8 THE OMAHA' SUNDAY BEE: 'ATTOTTST 25, 1907. PERSONAL (Continued ) DMA HA Stammerers Institute. Ramge tV. (U tt BEWINO machines rented. Neb. Cycle Co, Uth and Harney. 'Phone Douglas FKW bargains In Sd-hand soda fountains, monthly payment. Dertght, 1KU Ftrntra, OA-4 ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Paxton salve. B. i. Scanlan, a-, K Wax blk. (la M93S BTRINGE8, rubber goods, by mall; cot trices. Send for free catalogue. Myers billon Drue Co., Omaha, (18 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOMKMrs. Dr. King, 1330 N. Mth fit. Tel. Web. $rl I (DO W Vf A mCFiTTfl treatment and bath. Mm. HiXVI A 1 .aV- A AW Bmlth, 118 N. loth. M floor. (Id) 80 MAGNETIC Oeteoiegy and Maasaga liiUiiJ J 1V vapor and Tub Bath. Room t 1304 Famam BL. 2d floor. (Is) M48 AM BUSINESS MAN. age SA, would like to correspond with working girl of like age, matrimonially Inclined. Address L-113, Bee. (18) M875 26x SULPHUR. IND. TBR AND PLATT NA TIONAL, PARK. Nation' room restful oullng place; ideal winter resort; modern hotel; modern bathe; no mosquitoes; St mineral springs; cure rheumatism, nervousness, stomach troubles, kidney, bladder diseases Com mercial club. (18) 808 Six MARRIAGE) PA PER Highest character. Incorporated, 11th year, 1.00 members; paper sealed. Bend lOo. R. K. Lore, Box 1600, Denver, Colo. (18) 83 25 x ARB you lonesomeT I am; middle aged widow without enoumbrance will corre spond with view to matrimony. Box 104, Elgin. 111. (l)-45 Kx RETIRED wealthy gentleman, tired of Ingle life would correspond. Not looking for more wealth; view matrimony. Box M. Elgin, 111. (18)-44 Sx GENTLEMAN In good position would like to meet lady of refinement and some means; no objections td farmer lady or Widow. Address B 138, Bee. (M MB48 ftx OMAHA Steam Paste Co., manufacturers pure flour paste, ZZL0 Cuming. Telephone Douglas 1421. (18) PAINFUL burns, any sore or skin hurt quickly healed by Satin skin cream. 26a eUPFRFLVOUB HAIR, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sulfation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Mlsa Allender, 422 N. T. Life. (18) REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE) DEALERS. RUSSELL M'KI TRICK CO- 481 Rams a. W. H, TURRELU 18 Patterson Blk. Doug. 112a. (!)- PAYNE INV. CO., 1st floor N. T. L. Doug. 17S1. (1)-400 R. C. PETERS CO., Be Bldg. (IS) 461 L. W. BUNNELL A CO., 822 N. T. Life. Douglas r14. 0) Wl ALFRED C. KENNEDY, First Nafl Bank Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 72$. U) 408 GEORGE A COMPANY 1801 Farnain. Tel. Douglas 756. , (U) H C M. RICH. 16th Locust Tel. Web. 1471 Cl)-lT Six CITT TROFIBTT FOB SALB. SMALL ACRE TRACT FOR SALE This property we have just recently listed, and It Include a fine laying piece of ground, at 86th and Hamilton streets. Thar la a small five-room house, which baa been re cently papered and painted, and la In first class condition. The property la well suited for anyone desiring to raise poul try and fruit. There Is a good table, which will accommo date three head of horsea, also wagon shed, large poultry house, about 80 bearing apple trees, strawberry patch, soma grapes and nearly all kinds of berries. There are a ' large number of shade tree on the premises, and property la neat and attractive In every way. There are between two and three acres of ground, and w are confident this will suit you. For further Information In quire of OEOROB A CO., 1601 Farnam Street. (19) M72S X A BARGAIN IN ACREAGE Three acres In fruit, straw berries, grapes, etc., with house ot six rooms, (two unfinished), at 43d and Fort fits. Take Ames Are, car te within a few blocks. Price $2,100. FOR A NICE HOME Six rooms, modern except furnace, cemented cellar un ' der entire house. Permanent walk. House only one year old. Rents for $276 per year. Price $2,SuO. 0. C. OLSEN 8. EI Cor. 18th and Dodge, " (19)-M88 IT Oiled drives where? In Keystone Park. of course. We are the first In Omaha or Nebraska to oil the roads. Oo out by horse. auto or on foot, or call and we will take you out to see Keystone Park and Its oiled avenues. No dust no mud. Really Key. tone Park Is a thing of beauty and Joy torever. iei us show you the property. PAYNE INVESTMENT ,C0. 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., -TeL Doug. ITU. D. V. SIIOLES COMPANY, 11 Board of Trade Bldg.. Tel. Doug. 4 (UMD1I 8-ROOM oottage, 2688 Poppleton avenue, one block from new. South 34th street car Una; water, sewer, gas, cement side. ' walk, permanent curb and asphalt pav ing, all paid for. Unusually large lot, -ft. front, 180 ft. deep. Room on lot for 1 large houses. Lot high and Igbtly. A great bargain; $1,608 00 Apply to owner, William A. DeBord, 828 First National Bank building. - - U M710 ti REAL ESTATE PROPERTY rOR sAI.R (Continued.) D. V. SHOLES COMPANY 110 Board of Trade. f !,. S-fth snd Taylor fs., lot 60x130 feet, 8 rooms, good well, sewer; house In good condition; block away from Ames Ave. car. t L9"0 aad and Manderson, a very good 8 room house, water and gas; some nice fruit; first-class chicken house and large barn; lot 60x128 feet; per manent sidewalks; beautiful view; a anap. 1 2,1004404 N. Xh, new 6-room cottage, modern except heat; lot 64x138 feet; street paved and paid for. Terms, $6u0 cash, balance $JS per month. t 8,160 7-room house, 1-story, hot water heat, thoroughly modern; lot 60x1110 feet, fronting on Hanscom Park, on Park Ave. 1 1.2502218 Harney, new 6-room brick house modern except furnace; lot 23Vxl8i feet. I 8,800 25th and Blondo. well built 2-story nearly new 8-room house, hot water heat, best of plumbing, fine cemented cellar; house newly papered, well arranged, fine lot and nice home for the money. 1 4,6004218 Douglas, nearly new, excep tionally well built 7-room house, well arranged, strictly modem, perma nent walks, good burn; large ground, 100x127 feet; one block from the car; lies fine; a bargain. $ 6,000 East front on 40th St. car line, near Chicago St.; well built, 8-room mod ern house; 60-foot lot. Owner anx ious to sell quickly; submit offer. t 8,000120 B. 87th St., 4 block from Far nam car, brand new 7-room, 8-story modern house, oak finish, and floors below, white enamel above; fine lo cation; ready to move Into-. See It and make us an offer. 811,000 For handsome home near Joslyn's residence, on 40th St.; 10 rooms, hot water heat, 85-foot front lot, paving and permanent sidewalk paid for. , Owner wishes to clone out qulokly. Will mall you plan and cut of house on application, or show It to you any time. INVESTMENT $10,760 Double brick flat, thoroughly mod ern, within one block of high school. This Is just being finished. See us for location. 3 3,000 Three good frame cottages, renting t,,r tTK nar month! 11)16-17-lft Vinton St. This Is what you are looking for. COTTAGES ON EASY TERMS 31,3008200 cash, will buy a 4-room cottage In northwestern part of the city. 31,6003200 cash, for 6 rooms, city water and toilet, gas, near S2d and Burdette. 31,6008300 cash, for a 6-room cottage lo cated on S. lflth St.. near Vinton. 31,00 3500 cash, will buy 3610 Blondo, city water and electric lights. 31,7603300 cash, a cottage of 6 rooms on 8. 16th, near Bancroft. 3L800 $3" cash, for a 6-room home, near 27th end Burdette. 32,6008500 cash, , buys an 8-room house In nortn pan oi tne cuy. 34,000 $500 cash, buys a 10-room all modern name, close in. Phone Doug. 536. BEMJB, Paxton Block. ALT. MODERN HOME Slxroome and bath; strictly modern; hot water neat; moaern piuiiiuiub, nent sidewalks; nice lot and fruit trees; located near 28th and Decatur Bis. Price only 32,100. CO. CARLBERG. 911 N. T. Ufa Bldg. (19) $3,300 If Sold This Month Suburban home Inside of city limits; only mile from car line; 6 acres In bearing fruit and garden; 2-story bouse 28x28; barn, chicken house, etc. This year's crop goes to purchaser. J. il. DUMONT & SON 1605 Farnam St. (19) REED BROS., 1710 Farnam St. . Here is an ad. that should be read carefully and given attention. NEW HOUSES. 7 room3. two stories, all modern, on full lot at N. E. corner of 28 th and Maple, $2,800. 7 room cottage, modern except furnace, 35x98 feet, at 3015 Jackson, w un it walking distance. Only $2,000. 2 houses on full lots at 30th and Ruggles, prices $1,800 and $1,900. Tou cannot duplicate them at these prices. VACANT LOTS. Two east front lots on 87th Street, between Farnam and Dodge, $30 per front foot. These should be worth much more. Three lots at S. E. corner 36th and Dodge Streets. Within walking dis tance. Price for all three $3,500. Some investor should look Into this. Two full lots at S. E. corner 38th and Ames Avenue, on Ames Avenue car line. Can sell both lots for $450. They should be worth at least $600. Two lot in Lancaster Place, beautifully located, just oft Ames Avenue car line. Can sell the two for $400. We are agents for 14 lots In Crelghton Heights, comprising the best lots In that Addition, which we can sell at about one-half price if sold quickly. Some of these lots are on the car line now being constructed, and all are con venient to the Benson car line. Prices raise from $125 to $300, and you can make your own terms. These lots will double within two years. ACREAGE. 20 acres two and a half miles west of city limit on West Dodge Street High and sightly and only $125. per acre. The fine farm known as Paddock Grove on Center Street, (macadamized) three miles west of Hanscom Park, containing 190 acres. Will sell this in tracts to suit purchaser and at prices ranging from $110 to $140 per acre, or the entire farm for $21,000. A fine Dairy Farm. GO AND SEE THIS AND COME AND SEE US. 5 acres with a good 5 room house Just off Center Street, one and one half miles west of city limits; adjoining ten acres can be rented. Make an offer. We want to sell this quickly. We have for sale houses and lots in all pares of the city and can sell at Omau"growtiL purch"er- lnve-t now and take advantage of REED BROS., 1710 FARNAM ST. LISTEN! While I tell you of some fine bargains, then look at these before you buy, , p.000 Owell -room new house at TTth and Ptnkney; hot water heat; reduced Satur day from $3,160. $9,7004 rooms, on beautiful Manderson Bt lust west of Mth, all modern; price was $S,A but cash will take It at this price. $1,7110 Dandy 6-room part modern house on Z2d near Manderson. $1,000 takes nice T-room modern home on Bmmet near Mth oar. Five new cottages for sale on easy pay ments. If your finances are under the bill and you want to get over the hill Just buy one of these properties of MIDERIIILL, Pnone Webster 1069. Offloe $330 N. Mth. U9)-ft4& 16 8ILA8 ROBBINS, FRHNZER BLOCK. Thrae-roo'm house, $ lots; $300; terms. Three-rjom new house, full lot; $i,u0u, Jive-room house, t lota. $1,226; $13 oash. Flve-rouni modern house, close In; $x,l&u, fleven-room new house; several lota Borne good close In Investments. BILA BOBBIN. fUENTER BLOCK. (ll) K4 X REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR SAL1 (Continued) TeL Douglas 49. $l$0O New double brick terrace on ISfith Ave., Just south of Dewey Ave.: best location In the city and one or the finest buildings; oak finish, gray mottled brick with stone trimmings. This Is rented to some of the best tennnts In the city on a yearly lease and Is an ideal investment. Just as safe as government bonds. $16400 Corner lot on Leavenworth, near Joth, with four substantial houses, well rented, to first-class parties. For Income or Investment' this Is a daisy. $17,(100 Three new brick dwellings. In the West Farnam neighborhood, renting for $1,939 per year; first-class In every respect. You cannot build any nicer and not near as cheap as you can buy these. $18,800 Steam heated apartment house, within four blocks of the wholesale part of Omaha; annual rental $2,430. This building has six 6-room apart ments; always rented; waiting list of tenants now on file. See It. VACANT $ (no 4120 feet, on Mth, Just souili of Vinton, choice of two lots; 'best for the money In this section. $ 80050x182 feet, east front on 36th Ave., between Mason and Marcy, beautiful view, fine location. $ 1,000 West front on 8fith, Just opposite Mason St. ; Jot 60x132 feet; beautiful trees, fruit and grass; one of the finest places to build a home m the city. $ LOOO Northwest corner 38th and Marcy. 60x126 feet, on car; sewer, water and gas; one block to street car. $ 2,260 xl40 feet, east front on 26t.h, 7S feet south of Jackson; cheapest lot in the city. WEST FARNAM Three lots at the southeast corner of 88th and Famam 32,300, $2,600 and 32,700 each. Be the sign for slse and location. Don't miss these. WE ARB AGENTS FOR THE VACANT GROUND ON aiTH, 218T and 22D, BE TWEEN MASON AND PIERCE ST8. LOTS. ANY SIZE 80. 60 OR 100 FEET X 122 FEET DEEP. SEE US FOR PRICE AND TERMS. SPE CIAL, INDUCEMENTS TO THOSE WHO WILL BUILD IMMEDIATELY. C19)- 920 26x TT-OT OETT.T- Owner leaves Tuesday, must sell Monday. New fr-room square noun. muuiu, ,.. furnace; located near KounUe Place; fully worth $3,5i0; we ask but $3,200, and to some quick-witted, quick-acting buyer might shade It 3200, If sold Monday, August 26. This Is a genuine bargain. Act Immediately, if you want to make $600. Don't inquire If you are not game. C. O. CARLBERG, Ml N. Y. Life Bldg. (19) TRACKAGE We have a large piece of trackage near 24th and Ames Ave. that we want an offer on. 'Phone Doug. 686. BEMIS, Paxton Block. (19)- BERKA & CO. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR THE REMAINING LOTS IN -KOUNTZE'S 3D ADDITION On 14th and 15th fits., between William and Center Sts. These lots are within easy walking dis tance of business center; no hills or hol lows to climb. The prices are very reasonable, compar ing the short distance of this locality. We can also make easy terms; one-fourth cash, balance 4 years' time, at 6 per cent. In order to pick out the best lot, you better como soon to 938 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Doug. 7487. (19) A BARGAIN 10-room house; modern; finest location In city; barn, laundry, cistern; owner going west; easy terms. MRS. GARDNER, 4018 Cuming St. (19)-777 26 -(19) ON THE BOULEVERD N. E. Cor. 20th and Ohio. 8-room house, modern except fur nace, room for another bouse or stores, lot 62x91. Boulevard on two sides of property. See this at once a snap at price, $2,500. William E. Romano, 489 Board of Trade. Tel. Doug. 1169. (19) 948-26 For" Bargains In vacant lota you should call on JACOBSON CO., S Mew Tork Lire, Omaha. O9-0t4 IS A SNAP Modern 10-room house, 8890 Charles St.; would cost $6,U0 to build; paved street, per manent sidewalks, new concrete walk to house, new furnace, large shade trees, plenty of fruit; porch 10 feet wide on two sides of house; south front; $2,6uO cash and long time on balance. C. 8. lulstrdi. tx0 Charles 0U . il REAL ESTATE CITT FHOPKRTT rOH SALB. (Continued R. C. PETERS & CO. $1,500 A cosy 6-room cottage at 83Z7 flpauld Ing St., has city water, gns and Is In good repair; located on a large lot with plenty of shade. $1.00 A good ft-room two-story house, well worth the money; It Is located on- a full lot and can he bought with a payment of TWO Hl'NDRKD AND FIFTY DOI LARS DOWN, balance to suit your con venienoe. $4000 A 7-room house at 2610 Emmett St., on a full 60-foot front lot; permanent walks; it Is close to the Mth ft. car line and easily worth the amount asked. $2,rtio m 4!Hh and Pierce Sts. we offer a 7-room house, only four years old. lo cated on three good sited lots: all kinds of fruit trees on the premises apples, plums, cherries; also a barn for two horses and other out bulldlnrs; thin may he what you want; look at It. $3,ffio At J6.S Sherman Ave. there Is an 8 room house In good condition of repair, recently painted and overhauled, that an eastern owner Is very anxious to sell; It Is modern In every respect, has a wood furnace and good plumbing; he will take $fit cash down, balance to suit your con venience. .WEST FARNAM DISTRICT $fi3R0 A new well built modern 8-room house, S512 Dodge St. HOT WATER HBATrNO PLANT OF THE BEST TTPH. Large living room with a pressed brick fireplace, gas and electric lia:ht and every other modern convenience; four rooms finished In English oak downstairs and four good siied sleeping rooms on the seoond floor; if you are sppklng a good house In the WEST FARNAM DIS TRICT this may please you. $560O On the southwest corner of 4?d and Dodge we offer a new house with an Interior finish of qtiarter-sswed oak, HOT WATER HEATING-, Wolfe's plumbing fixtures of a modern type; the living room Is large and attractive, with lars-e brick fireplace and bulltin book cases; we would like an opportunity to show you this modern up-to-date house. DUNDEE. We continue to offer some choice lots In this suburb at prices rsnglng from $9W) to $760 on a payment of $00 down and bal ance to suit your convenience at 8 per cent Interest; the lota are one and two blocks from the car line and are on estab lished grade; no better place to acquire a lot for a suburban home; Dundee Is Improving rapidly and these lots should appeal to you as an Investment proposi tion; If you are seeking to buy anything In DUNDEE give us an opportunity to show you our listings. R. C. PETERS & CO., 230 8. 17th St., Bee Bldg. Call Douglas 898. 0) PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Main Floor, N. T. Life Bldg. SOME GOOD BARGAINS A beautiful new cottage home at 1323 N. 42d St., southwest corner of 42 and Ham ilton Sts.; parlor, large dining room, . kitchen, two fine bedrooms with bathroom betweon connecting with hall; pantry, large clothea closets, nickel plated plumb ing, gas and electric light combination fixtures; corner lot, 49xlu0; paving paid; price $2,650, easy terms. In the north part of the city, one-half acre of ground with a good 6-room house, for $2,2u0; reasonable terms. On Franklin St., two blocks from car line, 6-room cottage, modern except heat; paved street, all paid for; fine shade; only $2,100; property would rent for $22.60 per month. 21st and Wirt Sts., In Kountie Place, we have a beautiful two-story 9-room house In excellent repair, with nice barn; lot 75x124, fine shade, everything right up to date. Don't fall to let us show you this property. On 86th Ave., weBt of Hanscom park, a good 6-room oottage Vith lot 60x125, for $1,275. Close In, 23d and Mason Sts., a 9-room house, modern except furnace, for $3,000. 2024 Wirt Si, Kountxe Place, two-story 10 room house, all modern; good barn, fine shade, corner lot 100x124; price reduced to $7,200. BUILDING LOTS Five south front building lota on Douglas St. west of 42d, on a 4ft-foot terrace, with sewer, water and gas In street. This block Is rapidly building up with nice modern homes. These lots are to be sold very cheap, or exchanged for a house and lot Bee them at once. Two fine building lots In Dundee on Cap itol Ave. between 48th and 49th; the cheap est lots left In the block; only $800 apiece. We would like to have you call In and list your property for sale. We have more customers than property. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Main Floor, N. T. Life Bldg. (19)- BUY A NEW HOME Just completed at 83d and Harney, has reception hall with handsome oak stair way, parlor, large living room with mantel, kitchen with two pantries and refrigerator room.three bed rooms, bath room and store room on second floor; bath room has medicine closet with mir ror and side lights; first floor finished In oak; second floor In birch; basement has laundry and furnace room and coal bins; first class cement steps and walks; lawn sodded. Where can you equal this for $4,600? Only $1,750 cash required. THIS IS A SNAP. ERNEST SWEET 6i3 N. Y. L. 09) Wl 2S DANDY FIVE-ROOM COTTAOB. In fine repair, near 83d and Bpaldlng; sewer, water and gas; lot 60x1:3 ft.; nicely sodded and terraced; permanent walk in front; fruit and shade trees; barn. Price $1,600; $600 cash, balance same as rent. C. G. CARLBERG. 911 N. T. Life Bldg. 09) CLOSE IN CORNER A Rare Opportunity GENUINE GOOD VALUE A complete, compact, well built, 9 room modern bouse In Al condition. 2701 DODGE Have Just ten days to sell it and give possession. Lose no time. Will rent September 3 If not sold at $41.60 a month. WILLIAM FLEMING, Sole Agent. 211 South 18th. TeL Douglas 179. O9W10 2C TO TILE MAN with a large fam ily$2,500 for 706 N. 30th A. 9-room modern house in best condition. This is a snap. ROBINSON & WOLF 423 Paxton Block (19) FOR SALE 6-room cottage, 96th and V Sts., $1,0; 4-room cottage, 96th and W Bit., $1.0u0, cheap. Lots In Mahoney Mtnnahan'a addition. 9tb and T Sts. P. C. Caldwell, BuuUi Omaha. (la)-74 ti REAL. ESTATE CrPT PBOFfRTT FOR SAL93. (Continued.) NEW HOUSES BUILT BY US OUR REPUTATION FOR BUILDING HOUSES IS TOO WELL KNOWN TO DWELL ON HOW THEY ARE BUILT. YOU CAN SEE THEM IN THE COURSE OF CONSTRUC TION IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. WE HAVE BUILT NEARLY 200 HOUSES IN OMAHA AND BUILT THEM RIGHT. ASK ANYONE THAT KNOWS. WE HAVE JUST FINISHED THE FOLLOWING, LOOK AT THEM TODAY. 23RD AND LAIRD, $3,000 SOUTHEAST CORNER. We have Just completed this beautiful house of six rooms and reception hall, has very convenient floor arrangement and Is one of the neatest plans built this year; has gas, electric light and combination flxturee, good furnace, cemented cellar, cement walks; In fact, every modern con venience. Is Just a block from car, on corner lot. We can make terms on this property. 29TII AND PINKNEY $2,100. On the east side of 29th St., lust north of Plnkney, we have a splendid new 6 room modern house, on a full frk-foot lot, cement walk In front and around house, sewer, water, eas and electric lights, com bination fixtures and has a nice arrange ment of rooms, has front vestibule, par lor, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, nice bath room, rear vestibule ar.d pantry, stair way and large attic. This Is a convenient little home and Is complete. We can sell this on easy terms. 1STH AND EMMET. Just west of the southwest corner of 18th and Emmet, we have JiiRt compMed two handsome 7-room houses at $3.8uO and $4,im0; paved streets, permanent walks, large lots, cement block foundation, good furnace, high grade plumbing. For a first-clans home throe houses cannot be beaten for the r.t v.y. HASTINGS Office open Monday 1704 Farnam St., TRADE FOR SMALL COTTAGE All modern flat of 11 rooms, lot 22x132, only $ blocks from 'P. O iirant ln.atin for rooming and boarding. Owner will consider small cottage not to exceed $2.5ip0 In value as part consideration. Price $ft.000. 'Dh,,n. ThA..,. , C 1,1'..... . . . . , (19J Ten-room new house; thoroughly modern; mn luruovv, gas anu eieciric ngius; lot south front, 76x134 ft.; near Kountze Place, and only one block from Sherman Ave. ear line. Price $3,760. C. O. CARLBERG, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19) A fine south front lot at 26th and Taylor Sts.: size. 46xl26U: handv to car harns at 24th and Ames; if sold before September L $400. A bargain for small Investment; 2 cot tages. 6 rooms each: lot. 60xl27X: rent fnr $8 per month each; 8 blocks from car; for quica sale, ti.iuv. Six-room cottage, 10th and Dorcas Sts.; rents for $20 per month; $1,800. Eight-room house, modern except fur nace; good repair; lot, 44x166; $2.50. Eight-room thoroughly modern house, new and up to date, at 38th and Farnam, $4,600. ; W. J. DERMODY INV. CO. F. P. OSBORNE, Mgr. City Dept. 836 N. Y. Life. Phone Douglas 6108. (19)- Suburban Chicken Ranch 20 acres, very near Florence, with plenty of splendid buildings; owner leaving for business reasons; wishes to make im mediate sale; stock for sale. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas St. (19) 881 26 O'Keefe Real Estate Co. BUY A HOME On 28th Ave., near Dodge, B-room cottage, yearly rental, $200.00. On Manderson, near 18t small cottage on large corner lot. Room for three houses. Price reduced to $1,250.00. On, Charles St, near Military Ave., 9-room, on full south front lot, water, elec tric light, only one block to school. $2,250.00. Near Arbor St., on South 20th, 8-room all modern, large east front lot, paving and walks paid. $1,000.00, balance on terms. Between Farnam and West Leavenworth car lines, 8-room house on corner lot. $2,500.00. Will make terms. Between Hanscom and the new 24 th St. car line, new modern cottage, east front, fine view, $3,225.00. ) Near the Convent and new Cathedral, 9-room all modern, on large corner lot. $3,500.00. Near Crelghton College, one block to two car lines, 8-room all modern, cor ner lot 06x132, $4,500.00. In Bernls Park and Lafayette Ave.. 8-room, all modern, down stairs In oak. lot 51x147, $5,000.00. INVESTMENTS 25-ft. lot with frontage on both 20th and Vinton Sts., fine for stores, $750. 80-fL facing West Farnam, for flats or stores, $4,000.00. In West Farnam district, two blocks from car, 9-room house on corner, 6Cxl32. room for three flats. $4,500.00. Best location on Farnam Hill, 67xl55. paving paid. $4,600.00. Finest corner on new South 24th street car line, ideal location for gro cery and meat market. West of Elmwood Park. 80 acres, all high and sightly land, can be divided Into Bmall acre tracts so as to make money. WESTERN FARMS AND RANCHES for numbers"0' n Quarter Bectloa ln Howard county. Owner must sell. Write 160 acres 5 miles from R. R., in Kimball county, $6.25 per acre clavhiinTtign9Kla WC8tera Nebraska- 3 'rom U, P., black loam with clay sub-eoll, $6,25 per acre. r Ki920,01"68" WU.h flne "nprowmeatfc Send for well-illustrated circular." Can be sold on easy terms. Write us. ' 11.000 acres, east of Cheyenne, in Nebraska, mostly smooth land. $6 25 per acre. Send for plat giving full Information. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 2152. READY TO MOVE Into In a few days, new 6-room modern cottage, built by day labor and good material used. Take either Dodge street or North 24th car. The bouse is number 2709 Sprague. For par ticulars see owner, who lives across the street, at number 4102 North 27th or 'phone Douglas 6133. JOHN N. HASKELL 914 N. T. Life. " (19) ACRES 160 acres, all cultivated land, 11 miles N. W. P. O., near Benson. Price, only $6,000. $11 acres, on south Sarpy Co. Una, with timber and running water. Prloe, only $11,480. 40 acres, north of Benson, with fine, large buildings; lots of fruit; a fancy place. $1,000. I acres, 60th and Brown Bit., all culti vated. $1,360. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas St (19) 9J0 16 $4 LOTS In Halcyon Heights, Benson, lying well; close to car line; 10 minutes' ride to Omaha. Will sell altogether er In bunches of Ave. For prleea and terms address H 42, cars Seek ,. , iUb-ttl REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR IALH. (Continued.) 3820 HAMILTON STREET, JUST FINISHED. Parlor, dining room, library, kitchen and reception hall on first floor, I bedrooms and batli upstairs, large pantry and cellar. Best of plumbing, Quaker furnace, with the new time regulator. House finished downstairs In mahogany stain, papered, dining room burlapped. cement sidewalks In yard, 1 blocks to car line. Price, $3,750. 31ST AND MEREDITH, $3,000. On Meredith street. Just east of 91st, south front, lot 60x130 feet, cement wain In front and around house, cemented cel lar, fine furnace and all modern con veniences. We think this plun is one of the best plans we have ever built, has large reception hall, very large parlor, large dining room, also good kitchen, pan try, rear vestibule on Ilrst floor, 3 very large bedrooms, with large closets on sec ond floor, first floor Is stained In Imita tion weathered oak, is waxed and Is very tasty; the floors are all planed and var nished, has electric lights and bus, com bination fixtures. There is no better built houe in tlie city than this one. The price Is exceedingly low. If you want to see a nice plan, let us show you through tills house. All good houses will be buiil in this addition. & HAYDEN evenings until 8:30 p. m Bee Building. (ISO- GOOD LOT IN GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD. Large corner lot, south front, water, sewer and gas In street, asth and Ames Ave, Price $D0O. C. O. CARLBERG, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19) I NEW CLOSE IN Six-room house, built two years ago, oak wood work downstairs; modern In every respect Price, $4,600. 'Phone Doug. 686. BEMIS. Paxton Block. (19) SPECIAL BARGAIN FARNAM ST. HILL, 64x132 feet, vacant corner, best bar eaiu in West Farnam district. Only $4,200 if sold this week. J. II. DUMONT & SON 1G0S Farnam St. (19) $2,500.00 8 room house, 6 large rooms down, 3 rooms and bath up, .city water and cistern, cemented cellar, good barn, lot 60x150, easy terms. Near and south of Hanscom park. BLRKETT & TEBBENS, 423 Bee Bldg., Tel. Doug. 4754. (19)-984 26 MODERN 6-room cottage, 2211 Webster St.; gas, water, sewer, bath, furnace, fine shade trees, splendid neighborhood; no car fare to pay; easily rent for $360 a year. Price, $3,0U0. hoe owner. W'applch, 9 Crelghton block. (19)-41 2Tn (19) WEST FARNAM DISTRICT $4,000-Near 47th and Douglas, -room house, with reception hall, natural finish, nickel plumbing, combination fixtures, furnace, full cellar, perma nent and cement walks around the house, sodded yard, south front: cash payment $twi, balance terms. . WALKING DISTANCE $1,676-6 rooms, sewer, closet, water and gas. aid and Pierce Sts. ; paved street; $3U0 cash will swing thlsT bal ance monthly payments. This Is a bargain. . C. P. TRAVER 'Phone Red 47ZL 1824 Farnam St. (19)- Bemis Park District $2,900.00 Nice, cosy 7-room, completely modern house, permanent walks, about 200 feet from car; house is practically new; act quick; can make terms. WILLIAM E. ROMANO, 439 Board of Trade, Tel. Douglas 11C9. 19) 949-15 Also SOT Chicago, high lot, one block from high school; old cottage In rear. Price, $2.4u0; assessed at $l.buO. TRAKK CRAWFORD, 951 N. X. Ul bid Yei. Douglas 13$T, 7- - - REAL ESTATE ttt C1TV l'HOPKHT I'OH 9ALBU (Continued N. T. DODGE & CO. OUR SPECIAL SNAPS This properly ought to sell Itself, for we have never had such a big Income for the price to offer since we began business. Vi e won't give the address, as it annoys the ten ants. It Is a corner property, be tween Leavenworth and Farnam, and fronts 160 fert on one street and 64 on another; all paved and paid for; some of It Is unimproved, but ' there are seven stores, all rented, and 32 rooms on second floor that are well rented. There Is another two-story building on the alley; total Income Is $1!S3 a month, or 2,W a year, and the new owner could raise t lie rents. Taxes and repairs are low and we ought to ask $1H,0U0 for this property, but It la yours for H,0u, and on easy terms. Let us show you tills property. If you have 4,IM or $5,UiH) to pay down. We Will take the rents as security for the rest. 2'Jnd and Farnam We are offering the cheapest 44 foot south trout on Farnam, east of 24th. It is Just west of Powell's garage, und any building on it will rent on long time at a good rental. West Fur natn has proven Itself a KH u.t, new retail business district, and If you have coniidence in Omaha here Is the best, cheapetit 44 leet on Karnam St., where the relttll rent will some time be four times what they are today. 28th and Farnam Here we have 38 feel, south front, with two friiine buildings on It, that will pny Interest and taxes until the property Is Improved as It should be. Vou will never regret buying tills proerty for $4,260. We have two or three other bar- f alns on Farnam 81. which we would ie pleased to show you If you aie seeking an lnvesUnuut. 14th and Capitol Ave. Here we have 33x132 feet south front on Capitol Ave., opposite the market houhe, with an 8-room house on It, renting for $26 a month. Every foot ot this lot should be covered with a brick tenement, for every- thing in that part of the city rents well. Someone should pick this lot up and build 4oine building in the rear. It only costs $4,uuu, as it stands. 14th and Davenport lS6-foot front at the southwest corner of 14th and Davenport, with car line on both sides and opposite the new Northwestern station. If you know a good tiling, you cannot fall to see that this Is going to be one of the best business proposi tions In Omaha, and for a suloon corner alone, 22 feet will some day sell for all that wo ask for the en tire lot of 130 feet, east front, which Is $16,01)0. This ought to be ptcked up tills week by someone who knows a sure thing when he sees It. N. P. DODGE & CO. 1714 Farnain Street (19)- $2,100.00. New five room Cottage, modern except f urnaxe, cellar .all brick ed up, corner lot, 26th and Grant, on small payments, now renting at $20.00 per month. $1,900.00. Six room Cottage on 26th and Spencer, lot 66x134, shackA. trees, large barn and other out bulla- ings, a nice home and very cheap, only, block to car. $2,500.00. Seven room, story and a half house, 24 25 Patrick Avenue, new up-to-date bath room, south front, lot 60x130 with fruit and shade trees $2,650.00. Six room, story and a half house at 332 5 Parker, house is about four years old and ln good order, an honest, well built house, lot 48xl27 with large barn. $3250.00. Six room, new modern house with hot water heat, south front lot on Blnney, nwr 24th. $3,500.00. ElKht room modem house at 1807 Pinkney street, lo$ 54x124. 2122 WIRT STREET. 1 ONLY $4,000.00 1 This eight room, modern house, 24x46, all in good order, hard plna finish, highly polished, well arranged house, large cellar all bricked up, good heating plant, full sized attic, cistern, south front lot, 60x124 on paved street, cement steps, brick walks, large barn with man's room and carriage room, a well located home, better see me this comlns week if you are inter ested as house is vacant now and must be sold soon. ' W. H. GATES Room 617 New York Life Building;. 'Phone Douglas 1294. FINE WEST FARNAM STREET IIOMES $12,6uO Will buy the fine residence of rooms on 33d Si., south of Dodge; this is an unsually well-built hounu. Is beautifully nnlHhed in quartered oak, Iiuh a billiard room and tilwl bathroom; interior finish, plumbing; lighting fixtures and hardware are the very best; lot 6S(xlJ(j feet; here Is a rare chance to buy an vluant home at a bargain. $ 6,730 Will buy another home ln the same district as the above, with an 8-room modern house, in perfect re pair. BRAND NEW COTTAGE $ 2,400 Will buy a brand new cottage, (012 Charles St., wltii full south front lot, permanent sidewalks, tlnUlied floors, large attic, cemented cellar. with laundry, electric light and bath, with best open plumbing; yml will llku It If you see. IC luAdSC CIIOICEBUILDINQ LOTS $ 600-60 ft. on Hamilton St., eHst of 38th Itemls Park district. CH&AP. $ 7B0 6oxlcx, &'th and Webster. $ 8uo 40X1J&, on 4M St., south of Dodge a nice location and street will Ul paved this year. $ 1,4U0 tii, corner of Mason and 23d, within easy walking distance. $ 1,90040x143. on 3Mh, near Farnam, KNAP. $ $,000 6oxl on 34th, between Karnam and Dodge.. VhiKY CHUlC-ri 8EE ME FOR OTHER HAKOAINS IN HOl'SEH AND VACANT LOTd IN AN PART OF THE CITY. J. W. ROBBINS UOa FARNAM 8T. TEL. DOUQ. 62. 15 INVESTEMENT. RENT $39 A MONTH I PRICE $3,100. Four-room cottages In good location, one blrx k to car line, houees In good repair and a snap at this figure. Bee us early) If yoo want these. HAksTINUB & HHTDEN, 1704 I'ernain bt. (19-07 29 JCST COMPLETED. Five-room cottage, largo rooms; sewer watery gas; bath; all modern, with the exception of heat; permanent walks, etc.; nice lot, trees ln yard; located near I4th aud &4raue. Price t.VO. C. O. CARLHERO, tu k, X ux iMt, ; ci ; V