TTIE OMAIIA DAILY DEE; FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1907. J , L U mm SALE A Big Bargain Dsvy OF nil BLACK TAFFETA SILK 25c YD We offer for Friday black taffeta at 25c a yard that will create a furore. Just think of buying a nice k black taffeta all pure silk; at our south 16th JF Hfc entrance, at, per yard w SI Silks at 37ic a Yard Plain and fancy silks, poplins, taffetas, pretty foulards, shangtungs, glace, changeable chiffon, dress taf- ; 0J fetas, worth up to $1 yard Bargain square, yd. . 3 i C Ma.nufcturr' Sample Pieces f Fsvncy Silks Mill ends a great assemblage of silks suitable for trim mings, fancy work, doll's dresses, etc., at one-fourth their value, each 5c, 9c and 25c DRESS GOODS REMNANTS Extra new lot 7,500 yards of mostly 44 to 54-inch materials fancy suitings, serges, panamas, voiles, henriettas, mo-, hairs in plain and fancy weaves, well assorted n as to colors and good styles, yard sWtjC 75c Fall Dress Goads at 49c a Yard Ombre plaids, Bourette plaids and stripe effects, in newest 6hades of brown, navy, red, gray, etc., 75c AO values, at, per yard . . . TC Black Dress Goods 45 pieces genuine black Lupin wool and silk ombre Tamise, imported to sell at $1.50 a yard beautiful fabric 1k ' as long as they last, at, per yard $ JC Of French and German Vals. and Torchons, fancy wash laces and imitation cluny laces, more a p lots for Friday, at, per yard -JC'dC Remnants ol Embroideries .Embroideries' and insertings, odd lots' fine, medium and wide, including corset cover widths, Hlg .irrt big lots on bargain square, at, yard iC"l3C Rtmnants and Odd Lots of Dress Braids Fine mohair, silk draw braids and pull braids, plain and fancy, values up to 25c, at, yard 5c UNUSUAL BASEMENT BARGAINS Nice quality striped and checked, pink and blue outing flannel 10 to 20 lengths, 71 at, per yard.... I2C 36 Inches wide Percale Madras Shirting and Suiting one big bar- gala square', to buy from, will go 1 at, yard . . . . O2C Half wool cream Dan ish Cloth long useful lengths, will go at, per yard r..8ic Remnants of bleached Shaker . Flannel a good grade, on sale at, yard 0C Yard wide figured Sat eens pref.ty comfort patterns a big rj 1 bargain, at, yd. IjC Thousands of yards of very best grade 36-in. plain and figured sllk ollne remnants 12 He the price every- lasts, - at, yard. wnere, Friday, a for, yard U2 Single Blankets, 10-4 and 11-4 sizes some have slight mill imperfections otherwise would retail at $1.00 and $1.26 a pair, at, each A good grade 2 yards wide bleached Sheet ing, In Hi to 4 yards lengths, at, r per yard ..IDC 45 Inches wide bleach ed P"illow Casing a good quality equal to Utlca. at. A per yard 1UC 42 and 45-Inch wide Pil low Tuning- same trade aa casing, at, yd. As long- aa 1 cases of mussed bleached 4 Muslin Remnants I r ; 19c Friday In Linen Department :2ic Red Cross Cotton Diaper best quality, 25 inches wide, worth $1.00 a bolt 10 yard bolts at 65c Mill remnants of bleached and un bleached Linen Toweling worth up to tea cents a yard, at, yard . ....... .3ic Large size honey comb fringed Towels, each . . Drummer's sample pieces Table Damask will make nap- f kins, tray cloths, each. . . . JC Quilt corner cut from Marseilles Bed Spreads suitable for wash cloths, children's bibs, f etc., each I C School Suits for Boys At Wonderful Bargains Saturday Never in the history of the west were such fine, up-to-date, all wool suits for ooys offered at such great values -3,000 of these dressy fall suits bought at a sacrifice. Every mother i n Omaha should see these-$3 tj QG to 86 suits-will go Saturday at. wM Yale, Harvard. Princeton, Nebraska. Iowa, Chicago, 1 ,"r"". eriaua. vu. Armour, Culver Omaha High School. Oinaha, and many others tose"ct from Sterling Silver, 28c and SOe. Hn.mi . c. rfom7 our .,! .v, 1 i. y- .I.-"" in OMAHA- college rms H UJUJi omaxa's rtrma root) cxbttbb Friday's 1,000 lbs. Baby Halibut, fresh $ caught, at, per lb 11 New Holland Herring, 3 for 10 k Mackerel, large white fish, each. J5 at 20 Oysters Oysters Oysters w Tomorrow morning we will hare & O nnr first tnatnllment rit thn BMflnn M (j $ Fresh Eggs, per dozen 15 U u Swiss CheeBe, per lb. 20 f3 n Lemons, per dozen 20 Q U Pretzels, per lb 6 S Marvelll Macaroni 10 Q Q Dill Pickles, per dozen 10? y Liquor Qaraiis To close out some odd brands of W fine whisky, we will sell on Fri- & Q day and Saturday only (4) four W full .quart for $4.00 q iveguiHr price, per quart, 11. 5U. S U Orders from thn ronntrv must pall for (8) eight quarts to be shipped, $ All Charges r repaid. i fi fpQPftncy Q Co, 17th and Douglas Sts. TL Sonflas S47. Q Private Exchange connect .1 Depts. N , 1- .1 1. 'i ITS II itfui'fi'' f V--aisfa.Jlj Yoi leave Your important Papers in the Desk Drawer, your Valuable Jewels in a frail case, or your Family Silver displayed on the sideboard, you expose yourself to unnecessary 'risk of loss! . $5,00 pays for a box in Our Safe De posit Vaults for a year. When you want your Valuables you can always get them, and when you DON'T need them, not one person can gain access to them! ' First National Bank Oriaha, Neb. Central Goal &. Coke Co. of Omaha 15th AIID HARNEY STS. Do not let any dealer insult your intelligence oy oiienng you a substitute, when you ask for an article you have seen advertised in The Bee. We do not accept advertisements for articles that are not worthy of your patronage. When you are convinced by one of these adver tisements that the article is what you wish. Insist on getting It, when you ask for It at your dealers. Avoid substitutes get what you ask for. HOTELS AND SUMMER RESORTS liiiliil n tbt ro wnw Hotel Kuppcr llth ana KeOee, KANSAS CITY, M0. Is tins fcopplBfr Slstriot, Hear all a Tasators. SOO beaaUfnl BVooms. 100 private baths. Hot and cold wates la all nost, paotona lossy, parlors. Telephone la every room. Beautiful Cafe, rerfect Oolslae. SI to $2.50 Per Day KirPEa-BtSON HOTEL CO. r. a ssaios, af-r. OMAHA WKATHKR FORKCAST Friday: Fair. TYTTXTl ri iifc i ity Mm 5 LINENS AND WHITE GOODS 100 Dozen Wash Cloths, hemmed turklsh and knit, regular Be values, bargain Friday, each 80c and 25c Doilies and Center rieces, Including Rattenberg, Hon- lion, drawn work and embroidered, all on one table,"; in Rargaln Friday, earn. . lOP loc quality all linen heavy blenched Crash Rargaln Friday, per yard . . . -. 05c and 60c embroidered Swisses and Mulls, Rargaln Friday, per yard. . , 2Vac 29c KIMONAS, DRESSING SACQUES AND COMBING JACKETS AX HALF PRICE Kimonos, Dressing Narques and Combing Jackets, made of figured lawn, dalntly trim med In lace: 85c Kjmonas, for.- 4ftc Kimonas, for 19c 24c WAISTS 68c Kimonas, for , $1.48 Kimonas, for 49c 74c Iiawn and Lingerie Waists, regularly selling for $2.08, $1.08 and' $1.48, Rargaln Friday fori 69e CORSET WAISTS Standard Cor set "Waists, special on Fri day only Corses Department Beoond Tloor. See Our Display of Children's School Suits In Sixteenth Street Window Verr Special Bargains Beautiful New Tailor Suits ' 12521-7522 liJMY MoJs THE RKLIABLK STVRB See the New Crown Jewel Suits at 25.00 Friday Is Bargain Day One of seldom equaled and never surpassed barcrain nnnnr. o X t - tunities. Come early. , Grand Lace Sale Friday . A cleaning up of an Immense stock of Wcs, Torchons, Vals, Toint Esprit, Point Tarls, gion City, Plat Vals., Orientals, Linen Torchons, French Vals. and German Torchons. 10 different kinds In two great lots: 1 1st LOT Worth up to 10c yard, all 1 2d LOT Worth up to 20c yard, all go at choice ,. 2HM go at on price 4tt) Special Sale of Pearl Buttons CLEAN UP OF 1 MANUFACTURER'S STOCK IN FIVE LOTS: on 1st LOT Worth Be dozen, at , 2d LOT Worth 7c dozen, on at sale sale 8d LO Worth at 10c dosen, 6th LOT Worth regularly 2 Be dozen, on sale at on eala 4th LOT Worth lBc dozen, on sale at ...JUA -m - 0 Great Sale of Sample Line of Gold and Bronze, Clocks . - Saturday Sec Window BENNETTS BIG GROCERY temUtAX COSJg BPliCXAI,. ' ' v Twelve initialed and liny pound cans A Qn litnnetis WreakraHt Cotfee, can lOV Anl U Ureun Trading Stamps. Tea Sittings, pound package '-tKf And XV Urvetx Trading Stamps. XOC Pepper, Pure, one-fourth pound can t fif And 6 Ureen Trading Stamps. XUV "Best We Have" Corn, thres cans on. And 20 Green Trading Stamps. OUl Worcester Table Salt, two sacks tflrt And 10 Ureen Trading Stamps. XUC Crystal, dos. pkgs . Ivu OBAHUIATED BUOAB Double Ureen Trading Stamps. SFECXAIi OBI.ATIVB SAZ.B. Silver Label Extra Uela- on,, tine, pound package. . OVrC Blood of Urape Juice, r(r pint bottle iiDC And 20 Ureen Trading St'ps. Blood of Grape Juice, Kf quart bottle ......... OlC And 40 Urepn Trullnr Ki'n. nin-rra nerring, can iiv,. t, , nd. VJ Gren Tiding Stamps. -UC II. J. Heinz Vlni'gar, quart bottle OST . . And 2? Green Trading Stamps. t ritnien, tviKirien. tnree bottles OCT.. n 28c And 10 Oreen TrniUno- Queen Olives, Bulk, pint And 10 Green Trading Stamps. BED XIDHXY BEAKS. Torch Lake Red Kidney Beans, worth lOo TTn Friday special, can IV Per .dozen cans . . ; qq0 Three Star Salmon, large can le And 20 Green Trading Stamps. UC Graham Crackers,- per package tfn And 10 Green Trading Stamps. XUC X.ZMOW8. Nice Juicy California Lemons, per dozen 1 15c TITAirfft'ftlti QVmnrv charming menu UV11V111JU11 ULUWllL PflPIIIAR PDirrc wwa m a a aw ARE UNDER. CONSTANT NERVOUS TENSION ENDEAVORING TO RE STRAIN LADIES FROM GETTING OFF BEFORE CARS COME TO A STOP WON'T YOU HELP THEM BY WAIT ING' UNTIL THE CAR STOPS AND THEN STEPPING OFF SAFELY IN THE RIGHT WAY. Assist os In preventing accidents. Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Co. Special Friday Notion Bargains In Our Great Domestic Room We always lead in low prices on Staple Notions, particularly so in tho special Friday Hales: 3 Balls Silk (worth 6c each) on aaJ Friday at 41a CO Inch Tape Measures, each Hump Hooks and Eyes, card . ...lX Cotton Tape, all sizes, roll . ... ..jX Odd Lots of Fancy Notions Slightly soiled, worth from Be to 10c, in two lots Friday at t .n.t ou - "lam uu i out nuuuus uu dbig at one-nan to OD&. quarter regular retail prices. Special Bargains in Winter Underwear In Domestic Room Friday When yon see these garments yon'Il readily agree that considering qul. ity, we have no competition at these prices: Misses' and Children's Underwear, fall 4A count Brass Pins, 2 packages for 4H Fancy Needle Books Sale P-lc 3W Be Pearl Buttons, dozen 1 15c wide Taffeta Ribbons 6c and 10c Val. Laces and Insertings, J 2M and.wlnter weights, worth 29c to 60c garment, at ; I5J Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Panta and Vests, long sleeves, ankle length, white or grey in all sizes, worth to 60c at 10 Men's Heavy Fleece lined Skirts and Drawers, mill samples, slightly soil ed, all sizes, worth to 76c garment, at 23 Men's and Boys' 25c Suspenders, !() Men's 69c Work Shirts, with double front and back at AiA Ladles' Knit Underskirts Worth $1.00. at Worth 76c at 40 worm Due ai 25 Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns nTcely trimmed, cut extra long, many worth double at 49 and 75 Men's Heavy Rockford Hose worth to 16c pair, at 5 Ladles' Maco Cotton Hose, lace or silk embroidered, 19c values, at 126 Children's Heavy Ribbed School Hose, with double heel and toe, all sizes, 6 to 10, at -iou v MEN'S FINE DRKSS Rlltnxa fn . m,m ...... ; " "l"1" l"r la" wear. maao rrom fine rLr1?,? nJfl"r!!Tii!!bi-k chambrays. negligee or pleat- Friday itvi." . ui ueiacnea.-worm regularly to $1.00. choice 40 Phenomenal Silk Baraains Friday Over 4.000 yards of High Grade Silks in all kinds of weaves and qualltis SJ2 h"; lnC,1d ng b,aCks and wh,te and an immense assortment ni6'' of Novelties, good length remnants, at yard mui, 25c On sale in Domestic Room. IN OUR MAIN SILK DEPARTMENT FRIDAY. FROM 8 TILL O A. M. Choice of our 75c and $1.00 plain and Fancy Pongeea yard . k ...... . 39 FROMil AVM. TILL 12 M.; 27 inch Figured Japs, Check Habutlas and plain Silks, 65c to 85c values at yard ' as Closing Out the FROM 12 M. TILL 1 P. M. Our regular $1.00 guaranteed 27 inch Black Skirts and Dress .Tatfetas. at yard CO FROM 4 TILL 5 P. M. 36-inch Black Peau da Sole, regular $1.00 value, at 79 Bankrupt Stock of Shoes FROM THE ATKINS-BROOKS COMPANY, BOSTON, MASS. Men's $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes, all leathers and styles $2.50 Women's $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 Ox fords, all styles and leathers S1.98 All the Baby Oents vlcl kid Shoes, with hooks, worth $1.25 75 All the Misses and School Shoes Children's $1.60 08 All their kid and patent Blucher Ox fords, worth up to $2.00 08 Prepare the Children tor School and take advantages t these prices. Remnants of Wool Dress Goods AT 8:80 A. M. 6,000 yards of Wool Dress In all kinds of Dress Goods, both plain and fancies,- in four lots: Lot I Worth up to $3.50, yard 59 Lot II Worth up to $2.50, yard 40 Lot III Worth up to $1.60, yard 39 Lot IV Worth up to $1.00, yard 25 . 1 .AT 2:00 P. M. We will place an entirely new line of high grade Wool Dress Goods In colors and black, also' in 4 lots: Lot I will go at 50 Lot II Will go at 49 Lot III Will go at 39 Lot IV-rWlll go at 25 J. 000 yards of all wool and half wool Dress Goods Remnants at per yard .. 10 15 and 19 BLANKET DEPARTMENT Cotton Blankets worth $1.00 for 40 Cotton Blankets worth $1.25. for 75 Cotton Blankets worth $1.50 for 98 AT 2:00 P. M. We will place 3,000 yards of fine Wash Goods that sold up to 60c yard, some silk warp goods, etc., in 3 lots: Lot 1 10 Lot 2 Lot S ...5 Great Sale of other Wash Goods, , Iheap ne lSfay ates Daily During September and October to California and the Northwest v J25.00 To San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, T aroma Seattle. 822.50 To Spokane district. 322.00 To Salt Lake, Ogden, Butte and Helena. 1 DAILY THRO' TOURIST SLEEPERS to California, pi the grand panorama of the Rocky Mountains by daylight. Friday Is Remnant Day in Our Famous Domestic Room past TWO DAILY TRAINS TO THE NORTHWEST from Omaha at 4:10 p. m. and 9:30 p. m. Chair Cars, Dining Cars and Tourist Sleeping Cars to Bpokane, Seattle. Tacoma and Portland. Met f CALL FOR DETAILS Ticket, 1502 Fan-nam St. AT 8:00 A.M. 10,000 'yards of all kinds of Cotton Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Sllkollnes, Muslins, In mill ends, worth up to 12 He per yard, several pieces to match at yard 1 Remnants of 12 He Percales . ...5 Remnants of 12 Vic outing flannels 5 Remnants of 7 Vic Prints 3 li . AT 10:00 A. M. 5,000 yards of high grade silk warp Wash . Goods, . In plain and printed patterns, good long lengths, at a yard 10 Remnants of 15c Batiste for 5 Remnants of 25c Dress Goods ..10 Remnants of 15c White Goods, India Llnons, 40 inch Lawns, Sheetings, etc. at 5 Remnants of Towelings worth up to 15c yard, to close at, a yard ..5 Remnants of Table' OH Cloth 8 3 specials In Towels 7tt 10 12 49c Sheets, unbleached ...... .35 69c Sheets for , 39 LI X EN S AND DOM ESTICS Remnants of fine Irish Table Linens In four lots: ' Lot 1 ... 50 ; 49 .,..390 Lot 25 Hayden's, the Greatest Grocery Department v in the West The Freshest Goods, the Highest Quality, Largest Stork Lowest Prices II bars best Family Laundry oap ..25c Bromancelon. Jellyoon, Jello, or D'Zerta per package .... , 7 Ho found cans Breakfast Cocoa 20c Large bottle Fancy Tickles, assorted kinds for 8 He Peanut Hutter, per Jar c Ripe or' stuffed Olives, per bottle ... 9c 1 pound can assorted Houps 74c Macaroni, Vermicelli or 8pas"liul, per package' 8VC Hold Water Starch, per package 4c The Best i'lckllnf Pplces, prr pound.. 20o The 'Best White Vln Cider Vintgar for Pickling, per gallon 20c The best 8oria Crackers, por pound . . ec-Kreitli Corn, per tit urn The Drt crisp oingt-r enapa, per li. tc liuliliard Hquash, each r.Kg-i-rre, per pacaage a'c Fia- Newton Cookies, per pound 'c Cracknels, per pound ...lie The best Tea Kitlnga, per pound ,.12Wc Fancy Vanlos Coffee, per pound ,.16: OMASA'S OIEITEST TEOETABLB A WD AMD raUIT laAKST Dne-thlrd bushel baskets Fancy filbcr- lan or Whitney Crabapples for . ...85o One-third buahel baskets, Fancy Ripe ' Tomatoes for J5o One-third bushel baskets, Fancy Cu cumbers, for JGo One-third bushel baskets, Faney Bweet Peppers for , . . 80o Large baskets Concord drapes for ..JBo Fresh Beets or Carrots, per bunch ..,.lo Freud Turnips, per bunch j0 Frnh Onions, per bunch , q Fresh Cabbage, per bead ..Ztyo Freah lettuce, I heads for ,Bj ,. . .80 7V.O Fancy Cooking Apples, per peck 25o Large Ompe Fruit, each .,..80 Large Juicy Lemons, per dosen lOo California Grapes, per pound t0 Fresh Konsted Peanuts, per quart. ,.,.60 3. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler till Dsugle ItrMl Bee Want Ads Produce Results M HAYDENS' S2H