OFFERED FOR RENT Honor and Cottaft xr Chicago ftrekt. . room, mode. 810, 2M3 Wool wort It ivnu, 8 room, mini-em- detached. $.), vacant Beplembpr 16; 120 -North -21 at avenue,-ft rooms, very de e alrable, .'A Ring wait Brothera, tot South Mh street. (16)-M 422 WE 'DO expert piano movlnr at lowest price, lei. Douglaa ia.. Schmoller Mueller Piano Co.. mi-1318 Farnam. - " U5)-371 110USES ,n all. parts of the cltjr. 1 R. g. OMAHA Van at Storage Co. pack, move. Mora H. H. goorla; atorehouse HJO-M N. 19th, Office luo9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. IK.. (lfu-36 WR. j MOVE PIANOS-Maggard Van end f Storage c'o. Tel. Doug. U'J. Office, 113 Webster St. (16)-378 M7 So. ath St., "at ftoor. 4 rooms, 126. BEMIS. Paxton Blk., 'Phone Dong. ER. (!5)-3'il FOR RENT-By owner. 3K.11 No Kd, new 4 room 'modern cottage. . Tel. Webater 1MJ. (16)-726 8. ariTH AVIS. Corner Vinton. 6 rooma. ycUjr water fi.o "u6 f.. itn--4V rooma; city water, bath, gas. !?'!j.t7'v:"' :" 1800 till Baft Bt.- rooms, bath, toilet, large -yard $22. so 1226 TMarftt St. 10 rooma. all newly papered, all modern, under-feed furnace, largo vard .- 136.00 IBM CaatiMlar Bt. rooma, modern except Tnrnace i.. ' 1., 86.00 152.' Caatetlar St. 6 rooma, modern except fumare .- 8-600 fit B. rrtri Bt. g room arid reception hall, ' hot wftter heat, tile bath room, oak tin- lh, fin lawn twflo. water rent MeCAQUK INVESTMENT CO., ' 1 1(06 Dodge Bt. ' (1E)-M467 31 HOUSES ,n P"rt of tne cr. Th UUU3 O: F. Davia Co., Bee Bldg. ''' (16)-374 FOR RENT-Kara?e store room. 16th and ii Vinton 6ta. C, M. Baohmann, 437 Paxton block. , 16)-360 FOR RENT 7-rom house, modern. 2432 . Parker Bt. (13) "Tl 30 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. ... ..... . Obi im NEW. 6-room -modern cottage, near two car 4lnea, Apply 2308 N. t4th St. (15 43 81 ROOM houae, all modern; 8910. N.' 2?d 84. Call 8908 N. t2d St. flol 444 lx R. MODERN houae, 30. -r. "Very desirable modern house, $18. Saviour ad In another column headed "For Rent Not for Sale." i " -J.'H. DL'MONT t SON, ":' - 1606 Farnam Bt. (16) 151 80 Mnlldtaa-e. THIC ftrtlre btillAlng formerly occupied by ' the). Dally News, 44x30 feet, t otorlee and basement. McCague Inveatment Co., 1505 Dodge Bt, (16)-t77 T312 HARNEY ST. 8 floora and baaement. 83x120 'feet; aultable for wholesale. Ma ; Cagu Inveatment Co., 1508 Dodge St. 08)-87l 't Wholesale District BUILDING For .Rent. The four-story and baaement brick build ing at 9W Farnam Bt. - Apply F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas Bt. - - ' an-MM OfflOM, FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, olty hall buthimg,- 417 N. 25th St., Sourti . Omaha, Apply to manager. - (15) 134 E8K room for rent In atenor-apher'a of J.. flee,, 80a Paxton Blk. '15J MK00 FIREPROOF BUILDINGS Are the aafeat for office purpose, but other ' requlrementa are necessary to protect the tenant from losaea through thla aouroe. TflE BEE BUILDING la a fire proof conatructed building, having . gruat number'of tire proof vaults, with . out A boiler room In tne basement to In fcPMWU)a the danger. We take every pre caution to guard against loaa by firs. Vheru are two connecting offices on the fifth oor for rent, one room la "12x20, tho other 7x10. There are four larra windows In the - larger room affording plenty or light, anvl tUle room has -a good vault also, making -this conblnatlon of rooma the moat Ut airable in the building. On the sixth floor we have two amel rooms ,whluh can -be rented aeparateiy or aa a . auite. Janitor service, water and llghta furnished. For further partlculara aee . . R. "W. BAKE3R. BUPT. THE BEE BUILDING 17TH AND FARNAM 8TB. teres. Rf"ROOM. Wl B. 16th Bt. Clarke Powell. r inum pc. - fiB) 8 OFFERED FOR SALE ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing ' 60 per foot. . 801 N. 17th HL Tel. Red 814. (l)-84x Faraltare. THRKB OrLT-KDOB BARGAINS. Jurn.!ture and " complete equipment of 11-room house, 14-room flat and lt-room tiouae. for quick sale at much lesa than votual coat; all well located; cloae In and nmklng money. 'Phone Red 1283, or call 424 N. T. Life Bldg. V- ' (1 MU7I XD HAND furniture bought and sold; bual nesa on the square. Rosenberg, formerly with Chicago Furniture Co., 103 & 14th SX. .Tel. Douglaa 5U& ' (16)-M46e S29 ID HAND f emlture. bought and aold ; bual neea on the sou we, . Roaenbtrg, formerly with Chicago Furniture Co., 108 B. 14th Bt Tel. Douglas (US. (16-728 At FOR- BALfe' CHEXP-Bolld oak roller-top office desk. ' chair . and typewriter. Ad dress B 70. Bee. (1) M528 PARTIES "leaving the city offer for aale .entire . furniture mnd ruga of a 6-room apartment:. lease can be had of apart ment to the right party. Addreaa B 1&& Bee. ' . (16) S3 29x tlaae)a, Orgeat, Maislral last re meat. Piano. Bargains . InTeitlcate the apeclal offer we are yiipaklnf thla week it will sare you aorne money. $40Q Dabler, practically new.... $220 400 Ivert A Pond, fine condition 216 300 Kimball, partof aire 115 300' Kimball, large alze 95 450 Bmeraon, nearly new 185 250 Hoffman, mahogany case.. 155 500 Geo. Stock, new.. 325 The game eaay terms: 13, 14, 15 or 10 monthly.. New Piano for re.nt 13.60 monthly. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Qo. . 4 .'Phone Doug-. 1625. V. H11-H13 Farnam Btreet. ; ,' . 16)-M3:8 FIN Vprtaht Kimball piano. . Dealer da sot, call. 141 pavcnuort. t. - -a' ' Ua-3x f OFFERED FOR SALE Plnnoa, (Irftai, Moalrat (Continued! afa. DKAOAN'H moramnphone, In fine trunk I mad for It; bargain. M N. 16th. (16) .18 x FOR SALE CHKAPBtory tk Clark cabinet organ, 13 atops, a beautiful, irong-tinj lna(rument, aultable for church or home, good condition; coat fl0. Adlrej U Ml, ee. r (18-M73 Pool ! Btlltara Table. FOR BALK New and aecond-hand billiard and pool tables. We lend. the world In cheap bar fliturca; eaay payments. Bruna-Wlck-Balke-Collendar, M B. 10th Bt. Typewriter aad SewlaaT Machlmee. FOR SALE High gradft aeeond-hana type wrttei ; good condition; a bargain at 150. Call room 603, Bee Bldg. (16)-71 ONE Remington typewriter. No. t. In good condition, for aale cheap. , Call at Bee office- . ., 'J6)-C9x NO. t Smith Premier typewriter, good a new. I need the hionet. R. B. Roberta. 16th and Farnam, aoulnwost corner. . .' (16) 446 4 . MleeollaaoosM GAS, ELECTRIC AND" COMBINATION FlXTUltES Largest, most tip-to-dat stock at'loweat prices In the city, select now. Delivered when needed. - Inspection Invited. BURGESS -GBANUEN CO., 813 So. 16th Bt Tel. Doug. 68L U 4W FCH SALE Onyx aoda Tountaln, 24-ayrup, two body, refrlKerator base, counter au tomatic carbonator, niter, all aa good aa new; also drug Stor fixture, " cuuntera and show cases. Howell Drug 'Co., 16th and Capitol Ave. (16) 6a FOR BALE A butcher' refrigerator, Bev eral show caaea, a new peanut roaster, large coffee mill, two large automatic oil tanka and store fixtures too numerous to mention. Olobe Land arid Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. !) MbfS FOR BALE Flneat boarding house la .the city; best local ton. ail furnished; walk ing distance, eto.f critau. . Inquire 0i Karbach Block, Omaha, Neb. : , (l)-838 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 810 orders; catalogue free. 6HEKMAN A M'CONNELL DRUO CO., Omaha, Neb. . (1) BJ FOR BALE About Ootober 1, on 09-gal-lon Worthlngton duplex pump, else 1 KHixlO. W. U. Brldgea, engineer Omaha Q6)-M67 HOMEOPATHIC medicines,, wholesale and retail. Sherman & MoConneU'Drug Co. U6)48S WHEN writing to advertisers It'takea but a stroke or two of the pen to say you aaw the ad In- The Bee. .. - . ' BEND US your mall order for drags; freight paid on 814 lota. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 884 CHER WIN WILLIAMS CO., boat mixed paint, Bherman V McConneU Drug Co. ' (16)-88l HALL'S safe, new, 2d-hand. jtlt Farnam. . ' ' . (16)-W0 HAY-89 per ton. Wagner. 801 N. 18th. (16)-M702 BECOND-HAND rubber hOie, tools. Singer, 418 N, 16th. , (16) 7J6 THREE fine tool chests, also butchera' meat block; 33 each. 808 N. 16th. , . . (16) 718 tax FOR SALE Steel range, good condition; reaaonable. 638 Bo. 26th Ave. (16)-M37J S3x FOR SALE Two safes., nhow case and deska. 415 Paxton brock. ' ... (16 M3931x POOL and billiard tables' lor sale, five pool aifd two billiard tables': murt be sold In fifteen daye. 418 N. 24th St., So. Omaha. . . . ,(16) 43Sp7 RIDPATH'S History of .the WorldAmer lcanlzed Encyclopaedia Btltannlca: now international encycldpaedfe; on email monthly payment. .Webater'a Una bridged Dictionary, 310 edition only 83.25 this week. B. B. Roberta, southwest corner 16th and Farnam-St. t (!6)-447Bp2j PATENTS D. O. BARNULL, patent attorney and ma , chine designer, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. ' '17) M907 8U LARSON CO.-Book free. . Bee Bldg. ' ; U7) 3D! PERSONAL THE ELITE Expert. dy operator glvea massage chaly beate scrub bathe. 'Room 300. Barker block, 16th and Farnam. New eetabllsh- ment. " (18) M466 31x THE BALVATION ARMT aollclta oaat-oft clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 'Doug. 4135 and wagon will call. ' (18) U TOUNO WOMEN coming to strangers are Invited to visit Women Christian Association Farnam atreet, where they 1 retted to eultabl. boarding otherwl aaslsted. ' - Omaha aa the Toung rooma, lilt a-ill be dl plares or (W)-H8 WHEN YOU write to advertiser remam , ber it takea but an extra stroke or twb of the pen to mention the fact that yeu saw the ad In The Bee. v MAGNETIC Oeteology and Maaaage, iu-n.jj.jj.xj vapor and Tub Batha. Room J. 1204 Farnam St., 2d floor. wu (18)-M181 B 6EWINQ machlnee ranted. Neb. Cycle Co.. Uth and Harney. 'Phone Douglaa 1668. (18)-3SS FEW bargalna In td-hand aoda fountain, monthly paymenta. Derlght, 1818 Karnaru. ' . (ll-4 OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramg fclCg. (18)-8tsl STHINQEa, rubber gooda. fey 'mall; cut Brlcea. Bend for free catalogue Myera. HUon Drug Co., Qmaha. dS) X16 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOMB-Mra. Dr. King, 1320 N. 24th BL'flel. Web. te68i MAGNETIC 383Sli&& (18-860 REAL ESTATE RtfiAL. RgTATB DGALBU1 RUSSELL A M'KI TRICK CO 433 Ramie. (l-3tS W. H. TURRELL, 14 Patterson Blk. Doug, ua . ' .. .- . C-8 PAYNE INV. CO., tat Boor K. X. L Doug. 17SL , , . . - (11 460 R- C PETERB eV CO.. Be Bldg. . (1J) 401 L W. BUNNELL 4V CO., US "ifT".' Ufe.' Douglaa 8148. (ll) ail OEORQB at COMPANY. - .. 1601 Farnam. . TeL Dougla T&4. (1 404 C M. RICH, 16th ft LocuaC . Tel. Web. 1471 - - . (li) 17 tx CITY rROPCRTY-rest BAL8L $250 CASH Balance Like Rent ..... , ' . Eight-room house, parlor, dining room, large bed room, kitchen., let floor; four large rooms Id floor; houae piped for gaa, city water and clalerti. aharie treea, lare barn; lot 60x160; aouth front, near Hane corn Park; about block, to car. . Price ' BTRKETT TEBBENB. 43 Bee Bldg. , T.I.-DougUa 4764. ' (1 H a U8T your i roncrty with ChrU Boyer. rd abdCuxulug iug - t - iitk-tm TUK UMA11A " REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR BALS (Continued.) REDUCED PRICE " YOUR OPPORTUNITY $4,400 . 2210 FOWLER AVE "Beautiful south front lot, 55x1.13 feet, fine terrace, cement steps and walks all around, quarter a wed oak Moors, large living room, 16x35 feet, open brick fireplace, beautifully pepered, four good bedrooms, larire floored attic, larae porch, preaacd brick founda tion, porcelain lined laundry tuba In base ment, fine furnace, everything the beat, can't be duplicated for 8S,C00. Built by owner for a home one year ago and built right. Close to 24th 8t. car; beat atreet In north part of city; 31. M cash and 830 per month; might take amaller cash payment from good parties. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam Bt. Bee nidg. (19) 450 SO CAN MOVE RIGHT IN All modern, 9-room Itiouae In on of the - beat residence district of Council Bluff a; t closet, full cellar, electric light and gaa; near car line, cloae to sclrool; will be' completed In about ten da) a; price, 84,500. If not aold by September II will rent for $36 per month. Will aell for caah or for a payment down of 31,000 and bal . ance monthly. Take notice and don't fall to let ua ahow you thla Benjamin Real Estate Co., 325-4 Neville Blh. 16th and Harney Bt.' 'Phone Douglaa 7331 , I . 1 USO-M472 1 ATTRACTIVE HOME , v For Sale for $3,000 2228 Maeon St.. 15 minutes' walk from busi ness district. 8 rooms, well arranged: modern except furnace; atreet la 4, being paved; Dotn aide etreeta paved; reason able term. ' Payne .Investment Company, ' , Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. : ' TeL Doug. 1781. (18)-M4T1 (1 LOOK INTO THIS YOU DONT NEED CASH to buy or build. We can sell the finest and moat sightly . ,'lots In beautiful Halcyon Heights, Just two block south of Benson business center and . Military eve. car line, on pay- ments of $26 down and $6 and $10 per month. Within a short ' time you own a choice lot, fully paid for, and are In posi tion to obtain a building loan and erect your own noma. You can't equal these valuea at $260 to $660. See ua at once for plata and our plan for sale of these lota, and we will take you out to see them at any time. RUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO., 433-84 Ramg Bldg. 15th . and Harney. (l)-388 29 6-ROOM houae, modern except furnace, 4 years old, built by owner for a home, 8S-.4 Parker, block to car; lot 48x1X7; ' barn, fruit and shade trees , $2,650.00. 'l - W. H. GATES, 617 K. Y. Life. 'Phone Dodg. 1294. ' . (18) 468 81' - FINE CORNER ' Southeast corner Bat and California, two brick' flats and room for three more. 'Phone Red ,6864. ... (19)t-441 30x $200 DOWN and $16 per month buy new 6-room house at 8647 Ave. A. West Council Bluffs; city water, cellar and closeta; walking distance from the buslneas cen ter of Omaha; lot 44x120. Price only $1,800. Look at thla. BENJAMIN REAL ESTATE CO., 336-6 Neville Block. 16th and Harney. . 'Phone Douglas 7332.- ' ' (18) 382 80 FOR SALE A good 6-room houae, modern except heat, location convenient. Price $2,100. ', ' And a brand new t-room modern house at 28th and Maple. Bargain at $2,800; part caah. 'Phone Webster 4345. , . i . (1)-MS39 tig $5 DOWN, $5 a month. We have over 100 lota In West Council Bluffs, on or near Omaha car line, at the very low prtcea of from. $100 to $276, Buy now before the price goes up. We have sold many Omaha . people homes In West Council Bluff and all are pleased with their bargains. Let ua show you these lot. BENJAMIN REAL ESTATE CO.. ' 326-6 Neville Block. lth and Harney, 'Phone Douglaa 7333. an-38i to 84 LOTS In Halcyon Heights, Benson, lying welli close to car line; 30 minute rid to Omaha. Will aell altogether or In bunchea of five. For prlcea and term addreaa H 43, care Be. (la) 167 TOR RENT NOT FOR SALE Two very desirable new brick houses, modern' In every respect; tiled vestibule, oak finish, polished floors. 4 beds ' rooms and. bath second floor. Located on quiet atreet now being paved, I block from the two beat car lines In th city; convenient to Presbyterian. Methodist. Episcopal and Catholic churches and good publlo and parish schools. 840 and 842.60 per month, respectively. Key at our office. J. H. Dumont eV Bon, 1806 Farnam atreet. (1 464 80 $400 EACH Your choice of 13 lot near 17th and Plnk ny and Pratt streets, moat lots have sewer and walks. Lots are $ and 8 blocka to car. . THE BYRON REED CO., 'Phone D. 387. 212 South 14th. (19)-M416 31 NICE NEW COTTAGE ON EASY TERMS . 4404 North 30th street. Just south of Ames avenue, paved street, permanent walks, large lot, modern Improvements. Bee us quick; $2,100. ' R. II. LANDERYOU, Tel. Doug. nil. 44J Board of Trad. (19) M363 30 FOR QUICK SALE. 7.250 K At Ti . w- ... . . .... - vwi, unm 11 in ana una, 8-story and . basement brick; rente p. cent on Investment, with 32 feet vacant for new building. This Is 31.260 less than price heretofore, and offer only goad few daye. Boo u quickly. THE PUTNAM CO., t04 N. Y. Life Rids Cadet Taylor, Pres. W. B. Taylor. Bec'y. (1)-3S7 38 36 ACRES unimproved, 10 acres cultivated. uiui. grjve wun gooo. soa, well lo cated, easy terms; $2,700. A. T. Bey bolt, tot Grand v.. 'phone Webeter 170. 09-734 DAILY HEE: FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1907. REAL ESTATE ROPICRT- JTOH SAM CITY PR (Continued.) A good, fair, t or 9-rqom house, with full tot, aouth front, on Farnam atreet. only 88.900, or Juat about the value of the lot. CONNKR A HF.A1.EY, 233 Nevill Block. . ' (1J)-M4J0 31 $1.35, KA9Y TERMS. Five-room cottagv, .ivell, permanent walks, picket fenrp, aherts, etc., all hew, Juet built, only $1.8S0, located at 4nl5 N. sthAve rental , Income $10 per annum. J. Remits A Son. Taxton Block. (19 M4S 31 ACREAGE TRACTS KEYSTONE PARK i One mile m-est of Benson. An' acre tract here coats one-third lesa than a 80-foot lot In the city. Makes an attractive site for suburban homes' many new trarta SOLD. Bullillnga and extensive Improve ments are aoon to be begun' on these tracts. Those who have bought here are taking considerable pride In . planning buildings and beautifying auburbnn homes. Better aew ua while iome of the beat tracta are left. $175 TO $37$ PER ACRE. Payne Inveatment Company, First Tloor, N. T. Life Bldg., Tel. Dotig. 1781, and D. V. Sholes Company, 110 Board of Trade Bldg , Tl. Doug. 49. O9)-M170 31 $8,800.... 1501-lSOt South 28lh 8t., corner lot, 80x143 feet; two cotiagos; rent 838 per month; room for two mora cottagea or data. Eaay term . THOMAS BRKNNAN. . Room 1. New York Life Bldg. ' 'Phcne Douglaa 14. (19)-S20 $100 DOWN, balance 814 and Interest per month; 6-room house on Ave. D" and 23d Bt., Council Blurts. Price only $l.50O. See us about this. BENJAMIN REAL ESTATE CO 328-6 Nevlllo Block, ISth and Harney 'Phone Douglas 7333. '- ' 09) 383 30 FLATS-2626-7-9 jk Bt opposite new street ear buildings; also good cottage in rear on Ersklne St., net rental 800 a month. Improving, buildings alone cost 39.000. Price $S,O00. Also X107 Chicago, high lot, one block from high school, .old cottage In rear. Price $2,400. Assessed at $3,500. ' v FRANK CRAWFORD. 881 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 2397. (19)-M341 30 PEAL ESTATE ' TTTLE-TRU8T nCi CHAS. EL WILLIAMSON. Prea. VA U9) 408 : REAL ESTATE FARM AND RAACU LiAU FOR tALB. tit Dakota). OPENING LOWER BRULE RESERVA TION IN SOUTH DAKOTA. Partlea wlahlng full Information aa to the character of 'the land, how to reach It and how to take part In the drawing In October, alao information in relation to the opening of Tripp Co., In the Roae bud reservation, j can secure aame by ending $1 to Ch tries H. Burke, Pierre, 8. D., formerly member of eohgreaa and author-of the Lower Brule and Rosebud leglalatlon. . i (20)-M746 80 . OUT i THEY GO.-. ' You can always ilnd good, rich wheat land and Just the kind of a stock farm you want by selecting from oar 100,000-acro tract In the famous -Hettinger county. North Dakota; go iout and aee. H; look us up.' William H. Brown Co.. Rlchardton or Mandan or Mott, North Dakota, or 181 l,a Sall St., Chlcago.T'Ill. ' - -(20) M352 827 WANTttD-!-100 men to buy cheap deedo.l land, relinquishment or city property In Btnrdey. Co, 8.) tm; good oll, water and timber; correspondence aoliclted. Ray . Bowerman, RealxKetate Broker, Kadokit, 8. D. ..,,,,1.1,,, (20)r-MltV2x - - ... Colorado. . l SEVERAL "llARGE TRACTS ..." tA 6',n- ' ' .,thti FARM LAND IN COLORADO, 1EAR DENVER for Colonization Purposes. Spe cial Prices attd . Terms to Land Men. W. F. SHELTON IVND AGENCY, Sellers of good land, cheap. Dept. A. 318 So. 15th St., Omaha, Neb. ' 1 ' :; (20J-U887 81 1, 060-acre ranch, with full water right. In beautiful Ban LuU Valley; best place in the world to raise cattle, sheep and hogs; price, $16.00 per acre; first crop often paya for land. The Pond Realty & Loan Co.. Colorado Springe, Colo. (20) M766 30x WANTED Agent to represent ua in th ale of our Kansas taada. Write for particulars.- Globe Land and Investment Co.. Omaha. Neb. r;o 12 8AYI It you want a fine rural home, well located, buy thla highly Improved 200 acre farm, near lty of 8,000, only 60 mile of Kansaa Clty. Buckeye agency, Williamsburg, Kao. . (20) M458 E12x Hebraaka. FIRST-CLASS Nebraska farms and ranches lor homes o? Investment. Bemis, Omaha. " ' ' (20)-418 - Mlseetlanroaa , Cheap Land Jacobson 4 Co.,' 938 N. Y L (20) M4C5 S? REAL ESTATE LOANS LOWEST RATES Bemis, . Paxton Block. WANTED City loan. R. C. Peters at Co. LOANB op Improved city property.- W. H. Tboma, 606 First National Bunk Bldg. -, ' V (22) U4 $4,000,000 to LOAN" on ' hualneaa and resi dence property In Omaha;, loweat rates; no delay. Thomas. Hrennan, Room I, N. .J. Lite. ... .;' - , . (22) 6 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O'Keef R. E. Co.. J0QI N. Y. Life Bldg. (23) 415 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith eV Co.. 1230 Farnam St. t2) 417 $500 TO $60,000 TO LOAN at loweat rales; no delay. GARVIN BROS., 1606 FARNAM. . (?.!) 41 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. ISM Doug. .u MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment d. (22) 42C $20,600 PRIVATE money to loan; no da lay. J. H. Sherwood. 837 N. Y. L. Bi.lg. , (22) MiOi 81 WANTEDTO BORROW WANTED TO BORROW $1,000 to enlarge a good paying buslnee with privilege to reduce loan yearlv. Ad dress W 776. Bee; (24) 21 WANTED TO CUY WANTED To buy second hand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino leums, office furniture, old clotht and anoea. pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts and all kinds of tools; or will buy the furniture of your houae complete. The highest prices paid. Call the right man. Tel. Douglas 34a. (2e)M366 B 37 WANTED A good, gentle family horae and buggy; either aurrey. Ilgijt road Nmgon ur a top, one-abated rig. Inquire at once of the Weatern Artificial Limb Co. 'Phone 1722; IK3 Broadway, room 4U2-404. Council Bluffs. " (2i)-M477 Six WANTED TO BUY (Continued.) CARD CABINET of IS to K drawer for card . $x6 Inches; elate price; must be cheap. Address L 6X2. Ur. ( 1 CASH paid for second hand clothing, shoe, etc. 8 No. 10th St. Tel. Red 8326. (K)-21t WANTED A emnll Job printing preaa, with type. W. M. t, Auburn, Kivn. (25)--.M104 4X CA9H peld for old books. Crane-Foye Co, 313 8. 14th. 'Phwne Douxl' 12a. itB) 810 RdLLKR top desk, chair, office fttrnlture. Call Webster 1424. (JS)-M4L'l Six WANTED TO RENT WANTE1 By a neat boy. with references, board and mom In a prlvat family; will help around houae If desueM; please state what board and room bill will be. Address Y 200. Bee. (M M762 30X TWO nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping tn kooU neighborhood. drees J 43. Dec. (20) M91C 21 WANTED By man and wife about Sept. i a 8 or 6-room cottage or 4 or 8-room apartment, furnished or unfurnished, In good locality. Cnll P. II. Johnson, Dept. Mgr. Hayden Bros. (26) 829 29 EXPERIENCED grad iate osteopath want rooma and board In exchange for serv ices. Addresa Y 112, care Bee. (.'6)-MUl 4x WANTED 6 or 6 room cottage or flat by young couple. State price and location. Address J. A. Smith, Oeneral Delivery, clty.v (26)-M415 Six WANTED By two ladles, two or thre unfurnished rooms, modern, within walk ing distance. Address C 122, enre 7w. " ' ' (2R)-4: lx WANTED SITUATION EXPERIENCED, honest Japanese boy want, a position as a cook In family. AJdreas, Charlea Kawal, 723 So. Ith St. (27)-M7S6 SOx YOUNO man, 82, wishes position a col lector or other outside work; best refer ences. What have you? Addresa B 88, Bee. (27) 708 x EXPERIENCED office man want small aet of books to keep; ail or part time. Address E 141, Bee. (27) M989 tlx YOUNO man wants place to work for board and room while attending Boyle college. Thono Douglaa 191. (27) M4t8 WANTED Situation by two young ladles (sisters), violinist and pianist; four years' experience In orchestra work and good sight playera. Address Y 199. care Hee. (27)-M73t 30 YOUNO man wants place to work for board while attending school.- Boylea college. Tel. Douglaa 19S4. (9) M107 WANTED Position aa clerk In general merchandise atore; fifteen year' experi ence; beat oi references. Box 3. Bwanton, Neb. (27)-Ml41 lOx WHEN you write to advert'aer remember It takea but. -tn extra at rake or two of the pan to mention the fact that you aaw the ad In The Be WANT IT? It's $65.00. hag rubber tires, trimmed In Bedford cord, paint ed carmine gear. Stylish, -substantial, superlative. A BRAND NEW RUNABOUT. DRUMM OND'S 18th and Harney Sts. 100 other Big Bargains In Bug gies, Wagons and Harness., GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR FLOUR,-OATS, DRIED Fruit, Etc Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C, August 7, 1907. Sealed proposals, plainly marked, on the outside of th envelope "Propoeal for Flour, Oats, . nrled ; Fruit," etc., as the case may bt and addressed to the "Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Wash ington, D. C," will be received -at the Indian Office until 1 o'clock p. m. of Thursday, September. 26, 1907, and then opened, for furnishing the Indian aervlce with canned tomaloea, cornmeal, cracked wheat, dried ftul. feed, flour, hominy, oats and rolled oata during fiscal year end ing Juno 80, 1908. ' Bids must be made out on government blanks. Schedules giving all necessary Information for bidders will be furniahed on application to the Indian Office,' Waahlngton, D. C; the U. 8. Indian warehousea at New York City, Chicago, 111.; St. Louis, Mo.; Omaha, Neb., and San Francisco, Cal. ; the Commissary of Subsistence, U. 8. A., at Cheyenne, Wyo.; the Quartermaster, U. S. A., Seattle, Wash., . and the postmastera at Tucson, Portland, Spokane and Tacoma. The de partment reserves the right to reject any and all bids or any part of any bid. C. F. Larrabee, Acting Commissioner. A26dl8t CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICB - Omaha, Nebraska, August 19, 1907. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received here and by. quartermaster - at the poat named herein, until 11 a. m., central atand ard time, September t, 1907, for furnishing hay and bedding during the fiscal year end ing June aVlfiS, at Fort Riley, Kansas. Proposals for delivery at other places will be entertained. - United States reserves right to reject or accept any or all pro posals or any part thereof. Information furnished on application here, or to quar termaster at the station named. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Forage," and addressed to Major THOMAS CBl'SE, C. Q. M. A20-21-29-80-31 62 CHIEF OT'ARTER MASTER'S OFFICE Omaha, Nebraska. August 16, 1907. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until 11 o'clock a. m.. central atandard time Sep tember S. 1907. for Installing an electric freight evevator In commissary storehouse at quartermaster's depot, Omaha. Nebraska Full Information furnished on application to this office, where plana and apeclfleatlona may be seen. Envelooea containing pro poh;i!s to be marked "Proposjila for Electrlo riinni r.irniur, aim annreaaeo. to Malor Thomas Cruse. Quartermaster. Army Build ing, Omaha. Nebraska. AU-17-2S-30-81S LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tit E RE gents of education of the stale of South Dakota will receive sealed proposals for the construction of a law building on the campus of the University of South Dakota at Vermilion, 8. D. Bids are invited upon the following propositions: (1) The con atruction, heating, plumbing and wiring fot electric lights; (2) construction only, 3 heating only, (4) plumbing only, (6) wiring only, nil any combination of propositions, 2 to 6. All ivork la proposed to be done ac cording to plunj and specification prepared by the architect, Joseph HcDWnrz, and on file in his office at Sioux Falls, 8. D.; at the office of Ue secretary of the university. Vermilion, 8. D. ; at the office of the Jiuilu era' Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn., and at the office of the Dally Journal, Sioux ( tty, Iowa, and at the nffloe of Tho Omaha ce, Omaha. Nt-braska. All bids must bo accompanied by a certified check, payablvi to the president of the regents of educa tion, tor o per cent of the amount of the bid as a guarantee that aucceaaful bidder will enter Into contract and lve a satis factory bond for the completion of the aame within the time and In the manner therein apccitled. Bidders are advUed that nut more than 80 pvr cert of the contract price will be available for pavincnt until after July 1, Bids will be received up to September 26. Wfl, and contract will b awarded at Brookings. 8. D at 1 p. m. Bids sent by mall should be addressed to Regents of Education, Brookings, 8. D. Tlia regents reserve th right to reject any or all 'bids. E. C. EHK sON. presi dent; Irwin U. Aldrich. Secretary. Aug27-28-29-2o-31-eepll-2-10-17 . BOND3 FOB BALE WATER BONDS OF Beaver City, Neb., to the amount of 125, OOu, dated day of delivery, pa able at Ne braska Fiscal Agency, New York City, N. Y. Twenty yea re after date. Interest 6 per cent from date, opllon to city to redeem same any time after five years from their date, Issued In denominations of $5u0 each. ( Uy reserves right to reject any and all bids The above will bo received by W. L Leonard, city clerk, up to and Including September 3D, 1W7. W. I LEONARD. City Clerk; Adat NOTES ON OMAHA SOCIETY Country Club Enlivened bv One Big .Luncheon Party. MRS. NASH GIVES LARGE AFFAIR Thursday Attraeta Vauat Large Crowd at llaoay Hollow ClwM la (oa trast to Taeaday'a A t teadanre. Thuraday made up for th conaplcuou absence of entertaining at the Happy Hol low club on Tueaday. The luncheon Hat was long and several more would have been given could the strict rule of making reservation by nxn of the preceding day have been vlolnted. The Kappa Alpha Theta aororlty gave the largest luncheon party, their guest a being aeated at onn large table, which waa made attractive with quantities of yellow blootiie. Covera wrr laid for eighteen.' - Mr. E. W. Qunther and Mr. Hatti Pit tenger entertained In honor of Mr. Mc Cheancy, who Is the guest of her slater, Mr. C. W. Russell. Covera were laid for Mr a. McChegncy, Mr. Russell, Mrs. Charles Johannes, Mrs. E. O. McOUton, Mrs. Alex ander Ounther, Mr. Leroy Austin, Mrs. Frank Holmes, Mrs. A. B. Bomera, Mr. 8. n, Towne,. Mrs. Byron Brenholt,- Mr. C. C. Wright, Mr. W. C. Sunderland, Mrs. II D. Neeley, Miss Hohn and Mis Fitch. With Mrs. L. M. Talmage were Miss Kttty Thurston, Mr. E. B. Talmage and Miss Mildred Talmage, all of Onawa, la.; Miss Lou Tlllotaon, Miss Florence Cook, Mies Merle Blackmer and Mis Mabel Tlllotaon. Mr. R. V. Cole, Mrs. L. J. Nedd. Mrs. Simon Jonea, Mra. 11. I. Adama and Mra. Joseph Polcar had luncheon together. Mr. Ernest DeOraff, Mlaa DeOraff and Mlas Buaan DeOraff were guests of Mrs. George H. Blcknell. . Complimentary to Mr. Frank Blair Bmlth of Mexico City, Mr. A. O. Edwards had aa her guests Mrs. Smith, Mrs. O. W. Wat tle. Mrs. A. T. Austin, Mrs. C. D. Mc Laughlin, Mrs. Howard of Kansas City, Mrs. Robert Dempster and Mlaa Bessie Al len. Wilb Mrs. 12. C. Henry were Mlas Malm ten, Miss Rents, Mlas McGulre, Miss Ful lerton, Mlas Campbell, Mlas Archibald and Mrs. Hlgbee. Her table had a centefpieco of nasturtiums and. the plate cards were little Dutch figures. Miss Helen Forbes' table was exception ally pretty with a brilliant centerpiece of sylvla. with plate cards decorated. to match. Her guests were Ml Marthena Harrison, Mia Mildred Rngera, Mis Margaret Mc Pherson, Miss , Mary Richardson, Mlas Blanche Power, Mis Alice Carey McGrew, Mlas Dorothy Morgan, Miss Lou la Lord, Mis Elizabeth Sweet, Mlas Katherlne Bee son, Miss Lillian Lane, Miss Miriam Pierce and Mrs. John Forbes. - Mrs. John Ross, Jr.; Mrs. Charles Ur Quart, Mr. W. K. Palmatler. Mra. T. L RAILROAD TIME CARD tJNIOX STATiOX 10th AND MARC Y. ' ' . Colon Paclfle. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited .......a 8:66 am , a 9:40 pin The China and Japan ' Fast Mall' a 3:64 pm a 6:00 am Colo,- .aV Calif. Ex a 8:50 pm a 9:30 am California at Ore. Ex. ..a 4:00 pm a 8:60 pm Loa Angeles Limited. ...al2:S6 pm a 9:16 pm Colorado Special all:66 pm a 6:50 am North Piatte Local a 7:42 am a 6:16 pm Beatrloe Local b 7:42 am . b 4:16 pm CttleVito IV ort western. Chicago Daylight a 7:05 am all.64 pm Bt. Paul-M'apoll Exp.. a 7.50 am alO-00 pm Chicago Local all:3o am a 3:28 pm Sioux City Paaaenger...a 7:60 am a 3:i8 pm Chicago Passenger -.a 8:00 pm a 1:30 am Chicago Special ..a 6:00 pm a 8:28 am (Tt. Paul-M ploli Lmtd...a8:28 pm a 7:40 am Do Angele Limited.... 8:80 pm alt:3t pm Overland Limited al0:00 pm a 8:23 am Fast Mall ......... . a 6 04 am Sioux City Local a 8:60 pm a 1:30 am Fast Mall a 1:36 pm Twin City Limited ....a t:28 pm a 7:40 am Norfolk-Boneatcel ..a 7:40 am a 6:3S pm Llncoln-Chadron b 7:40 am all :26 am Dcidwood-LIncoln ..r..a 8:00 pm a 6:35 pm Caaper-Shoshonl a 3:00 pm all:26 am Hastings-Superior b 3.00 pm b 6:36 pm Fremont-Albion b 6:36 pm bli:46 pm Chicago, Dock lalaod A Paelflo. EAST inicago K,aatern ljj.i i pm a : pm Chicago Flyer a 6:00 pm a 8:36 am WEST. Rocky Mountain Lmtd..all:4Q pm a 1:88 am Colo. & Cal. Express... a 1:S. pm a 4:40 pm KI. tv lexaa a.xpreaa..a t.u pm a l: pm Lincoln 4k Falrbury Faa.b 4:46 am bl0:l6 am i meagre urm western. Bt. Paul & Minneapolis. 8:30 pm T:30 am St. Paul 4k Minneapolis. T:30am ll:36pra Chicago Limited 6.-06 pm 8:37 am Chicago Express T:80 am 11:36 pm Chlcrgo Sxpresa 3:30 pm 3:30 pm Chicago, Htlwaakea at fit. Paul. Chicago Colo. Special. 7:03 am 13:05 am Calif. Oregon Exp 6:68 pm 3:2C pm Overland Limited 8:68 pm 8J7 am Mlaaoorl Paclfle. K. C. tc Bt. I Exp a 9:00 am a 6K am K. C. A Bt- L Exp all rid pm a 6:36 pm Nebraska Local. ....... ...a t:00 pm all:40 am Wabaan. ' St. Louis Expreaa a 6 JO pm a 8:80 am Bt. Louis Local frora Council Bluffs) a 1:30 am all:18 pm Etanborry Local, from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm bl0:15 am Illlnvola Control. Chicago Express.. a T:80 am a 1:43 nm Chicago Limited a IM pm a 8 SO am jhi.... w. . - --.w ihm m am bcrl.mgtoh rtJ, ttTu a afAioif Oorltngtea. Leave. Denver eV California.. ..a 4. 10 pm Nortnwaat Bpolai.......a 4:10 pm Black Hills. a 4:10 pm Northwest Expreaa a 9:30 pm Nebraska point a -00 a.-n Nebraska Expreaa a :0t at Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:46 pm Lincoln Local Lincoln Local Louisville at Plattam'tb.b 4:16 pm Ballsvue-Plattamoutb ..a : om Plattamouth-Iowa b t:lo am pelUvue-Plattemouta Denver Limited all:66 pm rhlcsara Sneclal a lieo am Ar.rv. ' a 4:1 pr a 4:10 pnj a 4:1 pi a 4:46 aw a 4:10 pm a 6:10 pm ail:0i pm b 8 :06 am a 8,-ot pm bl0:30 a a 1:44 a biripm a .tf am 11:46 pm n a 8:M am all:) am all .80 am a 4 30 mm a 4:10 p j f htcago Expreaa....... . 4:80 pm Chisago riei v a f ao pm Iowa Ixtcal a 8:16 am 61. Lou's Express. a 4:46 pm Kansaa City ti Bt. Joe..al0:4 pm Kansaa CUv 4k Bt Joe. .a 6:16 am Kanaas City 4k atl. Joa..a ti piu vVaCBMTr.H aTA .ISTri WtEBgTER Cblcagn. , Onaaha. t. Paal. ailaaeoaolla t A Leave. Twin City Passenger. ..fe a .so am Sioux City Feeeengor...a 3:00 pm f.mernt Local b 8:43 pm Emereon Ical' u 8:46 am Hlaooarl raelflo. Lo-al via Weeping WaUr m !: am Falls City Loral 8 0pra a Da'iy. b Dally except Sunday, ascep'. Eaturoay ttunday only SAtit-p. Mvrda. A.rlv. b 8:10 pm aii:2 am b 910 am $:M pi a 8:88 m aU:3 a 4 4 Dully Dnlkf OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CANADIAN PACIFJC HPBIlt" Lin of th Atlantic QVSBXO TO X.ranFCOiJx.ES TatAJt FOU DAYS AT BJUL Chicago Limited ...... .-.a 2:15 am all:!) pm Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4:30 pm Dea Molnea Paaa a 4 00 pm al2:30 pm f it tt- a I jrm all :40 m h fl:K6 nm Empreaaea sail Aug. t, $: Bept. 4), $0 Flrat Caoln $80 up; ferecond Cabin ilt upl Third Claas $28 .75. Writ for particular. O. H. Beajaoola, OaaL Agent, Tel. Uamaoa 7U. ill ooTClark 6u CtUcaga. Comb. Mr. Trimble and Mr. Head had luncheon together. Small luncheons of two and four were given by Mlaa Hayden, Mra. McKltrlck and Mr. H. I. Adama. At tho Field Clab. Th dance at the Field cmb Wedneaday evening aeenia lo be more popular than the dinner, aa but few dinner -parties were given and those' were small. Mr. J. n. Porter had three guests, Mr. L. W. Smith four, Mr. E. A. Hlndrlck six, Mr. K. P. McMahon alx. Mr. Frank Crawford four, Mr. W. C. Bullard four. Mr. C. D. Arm strong four, Mr. W Ev Palmatler four, Mr. Lee W. Sratlen two and Mr. A. E. Rogera two. Several email luncheona were given at the Field club Thursday. Mra, J. A. Munroe had five guests. Mra. John Campbell four guests snd Mra. F. E. Pierce four. Mra. Hugo Brandels entertained at lunch eon at the Field club Wednesday, when her guest were Mr Slomait of Detroit. Mich. Mra Arthur Brandela, Mr. J. Lobman, Mr. E. Flahcl of Pittsburg, Mrs. Herman Colin and Mra. Bam Frank. Coaatry Clab Laarktoa, A charming luncheon waa given Thurs day by Mra. Louis C. Nash at the Country club in honor of Mlaa Emily Meyer and Miss Nathalie Meyer of Dubuque, la., who are the guest of Miss Frances Nash. The tablo was decorated with pink and white asters and the plate cards were, summer girls done In colors. The guests were: Miss Emily and Mlaa Nathalie Meyer, Mis Mae Hamilton. Miss Bessie Brady, Miss Frances Nash, Mlaa Claire Helen Woodward. Mlsa Proulx, Mia Bess Baum, Miss Elisabeth Congdon, Mlsa Natalie Mor rlam. Mis Mary Lee McShane, Mlaa Helen Davie,' Mra. JoaepH Barker, Mra. Joeph Cudnhy, Mr. W T. Burns, Mr. W. J. Foye. Mra. Harry Wllktns, Mr. K. S. West brook, Mr. Ben Cotton, Mr. Edwin T. Bwob and 'Mrs.- Jerome Magee. Coming Kveot. Mrs. John Rosa, Jr., will entertain at lucheon Thuraday at the Happy Hollow club In honor of Mr. Charles Urquart of Chicago, formerly of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Hsrry Burnam will glv a dinner at the Happy Hollow club Saturday evening. The wedding of Mlaa Ethyl 1. Rector, daughter of Mr. and Mra. John, F. Rector, and Mr. Charlea F. Brlnkman ' will taka place In September. Come and no Goeain. Miss Mildred Rosa, who haa been apendlng the aummer at South Haven, Mich., la ex pected home Saturday. - Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Pet re son have returned from a trip to Chicago. Miss Harriet Wageck and Mia May Foley returned Thursday from a house party at Creston City, la. Mis Alice Kennard returned Wednesday morning from a visit of several week In Madlon, Wia., where she waa th guest of Mrs. Edward del Strother. Mr, del Strother accompanied Mlaa Kennard ae far a Lake OkoboJI, where (he will spend a week with Mr. Eva Wallace. ' Baying". Hats ' at Bargain. Now Is the Urn to buy hat for next aummer, for the emart shop which are always a season In advance are selling off their stock--regardlesa of coat. A hat bought now (n Ohe of these place will do duty next eeaeon, if or $8 one can ob tain a Pari hat that , coat 846 at th be ginning of the eeaeon. Then there are acveral emart ahops which dispose of their stock of garment In the same way and for similar Bum, inhere are many women who do all their summer shopping now, and' though their clothe do not -coat them Fifth avenue '''prices .jiet they always look like fashlQn plates. C It, is a trick worth knowing. ; ' " ' WHAT TH .WOMEN ARE, DOING Their Work and Their Interest in Varloua Parts ' of tho ..... i. .. Conntry, .,',-'' v ' X feature of the old home week celebra tion at Boston recently waa the entertain ment headquarters maintained by the va rious club of the city. Where the club had no rooms of tfielf own .Ahey rented suitable apartments at hotels or halls where the visiting club women might find rest and refreshments. The John Adam chapter, Daughter of th American Revo lution, had headquarters at the Parker house and entertained among other Mr. Donald McLean, - president general of th national society. The Woman' Relief Corp had roonj' the Wlnthrop school, where refreshments were served to mem bers of 'their -order and their friend a. Th New England WomarC club, of which Julia Ward Howe la preeldrt, had Its club rooms open every day, for the reception of vis itors. Every woman's organisation had repreaentatlvea at the varloua headquar ter to welcome club women and th Vis itor numbered many hundred. "Better food for the business woman" Is the latest watchword of the Woman's ex change of New York City, The organisa tion formed last April Is made up of busi ness women a.nd has leased one of th old New York mansions vacated aa the resi dence portion haa been crowded up town. The house is pleaaant and home-like and Its room have been converted Into most ettractlve parlors, rest and lunch rooma for th use of business women and girl. It 1 a moat welcome noontime reaort, es pecially for the many women who ar stranger In' Now York. ' The exchange I a co-operative organisation managed by bual ncs women, and Is In no sense charitable. Member pay for what they have, but th arrangement 1 auch that the expense It reduced to the minimum. The following story lllustratea well on of the grave aspects of the child labot problem: , ' Colonel Frank Pierce Morgan, the well known sociologist and raconteur of Wash Ington, at one time waa of the opinion that If the children of "poor white trash" In th aouth could be put. to work much good would result to all concerned. An experi ence tic had on nn Inquisitorial tour re cently rather pussies hint. In Btateboro, N, C. he fell Into conversstlon with a well-fed looking cltlsen. who rat on a dry gooda box whittling a stick. "What do you do for a living?" aakod Colonel Morgan. "Wall, strsnger," accommodatingly re plied the hospitable tarheol, "I don't have to do nothln' for a llvln' theae days, seln' as how I have five head of gala a-workln' In the cotton factory." Waahlngton Times. In the entire Hat of admission to prac tice at the bar. Just mads public, there la not one woman among the more than ISO new attorneys.' Of the ninety-two doctors of medicine passed by the State Board of Reglatratlon ten are women. The alignment of the aexes in the pro feaalona seems to be timing lit the direc tion of natural aptitude and sympathetic development. The practice of law Is not a congenial occupation for women unless In exceptlonel cases. Few have the tempera ment and tke disposition to nnd in It happi ness or achieve , aucceas. ' On the other hand, the healing art offers to women a career In which their natural Intuitions snd their delicate perceptions ronextuta Invaluable alda to eolence. Bos ton Poat. Th aew pur food law demand hon esty of label. Burnett's Vanilla Is pur. A small beginning. But the gregteat men and the greatest buslneaaea have small be ginnings. You may Intend to start, or you may have started a business on a small -cal. That' usually th safest way, and the safest way 1a always th beat wy. No buslneaa 1 too small to advertise, and Th Be want columns afford siactly the kUjd of service for email advertiser. Try it. Th start may lead to greattajlnga,