Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 6

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' "". MEANS - '
Only One Bid Offered and it ii Soon
ltKU ?
kvkiiv nk
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1315-1317-1319 FARNAM ST.
Handsome SouvenirsMusic by a Select Orchestra from aid III
a . J0,Porrw celebrate our First Grand Fall Opening an event of great Importance to Omaha's salar
u 1,I!f.P ' A gre,at dlsP15r of Ncw K"n G001- You are cordially Invited to attend this magnificent display.
Handsome souvenirs. Worthy of a place In any home, will be given free to every visitor. No purchase necessary
hi. fnn..t,.M "H" 4un,e(lualle? showing of values that will appeal to those who look for all that is desir
able in qualities and styles combined with a lowness in price
fuHuYlai1.0," e"UrBe! frn,t-e department, our handsome 'carpet and drapery departments, our new and
A ' .t& L 113 Li 1 iii II ri fl H "P
n-i-iotessss&car Rf - 1 "Iif Xft -BSB'! I
: i
& The solid oak kind.
highly finished, 3 large
and roomy drawers,
best of construction,
large , oblong shaped
French ' mirror, worth
siz.ou. uperj
log sale
price. . .
Rockers ff-
Golden oak finUh, cob
bler flr wood npt
-r 1 li
i ''Y 'aacy enibo,8cl backs,
extra veil made and
f"'i;V if)nUhod. worth $4.60
f I Krand fall .
sale price
3 Rooms
7,500 Records to Select from.
V oftav fn .All vnn an WDIRDV nr VTPTrtn TIT IflK'fi HifUlvu
- .v. at mo iiufm hbu rrice at wnicli
machines can be bought, oa the conditions that you pay for. the records only, and begin to pay for tho Instru
ment 30 days later.
MslbiaLSlk:ai Ccla Co.
GEO. E. IMICKEL, Manager,
wor. 15 h and IUrnej Si., Omaha. Thone Douglas 1663. 334 Broadway, Co. Bluffi.
3-Piece Parlor Suites
Consisting of an elegant Arm Chair, a beautiful, Sofa and
a pretty Reception Chair, Frames are. of birch mahogany
highly polished and tastefully carved; coverings are of
inuiurcea veiours or a very pretty pat
tern; guaranteed construction; worth
easily fjS.OU. Orand Opening Hale
Kitchen Safes, golden finish
. . . .' '
Sanitary Couches, guaranteed,
Couches, vclour upholstered,
Extension Tables, golden oak finish,
Sideboards, well made,
Dining - room Chairs, wood seats,
Parlor Tables, highly polished.
Kitchen Tables, white tops, ,
. ... .
Carpets, Rugs and Draperies
Ingrain Carpets, good weight and quality, 65c Af
grade, fall opening price '. . . .
Brussels Carpets, new designs, good quality,
80C grade; fall opening price .Vcrd
lleversible Rugs, large assortment, room size, " .. no
$4.00 values; fait Opening price JO ,
BrOssels Kufra, extra, good quality; room - " -fl f (rf
size, $16.00 values; fall opening plce. XV.OW
Nottingham Iace Curtains, full width, and length,' very
pretty patterns, worth $2.50; fall opening- sale -IO
. per . pair. , X.J.tF
Tapestry Portieres, handsome designs, extra good
qualities, wortb, $1.00, opening sale, per pair
Iron Beds
A very, desirable
pattern, has brass,
top rods oni head
and foot boards.
j three coats of
white or pea green
enamel, all sizes,
worth $7.fi0. Open
ing sale price.
1315-17-19 FAR NAM
uy your Phonograph now
, Before the price advances
A Standard Machine for $20.00
A Homo Machine for $30.00
A Triumph Machine for $50.00
On the first of October these prices will be advanced
TT 5.00 on each style of machine. Every dealer throuchout
the United States Is under contract and bond to sell them
at that then, and thereafter at this advanced price.
We prepay express charges on all retail orders.
Write for catalogue.
$10 - $100
Do Yoo Want Victor or Edison Records? See Us. We have them
Tfc ' M- ir.rTJT-.i" 1 Lit
taa &..-
Constructed of solid
oak, beautiful golden
oak finish, 5 large
roomy and easy slid
ing drawers, best of
cabinet hardware
and construction,
easy rolling casters,
worth $8.00. Open
. .4.75
. 6.50
. 6.75
ing sale price (with
enly. . . ,
lie 8urp and
line of stoves,
and prices.
see our big
All grades
No. 8 Cook Stove, best of
materials, smooth castings,
guaranteed first-class baker.
worth $17.80,
opening sale
price. ........
to All.
Prices from
. . .'." a. .
Macadam vIh, vea-Iarh. Toppla
a ad One aad Flve-Vrar ; Vmmr
aatee A re Provisions of
Ik Bid.
At a special meeting of the park board
Paturdai morning a novel step was taken
!n the matter of pavements to be laid by
the boaiM und(r special arrangements with
the country commissioners. Only one bid
was offered for the paving of Leavenworth
street from Fortieth to Forty-eighth street.
This was for macadam under srw'clflj.ation
B of of the city, providing for a seven-Inch
topping. The figure for a ' guarantee of
one year we.a 96 cents a yard and for a
flve-year guarantee $l.'.t a yard. This
price was considered exorbitant and it
was unanimously decided to reject the bid
and advertise for-others, the bids to be
openrd September . when the regular
meting of the board will be helfl.
During the discussion at the? time this
action was taken the question was raised
as to the value of macadam cm city streets.
Commissioner Mills declared that. In his
opinion macadam on which a guarantee of
one year was made would njt be worth the
trouble of putting It down and In this thfe
other members agreed; but It was as
serted that $S,000 had been appropriated by
the county commissioners for the work and
the money would have to be used for that
purpose. I N. Gonden, representing an
improvement club from the West Leaven
worth district. Insisted that the pavement
be laid this year as the curbing and gutter
ing would be damaged beyond repair If the
street Is left In Its present condition.
He was asked If the property owners on
the street would be willing to Join the park
board in the work and pay the -coat of
brick pavemer.t after the $S,000 In the hands
of the board had been applied on the pay
ment. He said he did not think they would.
It was finally decided to advertise for
bids on three classes of material, for
macadam, class B: for macadam, class
A. and for a concrete paving, the specifica
tions to be the same as the concrete used
as base for brick paving. This last ma
terial Is considered more enduring than
macadam and lis use will permit the prop
erty owners to pave with brick or asphalt
without having to pay for the base.
The difference between the cost of a
Portland cement concrete and the bid for
class B asphalt received Saturday would
not be more than 10 cents per yard and
may be within the bid.
Announcements, wedding stationery and
calling cards, blank book and magazine
binding. 'Phone Doug. 1604. A. I. Root, Ino.
( Continued from First Page.)
In France has made more progress in six
months than it had In (he sixty preceding
War on Italian Government.
"Now he hs declared war on the Italian
government, and is trying to revive the
tactics practiced when Pio Nono was pope,
when every French peasant was taught
and believedthat he was lying In chains
In a dungeon at the Vatican, the victim of
an Impious government. Now tho legend
Is being created that no pilgrim's life Is
safe In the Eternal City, and that they
are liable to massacre at the hands of an
anti-clerical mob, acting with the approval
of the government. It must require a
robust faith In la betlse humalne for a
man In the position of the cardinal secre
tary of state to put such legends Into cold
type and sign them with his name. The
recent conflict between the more liberal
Catholics In Germany and tho Index is
also the work of Merry di l Val, and Is
another attempt to put the clock back..
When Plus X chose Merry del Val as his
secretary or state there were many head
halrlnM V. , . , , . I
vea uie
secretary would be so absolutely reaction-
ary as fie lu , shown himself. At first
ourntr ui me more nuerai minded cardinals J
tried to exercise some Influence over the
trend of afTalrs, but their cfTorts had so
little effect that they abandoned them.
They have therefore contented themselves
with looking on and waiting for the Inevi
table catastrophe. Some members of the
Sacred College recently went to Cardinal
Rampolla and asked him to use his Inilu
ence, but he pre-emptorlly refuBed. He
sits In his retirement and watches the sea
of difficulties with which the Vatican Is
struggling- rlaln day by day, hut he knows
better than intervene. The cardinal secre
tary of state and his party are becoming
so completely discredited that when they
go they will go for good. They are being
given 'rope enough to hang themselves.'
It is a pity that this Is the only policy to
be followed, as the harm being done Is
Immense. The head and front of tho of
fending lies In the fact that the pope knows
nothing whatever about politics. He is a
pious, well meaning, good hearted old man,
wno, in matters of foreign policy. Is en-
ureiy unaer me mnuence or hla entourage. ; to the extent of $uO,O00.00O on casino prop
Unfortunately for him, his entourage ut ! ertles. As an empty casino l a very poor
TiiC bivvy a a ....lUiUiie. ,
It name'GoUen Medical Discovery"
was suggested b? ono of Its most Import
ant and valuable lr.grodlcnt? Golden
Seal root.
Noarly forty years ago, Dr. Plorco dla
covored taat ho could, by the use of pure,
trlple-rellncd glycerine, aided by a cor
tain degree of constantly maintained
heat and with tho aid of apparatus and
appliances designed for that purpose, ex
tract from our most valuable native me
dicinal roots their curative properties
much better than by the ufo of alcohol,
so generally employed. So tho now world
famed "Golden Medical Discovery," for
the cure of weak stomach, indigestion, or
f7'PPJI. torpid liver, or biliousness and
kindred derangements was first made, as
It 'yersinia has tVn. without a partlcla
of alcohol Ih its raaiJc-up.
A clanee5jMeiu fist of Its Ingredi
ents, prlntea jm"Tcfv bottle-wrapper,
wi I show that It fs Woo from Uie most
valuable medicinal fofssVound growing
been compiled by Dr. R. V. Pierce, cf
Buffalo, N. Y.. and will be mailed free to
any one ssking same bv pcstal card, or
letter addressed to the Doctor as above.
From these endorsements, copied, from
standard medical books of all theQitInr
ent sohools of practice. It will be found
that the ingredients composing the "Gold
en Medical Discovery are advised not
only for the cure of the above mentioned
diseases, but also for the cure of all ca
tarrhal, bronchial and throat affections,
accorapalned with catarrhal discharges,
hoarseness, sore throat lingering, or
hang-on-couffhs, and all those wasting
affections which, If not promptly and
properly treated ara liable to terminate
in consumption- Tako Dr. Pierce's Dis
covery In time and persevere In Its us
until you glva It a fair trial and It Is not
likely to disappoint. Too much must not
do expectod of It. It will not perform
miracles. It will not cure consumption
In Its advanced suijee. No medicine will.
It will cure the affections that lead no to
eottiuvption. if taken in Hnu.
Crccientt have received ih. !. ,,...!:.
fljTi'H'l Who nvj.mrnt ..rl D.err. tfrp my
tpLfCril'Jies for t. rilstM.Wor -ujtr
I "Ool-ltLU Mtfli cal iswii'eri " la I A. c.,1"
A llttleTwik ortLeM endor'hilVlrir
Sclfmolleri Mueller IVletliods of Piano Retailing
Our Red Tag Sale has been the means of-making many homes happy by placing Pianos
in them. . We have done a record-breaking business sold a lot of pianos but we have a lot
left, in fact some of the best bargains, especially in pianos of the very highest grade, which
we have marked to still, lower . figure. For want of space we cannot list all pianos tagged,
but the prices quoted below will give you an idea of the money savingpossibilities of this sale.
This great sale is only
look this splendid chance to get a piano at a price that simply means many dollars1 saved.
You will find the price marked in pain figures on a big red tag. Come tomorrow and come
prepared to buy. Look for the red tags. Every red tag means a bargain. "
the present moment consists of all that Is
reactionary at the Vatican."
Hea-ulatlon of Ciambllna-.
Another governmental decree has been a
perfect boomerang. This Is M. Clemen
ceau's new regulation of gambling In
France. It has proved a disaster for the
casinos of French watering places, and a
wail has gone up that would melt a harder
heart than that of M. Clemenceau. Vichy,
Biarritz, Aix-li s-Balns, Coutrexeville, Trou
vllle. Dieppe, Dinard and a score of other
fashionable resorts have sent delegates
to meet In Paris, a sort of parliament of
j the petlts chevaux. The present situation
Is a typical example of "aiming at the
heron and bringing down the goose."
There Is at Ostend a M. Marquet, the
owner of the great gambling establish
ment In that Belgian Catering place. When
the new law regulating associations In
France was passed M. Marquet was of
the opinion that associations for gambling
could easily be organized.
As he Is a multi-millionaire, he promptly
invaded French teeritory and dotted down
gambling- establishments in various cen
ters. His most ambitious' scheme was the
erection of a magnificent casino on the
frontier of Monaco, a few kilometers from
the world-famous casino of Monte Carlo.
This was not to the taste of the Soclete
des Mains de Mcr (this Is the harmless
sounding name of the company owning the
gambling rooms), and It promptly began
to use Its Influence, which is very great,
to get M. Marquet's project nipped in the
bud. M. Edmund Blanc, the millionaire
sportsman and member of the Chamber of
Deputies, the president of the company,
net all the machinery of which he disposes
In motion. In twenty-four hours a decree
of expulsion was Issued against M. Mar-
quet and hla Belgian partners, and they
were promplry conveyed across the fron
' ..undo.lraW. foreigners."
,, ne-ort. Hard Hit.
This was followed by M. Clemenceau'a
famous decree regulating gambling, which
was destined to make establishments such
as M. Marquet dreamed of Impossible. But,
unfortunately, they hit the hundreds of
casinos In summer resorts. At these pntits
chevaux are played at the public tables
and baccarat In the cercle prlve, the club
attached to the establishment, at which a
pretence Is made of confining the admission
to members. The chief qualification for
membership Is to have money to lose. The
casino levies a percentage on the monoy
staked, and this Is Its chief source of
revenue. Suppress th,e gambling, and 90
per cent of the casinos would have to close
their doors. As the casinos, with their
i car.ien." mur.iM. concert rrwm r.nrt.
ine rooms, theaters, etc.. are the center of
life In the, various watering places, their
closing would be a disaster.
But this Is not all. These casino have
manasnaFI T.I nt.. l ic.l
j been built with money advanced by. thecl,y ,n the world, for about one-half the
j Credit Fonder, the great French mortgage , c8t of the Present wretched and useless
I bank. This establishment holds mortgages
I security, the government has the Credit
J Fonder against Its gambling decree, and
next to the Banque de France the Credit
Foncier Is the most powerful financial cor
poration In the country, and few govern
ments would care to come Into collision
with It. The whole gambling system
sounds very Immoral, but the same staked
on petlts chevaux Is never large ($4 Is the
maximum stake allowed), so that tha
mount of damage done la not very great. !
As people will gamble, it Is better that
they should do It in establishments under
proper control than betake themselves to
shady tripots. Besides, petlts chevaux
bring their own cure, as the chances are
so much in favor of the bank In the long
run the public is bound to lose, so that
most people play to pass the time, and not
really with the true gambling Instinct,
(Continued from First Page.)
portune moment. Thus a blow at England
would be far more effective when It would
be engaged In a life and death struggle
with, say, Germany, than in times of
peace. Hungary 'was prepared and took
full advantage of Germany's victories
over Austria In ls6. Sadjwa gave it back
its constitution. If Bismarck had not been
encouraged- by the prospect of any easy
victory over Austria, owing to Hungary's
paralysis of Austrian government brought
about by the Sinn Fein policy, ht would
not nave attacked Austria In U6S. He saw .
his opportunity when a stubborn emperor
refused the Magyars their birthright, and
when these Magyars as a consequence j
turned a deaf ear to his entreaties for
Such a political situation can be brought
about by an Ireland adhering to the Sinn
Fein policy, as It was brought about by a 1
Hungary adhering to that policy. j
lleuey Needed for the Work. !
But this policy cannot be pursued with- "
out money. Where are the funds for
working this elaborate new constitution to
Original Price. Sale Price.
Vose & Sons Upright, a very sweet tone -.$400 $10
;non upngut, small size 'J50
Singer Upright, a good practice piano...... 250
Baus Upright, parlor size, a real bargain .... 27")
- Oabler Upright, walnut case, good as new. . .'. 400
Steger & Sons Upright,.colonial style. ....... 400
- Ifred & Sons Upright, nev 500
Emerson Upright, slightly marred, 450
A. B. Chase Upright, an artistic Piano 500
Geo. Steck Upright, new 400
fairly started the lines are rracticallv unbroken. Do not ovpr
1311-1313 Farnam Street
come from? On this aspect of the matter
the Sinn Fein exponent Is equally ex
pllcit and detailed in his Ideas.
The Irish party establishment costs the
Irish people at home and abroad a good
round lum from year to year. Figures
are, perhaps, superfluous In speaking of
the annual expenditure of money and na
tional prl tlge; still, they will put the
thing clearer. Taking the salaries of the
members of Parliament first, it takes
(allotting the minimum of $1,200 a year
for each) about $95,000; cost of organizing,
about $25,000; cost of offices and a secre
tariat, about $50,000; cost of elections on an
average, $5,000; total cost of the party
Itself to the country, $175,000. ' -
Now, It Is a well known fact that polit
ical centers magnetically affect the higher
or more Independent classes of a commu
nity, as well as the literary and highly
paid professional elements. The Irish
Parliamentary party deliberately created
London their political center some thirty
years ago, to the entire exclusion of their
own city of Dublin. Were the capitalists
and the landholders and the scientists and
the literateurs to blame for making Lon
don their headquarters when such a state
of affairs prevailed among people who
ruthlessly condemned the "absentees" and
posed as the leaders of the nation? It
Is no exaggeration, therefore, to say that
the Parliamentary party Is responsible,
directly or Indirectly, for a loss of a few
hundred thousand pounds to the country
every year.
Cost af a Parliament.
But It Is only with the actual cost of
the Parliamentary establishment Itself we
will trouble ourselves. 'At the very lowest
It will be about $175,000. Now for an esti
mate of the sum that might defray the
! co,t f de facto Irish government. About
eight ministers Including a president of the
council, who might be chosen from some
of them would be required at home. Al
lowing a salary of $2,000 to each and $3,000
for secretariat, each office would cost about
$5,000. Again, Ireland would require an
agent In each of the great cities of the
would, and allotting a salary of $2,500 for
this office, the estimate would run as fol
lows: , Education office, $5,000; foreign of
fice, $5,000; Industries. $5,000; agitation of
fice, $5,0C0; agriculture office, $6.0ti0; home
and foreign, $5,000; commerce office, $8,000;
forests office. $5,000; offices, about $10,000
total for ministry. $60,000. Aaenta. uv
nemo, inn Hague, Constantinople,
Rome' Madrid, New York, Ottawa. Vienna,
Bt- Petersburg, Calcutta, , Melbourne,
Buenos, Ayres, Rio Janeiro, Toklo and
: "'"S would cost about $40,000.
That is, we would have an efficient nv.
ernment and ministry in Ireland, as well
j " a serviceable body of agents abroad
j D"nsna our Industrial and our political
' conalt'on before the people of every great
i Ky'
The money which is being spent on the
Mrs. Jane Hopkini'
Boy Proof
are -the only
Clothes that have
pleased young
sters and their
mothers season
after season.
The new models
are now on display. The
fabrics are just as good
as before and the tailor
ing cannot be excelled.
If your dtaUr fiat n't them
Clothes in stick, trs'i' gladly
direct 'you to one who ha$.
Send 10 ctntt in stamps for set
0 CTet er Coll ge l'o$Ur$
- rtaiy to rants.
r i
(!6 739-741 madwyj
support of the Irish nationalist members
Is to be used for a world-wide virulent
antl-Brltlah campaign, leading eventually
to what Is described as "the Inevitable
English Sadowa" and the freedom of
Ireland from -the lat'llnk binding It to
Blnn Fein Is a very real and a growing
movement. It appeals especially to the
young men who five or ten years hence will
be electors. Sinn Fein Is the corollary of
the Oaellc movement, and the more that
rapidly advancing cause spreads the more
complete and masterful will einn Fein be.
Collea-e Haa Good Outlook In Point of
Altendare for the New
The formal opening of Bcllevue college
for the year will take place next Tuesday
morning at ' 10:30 o'clock. Rev. J. Frank
Reed of Fremont will deliver the oponlng
address. Prof. W,- Gilbert James, who Is
the new Instructor In oratory, will enter
tain the Audience . with several readings.
The public Is Invited to attend. Albright
pr South Omaha cars make connections
with tn Bellevue street car, which leaves
Twenty-fourth and N streets, Bouth
Omaha, "on the hour."
Dr. Ouy W. Wadsworth, president of tha
college, expects the biggest-year In the his
tory of the Institution. Advance reports of '
registration show that the attendance will
be larger this year than ever before. The
faculty, of the '. college Is. strong and Dr.
Wadsworth expects a year of excellent
Registration will take place on Monday
and Tuesday , of next week as follows
Monday. S:30 to 11:30 a. m. and 1:30 to 5
p. m.; Tuesday, 8:30 to 10:) a. in. and 1:30
to 5 p. m, ...
To t'hlcaaro and the Bast.
Splendidly, equipped trains, dally, to Chl
cago, leave Union station, Omaha, via tha
Chicago & Northwestern railway at 7:0$
a. m., 11:30 a. m., p. m., :3o p. m.t 10
p. m., oyer the only double track railway
between the Missouri river and Chicago,
Direct connections at Chicago with all
lines east.
Also dally trains to Bloux City, Mankato,
St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth and to
points In South Dakota, the Black Hills
and Wyoming.
Low rates now.
Ticket office. 1401-1403 Farnam street.
Apple Belt or Boathera Idaho.
Is in the Snake River valley, under tha
great Twin Falls canal system. One hun
dred and fifty thousand acres' on the warm
south slope Of the valley will be open to
entry, October 1, 1607. The cost Is low and
payments extend over period of ten years.
Writ toda? for details. Twin Falls North
Side Land and Water Company, Mllner,
Idaho '
".."I sr. k ----- tt"v
- v v
umr I .ri I, 5' 1