THE'OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, AUOUST 31, 1907. 2fb a School Opens Sept. Oth. Jjj See that the Doy Is Ready $ MUJUWnii ' : jl Ajiim .11.1 iii 1 mi '""I in in i .1 i .ii.imiiiMi.i ...ii i in.i.h.m..,A V V J. 3 Just In Time For School Opening A MOST EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF u At Entire sample lines of All Wool Knee Pants' Suits and Knickerbocker Suits bought from M. Asinolf, ,s?tUToR i'-. Far Less Than Cost to Manufacture Tho finest sample line of Boys' Suits ever offered at special sale; also the surplus stock from another eastern manufacturer. This sale should bring every school boy's mother in Omaha-to Jj this store. You can lit the boy in good, dressy all wool clothes at , ii . i ! ii ii n !i ii. ieB3 man one-nau meir worm, .every sun mis season s siyi H great variety of patterns. Boy's Clothing Dept., 2d floor, Old Store' fifnfrifi ft A $ M and M Rxiiis at? w mm - m a w sr w f w j af -a W Brandeis $5 Combination Suits Will Be Sold for An Extra Pair of Pants Free With Every Suit Practically two suits for tho price of , one, Your choice of five distinct linesall good ones fine Scotch cheviot knee.pants suits, with extra pair of Knickerbocker trousers ages 7 to 16 at ., Coy 's Shirt Waist mouses Saturday spec ial at 25c, 39c, 49c Boys SI Knee Pants Straight or k nicker booker styles, at Boys' Suits (special in our basement) , at 1.-4S Boys' Knee Pauls Saturday spec ial at BOYS' WAISTS Saturday spec ial at fei it :&MA i I.'" v $ ' if; ! : i 'V'4 t I. tw V WEI! FALL SUIS for WOMEN ;-i Every day brings in fresh favorites sent direct from Brandeis' New. York office. Styles in tailored wear, are more charming this fall than in any previous season. 1 THE NEW BROWNS ARE FAVORITES Not only all the newest color effects but every authentic new style is shown at Brandeis' just as soon as Fashion approves it. Our variety is really extraordinary. Splendid Line of Fall Suits at $tk.85 We mention half-fitted Prince Chaps and 36 inch coats, all the new colors plain and fancy broadcl6ths, etc. satin lined jackets, skirts with pleats and wide folds Stunning Tailored Suits at $t9.00 About 22 different styles are ready for your in spection in this line all the newest and swag gerest styles the favorite colors d f and the correct fabrics splendid P F line at New Rubberized Silk and Satin Coats An Immense new showing of these very popular garments big variety of materials, patterns and colors; no west ern store ever showed such a varied line the prices are $12.50, $14.85, $19 and $25 4 Boys' Clolhbi-Secorxd Floor, Old Store 2&2m?r?r: Rogers-Peet Fall Clothes for Men X'rn Lrnrx; EARLY FALL JACKETS and NEW LONG LOOSE COATS The new coats in the 30 and 36-inch lengths, fitted and semi-fitted backs broadcloths and cheviots, silk and satin lined; also nov- Q98 eltles In long loose and fancy mixture coat a price range from..... fg m& NEW FALL SKIRTS Your choice of 400 new, snappy, up-to-date fall skirts all newest styles and favorite cloths at 4.98 Women's $1.50 Wash Duck Skirts, each, Basem't. 60 Women's fJJSO Iiong Looe Ki monos and Wrap pers, Basem't 60c Women's. 91.00 qualiQr Wash Waists a spec ial Basem't.. 49c Children's Wash Dresses, worth 11.25, Basement 40c IPS' IV in mi Not only the largest stock of Children's School Shoes, but the best. We make a specialty of Children's Shoes every pair made on footf orm lasts that will properly fit the child's feet and permit natural proper growth You can buy School Shoes Saturday ;. 4,;- at the lowest possible prices. - r . v ': i i' f vf'i MISSES' LACE OR BUTTON SHOES Sizes 11 to aoiS YOUNG LAPIES' SHOES Low cher or button, vicl or gun metal, sizes IVi to 5ft.. heels lace, blu- 1.59-1.98-2.50 ALL THE NEWEST STYLES IX MISSES', CHILDREN'S, ROYS' AND YOUTHS' DRESS SHOES FINEST QUALITY MODERATELY PRICED. BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES Double and single soles ) uincner cut -sizes 1 pair ! BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES In sizes 9 to 13 single 1.59-1.98-2.25 or double sole box or velour calf pair. , . . . i . . ......... CHILDREN'S SHOES Sizes 8 to 11 single or double sole three specials. . button or lace, WW.-.- 1 2 . ' Kit' J 98c-l.254.50 Bought From the Railroad Co. An Immense Stock of POCKET KNIVES that were refused on account of late delivery One, two, three or four,, blades of finest steel 6tag, walrus, pearl or coco' bola' handles i made by Corliss Ciitlery Co., Jolin - Morley, Sheffield, Eng, and the American Jack Knife Co. regular C, nfl Kff -" $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 k"nives. Your choice at. .. .DC dUU DUC One fine lot of Sheffield Steel Carvers, with I Pearl Handled Carver and Steel In fancy! , German silver handles cerver and steel, worth $3.00 (GEEflTEST SALE ENTIRE MEN'S, SHIRTS ARID DNDERWM' PJEUU YORK RETAIL STOCK IP3 THAR OIUP.HAI P PDIAP . ... " . . ,. .J. A, MEN'S HIGH QUALITY NEGLIGEE SHIRTS Star, Griffon, Wellington and Incomparable make plain or pleated bosoms, all new fall pat terns ana wortn reguiariy ( pmm aq up to $2.60 each tremendous LlPaMrlf bargains, Saturday, only, ea, All the broken lots of Men's and' Boys' Shirts from 29c and 50c this purchase worth up to ,$1.26.,, at, each , MEN'S HIGH CLASS UNDERWEAR Worth up to $2.60 garment pure Irish linen mesh silk lisle Sea Island Cotton, etc. knee length union suits silk lisle union suits derby ribbed and light weight wool two-piece suits, etc. a big bar gala Satur day, at, each . . . . , 75e-98c AU the Men's BOo Nck- rrr. . . 25c Men's BOo Sua panders, pair. 25c S jBMyKUhslMiu & 4? b i NEW PLAID WAISTS Bound to be great favorites first showing for fall many beautiful color effects a number of charming Innovations; prices, $4.08, $0.50, $8.98, $0.08, $12.50, $14.85 Women's Corset Covers, regularly worth 20c each. Basement. . . .7c i cerver J j D0X vorth $6.00, ajp' THREE SATURDAY SPECIALS In JEWELRY DEPARTMENT Women's Sample Purses From well known John Mehl Co., real Russian calf and calf lined, with back strap $1.60 and $1.75 value at. . . Gold Filled Hair Burettes Fifty styles to select from, worth 76c, $1.00, and $1.25 your choice, at?: ..50c 50 Gold Bracelets 14k gold filled, chased and plain, a guarantee of five years wear and complete satisfac tion Saturday at 2.25. 92.50. $2.75. . $3.50 2 FALL HATS FOR MEN AND BOYS Stiff and soft hats in the snappy new fall styles a great variety including becoming styles for every man. Brandeis Special Hat telescopes, golf, Alpine and other styles best ever sold. for.... $2 Men's Hats, in all the new styles, at $1.50, $2.50, $3.00 New styles in Stetson Hats at $3.50 Boys' Felt Hats, new styles at $1.00 and $1.50 Boys' and Children's School Caps at . . .25c and 49c RULES OF POSTAL CONGRESS Regulation for Hail Between Tbii and Other Countries HOST BATES BOATS AS NOW pcfcolalea Gm lato ECeet . Flrat of Jfw tot tke rtrst ': LL; Tlat. t , Th TVuitnmra dettartment has lust U f 'sued voluminous tnatmetlons governing the i International poetofflea- rle. ado4e4 by V.the Universal Foetal conre held at 'Borne In May, 1904, and, to whloh the Ute (Edward Boaewater wa a doleaete. The , rules become effective October 1 and will f a-overn the eicliange of mails between the i United BUttee and countries represented In the Postal union, except Canada. Mexico, Cuba and the Bepubllo of Panama. Tho joatKe rates remain unchanged (except khe rate aoDllcable to letters) and are: Tor tttra. S penta for the first ounce and t : cent for each additional ounce or frao tl,,n: nretiavment la optional.' For postal ll rarda." alnnlf. S cents, and double. 4 cents ,acn. For commercial papers, s cents lor "Good Digestion v WAITS ON APPETITE" when a maa regularly breakfasts oa .. - Grapo-Nuts the first ten ounces or less and 1 cent ad ditional for each additional two ounces or fraction; limit , of weight, II ounces; slse and weights same aa for "prints." The packages must not be Hosed against In spection. For samples of merchandise, t cents for the first four ounces and 1 cent for each additional two ounces or fraction of two ounces; limit of weight, 13 ounces; slse 12x8x4 Inches and must not be closed against inspection. Prints of every kind, 1 cent for each two ounces or fraction; limit of four pounds and six ounces; slse, U Inches In either direction; except when rolled the packet of merchandise may be a Inches In length by 4 Inches in dlametes. ana not closed against Inspection. All Prepaid b.t Letters. Postage on all must be prepaid In part except letters. Douple the amounts of postage rates will be collectible on delivery where not prepaid. If returned as non. deliverable the sender must pay the full amount that would have been collected, Postage must be prepaid only by stamDs irom tne country from which the articles are mailed. .The reply postal card may have stamps for the return of the country issuing the card. Keply coupons may be purchased (price cents at any postofflce), which upon pre sentation at a poii o trice in a foreign coun try will entitle the person presenting It to receive without charge a postage stamp of that country equivalent to the value of i cents la United Btates postage stamps. thus enabling a prepaid reply. The same general rules regarding non' mailable matter applicable. In the United Btaes and with which every person la more or less familiar applies in tho trans mission of mall matter to foreign coud tries. OMAHA JOBBERS BENEFITED Get Even Shake with North on North- western's New Line. PLEASANT SUBPBISE TO THEM Sehedale of Freight Bates Shows Omaha Is Treated Favorably with Itefereaee to Blaelc Hills Baalaeee. Local Jobbers are elated over the new tariff which has been prepared . for . the .Black Hills country by the Chicago A Northwestern railroad. When'ths North western announced It would build from Pierre to Rapid City, S. D., It was thought the building of that line would have a tendency to put the entire Black Hills territory Into the hands of the Jobbers of Bioux City, 8t. Paul and Minneapolis. That It has not done so Is shown by. the tariff Just published by the Northwestern, ef fective October 1, which shows the same reductions are made on all classes between Omaha and Lead and between Bt. Paul and Minneapolis and Lead. A hearing has been on during the last week at Lead to force the roads to make a reduction In freight rates Into that terri tory, but the railroads claim they had an nounced these reductions before the hear ing was made and that they stood ready to defend their rates. The new rates con tinue to make Omaha a basing point for the territory beyond; The new rates con tinue to make m. .combination on Omaha from Chicago to the Black Hills, the same as the through , rates. The new schedule shows a reduction la all- classes of freight, ranging from t to. tt. cents per hundred pounds. ... i ' The reduction on Arst-clats freight Is 16 cents per hundred pounds, on second claaa la cents, on third class 18 cents, on fourth class IS cents, on fifth class 22 cents, on class M cents, on class B 13 cents, on class C 11 cents, on class D cents, and on class E S cents per hundred. Qalelt Shlae Bhaa Polish contains no turpentine or acids, gives a satin finish, will no rub off on the clothing. Aaterlraa Teaor Eagaaed. BERLIN, Aug. SO, The Royal opera has engaged Francis MavLennan, the American tenor, for five years, allowing him the unusual privilege of singing his roles in English until he learns more German. Freight rates between Chicago .and com men points, Deadwood and Lead, S. D. : i 'n Cents per 100 Pounds. 2 I 4 , a A H C DK 196 140 131 HI 117 W 77 4314 44 la IS 1 82 ' M n u 4 06 66 Old rates 225 Reductions 14 New rata to ITT in to 81 7 44 "There's a Reno a'' Amerlcaaa Pay Calls. BERLIN. Aug. .-The American army offloers. headed by Brigadier General W. 8. Edgerly, who are to attend the autumn maneuvers aa guests of Emperor Wllllsm, today paid official calls, accompanied by the American military attache. Colonel Wlaser. aad Major Von Koerner. the Ger man military attache at Washington. Their entertainment in Germany will begin with raoeptkjn la their honor to be given this afternoon t1" Cvlonel and Mrs. Wlsasr, Between Bt. Paul. Minneapolis and common points. Deadwood and Lead, 8. D.i Old rates Reductions 14 IK) U 8 4 127 19 If 8 A B 86 U C 73 11 D 0 8 V, 41 E 4? CASSIDY MARES HIS TERMS New rate Ut 16J . 18 108 88 8) 71. SI Between Omaha. Bioux City, Counell Bluffs, Dead wood and Lead: 1 18 4 A BC Old rates 1 180 11 100 , M . SS 46 U Reductions 14 11 18 18 88 M U 11 61 87 New rates US 111 W 81 48 Between Lincoln, Neb., and Deadwood and Leads Old rates... Reductions .140 . IS New Rates U4 LTfectlvs October L. 1 u W7 8 111 18 4 84 1 T7 t 88 88 A U u "ii 68 B 48 18 4 C u D 46 V D 42 Egg--0-See President Will Carry Out Original Plan. MEETS OMAHA BUSINES3 MEN Proposes Fear II audred-Men Plant, laloc Tea Million Dollars of Grain, for Half MUUoa la Bonds. ' President J. W. Cassidy of the EggiO-Be company Is In Omaha to confer with local business men relative to the erection of a large cereal plant In the city. He spent Friday with President Wattles of the Grain exchange, Luther Crake, Fred A. Nash and others. . . In the course of the conference he pre sented the written proposition Ms company makes to Omaha. It Is that the company will build In Omuha a cereal plant that will employ 400 persons and use 810.000.0u0 worth of grain a year. If Omaha will take 8500,000 of bonds, secured by mortgages on the new factory and the two plants of the company at Qulncy, 111., and Bufralt, N. Y. Mr. Cassidy asked the local men to ae loct a committee to go east and Inspect the company's property. They will probably do so. Assurance was given that the company preferred Omaha to other locations under consideration and no negotiations would be opened with. another city until Omaha had either - accepted or rejected the prop osition. If the Omaha business men and the pub lic do not wish to invest SSOO.Ota at f per oent en the security offered, Mr. Cassidy ssys the company will build a plant half the slxe of the one first mentioned and be content with 8260,000. Then a factory of equal alae would be built In some other city where 350,0u0 could be secured. Don Far as Cfcaaarea llaaaa. BT. LOU 1 8, Aug. SO. Ownership of the historic Lent farm, once owned by General Orant located eutslde the city twills In Bt. Louis county, changed hands today, having been sold at auction for 176,0uO. The farm waa onte mortgaged to the Van derbllts when Grant became president. It comprises 4; acres and has long been a point of Interest, as the old log cabin occu pied by Grant Is stIU standing. . EVERY SORT 0F ARMY FEAT Gainst of Military Testa Will Bo Ban at' tho St. Joseph Toernameat. Tha. program of the regular army mili tary tournament to be held at Bt. Joseph for three days following September 23, Includes almost ewry test of speed and skill to which a soldier might be sub jected. There are twenty kinds of events for Infantry, cavalry and artillery branches of the service, and 84.000 will be given In prise money. Beside the usual competi tive manual drills there will be contests in tent pitching and light skirmishing. Equipment races In which men will vie with each other In donning their traveling kits and fighting gear will bo held, and In one event cavalry men will race and pick up their revolvers, handkerchiefs and other small articles from the ground as they are going. Spectacular amusement will oe furnished by wall scaling contests and old Roman hurdle races. In which men will ride two horses standing and make their double mounts leap hurdles. The hospital corps wilt exhibit their skill In giving first aid to ths Injured. They will pick up pa tients from the Held and from a dlsgnosls pinned to a tag on each patient's clothing will bind and bandage ana convey io mo .t,,,ir. In real battle fields. The artillery sections will compete In driving and harnessing and in operating rapid Pre machine guns. An event in wnicn men r m .ii tranches will ensase Is the tug of war. One such struggle will probably be held each night during the tournament between teams of ten men on a side. ' Some events will take place several times on different days and . the programs will be vsrled to suit the entries. A high grade servant Isn't an unknown quantity. If you want one. lust trv nu.. want ad, and you'll find her. In fact, if you want to deal with any kind of high grade people you will find It nmm.hi. ... talk to The Bee army of high grade read ers. RENZE IS A REAL BUSY GUS Most Hlah Pope of Ills Majesty U Host Una tor tho Coronation Festivities. Gus Ren us Is making things hum at Ak-Sar-Ueiys den to get the floats prepared for the big parade on October 2. The. pa rade will be In two divisions this year and the themes will be 'The Holidays" and Popular Bongs." Following the title float will come the holidays In order New Year's, Valentine's day, Washington's birthday, Arbor day. Decoration day, Fourth of July, Labor day. Thanksgiving and Christmas. Then "Wait till the' Bun Shines, Nellie" will lead tho following songs: "Everybody Works but Father," "Under Southern Bkles," "In the Good Old Summer Time," "Down on the Farm," "Robinson Crusoe's Island," "Cheer "C'p, Mary," "Waiting at the Church,': ';Tke Man In the Moon Is a Coon." Then comes the king. Bamson says ha neds a few more' wp. men's organisations to hustle for the .rises In the ladles' float parade, which will be on the afternoon of Wednesday, October 1 Six cash prises ranging from 'J6 to l-io will be given. Makes Hai Look Rich No need to ask if you want your bair a t i -a. ft. i.i . , . Ira looa non. ncaiiuy, ana luxuriant. W know you dot Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula, win give it Just that sppearance. An ideal hairdxeaa- Ing. Ask your doctor about it, WsamklUk Ihsfonssiae T all tur praparatoa.s. f. O.arsrCe., r i