Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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of Small Soars of Kha-j.
men at wor purtiin it !n
CW,1 AaM WsvwesL.
"AT. Cole Ne.lgh. candidate fir
1 i came iM-n, j putting a nmn Unn-io'ii
I ui3 for th place, thnugh Bis- ffends,
( and wiJn nothing sTlclai has teaicad lut
I if the governors oaVs ian!n' change
30 COTTUTASCX 0 J G2ATJ 11XZ , if change : made cm
' thsTrisI"'-e to tucan P"l of taia. Taw
building u opened ua wil b
dedicated tj.s wee.
coxmcuL aci abb to hht
1 11
Ulrw,g A
Tr Caa rJUr1
w str Oars
t Hikt
Saw Bali (
(IM rMl.
fuzmont. '&.. sept, i special.,
stands good chanr ef being the next 1 Tin Fremont branch of the United, Com-
g.ame wirtn. I mertnai Triira held a largly attemled
-(, taw Ua4 rti' ) arseting last wmnt and adopted rssolu
rw Um-oin Eevelupment csmpany. tons cnmmiml,.in the Northwestern and
which rcent:r Sled a.iiries of Incorpora- ( Buriing-on ra.iroads f'ir tit readines they
-ten. w'th EM Eignea t tje bea-i. has i "lave shown to mcreas taeir passenger aad
purchased T, acr-s of land tut of North j freight facilities tj eo pacs w'ta the j
P'ate. anowi as the E. "V raach. Tha j if tit tow-is tributary to their ilni- ;
leal wis through J. H. Hefmiston ; ami th members of the branch i
ami tne is bought from J. W. to una their efforts' to divert freight ta !
Para. Some time ago it u r-ported , these lines as far as possible. Tia CTaioa
that th Bun'ns-Mrt jicrfnilml to UmM a PvTifle -a fT a irw potatel rrarks
r-junil iiDuiw tjir P'jicrw. Ixit this i .1Ti aemunt of tralins; men belna; prmc- j
larnl is aow !n ; Ti is pr-tty tan- v.naily Bairl fim flv of tan trams taey i
r.:7 hailHt auwe-fr. that on taa Ian.! , aa f jr-nar'.y ptnniai!d and rinmn Iu:aJa I
hlr!t do not cinn:t w.U oranco, Unea. ,
Tn ai:tlim taken or taa lorai arantta is !
i m lins wtii Uia policy of tas commercial
CE 1
Tfeelr kOTla.
TrTTi a Sta.? Ciirrjomlent.
LSy'Tr. V-f. . Sneria Tie T
penee vtrminf 1'ed Irv t.le nroiis ea..
ilMares far l-i anf Dear out the
tat t.'iai T?e 7f-ri.ar7 ! s-,jenwe mm
t.le ttan.looint of ?an.I1ifa-e. T'ie '"I-
I'ln expense vmm'j sr fml.i
w-irn tne aecr-rry of arar es,nit!i!.i.s , J'wt D'ir-:hied the Biri!na-..n will build
foe -iisrrtrt fidirj- nomin.irji.ns- On T j i sraUn and tart a town. Tals belief
Oa-re, fiBlonis.' tiiylth disr-rf, CS. B. In burr:. out by the Tiitt that Jfr. Btsneil.
r. sl.misr. F'f' i 4isr-.rt, .: j otner'nf.endent of the Bur'lnf on. Mat ths I t,-iPr, M divert a gnssibis Hupmau.
Ttr - tT'",,";,ri,n'. F",r!1 l'"'-'- i !ea of tns comsaar Sictt dl.l th buy- fmm the Colon FaciSc Li arise to
Fi'tr'.'i dlsfrtrr. iri... L R,mt. re-
puftJiran. Seennii distrirr. K &.!(). Jul ire r.
sta toptje.J rs luii-ii. salil 1 TOent his
for vlvr"jiina in the Omniia nd other
papers In bts VntT-vt and for ".nr-ln. whtrfi
Vs fllln f-e made ap must of hi
espenee. J nln Sjtf.-lle ftii.l he pn.d no
fee u a demrerru .-anifMa-? and liif not
knaw it if on pn.d
rtlia Aral a fine.
The rillsar iimmi:m:un o"rr'i:"d tl'.e
mntion of the railroads th;s a'rf
a tsst case the company and lay
tha foundation for an action to compef
't to permit paswnaer for points on their
Una where tra:ns stop ti purchase tickets,
J"red H.en and S- W. N.itinn yester-lay
demanded tickets to Council EIufTs for
one of the ii.-mted trains, tendered Vhelr
money '.n the presencs af wtneisea and
Lerw Littl ta 1wav
Cimm;emuner W:nnett and Rate Cierit
Rowell have rtirned trim Iowa, where
t.iey went tii -alit w't.l the Iowa iriimmls
fiiin ahout grain rates. The members of
the Iowa oommisston wre not at Some,
but the Nebraakiina discovered the Iowa
btltiv hflif nnt i'inirfr m.imbma Hir
the Nebraska commission and does trs
business in an nntir-'ly diTrnt way Iowa
. a-.sran.-e t;u-n: rats an.i ens Brj-g; HTLL Three miles foutjj a heavy
tow commission oponses the building' an i a.n t silI uat secuoa. ai;i:ompaniet by
. ,,,-.. t i f central cramenes by rason of low ! Ja:L
. ... .... . ... . . . ! rates on crm. Utr'e i:n ! hiTmetf FTATT?5C
nnnv on 'Ti mm n iir t . ir a
redurtion . of (SUl rar-e. Th;s
averajfes 10 2er '-aiit the
ts !n addltien to iao 13 per --nt reduction j ''r tte 1UT ,r '"
pt-Tvnoe.i tor " ,T w ..c:i 1 auiriisxt of Pamlliow lia-hta'na- srrica tne
Is now- tn elfWT. Tie "aalnic of tesfimony : repire-l. r.lnucl the report is not ; -tlI1 stacks of J. C. P-oo anit ourned t.iem
will beB-"n -rir-niTiff The aonevs ! conilrmet by Insurance Teouty PVrrs. that a.l but me. wuicii was siiveil by the mtjrtj
wtin insisted i. the continuunca wre the American (.r-ler of Prorect'.on. wltii ul t"' ",l
James Ketljv and. L. M -H rh of tlie , headn-jarten at Lincoln, wants to 'Tom bine
BurMna-on. 2iscn R;i-t. of t:m r"n:.m Fa- I 'th tile T-atfm.U Life assoriaticn of
elflc. Carl C. Wrijhs of the N'och wtm. Hastings. Apolicaraiin has been Sled with
A number of fr"nrhf. men wre also prst-nt. j tho ttare anlitor for such a combination,
as ws OneTTTrnfTtCM'on. dur-na a portion j as the !aw renMirs. and tie insurance
of The argument. K--!hy. .tpeukina- fir the , department is Invest-.lfar..n the a.Tairs of
marts flrsr. onjwtM to the jur'sdiflon of i the two oranixarions before f.vinu his R- Cesvee an.o.m. smith caiieit M:lls a
ths comm.sstna-fo hear the cass and be ' maet to ths merger. Insurance Aodltoe ! Jt-
tnsn flied a motion supoorfl bv an a;!!- Pierre has made no statement as to his rw srratcnes on his .lands aal tace. Therw
Stock Advances on Saturday. September 14th, at Midnight
TTiIs Stock Is NOW SELLING at S2T.OO per Share-Par Value SlOO
- . .. j, - ", "v. ' "''if i: -
. . w -.W 'U.C :'
"i-S'i"r tdHid
. '""t -ee-"v -A.
, In Iowa, Lhey f.juml. as mcst of it ts
,vr 1 ite-'i tor ceeiunif purpose wnere it is
"iuntion t
. i 'li
T.TH Rev A. I- Zlnk. pastor
of the '7hrtian cnurcit here, has been i
apionted secretary of the Second district
of tne Cnrstian C!i'ir:bes in N'eoraska.
I p i The i'uhrainir ind ra.n were
i ten-rlc Saturdar evinin Aoout f hit mils
PLATTSM'jr.TH S. A. tVur!. who re- ,
cent.y iost lis C3. .w stock of seneral mer- .
chand'.ss by tlr. s-ised bv an e-piiisinn
of -is. whicn nea.-fy .:a;ised his teata. cum-'
menced business a:.a.n tody in tile old
stand. I
HEP-MAX 'Teore Smith and Jos Kills
ha a fw wor-ts this a.-T.ernoon tn the 4 '
Work is now proirressinx ai fiit a. tearn. rnea ari earirneer-s can puih. it.
IMPOST ANT NOTICE Every pnr:Lar of to:k a: present $17. rpeives in a.l-iitios Certifioaies at par va!-?
cf $100.0) per share, entitlinx th hosier to eiohanxe suofa. crtifi.a:e3 for either freixht or pa-enzer at tarriff
rates, when any part of the road U in operation. This prorzi3-i3 to be one the Lirjeat money rniken ever prencted.
We are tappinx a belt com
monej erual ti the best xolI min
It remains for 70a to secure thii
at the present price if you wo
bix return on money inveteL
tribal railroa.i?, the wonders of
the country, not one bat ha..
doubled iti eaminx power the
first year in operation.
aavit of William- PI rirkee. iidlfor of the j Indentions in the matter
Bur1Irar"on. alf3t"r a conrinuanc. Tie
. affidavit alleges -".that in order to rimmli
tfta Informa.l.on necessary tile railroail
company must showthe amount of bui
nwsa dune by it la trarHc which act
movwe from a potnt wtthwit tiie st.rte
thmuffi the state rn another point without
tna state; t?i amount of business done
onglnacinc wisliin the and cameif to
points without tha' state; the amount of
business or'inatiinr w thnut the state car
red to points w-.t.iin the sfa:.. the amount
of business onlna"nif in and endinif in
the stats of Nebrask.1. It is iid tnat
In order M maie an i.i;n:nar;iin of the
papers and W17 bills to make the show
In upon thii one. sr inch of the lnvsr.if:i
tiiur many rmrt'r-'f fho.isands of way bills
must bs saaminef and a force of not teas
than sixty men w'll be necesnar'ly em
ploved fur not Xemt than ninety .lays. la
orlsr to make the eomputarion of the ratss
under tlis prop.iseii sched ue and of all
ths rstes heretofore in existence it will
be necessary tn eaumlne and cum puts upon
ssyarate baais Uu (rct upon ths re
ceipts of the railroad company frim ea.:h
starma tn rs-oj;i si) which the proposed
schedule- applj.ts. . The company says the
necesstties sf Its brslness has not hiret.i-
C. Bell is j have been no arrests so far.
supr-me secr-tary of the otTra-aiaation. A I ?Ai-l3 CITT The wathee is exceed'
conMlll.liuion of tlis Amencaa Order of tniy co.d tor t:ns tims ot t-ns year.
' I ter wraps are much, m svdence.
rr-ji:L.uq urn tne sons ana LaiKhters
of Protection was accomplished about two
years inn.
Resrlac rita
Judije H.imer smiured a continuance of
the sanity tral of Frank Barker from
J idire Frost this moram. The matter I
wf .tJt crrT-Bllly Hoi of this pia:s .
won several pr.aes w.tit a. a hos at tae '
stats fa-r. j
TX1.LS irTTT The vnirir factory which '
started up here last year bas so many or
ders it was aecssauxy to caU ia as :
VxlJS Ctn Falls City has a bran-
of who is to pay ths Jury aad witness ! wrr, t'la ,,rc!Wtr- lml a ""aa
fee, in the case not yet settled, aad j B r-E HTLL-rairenter work on ths new
unt.l that s out of toe way. Jide Frost I Independent Orier of Odil Fellows' ha.1
siid the case would have to hold an. The i benan Saturday wt.h a larse f ir-e of men
case will be ca.led oifoia Wednesday naora-
nu w'.l tat two monrhs befjre Ui build-
in 's compiet.wi.
SHELTO.V The fourth harvest festival
and ricins meet w ll beg-n here Tiesday
anit continue tnr"e da?s. Already marrr of
the speeit animals are here anil many more
will be on hood to enter for t;ie liberal
purses that the business men of tlie town
nave donated. The attractions on the
Peaew Cmferew a 9im Apwvwack
f Ca ta War 14.
H.VJT5NI33. Xeb.. 3epc 9. The stats j streets are free, no charja- foe the sports
ca.mpmeei.ina: of tha Seventh Day Advent- j oem madsv
mt. the flrst ev-r held In this city la fHELT'N A Iltrf.e 4-y-ar-old son of Al
now we.l under way. sntl, about MM per-I ..onT'cU
suns camped oa tha arounaa, I with matcnes on ais tahsrs farm vaster-
Last nl?t Prof. 8. C. WJkinsrm of afternoon set Are en the outbundtn-s
w"T,rT D c-,,Hc!ar,d ,n fcM"- -tr tr.r
on ' The Intenatuinal Peace Movement tn ! and much other grain. The loss will bw
the LiSht of the Scriptures." thax tlis al- j about Bj, with no insurance.
'anon for universal peace .a one of the I PL-tTT33tOr.TH As
ry that will develop in:o rLZlr----
e ever dicovpred. -'- Z' K I S
'ill nt ' X cjviuu fL;
KXxers sunn 1 1 1
" j uvrmL. I I
I 1 - J -J 1 mm 1 ! 1 w) osaassaa J
1 T7i
T HAjrNcy :
Have 70,11 sni la yo'ir s.o for a tSree moa'.h. 1 a i-jui'rtpt.;oQ? II aot.
io vi an FUI O'ir. tie coupon. hr'jwi'.Ii. ial will awn-t you copy
for turn months frm of obani-. Tii ia aa lafiirnsriaf. vai iail' jti'illcaaoa.
trimf-il of taforma-.ion oa electrical s;it;:f3 aa.l pumivi'.ar'.y etect.-iiiiiiy a.-i a
monivo power. Don's aea!i:t to mail as your ti:Iay aal senurs tiid
Spteai'jer umier.
P'.ea flai eaclosed I....
fjr eaareji.
Town -
Iacludiny $140.0') certificate for each, iliara
piLrciiasea by me without adii..Uoaal cast.
Write Today
Omaha & Nebraska
Central Railway
No. 3!) First National Bank Building
Send further information and
"Electrical Froresa" Free for
three monthi.
toa"n of their
fors required UTt. be bs aspt sen- of th. ond comln, of Christ. Ho . attsmou moVus '
iins. , . I for Ave years, the teachers of the city i
I Xac-.oC OastofSBii--mrmramwat siTCae ! "I1"- fatt that Hicia conference schools prjmced Prof. E. L. R.rae- a!
Ton liti Hnes set.ou ui. t! aifldavlt. II 1 s the greatest repreaentatiun of tha Tes:s .aJJlJJ, "rt an a'ar'jne""''1 ud
was ssplalnel th reason f'ir the present j aa.i sa.'tey' cry that tha wor'd has ever j i(f buons.rrofaE. L. Riuse' am" family 1
tares could ait 9 etpiaineil. Jome an j -'"n. It is a fact that sata.a has lullsd the ! departed todar for Peru, where- he ha ac
na.le a raie rmew'iere. Tln-a when a j ma..u- ry of people of ths world to sleep 1 tt"Pt-d eaur St1 Normal scaooL j
ew rare was pie n t a comparison ! th his d:Kntlvs cry. hut In reality this ' ., 1-n rs e r-rr, ZTl.
with, the old rats and t!i.refom a sep- is the ume tn the world's history was-n , IsCBnAiAA rHUW UAT IU UAT
arate ai:cuunrs bad ben knt. bu only tlie tile twelfth, verse of ELsvuUUun la bein 1 " "
asfs-i-aa business done wru known if ni111,l on eerth- w i r tha iTihSirMf-1 Carlwwa ratsm Llla
Ecjulilicaa. Uiitri'ct Court Uoaaiaeas
Ars liking "Ciiafi Iasj.
T'l arrive at its deciaior. to overrule the 1 of tha earth and of ths sea, for ths devil
nuitiuit) for a continuance, the commjasion ts come down anto you bavin areat wrath,
took a tench t re.-ess and consulted with j because! ha Itaoweth tiiat h hath but a
th attorney geoerar shore time.-
Eaarwwa Caw la Curt.
T nuestlon of rmandinir tha case
of ths state ata.nat the xprs.
companies doin business tn Ne
braska was s nnrninif anr'isd before
of W'.nalda, you caa
Master Eart
fiess. mads h;s annual v.stt In this lo
cality Sun. lay and was sent uuf with
Xar Sane taw Osatsctatls JaJ1al
Caaasaittsw, aa H Is Oaly Kc
VsOieava &stala Thai
Ca4fMa -
h.s best j;ri for a horseback rids In ths
afternoon. dkunk Hoiltiw Vtciattr. Wla
side Tribune.
"In other words this sreafi pears move
ment ts but th f-iirtilment of one of the
siifns that w are neartn the end of the
world, that, as has been foretold tn the
phnphecies of the Bible, there will be a
Jude T C. Xanawr of the federu cour ! tTT ' 7- 1T. IT Precaution A Norfol. woman always
B. W. Brscksnetd. of Omaha appeared j auction eth. And while h ,Tt,llar,n tl, D,lt an unx
fir ths stress companies and Ho-le-rk F ! ta" f0" n,t f"r7 cr7 ! that hav, no holes in them, for ths rea-
R.,s for th star. J ie Manner ton. the ' tatlnn. nf the earth are armin to th. m taac thay m.,at t3-iP Ug3
matter ttnder adssment. The Star Rail- ! t,wth- world from, ths da? .,t tnas r-n ths r-slt
wai comsuMuin acnemptaa to sni:or.:s uie , "-' m--n prepara- ijwtn outsiders t Had out. tn otcit-
"'.,n ar'',r -a:' "tl 7',ar f,,r la up the accident viram. whether tae
Prof. WJalnson cams hers to conduct tie ta.mAy wore holey sto.ikmss or aoc
JULJ' sciiuui at tns camrmeetin. Ths ! Norfolk !Tw.
meennif wii conunus for ths ramalndsr of
ths week;
Sibley act redurinif express rates 2 per
cent. Ths compani remove.1 ths cajs to
tha federal court and tile stats today
auufht to have it remanded to ths stats
supreme court.
aW EaSwavaVs Its) Order.
Tha Willntar - stuux Fails raj
way, a psn ;uc" tas Gcsae N'ortth
m system. wis tolay directed by
ths railway commission ta cease discrimin
ating aaainsa Omaha in mm shipmenta
Ths Omaha Grain, eacha.ins eumplained
that ths ra.!ma.d refiised to fimiatt cars
for shipment to S.mtii Omaha or Oma-ia.
holding- the cars f ir shipment to Sioux City
and Minneapolis. TU couuniHaiua ordered
th railwiy uiRcia lj fxrniau. cars in Los
srdsr requested by patrins irrspet;tlvs af
Crata taw.
Because ths C'mn.u Wirt.i-Herald sold
th open- season for rune beaa September
t. a half doaa mors sporrsmen from
ut In th stats have telephoned to. ths
sfflc of ths gaaie commutsinncr. askin if
this la tr-i aad aoplyn f ir copies of ths
am law. The ogen sasn begins Sep
tember IS and anyone t1.1nt.n4- oa sayss
f ta dmpop ssst. a:corlinir to Mr
Carter, wll a art..d and pr-isecuteL
Rlk Lla ta r!r Saap.
Railway Cmmnissioner 1arae bas re
turnsit from, his) mspect.on of tne Surlin
on Hi Uu In rhe w-at port of the
stats beyoe.t Osd and he reports ch
rvd m Settee eti.'ndit:oa tnaa reported to
the cummissioa. The roadbed s safe and
U filst ffnoif cwnrfrt.oiT. he except
aruuad Swiud. ad. t.iat r.-l;ns rin
only twenty aa.t ueiy-(lve nides an hour
Ths ruad is tn much better coaiiit;im lian
til MuuHjurt FaeiHs. he said, and there ts
ta Error A certain ynunir mil was
v'sitin- in a neuchborlmr town aot lonif
ao and seem some nice postal cards,
bs bought ons hs thought was a bird
-'askew aa Dta Wis.
CXETLX. Neb.. Sept. 3. SpeciaL D. a i
Jencks, of Oia.!r..n and J. A. Do.ia. of emrvyXnt , bukac of flowers, which h
" ; " repunucaa candl- Mnt to hla bellc r rU Taa wxt Uma n
dates for ths nomination Mr strtct hidne. e4ileil ,n. t Jo on BiIB Ic nas
in ths Fineenth, district W. IL Westover ,iac taad out that ths picture was
of R-jshvtUs and J. J. Hrrm"ton 0f j 0IW aC t stork with a baay la. ths
creiu ars ths fusion candldatss. This
makes ons republican eandidats aad ons
fusion candidal tn each nd sf th dis
trict, la.ilc itions are favoranre to a re
publican victory tn ths diatrlct this faJ,
and with fn stronir candidates like
Jenckts and Dou'as tt Is pretty certain
that tha district can be placed back tn ths
republican column.
basket. Hildreth Telescope.
Naxurs Fake D. A. Jihnson ts prepared
to pns that apples bloom la September
tn Nebraska. Us bas a craa appls tree
In h.s yard tn this city which has oaa
larva limb tilled with beautiful and fra
grant blossoms. Mr. Johnson cannot ac
count for ths freak and hs cannot And a
fruit grower who has aver seua anything
Ilka It. If any reader of ths Repubilcai
can sxplaia this freak ths sxplanatlun
Cmirw fMlmS la Sraia.
HASTTN-HJ. Neb.. Seor. 1 Sneciol Tele
gram.) Twu sons of Henry Mohllng. ast wUI 6" puhlishsd. Aorora Rspuoilcaa.
3 and years, were killed In a flood of j
grain an Fred Grethan s farm, flvs miles ' W" Happsnetl la a Barber SUop W.
northwest of Hastings, yesterday aftar- 1 cJ-r"- furmsrty tn ta barter buat-
1 soon. Tha father was assisting Grothan c tiu Place, but now f ireman
Hit a wheat bin. which gave way under i 01 ,non m "-ouacu h:uta met wtta a
tn pressure of liJBS busnets of grain- Th ; "rT B'ul;r lenient last Saturday svsa-
children wers playing near th bin and
were caught tn tha flood. Both were lead
When taey were dug out.
V. B. C. ja. DM.
tng and as a result will bs mania to
work for sum cms. Hs was shaving a
customer aad as hs turned to tr-ip bis
rsjor ths customsr raised his teg to
cross It aver ths other, and ta doin so
aw si-'k: en oaca or t.i ruur
republican caadiitates for d.str'ct court
having no opposition ars tak;n compar
atively UL-we unterejt In ths cummg ca;n.
puign. Tha cha-nnaa of tha Judicial com
mittee, A. H. Burnett, will call a cunf ?r
ence of ths candidates soma time this
wek. but they wiil be able to Jo nothing
,n the wiy of orgaaiaia tha new com
mittee until a.;r Saturday, and perhaps
not then, if they wait until they are of
ficially notiaed of their nomination. Cer
t.iicatrfS of nomination must come from
tiie secretary of state, as there are four
counties in ths district, but tlis candidates
may act on tha tincfflclal returns, in whicn
cuss they can organise sums Cms aext
Judg Lee Eatnlle is ths possessor of a
power infrequently cunferred upon a can
didate. Hs ta ths on.y republican of the
four who received dumucrxttc nomination
for a place on the ticket to get tha approval
of his own party Ks becomes, according
to tTie statement of ta other candidates so
endorsed, the only democratic candidate
for d'.Htrlct Judge. As such, eandidats he
has ths naming of a foil democratic Jur
licial committee, aad sines it has been
held that ths democratic Judicial enm
mitee has no right to name other candtdati-s
f ir that office at this election, it is possible
he can bs induced to act Just for the
novelty of the thing. The democratic Ju
dicial committee to bs named at this time
w-!l have nothing to do except to see that
J liigs Estells hi not f lrgortsn by the demo
crats on election day; but it w-il have ta
moke preparations far th four
years from this ttmo.
Democratic candidates w'il meet Tuesday
aiitht for ths purpos of firthsr consider-
Wkr Bsww
Owe Cass oat Pa
gram.-Aa effort will be mats thla week ' DiilJ- "rowing tt shut on WlU's haad.
to raise ths ba-oncs of th indsbtednssa an , '1'uc ajft "nads aad ths wound
th Toung Mem Christian assoclatinn "rofxseiy. Bef ira med-cai ottsnuon
building, which coat CO. Ml. Th baiancc i tfu,U'1 " rVTO h" fj-nc,Hl "
. and th members hav pledged ' f,tUJ- but ,00 " a flow was
w w tvivu. ixaauoipa n-
umtin S
UllVlUilii 4 1
to lor children, xnd no
me caa o conxpieteiy
tarDV w.tnonr u3i, yet tie
crueal thrcch. which the ex-
rlwrf1,tWTk y pectant mother must pass nsnaHy is
I Vlftll I fl ftPr 50 tel cf snflering. danger and fear
1 MMiiuUlili iy that she fonrird to the critical
hour with, appreieasicu and dreaJ.
Mother's Tnead by its penetrann j and socLhing- properties,
IlavS TiarKie-3 rrTron.;'1r. arid all CB"Vlif fHry ie,-J
so prepares the system tor the
erdeal that she parses thron gh
the erent safely and with but
little sriEertng, as numbers
Lire testified and siid. "it is
lift?. iFn!tPdl
Talriavble iniurmatioa mailed free. U 11 li w
c KatusTi irui tjam ra . 'tiaaf
Hard ts Get Among th many who
nsitut WUsonvtU last Saturday an a
hopping sxpaitition wis a newly mar
ned young" lady from ths neighnorhood
of Bearer City. During ths afternoon
ah aaantarsd into ons of our ha.-1v-i.-s
tores aad tnoriirsd ta a very mod -sc.
unsuspecting moaner of ths polite clera
If they had aay jackpots. Ths thundjr-
j tr-i.: young man promptly replied that
j taey oaa come pots, tea pots, etc., but
k to his csrtan kaowiddgs there sun t a
jackpot tn ths house. As sa- rarasit to
go away with downcast loo as, see re
marked 1 1 th elrk. who sAiortsd her
to ths dour, that she was to much .a
ksyss) that they kept them, bei-a-ise her
ausoaad kept ta.kmg so moca ta !us
lse about Jackpota. and tf sh could
purr has ra and taks tt home sti kauw
tc w uld tickle him nearly to seat a.
WTlsoavlil Rsvtaw
la F na
as Quick Shin Sao Poilaa. p. sila, poa
stfut aad give a patent leather Sniatt sail
to watsr-prrMf. Asa ysur itaalag toe tt.
Wnen a woman can get rd of brown
patches an her toes by changing her diet
It is worth while for other wjmea who
care for their complexions to know sums
thing of ths method.
A lty tn M.chigan City say that cuiT
caused tne brown patches on her face by
Sretg-.ving her stomach trouble, then put
ting her nerves out of order, and tha re
sult was shown in her complexion.
Slie o.uil on and began using Poartim
F Mid CnnT-fs and tn. U-ss tnan a rnunra tas
stomach tmubls d.sappeared and witiun
two months her compiexiun cleared ap and
ji now 3a and nay. .
Slis tpeaas of two men at Westjeld. tad.,
wan have both been improved in health by
leav-ng off aonTee and taking tn Its place
Pnetum Food Coitee; also a husband and
w-fe of ths same place who were m pcur
health and aunTt-red from stomach trouuie.
They unit coffee and af'er using P'jstum
a snort time r-siiit was natural sleep,
return af appet-.t and a a-n in strengt.i
as fast aa aatirs could reouUX
Sli gives tn names of a Dumber of other
persona who have been heied by leaving
off cuffs and taking Post am Food Coffs.
It lit a safe pnaoaiuua that if any cuffs
user has stomach sr ssr-sous trouhi or
bat somputxioa 'y or shs can get rut cf
th tmubls by dlsuaatlnuing cuffs aad
taa;ng Fosc-aas Feud Cltats. It ta sasw
nuughi t prev th truth sf this by soak
ing trial. Bi "Th Raag. t Weils ill.
Tiaras a SsasuaV
tng the selection of managers of the com
ing campaign. Tie selection of Frank L.
Weaver as chairman. J. A. Eenewttx a.)
secretary and Ero:l Cermak as treasurer
will stunit but there may be a change tn
fhe exeiiutlve, f ir which George
R-'g'irs. Mayor Ea.ilmaa. and 1. S. O'Con
nor wc nameL These men are expected
to stay, but tt has been, sugg-sted thai two
others be placed on tiie committee m order
to have representation nf mors of the
various classes af the party. A number
of names has been suggested but so far
no one has been selected and it is passihis
the committee w ll not be cliangeit since
a number of the candidates say that the
smaller tile cummittea the mors eititlv it
will be.
Ths di'mocraric party probably w'll hava
a sctiool board tick t in the rleiiL Mayor .
Du.'.lman will taas up the matter wtii j
ths city committee In a day or two and I
w-il advise- the nomination of a ticket. I
Tfcfcse wiia flled for the aomina ion at the
primaries wthiirew, and but for the pe- j
culiar wording of the primary law rgT.rd- I
tng members of tje Board of EJ ica-.nn '
the party would be out of the race. bu-. !
under tha tarma of tha law the mayor Is '
of the opinion candidates caa be J
named either by tiie cntnmi'-te or 1 enn- I
ventlon regularly ca.led and that it wll
be possible to get at least one memiier on j
ths board.
Wo can't And anything tn the primary I
law governing the city committee appoint-
menr, " so.d one old warhorse. "and it ;
seems tiie old committee ma noid over
it should be held the school board aomina- i
Cons are conclusive tiie old city com.-nittes
must be called into action."
Csnsae aa Cagaaw
sbmi at krif ruk
Finn's Greater Omaha band, after play
ing at Knig park continuously since ths
park opened on tiie 18th of May jut. closed
Its season engagement wifa ths afternoua
and evening concerns of Sunday The
twelve numbers an tha program wers aJ
fawonc selections and as ths personal
friends whom the several members of ths
band have made during the season were out
in strong force, tne ajpiause aad musical
enthusiasm at times was high. The en
cores wept cunrin mua, causing a double
program to bs played.
Bnaby. one of tne park aeronauts, ma.l
the evening ba.ioon ascension and para
chute jump, aad it was well dune.
! The h iilafoi-n Saturday af enoon did
1 considerable damage to the dowers and
bross over 3Da of the eiectr-c lamps.
1 The follow ng memuers of Finn s Greater
Omana band leave today 1 1 Id engag e
ments as Hollows. A. ika.;uia, suiu clari
net, to the Schubert theater. MJwaak.fe;
I Neiaon. a. to saxophona. to Cerroir. Mich.;
T W Heyer, E8b bans, joins the E.i.-n im
i Ba.ley show here toda; M. Cheroo.
string baas, to Pittsburg. Pa. The otnar
memoers of t.-.o band w ll rnu.n ;n jmo.iA
aorreiitinn s Eohila w ll arrive at
T o clock tnis morning over SurVngton
(rim Lake Contrary. St. Josepu. Mi., aad
w'll ooen 4 sevn days' engagement aC
K.ig park w't.i a contisrt tii.s a"emi;on.
Tis pi-ogra.ns ttr the wei;k are botii mg;i
cIojs and popular. A. Wagner jrogriui
w-il bs played Frday evening.
September 4. Sir Edward Gr-y'j reply.
while dated Septemoer i. w is noc de- j
U-;reil to Ambajsailur F.eid until Satur- j
day n.ght. The modus v.-iendi so ar
ranged Is In terms and fact a substantial .
renewal of last year's arrangement. It t
Is to csntmue for till season and until '
the long-standing controversy rugo.rT-ng
tils 3shmg u.ueauiia shall be settled by I
arbitration, unless In ths meantime any !
of its provisions should be modiiiinl by
some amicaoio agrwment between the !
Newfoundland autaor.ties add ta -Vaicr-ic-aa
ilahermen not derogatory to tiie
rights of the Catted at and accpt
a.i.e to tho 3ritidii and Atneruian givern
aicn ts.
Johnson and Wie ttchet wirh him ta to be
named fir September ID. Mavor Johnson
has declined tn discuss the matter since th.
announcement of Burton as a candidate,
but It is said he has .Liaurances that Wil
liam J. Eryan. ahd ether ira.ling dcmocra.s
from var-mis parrs of the eounfry wll be
.icre to maka apeeciiea in his belialf.
sett aa Bryaa Hay Ftgnr ta
Xaysralty Iwatsst ta
that City.
d.-nTVEXAXT', C. Sept. J. Tie contest
between it.iyor Tom L. Johnson and Con
gressman Theodore Burton, as the demo- :
critic and r"pu:nica.a nominees, respec-
Lively, for maor f Clevelanii. to 1
be the most esmtinif event in file ;
h.story 'if tii.s city, not iet?pting cam- :
paigns soma years ago m which Lha latj j
Senator Honna was tne central dgurs. i
The endorsement of Mr Burton s candl- i
dacy by Theodore Roosevelt, it :s sa.d.
may be followed by a speech hers by tiie
president tile bitter part of the campaign.
The president rs to start for Cleveland on :
t.ia coming t.-n of the l.nrand Witerways
commiSHion on its tour of inspection and i
investigation on great lakes and down ,
the Missiuslppi river, and republican leaders '
believe that while here the president may
be induced to make a speecn urging Bur
ten s election.
T'l democratic executive committee has
called the city convention at which Mayor
Strike its:lu & Over sad
Caakltleae 4t4 u B
The Commenrlal TelegraDiiersT union held
a meeting at Washington hall Sunday aft
ernoon wis one of tnu best attended
since tiie operators wont on str-k . aimu".
slxy memoers being- prs-nt. The matter
of the strk t on a sutistantial flnar.
cial bam.i was farther x-anged for. and
the teiegrapueri expect that dur-ng the
pr-m-nt wek all necessary f unis wi.l havs
been provided. The matter of raising ahout
tK a weeit has not oeeu a small one and
has taxed ahiiiry of ths ways and
means committee. At the last, meeting of
the- Central Laucr union the matter of
placing a r-g-ua..- a.iB.-s:iment on a.l unions
u.fiila.ed w-tli tiiat bodv was approved and
re'ommended to the different uniuas tor
K4as VrvsV Bwa t alte sums
aael threat Britaia la
W ASH TN IT'l- V. Sept. -The modus
vtvendl to rg-ilate dsning by Americans
in tas treaty waters or is-tw r lumt.iuiii.
w hum was concluded la Lumton yestenta
by an sachasg of uius between A.n
tia saifcit -r Kti aad tn Br-nsa secrsta.-7
af srat far fireig-t aToirs. was au,t txtay by Secre-ivy if Sco-js
Axe. X; Raaf one rsc;r-t u ag-rs4
iarai eg u glint la l'.ssao aaa s I a4
f ia ah( a snata S aw pwliak
say tt a tha best and most lasting pouslt
they have aver ussd. It gives a polish ta
tiie lea-her and tt won t run off on th
clothing. A well sails Heal user :s ths best
9 '
Some hoy has a btoycle. but would rather
have a bout. Some other boy has a boat,
but would rather have a bicycle. No. t
doesn't know anything acout No. 1 No. 3
doesn't Unow anything about No. t. A Be
want ad would imractiocely brng these twoj
bo"s together, so that a trade might be
made. Think ahout this suggestion.
Than You Think
Ic would jurprae many petjole to know how cha
good rrjurancs neally is. Ir w:uld most liaely turynasy
yon, I: would pay every man, who vt..z that rhe pro
tec::cQ of his family is important and desirable-, to jet josreJ
is ta the rcent char. ire ji iraurance bus. iml examin
for himsiiif the farnj of poiiccs now to b obtained. 2aca
i ciaii ihould wv.te the
The Mutual
Life Insurance
Vrh ia a3t reuourres, which insurt
rahilirv, tad wth the jat ectonnmies
msralied by rhi ne' manaomenu, i.l ipH "Vrerr
to tne holders. This Murjai Life. Ii:ri(j thie larjeut aad
jniuricnest insuram: company in rhe world, ia co-day bet
ter trion ever abie to furnish crorscrjen at rhe lowest cesc.
W r.te for the larest Kirrcs cf policies and you wui rin.j
Eaurarice cheaper than you thinx.
The Time to Act U NOW.
For the uw films of pnliass wnts co
Tb Mutual lafis InsurcAca rsasna j
of 3iw Tars, 91. T.
Or siA5of-E rrxtrvc. ;
Caaraatr IUX ashi 1 1