Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Want - ads
AJrtrllarmnti for the want t
rolamna will he lakri III I 2 tn. fnr
the rtmln edition and aatll ft p. m.
for (He morning and Snnday lo.
fash mast accompany all orders for
ads aad adrertlaement will
be arrested for lea than 10 cents for
he Brat lairrtloa.
Rate apply to either The Daily or
Saaday Bee.
Always eoaat six word to a liar.
Combinations of laltlala or iiabtn
rotnl aa oaa word.
Insertion, per line, 10 eeats. Twa r
more consecutive Insertions, per liar,
H rente. Each Insertion made oa odd
days, 10 renta per liar. 1.50 per
liar per month.
Death aad Faaeral Notices, tarda of
Than It a aad l.odcc Notices, T renta
per line for one edition, morning or
evralnfti X centa a line for each ad
dltloaal edition. Snnday, 10 renta a
line. No ad taken for leaa than SO
roar advertisement la Inaerted andcr
aay on of the claaslfleatloas !"
helow, it will be charged at the fol
lowing; rateai One Insertion, 4 centa
per llnei three to. aim eonsecotlvo In
ertlona, 8 rents per lino each Inser
tloni seven or more conseentlve In
aertlona, 2 renta per line each laaer
tloni BO centa per line per month.
F.xrept Agents, Bollcltora and Salea
Cowa, Birds, Don aad rets.
Horses aad Vehicles.
Poultry and Ebbs.
Typewriters and Sewing Mnchlnea.
Pianos, Organs and Mnslcal Instru
Fnrnlahed Rooms.
Vafarnlshed Rooms.
HonsekeeplnB Rooms. ,
Want Ads for The Bee may be left
at any of the following drn stores
one Is "year comer droBBlst" they
are all branch offices of Tha Bee aad
yoar ad will be Inaerted Joat as
promptly aad oa the same rates as at
the mala office la The Bee Bnildlaff,
Seventeenth aad Farnam Streets.
Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam.
Beranck, 8. A.. 1402 8. Nth St.
Becht Pharmacy. 720 8. lblh St.
Benson Pharmacy, Benson. Neb.
Wemls Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming.
Blake's Pharmacy, 2816 Sherman Aye.
Caughlln, C. R.. 6th and Pierce Sts.
Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2213 Military Ave.
Conte. J. B.. lint Ave. and Farnam.
Crlssey Phai macy, 24tli and Luke.
Emil, 1264-6 8. 13th St.
Eastman Pharmacy, 1046 Hamilton.
Khicr. F. H., US.1 Le avenworth.
Foster & Arnoldl. 213 N. 23th St.
Frrytng. John J . 1914 X. 24th bt.
Florence Drug Co.. Florence, Neb.
Golonan Pharmucy, loth and Lake.
Green's Pharmacy, coiner Park Ave., and
Gre.-nrmgl;. CI. A.. W-5 ft. Jf-th St.
Grrcn'mgh, G. A., l(i!4 ?. loth St.
T'avoVn, Wm. C. 'fl'-'O Farnam St.!'i Park P"ar . 16(1 S. 29th Ave.
Jlolst. John. 6.-4 N. 1th 8t.
Huff. .. I... i4 Leavenworth St.
l"nc, H. S, 22ns Farnam St.
Fount ne Place Pharmacy, .T4 N. 21th.
Pttrlfk Drug O. 1!?4 X. ?Jth St.
! nt'ir-p. Cbas. P., J324 N. 24th St.
Pr.vtin. L. E.. 24tb and Leavenworth.
Favatora, Drus. Co.. 24th and Ames Ave.
vi-percr's Cut Price Drug Co.. 16th and
Pr'-ae'er. Awtust. "031 N. 16th St.
F' WI1. .1. H.. 24t' and Cu-n'ng Sta.
Pt'm Pharmacy.. 16th and Martha Sta.
v'-ut ""i Vhnrmsov. 40th and Cuming.
'f't"ti "ha-irs'-v, yoth and (lreoe Bts.
TVnrtH. r " . tnth iH H'lton Pta.
McCartney institute
1802 Farnam St.
Fall term begins September 2.
Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkoeplnc,
Commercial Lav and Penmanship.
to atudenta registering, on or before
Thuraday, August-29.
Day and night aeaalons.
Call on or telephone Douglas 1090. '
Miss E. F. McCartney, Secretary
MUSIC every evening, Hotel Rome.
81GN PAINTING S. H. Cole, 1301 Douglas.
THE CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and
Leavenworth Sta. Tel. Douglaa 11S7.
WANT-1.000 fana Sunday at Dleti Park.
Boston Bloomer Girls. (1 S74 8x
atORAND'S classes In dancing for adults
are now open. Lessons. Tues. & Frl.. 8 p.
in. Entrance Opp. Bur wood theater. Call
or 'phone Douglaa 1041. (1) 938 Oct4
SEND for our list of second-hand automo
biles. DEK1GHT. 1&1 Farnam. (2) 200
Have a good mail-order business, about
$1,400 worth of stock on hand, plenty of
advertising matter, will exchange for au
tomobile; atate make, model and value of
machine In flrat letter. A rash offer will
be 'considered. P; O. Box lutM, Omaha.
1 t (2) 289 9x
TO EXCH A NGE Patent right on a lawn
weeder for. removing dandelions from
yards. Fortune In Uils for the right
party. Will trade for stock of hardware
or land. Specifications sent on request.
Address Y-202. care Bee.
(3I-M687 S24x
GOOD stock of gsnersl merchandise 4n an
Iowa town of 2. MO. Will trade for clear,
rheap land. GIoIm Land and Investment
Co., Su6 So. IS til St. (3 3u2
EXCH A NGE If you have city property.
stocks of goods, fsrm land or property of
any kind to exchange, write ror our com
ulete list. We ha, ve . properties and landa
in an pana or ine country to exenange.
Our Hat 1a free. Send for it at once.
Globe Land and ("vestment Co., 306 So.
lsth St.. Omaha Neb. , (3 i
GOOD Improved Nebraska farm, price
fcl.OU). subject to mortgage of $3,200. 6
years at 6 per cent, to exchange well lo
cated Omaha vacant lots at actual values.
Address G M, Bee . . . Il)-M13i 9
TO EXCHANGE We have three desirable
patents. ' consisting of wrench, oil csn
and nerk yoke attachment that we wish
to sail or rxrhange for good fsrm prop
erty In Minnesota. Canada or Texaa pre
ferred. II. H. Waltera. Casaelton. N. D.
(31-240 14x
t MODERN houses, psved street, one
block from 14th St. ear line; will exchange
for good farm land.
Cae tMerrltt county farm 160 acres to ex
change fur suburban vacant lota
404 Bee Bldg. Tel. Dong 3367.
(3WM1S31 14
1POR SALE In Fullerton. Neb., blacksmith
business, one Set of tools, one 4 H. P.
gasoline engine, new, a good opening
now; easy payments. Address C K.
tenberg, Indian School, Genoa.' Neb.
(4-M491 8x
Do You Wish to Make a Change
IF YOU have a farm, home, business or
property that you wish to sell or ex
chsnge. ants us.
(4)-Mltf Sept. 2
for manager and treasurer; must be
worth a salary of ,'M per month, and
have at leant IJ.ftor) to Invest In safe and
prosperous business: do not answer un
leaa you are right mun and ran qualify;
this Is a g.nuine. good opening; for In
terview address P 278, care Bee.
(4I-M392 10
I NEED a man to help me form a syndi
cate to lease and operate the Kndleas
Belt street csr advertising device In New
England states; have option from In
ventor which ran t be beat; balance of
U. 8. and nearly all foreign countries al
ready leased, so you'll have to hurry;
takes a little money, and I will furnish
niy half, fortune In It for us; for Inter
view and particulars address 8 113. care
Bee. (4) M395 10
For a private hospital, bowrdlng or room
ing house; 16 rosins; painted; all mol
ern; two-story; built 6 years ago; limine
32x60, and two lots 132x130 feet, at 2319
S. 13th street, city. (4) M364 13x
JOB printing outfit: 10x16 Gordon, ZM-ln.
Reliance cutter, over ion fonts type, Bor
ders, etc., body type snd everything nec
essary f4V complete outfit: lists ll.Utt and
good as new; cheap for quick sale; might
consider offer on part. U0 Franklin Ave.,
Council Bluffs. Iowa, (4)-M3S8 10
BETWEEN forty and fifty thousand sharea
of the Arlxona Gold Mines A Milling Co.'s
stork for sale at 25 cents per share; sold
by M. K. Langley and John J. Wyatt at
76 rents per share; any Information. Call
or write N. F. Anderson, Mil Walrath St..
Los Angeles, Cal. (4) Mt3 8)
BUSINESS CHANCE For sale fr.r rah.
clean new stock of groceries and shoes
at St. Charles. Minn.: sold $17.60(1 last
year: better thle; Invoice above 2.uO: will
sell for SO cents on the dolftir If taken at
once; best of reasons for selling. Ad
dress Box 35, St. Charles, Minn.
(4)-MS45 10x
FOR SALE A good paylnff hotel In Cen
tral Iowa, town of 10 to 12 hundred; 2 rail
roads; am going Into other business.
Will sell building and furniture or fur
niture alone and rent building. Hotel V
block from depot. If looking for a snap
get busy. Address V 173, Bee. (4) MC11
New York Life Building.
Tel. Doug. 8565. Omaha, Neb.
150 to $150 a week in your locality selling
slock In a Nevada Gold Mining company
that is a winner. Big thing for the In
vestor and for party who sells it. In
vestigate this. For partuclars, address
8 1.T57 Bee. (41-530 S30
WEST SIDE upholstering, carpet cleaning
business for sale; doing business of $VI
a month. Apply to Francis Jeffery, 130
W. Broadway, Butte, Mont.
(4)-M349 8 10X
HOTELS for sale; one In year-round moun
tain pleasure resort towt.: map; $16,000;
one In hunting and fishing section, only
$l,7f0; one in eountv seat town; furniture
and pood will. $1,050. Richards Realty
Co.. Llltlrton, Colo. (4) M787 9x
SMALL grocery stock and fixtures for sale
nt a bargain; must be sold at once, at
S702 Sherman Avo. (4 MliS 06
FOR SALE ?6.000 clean hardware stock;
no trades, cash only; county seat town.
For particulars address H. A. Kohler,
Alma. Kan. (4)-M100 12x
A SNAP Must be sold tnls week; KOo on
the dollar, groepry stork and meat busi
ness, good location, doing rood business.
2227 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Is.-
(4I-MM9 12x
AT HALF TRICE Gasoline lighting plant,
'n coed condition: twelve lights or less.
Wrlta or call The Cole Drug Co.. Dayton,
la. (4)-M271 14x
FOR SALE Drug stock, fixtures and build
ing In live town In eastern Nebraska;
excellent proposition for a doctor. Owner
Is not a druggist, and has other business.
Address Y 181, care Bee. (41 MJ66 IBx
FOR SALE New. clean stock of drugs
In live new town in Nebraska; might
consider part cash and land. Address
Y 180. care Bee. (41-M267 15x
RESTAURANT Finest In the state out
side of Lincoln and Omaha; easy terms.
Send for description. Red Cloud Real
Estate Co., Exclusive Agents, Red Cloud,
Neb. (4 M966 05x
FIRST CLASS, up-to-date Jewelry stock
located In best business portion of city.
The Pond Realty and Loan Co., Colorado
Springs. Colo. (4) M974 12x
TWO-CHAIR barber shop for sale. Write
C. Seeley. Trenton, Neb. (4) M977 12x
FOR SALE Nice restaurant and confer
tionery In Denton, Kan., one of the best
towns of Kansas; well established; prh-e
reaaonable, on account of alrkness.- 8. E.
Bowers. Denton, Kan. (4) M844 lOx
WI8H to meet gentleman who can Interest
few people to extent of $5,000 or $6,000.
You can make same or more at no ex
pense to yourself. Address L 62, Bee.
FOR SALE Good paying bargain store In
live northwestern Nebraska town, having
two railroads; good farm and ranch eouhr
try. Address Y 213. care Bee.
. 4)-MS43 810
FOR SALE Well equipped village black
smith shop; good location: good prices for
1 work, no competition; will pay you to In
vestigate. Apply B. F. Thomas, Allison,
Colo. (4)-M789 9x
FOR SALE Restanrant and confectionery
in good town doing a good bulness. For
panic ulars addreaa 8. L. Walston, Graf
ton, Neb. (4) M4 9x
DOCTOR, you will learn particulars of a
practice In Nebraska worth from $3,600 to
$4,0(0 a year by addressing Y 221. csre Bee.
(4)-M407 S13x
FOR SALE-Flrst-clsss blacksmith and
wagon work business, with tools; (4 to $6
received for shoeing and $4 to $8 for set
ting tires. Address Y 129. Bee. (4) 104
FOR SALE At a bargain, a stock of gen
eral merchandise, store and dwelling. The
only store In town. . Write to Albert
Nelson. May Day. Kan. (4) M906 18x
FOR SALE Country newspaper in central
Kansas town of l,0o0: owner going to
quit business. A. G. Hartronft. Guyton,
OkL (4) M900 llx
BLACKSMITH 8HOP for sale; well
equipped: good location: only shop; a bar
gain. Address John S. Wells, Shaw, Kan.
(4) M901 18x
WANTED A partner in tailoring business;
good location; In a good growing town.
Oscar Dahl, Valley City, N. D.
BOWLING ALLEYS Sell or trade; big
bargain; good business : fine condition:
lively town of 2.500: must aell at once; no
vuiniK-imui). uux bii, Aimin. Minn.
(4 M234 14x
FOR BALE-At 98. 12 shares Union Stock
larda (So. Omaha) stocks. Address Y-221
ee. (4I-M9U2 llix
BAKERY business: good location; doing
uuu uuiinni; reasons ror selling. Amer
ican Fork Bakery, American Fork. Utah.
4;-MS60 17x
PHYSICIAN desires location In Nebraska
iuwu. AQureit x zu, care See.
(4)-M40 10x
ALL KINDS of mining and oil storks
ooiigni sna sold according to their value.
umana finance Co.. 213 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(4I-MU3 Oct,
NO PUBLICITY In selling vour business.
C. i. CAN AN, 701 N. Y. L. Bldg . Omsh.
(4) 166 8J5
DRUG stores for sals everywhere. F. V
Knlest. 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. (4-208
RESTAURANT for aale cheap. 6H Broad
way. Council Bluffs. la- 4 7a4x
LJ8T your property with ua. Berka ft Co.,
it sit
Trying , (o gel Competent help without using
"BEE want ads" is like swimming a river
with a bridge close by. --
Ufe. Tel. Doug. S14t. (4) 207
TO BUY or sell sny business or resl es
tate, call or write E. O. Gangestad. 403
Bee Bldff. (4) 208
ROOMING houses for sale,
Gangtstad. 4tS Bee Bldg.
Ill sites.
WANTED-Partner In fine paving business;
about laxi cash neded. snd I will put up
my half of It. For particulars address
O 217, care Bee. (4) M391 10
QUICK transfers made In selling or buying
property. 4i4 N. Y. L. Bldg. (4I-M498 69
RFNT Ritchie's hall. South Omaha; second
floor; r.o posts; 60x6"; long lease. A. G.
Hltehle, 2 S. 15th St., Omaha. 4)-
SALES made on mdse., Jewelry, household
goods, live stock, fsrm Implements, etc,
Roth & Tyrell, 1212 Douglas. Omaha.
(5) 210
Bar Iron and Steel.
The Pennsylvania Iron and Steel Co.,
Omaha. Neb.,
Sells merchant bar iron and steel In any
quantity and sine cheaper than any Job
ber In the west. Write for prices.
(S) Mu95 S23
EXPERT shaving and hatrcuttlng. 3(9 N.
16th. (i)-7R3 Ol
IN FAMILIES-Mlss Sturdy. Tel. Hsrny
1308. (5)-21l
MME. WOODRUFF. 223 Neville Blk. Tel.
Douglas 6170. (5) M989 Oeto
M DQWEI.iL Dressmaking School. 1623 Far
nam St. (o)-2tf
AUGUST KROFFT, building contractor,
1003 N. 21at St., South Omaha. t6) 213
Commercial Artlata.
II. O. BUNNELL iTcO., 822 N. T. Life.
Doug. 6149. (5 M99
to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha.
Carpet Cleanlugr.
SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam.
(5) 215
DR. ROY. R. 2, 1506 Farnam St. Doug. 6497.
(6) 216
BAILEY l MACH. 3d fir. Paxton. D. 10S5.
(5) 217
HES9 & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. (5) 219
V. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. D. 12."
THE SCHILTZ, European. 16th and Harney
(5) 218
' Jewelers aad. Watchmakers.
N P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry
repairing. 2-3 Paxton Blk. Tel.. 4367.
(5) 1121
r TT A TVT .ATM School of languages
lyllAXriLfAllX French, German, Span
ish. Davidge Bldg., 18th
Day and evening classes.
and Farnam.
(6)-119 826
KEYS. etc.
Hefiln, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D.
(5 (-223
2703 Leavenworth St. Tel.
(6) M697 810
Harney 24tti.
JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664.
Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370.
(0 mist a a
DRS. RINGLER, 308 Neville Work. Phone
Red 64U7. oi uivi o x
Office Supplies.
FILING cabinets, flies and ledger a, loose
leaf devices ana omce nxiures ana sup
plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing
Co.. 806 South 18th St. Tel. Douglaa 6662.
(6-M920 Oct4
B. TRUSSELL. 116 South 16th St.
BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order
don t fall 10 Bee our pifiiu imponea jine.
Lyngslad ft Jorve, printers, 16 ft Cap Ave.
HIGH-GRADE imitation typewriter letters
and Job- priming; no joo too targe or
small. Anchor Publishing Co., 306 80. IStti
St. Tel. Doug. 6562. ' (6)-M532 619
Electrle Bine Printing;.
NORTON-CARSON CO.. 620 Bee Bldg. Tel.
Red 316V. W-uai bis
Shoo Repairing;.
RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.. first-class
work. 1618 Capitol Ave. phone Red 994.
Safes, Shatters, Ete.
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a
specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors
and safes. O. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. loth
St , (5 226
Shoo Shlatoa-.
I CENTS every day, ladles or gents. 211 S.
13th. b 616 a.i
STORAGE at 14nj Harney.
Agrata aad Salesladies.
WANTED Toung lady for candy clerk an1
two for waiters. Apply oweetiana. J. i.
Brandels ft Bona (7 M351 10
Factory and Trades.
WANTED Women fnr hand Ironera and
machines. Kimball Laundry, 1511 Jackson
WANTED Mangle glrla at Model stesm
laundry. (7)-M799 9
WATCH the CO-OPERATIVE opportunlU-a.
t i ) i-i
GIRLS for factory work. Apply Monday
morning. McCord-Brady Co.. 13th and
Leavlnworth. (7)-M276 10
(lonsekeeplas and Doaseetla.
WANTED Girl for general housework In
family of three, where aecond girl la
, kept; good wages. Mrs. H. R. Rosenthal,
1043 S. JOthAvs. (7)-M156
WANTED Woman for general housework;
no washing or ironing. $uu Marcy bt.
WANTED A cook and second girC. 3610
Farnam 8L (7-M667
floaeekeepera aad Domestics Cont'd
WOMAN COOK at $40 a month; also two
waitresses; In small firat-class hotel.
Park hotel, Crelghton, Neb.
(7)M46 10x
WOMEN for dty work; housekeepers,
waitresses, $35. Canadian office. 15th and
Dodrfe. (7)-
WANTED Experienced
hotel. Hooper. Neb.
cook. Wlckwlre
(7) M9-0 12 ,
WANTED Good girl for general house
work. Byron R. Hastings. 3616 Dodge St
(7) M7DS
GIRL for general housework, three In fam
ily; $5 per week. Mrs. Boylea, 2753 Burt.
Tel. Harney 408. ti) 8U2
WANTED Girl for housework; family of
three. Phone Webster, 899, 2201 Spencer
St. (7) M13J 10
WANTED In a small family, experienced
girl, for general housework. 1130 8. Slst
St. Tel. Harney 227. l7-187 3x
WANTED An experienced cook, also a
second girl. In private family. Residence
1916 8. 82d Ave. Telephone Hamey-8221.
WANTED Two waitresses. Koehler hotel,
Grand Island, Neb. Wages $18. Will
furnish ticket. (9)-169 11
WANTED Good plain cook; good wages.
Mrs. R. S. Hall. 8224 Farnam St.
GIRL for general tiousework, in small fam-
- . . . jw . i , n- ,j
uy. iTrau Mapir. io-wij vt
WANTED-Mlddle-aged woman to take
care of two small children and assist
with housework. Easy work and good
homo. S. 11 Eastman, 8S74 Hamilton
atreet. ") M819 9
WANTED Good cook, woman preferred,
and a girl. Tel. Benson 474. 606 Main
St., Benson, Neb. (7) 24 9
GIRL for housework at Henderson the
Florist. 1015 N. 26tli St., South Omaha.
(7) M37S 10X
PARTIES can have shopping done" at low
est prices, by experienced buyer. Write
for particulars and reference. Address
M 46, Bee. (7) M166 Slox
WANTED Young lady for outdoor work
In city; salary and .commission. M.
Frayer, 2526 St. Mary s Ave.
(7)-M17 S26x
FOR A BUSINESS education register Mc
Cartney Institute, 1803 Farnam St. Fall
term begins September 2. " (7) M412
LADIES and girls .to stamp transfers at
home, easy learned, $1.60 to $2 dozen.
606 Paxton Block. (7) MS56 lOx
WANTED Male or female piano player to
play for Illustrated singer, or one who
ran play and sing. Alcaxar Theater, ;60S
N. St.. So. Omaha. (7)-l lOx
TEN laundry girls for cleaning curtains;
good wages; steady work. 2307 Leaven
worth. 7 182
Aarrnts, Solicitors aad Salesmen.
$50 to $150 a week In your locality selling
stock In Nevada Gold Mining company
that Is a winner. Big thing for the In
vestor and for party who sells it. In
vestigate thla. For particulars, address
8 136. Bee. (9-52S 830
NEW specialties. Just In. big pay, steady
work. C. r. Adam"Co., 1619 Howard.
W 17
Boya. , . v .
WANTED A bright boy, over 16 years, to
hold copy for proofreader. Call at Bee
composing room. (9) 494
YOUNG man wants place to work for board
while attending school. Boy lea College.
Tel. Douglas last. ( M107
GOOD boys wanted, first class pay. A. D.
t. co., zig bo. lain at. ( Mot
OFFICE BOY wanted. Room I, Crelghton
Blk.- () M9U7 12
WANTED Boy, to learn soda business;
good wages to right boy. Beaton Drug
Co. (90161 10
BRIGHT boy, 16 years old. for office. Ne
braska Clothing Co, - () 172 13
THREE boys, 16 years old, with or with
out bicycles, to deliver packages. Ne
braska Clothing Co. . (9 17S 18
FOUR or 5 strong boys; best wsges In
Omaha. Omaha Box Co., East omalia.
. (9)-193
BOY with some experience in grocery .bus
iness, can Between n ana m:w Monaay
morning. C H. ' Malllnson, 1612 Capitol
Ave. (91-M279
Clerical and Office.
WANTED Clerks, both men and boys, in
railroad office. Address F. Jb. Southard,
A. P. A., U. P. R. R., 4th floor Pacltto
Express Co. Bid., 14th and Harney St.,
Omaha, Neb. (9)-M307 14x
AUT. (Inc.). suite 404. Bee Bldg., Omaha
Neb., wants for Monday, typewriter, bill
clerks, $8S; .two bill clerks tor wholesale
bouse, VjO; extension clerk, $60; severs!
good hotel cletks that can furnish Al
references; there are several miscel
laneous position; Just call and Investigate.
Kemembur. the Keystone. (9) 874 9
JVATCH the CO-OPERATIVE opportunities.
WANTED Young man with experlencein
handling correspondence of claim delta.
ment in wholesale business; groceries pre
ferred. , Address U 91, Bee. giving age and
experience. (9) M124 10
WANTED-Clerks, over 16 years of age.
in large financial Institution, where op
portunities are given for rapid advance
ment. Address J 96, care Bee. (9) 175
WANTED-Reglatered drug clerk for re
lief work about September 20. No booser.
Slater ft Wler, El wood. Neb.
(9) M241 23x
Factory ana l-rade.
DENVER. COLO.. Is short of good res
taurant waltera We pay $2 a day, eleven
hours. hair treatment. uooa induce
ments. No strike. If you want to come
to Denver to work, address with quali
fications and references and full partlcu
lars. The Denver Restsurant Keepers' As
sociation, 611 Nassau Blk;., Denver, Colo.
, (9) M163 13
WANTED Two Jewelers and diamond set
ters. Permanent position, good wsges
nealtny location, ts. Merits jeweiry Man
ufacturing Co., 217 North 6th St., St.
Louis Mo. ' (9I-M137 9
BARBER WANTED Must be first rlasa
and steady; $16 per week and Jialf over
$.. Steady work. F. C. Wltte. Aurora,
Minn. (8 M139 14x
WANTED -A ahoemaker or a harness
maker who can mend shoes; stesdy Job
at good wages; call or write at once. H.
11. Crellln. Lyona, Neb. (9-M3 12x
WANTED Jeweler for buatllng North Da
kota town; Scandinavian preferred. Ad
dress D. A. Blackburn ft Co.. Hsnsboro.
N. D. () Uj6 lit
WANTED Two first-class core makers;
open shop; steady work: best wagea;
trouble; wire or come at once. Ens ft
Orr, 1739 Blake Bt.. Denver. Colo.
POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F
V. Knlest. 707 N. V. Life. Omaha.
WANTED A good male cook for thread
ing crew; wagea $120 per month; work will
commence about September 6. W. J.
Southern, Mohall. Ward county, N. D
9)-M794 9
" - J
Factory aad Trades Contlnaed.
WANTED A few good tight bsrrel
coopers and shook makers to make rom
five to flf tj'-flve-gsllon packages; hnd
shop; steady work. Address, Box 437,
Little Rock, Ark. t9 M396 15
WANTED Tile ditchers to work bv rod;
make $2.60 to $3.60 a day. Apply J. W.
Ten Brink, Nlckereon, Neb. (9)-35
WANTED Young man with drug and soda
fountain experience. Saratoga Drug Co.,
24th and Ames Ave. (9) M172
WANTED A good all-round butcher:
good wages; German preferred. Huf
amlth Broa., Crelghton. Net). (9) M418
WANTED At Tender, Neb., two good car
penters at once, llcrmun Geest.
(9J-M136 9
WANTED Good barber; steady. Address
Ray Hill, West Branch, la.
(9)-M138 13x
Maryvllle, Mo.
Dicta A Keck,
(9)-M46J 82K
First-class ladles' tailor wanted; wages,
$25.00 per week. Apply J. Jawlta, 18th and
Farnam. (9-M927 llx
TWO broom makers and one sorter
wanted; only first class men need apply.
W. F. Robinson, Liberal, Kan.
(9J-M790 9r
WANTED An all around blacksmith,
steady Job; gsod wnges. Fred Nlssen,
Beresford. 8. D. 9)-M792 9x
WANTED A good tailor,
betha, Kan.
R. Savage, 8a-
(9)-M61 lOx
MACHINE men and lumber men; good
wages. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha.
GOOD carpenters.
R. J. Watts.
and Farnam Sta.
(9) M231 10X
WANTED Carpenters Ft. Russll. Wyo:
8 hours; $4 per day. R. W. Bradley &
Co., Cheyenne. Wryo. (9)-280 23x
WANTED Experienced coat and sleeve
maker, at 1618 Cass St. (7) M299 lOx
WANTED Experienced male and female
operators, stitchers, pasters, vampers,
lining makers, edge trimmers, edge set
ters, lasters, etc.; will pay railroad
fare; steady work guaranteed at union
? rices. Come at once. The Hulskamp
Iros. Co., Keokuk, la. (9) M2C9 9
WANTED Fine coat maker, bill $9 to
$18.60, back shop, steam heat. William H.
Shepherd, 401 Locust St., Des Moines, la.
(9)-M265 23X
WANTED First-class watchmaker and
engraver at once; $23 per week. C. A.
Tucker, Lincoln, Neb. (9) 3F9
WANTED Two good
3210 Hamilton St.
Shlnglers. Apply
t9) M381 tlx
Is now open In both the DAY and NIGHT
aettslons. Yet It Is not too late to enter.
Begin now and secure that mental train
ing that will doublt your earning capacity.
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tjrew riling, Te
legrapuy and Etfglish. The catalogue la
9 893
721-2 N. Y. L. Bldg.
Correspondent, $85.
Office clerk and assistant correspondent,
Stenographer, $76
z stenographers, 160.
Extension clerk, $86.
If In need of a position see us at once.
- - (9J M398 9
WANTED Comedian for medicine com
pany at once. Addreaa, Capt. a. W.
Smith, Denison, la. (9) M396 9x
GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to
tack signs, distribute circulars, samples,
etc.; no canvassing. National Distributing
Bureau, Chicago, 111. . (9 M979 12x
WANTED Good, steady delivery men;
furnish bond; permanent position. Apply
Sunday or Monday morning. Alamlto
Sanitary Dairy Co., 181$ Farnam St.
(9) M397 9
HUSTLERS everywhere, $25 to $30 made
weekly distributing circulars, samples; no
canvassing; sternly. Merchants Out-Door
Ad Co., Chicago. (9 M132 9x
Omaha School of Law. Evening aesslona
only. Further information, address Secre
tary, 701 Is. X. Life Bldg. f none uoug. 8t7.
(9)-M547 8ept30
YOUNG man, to learn drug business. W.
A. Plel, 18lh and Farnam. (91811 9x
WANTED One first class business getter
for each stste. good money for right
party, represent Nebraska corporation,
reference and bond. Stamp for reply.
Address S 170, care Bee. (91335
FREE Employment Bureau supported by
Business Men n association; neiDS work
men And positions. Call 842 New York
Life Building.
(91162 S26
FOR A BUSINESS education register Mc
Cartney Institute, 1802 Farnam. Fall term
begins September 2. (9 M4U
WANTED Mlddle-ag"d man to work on
small fruit and chicken farm. Tel. Flor
ence 3533. (91-M800
WANTED Worklngmen to travel with
Barnum ft Balley'a circus. Apply Super
intendent of Canvas day of exhibition.
(91-171 9x
BOOKLET distributers, everywhere; good
pay; experience unnecessary. German
Remedy Company, Milwaukee, Wla.
(9l M197 9x
FIORI8T wanted at Henderson the Flor
ist. 1619 Farnam St. (9) MS79 19x
Horses aad Vehicles.
WE are in a position to supply you with
any kind of a horse, rom $50 up. We han
dle nothing but country horses; buy them
direct ourselves, and ship them In; no
middleman's profit to pay. Look us up.
Come and see us. We are exclusively
the -only place In . Omaha, South Omaha
or Council Bluffs where horses are sold
on the payment plan. We have several
good farm mares on hand. Omaha
Horae and Supply - Co., Rear 414 North
16th St, (1D-M769
WE are selling delivery wagons teaming
gears, buggies, .carriages and harness
cheaper than any other firm In Omaha.
Johnaon-Danforth Co., S. W. Cor. 10th and
Jonea Bts. (1D-237
Stone. 4 Lincoln Ave.
wsgon. W. A.
, Council Bluffs.
FOR SALE 3 runabouts, rubber tires; will
sell worth the money. Harney St. Stable.
1 (ID 236
FOR SALE Two good work tesms, one
weighs $.400 pounds and one 2,7m). Also
two new wagona and harness. Cash or
terms. Call Sundays or evenings. 2517
N. l&th. (1D-944
FOR SALE A good driving msre William
B. Clsrk. Millard hotel. (.ID M304 10
Foaltrr aad Cggs.
GOVERNMENT book free.
Co., Omaha.
Model Squab
(ID M775 OI
Cowa. Dlrda, Dogs aad Pets.
2609 North 18th
UD-M794 x
WHIN you write to advrtser remember
It takes but n extra stroke or two of
the pen to mentloa the fact that jrott saw
Us ad la Tha Bee.
J. HANSEN, the upholsterer and furniture
repairer. 1511 N. ilttn. Tel. wensier am.
FOUND Pair eyeglasses In case; ran be
reoeemro ny proving owneremp nu fry
ing for ad. 2ii'l Woolworth Ave.
(llV-MUG 9x
FOUND A small band of sheep; owner
.ran have same bv calling at !'; Vinton.
J. R. Riley. (12-MS; 9
LOST A hub rap for automobile. Finder
please return to 82S Park Ave., or to N.
V. Life Bldg. Reward. (121368
RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no reten
tion from business. QUICK CURE RUP
TURE CO., over S. W. Cor. 14th and
Douglas. Omaha. (13) -2
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav
enpnrt Sta.; special attention paid to con
finement cases; all treatment aupervlaed
by college professors. 'Phone Douglaa
1167. Calls anawered day or night.
BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve
Fond Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman
ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women.
-- ' . . . i. . gmt
' jraii, iiracui-e in connnnnrii iv. wim..,
614 N. 16th; residence, 2iZl Charles, Omsha.
ANY poor girl in need of a friend call or
write to the matron of the Salvation
Army Home for Women at $824 N. 24th
St., Omaha. Neb. (12-Mlo$
Loans. Loans . Loana.
Bankers to Salaried Men.
Do not be without money when we will
lend you without security.
See us for loans on Salary. Furniture, , Ware
house Receipts and Personal Property.
Reliable, quick to act and confidential.
Cheapest rates in the city.
Make terms to suit yourself.
Your employer, family or friends know
nothing about it.
307-308 Paxton Blk., 8d Floor. 'Phone D. 14U.
(14 (248
on furniture, pianos and all sorts of per
sonal property.
WE ARE NOT a finance company, or a
brokerage company, and do not have to de
pend on the paymenta of one person to get
the money to loan to another.
WE HAVE BEEN engaged in thla busi
ness 1n Omaha for FIFTEEN YEARS.
OUR POLICY has been to deal FAIR nd
SQUARE with every one.
WE HAVE a thorough understanding
with tho borrower as to paymenta, rebates,
cost and requirements.
119 Board of Trade Bldg.
Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.
advances private money on chattels or sal
ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get
money same day asked for at small cost.
Open evenings till 7. (14) 249
Will make a special rate on collateral
loans, mortgages on personal property and
notes, without security. Terms to suit.
'Phone Douglas 2901. 310 Bee Bldg.
(14) M130 Oct
PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or
salarv loans. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phone
Douglas 715. (141250
and others without security; easy pay
ments. Offices in 63 principal cities. Tol
man, room 714 New York Life Bldg.
FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff
. 04)-262
EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom
modating, all business confidential. 1301
Douglas. (141-246
CHATTEL, salary and atorage receipt
loana. Foley Loan Co.,, 1604 Farnam Rt.
00 941
LOWEST rates, chattels or salary. Ne
braska Credit Co., 214 Board of Trade
Bldg. (14)-M683
Chas. D. Stanton Loan Co., 601 Bee Rldg.
rnw V"S
Apartments and Flats.
$40.00 616V4 N. 24th St.. South Omaha 6
room apartment In new "Brargp" Bldg.;
all modern ronvenienrea. Including hot
water In kitchen and bath.
$48.001809 Farnam St. C-room apartment In
"Qulvet" Bldg.; all modern conveniences,
Including hot water In kitchen and bath.
817 First National Bank Bldg.
'Phone Red 7406.
ONE of the best 6-room apartments In
Omaha can be had by the right party,
taking $250 worth of household goods.
Call Harney X30. Sunday and after 6 p. m.
through the week. (15)-M22 14x
STEAM-HEATED flat, modern. 220 N. 23d.
' (16)-M426
FOR RENT 3-room flat, corner 20th and
Douglas Sts. 'Globe I nd and Investment
Co. Phone Douglas 5562. (16) 181
Boarding; and Rooms.
NICE south room, suitable for two; outside
entrance-, modern and private, with best
home board; choice location, 627 Park Ave.
IN VICINITY of Amee Ave. and 24th St.;
pleasant front room for couple, with good
board; new, modern house; private fam
ily. Tel. Webater-2338. (15) 166 13x
1421 DODGE Rooms with GOOD fcoard.
(15)-lt Sllx
DEWEY European Hotel, 18th and Farnam.
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe,
FURNISHED rooms with board. Refer
ences. - 123 South 26th avenue.
U51-M913 11
NICELY furnished rooms, close In, good
board. The Rose, 1020 Harney.
(15) M380 26x
ELEGANT front room, nicely furnished,
modern conveniences, home cooking, 24i9
Harney. (15)-M15J 13x
Farnlsbed Rooms.
FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman In
private family; house new and modern;
hot water heat; references reaulred. Ad
dress C 89, Bee. (15) MSOt I
405 S. 14TH AVE.-New furnished rooms, $16
month, up; plenty hot water, bath and
stationary washstands; 'phone, electric
light. Bachelors' Quarters.
(15)-M526 S19X
NICELY furnished rooms; new, strictly
modern house, fine location; meala If
desired; everything first claaa. 609 8.
26th A vs. (15)-95S llx
128 8. 26TH St., large eaat front room, suit
able for three gentlemen; house strictly
modern; roomy porches. Isrge, shady
lawn. (151 756 X
nished and in fine location. No transients
desired. 413 N. 22d St. (15) 267
TWO newly furnished rooms in modern
house. $1 .50 and $150 per week. 624 N.
20th St. (16I-M189
SAVE street car fare and see Smith ft
Linton. McCague Bldg., for the best fur
nished rooms In the city. (15) M962 12x
ROOMS. $2 per week; good dining room.
Ogden hotel. Council Bluffs. la.
(1S)-M6M 622x
SPLENDID rooms, in absolutely new flat.
Tel. Douglas Siul, 210 North 24th St.
(15 MM9 10
NICELY furnished rooms. 656 S. Kth Ave.
(15117 B2bx
NICKLY furnished single room, modern.
641 8. 24th Ave. (16) 4 Sit
THREE or four furnished rooms, all mod
ern; gas range in kitchen; refereaora re
quired; adults only; no other roomers.
X7ul Woolwonh Ave. iifct M317
Faralaaed Rooms
2039 HARNEY, furnished rooms.
(16)-MCT 2M
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. 1915 Cap
itol Ave. (!5-7i s:s
LARGE front room, all modern, dm No.
Hid St. (16 MSt 10x
FOR, RENT Furnished room. 1617 Podta
Bt. (151-811 S2x
FRONT room, with sleeping room sdjoln
ing, 1st floor, closa In. Tel. Red 1!9.
(15-877 lOx
128 8. 25TH ST. Room In modern hous
large lawn. (15I-M291 14x
FOR a gentleman, a south front room. I2ox
Douglas St. (151 M296 14x
SUITE of rooms, all modern, steam, heat
for 2 or $ young men. 318 8. fh St.
(16) M3i 14
ELEGANTLY furnished room with alcove,
all modern. 702 South 17th St. Tel. Red
6413. (16 M3S6 lftx
IN PRIVATE FAMILY, room with two
closets, large enough for two. Vft Capl
tol Ave. Phone W9. (16 M67 lx
IIonaekeeplasT Rooms.
I ROOMS Complete for housekeeping to
Couple. 909 South 27th street.
(151-M967 llx
FURNfTURB for ten rooms, complete for
housekeeping, good location, modern,
rloae In; three rooms pay all expenses.
$nn If taken this week. Address H-Xll,
rare Bee. (1 834 14x
WHEN YOU write to advertisers remem
ber It takes but an extra stroke or two
of the pen to mention the fact that jrou
w the ad in' The Bee.
Uafaralsaed Rooms. 1
$08 N. T. LIFE BLDG. TEL. DOUG. $881,
(16) M689 B 20
6-ROOM fat, modern. Martls block, 161b
and Webster. (lb) M984 13x
ONE elegant unfurnlshsd room, strictly
modern. 633 Park Ave. (16) 781 80a
FOUR modern housekeeping rooms, or en
suite of two. 2582 Harney. (16) M797 9x
THREE unfurnished rooms. 1120 N. 17th St.
Honees and Cottaares.
224 N. 25th, 8-r. cor, flat, strictly mod., hard
wood finish, $50.
Cor. 16th and Castellar, -r mod. except
furnace, $26.
Cor. ioth Av. and Castellar, 6-r., on car
line, city water, toilet, $16.
3J12 Burt, 5 large room and bath. $22.60
and water.
8011 Franklin, 6 rooms, ctiy water, $18.
1002 8. 18th, 4 rms., bath and toilet, $15.
2023 N. 24th, 6-r.. mod. ex. furnace, $18.
2023 N. 24th (rear), 6-r., rlty water. $12.60.
1646 N. Uth, 6-r., gas. rlty water, $15.
1506 Dodge St.
15)-M37 10
NEAR Crelghton college, walking distance.
8 large rooms, $40. Near Park Place con
vent, 861 h and Webster. 9-room. all mod
ern, $32.60. Near south end of Farnam
line, 7-room new cottage, all modern,
$27.60. Kountse Place, large corner yard,
7-room modern except furnace, $..
O'Keefe Real Estate company, 1001 N.
Y. Life Bldg., 'Phone Doug. 2152.
... (161-MS27
720 NORTH 23d 8-rooma and hall, south
west corner 23d and Burt, large lot, fine
shade, one block to Cuming, $40. 3414
Charles, 8-room, new, all modern, near
Harney car. $35. O'Keefe Real Estate
Co., 1001 N. Y. L!fe Bldg. 'Phone Doug.
2162. (161-M328 14
One 8-room all modern house. $40.
One 6-room house, city water and aewer
In kitchen. $18.
CHRIS BOYER, !Cd and Cuming Sts.
$210 N. 24TH ST. J rooms, partly modern.
565 S. 2Sth 4 rooms. The Ormond.
'Phone Douglas 685. Paxton Block.
. . . , vu, r
WE DO expert piano moving at lowest
I A.., T 1 - - 1 .MR. Bnhmnlt..
Prices. Xri. WUS,1B .....w.ia. t
Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam.
OMAHA Van ft Storage Co. pack, move,
store H. H. goods; storehouse uzu-zt M.
19th. Office 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1569.
7-RCOM house, modern except furnace, 2433
Parker St. Appiy rTea unrisiianson, hoi
Parker St. (16)-JH973 13
HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded;
cheap freight rates. Moving sna storage.
Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas
394. (15) 258
FOR RENT By owner, 3831 N. 22d, new 8-
room modern cottage, lei. vr Busier iwd.
6-ROOM house. 8115 Burt St. (151-162
EIGHT-ROOM modern house, within walk
ing distance, HO. Harrison Morton,
911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9)-179
FIVE ROOMS, brand new, $18. 4015 N. 26th
Ave. J. Kendla ft Bon, Paxton Block.
(16)-53 11
In all parts of the city. R.
C. Peters ft Co., Bee Bldg.
WE MOVE PIANOS Maggnrd Van and
Storage Co. Tel. Doug. 1496. Office. 1713
Webater St. (16)-262
FOR RENT Large atore room, 16th and
Vinton Sts. C. M. Bachmann, 437 Paxton
block. (16)-S60
667 80. 28TH ST., 1st floor. 4 rooms, $05.
BEMI3. Paxton Blk. 'Phone Doug. 686.
HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk.
ttATTCVQ In all parts of the city.
ilUUOEJO crelgh Sons ft Co., Bee Bldg.
THE entire building formerly occupied by
the Dally News, 44 x30 feet, 2 atoriss and
basement. McCague Inveatment Co.. 1506
Dodge St. (161-366
1312 HARNEY BT.-l . and basement.
83x130 feet; suitable for wholesale. Mc
Cague Inveatment Co.. 1506 Dodge St
(16) 67
The six-story and basement building st lang
Howsrd St., formerly occupied by the
Hay ward Brothers Shoe Co., for rent.
Annual rental $2,400. Floor space Is xia
ft., and ail floora and basement contain
about 30.000 squsre feet surfsce The
building has a good elevator and omce
apartment, and is equipped with a modern
tire sprinkler system.
R. C. PETERS ft CO..
120 S. 17th St. Ber-ii'-
FOR RENT-October 1, 2-story. brick store
building In south central Nebraska ion.
excellent location. Address I. nlon Wale
Bank. Harvard. Neb. QSi-Mitf 14x
One atore room In new "B-argo utl.n
In South Omaha, near postofflce, with
lighted basement, modern show windows
and awning: t st possible location. Hall'bmor'co.. 317 First Natl. Bank BM.
'Phone Red 7406. ' (16)-M869
nmm STORE; beet unoccupied location
foV local drug business In city. W ill .1
ter and lease to right psrty. Also A-l
grocetv location. BKMI8, Paxton.
Blk. 'Phone Douglas 6h5. (15) M340
STOREROOM. 621 S. 18th Bt. Clarke Powell,
2044 Farnam t. (16) 26
" OSkeas.
FOR RENT Desk room in Bee office, rlty
ball building. 417 N. 26th St.. South
Omaha. Apply to manager. (15i 134
DESK room for rent In stenographer'a of
fice. 6t Paxton Blk. (16-M6u0
DESK ROOM, with roll top desk, furniture
and 'phone service. J. H Johnson, 84
N. Y. Life Bldg. (15t M313 lOx
WHEN writing to advertisers it takes but
a stroke or two of the pen to say yen
saw the ad In The Baa,