Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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    Want - ads
' ' MSnna aaaaaaaHH Skast )
Avrle eats rer the u ad
rolaasaa will he take natll IS m. for
lf edltlen and natll a. m.
for the Morula aa4 Saaday edltloae.
mast arrompaar all ardero for
ads and Jie advertisement will
bo areepted for Ins than 10 rents for
a lint Insertion
Rates apply to either The Dnlly or
Unnday Bee.
IH font lx word to a llae.
Combinations af Initial or atnbfri
coaat aa ova word.
Insertion, per liar, 10 cent a. Two or
more eoaeeeatlve Inaertlona, per llae.
U reata. Each laaertloa mad on odd
lays, 10 eeata per llae. fl.GO per
line per month.
Death aad Fnnerat Notices, Carda of
Tbaaks aad Ledge Notices, T eeata
per llae for one edition, morulas; or
evening 1 rents a Ilaa for eoeh ad
dltlonal edition, gnaday, 10 eeata a
lino. No ad takes for Ira a than 30
cent a.
special claTsificatio: If
roar advertisement Is Inaerted aader
any one of tke rlaaalfleatlona
below, It will be charged at the fol
lowing: rateai One Inaertloa, 4 rents
per line I three to als eoneeentlve In
ertloaa, .1 eenta per line oh lnaer
tion seven or more eoneeentlve ln
aertlnna, 2 eenta per line each Inser
tion 50 eenta per lino per month.
Except Agents, Solicitors and Snlen
Cows, Dlrda, Doara and Peta.
Homes and Vehicles.
Poultry and Kgge.
Typewriters aad Sewing Machines.
Planon, Organs and Maalcal Inatru
ntanta. , OFFERED FOn RENT!
Pnrnlshed Rooms.
I'nfurnlahed Rooma.
llouaekeeplna; Rooms.
Hoarding and Rooms.
Want Ada for The Bee mar left
at any of the following; drag stores
one Is "roar corner drngglat" they
are all branch ofllcea of The Bee and
yonr ad will be Inaerted Jnat as
promptly and on the same ratea aa at
the main office In The Bee Building,
Seventeenth and Fur nam Streets.
Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam.
Beranck. B. A., 1402 8. 10th St.
Becht Pharmacy. 720 8. 16th St.
Benson Pharmacy. Benson. Neb.
tlnmia Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming.
Blake's Pharmacy, 2818 Sherman Ave.
Caughlln, C. K., 6th and Pierce Sts.
Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave,
Conic, J. It., list Ave. and Farnam.
Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake.
Ci-rmak. Emll. 1264-8 & 13th St
i;astiunn Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton,
Killer, 1". II.. 2((U2 Iavenworth, ,
Foster & Arnold!, IIS N. 26th St.
Kreytag. John J., 1814 N. 21th Ht.
Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb.
Uoldiuan Pharmacy. 20th and Lake.
Ureen'a Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and
Oreenotlgh, O. A., 1025 8. l(Hh St.
Oreenough, G. A., 1624 S. 10th St. .
Hayden, Wm. C, 20 Farnam St.
Hanacom Park Phar., liol S. 29th Ave.
Hoist. John. 624 N. 16th Bt.
Huff, A. L., 2924 Leavenworth St.
King, H. 8., 2136 Farnam St.
Kountxe Place Pharmacy, 1304 N. 24th.
Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th Bt.
Lathrop. Chaa. K., 1324 N. 24th St.
Peyton," L. -E., 24th. and Lvavenworth..
Saratoga- Drug Co., 24th and Amea Ave.
Schaefur'a Cut Price Drug Co., 16th and
Suhaefer, Auguvt, 2631 N. 16th St.
Schmidt. J. H., 24th and Cuming Sts.
Btovm Pharmscy, 18th and Martha Bts.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming.
Walton Pharmacy. 20th and Grace Sts.
Worth, O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sts.
LIN INQER Marie, Thursday, August 29,
at St. Joseph's hospital.
Funeral Friday morning from residence,
8U Pacific street, to St. Phllomena church
at t o'clock. Interment Holy Bepulchsr
cemetery. Friends Invited.
TRAYNOR John, beloved father of Bella
Traynor and brother of Andrew Traynor.
Funeral Friday morning at S:30 o'clock
from realdence of his coualn, Mn. J. C.
Walsh, 604 North Twenty-fifth street.
thence to Bt. Cecelia's church.
- Births Nels P. Nelson, 3514 North
Twenty-fourth avenue, girl; Samuel L,
Bush. 4402 Howard street, girl; C. E. Bard
well, 2740 South Tenth street, girl; Joseoh
Telman. 1116 North Seventeenth, boy
..L!e',t,J!JeMla D- Watson, 6218 North
Thirtieth street, age 1 year; Mrs. F. M
Llnlnger. Bt. Joseph'a hospital, are '
years; John C. Riley. 1463 South Fourteenth
atreet. age 46 years; Thomas O'Brien! 1020
South Twenty-third atreet. age i month
be UsW "Cen" v.
Nama anil Adtr..B
Loi-enso H. Simmons, Omaha...
May Chldestur, Union. Neo
Charles Larson. Ayrshire, la
Mrs. Jennie Larson. Ayrshire, la..
.... 14
.... 19
.... 31
.... 81
nariea r. Urahanj. Carson. Ia.
.MI!L?!"' Qrhlun. ndolDh."N'e'b;'.'.l M
McCartney institute
1801 Farnam St.
Fall term begins September 1
Shorthand. Typewriting Bookkeeping
Commercial Law and Penmanahin.
to students registering on or before Thurs
day. August 29. ur"
Day and night sessions.
Call oa or telephone Doug. 107a
Miss E. F. McCartney, Secretary
MORAND'8 classes for adults ((.,.
opp. Burwood theater) will reon.n I
Tuesday. September 8. $ p. m
ticket on or before opening nlsht
pay $1 I... than regular pVlc.. Open'aU
day, noon and evening. Private W.n..
and .tag. dancing. A.mhl A wX..
day. Call or 'phone Douglas XWI
J ' (1) MtSl Six
SIGN PAINT1NO-8. H. Cole. 13V DougwII
, (D-AC
THE- CITY OARBAGR CO., office 4th and
Leavenworth Sts. TaL rouglas 1&7. d
SEND for our list of second-hand automo
bile. DERIGHT. 1818 Farnam. 2-X)6
FOR SALE Cheap, two automobiles. In
quire C. E. KimbaL Ogden Hotel.-Conn-ell
Bluffs. Ia (2-M764 SO
TO EXCHANGE Patent right on a lawn
weeder for removing dandelions from
yards. A fortune In this tar mm
party. Will trade for stock of hardware I
or land. Bonifications sent on reauaaL I
, Addres. care B.e.
J 'as in , " ' Mjin.n f ini'.n, -v l ul nl ,Hl, J'JU.
I D 8 DTCTJ" Sain rvMimnr I . - ' i-
UMnM-VorunMn,ut rBaa,H " 11 MMiriwraTjmi nmurn HELP WANTED I DPTFRFn FOR RENT
EXCHANGES If you have city property,
locks of goods, farm land or property of
any kind to exchange, write for our com
plete Hit. We have properties and lands
In sll parts of the country to exchange.
Our lint la free. Send for It at once.
Globe Land and Investment Co, 1!J Far
nam St., Omaha. Neb. 3
GOOD stork of general merchandise In an
Iowa town of 2.500. Will trade for clear,
. eheap land. Globe Land and Investment
I 8 22F a r n a m . ( 3 807
IF I owned 20 houses, each of them i
rented under Ions time lease for 125 per
inomn or a total reniai oi per montn,
and I offered to sell you the whole busl-
ness for $400 on easy payments, would
ytm ouyr
inat is just what an Investment In a
Car-Sign ayndlcate means to you. It
may sound crazy, but If you will call
to see me I can convince you that the
proposition Is very safe and sane, and
ir you want to (tet rich not quick, but
sure call on Then, khirnn the Par.
Sinn man, room 21, U. 8. National Bank
Miu, Omaha, Neb. (4-M36 30
FOR SALE tn.oro will buy a first class,
modern. 40-room hotel, steam hat, elec
tric iia:ru, 3-story brink building-,
with basement, (rood location, and
In one of the best small towns In Ne
braska; terms to suit purchaser; ( per
cent interest on deferred payments; or
win rent to a responsible party, possee
alon In October. Address Henry M. Ba
ron, 1.30 lat Nat'l Bank Bldg., Chicago,
III. (4 M137 lx
WANTED A partner In hoiel and cafe; a
good paying business; open night and day.
For this 1 have too much to attend to
to ba around all the time; must have fl.FOO
cash. This la a good chance for the right
party to make mon.y. Come and see for
yourself. Write at once. Lock Box 738,
Mllbank. S. D. (4)-M86 Six
Do You Wish to Make a Change
IF YOL have a farm, home, business or
piop-rty that you wish to sell or ex
change, write us.
j (4) M1S3 sept 28
FOR, SALE Job printing plant, doing good
business; only three, printing plants In
entire- city and county; Washington press
and almost enough material for weekly
imper; fine opening for practical printer;
bargain; Investigate. Box 1178, Durango,
Colo. (4) M&K3 II X
FOB, SALE Account sickness, owner will
sell 60-room brick hotel property, with
complete furnishings In good town of
2.60O, at a bargain; Immediate possession;
worth investigating; also fully-equipped
ditlry farm of 3)0 acrea and 26 cows,
cheap. Address Geo. II. Lennox. Colfax,
Wash. (4) MSyj 31x
BETWEEN forty and fifty thousand shares
of the Arlxnna Gold Mines & Milling Co.'s
stock ror sale at 16 cents per shnre. sold
by M. E. Lsngley and John J. Wyatt at
75 cents per share; any Information. Call
or write N. F. Anderson, 6S11 Walrath St.,
Los Angeles, Cal. (4)-M5 J3 S20x
809 New York Life Building,
Omaha, Neb.
FOR SALE A good paying hotel In Cen
tral Iowa, town of 10 to 12 hundred, 1
railroads; am going into other business.
Will sell building and furniture or fur
niture alone and rent building. Hotel V
block from depot. If looking for a snap
get busy. Address Y 173, Bee. (4) MtMl
FOR SALE In Fullerton. Neb., blacksmith
business, one set of tools, one 4 H. P.
gasoline engine, now, a good opening
now; easy payments. Address C."R.
Stenberg, Indian School, Genoa, Neb.
(4-M491 E9x
FOR SALE Good Irrigated ranches and
city property, business opportunities,
general merchandise, bicycle, auto gar
age and Implement business, in the best
town In northern Colorado. F. E. Bakar
& Co., Box 116, Greeley, Colo.
(4) M16T XX
FOR 8ALE Furniture- and fixtures In IS
room house; everything new; doing a pay
ing transient business; reason for sell
ing, leaving the city. . . Investigate
terms. Address Box 187, Fort Smith,
Ark. (4)-M369 Six
BUSINESS CHANCE On account of sick
ness will sell harness shop, only one In
the place, doing good business; will sail
or lease the building; seven hundred takes
stock and building. Address Box 1, Hop
kins, Minn. (4 M406 4x
FOR BALE Good, clean, up-to-date stock
or narness ana tools; only shop in town of
1.2W) people; Invoice about $S00; reason for
selling, other business. Address Lock Box
K, eugar city, coio. (4) M414 4x
FOR SALE Clean and up-to-date atock of
drugs in one or tne best farming countries
in Nortn Missouri; price n.aio or Invoice,
Aaaress box 74, Memourne, Mo.
- (4)-M413 4x
FOR SALiB The Metropolitan; furnished
rooma; inoaern, witn Dam; p. H. Fell
Prop., 1H0 Pearl St.; Boulder, Col.; 18
rooms, r or particulars write p. H. Fell,
tsouiaer, woi. (4) MS70 S3x
BE8T laundry In the city of Longmont
tur ie cneap, tow rent; nne trade;
$1,600 cash will handle It; owner sick and
must cnangs aitituae. tail on the Long
mont Realty Co., at Longmont, Colo.
(4)-M761 80x
FOR SALE Owing to Illness, a $20,000 stock
ui bmicii iiicrciianaisQ, in one or the best
towns witnin ib miles of Ban Francisco
Address D. M. Walters, 1054 Fourth St
Qan D. e.l v.. '
IF YOU wiah to get located In a good
.,uuii nuuno uu it oetween now and
September 15, as the best places will be
picked up early. We have trim a Ki
ratn, ranging from $225 to $1,250. Hertj
are juni 0W
One 10-room house; furniture, carpets, etc.
,T '. " J""ni parties nave
run it for the past six years and made
One 15-room house; furniture very nearly
m " uiucii oetter graae than us
ually found In a room houae; carpets all
It an oeii W . ... afc.i 1 m . r
i. 7k i " laen oy septembe
"""u oi tma piace is the very
i i mT Peopl on the waiting list than
One 9-room housed close In, $475
19-room house, $700; close to 16th St.
,.uw, w nave lust monivMi nnnn.
the following AT ONCE, on account of
fleath In the house. The owner says he
d .not wiah to reserve anything; lace
fuPnTahed. auTew ,e..";'han0:.,xe,S.
Hull Afut ru t , i .... '
irnone u. 8387.
(4)-M4 1
BUSINESS PHA vrmw.rm -
Christian lady of means to'ptt money
beat it10 b"lne": bject matrimony
"-'erencea aa to business abllitv
aobriety. honesty, etc. Send photo; refl
Adl,r'" A. J.Pl.Bo,
. ... . (4 M467 fix
iI??SCJS nd 'tock of mer-
fe.7hHbltan., ln ea,tern Kansas? if "
ldl ,wJ"lte m' for description
Address John F. Miller. Prescd? Kan
. (4)-M4M 6x
Xmt A VTermtt w-. .
""toin'wTr"."1. -Ti fm .. o $o
-t TproiirAddressTo? Vrvl'"
E 121 Bee.
(4 M464 lx
W EST SIDE upholstering, carpet cleaning
business for sale; doing business of $m5
a month. Apply to Francis Jeffery, 130
W. Broadway. Butte, Mont.
(4)-M349 8 lOx
W ISH to meet gentleman who ran Interest
few people to extent of $5,000 or Mooof
You can make asms or more at no ex
pense to youraelf. Addreas I. 83. Bee
4 M271
FOR BALE-26-room hotel cheap; huetllna-
A0..,ni1 ,of "o cSmpetlt ion
Address J. L Bourret.r8tlckney. S d
. 4-M127 x
FR8T jC,LaSS- !-to-late Jewelry atock
located in best bualneta portion of .buSl
Co., Colorado Springs. Colo.
Springs. Colo.
(4-M758 tcx
ft ihW,70 y,n b-m store
two raii'r.' ,;,,r"k to"- ha"
Aaaress y ns. care Bee
(4) M.l SW
S'V - "' -
i - v -"
(4) mUSM 89
TTTFI HXfATTA r A TT.V nrr . pmniv t Tnr'ti-r nn -
The quickest solution of
the servant problem
a "BEE want ad"
' araaSanHssnwnnmn
jrraijm lor enterprising man; dry
foods specialty and millinery; no' store
l. nero, rent or store reason
M- iruesdell, Tavlor's Fulls,
it) M335 4x
oi Diir,aa vhaivi fluent ever, meat
market in aood town: rood trad finmnr
harvrst starting; thousand dollars buys
ii. uiirea uni mi vn, fetican Kapldi
Jiainn. (4) M412 4X
FOR BALE Or exchange, a well equipped
iuih.ii counter ana care in town or 4. coo.
Aaaress X zio. Bee. (4) M361 30x
Or.OCERT and meat market for sale; will
invoice and give good discount. 2217 W.
t-. roan way, to. Blurts. (4) MJ97 4x
ixe-sa IHAME BUNNELL." N. T.
j-iie. iei. uoug. 6149. (4 M96S
FOR SALE Good paying laundry for
i,Ai. win stand strict Investigation; it
is a Dargain. Answer M 149, care Bee.
(4)-11.1 Jx
FOR SALE Fishing game, for fairs; price,
$100; money maker. Call or address n.
Bchnoor, CIS 8th Ave., Council Bluffs, la.
(4) M13G lx
FOR SALE Only livery barn in Orrick:
doing goou business; good reasona for
selling. Address Hincs & Sons. Orrick,
Mo. (4) M360 8 lx
CAPITAL wanted to form stock company
to manuracture nome-maae sausage; pro
tected by patent print. Address 0-144,
care Bee. (4J-M972 31x
A BARGAIN Furnishings 20-room (onlv
hotel; full of 12.00 trade all the time; town
1,000; Junction point. . Address T l!i, cara
Bee. (4) M361 S
ALL KINDS of mining and oil stocks
Dougni ana soia according to their value.
Omaha Finance Co., 212 N. Y. Life BMg.
(4)-SS6 86
DOCTOR, you will learn particulars of a
practice in ptenrasKa worth from $3,600 to
$4,000 a year by addressing Y 221, care Bee.
(4 M407 S13x
HOTEL with furniture, saloon connection
and barn; will sell or trade for a farm
in southern Minnesota. Box 359, Hudson,
Wis. (4)-M738 30x
FOR SALE First-class blacksmith and
wagon work business, with tools; $4 to $8
received for shoeing and $4 to $S for set
ting tires. Address Y 129, Bee. (4)-3l:
TO BUY or sel.1 any business tr real es
tate, call on or write. E. O. Uangestad.
4o3 Bee Bldg. (4 312
BARBER SHOP Two chairs; good bus!
ness, $oO. Address 409 South Main St.
Mason city, la, (4) M353 S3x
LADY In rooming house business wishes
partner with capital. Address M 114, Bee,
(4-724 20x
RENT Ritchie's hall, South Omaha; second
noor; no posts; 80x60; long lease. A. G,
Kitcme. 220 s. 15th St.. Omaha. (4) 6&6
FOR SALE Drug store; good for doctor,
Auuresi dox ia, Ashley,. Mo.
. (4)-M740 nox
PHYSICIAN desires location in Nebraska
town. Aaaress x in, care Bee.
(4 M409 lOx
NO PUBLICITY In selling your business.
v;. J. tAfiAn, (01 . X. U. Bldg., Omahi
(4) 156 826
PARTLY furnished , house full of room
ers; nne location) will sell furniture If
soia at once. Aaaress V 151, Bee.
(4)-140 lx
ROOMING houses for sale,
Gangestad. 4G3 Bee Bldg.
all sixes.
LIST your property with us. Berka Co..
93$ N. Y. Life. (41-816
DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V
Knieat, 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. (4) 315
1 ROOMS nicely furnished, close in; part or
011 ui lurnnure ror saie; good income,
"""Ii 1 em. Aaaress v iff, tsee.
(4) 452 84x
SALE8 made on Mdse., jewelry, household
aooas, live siock, rarm implements, etc
xwiii at lyreu, uougias, urnana.
(5) M5ffl
Bar Iron and Steel.
The Pennsylvania Iron and Steel Co.,
Omaha, Neb.,
Bells merchant bar Iron and steel ln any
quantity and slse cheaper than any Job-
uer in me west, write lor prices.
) Mt92 823
FOR BALE 15 tons of steel and wrought
scrap. Shenandoah Iron Works, Shenan-
aoan. ia. (5) M408 81
EXPERT shaving St halrcuttlng. 809 N. 18.
(6-S8 Septl
IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney
1858- (5)i
M'DOWELL Dressmaking School. 1623 Far
Ram SL (5) M655
AUGUST KROFFT. building contractor,
1003 N. 21st St., South Omaha. (6) 119
to .Beatrice creamery Co., Omaha.
Chop Sney Parlor.
urtsiAlKS. (5) MS94 Beptl
Carpet Cleaning.
8ANITART Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam.
(&) 817
DR. ROY, R. 1, 1506 Farnam Bt. Doug. 8497.
i ail
BAILEY MACH, Id fir. Paxton. D. 10KS.
THE 8CHLITZ, Etiropean, 16th and Harney
HESS St BWOBODA, 1416 Farnam. (5)-324
I HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D.l'SS.
Jewelers aad Watchmakers.
N. P. STILLINO-Watch. clock. Jawelrv
repairing, 1-8 Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 4.7.
(5 3J7
CIIATELAIN Si??l ?' '""?
lah. Davldge Bldg.. IKth' and Farnam.
Day and evening classes. (5) 119 S2t
KFT9, etc. Hefl'.n, in Fainain. Tel. D.
zi. (5)-U
LAWRENCE, roi Leavenworth St. TeL
Harney IMA. (5 M6I7 819
C. B. TBUESELu"IIiBoulU 16th Bt.
RtrynBE ,w .-.
, .. " .- v ituiti
I vA... m! ..I a iln"'
' v""". at,i.,
(5) 330
HIGH-GRADE imitation typewriter letters
:m.,,JObA,crnoVnfubr,sh,Jngb iFa
nam 8t Tel. Doug. 6o2. (6)1m532 819
. i;".ii.
Dr. Bowser, over 1602 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370,
(6 M184 a 26
Saf, Shatters, Ete.
OMAHA Safe ind Iron Works makes a
specialty or lire escapes, shutters, doors
and Safes. CI. Andr.eo Prnn 1 B inthHl
and safes. O. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. 10th St.
Electrle Bine Printing.
NORTON-CARSON CO., 620 Bee Bldg. Tel.
eu -i I. (5) M531 819
Shoe Repairing-.
KAriD SHOE REPAIR CO., first class
worn. IMS, capltol Ave.' Phone Red 994.
Shoe Shining;.
S ,i,NT8 verJr aav' ladles or gents. 211 8.
STORAGE at 140S Harney.
Agents and Salesladies.
WANTED Makers and millinery sales
ladles having department store experi
ence; references. La Ferte, 24 W. Su
perior St., Duluth, Minn. (9) M737 SOx
WANTED Lady canvassers at once; good
wages. Aaaiess M. Brill, 7K3 3d St., Mil
waukee, Wis. (7) M346 8 7x
WANTED Experienced
cloak and suit
salesladies. Apply cloak dept. Hayden
o O'JI on
Clerical and Office.
D 71 eare
(7) M6SS
Factory and Trades.
Ktenriv omnlnvmnnt at nov
weu-ventuatea work rooms; hot cofTee
served in comfortable lunch rooms at
noon. Apply at once to Byrne & Ham
mer D. G. Co. Factories, 9th and How-
arti eis., omana, ana 417 North 26th St.,
Boum umana. t o Msai acptl
WANTED Women for hand ironers and
machines. Kimball Laundry, 1C11 Jack son
01. (7) M540
WANTED Lady barber at 108 W. 16th St..
v,neyenne, wyo.; gooa wages.
(7) MSSlSlx
Iloaaekeeptng aad Domeatio.
WANTED Girl for general! hoosework:
good wages; small family. 606 8. 29th
Ave. (7) 606
M-fti r
TWO girls; one to help cook, the other for
oiningroom. Motet'. Howard, Edgerton.
Ulnn J . ,L tlx iiksa sa
GCOD Cook wanted. Apply 1254 Farrtim.
- - -
uikl for general housework. 8315 Burt St.
(71-721 29x
WANTED A girl for house work;
n nailing, no COO King. 13& B. list Bt.
, 0)-774 SO
GOOD COOK family of three where sec
ond girl is kept; good wages. 1043 South
mb ave. (7) 787
GERMAN housekeeper; cook for ranch,
$40.00. Canadian Office, 16th and Dodge.
i . (7) 338
WANTED A competent girl; give refer
ences; for general housework; In family
u. 1 wo. imt BO. AVe. (7 M3M 80
WANTED Experienced girl for general
nouse wor; no washing. Mrs. H. W.
Bolley, 8606 Lincoln blvd. Tel. Harney
, UJ M340 30
other help kept. Mrs. R. B. Welch, 414
no. sain atreet. (7) 377 1
GIRL for general housework; plain cook
ing; no wasning. ajis Jeivemrorth.
(7) M4014X
WANTED Girt for general housework In
lamuy or tnree good wages. Call, 112
o. oniii ot, xeiepnone tiarney 3070.
(7) M402Slx
GIRL WANTED for general housework.
mrs. w. a. jierr, ms emmet St.
VANTED Colored chambermaid at once.
via uuunu Dl. (7) M419
WANTED Women to take care of invalid
biiu uu iisiit nousework. good home, one
DiocK aoutn ana one block west of nen
sonurst. Mrs. Carlson. (7) 448 31
WANTED Young girl to take care of two
lime gins, agea lVs and 8 years. 3316
jiarney et. rnone Harney 808.
WANTED-A party to
ell stock in a
Nevada Gold Mining Co.
The location of
J!!! J? 1op,r.t Cta.?i urP"!d. Both
KIJL.?"?.,"' ,mitlr".wl" b'fr .th
Closest lnvestlratlon. Liberal tamm u n& I
closest investigation. Liberal commission.
Aaaress r , Bee. (7 W Si.
WANTED Lady to oemoti strata the Mar..
love nair urower; liberal aalary to right
party, ur. aiinerva James. WJ4 Daven
port. Tel. Douglaa(688. (7) 849
PARTIES can have ahonol na Annm at low.
eat prices, oy experienced buyer. Write
ior particulars ana reference. Add re
M 46, Bee. (7) M166 816x
WANTED Young lady for out-door work
in city; salary and commission. M.
Frayer, 25 Bt. Mary's Ave.
(7)-M176 S-2x
FOR A BUSINESS education register Mo-
yartnty institute, inuj arnam St. Fall t
term beglna September i.
j.m I
GIRL to assist ln housework. 8315 Burt St
t7 722 I9x
LADIES AND GIRLS, at home, day or
evenings, to stamp transfers; easily
icaiuru, i,uv to - oosen. noom ons Pax
ton Blk. - (7)-S14 2x
va ir.u ciperienced clerk, waitress
...u uni ikjT m csnay department.
Apply candy dept.. J. L. Brandela St Sons
47 333 29
Illustrated songs
?L.T.ilmf1.i t0 . "'"sT 1
inn t rti,yPiLno:
lona. Inquire 1F.2U Ixwlge
permanent position
tt) 436 11 x
Aaeata, Solicitors aad fcilesneea.
WANTED A party to sell stock In a
Nevada Gold Mining Co. The location of
the property cannot be surpasaed. Both
the property and its officers will bear the
closest Investigation. Liberal Commission,
Address J 9. Bee. () Ji4 BI
AGENTS WANTED Oood live lend agents
wanted ln North and South Dakota. Wis
consin and Iowa, Nebraska and Minne
sota; will make liberal contract with good
agents. Taiae Gulf Cpaat Land Com
pany. 417 Kaaota, Block. Minneapolis,
Minn. ID MM g lx
Agent, aad Saleamea-Coatlaaed.
I nui rB wantea as agents in v.mana
f1WT I a . . .
lor one or the Inrreat ten- erv Installment
I hU"r In the country. Watches are sold
at one do ar ter week. emnlov.
. ment. Salary or nmmlti,ii Address
c 157 care Bee.
(9) 316 29x
WiMl T,a'v"dlen,'a,1rroTa":
,nlu"e carpet dept. Hayden Bros
WANTED-At once, smart. Intelligent boy:
I must be at least IS venra oM- lnler.tlnr
work. See timekeeper, third floor, The
uenneii uo. (9) M338 SOx
WANTED Good boy; good ray; steady
j-,ii,M,,yineni; c nance ror advancement
The Robert Dempster Co., 1215 Farnam.
(9)-M461 81
I WANTED Several bright bovs ApdIv
I n Z. ! Ps BJ. APP'
mail order department, Hayden Bros.
(9) M341 JOX
wanted Good strong boys for nailing
uiaiiiiiic. umana uox t,o., r:ast Omaha.
(9) MliO Seotlt
WANTED Errand boy, with ifood refer
ences, fio t-axion tilocK.
(9) M100 Six
Factory ana Trade.
WANTED A flrst-class planing mill bench
nana: a man who thoroughly under
stands all of the better class of planing
mill bench work; none other need apply;
write stating experience, age, whether
married or single, and wages demanded.
Address Y-H9, Bee: (9) M177 1
BARBER WANTED Must be flrat class;
u guarantee; state age and experience;
ISc shaving; write or phone. Leo M
Zimmerman, Hiawatha. Kan.
(9)-M347 S3x
GOOD cornice man and tinners, at ones.
i.iiiuuhi murium ana metal works, Lin
coln. Neb. (9) M770
POSITIONS for drug itisn everywhere.
V. Knlcst, 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha.
ONE good tinner wanted; pay $2.80 rjer
aay: steady work. IS. Garnleh & Son
Ashland. Wis. (8) M447 Six
DKUUUIST wanted in good business town
I Ar1ite I sir. U lln. o T n..inl - . '
49) 617 S2x
Flrst-class ladies' tHllora w,nt. At.,
J. Jawltx, 1S03 Farnam. Cor. 18th St.
(9)-M4fil lx
Diets A Keck.
W-M455 829x
Maryvllle, Mo.
WANTED-Slx first class. exnerlenced
chocolate dippers; highest wages, steady
employment. The Balduff Pure Candy
Co. f9M73 n
i " -7," u cnriienters; steady work
I f" winter; 80 cents per hour for elght-
hour day. Gagnon & Co., Billings, Mont
() M191 82x
WANTED A shoemaker; steady Job; good
Knowles, Fremont, Neb.
' (9) M967 Six
COMPETENT tinner for all round shon
ci n rl Humana wnvl. f J n n .. .
York. Neb. (9)-MS07$l
WANTED A shirt-maker; steady Job, good
Aaaress i. H.
Knowles, Fremont, Neb.
(9) M967 tlx
BOOKBINDERS-Four forwarders; none
uU. .....-,00. luiw.nieu neea apply.
Call or write Bamuel D. Page A On
Des Moines, Ia.
(9)- M7 fflx
W..EI,0EmJl.k,fKr. ,hat tJy and
aober; must have his own too Is. OnnA
wnr.1 In man that n.l... .
Mohrman. Pierce, Neb.
(9)-M133 lx
WANTED Two first' class core makers.
v... o , worn, cest wages.
No trouble. vYIre or come at once. Ens
& Orr, 1739 Blake St., Denver, Colo
WANTED An all-round printer and a
iaay compositor lor country office; state
wages wanted. Address F. P. Healy
Bedford, Ia. (9) 11 S7x '
WANTED Tile ditchers to work by rod'
make $2.50 to $3.60 a day. Apply J. W'
. Ten Brink. Nlckerson, Neb. (9) 848
WANTED Young man with drug and soda
luuiiinui epenence. Saratoga Drug Co.,
24th and Amea Ave. (9) M172
cioca. jacoD ivingie. (B) 318 gi
WANTED At once, flrst-claas Joe com-
pusnorn. Loraoe printing tro., Bt Jo
seph, Mo. (9) M398 J1
WANTED A good, all-around butcher-
good wages; German preferred. Huf
smilh Bros., Crelahton, Neb. (9) M41H
WANTED One first class business getter
ior eacn state, gooa money for right
party, represent Nebraska corporation,
reference and bond. Stamp for reply.
Address 8170 care Bee (9) 838
FOR A BUSINESS education register Mo-
-"ny institute, isuz Farnam. Fall
term begins September f. (9 M411
Office clerk, young man, $80.
Office clerk, extension, $70.
Traveling salesman, lumber, $1,200.
Traveling salesman. hnlMir4 m.1..1
$109. "
Traveling salesman, specialties, $1,200.
Stenographer, $75.
Stenographer and clerk, $60.
Many others. Call or write for enm.
plete list of vacancies. If In need of a
position see us at once.
41. I. LJ. X3IUg.
(9)-M474 $0
WANTED - Man to work by month. $28 and
o0""- w- Simpson, 1 miles west of
(9 M469 80
EOUND young men agea II to 85. for fire.
men and brakemen during rush season on
leading railroads hero. In the weat and en
new lines being completed. Experience
unnecessary. Firemen $100 monthly, be
come engineers, $200; brakemen. $80. be
come conductors, $130. Many positions now
open, tan or write at once tor partic
ulars. National Railway Training Ass'n.,
G20 x Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb.
t9) 6I B8
FREE Employment Bureau supported by
.Business Men s association; helps work
men find uoaitlona. nail lu New fork
alag- . (9)-!52Bep26
iRAoruc v,.,. ..-v.. .. .
PaclflC Council Bluffa trantfur: wnaea
17Vt cents per hour. Board arranged If
necessary. Apply Thos. Scanlan, fore
man. 19) 803
GOOD, stout husky men wanted to work
in a grain terminal elevator; muat be
sober and Industrious. Steady employ
ment to right liar ties. AddIv Tranamla-
slsslppl Grain Co.'s Elevator, Council
uiuna. (9) M699
YOUNG man to learn drug business. W.
A. Piel, 18th and Farnam. (9 313 29x
GOOD pay; men wanted everywhere to
taik lgns, distribute circulars, samples,
etc; no canvaasing. National Dlst. Bu
reau, Chicago, III.
(9) M394 4x
WANTED Competent foreman for Job
printing office. Addreaa B 121, rare
9i 36
WANTEI') Strong boy for paper stock
room. Omaha Printing Co., 94 Farnam
treet. t9-378 80
WANTED 1 men to unload lumber. Omaha
Box Co., East Omaha. 9 M117 11
WANTED Lady or gentleman to alng
Illustrated songs; also lady to play piano;
permanent poaltlona. Inquire 1620 7odge
8t- (9) 437 tlx
WHEN you write to advertisers, remember
It takea but a few scratches of the pea
to state tbat you aaw tke ad. la The Bee,
WANTED Man and wife (Swede or Ger
man preferred) to work in a country
home; man must be polite, gentlemanly
and acquainted with handling stock;
woman must be good housekeeper, neat
and good took, and know how to take
care of milk and butter; elegant home,
good wagea; employer is elderly, wealthy
gentleman, who rents his lands; couple
without children very much preferred:
make application by letter at once. Ad
dress E li. Bee. 9 Mt32
Morse aad Vehicles.
SELLING horses is our business; Just re
ceived one tar of drafts, drivers and
single wagon norses; prices front SuO up
also have several good farm mares; every
horse guaranteed as represented. Cash
or time. Omaha Horse and Bupply com
pany, 414 ISo. ltith, rear. tll M191
ONE big 1.300 Ib. horse; $75. One bay horse,
l.PO lbs; $o. One team of young horses,
$1L5. One good mare, l.JDO lbs; a little
sore in front; $ 2816 No. 10th Ave.
FOR SALE Two standard bred driving
mares, good drivers either single or dou
ble; can be seen at Cole's barn, 1713 t.'ass.
For particulars call 'phone Douglas iu9.
Llnlnger Implement Co. UU A1U71 81
FOR SALE Three runabouts, rubber tires;
will sell worth the money. Harney Pt.
Stable. (U) 6S
A very stylish southern bred, high cla-ss
galted saddle horse; 7 years old; 17.1 hlittv
very fast and gentle. Frank Latenser.
Phone Harney 2422. (ID M797 81
WE are selling delivery wagons, teamlna
gears, buggies, carrlaces and harness
cheaper than any other firm In Omaha.
Johnson-Da nforth Co., 8. W. Cor. loth and
Jones Sts. . (10-349
DR. COFFMAN offers for sale his horses
Snir r ' o?na lwo nuggies. Inquire
024 Douglas St. ill)-817 All
ONE 1-spring wagon, new. and one dellv-
Zlf. """ei ruDer tired, t-scsr Harto.
th and Farnam Sts. (ID 718
HARNESS, Saddles. Trunk. t,-ii
Bi!fSSV,on,9,?,1l bonrxtns. Alfred Cor
nlsh A Co., 1210 Farnam St. (1D-147
sI'ONS 81x barrels Pepper whisky In
roll a Ynfi, o."ue Ior standard bred
COlt. 626 8. 19th St. (11) M753 30x
GOOD work team; good heavv" hor ,e..
ana wagon, cheap. 4010 Parker Ht
(11) Mi23 11x
RU.?B.ER,TI,RED. wagon. w7"aT
ww..,,, uuoiiu Ave., council Bluffs
FOR SALE-Shetland pony and rig com-
&uMif-hfK,ni"- 715 8o",h Sixth street
Council Bluffs, la. (1D-M103 S 4.
OD-M103 8 4x
FOR pony buggies, runabouts.- ..
traps, carts and harneaa. see Johnson
Danforth Co.. B. W. Cor. 10th and Jono
P 11) 313
Ponltry and Garirs.
(ID M3S6 Sepl
LOST-3old watch and chain on Friday or
1 v rZ, . . . C." wlln initials
I Y. on fob of watch; walch, Hamilton
movement; engraving on Inside, Late sr
i? e', lvi fl.ndr not'fy I-afe Young. It '
Des Moines,' Iowa, and receive reward
(12) M410 81
. ,Yu 7 cna'n- with square locket
mi 1 Vir "ctween mn nna 10th, on
1 iv. .kui j . ieirynone uougias zviB. Reward.
, fIZ) 441 29
RUPTURE CURED No knife, no reten
tlon from business. QUICK CURE RUP
TURK CO., over 8. W. Cor. 14th and
fuugiai, urnana. tliU M136
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Lreigiiion weaicai college, ittn and Dav
enport Sts.; special attention paid to con
finement cases; all treatment 'supervised
by college professors. 'Phone Douglas
1167. Calls answered day or bight,
BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerva
Food Pills," 81 a box, postpaid. Sherman
tt McConncll Drug Co., Omaha.
ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or
write to the matron of the 8alvatlon
Army Home for Women at 1824 N. 24th
Bt., Omaha, Neb. (12) M106
DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women.
80 years' practice In confinements. Office,
(14 N. lflth; residence, 1121 Charles, Omaha.
PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or
salary loans. 633 Paxton. Block. 'Phone
Douglas 746. Go 361
FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans Duff
ureen Joan to.. room 8, Barker Block.
on furniture, pianos Knd all sorts of per
sonal DroDertv.
WE ARE NOT a finance company, or a
brokerage company, and do not have to de
pend on the payment of one person to get
me money to loan to another.
WE HAVE BEEN engaged In this busl
nesa In Omaha for FIFTEEN YEARS.
OUR POLICY haa been to deal FAIR and
SQUARE with every one.
WE HAVE a thorough understanding
n tne porrower aa to payments, rebates,
vum amu requirements.
119 Board of Trade Bldg.
UIVE us a trial with your next loan. We
are equipped to give best service, best
terms, and loan at as low a rate as
money has ever been loaned In Omaha.
Nebraska Credit Co., 214 Board of Trade.
F amain entrance. (14) 710 31
Loans. Loans. Loans.
Bankers to Salaried Men.
Do not be without money when we will
ena you without eecurlty.
See us for losns on Salary, Furniture, War
houae Receipts and Peraonal Property.
Reliable, quick to act and confidential
Cheapest rates In the olty.
Make rerma to suit yourself.
Your employer, family or friends know
notnnig about it.
$07-808 Psxton Blk., Id Floor. 'Phone D. 14 11.
(14) Mi
and others, without security; easy pay
ments, umces in w principal cities. 101
man, room 714 New York Life Bldg.
Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.,
advances private money on chattels or 'sal
ary; eaay to get; no red tape. You get
money same day asked for at small cost
Open evenings till 7. (14) 368
EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom
mods tin; all business confidential. 1801
Douglas. (14) 869
CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt
loan. Foley Loan Co.. 1604 Farnam SI
Apartaaen ta and rials.
FOR RENT 4 rooms, city water, 1319 X.
16th Bt C. M. Bachmann, 438 Paxtoo P.Ik.
U6) M7
STEAM-HEATED flat, modern. 220 N 23d.
' (16) M426
Bearding aad Rmoi.
DEWET European Hotel, 13th and Farnam.
(16) a
NICK south room, outside entrance, modern
and private; choice location; large, beau
tlful lawn. 827 Park Ave. (14 M234
VIENNA hotel;
private dining rooma; rata.
(16) 864
FIRST-CLASS board and nice comfortable
room at reasonable rates csn be secured
at KM Soutb 19lh fit U6 M947 tlx
Boarding and Reoase Centlnned.
H:i Dodge. Rooms with GOOD board.
ltJ ll Sll
NICE front room, with all modem eon.
venlences. Douglas TO 7. 117 B. lth St.
UU $
THE PLEABANTON 2324 Harney Bt.-Ait
Ideal home for people desiring rooms and
board. Everything modern and good home
table. Good location. Call early.
(15-48 Six
LARGE front room, with running water;
"mer rooma. in B. zatn Ave.
(15)-148 1
FOR RENT-Room and board for vouna
L 'r'...;."""n 10 wr" tr board.
--'"i Ave. t IS) 8.6 1
"rnlahe Itoosae.
118 8. 26th. front rooms, all modern; steam
heat; furnished vor unfurnished.
(151-709 29x
ROOMS, $2 per week; cool dining room.
Ogden hotiA. Council Bluffs, In.
(16) M696 B22X
rRONT ROOMS, modern, newly furnished
house, new furniture, southern exposure,
private family. 2KH Capltol Ave
(J5)-M478 lx
T9. nicely furnished rooms complete for
light housekeeping; $12 month. 201s
Davenport. (151-M476 Six
NiJIl'n'Y.rvrnl8n'd ln,ls room- modern.
-M8l24ihY: H6)-246 816
TWO-newly furnished rooms In modern
ah '. u ' ver weex. K North
2oth atreet. (16)-M 1S9
TO COUPLE-Two nicely furnished modern
rooms for light housekeeping. 1R19 Daven-Prt-
(16)-M1M 8 lx
2039 HARNEY, furnished rooms.
(16)-M6T4 822
Jit? .FR2NT, ROMS, nicely fur.
Si:A,ni " IST?- No transient.
fl6) 2B7
405 SO. 24TH AVE., new furnl.h. .
$10 month, up; plenty hot water., bath
trlc light. Bachelora' Quarters. 1
(15J-M526 SUx
LARGE front room, furnished, In new mod
ern home. 2703 Cuming. Harney 8S10
(16) 7S4 SOx
WELL furnished rooms, large, modern.
reaaonnble. 308 N. 22d. U5)-783 80x
FRONT rooms, new brick, strictly modern
block and half from Koine hotel. 62.1 &!
17th Ave.
(15) 181 $0x
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. 19 Cap.
itol Ave. (15)-7fi9 823
TWO front rooms, furnished. 2211 Douglas
Bt- (W-M932 11
SPLENDID furnished or unfurnished rooma
in absolutely new flat. 210 N. 24th St.
Tel. Douglas 3301. (16J-M970 31
BEAUTIFUL large east room, suitable for
one of two young men; rcasonnhle. 270JJ
Farnam. (16) M913 tlx
NICELY furnished rooms, new house and
furniture; fine location, private family
rent reasonable; board if desired. 509
So. 26th Ave. (15)-M101 Six
NICELY furnished room for rent. Apply
at 646 South 26th avenue. (16) 117 2x
FOR RENT Furnished room, 1617 Dodge
treet- (IS) 312 s 2x
THREE rooms, newly furnished; gentle-
"'V' i"'"". can oe naa within
a few doors. 607 B. 26th Ave. (16)-828 3
NICELY furnished rooms. 655 S. 15th Ave
(161-827 S26x "
LARGE pleasant rooms. 718 8. 29th St
G6)-825 lx
NICE large room, modern. 624 8. 26th ve.
(16)-886 lx
LARGE furnished room with privilege of
breakfast If desired. 2532 Capltol avenue.
(18)-379 1
FOR RENT Furnished
good meals, good home.
rooms, modern,
'Phone 2976.
I . ((16) $76 Jx
TWO furnished rooms for gentlemen. 1814
Chicago St. (16)-140 4
SI ITS Two deslrablo modern front rooms,
second floor, bay window; good place for
gentlemen or man and wife; also other
rooms. 218 N. 19th. (16) 438 4x
NEWLY furnished rooms, fine location,
flrst-class board, walking distance. 21S S.
25th St. il6)-434 4x
llonaekeeplog nooaaa.
LARGE front rooma wltr or without
housekeeping privileges; reasonable. 1810
St. Mary's ave, (IB) 206
GET your rent free by Investing $350.
rurniture 01 iu room ior sale. Modern
house; closo In Address Y 151, Bee.
(15)-M4G3 tlx
first or second floor.
(15)-116 lx
1.12 Jackson.
1 FURNISHED ROOMS-llght housekeep
ing; a uniurniBiiea rooms. jel. Douglas
CW9. 1406 Jones street. (15) 316 2x
FOR RENT 3 rooms for light housekeep
ing, modern. 2670 Farnam street.
J (18-874 30x
Famished Renaeo.
rooms, strictly modern, nicely furnished
near ISth and Blnney streets, will be va
cant about September 1. George fk Co,
1601 Farnam atreet. (16) M420 81
Uafnrnlahed Roosaa.
(16)-M&89 8 20
ONE elegant unfurnished
modern. 633 Park Ave.
room, etrlotly
(16) 761' Sox
FOR RENT Sept. L five desirable rooms.
2213 North 19th. (16) 786
FOUR basement rooms.
2206 N. loth St.
(18)-821 lx
FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms. 4344
eaveuwortn hi. (16) S19 2x
Hoasea aad Cottaaes.
$40-18H N. 24TH ST.. South Omaha-Six-
room apartmeuts in new "Bcargo" build
ing; all modern conveniences, including
hot water in kitchen and bath.
$302617 N. 18th Bt Nine-room modern
house, with ottlo and barn.
$151807-8 Farnam St. Blx-room apart
ments in "yuivet building; all modern
conveniences, including hot water ln
kitchen and bath.
Hall Distributer Co, 117 First National
Bank Bldg. 'Phone Red 7408. (15) 774
6-ROOM house, strictly modern, 1609 Lotb-
rop St., -0 per month.
423 Bes Bldg. Phone Doug. 4761
(16) 389 29
FOR RtTNT -room cottage, modern ex
cept furnace; cemented cellar under en
tire house; permanent walka; No. 947 N.
27th Ave., $23.
O. C. OL8EN,
B. & Cor. 16th and Dodge.
(16) M47S 1;
EIGHT rooms.. modem, combination
lights, east front, good shade, practically
new, excellent condition and in good lo
cation. 310 N. Y. L. Bldg. (16)-M43 lx
4174 Caaa fit.. 6 rooma. modern ticiot
heat. $J6.
4408 Leavenworth Bt., rooma, $14,
Phone Doug. 685. Paxton Blk.
7-ROOM houss, $219 Evans, Ili.OO.
6-room house, 709 N. I2d, $10.00.
J. it PAKrlOTTE, Paxton Blk.
(15) U9I1 SI
IF YOU are thinking of building tt will
per you to see in western liome Build
ers, rooms 21-16 U. B. Nat l Bank Bldg.,
for prices and terms. (16) All)
HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded;
cntap ireignt rates. Moving and slorag.
Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas
194. (U)-87v
FOR RENT-KC9-1081 8. SOth Ave.. 19 and 11
room, Dricas, modern in every respect.
Inquire of owner on the premises, for this
week of cu-U
1 1