. A nrE OMAHA" SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 15, 1907. j BIRRETT IS TURNED DOWN tancaitr Eepnblicani Select Rose ai Deleffate to State Convention. SENATOR WAS AFTER THE PLACE Judge ntf Eiprrmi Ileal re that It Hoaored aad Ills Wlahea Arf neeperted Returns from Jadlrlal Primaries. fFrnm a Staff Correspondent.) INTOLN. Sept. 14. (Spwial.) W. n .sose waa aborted a delegate to the atata ronventlon this afternoon and 8. W. Bum ham elected chairman and Howard Schr-gel secretary or the republican county com mlte. Mr. Rose waa selected over the active candidacy of Senator Burkett for the place. ' The county committee gave Jung Keese, republican candidate for su preme Judge, authority to select the dele rate and he at once appointed Mr. Rose, who. he aald, had been close to him during the preliminary campaign and naturally he dealred to honor him. An active cam paign was made for the place last night and this morning and when It became known that Judge Reese favored the state chairman, friends of Rose started a cam paign among the committeemen to allow the supreme Judge candidate to name the delegate. Friends of Senator Burkett were equally as active In behalf of the senator and It was not known until Just before the meeting who would win out. Senator Bur kett assured the members of the committee . that he suffered no embarrassment at the action of Judge Reese other than the natu ral embarrassment of the man whose name had been mentioned In the papers as a can didate. He believed Judge Reese had done exactly right In naming a man with whom ha was Intimntc. aa the future of the can didate was at stake. He said he would have been pleased to have been a dele gate to the convention, though something might come up In that convention about which he would not care to fight. The chairman and secretary were then 9hosen unanimously and the various candi dates made speeches. Resentment against the railroads for their action In enjoining the State Rail way commission from making a grain rata la more pronounced, according to Ihe reports reaching the state house, than It was at the time the Burlington and L'nlon Pacific refused to pay their taxes. Clark Perkins, secretary to the State Railway commission, has Just returned from St. Paul, where he has been for three lay attending his father, who Is 111. and i brought the Information that the peo ple are very much worked up and blame :h railroads for Jumping into the fed tral court before they had been Injured or before there was any Intimation that they were to be Injured. In some In stances the people have an erroneous Im pression of Just what was the status of ihe railroads and the commission at the :lme the temporary restraining order waa treated by Federal Judge T. C. Mungor. The commission had proposed to put In i grain rate reducing from 10 to IS per :ent the present rates on grain generally . aver the state. Notice of this new ichedule was mailed to the various rall 1 roads Interested and a date set for a learlng, It being up to the railroads, in .heir opinion, to show that the propose! ate 'was not compensatory. When the learlng started the railroads eaxh asked for ninety days' time In which to get In formation regarding the earnings on ihlpments of grain and other commodities. 1'hls was denied on the first day of the ( tearing. Senator. Aldrlch . of -Butler ' otHity, the author of the commission bill. tr'as HU?lpyed Jxj- tha. . commission- and -ittrJrney generaf tt assist ln"tjj rheiflng: ie tfifuruiod the commission It should not lavs norrt out the new schedule 'of 'ratas.' ut should .have notified the railroads that ,t would. Investigate the present rates to' tee if 'a change wvould be 'Just '. both to ' he people and to the varnoratVons. . He ,' lad 'the commission- Insert Mn' its reoords hat the hearing was merely for the pur ose of investigating rates and not for . (he purpose of putting in a new schedule' it this time. At the time this was being nade'Of record and the same served on Free Catarrh ure t Yon Continually KTiawk and Snit. If There Ii a Constant Dripnin? From the Nose Into the Throat. If You Have Foal, Sickenine Breath, that Is Catarrh and I Can Care It. t Me lead Yam a Free Trial Pack af My Remedy. latarrh Oftea Caaaea Coasamatloa, General Debility, Idloejr, mm. Im. aaaltr. Care It wlia Qaaas Catarrh Tare Before Ton l.ate. Catarrh la not only dangeroua. but It a usee bad breath, ulceration. death n,i iscay of bones, luas of thinking and rea onlng power, kills ambition and energy ften causes toss of appetite. Indigestion' lyspepala, raw throat and consumption, t needa attention at once. Cure It with leusa'. Catarrh Cure. It is a quick, radi os!, permanent cure, because it rids the system of the poisonous germs that cause catarrh. In order to prove to all who are suffer ing from this dangerous and loathsome disease that Oauss' Catarrh Cure will act ually cure any case of Catarrh, quickly, no matter how long standing or how bad. I mm send a trial package by mall free of til cost. Bend us your name and address today and the treatment will be sent to rou by return mall. Try It I It will posi tively cure so that you will be welcomed Inatead of shunned by your frlenda. .C. H. 3AI S3, 3X7 Main St., Marshall. Mich. Fill ut coupon below. FHEE -Thla coupon Is good for one trial package, uf Oauaa' Combined catarrh Cure mailed free in plain package. Simply fill In your name and address on dotted lines below and mail to C. . QAUag, 38T Mala St, Marsaall, atloa. M9X The Peruna Tablet. Special Telegram. COLCMBl'B. O., Sept. 18.-The Interest ing announcement la mads to the drug trade and to the people generally, that Dr. Haj-tman and his annuitants, after two years' experimentation, have succeeded In devising a Peruna Tablet. This tablet contains all the curative virtues of the liquid Peruna. Dr. Hartman will still con tinue to manufacture liquid Peruna as be fore. The Peruna Tablet is therefore not Intended to supplant liquid Peruna, but Is to be furnished the drug trade so that those who prefer to take Peruna In tablet form can have the privilege of doing so. . The menstruum of the liquid Peruna has been replaced by hypophosphltes and pepsin. The Peruna tablets will be of especial Interest to hundreds of thousands of peo plo who have used Peruna for many yeara. The fact that Peruna can now be uaed In tablet form will be especially gratifying to people who are subjected to constant ex posure and catarrhal ailments, snd who find It difficult If not Impossible to carry with them the liquid Peruna. A package of the Peruna tablets carried in the pocket by people whose business exposes them to climatic changes will be the means of sav ing a great many people from catarrhal troubles which are the bane of American civilisation. the railroads before representatives of the latter secured the restraining order. Under the law after the commission made a new schedule of rates, subsequent to this hearing, the railroads would have had thirty days in which to put the rate In effect and they would have had a right to have enjoined the rate after It had been made. According to the little testi mony which was offered the railroads do not know whether the rates proposed by the commission would be compensatoiy or not. The hearing on the application for the injunction is set for September 23 at Omaha. District Judge Retarns. Official figures have been received by the secretary cf state on the contests for nomi nations for district Judges from a majority of the Judicial districts of the state. The figures, omitting Douglas county are as follows: First District, Two Judges L. C. Chapman (rep.) t,7I9 L. M. Pemberton (rep.) 2.916 John B. Raper (rep.i J.8F.1 A. D. McCandlesa Idem.) 1.214 Second District, One Judge Jesse I Hoot (rep.) 1.227 K. F Warren (rep.) "17 Harry T. Travis idem.) 1,009 Fifth District. Two Judges.. F. C. Powers (rep.) 2.198 Arthur J. Evans (rep.) 3,124 B. F. Good Idem.) 1,IW9 George F. Corcoran (dem.) 1.664 B. F. Good (pop.) 582 George F Corcoran (pop.) 494 Sixth District. Two Judges J. C. Martin (rep.) 1.176 David T. Hodsdon (rep.) 655 J. D. Stlrea (rep.) 937 C. E. Abbott (rep.) 1.351 W. N. Hensley Idem. I 1.S2S Conrad Hollenbeck (dem.) 2.W7 W. L. Rose (dem.) 863 Seventh District. One Judge Islle G. Hurd (rep.) S.024 Thomas C. Marshall (dem.) 902 Thomas C. Marshall (lnd.)..' 416 Eighth District, Two Judges At R. Oleson (rep.) 1.138 John V. Pearson (rep.) 1,064 P. M. Moodie (dem.) 681 C. H. Whitney (dem.) 664 Guy T. Graves (dem.) 1,630 Guy T. Graves (lnd.) 64 Ninth District. One Judge A. A. Welsh (no opposition) 2,200 A. A. Welsh (to (111 vacancy, no op position) 1,709 Tenth District. One Judare J. K McPheely (rep.) 321 J. W. James (rep.) 1.0M Ous Norberg (rep,) 390 Elmer Overman (rep.) , 1,048 W. C. Doraey (rep.) 616 T W. Hague (rep.) 398 3. V. Ederson (dem.) JJM Harry S. Dungan (dem.) 740 T. V. Ederson (pop.)... 8fl Harry 8. Punran (nap.) 6" Twelfth District, One Judge Tr. O. Hostetler (rep.) J.740 Fourteenth District, One Judge JVC Ow rep.) S.0S4 P. B. EMred (rep.) 1.2S9 J". Stevens (retv). 25 .T. Ij. White (dem.) 48? J. I White (pon.) 462 The returns from Lancaster county were canvassed 6y the oounty clerk, as in dls trlcta consisting of but one county ,the re turns are. not submitted to the secretary of state. The winners were Judges A. J. Cornish. Lincoln Frost and Willard ' E. Stewart. Missouri Pacific Appears. The rallroid commissioners this morning received a letter from A. W. Sullivan of St. Ixiuls. general manager of the Missouri Pacific railroad. In which he Informs the board the road la working as fast as possi ble getting the lines In shape and that in the future the same haste as at present will be used to comply with the board's order. "parka lajare Property, A doien complaints have been made to the railroad commissioners from the vicin ity of Mason City about (Ires resulting from sparks from the Burlington engines. Farm ers ssy that the trainmen havo been seen going on their engines and removing the spark arresters to get better draft. The result has been heavy loss, from which there has been no relief tn court or through the claim department of the road. The com mission has written to General Manager Holdrege about the matter, but he declares no Burlington trainman would do as re ported, and he Is certain the engines are quipped with all modern appliances to prevent flying sparks. Secretary Dlmery Back. Secretary to the governor, Dlmery, has returned from Central City and Chapman, where he investigated the causes leading up to the death of James McGIrr, near Central City. July 16 last. He Is rather In clined to believe McGIrr was struck by a Union Pacific train and met his death in that way rather than at the hands of a mob. Tm Jobs Conflict. A letter has been received by Adjutant General Charles Bchwars from Private C. W. Martin of Company O, Nebraska Na tional Guard, who Is also a clerk In the Department of the Missouri of the regular army, in which Martin asks whether It Is possible for him to be released from his enlistment In the guard. He has discov ered a military rule which specifies that no member of a state guard may, while holding his enlistment in the guard, be an attache of the regular army. A letter from IJaptaln Falconer of Omaha says the rule exists, but that, In his opinion. It la not for the benefit of the service, as the United States thereby sets a bad example to the big employers of labor In refusing to let its men Join the state service. If Private Martin falls to secure his discharge from the militia he will lose his position in Omaha. Searle Goes te Vlrgtala. Auditor Bearle. who Is nominally the head of the Insurance department. left this after noon for Richmond, Va., where he goea to attend the meeting of the National As sociation of Insurance Commissioners, which begins Tuesday. While gone he will visit the Jamestown exposition. Heeler Aska for Parole. George Keeler, formerly of Cedar Bluffs, where he went wrong and helped to blow up a bank, and who Is now an Inmate of the state penitentiary, has asked for a parole, running to Robert Paul, who vouches for him. Keeler was sent up for seven yers and has served about forty months. It is claimed hs was led astray by older heads in the blowup business. Barkelt Ferine New Partaeraklp. Senator Burkett has formed a law part ners tip with H. H. Wilson and E. W. Brown, his former partner, A. O. Greenlee, tiavlng to retire because of III health. Mr. Wilson waa a member of the railroad lobby which fought the terminal tA bill before the legislature last winter, while Mr. Brown was a member of the house. Senator Bur kett la preparing to move his family to Washington so his children can enter school. Democrats Select Delegate. The county democratlo committee met at the Llndell hotel this afternoon and se lected T. 8. Allen a delegate to the state convention. II. F. Bishop chairman and C. H. Hohman secretary of the committee. Bryan May Pat Off Baaqaet. The Bryan democratic dinner set for September 24 msy have to be postponed. It is reported here tonight that W. 3. Bryan objects seriously to breaking In on his vacation to return home at that tlmo to attend the banquet end for that reason. It Is said. Chairman Tom Allen of the democratic state committee may Issue a statement postponing the banquet. Mf. Bryan Is billed to appear both at Beatrice and Omaha during the early part of Oc tober and If he returns now it will vir tually knock him out of his vacation, which, It Is said, he sorely needs. Tom Allen could not be located tonight, but there la every reason to believe he will be compelled to postpone the dinner or give It without the peerless leader. State Fair Has OlsT Balaace. The state fair board has paid out to date 171.782,41. Its total receipts for the week were, including the surplus from last year, 1106,406.13, leaving a balance of $33. 623.71. There are yet unpaid small bills amounting to 31,000. Otoe Rcpabllcana Confident. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb.. Sept. 14. (Spe cial.) One of the most enthusiasts meet ings of the republican central commit tie was held here last evening to plan for the coming campaign, and nearly every member was present. All the candidates, including Judge Root, were In attendance. All seemed confident of the election of the entire ticket this fall. Representative Harrison was in the city last evening and he expressed considerable dissatisfaction at the manner In which the railroad man agers are acting, and Intimated that should Governor Sheldon call a special session of the legislature that the rail roads would receive such treatment that they would not soon forget. He Is of the opinion that ultra anti-railroad laws wouM be passed, and perhaps they might go so far as to forget constitutional limits. He says that whatever Governor Kheldon suggests will be carried out by the pres ent legislature. Cltlsens Want Fall Investigation. CENTRAL CITY, Neb., Sept. 14. (Spe cial.) Governor Sheldon's private secre tary, Martin Dlmery, arrived in the city Wednesday and spent several days in Cen tral City and Chapman collecting evi dence upon the killing of James McGIrr last July. Mr. Dlmery, after carefully weighing all the facts Introduced by par ties Interested In the case, seemed pretty thoroughly convinced that . McGIrr met death by being struck by the tialn. He 6pent considerable time trying to find out who was responsible for McGIrr being turned over to the Greeks, Instead of be ing placed In the town calaboose, but to what extent he succeeded will not be known until he reports to the governor. Now that the Investigation Is started, the county offlclala hope that it may be sifted to the bottom, so that all parties con cerned will be satisfied, and It is still probab'e that Governor Sheldon may deem it advisable to order the body exhumod and an Inquest held. Merrick's County Committee, . CENTRAL CITY, Neb., Sept. 14. (Spe cial.) The republican county central com mittee met at the court house this after noon to elect a chairman and a delegate to the state convention. The following re publican county central committee has been selected by the republican candidates chosen at the recent primary election: Sliver Creek, Floyd Buchanan; Clarks, W. L. Stanley; Central, C. A. Thomas; Lone Tree, D. H. Burke; Central City, Will Rice; Chapman, John Laub; Vleregg, J. O. Bice; Prairie Creek. Fred Nlchel; Mid land, Thayer Slnsel; Mead, R. G. Woolery; Loup, John Colborn; Prairie Island, John R. Kamm. Gaite County Names Delea-ates. BEATRICE, Neb.. Sept. 14. (Special Tele gramsThe republican county central com mittee held a well attended meeting here Saturday. A. II. Kldd was elected chair man and M. B. Davis secretary. A. II. Kldd was chosen us delegate to represent Gago county, at the platform convention. The democratic central committee met and elected F. O. McGIrr chairman and T. E. Stewart secretary. Dr. C. P. Fall was elected as delegate to the platform con vention. Wind Causes Wreck. BEATRICE. Neb.. Sept. 14.-(Speclal Tele gram.) A wreck occurred in the Burling ton yards In which two refrigerator cars were smashed and the switch engine over turned. The accident was caused by the cars being blown off the sidetrack on the main line by the wind- Nebraska News Notes. PLATT8MOUTH The Cass county Jail Is without a criminal. DAVID CITY Fire in the home of At torney Hay M. Harris did $175 damage. FALLS CITY The Gehlln ihi.r opened last night with "Qulncy Adams YORK J. M. Shlvelev. demitv lanH missloner. Is In York looking after school lands In this county. PLATTHMOUTH Josenh Zltka anil Ml.. Anna Jeleneck will be united in marriage in the Holy Rosary church Tuesday. DAVID CITY The local water bonds In the sum of $22,000 were sold to the City National bank of David City for $22,022.5D FALLS CITY Falls Cltv will h r..-. sented by Its line twenty-piece band, led by Prof. Harnack. at the Ak-Sar-Ben fes tival. PLAtTS MOUTH The Sentemher tr... the district court will convene in this city Monday, with Judge Paul Jesaen on the bench. FALIJ3 CITY Prof. William H.r.v thla place will lead the Flrat regiment band i nmwaiiia. is.an., at uie niUIUry man euvera at Fort Riley. UPLAND The pastures here have been drying up so fast that a great many farm era are ahlpping their cattle. There will be very little Block fed In this vicinity this winter. BKATRICB--S. H. Manon. a carpenter and contractor of this city. Is oonflned to his home from blood poisoning Ills hand caused from scratching the member on a rusty nail. IPLAND J. Marsh, Hsns Nelson. A. Lunberg, George Chrlstlanaen and D. Brelt welser are all building new town houses at present and carpenters are at a premium as a . i suit. YOI-K-Rev Austin Hunter, sn evsnge llst f m Indianapolis. Ind.. Is assisting Thomis Msxewel. pastor of the Christian fuT.V "'J"1" of re,v!vl eervlces at the Chrlstlsn church. BEATRICE Fsy Greening waa yester day appointed ticket arent fnr tfc. lington at this point to succeed Harry A charming breakfast dish Grape-Nuts WITH CREAM Read "The Road to Wellvllle." In pkgs "THERE'S A RBASCN." It Sol Slat Aganta Ostermoor Mattresses S1S.00 Each NEG71MO RUGS We are Omaha agents for the famous Negamo Ruga. A rug that is extremely thick and heavy and will with stand the hardest usage. They are woven hy hand and alike on both sides. Soft reds, greens, tans and browng. See window display. 3x3 Negamo Kug, $2.75 4x7 Negaino Rug, $8.95 3x6 Negamo Rug, $5.75 9x12 Negamo Rug, $32 RAGLIN SI1AIKI RUGS This la a very beautiful line, and especially Rood for bed rooms. They come tn exquisite colorings and will harmonize with any color scheme. Plain centers and artistic borders. 2-6x5 Shaiki Rug, $4.25 7-6x10-6- Shaiki, $24.50 5x9 Shaiki Rug $14 9x12 Shaiki Rug ...$34 Heavy Weight Wool Hrt Squares In this line you can find many beautiful soft colorings for bed room or living room for a very little money. bx9 Art Squares. .$4.85 9x9 Art Square ..$7.25 9x12 Art Square ..$9.85 12x12 Art Square, 13.25 carpets New fall patterns now on display. We'd like you to see them. Ingrain Carpets, our special heavy-weight all wool, per yard. .82 Velvets, new patterns with 5.8 borders 90 to 81-25 Heavy quality Axminsters 050 to 81.25 Extra fine quality Wiltons 81.35 to $175 LINOLEUM We are headquarters for all the best makes. Almost any wantable pattern is to be found here, from the Inexpensive printed floral and conventional patterns to the heaviest tile and hard wood floor effects. Prices ranging from 50 to $1.65 sq. yd. a aaeBsaiiBiasisin n i j Aiift8&lftSne$?e!PSf 5',i Tire Screen Like Cut Filled with sllkoline; each 90s Tapestry filled screen with mifston frame of weathered oak, each, $4.75 MUltgan, who was forced to s"lv up the place on account of falling- health. YORK At the home of Mrs. Perniella Brown of Charlton, la., yesterday morning Mr. John Purlnton, attorney, and one of York's most prominent business men. waa united in marriage to Miss Ida Mae Beem. UPIjAND The difficulty In regard to se curing teachers for the 1'pland school has now been settled and 8. O. Jacoby, Mrs. I'olllns and Miss Carter of lsst year's staff and Miss Hanks of Peru have been en gaged, i BEATRIEJ-fnlon Pacific motor car No. 8, which has been undergoing repairs at Omaha, was Installed on the Tine between here and Lincoln today. No. 9 has been In commission while the other car was being repaired. NEBRASKA CITY News has been re ceived of the marriage of Mica Lena Ott and Charles Welds, at Pu.'blo, Colo., on September 7. The bride was born In thla city and her parents have been residents here since lti5. BEATRICE The funeral services for the late Mrs. Emanuel Thomas were held yes terday afternoon from Centenary Metho dist Episcopal church, iRev. U. Q. Bown officiating. Interment waa In Evergreen Home cemetery. PIATTFMOlTTH Three expert glove makera, Abble Chapman, Lulu Brockway and Blanche Freeman, have arrived from Olovcravllle, N. Y., und are working In the Plattamouth glove factory, which la run ning at full blast. BKATH1CK Word was received here yesterday from Lincoln announcing the death of John J. Williams, a well-known railroad man. who was for many yeara conductor on the Lincoln-Manhattan branch of the l'nlon Pacini- road. BEATRICE David A. Chamberlain, an old realdnt of Beatrice, has been ap pointed deputy oil Inspector to succeed L'anlel Hoyt, who was recently appointed and Installed us commandant of the Sol diers' home at Grand Islaml. VALENTINE While riding horseback late last night William Bteadman, a young man residing on a ranch south of town, ran Into a wire fence and became ao en tangled that he waa bn.lly cut. He was brought to town for medical aid. THAYKR Mrs. William Helden. the aged mother or w. v. ticiuvn and John H Helden, died yesterday morning and will be buried at Hi. s Herman church The deceased had been 111 for several months and waa one of the first aettlera. BFATRICE John Rawalakl. a section hand. Is suffering from blood poisoning in his hands and arms. It is supposed hs wss poisoned while pulling weeds along the section. The poison has spread to his fice and he may lose the sight of one eye. YORK A. L. Blxby. who Is on his wsy to Europe, writes or meeting John Olson, a former York hoy, now engineer and con tractor In New York City, having some or the largest contracts In New York City Mr. Olson entertained Blxby while In that city. BH ELTON A bout midnight last nlaht two freight trains came together In the yards here and several cars and two engines were badly wrecked, the cause of the collision being an open switch. The wreck ing crew hBve been working all morning clearing up the debris. YORK The York college will open on September lti. The first day will be de voted to the usual preliminary work. On September 17 the formal opening address will be given, to which everyone is u-vlted.- The sttendance this year Is an In crease over last year a NEBRASKA CITY For some time burg laries have been occurring every few nights snd the thieves would take nothing but money. They would rffect entrance into the stores by breaking or raising a window, but would touch nothing sxi epl cash. Yes terday Chief Yalaa arrastad on susDlcloa ORCHARD & WILHELM qiq. 16-18 South Sixteenth Street 12x13-6 Art Sq'e, 14.85 7-6x9 Art Square. .$6.15 10-6x12 Art Sq're, 11.75 9x15 Art Square, 12.25 Duchess Lace Curtains For this Fall the Duchess Curtain leads all others in popularity. We have taken particular care in getting together a choice line of patterns and offer them at unusually low prices, considering the steady advance in imported curtains Dainty bordered Duchess Curtains on good single thread net; 42 inches wide and 3 yards long, per pair $2.45 Three patterns of unusual merit, with good borders. They will interest you for bedroom curtains, per pair, at $2.90 Six patterns on extra heavy double thread net in exceptionally good de signs, per pair $4.45 Couch Covers 60 inches wide, 3 yards long; Persian designs; reversible and fringed, each $4.50 John Price. Jr., and Art Jones, both colored, on the charge of robbing John Price. Price has served one term In the penitentiary for robbery. NEBRASKA CITY-EHJah Retherford. who has been a resident of this city for many years and followed the occupation of carpenter, died Friday night of Uropsv. aged 62 years. He served during the civil war as a member of Compuny C, Nine teenth Kentucky Infantry. PAP1LLION Charles Orelner's threshing machine burned Friday evening on the farm of Dan Chase, four miles south of I'apilllon. Mr. Chase loat BOO buahels of oats and Mr. Greiner'a new thresher is a total loss. There was some insurance on the threshing machine, but none on the grain. YORK The county board refused to pay the claims of the assessors for city of York for their services, claiming that the charges were exorbitant. The deputy as sessors then brought suit, and at a meeting of the board yesterday they decided to pay the claims and orders were drawn for the same. , BEATRICE Sheriff Trude returned horns yraieruay morning from points In Kan sas and Missouri In search of R. Mead Shumway. the supposed slayer of Mrs. Surah Martin, who was found murdered over a week ago at her home near Adams. The officer was unable, to find any clue that would lead to Shumway's capture. PAPILLION-At the Avery brick yard Friday evening a team belonging to Charles Hoobuk became frightened by a dog run ning out and biting at the heels of the horses. The neck yoke broke and one end of It ran Into the breast of one horse and killed It. The horse was worth J160. Suit will be brought unless the matter Is set tled. CAMBRIDGE The marriage of Miss Grace towards to Prof. Lewis B. Olm stead took place at the home of the bride's parenta. Mr. and Mra. K. Edwarda. on Wedneeday. Only relatives were present Mr. and Mrs. Olmstead departed for Lin coln, where they will reside, Prof. Olm stead being an Instructor In the Lincoln academy. The ceremony was performed by Kev. Alexander Simpson of the Con gregational church. BEATRJCK-Shlrley Wright, living near Rockford, this county, brought a sample of corn to the city yesterday. He picked a stalk from the field, which waa ten feet In length and which contained two ears well filled to the end of the cob. The corn Is of the yellow variety, and Is sufficiently advanced to be out of the way of frost He is of the opinion that It will yield fifty bushels to the acre. CAMBRIDGE Ransom Robinson, an old settler living nine miles northeast of Cam bridge on his farm, died Wednesday. Mr. Robinson lived alone, and when found by three of his neighbors, three hours before death, was unable to talk. Deceased was lorn November t, IMS, and had resided In Frontier county for twenty-nine years A brother In Pennsylvania will arrive to take charge of the body. 1'PLAND The recent burnina "of "dnnd A Co. s elevator at Campbell and the de cisive vote in favor of water works In Hildreth, seem to have changed the minds or many residents In regard to the ad visability of voting bonds here, and It is now expected that at the election to be held here on September 'M a favorable vote will be cast and t'pland will join the other progressiva towns in the vicinity and In stall a water works plant. CENTRAL CITY The funeral sen-Ices of Henry Cochran, who died last Thursday afternoon after a struggle of several months with anemia, will be held at the Presby terian church Sunday at 2 p. m , and interment will be in the Merrick County cemetery. By Mr. Cochran's death. Cen tral City loses one of Its oldest and most htxhly respected cltlsens. He was a vet eran of the civil war. and local Grand irmv of Lh Raoublle Boat. Mar tba Furniture We offer you selection from the choicest and largest assort ment we have ever assembled. Our September offering are with out question or doubt the greatest values, on trustworthy, reliable gUOUS. Library Table Like Cut This Is but one of our many popular priced Hying room tables, very pretty olonlal design, constructed of choicest quarter-sawed white oak, golden or weathered finish; also birch mahogany with genuine mahogany ton and rim. An exceptional table at the price, each $17.00 Rocker Like Cut One of our new choice patterns, made of best select Y4 -sawed golden oak; saddle shaped seat; pretty panel back. Chair or rocker, each $4.75 Irish Point A heavier worked pat tern than Duchess. AVe have 11 pat terns at this price, per pair. .$5.00 Extra fine Duchess Curtains, with plain or figured center and dainty borders; ivory colored J pair, $7.90 $10, $12.75 and $1S We show at these prices over 22 patterns for parlors, libraries and dining rooms. You should see them. Portieres A beautiful lot, twelve dif ferent patterns and colorings, spe cially priced, per pair .$6.90 J war he came to Merrick county and home steaded, but during the last ten years of his life he made his home with I. 8. Tyn dale, postmaster at thla pluce, and waa at the tatter's store until taken 111 some months ago. BEATRICE Beatrice council No. fi. Knights and Ladles of Kecurlty, met lam night and elected these officers: E. M. Gashaw, president: Saruh Wilcox, vice president: T. V. Rhodes, second vice presi dent; Harry Collier, prelate; Marv Camp bell, corresponding secretary; Jennie Wal ker, financier; Earl King, conductor; Ray Walker, guard; George Wilcox, sentinel. At the close of the hualners meeting a banquet wus held at Brenki-r s restaurant. CENTRAL CITY-O. 8. Wolcott and sin, W. W. Wolcott, have returned from War ren, O.. where they went last week to at tend a reunion given for everyone bear ing the family name of Wolcott, whether related or not. They report that there were about 3uo Wolcott present and It Is safe to say that only a small portion of them were In attendance, if the percentage of those attending from other parts of Uie country was us light as that from Mer rick county. VALENTINE A smooth young fellow, who Is said to have been run out of Cody for working a short change gruft, arrived in this city on an extia freight and pro ceeded to work his game here. After work ing several pluces he wound up at Stetter's saloon and did a good Job theft-, but after he had gone out (jtettcr began to see how he had been cheated, and, getting the marshal, went, after the fellow, catching him Just as he was about to board an east bound train. He waa lodged in Jail, but says he will settle ail accounts. BEATRICE Dr. Thornss Doran. a vet erinarian of this city, yesterday reported a rather remarkable case which has been undrn- his care. A few days ago a valu able horse belonging to Dr. O. H. Brash which was being treated for distemper, was brought to him. and In examining the animal lie found a twenty-penny spike Im bedded in the Jaw. n was extracted with considerable difficulty and since the opera tion the animal has made a rapid re covery. The supposition Is that the spike f,?0.!1" the J" " way while the animal was maatlcatlng it food. BH ELTON The fourth annual harvest festival and race meeting closed last even ing and as usual the attendance has been all that the committee could wish fur The r"?e,Jwi,'ch ,were held euch day were well attended and up to the stundard of past years. Including trotting. running and pacing and pony races. Good, liberal purses were offered and some fast exhibition time was made. On the streets the free per forming was each day wltneased by large crowda The stands und concesitlona of all -description did a good business. The com mittee In charge of the meeting feel well Butlsfled with the effort made. . YORK Two of York's popular and well- LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF BOND IHSl'E NOTICE 1 hereby given that the Farmland, Fremont and Railroad Drainage District Is about to Issue twenty-five thousand dollars of six per cent Interest negotiable b mill pay able In twenty equal annual Installments Owners of real estate or an easement therein apportioned for benefit may pay to the treasurer of said dlxtrict on or bo fore sixty days from the date of the fir! publication of thla notice, the proporlian ate share of such bond issue properly chargeable against auch real eatute, and thereby exempt such real estate from lia bility for payment of bonda, and the amount of bond lsue will thereby he re duced the amount of such advance pay ments. Date of first publication htr-of. September 14. 1907. Farmland, Fremont and Railroad' Drainage District, iiy J F. Ilan on eArir.y V.S-D2U. Omaha Agent PANMSOTE IMITA110 LEATRtR Dresser You can't appreciate this value unless you sec the dresser; beautiful quarter-sawed golden oak. or light or dark mahogany, highly hand polished. Has swell top and top drawer. All drawers blrdseye maple lined. Large pattern French bevel mirror. Golden Oak $21 .OO Mahogany $22.50 Brass Beds Largest line, lowest prices, new styles; red like cut two inch post and heavy fill ing; best lacquer. An extra good bed at a small price, at, each $22.50 Dining Chair Solid golden oak, full box frame; genuine leather seat. A par ticularly good value, at, each $2-75 known young people were united In matrl tl n?,F.r dUy t'vnln at the residence of V?..reKf- contracting par! . - . niroinupr. Mr. v. K. J HrnnCTL?"'rd.t,.,e roo'- Mr z zJ" a dei'ichius ii.-.j 1 1 L .', . " "ervea. ne br de has lived all her life at York uM la an met coinpllshed musician. The groom Is as- busing 7" ', J"0" "PU""- Was TEST DRUGLESS OXVGEN0R. 40 DAYS FREE AND LET IT CURE EVERY AILMEN1 IN YOUR HOME. BTTKt,MT,'Jl.'r",'5:r K"" " "KATjVB IM. Vu?l , J- J,ll!2,!,.w. '" ' Bhow hu our. W1THIHT Tun- i.u ."V.T7. OK KLEnKKITY ,N ANY FORM or 6HAFK. .1- mo yery known curtble ailment la cvarr Including Haan. Ur, KMur, Bladder aas btomacta DlaeaiM. NarT eurueai. Sleep teraneas Nerte Eihauatlon, Brala I . Oeneral Debility. tr. niale Trouble, Cnuhi, twlda, RtHumatiam, Head he. Bi.kiche. Catarru, I onatlpation, etc., ato Beraueo of thla Biaral oua record and IU power over dlneaee at all time and la all paraona, mala or female, old or ynucg. -It received a apa rll medal of hsnnf, at the Oraaaa Kipoallloo.' V liW - - .'"iu. o ana amos ' ' of the eiooeltloB mn the ttainp of tneir endorsement upon It. the Perfected Oaygenor Kin has cured without effort, pn-tslhle dan S". Iiuurious effect, or one cent at aapensa for doclnre or drugs, thouaande of raaaa pronounced in curable and even uservotne ailments, aa -we have evidence to ahow. su.h as Paralyals. lllnod Poiaon and Jiabetee. tn wlilt-h drugs are considered worse than worthlrwa. Ita users claim perfect, even mi raculous cures have barn tecured and en-called "In curable" patients restored from vsr.ous a.igta-of physical debility and suffering to vlitnrous and enduring health by means of Ita hannlaae. but pen. etrallng and powerfully revllallilni eflect on the sretcm. , A Perfected Oiygeaor King should be la awry home, for It lasts a lifetime aud aavea money 1-alTt end life, and In order that ail mar prove Ita pi.wer fully, we have decided to give any respon sible pernio who will secure us easiest the "v., or theft i.f the Instrument, the opportualty to test It In Ma own home, for any dlaeaae. la any member of his family for forty days, free of all charge or ob ligation. Write ua at on-a for full particulars of thla free lejt offer. In the aarr.e ins 1 1 we will send yo, aneled and pnttpald. i.ur big "genor Annual," full of . dure I pistes and half-ton Cuts, thla gives a full and rcmpleta ctp'anelliia of the Uiygeii. or'B work In conquering dieea: and pain hy the power of CrlANCiE-rOKl'K without the use ef dmje or eleetrtclty Ii env ahai ctr form. The Oiygvnor f'o . !:3 Great Northern IHitj.. t hlcago C. A. Lindquist, Merchant Tailor 235-36 Paxton Block Maker of Gentleenm'a Clothes. New Hoe for fall Is ready for your Inspection. Suits and Overcoat 136.00 and up. 11 - If irfrtt.1T--" j