TIIE OMAHA DAILY DEE: SATURDAY, AUGUST 31. 1907. 9 I GRAIN JLXD, PE0PUCE MARKET rbne it Better tnVpricei Make Some Advance, . i '-.. 4 . WHEAT .OPEIfUTO ' IS' NEEVOtJS f lor. Ant-aaeeY aa R- i -salt of aborts. Try I a at .., ., Coyer-ata) firm aaa Columbus, 0 17 so so .22 l- Moines, l4v. r. 7 84 7 64 .01 I-nulsvillc, Kv..! 1J ' W .00 Minneapolis, Minn. 11' 74 M .'4 Umahl, Neh H " W .01 Bt. Louis. Mo...:. .10 92 TO .00 The weather Is Untidy warmer through out the corn and wheat region. .Bhowera occurred In all except the extreme south rrn district a within the Inst twenty-four hours. .. 1 A. WtL.H. Locsl Forecaster. I i ihe tugrket I .!. and was ; ' u l' S. csme f j -OMAHA, .Aug.- JO, IK7. showed better ton this frrorn- nrmer and advanced some. Arm Arid f nrelrn crtcea were llVifl ..In , I 1 . , iW nig uuiursiH: ifiwwii vn ma txcellent export basis. Wheat opened nerVoH,' but' had a good 7 firm tea, owing to higher foreign mar kets. There wae no pressure of offerings and (Maylne; wae fair, September wheat . opened at IOq And c lose at 83Sc Corn opened strong and advanced, due , to- shorts trying; to oover, and found the .' market bare of offerings. ,,- Crop now a (a bullish and there were re i porta that corn was being cut for fodder in Kansas and Oklahoma. September corn opened at 687c and cloaed at 64o. j Oat' opened firm and steady, but showed l little activity. , ' ' . ' Elevator people are- growing short of , oata and together wuk the ahnrt crop, the . market is. about bare of offerings, Sep ' t ember oata opened at WV4o and cloaed at ,4 Fr1ma.iT Wheat receipts were ' 415,000 v buabela, anil ahlpmenta were l.(,00d bush . els, against receipts fast year of 4X9,000 J bushels,, and shipment of 67S.OOO bushels. t-orn receipts wer. 848,oon buahela, and V, shipments were 884,000 bushels, against re- . cm pis isst year of dh.vm Duaneia, ana snip ( menta of V&Wfi bushel. Clearances were pj.ouo rjusnais or-corn, , 4.OO0 bushels of oats, and wheat and flour 1j equal to 461,000 bushels.' ' Liverpool closed tii higher on wheat, - and kHd higher on corn. )flea board reported Em, 000 bushels of wheat an1 4R.Q0O bushels of com for export. Prices held strong' through the greater ps.rt ,ot the day on damage reports and In ' sympathy with wheat. The close was stronevwlth December Gpka higher, at SKTrd, V lcrt irange of options: . rtlcle. Open. lllgh.j Low. Close. Tes'y. 'Vhsnt ? Pent... S? Hoc... t. May...- li f l'e r"-pi...i Si' i 'iVi KIH 824 f" 8H 54 M74 54H 6314 r!ie '"'MVi ' ' S2'4 . ,W4 W. . Khi 52 tOH 51 H E0t Ta, - 47H. . H 47H 60 ' ' 4Ri 1 49 48Ta OMAHA WHOLRIALG MARKET. CoadltlM ef Trade mm Qeetatlene staple ud rr Prwdaec. EOOS Per dos., 16c. BL'TTKR Packing stock, lc: choice t fancy dairy, ivjj'ilc; creamery. Z3c LIVE POULTRY Spring chlckena. 139 14c;' hena, 10c; roosters, be; turkeys, 12c; ducks, fefivc; -geese, So. HA X Choice No. 1 upland. $10.00; me dium. 19.00: No. 1 bottom. IX. 00: oft grades (rorn 6.o to K.M; rye straw, 7.w; No. 1 Haifa, til 00. KKHT8 AND MQbONB. APPLES Duchess and Wealthy, 'or rooking. 1. is per.bu.; eating varieties, 11.60 per market basket. . . BLACKRERH1E8 Case, 24 quarta, $iB .CALIFORNIA PEACHE.'S-Per bog, $1.76. CALIPViRMA PLUMS-Per crate, $i.00 IS. BLUEBERRIE8 Per 18-auart case. $2 50. TEXAS WATERMELONS Bach, 15S30c; crated for shipment, lUo per lb. . , CANTALOUPE Rocky Ford, standard crate. $4.60; Arkansaa standard, $300. FEARS Colorado Bartletta, $3 50 per box; Flemish Beautlea, JJ.60 per box; California Bartletta, $3.75 per box. . . A J RAPES Home arown. -l. basket, 60c TROPICAL FRUIT8. slxe. fi.GO; other brands, 60o leas. BANANAS I'er medium slxed Bunch, $2 0"S? ; Jumbos. $2.0SS , , ORANGES Valenclas, and 8 sizes, $4.604.76; liC, liO, 176, M and m lses, $o.J6 DATES-Kadaway, 5Hc; Sayera, Sc; Hal lowls, 6c; new stuffed walnut dates, -lo. box, $1.00. Vegetables. NAVT BEANS Per bu., No. L $2.00, 110; No. 2. $2.00; Lima, 6Hc per lb. POTATOES-Per bu., new, 63c. ASPARAOL'S 76c per dox. bunches. BEANS-New wax and string. 760 per market basket. BEETS. TURNIPS AND CARROTS Per market basket, 3&a-40c. , RrTHHf.jPer dos. bunches, noma grown. 2"C. . , . TOMATOES Home grown, market bas ket crate, 40c. iii. CfCCMBEJRS Per basket, W00c ' LETT UCtV-Per " CELERY Kalamasoo, 0Bo, ONIONS-Yellow, 3o per lb.; red. 20 per lb.; Spanish, per crate, $1.60. . . . NEW P1PI'ERS-Per market basket, "SWEET POTATOES - Market basket, . . 1 . . I WHEAT-N I. Rr.H?Hc: No. hard. J l.2tfMo; No.-'4 hard TO-Wic; No. $ spring, If'jc7c; No. 4 spring, 80tS2c; no grade, 4v3i 77c. i T CORKK.rt,i 68HMe; No. t. W&CSo; k No. 4. 60We-, nd arede, 4P6"lc; No. t 1 yellow. 6(V(fj6:o;" No." yellow, 66c; No. 2 ? white, 53V"4c; No. t white. 63V4C. J O ATJrr-No: i mlaed,'-'. 45i846Vc ; - No. S i' mlx,ei, 464tH04c; No. 4 mixed, 44H84N4c; No.? a-htte, 4Sc; No.' I white, 46Vo464o; 2 No.' 4, wmeo, 468S64) stsndirrd; 47Hc -I RTE No. t. 75c; No. $. 71780. f Cslrlot neeelyts. ' f Wheat. Corn. Oats. '"Chicago , ......,..., 186 , . .6 404 'Minneapolis'..: .,...$ ... i Omaha-... 20 49 S3 ;puiuth..t....v ..,f... ... t . CIMC VOO GRAJ.X ., A.JTD PROVISIONS No. 1 rib, 13c; No. 1 rib. mio: No. $ rib. 7c; No. 1 loin, 19c; No. I lolnvJ";PNu0;kf loin. 12c; No. 1 chuck, 6c; No.,s?u, 6c; No. S chuck, 4c; No. 1 ?'.9ciiai I round. 8Hc; No. rounnd. 7"c ?lJ plate. 8c; No. 2 date. 2c; No 8 plate. .Vic. TH I nv, fj ijun il uv v w COFFEE Roasted. No. $6, 2o per id.. No. 20, 14 Ho per lb.; No. 15. lo yr lb.. CALIFORNLV DRIED (FBU1 Prunea are aomewhat unwUlei W free, offerings from second hands, who eeem dealrous of moving supplies of immediate grades. Quotatlona range fumfio Vt for California fruit and from 4o to o for Oregon. Peaches are '1ntly ae0 with fancy yellows quoted at "J Raisins are firm: three-crown loose Mus catels are quoted at c; four-crown, 10c, seeded raisins. V4 He. twreL TISH Halibut, 11c; trout, lie; pickerel, lOci pike. 14c; pike, fresh frosen 12c. Whltefish7l4i6c; buffalo, 8c; bullheads, skinned and dressed, 13c; catfish. : 17c; whlto perch, 7c; white bass, lac, black bass, 25c; eunfish, $fo; tn-apple, til c; large crapplea, 15o; herring, fresh frozen, 4c; whlteOsh. froxen, 41.60' ulnlterol. fresh froxen, 9c; bpanlsh Wfcvat Market Is asler as Ele'Vators XrairXTSO.-W.' S0.Hesvy Vuylng for export cuu sod very st rons; whent market -"b4at-the December- delivery closing 1M , 11V , higher. . Corn., wns ip To. Oats ifwrr.-lVa lilil'er. , Xr4vialons were 2Hc u lo-to 7Hc 'higher." U . v 1 The wheat market opened easv because of easier prices rn the Minneapolis curb, predicted nhotvets In. the west nnd.a-hlir initput of 'vnrct'. weatby private ele-l vators In thlp.clljv The, maiket oon ral- eiti-'bowefet. T?rr atrohg 'cables and isv ft .sharp demand tos-hard winter wheat. All J repons irom nnrona tociay connrmea reqenr r vmaterafnt thAt, th4,.Kiiastn cidp: IS very "f snort, ttoth Liverpool and the continents markets bouejlit-nnth cash and futures on a very large scale. . Disking, jip . sspoclal pMnt ot cish hard winter whest. Argentina , shipments continued very -small and this inuterially strengthened the market. De cember opened vic'loweY, at 5V.-W)c. sold between 9l7!f(371ac Tnd, closed strong a tflHfiiOtHtc September opened NPWUttc and closed at 'jOKc .Clearances of wheat and Hour wero equal to 454.fl) bushels. Primary recerpte were' U6.1KU bushels, against 4S, ., (too. bushels for tho ..sawev time last year. , ,, Exports of, wheat and flour, according to UradstrecTS during tho weelc, were equal l to'S.KO.OCO buehels, alnat 8,M1,00 bushels it last year. 1 Minneapolis, Dulutli and Chi 1 x.ago reported receipts c 2li4 cars, against 244 rSra last week and lt4 cars a year ago. The com market opehed firm because of k 'Vet' weather In the weat and a fair specu ;. )atlv demand. Numerous crop- derange re. ' jortg..were rwelved and It was aald that the outlook in portlona of Illlnola was un favorable. Country acceptancee were very i- 4tght and there was) a heavy demand from tUa et. All the corn offered, to ;the New England market was Taken. ' The selling ''throughout the day was chiefly In the way M ot realising, short sellers being few;,- Cash r,,corn was strong all day. December opened . WaM" hlsjrie. at tS.tt1"". sold between v .TfcltfSBHe and closed strong ut tSfffiSo. - 'September tspened 0o and closed at 60o. Local receipts were IMS cars,, against 6$ cars of contract e-rada. ' ' he cats' market opened firm because of " wet weather in the west, which, it Is be . .Moved.'' will, delay, threshing. Speculative ,, buying v was. .strong tluroughout the , day. ' December . opened ic higher, at 4740, sold " between 47H! and 4SSfio and closed at -'N,4e;' (September opened- at $0H and closed at Mo. Local receipts were 424 cars. The provisions markst . wss firm ,ejtrljr In the 'day on light offerings and covering by shorts. Lard and -nbsv held well all day. r Urt (ork 'cased off slightly because of a V txsr pork was 2Hc lower, at $16 40. October rlarrd waa Bo Wgher, at $J.07U. October ribs iWfre J7Ve tmtner, at s.)we.ifi". v ., ..Estimated reteluts, for, tomorrow: Wheat, . ,liV -cars; corn. Ill cars; . oatSi .42, . csrs; hogs, B.uoo neaa. . .WEATUEB ,11. TUB - iRAl?f BELT tBtsk4e-. Mowers -mm Teas pe raters . in , ,' Abeat tha-Sasae. ir - t- tur OMAHA. Aug. SO. 1907. .... Wltkln Ike last twenty-four . hours show. ers occurred In the upper Mississippi and 4 " Ohio valleys an lake region and rains are fatting ln- the Ohio valley this morning. . An- area, ot low preasura Is -central over Wyoming fOd, this depression le Vhe cause ' 'of Increasing cloudiness In ths upper Mls- ' s'Htrt valley and mountain district, and ths xutlook is- averable (ar thundarahowew hi 1. this vicinity, tonight or Saturday, with not . much, xhange iu temperature. Tempera tures are slightly nigner in tne cenirsj ' Valleys '-artdl eastern seotlona, but no Im portant change haa oocurrad in any section f! A'nce the preceding repert. w Omaha record of terdperature and pre rloltation compared with the corresponding t'ae of the last three years: -re I - -407, HO. l05. 1904. Minimum temperature .. Tl 6 70 60 Precipitation 00 00 00 T Normal temperature for today. 71 degrees. Deficiency In precipitation' since Maroh L ., 'n tnchea. . . Deficiency correspoddltig period In 190s, H--1 inehee. Ocflclency . correepoiullng pertod In 1905, . ..rT A-.'. SypLkH. ocal Forecaster, "'"tbra araeal Wkesit .Kearlesi BwAerlau ' For'theMwenty-four hours ending at $ a. Tth ptertOlan time, Friday, August 30. V'7; a .... 4 OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp.- Rain- -Jtatlons- Max. Mln. U'L AshlamL. Neb..,.. M sa .( mackerel, lc; native mackerel, IS 3So per fish; codfish, fresh froxen. lie, red snapper, 12c; flounders, fresh froxen, llo. naaaocK, ireen iroseu, itc, .... v., . shad roe. . tic per lb.; frog legs, 86c per Uox.; green sea turtle meat, 25o per lb. '4kjwi- noons Corn, standard, west ern. 66c. Tomatoes, lancy. 8-pound cans, $1.46; standard. 8-pound cans. $1-25. apples, a-rated, 2-pound, 'f 2.!0l.80; illced. $1.760'2.85. Oallnn -aDDlea. 12 25 California apricots, $J.00. Pears, $1.(5 260v Pcache. $1.752.40; L. C. peaches. 1 2.00 $P Z.DU. AiaSKS U1II1V1I, tnkf ..v, fatcy Chinook, "Bt. 82.10; fancV ' sockeye, flat. $1.95. -Ssjdlnes, quarter oil, $3.!6; three5quarters. mustard. 13,10. bweet iotatoesVl 1B- " & " kAuti" 0c. lHimpkltis. c$1.06'. Lima beans, 8-lb., TifiUl. , atyajteq peas, -o iunuy, HIDES AND" TALLOW-Ulreeti salted, No. l.'8ic; No. 1, 7Vc; bull hides, c; freen. hides, No. 1, 7c; No. 2. 60; horse, 1.603.50: sheep pelts, 60c$1.25. Tal- low', ' No, 1.' 4He; No. . 2. $Vc. Wool. 16 KKW . YORK . GENERAL- MARKET Qaotatlons ' of Varloaa 'Commodities on Several Exchantres. ' NEW YORK. Aug. SO.-FLOUR Receipts. 12.81S bbls.; exports, 13,357 bbls.; market firm but -quiet. . Rye flour, firm;' fair to good, $4.5C;4.80; choice to rancy, e4.(o,iu roRNMEAL Firm: fine white and yel low, $1.36; coarse, $1.22n.Z4. RY-BUUiet; NO. x western, Bo, 1. o. o. New York. '"-.' . ItARLEY Dull; malting, 7i'68c 0. u r. Buffalo. WHEAT Recelnts. 148.000 bu.: exports. 122,747 bu.; spot msrket, firm; No. 2 red, 9K'c, elevator, and S9e. f. o. b. afloat; No; 1 northern, Dulutn, r. o. o. anoai; No. 1 hard winter, $1.01H. f- o- b. afloat. After a firm and higher opening wheat eased off a little, but soon turned strong, and for" tho balance of the day was very buoyant. ' Commission nouses were large buyers on bad 'Russian crop news and big export sales. Foreign houses also bought. Final prices were fcmc net higher. Sep tember.' 99r14)1.0H, closed at $1.0014; De cember, $1.0Aftl-(fe '-I, closed at $1.04; May, . $1.07'Vu1O-,ih. closed at. $1.06. POULTRY Alive, firm; .spring, chickens, 15Vc; fowls. 14Hc; turkeys, 13c. Dressed, easy; western broilers, l&'19c; turkeys,. IS j'16r; fowls. 1216c. Bl'TTER Market strong; creamery spe cials, 27c; creamery extras. 26tc; creamery thirds to flrsta, 2120; dairy state, com mon to finest, 1925He; proceaa. common to extra, 18'tf23Hc; western factory, com mon to extra. 18Vr?V22c. CHEESE Mcrket strong state, full cream, small, colored. .. fine. 13c; state, full cream, white. 33ilSlMiic; state, full Crrnm. l!lfl3Hc; state, full cream, com mon to fair.. lOViSlSc. . . EGOS Steady, unchanged. Kaaau City Grain mmd Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 80. WHEAT Mar ket Mil higher; September. 83Hc; Decem ber. wc; May, 9Mc; cash No. $ hard. 86 Cm: No. 3. 84f7c; No. 2 red, 8H'0)Vic; No. X S5W87c. ' CORN t'nchongedV September BStic; De cember, 60Sc; May. 63Hc; cash No. 2 white, a&pHee; No. 8 mtxed. 46iai46Hc. RYE No. t. 76fcslc. ' HAY Firm;' choice timothy.' S12.604?1100; choice prairie. $8.&0y.76. BL'TTER Firm; creamery. 24Vc: pack ing, ITHc. EQOa Firm: extras, 19c; firsts, 17c. OATS Unchanged: No. 2 white. 4S48'4c ; No. 2 mixed, eVatfHc Kansas City futures ranged: i S3 M . i 1 I p ' 1 11 I 1 1 iwr 1 A. "J "Ul t-V-?: st ejivi r.iei n - wv v m r.r?ripo . vi 'Jt.y . -.rv l E 7 imr . vwnr r.' Hsrtwss'i Imperial Mesarrk BrxAif Is Kng, nlTxlttr 1 15.75 uiHher Reductions tb jClosc Out Odds and Ends To you it matters not whether we have one piece of furniture of a certain design or 100 pieces.,:., If it suits your fancy that's all you care about it. But it is different with us.' AVe can't afford to give space to single pieces or small lots of furniture. We have .h large stock of odds and ends which we are closing out at cost or less sacrificing our profits. Wonderful bargains are offered. Special Easy Terms During This Sale "The Hartman Imperial Monarch" Brussels Rug Is a specially made rug of superior excellence. It Is made without miter seams, a point worthy of consideration. The materials are of. the durable sort that Insures greatest possible wearing quality. They are made of worsted, aniline dyed, .fully guaranteed. i tlcgact 3 , Piece Par lor Suite, T 17.75 Solid Oak Pedestal Extension lable 19.75 This elegant pedestal extension ' table sold at $46.25 before the inauguration of this great sale, but now it is priced at only $19.75 you save $S.D0. Made of solid oak, specially selerted, large flaky grained top. It Is beautifully polished, extra heavy base, carved claw feet, 4 6 inches In diameter mid extends to ( feet. Solid Oak Carpets,,' Mattlngs, Oil cicm 1 and Unoleoni Greatly Reduced UARTMAN'S SATURDAY SPECIAL Brass Legs, Nicely covered Foot Stools z . : I Sale. Posi. -Cnly; bfer- None One ' m ; W B Deliv- L$to:(. , jltrti' wer. I " , ; Wl "Hsia n sale ; ill 111 Enameled Iron Beds. Including Springs and Mattress, 9.75 Partinan VHton i)P nr ' VflvciKiifl,9xiT7t. UV.lO - This Wilton Velvet Rug Is mads I y one of the best rug wearers In thii" world. It Is of the most dependable quality, hns an extra hlfih pile nft and luxurious. The patterns lire mag. nlllcent. the colorings nre most beau-" tlful and most durable. o'clock BI18I LEO TTPHOIiSTIMEU . 8TOOX 'They are exactly like cut shown, stoutly built, will hold the heaviest person, large slxe, ornnmentcd brass legs, sort top, well covered In as sorted materials ami good filling; convenient for all parts of the house Also nice for the children. This Is the same stool we advertised a year ago. and on account of the numerous requests we have secured another lot, only bne to a customer, none delivered, on sale at one o'clock. Come early. 25. nan '.::.,v,ra Clearance Prices on an n .t Ail riCIUTC3, VjJ ttauiya. Weathered Oak library A nr . trockery, ixhie. SnnFh Lcalher Ion lUe I d Tip ' bit This Tnble Is ftf-arOstlC mirror design: Made of solid oak, weathered oak finish. .long, spacious drawers, roomy shelf. r Top Is covered with Vecton leather. Morris thalr 6.75 This Morris Chair haa Chase leath er UDholater- lng. Is of unique de sign. Beth posts are 01 na m e n t e d with carv ings. High est tempered springs and guarant e e d . Chase leath er used In the u p h o 1-sterlng. Goods Sold AH Over the U. S. on Onr Generous Credit Plan. Onr Handsomely Illustrated Catalog Free. Write for One. "Feather your nest' I4I4rI4I6-I4I8 DOUGLAS ST ir ffigy Solid Oak j Dresser 8.98 Tou will appre ciate tho hand-, soma appear-" . ance Of this' Dresser. It Is. very neat and pleasing in de sign. It Is made of best solid oak, haa three large roomy drawers and extra . largo French beveled mirror.' Tou can't possibly equal this val ue elsewhere In Omaha. I i aam OMAHA LITE STOCK MARKET Fat Cattle of All Kinds Strong to Ten Cents Higher. . : HOGS SELL STEADY TO STRONGER s Very Light Ran Of Sheep and iAniba So Great Change in Valors I Toiar, b Lamer for '' ' ' ..' '. . ' the Vwk. ' . ,'' '; SOUTH OMAHA, Receipts were: Ofliciai Monday OlHclal Tuesday Ulticlttl Wednesday , Otllclal ' Thursday.... Estimate Friday .... Neb.. Aug. 0. 1907. Cttlj. lioga. Fhoep ... MJ3 ... 6i) ... 4,2(11 1,600 3,1 U 8,01a 9,144 9.UUU ltl,"B6 10,74 1.Ui3 3.013 8k y. Clear ' 47 . '. Clear '"' t ' T Clear ,.... CltiU 64 .( Clear .00 Clear . .00 Cloudy . M Clear - 7. .on Cloudy M" . Pt. cloudy ' .00 Pnggy .14 1'U cloudy J .tl floqdy M .00 ' Clear si .-.04 It.-oloudy ai 04 Cloudy Minimum . temperature for twelve-hour PL-rivKl vndtaar at I a-: irn ; .. district avkr aqes , No. of Temp. Rain. Central Statlona. Max. kiln. Inches (.bitage, Ul . II t 4 .10 Auburn. Keb M ' Columbus, Nb. S3 -. Falrbury. J4et.,.. M , Fairmont. ,Neb... $7 Or. Island. Neb., it -Hartlngton. Neb, $3 j. Hast mis. Net.... M . OakdsJe. Nb,.. T Omaha. Kebf....,'M Tekamah. Neb... T4 -AllB. -1a...a,... si). Carroll. Ja 1 Clsrtnda, Ta , M Eibley. Ia.......... T dioux City, Ia... SO Articles. - I Open. High. I Low. (Close. 'Wheat-Beptember. .. LeceiiiDer.....j Corn - v 1 .- .v. T . eceiuber.,. ... f 8IV.I Sesil - 62UI. 4SA ton: 8?V It V83V, A aeked. B bid. St-'Lonls General Market., BT LOUIS. Aug. 80.VFL.Ol'RMarkct firm; red winter patents. $4 iu4.40; extra fancy and straight, $1864.15; clear, $$.4j ISA. ..- . . eEBIV-Timothy. stesdy. $3.W4j'4.$5. ' CORNMEALfiteady. $2.70. BRAN fitrong; sacked, east track, McO $10$. HAT-flteady; timothy, $18003.00; old pmlrle. $ fr111 B0. .IRON COTTON TIES $1.19. RAOOINO 11 8-14c. ' .-' HFMP TWINE Ho. PROVISIONS-Pork, steady; Jobbing, $1(00.. . Lard, higher; prime steam, tt.474. Iry salt meats, stesdy; boxed extra Shorts, S 26; clear ribs. $9.2; short clears, $9 87H. Bacon, steady; boxed extra aborts. $10 US; clear rlba. lUUVi; short clears. $10 25. . Folio wis g were the receipts and .ship ments ot.Oour and grain: , tuotipii. aiupmrnii. ll.rtlO , 10JOO 139. . ", HMl , 13JaO I ' sa.ono I3,ooo ia.ouo LFIeur. bhls. wneat. bu. Corn,. ,bu... Oata. bu.... Five days this week. .23,218 3S.501 6!,943 Same days last week....20,51 2H,71i4 , W.liia Same days 2 weeks ago.. 22. 833 82,432 at,9 Same days 8 weeks ago.. 14,04! 33,1 Hi 31, 2M Same days 4 weeks ag0..15,2uj 43,144 16. n) Same daya last year....23,u;6 ii.ixja 41.321 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sl eop at South Omaha for the year to dale, compared v.'ith last reiki: liK'7. llMu. Cattle 70u,09l ' R19,U4 Hugs 1.703.O18 l.KE&,C40 oneep l.Olti.lMU 1,069,848 ... The following table shows thu price of hogs at South Omaha tor tno last several aays, with comparisons: Inc. Ijco. so.wa 102,122 42, mo average Pate. I 1907. llSoa.liafi.llOM.IWa.llOo-J.llKOl. Aug. 20... Aug. $1... Aug. ... Aug. 23... J Aug. ... Aug. 28... Aug. 2d... AUg. 2l... Aug. 24... Aug. 29... Aug. 30... S 62H 03 I 6 i31 6 1&! 0 801 t 87 6 91 84i 6 03 & SJI 7 l'0 D eO 0 tft 0 U3 6 66 I 6 HO?,, 6 861 i S 8i S 76M - ,71i 5 5 I t 8 5 68V.f 6 70 6 70T S 60 6 92 5 8!" t 87 $ 80 & 04 5 46 & 131 6 45! 6 22 6 $1 & 241 6 23; 8 321 6 98 4 7 10! 7 32 6 87 5 ) 6 91 7 291 0 01 I 00 5 83 6 32 6 33! 7 IS, 6 03 a .11 I iu 11 'Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. . .$2.'3.o0 .. l,3"'a7.tK .. 2.S"tf-;.is .. 1.2sV.i.H .&V'mG.6') OmaliA Chicago Kansas Cltv . Su Louis Sioux City .... brought iu today by eacit road was Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Hotts. $j 57H'8 10 5 4(1 4u.o24 5.70 v.U 6.25 (mi.tw 8 55 4ro.Ho slock trade and . - speculators were not very fnxlous for fresh supplies, with the result hat the few cattle, on first hands were slow sellers. " Quotatlona on rattle. Good to choice corn fed steers, $fi.4Kif7.nk, fair to good corn fed steers, $5.506.40; common to fair corn fed steers, K0fi(j6.26; fair to good range steers, $4.204.G5; common to fair range steers, $X50W4.2O; good to cholco corn fed cows and heifers, $4.00&5.00; fair to good cows and heifers. $.'1.003.75; common to fair cows, $2,0043.00; good to.cholce Block ers and feeders. $4.SOft5.25; fair to good stockers and feeders, $3.254,20. ., , . Representative sales:, ,' . ' BEEF STEERS. At. Pr. , !si-i v. ' tr. ' " 5 10 , l..,....;.....U4 6 15 8 t !,-,..:,.. .1439 T 00 ... It... .10M .1004 4.. .. 10.. 22.. 10.. ... .. 1.. 8.. .. 4.. 13.. .-. CO"VVttT Ill 80 6. ...... 74 1 8S $.?:..., lt t SO I..,,.. 44 8 SO 11 HEIFERS. t (31 I an 10 ...... til 8 as 1:..'.... ; CALVES. 00 I M , ..., 140 4 00 1 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 741 t 15 t 1010 4 00 MJ I 'Hi ' 14.... 7 4 00 IX! I 60 0 tD 4 M ....'... 7e a 5ft WESTERNS NEBRASKA. tf.1 ten 747 7M . S4 , m 10 8 80 I o to 4 66 I 05 t St 4 28 8 85 4 COWS 1085 11 feeders., ft) 2S feederau. 820 44 cows.... 26 cos.... feeders., 8 cows...., $ cows.... 14 calves... 1 bull...... 11 cows.... 8 40 . 2 90 S 90 3 30 3 75 2 60 2 80 3 CO 4 V 2 90 2 W 1 bull 1400 . i feeders.. 872 8 feeders.. 818 4 cows 1007 10 feeders.. 440 1 bull 1490 5 cows 880 '1 bull..... .1000 8 heifers.., 4 cows. 016 880 20 feoders. 42 feeders.. 8 feeders. 8 heifers.. 8 calves. 23 steers. 75 steers. 18 steers.., 9 steers.., 14 steers.. 24 steers. ...1173 7 cows 1030 6 cows 1042 R S 45 heifers.. 1016 heifers.. 1093 1 23 steers.. ..1289 I 8 steers.. ..1177 14 steers... .1.-23 11 steers... .1080 OK ,894 613 . 830 , 726 315 1210 939 E. Arrowsmlth Neb, , 877 4 00 80 cows.... J. J. BobblRts Neb. 95 4 85 .6 ooS.... William Marr Nell. 3 feeders; S calves... 2 calves... Wyoming. 9 steers. ...1318 44 steers.. ..11 70 87 steers.... W 15 steers.... 730 19 stevrs 13 tows., 1 cows... 8 49 8 55 3 55 2 75 4 26 3 00 3 26 t 00 5 70 2 96 964 8 3 946 S 26 3 75 079 7S0 2 90 .1 223 3 75 Joe Henry, t 65 4 60 4 50 , 4 35 4 36 4 60 4 26 ,, 2 60 Van Tassel wyo. 10R0 377 220 4 76 3 25 4 60 I tn. llun.v Wvnmlnf 5 W 23 steers.. ..1S4T E 65 9 steers. ...1318 6 65 4 85 4 35 4 36 4 60 4 25 I 45 ,..1847 ... 992 9S4 6P0 71 998 ..1086 ..1006 C... M Br T Wabash Missouri Paciilc I'nlon Paciilc system. C. N.. W., east C. A N. W., west C. Bt. P., M. A O..... C, B. & Q., eaBt C. B. 4k U . west C, R. I. 4 p., east... C. R. I. & P.. west... Illinois Central Chicago UL Western. 2i 1.1 11 3 9 1 2 20 7 69 n 4 19 4 2 2 140 4 60 , 2 heifers.. 1045 4 60 $ 76 23 heifers.. 1150 4 60 6 25 26 steers.. ..1276 6 25 4 W 21 steers.. ..l'4 4 40 4 i ' 9 steers..:. 1278 4 65 4 16 10 cows IO08 3 35 HOGS Hugs commanflea good, stesdy to strong prices this morning ftnd while the trade wss not psrtlcularly active there I was a fair movement, ao that practically ! everything in sight changed hands in very 9 I fair seusnn In the morning. As waa tne case yesterday, a good enare or tne nogs sold between the figures $6.63 snd $i.76. The hogs today sold a shade higher than they did at the close of last week. All the Pounding that paokers-have done this week I haa resulted In hardly . wiping out Mon- day's advance. Total receipts The disposition of tho day'a receipts as follows, each buyer pure-Dating tne n ber of head indicated: e Omaha Packing Co.. Swift and Company 64u Cudahy Packing Co 785 Armour co Cudahy, Kansas City Swift at Co.. ort Worth.. Carey & Benton Lobman at Co McCreary V Carey Hill Son P. P. Lewis Hamilton Rothschild..'.. Ktugan A Co , J. H. Bulla Sam Werthelmer , Mike Haggerly bol Degan J. R. Root ft Co T. B. Inghram bulllvan Bros. I.ehmer Bros. Independent Packing Co.. Carson Packing Co Other buyers 9 was urn- Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. J.210 313 71 134 19 130 lis 148 85 M '37 r.a 23 6 30 X 1 1 1,8-3 2,-31 104 197 4 245 It 199 lul 1.748 Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Aug. .-WHEAT-8pot, nominal: futures, steady; September. 7s 8d: December, 7s 8Sd; March. 7s rd. CORN Spot, stesdy; old, northern, la 8Vd: futurea steady; Svptember. is Itad; October, 6s 4d. Totals ...2,W.J 6.7S3 8i5 CATi'LE Receipts, at, usual on a Friday, weie moderate and as there was a luir demand the offerings were all cleaned up In good season la tue morning. The trade, as a wbolv, was in an entirely satisfactory condition. Packers seemed to want a few beef cat tle and. as the supply was very small, they bold prices that were anywhere front strong to 10c higher than yesterday. As high as $7.00 waa paid tor good corn fed sleera. Cows and heifers were also In good de mand and the market mo:e active than It has been any day this week. The few loads on hand changed owners very quickly. The general market on cow sluiT could safely be quoted as strong to 10c higher on the best grades. The feeder trade was rather slow and weak. The recelpta this ewk have been quite liberal, while tne country demand has been none tno Urge, so that there haa been a tendency toward accumulation of euppile in the hands of speculators. This naturally has m tax en lug tfu-vi upon lUj 4.., 13... I to... . 1 64... (1... 5... ... at... (2... 61... at... 61.. 59... M.. to.. .., 61. . 4.. ID... 14.. CI.. ti.. 72.. T4.. 1.. V . to.. .. .. .. SI.. ... ta. . AT. ,....4 IU4 170 3uJ. ...'..137 810 S21 445 2fe S.'J .'...111 Jit .,.1"7. 20 21 i7 274 !t 291 17? 214 : 1'4 IU .....244 -HI S4t 24t W I4J 4 M 177 120 160 2li ltO to 80 U 40 to 13u ISO Pr. 4 . SK nr . t 50 II 241 to I TO t 60 ' 74 .'4 W I 70 t 66 : M i.27 ... 110 4 t ,..,..i:-l 40 i 10 6 66 ' 71 27 40 i TO 6 tl....."...ivt to JO 6 65 . 0...,....i33 ... i 70 i 67 42 2kl ... t 70 6 M 4 170 too 6 70 8 tO " tl IS) tO t 19 6 10 tl t6 ... t 7u 6 t.) It Ml 40 t 10 t to tt tti t 1 t to 6 120 I 10 i ) Tl 2.4 40 I 15 t 4 TO 4 4 S i Is t 7t 230 40 8 It t tO - t 2S4 ... 8 76 6 0 221 40 f 76 5 12 to. 134 40 16 I ti II K4, ... i 16 6 45 71 1M 40 t 76 t 45 10 2. to t II 6 17 tt 2-0 lxo 6 76 8 1 15 .24 0 I 17V 8 70 67. ...... .tot ... I ) I 70 It 2.0 U IU 8 10 is "t m 1 at 6 10 ' 14 Ms 40 t at I TO Tl 27 ... 6 16 6 10 II ...... 211 ... t 17 6 10 44 114 ... tOO 4 10 at ft ... t 06 I TO 12 J-j6 ... 1 I 70 . 44 166 ... 4 It 8 TO l U ... t 10 and the very good demand for both feeder aheep and lambs maintained prices on that kind so that they are very little lower for tho week. In extreme cases there has been possibly a decline of 10c, but still the great big bulk of all the feeders received brought steady prices. Quotations on good to choice killers: Lambs, $il.767.16; yearling wethers, $5.75(3 U.U0; wethers, $.10rn5.40; ewes, $4.755.2S. No Quotations are given on fair- to good killers, as feeder buyers are taking prac tically everything of that description at better prices than packers will pay. Quotations on feeders: Lambs, $fl.!V(J 6.90; yearlings, $5.5056.85; wethers. $4 8(Vtr 5.K6; ewes,- $4.0ofr4.'fiO: yearling - breeding ewes, $6.O046.6C; aged' breeding ewes, $5.00 5.F0. No. Av. Pr. 649 western lambs 76 . 7 W 164 Wyoming wethers 620 464 Wyoming yearling wethers.. 83 6 6" 414 Wyoming yearling wnthers.. 81 6 65 446 Wyoming yearling wethera.. 84 6 66 800 Wyoming yearling wethers.. 83 6 65 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK M 411 HIST Light Receipts of Cnttle, vrlth Stronif Market a Feature. CHICAGO, Aug: 30. CATTLE Receipts, about 1,600 head; market steady to strong; common to prime sters, $4.t0(i7.40; cows, $3.3t((i6.00; heifers, J3.u0"a5 76; bulls, $2.4(Ku. 6 00; culves, $0.Oi$(7.75; Blockers and feeders, $2.4ri5.00. HOUS Receipts sbot:t 18.CO0 head; mar ket for light hogs, tVtilCc higher, othors slow; cholco heavy shipping, $.104'.2o; light butchers, $ii.25''u.50; light mixed, $0.1&ti 8.i0; choice light. S6.Mmi.00; packing, $5.40uv 6.00; pigs, ti.wxij'0.25; bulk of sales, $5,800, 6.2C. SHEEP AND LAMBS 'Receipts, about S.tOO head; market steady; sheep. $J.80U C.35; yearlings. $5.756.75; lambk. tW-oT-W. St. Loots Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 30. CATTLE Receipts, 4.600 head. Including $,500 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, 5.2uio710; dreBsed beet and butcher steers, 4,25ni6-00; steers under 1,009 pounds, M.lOif 4.75; stockers snd feeders, $2.75i('j.40; cows and heifers, $2.i06.OO; canners. $1, i6fa2.a0; bulls, $2.7tHj'4,25; calves, $3.ooo7.2o; Texas and Indian steers, $2.io4(A.uO; cows and heifers, $1,204? 3. 65. HOGS Receipts, 8,500 head; market for lights, steady; heavy tiogs, 6c lower; pigs and lights, J5.6wu0.oi; packers, tb.iAl'-'. butchers and best heavy. -) .9006.35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1,M head; market, steady; nativs muttons, $i,26 tj0.&U; lambs, t5.ooti6.75; culls and bucks, 82.76 Ul2o; stockers, 3.70Uti.46. Kiaui City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 30 CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,000 head. Including LOCO southerns; msrket, steady; native steers. $5,25i 7.15; southern steers, $3.664.80; southern cows. $.'.2i'a2.40; native cows and heifers. $2.25(L; I 6.76; stockers and feeders, Ji.25'n6.75; bulla. $2.2tVi3.90; calvea, $4.0f4u7.tO; western steers, ; $4.(0'y6."5; western cows, $2.60'n4.00. I HOG Receipt s, 6.000 head; market, 6c lower; bulk of sales $5.8514.10; heavy, $5.70 66.90; packers, $5.96.10; pigs and lights, $0.OOitt.l5. SHEEP Receipts, 4,000 head; market, steady, active; muttons. $8.(a5.76; lambs. $6.6o(f7.30; rana wethers, $5. 00 u 5. 75; fed ewes, $4.26fi5.&0 Bt. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Aug. , 30. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.661 head; market steady. Natives, $4.5(16.76; cows and heifers, $1.9tNix6.00; stockers snd feeders. $3.60414.60. HOGS Receipts, 6.344 head; market to higher. Top. 6 25; bulk of sales, to SS'nf .OS. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, i.688 head; market steady. Lambs, $6.607.10; yearlings, $5.tuC90. Sloax Cits- Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Aug. 80. tSpeelal Tele gram). CATTLB Receipts. SfK head; mar ket strong; beeves, $4.85ftti.60; cows and heifers. 52.50u4.00; stockers snd feeders, $3 K'o4.76; calves and yearlings. $2.76$ 2.85. HOGS Receipts, i.VO head; market 6c lower, selling at $&.66o5.&; bulk of aales, $6,004)6.65. . V Stock I Slant. Following are receipts of "live stock at NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Last Easiness Day of Week Sees Little Doin; on Wall Street. THREE DAYS OF HOLIDAY warrants at 66s 7d. locally the market was unchanged.' Profesalonal Dealers Dislike to Keep Accounts OpeaV When Market Is Not Bosy and Trading la Llarht. " NEW YORK. Aug. $0. With a three days' holiday Interval in the market im pending, operators were Inclined to reduce their outstanding commitments, or In the enso of a smaller class of traders to retire them altogether. The hneards of a rlnse.t market for three days was tqo srrent to ! niHKe surHciive an open account ror tnai length of time without any medium avail able In which to act on events as thev arise. The movement of trfe market was a plain Indication of the extent to which the short side has been favored by the pro fessional class of operators. The market proved unresponsive to any Influence that would hnve helped the bears In reducing prices. Call money was moderately af fected by the preparation for the monthly settlements and by the fact that loans made at the Stork exchange toduy carry over to next Tuesday, by reason of the triple holiday. The slightly higher rates for loans of this class that were charged received slight sttentlon, however. This attitude was partly due to the feeling that the deposit of government funds with tho banks to be made from week to week will safeguard the money situation. Closing quotations follow. AtrhlMin 80 North Paclflo do 1M to OU Northern p'd Bnltlroors A Ohio... . Amal. Copper ... Canadlaa Paclftc ...IK Am. C. A P Chlr.f. at N. W 144 Am. Locomotive do pfd 2ti0 Am. S. A R Colo. Southern i4 H do pfd Denver A R. 0 22 Brooklya R. T.. do pfd A' Colo. r. A I.... Erl 2X1 Int. Paper Illlnola C.ntral ...,1V1 National Blsralt loulivlll N lot Last M.ilnn C.ntral It pacific Mall Missouri. Pacific 4p.opL'a Oaa ... SHEEP Reoelpts of sheep tnls morning were light, only two cars of lambs and seven cars of yearlings being reported In. The total receipts for the week to date have been very large, showing a heavy gain over the corresponding week of a year ago. In addition to being three tlmea aa large aa laat week. With auch light offerings today the mar ket was naturally slow and without any very Interesting feature. The lambs sold to a killer at $7.00. which looked fully stesdy. On the other hand, the feeders were a little slow, with a lower tendency on sccount of there not being ss many buyers la the yards aa earlier In the week. Btlll they sold at $5.(6, which locked Uke a very fair price. Fat she p. and lambs, under ths Influence of lower msrkets at other points and large receipts locally, have eased - off and are now 10t3 26c lower than laat week. The market, however, as a whole has been very satlsfsetory, tsklng all the conditions Into account. The Uige atteadance of feeder buyers N. Y. Ontral 104Proaaed t. C... Pennerlratila rleidlnt Rork I.laad .... do pfd St. Paul Southern Paclfta Southern Railway Vnloa Parldo .... do pfd v... Wabaah Wla. Central Bid. Ex-dlvldend. lllPnllnaa P. C. 4tt standard Oil iu "Sugar 46 T.nn. r. 1.... Ut V. S. Steel ..... 14 do pfd lfi W eaters I'nlon .. 1M lnterboroufh K-t. 81 do eft 11 Markar 14 de pit ...12144 ...124 ... 72 ... ... Wt ... na ... ... 4t ... ... 11 ... 12 ... tnX '... ts4 ... tot. ... ta ...161 ,...4M ...118 ...Ul ... H4 ... 14 ... 14 .. ... M ... 14 ... 40 Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Aug. SXl-COFFEEJ-Th market for futures opened steady at un changed prices to a decline of 6 points In sympathy with the French market. Trad ing was very quiet. but - the market steadied In tho late trading on a scattering demand based on bullish crop reporta, with the close steady, etuncnanged to 5 points higher. Sales were reported ot 10.000 bugs, Including September) 6.60c; De cember. 5.7Tffj5.80c; March. 6.95c; May, 6.05c; July,J 6.10c. Spot eofek qitet;No. 7 1o, sc; No. 4 Santos,1 7"v.' Mild doffee, dull! Cordova. ai2ViC. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 30. COTTON Spot closed quiet; middling upland, 13.66c; mid dling gulf, 13.80C, sales. 2,014 bales; futures closed steady; closing bids, September, It. 63c; October. 12.23c: November, 12.20c; December. 12.3uc; January, 12.44c; February, 12.47c; March, 12.55c; April. l.6Sc; . May, 128T.' LOUIS, Aug.- 30 COTTON-Steadyj middling. 13V4C. Sales, naiea; receipts, none; shipments, CO bales; stock, 4.321 bales. . Minneapolis Grain Market.' MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 30. WHEAT fl ..4 1 (allien. TUnan-hoP 1 1 01 7a. ' MHV. C J ' I fill Lrr- a , ir'--ft- v- ' .-. ( w - u . w tl.V'; No. 1 hard-. $1 .&.; No. 1 northern. 51.04;' wo. 1 norinern, i vi-, 4vF.re i. ern. 96V4(ij97c. Wool. Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. SO. WOOL Quiet ; m A 1.. .1 . . ... ...i Kt tr and -I, ,t 1 1 n ttti.! -iiiiiii g , ., n .. - - 25Vc; light fine, 22jJj224c; h,eavy ftpo, 17(0 ..K wa.t,. Whlaky Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 80.-WHISKY-6teady, $1.35. . ; UST STRAW HAS FAU.EN Boston Copper Market. These quotations are furnished by Logan A Bryan, members New York and Boston Stock exchanges, 112 Board of Trade: Artroea. com 17 I,le Royal Allea.a IS Junrtioa Atlantle IS L 8. A Plttalnirg.. Bingham It Ma.earhuaetta black Monntaln 4 Mtnhioa finalon Couaolldated.. 20V Mohawk butta Coalition 1 Na4da Conaolldatet raiumet A Artaona..!.! North nutts Cumberland TCly T Old Dominion A Hecla Ill (Mreola Calumet Centennial Copper Hang. . Dally West .... talr-lavie Dominion Steel . Kaat Butte Loulalaaa Greene Copper . Oranbr Helvetia 1Sl ' 14 4 12 II 10. f. ' 107 tiPlttabur A Dulutb..lue Diamonds Go I n la Price, Rams tva Moat Other of tho Staple Articles. Let Cory don sell -a tew sheep and buy his Phyllis a ring right away, for if ht waits until spring ho will have to sell more sheep to get It. Diamonds -will bo higher then and may even bo advanced this fall. According to an Omaha diamond mer chant, the I.nndon mine owners, -not 'con tent with boosting the price of the atones 60 per cent. In less than three years, are preparing for another advance In tho spring. They would make It this fart, but that the big buying season Is In February and March. They say the diamonds art) scarcer In South Africa and ths cost ol mining has Incressed. Omaha dealers think they have enough diamonds to last thetq until spring, but they must buy then." . ta Pn.u. Service . II Shannon . 11 Tamarack . TTrtnUr . 1 t'nltej States, com. . it Winona . I;1 Wolverine. .100 Mplielng i It 14 . Tl . IT . it !iii . 8 I the six principal western markets: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. , Omaha 1.5o0 ,J l.20 Chicago 1.600 18.0"0 8.(0 Kansas City 4,orO . 6.001 4 0"0 St. Louis 4.50) 8.5oO 1.0 ) St. Joseph 1.651 6,344 l.&sg Sioux City soO 4.8O0 Totals .' 18,351 66.644 16.788 Near York Money Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 80. PRIME MER CANTILE PAPER flaH per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE-Weak; actual business tn bankers' bills at $48' for de mand and at $4.82? for sixty-day bills. Commercial bills. $4.8178. SILVER-Bsr, 68c; Mexican dollars, 52c. BONDS Government, easy; railroad, Irregular. HIGGINS' B0DYG0ES WEST ! Corpse of Lynched Mas Passes Tbroogla Omaha to Mother . , - la Derer, , The body of Ixrls R. Iligglns, who was lynched by a mob at Bancroft Monday morning, passed through Omaha Friday on Us way to Denver, where Hlggln's soother, Mrs. Cora Hlgglns. Is awaiting MV Mrs. H logins provided the money to pay tho undertaking snd tranaportatlon charges. The body arrived over the Northwektern Friday morning and was transferred In the afternoon to the Burlington. T. A.- Holliater, who, had been retained j to defend Hlgglns, received 4 letter from Mrs. Hlgglns In which she blames the Thurston county authorities for not taking better precautionary measures for protect ing her son. She thinks tho lynching ought to I.sve been prevented. . Evaporated .Apples and Drleaf Fralts. NEW YORK. Aug. 80. EVA POR ATED APPLES The msrket is firm, but no busi ness of conseuuencge Is reported at the comparatively high range of prices CALIFORNIA l'RIEO FRUITS Prunes ars unchanged. -Apricots and peachea are practically nominal, in the absence of Im portant business. Rslslns remaia steady to Arm at recent prices, owing to light supply on spot, So sar tail Molasses. NEW YORK. Aug. M.-SUOAR-Raw. steady; fair r-flr.ing, 2.42c; centrifugal, 9! test. $.60c; molasses, sugar, $03c; refined, steady; crushed, 6.7uc; powdered, , i.loc; Orleans, 370 Treaaary Stateaseat. WASHINGTON, Aug. tO.-Today's state ment of the treasury balances In ths gen eral fund, exclusive of the $160,000,000 gold reserve, allows: Available raah balance, $.'I.772.4SO: gold coin and bullion, $51,090,044; gold certificates. 111. Bask Clearings. OMAHA, Auk. 80. Hank clearings for to day were $1,746,606.64 snd for the corre sponding date Isst year $1'.2W.287.&4. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Aug. tO -MET A 1.8-A fur ther decline waa reported In the London tin market, with spot and futurea both quoted at 166 12a 6d. Locally the market was weak, with spot quoted at $36.00 3 86. 25. Copper was lower In l-ondon at 76 7a td for spot and 75 10s for futures. Locally the market was weak, but unchanged. Lead was unchanged In both mark eta. with Lon don at 19. -Spelter was unchanged la London, with apot quoted at A. 2.' 16a. Local prices declined to $5.tbii6.&i. Iron was lower In the London market, with standard uut.dry quoted at Iws 71 and Cleveland Imitatioc8 pay the dealer a larger profit, than tho real thing, otherwise you wruld never bo offered g substi tute, when you ask. for an adver tised article. Imitations ere not advertised because they are not 'permanent. For every genuine article there are many Imitations. ,Tb Imitator .baa no reputation to sustain the advertiser has. . It stands to reason that the adver tised article Is the best, otherwise trie public would not buy It, and the advertising could not be con tinued. When you ask for ' an advertised article, sot) that ya v' get it -'-.'". ' :. Refuse IiniUtionf .