SOI 6L0VE SALE SHORT LENGTH, 2 CLAOP WORTH UP TO $1.50 PAIR, the least bit up to $1.50 a pair, a sale extra ordinary for Satur day, at Brandeis njj nj choice. Ter nair , X OF Very fine quality all silk Rib bons, many styles, plain Taf fetas, fancy effects, silk brocades, Roman stripes, some pillow Ribbons, thous ands of yards on big bar gain square for this sale, Saturday at, a yard SAL Women's Imported Lisle Hosiery, 25c Pr. Full fashioned hosiery, double sole and rm spliced pair. . . heel and toe, lisle and Women '5 Silk Embroidered muny iKw y, tput toiet; pair New "Fluffy Ruffles" Auto and Drape Veils Many with velvet spots and borders, new styles and new' shades, QQ TAPE GIRDLE COR8ET8 With hose supporters, also short strip oorsets - j vuviu - u. vtu JjJ J J mwM OMAHA , Special. Sales In CHINA' Department West Arcade Haviland & Co., 10O-Piece Dinner Ht LaTlahly treated with pure coin gold, star shape, regular price $52 Saturday Oat Glass Sugars and Creamer Handsome brilliant pattern, fam ous bucs saw cutting, will go at, per 2.25 set . A bin lot of Fancy China Sugars and Orenmere Nicely decorated new fall shape big bargain at, per set 15c New Dinner-ware Patterns in English, Haviland, Pouy ant, Bavarian, Russian and German China arriving daily. Ask to 6ee them next time you are in the store. The designs are charming. , $32 Lost Day ol Our Great Clearlno Sale andaoddlots Wfck 11 ff TI C m r . . r t vvurui up - -sue u Splendid kitchen and bed room papers per QA roll 0L Elegant gold parlor papers, per roll 5c, 8c 12lsC " SVVEETLAND M Saturday Special .Vanilla 'marahmal 1 4q iow. me una. M U if vou lonsf. lb V as, Pair A big bargain square of Kid Gloves, in different styles some French kid and German Lamb browns, blacks whites, many with slight imperfections, soiled or rmuBsed worth m RIBBONS Women's 25c Hosiery at 15c Pr. Black and tan lisle, silk finished, also misses' fine ribbed lisle, and men's black and fancy colored hosiery on two big bargain squares A rm worth up to 25c pair at, El O pair. . , . M3 3 Maco cotton at, and Plain Usle Hosiery. ocuuraay tpecfal, O C m Wemen's Sheer Linen HANDKERCHIEFS Extra fine quality of Irish linen, worth up to 25c on sale at, Ol each im 2j 39c gaiu, at i ) t i . ?5 wsms 'Of Special Prices on Lace Curtains and Draperies Swiss Curtains 3 yards long regular price $1.00, (jo go at, per pair DJC Extra fine Scotch Net. Cable Net and Novelty Curtains, regular price up to 14.50, go y AO at, per pair , . 0 New Line Arabian and White Cur tain! In Cable Net, Fish Net and fine Nottingham, I nn worth up to $3.60, pair.. WO Lace Curtains 60 Inches wide, 3 yards long, worth $2.60, go at. pair .... 1.50 Portieres All the new up-to-date styles in both figured and plain, worth up to $7.60, go 4 Q at, per pair . ....... . . TtlO Couch Covers We will sell all our covers, worth up to $6, fQ , Saturday only, at, each , JO New line Rope Portieres, 2-25. 2-8. 3.88, 4.60 pr. New line Festoon Draperies, at . 2-8. 3 . 5-08. "d 7-50. Drapery Hardware. We have a complete line. - A 1 roil, ai roll A large selection of 2-tone papers, the 50o grade, for ...20c"25c 20th Century Paste, will stick when 4 Ac n Ac others fail. pkg; .IV &) CALLING CARDS i7 St,l.-S.turJ,, 50 Cards, for25C OMAHA 1 It JlSt ccerred to Us! So We'll Remind Yon! School will open a week from Monday and you surely will not let that -boy your boy go to school unless fit ted out with a pair of our iron clad shoes. They are wonders in the shoe line outwear any two pairs of boys' shoes sold. We'll prove! it to you. Sizes 10 to 13V2 $2.00 Sizes 1 to 2 $2.25 Sizes 2y2 to 5y2 $2.50 Drexel Shoe Co. 1119 Farnam St Take Home a Barrel! OF It's the wise boy that takes home a barrel of Dalduff's Ice Cream to his little wife when things ain't just all right, all right. It will drive her troubles away and everything will be love ly the rest of the day. Balduff's little barrels of Ice Cream are filled with the flavors of cream, vanilla, strawberry and chocolate. It is absolutely pure and wholesome and complies with every requirement of the pure food law. Packed will keep for a long time; put up In two sizes Pint sizes, sufficient for three or four persons 2c Quart sizes, sufficient for six or eight persona . . .40c , The Store ros delicac i f.v 1018-20 Fanuuu Street. Phone Doug. 7tl. 1 LAST DAY OF FRY- Big Clean-Up Sale ONLY ONE DAY LEFT IN WHICH TO BUY THE BEST BARGAINS IN OXFORDS THAT ANY ONE IN OMAHA HAS EVER HAD A CHANCE JO BUY. SATURDAY Mtn's $3.50 OXFORDS SATURDAY Women' flOO J at 265 OXFORDS FRY SHOE CO. 18th and Dooglu Streets. Central Goal & Coke Go. of Omaha 15th AMD IIARHEY STS. C -PATENTS that PROTECT 1 BEAD THE BEST. PAPER krlk amlttrlr (r Tha , SMS CiJlo.jyarJivf,-tuxT): 4 OXAU1 TXTM.M FOOD CXBTTZB For Saturday we are offerlnir Fanryj Orooerlea at Lia Than Wliolcaale t"i Prices, for instance & Finest Boneless Sardines, Us, per h 'n t BSoj Hs. per tin 36c sj, Msgnunig, per tin 46o 0 t rench Kardlnes with bones, tin, lSofii Per dozen S1JJS 15 Major Gray's Chutney, very rine, U per bottle '-SOc$ Mandelay Sauce, per bottle 86o M Celebrated Pin Money Pickles, J Pint , 40cU Quarts m FinABfr Ftnm rk.. -. n W 1 k.4 Imported Swiss Cheese, per lb....35oJ Domestic Swiss Cheese, per lb. . . .SOo ' csgn, per aoxen .... oo k& Country Butter, per lb Slo S Korn Kinks, per pks; V 353 J6o slse Celery Salad, per bottle.. SOo W I1KIBT BZFAJtTatXITT In this department we have taken & especial pains to have on Saturday's js sale a complete line of the finest k Bakery Goods shown In Omah, and have specially prepared 600 fancy (1) $ i-yer canes, each , i- . i rXXTXTI AMD TBOETABZ.BS Fancy Rluehrrl m Fancy Blackberries. Fancy Peaches, Fancy Pears, Fancy Plums. Fancy Head Lettuce, Fancy Endive, Fancy Cauliflower,,. ':, Fancy Sptnaoh, ; ' Watermelon on Ice.. - T.TOTTriBM Whiskey, for Saturday we will sellU four (4) full quarts for M-OoM Regular price, per quart, $1.50.. M , Orders from the oountry must cull $ for elirht (8) quarts to be shipped.?) All charges pre-paid. K KSATS : . . P Roast Beef (shoulder, cut) per M lb 7Ho4 Armour's Bacon. (6 to 10 lb. pieces) M per lb. laVcM Cudahy'a Diamond "C" Hams, any V. . size, per lb. l'aOn Freeh Oysters received dally. M From 7. P. M. to I P..M, we will selin one ton of choloe Boiling Beef, at, '"j Per lb , lHcJ 17th and ponglas Sta. wusi mil. Private Exchange connects iil Depta, X Office hours, 8:00 to 1:30 a. m., 15:00 to 1:30 p. m. -reiepnone iiarney vs. OMAHA VETERINARY HOSPITAL S810 Haaon Street. Omaha, Nasi. H. I Ramacclottl, t. V. S , Deputy State and City Veterinarian, Food Inspector,' Chief Burgeon. D. C. Scott. D. V. S., Hos pital Surgeon. POLITICAL CARDS Ve(e Republican Primary Ballot JUDGE ol the District CourJ Guy R. C. Read ,-" i . v.-,. a HOWARD ; KENNEDY District Judge Candidal' far Re-election rfepablkaa rriaiarles, Toeidsy, Sept X, 1107 Vote For Geo. C. Cockrell, Republican Candidate for Re- Domination for Second Term Justice of Ihe Peac , rxlwarlea Srt&lMc 3, 1SC7, vC1,-. H-- V S 1 . i 4 ' . POLITICAL CARDS. atrsnrEsa mm ro iviiiiii orrica LOUIS N. GONDEN for County Treasurer. Business career of square dealing In this community for more than forty years. - Served In the union army during the entire civil war, and was promoted to .V. "eutnancy i upon recommendation r Capt.. William McKlnley. Has worked and voted for tha repub lican party for forty-nve years. . -.1. 6Ver held public office excepting tnat of park commissioner, which was without compensation. As park commissioner devoted his ener gies largely to the Improvement cf boule vards connecting the paved streets of umjha with the Improved country roads. If you think an old citisen who has given his time freely to his party for rorty-five years and to his countrymen in times of war and peace Is worthy of an office for which he Is fully qualified, ?.?.1rvot9 .,he Primary election next Tuesday will be appreciated, .t. .. Gomlen Is not endorsed by either of the machines," but he appeals to the rank and file of the republican party to endorse him at the polls, feeling that he la the logical candidate of his party for county treasurer at this time. LOUIS D. HOLMES Candidate for DISTRICT JUDGE -AT- REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES E. mErUBLICAIT CANDIDATE TO District Judge He has been In active practice It years, and associated the past IT years of that time with Judge Geo. B. Lake and Jaa. W. Hamilton. He Is a son of the lata Chief lustlce Maxwell. . r.- - . .., ... .- " i : :-,s - ' " v .;. ' . ' - - imy 1 V:- ? .'J 1 1 Henry Maxwe ' y W. M. McKAY FOR COUNTY CORONER That's AUt Thank You. GEO. A. DAY DISTRICT JUDGE Candidate for Re-Election Subject to approval of Repub lican Primaries Tuesday, September 3, 1107. (i it 4 fm 1 BOYS' KNEE Such styles and qualities as have been on display in our 16th street window the past few days, the most attractive values ever shown in the city, worth to $3.50, on sale at $1.05 YOUTH'S LONG PAIIT SUITS Worth to $10.00, all sorts of materials, styles and patterns at, choice. .. .$5.00 CHILDREN'S ODD KHEE PAHTS With double seat and knees, almost unlim ited variety, values to $1.00, in two lots, at 35c and 50c SEE OUR FALL STYLES In the celebrated Hart, Schaffner & Marx hand' tailored clothing, the best that the market affords. We show complete lines. nji 11 TNI RKUABL.B STORE VaMssaiBBsBBaaasani SALE OP ATKIN BROOKS rupt stock of Boston, Mass., MEN'S SHOES, regular val- ues up to $5.00 on sale at R2.Kft MEN'S AND COYS' FELT HATS Sample and Broken Lfnes worth regularly to $3.00, on sale Saturday in 3 great lots at 49c 69p 79q 98c Special bargain In Trunks,; Grips '-an'd -Suit Cases Saturday, See them. TRY'HAYDEN'S FIRST i Special Sunday Meat Bargains Spring Chicken Lamb Legs . : : f)l2C Lamb Shoulder . . . . . . . . 7c Lamb Stew, 6 lbs 25c All meats of best quality the market affords. Fine roasts, juicy steaks and the finest poultry ever brought to Omaha. A trial order will convince. einitiral ;0lf0airke4 Phone Douglas 1796. Two Cents per Hile Between all Stations en ths v CHICAGO r,DFAT jf ris. ' v Better than former Goad en all trains. Cemeand go when Take that long contemplated trip NOW. Tloksta an4 lnfornatlen fr.m W. G. DAVIDSON. C P. AT. 1912 Farnam St.. Onuhs, K.b. POLITICAL CARDS To Douglas County Republicans! and support. Have served the party on the Republican County Committee the j. last (our years. During three of that time the committee's official head-T quarters were In. my office In The Bee Building. During Mr. Cowell's two , terms as chairman, was one of the executive committee of five that assisted ' in directing the campaigns. During Senator Gibson's chairmanship, was . secretary of the County Committee. Am still on the committee representing my home precinct. During the three years the headquarters was maintained In my office, all the official positions In the County Court House were wrested from democrats and turned over, to Republicans, with one eiceptloe. In addition to other tdutles, bad charge of Judges and clerks' and registration under both chairmen. Also served the party as first assistant secretary of the. Senate of Nebraska. 1105 session. I am not a member of any of the factional -clubs. You will not find my name On any of the so called factional political slates. Have been a deputy assessor; a member of the appraisement com, mlttee (real estate) city of Omaha, resided In the county since IS 81, end claim the ability to fill the office of County Assessor to the satisfaction of toe rank ana me or tne taxpayers. I think all loyal Republicans will am entitled to support for the office of Y Republican Ceadidate Special Saturday Bargains Youth's and Chlldron'a SCHOOL SUITS BOTDBS 11 The Reliable Store" Look where you will as long as tou like, you'll not find assortment or quality superior. Our. Special Sale Bargains are attracting crowds o enthusiastio buyers every day and no wonder for the Values are Simply Unsurpassable in all respects. PAI1TS SUITS & 00., SHOES A great bank now on sale in two lots: LADIES SHOES, regular $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 values, somfi nn in U oh 4 fwjJM ' jtsssjieJsi'siste' tfBvj Rib Roast, lb. ....... .10c Pot Roast, lb., 7c, 5o and 5c Sirloin Steaks, 12c & 10c Boiling Beef, lb. . ... .'. 2HC 210 North Sixteenth Street.. a i wm maim mwmim imr m c . excursion rates. you please. .. i POLITICAL CARDS agree that I have "made good" and County Assessor to which I am aspiring. for County Assesses