OFFERED FOR RENT 1 fni-nlahrd Room ostUarl. ONE elegant unfurnished room, strictly modrtn. 633 Park Ave. MSh-TS1 jrm FOTTt modern touaekeeplng rooms, or ea suite of two. U Harney. (15) M7W 9x THREE unfurnished rooma. 1120 N. 17th PC ' 15)-!1 - - - - ' Hiui.M Cottaaee. N. XTH ST. J rooma, partly modern. Mi f. ifcth 4 room. The Ormond. F.E.M18. Phone Douglaa 585. Paxton Dork. ialO N. 2-d St., A rwitnii, modern, $27.6i. 24ti N iid St., 8 rooms, modern, hot water heat. ." - JJ2 B. 37th St., 8 room, east front, new, h"l water heat, oak flnlih. HASTINGS A HfcVDEN, .1704 Farnam St. WK DO expert piano moving at loweit ptinea. Tel. Douglas l2n. Schnioller A Mueller Pfahb Co.; 1311-1313 Farnam. (16)-2J9 NEW a-room cottage. lth street. Inquire 2233 Couth 0& Mia sx OMAHA. Van & Storage Co. pack, move, ' store II. II. goods; atorehouae 1120-24 N. . 13th. omcc ia, FBrnam. Tel. Doubt. 1V.9. 1S 261 1-ROOSf hrtuse, modern except furnace. 2432 .Parker St. Apply Fred ChriBtlanson. 2418 Parker St. - (15i MV73 12 HOUSEHOLD rood packed, forwarded; cheap freight ratea. Moving and atoraaje. Expresamen'a Delivery Co. Tel. Douclna 394. (15)-268 FOR RENT By owner, 3S31 N. 22d. new -room modern pottage. Tel. Wehater Kit (15 2tU (174 CASS ST., Jet, $25. t rboms, modern except BEM18. 'Phona Doug. fi Paxton Blk. (15) I to FOR l-r. all mod., walking distance, ..near Crelghton and high school. Room ers. 125 for 7-r '. mod. ex. urnace, Kountxe Place, corner Jot. $3S for new 8-r. all mod., north of Bern Is Park: O'KEKFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1WN. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Dou. 2152. (IS) K90 8x FIVE ROOMS, brand new, 15. 15 N. 26th Ave. J. Kendla A Son, Paxton Block. , (15) 953 11 HOUSES In all parts of the city. R. C. Peters A Co., Bee Bldg. (16) WB MOVB PIANOS-Maggard Van and '" Storage Co. Tel. Doug. 14. Office. 1712 WebsUr St. (16) fS2 FOR TftENT'-'I-arge atore room, 16th Hnd " Vinton Sts; -C; M. Baehmann, 437 Paxton "ftlock. (16)-3W Mi SO. 2ST1T 8T. lat floor, 4 rooma, $25. BEMJS. Paxtdfl Blk. 'Phone Doug. 585. lj 31 i ROOM9-J217 ,25th, $20. (15) 879 IIOt'BES, lnsuranre. Ring-wait. Barker Blk. "" ' ' (15)-265 '8414 CHA-RIjf:S, 8-rooni, new, all modern, ' (36 " i f f O'KEEFB REAI ESTATE CO., - - 1001 S. Y. Life. Phone Doug 2162 (15) H2t t ,. . , , , . lllTH2Va In all Darts of the nitv. tVUOCJ3 CrclRh Sons & Co., Bee Bldg. . . - (15)-74 Balldlaani. :THK entire building formerly occupied by ine ijhuj ew. mb ipfi, a aionea anrr "bnacnkenU MaCague investment Co., Dodge Ht. (lb) 2tiS jrut IIAIUHKT ST. -.1 floors and basement. 33tl feet; suitable for wholesale. Mc . Cague, invealmant Co., 15u Dodge St. ' ... . . 16)-287 YR RSNT. A. SIX.HTORV RtTIt.DINO IN v WHOLESALE DISTRICT. 'Theala-tory avd- baaemeni building- at 1V jiowain ni., lormeriy occupiea Dy ine Hnyward Brothers Shoe Co., for rent. Annual rental 12.40. Floor apace la 20x132 ft., and all floora and basement contain about 30,UW rtiuare -feet surface. The building haa a good elevator and ofllce apar-nient. and ta equljiped with a modern i -fire aprlnklnr avstem.. v R. C. PETERS A CO., 120 8. 17th St Bee Building. .. . (15)-M70 RETAIL LOCATION 'MM-10-13 Harney St.. five floors and baae ' ment, 6Kl33 ft., now occupied by Midland Olaae and Paint Co. OEOROH & CO.. 1S01 FARNAM ST. " (15)wM554 1 Ofllrea. . . FOR BRNT Desk room In-Bee office, city hall building-, 417 N. 25th St., South Omaha. "Apply to manager. (151134 DESK "room for rent In, atenographer'a of fice, 06 Paxton Blk. (16)-M000 !"" One store room In new "Scargo" building In South Omaha, near poatofflce, with lighted basement, modern ahow windows . and awnlnas;- bt poaatble location. Hall tHatrlbutnr Co., 317 First Nail. Bank Bldg. - 'Phone Red 740. (16)-Ma5 STOREROOM, 21 8. 16th St. Clarke Powell, - 8)44 Farnam St. Ub)-J WHEN yo write to advertiser, rentember It lake but few acr tones of the pea t to aute that yoo saw the ad. In The B . "OFFERED FOR SALE " - Fenelna;. ANCHOR and tron fencing; wire fencing 6o per foot, to S. 17th St. Tel. Red 8U. (l)-26 Faraltare. ID HAND furniture bought and sold; busi ness on the aquare. Rosenberg, formerly . wun . nioago r-urniture Co., ioj . 14th bt. Tel. Douglas 6886. (1 M4S 829 flues, Orraaa, Mastoal lavatrwaaeata. Bargains IttvtlU the special offer we are maamc tnie week Jt will gave you Born money. ftvO.Gabler, practically new....220 400 Ivers A Pond, fine condition 215 300 Kimball, parlor size lis ' 100 Kimball, large size 5 50 Emeraon, nearly new 2 S3 50 Hoffman, mahogany case.. 165 -00 Geo. Steele, new... 825 .,T? "J?? eMy term,: 3 6 ' , f 10 monthly. New Planoa for rent $3.50 monthly. Sch'moiier & Mueller Riano Co. 'Phone Doug. ltss. . 1311-;31J Farnam Street. , - U,1 F2ranAInBHEAP':8to C1rk "lnet f?, ' 11 .,lop"' beautlf ulj.irona--toned i" rn,,Ul'ibl(! f,,r cnun or home4 ood condition; coat $250. Addreaa L TX. tt : V. , rrT N,r"' upright piano at a bar Ktn. Addrea. T lh. Bea.P ntliiw .. Billiard Tables " . wi$.-Hlke-Collendar, 4u7 S. 10th St , , , ' ti6)-n Typewriter. mm4 FOR iAL'B-Hlgh rOR 0ALB High gride awoad-han writer; good cuolui"; Tba?i.?r?4.trKT Call room )$, 6ea Bid. " .ftJ?a Bee Bldg. Ha) 71 Oisq; Rtmlngtea typewriter. No 8 in - VLUO'' t0t ch" NCafl- tt tia)-cx OFFERED FOR SALE (Continued l larellaneeae. HAT-ttfti per ton. WAgner, anf N 1th (Hi 280 Fori SALE About October l.'ona KOO-gal-lon Wort htnirion duplex pump. slse I2x 1xl0. W. H. Bridges, engineer. Omsha Be 1-M7$ DRlGS at out prk-es: freight paid on all ordrs: catalooe free. SHERMAN A M'C'ONNULu DRCO CO. Oniaha, Neb. (Wi 175 PEES BEB8. Rlxtv NwarmA finest Italian bees for lale cheap Mint he sold ai oner. fl. A. Joaelyn, AO Worth St., Council Bluffs, la. (lti Mlox i?x GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, moat up-to-date stock at lowest prices n the city, select now. Delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. 13 URU ESS-U RAN DEN CO., 313 Bo. 15th St. Tel. Doug. W. (16)-272 RltiPATH S History of'the World Amer icanized Encyclopedia Btitannlca; new International encyclopaedia; on email nntl ly payments. Webster-s l-na-t'lMgcd Dictionary, $10 edition only $3 X thi week. B. B. Roberta, southwest corner 16th and Farnam Sta. (161-447 Sp2S FOR 8 ALE Onyx soda fountain, l'4-ayrup. two body, refrigerator base, counter au tomatic rarbonator, filter, all as good as niw; also drug atore fixtures, counters and show cases. Howell Drug Co., ltith and Capitol Ave. (16) 648 FOR PALE Flneat boarding honae In the city; best local Ion, all furnished; walk ing distance, etc.; cheap. Inquire 3u2 Kartach Blk.. Omaha, Neh. (ll 374 FAIRBANKS-MORSE Duplex ateam pump, diving outfit. three-quarter-Inch galvan ised guy rope, Iron winch, pile drivers. J. M. Flagler, Council Bluffs. (1D-MS70 lOx SEND I'S vour malt orders for dnura; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (l)-?77 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and retail. Sherman A McConnell rrg Co. U8J-27I FOR SALE A butcher's refrigerator, sev eral show cases, a new peanut roaster, large coffee mill, twir-large automatic oil tanks and store fixture too numeroua to mention. Globe Land and Inveatment Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 271 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hahfl. 1818 Farnam. (16J-279 SHERMAN-WILLIAMS CO., beat mixed paint. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. - (16)-27S SECOND-HAND rubber hose, tools. Singer, 416 N. 16th. (16) 2X0 FOR SALE Several loads rork. 1931 S. Uilu - . (16 M7fi 7x FOR BALE A boy s high achool cadet suit, complete. 2709 N. 2Sth Ave. (16)-M719 7 A Fl'RNACE for sale; good as new; suit able tor an 8 or t-room house. Apply at once. 3627 harney. 06 MJS0 PATENTS 3. O. BARNELI patent attorney and ma chine designer, Paxton blk. Tel. Red 7117. (17)-MiW7 SplS LARSON A CO--Book free. Bee Bldg. U7J-2S3 PERSONAL THE ETilTF Expert lady operator xxxxj uuilli glve. maaaage chaly bcate scrub bataa. Room iuO, Barker block, 16th and Farnam. New establish ment. (18) M663 6x PL. BATING Buttons, Ruching, r, . . ' V Embroidery. Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and ahrLuking only 6c per yard. Send for , price Hat and samples. -. . , -GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. . Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 193a. (18) M44 TI E 8ALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing; In fact, anything you do not 5T';.u , S. c0J1,"ct. repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St.. for cost of collecting:, to the worthy poor: Call 'phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will call. (18)-1 PAIrNfIUIt b7,r? "BJr or kl" hurt quickly healed by Satin akin cream. 26c YOl.NO WOMEN oomlng to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women a Christian Association rooms. 1616 Farnam street, where they will be di rected to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted.' (18) 916 YOI NO man would like to correspond with lady. & or80 years old: object matrimony. Address Frank Pugh, Wayne, -Kan. (ll)-NW Sx BEWINO machines renttd. Neb. Cycle Co 16th and Harney. . ;Phone Douglas lii. U)-2b4 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut Xl)f?m Jni Xor fre catalog-ue. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (It) 287 MAGNETIC ,teology and Maaaage. , vPr " Tub Batha. 2d floor. (18)-M181 826 PtV,V&LB cNFlNEfMENT HOME Mrs. Ir. King. 13J0 N. J4th St. Tel. Web. 3559. (18)-288 MAGNETIC ttment and bath. Mme Smith, 118 N. 15th, 2d floor. (18)-80 FhfJ,a!n" ln hand soda fountains, monthly payments. Delight. 1818 Farnam ' , (16) 286 iJA.F1A Stammerer!. Institute. Ramie Building'. -i , 08) 283 W N.T ' ? ,,n" at D,', P1- Sunday. Boston Bloomer Glrla. (18) 878 8x REAL ESTATE RKAI. ESTATE DEALERS. RfSSELL & M'KITRIK CO.. 432 Ramge. . - (I9j 'a9 PATNK INV. CO., 1st floor N. T. L. Doug l7- - (19) JS1 R. C. PKTKRS A CO., Bee Bldg. (181-32 GEORGE 1601 Farnam. at COMPANY. Tel. Uouglas m (!) 296 C. M. RICH. lth and Locust. Tel. Web. 147$ lft) 814 Octax C1TV PHOPEMfTV FOf SALB. A Real Home Must Be Sold This Week. '6-toom coUage. all 6p one. floor, living room fuli width of lioaa. fUijalied In oak with oak floor, and finely papered; dining room with bay window, den or bed room with large bath room, porcelain tub, etc. Another Urge bed -Boom with east and south windows. Lighted with electricity and papered throughout. Baaenitrt bricked up and floors cemented. Hot air furnace. Nothing else tike It In, town for the money House with t lota. 60x150. $2,500; with one lot and use of another lot,' $iooo. Owner must have cash, but $700 will handle thlB. aa we can secure you a loan for $1,300. Owner leaving city and nuilt sU. See ua at once; this will not last. J. H. Dl'MONT SON 1 lWff Farnam St. - ' U9-S4 A SXAP. , . ., House of rooma; brick walka; one block from car line, not modern; $10 cash bal ance same as rent. REAM A CO.. . , &3S Paxton Block, v.'" 1$-M3S3 T THE OMAIIA REAL ESTATE CITY FHOFKKT Y FOR CALK. (Continued.) SAVE YOUR RENT BUY A HOME We have several beautiful homes to chooee from that aren ow ready for occu pancy, built by ua all by day a labor, built flrat-claaa In good localities. , ?S20 HAMILTON ST. Eight rooma. parlor, dining room, library, reception hall, kitchen and pantry on first floor. ( bedrooms and bath on second floor, full cemented cellar, all Improvements up to date and entirely modern, combination fix tures. Parlor, librarv. dining room and hall papered with swell new paper, plate rail In dlnlrig room, large lot. cement aide walks In street and around house, m blocks to car line. Price, $3,750; $1,000 cash, term on balance. 50J8 MEREDITH ST. Next street north of Ames avenue, south front, lot 6nxl feet, cement walk irt front and around house, cemented cellar, Ann furnace and all modern conveniences. We think this plan ta one of the beat plana we have ever built, haa large reception hall, very large parlor, large dining room, alao good kitchen, pantry, rear vestibule on first floor, three very large bedrooms with larrte cloaeta on second floor, first floor is stained In Imitation weathered oak. Is waxed and la very tasty, the floors are all planed and varnished; haa electric lights and gas. combination fixtures. There Is no better built house In the cl- than tills one. The price is exceedingly low. If you want to see a nice plan let ua show vou through this house. All good houses will be built In this addition. Price, $3,000. 3831 NORTH 23RD. (Southeast corner !3d and Laird.) Wa have Just completed thla beautiful house of six rooma and reception hall. It ha very convenient floor arrangement, and Is One of the neatest plans built this year; has gas. electric light and combination fix tures, good furnace, cemented cellar, ce ment walks. In fact every modern con venience. Is Just a block from car on corner lot. Price, $3,000. We can make terms on this property. 1811 EMMET ST. A fine new 7-room house, containing large living room across the front, den, dining room, kitchen, pantry, front and rear ve tlbule, three sleeping rooms and bath room upstairs, and cemented cellar, outside cellar way. Carton furnace, best of plumbing, combination fixtures, street paved, perma nent walks, IVfc block to car line. In tha choice resident district In Kounlse Place. Price. $4.0u; $1,600 cash; $i,e00 on eaay monthly payments. HASTINGS & IIEYDEN 1704 Farnam St., Bee Building. (191-964 i HERE IS YOUR CHANCE A l-room cottage: has water and gas; corner lot; with barn, etc. This property Is In good repair and well located. Price for quick sale Is $1,950; small payment down, balance $30 per month. W S. FRANK, 'Phone Doug. 3600. 321 Neville Blk. (191-M990 8 A REAL. SNAP. Must be sold thla week: a 7-ronm hma all modern, nickel plated plumbing, extra good furnace; now leased for two years hence, beginning October 1, for $30 per month. Spot caah price, $!,8no. Inquire of n. vr. n inaneim, iajb Jones at. (19) MS2 SIX ROOMS, NEW, MODERN, $3,250. 1509 Binney, a new 6-room entirely mod ern house on beautiful south front lot SOa 124 feet in growing' Sulphur Springs addi tion. One block to Sherman Ave. car. House was built for a home and la built right, has splendid furnace and cemented cellar,' fine lawn and shade trees. Ton can't, get anything better for the money. Part caah, balance monthly payment. HASTINGS & IIEYDEN, A 1704 Farnam St. Bee Building. tii) an a 41 Acres, or 10 Tracts in Beautiful Key stone Park SOLD WITHIN THE LA8T TEN DATS Over half of thla suburban acreage ad dition adjacent to Benson ia now Bold. oena jor illustrated folder with 'map showing how KEYSTONE PARK la laid out, and showing what tracts have been sold to date. Prices range from $17$ to Jia per acre, divided into 2 to 20-acre tracts. TermB. one-third cash, balance one to Ave years at H per cent. Five per tern oiarount ror an casn. ir you win make an appointment with us. wa will take you out any day or evening. Payne Investment Co. Tel. Douglas 1781. and D. V. Sholes Company Tel. Douglas 49. (19) 82$ f A. P. TUKEY & SON A HOME FOR $1,100.00 TUKEY 'S TERMS." At 110$ So. 22d we have a cottage, newly painted and papered, for $1,100. it Is now vacant and can be occupied at once. We , are going to aell thla place for the best terma we can get. A. P. TIKE & SON. 444-445 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Douglas HI SI. (U)-tf BIG BARGAINS t-room modern house except furnace nice barn, full lot. Slat atreet, near park, SoutU Omaha; house must be aold In few days MELCHUIK LEI8 t SON. ' 'Phone Douglas J566. (1D-824 $3,500. 1501-1603 8. 28th St.. coiner lot. 60x14 feet two cottages: rent $36 per month; room for two more cottages or flats. Kasy terms THOMAS BREXNAN, Room 1. New Vork Life Bldg 'Phone Douglas 1264. C9)-2S7 LIST your property with Chls Bover, s and Cuming Sta. (19) 2H8 FOR SALE Detached S-room modern house with barn, lot fc'XltW feet; desirable neigh borhood; two blocks from 24th street car . line to South Omaha. Tel. AUple for particulars. u)u$ $ CII0ICEA RNAM IHLLLOT $0x136. on $&th St., juat north of Farnam St.; special all paid; an opportunity to get a hne building site cheap. R. II. LANDERYOU; ' Tel. Dotifc-. 2151. 421 Board of Trade. ' (1$) 94$ ( Bl'Y THIS BARGAIN. ' Lot at 2th and Fort streets only $22S a O. Nordqulsl, Owner, ti24 g. $0th St. (19) 751x DEAL ESTATE TITLE - TRUST fr CHAS. L. WILLIAMSOX, pres CO. I OFFER for sale 8177 Davenport Sr Large, thoroughly modern, ten-room resi dence. In beat of repair, situated on tha southeast corner of $;d and Daveniwr. Sta. Ground 116x104 feet. Thla property is In Omaha's beat reaidence district and is very desirable. Poaseaslon given at once. CONRAD YOUNG, lila Dodge St. Tel. Douglas 1571 . U9-M6M f DAILY DEE: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, IPO- REAL ESTATE CTTT property reik (Continued t ALC DUNDEE LOTS FOR KALE w have some of t)e finest lots In thla beautiful suburb, ust east of the new Happy Hollow club grounda. all of . whlea are put to aa estab lished grade ar.d trees planted. The prices at which w are offering these lot Include ce ment aldewalks. city water, gaa. etc. Where can you buy such fine lota near a car line for $cfl each on reaaonable terma of one-fourth cash, bal ance at ( per cent. We And from inquiries received at our ofllce that a great many people have not been out to Dundee for years and 4tnow nothing of the extensive Improvements which have beert made there. Take a West Farnam Dundee car and go out to the end of the line and look over this property, pick out your lot and then call at our office and make arrangement to pur- chase. T . GEO ROB CO., 1A01 Farnam St. (19-M KEYSTONE PARK for HEALTH AND HAPPINESS Would you like to own a home In the eounlry-a home that will help support you a home that jrou can. thoroughly en Joy the year round, which Is conducive to health and happiness? KEYSTONE PARK affords one of the moat desirable locations in Douglas county for such a, home. You will never tire of the magnificent view whlcrl it commands In every-airectlon. Here on three or four acrea you 'can raise vegetablea, fruit and flowers enough to supply your home. An acre costs one fourth of the average 50-ft. lot In the " city; 1 acre eqaals 6 Iota. Forty-eight tracts have been aold to date only 43 left. Let ua show it to you. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. I). V. SHOLES COMPANY, First Floor Board of Trade Bldg. (19)-948 7 WANTED IMMEDIATELY A man with good referencea and $1,000 to purchase an elegant a-room, etrlctly mod ern house In one of the best resident dis tricts of Council Bluffs, close to school. If not aold by September IS will rent for $36 per month. Full cellar, S cloaets. elec tric light, gaa and furnace. Don't fall to let ua show you' this. Price only $4,500. Benjaraip, Real Estate Co., 825-8 Neville Blk.., lth and Harney. Photie'Douf. 7332. (19)-M98 7 A. P. TUKEY & SON JUST TO START THEM 30TH AND HARNEY We are authorised to offer one lot of the four we have cm the north aide of Har ney, between Park Ave. and 30th Bte for 36 per foot.. or .8)1.470 for a lot 42x132 ft. We can only aell one lot at this prioe, but you can have your pick. They are all about four feet above grade, per fectly level, g-ood trees and permanent aldewalks. A. P. TUKEY 'A SON. 444-445 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Douglaa 2181. (190-841 HOMES CIX)SE IN NEW OXES - . 30TH AND DOUGLAS I. have two 4-room modern homea In the eholceat part of the city, walking distance to tuavn. Let me show you them. . Price la right and terma to auit you. 1 R. H. LANDERYOU, Tel. Doug. mi. -mt Board of Trade. (19)-950 t $3,300 If Sold This Week. Suburban home Inside of city limits: only 4 mile from car line; 8 acrea in bra ring fruit and garden : 2-atorv house 28x28; barn.' chicken house, etc. This year's crop goes to purchaser. 'Owner wants offer. J. H. DUMONT & SON, i 1605 Farnam St. (lSj-883 $' ryn HAi.t-tJirge brick building; fine hall in areunu aiory; ror natr us valr. Houa-a and lots, business chances, exchanges collections, rentals. Frank Miner. M nomonle, Wla. (111 MiM (x 24 IXVTS In Halcyon Heirhts. Benson, lying ., iv ni lino, mi minutes ride to Onialia. Will sell altogether or in bunches cf five. For prices and terms ad drees H 42. care B-. (19) 157 FOR BAI.E-Furnlshed. suitable for heat ing, a l-room house, good aa new, apply at ones 8527 Harney St. (18 13 GOOD VACANT LOTS f.C-:0 for 0Sxl feet. 8. W. Cor. 26th and Chicago St. $2.E00 for 96 feet.' west front on 22d St.. between California and Webster Sta. $f.U4 fo." good lot on 2th St., South umal.a, Itetween N und O Sts. $1,100 for N. E. corner Nth and Laird Sts. Tills property la larg enough on which to bjild tnree hoi'aea. there being 100 feet frontage and all paving 1a fully paid. $600 each for three lota on 19th St.. near Bancroft; each fOxi feet. G ICORG B A CO.. 101 Farnam t. tl9;-M.7 I REAL ESTATE CITV PHWPKRTV Fh .!.. (Continued ) CHOICE INVESTMENTS l.2f nmdern 7-room hcuse. six blocks front hlglt erltool and Cieiarhton university. food repair, permanent walka. good barn. will rent for ilfti to $(' per vear. $4 500 Two modem cottages, nearly new, north bl.vk from !4th St. car line; will rent for $. to twO per year. $1.50"-Cc4tage and store. Soth and, In good repair, always rented, will bring $1.JS per year, net 11 to 14 per cent nor ear. A great bargain. tll.fowBrlck block, well built, three stores, three flats, rental $1,300 p-r year, net to 10 per cent every venr. Nothing bolter for permanent Investment. $13.M0 Four modern houres, nearly new, bringing $1,440 a year, ought to bring more, on choice corner, fine neUrbhorhoot', I have other less and more. (i.O.WALLACE, 1 Brown Block. NORTH SIDE HOMES $H,0iW rooms, modern ex cept furnace, on N. 26th St., near Corby, lot 424,x1lO feet; good repair. $3,000 for 7-room house, on Ames Ave car line, near Jfith St.; lot 40x127 feet, g-ood barn Kx23 feet; will glvs possession Sept. 15, 1907. Only $1,000 cash, balance at per cent. $2,500 for brand new S-room cottage, modern except fur nace, hard pine finish through out; two more rooma could be finished on second floor; lo cated near Florence car line. $2,100 for 7-room house, on Kmmet St., near 24th, run lot. For further particulars In quire of GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St. - (19)-M96 HEALTHFUL ALTITUDE Modern five-room cottage, now building, 2716 Capitol avenue Lot la 3 feet abovo poet ofllce site. Ready September 80. Price part)' Etr"t"'ly e"y teln to the right C. S. BHEPARD. Owner. Tel. iwa, Webater. (19) M90 7x Beautiful Suburban Home. One acre, with good -rooni cottage, fur nece, gaa, large barn, cow yard, chicken house and yard, more fruit of every kind than owner needs, large and fertile garden plot, beautiful shade trees, magnificent view of city and Iowa blufTs, fine neigh borhood, one block from car. Well worth the price, $3,800. 0. G. WALLACE Brown Block. $2,600 $2,600 SPECIAL We offer a splendid bargain In a a-room. story and one-half house. n n.,. ... capt furnace: larae shade, Jarre lot, lesa than one-half block to car. Thla nroneriv n . dent owner, who ofTera to aell It for $2 6fl0 on very easy terma; $ down and the balance A per month. Thla ia a eplendld property In a rapidly growing dlatrlct. Here Is the chance you have been looking for to obtain a home on easy pavments PAYNE. BOSTW1CK 4 CO., Main Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. , $2,600 $2,600 (1$)-M95 6 SPECIAL COZY HOMES, MODERN All of theae are nearly new, well built, modern except heat: $2,600- 8-room cottage, nice neighborhood, block from caf, permanent walk; rental $26 a month; reasonable. $2,S00 Florence boulevard, near Mander son. east front, C-room house, room for another front; good neighbors. $2,700 All new,, never occupied, move right in; reasonable, Terms cannot be dupli cated. GEORGE G. WALLACE, ' Brown "Blk. WUlfiN you write to adveifsera remember It takea bur in exira s'r.ike or two of 1 ne in iv men. ion me laci mat vou toe ad in Tha ate . . REAL ESTATE FAKM AID RAMI 1 1 LAND FOIt a A LB. Colorado. For Saje Colorado Land 23.000 ACRK8 In Weld Co.. 2H miles from l". P. R. R. atatlun, So miles north of (ireeley, the county seat of Weld Co.. the richest agri cultural county In Culoradu-$0 an acre for entire tract, one-third cash; deeded lund; no mineral or oil reserve; title per fect. A. W. BARBOUR, 1025 17th St.. Denver, Colo. (2'i) Mtit (x FOR SALE Improved ranch of WO acres In San Luis valley, all cultivated, hog tljjht fence, small house and barn, reservoir, artesian well. Price, $i.60 per acre; one third down. The Pond Realty and Ixan Co., Colorado Springs. Colo. (20) FOR BALE San I.uia valley ranch ofW0 acres, partly improved, full water right. A barguln at H..60 per acre. One good crop often paya for land. The Pond Realty and Loan Co.. Colorado Springs Colo. (j,, ' Plebraaka. FIRST-CLASS Nebraska farms and ranchea for homea or Investment. Bemta, Omaha (2u)o ' BCY NOW Northeastern yebraska and South Dakota farms, in German Luth eran and Catholic settlements. Write Charles B. Wilson. Mondainln. Ia. (2o)-MlK2 x A SNAP for SO dy-lracre fsrni. $$,$00. J. T. CAMPBELL. Litchfield. Neb. 20)-M50$ 1 FOR 8ALB-480 acrea of land $ mllea from Wood River, Hall county. Neb.; well Im proved, plenty of timber and running wa Jh r,r rounl: would make good stock farm; must set) at once to close ea tate. Call on or phone D. D. O Kane. , 20)-M3 x r fAL m crea of corn, oata and I ""' i in tKiya countv, Nebraska $40 acre. Write to Frank Pokorny. R. No. $. Spencer. Neb. $0) M8 T Kama WANTED A fenta to represent US In the sale of ur kknsaa lands. TVrlta for par Ucuuua. Glaba Land and Investment Co . Omaha, Nu- LZ))-l3t REAL ESTATE FAR! A IIAMII LA1P1 FOR aI.B (Continued ) lewa. FOR S.Al.B-lmproved sere Term. Wood bnfy Co., Ia., all fenced, email house, stab4. well, windmill, tank, orchard, fruit; a nice home; cheap H. I Brown. 4th St.. Sioux City. la. (S'l-Msm x TIIK two iheapeet Improved farms In lows on acres, one mile fron $vi eaay terma; l acres, .ne mile from Irabee. $; $ft.t (ash: write for de. Bcrlptlon. Address Y Is2. care Bit (Mt-MSM 13 oatk lakta. OCT Til FY GO. Toti can always find good rich wheat land and Just the kind of a stock farm vnu want by aclcctlng from our PO.Oi-aore tract In the famoua Hettinger countv, North Dakota. Go otit and se It I,ocik u up. William H. Brown Co.. Hlchflrdton or Mandan or Mott. North Dakota or 131 Lasalle St., Chicago. III. Ci Mr-2 27 A BARGAIN In South Dakota land; jjo acres In Sulley rountv, eerv acre till able; will be sold fur lesa than actual value If taken at once. Dr. H. D. Mason. BOO Brown block. tJ0i-!4 M Isrellaneona. CHEAP land -Jacobson A Ci o.. MS N. T. !.. ' (2l-Mtti- T9 FOR SALE Get a homestead on fnlted Statea government land before the good land Is all taken. More than alx hun dred millions of acres of V. S. govern ment land. Including agricultural, timber, grating, mineral, oil, coal, atone, moun tainous, desert, arid. Irrigated, swampy, etc.. located In twenty-five statea and ter rttorlee. Briefly deacrlbed bv counties In book containing over 90 pages, with full Information of how tn secure lands from me government under homestead law and by purchase. Malfed postpaid for $1. Art drees P. G. O'Hara, Box 117. Bloomlngton III. (D0)-MtM8 7x REAL ESTATE LOANS LOWEST RATES Be nils, Taxton Block (22)-n $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates no delay. Thomas Brennan, Room 1 n' Y. Life. (22)-$m ' WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & c (22)-3tiJ LOANS on Improved city property. W II Thomas, 606 Flrat National Bank Bldx (22)-303 WANTED City loans and warranta. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1320 Farnam St. (.22) -31 $000 TO $.10,000 TO LOAN nt loweat rates no delay. GARVIN BROS., k) Farnam. (22) 307 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 17.30 Doug. (22)-SJi8 $20,000 PRIVATE money to loan; no delay. J. H. Sherwood. 937 N. Y. L. Bldg. (22)-M402 31 $300 AND $."0 private monfty to loan nn Omaha real eatate. W. L. Selbv, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. 22)-M'tfl 8 MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. (22) Sii LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O Keefe R. E. Co.. 1001 N. Y. Life I'.ldg. (J2)- WANTED TO BORROW . . WANTED TO BORROW $1,000 to enlarge a good paying business with privilege to reduce loan yearly. Ad dress W 776. Bee. (24) 291 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy second-hand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes and ahoea, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, qullta and all kinds of toola; or will buy the furniture of your house complete. The highest prices paid. Call the right man. Tel. Douglaa 3971. (25)-M3 827 CASH paid for second-hand elothlnir shoes, etc. 308 No. loth St. Tel. Red (26) 215 CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foye Co., inn. rnnm .uougias 13SI. (2a) 310 WANTED-To buy, 20 shares or any part .,ruiBa icieiuune biock. Lt ua have loweat flguiea. Address Y-2i Bee. C'5)-MM3 12x WANTF:IV-A stock of hardware and Im- picinenia; location not material. O. P. Blioff, Misaoitri Valley, la. (26 M521 9 WANTEDTO RENT wain 1 tjU iarge front room or two arnaller ones connecting, with board, in private family, by business woman. Must be desirable location. Reference. Ad drees Y 177. Bee. (26i M507 8x ' -- - Linton, McCague Bldg. DoukIhs 6l5. (2KJ SIS 5X WANTED By man and Vlfe, an exclusive apurtmetiL or four desirable rooms In good location for housekeeping. Tele phono Harney 2027. (28) M12 7x GENTLEMAN and wife desire first-class board and room with strictly private American family; give particulars. Ad dress H 110, care Bee. (20) M9K5 8x IF you have .roouiB for rent call Smith A. Linton, McCugue Bldg., Doug. 695. (2ii)-M961 12x WANTED By young woman, room and board In private fiimllv, whi re there ure a few other boarders. Address (l iti care Bee. (26) -9:i6 sx RANTED SITUATION WANTED-Posltion aa aaaisrunt caahler four years' experience; Al references. Box b77, Wayne. Neb. tr,y MM2 Kx WANTF:D Three to six months' rnEu inn by youna man expenenced in both city ! and country banking; can furnish beat of 1 rererencea ami expect goou salary. K. A. Packard. Rolia, N. D. (2J)-M6'15 7x A YOl'NO LADY wishes a poaltlon with a private dressmaker. Call or write, l&ifl Locust, St., Omaha, Neb. (27) sl7 5 WANTFD By a man with 1 yeare'ex perteme a pofltlon aa bridge foreman on trextle and ripulr work; can give refer rnces, Addreas F 108, care Bee. t MS19 7 JAPANESE BOY. 17 years old. goltul io school, wishes position In private family ' before and after school. Address K ir Bee. (27 W2 10x " POSITION wanted by stenographer; a be ginner; can assist with book work; refer ences. Address 4734 North 3m h St. (27) MS97 X POSITION wanted aa cashier In small hank or assistant in large bank, by young mar ried man with four years' experience- Al bank man. Addreaa U14X 128 Wilder Minn. 27-M'J71 lix ' YplNO man 'wants place to work for board and room while attending Hovlea college. Phone Douglas 19b4. ri M4tS GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR FLOUR. OATS, DRIED Fruit. Etc.-Department of the Interior u 11 ice 01 iiiiimn Annul, v asnington, D. August 1, ivji. CH-aiea proposals. marked on the outside of the enveloos ' Fropoaai tor Flour. Oats, nrled Fruit." til ..!l'if. mrn M th In . .vm. v. lugi.u Aaain r- inrton. D. Ct wll! be received at the jnaian uium unin s o Clocx P m of Thursday, September 2, 1W7, and then opened, for furnlstilng tha Indian service with canned tomatoua, cornmtal. ciai-ked wheat, dried fiult. feed, flour, hominy oats and rolled oats during fiscal year end ing June 30, lis. Blda must be made out on government blanks. Schedulra giving all necessary information for bidders will be furnished 011 application to the- Indian Vlw, vr sntiisjiijii, u. v.; m JJ a Indian, warehouses at New York Cltv' Chicago. 111. ; St. Louia. Mo.; Omaha Neb and Ban Francisco. Cel.; the Commissary of Subaiatence L S. A., t Cheyenne. Wyo. ; the Quartermaster. V. S. A., Seattle Waah.. and tha postmasters at Tucaon' Portland. Spokane and Tucoma. The de partment reserves the right to reject any and all hide or any part of any bid C F Larrabee, Acting Ccmmlaslbner. - - A2tdi$t IF YOC have rooms for rent, call Smith AllVIIUHi IU MUVt h'lUIURtS FOR RENr-OFFICES . OFFICES FOR RENT If vou ate In search ol afflceB or want to hnd a 11C location for your place if busi ness, vc would like to haw vou rail at THE BEE BUILDING and look at the wpac we -can tifTcr you. In the Kimtlieast corner of the fifth floor we can slmw you an elrimnl atilfe of twn rooms, a floor apiice of ko aUra feet, with good light, a vault and nicely decorated 10. ins Thla facea both Km nam and Seven Iceiith strata and ia the best oftVe apace in tntHha today. On the sixth floor ne have two amall rooms, whtrh art' rnnnecteil. ami wuld make a splendid continuation for envone desiring amall. but well arranged omcea. Tliere Is another t-nom on Hie (xth floor, faring on Seventeenth atreet. 8 Sx19-6. which Hints for $17 per month. Anyone wishing a amall office with Tgood tight Wbuld be pleased with thla one. tin account of contemplated changes, we are In a position to make leases on dealr able apace on the Bocond floor. These, rooma ate very dealrable and have been occupied by enterptlsea requiring much siwce. fall and let us figure on your re nnlremenla. THE BEE BUILDING lTTIf AND FA UN AM RTS. It.. VV. HA K Kit. Superintendent.... REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS William M. Jenkins to John II Rcodv. a4 lot .". tllae a add '. .$ 900 A. J Bioup to K. J. Dee. lot IS, Mock 2. Mt Dotiiflaa 250 Alex Beck and wife to Nina b. Rich. lot 6. Marlon Place J.000 C Oeorge Carlberg and wife to II. A. Scott, lot 1, block 1. Carlbarg'a Htibdtv 1 . . , , 1 550 Fled 8. Hndra et al to E. SclcKSohn. n?o feet lot 8. block . tmaha 1 1eo Selegsuhn ahd wife to same, aauie 1 William 1 Harris et al to same; same 1 Joseph K Fleming and wire to C. D. Cole, lot 8. block 4. Orchard Hill 750 I'axton A Oallatcher company to Anna IVidge, lot 12, block K, Proatx-et Place ..1 1 T. U Davis to John 8. I'.rHdv. part lots 2 and 3. block 1. West Omaha.. 1 N. H. 1'iHtlke and wife to T. U Davis. part lot $, block 1. West Omaha 50 Joseph Uarlow to Nathnn IX Mann et al. lota 4 and 6, block 67, South Omaha 10,000 Adolph Kogacrde and wlfo to W. H. Parkhurat, lot . block 10, Currlgnn Place 1.07S Chrtstena Danlelaon to Clirls Carsten, n.U feet 11' lot 6. block 2W. Omaha.. 1.300 I Ilhoda A. tlriffith to George H. Schroder, H lot 5. block tl. South Oniaha 1.500 William O. Davis to Violet Holt, lots 2ft and 28. block 1. Armour Place 1.1X10 Thomas Gillespie and wife to Joseph I .a bods, lot 13, block 1, Burlington Center 80 Same to George Biidxtk, lot 11. block 1. Burlington Center...'..'. R. C. Strehlow and wife 10 Nochlm Hyatt, rIVi lot 16, block 8, Dr.iwn park 1..H0 Same to Israel Resuetky, a4j lot 16. block 3, Brown park 1.350 James Walsh and wife to P. J. Has sett. lot , block 4. Mt. .Douglas 300 Julius A. Perkins et al to City of Omaha, part lot 4, block 1, Drake a add., and other lots I Byron Reed company to City of Omaha, a4 lots 8 and 4, block 9, Isaacs A Kclden's add I Bankers S'tvlng and Loan aexoclation to Kdward (Jlsln, lota 13. 13, 14 and 15, block 2, Boulevard Terrace 1.725 TutuJ. dmount of transfers $27,6"9 LEGAL NOTICES BONDS FOR 8 ALE WATER BONDS OF Beaver City, Net)., to the amount of $25, 000, dated day of delivery, payable at Ne braska Fiacal Agency, New York City, N. Y. Twenty years after date, Interest 8 per cent from date, option to city to redeem same any time after Ave years from their date, Issued In denominations of $500 each. City reserve right to reject any and all bids. The above will be received by W. L. Leonard, city clerk, up to and including September 20, 1907. W. L. LEONARD. City Clerk. , A25dllt OCEAN STEAMSHIPS- CANADIAN PACIFIC "iMPRKSi" Lin of th Atlantlo QtntSc to i.rvxrooi.. r.naa than rOUB SATS AT SBA. Empresses sail Aug. I, ?3; Sept. (, $0. First Cabin $80 tip; Second Cabin $t$ up: Third Class $28 75. Write for particulars O. XI. Benjamia, OenL Aaent. Tel. Harrlsoa 1711. 833 8. Clark St. Chicago. III ATrtnn se tiAue Mlrbaelsen Baaiaeata Garh Knccesafal Candidate Take Hla and Oppo nents Cards Off I'oJra. Now comes City Blcctrlclan Mlchaelson With a silggvatlon to the Bucceasful candi dates at the recent primary. , "Before election," aald Mr. Mlchaelsen, "I tried to keep candldntes from violating the ordinances by tacking tbelr pictures to electric light and telephone poles, but It was no use. They were, top muny for me. Now It would be a great help to ma and a service to the community If tha suc cessful candidates would go out and re move trom the poles not only their own pictures but tlioke of their defeated rivals as well. Some of the streets are veritable picture tullarls and the posters do not Improve the appearance of the streets. Thla Is a move In the direction of a cttjr beautiful that would help a whole lot." MRS HULL FINDS DIAMONDS I1UL.L. rlllUO LHMIVIUIlUd Traces Way Buck Over Ntreet C Track and Recovers Lost Valuablra. By a rare bit of good fortune Mrs. C. A. Hull of the Bernard flats la still tha pos sessor of several valuable diamond rlnga which she Und a day or two ago. While returning from down town on an open Hunacoin park caf. she dropped her shop ping bag, spllliug some of Its contents. It was nut until she reached her destination at Park avenue and Maaon street that sha discovered a cuse containing her diamonds, which she had carried In the bag, waa missing. Suapectlng It had rolled from tha side of the car whan she dropped the shop ping bag. she followed the car track, for several blocks back and found the caaa lying beside the track on Leavenworth streets, Its contents not having been dla turbed. FORCES RETAIN THE CITADEL General Jim Will Xot Disturb Kl. treaekmenta at tha RtBea. General "Jim" Dahlman wa an at hla f'mce. When asked about the capture of the elty market house by the Thttraton Rlflea and the Dahlman Rtfl a Mond.v - night, the general smiled Jn a rather suc cessful Imitation of the great Napoleon. "We shall make no attempt to recapture the citadel," he said. "We would require a large army to do It and I do not care t lead a large force of men on such aa ex pedition. Bealdea. I think the market house ia In very grood hands now.. Hardly expect m to lead a force against tha Dahlman Rifles, would you?" Jayaneae Are tiet Free. SEATT LE Wash., g. pt. 5 -Steamahlp, Yucatan, which was to have brourht thirty Japanese sealers from tiie schooners Kalwo and Nltto Maru to this city foe deportation, carries the men instead ta Inalaaha where they were set free, under orders from Attorn General Charlea J,