Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA SUNDAY DEE: NEKlfcMMrt 15.' 1907.
1 ,:
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II !
08.&K1B) FEK10K1 lifflKltQ.&Y
Regular $3,50 quality G)lorcd and Black Broadcloth, Spot Proof, London Sponged
and Shrunk, Ready for the needle, $2.50 per yard
f you enjoy good broadcloth then how much better yon -frill enjoy the best. There are other high grade broadcloths, but
there ir no other broadcloth of equal merit at anything near this special price.
Come Monday Once you have examined the fine quality, the beautiful high lustrous finish which is permanent and will
not spot with water, the rare and beautiful line of New, Autumn shades, you will never be satisfied with anything else. A
very important point not to be overlooked, it is just the required weight to tailor perfectly in the new chiffon finish.
-.All the New Autumn Dress Goods and Silks are ready for your inspection. Samples will now be mailed to our out-of-town
customers on application. .,.
Underwear for Women to Wear Be-
" tween Seasons.
Our stock' of Underweaar la gathered from
the .world's beat manufacturers. We have pro
Tided for every need large quantities of every
kind, in various weights, la a full range of sizes
and at prices to meet the requirements of every
Women's medium weight cotton union suits,
high neck, long sleeves; high neck, short sleeves;
or low neck, no sleeves, all ankle length, SI. 00
Women's light weight lisle union suits-; high
neck, long sleeves, knee length, SI. 50 each.
Children's medium weight cotton vests, high
neck, long sleeves, drawers to match, ankle
length, 25c and 35c each.
Main Kloof. ' : . -
; "St. Mary's Blankets.
These are woolen blankets made by the St. Marry's Woolen Mfg.
Co., St. Mary's Ohio. The blanket made by this concern 'are con
sidered by all Judges of blankets as being the finest, most reliable and
most perfectly finished . woolen blankets produced" In this country.
The St. Mary's people are making twenty different grades of blankets
and we carry a complete stock of all these grades, white, gray, red,
plaid and fancies. ( " " .
Prices range from 94.23 up to $22.50 pair. You'owe It to yourself
to inspect this line when in need of blankets. Blanket Department,
West Basement.
Special Sale of Fine Table
Cloths and Napkins
All mussed and soiled fine Table
Cloths and Napkins will go on special
sole Monday ut Greatly Redact d
Attend early and share In this great
eel. - Main Floor.
' . Rest Room.
l Strangers In the city as well as our
regular .-. customertt are Invited to
make use of our rest room on Third
Floor; comfortable chairs, writing
materials -and telephone are at your
disposal. - Manicuring In connection.
Cor. IGtli
' Quaint and Carloae Features of t.lf
la a Rapidly Growing;
Now, August, yoti must not stay so late
after this, as It worries your ma. Platte
Valley News, Jay hawk Valley Corre
spondence. A Card of Appreciation I take this
method of showing my appreciation and
thanks to the voter, of Pawnee county
who supported me In the recent primaries.
Even though I wm not the successful
' aspirant. I feel grateful to all. Prank
Shane In Pawnee Republican.
' A Olft Something came to the editor
of the Herald thta morning over which
he Is greatly rejoiced. It wa. a few fine
sweet potatoe. from the garden of MUon
O. Cook. They may be termed a cluster,
for there are fifteen potatoes attached to
a single stem." We thank thee, MUon.
Fremont Herald, Thirty Year. Ago.
ttrll Upi and SlUlca-The two young
men by the name of Parks, who did the
"leap the gap" and "slide for life" stunt
on the streets yesterday, evidently drifted
ashore financially, or gut Into such deep
water that they thought It policy to awlra
for life and let their creditors MlUft for
themselves. Till, morning the boys coul 1
I'not be found. ' The exact disposition of the
property ts not yet determined. iupei lor
.'wtil. ,
; arrolutlon (This Is the season of the
r when the women get together and
agree that they are getting rusty on
Shakcbpeare. "Let'. ' organise a Shake
speare club for the winter," they .ay,
and this Is done. At the second meeting
Stars and Stripes Beer
Refreshing-Invigorating Satisfying
A slass of Stars and Stripes' Beer has the power to sooth the
nerves, quench the thirst and create an appetite. It is the Ideal family
beer. Order a trial case for your home. '
Thirty (IJ.OO) Green Trading Stamps with every case t do '
large Dottles) price 25
Fifteen ($1.50) Oreen Trading Stamps with every case ( dosen
Email bottles) price
Out-of-towu Customers Add $1.25 for Case' and' Bottles. 9
Willow Springs Brewing Co.
' Offlo, 1407 Harnry Htrw 'Phone I). ,30tt.
Bref ry, Third and Hk korjr
Redfern Whalebone Corsets.
Special Sale of Fancy Linens
Monday Economj Base
. ment.
H. S. Scarfs, 50c H. S. Scarfs,
18x54, Monday's price,
each 25c
Doilies, 12Vc and 15c Linen
Doilies, Monday's price
each 5c
H. S. Lunch Cloths, G5c H. S.
Lunch Cloths, 36x36, Mon
day's price, each 29c
a deck of card. I. Introduced, at the third
a prize appears, and at the fourth Old
BUI Shakespeare Is completely forgotten
and a card club, with angel cake, prisma,
flnea, etc.. is In full .wing. Blair Pilot.
Nature Fake Peter Haegen Informed a
reporter for thta paper last Saturday that
he had sold a Poland-China sow the
first of the week that tipped the beam at
810 pounds, for which he received h.'40
per hundred. He said she hud raised hlraj
just ninety-three pigs, and that he wouid
huve kept her until she got him an-evn
hundred pigs and weighed 1,000 pounds,
but that she was getting so all-tired crosj
thut he wa. afraid to keep her un the
place any lunger. Trenton KcgUter.
Municipal Joltings When in doubt, cufts
the city council. If that ia.not enough,
turn In and abuse the Board of Super
visors. The tremendous salaries which
the members of these two bodies draw
are sufilelent to warrant anybody in say
ing anything, without fear of giving of
fense. And the mayor, too, ought to be
ripped up the back ever so often. It only
costs a man about f'JSO a year tibove his
alary to be mayor of ork, and of course
he appreciates being acolded. in addition
to the other drawback, of. bis Jub. York
Moudar Iat Initiation Night
Ak-SMr-Ben Desires Mora
an I
Monday night will witness the last In
itiation for the year at the Ak-8ar-Ben
den. While the membership 1. largely in
exres. of last year. It ha. not ret reached
the goal which the booster, have aet for
themselves. If that number I. attained
ome hustling must be done between now
8trrts; Phono D. 1683.
Full f I (turps re, a. a
rule, considered hard to fit.
" think not, as we have In
the Kedfern make many
mod Mn that are specifically
patterned for full figures.
Here we mention only "Red
fern C", the model with the
deep aklrt anil curving; hip
with the long hack. This
model never falls to Im
prove the figure In fact. It
la the making- of the figure.
We Invite you, If your
form answers to this des
cription, to visit our fitting
room. Our expert fitters
will quickly fit you without
Style "C Contllle, Price
Security ruhher button
IIoso Supporters.
Second Floor.
This is the
A visit Gloves. Smart GlOVCS. Olor.s.
In no other gloves does the woman of taste feel quite
so' perfectly gowned as in "Trefousse Real Kid Gloves."
Every one knows that they are the smartest hand wear of
two continents. It is worth knowing that they are to be had
in Omaha at Thompson, Belden & Co.'s.
A complete showing of the new Fall Styles.
Ask to see them. Main Floor.
Bargain Square in Basement.
Prices on Cotton Goods
will be higher. If you can
use remnants you'll find all
kinds of cotton materials al
ways below value at the Bar
gain Square.
Mqndayfs Special Percales
and Calicoes in short,
length, dark coloring, at
per yard 4C
and Monday evening. The Board of Gov-
ernors is anxious that all friend, of Ak-Sar-Ben
put in some extra licks rounding
up prospective .ubjocts of Sam.on and
getting them out to the den Monday night.
Two Social Held In the Evening, One
for Bora and One for the
"Friday the thirteenth" was a pa la day
at the Young Men's Christian association.
The Inspection during the duy by out-
of-town visitors was followed in tho even
ing by two' socials, one In the nature
of a reception for high school boy. for
the purpose of enlisting a larger member
ship in that department and the other a
social for the adult members, held In
the big reception lobby on the Hrst tlocr.
Members actual and prospective were
taken care of by a reception commltt.M
headed by L. D. Mitchell, and an effort
was made to acquaint the visitors with
each other as rapidly as possible. For
the men a program was given. The Young
Men's Christian aimociatlon male quartet
opened with a song and several enco:v.
and were followed for two or three num
bers each by Dr. A. D. Laird with Lis
cornet, the Francis Potter string orchestra
and Ed F. Thompson. humorlKt. AftJr
the program State Secretary Bailey intro
duced each member of the office for!e.
William Parker, membership cretary,
told something of the attractions which
the new building has .to offer to a young
man and declaring that there would be
t.000 member, by 1908.
The social wa. then adjourned to tho
gallery of the gymnasium, from where the
crowd witnessed 'the torture of thirteen
unlucky new momber. who were unfor
tunate enough to have Joined on the thir
teenth day of the month. .They were st
to rooster fighting, blindfolded boxing con
tests and blindfolded races, to the delight
and amusement of the spectator, and their
own discomfiture.
Refreshments followed and In the main
lobby punch and cakes were served a.
I long a. any one cared to stay.-
At the boys' reception, which wa. Inde
pendent of the other .octal, a program
and a number of exhibition, were given.
The quartet and the orchestra gave sev
eral selections and K. W. Misener delivered
humorous recitations. After speeches in
viting the boy. to avail themselves of
the opportunity to become member., they
were escorted to the swimming pool,
where fancy swimmers gave an exhibition
and then up te the gymnasium to watch
the Young Men'. Christian association
tumbling team
I The affair was attended by about $00
men and boy. together and wa. another
successful boost for the organisation.
Iattmldatlom ta tho Charge.
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Sept. It Krank
A. McOee of Worcester, Masa., organizer
of the International Moulders' union, and
John A. Dunn, secretary of the local union
of the craft, were arrested tills after
noon, charged with intimidation of non
union men, who are at woi k In Me
Lagon's foundry, where a strike is en.
New Memorial Hall.
NEW HAVEN. Conn.. 6ept. 14.-Th Rhef
fleld Sclentinc school of Yale university
will lerrlve a gift of HU.flu) front Mrs.
Jsnu-s B. Oliver of PtlMhiiig for the erec
tion of a new lecture hall us a memorial
to her sun, a student In the Shefflel.) Helen-
A Showing of the Beautiful Is Our New
Fall Millinery.
The Floor of Fashion The Second Floor
will charm you with lta blossoming oat of
'bright, fresh, new fall and winter style beauty.
A great success the verdict of our Open
ing; from now on we will be busy, busy busy.
Now this business has not come by chance.
It has been won. Won by service giving. No
other Omaha store Is so authoritative as to
style Is right. It is. We do not fool you with
odd prices, schemes or devices. Each hat's
price, is based on the actual cost of production.
store that gets the new things first.
Monday "will be interesting.
Special Sale White India
Linon Monday, Economy
Remnants of 15e, 20e the White Tndla
l,inon. in lengths from 1 to 12
yaras, on sale Monriny
at per yard
Free Lessons Art .'
Embroidery. '
An expert, nee.tle artist Is here to
teach you the newest-StltcJios In Art
Kmbroldery. Class meet every day
from 2 to B P. M. Materials must be
purchased here. Lessons free.
Second Floor. . ' . : . ;-
called the tiUver MoHal Hall. W"
Attempt to Stop Criticism of Joplln
City Officials toy fee of
JOPUN. Mo.. Sept. 14.-A dynamite ex
plosion tonight wrecked the press room and
composing room, of the Joplln News-Herald,
an afternoon republican newspaper which
ha. been conducting a crusade against the
methods of tho city council and police de
partment. The explosion occurred at 11:16
o'clock tonight.
livery winaow in the building, which is
situated at Fourth and Joplln street.. In
the heart of the business district, wa.
broken and the new Goes perfecting pres.
and four linotype machine, were destroyed.
Several thousand people were attracted to
the scene and It wa. soon found that no
ona was In the building when the explosion
occurred. Three sticks of dynamite ex
ploded benenth the pres. and two sticks of
the explosive destroyed the typesetting
machine.. Two sticks placed near the pre.,
and two mar the linotypes did not ex
plode. The News-Herald is owned by P.
IS. Burton and J. P. Farrtbh.
The Bee Want Ads are the Boot Business
Steamship Minnesota Is Nearly Three
Days Late Getting Away
from Seattle.
SEATTLE, Wash., , Sept H -When the
steamship Minnesota of the Oreat North
ern steamship company pulled out from the
dock at Smiths cove today having on board
Secretary of War Wm. H. Taft, Ambassa
dor to Japan Thoma. J. O'Brien, Peter
Augustus Jay, (lrst secretary of the em
bassy to Tokio, commissioners Thomas
Burke and M. F. Backus, of the Yukon
racinc exposition a. well as other less
prominent person. It wa. exactly 68 hours
or nearly three days behind Its schedule
time. The delay was due to time needed
to repair the electric steering apparatus.
lipremt Court Delays Kxerntloa of
Neero latll Matter Cam Be
WASHINGTON. Sept. H.-Tlie War de
partment was advised today that the writ
of error granted by Chief Justice Puller
In the case of Adolphus Coulson, the West
Indian negro sentenced to death for poison
ing hi. wife In the canal tone, wa. served
on the isthmian judicial authorities on
Beptember 4. The case Involves the right
of trial by Jury In the canal sons. Coulson
was to have been hanged today.
New York Seearltlre Aerentod.
NEW YORK. Sept. 14 -Announcement
was made today that Secretary Cortelyou
haa authorised Vnlted States Assistant
Treasurer fish tn this city to accept th
temporary certificates Issued by Comptroller
Mel. for the new 4 per cent city bond.
hs eeur!y for government deposits In de
pository bank a
If you have anything to trade sdvertlee
it In the For Exchange columus of The
be Want Ad pages.
Once Champion, Mri. Simi Now
Preaches Ag-ainit Cards.
Declare the Gamlnar Table) i Prist
rlpal Competitor of rktreh and
Family la Minds of Fem
inine Devotees.
Once the champion woman whist player
of the ITnited States, Mrs. A. B. Sims of
Des Molnr. ha. turned away from the gilt
edged 'deck and I. lecturing on the evil,
of card playing. Once she spent the whola
day and part of the night at the card table;
now .he mount, the platform at every
opportunity to tell people that Christianity
and card, will not go together.
"The card craxe a. It prevails among the
women of this country I. the most serious
competitor the church ha. today," .he say..
"It I. causing them to abandon home and
church Interest.."
Mrs. Rims wa. the only woman who ap
peared on the lecture platform at the Win
ona Bible conference at Winona, Ind., re
cently, and her subject wa. "Card Play
She became whist champion last year at
St. Louis at the national whist tournament
for women, when she and Mr.. Henry
Crawford, also of Des Moines, defeated
the be.t teams from Providence, Boston,
Chicago and other cities, taking home with
them the New Amsterdam trophy, most
covoted of prizes among women card play
Sieve Played for Money.
She was already the acknowledged Cham
plon oi Dee Moines. Her home was filled
with hand-painted china, cut glass, button.
and medals won In contests at whist. Mrs.
Sims is a niece of Robert Bonner, the New
I York horseman, who never entered a horse
for a cash prlxe, and Mrs. Sim. haa never
played cards for money.
It was not uncommon," said Mrs. 81ms,
for me to begin playing whist at 10 a. m.
and oontlnuo at the table until 11 p. m.
I belong to Christ church In De. Moines,
and when I was most active at the card
table, I wa. also trying to do work In the
"I continued to play cards up to December
17, 1P06. 1 had spent year, studying whist
from a scientific standpoint, I had given
as much thought to the game as a minister
of a church would give to the Scriptures.
Toward the clone of my card career I de
clared that I would give up euchre and
bridge whist parties, but would never aban
don the regulation game of whist. On De
cember 17, last year, the Presbyterian evan
gelistic committee was holding a campaign
in Des Moines and on that date I heard
Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman preach on 'Amuse
ments.' When the service was over I wa.
so weak that I had to be helped to a
currlage to get homo, I made up my mind
that I would never touch a card again."
Governor Denern find Dr. K. J. James
with Other Notables Visit
NORFOLK, Va.. Sept. 14. Governor De
neen cf Illinois and Dr. Edmund J. James.
president of the L'niverslty of Illinois, were
i the centers of Interest at the "Illinois
) state day" celebration at the Jamestown
exposition today. The ceremonies . began
when the governor nnd Mrs. Deneen, ac
companied by Dr, Jumna, members oi the
Illinois Jamestown commission, and other
: distinguished guests, were escorted by a
j detachment from the Twelfth cavalry from
' the beautifully decorated Illinois building
j to the auditorium. A. . Y. Tuxhorn, vlco
president of the Illinois commission, pr
I sldod over the exercises. Addresses of weir
come were delivered by President Tucker
of the exposition and Governor Deneen re
j sponded. Dr. James wa. the orator of the
, day.
An official luncheon to the Illinois party
by the exposition manager, followed at tb
Swiss village.
Thi. afternoon Governor Deneen reviewed
a great military spectacle on the Lee
Germans Declare Owners of I nsltanln
Are Disappointed In Itecord
of Vessel.
HAMBURG, Sept. 14.-Cernian marine
critics say that although It has been as
serted that there was no intention to drive
the Dusitanla. during its first transatlantic
voyage, that there ran be no doubt that
the great hope, placed upon lis perform
ances were unrealised. They also say that
It wa. not really its maiden voyage, be
cause It had been on trial trips for more
than a month, had made a voyago to
Gibraltar and return and had sailed ap
proximately 3. COO miles before It atarted for
New York, it waa expected to make from
twenty-four and a half to twenty-live knots,
but Is scarcely believed likely to attain the
hoped for speed.
Steamer nrlaars News of Appalling
Lose of I. ire and Property la
VICTORIA, B. C. Sept 14,-The steamer
Shawmut, which arrived last night from
Manila by way of Japan and China,
brought further news of tlie (ycat fire st
Hakodate. The big conflagration originated
In a soap factory near the Higashogawa
school and spread with great rapidity,
sweeping away hundreds of bamboo houses.
During the fire a powder magaiine at
Klshoma exploded. Three hundred lives
were lost and 13.000 house, burned.
Klttrrdae Will Deliver Speech.
MITCHKLI,, e. D., Sept. 14.-(8pecial.)
Beginning next Tuesday and continuing
until Thursday the Hanson county fair
will be held at Alexandria. This Is the
fourth year that the fair ha. been held
there and 11 has grown to be one of the
staid and popular fair. In this section
of the state. While there will be plenty
of amusements In the way of base ball
games and horse race., etc., the officers
are making the stock and agricultural
feature, the leading ones. Hanson county
is the home of a number of thorough
bred cattle breeders and they have built
up some strong herds there In the last five
years. It Is to build up the Industry
that the fair is held rather than to af
ford a few days of fun for the populacs.
Easy to make
"There's & Reason.
IPrices Xlnat Talk
If yon want to know why we are doing sneh a tremendous fnrnltnre
business, Inst look over theee prloes. We are selling good farattare on
toe fairest payment, ever heart of. Ton ne4 ne cosh whatever. Our prloes
are lower than other stores. Compare them and eoavinoe yourself.
'One Dollar a Week Will Furnish Your Home
L i" llW sin ImT ''- J ;
A piano flh1et "ffe, made cf
picked quarter-sawed oak, a num
ber of beautiful designs, French
f'late, beveled glass, sliver drawer
ined with plush and a large
roomy linen drawer. Must be
seen to be appreciated. A bargain
"i uui mis wten vur price
A combination book
case, made of quarter
sawed oak. French plate
glass, large book, desk
and magaKine compart
ment. Nothing like It
In Omaha for the
money. Price 913.TS
"ri. m -. J.
ff? n
This Morris Chair unhnl.
stered . in Chase leather,
st tin
M rLimW
C ALL thar fftt
Any fsrchiie si 150.
Senator Klttredge wjll deliver an address
on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock.
nearer, Northwestern Jt Pacldc to
Tannel Heart of Mockr
DENVER, Colo., Sept. 14,rDsvld H. Mof
fst of Denver, president of the Denver,
Northwestern & Pacific, after a tour of
the line to Salt I.ake City, says there will
be no further delay In building the road.
. The work henceforth Is to be pushed to
completion with all possible haste. ,The
driving of a tunnel through the backbone
of the Rockies for the main level roadbed
will be continued and kept going constantly
until completed. When finished, however,
for train service, It will not Interfere with
the road slreudy built over the mountains,
which makes this part of the line the high
est piece of railroad on the continent.
Thero is now In operation 135 miles of
the line west from Denver. No other road
can be built thnt will approach this one In
shortness of distance between Denver and
Halt Lake. Owlne; to the mountainous lay
of the country over which It passes, tho
building of It Is an expensive proposition,
but in the opinion of men competent to
judge, the road will be a money-maker
from the start.
J, F. Six Finally Gets t'afurtanate
Woman Admitted to State
YANKTON. S. D.. Sept. 14 (Special.)
After a drive of several hundred mllos
overland, fronv Interior in Stanley county
to Sioux City and back to Yankt,on, J.
F. Six arrived here with his wife, vio
lently insane.- He had taken her, ho
said, to Sioux City for treatment. She
had been pronounced Inuane and for that
reason could not be admitted Into any
hospital. Mr. Six then brought his wife
to Yankton and wa. surprised (o find
on arriving at the state Institution for
the Insane that again his wife was re
fused admittance, she not having bea.i
examined by her home county board and
committed In the regular manner.
The Yankton County board finally acted
by proxy for Stanley county and the un
usual case ended by Mrs. Six being ad
mitted to the Institution after a long
journey, during all of which time shi
had been Insane and an ordeal to her hus
band he will not forget for some time.
Mr. Six Is part Indian.
Poor Heed Cora Uspenstve.
SIOCX FAUIA S. D.. Sept. 14. (Special.)
Jude A. B. Chamberlain, superintend
ent of the South Dakota Farmers' Insti
tute board, estimates that the corn grow
ers of Bouth Dakota have this year paid
the sum of 2, :,) as penalty for plant
ing poor seed corn. In hnny every esse,
where rare waa taken snd where seed
was tested, the producers gut good crops
of corn. In other rases, where the farm
ers were "too busy" to attend to the mat
ter of testing their seed corn, the corn
crop is light. The loss in bushel, by res
son of planting poor seed corn Is estimated
st 4.371.000, which at SS cents per bushel
make a grand total of rt.fca.oaa.
A beautiful
American quar
ter-sawed dres
ser, a full view
toilet, French
plate glass,
beveled In oval
or oblong de
signs. This
week . . . f 13.7S
A heavy design bed, extra heavv
post and brass top rallx. closely
filled and beautifully ornamented,
i'rlce 94.B8
An extreme value In a Davenport, heavy
quarter-sawed oak ends, steel construc
tion, covered In silk velour. . Nothing in
Omaha like it for the money. Hale price,
St 819.9a
A Chase leather Couch, biscuit tufted
quSrter-sawed oak frame, steel corrtruct
ed, sells regularly for $20, our price 1 11.00
TC A da Pn hlM.. n urav
rlVEfE. $90.00 Purchase or
With Each Purohs.a of 920
or Over.
Commenelss to Make Propositions fos
French to Leave Their
.PARIS. Sept. 14.-Sultan Mulal El Hafig,
It is reported, has sr.nounced that he will
pay the cost of the French expedition ts
Morocco on condition, that . France evacu
ate the country.
Only tr.o ','Smins of tribesmen re now
reported to be under arms In the Casa
blanca district, the others having disap
peared. The latest sdvloes iccelved front
General Drude said that If the delegates)
from those tribes suing for peace did not
appear at noon todsy he Intended to de
stroy the Moorish camp near Fedala. -
Martial Un . Prevails.
ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. 14,-The Sara
pul district of Vyatka province has been
placed under a state of "extraordinary se
curity" owing to the prevalence there of
murders snd acts of Incendiarism.
I. M. Yost Elevator.
.HAYS CITY. Ka,n., Sept. H.-Flre her
early today destroyed the .1. M. Yost ele
vator and other buildings, causing a loss
of $110,000. The - business section was
threatened with destruction and sid was
sent from nearby towns. -
Teamsters Conelnd Meesloa.
ROCHESTER, N. Y,. Sept. 14.The del
rgates to the annual convention of the
I'nlted Teamsters of America are return
ing home today. The following Is the re
sult ot the annual election: President. John
Sheridan of ChtenKo: first vice president
A. I.. St. Clair of Bt. louls; secretary
treasurer, W. H. Ashton of New York.
.The new charier of the organisation was
adopted. The next convention probably wiU
i,e held In St. Louis.
Most Keep Property Together.
.yiC1BRL',ia' Ml8- 8ePl- ".-Chancellor
Hicks has granted an Injunction restraining
Urn Gulf Compress company from doing
business in the state of Mississippi or of
disposing of any of its property pending un
adjudication' of the sntl-frust ult insti
tuted several days ago, which alleges vio
lation of the antl-truat law of thi. siate.
Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors
. .. i - , - mm
ri.r,r.t- a.ku KAT.
Wo Will Reserve Yo Iiooin.
We Have the Jlost Desirable
Hooms la All Part of the City
8ve Time, Money and Worry.
Bee V.
mg. DM 808 A'. Y. Life Rid.
ti-Jl rtlr'iPri vw. fff