pulse
waa lost and she lay very still and white
as I knelt there beside her couch, alone
with death.
What the Captain Saw.
"I placed her hands across her breast,
and, mechanically, I again looked at my
watch; It was o'clock. As I rose to
ray feet I heard the door open and tbe
captain entered, followed by the first and
second mates and two other officers.. The
captain stepped to the side of tha bed
and placed his hand on the child's fore
head; then, turning to me, he aald:
" 'I thought so!' And then he added:
'Doctor, I don't believe In ghosts and
spirits and that sort of thing, and I
don't think there are any of us here that
do, but these men and myself have Just
soen something that waa very queer, and
It was so real and plain that there la no
mistaking that we did sea It.
" 'There waa a ball of blue Are,' he con
tinued, 'Just like the St Elmo's flre In
a thunderstorm, that appeared right over
j our heads In the smoking room, and when
we looked up at It the thing floated
straight across the room to the door.
There It hung for a second, turned to this
direction and disappeared. When It had
gone I said right away: "Boys, that little
girl of ours Is dead!"
"After sending for the stewardess to
care for the body, I put on my sou'wester
and went on deck and up to the bridge.
I was worn and nervous with the long vigil
In the sick room, where it was always
hot and stuffy, and I wanted to get out
and breathe some cool, fresh air, regard
less of tha storm and the spray and the
Play of Llffhtnlnn- Balls.
"As I reached the bridge the third mate,
who waa on watch, came to me, and, be
fore I had time to speak or to tell him of
what had happened below, said quickly
and with an air of suppressed excitement:
" 'Say, Doc! are you superstitious?'
"I assured him that I waa immune; not
being altogether certain at tha time, how
ever,, whether I really was or not.
"Well, ha continued, "neither am I. At
least I wouldn't want to be accused of It,
but I Just saw something that has set me
thinking quits sharp.
"'About half an hour ago, I should say,
I stood watching tha play of tha lightning
balls around tha forepoak. There were
several others, but this was the biggest
tha biggest that I ever saw. Aa I looked It
began to drop, followed the mast right
down to the deck and disappeared.
" 'I thought at first that It must be an
optical Illusion, so I rubbed my eyes and
looked aealn to the peak, but the light was
gone. Now. I don't believe In signs and
omens a little bit, but I'll admit I did
about half wonder for a while if that was
a forewarning that wa were to go to the
bottom In something of tha aame style as
that ball of lira had done.
" 'Well, then while I stood there still
wondering that ball of fire aeemed to coma
right out of tha deck raise, up along the
mast and aettla around the fore peak again.
" 'Queer, though, but It only hung there
a moment, and than It drifted right up
Into tha clouds and disappeared. Strangest
thing I aver saw I Can you offer any ex
planation for such a queer freak? I can't.'
"Yea I could and I couldn't)
"I told him then In detail of the experi
ence that I had had below, just as I have
told It to you.
"Ha heard me through, rested his chin
In his hand a moment and then said sim
ply: '"Oh. waa that It! I wish that I had
known It at the time!' and walked away
to tha binnacle.
"I did not ask him why he would like
to have known, but I wondered; Just aa I
have often wondered about the weird and
fascinating thing that I saw at tha bedside
of tha dying child." New York Herald.
1 1
Magnificent Quarter
Sawed Oak Rocker
confidential credit. And we give them BETTER SERVICE more accomo
dations and greater help. It's our desire to accommodate our customers
we're anxious to do it. We make people feel free to call upon us for special
favors. We give our customers URcAlEST FREEDOM
in making their payments GLADLY EXCUSE them when
they are ill or out of work. You would appreciate this
liberal treatmentthis BETTER service. It's just the kind
of service that every salaried person needs such as YOU
need and should be having RIGHT NOW. . : : : :
This Roclcer is made of selected quarter-sawed
oak, of extromely handsome design, with
fancy shaped beck, large carved front posts
with carved heds and claw feet. Has novel
spindle sides, the spindles extending from arm
to runner. The peat is extra wide; spacious
and comfortable. This Is positively tin Rieal
est rocker value that was ever offered for your
consideration. .
Filrt Special Values This Wtek In Complete Home Outfits I
Ilecause of some extraordinary favorable pur
chases marie1 in several lines or koivis intended
solid Oak a ye
Dresser Oa J
for our home outfits we are able to give values this week that
are ir greater than were ever before offered to the people of
this of any other city. These, outfits are for 3, 4, 6. 6, 7 and 8
rooms everything of newest designs and most reliable char
acter. Wo Invite you to come and Inspect the handsome fur
nishings included In these splendid outfits.
Credit Terms on above 4 Room Oiler: $10 Cash and IS Monthly
22 Great
U. S.
Colonial Library
Table Special
Advance Sale of Heaters and Ranges
Extraordinary saving opportunitiesa spe
cial sale of the season's newest and most
improved Stoves prices that can't pos
sibly be duplicated a month later.
This handsome Dresser is made
of selected solid oak and has
a beautiful polished finish. Has
large French beve'ed frame.
On sale all week at the Hart
man store
This Is
splendid Oak
in or nann-
some proportions and is
beautifully ornamented
with nickel trimming.
It has extra durubln
firebox, patent grate and
Is a marvel for ccouomy
of fuel.
We offer this week
250 fine Heaters
and Ranges at a
tremendous cut In
price. These Heat
ers are of a spe
cial lot, consisting
of , samples, left
from last season,
and tome odds and
ends. All must be
closed out Imme
diately and to
send them out
quickly we will
sacrifice them at
Ha l'rT4 Ills Alibi.
The Sunday school superintendent was re
viewing the lesson. "Who led the children
of Israel out of Egypt?" he asked. There
waa no answer.
Pointing to a little boy at tha end of
!.lJ,...fa.t' h demanded a little crossly:
Little boy, who led the children of Israel
out of Egypt T
The Utile boy waa ready to cry aa ha
piped out with a quavering voice: "Please,
sir It waan't me. We just moved here
Uirt week. We're from Mlsaury."-The
. Felt Mattress Oo t D
Made in
r . n hi i mi. Hiiiinyii ini
Steel Range, $26.75
guaranteed for 5 years;
complete with high
warming closet, as
shown In Illustration.
This steel Range is a
marvel for the money
positively the best
ever sold anywhere
near the price.
Has six large, full
size 8-inch holes,
has extra large
square oven, is
beautifully o r n a
mented with nickel
$2.50 Cash.
50c Weekly
Extra size most durably
constructed i powerful
double heater many new
features which add great
ly to Its efficiency. Hand
somely nickel trimmed,
large mica illumination,
large coal magazine.
Solid Oak 19 OC
Sideboard laWaOaJ
This Bldeboard Is a very ele
gant design, serpentine front,
elaborately, carved ornamenta
tions and extra large French
bevel mirror. It's a value un
matchahle In Omaha. It In only
through the great advantage
we enjoy In buying these, for
our great chain of 22 stores
that we are able to make the
low price above mentioned.
Imperial Monarch Brussels
Rugrsize 12 It. x 911. Price
This Mattress Is of our own manufacture, is of superior
quality, but by saving the manufacturer's profit we are
able to sell it at the special price above quoted. It is
made of elastic felt, soft, resilient and eomfortahle. Will
never lump. Made with Imperial stitched edices that
cannot break down, and taped. Kqual to $1$ mattresses
advertised and sold throughout Omaha.
This Is our Celebrated Imperial Monarch Brus
sels Hug Specially made for us controlled
exclusively by tho great Hartman chain of
stores. It has no mitre seams to wear off; It
is not made up from remnants; It Is a full
woven rug, made of best materials and thor
oughly guaranteed.
how low
the price
It Is
Antomatlc Bed Divfnpsrt la Salld Osk
Opens Aolomallcally to Fill Size Bra
Bed Davenport Is made In solid oak, beautifully polished
of Hurtman's reliable construction, very strong A durable
Carpets A Big Saving
35 Rolls Heavy Ingrain Carpet, usu- IQ
ally sells at 45c to 55, yard aOC
26 Rolls Fine Brussels Carpets, you're "7
. saving 30 per cent, yard ,U C
41 Rolls Wilton Velvet Carpet, strict
ly all vool super, yard vJv
18 Rolls Extra Super Quality Wilton
Velvet Carpets, yard I.avU
If T nnnT
Mih TT7 A Tin Til
"Feather your nest
Oil Clolh, Linoleum & Malting
116 Rolls Oil Cloth, 4-4, 6-4, 8-4
reduced to, yard .OC
96 Rolls Linoleums, printed, best fft
quality, yard .' D JC
112 Rolls Inlaid Linoleums, Import- A
ed qualities, yard 7UC
600 Rolls Japanese Matting, large
consignment Just received, yard lC
Remarkable Itelllgece and Gr
- tude Displayed in Crisis by
Pat Reptile.
Captaln Frank Williams, who resides on
his farm at Woodford, about two miles be
yond tha exposition grounds, In East Tid
idl, la plunged Into bitterest grief. Last
Sunday he burled Hamlet, his pet snake,
tha constant companion that for so long
haa comforted his declining years, sharing
hla sorrows and rejoicing with him when
fortune smiled upon the ranch.
"Yes, It la a great sorrow to me," said
tha captain, aa lie rammed his pipe full
of home-grown leaf, his eyes moist with
tha memory of hla faithful friend. "I've
known Hamlet since he was a wee little
tot, too small to know which end to start
off on when he wanted to go aomewhere.
Hamlet, yes,' that was hla name. Y' see,
he was always dressed in a customary aull
of solemn black, being a blacksnake, and
when he was feeling soople he could a
tall unfold as long as a bull whip.
"Yea, sir, ha got to be so dependent on
ma he followed me 'round like a calf. If
I went out to make a call on a neighbor
Hamlet would come In and festoon him
self over the hatrack, happy In knowing
I waa near, and hot summer nights he
used to crawl down on the foot of my
bed and keep my legs cool. Ha loved to do
things Ilka that for me. He waa alwayr
hunting up opportunities to save my life,
but there waan't much chance here In old
Fairfax county. T' aee, tha roads are too
bad for automobiles.
"Bu his faithfulness waa at last re
warded, and poor Hamlet did save ma
from a horrible death, though at the coat
of his own life. I had been over to a
matinee at tha opera house In Tidldl one
afternoon, and on my way home I went
back of tha car shops and took a short
cut between the Union depot and the
rolling mills along the main ' line of the
railroad. About half way home the road
curves around through a deep cut. As I
gingerly stepped along the crosstles while
Hamlet glided at my heela, watching for
every possible danger that might threaten
ma, I stumbled and fell. My head struck
against tha rail, cutting my forehead
deeply. Tha blow did not render ma un
conscious, but It brought on a sudden and
complete paralysis, and I lay there, prone
across the rail, bleeding profusely, but
without power to move a muscle. Poor
Hamlet, deeply moved, came wriggling up
and folded himself carelessly around me,
stroking my brow with his tall and looking
the sympathy he could not speak. That's
one advantage a snake haa over a woman
when It comes to nursing.
"As I lay there, waiting to recover my
power of motion, I suddenly heard the ap
proach of the express train. Instantly tho
full horror of my position flashed upon me,
but no sooner than it did upon my faithful
Hamlet. With an agonized look he began
to uncoil his folds from about ma and for
an Instant I feared that ne would leave
me to my fate. The next moment I saw
how cruelly I had .misjudged his noble na
ture. With eyes filled with hope and de
termination he dived Into my pocket, drew
forth my handkerchief and an Instant later
was mopping It with feverish haste in the
blood that flowed from my wound. I lay
looking on In bewilderment while the thun
der of the express rolled rapidly nearer.
Then, as Hamlet swiftly proceeded to knot
the ends about his tatl, I knew he had
conceived some marvelous plan of rescue,
and I laughed with joy In my full con
fidence In his subtle Intellect. With one
last glance that seemed to say, 'Old fellow,
you just put your monwy on the long one,'
he swiftly hoisted his tall lp the air, push
ing It higher and higher, until there he was
standing on hia nose in the middle of the
track Ilka a ballet dancer on tha tip of
her toes, while six feet above him In the
air was tha tip of his tall, and from It
there fluttered wildly In tha wind the
blood-red handkerchief that you couldn't
have told from the danger Hag of a rear
"It must have been a terrible strain on
his nervous system, let alone his muscles.
and I was afraid he couldn't hold out, but
tne next moment the engine came rocking
round the curve at a flfty-mlle-an-hour
rlt. There was a hiss of steam and a
grating of brakes as the engineer, halted
by Hamlet's red flag, reversed the engine
and threw on the air. Hamlet, overcom
by the tremendous strain, collapsed and
.mi in a raint, with his body half across
the rail, as the engine csme thlr.Hn.
and atopped within a foot of me. but
before it had cut poor Hamlet tn two."
An a tear rolled down tha caDtatn's
cheek aa he acratched a match on' tha
Post' ,al n! r"t h'" p,p W"nl"rton
Bea Want Ads for Business Boosters.
Mow many
of your customers
are women?
Women do most of the buying for the household;
even for the buying of men's clothes their word
usually goes as to where and what to buy.
The "women folks read the advertise
ments; they are as much interested in
store prices as their husbands in mar
ket reports; they are constantly study- 1
ing, where they can buy the best 'and
most for their money.
The Bee is the home paper; it is delivered early and the
housewife reads it first. There are thousands of homes where no
other paper is admitted, for good reasons.
Advertisers can reach the women folks through
The Omaha Evening Bee
A clean and reliable newspaper for the home.
lc-por copy
6c per week
Within everybody ' reach reaches everybody.
Made of solid oak, elepant finish, made special
ly for ns and or superior quality. The top
measures 44x28 Inches. This table Is made
under our own supervision and Is thoroughly
guaranteed In every particular: has lnrice,
spacious drawer,' extra mxsHlve legs and large
broad stretcher shelf, below. .