TIIE OMAHA DAILY REE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1007. 1.1 c c GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Stronj Cables Produce Firm Tone in Local Circle!. IXPORT BUYING IS HEAVY Sen (term DaUlsh Report a from V cat aad Mnrth Mrnai of Working I'rlitt I to ladeSaite ratal. firm, 5s 2Vd: futures, quiet; September, Is fc J; October, 6a 6d. KLOl'R Winter patents, firm. Ss fcl II' 'I P In London tPaclnc coast), iimJj', 12 lwiS Ss. OMAHA. Bept. 6. 10O7. iliu vl nirg ai strong and the market 1 Mil a k'luii. in in lone on ma to the con tinued fcil.ulii In tr),egn market. Lixpoi i oujing has b-rn extremely heavy and with a altered bullish rKii from the vest and northwest price are working 1. iK her and there seems tu be no (topping V licat opened firm and hail m. a nod tone. Finn und higher cables started a buying ally which brought out the fact that there was little or no wheat fur sale, and there a no prraaure on the market. September wheat opened at 11 c and closed at IS'fcc. Corn opcn.d firm and higher, wirh strength tomlne from heavy buying, and the fart that shipments from the country are much hunter than they should be with the demand as strong aa it la. September corn opened at and closed at f.e. Oata opened firm and higher, with torn nilnalon houses buying eveivthlng possible. There wan aome light selling of May option. (September ota opened at 50c and clnwl at SiiiAo. Primary wheat receipts were 776,000 bush els and shipments were W7.'W) bushels, ajtainat receipts last year of 64,00 bushel and shipments of 20.flno buahels. Corn recelpta wore 548.000 buahela and shipment were 2f"!." bushels, against re celpta In at year of C15.0U0 bushels and ship ments of 443.000 bushel. icarancea were 440.000 bushels of corn OMAHA WHOlKHilK MARKET. Condition af Trade aad Ctaotatlaaa am staple and Faacy Praiaee. EGOS-Per doi., 17c. BUTTER f'ac king s'ock. ISc; choice to fnncy dairy. 2ofc21c; creamery. 3c. LIVB POCLl'RY Spring chl kens. ISO It'; hens, 10c. roosters, lie; turkeys. 12c; Uurks. tottc; geese, 6c. HAY Choice No. 1 upland. 110 00; me dium, I9U0; So. 1 bottom, t00; off grades from io.. to fo.jG; tie straw, $7.00; No. 1 alfalfa, til 00. FRIITS AND MELONS. ArPLEP-IWuhes. and Wealthy, for cooking. fl.ZSOl.M) per bu.; eating varieties, ll.Su per bushel basket. M.ACKRERTMF.rl Cas. 24 quarts, IZ50. TEXAS WATERMELONS Each. i5li4uc. crated for shipment, lc per lb. OANTAIXH'FE-- ;trnkv ford, standard crate, IS 50; Arkansas standard. tXltt. CALIFORNIA PEACH ES-Per Hex, 11.75. CALIFORNIA FLLMS-Per crate. fJ.0P t.a. PEARS Colorado Martlet?;. f3 SO per bo; Flemish Beauties. t325 per bo; California tiniilt( 13. 7i per box. QRAPES Home grown- -lb. basket, 40c. VEGETABLES. NAVT EEANS Per ou., No. t tiOOS Mo. No. 2. 1100; Lima. 5Vc per lb. POTATOES-Per bu., new, fciac. BEANS New wax and string, 4ofio0c per nurki't basket. BEETS, TURNIPS AND CARROTS-Psr market basket, Jfrg40c. . RADISHES Per do, bunches, horns trow n. 2vc. TOMATOES Home grown, market bas ket crate, 4w(j50c. Ct'CI'MBBRS Per baVt, 4060c LKTTl'CE Per doa., 26c. CELEHY Kalamssoo, i3c. ONIONS Yellow. So rr lb.; red, Jo per BEEF CUTS. . No. 1 rib, 13c; No. t rib. lie; No. 3, 6V!; No. 1 loin. 19c; No. 2 loin. 14c; N). 3 loin. rc; No. 1 chuck. Rc; No. 2 chuck,, 6c; No. 3 chuck. aVc: No. 1 round. c; No. 2 none of oata and wheat and flour equal to l""a- ?c: V"-,' Mono bushels. Na 2 P,a,e.2.i,- ' ti'rV Liverpool closed t.fi-Vi hlrher on wheat. nd unrhanited to 'd higher on corn. Seaboard reported MO.Ontj buahela of wheat and Sfc.000 buahela of corn for export. Argentina wheat ahlpmenta this twit were 648.i buahela; last week, oo.o-) buah ela. and this we. k last year of 8::4,0uO bush els. Argentina corn shipments were l.lSl.oan buahela; last week. 1.4H2.0H) btialiels and this wee last year. 2.2O2.OU0 bushels. Local range of option. Artlclea.j Opn. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wicst- Hept... Dec... May... Cni Sept... Dt'C... May... (Jf tw Sept..". I ec. . . . May... : Wi S7 RSH W4 93 92H 2 WV 99S 9S's 9J M M K 654 MM F.S BS 54 MM M Bo Mt 65 5S I M t W4 SH M 54 W 63 54M 53N, 64M 60S M 654 b Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 9fS0c; No. 3 hard. f-VaWVnMc; No. 4 hard. TM(4c; No. 3 spring, ffi91c; No. 4 spring, 83Sr6c; no trade, 714fOr. COHN-No. t, 66'S56Hc: No. S. H'45c; No. 4. atyti". no grade, 61 4 53c; No. 2 yollow, tTc; No. 3 yellow. 6fiH67c; No. 2 white, 6iHc; No. 3 white. Soc. OATS No. 2 mixed, 4iti4tc; No, 3 mixed, JittiMTSfcc; No. 4 mixed. 46ihH"c ; No. 2 white. 4o; No. t white. 4764Sc; No. 4 white, 46H fc47c; atnndurd, H-c. No. 3. 71'4f75c. Hecelpta. Wheat. Com. Oats. 14 3Us XS 117 14 iiii-o. 2, Ti'jc; Car Lot Chicago Minneapolis Omaha ..... Kuluth Ht. Loula .. 49 W 3Us 66 166 26 360 Tbnptrit. itbi:IT9. LEMONS Llmonlera. SCO size, r.50 size. f7.60; other brands. WcfcU-W less, lb.; Ppmiiah, per crate, tl.y. NEW PEPPERS Per market basket, 75c. SWEET POTATOES Market basket, Sl.W. DATES-Kadaway, 6'ic: Savers. Sc; Hal 'owls, be; new stuffed walnut dates, f-lo. XIX. tl.Otl , BANANAS Per medium sised bunch, f2.0o?.a: Jumbos, fj.00t60. OTJANQES Valencies, no snd W sixes, 34. tOQt.ia; 126. 150, 176, M and 216 sites, fj.5 en- MIHCKlV.A?ii?'8. COFFEB Hoasted. No. if, 26e per lb.; No. 20, 14 c per lb.; No. 25, 19c per lb.; No. 21. 12c per lb. , M HIDES AND TALLOW Oreen salted. No. 1, IHc; No. 2. 7Vc; bull hides. c; rreen hides. No. 1. 7c; No. 2. 6c; horse. 1.6003.60; sheep pelts. bOcefl.26. .Tal low. No. 1. 4Vkoi No. 2, J Ho. VV00L 1 C12c. CALIFORNIA PRIED FRUITS Prunes are somewhk unsettled lr rear offerings from second hands. wo aeent CHICAGO GRAIN AM) mOVIMOM Ba'lllak News Makes a lrsng Market for Wheat. CHICAOO, Sopt. 6-An overwhelming amount of bullish newa turned a weak market into a strong affair today. At the close wheat for Dec-mbrr delivery was up lVic Corn was unchanged to 'c lower. (Jala were Aje higher. Provisions were un changed to 16c higher. The Initial quotations In todays msrket - t niiniiuy iiigitrr man inc ui yri- , kterday on a fair demand fiom commission houses and shorts. Within a few minutes after the opening, however, lower cable, easier prlcea for caah wheat and heavy selling by local longa caused a slight de cline. Later the market rallied and became strong on renewed buying of cash wheat and futures for forpign account, reports of frosted wheat and poorer threshing re turns In the northwet aiH the sale of lo0uJ bushels to a New York exporter. ' Under thcs Influences price advanced sharply and many who went short on the early decline were forced to cover at higher prices. An exccllf-nt trode for flour was reported in the spring wheat section. Tho moat favoarble Item for the bears was the report of Improved crop conditions In Argentina. December wheat opened to Ho higher at K'c to 994c, sold between 910 and $1.91. and closed strong at fl.OOH. Exports for the week as shown by Brad streets were equal to 2.944.000 bushels against 2.466.000 bushels on the same day last year. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 43,i0 bushels, primary receipts were 770,00 bushels agalnat 6M.O0O bushels for Che iimx (lav last year. Minneapolis. Du luth and Chicago reported receipts of 315 cars aaalnat 264 cars last week and 266 cars a year sgo. Trade In the corn pit today was heavy but less In volume than yesterday. The demand for export was less and the bulk of orders from the country seem to favor the 4car side of the market. Commission bousea were (rood buyers and the specula tive demand was heavy. December opened NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Bnrlington Dividend Hat Good Effect on Market for Stockt. MONEY IN BETTER CONDITION Baaka Gala (arreser Throw h Aetloa of Treasary aad I acoverea Shorts llel Advaaee Prlcea oa 'Chaaga. NEW YORK. Sept . The stock market today had the further benefit of the action of the Burlington directors yesterdsy In In creasing the dividend rate to S per cent, and In distributing an extra dividend of 6 per cent to sto kholders. The direct benefit to the corporation treasuries of the Northern Pacific and Great Northern by reason of their ownership of nearly all of the Bur lington stork was clearly recognized. There as also a flood of rumors In circulation alleging plans for distribution of these profits to the stockholder of those compa nies In the form of xtra dividends and thesn rumors were the Inciting csuse cf moat of the speculation which showed more animation than for many weeks past. The rumors were without any authority. Another helpful factor In the speculation was the forecast of a favorable bank state ment tomorrow. The subtreasurv opera tions have yielded a gain of ti.7;.ooo to the banks and estimates of the Interior cur rency movement Indicate that this has been supplemented from that source to the extent of about a million dollars. Going back to this period of a year ago, the contrast af fords comforting assurances that the dan ger of a repetition of last year's severe ex perience may be considered as fast passing way. The largest deficit shown for manv years previous was the exhibit in this week last year, and rates for call loans went to 40 per cent. The act that the banks are now gaining In the Interior movement with the movement of the crops already going forward is probably due to the Indirect ef fect of the method ot deposit of govern ment funds which Is being followed by the secretary of the treasury. The report of treasury operations has afforded no clue to this method, but It Is generally assumed that hanks In the grain regions and purely commercial banks have been favored as far as feasible. The relief of the money sit uation as a whole, however, Is clearlv enough seen In the remittances from the In terior to New York still going on at this season. Call money rates were apprecia bly stlffer today. In spite of the strength promised in the bank showing. Pay ments were being made of a 33.000,000 in stsllment of aubscrlntlons to Oreat North. ern preferred new stock. The diversion of I iunns tnat naa been going on this week from the call loan to the time loan branch of the money market Is believed also to have Its effect on call loan rates. A rise In the Berlin discount rate was an Incident of the foreign markets. Sterling exchange at Paris moved upwards, mark ing a subsidence of money tension there. The uncovered shorts played an Important part In the day's upward movoment. The persistent circulation of rumors of further efforts of the hears to secure atneka more easily. Some of the reports thiss put In cir culation were darlr.g. lneir efiecl. how ever, was slight. Heaviness In London was attributed to preparation for a coming holiday. Renewed reports of frost dam age to wheat In the northwest failed to check the advancing tendency of stocks. I The day's speculation centered largely in I stocks most benefited by the Burlington I bonus, lncludlns- Union Pacific Kv rr,.r. I of holdings of Great Northern preferred 1 and Northern Pacific treasury of that com- , pany. a recovery in the Ixmdon price of iu)ier gave some sirengm to copper in dustrials. Profit taking made considerable inroads upon the gains and the market closed easy. Bonds were Arm. Total sales, par value, fl.l82.io. United Statea bonds were un changed on call. Number of sales and range of prices on the New York Stock exchange: ales. High. Low. Closa. Stock exchanre business was almoat stagnant. Americans were easy. New York Maaey Market. NEW YORK. Sept. $. MONEY On csll. Arm; 2ti3V4 per cent, ruling rates, t per cent; closing Md. 3 per cent; offered at KM per cent. Time loans c,ulet and steady; 60 days. 6' per cent, and 90 days, 5 per cent: six mnntha. 6 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-fi6H per cent. STERLING- EXCHANGE Heavy at ad vance with actual business In bankers" bills at 4 R2iu4 for demand, and at t4S:3f,a4 L'40 for tiO-day bills. Commercial bills. 14&H. BAR 6ILVER-WV; Mexican dollars. 63Hc R)NT-S Government, steady; railroad, firm. The closing on bonds was aa follows: V. S. ref J, reg... io 4 do coupon l'fcSt do 41 rtfi V. . ,, r i 2 do cfi :d eerlea... S do coupon 10 t.. a- N. unt. 4s si. V. 9. new 4i. rg....l;SH Manhattan e. . 4a 7 do coupon ld1 . Central 4a T7 Am Tobacco 4a S4 do Inc 174 do to inn M.. K A T. 4s S AUhlson rn. 4s 4o 2a ti do adj. 4s 1714 N. R. R. of M. e 4s Atlantic C. I 4s M N. T. C. IHs Dal a Ohio 4s M'N. i. c. f. 4s lit do SSs No. psclflc 4s 7 Brook Irn R. T. e. 4a 71 Mo Is 7 Ontral of Os. 6a let S. W. c. 4s 4 do let Inc M O. g. U rfdg. 4s do Id Inc 4 Pcnn. conr. 14a M do 84 Inc 4 Resdlna gen. 4s ttv, rhca. aV Ohio 4is... ' S. L. I. M. c. lt Chicago A. ,. 45 St. L. A S r. fg. 4s. 74 C, B. a Q n. 4s... tifst. L. 8. w. e. 4a . 71 C, R. I. aV P. 4s.... Ms9pbonrd A. L. 4s.... T"4 do col. is HHSn Psclflc 4a S O'C. R. L g 4s. MS, do 1st 4s ctfs Colo. Ind. s. ser. A. 60 So. Railway 5a Ira! Colo. Mid. 4s M 'Tex. A P. Is 1121 folo. A a0. 4s s T.. St L. A w. 4s. 7!-, fill at I0.IV4 t'nlon Psclflc 4s 7 D. A R. O. 4s ot' S Steel 2d 6s ... K Dtstlllers' Sec. 6s... 771, Wsbaah Is 1071 Ens p. I. 4s M do deb. B S3 do gen. 4s 79 14 Westsrn Md. 4s 71 Hock Val. 4ts....l03 W A L. K. 4s T Japsn s "Wis. Central 4s.... M do ti series ', Bid. uffered. uncnngi iroin second ninm, wa item 1 mharrininni n. . C.u7,'j . V. jT . desirous of moving supplies of m.mediat. 'm7 ??lL?Jt' .l"'1 Jrades. Quotations rage rrom to to vo or California fruit and from 6 Ho to (c for Oregon. Peaches are slightly easier, with fancy yellows quoted at 13Ho. Raisins are firm; three-crown loose Mus catels are quoted at 9c; tour-crown, lOc; seeded raisins. 9 Virile. FISH Halibut, 11c; trout, 13e; pickerel 10c; pike, 14c: pits, fresh froxen, Ic; whiteflsh, 14gl6c; buffalo, 3c; bulllieads, skinned and dressed. 13c; catfish, dressed, 17c; whit perch. 7c; white bass, 16o; black bass, 26c; sunfish, 6&9c; crappl, 6 9c; large crapples, 15c; herring, fresh frozen. 6c; whiteflsh, frozen. 134715c; pickerel, fresh frozen, 9c; Spanish mackerel, 16c; n.itlve mackerel, ltT3.ic per flsh; codfish, fresh frozen. 12c; red snapper, lie: flounders, fresh frozen, 12c; haddock, fresh frozen, 12c; smelts, 13c; shad roe, 45c per lb.; frog; legs, 35c per dos.; green sea turtle meat, 25c per lb. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard, west ern, 65c. Tomatoes, lancy, 3-pound cans, 11.46: standard. 3-pound cans, f 1.25. Pine apples, grsted, 2-pound. 12.20 J.JO; sliced, fl. 756 2. 35. Gallon aDDles. JJ 25. California apricots, f2.00. Pears, fl.ii American Couon oil., t 60. Peaches, tl.7i(J2.40; L. C. peaches, ! Am. couon on pfd.. 32.000 2 60. Alaska salmon, red, fl.20; Amariran Iipm ... Boston Copper Market. These quotations are furnished by Togan & Bryan, members New York and' Boston Stock exchanges, 112 Board of Trade: Alloues 1.1 Mlrhtgnn Atlantic 1W Mohawk Rlnaham 11HNh1i rolisolldated Black Mountain 4 No. Butte, ex-dlr.. Boston Consolidated tl't Old Dominion Butte Coalition 5" ncola Calumet A Antor.a..:45 Parrott Cumberland Elr "S Shoa Calumet A Hscla 7 Shoe, pfd Centennial 22 Qialncr Copper Rsnga V Shannon ... 1 Tamarack . .. 11H I'nlled Copper ... 7 Trinity ... T t'nttcd States, com.. ... US Man Consolidated .. ... list tan Copper ...licts Victoria I t inons risljr West rsvls-Dslr Balakalala Eaat Butts .... Lasalle ttrsena Cananea Oranbr Helretla !! Roral 17, Wolrertna Ksewecnaw 7ii Nlplsalng . L. fl. A Pittsburg... 134, Arcadia. .. Massachusetts 4 1 "4j 10", 6.1 1, US 4:s 2S M 1S 76 (IS 17 4 43 S 4S a 140 4 ( London (losing; Stocks. LONDON, Sept. 6 Closing quotations on me chock exenange were: Adams Espreas Amalgamated Copper American C. A T American C. A P. pfd. i.4-10 t.500 600 , l.so 71 S 41. 7S US 71S S us fancy Chinook, flat, t2.10; fancy sockeye, , Am nat. fi.. Sardines, quarter oil, 33.25; three-quarters mustard, 13.10. Sweet potatoes, tl 26135. Sauer kraut, 90c. I umnkina. tOcfl.00. Lima beans, 2-lb., 73r!ti 11.25. Soaked peas, 2-lb 60c; "fancy, 1.251.46. - de- preclpltatton since clpltatlon, compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1907 1906 1906 1904 Minimum temperature ..62 64 65 Precipitation T .00 So Normal temperature for today, 69 green. Excess deficiency In March 1. 5.70 inches. Excess deilclency corresponding period In 1. 4.4h inches. , Excess deficiency corresponding period In 19u6, 304 Inches. L. A. WELCH. Iral Foreoaater. Cora aad Wheat Realon Dalletla. For the twenty-four-houra endinr at 3 a. .c higher at 61V4C. sold between 60Sc and ! rn., 75th meridian time, Friday. September 61hC, and closed at iVi)ic. Local re- i. U07: ceirts were M cars, with 116 of contract OMAHA DISTRICT. grade. I , Temp. Raln- 1'he oats market sold off earlv In the I Stations. Max. Mln. fall. day because of local longs who threw much Ashland, Neb strain upon the market. The offerinaa were Auburn, Neb. not readily absorbed, however, and throuarh- Columbus, Neb WEATHER IU TUB GRA1X BELT Probably Fair, with 'o Chance In Tern pra tare. OMAHA, Sept. . 1907. Temperatures are decidedly higher In the upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys this morning, and slightly warmer weather is general through the west and northwest, it is slightly pooler In the Ohio valley, lower lake region and eastern slates. Lignt showers were scattered through the central valleys last night, and over the west dur ing Thursday. Cloudy weather prevails in the central valleys this morning, and show ers are probable In this vicinity this after noon, and will probably be followed by fair tonight and Saturday, with not much Omaha record of temperature and pre- ror. bM H. A L. pfd. Am. Ic. sscurttles Am. Linseed Oil Am. Llnssed Oil pfd Am. Locomotive Am. Locomotive pfd Am. 8 A R Am. g. A R. pfd Am. Sugar Refining Am. Tobacco pfd ctfa Anaconda Mining Co Atchtson Atchisoa pfd Atlantic Coast Lin Paltimor A Ohio Bal. A Ohio pfd brooklro R. T Canadian PaeiAc Central of Nsw Jsrasy Chosaposks A Ohio Chicago Ore l Westsrn.... Chicago A Northwestern.. Chicago, M. A St. P Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T. pfd C . c , C. A ft. Loula.... Colorado Fuel A Iron Colorado A Southern Colorado A So. 1st pfd.... Colorado A So. id pfd.... consolidated oaa 109 It 100 0 1.100 3i!ii i.aoo l. MO 100 1.000 9. mo ) ton , 1.0O) ".) t.600 tiflo 1.000 l.4l 14.100 t 80S 64 ios 1S w 10 47S l tl n t '49'" 146S iiV. 10 147 liiS Cora Products pfd. Dsiawar A Hudson... Del.. L. A W Denver A R. 0) 51 I D. A R. O. pfd 00 ' Distillers' gscurltlee . 5 1 9 out the day prices were advanced easily, Falrbury, Neb.... 99 th strength of wheat helping greatly. Fairmont. Neb... 79 Prices were nervous and responded readily Or. Island, Neb.. 79 to large transactions on either aide. re. I Hartlngton, Neb. 81 comber opened vc to hleher at 63A.t . Hastings, Neb.... 7 6i7,c. sold between 63c and 64 and clos?d lOakdale, Neb.., at 64V. Iocal recelpta were Joi cars. Irovislons were eaay early In the day on a heavy run of live hogs. Later prlcea were firm In sympathy with grain. At the close October pork was 15c higher at 31t.sU I.ard was up 5c at 39.10. Ribs were un changed at 38.70. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 200 cars; corn, 314 cars; oats, 333 cars; hogs, 12,010 head. Leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. I Open. High. Low. Close. Omaha, Neh.. Tekemah, Neb. Alta. Ia. Carroll. Ia. Wheat .ept... Dec... May.. Corn 'Vpt... DeC... Paf.. O its r.pt... iw... I I ,'9n,i&94s' ,9''.irSI il CVrrl I I .1 61. I 61V Jilkl 'CI (61 1 01 I 1 07 I I 62l t'.lV 61 SI I 6t.,i 64: I 93UI 9Mi 1 wv 1 (WVoi 61S.I 6S4 60S 6VA.S XT, 60Vkl 01 69 4 47 69 50 67 44 65 69 64 64 66 61 49 42 60 .22 .00 .00 .13 T .00 .00 .00 .00 T T T .00 .10 .06 .04 for iClarlnda. la.... Sibley, la Sioux City, Ia. Minimum temperature period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Central. Stations. Msx. Mtn. Chicago. Ill la Columbus. 0 16 Ilea Moines. Ia.... 8 Indianapolis. Ind.. 13 UiuiRviiie. Ky 11 Minneapolis. Minn. 16 Omaha. Neb 16 St. Louis. Mo 11 Sky. Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudv 1oudy It. cloudy Raining Cloudy twelve-hour 65 V 03 I St4 64, May... MV'H'HW!tltnMWi Oct. Jan . L Vi Oct.. .tan. Jan. 15 So I 16 70 ( i 7i ( I is 1 16 SO I 15 Hi I 9 I 865 I 70 I t xm 16 m I 16 70 I 9 4tS I 3 72SI 3 lo I 15 w 15 96 9 15 f 35 9 70 8 12 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: rAt it Firm; wmiSCVc WHEAT No. J apring. fl. 043106; No. 1 t yellow, 65 sc corn-no. j. e-tatiiv: No. AOTiSC. CAT8 No. 2. 56V: No. S white, tSHtjtjgc. BARLEY Good feeding;, 7t8'79c; fair to cl 'oe raltlni. Wfisiic. SEFDS No. 1 northwestern, 31 3ti; prims tlmtithy. t4.SiKu4.33; clover, contract ;r:ides. 15 fO 1 IMVIfltiNS Short ribs, sides (loo, rvMl.t Meaa pork, pe.- tbl., tlitOtjlf lS. 1 rd. r i-v. II.. , 02S. Short clear side I boxed I. H. a. 9(i , .., Recelpta Shipments. J lour, this ts fuO . v J1.0OA .neat bu. t10,A) 7t7r) c,n- ,ru SM.Ttjo ni sno oafs, bu JW.uflO 266 9 Ji"! UV l. l.arley. bu 61.601 l.ajO On the Prodvu exchange today the hut Vr market was firm. Oeamerisg, OtrtoUc: Jaiileg. 2un:'4c. Evga. firm; at mark, laser Included, 14V4i17Uc: Meat. enuie ursts. .t. t neese. staady ; rttflJHo. 1 Wheat, bu.. Corn. nu.. Llrrrseal Grata Mark. I Oats. bu. LiyERPtiOU Sept. 1-WHEAT- pot. nominal: futute. firm: Septenaber 7a UJ liycember. 7s l(f.d. Mar.li 7a 11 VI COhN-Spol. firm; American mixed, new Rain. Inches. .02 .02 T .00 .00 .Ox .02 .00 Warmer weather prevails In all except the extreme east portion of the' corn and wheat region. Showers occurred In all except the Indianapolis, Louisville and St. Louis dis tricts. L. A. WELSH. Local Fojecaster. 71 76 71 80 76 pfd. St. I.oala General Market. ST. lOUlS. Sept. 6.-WH EAT Higher; track. No. t red. cash, 9:f00c; No. 3 hard. t3iVe; December, 97S3971jc; May, fl.03 tfl OSS CO KN Higher; track. No. 2 cash. 61 Q CiVk; December, 66Sc; May, 69c; No. 2 white. 61c. , OAT8-Hl-her: track. No. 2 cash. 9c; Deceniber. 604j'u'Hc; May. 61 He; No. 2 white, 61V. POULTRY Firm; chickens. 10Vc; spring, 134fcc; turkeys. 14c; ducks, IV; geese, 6c. BUTTER Steady; creamery. 2o'Jc. MiHS-H'arher. lOitc, case count. FLOUR Firm; red winter patents. 34 S549 4.60; extra fancy and straight, Kl.ry4 UJ; clear. U 2iU3.60. SEED Timothy, steady, f4.764lM.36. tXRNMEAL Stesdv 70. BRAN Strong, higher; sacked. east track, fl 12jl 16. HAY Steady ; timothy. fll'lotTt; 00; old prairie. ta.5utjH 60. IKON CtiTTON TIES-tl-10. BACrOING 11 6-16c. HEMP TWINE 11c PROVISIONS-Pork, steady; Jobbing, tl. Itrd. higher; prime steam, K50. Dry salt mata (boxedi. stesdy; extra shorts, 39 37V: clear riba. f9.67U; short clears. tU Baoon (box-di. steady; extra shorts. $10. X; clear riba flo.26; short clears. tl037a. Recelpta. Shipments Flour, bbls. a ' .loe.m i .paj.iasj Taleaa g Market. TOLEDO. Sept. . 8EEIrV -ber, flO, Decetuber, 39.4a. 12.0O 63 r'i hum) 115.000 Octo- En Erls 1st fd Brl Jd pfd Oensral Electric .. Illinois Central International Pspsr Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa ('antral Iowa Central pfd.. Kansas City So.... K. C. So. pfd Lmilsvtll A Nash. Mexican Cantral Minn. A St. Loula. M . St. P. A . . M M.. St. P. A t. g. M. Missouri Pacific Missouri. K. A T... M.. K. A T. pfd National Lsad N. 11. R. ot M. pfd.. N. Y. Cantral N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk A W N. A W. pfd North American .... Pacific Mall Psanaylv.nla P., C, C. A St. L . People's Gas Pressed ft eel Car... Preaned 8. C. pfd ... Puilmaa Palac Car. Readlug Reading 1st pfd Reading M pfd Rspubilc Steel Republic Steel pfd Rutk lalaad Co Hock Island Co. pfd 8t. U A 8 K. Id pfd St. Louis t W Bt. U 8. W. Pfd Southera Pacific to. Pacific ptd Southern RaJiwsy 60. Railway pfd Tennessee c. A I Texas A Pscllc T.. St. L. A W T , Bt. L. A W. pfd I'nloa PaclBe I'aion Paciftc pfd fatted Staiea Express lolled Stales Rsalty I'nlled sum Rubuar I 8. Rubbsr pfd I sited Statsa Steal I . 8. Ktesl std Va. -Carolina Chemical Va.-Caro. Chsm. pfd Wsbaak Wabash pfd VTslls-Pargo Clpress WssUnghouas glsctrlc .... Westsra t'nlon , W heeling A L. E Wiacuaaln Otntral t is. salrsl ptd Northern Pacini Csoual Leather Central Leather pfd tloes-Bbemeld Steel Gr.t Northera ptd Intarborougk Metropolitan. Int. Mat. pfd Total sale, for the day t(") 1.600 mo too l.oou on l.tuO too ao l.too wo 1.700 1.7W too 434k JS lH 6es 44S lot "S 164S 474 H 67 S7 ft1 60S Jl 9 19 tt ioos tirt, 114S BU 44S 87 91 tt 0 '47s lttn, 'iis ts 144 liiS tt ts 14S 14 4 los 144 IMS 470 24 44 64S 60 37 S 100 lt7 1ST too I'SJ IO I"0 J. 000 10 1.100 l.t0 10 too "too I.K-0 luO 4.400 10O 1.JO0 .. 6. .. SO.luO .. l.vi .. l.tUO ..llj.ua) 10 1.70 . 1.700 4o 1.1U0 4 I.H 23,'mo l.l'O l.tuO 'ti' too l.0 lfi tw so 1.4'W 64. Too 6.!' to " " "two too tr, 7t 16 87 rs MS 110S 1S 41 S lot 'tis 17 44S 64 ior'" 314, 7S "guv JS 13uS 'tsvi liK JtS 7 tis 444, lV 17 4 7S 111 14 6S "tS 94 48 H4S it tt 71.44 14S tl s Us 64 ut 17 41 10414 49 S ss 4S 64 S ioe 1S ''" if I'M, '7 4, ifS iii" tt T4S 10', 4 17 S 16S 46 S It 110 1S MS 'riii 14 444 111S U Sl.tD loo lot ts US s M s 'il'. tllk ltiS It in u tt trti s 31s 'iis Jl S IHS It II ti.100 is ms 4..M 17 s 24 S 710. 44 shares. 160 72S 4f4 97 US 86 1M 1S tl s JV4 MS 10J 107S lorS .114 47 MS 90S 88 tl II l44 147 170 34 t'4 14 US 4 1 M 36 t4S (4 44 1V7 1444 7 ltl 474 S4S 61 M J1S 60S 14 61 11744 14 71 tt t a 27 MS la 14 4HS l'"S 127 Tl 36 J4S 64 4s 104 :i4 71 7t 42S : in 874 JS 4 1M 1(7 12 77 24 77 tl 4 IS 1'S 47 14 11" US 61 lit tt 13 41 S 133S al si to IIS w, l; i 10 tS ii in 74 t 15 17 1S l4l t 4S li 'S zt tl M . K. A T 81 1-1N. Y. Central.... . . II Norfolk A W 1 1-1 do pfd .. S Ontario A W ..to Penosvlvsnla .... .. S Rand Mines .. 19 Reading .. 17 Southern Railway ..171 do pfd . . 14 s Southern Pacific . . 1"S I'nloa Pacific ..11S do pfd . . 51SV. 8. Steel ...IS do pfd .. SWahah ..140 do pfd . .1UU Snantch 4a SILVER Bar. quiet. :tl 9-16d per ounce. 11. .v r-i- . , . jnvn c i 1"(- per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 4&4'4 per cent; for three months' bills. Vni' per cent. Consols, money ... an account Anaconda Atchison do pfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian Pacific . Che. A Ohio Chlcsgo Ot. W C, M. A St. P... D Beers Denver A R. O... do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd.... Grand Trunk . Illinois Central ... 37 ...10 ... TtH ... 86 ... 34 ... 41 ... 5 ... 4M4 ... 14 ... 69 ... ...UoS ... M ... 13S ... M ... 12 ... t: 1 Bank Clearlnsra. OMAHA, Sept. 6 Bank clearings for to day were tl.o5.00t5.i'4 and for the corres poding date last yv-ar 11.573.181.20. Kanaas City Grain and Provlaloas. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 6 WHEAT Mar ket Htflc hlKher; September, gRUc; Decem ber, 93Vc: Mcy. SS'iC Cash: No. 2 hard aSHDV: No. 3, SfuOic; No. 2 red, 91a92c: No. 3. WHSS3C. CORN Unchanged; September. 60A4C; De cember, 62"V; May. 65c. Cash: No. 2 mixed, 67c; No. 2, 6".go04c; No. 2 white, 67c; No. 3. 66Hc. OATS Unchanged: No. I white, 49t'rJ)c; No. 2 mixed, 471i47Hc. RYE No. 2. TOfiMc. HAY" Firm, cnolce timothy, 312.130313. 00; cholco prairie, 38.7669.60. BUTTHK Creamery, firm, 25c; packing. Ho higher, lfc. EOOS Firm; extra. 2.c; firsts. 18c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu. 2Oor0nn 162.000 Corn, bu 39.000 49 C1X1 Oats, bu 61,000 45.00 Kansas City futures ranged: Articles Open.l Hlgh. Low. Close. Wheat I I I December .... 9iSI 934 91U 9,tu May SSVsl 97kl 99y? Corn I I 1 December .... 62 627ii 62 6i'4 May 6:v, 6yt;64VaHl 66 3 The Leading Credit Store of Omaha Invites you to attend their Fall Exposition of Men s Cloth ing, Shoes, Hats, etc. We will sho wyou all the latest styles that Dame Fashion dictates. The terms of payment will be easy. Call and see us. r" 1.00 A WEEK Advance Sale of Fall Overcoats The best prevention against colds these chilly days is a Top Coat. Tomorrow we place on sale 50 Top Coats, in tans and grays, excellently tailored, $22.50 values, at $1.00 A Week. The Fall Hats Are Here In the Telescope shape. The two new colors are golden brown and tan with dark brown trimmings. Ours hold their share $2.50 nd 81.50. We will dress you in the "height of fashion" for One Dollar a Week. Special Fall Display of High Art Clothing The kind that looks right when you buy it, and stays right after you wear it. When in the vicin ity of our store, step in and let us show you the "latest" suits $25.00 to $1.00 A Week. We handle the following famous brands of shoes: Sell, Regent. Ilftnill ton Brown and King Quality, all the latest lasts $4.50, $4.00. $3.50 and $2.00 v. V TTM -i- '. .-i ;.: 7i Vii -al SIO 1? km h i J-fvf'13 j U J hi ! 3 Y o i 1 'i -st'viiA ClyOTHING COMPANY COK,.i frDOIIftLAS JPI'SSSmX nil' am.m . TEAR OFF HERE Zk FREE Tresent this cou pon at our store and we will al low you $1.00 on a purchase of $10.00 or over. Name Palace Clothing Co., Cor 14th and ItouglaM. Bee OMAHA LITE STOCK MARKET Light Eeceiptg of Cattle ind No Quotable Change. HOGS FIVE TO TEN CENTS HIGHER Light Run of Sheep Today, hot Heavy for the Weeks Demand Good at Steady to Strong rrlces. SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. , 1907. Kecelpts were. Official Monday .... Official Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Otttcial Thursday , Estimate, Friday .. Cattle. Hogs. Sneep. .24J ... 7.S65 ... 6.L'1 ... .J7 ... 1,600 9.SS1 6.171 13.3U 4.(5 15.7Li 10.ko7 2.8U0 Five days thts week..lS,0i 12,653 66.79J Same days last weck...a . 36.515 6H.137 Same days weeks ago. .:'6,616 .794 2t'.6f9 Same days 3 weeks ago. ..&! 32.432 86.C Samo days 4 weeks agu.. 14.049 33,146 SI. S3 Same days last year 27.4SI 28.440 70,MJ Following table shows the receipts ot rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha (or the year to date, compared with last year: 190T. Inc. Dec. Cattla 751.730 649.610 10&.120 ....... Hogs 1.7K1.US5 1.8.7o H7.m Sheep l,120,a l.li3,46S 3. ft The following table shows tha avsrag price of hogs at South Omaha fsr tha Ust several days, with comparisons: Dte. I ltvT. 1906.1laQ6.!190t.1903.la-1190j Metal Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 6. M ETA Iy The London tin market was slightly higher, with spot quoted at 166 los and futures st 166 5s. Locally the market was quiet, with spot quoted at 36. Copper was higher In London at 7J 10s for spot aod 73 15a for futures. locally the market was weak, and unchanged. Lead was lower In London at 19 Ss, and weak locally at M.7&66.O0. Spelter was unchanged at 21 In London, but weak at SS.36ti6.46 In the local market. Iron was unchanged In the English market at 53s lOd for standard foundry and 64s for Cleveland warrants. Locally no chance was reported. ST. LOIIS, Sept. 6.-MF.TAL8 Lead, dull, tl.SiVt, Spelter, weak. 35.30. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Sept ft-COTTON-Today's trading was Irregular as a result of evening up for over the week-end and the govern ment's rt port on Monday. The close was steady at a decline of 4 points. Sales were estimated at 250,000 bales. Closing bids: September. 11.74c; October. 12.12c; Novem ber. 12.36c; December. 12 4oc; January 12.4.'c; February, l.6c: March. 12.Oe; April. 12.64c; May, i;.6)c. Snot closed steadv, 6 points lower; middling upland, 13.50c; mid dling gulf. 13.75c; sales. 5,460 bales. ST. LOIIS. Mo. S-pt. . COTTON Steady; middling. ISc; sales, 3 bales; re ceipts, 10 bales; shipments. 4 bales; stock. 5,063 bales. Aug. 2.. Aug. 27.. Aug. 2S.. Aug. 23.. Aug. 30.. Aug. 31.. Sept. 2... Sept. 3... Sept. 4... tept. o... Sept. 6... 6 7BV4I I 6 7'ii-A S 85! 5 5 68-4f 6 70', 5 724 5 67 I 5 66 5 63 I 5 75VJI e im E BO! 5 70 6 c; 5 7Si . t S5 5 79 6 67 6 76 B 871 I 231 tU 7 Ml I M a 5 23i 7 ! 01 ft go 12, 7 27! J 00 6 S3 t 32 513 7 1H M 6 77 5 271 7 U 5 72 6 H! 33 I J ? 5 471 5 27 5 SI I 7 42 t 11 a 5 31( 6 ) 7 36 07 t 4! I t 42 7 13; IS 6 43 5 25' 5 40, 7 40, C M i 8t i 2( I 7 4fi 13 At. ..HI .ITS .141 SB. PP. It IM M i Ml an 4 as Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha $2.16fiS.OO $5i86.25 Chicago . 13CU7.25 6.3ifi.55 Kansas City .'. 1.2ia. t8(5.a St. Louis 1.7Ki7.10 . 5.2ra70 Sioux City 2.58.85 5.5o6.00 The official number of cars of stock brought In today bv each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Shaap. Horses C, M. & St. P. Ry 1 t Wabash I I Mo. Pac. Ry 1 1 .. 1 I'nlon Pacific Sstem 20 .. 7 C. A N. W. Ry. (East. .. 10 1 C. A N. W. Ry. (West). 31 29 C, Bt. P.. M. & O. Ry.. .. 10 C, B. A Q. tEast) 1 1 C, B. A Q. tWest) 11 .. C, R. I. A P. Ry. (East) 1 1 Illinois Central 1 Chi. Great Western I 77 10 Wool Market. BOSTON. Mass., Sept. . The Com mercial Bulletin will say tomorrow of the wool market: The market Is steady, flna staple territory soiling 011 the scoured basis of 72c, fine and fine medium clothing territory al 66 0 6ao, waahed Delaine fleece al ISc and haif blood unwashed at 32 0 34c. The ship ments of wool from Boston to Srptcmber i Inclusive, according to the same "Au thority, are 171.441,726 pounds, against t5t.64l.2S4 pounds the same time last year. The recelpta to September 5 in clusive were 235.lii2.711 pounds, against :i0uI.H5 pouoUs the same period last ear. nr. LOL1S. Bear. WOOL-8teady rltory and western mediums, 30sa'J6ic medium, 1943-3c; One, 17:-0c. ter-tine Ferelta Klaaaelal. LONtON. Sept. .The supplies of money were ery plentiful In the -isrket today. J rrruata were easy. tV ttae Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 4). WHEAT Sep tember. 11.03.: December. ll.CGV(,1r1 C6V ; May. ll.fjSfrl.om,; No. 1 herd. old. $lhU I. 08H: No. 1 hard, new, ll.O7Vfil.07; No. 1 northern, old. tl7: No. 1 northern, new, II. 06V; No. 2 northern, old. 11.04V; No. 1 northern, new, l. C3V4i 1.03V; No. 1 north ern, t,..ftiV'1.03V. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralts. NEW YORK. Sept. s.-.VAPORATED APPLES Martlet steady at the recent ad vance. DRIED FRUITS Prunes are unchanged Apricots and peaches continue steady to firm at rt-cent prices. Ralirlns sre In light supply on spot and prices are firmly held. Sar and Molasses. NEW YORK. Sept. i-St'OAR-Raw firm; fair refining, 3.42c; centrifugal, W teat i.Kc: molasses sugar, 3.(jc; refined, steady crushed. 5.70c; powdered, 5.10c; granulated' 5c. Whisky Market. CHICAOO. Sept. 6-WHISKY-On basis of high wines, 11.36. ST. LOCIS. Mo. 6Vpt. 4.-W1CISKY-Flrm, 11.36. Oil Market. TOLF-r0. Sept. 6. OIL North Lima. Mc South Lima and Indiana, Mc. . St. Joseph Live Stoek Blarket. ST. JOSEPH. Sept. (. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.064 head; market steady; natives t4.frrii7.G0; cows and heifers. tl.766a.Ui; sunk era and feeders. S3. 75 4. V). HtXIS Receipts. 1.3W head; market 10c hlgh-r; top, So; bulk of sales. to.yVgt) 10 SHEEP AND I -A MBS Recelpta. 1.451 head; market stronger, lambs. 16.36 yearlings. t5.6tvo25. Total receipts 68 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co... 41 746 .... Swift and Company.. 361 1.054 .... Cudahy Packing Co... 411 1.401 145 Armour A Co So2 1,242 61 Cudahy Kansas City.. 75 .... .... Vanaanl A Co 8 .... .... Carey A Benton 46 .... .... Lobuian A Co 11 .... .... McCreary A Carey 1 .... .... W. I. Stephen Z5 .... Hill A Son 86 F. P. Lewis 21 Huston A Co 6 .... .... Hamilton A Rothschild 40 L. F. Husa 14 L. Wolf 9 J. H. Bulla 25 Sam Wertheimer 28 .... .... Mike. Haggerty 7 .... .... J. H Root A Co 23 .... T. B. lnghram It .... .... Sullivan Bros t .... .... V. A. Britton 1 Carson Pkg Co 63 Other buyers 154 .... 454 Total L77 1.506 62 CATTLE There was the usual Friday's light rvcelpts in the yards this morning and about the usual Friday's market. What few cuttle thete were of all kinds sold In about the same notches as yesterday. It was In fact one or those Indifferent markets such as is apt to prevail when receipts are light and when there Is not enough busi ness doing to really establish quotations. Pretty much of everything In the yards changed hands in reasonable season and the trde came to an end for the want of more cattle to buy. quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn fed steers. 6 4Or7.00; fair to good corn-fed cattle, .' oon) 40; common to fair corn-fed staers, 14 50a6 50; good to choree rango steers. 6.06.65; (air to good range steers. 4 4"ft5l; common to fair range steers, t3.5ixtj4.4ti; good to choice corn-fed cows and heifers. I4.5ilti5 00, good to choice grass cows and heifers, t3.7i64.4v; fair to good grass cows and heifers. 13.'fr3.75; common to fair grass cows and heifers. fJ.ij3 00; good to choice stockers and feeders. 14 755 26; fair to good Blockers and feeders, H!9 4 75; common to fair stockers and feeders, j3 in4.:.v Representative sales: COWS. . Pr. .Vo. 74 t t A. Harper Wyo. 2 steers.. ..1010 4 05 6 steers.... 946 4 05 12 steers.. .1163 4 65 5 steers.. ..1212 4 65 10 steers.. ..1271 4 65 Scows 10S8 150 cowa 9S3 1 75 1 bull 14M t 76 M. Kelllher-S. D. Hi steers. ..1164 4 30 20 steers. ...1151 185 lk cows 978 S 15 HOOS Bold 5t110c higher this morning, but the market was not overly active st the advance. Packers seemed to pay the higher prices under protest and were nol especially anxious for any great number of hogs at the advanced figures. Still there was a fair movement and the hogs kept moving off toward the scsle, making a clearance in reasonably early season In the morning. The hogs sold largely at 15.701i6.SiR, as against 5.666,0 yesterday. There were no full loads of choice light hogs to compare with the 16.20 hugs yes terday, the actual top today on full loads being only 16.10. A small bunch of choice lightweights, however, sold up to $6.23. Today's advance carries the market to a point that is Just about a shilling higher than the market at the close of last week, or the highest point touched any day since August 13. Representative sales: Na. At. 8a. Pr. Ma. il 3i ... i SO to... (... 41... lit ... 140 54... J.19 SO I SO 1... .17 6 4i 74... .no ... its so... .10 tOO s M TO... .ti ... SU TI... 40 t H t .. .no w lis a... . ... i T 7t... .MS ... lit M... .1) 1M S 70 70... t5 SO I 70 IM ... 7tV 44... it ... 71 M .!t ... 175 Tl 4 100 I 7S tt Mi ... I 71 13... T4 160 I 7$ 74... Ml 44 I 74 (t... m ... I Tt as... ro ISO I 78 TS... 114 10 1 75 75... 17 10 ( TT4 T... Ml IK 77V .. TIV. 7. ... .. t 1 .. 40 11 C... SO I SO SHEEP There were not enough sheep on sale this morning to really make a market. The gTeater proportion of the receipts con sisted of feeders on their way to an Iowa feed lot and were stopped here only for a rest and feed. There was the usual good demand for both killers and feeders and unquestionably anything of that descrip tion would have sold very readily at good, steady prlcea at least. In spite of the fact that receipts have been very heavy this week, showing a larg. gain over the previous week ana over a year ago, the market has been In exceed ingly good condition. The demand has been o large that practically everything re ceived has been sold on the day of arrival. More than that. In the fare of heavy re ceipts, there has not been the slightest sign of weakness. On the contrar), at lambs have, if anything, firmed up a little, while fat sheep have remained fully steadv. Feeder sheep and lambs have been strong sellers every day during the week. No seller could ask for a better market than has prevailed this week. Representative sales: Quotations on good to choice killers: Lambs. 11.7Tvg7 26; yearling wethers. !S.60jjf 6.0O; wethers. tS.2Ofc6.40: ewes. 14.7Mj6.26. No q'lotatlons are given on fair to good killers, aa feeder buyers are taking prac tically everything of that description at better prices than packers will pay. Quotations on feeders: Lambs, fl 504 6.90; yearlings, tt 60175.90; wethers. t5.0o?f 6.2S; ewes. I4.40A4 66; yearling breeding ewes. K.00"f6 50; aged breeding ewes, t5.0Csjj( 6.0". Representative sales: As- Pr. Ill western lambs 71 6 40 25 western cull ewes K0 J 75 41 western lamba 84 6 50 AT. .lit M 12 130 I 40 40 Ill 0 I AO 4.... 51.... 41... tt.... 41... 44.... 12.... 84.... tt.... to ... 68.... 42 M 4t 4... M 14... 6 64 (1 CO 84 2 (1...., tJ 63 6... .11 .360 .ru I7 m m im lii ... Ill .tU 5 K5 .Ml 110 5 (5 .IM ... 5 IS .!M 110 IIS 111 Ml II) .. I S7I ... 5 171, .. I M Ml" . . 5 9n ' .. 6 so tO 6 2 .. I S5 .. IM .. I 6 M IK 40 I as ...144 in 1 s ...:2 1H I 17V, to 00 .. so oo no 4 10 40 10 .. 25 ..134 ..24 ..1st ..Kl ..244 ..(6 ..141 ill 253 ...14 .141 .241 .127 r.t ,.105 .214 .19 ..ill Slens City l.tve Stoek Market. SlOrX CITY. 8ept. . (Special Telegram.) CATTLE Receipts, too head; market steady; beeves, t4.7L.86; cows and heif ers, t2. 504. 50; stockers and feeders, 13.7 4.K6 calves and yearlings. 12 604J3.7S. HOOS Receipts. l.&fi head; market 5c higher, selling at 15 56ti 00. bulk of sales, 15.C5iJ65.tO. Stoek la Sight. Following are the receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets: Caul Omaha l.o Chicago 1 5,,) Kansas City 3,..l St. IajuIs Ism) St. Joseph JVM Sioux City Totals 10. sM Hogs. Sheep. 5.8 ,( 16.CIO k.ltlO .' 1.000 6.i i.axs) LU l.auu 9.60 K.8&1 Bee Want Aa for Business Booster At. Pr. . 7.6 to . 14 I vi ..S3 114 . . hiii I 01 . . HJl'l I st .. sat I II .. s t 1 lusi I ai 27 sei 1 to 4W 1 f Hi U t TO 1 1U4 I 0 11 M IK HEIFERS. T 444 t i; 4 BULLS. t irn t m 1 1 1V I 60 1 1 sr 1 CAX.VFJL t. 237 1 1 1 2 tail IH 1 STOCK ERi AND FEEDElto. Kaaaaa City l.tve Stoek Market. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 6 -CATTLE Re ceipts, 4.0UO head, Including 10U southerns: steady to easy; choice export and dressed beef steers. t.006.a0; fair to good, 14 6.0O; western steers, 13.75ii6.50; stockers and feeders. lU5Vjr5.25; southern steers, 13.4Vj) 4 50; southern cows, $2,504(3.40; native cows. t20Oifi4.0u; native heifers, !3.0l4)5.75; bulls, t5t"u3.6o; calves, 13.264(6.6". HOOS Receipts, 5.0U0 head: market 10c hiKher; bulk of sales, t6.mtijj8.25; heavy. t6.ni6.05; packers, t6.(?.27V. SHEEP, AND LAMBS Receipts. J.7O0 head; market steady; lambs. 16.504J7.50; ewes and yearlings. tfi.OOii&.TS; range veor llngs, 15.aaaci.90; range sheep. 14.754)6.60; stockers and feeders, t5.5"t(6.oo. CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARK BT Cattle Rerelpts Light aad Market Steady Bat Most. CHICAOO, S4.pt. 6.-CA1TLE Receipts, about l.ouo head; market steady but alow; common to prime steers, ti. 011(7.30; cows, t3.8"ua.iO; heifers, 13.0wi5.75; bulls. lS.4or(j 5 m; calves. 13.ia'(S.3, stockers and feed ers, t2.4iK!i5.0o. HOOS Receipts, about lfi.om heaol; mar ket 5415c higher: choice heavy shipping, ti.2fl'u6.3'i: llKlit butchers, t6.40gt 50; light mixed, t6.15Tfl.30; choice light, t.5'(i.60; packtnK. t$.4Or4I.10; pigs. $5.50 .; bulk of sales. It . .4(.3i. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, about 6.11M head; market firm; sheep. t3 80Ij.1D; yearlings, t5.7aici6.75; lambs. 16. 0047.70. St. Lonls Lire Stoek Market. ST. LOflS, Mo., 8ept.-6.-CATTLE-Re-cetpts. head, Including 1,300 Texans; market steady; native shipping and ex port steers, t6.3.Vn7.10; dressed beef and butcher steers, t5.6frn6.15; steer under 1.000 pounds. S4.COft6.00; stockers and feeders. t2.75.'t(6.40: cows and heifers. U.00(ji.00; can ners, tl.26t2.40: bulls, t2.iicq4.25; calves. 12.60 Hr7.76; Texas and Indian steers, t2.9O'ij.60; cows and heifers, 11.7514.00. HOOS Receipts. 6.(o head: market Tvfi 15c higher: pigs and lights, t5.5O1i6.70; pack ers. S5.2iVii6.56; butchers and best heavy. t6.1lV&6 55. SHEEP AND LAMB! Receipts. 1 V) head; market steady; native muttons. 13 35 i6 50; lambs. 14.50fi7.on: culls and bucks t2.tg3.00; stockers. 13.(1035.90. TO REPORT TIMBER ACREAGE Commissioner of Corporations Maklag Inquiry of Amonat In In I ted States. WASHINGTON, ftept. 6.-Announcement was made here today that Herbert Knox Smith, commissioner of corporations, Is making an .Inquiry to determine Just how much standing timber remains In the t'nlted States. This was brought out by a report from the west that Commissioner Smith had begun an Investigation Into the operations of the so-called lumber trust It develops that this Investigation, which was ordered In a resolution passed by con gress last winter, has not been started, be cause the agents of the bureau of corpora tions are engaged In other trust Inquiry work. The Investigation to ascertain tha extent of standing timber In this country Is stated to be purely for economy, having no relation Jo the operations of the lumber combine. LAMANA'S B0DY DISCOVERED Belief that Floater on Mississippi ear Jamestown, I. a., la New Orlenna Man. NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 6. When the river steamer Grudeau arrived In New Or leans this morning Its crew told the story of the finding of a badly-mutilated body ut Janintown. La., and said that the body answered the description of Peter Lamana, father of the kidnaped Lamana boy. Per' sons at Jamestown saw a large box float ing down the Mississippi river yesterday and when they went out in a skiff and towed it ashore It was found to contain the body of a large dark-complexioned man. who to all appearances had been foully murdered. The body has been badly mutilated. Friends of Lamana hava started for Jamestown. .. 47 2 to ..ill I 1) ..13 I ti . 4T 4 t a EMIT are many for the investment of money but none so safe as the purchase of Bonds. "We are offering for sale a block of First Consolidated Mortgage Bonds of the OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY Yielding the investor 5 per cent. Operating the Street Railway Systems of Omaha, South Omaha, Council Bluffs; Florence, Dundee and Benson. For further information, address SAMUEL BURNS, JR. 614 NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING, : . : , OMAHA. 44 1 tw I t: )4