THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1P07. OFFERED: FOR RENT famished nnjn-C'ontlnaed. rojl RENT-rnrnished room. 117 fv1c "I ! , U3 SIS Ax I'.OOMS, 87 per we-k; good dining room. OgdVn hotel. Council Bluffs. I. U5- M 3 P22x NICKLY furnished rtoni, 85 fl. 2Tth Art! t . " (li 37 S.t;x HARNEY, furnlehed room. (15-M74 822 ELEGANTLY furnished room. 1915 Cap itol Ave. '...'. (151-7G8 823 , . -a .I, FOR RENT-Two furnlhe4 room, ft' JlaniUtan i , !& CS4 EJfClTJXENTf modern, furnished rooms for gentlemen: delightful location. Call ,pd see for yourself. 118 N. lt h ft. J . . t,,Ji . 05)-M?l !0X LARGE front room, suitable for two ttn tjemen, private family;. 5 rulnut' walk from potbffc ri5 N. 23d. r j ., ' ". . ' (15)-M8 21x' lANIWMB furnished room: private fam fly; fine neighborhood. 308. N. 22d St. HAVqflO'MEL.T furnished room. In nc' brick flat; everything first-class; reason able icrm. ti. aoth Bt. 15-MS61 21." NjfCELY furnished front room for light twwrpin; a lao large parlor. In mod ern house.. 2318 Douglas. ; tU)-MJ 2tx ' R,, PENT Front room In modern flat: heat, Iectrtd .light, gas. bath. telephone; rjitatf family; eleven Mocks' walk; went ride: t single gentleman. Address H . 24B. car Bee. . (16)-958 l!ht Er'ErtAlO'ryY' furbished room, private f dmWy; best locatlrffi In Hty; reference re-tWh-efl. Fhone D6ng. 4il. (B)-loO 19 ' - ' ; j YOTTNGI man wanled to share a nice 112 foom; 'reference! required. J2S 8. 25th St. r- .. . . (IS) 168 24x MODERN furnished rooms. 2111 Harney. (ft)-244 21 ItM R'KrtT Well furnished 7-room hotise; in TrtortPTrl; tn Konrrtze Plnce; corner lot; plocka from Jth St. car line. -Phoii9 Wehstgt 607. o ' ,. 10x Untarnished Roams. OV alefknf unfuxnlshsd room, strictly niodarn. 6.3 l ark Avs. . (lui "SI aox TKR.EE nnfurntshad rooms. 1129 N. 17th Bt. ? .-- r - (i5)-sn FOUR large unfurnished rooms; modern. a th Ave. . . (151-236 21 x ... rnrsltkrd Hniea tad Plata. C.:: . . . . 1 - f FURNISHED house for rent or part f fnrnlture for gale. '. Jl 8 Georgia uvenue. ... ; (is) mi us. BIX-ROOM furnished ftnt, close In; onk fin ish, hot water fieftt; furnished, llustlnn llcydoji, im Farnam Bt. (IS) Mm FX'RNISHED IIOl'KE. 8-roofrt. thoroughly mo1,rn house, tn ttloiit 'anslrulile' part of Koutit.e Fiare. Hce us regarding lense. ' UEORUJt 4 CO.. 1691 Fsrnam Ht. , ' .. (15) M:54 22 , nAnsckrepfnaj Rwonie. ' LUiHi1 hawanent rooms complete for hoilst'keaptnjf; , modern; cheap for the winter. . Joa 27th t. , ? jV, (15) M142 24x Xj'. . ',' Cottages. Vt N. S9 TH- -room and nU, all mod., $40. 9414 Charles. Dtw 1-ronm, all mud, J33 . ,:B- and Wehator, D-rooin. ull mod.. UZ.uO. 2fs;i 8. 9th, Hear end of Farnam line, new 44ruotu. all mod. ti'M. , 4712 N. 29th 1tw.5-ro'jni cottage, hath, S2'l. 3:K!0EKK.nRAU'KHTATE e:u.. 1001 N. Y. Life Bids. 'Phono Doug. - 21 -n1' " ' - .(10-M1ffl21 I9JO N." M S-room. mf-dern. C7.yi. 3ulD N. 2th 6-TOtnT new cottage, $22,50. 2'f N.t d41-raom, . modern, hot . water -!uat.-3 '..'"I i HAS t'INOH e HRYDEN,' 1704 Fhrnam Bt. I. (li) 2) ---' -,.vt - --- - . . t!.t BKNSON HOVE. Feft-HKNTr-s-Vrnom rnune, with 2 lots, Wtdl and Cittrn;, bnVn, ehlckon coops, shade trees; lot fenced lit.' - .-. TWRRItLL c COh rl; -dJoug: .t i.oui if, fatferson Fldg. t. V '' (US) M31Q 21 WIS 12ARD rooms. Well, furnace, qhlcken park, Ihrge lot; good place for children; iir.r . ; turrei.L & co.,' . . reri. ou. llt. Room 17 PutteYson Bldg. f P ' (15) M311 tl &S3 PATRICK AVE., a rooms, new, modern except h ru fJS. ' U14 Can bt., rooms, modern except heat, $e ' BEMlfl, PAXTON BTX)CK. i-h- ,.i.- . . 'Phrtne Doug. 6S3.' 4' -,.t-'..- (15)-M1BS rOR-RENT J24.00, cottage. 6 rooms and Wth.- HI B.'Slst St. Harney 177. :- "!'- (15) M295 28x 1710 BRTSTOl, HT., T-room modern house; good barn; large yard; all In boat of epalr; $95.00 per month, i GEOH0 - 'CO.; 101 Farnam Ht. .v.-.T . ' (15. M292 22 FOR RENT--roora house; modern except furnace.. IStf Np. 25th . Bt. (15)-248 2S FOR RENT Six-room modern house. S. W. corner 30th and Dewev Ave., SS7.50. K. It. LANDFRTOU, reL Doug. 2151. 442 Board of Trade. (15) 184 19 rOfl JlENT-7-room house. $S8 . Seward, two Docka fro in cwrr modern except fur Bc. pn ,yard. .0Q. (15) M170. rOR ' RENT S-room modern house 2110 a ke--well . tacated.- ' (1S)-M17 S-mora. all madern .house, $40. 8.. E. curaer 24tli and Blnnejr. C1HU3 BOVEU. d and Cuming Bts. .f.. -.. - (15) 198 ear, ' strictly modern 7-room brick es; floe location; 3 at S32.60. and I V roorn modern houses, SCO per month all of these houses are In aood ihorhooda and -convenient to cars. Mar llth and locust. $5 per month. ,i-J. H. Dl'SIONT & SON.. l Farnam Bt. ., .., . . . ()-191 riVB-room cottage, ew; reasonable rent. ftt&iNo, 96th ve. J. Kendls Co., . Paton block. . , ( M100 24 SNtJC t)Q esport piano niBTlng at . loweat triors. T. Douglas 15. Bchmoller -luaUer. i'iB Co.. 1311-llilS Farnam. ' -- - U-2 i' 1 '' " i )MAHA : Van Storage Co, pack, move. Mora H. H. goods; storehouse 1120 34 N. MKb. Ofllca 16u rartm. Tel. Doug. 15o e ' U5) 261 HOMBEHOtiD goods racked, forwarded; cheap freifnt-ratee. Moving and storsgs. r preeseneae Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas ; tio)-s l-ROOM, modern house except furnaoe, SSU Plereet t,, one block to car. Inquire Ubl South lithr Ave. J. H. Althouse. ' , k . , ()-4K FtW KENT By owner, S8S1 N t?d, new . room modern oottaga. Tel. Webster 186. ; ' . (U)-8M rVB MOVE PIANOS Maggard Van and Btorage Co. TeL Doug. 149. Offloe, 17J Webster St "'. (U) 262 HOUSES In all parts of ths city. R, C. Peter A Co- Bee Bldg. ' - .., - ()-2 FOR RENT rg store room, lth and yinton .. C. M. bachmaan. 437 Paxton tlock. , ' . (U) 360 HOUSES, msuranoe. Rlngwalt. Barker Hlk. t) zsa iiousEs .l1..lrta nt lha eltv Crelgh Sona 4V Co- Km Bl.lg. t r n I RICK dwoUInx. all modern, rooms. 614 5?- ,th J?' '- Eluwr J. Neville. 901-1 Kevlile Blk. (lii)-U9 21g "0J" house. N. Fenger. i-t r- TeL Red ( 124 POR RNT-FIvj nice rooms. ti South Sih EC m ... . .. . (IS) i liu. FOR NT Desk room In Ba office, city 7 N. tn bl. Bo. ah Omaha. r. U3k-114 If nous at S nigi D-SK i t ft Pa,XU Blk. (Tl 47 OFFERED FOR RENT - CTt!nued.) lilting. rOP. RENT. A SIX-KTORT RU1LDINO IN WHOLKSALF, DISTRICT. The six-story and basement building at iVt Howard St.. formerly occupied by th linyward Brother Shoe Co.. for rent. Annual rental 82.4i0. Floor space la 8exl3) ft , and all Itinri ar.d basement contnln about 20,( square feet surface. The building liaa a good elevator and dllee apartment, and l equipped with a moiirril fire sptlnkier vstem. R. C. PETERS CO.. t20 S. 17th Bt. Be Building. (151-M706 RETAIL LOCATION 1fin-lM2 Harrey 8L. five floors and base ment, 6t'.xl32 fpft. now orrupled by Midland Olass and Taint company. GFTORQE & CO.. 11 FARNAM ST. ' (151 M291 2S Stores. ' One store room In new "Scargo" building In -couth Omnha, near postofTli'e, with lighted basement, modern show windows snd awnin.; bt p msihle loratinn. Hall Distributor Co.. IU7 First fcatl. Bank niilg. '1'hone Red 7406. (1 FOR lectures, concerts, dances and balls. r"rnternlty hall, ISIS Harney St., opposite Public library. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Famam Bt. M7 019 125 PER MO for 2 21) H Famam Bt. 135 per mo., for atore room, 2210 Far ram Ht. J leu p-r mo. for 161 1 Howard St.; good bBHi-ment. 20x60 feet. OtChOB ft-CO, 101 Farnam fit. (15 M293 22 MODERN STORES FOR RENT. Modern store room, llijht, very deslnble, opposite public library, next to Ind pendent Telephone building, 19th and Harney. . SJtlMER & CHASE CO.. 109 Fernam St. Dougl.r 3517. (15) M'J9 22 BAKERY and large atom, room for rent or sale; centrally Imated; If Interested It will pay you to Investigate. Address U 1M. care Bee. .. U5)-M197 22x DRDO STORK; host unoccupied location for local drug business in city. Will al ter and luase tj right party. Also A-l grocery l.ic-ition. REM IK, 30& Paxton. Blk. 'Phono Douglas S6. . (15 M3I0 STOREROOM. 621 P. 16th St. Clarke Powell, 2041 Fornarn t. . . 15)-2 OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing. ANCHOR, and Iron fencing; wire fencing (o per foot. 2t8 N. 171h at. Tel. Red 814. . - tl)-26 Ornltaro. v ., V .'- , FURNITIIRE for tn rooms, coniplete for housekeeping, good location, modern, close In; three rooms pay all expens'-a. $.T0 If Uikcn kbls week. Address H-2U. care Leo. .. . (15) ii24 Six ONE piece linoleum 12x12 feet: new Au gust 1; 1 cherry book shelf; 1 Herrlck 2 refrigerator; 1 cook stove. ;!11H Grant Et. (H)-24 21x BECt)ND-H AND furniture and piano for sale. 1)20 North 231 St. . C.tti M27U 22x 213 HAND n-rnlture bought and sold; busi ness on tho square. Rosenberg, formerly with Chlcrgo Furniture Co., 103 S. JHIj St Tel. Douglas 5U&. ' (U!i-469 &$ FOR SALE Furrliurn of k H)-rooni house; all or part; furniture mtit be mostly cash or terms. 2517 N. Mth St. (16) M47 FOP. SALE Cheap, irlde hoard, steel rango and other household furniture. 6"J N. iTtli Bt., Bcuth, Omaha. !) MS14 WORTH 8F CING! STOVEfl RANGES A C HALF PRICE! S'K) nearly new. slightly used, hlgh-graila stoves and raiigen. Vou. can save halt hy buvlng of us. We do what's right. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO.. I41S Dodge.. T"l. Doug. 47S7. CIS) 132 Oct.18 MUST' Jjo.BOjd .thl.wc.ek: Etnrson .Upright .planp, .dressers, dlnintt (room .table, chairs, kitchen .cabinet, refrigerator and ether furnishings of a seven-room house at a fraction of their value. . Seward Bt, .... . - : ... .; ti6j--a 20x 1 PIECI0 Ilnofeum' 12xT5 feet, new August 1; 1 cherry bok shelf, 1 cook stove. 2119 Grant Bt. . . (IB) 246.21X Plaa-oa, Ortsss, Musical lastrnasente. . ' A NEW KIMBALL organ for snle cheap. 815 N. 7th St. (IS) M202 22x (16)-M.1JJ FOR SALE eilEAP-Story ft, Clark cabinet organ, 13 stops, a beautiful, strong-toned Instrument, suitable t for church or home, good condition; cost C2j0. Address L 734, Eee. , . . (1)-S70 Red Taa Piano Sale 100 nev. slightly, used t and second-hand tlsnos at a. deep cut In prtcea A' big red r tag. on which the price Is marked In plain figures, attached to each Flano. Watch for 'the red tags. Every red . tag mean a bargain, .'' ' ' . " ' , Kimball Upright I as Singer Upright 90 Bhubert Upright , 120 Davis & Bona Upright 138 acbler. Upright .................. 175 ' The same easy terms $4, $5 or $6 monthly. Don't miss this chance, Mrs. Piano Buyer. Watch for the red tags. . Every rej. tag means a-bargain. Sehnioller & Mueller Piano Co., Doug. 1-3. 1311-1313 ;Farnam St. U6)-M 338 root m BUItwrd Tables. FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard ana pool tames, we lead the world: In cheap bur natures; easy payments. Brunswick- Balke-Collendar, 407 . 10th Bt. U-271 TyBerrrtter. and Itnlsg Machine.. FOR SALE High' grade second-hand type- now, uuu uuiiuiuuii , a .lifistm at KKJ. Call room 3, Be Bldg. tlfij 671 GOOD Sewing machine. $5.00.- 415 No. 4 bt. (16) aiSttO W ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6. In good A. . t. . , n ,.1. ' I . .. . vviiut.itii, (ui iiT.y. v. I k v ... a office. () ONE ' REMINGTON typewriter. No. ; In splendid condition. Address E 191, Bee. . . . . . (16) 186 34' Mlaeellaaeama. DUPLEX PUMP Oo-gallon Worthlngton duplex pump, slzs xlOHxle. for sale about October 1. This pump has seen about six month actual sorvioe and I in good onditkn; will sell at a bargain. Apply W. H. Bridges, engi neer Be Bldg. (16) 470 APPIJC treea, 10c; plums, 20c; grapes, Sc; raspberries, lc. Cyrus Hrey, Al tooua, la. (1) M9 2Ss 95 New Cot. Beds, cost $1., only 60c each: also gooid Iron bed at a bargain. Jul! Davenport- ... (,!) $) iix LADIES' railroad ticket to Denver and Halt Lake, good until October ... bed cue p. -rnone Harney itA. (1)-M31I S3 FOR SALE Five pool and two bUUard tablea at lea. Ui an half price; must be cum anu nun v iiia wtwa. 9 no. dtin SL, .So. On ha. 16)M1 BIO lot of odd and ends, crockery, brass oods a no glass, to sell in Bulk. See w . Ailnia, Sccwnd floor. The Bennett Co. uu-Ai in SECOND-HAND rubber hose, tool Blnger. 41 N. MUk (li)-- OFFERED FOR SALE Mlarellaaena Catlnae4. J. P. O'BRIEN'S SALOON and Restaurant Furniture aad Kitchen Utensils, No. 1415 Farnam St.. for sale. W. W: DODQE, ' Trustee Irr Bankruptcy, " - ' 25 New York Life llldg. 'Fhooe Duuglaa 12(7. tU) M36 RID PATH'S History of the World Amer-j . lcsnir.f5 ncvclooedla Rritar1ca: new International encyclopaedia; on imall ninttlv invmenti. W'ebster'e Una bridged Dictionary, $10 edition only 13 2J tins weeK. ki. I). KoDerts, eoutnwesi corner 16th and Famam Bts. (IS) 447 Sp?1 OAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, must up-to-date stock at lowest prices In the city, select now. Delivered When needed. Inspection Invited. BURUESS-URANDEN CO., US So. litu 6U Tei.Doug. OSL . UOJ-27J STANDING DESK, black walnut. ( fed: also black walnut roll top desk; both good repair. 8 Bee Blilg. . (1" M360 22x FOR SALE Onyx soda fountain, 24-syrup, two body, ledlRerater base, counter au tomatic carbonator, filter, all as good as new; also drug store fixtures, counters ai:d show cases. Howell Drug Co., ltith and Capitol Ave. OS) 548 FOR SALE A butcher's refrigerator, sev eral shew cases, a new peanut roaster, laige cofre in:ll. two large automatic nil tanks and store fixtures too numerous to mention. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (18) 378 FOR SALE CHEAP-18 H. P. Fairbanks & Morse gasoline engine, new; has been run only a few times; will give a bargain. Apply to B. V. Cooke, Klmbnll. Neb. (16)-Mti94 27 8HERM.N-WIIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman McConnell Drug Co. (1 27S FOR SALE Finest boarding bouse in the city; best location all furnished: walk ing dlHtni-e, etc.; cheap. Inquire W)2 Karbach Blk., Omaha, Neb. (16) 274 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all orders; catalogue free. SHERMAN A M'CONNEL DRUG CO.. Omaha. Neb. (IS) 275 SEND US your mnll orders for drugs; freight paid on 10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omnha. (IS) 277 . HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and retail. Sherman McConnell Drug Co. UB)-;b HAY-S9.00 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. Kith. (IS) 2S 0 HALL'3 safes, new, 2d-hand. 1S18 Fsrnnm. (ID 271P FOR SALE Furnace, suitable for heating a 9-roam house; good as new; apply ut once, z;J! Harney fit. 06) 823 ' FEW bargains In 2d hand soda fountains, monthly payments. Derlght, 1818 Farnam. (lG)-2?i FOR SALE Three hundred tons of fine Ice. Will quote price f. o. b. at Perry Coon Valley Ice. Co.. Perry, la. . (18) M813 21 FOR SALE 16-hole rangeor 14-hole stove jit 2S03 -N. 20th St. ' (Iff) 933 22x TWQ tradir stamp books $5. Address M VPs.carepe. (16) 217 2Tx PATENTS LARSON & CO. Book free. Bee Bids. (171-2&2 . D. O. BARNKLL, patent attorney and ma chine designer, Paxlon blk. Tel. Red 7117. (17)-S7S Octll PERSONAL IDEAL HAIR PARLORS, room 11,-Crelgh. ton block-; new, managemeiM.; manicur ing, ' , nalrdraing. ,. jikman-Petei . Tel. Red 47i (110M6 Af ARQAfJlV ohalybeate scrub bath .UAOOiVULi ana .hlropody.. Expert lady operator. The Elite, Room 900, Bar ker, Block, 15th and Farnam Bt. i ... - (18)-U6 iix YOCNii WOMEN coming to Omaha a trangers aro invited ti visit the Xoung Women Christian Association room, 151 Farnam street, where they will be di rected to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. (IS) 915 PL.KAl 1NG BuVtVos,IRUc.hlng, I l.uaiiltu Embroidery. Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrinking only 5c per yard. Bend for prico list and samples. , GOLDMAN l'LEATINPI CO . 10 Douglaa Block. Tel. Douglas 1936. 08)-M644 MAGNETIC S?riK,"A.iI'SH' Room 2, 1204 Farnam Bt., 2d floor. (is) M181 s: A HOME for women during confinement win una comrorlablo homes for babies Whose mothers cannot care for them; ac commodation first-class, terms reasonable. Address Mother Lee, Superintendent Tin ley Home. 'Phone Douglas 1921. 4f3 Ban croft. (18) M818 Octl6x THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off doming; in fact, . anything you do not need. We collect, repair snd sell, at 114 N. llth St.. for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 413i and wagon will call. ()- u HEALTHY, wholesome, satin skin be stowed by Batln akin cream and Satin powder. 2'x. . (18) SEWING machines rented. Neb. Cyol Co., um ana iiarnry. -pnone Douglas 1663. (18)-2S4 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices, s'eno" lor rree catalog. .e. Myei s Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (1S-287 HAVE just started on my own hook; will ao painting; ana tinting at a very reason able price; work and material guaranteed; give me a chance; the benefit will be mu tual. Shank, 26t0 M St., South Omaha. Tel. 2047. (18)-M206 22x A FIRST-CLASS painter and paper hanger will do work In exchange for old clothes, old furniture or merchandise of any kind or will pay highest cash price for same. Call or address Shank, 260O M St'..' South Omaha. (IS) 944 x PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King. 1320 N. Sttta Bt. Tel. Web. 3:.59 1K 2S) MAGNETIC treatment and bath. Mm. (18) Mi OMAHA .Stammerer' Institute. Ramge Building. - (18) 283 PENNELL, MILLINERY CCk 1511 Doug, .iili ; OS) 17 Nov. 17 REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. RUSSELL M'KITRICK CO., 432 Ramge. ... ! PAYNE INV. CO.. Ut floor N. Y. U Doug. 1781. (1S)-1 R. C PETERS CO.. Be Bldg. (19) 292 GEO RGB at COMPANY. 1001 Fwrmu u. Tel. Douglas 754 Uij 3e a . RICH, llth and Locust. Tel. Web. 1471. 0 4 Octix CITY PROPERTY FOR SALB. CLOSE IN LOTS IN HOME PLACE $700 TO $1,000 ;' South front lot on Laka-BC. between lSltl and ISth $700. Weat front lota an ISth Bt 400. Corner a trifle higher. Then ar th best and lowest priced close In lot you will ever buy only a few left. , ' HASTINGS. UEYDEN,; 1704 ranua tt. R Bids. , .. ... - v Oa-336 at ' REAL ESTATE ' 431 TT FRrKFiTtr FOR IALB. (Conunued.) i SIMMER HOME" AND. FRUIT FARM. NorOf cif Fien.iN' Orphan. on good read, near Mie Bran-. dels home, contains 10 acres, "V of which la hearing fruit;, applea, cherries,' plums, grapes, etc, Over $SW) worth of fruit win be sold from this place tills year. Hat (rood 7-rrim house, bam, cribs, chicken Itouse, etc Beautiful, sightly location and a bargain at 4.0"(J. Easy terras. .. W. FARNAM'BMlfH CO. Tel. Doug. 1064. lilD Farnam 8t. , . (19)-t43 19 ' BANKERS In the city wanting Information in regard to eitjr property, are Invited to call at our office. We have a .few small maps of the city free as long as they last. HARRISON & MORTON, H2-S13 N. Y. Life. ; ; Tel. Douglas 314. (l!)-232 19 YOUR CHANCE To get a 7-room house; It has cltv water, cistern, sewer and. gas; Just been put In fine repair; good bain; It s 4sesnt now and must be sold at once, therefore the great sacrifice. This is only about two miles from the postofftce. It' dirt cheap at $1,760. But best offer takes it. $4uo cash and $23 per month.' J. W.KASP CO.. Doug. 1663. Paxton B!k. (19) M4nS HUTCHINSON-BOLLARD CO. Offers a good property at 2522 Maple St., at a low pelce. Full lot. 8-room house with large reception hall, gas, bath and furnace; good barn, permanent walks,. Iron fence, shade trees. $2,610 takes It, ;see... . hutciiinson-bollari) co. Room No, 22 Patterson Blk,, 17th and Farnam. '. (191183 20 .MODERN COTTAGE. 5-room cottage, . hrrougly well built, double floors, surface floor being ma ple; large bath room; nice attic, piped for gas and wired for electric light; all modern plumbing; .full size screens, ef - south front lot. 87x100, ' lying high and . sightly, two blocks south of Ames Ave. car line, 36th aud Boyd.- Price, $1,960. C. Q. CARLBERG. 911 New York, iAte Bldg. V ' ' (19) M20I SPECIAL SALE BOULEVARD . PARK ' Beginning EridaySppt. ,20, . ;pno. Week, , . Sept. 20 th to 27th -. .- -u ...-' :' $60 Cah.-Psnc.8y ATerm8. THE NVAV TO A HOME . XoU -,575.. $6D0,-. I.65Q; sewer. water, gas,'- cemeflt walkfl, treea, etc' Make your selection tomorrow. Never again aucji'an opportunity to secure a choice residence Ipt In this modern homes addition. Only. . fifteen- rufnu'tes . irpm down town by electric car without transfer. Go and see for yourself the splendid class of new homes and large number of dwellings under construction. Then buy before tfie advance. Is made la prices. Saleemen on the ground. Look at the plat of beautiful BOULEVARD PARK-.-, Notice the location.- The ad vantages peculiar to this addition. Sightly, overlooking trje Missouri vaU ley and within n minutes' walk of Omaa'a only lake resort, with' sail ing, .rowing and Ashing to your heart content. Take Sherman Ave., car to Sprague St. and turn west" Into "BOULEVARD PARK. SHIMER & CHASE, re 09 Farham?. ,'. , Douglas 3867, ' ' . ' (19)-231 19 $1,(00 "WILL' BUY a S-room hoiue.J city water., aewerage; barn, cistern,' on street car line, paved street, walking distance. 4304 Maple St. 7 rooms, story and one-half, cement oellar. welt, cistern, lawn, barn; fruit trees, two lots, two blocks from car line; the 'owner Is moving on a farm and will sacrifice on this property. 6e; us about the price. 1915 Pinkney St. 9 mom, modern through out, facing park, kit 6exl?4. Takes Sl.Khi to handle this property. This will make a delightful home, a quiet place to live. .In a good part of th city. The owner I a non-resident. Let us tell you about the Brice and terms. Turrell A Co., Tel. ioug. U . F.oom'17 Patterson Bii(r. ' (19-M309 21 LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN 10-room new bouse, thoroughly modern, hot air furnace, gas and electric lights, lot south front, 7 6x194. Near Kouutis Place and one block from Sherman Avo. car line. Price cut from $1,750 to $3,600 for quick sale. C, G. Carlberg,. v " 911 N. Y. Life Bids. A' , CIS) Ml It BARGAIN. S-room, new 1-atory house,- 24x28, oft lot 60x160; good cellar: all bricked up; 1u Walnut Hill: only $1,780. , , . W. H, GATES. , -. ' ' (It N.vT. LU. 'Pbon Doug. 1294. 1 tl) M?5H - REAL ESTATE CITY FROI'KRTt FOB SALE. fCantmued.r , -. y FINE HOME v 3820 HAMILTON ST. '' NEAR BEM IS PARK Eight rooms, rsrlor, dining room, llbtary, reception ball, kltchrn and pantry on first floor. I bedrooms and bath on second floor, full cemented cellar, all Improvements up-to-date and entirely modern: combination fixtures; eaclor, UbrSrys dining, room and hall papered with swell new paper; plate rail In dining room; large lot, cement side walk In street nnd around house, 1 Vfc blocks to car line. Trie $3,750; $1,000 cash, terms on balance. It will pay you to look this 11 B Hastings & Herden, 1704 Farnam BL Bee Building. (19) 264 19 ELEGANT RESIDENCE New and modern, on one of the finest streets in near West Farnam oar line; ?ulck possession, only 11.1, 51. Hick Real tate Co., 439 Bd. Trade Bldg. (IS) 260 19x CHEAP INSIDE IXT. ' SO feet, between Post office and High school, for $5,000. HICKa REAL-ESTATE CO., 1S Board of Trade Bldg. ' ' (191249 19x $1,000. NIc 6-room cottage hear 20th and Oorcas St a., full lot, plenty of fruit and a small barn,. D. V. SIIOLES CO., 110 Board of Trade. Tel. Douglas 49. (19)-&f 21 2211 LARIMORE AVE. . Choice S-room house, nearly new, modern except furnace; , issy term. . . , R. II. LANDERYOU, Tel. Douglas 2151. 442 Board of Trade. 09-l 19. 8IX PEP. CENT. STRAIGHT. LOAN84J You had better ''let us pa'ce a straight loan pn that property of your. None of the bother of paying monthly Installments. Cheaper interest rate. too. Come In and let us tnlk It over. ' PAYNE INVESTMENT" COMPANY, ' ' lt Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. . . ,, (19) 190 20 LOOK at 2717 iNo.' d 'Bt: If you want a . S-room cottage cheap; part modern and everything In best of repair. Price, $1,700. Tel. Webster 1059 or Webster 3709. . O., M. UNDERBILL & CO. - '.""".' ' (19)-tlS 20 IN WALKING DISTANCE. On 27th St., near Leavenworth, fi'Jl lot, i cast front, fine shade trees, 6-room house,' ; good rari.; price, $2,400. O' Keefe Real EMate Co.. M'N, T. Life." (19)-M308 22 NICE 5-roofn cottage, 'on corner, east front, one block to car, on paved street; bargain at $2,260." N 199, Be. (19) M30J 21x . ' "DON T Bf;Y YOUR 5-HOOM cottage until you have seen this on beau tiful Bristol St.', close to 24th 6t, car, pav ing PSfdj S large room below and 3 other can Be TtntsTied above;, has bdek stairway, cemented cellar Under whole house, con crete Walk,' lot 44x132, all Modetn Improve mehts except heat. Get busy, a this will to', this week. i. O. M. UNDERHII.L & CO., Tel. Webster 1039 J or Webster 8709.' Office , 8320 fo. 24th St. ' ()-11720 DfeAli' ESTATE" TITLE-T,tirsT rrt JVCHAS. E. VvlLLIAMSOK Pres. -V- .1t)-296 ' 1 '. J' - . r K i BUT THIS BARtiAlN.' :. . Lot at J6th and Fort streets only '$225.-' ft O. Nordqulst, Owner, 624 8. 30th. St. .v M , ; . - 9)-75l - sroob . " " Will buy elegant new? home- In West Far . nam bt. district, now occupied by the I owner. Hardwood finish, cemented cellar, - lived street, permanent sidewalks, Ev erything new. and In first class condition. This I a -bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1 New York Life' Building. - ;."" . . () uru 24 TjOTS In Halcyon 'Heights, Benson. Ij-hig wen, ciosv to car line; m minutes rlua to Omaha. Will sell altogether or in biinchcB of five. For prices and term ad ' dress H 42. care Be. (19) 167 LIST your protrty with Chi Borer, "2d and Cuming Sta ' ' Q9) 29S REAL ESTATE' FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR 9ALH. 7 ,. . Iowa. WESTERN IOWA corn land fot sate and exchange. Write II. L. Craven Co., Onawa, la. (20) M636 OUx Kansas. KANSAS LANDS Write for our complete list of Kansas lands, .Agent Wanted. Olobe Land and Investment Co.. Omaha, Neb. (20-M510 O10 Missouri. HOWELL county, Missouri, 160 acres, $1,600; 100 acres In cultivation; house, bam, orchard, good fences, plenty Water, good location. Hinds & Hudson, Hutton Valley, Mo. (20) V19K6 23x Nebraska. 20 ACRES, unimproved, near Florence; fine gio, balance farm land; easy terms. A. 1. bey bolt. 3623 Grand Avu. 'Phone Webi-tor 1970. (20) Mil 60 F1RBT-CLASS Nebraska farm and ranohes (or homes or Inveoiu.enl. litmut orr.aha. fSt)-i0 120 acres, locared S miles west of Platts- mouth, rveu.; all In blue grass pasture; 70 acres of bottom land, the bulance rolling upland, with some very fine tim- ber; running witter; two miles from rail road station; qultp a bit of it can be put under cultivation if so desired; ulll make an elegant dairy farm; price $60 per acre. Will - exchango for .town property or stuck-til' goods.- Write to J. P. Falter, rialtamautli. Neb. ( Ml'i2 24 170 acres close to Om.iha uw 12 room house, furnace heated and all tioces sary out L'u:lo:r.jih. I in f aiies in fruit of a'l kind, fine lawn, rich land, close to college, schools, electric cars. This Is one of the best farms In eaiern Nelifaikv. tmpurvemcnt alone arc worth $10,000.' Price only JjO.000. 440 Bjoiril of l'railc DUlg., Omaha, Ne'o. Phone, Douglus 1.'. 10. (20) 198 20 Santa Dakoln. '' ' OUT THE! GO. - You can always find good rich-wheat lanl snd just the kind of a stock farm you want by electing frim our KM,H)-acra tract In the famous Hettinger raumy. North Dakota. Uo out and see It. Look us up. Wllllsrp II. Brown Co., Richardton or Mandan or Molt North Dakota, or 111 Lasaile tit., Chicago. 111. (3u) Al2 27 t Miscellaneous. CHEAP land-Jacobson A Co., 933 N. Y. L. 20)-M4S 29 Nw Meslt-o. SEE HERE. You want to get you a home of your own that will biotg you In a good living. Come to AxUfe an.! tuke up a homestead, or buy a relinquishment on 'one. Thou sand of acre of government land to be put under Irrigation In the next three years. Rare opportunities lor Investments In deeded lands. Property of all kind rapidly advancing In price. Addrtua Lee per et Thompson, Astec. New Mexico. fjii-Mir.i 'iftx REAL ESTATE LOANS LOWE8X RATES Boiul. Paxton Block, ' (t3-l REAL ESTATE LOANS (Coat law) . WANTED City loaa. R. C. Peter A Co. (J2) Swj LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas. 5U5 First National Bank Bldg. (-)! 13, one. 000 TO LOAN on business and resj. dence property in Umaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thorn Ilrennsn, Room 1 N Y. Life- ()-J04 UNION LOAN A INVEST. Co., S10 Ree Loans on Real Estate. Uldg.. Buy 1st nd 2d mtge. 'Phone Tou. 2904. (23 ) M119 Oct4 WANTED City loans nd warrant. W. Farnam Smll lUi CO.. l u arnam St. (22)-S0 SM TO SSO.OOft TO IX) AN at lowest rates; no delay. GARVIN BROS., 1606 Farnam. (22)-S07 PRIVATE MONET F. D. Wead, 1520 Doug. (23) 308 MONEY TO LOAN-Payn Investment Co. (22) 309 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O Keefe R. E. Co., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (22) -305 $500 To $ TO LOAN Private money; no delays. J. H. Bherwood, 937 N. Y. L. (2ai-M.S56 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy second-hand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino leums; office furniture, old clothe and hoes, pianos, feathers bed pillows, quilts nd all kinds of tool; or will buy the rurnttui of your house complete The highest prices paid. Call the right man. Tel. Douglas 8971. ()-MJ06 S27 CASH paid for second-hand clothing, shoes, etc. 306 , No. ISta St. Tel. Red ST6. (25)-215 CASH paid for old books. Crana-Foye Co., 813 8. 14th. Phone Douglas 1321. (26)10 I "WANT to buy a good second hand tour Ifis) car cheap for cash. Y 99S. care Omaha Be. (2S) M6S3 21a WANTED TO RENT WANTED Two connoctlng front rooms, With meals. In private family; young couple and 2-year-old baby. Address S fcl. Bee, t26)-M827 x WANTED At once by two, married couple, room and board; close In If possible. Only prlvato family considered. ' References If desired. . O 200 Bee. (26)-M314 22x WANTED-SITUATION WANTED Position by registered druggist ! as manager of country drug store; best ' of reference. Write at once. Address Y 993. care Bee. (27)-M772 21x WANTED -Position as bookkeeper; can give references. Address Y S, lice. (27) M147 22X SITUATION wanted by thoroughly ex perienced bookkeeper, with good knowl edge of stenogrsphy; can furnish bond and first-class references. Address C 1S9, care Bee. (27) M213 22x YOUNG man. ' . wishes position as as sistant bookkeeper; can do ledger post ing; am also railroad clerk, with S years' experience; flrst-class, references. Ad dress J 195, CSTe Bee. ' (27) M226 21x WANT" Dosltlon In general or grocery store hy all-round clerk; 10 years' ex perience; best reference. Address x li), , care Bee. (27) M300 20x AN OPPORTUNITY WANTED. Will exchange the use of good set of brains for sn opportunity to get into ousi ness; am at present a "machine" for a large ' corporation, with prospect of In crease In salary snd privilege of being an employe all my life; am willing to Invest shre of earnings In good huslness. Ad dress M 902, care Bee. (27) M265 Z2x A MOVING PICTURE machine operator, careful and of long experience wants a nnd. steady nosltlon: prefer a smaller town. Please send correspondenee care . of - Bne, Y 100. (27) M203 Zox YOUNG mnn stenographer will be open for position hout Oct.. It ha clerical ; experience; reference. Address L 248, . care Bee. (27) M991 WANTED Position as chauffeur by com ' petent man; can give references. Ad dress 423 South 18th St. (27)-M27g 26x WHEN YOU write to advertisers remem ber It take but an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee. . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Jan E. Barney to Mathew F. Martin, lot 5, block 850, Omaha $ 3,800 Jane,E. Barney and Anio A. . Ppltej to same 3,800 Leopold Kolovratek and wife to Annie i. Nlles, west 34 feet of east 70 feet, lots 5 and! block 9. Kendall's Add.. 1,8 DeWltt C. Hrysnt and wife to Charles , M. Cady, H Interest In lot 8, Wash ington Square 2 Th Omaha Realty company to Ellxa- ' beth M. Shahan, lots 21 and 22, block S. Ub of John I. Redlck s Add 1.400 Dundee' Realty company to V. W. Car mlchael. lota 1 to 12, block 106, Dun dee ' place 315 Nathaniel Meister to Lucy Slford, lot 17. block 7, Drake's Add 1 John W. McDonald, sheriff, to George , 8. McCague, V Interest In lot 27 to 84, Inclusive, block 25, Leavenworth business place Herman Seharffer and wife to C. D. I. avion, lot 1, block 4. Pullman place 75 Ottls Domina to Harry M. Binlth, lot S. block 1, Erway A Nelson' Add.. 400 The German bank of Millard to Carl E. Jacobson. et al., blocks 99 and 100, Iknson 3,000 Total $14,119 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICE - PROPOSALS FOR Loing Water Mains healed proposals will Le lecelvrd by inu oily clerk of )ieaver City, Neinaiska, at his oflics until the SOtii day of September, l'Jul, at o'clock p. m.. for the furnishing and laying of 10.A40 feet 4-lncii- ea.1l Kiui mains (wt. 22 lbs. to foot); S,4ik) feet of 2-lnch surface galvanised main (pressure 2U0 ibs. to u. Inch); 2, u reel cf 6-Inch main (wt. 38 lbs. to fool), and 430. feet of 8-inch main (wt. 43 lbs. to foot), with 14 two-way fire noxxle hydrants for 2'4j-ltich lire hose with all necessary fitting for all mains and hydrants. Bids to In clude Uiu digging of all ditches at least 6Vi feet below the surface of street at any pluce and Iho estabnhed grade of the city and also to Include all connections and cxtias as shown by the plans and speci fications on file at office of said city clerk. One-half of contract price for laying and f jrnihinc. ?ard malna as above to he paid in Cash and the bolince to be paid In war rants drawn on general fund of raid cltv (option to city to pnv all cash). All bids niu.t l s-componUd hy a certified chock final fo 10 1 er cent of the amount bid as n rtmi-artee that if the bid is accepted the ledger will enter Into contract to perform and carry 011! the hid. The c'tv roc-rv the rlehl to refect arv or all bids. W. L. LEONARD. Cliy Clerk. BTdHt NOTICE OF BOND ISSUE-NOTICE IS hereby given that th Farmland. Fremont and Railroad Drainage District la about to leKue twenty-five thoii'anj dollars of slg per cent interest negotiable bunds pay able hi .twenty equal annual Installment Oanei of real eetate or an ejvement 1 therein apportioned for benefits muy pay to the treasure!) of said district on or be fore sixty clays from th date of the first publication of this notice, the proportion ate ahai'4 of such bund Ishuo properlv chargeable anlnst nuch rssl estate, and thereby exempt such real extatu fiom lia bility for f ayment of bonds, and the ainount of bond Ihsue will thereby be re duced the Hiuujnt of such advance pay ment Dst of first publication hereof. September 14. 19)7. Farmland." Fremont and F.allroad Drainage District. Bv-J. K. Han son. Secretary. 815-D2U. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CANADIAN PACIFIC "MPcCSA".LIn of th Atlantlo $2JW VV CHICAGO TO LIVERPOOL First Claas co Itall and Steamer. Empresses sails from Quebec Sept. 20, - Oct. 4-18. O. . MM-atAUXW, Oeaeral Arn. gsa Be. Clark L. Ckioago. LM. GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR CAVALRY AND AR tlllerv Horses and Traft. Saddle and Pack Mule-'hlef Quartermaster s Office, Omaha. Nebrssks. August 26. J907. Scaled proposals. In triplicate, will be received at this office until 11 o'clock m., centrsl tand ard time, September 94. 1907, and then opened, In the presence of attending bid ders, for forty (4) cavalry horses, one hundred and Ixty-threa (13) artillery horses, three (Si flrart muiep. worn. lour hundred and eighty-four (4(H) pack mules, ninety (90) saddle mules ami one (1) cart mule, for delivery at Omaha, Nebraska, or other prominent railroad points. The animals to conform to speclflcstlons for cavalry and artillery nnrses ana muies. Untied State reserves right to accept or reject anv or all proposals or ny part thereof. Particular and blanks for pro- Piaal will 0 rurnisnen on pv" "' nvelopes containing proposal to be en dorsed "Proposals for Horses or Mules' and addresavd to Major Thomas Cruse, Chief Quartermaster. A2S-37-B19-90-J1-CS RAILROAD TIME CARD miOJ BTATlONlOtfc. AH D BlARCYi Union racla. Leave. Arrive. Th Overland Limited. ag 9:50 am ag 9:40 pm The Colorado Express, a 8: pm aS.-oOpm Atlantic Expre..!.... 9:30 am The Oregon Express... a 4:iupm The Los Angele Ltnt...a11:6S pm Th Fast Mall a 9:30 am a 5:00 pm a 91 :S rm a 6:46 pm a 6:50 pm a S:50am b A:16 pm :1J pm Th California Express a 4i0 pm Colo. -Chicago Special. al;10 am Beatrice Local u?:am North Platte Local a 7:42 am Calcago Northwester-. Chicago Daylight roe am a11:S4 pm alO:00 p;l 1 9: pra -, Bt. Paul-Minn. xp... Chicago Local. .cn.i.. Sioux City Passenger. Chicago Passengei.... Chicago Special St. Paul-Minn. Llm... a 7:50 ant .11:90 am a 1-10 am ,a 3:2S pin . a s.oo pin a :ki am a SrhOpm "a 8:23 an" a8:2pm a 7:40 ant : Lob Angeles Limited. ..a 9:30pm B12:: pm Overland Limited.. Fast Mall - Sloiuc City Local. Fast Mall 1'wtn l it Limited Norfolk-Ronesteel Llncoln-Chadron . Deadwood- Lincoln Casper-Shoshonl ;. Hastings-Superior Fremont-Albion .. ,aio:upns a s:-.vuro v a 9.04 am .a 8:60 cm a :a am a 8:86 pra a 7:40 am a 6:36 pm all: am a 6 :S6 pm all:15 am b 6:35 pm bU.45 pm .;.a St pm ....a 7:40 am .,..b 7:40am, ,....a 8:00 pm . . .' .'a S:00pm ,...b 8:00 pm . ...b S;S5 pm. Chicago Great Wter. St. Paul-Minneapolis 8:30 pm 7:80 am 11:38 pm 8:27 am 11:35 im 8:30 pm ' St. Paul-Minneapolis... Chicago Limited Chicago Express.,,.,... Chicago Express....'.... Chicago, Milwaukee Chicago A Colo, Pp'l..'. , 7:30 am. 6:05 pm 7:30 am 9:30 pm St. Tanl. ' '. .a T2 arrf all0 pra ..a 6:20 am a 3:25 pm ..a 9:58 pm. a 8:80 am Cal. Ore. Express Overland Limited Perty Local a 6:15 pin al0.30am Chicago, nock Island at Fnelfle. awvai. Chicago Limited a J:45 am Iowa Local a7:0am Dee Moines Passenger.. 4.o pm Iowa Local am Chlcnao (Kastern Ex.). .a 4:50 pm all:30 pm a 4:90 pm al2:S0 pm b 9:55 pm , , 1:25 pm Chicago Flyer ...a 6:00 pm .a 8:88 am . WEST. Rocky Mountain Llm,...all:40 pm a J:S6 am Colo, and Cal, Eg. a 1:85 pm a 4:40 pm Okl. and Texas Ex a 4:40 pm a2:45om Llncoln-Fairbury Pass..b .8:45 am bl0:16 am Mlssonrl ParlOo. ' K. C. & St. L. Exp. ...'.a 9:00 am K. C. A St. L.' Exp.. ...all: 15 pin a 6:65 am a 6:36 pra Nebraska Local.... Wabash. si. I -on la Express a 3:00 pm. all :40 am a 6:30 pm a 8:30 am all :1S pm b10:15 am ar Trills Ijocal (from Council Bluffs) a 9:30am Bt an berry local (from Council Bluffs) .........a 0:OOpm Illinois Central. Chicago Express....! a 7:20am Minn. Bl. Paul Kxp...b 7:20 am Chicago Limited....! a 6.00pm Minn. & St. Paul Lmtd.a 8:30 pm a 8:48 pm a 8:66 pm a 8:30 am a 8:30 am BURLlNtiTOK ITAe-iOTH MASO.Y. Burlington. .... ' ' " Leave. Denver A California a 4:10 pm Northwest Special........ 4:10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm Northwest Express a 9:30 pm Nebraska , noluts a 8:0. am Nebraska Express.....',. 9:30 am Lincoln Fapt Maji.,.....b 1:46 pm Arrive, a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pm a 8:45 am a 6:10 pm a 8:10 pm al3:ll pm b 9:06 am a 8:00 pm bl0:20 am a 7:46 am b 1 :S pm a :45 am all:4fi pm a 3:56 pm a 8:30 am all :30 am all :80 am 6:80 am a 8:10 pm Lincoln ixiL.i. ................ Lincoln Local.,... Ioulsvlllo A Plattsm'th.b 3:lf pm ITsmout h a ..a 8:10 rim Plattsmouth-Iowp, .......b 9:16 am lieiievui'-riavLBiiiuuui Denver Limited... all :55 pm Chicago Special; ...a 7r00m Chicago Express .:a 4:80 pm ' Chicago Flyer........ a S.-80 pm Iowa Locnl ; a 9:15 am St. Louts Express ...a 4:48 pm Kansas City ft St. .Toe. . ,al0:4fi pm Kansas City A St. Joe. ..a 9:15 am Kansas City A St. Joe. ..a 4:45 pin WEBSTER BTA,- S5TH WTIBSTBn Chicago, . Panl, Minneapolis A Omaha. 1(, Leavo ' Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ,.b fl:3i em b9:1Qpm Ploux City Passenger, ..a 2:00 pm all:) am Emerson Local bS:4fipm b 9:10 am Vmerson T-ncal .C8:46am c 5:60pm Mlssonrl PaclOc. Local via Weeping Water .. a 8:06 am a 8:30 pm ' Falls City LooaV-......,.-.a fcsO.pra- alt:20am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, o 8undav , only, d Dally except Saturday. Dally ex- cept Monday, g Carrie only Interstate passenger. CREAMERY TO BUILD' PLANT,;' Fairmont Cemsssy Will Krect Fifty-Thousand-Dollar Structure In ' Urand Island.'. The Fairmont Creamery company will build a 860,000 .plant In; Grand Island this fall. A kit 1 $2 feet aquar on th Union Pacific tracks ha been secured and grad- ,, . Ing ha been started. . ( The plant wlll -be for cold wtorag and for the manufacture of butter, Ice cream and condensed milk. It will be three torle ' In height, about tlx;. same dimension a ' ' die Omaha plant, and- will be of brick and 'j ' Steel construction. Manager Rush ton says the company win have the only 'condensed milk factory - In the - state.- Th -country around Grand Island I the aourcef of an Immense supply of milk and ao the plant there will be-one of the company's most Important. TYPHOID FROM BAD WELLS Health Department Condemna Water "apply- of Eight, Ilonaea. Wclls at eight houses Irv the vicinity ot Thirty-third and Evan streets have been condemned by th health officers. Th water ha peconvn .contm,lmitqd and th health department report It unfit for use. As a result of the embargo James C. Lind say Is supplying water to the neighbor hood, a his Is the. only house near by equipped with city water. - The owner and agent of the other house have been urged by the official to equip their house a a precaution against-sickness. Much sickness already lias been caused, it Is said, by the bud water. On worn u 1 now down with-' typhoid fever and another was recently taken, to a hospital. - MAHONEY AND MARTIN TO GO Delegate Chosen by Baslaeaa Men' Association tn deisms' Iuda trial Leagse, Euclid Martin and T. J. Mahoney wera chosen Thursday by th Omaha Business Men' association to represent It at th meeting of the Cttlsen's Industrial assocla tfon of America to- b held at Battl Creak, Mich., October 7 and 8. Another delegate I yet to be selected. A legislative, pro- gram for the next sesoion of congress will be mapped out at th meeting. .,- Secretary Montgomery reported that la two month th Ire employment bureau of the Busines Men' association has regis, tared 760 applicant for work, and had re-. olve4 eighty call train huaift (Uiu for laboa th)'