10 TUB OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1907. D s ,heI .irirai nisMn 1 Nw 0 I fi? U ffl fT3 (01 t H New J tUl Ml II 111 9 J Rbos B i I x n r3 N S f II i U B k FalFs Newest Models Q Tailored Suits New Styles--New Fabrics Now Colors We're Just received a lot of the prettiest styles that have romo out thin Reason. Every one new and all up-to-date In every feature. Such tailoring was never before Been In medium prlred suits for women the coats are In nil lengths, fitted or partly 'fitted tho skirts are In circular gored styles, pin plaits, etc. select your new suit Thursday from these beautiful lines, at 12- -17 50 iO- Rogs f. I MS d J ml II MffAM l $&tdl a Iff I Im l "sr-v Bj -1 i t iv i r l m HI OMAHA WKATHKIt FOUKCAST Thursday. Fair Watch for D. I -I- I! I I Sfoc of c.o l sale of uusudui maionzy io. andin Women's Fall Walking Skirts In all the mannlnh cloths that will load In favor this fall new plaiied skirts in the right weight new plain colors, T new stripes, new plaids, new line. . JJO Black Taffeta Waists Bound to le a great favorite this pcason beautifully made of a splendid quality of hJack silk the best waist value that any. western store Z (IQ will offer this fall JJO Special for Thursday sru",rt.,.. Women's Waist In good, up-to-date styles all sizes a spe- p f ciai cargain, worm up to $6.00, at JJ1 Women's Hilk Jackets, worth up to $7.50. at. Women's Jacket Sulfa and Silk Shirt Waist Suits, worth up to 112.50, at 1.50 3.50 Women's Ijawii Wrappers and IiOng Lawn Kimonos, T ft worth up to $1.50, at . . . JZfC Women's Corset Covers, worth 35c, at 15c An Advance Showing and Sale of New Fall Millinery New hats are here fresh from the hands of New York de signers or clever adaptations of our own skilled milliners. We mention the new Fluffy f Ruffles hat for silk and eheni bow fall lie new Fluffy &USZJ-l r fall, made of'RS ille, with huge W VxptSSi r; also hats in all becoming yK- shapes and every correct ,(''"'" 1 color and garniture. The pret- Ovil tiest,, highest class hats ever offered L CN'Vv for ...... M'... Elbow Length Real Kid Gloves, $2.50 This is a most ijnusual offer the best quality of real kid gloves in black, white, tan, all sizes and well known makes, elbow lengths, per pair... All Over Embroideries Aj I I '14 li All new designs of fine Swiss and Nainsook many are JJ variety of open work and shadow n effects worth up to $2.50 a yard at, per yard & I Boys' School Suits Good Clothes That Prove Their Worth Boys' Sample Suits All wool fall weight new est styles, regular $3.00, $4.00 and f QO $5.00 suits, at Ie0 Boys' $5 Combination Suits Extra pair of ' Knickerbocker pants free with every suit made of J-Jcotch cheviots 7 to 1G y Q Q years, at '. fZrJ Boys' Highest Grade Suits for Fall Made to suit growing boys, at Boys' School Suits Special in the basement for if 98 1 3 BRANDEIS Boston Store Gas and Electric Fixtures Why spend your money needlessly for new Fixturea, when we can make your old ones look aa good at new for much less. ANY FINISH OR COLOR YOU DESIRE IN BRASS, COPPER, NICKEL OR SILVER. We plate Anything in Gold, Silver, Nickel, Brara or Copper. Automobile Lamps and Statues Repaired. OMAHA SILVER COMPANY 314 South 13lb Street. Between Farnam and Barney Telephone: Douglas 1773. FOR GIRLS AND YOUNG LADIES SHOULD BE CORRECTLY FITTEO First of all we sell only those shoes that are of such quality that they feel comfortable the moment the foot Is put into them. Sec ondly we do not try to conform the foot to the shoe, hut our long experience has taught us the art of proper fitting. For girls and young women, we have a superior line of foot wear that Is not to be compared with. Misses' Shoes, $2.50 2 QQ Young Women's Shoes, ffa rn $3.00 and fti.OV Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. Get what you ask for. There are many reasons why you ask for advertised articles, but absolutely none why you should let a substituting dealer palm off something which he claims to be . "Just as good" or "better" or "the same thing" as the article you requested. The advertised article must of necessity bo of the highest qual ity, other wise It could not be suc cessfully sold and the advertising continued. The buying public recognizes the superior quality of adver tised articles. The substltutor re alizes that fact and tries to sell inferior goods on the advertiser's reputation. Protect yourself by refusing substitutes SHOT REPAIRING! We Call and Get Your Shoes nppalr and fix them up and return them to you for less money than you can have flrst-cl8S work done elsewhere, thus sav ing you the bother and tims of carrying them down town. 'Phone and give us a trial. MEN'S HALF BOLES Hewed gftc Nailed Men's Heels 35o LADIKS' HALF SOLES (Sewed 7So Nailed 6no Ladles' Heels ....... 2ic . Rl'BBEn HEELS Ladies' or Gents' .... BOo Bhoe Lace, Polishes, Shoe Trees, etc., always In styrk. Standard Shoe Repair Co. 1S04 Farnam Street Talephon Douglas 7567. WC if MM Wj N -C SI l ' ffi II S 711 II Realty Bargains Find them every day by watching the an nouncements In TB.3 BEE'S Want Ad Opiums. Offlc iiours, 8:00 to t:3u . rr... 12:00 to 2:30 p. m. Telephone Harney 639. OMAHA VETERINARY HOSPITAL 8810 Maaon Street, Omaha, Neb. H. L. Ramacclottl, D. V. S., Deputy State nd City Veterinarian, : Food Inspector, Chief Surgeon. 1). C. Scott, D. V. S., Hos pital Burgeon. TP,IETS PROTECT 5 HOTELS AND SUMMER RESORTS 1 DR. BRADBURY, Dentist, HSKU.. . 1 1S08 FARNAM ST., OMAHA. Phone Douglas 1756 Estjwrtfatg 23o Af ' 'S We make specialty poveelaia FUls..fl up JQ C- L-y- ' roofless Crowmj $2.50 up fViii4f plat. TainLsss work ia Bridge Wftrk . f-AO up vJT 1 U P'rUo,ls' Ope I"Uo st..a00 CL I I I r cvrnluffs till 8 e'clovk. Hotel Cumberland Broadway and 64th Streak ping piitrtet. lhitr. Cnml frk. Molrn, PirvsTouX. On of U tast furaiao i m.A.m with Sath ttl K.n . C Hummer Hotel U Nw York, ipveltl I ktaa. Head a UArttra far r a H (a RiiAklal MAKACitMgNT: tUIKY P. STIMSOM ' Il.uw. CIl. laUlj vuk HiH.I lapwlmi. a. j. wnN,ai fMBurlf Uk boi., toooJvare, Skirts in all Colors V SKIHTS 2,000 Skirts on Display 50 Different Models Several Kinds of fab rics. Mostly Panamas HLACKS, 11KOWXS, IIMKS and CJRAYS Man tailored and the Tana mas are genu ine chiffons pie a t e d and flare m o d els and a great many with self f o 1 ds Thursday sell ing, at S5.95 37.SO SIO.OO New Fall Stock of Boys' Cloth ing Will Surely Please You. $2.00 Boys' very service able double breasted knee trouser Suits in plain blue and dark mixtures, sizes R to 1 6 years for Boys knee and knlck erbocker troupers. mnilH of splendid wearing; t enaslmere, cheviot, worsted and corduroy muterials cut full and roomy and warranted not to 75c ,500 Boys' fine wool Chev iots and PHSslmere 'Suits in bright, snap py patterns, with ex tra pair of trousers to matrh, sizes ti1fl Vears actual 5.00 grades' Hoys' blouse of black suti-en, blue or tan chamuray, figured percale, stripe ajul check niadraa, size for'f.r.r8:.. soc Boys' fancy mixture-, plain dark gray shades, and plain lilue Knickerbocker Suits, sizes 6 to ffO 16 years ipO.UU Boys' very fine grade suits of cassiinere, worsted, ' serge and cheviot, In plain or fancy pat- fisr (f terna. for;. .ptJ.WW Fine grade nil wool knee and Knickerbock er trousers, good weight and splendid 91.00 School: Supplies in Station ery at bargain Prices BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Fresh, New, Reliable Table Products 28c 38c 24c Bennett's Capitol Coffee, lb. pkg And 3U Green Trading biamps. B. F, Japan Tea, pound And 30 Ureen Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Cocoa, 44 pound can. And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Wheat, two packages . And 10 Green Trading Stumps. Bennett's Capitol Pancake, two puckages And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Corn Starch, pound An package for - Twenty pound Gran- fl-fl f( ulated Sugar for ..P-M-,ff Large Manz Olives, OPT, bottle for J - And 10 Green Trading st'ps. Bennett's Capitol Oats, OA,, two packages for And W Green Trading St'ps. Bennett's Capitol Bak- Ag lng Powder, can ....'""i- And 20 Green Trading St'ps. Scliepp's Cocoanut, - o Dound Dackaae for.... A-Ot And ID Green Trading Stamps. Bayles' Cider Vrinegar, quart bottle - Ci And 10 Green Trading Stamps. AO--' Gillette's Washing Crystal, dozen pkgs X0C Table Syrup, can And E Green Trading Stamps. Enamllne Stove Polish, box o,, for - Galllard's Imported Olive Oil, bottlo And 10 Green Trading Stamps. mm 10c 24a TRY OUR LUNCHEONS RIGHT PRICES V 3 m if XLv miliar uuuid iy The greatest bargain in Omnlia will be offered Thursday on the main bargain square opposite dress goods section. EC inch and 64 inch all wool fall dress goods, In elegant lengths. They come in all colors browns, gray, blue grounds, and In stripes or plaid effects every yard is worth $1.25 to $1.50 PZ on sale, per yard s?f Another tremendous lot, bought from one of the leading manufac turers In New York. Is this lot of the finest stuffs made, suitable for suits, coats or skirts, all colors, good weight, 66 Inches wide, stripes and checks, the beet value ever offered on bargain square In middle of store, at. yard 07 See Onr (ireat Bargain Offerings in Hoys' School Suits. THE RSUA8LK STORK Croktrj Boys' School Suits Worth' to t.'t.fto on sale at 91.05 Ground Floor Offices... are scarce, especially in the center of the business district of Omaha. This fact is an Indication of the growth of the city, as well as the volume of business which is being transacted. R. C. Peters & Co. were compelled to move Into larger quarters and because we could not give them more apace they rented elsewhere. IS YOm BUSINESS GROWING? Don't you want to be on the ground floor? Here is an opportunity to rent space that will please you and give you a chance to increase the volume of your business.- Tine Bee Bollcliog offers for rent one room 16-6x40-6 and another 19-10x25-10 on the 17th street side of the building on the ground floor There is a large vault in connection with these rooms and they can be rented as one large room or divided. ' On the Sixth floor we have for rent three rooms facing 17th street and three rooms which are nicely arranged on the court. On the Fifth floor is a suite of two offices, 22x20 and 7x20, with good light. There Is a vault in the larger of these rooms. We have other rooms for rent and would be pleased to have you call and let us show you through the building. Remember you do not have to pay extra for light, water, heat nor janitor service here as It all goes free. Ask for Mr. R. W. Baker, Supt. THE BEE BUILDING CO. 17th and Farnam Sts. AN IDEAL DISPLAY OF FALL FASHIONS Kvrry section of om Immense Ladles' I'loak Department is crowded with tho display of charmliiit style Ideas for fall wear. Never before ha sncli ft magnifi cent assortment and enticing values boon shown in Omaha at this season. Over f ' 2,0(10 new Kail Stilts to select from. Onr name on every gar. lyent guaranteeing perfect stylo ami unsurpassed qual ity, both in material and workmanship. Elegant Tailor Suits style creations from the, hands of the best designers. Coat snil, half or tight fitting style. Skirts are in goroa, side or box pleat. The populnr new Fluffy Ruffles and all newest styles, almost unlimited variety of material and color for selection. Prices: $25.00 $30.00 $35.00 $37.50 $40.00 and $50.00 T $19.00 We show a magnificent 'See Our Display of New Styles in Silk line of new Chiffon Broadcloth Suits in reds, greens, navy blue, leather, browns, greys and fancies coats 27. 'i0 or 34 inches long, satin lined throughout, skirts made extra full, perfect in hand and finish an unmatrhable value at ....$10.00 BEAlTIFUi NKW DRESSES, import ed models in light or dark Chiffon Voiles, shown at $30.00, $35.00, $40.00 up to $75.00 COVERT AND BROADCLOTH COATS in the season's most approved styles, a magnificent assortment at $5.00 $7.50 $8.00 $10 n $12.50 Early Fall Cont Styles, the very best fabrics and colors. You'll find Just what you want in this assortment. and Satin Rubberized Coats, the larg est and best line shown in Omaha. Prices: $12.50, $16.00, $20.00 up to $37.50 Utilising Skirt Secial Handsome French Vollo Skirts made extra full trimmed with bands of taffeta, val ues up to $10.00, special for Thurs day .$5.05 Wnists worth to 97.50 in nets, Japi and tnffetas, special Thursday at each $3.05 See Our Display of Children's Dressei and Coats. You'll not find It dupli cated in variety or quality any"ilace at the price. Dainty Dress Styles in all the new ma terials ranging In price from $5.00 down to 75 Prices ranging from $1.25 to $5 EXTRA SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY B,2A? DOMESTIC R00U FROM 0 TO 10 A. M. One case of 12V4c Outing Flannel, dark or light, 10 yards limit to each customer, at yard 64 FROM 10:30 TO 11:30 A. M. 50 dozen Towels, regular price 12c each, 3 pairs to a customer, at each .5 FROM 2 TO 3 P. M. One case of 9c uubleached heavy Muslin, only 10 yards to a customer at yard 5 GREAT FROM 3:30 TO 4:80 P. M. One case of Cream Shaker Flannel, regular 8 He grade, 10 yards to cus tomer, at, a yard 3?) FOR ALL DAY Amoskeag Apron Checks g Simpson's 7 Vfcc Grey Prints . . . .44 16c Percales for 10 12V6c Percales for 7t Pepperal 9-4 Bleached Sheeting 25 $1.00 Wool Dress Goods for . ...50 75c Wool Dress Goods for 40J 69c Wool Dress Goods for ..... .394! 60c Wool Dress Goods for ...... 10J HIGH GRADE WOOL DRESS GOODS THREE SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY 62 Inch Broadcloth for ; 54 inch Black Panama inch All Wool Henrietta ,. .. . ..89! 75! 570 HOUR LACE CURTAIN SALE From 8:30 to 10:30 Thursday A. M., we sell regular $1.00 pair Lace Curtains at, pair, From 1 0 to 1 1 A. M., we sell regular $2.98 pair Irish Point Lace Cur tains, 3V& yards long, 62 inches wide, at, pair 1.95 From 2:30 to 8:30 P. M, Will sell regular $3. BO pair Irish Points, 3 A yards long, 62 in. wide, regular Parlor Cur tains, at pair, 2.39 GROCERY DEPARTMENT K.ad Kaydans' Grocery, rrh Fruit, Vegetable, Crackers, Butter and Cheese Prices) 12 bars best Family Laundry Soap.... 25c Large sacks best Cornmeal luc 1-lb. package Macaroni, Vermicelli' or Spaghetti 8MiC I lb. package Cold Water St.'ircl 4c nil or Mustard Sardines, per can ..JUvC Peanut Butter, per Jar c Pure Tomatoe Catsup, per bottle 9c I lb can assorted Soups 8H1C Fancv bottles assorted Pickles R4iC Klg Newton Cookies, per lb 8lc The bet Soda Crackers, per lb fic The best Crisp Ginger Snaps, per lb.. Re Pretzels, per lb 6c Fresh Cracknels, per lb 15c The best Tea Siftings, per lb 120 Fancy Santo's Coffee, per lb 15o Port" Hlco Blend, per lb 20c BXJTTEB AND CHEESE PKICE3. Fancy Dairy Butter, per lb 21c Fnncv Creamery Butter, per lb 25c I Hill V r mi ,,-fiiii . n-T-r,T, iu i ,i: Fancy Full Cream Brick Cheese, per lb. 15c Sap .Sago Cheese, each 7U0 Neufchatel Cheese, each 3a OBAFIS rOK JELLY. Fancy Concord Grapes for Jelly, per basket lg0 Sweet Peppers In bushel baskets, per basket 20n OMAHA'S VEGETABLE MARKET TOM THE PEOPLE. Fresh Beets, per bunch lo Fresh Turnips, per bunch lo Fresh Radishes, per hunch In Summer Squssh, each ....lo Large Cucumbers, each lo Fresh Lettuce, 3 heads for 6o Wax Beans, per pound Ro Green Beans, per pound &o Sweet Potatoes, per pound 6u Parsnips, per pound Do F.gg Plant, each 7tya Fresh Cabbage, each 2 Ho Vrcsh Celery, per head , . , . . 3 u, d Cooking Apples, per peck 2.r,o Bartlett Pears, per doztn 20o Large Juicy Lemons, per dozen 15a Bed Cabbage, each ,4o Grand Army Train . Through Sleepers --via-- The North- : Western Line. The Only Double Track Route. Leave Omaha 6 P. M. Sept. 7. Direct Without Change To SARATOGA via Clilcaflo and The Official Line A Day at Niagara Enroute ' Ask for berths early; and preinpt information 1401-03 Farnam St. S. F. MILLER. G. F. & P. A. G. F. WEST, G. A. P. D. Bee Want Ads Produce Results IVArCH FOR SALE OF ATKIN BROOKS' STOCK OF CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SHOES FRIDAY. M HAYDENS' MSI 1