Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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WantV- ads
Advertisement for tko want ad
eolama will k takes aatll Hag. for
tko trrilug odltloa and aatll ft, s. an.
for tko morning aad l4r odltloaa.
Cask atast accompany all orders for
waat ad and mm advertisement will
be accepted for leva tkaa lO eeata for
tko Bret Insertion.
Rate apply ta eltker Tka Dillr "
Bandar Bra.
Alwara eonot sis warda ta a liar.
Comklaatloaa af laltlala ar a amber
eoant aa ward.
lasertlea, or liar. lO eoatts. Twa ar
more roaseeatlv Insertions, per llaa,
a eeata. Back tasertloa ai aa add
days, JO erata par llaa. 81.SO per
llaa per aioatk.
Deatk aad Faaeral It I re a, Carda af
Tkaaka aad Led, Notices, T eonto
per llaa far aaa edltlea, morning- ar
evening) 8 aaata a llaa for aaek ad
ditional edltloa. Saadar, 10 caata a
llaa. Ha ad takaa for leaa tkaa, 80
raar adrertlaemeat la laaerted aadar
ar aaa af tka elaaalfleatloaa glrea be
low, it will ba rkarged at tka folio w
tm rateai Oat lasartlaa, 4 cents per
llnei tkrea to alz eonseeotlr tnasr
.tloaa, 8 eeata per llaa eack laeertloai
terra or more eoaseeatlvo Insertions,
8 eeata per llaa eack laaertloai 50
Seats per llaa per moatkt
Except Areata, Solicitors aad Sales
Cowa, Birds, Doss aad Ic
Horaea and Y'eklclee.
Poaltrr aad Eggs.
Typewriters aad Sewing Maeklaea.
Flaaos, Organs aad Mn steal Instru
Faralsked Rooms.
Uafaralaked Rooms.
Hoasekeeplaa; Rooms.
Board In a; aad Rooms.
Waat ads for Tka Bee mar be left
t aar of tka following frag stores
a Is "roar eoraer drngglat" tker
ar all kraaek offices of Tka Ba aad
roar ad will ba laaerted last aa
promptlr aad oa tke same rates aa at
tka mala office la Tka Be Balldlaar,
orontooatk aad Faraam streets i
Albach, W. C 40th and Farnam.
Beranck, 8. A., 1402 8. 10th St.
Becht Pharmacy. 720 8. 16th St.
Bonaon Pharmacy, Benson, Neb.
Bemla Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming.
Blake a Pharmacy, 281 Sherman Av.
Caughlln, C. H., 6th and Plerc Sts.
Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Av.
Conte, J. B. list Ave. and Farnam.
Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Laks.
Cermak, Emll, fc!S4-8 8. 13th Bt.
Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton,
Ehler, F. H.. 2302 Leavenworth.
Foster St Arnold!, 211 N. 2Mn 8t.
Freytag, John J., 1914 N. 24th St.
Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb.
Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake.
Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Av. and
fad no.
Greenough, O. A., 103 8. 10th St.
Greenough, G. A., 1624 8. 10th St.
Hayden. Wm. C, 2920 Faraam St.
Ilanseom Park Phar., 1601 S. 29th Av.
Hoist, John, 824 North 16th St.
Hun. A. L.. 2924 Leavenworth St
Kins, H. S., 2234 Farnam Bt.
Kountxe Place Pharmacy. 3304 N. Hth.
Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St.
I-athrop, Chaa. T... 1324 N. 24th St.
Peyton. X B., 84th and Leavenworth.
Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Av.
Bchaefer'a Cut Price Drag Store. 16th and
Schaefer. August, MSI N. 18th St.
Bchmldt. J. M , nth and Cuming Sta.
form Pharmacy 16th and Martha Sta.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming
Walton Pharmacy, loth and Grace Sta.
Worth, O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sts.
TCrths M. Monhelt, 833 Myrtle avenue,
boy; Robert Nightengale, 3921 North
Twenty-flrst street, girl; Olivel Petersen.
S021 Pratt atreet. boy; T. O. Swvnson, 2208
Lake street, boy: wtiuam Haoa. izi4 South
Twelfth street, girl; O. W. White, 1742
South Twenty-elnthth street, boy: Fred
Vaughn, 2114 Chicago atreet, girl; Martin
Waoek, Omaha General hospital, girl;
Camllle Jacobberger, 3920 Orand avenue,
boy; Otto Horaen, 2918 Seward street, boy;
Henry Gulnotte, 1726 South Nineteenth
street, boy; Bussell H. Ellyaon, 1011 North
seventeenth street, girl; Joaeph Copeland,
209 North Thirteenth atreet. boy; Henry
Adams, 1002 South Thirteenth street, girl.
Deaths Peter O. Anderson, County hospi
tal, aged 71 years; Joseph A. Imley, 3161
Ames avenue, aged 60 years; Anthony
Dnnahoe, 1226 Leavenworth street, aged I
1, . , H
Name and Address.
George Wschtler. Omaha .
Mary Schmidt, Omaha
LloydE. King. Omaha. ..j.
L. Merta Bexton, Omaha ..
THE CITT GARBAGB CO.. offlca 4th and
Laavenworth sta. TL Douglas 1317.
' BIQN PA1NTINO 8. H. Cola, 1301 Douglas.
' O) 801
SEND for our list of second-hand automo
bllss. DBRIQHT. 1818 Farnam (1 j6
i EXCHANGES It you hav city property,
stocks of goods, farm land or property of
any kind to exchange, writ for our com
plet list W hav properties and lands
In all parts af th country to axohang.
Our Hat is fr. Band for It at ono.
Glob Land and Investment Co., U21 Far
nam Bt, Omaha, Nb. iiimti
Cafe lc cram parlor, fountain, confeo
tlonery, cigars, etc.; average sales tvut
1er month. This la an A-l place, good
ocatlun and beat class of trade. Profits
wUI pay for It In on year. Harry Har
pion. Afton. Ia. 3 M460 18
GOOD stock of general merchandise In aa
Iowa town of 1.600. Will trad for clear,
cheap land. Glob Land aad Investment
Co.. ISia Farnam. .
Larg canning factory and good farm for
Stock goods. City property.
N. L. MAT, Jr., Manchester, Tenn.
(3) M979 llx
Ufa. Tel. Doug. U49. (4 M963
A FIRST -CLASS business proposition that
will bear th closest Investigation: For
ale, a majority Interest In a planing mill
plant that la almost new. Would trad
lor nret-clasa realty. Price, KOMk Ad
dresa F. M, Comstock. Topeka, Kan.
14 MsJ 17
LIST your property with as. w har buy
ers: have pioparty for exohang also.
lAWDoua at lu., No Si, X . l ira Biag.
4V-Mt4t Ale
TO BUT or sell any business or real -
late, can on or writ Jfi. U. Ganaestad.
sua us mag. (t) ILI
LIST your property with us. O rah am d)
wngQi, as t. X. L. Tel. Red fc.
MILL1NERT stock for sale: a bargain If
taken soon. Mrs. A. Jennings. West
s-uiin. n so. C4 Motl Attlli
I QUICK tranafi
afar mad ta selling or buying
48 N. X. U 10-M4W bt
BUBINE88 CHANCE For sale, th beat
bakery and confectionery business In
Yankton, 8. D. I-nrgeet soda fountain m
the ala'e, Ice cream In connection. Ad
dress Box M6, Tankton, 8. D.
4)-M9K8 y i
FOR BALE Flrt-claa blacksmith and
wagnn work business, with tools; 14 to M
received for shoeing and 14 to 18 for set
ting wires. Address I 19. Be, w u
K9 New Tork Lifs Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb.
WANTED A party to buy out a first
claaa stock of furniture In the bast towa
on th F.Ik horn valley; best of reasons
for selling. Wlsner Furniture Co.. WIs
ner, Neh. (4) (U
DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V.
Knlest. T07 N. T. Llfa, Omaha. (4)-JU
HOMES, lands, etc., bought, sold or tradfd
quickly. Pardee it Braurn. the hustlers,
S30 Nevins Blk. (4)-62 AulJ
FOR SALE Only drug store In good aorth
west Iowa town of 600 population; Invoice
about $3,500; net profits 12,300 yearly; good
reason for selling; only cash considered.
Address T 116. car Omaba Be.
(4) M838 Alt
Do You Wish to Make a Change
IF TOU have a farm, home, bualnasa or
property that you wish to sell or ex
change, write us.
(4-M6l AM
City of 2,600, In southern Minnesota,
county seat, railroad division point. 12
trains dally; hotel has 62 sleeping rooms;
every room In building Just newly painted,
papered, shaded and draped; good well,
steam plant and gasolene git plant.
Thoroughly renovated and In flrst-clnsi
condition from roof to foundation; good
patronage; best location; no bar; will
sell furnishings at Invoice and give long
lease to the right party; must be finan
cially responsible and come with good
hotel record and experience. Address
Chris A. Gallagher, Minneapolis, Minn.
(4 MIX 17x
FOR SALE One of the best paying little
general merchandise stores in the state,
stock and fixtures, will Invoice not ex
ceed 13.0OI). Owner has other business and
must sell. Address 321 Neville Blk., or
Tel. Doug. 3600, forenoon only.
( (4)-M620 17
FOR SALE In Fullerton. Neb., blacksmith
business, one set of tools, on 4 H. P.
gasoline engine, new, a good opening
now; easy payments. Addresa C. R.
Btenuerg, Indian School, Geneva, Neb.
(4) M491 89
HALF Interest and help manage townslt
and waterworks proposition; over 200
lots and fine srtcslan well; new town on
R. R., 700 population; write for particu
lar. John R. Hodges. Artesla, N. M.
(4) M4S0 auglSx
FOR SALE OR LEASE A fine power
blacksmith shop, well equipped; fine lo
cation, plenty of work, good prices. A. Q.
Blmson, Berthoud, Colo. (4) M&02 16x
A BARGAIN Furnishings 20-room (only)
hotel; full of 12.00 trade all the tlino;
town 1.000; Junction point. Address T
lit, car Be. (4) M361 Bt
National Inv. Co. buys, sells or exchanges
everything land, city property, merchan
dise and automobiles. 63 Douglas block.
(4) 240 aug22
FOR 8ALE-!9.000 will buy a first-class,
modern, to-room noiei steam neat, eleo
tric light throughout, 1-story brick build
ing, with basement, good location, and
In one of the best small towns In Ne
braska ; terms to suit purchaser, 6 per
cent Interest on deferred payments; or
will rent to a responsible party, posses
sion In October. Address, Henry M. Ba
con, 1239 1st Nat l Bank Bldg., Chicago,
111. (4-Ml IS
FOR SALE Stock In an Implement whole
rale firm located In Omaha. If capable
buyer can tak road position. Address
Y 193, car Bee. (4) M590 17
FOR SALE New stock gen. mdse.; lirmtc.
13,000; doing good business; good town,
central Nebraska; must sell on ajCaat
of other business.
822 N. T. LIf.
(4V-M488 II
Are You Looking ior a farm,
Ilome, Ranch, Business
or Property
of any kind anywhere? It makes no dif
ference whather you want 1100 building
lot or a luOO.000 tract of coal or timber
land, you should not buy or trad before
seeing a oopy of th Real Estate World.
It contain a large list of property and
merchandise stock for sal and exchange,
and reaches several thousand readers each
Issue, and Is th best advertising medium
to reach th real estate buyers, homeaeek
rs and trader that you can advertise In.
Writ your i,am and address on a postal
card, mall it today, and ws will send you
the Journal tor two months on trial free.
Address the Real Estate World. Suit 620
Good Block. Dea Moines. la. (4) 809
A MANUFACTURING concern In Omaha
wishes a competent and energetlo man-aa-er.
who has som cash to tak it.wib
In company. Will pay good salary to
right man. J. A. Abbott Mfg. Co., ul
Neville Block. (4)-M7hl
ROOMING houses for sale.
all sixes.
Gangestsd, 4U9 He mag.
GOOD LOCATION Hardwar and furni
ture, implements ana buggies, will sell
right; doing from 140 to $80 dally. Writ
at one. Box i. Coin, la. (4) M4SI ttg
FOR SALE Meat market. In Grays Lake,
center iaa region; gooa iraa estab
lished and money maker. J. E. Blxlor,
Grays Lake, 111. (4) MSM 14x
NEWSPAPER One-third Interest andtof-
nce of secretary to right party; $3,383;
agricultural paper; larg circulation;
snap. B. B. Hall, 1741 Stout St. Denver,
Colo. 4) 894 17x
GROCERY and meat business for sale;
win invoice ana giv gooa aiscount or
sen an in a lump. iZll
Bluffs. Ia.
Broadway, Council
M 419 14x
LAUNDRT for sale or rent; good thing for
experienced panics. J aa. xiaire, AJDIon,
Neb, j - (4) Mtat U
BERKA CO.. 938 N. T. Life Bldg sell
real tat quick and satisfactory.
(4-a20 Aug
ALL KINDS of mining and oil stocks
bought and sold according to their value.
Omaha Finance Co., 112 N. T. Lifs Bldg.
(4-8M 66
HARDWARE, plumbing and tinning busi
ness for sale In th thriving city of
Hoqulam, .doing a good bulnsq:
amount required to buy It, about
18.900; reason for selling. 111 health
and advancing age. For particulars
inquire of W. Feaenfeld, 611 N atrst
Hoqulam, Wash. (4) MtSt lOx
FOR SALE Furniture, carpet, queena
ware and undertaking business in town
of 1.000 population; clean stock and fins
business. Only embalraer within radius
of twenty miles. Must sell quick. Ad
dree L 168, Bee, Omaha. Neb.
(4)-M977 20x
SNAP ta drug lln. Only tock in good
western lows town. Permit 13.000. Will
consider half payment easy terms or en
cumbered land to that amount. Good
business. Writ F. V. Knlest Omaha.
Neb., and mention Special Iowa deal.
(4)-MW4 14
Beat location in on of the best towns
In eastern Nebraska, occupied by .on ten
ant ever since It waa built, seven rear
ago. Houe In first-class condition F. H
Park. Bancroft, Neb. (4) M9fW 17x
A notion sera.
BALES mad on Mas., Jewelry, household
foods, live stock, farm impiemeata, ale.
Kotn A Tyrrell. 1312 Douglas Omaha.
EXPERT shaving A halreuttlng. N. H.
(ij-Sas 8dU
More City Real Estate
Carpet Cleaning.
8 ANITA RT Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam.
DK ROT, R. 1 1608 Farnam St Doug. 847.
Ckop Seey Parlor.
LAS, LP8TAIRS. (&)-MS94 8ptl
AUGUST KROFFT, building contractor.
1001 N. (1st St., South Omaha. (6) B
to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha.
(5) 321
BAILET at MACH. td fir. Paxton. D. 15.
(5) 321
IN FAMILIES-MISS Sturdy. Tel. Harney
1368. (b)-422
M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Far
nam St. (5)-M666
LADIES - learning sewing can hav pat
terns fit. 619 S. 24th Av. Bed 6074
(5) 729 All
SPECIAL attention given to shirt waists,
etc., children's clothes. 2611 Dewey Ave.
(6) 917 18
DRESSMAKING In families; several years'
experience. Miss Leiti, Tel. Welmter 1033. j
(5) 967 In I
La tt a Blowers Sharpened.
LAWN mowers sharpened. Lawrence, 703
Leavenworth St. to) Ml3 A17
THE SCHLITZ, European. 16th and Harney .
HES8 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (5V-124
L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 153.
(5) 13
Jevcelers and Watchmakers.
N. P. STILLING-Watch. clock, Je'nr j
r.n.lrlnir i-i Paxton Block. Tel. D. 4167.
Insect Exterminator.
KEEP your home sanitary with Insect
germ exterminator. Room 11, Frens.T
Block. 5-M710 AiS
KEYS, etc Heflln. 1324 Farnam. Tel. D.
74. (6)-S18
LAWRENCE, 2703 Leavenworth St. Tel.
Harney 2406. (6) M..97 SeplO
JOHNSON IN8., 418 N. 1. t Tel. D. lrfll.
(5) 12S
Dr. Bowser, over 1501 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370.
(5-M273 A23
Office Supplies.
ILINO cabinets, file and ledgers, loos
leaf devices and office fixtures and sup
' plies oi all kinds. Anchor Publishing
'Co. 1821 Faunam St Tel. Douerlas 6661.
' - (6-M6Sl A17
Before placing your 1908 calendar order,
don't fall to see our elegant Imported line.
Lyngstad dc Jorve, prlntera,16 & Cap. Ave.
MORRTS-Chleago Practical Tailor for
ladles' and gents' new work; repairing,
cleaning and dying. Called for and de
livered. 709 8. 27th St. Tel. Red 6916.
x Sckool Supplies.
OMAHA School Supply Co., 1621 Howard.
(6) 720 Aug 19
Safes, Skatters, Eto.
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a spe
cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and
safes. O. Andreen, Prop., lot 8. 10th St
lko Repairing.
RAPID BHOE REPAIR CO., first - class
work. 161SH Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 994.
B. TRUSSELL, 116 South 16th 8t.
' (6)-t
Clerical aad Offleo.
TA GIRLS for mailing catalogues; none
under 14 years or age. Nebraska Clothing
Co. (7)-719
WANTED Stenographer with experience;
permanent position tor right party. Ad
dress N 10, car Bee. (7) 961 U
Factorr avnd Trades.
WANTED Why not learn a trade when
you can no so and receive wagea while
learning? When experienced you can
command good wagea and get a job In'
any city In the country. Call and learn
particulars. King-Graham Mfg. Co.,
11th and Jackson Sts., Uemls Bag Bldg.,
Id floor, from viaduct (7) M523 14
EXPERIENCED machine girls wanted;
snort nours; gooa wages, call any tun.
Omaha Tent St Awning' Co., 11th and Har
ney. 1y M9o0
Honsekeeplng aad Domestic.
GOOD Cook wanted. Apply 1264 Famam,
WANTED Girl for general housework,
must be good cook; family of thret: 104
8. 86th St. Tel. Harney 2808. (7) M401
WANTED Girl for general houaework.
1633 Park Ave. 'Phone .Harney 1438.
' (7)-19
WANTED Olrl for general houaework, 4
In family. 2601 Pierce St 'Phone Maple
100. . (7 M530 17
WANTED Experienced girl general houae
work, small family, no washing, best
wagea. reference required. 2561 Dodge
street Telephone Hareny 733.
WANTED Experienced waitresses at ths
Union Station restaurant (7) M4S9 15
FAMILT cook and maid, $40 and $30. Can
solan Office. 16th and Dodge. l7 838
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
mall family; beat wage. Inquire tf.23
Capitol avenue. (7) 949 15x
WANTED Experienced cook, German
firef erred; good wagea; no washing or
ronlng. Mrs. Byrne. Tel. Doug. 304. 2103
California St. (7)-9tf
DINING room girl wanted. 1711 Dodje
Bt. (7) M74 14
WANTED Lady to oemotintrat' th Man
love Hair Grower; liberal salary to right
party. Dr. Minerva James. Suit Daven
port Tel. Douglaa 668. (7-40
Nevada Gold Mining Co. Th location ot
th property cannot be surpassed. Both
th property and Ha officers will bear th
closest Investigation. Liberal cvrnnileeloa.
Address W t. Be. fO-M S.
advertised in The Dee every day
In the month than in any other
Omaha paper. "v v v
M laeellaaeoaa
ANT student desiring employment or any
one desiring to enter business honorable
and profitably may register free of ehargs
at McCartney Institute, 1803 Farnam Bt.
7 141
LADIES and girls to stamp transfers at
home, day or evenings; 11.60 to 11 dosen;
easy learned. Room 08 Paxton Blk.
(7 Mil llx
WANTED Girl to do light sewing; good
wages. F. O. Ackerman, 1821 Farnam St.
(7)-6l8 18
WANTED For vaudeville, two young
ladlea. good lookers, good voices. Call at
once between 1 and 6 p. m. and 7 and 8
p. m. Higglns and LeRoy, 411 N. IRth St.
(7)-9 19x
EXPERIENCED stenographers for tem
porary work. Remington Typewriter Co.,
1819 Farnam St. (7)- 966 13
1511 N. 1SD New 8-room all modern, on
Harney line, 136. O'Keefe Real Efltnte
Co., 1001 N. T. Life. 'Phone Doug 2152.
fin) 933 15
A are at a. Solicitors aad Salesmea.
WANTED Agents to represent me In th
sale of my lands In Cheyenne Co., Neb.
W rite for particular. C. L. Tate, LodK
Pole. Neb- (9)-M186 17
WANTED A party to sell stock In a
Nevada Gold Mining Co. The location of
the property cannot be surpassed. Both
the property and Its officers will bear th
closest Investigation. Liberal Commission.
Address J 9, Bee. (9)-3Gfl 85
WANTED Good live agents for the sale of
our sublrrlgated alfalfa lands In Pan
Handle of Texas, -will pay good commis
sion ami give exclusive lerrnory 10 puun,
live agents. F. E. McNultr. 719 New Tork
Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.
(9) M402
WANTED-Salesman. Apply Stevens Co.,
tnllorx, Room 215 Neville Blk., corner l'ith
and Harney Sts. ()-M910
25 pER wepk an(J trave,lng. expenses paid
salesmen to sell goods to grocery dealers;
experience unnecessary. Purity Co.,
Chicago. (9) M978 14x
BOV WANTED Becitworth-Corey Printing
j CO. () MSoS 1.
BOV wanted. 2308 No. 24th St. (9) 915 14
BOTS WANTED; good pay. A. D. T. Co.,
212 8. 13th.
(9)-M94ii 812
Clerical aad OflVce.
WANTED Clerks, both men and boys, for
railroad office. Address, F. B. Southard,
A. P. A.. U. P. R. R., Omaha. Neb.
(9) 812 18x
WANTED High grade railroad account
ants; call on or addresa General Store
keeper U. P. R. R. Company, Omaha,
Neb. (9) M990 16
WANTED Ambitious -young man aa sten
ographer, clerk id t'--'"i'ener In hotel.
Inquire Ogden Hot I Cbuncfl Bluffs.
1 bookkeeper, 186. .
1 extension clerk, 170.
1 man for clerical work, 160.
1 assistant bookkeeper, $46.
1 bookkeeper, 176.
8 stenographers, 150, 1"0. 176.
404-6 N., T. , Life Bldg.
- (9) 960 13
Faotorr sued Trad.
POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. 1
V. Knlest, 707 N. Y,.,tlfe, Omaha.
... )-41
BUTCHER wanted; a good, steady Job and
good wages for good, sober mun. B. M.
Market, McCook, Neb. (9)-627 30x
V ANTED Steam fitters and plumbers;
18.00 per day: union shop; ateady work.
Billings Hardware Company, Billings,
Mont. (9) M906 28x
WANTED First class butcher. C. H.
Huber, 112 E. Broadway, Council Bluffs.
(9) M994
RELIABLE blacksmith wanted. John P.
Olander, Colon, Neb. (8) M406 llx
BARBER WANTED Must be first-class;
$12 guarantee; In answering state ngo and
experience, married or single. E. V.
Kosenbaum, Hiawatha, Kan.
(9)-M395 14x
WANTED A gcod blacksmith; plow work
and horseshoeing; all around man; $3 per
day; sober man. Box 63, Mlnnewaukon,
a D. i (81-M446 lax
ONE good tinner wanted; pay $2.50 per
day; steady work. L. Garnlch A i-'oni,
Ashland, Wis. )M447 llx
WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Will
eaulp shop for you or furnish positions:
few weeks completes; constant practice;
carrru) inHiru i.ui.m; hmhh Kiven; t-ai'.ir-
day wages; diplomas granted; catalogue
Tree, wmjict iwiwi i.uiica, uio rarnarri '
St., Omaha.
(9) M4S3 lSx
CANDT-MAKER wanted. First-class man
on hard goods. Address stating wages
wanted. Fenn Brothers, Sioux Falls. S.
D. (9)-M392 14
GOOD cornice man and tlnnera. at once.
Lincoln Cornlc and Metal Works, Lin
coln. Neb. (9) M770
WANTED First-class barber at once. No
boos flgnter neea apply, writ to F. E.
Arnold. Bloomtleld, Neb.
(9)-M767 A16X
WANTED On first-class saddle hand;
must be a good fitter and stamper.
Write, W. F. Wro &. Son, Austin, Tex.
(9) M910 19 .
WANTED Flrst-claa meat cutter who
is fully capable and experienced in that
line, who Is regular and active; only
such with good references need apply.
Th Lange Grocery Co., 2308 Cuming St
(9 M9S7
WANTED One good meat and pastry cook,
must be sober: one good waiter or wait
ress. Apply at once or address Diamond
Cafe, Seward, Neb. (9) M976 21 x
11 1 seel lan eons.
HUSTLERS everywhere; $25 to $30 mads
weekly distributing circulars, samples; no
canvassing; steady. Merchanta Outdoor
Ad. Co., Chicago. . (9) 664 Ix
WANTED Tile ditchers to work by rod;
make $150 to $3.50 a day. Apply J. W.
Ten Brink, Nlckerson. Neb. (9) 845
WANTED Man for outside work: $2.60 per
day and expenses; reference and cash de
posit required: experience unnecssary
Apply 115 Ramge Bldg. (1)-M73S AS
WE need at once:
Several first class bookkeepers. $76 to $100.
Several assistants. "
Four office clerks, $m..
Five stenographers, $ou, $00, two at $75 and
Railroad billing clerk, $60. '
Mall clerk, $40.
Collector, $40.
If you are In doubt aa to whether you
have enough ability for ua to place, you,
or not, call and see us. Ahy Informa
tion regarding our plan and charges will
he furnished upon request
721-1 N. Y. Life Bldg.
J-M991 14
FOUR traveling men; high commission: ex
clusive territory; bond anil reference;
stamp for reply. Address A-778. care I tee.
(9j M706
ANT student desiring employment or any.
ons desiring to consult aa to beat method
of entering business honorably and profit
ably may reglstsr free of charge at Mc
Cartney Institute, 1M0$ Farnam Bt.
MEN. A TRIP TO EUROPE for 110.00 from
YORK or BOSTON. Bend 10-cent atamp
for Information. EUROPEAN TOURIST
COMPANY, Deftfu-uuent H. Pittsburg,
l a. (ar-MJts Un.
WANT EDvFort y truckers. Burlington
Freight. 8th and Howard.' (9) M 408 14 X
GOCD PAT Men wanted everywhere to
tack signs, distribute clrculsrs, samples,
etc. No canvassing. National Dlst. Bur
u, Chicago. 111. (9 M398 94x
FREE employment bureau of Bualnasa
Men's association, 842 N. T. Life, assist
without charge workman to obtain posi
tions. t)-M460 A24
LABORER8 for handling freight at Union
Pacific, Council Bluffs transfer; wages
17Vt cents per hour. Board arranged If
necessary. Apply Thos. Scanlan, for,
man. (9)
DETECTIVES-Oood men wanted every
where for profitable detective work. No
experience needed, we aend Instructions,
Full particulars free. Addresa General
Detective Agency, Indianapolis, Ind.
(9)-677 22x
WANTED A young man about 23 who
wishes to learn a fine jobbing business,
largest of Its kind in the west. If re
liable and hard worker can offer bril
liant future. Will require best city ref
erences. Address L 28. car Bee,
(9)-ei8 14
WANTED On planer man and som
good, strong boys for nailing machine;
two hand nailers, two lumber handlers.
Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. (9)-878 14
SOLND young men ages 18 to 36. for fire
men and brakenien during rush season on
leading railroad here,. In the west and on
new lines being completed. Experience
unnecessary. Firemen 1100 monthly, be
come engineers, J2O0; brakemen, 180, be
come conductors, 1150. Many positions now
open. Call or write at once for partic
ulars. National Railway Training Ass n.,
620 x Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb.
. (9) 468 88
HEAD bookkeeper, good salary.
Asst. bookkeeper, 10.
Stenographer, private secy., $100.
Stenographer, 175.
Bookkeeper and stenographer, $66.
Office clerk, ISO.
Many others. Good positions always open
for good men.
721-2 N. T. L. Bldg.
(9-64 18
MiA.SITED-En"'ret,c. reliable man with
H50; salary 125 per week and share of
profits; best opening In Omaha. Call 2007
St. Mary's Ave. (8) M944 19x
WANTED Two farm hands; 126 per month
year around. 1509 No. 26th St.. So. Omaha.
(9)-958 18
WANTED At once, a gentleman or lady
who Is a good piano player and alnger,
strong voice; If possible, sight reader to
accompany himself on the piano; good en
tertainer for saloon purposes; good wages,
steady employment for the right party.
Apply to Ben Loeb, Leadvllle. Colo.
(10)-M406 14x
Morses aad Veklclea.
RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W. A
btone, 303 Lincoln Ave., Council Bluffs.
(11) M103
ONE TEAM Big, heavy roans, weighing
8.000 lbs.; one black horse, weighing 1,600
lbs.; one bay horse, weighing 1,600 lbs.;
one matched bay team, weighing 2,7o
lbs.; one apan brown mares, weighing
,ouu mi.; aiso several good. serviceable,
cheap work horses from S00 to 17a eaoh
and several good single buaio wagon
horses. Remember, we give a written
guarantee that everv horse 4a aa repre
sented. Cash or time. Omaha Hors and
euppiy wo., rear 414 No. 16th St.
GOOD rubber-tired surrey for $50; cash of
payments. Hear 414 N. 16th Bt.
FOR SALE A very light pneumatic speed
buggy, weight 150 pounds. This Is one of
the best makes, as good as new. Call
weDster iwo. or 224 N. 16th.
(ID M661 17
FOR pony butrsies. runabouts, waaona
traps, carts and harness, sec Johnson
Danforth Co., 8. W. Cor. 10th and Jones
bt. illj-318
WORK mare, aged 8 years, top buggy, har
ness, spring wagon, tor sale. t)t a. I9tn,
(11) M660 17x
FOR SALE Three runabouts, rubber tires;
win sen worm me money. Harney Ht.
Stable. (U)-64S r
DR. COFFMAN offer for sale his horses
and carriages and two buggies. Indulr
zuzt uougias BL (U) 817 Ail
HARNESS. Baddlea. Trunk. Traveling
Bugs, som good bargains. Alfred Cor
nish St Co., 1210 Farnam St. (11) 847
ONE 8-sprlng wagon, new, and one dellv-
i ery DUKgy, rubber tired. Oscar Harto
! 29th and Farnam Sts. (ID 718
WE are selling delivery wagons, teaming
gears, buggies, carriages and harness
cheaper than any other Arm in Omaha.
Johnson-Danforth Co., 8. W. Cor. loth and
Jonea Eta. (11) J49
Poaltrr aad Bares.
GOVERNMENT book free. ATodM "r.uab
Co., Omaha. (11) MS86 Sepl
60 TO 100 pure extra select thoroughbred
Plumltrock Homer pigeons. J. West,
W. 3d St., Grand Island, Neb.
(11) M937 19X
troves. Birds, Dogs aad Pet.
WANTED TO BUi'-Scotch Collie puppies:
name lowest price In first letter. Ad
dress E 6, car? 3. (11) 306.
FINDER keep money, but return pocket
book to John Edward Keyes. 107 Ho. 17th
St., Omaha. (13) MS96 17x
FOUND Calf; owner can have same by
identifying and paying charges. In
quire 4612 Davenport St
(12) M911 15x
LOST On 10th St.. near Union depot,
ladles' gold watch and fob; plain cose
with monogram U. C. S. on front cuie;
engraved, Gladys Sayre, June 2, 07, In
side back; gold fob with G. initial.
Finder please notify E. L. Sayre, 1341
E. Colfax Ave., Denver, Colo. Ten dol
lars reward for return.
(ID M973 llx
LOST A pair of noseglasses and case, be
tween 11 1 h and Farnam and 21st and
Clark. Tel. Webster 1163 for reward.
(U-Mte9 16
LOST Between 40th and Cuming and 24th
and Manderson streets. gold framed,
skeleton eye glasses. Finder please ad
dress 2444 Pratt- St. . (12) M9s4 16
BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerv
Food Pills," II a box, postpaid. 81irman
at McConnell prng Co., Omaha.
ANT poor girl In need of a friend Call or
write to the matron of the Ealvatl n
Army Home for Women at 8834 N. i!4ih
Bt., Omaha. Neb. (U) Mlo
DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women.
Su years' practice In confinements. Otfice,
614 N. 16th; residence. Ha Charles, Omaha.
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelghlon Medical college, 14th and Dav
enport Sta.; special attention paid to con
finement cases; all treatment supervised
by eolleg professor. 'phone Douglas
lK Calls answered day r night. ,
WHEN you writ t advertiser, remember
It takes but a few aoratcbe of ths pea
to stale that yon saw la ad. la Tka be.
loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses,
etc.. In any amount: It than half ralt-s.
perfect privacy; Immediate attention; any
terms wanted; payment suspended when
sick or nut of work. 214 Kartiach Rlk.. f
8. 15th St. (14) 156
PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or
sslarv loana. 623 Paxton Block. Phnn
Dougla 746. (14) 361
Bankers to Bnlarled Men.
Do not be without money when w w-.ll
Irnd you without recurltv.
Bee us for loans on Salary. Furniture, Ware
house Receipts and Personal Property.
Reliable, quirk to art and confidential.
Cheapest rates In the city.
Make terms tr. suit yourself.
Tour employer, family or friends know
notnmg about it. ,
107-308 Taxton Blk., M Floor. 'Phone P. 1411.
EAOI.E LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom
modating; all business confidential. lH
Douglas. (14) 369
CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt
lean. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St
FURNITURE, llv stock, salary loans Duff
Ureen ln Co., room 8, marker hiock
(14) 360
and othars, without security; easy pay
ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol
man, room 714 New York Life Bldg.
We will rive vou a run of on month or
twelve on your contract If you borrow
money of us and you pay for only th tlm
you are using our money.
W make no charges In advance, you get
the full amount In cash. We will loan yott
any amount you may want.
Don't forget that we have been her fif
teen years.
Come to the "Old Reliable."
Omaha Mortgage Ijoan Co.,
119 Board of Trad Bldg.
. '' GO SSI
Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.,
advances private money on chattels or sal
ary; easy to get; no rea tape, iou si
mnnT um riav -1 1 tnr at small cnt.
. Open evenings tlh 7, . I (14) 356
Apartments and Flats.
SIX-ROOM modern new flat, oak and ma
ple finish, newly decorated, 2812 Harney,
$40. Telephone Maple 6148. (15) 618
FOR RENT 4 rooms, city water. 1519 N.
18th St. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Blk.
FOR RENT An elegant 8-room flat at 11
South 87th street, new, decorated, hard
wood floors and finish, tile bath, hot
water heat, fine basement. $0) per month.
Call at house or address P 32, Hee. Pos
session Aug. 20th. (15)-M967 15x
Boarding and Rooms.
BOARD, with or without room. 2208 Harney.
(15) M890 20
DEWET European Hotel, 13th and Farnam.
NICE south room, outside entrance, modern
and private; choice location; large, beau
tlful lawn. 627 Park Av. (15)-M284
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe.
NICE front room, with all modern con
veniences. Douglas 3837. 217 8. 25th St.
(16) 615
CL08E In, first class, furnished room with
or without board. 620 8. 19th St
(16) 473 15x
MODERN rooms, home cooking. 'Phone
Red 3568. 2217 Howard St. (15)-913 IS
2421 Dodge. Rooms with GOOD board.
(16) 912 SUx
HOMELIKE , rooms, meals If wanted; for
young lady clerks or gentlemen. Thone
Harney tin. (1&)-M948 19
ELEGANT front room, suitable for two;
good table, modern conveniences. 2469
Harney. . (151492 lfix
DESIRABLE rooms, first-class board; fine
location; walking distance. 218 S. 25th St.
(16) M968 20x
Varnished Rooms.
FOR RENT Desirable rooms In all parts
of the city. Omaha Rental Co., 308 N. Y.
Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3HS1.
(lo) M932 A20x
REASONABLE furnished rooms, 3d floor.
1506 Farnam. (15)-& A17
FOUR furnished rooms for light housekeep.
lng. 2910 Farnam. (16) 801 13
A SOUTH front room for
2208 Douglas.
l gentleman, at
(16)-M504 16x
HANDSOMELY furnished rooms. 324 N.
19th. (15)-198 A15X
DESIRABLE rooms, first-class location,
walking distance. 218 8. 26th St.
(15)-417 14x
TWO comfortable rooms, convenient to
depots and wholesale district. 1213 S.
11th St. (15)-M616 17
LARGE south front room, with alcove;
also other rooms. 2702 Farnam St.
(15)-M!s87 17x
TWO desirable front rooms reasonable.
References. 621 8. lith Ave. 06)-919 18x
TI1RBE furnished rooms for house-keeping,
modern. 1S08 Sherman Ave.
(16)-9)4 llx
NICE, comfortable furnished room In new,
modern house, for one or two gentlemen;
rcaionable rent. 815 N. Kth St. 'Pl one
Red 6163. (16)-M942 llx
LARGE, modern rooms, cool and clean.
614 N. 23d St. 'Phone Red 4t54.
' (15) M932 19x
Hoasekooptng; Room.
HOUSEKEEPING, flrat or seennd floor.
1712 Jackaon. (15) MS96 17x
FOR RENT Three housekeeping rooms;
modern. 2670 Farnam St. (15) -M496 16x
GET your rent free by Investing $350 fur
niture of 10 room for sale; modern
house, close In. Address Y-lul, Bee.
(15)-M6J6 17x
FOUR housekeeping rooms; no children. 1S)
Emmet St. 'Phone Webster 448.
, (16)-M9I1 15x
TWO furnished rooms for light housekeep
ing. 1406 Jones 8t. (16)-951 19x
imrnrnlsked Rooms.
THREE beautiful unfurnished rooms;
modern houe. references. 2408 Csss.
TWO unfurnished modern rooms for light
housekeeping; $8 per month. 2C12 No. lXth
Bt (15)-378 13
ONE elegant unfurnished room; modern,
good location. 633 Park Ave
(16)418 14x
d Hons.
I-ROOM cottage, all modern and completely
furnished. 214 South 30th. $65. rPhon
Douglaa 686. Bemls, Paxton block.
V (16)-M46l
Usanes aad Cottage.
$40 518H N. 24TK BT., South Omsha Six.
room apartments In new "Scargo" build
ing; all modern conveniences, including
hot water in kitchen and baih.
$302617 N. 18th St., 9-room modern house,
with attic and barn.
HClSOI-l Farnam St.. six-room apartment
In "Qulvet" building, all modern
' enc-a. Including hot water In kitchen and
bath . .
Hll Distributer Co.. 317 First Narmnal
Bank Bldg. Phon Red 74 (15-774
tTnTTQF'Sl ,B ,n Part of th city. R,
llUUbli) c, Peter Co. Be Bldg
HOUSEHOLD for An packed, forwarded,
cheap freight ra'.ea. Moving and storaK.
Expressman's Delivery Co. Tel. loi
la . (U kjj
V7B DO xpert piano moving at lowest
prices. Tel. Douglas 1636. SchmollM 41
sluoUac riaao itt uu-uu samara.
Ilnnae and Cottaa
123 N. S7th St., six rooms,. Just remodeled.
127 N. 87th St.. five rooms. Just remodeled.
HASTINGS A HETDKN. 1704 Farnam St.
(16) M!se 14
4-ROOM apartment, "The Ormond," first, 603 8. 3lh St., t.
6-room cottage, modern except heat. 4174
Casn. $25. Phone Douglaa 6. Reml,
I'ax ton Blk. (15) MSS4
OMAHA Van A Storage Co. pack, mov.
store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N.
19th. Office Hi9 Farnam. T4. Doug. 1659.
"rkxt a modern home
We have six new eight-room modern
houses, situated at 41st and Isard, right
In one of the host residential sections In
Omaha, and only two blocka from the
Farnam and one block from the Walnut
Hill car lines. Must be seen to be ap
preciated. Call at once. 8. D. Mercer Co.,
222 Paxton Blk. (15)-M9S 1
FOR RENT Larg store room, 16th and
Vinton 6ts. C M. Bachmann. 43. Paxto
bloc. tt
WE MOVE PIANOa-Magnard Van an
Storage Co. Tl. Douglas 1496. Office, 1UI
Webster Su (16) S34
FOR RENT By owner, tffll No. 22d. new
room, modern cottage. Tel. Webster 1&4.
UUUOiliiS o. F.T)avUCo., Bee Bldg.
(16 Ut
FLAT, full modern, 6 rooms, beside bath
and private hall; newly done up; gas
range etc., entire building being put In
perfect order; best .flats In north part of
city; walking distance; reference required.
Call, investigate this; $36.
BEM18, Paxton Block.
(16) M564
HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk.
(16) 8S
TWO 6-room houses, $16 each. Chrla Boyer,
22d and Cuming St. (16)-914
FOR RENT 4-room; city water; 1619 N. lth
St.; $8. C. W. Bachman, 436 Paxton Blk.
(15) M918
BRAND NEW all modern R-room cottage at
3W7 N. 20th St. Inquire at 29Vi N. Inh.
115) M 939 15x
No. 2532 PATRICK Ave.-My choice, two
story, 6 rooms, modern except furnar
owm-r pays water; $25. Apply to 28JI
Parker St. (15) 922
1418 INDIANA AVE.-New. 6 rooms, mod
ern except furnace, $27.50; snap. Ernest
Sweet, 612 N. Y. Life. (151-023
IF TOU ar thinking or building it will
pay you to see the Western Home Build
ers, rooms 21-36 U. S. Nafl Bank Bldg,
for prices and terms. (' 310
606 No. 21st St., 9 rooms, atrlctly modem
In every detail and beautifully decorated.
You must see It.
Main Floor N. Y. Life.
(15)-963 11
Tin entire building formerly occupied tf
thj Dally Newa, 44x30 feet, t atortea and
basement. McC'ague Investment .Co.. 1508
Dodge Bt (16) M
FIRST class family hotel for rent; M
rooms; -eteam heat; rlevntor; marble
floor In office and dining room; will Im
prove for right party. Address C. E.
Kimball, Ogden hotel. Council Bluffs.
(16)-M41 15g
1312 HARNET BT.--8 floors and basement..
83x120 feet; suitable for wholesale. Mo
Casus Investment Co., 1508 Dodge St.
(15)--887 .
Wholesale District
For Rent
The foor-story and bsaamaat brick build
in x at 916 Farnam 1.
. Apply F. D. Wead. 1534 Douglas 8t
FOR RENT Dees room In Be oftloe, city
hall building, 417 N. 2T,th St., South
Omaha. Apply to manager. (It) 134
' 9
DESK room for rent In stenographer' of-,
flee. 'Phone Doug. 5b5. (15) M00U
OFFICE In Conservative Bldg., $15. ' No
land & Co.. 1614 Harney St.
(16)-M479 Id
It Is very seldom that good outsld spaoo
In a well appointed office building la avail
able. At the present lime we have a
beautiful suite of two rooms on th fifth
floor nlth east and south light a larg
vault, which makes this a most dsslrabl
space during either summer or winter.
We have a good small office, 16x16, on th
sixth floor, facing the court, for $15.
Room No. 619 Is 9x15 and a desirable fpacs
on th court for $12.
everybody In Omaha knows ths location ot
th Be building; U I central, close t
the city hall and county court house.
There are several hundred people who
spend'more tlm here than in tnuir home
and any on of thn will testify as t
the caro they receive her.
Tor furth-r particular call
STOREROOM. 821 8. 16th St. Clark Powell.
2044 Farnam Bt (15) 278
WHEN TOU write to advertiser remem
ber It take but an extra stroke or two
of the pen to mention th fact that you
aaw the ad In Th Be.
ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wlrs fsnclng
c per foot 808 U. 17th Bt Tel. Red 814.
JD HAND furniture tiought and soldi busi
ness on the square. Rosenberg, formerly
with Chicago Furniture Co., 108 4. 14th.
D. 6S8o. (16178 AiS
FOR SALE Elegant furniture for six-room
house: must be sold at once. 119 8. rth.
Tel. Harney iS'.i. (16)-D03 11
flaaot, Orajana, Instrument.
At very low prices this week. New, shop
worn, returned from rent and second-hand
planoa on sale In our bargain room( 4th
floor.) Many old reliable makes among
the lot: A. B. Chase. Emerson, Kimball.
Hallet A Davis, Ivera St Pond, Steger St
Sons. Schubert
Irrlces further reduced on the following
makea thia week:
Kimball upright, good tone 70
Arlon unrlulit.okk case 115
1 H 'liultx upright, mahogany case 132
; Columbus upright, mahogany case .134
! gcliubrrt upright large sice 16)
! Terms: 13 to 110 cash: 13. 14 to 86 mnnthlv
on the balance.
l'lanua tuned, repaired and moved, at
low i st rales.
Schmoller & Mueller
Piano Co.
Thou Doug. 162$.
13U-UU Farnam at,