TTIE OMAHA ' DAILY REE: SATLKt)AY. AtTOUST 17. 1W7. It " tJFFERED FOR SALE Karaite faatlaaea. FOR SAUK Elent p1 furniture for t room. loJO: everything for housekeep ing: brrn: jwir le". town. 1 8. Kth St 'Phono Harney UTS. (lit M114 17 s Plaaes, OrtiM, M astral lastrameata. PIANOS At very low prices this week. New, shop worn. returned from rent and second-hend rlanoa on aula In our bargain room th oor ) Many old reliable makes among th lot. A. B. Chsse, Emtrrnn, Kimball, pallet A Davla, Ivers Pond. Steger Bona. Schubert. Plicae further reduced on the following make -this wank: ' Kimball unrig ht. rood tone t W Arlon uprterit, oak raae IIS Bchutts upright, mahogsny pass 18$ ('dumb upright, mahogany rase 1M Schubert tiprlght, large alia IS Tarma: S3 to $10 eaah; $1, 4 to IS monthly tha baianoa. Planoa tuned, repaired and moved, at lowoat rate. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. "Phone Doug. 1C3S. 1111-11 11 Farnam St. (!) M964 POR BALE Cheap, Story Clark cabinet orrn, U stops, a beautiful. strong-toned Instrument, aul table for church or horn. food condition; coat $250. Address I- 'M. faee. (16-M782 JINK Upright Kimball piano. $. Dealera do not call. 1H11 Davenport. I . (l)-209 2x FOR SALE Fine piano cheap. Tarty leav Ing city. Addreaa S 60, care Bee. , ... (1)-2C lix , Pool aaa Bllllajra Tables. i ton BALE--New and second-hand billiard and pool labia. We trad the world In cheap bar flKturee; easy payment, Bruns-Wlck-Balke-Collendar. 407 8. 10th St. (16)-$SJ Typewriter aaa Icalii Maehlaes. FOR 'SALE High trade second-hand type writer: rood condition; a bargain at $50. Call room ens, Bea Bid. (i u ONE Remmgton typewriter, No. t, in good condition, for aale cheap. Call at . office. llV-atx CEWlNQ machine. oak case. $7. 41 N. rd. (16) MiB7 17 Mlseellaaeaaa. DRUGS at cut price; freight paid on S10 order; catalogue tree. IUKHUAN ft M CONNELL DRUG CO. Omaha. Neb. (l-7 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed , paint. Sherman McConnell Drug Co. FOR 8ALE Finest boarding house in tha city; beat location, all furnished; walk' . Ing distance, 'etc.; cheap. Inquire M ' Karbach Block, Omaha, Neb. (16)-K aVEND US your mall order for drug; irelsht paid on $10 lot. Myers-Din jn Lrug Co., Omaha. (If) m JTOR SALE A -butcher's refrigerator, aev eral show cases, a new peanut roaster, '' large coffee mill, two large automatlo oil tanks and store fixtures too numerous to mention.' Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (1)-Ml8 TWO new dining rooms adjoining, seating 31 each; serves over 600 meals dally; best ' location; moay maker. Will sell one or . i both cheap fox cash. Apply 107 South 17th St. , (18-MS8? 17x HAY 19 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. (1)-M731 I HAVE a. Dratted. amount of alfalfa seed. .Just thresked, good for fall sowing, which I wish to sell. Anyone wishing . to purchase seed please caU at my resl '. denca, three, miles west of Arapahoe, - Furnaa county, Nebraska, or write tha undersigned, at Arapahoe, Neb. M'.k Mitchell. i, (14) MiTHlSx FOR SALE First class, nondescrlptlve lady's ticket, from here to Bait" Lake, 90 pays. Address L 4a, Bee. (16) Mite 33x HOMEOPATlTlC medicines, wholesale and retail. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co. . (l)-48 , JTOR BALE About October 1. one- C00-gal-Ion WorthiDgton duplex pump, slse lix . loHxlO. W.tH, Bridges, engineer Omaha Bee. (1J-M679 OAS, EDJECTRIC AND . COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, meat Hto4it stock at lowest Iirices In tbs- city, aelect now. Delivered when needed. Inspection invited. BURGESS - GRANDEN CO., Ul Bo. 14th SU . r TeL Doug. 6SL . (1) 4J BALL'S sales, new, 2d-ha.nd. Ull Farnam. O)-190 ECOND-HAND rubber hose, tools. 8lnger, et. low. (16) 7a VKlCh. -UK BALE In carload lots. An- Nsb. TeURed 7UT7. (1) M39I tix FOR BAL&.Two Id-hand 100 b. p. tabular bollrra, DuJnche In diameter. 1 feet lnn . with fronts and connections, now la use at our fatory; we are about to replace them will .larger one. Will sell cheap. , Omaha O0perae Co., S5th and I Bte.. South Omaha, Neh. (1S S3 PATENTS t. O. BARNELL. patent attorney and nit . chin diajgner. J-axton Blk. Tel. Ked 71 17, (17)-MIJ 812 UiaOfl ft CO. Book free. Bee Bldg. n7)-39l PERSONAL CM A Hi BlfaV Stammerers' Institute. Ramce US)-a . tEVi0 machines rented. Neb, Cycle Co . I5tn and Harney. 'Phone Douglaa 1M3. I (Id) 393 netiu-- . j . (li) WO J EW bargain tn 3d-hand aoda fountains, niotthly payments. Deright, 1SU Farnam. ... U tC'J-JMA absolutely cured by W. A. Paxton sakra. B. J. Bcanlan. agt.. War blk. (1$)-M9S8 MAGNETIC O'osr and M WA.u.iiiitu Vapor and Tab Rows 2, 1204 Farnam 8t 3d floor. assage. Hatha I x U M4 AM SYRINGES, rubber good, by mail; cut trices. Send for free catalogue. Myera DUloa (Tug Co.. Omaha. (18) Sji Sir SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off 4othtng; in tact, anything you do not rl. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 11th It., for cost of collecting, to the verthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. Vii and agon will call. U) ;n 1 t 1 1 .. , ivitno wom r. coming to Omaha a strangers are invited to visit th Young TVomen Christian Association rooms, Vni farnam atreet. where tht-y will be di recieo 10 suitable boarding places or uierwtse assisted. (IS)-9U P9.IVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Jr. King. 13M N. iu St. -Tel. LKxic. (i a; TIIE ELITE E,'rt laar operator iu" JW11Jlvi ma-wage and clialy- staia scruo Mine, rloom . barker Mo. k Ah and Farnam. Now establishment. (is-:: mi LADY, (killed In science of maaeag and , Stranger in Omsha. desires patrons; scrub bath, manicure and chiropody, la.4 Dodge St.. corner lota, opposite P. O U M13S a JJPORTANT-Btar Petroleum Stockholders will receve important Information br an swarliuj Utts ad at Otio. Address Y !, as., 1 , PERSONAL (Continued.) PAINFUL burn, any aore or sktn hurt quickly healed by Safin akin cream. lac , aii. REAL ESTATE REAL KSTATB OIALKRK. RUSSELL A M'KITRICK CO., M Ran. 09)- W It. TURRELL, 1 Patteraon Blk. Dong. 112. WW PAYNE INV. CO., lt floor N. T. L. Doug. 1TSL O) 400 R. C. PETERS CO.. Bea Bldg. 1)-4M 1 W. BUNNELL ft CO., 83 N. T. Ufa. Dougls ill. OIV-401 ALFRED C. KENNEDY. V9 First Nafl Bank Bldg. 'Phone Douglaa 73$. (! GEORQE ft COMPANT. JfOl Farnam. Tel. Douelsa T5. C, M. RICH, Mth ft Locust. Tel Web 1474. t KIT 1K C1TT PROPBItTT FO flALB. SPECIAL BARGAIN New t-room houae, all modern, on full lot, at tha northaaat corner or ?th and Maple; permanent walk. Prtc, $1.900 00, on ordinary term jf pay ment. Probably eould be told for all caah (or I2.S00.0O. REED BROTHERS, 1710 Farnam et. OD 1115 II ON CENTRAL BOULEVARD COO For the beat lot on Central Boule vard, BOxl 250 feet north of Dadge, facing eat. Price . reduced from 11,000 to tWO for quick aale. Thla l one of the bett building altea In tha city. If you are Interested call In and let us show you thla. Small cash payment down closes tha deal. Benjamin Real Estate Co., 'Phone Doug. 73S1 125-4 Neville Blk. 16th and Harney. (MWll M A. P. TUKEY & SON, WHAT WOULD YOU . DO WITH IT! On northwest corner of 224 nd Cali fornia la an elegant 'home with a fine lot 90x132 and barn. Close to Crelghton col lege and with easy walking distance of town. Soma day flats should be built on this corner, but at the price we now offer tha property, It would pay to buy it for a home. Still It might Interest you for some other reason. Look at it. A. P. TUKEY & SON, 444-445 Board of Trade Building. TeL Doug. 3 SI. 0 114 n 30th and Dewey Ave. JUST BUILT YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BUY CLOSE-IN HOME Choice of two (-room modern houses, oak finish, high and alghtly; corner la $3,750; tha other la 11,500; terms arranged to suit; see then). a . , R. H. Landeryou, Tel. Douglas tlfiL 441 Board, of Trad. CLOSE IN Two S-room cottages, nearly' completed; one on the south side of Blondo street, be tween Kth and 17, and one on the north aide of " Blondo atreet. Just east of 27th ; all thoroughly well built; bricked up and cemented cellara, double floors, surface floors being of yellow pine, selected ver tical grained: strictly modern, with the exception of heat. Permanent sidewalks will be latd In atreeta. Price, 2,X. Easy terms to good parties. C. O. CARLBERO. 911 N. T. Life Bldg. )-M166 FOR SALE , Cottage,' with T large rooms, newly ia- Kred and painted; all modern except rnaoe; on lot 31 feet front br 98 fet deep, located at 3015 Jackson street. Price, $2,000.00, on ordinary terms of payment. For all cash could bs bought for a little less. . REED BROTHERS, 1710 Farnam St. (19) M184 It THE KERR ABSTRACT CO.'B AB STRACTS OF TITLE are the safest You are protected by a $10,000 bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a lawsul when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1614 Harney. TeL Douglaa $437. (19r A. P.v TUKEY & SON, 41ST AND JACKSON 8-ROOM HOUSE At (03 8. 41st St., we -offer an 8-room house. This Is a well built house with a One cellar. Lot ia 50x130, with small barn. There Is a bath room, but It haa no fix tures In it yet. City water and gas. Two blocks north of Leavenworth St. ear. Ws offer the place for $2,500. A. P. TUKEY & SON, 444-44$ Board of Trade Building. TeL Dougaaa 21U. (19) 213 IT Modern 6-room cottage. 1031 South Jlst street; gas, water, sewer, bath; cemented cellar un der whole house; barn; artificial curb and sidewalk paid for. . Street will be paved this sum mer. Rents f $00 per year. A bargain. 1 2.500. Terms to suit See or write owner. 610 First National Bank Building, Omaha. USD- SPECIAL LOT BARGAINS We have secured tha agency of 14 lot la Crelghton Height addition, and for a abort time ean sell them at about half of the ordinary prices for lots In that locality. Pricea range .from ' 2S0.:a per lot. located en Ika. Ohio and Miami streets. 42d and 4lh atreeta. two block from th present atreet car ltn and son is of them on the proposed line to lb institute now being constructed. REF.D BROVHEKS. 17 If Farnam St. tl9) M187 1$ $3,400. 1601-150$ South $Ui si., corner lot, $0x143 feet; two cottages; rent $35 per month; room for two more cottage or futta. Eaay terms THOMAS BRENNAN. Room I. New York Life Bldg. '.Phcn Douglas 1364. U-$30 REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR tAtB. 'CoaUnnad.) BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN ACREAGE. KEYSTONE PARK Magnificent view In every direction. Winding drive and thousands of shad trees. . Numerous fine homes will be completed by fall. In a few years tha beautiful coun try homes In Keystone Park will be the envy of those In the city. Why delay If you would enjoy the charms of such a horns? In a short time the eame convenience of street car service, paved roads, etc., will be enjoyed by those living In Keystone Park, the same as by those living In the city. But then the prices will be advanced. History repeata Itself. Call at the office and let us take you out any day or evening. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. AND D. V. SIIOLES COMPANY (19)-1SS If WALNUT HILL $3,000 3330 SEWARD ST Want offer, part terms If desired, for this food seven-room dwelling; Dtodern except furnace, with nice south front lot; on paved street. $4,000 3854 SEWARD ST Want offer, part terms if desired for thla good nine-room dwelling; hot water heat, porcelain bath, gaa, city water, etc., with full south front lot, on paved street. OWNER MAS MOVED FROM CITY. WANTS TO USE TliK MONEY AND PROPOSES TO SELL. WANT AN OF FER. GARVIN "BROS., IM Farnam St. (19) at OWNER ' WANTS OFFER. 8. W. Corner Bth and Charlea Sts., 1M foat -nntaivA . fe J an Si feet on 2th at . with eott.. Knniainin. i T rooms and bath room. 2531 Chicago St. W. H. Orifflth, (1)-M240 18 PEAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST OO iv CHAS. K. WILLIAMSON. Pres. yKJ' (19) 4U 14 LOTS In Halcyon Heights, Benson, lying wen; close to car line; 20 minutes ride to Omaha. Will sell altogether or In bunches of five. For prices and terms address H 42. care Bee. (IS) 157 IF LOOKING for a S, f or 7-room cottage on your own lerms, pnone weo. 1. (19W30 40 ACRES land for sale. Improved, Flor ence, iiu per acre. Apply Z60 Patrick avenue. (19) M16 18x LIST your property with Chris Boyer. ana luming Bis. (ig) (07 REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR SALE. Colorado. FIVE quarter sections of wheat land tn N. E. Colorado; $10 per acre; on easy pay ments. D. F. Nicholson, Lamonl, la. . (10) M970 1SX ladlaa Territory. JOIN US OUR INDIAN TERRITORY LAND EX CURSION TUESDAY NEXT. $1$. TO MUSKOGEE AND RETURN- SPECIAL BARGAINS NEAR "OIL BELT." ACRES POTATOES CLEARED $1.70. BHCOND CROP NOW IN. SAVE MONEY AND TIME BY GOING WITH US. WE ARE POSTED. WRITE OR WIRE . THE PUTNAM CO., - 604 V. Y, LIFE BLDG.. OMAHA. V ' . ()M187 17 WANTED Agents to represent us In the sale of our Kansas lands. Write for par -"ticulara. Glob Land and Investment Co., ' Omaha, Ntb. ()) 412 He break. TWENTY Acres, two miles west Florence; on good road; part In grove, some fruit; a fine place for some one; a bargain at $3,460; easy terms.' Seybolt. Telephone Webster 1970. )-M344 FOR SALE OR TRADE 93 acres of th best farm land, l'i miles Wast of Calhoun. The farm la well im proved, with new house, haa living water on It. It haa now on It as fine a crop as yon can sea in Nebraska. The owner wants to come to Omaha. Price $75 per acre. ROBINSON ft WOLF. 423 Paxton Block. ()-150 If FIRST-CLASS Nebraska farms snd ranches for homes or Investment. Bemla, Omaha. (20) 41J BARGAINS IN FARMS For list of com, alfalfa and winter wheat farms write J. T. Campbell, Litchfield, Neb. (20)-M17S 17x FINE RANCH FOR BALE. 1.440 acres; 1.100 acres now under rood state of Irrigation: 500 acres In native hay; 350 acres of alfalfa; luO acres in small grain; big 11-room house, bunk house.; Kranary, stables, sheda, creek running through ranch, side track on land, big free range all around ranch, land under Irrigation la all tine creek bottom land; price, $32.(0 per acre; one-third cash, bal ance f per cent time, to suit purchaser; this rsnch could be divided Into ten smell farms. For Information addresa T li care of Omaha Bee. () M228 lk Saata Dakota. TRIPP COUNTY OPENING For full par ticulars writ Tripp County Land and Abstract Co.. Dallas, S. D. (20H-M781 A29 Wyoming. 640 ACRES of Wyoming wheat land, f miles from Cheyenne: ts.OuO If taken this month: half caah. balance long time: a big snap for Investment. D. F. Nicholson. LamonC la. ' M971 lx REAL ESTATE LOANS W. H. THOMAS Farm loans desired secured by lands In Caaa. Sarpy, Douglas and Wanhington counties. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE iNSL'll ANCE COMPANY. W. H. THOMAS. Correspondent, $0$ First National Bank Bldg. Wanted loans on Improved city property for private investor. W. H. THOMAS, (0$ First National Bldg. Mortgage loans In sums of $800 and up wards. Loans for building purposes. MORTGAGE BOND COMPANY OF N Y W. H. THOMAS. Agent. 10$ First National Bank Bldg. Loans secured by Omaha city real estate desired in any amounts from $1,000 up wards Loans for building purposes UNITED STATES MORTOAGE AND TRUST COMPANY, W. II. THOMAS, Agent, $93 First National Bank Bid ana Bldg. (23) Mill 1$ $l..O0f to LOAN on buaiaea ax deaee property In Omaha: Iosmi no delay. Thomas Brvauaa, Jtoom L N. REAL ESTATE LOANS (Continued.. LOANS on Improved city property W. H. Thomas. S First National Bark Tildj. .' 14 LOANS en Improved Omaha property. O Keefe R. E. Co., 1001 N. X. Life Fldii (-! 41 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Famsm Smith ft Co.. 13) Farnsm St. CHi 417 $yv to y.0PO TO LOAN at !ow-t rales: no delay. OARVIN BROS.. In6 FARNAM. (r-4i private monet f. d. Wead, isjj Doug. () 41 MONEY TO IX)AN rayne Investment Co. j (E-43 LOWEST RATES Bemla, Paxton Plor',' t22) 43 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters ft Co. WANTED TO BORROW WANTED TO BORROW to enlarge a good savins: business with privilege to reduce loan yearly. Ad dress W 77S. Bee. (?4)-31 WANTED TO BUY CASH psld for old hooks. Crane-Foye Co., S13 8. Hth. 'Phone Douglas 13.1. (2S)-910 WANTED To buy,' second hand furniture, cook and herttng stoves, rarnets. lino leums, office furniture, old clothes and shoes, plnnos. feathers, bed pillows, quilt and h!1 kinds of tools; or will buy the furniture of your house complete. The hlKhet prices paid. Cell the rlstit mnn. Tel. Douglas 971. Z M4S9 A CARD CABINET of 15 to !S drawers for cord 1x5 Inches; state price; mist be Cheap. Address L B82. Bee. (5) 819 WANTED A comer showcase. T. M. Rosgdll, 271J Q St., South Omaha. (2-il 158 16x CASH paid fnr shoes, etc. 3325. second hand clothing. No. Kth St. Tel. Red (25)-215 WANTED to buv. a second-hund Invalid's wheel chair. Call 1K. South Omaha. : MS4 l?x WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent, furnished and unfur- nlshed rooms for light Housekeeping. Omaha Rental Co.. SOS N. Y. Life Blug. Tel. Douglaa 3881. (26) M953 AugJux ROOMS for students. Omsha Rental Co., 3u$ N. Y. Life. . Doug. M. (i)-M928 19X MODERN, steam heated apartment, 5 or f rooma, centrally located. Address N 47, Bee. (26)-M195 22x TWO adults desire four unfurnished rooms, near car line, with modern facilities, about Sept. loth. Furnace not necessary. North part of cit preferred. Reference ex changed. Adlress O 31, Bee. WANTED Room suitable for restaurant, with good location. Address O 4S, care Bee. . . (261-201 18x WANTED Furnished house or flat, desir able location, or wouia cons'ner iour rooms. Thone Manager, Douglaa V7. (W) m is WANTED SITUATION WANTED POSITION IS years' experience bookkeeping and office work In real estate, department store, lumber, grain and mill ing. E. R. Pease. Fremont, Neb. 7) M168 WANTED A roBltlon by an expert em broidery worker;-' will show Samples of work done. Address Miss Fannie Hovlts. Box 20. Fort frook. Neb. (27-6ul 21x WHAT have you- t offer a good appear Ing young man with, fairly good educa tion and best of riablta? Address Y 165, Bee. ' "' (2)-M193 17 YOUNG man wltSfefercncea wlahes to take care furnace iorTroora rent. Address C 37, Bea. . , (27)-M191 tlx REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS E. B. Hoagland to M. H. Hoerner, s30 ft. lot w, Windsor Place ..$ L800 Frank P. Easton to Uva L. Michael sen, lot 25, block t, Brlgg a Place... 2.300 The Conservative - Savings and Ian association to Ellen O'Connor,' nJ ft lot 33 In se4 Wi, 15-15-13... 1,900 E: E. Bruce ft' Co. to Henry W. Yates, lots 6 and , block W. Omaha 17,500 W. W. Mcllvaine and wife to Anton ' P.' Chrtsroffersen, lots 15 and 16, block 2, Saunders ft Himebaugh's Mount Pleasant add 400 Henry Maddoclr and wife to A. W. Bpeelman, lot 15, block 1, Denman Place 00 W. A. and O. C. Redlck. executors, to Edith B. Chapman. a50 ft. el4 ft. block . Oak Chatham add 750 Paxton Real Estate' company to Julia K. Montgomery, lot X. Keystone Park SU 3.250 1.850 836 675 10 17,000 Catherine Fenweck to Andrew Murphy et ai.. e22 fL lot 7.-Hook lwS.'omaha. Anna L. Pen nock and husband to May . B. Kountze, lot . Tabor Place Peter Paliteka and wife to Michael Cedrewioa, . lot X block) 309, South Omaha .- ' Lorenti Anderson and wills to Charles W. Savtdge and Anna B. Bavtdge, e40 ft. lot 9, block 3. Denise's add... Fred H. BenUey to John J. Ryan, neA4 block IS, Second add. to Corrl gan I'laoe t Isubelle A. Relchenberg et al. to Lena Kahn. lot and efc lot 7, block 2. Reed a Fifth add Total .$49,111 GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR THREE BRICK bulldlnga. Department ot the Interior. Of fice of Indian Affairs. Washington, D. C. Tu ."ofT.. ene t "Pronosala for Buildings. Wan net on. North Dakota." and addressed to the Commis sioner of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C, will be received at the Indian office un til 2 o'clock p. m August '. 1.'7, for furn ishing and delivering tha necessary ma terials and labor required to construct and Complete an employea' quarters with' plumb ing, steam beat and electric lighting, also a barn and work shop both with plumbing and electric lighting, all of brick, in strict accordance with the. plana, specifications and instructions to bidders, which may be examined at this office, the offices of the Improvement Bulletin, Minneapolis, Minn.; the American Contractor, Chicago, 111.; Forum and Republican, Fargo, N. D.; Pi oneer Press, 6t. Paul.' Minn.; The Bee. Omaha, Neb.; Builders and Traders' ex changes ft Omaha. Neb.; St. Paul, Minn., and Minneapolis, Minn.; the Northwestern Manufacturers association. St. Paul. Minn.; the United States Indian warehouses at Chicago, 111.; Omaha. Neb.; St. Louis, Mo.; New York. N. Y. ; and at the school. For furtner Information apply to Jamea C. Clifford, Superintendent, Wahpeton, North Dakota. C. F. LARRABEE. Acting Com missioner. (ll)-Jy30-A1.3.. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Omaha. Nebraska. July SO, 1907. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here and by quartermasters at the posts named herein, until IV a. tn , central stan dard time, August 5, lf;7. for furnishing osts. bran, hay and atraw. during tha fiscal year ending June 3U, lSnti, at Omsha y M. depot. Forts Crook. Omaha and Robinson, Nebraska; Font Riley, Kansas: Fort Des Moines, Iowa, and Fort Meade. South Dakota. Proposals for delivery at other place will be entertained United States reserves right to reject or accept any o all proposals or any part thereof. Information furnished on application her or to quartermaster at the ststions named. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Forare." and ad dressed to MAJOR THOMAS CRl'SE. C Q. M. A ugl-2-17-19 CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. Omaha. Nebraska. August 15. 1907. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until 11 o'clock a. m.. central standard time. Sep tember 3. i7. far installing an electric freight svevator in commissary atorehouse at quartermaster's depot, Omaha, K'ebraeka. Full Information furnished on application to this office, where plans and specifications may be seen. Envelopes oontalnlng ro poeala te he marked "Proposals for Electric Freight Elevator. " and addraaaed to Mi)or Thomss Cruse. Quartermaster. Arm? Build ing. Omaha, Nebraska. Alf-lI-Sf-fO- $182 c a. )-r P1 mM Wo rAMS Realm NOTES ON OMA SOCIETY ;Kisi KttLerine CorUlyou Amono; 1 v. . . . . . .. mucn Lnierx&inea visiiori. ABRUPT CESSATION OF GAYETY Mtsa l.oraae Csmiterk ttlvea Largest Affair ef Hay', Card Party la Hoaor el Mlaa Llda Kdsalstea. The early part of the week has been very gsy socially, but Friday entertain ing abruptly ceased, probably for a breath ing spell before the dinner and dances at the clubs Saturday. The largest affair of Friday afternoon was the bridge party given by Mlse Lorraine Comstock In honor of Miss Llda Edmiston. Nine tables were placed for the game and the rooms were fragrant with summer flowers. For Miss t'ortelyoa. Mrs. Samuel Hawver was hostess at a de lightful kenslngton Thursday afternoon at her home, 1614 Emmet street In honor pf Miss Katherine Cortelyou of Loa Angelea, Gal. Those present were Miss Cortelyou, Miss Litta Rohrbough, Miss Grace Rohr- bough. Miss Lillian Loftus, Miss Frances Blandish. Miss Villa Whlttsker. Miss Anna Vapor, Miss Margaret Hamilton, Miss Lola Hamilton. Miss Edna Sweelcy, Miss Grace Weston, Mrs. Albert Rlemer. Mrs. C. 8. Bcranton. Mrs. Allen. Mrs. Slaughter, Mrs Carpenter, the Mlsdes Miller, the Misses Griffith, Miss Irene Cole and Miss Parker. Miss Cortelyou was again honor guest Friday, when Miss Grace Weston gave a picnic at Lake Manawa. The party left for the lake In the afternoon, the program Including supper at the club house and the evening sailing. Those present were: Mis Cortelyou, Mlsa Anna Vapor, Miss Edith Vapor, Miss Lola Hamilton. Miss Oraca Weston, Mrs. M. A. Vapor, Mr. and Mrs. A. Rlemer, Mr. Walton. Mr. Lane, Mr. Bradman, Mr., A. E. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. George Welty, Mrs. E. L. Weston, Mr. Carl Weston and Mr. Clyde Weston. At tn Clubs. Mr. Moshler Colpetxer gave a dinner at the Country club Thursday evening, when his guests were Miss Mildred Lomax, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Burns, Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Luther KounUe, Mrs. Harry Wllklns, Mr. Charles Kountxe, Mr. Harry Tukey and Mr. Frank Haskell. Mrs. Herbert Alice, who Is the guest of Mrs. Clarke Colt, gave luncheon at the Field club Friday. Covers were laid for ten. Mrs. John Wallwork had four guests. t Bridge Clab Meetlag. Mrs. William T. Burns was hostess Fri day afternoon at the meeting of the Orig inal Bridge club. The members present were: Miss Bessie Brady, Miss Ella Mae Brown, Miss Mildred Lomax, Mrs. E. 8. Westbrook, Mrs. Ben Cotton, Mrs. Sam Burns, Jr., and Mrs. John L. Kennedy. Mrs. J. L. Meahl Was honor guest at a pretty luncheon Thursday given by Mrs. Erwlck Johnson. The table had an attrac tive centerpiece of pink asters and the plate cards were hand painted- and de signed with the" same flower. At the table were: Mrs. Meahl, Mrs. L. H. Korty. Mrs A. J. Vlerling. Mrs. C. B Horton, Mrs. John Swobe. Miss Elisabeth McDonald. Mm. C. 8. Kles of New York .nd Mrs. John son. Prospective Pleaaares. Judge and Mrs. Jamea M acorn ber gave a large reception Friday evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Stokes of New York. Mrs. A. J. Vlerling will give s luncheon Wednesday In honor of Mrs. J. L. Meahl of Chicago, guest of Mrs. L. H. Korty. Mrs. L. H. Korty will give a lawn party Thursday In honor of her guest, Mrs. L. J. Meahl of Chicago. Mrs. F. A. Graham announces the en gagement of her sister. Miss Bessie E. Thomas, to Mr. J. Glen Roberts of Min neapolis. The wedding will take place In the early fall. ' Mr. snd Mrs. H. Slevers" announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Maude, to Mr. Arthur Chandler. The wedding will take place In the falL Mrs. W. O. Templeton snd Mrs. Royal D. Miller will give an Informal afternoon Wednesday in honor of Mrs. ' Alfred H. Benton, who haa recently moved to Omaha from Minneapolis, and their ruests, Mrs. George Huffman and Misses Huffman of ,Des Moines. Coma aaaf Ga Goaala. Miss Alice Kennard left Friday morning for a few weks' visit In Madison. Wis. Mr and Mrs. Frank B. Kennard have re turned from St. Joseph. Mo., where they went to attend the funeral of Mrs. Minnie Kennard. Mrs. John A. Wakefield and Mtss Jeanne Wakefield have postponed their visit to Norfolk. Va., and the Jamestown exposi tion until late In September owing to the warm weather and a slight illness of Mrs. Wakefield. Miss Katherine Cortelyou of Los Angeles, f.t formerly of Omahs. Is visiting old Omaha friends and at present is tne guest of Mra. Spencer Brooks. She expects to leave Monday for Kansas, to be the guest of her brother. Mr. Van Zandt Cortelyou. nd win return home about October 1. Miss Villa Whlttaker of North Piatt is Dendlng a few days In Omaha. Mrs. Bug-en H. Wsr. who has been visiting her brother. Mr. John Spencer, left Thursday for her home In Topeka, Kan. Mrs. C. S. Kiea. who haa bean visiting her daughter. Mrs. Erick Johnson, will leave Saturday of next week to visit her old home in New York. She will be gone two months. ' Mrs. J. L. Meahl of Chicago, who has been visiting her sister. Mrs. L H. Korty, will leave Saturday of next Week for her home. Mr. and Mrs. George Welty returned Friday from a sojourn at Winona I-ke. Mr. and Mra. William Harris have re turned from the northern lakes. Mrs. E. Holovtchlner and little daughter Ellce have returned from St. Paul, Minne apolis and tha northern lakes. Mrs. I. Hesselberg and daughter, formerly of Omaha, are the guests' of Mrs. J. Bern stein. They are enrouts to New York. From there Mlsa Hesselberg will go to Smith college at Northampton, Masa., where she will sttend school this coining year. Mlsa Agnes Dun left Thursdsy evening for a week's visit at Excelsior Springs, Mo. Miss Ruth Rugg ef Fort Dodge. Ia.. la th guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Ken nedy. Ml as Valeaka Oacford 1 visiting friends and relatives in Fremont and West Point. Neb. Mr. Georga Huffman and two daughters. Misses Bethel and Miriam, of Des Moines, ' will strive Mondsy to be' th guests of Mr. and Mrs. Royal D. Miller. Mra. Georg llotdraga, wha haa heaa i spending tha summer on their ranch at Diets, Wyo.. and Mlaa Hold.ege, who has been at Dome Lake. Wyo., are xpected horn about September 1. Mrs. John Qoff and Miss Erma Qoff of Fremont, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown, returned Thursday afternoon to their home. SEEN ON THE SHOP COUNTERS Boss of the Keveltlee that Woaaea Are Generally later . ested la. The new shell hair pins are alluring; one with two prongs had at tha top a heavy gold hall Set with Jewels. These are a great addition In dressing the hair. White crystal, engraved In flowers and leaves. In long stemmed glssses, tall candlesticks, baskets and dishes. These are charming additions to a table. In Jewelry everything Is In sets. One set consisting of two hat pins with ball tops; a belt pin with a ball tn the middle, collar and cuff pins like th belt pin with the bsll In the middle, only of course smaller, and several small pins with bsll tops A set of blue enamel Includes sleeve buttons, collar stud and stick pins. They ara pretty to wear with a blue linen suit or shirtwaist suit. Bedroom sets consisting of a tray on which Is a small pitcher for Ice water, candle stick, and match box all of China, some white, others green and pink with gold borders. A pretty gulmpe Is made entirely of ruffle of narrow lace sewed on a white foundation. It la attractive to wear with a Jumper with kimono sleeves. Cross stripe curtains In green and cream color, very much reduced, are being shown; also white silk sash curtains, half length. edged with heavy lace and crocheted rings across the top at Intervals all ready to be hung on tha rods. rretty little handy pins with a real baroque pearl set on them are at reason able prices. They are so useful to pin one's tie on collar and veil. The popularity of Jet continues to In crease. As a trimming on Irish point It Is ciecmeoiy novel and strikes a true note or orginsllty. rreuysasnes and bretelles for party dresses made of narrow ribbons, alternat ing with Insertion of the same width. They are edged with tiny ruches of lace. There are removable Jabots that are both attractive and convenient, aad which fasten at the neck and ar tucked In with the belts, and, behold! the prim, plain shirtwaist has become a dressy blouse. CONCERNING THE NEW BELTS la Great Variety, They Afford a Smart Tonrh to the ' Gown. Belts are nothing If not fascinating. The newest ones are of vivid scarlet, sclntillant with Iridescent or cut steel beads and al ways finished with a large buckle. Coral buckles In quaint rose bouquets adorn rr.any of the black silk webbing belts. Metal belts were never more popular. One of the daintiest shows" a series of Inter locked rings with a tiny enameled flower In th center of each and a single flower t wltn Btem snd foliage forming the clasp. Vblte linen belt decorated with embroid ered college, club or boat designs sre ex ceedingly good. The belt "buckle is usually a flag In enamel. Other belt are of plain suede, with merely a very handsome buckle foe ornamentation. Others are ot soft, glased leather, tn dull paatel shade, with odd figure and design printed over them In contrasting, but not aggressive, colors "Woman Phyalelaa. The Board of Health of Portland. Ore., haa elected Dr. Esther P0I1I as city health officer to fill the place left vacant by the resignation of Dr. Wheeler, a man. Dr. Pohl was appointed a member nf the Board of Health two years ago by Mayor Lane ami the present election makes her responsible for the care of the health of the city and gives her a salary of $3,000 a year. She was the first womsn to enter the Oregon Medical college, from which she was graduated twelve years ago. Since -that time she has taken postgrad- Orchard 8t Wilhelm 414'I61S South 16th St. Saturday Specials The prices look good on paj?r, but the goods must be petm to be appreciated. It's quality that counts. $7.75 Hand Bag for $5.95 (like cut) cial for Saturday only, we offer them at, each. . . . .$5.95 $11.50 Portieres for $6.90 82 pairs of high class Tapestry Portieres, mercerized, with cord edge; plain Chilla Curtains; heavy Tapestry Bordered Curtains; that sell ordinarily at $9.50 to $11.50 pair. Spe cial for Saturday only, per pair $0.90 $2.45 Axmlnster Rags for $1.95 2-3x5 Axtoinster Rugs, made from all worsted yarns, orien tal patterns and colorings, regular price $2,45., Special Saturday, each , . .... . . . .... .$1.95 ' $4.50 Miter Mats for $1.50 Made from liorders of "Wilton and Body Brussels Carpet, 3 ft. 9 inches square. Very, suitable for hall or vestibule. Regular price $4.50 to $5.00 all at one price Saturday, each 9tt Kt Kerrek Brussels Ruqs Made fromthe bent quality of wool; a splendid rug for bed room or dining room. All at reduced prices Saturday: 85c Rugs, 1-10x3, for. .55c 2,25 Rug 3x6, lor. '. $1.50 ' 1.75 Rugs, 2-6x5, for. $1.15 11.00 Rugs, 9x9, for. .$0.75 18.00 Rugs, 9x12, for. . . .$13.75 mn uate work In Baltimore and New York, be sides talcing a degree In the Vienna univer sity. CLEANSERS FOR EVERYTHING Tricks wet Oeaerally Kaawa far Cleaalaar Variant Thtag Ahaat Heaae. To wash linoleum never trss eMhef sosp or brush, but wipe tiff 'with a soft cloth dipped In warm water snd skimmed milk. Use Fuller's earth for cleaning carpets and a weak solution of slum Tor reviving colors. Never sweep a atatr carpet with a long broom, use a short-handled brush and hold the dustpan closely under each step of the stairs. Clean straw matting with a coarae cloth dipped In salt and water, then wipe dry: the salt will prevent It from turning yel low. To clean enameled shoes, remove all dust and dirt, then wipe with a cloth dipped In sweet milk. To clesn a stovepipe, place a piece of sine on the live coals In the stove. For willow ware salt water cleans better than anything else. A cleansing fluid for men's clothes, es pecially the coat collars, may be easily made of a pint of deodorised benslne, one half dram chloroform, one dram alcohol and a little cologne. Apply 'With a piece of soft blsck silk. To clean the piano keys and prevent dis coloration of the Ivory, rub the keys with a piec of muslin dampened With alcohol. Wash chamois skin with wsrm water to which ha been added a little ammonia; wash by rubbing through the fingers, but do not wring the chamois. To remove vaseline stains from garments, first saturate the spot with alcohol, then wash It with soap and wsrm water. Clean photographs with a soft cloth moistened with luke-warm water to which a little ammonia has been addr-d; use lightly and Immediately wipe the picture with a soft, dry cloth. To remove wagon grease from wash goods, rub fresh lard thoroughly Into tha silled' parts, then wssh with wsrm soap suds. Wssh kitchen tables with soap and wood ashes. Clean the mica windows of stoves with a soft cloth dipped In vinegar and water. Sponged soiled plush goods and all arti cle dyed with aniline color with chloro form and they will look like new. ' Clear, painted furniture by wiping over with a little milk and water. Boll the dishcloths In soda water. It will remove the areas and sweeten them. To clean varnished wood, wipe It off with j cold tea. then polish With a soft cloth. Wash lamp chimney and theft rub them with dry aalt, the brilliancy will surprise you.' Yolk of egg rubbed Into grease spots on garments badly soiled will loosen the dirt. To clean silver that has become very dark, dip s cloth In sweet oil first, and tllen In whltltjg. Rub the silver with this until the stain disappear, then polish with dry whiting and rub with chamois leather. Clean the bath sponge by laying it In a basin and squeeslng over It the Juice of a lemon. Pour over it enough boiling water to cover and let atand one nlghtj In tha morning it will be as good as new. Clean enameled saucepans by boiling a little- chloride of lime In th water with which they are boiled. To clean ebony articles, rub them with a little linseed oil, after washing them, then continue to rub them with a soft duster till every vintage of the oil Is removed. To keep the sink clean, flush It out every week with boiling water and keep a luma of aoda always standing over the pipe. Clean the Irons by wiping them with paraffin paper. . . If you have anything to trade adverthm It In the For, Exchange column of The Bea Want Ad page. Balldlac Permits. Kahn Broa, alterations to show windows. Sixteenth and Farnam streets, $2,500; Dr. F. W. Blabaugh, brick flat. ZIH-SO North Twenty-second street, $f.000; Dr. F. W. SlabauKh. 222-224 North Twenty-second street. $5,000; Dr. F. W. 81ahaugh. JMfXSU Davenport street, brick flats, $7,000. This is a beautiful bag, 18 inches . long, made of genuine leather. ' It is a rich brown, lined with ' leather of a lighter shade Has steel frame and brass lock and catches. Ia well made, light and strong, built to stand hard wear, and cheap at $7.75. Spe a. uia