Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Old l.ih ioned . honesty in
making, combined with
new fashioned
materials and latest
style lasts produce the Packard Shoe.
And it holds its that. Rain and
snow, mtid and slush have no terrors for the wearer of
a Packard. Duy a pair and secure foot comfort. ,
Sold at $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 in all style
a?v i
Miss Pocahontas Charms Large Audi
ence at the Boyd.
t ,
If your dealer' does not carry the Packard Shorn, write
ua for catalogue and name of nearest dealer who does.
Brockton, lYlass.
Kara moot prist It,
,'Xeo Boffmaa, underUkor, new location,
lltfc"; and Jonas. Tel. Doug. S01.
1V 2L 'ltlsefcart. yaotographer, removed,
to Eighteen In and Far nam streets.
Boek Spring Coal Central Coal aoU
Coke Co. of Om'ftiia, l&th and Harney.
Tour par cant Interest on deposits la a
liberal rate, and with the savings bank re
strictions.' makea the City Saving Bank
an ldl depository (or frugal people. -
If ' yo-ti desire toget lid of your mort
rt detr secure .your loan of the Con
servative, 1614 Harney street. Mort
gages non-negotiable. Partial payments
received "any day." ,
' CMld Breaks Star Ana Adallne W'ool-
flrldjre. the ' 10-year'1 old daughter of Of
ficer WorUfirldgt. of .the police force, broke
her arm Sunday evening by tripping and
falling oft a 'board Sidewalk. She waa play
Ing ax ru(home, 116 North Thirty-seventh
Para ; Batter on Fopoorn Inspector
'Ryan -ihaai Just completed an Investigation
of the operation of pnprorn vendors and
says that, In each . case the use of butter
substitutes ftae been abandoned and that
pure butter only la now used on popcorn In
' Two ZTew Snow Flow Because of the
extra trackage which ha been added to
the Oroaha & Council muffs Street Rail
way. company during the last year, that
company has bought two additional snow
plow to. assist In keeping the track cleared
during the coming winter.
Beoord ' in Contltock-aMcharda Case
United States District Attorney Gobs has
Just received the printed record In the
' Richard - Comstdek land cuse from St.
Paul, which ,embrace 3,C7i) pages. The
case. Is now pending en appeal In the United
States court of appeals for a new trial.
Drawn If Beostsrs C. M. Hears, a nr?r
chunt of Welser, ' Idaho, Is In Omaha for
the first time to buy goods, having been
attracted by : the ' advertisement given
Omaha'' by the ""boosters" on their north
west excursion. Vr. Seara la the guest of
J. N. Nash. at 2S21 North Twentieth street.
' Mrs. Hurray Bells snore Mr. . Rose C.
Murray, who for ten years has had a gro
eery se1 VTwVdty-'elgnth avenue and
Chicago streets, has sold the store to Mrs.
' Kmma Eckles for 11,600. through the Byron
- Reed company. Mrs. Eckle has a grocery
business at 2214 Farnam. She will operate
the Chicago street store and add meats.
Address on Socialism Carl Thompson
of Milwaukee will deliver a political address
Tuesday evening S o'clock at socialist
' headquarters, 117 . . tli Sixteenth street.
Mr. Thompson, wlm was a member of the
Wisconsin, legislature last winter, success
fully championed the child labor bill an J
fathered the eight-hour law for telegraph
ers. ,.'-''"
Ho Burnt Kat Can be Bold The Board
of Health has Ismved an order to all butch
ers and to the owners of the Independent
packing house destroyed by fire In South
TUe- Tarls correspondent for a meU (
rnpolltan paper writes that the wave
of reform has struck French society 1
ladles . In the , mutter of using face,
powder, cosmetic, etc. They now
wanj; the real thing when It comes to (
complexion. .and ladles that continue)
to use artificial beau tillers are scoffed
and scorned.
I'rdf. DeValller. Ilia noted skin I
specialist, has given out the follow
ing formula -which Is said to work
wonders on ssMow complexions, snl I
If used ' persistently will fill out,
sunken and hollow parts.
.Two ounces of Rose Water; one i
ounce Fplrlts of Cologne; four ounces.
nryataltlzed Sartutn..
Put the Surtoln Into a pint of hot 1
water (not. bolllivil. and after It Is,
dissolved and cooled, strain through
a fine cloth and add the Rose Water'
and Cologne Spirit. Any large Ut-
tie will serve a a receptacle, but It
must " be , kept well corked. This 1
quantity will last for a long time,
lit uslnsj this miature It should al
ways be well massaged Into the skin
at least twice a day. It Is an Inex
pensive mixture, the Ingredients be- (
lng obtainable from any well stocked
drug store :;
k 1"iJIERs no excuse for not dressing
1 as good at the' beat. Your appear
. ance In the matter of dress counts
for a pood btt those day.
The careful, well-dressed man-
, creates a favorable Impression In every
t walk, of life -find usually lauds the
' peniiiiiiiioa. )
Besides: Genius In rough cloths get
ahead,- sip wly. Suppose you talk to
' one of our salesmen today.
kVe have several hundred stylei of
.nobby Scotch Fabric imported by us
direct many of these fabrics made
, ".specially for us and not to be had
v -
fftDserj 56 to 51 2 Silts $25 ti 553
Omaha that no meat which was In that fire
can be sold for rood In Omaha. It Was un
derstood at the health office that an effort
was being made to place some of this meat
on sale at "cut prices" and the meat in
spector was ordered to confiscate any meat
o offered.
Omaha la Trwfilo X Omaha Is
well represented on the committee recently
appointed by Prealdent J. C. Lincoln of the
National Induatrial Traffic league. John
M. Guild of the Commercial club Is a mem
ber of the rate construction committee and
E. J. McVann of the Oram exchange Is a
member of the legislative car service, and
uniform bill of lading committee. The
r.ext meeting of the league will be In Wash
Ington about October 16.
B suits are la Sir Promise has been
made to the Western Fruit Jobbers' .aaso
elation that the Western Trunk Line com
mittee, at Its meeting In Chicago next week
will consider the question of a reduction of
rate3 on grapea from New York, Ohio and
Michigan to the west. For a year and a
half the association has tried to secure a
reduction on grape and has even lnld the
mattet Informally before the Interstate
Commerce commission. .. - '
Wants Divorce ' an CUUara Mr.
Amelia E. Neemeyer' ha petitioned the dis
trict court for a dlvoree from George O
Nestneyer and' the Custody ot their two
young children. The domestic difficulty.
she says, come about through her hus
band abuse In fits of anger and because
of a decided disinclination on hi part to
work to support Ms family. She says she
has had to obtain employment In a local
factory (n order to keep hw children In
food and clothing.
Bandy Oriswold Tail to Improve
Sandy Grlswold, who was Injured by
street car last Friday" at' Blxteenth ' and
Harney streets, faila to Improve. At the
time he thought he was not seriously In
jured an examination by his physician re
vealed what was supposed to be a frac
tured rib, but Mr. Grlswold has been con
fined to his bed under a nurse's care since
two daya after ,the accident and Is still no
better. The pain from the Injury Is re
ported more acute. It Is feared his rib
was brokon.
Fine or Wet to Fine Whether to fine
a member for abaence from regular ex
change meetings Is one subject that will
come up for debate, at Ihe meeting of the
Omaha Real Estate exchange- Wednesday,
The attendance ha been good all summer,
but aome members think action ought to be
taken to Insure a continuance of this con
diuon. Wednesday s ' meeting win be an
"appraisement session, " the first one to be
held in several months. Members ' have
been requested to bring lists of property
lor appraisement by the exchange.
Sains Do Much Good Rains over the
entire Wyoming division of the Burlington
assisted materially the growing crops In
that state, according to the crop and soil
report of the Burlington for Wyoming. I
Threshing of wheat Is being rushed on all
divisions, although delayed on the Sterling
division by rain. Oats will make an aver
age yield and corn Indications on the Alli
ance division are for from B0 to 75 per cent
of a full crop. The hay crop will be a
good one on the Alliance division and the
range and stock Is In fine shape. The
third cutting of alfalfa Is 'coming on nicely.
Two rivoroea Are Asked Louis Nell
son in a petition for divorce filed In dls-
: trlct court declares the violent temper of
I his wife, Sophia, makes It Impossible for
him to live with her any more, . A Her scold-
lng and threats, he says, have affected his
peace of mind and made married life un
bearable. He asks for the custody of their
child. Minnie Baker wants a divorce from
William C. on the grounds of cruelty. She
says May 10 he assaulted her and brulaed
her eyes and face and since then she has
nof lived with him. Previous to that time
.she declares, he asssutted her aeveral times.
She asks for the custody of the son.
Back to Bear Old Omaha F, V. Shot-
well, formerly secretary to ex-Congressman
Kennedy, who during the summer was sec
retary to the governor of . South Dakota,
returned to Omaha Sunday after an' ex
tensive trip through the northwest coun
try. "I visited Butte, MoiiL, and aeveral
other of the well known cities with a view
of locating,'' said. Mr. Bhotwell, "but none
of them look as gooi to me as Omaha,
and here I think I will caat my let, prob
ably going into the real estate business.
Omaha shows Indications of better and
more healthy growth than any city I vis
ited." Bemarrted Withla On Tear In a lit
tle less than a year after their divorce
was granted in Judge Kennedy's court
Charles B, Crane and Mr a. Cora B. Crane
were remarried, after a second courtship,
Monday. Judge Leslie performed the cere
mony In his office. Mr. and Mr. Crane
were married the first time September 2,
Use, in Dallas county,. Iowa. A year ago
last June she petitioned the court to grant
her a divorce on the grounds of cruelly
and drunkenness. The decree was granted
on the latter charge October S, Just a year
lacking a month before the remarriage.
They had two small children, which were
given to Mrs. Crane, aad the little one
were responsible to a great extent in
bringing about the reconciliation. They
will live lu Omaha.
of Oa Osess Rosaaesneat
Week with Stasidlsic
Room Crows' at the
KSSSSSM l!'J!t."'P !P.'")JJ
tOO-11 bo. IStb BU
R. L. Oiffln. presenting the Comedy Opera
company of lew iorx in -miss ic
hontas," a camic opera in two acts. The
cast: v
Captain John Smith Walter Jones
Fow-Ma-Tsn (btg chlel) ueorge ienoir
Mla-htv medicine man Nell McNeil
Bnan-Oe-Ta-Ha (strong hesrO.Hsrold Crane
John Holff George Fox
Freckled Thn r-Cloud Jonn Jfeacney
Man-Who-So. J-Fatker Nathan Rees
t.llnter-ln-hi root fcJdlth Miller
ueer-voice-in-me-vnesi r-. d
Contractor McLaughlin Daniel Hall
Nnt.Afrn1d-nf-a-Lunch Henry Hunter
Pantln-Pants-of-the-Panther...O. Vandlver
June. Rolf e i sister Blanche Ieyo
Kee-Kee-Kee-Wan-Da-8ee....Anna McNabb
Wah-Wah-Tay-8ee mntfiyi violet leu
Shaw-Shaw (swallow Emtlle Wellington
Ne-Ne-Moo-Bha (sweetheart). Gladys Eagan
O-Pee-Chee (Hobln) Loralne Bernard
Questonla Pllm Marie Terry
Messenger boy Loralne Bernard
Bride.... Mollle Hall
Itrldegroom Lester Allen
Pocahontas Marie Dupuis
There may be a difference of opinion a
to how to class this bit of "foolery." which
wa teen and heard by a good sired audi
bnce at the Boyd last night, but there
could be no debate a to it entertaining
qualities. Messrs. Barnct and Baker have
furnished a liberal supply of bright and
breety fun In the book and Dan J. Sullivan
haa added a score of tuneful music. The
management has done the rest by providing
Walter Jones, Blanche Deyo and a score
of others who make up an unusually strong
rast. The two acts are brimful ot catchy
songs and the lines abound In Witty repar
tee and a reasonably fresh supply of Jokes.
The setting Of the play is In Virginia at
the time the Smith family came within an
ace of losing a popular ancestor via. the
block. This interesting bit of history does
not have a great deal to do with what
happens on the stage, but it give a very
prtty background for the dancing Indian
maidens to pose In front ot and gives a
charm to the scene. The openTng chorus
In the forest is Only the beginning of a
series and each one of the group drew
heavy encores.
Walter Jones gets Into the game every
little while and every time he was called
back repeatedly by the audience. HI song
hits are too numerous to mention and his
tramp specialty In the second act was
pronounced worth the price of admission
by many of those who saw it. Mis Deyo
was slightly hoarse, but (he captivated the
audience in her song numbers and was seen
In three . dances In which she earned an
unusual amount of applause. Her intro
duction in the song from the branches
of the tree, "Oh, come up here and sweet
with me," waa only one of her successes.
She was ably seconded in both song and
dance numbers by Miss Dupui, Nell Mc
Neil, George LeSoIr, George Fox, Harold
Crane and Mia McNabb add good voice
and cleverness to the csst. Our old friend,
Neil McNeil, is Just as good as ever, which
Is saying a plenty, and hi old friends were
delighted to see him.
The chorus was generally of a high order,
both as to voices and beauty. The staging
is very skilfully effected and the costuming
is all that could be demanded.
"Miss Pocahontas" will be at the Boyd
today and Tuesday, with a special Tuesday
..Vaudeville at the Orphean.
With the merit of brevity to oommimd
It, the bill at the prpheum this w.sek
Is a strong one, -a great improvement
over the one of last week that opened
the season. There isn't a dull moment
in the present bill; It I filled with action
and possesses an unusual amount of rich
fun. Each part is brief, which makes
the whole much shorter than ordinary,
but In point of numbers the Mil la no
briefer than any other.
The bill holds some favorites, noma pe
culiar favorites to Omaha. Chief cf
these are Marie Glazier, art Omiha girl,
and Arthur Dunn. The thing might have
ended with them and there would have
been no run on the box office. Dunn Is
the aame irrepressible. Irresistible in
cantation of Joy that he lias been for all
these decades, and Miss Glailer 'fin cer
tainly satisfy her admiring friends who
were curious to see her In vaudeville.
She and Dunn In their clever little skit,
"The MessengefBoy," are not simply a
hit, they are a stunning blow
are times during their performance when
the house is fairly convulsed in laugh
ter. Their relative sixes Dunn is still
even four feet tall make it easy for
their work to be funny. At one point
they simply bring down the house. It
is when Mis Glazier is singing a "love"
song to Arthur, and Arthur, standing
erect and full-drawn, gazes with his eyes
transfixed In bewildered awe upon the
brilliant, bejeweled necklace planted
against the beautiful white throat of his
stage "adored." Ho just misses the for
tune that goes with the hand cf this
beautiful heiress by precisely two feet,
for her papa has decreed she must wed
a man six feet tall.
Another favorite is El fie fay, whose
work as an eccentric comedienne in char
acter song entited her to an upper
berth In the affections of Orpheum
patrons last year. She Is immensely en
tertaining. Bowers, Walter and Crooker,
the three rube, wind up the ball - of
amusement so fast that It never klnk4.
They are three very funny ones and do
some things that go well with a new
season. The bill starts off with the "Four
Arconls," European athletes, who do
some fine work In their line. Then Mur
phy and Francis, a colored couple, touch
off the real comedy. They are particu
larly good In their real coon habita.
Anita Bartllng. a youthful Juggler, gives
variety to the bill. She is quite clever.
Scott and Wilson, comedy acrobats, are
the next who entertain the merry r.illliona.
They get away with some fine oiays.
Bed Action In Cowaty Comet in
Evict Tesant from Faraara
Street Frenerty.
Judge William A. Redlek of the district
court an Ms brother. f C. Redlck. who
were arrersted for violation of the ssftltary
laws last week, had their hearing before
Judge Altstadt tn police court Monday
morning ond the Judge took the ftiatter
under advisement until Wednesday morn
ing. Their wrohRful action, according to
the testimony of City Health Commissioner
Connell, I In refusing to turn on the water
on the premises at 1517 Farnam street, now
occupied by the Elite Cloak company.
Judge Redlck maintained the store was
originally leased to Mrs. Lizzie B. Evans,
and It was provided as usual In leases that
no third party should be allowed posses
sion without the written consent of the
owner. Mrs. Evans turned over her lease
to Hsrry Haywnrd, who, In turn, sublet
to the Elite Cloak company. The Redicks
also stated that while the building was va
cant after the Berger 8ult company, under
Mrs. Evrns' lease, left It, the sewer con
nection was destroyed by the excavating
for the new building adjoining. When Dr.
Connell turned the water on forcibly It
ran Into the back yard Instead of the
sewer and seriously threatened to under
mine the building itself. The Elite Cloak
company has absolutely no right In the
building, according to Judge Redlck, more
than any common trespasser, and a suit
was started in county court Monday morn
ing to evict it. The Redlcks do not be
lieve they can be forced to reconstruct the
Judge Altstadt. In giving his opinion
Wednesday, will decide whether or not an
owner can rightfully force out an undesir
able tenant by making things unpleasant,
or can be -compelled by the city health de
partment to go to any expense necessary
to provide for his ordinary comfort.
Police Force Looking Forward to
Completion of ths New Jail.
Pride of
Police Force
Love Sonst
the 'Phone.
is Charmed
Cupid moves In mysterious ways his won
ders to perform, (apologies to the friends
of Mr. Poe), but gets there Just the same.
As much as people berate the telephone
that same instrument of communication
has often been employed by the greatest
of human emotions love to do Its great
est bidding the making of a matrimonial
So Andy Pattulo, pride of the police
force, will be a bachelor but a little whllo
longer. She is Miss Anna D. Askwlth,
Twonty-slxth and Dodge streets, and has
been police operator for the telephone com
pany for some time. It wa the music of
her voice playing upon the chords of Pat
tulo'a heart over the 'phone that struck
the keynote and produced the song of
The wedding, which has not been com
pletely planned as yet, will take place
Wednesday, and after the ceremony the
bride and groom will leave on a trip to
Scotland. When they return they will re
side at Mr. Pattullo's present address, 22.10
Burdette street.
Miss Askwlth will be the third girl who
has found the police operator's position a
fine chance to get an officer for a husband.
Officer Sargent, now resigned from the
force, married Miss Maude Emm while she
held that position, and George Horan, who
has also left the department, married
Miss Gwynn. Three of the matron have
found the station a 'happy hunting ground
for rupld. Bergeanf Slgwart, still On the
force, married hi 'present wife while she
was a matron, and Jpfflcer Cummlngs, and
Officer Madson, nbw deceased, also found
their spouses ,there. , , . ...
With the Oeennavncy of the New
Qaartera t'emes the Patrol Wasron,
Which Will Be at Great
With the completion of the new city Jail,
which is now a near prospect, the long
standing nuisance of the old quarters Will
be abated. The Inconvenience of the base
ment quarters at present wcupled have
been of such long standing that the public
lias grown weary of the references to It.
The public Is not halt as weary as the
officers who have been compelled to endur
the cramping and the filthy conditions
which have almost constantly existed. There
has always been a defect In the sewerage
of the old Jail whirh has made the quar
ters positively unhealthy. All summer the
officers have anxiously waited the comple
tion of the new and modern bhlldlng on
Twenty-fourth and O streets. The consign
ments of toel for the cell have been the
cause of the long delays, but now all the
cell work has arrived and I on the ground.
The work ot putting the ame In place will
begin this wec-k. A soon as possible after
that the removal will be mace.' Along
with the prospect of the new quarters
comes the institution of a patrol system
end the police think their good luck comes
in "bunches." The wagon has already been
purchased, but the patrol system will not
be inaugurated until the new building shall
have become ready for occupancy. The
duty of the council will be to erect a stabl.j
at the rear of the lot to accommodate the
patrol wagon and the driver. This matter
Is likely to occupy the attention of the
council in Ita meeting tonight. The pur
chase of a team and the election of a day
and night patrol conductor will be neces
sary. Manic City Gosaip.
Mrs. C. G. Oliver has returned from
points In Iowa.
The city council meet tonight in ad
journed session.
Miss Kathleen McCauley is taking her
annual vacation out of the city.
Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to all
parts of the city. Telephone No. 8.
S. P. Cox litis returned fromEurope,
where he has been for keveral months.
H. Tracey of Missouri Valley, la., was
the guest of J. A. Bradley and family
Charles C. Stanley of Chicago has re
turned to South Omaha for a short busi
ness visit. .
Miss Alice Rftfferty was pleasantly aur
prlsed last Thursday evening by a party ot
her friends.
Fred Jackson was arrested early Sunday
rnorninx on the chary . of running a
gambling house.
, Mrs. Lee Harder arid daughter of St.
Joseph, Mo., are visiting the family of
William Corrlgan.
. Charles Melghan of Fremont spent Satur
day in Boutn timana
Dr. Lyon'o
Toof h Powder
Cleanses, preserves and
beautifies the teeth, and
Purifies the breath
A superior dentifrice
for people of refinement
Established ia 1866 by
Bohemian Tamers' Hocleiy Celebrates
Its Thirtieth Anniversary
with Much Ceremony. ,
The thirtieth anniversary of the organi
sation ot the Omaha Tel Jed Sokol, or
Bohemian Turner society, was celebrated
Sunday with greet eclat In the large hall
at Thirteenth and Dorcas streets.
The principal speaker for the occasion
was Dr. Rudi Jaclnfcky of Cedar Rapids,
la., editor of the official organ of the
Turner societies. He stated that there are
fifty organizations in the t'nlted State
now and the first was organised only forty
years ago. Most of these have their own
halls. .
He paid a high tribute to the work . of
There j tne Omaha society and reviewed its or
ganization thirty years ago with only
twelve members under the leadership of
Frank Jclen. sr. Only one of these is
still living. He is Frank W. Iioukol who
attended the celebration Sunday and was
accorded a place of honor. Gilbert M.
Hitchcock also addressed the audience.
An open air exhibition wa given follow
ing the meeting by a team of twelve men
led by Frank Rlha, who returned recently
from the International exhibition in Prague,
Bohemia. ' In the evening there wa a
dance. Horlsko's orchestra furnished the
music. President Schneider 'of the Omaha
society presided at the speaking.
"Wlsard of Os" at the Krn.
"The Wizard of Os," musical eitravi
ganza, drew rapacity houses at the Krug
theater Sunday afternoon and evening
and was heartily enjoyed by all who saw
It. The company Is an exceptionally
strong one and the stage settings and
scenery are most elaborate. The comedy
la one of the plotless kind; pretty chorus
girls figure largely. The chorus girls an?
welt costumed and sing with spirit and
enthusiasm. Lillian English as CynthU
Cynch, the "lady lunatic," takes the part
well. George ritone as the scare crow,
"looking for brains," never failed to
convulse the audience with laughter when
ht, appeared. The "Poppy Flowers" was
a pleasing feature and the transforma
tion of the poppy Held In winter was
quite magical. The piece will continue
all the week with the usual matinees.
Qnlck Shine 'Iisr Polish
Is the best for ladles, men's and children's
shoes, oil and polishes and Is water-proof
He is connected
with the Fremont Herald.
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Reynolds. 1517 North
Twenty-fourth street,' will leave for Nor
folk, Vs., early In the week.
Miss Adeline Dlmmock returned from
Fremont Saturday, where she has been for
nearly a week visiting friends.
Charles W. Rlgney was arrested by Cap
tain Shields Saturday night under aus
cion of pelit lurceny and other offenses.
Frank E. Melghan. Mrs. Laura Melghan
and Miss Florence Melghan are the guests
of Mrs. J. B. Ashe and Mrs. T. O. Cotk-irrll.
Tlie funeral of Jesse Barshalle occurred
yesterday afternoon from the Methodist
hurch. ' The Danish Brotherhood attended
In a body.
Miss Sarah Lefler, Twenty-first and H,
Is to give a musical and tea, assisted by
and for the entertainment of the Presby
terian King's Daughters.
Mrs. P. T. Powers. 177 South Twenty-
JJourth street, will entertain the Daughters
or i-ocaiionias luesaay evening waen nicy
meet for organizing.
Tea Years la Which to Pay,
If you secure an Irrigated farm In
southern Idaho at the great drawing on Oc
tober 1, 1907, the price per acre is low snd
you will have ten year In which to pay
for It. It will make you Independent, Send
at once, for illutrated booklet. Twin Falls
North Sldo Land and Water Company, Mil.
ner, Idaho.
The Texas Wob4,
cure all Kidney, Bladder and Rheumatl
troubles. Bold by Sherman & McConnell
Drug Co. and Owl Drug Co.. or tw
mouth' treatment by mall, for $1. Dr. SL
W. Hall. 2926 Olive St.. Bt. Louis. Mo, Bead
for testimonials.
Ever swap houses? Your location Just
suits the other fellow and the other fal
low's location may Just suit you. If you
want to make a swap If you want to find
out how numerous the other fellow Is ex
plain your sltustlon through The Bee want
columns and something will be pretty sur
to happen. 1
Balldlna- Permits.
J. H. Rouston. frame dwelling, 3524 North
Twenty-eighth svenue, 12,600; H. A. Kln
ster, frame dwelling, 3536 North Twenty
eighth avenue, $2,500; Maden Groff. frame
dwelling. 1120 Dominion street, 11.300; A. L.
Huff, repairs, Twenty-ninth avenue and
Leavenworth street. 1300; A. K. Nuckolls,
brick store, Fortieth and Cuming street,
A small beginning. But the greatest men
and the greatest businesses have small be
ginnings. Tou njay Intend to start, or you
may have started a business on a email
scale. That's usually the safest way, and
the safest way is slwsys the beat way.
No business is too small to advertise, and
The Bee's want columns afford exactly
the kind of service for small advertiser.
Try K. The s'ert may lead to great
Beautiful Hair Makes
tKe Beautiful Woman
So why will women go on with ecrawny, oily, unsightly rralr when they
can Just ai well be admired for their hair? One thing will give them
beautiful hair, and that Is
E, Durnhcxr's Hair and Scalp Tonic
- i v
t 1
' -' VnV ' ' 51
5- m
- -- - li-i "-
It prevents that oily odor.
It actually stimulates and
grows hair In thin spots
and makes it luxuriant.
It positively removes
it absolutely stops all hair
If your dealer does not have
it In stock, send 10c for a
sample bottle.
Our bwkltt "How to be
Beautiful" and correct
styles for dressing the
hair mailed trie.
Tti Laruesl Hair and poller! Msnulaclurcr In I ft World
For sale by
67 s 69 Hhlwstea SL
70 72 Sfato St root
Shrom&MCCas8tlDr..Co..1Stb&D3lat. TktOwl Drug Co., 16tlt Hiraej.
Our New
Style Books
For the Fall and Winter of 1 907-3
are fresh from the press and
ready to mail to our out-of-town
The book for Men contains many handsome
illustrations of Fall and Winter Suits and numerous
samples of the goods from which the Suits are made.
The book for Women is profusely illustrated
with beautiful pictures depicting the latest styles.
These illustrations were made from photographs of
the garments offered for sale. ,
With these books in hand you can buy Clothing
and Furnishings as easily and cheaply as you could
if you were in our Big Store. When you write state
which book you want. THEY ARE FREE.
GS7 ll if
for electric light for the residence is 14c a K. VT. hour for
the first hour's use of 607 of your connected 16 c.-p.
lamps, and Gc per K. W. hour for all current used over
this amount' At least a minimum reduction of 20. "We
shall be pleased to answer questions concerning the new
rate. Investigate.
Omaha Electric Light & Power Co.
Thone Douglas 1062.
Y. M. C. A. Bldg.
neWay Hates
Daily During Septembor and Octobtr to
California and tho
J 25.00 To San Francisco, Lot Angeles), Portland, Tacoma
922.50 To Spokane district.
920.00 To Salt Lake. Ogden, Butte and Helena.
the grand panorama ot the Rocky Mountains by daylight.
at 4:10 p. m. and 9: SO p. m. Chair Cars, Dining Car and
Tourist Sleeping Can to Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma-and Port
Tickets, 1502 Farrvacft St.
CZL,n 1 1 -
Oklahoma State Fat
at Oklahoma City,
October 5 to 16.
It's Harvest Time
in the Southwest
Low Rates on those datoii
September 17
October 1 and 15
November 5 dnd 19
December 3 and 17
Round-trip tickets sold from nearly all Rock Island
points in the North and Central West to practically all
points Southwest. To the greater part of the territory
these round-trip fares are about equivalent to the reg
ular one-way fares to many points they are even less.
Huceess is reasonably sur In the Bout h west. It's the Uand
cf Supply long growing season products with big proIts
nearby markets offering ready sale rapidly increasing
land values all conditions favorable for making money
and enjoying life.
An illustrated book or two will help you to
a better acquaintance with the country.
Just writ m and slate the swtlon
whirh most interests you. I'll send in
lllustruted book about it and quote
rates for a trip of Investigation.
Omulia, Nob., 1323 Farnam St.
Established In Omaha II Years.
and Examination.
etTita for Svmntom Blank for Home Treatment.
ns i': 'v.
W'!Wmm Dr wearies Cl dearies
M&ffltoMilSQS7. S E. Corner lit. sol Deo Ola St.. CMABA till
fi :;.'lrV
wj tM. liiwwtulM nuum 4-Tm. atMu. I
Tae Oaaaaua Dally Be